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Hypoglycemia in Breastfed Neonates

  • San Diego Neonatology, Inc.


Healthy, full-term infants are programmed to make the transition from their intrauterine constant flow of nutrients to their extrauterine intermittent nutrient intake without the need for metabolic monitoring or interference with the natural breastfeeding process. Homeostatic mechanisms ensure adequate energy substrate is provided to the brain and other organs, even when feedings are delayed. The normal pattern of early, frequent, and exclusive breastfeeding meets the needs of healthy full-term infants. Routine screening or supplementation are not necessary and may harm the normal establishment of breastfeeding. Screening should be restricted to at-risk and symptomatic infants. Symptomatic infants need immediate assessment and intravenous glucose therapy, not forced feedings.
Volume 1, Number 4, 2006
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Hypoglycemia in Breastfed Neonates
Healthy, full-term infants are programmed to make the transition from their intrauterine con-
stant flow of nutrients to their extrauterine intermittent nutrient intake without the need for
metabolic monitoring or interference with the natural breastfeeding process. Homeostatic
mechanisms ensure adequate energy substrate is provided to the brain and other organs, even
when feedings are delayed. The normal pattern of early, frequent, and exclusive breastfeed-
ing meets the needs of healthy full-term infants. Routine screening or supplementation are
not necessary and may harm the normal establishment of breastfeeding. Screening should be
restricted to at-risk and symptomatic infants. Symptomatic infants need immediate assess-
ment and intravenous glucose therapy, not forced feedings.
the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine pub-
lished its updated Clinical Protocol #1: Guide-
lines for Glucose Monitoring and Treatment of Hy-
poglycemia in Breastfed Neonates.
This revised
protocol was based on an extensive review of
the literature, but because of the nature of a
protocol, not all the background information
and supporting documentation could be in-
cluded. This article provides much of the in-
formation in the protocol, but also additional
discussion and references that may be of value
to clinicians seeking to establish effective and
breastfeeding-supportive care of neonates who
have, or are at risk for, hypoglycemia.
Throughout gestation the fetus receives its
entire supply of glucose (70% of its energy
needs) from the maternal circulation by facili-
tated diffusion via the placenta, with fetal
plasma glucose levels 70% to 80% of maternal
venous plasma levels.
Glucose utilization by
the fetus is approximately 5 mg/kg per minute
with amino acids and lactate as additional en-
ergy sources.
Although present, the enzyme
activity necessary for gluconeogenesis is mini-
mal in the fetus as there is no need for glucose
production. However, an important sequence
of integrated metabolic adaptations occurs at
birth, allowing the newborn to produce glucose
Sharp Healthcare Lactation Service, San Diego, California; Department of Pediatrics, University of California—San
Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, California; Division of Neonatology, Children’s Specialists of San Diego, San
Diego, California.
and regulate its own metabolic homeostatic
At birth the infant must supply its
glucose needs of approximately 5 to 8 mg/kg
per minute (70% used by the brain) through a
balance of exogenous sources (breast milk) and
endogenous glucose production through glu-
coneogenesis, glycogenolysis, and ketogenesis,
provided adequate substrates are available.
Within minutes of cutting the umbilical cord,
there is a three- to fivefold surge in glucagon
and catecholamines, which initiate glycogen
breakdown. High endogenous growth hormone
and cortisol facilitate the onset of gluco-
neogenesis within several hours, and insulin se-
cretion is blunted so that serum concentrations
of insulin fall.
The processes that ensure the
availability of glucose and other fuels are col-
lectively described as counter-regulation, and
are activated primarily by glucagon and adren-
The term hypoglycemia refers to a low blood
glucose concentration. Neonatal hypoglycemia
is not a medical condition in itself, but a fea-
ture of illness or a failure to adapt from the fe-
tal state of continuous transplacental glucose
consumption to the extrauterine pattern of in-
termittent nutrient supply.
Transient hypo-
glycemia in the immediate newborn period is
common and occurs in almost all mammalian
species. In healthy term human infants, even if
early enteral feeding is withheld, this phe-
nomenon is self-limited as glucose levels spon-
taneously rise within 2 to 3 hours.
This early
self-limited period of hypoglycemia cannot be
considered pathologic, and there is little prac-
tical value in measuring the blood glucose
concentrations of asymptomatic babies in the
first 2 hours after birth.
Furthermore, even
in those situations in which low blood glu-
cose concentrations develop secondary to pro-
longed intervals (8 hours) between breast
there is a marked ketogenic response
that provides glucose-sparing fuel to the
The neonatal brain has an enhanced
capability to use ketone bodies relative to in-
fants (fourfold) and adults (40-fold).
and others have studied this pat-
tern of metabolic adaptation.
term infants have lower blood glucose
and higher ketone bodies
than formula-fed in-
fants. Breastfed infants up to 1 week old had a
significantly lower mean blood glucose con-
centration (range 1.5 to 5.3 mmol/L [27 to 95
mg/dL] and mean 3.6 mmol/L [58 mg/dL])
than formula-fed infants of the same age (range
2.5 to 6.2 mmol/L [45 to 111 mg/dL] and mean
4.0 mmol/L [72 mg/dL]).
Those infants who
lost the most weight postnatally had the high-
est ketone body concentrations,
which sug-
gests that the provision of alternate fuels
constitutes a normal adaptive response to tran-
siently low nutrient intake during the estab-
lishment of breastfeeding.
Because the opti-
mally breastfed infant’s lower blood glucose is
the physiologic norm, it has been suggested
that breastfed infants may well tolerate lower
plasma glucose levels without any significant
clinical manifestations or sequelae, assuming
adaptive metabolic response systems are func-
tioning normally.
One case series of hypo-
glycemia in “healthy, breastfed term new-
borns” (all of whom were feeding poorly at
discharge) revealed no urinary ketones in any
of the three symptomatic infants, suggesting a
defective ketogenic response to fasting.
As yet there has been no systematic study of
urinary ketones in symptomatic or asympto-
matic hypoglycemic newborns. The presence
of urinary ketones may prove to be a reas-
suring finding in asymptomatic, mildly to
moderately hypoglycemic infants. Multiple
regression analysis from Hawdon’s study,
correcting for postnatal age and feeding
method, revealed that only the interval be-
tween feeds was inversely correlated with glu-
cose concentration, supporting the need for
continuous mother–infant contact and fre-
quent on-demand nursing.
The definition of hypoglycemia in the new-
born infant has remained controversial because
of a lack of significant correlation among
plasma glucose concentration, clinical symp-
toms, and long-term sequelae.
have been four main approaches to the defini-
tion of hypoglycemia: (a) epidemiologic/sta-
tistical approach based on measured range of
glucose values; (b) clinical manifestations; (c)
acute changes in metabolic/endocrine re-
sponses and neurologic function; and (d) long-
term neurologic outcome.
Epidemiologic approach
“Normal” blood glucose results vary enor-
mously with the source of the blood sample,
assay method, and whether blood or plasma
glucose concentration is determined. Plasma
or serum glucose concentrations are 10% to
15% higher than in whole blood.
In addi-
tion, early feeding schedules have a prominent
effect on blood glucose concentrations but
have changed a great deal since early studies.
Even now they vary from hospital to hospital.
The healthy, term exclusively breastfed infant
represents the biological norm, yet until re-
cently, very few breastfed infants had been
Breastfed, formula-fed, and mixed-fed in-
fants follow the same pattern of glucose values
with an initial fall in glucose over the first 2
hours, followed by a gradual rise in glucose
over the next 96 hours, whether fed or not
(Table 1).
As noted, when compared,
breastfed infants tend to have slightly lower
glucose and higher ketone bodies than artifi-
cially fed infants.
Although helpful, the
findings of the epidemiologic approach have
been erroneously used to define the cutoff be-
tween normoglycemia and hypoglycemia
rather than recognizing that hypoglycemia re-
flects a continuum of biologic abnormalities,
ranging from mild to severe.
The incidence of “hypoglycemia” varies with
the definition.
Many authors have suggested
numeric definitions of hypoglycemia, usually
between 30 and 50 mg/dL (1.7 to– 2.8 mmol/L)
1. N
Swenne Hoseth 2000
Adejuyigbe Diwaker
Srinivasan 1986
Heck 1987
Hawdon 1992
Whole blood: 2001
Plasma: Serum: Whole blood: Serum: breastfed Plasma: Plasma:
Age mixed fed mixed fed mixed fed breastfed median (10– breastfed breastfed
(h) (mean SD) (mean SD) (mean SD) (mean SD) 90 percentile) (mean SD) (mean SD)
0 107 35.. 97 29065 2 88 (50–128) 64 320
156 19 60 180 50 (36–70)0——
260 11 61 150 56 (36–81)0——
370 13 38 9.5 54 19
468 14 (3–15 h) 54 (47–70)0——
665 13 56 110 50 (40–61)0—53 13.5
12 67 14 56 12058 5.4 50 (41–63)0——
(12–24 h)
24 71 10 61 10063 3.6 53 9.7 50 (41–63)057 15052 14
(25–48 h)
48 73 13 64 10063 3.6 63 (58–79)059 170
(49–72 h)
72 83 12 61 2 61 (52–83)0—5414
(73–96 h)
96 80 12 74 2 68 (58–81)0
(97–168 h)
0 5.94 1.94 5.4 1.603.6 0.1 4.9 (2.8–7.1).3.55 1.760
1 3.1 1.06 3.3 100. 2.8 (2–3.9)00 ——
2 3.3 0.61 3.4 0.83 3.1 (2–4.5)00 ——
3 3.9 0.72 2.1 0.53 3 1.05
4 3.8 0.78 (3–15 h) 3 (2.6–3.9)
6 3.6 0.72 3.1 0.61 2.8 (2.2–3.4) 2.95 0.75
12 3.7 0.78 3.1 0.67 3.2 0.3 2.8 (2.3–3.5)
24 3.9 0.56 3.4 0.56 3.5 0.2 2.93 0.54 2.8 (2.3–3.5) 3.18 0.8502.89 0.79
48 4.1 0.72 3.6 0.56 3.5 0.2 3.5 (3.2–4.4) 3.29 0.967
72 4.6 0.67 3.4 0.1 3.4 (2.9–4.6) 3 0.79
96 4.4 0.67 4.1 0.1 3.8 (3.2–4.5)
and varying by postnatal age.
blath et al.
summarized the problem well:
“Significant hypoglycemia is not and can never
be defined as a single number that can be ap-
plied universally to every individual patient.
Rather, it is characterized by a value(s) that is
unique to each individual and varies with both
their state of physiologic maturity and the in-
fluence of pathology.” Instead of specifying a
number to represent hypoglycemia, Cornblath
et al.
suggest “operational thresholds” as
defined by Table 2. These “operational thresh-
olds” represent values to which one should re-
act, either by further testing and/or treatment.
They do not represent either normal or abnor-
mal values.
A recent metaanalysis (studies published 1986
to 1994) of low plasma glucose thresholds in full-
term normal newborns who were mostly mixed
fed (formula and breastfeeding) or formula fed,
presented recommended low thresholds for
plasma glucose based on hours after birth (Table
3). They specifically noted that given the lower
plasma glucose levels in normal breastfed in-
fants, the low thresholds for exclusively breast-
fed infants might even be lower.
Clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia
The clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia
are nonspecific, occurring with a variety of other
neonatal problems. Even in the presence of an
arbitrary low glucose level, the physician must
assess the general status of the infant by ob-
servation and physical examination to rule out
other disease entities and processes that may
need additional laboratory evaluation and
treatment. Some common clinical signs are
listed in Table 4. A diagnosis of hypoglycemia
also requires that symptoms abate after nor-
moglycemia is restored.
Acute physiologic changes
Neurophysiologic monitoring, including
electroencephalography (EEG), visual evoked
potentials (VEP), and brainstem auditory
evoked responses (BAER) have failed to define
a safe blood glucose concentration or a thresh-
old for neurologic damage.
Koh et al.
ported BAER abnormalities only when blood
glucose fell below 2.6 mmol/L (47 mg/dL). Un-
fortunately, only 5 of their 17 patients were less
than 4 days old, only one was symptomatic,
and the symptoms did not correlate with the
lowest blood glucose level. Kinnala et al.
found four times the number of head MRI and
ultrasound abnormalities in 18 symptomatic
full-term infants than 19 normoglycemic con-
trols. Most lesions were absent by 2 months of
age, and only one infant appeared neurologi-
cally affected.
Evidence from tissue culture and animal
models indicate that the neural damage attrib-
2. O
Operational threshold Plasma glucose
Intervention 36 mg/dL (2.0 mmol/L)
Intravenous glucose 20–25 mg/dL (1.1–1.4 mmol/L)
Preterm infants Same as term
Infants on TPN 45 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L)
Therapeutic objective
Transient hypoglycemia 45 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L)
Profound/persistent hypoglycemia 60 mg/dL (3.3 mmol/L)
Operational threshold by age after birth
1st 24 h
Healthy term or preterm 34–37 wk, formula-fed 30–35 mg/dL (1.7–2.0 mmol/L)
Sick, LBW, preterm 34 wk 45–50 mg/dL (2.5–2.8 mmol/L)
24 h 40–50 mg/dL (2.2–2.8 mmol/L)
Any age 20–25 mg/dL (1.1–1.4 mmol/L)
From: Cornblath M, Hawdon JM, Williams AF, et al. Controversies regarding definition of neona-
tal hypoglycemia: Suggested operational thresholds. Pediatrics 2000;105:1141–1145; Cornblath M,
Ichord R. Hypoglycemia in the neonate. Semin Peinatol 2000;24:136–149.
uted to hypoglycemia is not simply a matter of
inadequate energy stores, but rather a result of
accumulation of toxic substances, such as as-
partic acid
and glutamate.
Because this pro-
cess requires time (hours to days), clinicians
can be reassured that transient, single, brief pe-
riods of hypoglycemia are unlikely to cause
permanent neurologic damage.
Long-term neurologic outcome
The data correlating neonatal hypoglycemia
with long-term neurologic outcome are limited
because of lack of suitable nonhypoglycemic
controls, a failure to consider other pathology,
and the small number of asymptomatic infants
Animal studies suggest that
the immature brain is incredibly resistant (via
many different mechanisms) to damage from
even profound hypoglycemia.
Koivisto et al.
found no difference in neurologic outcome be-
tween asymptomatic hypoglycemic infants and
euglycemic control infants, with 94% and 95%
of each group normal on 1- to 4-year follow-up.
There was a significant increase in neurologic
abnormalities (12%) in symptomatic (tremor,
cyanosis, paleness, limpness, irritability, apathy,
or tachypnea that disappeared during treatment
with glucose) hypoglycemic infants, and 50%
incidence of neurologic abnormalities when
seizures were present. The estimated duration
of hypoglycemia was 37 hours in the asympto-
matic hypoglycemic infants, 49 hours in the
symptomatic/nonseizure group, and 105 hours
in the seizure group. The follow-up evaluation
included a physical examination, anthropome-
try, and neurologic and developmental assess-
ments, as well as an ophthalmologic examina-
tion. Interestingly, this study was done in
Finland from 1967 to 1970, at a time when in-
fants were fed 5% “saccharose” for 24 hours
prior to initiating breastfeeding.
More recently, Brand et al.
studied hypo-
glycemia (defined as 2.2 mmol/L [40 mg/
dL] 1 hour after birth or 2.5 mmol/L [45
mg/dL] thereafter) in term LGA infants born to
nondiabetic mothers. Screening was done at 1, 3,
and 5 hours after birth and continued if the glu-
cose was low. Intravenous glucose was started if
the glucose was less than 1.5 to 2 mmol/L (27 to
36 mg/dL) or symptoms were present. There
were no significant differences between the hy-
poglycemic and control groups at 4-year follow-
up, which consisted of the Dutch version of
the Denver Developmental Scale, the Snijders-
Oomen nonverbal intelligence test, and the
Dutch version of the Child Behavior Check List.
Unfortunately, the type of feeding was not dis-
closed and only 64% of the original population
completed the assessment at 4 years.
A recent systematic review of cohort studies
on subsequent neurologic development after
episodes of hypoglycemia in the first week of
life found that major clinical and methodologic
heterogeneity of available studies precluded any
true metaanalysis.
Of the 18 eligible studies,
the overall methodologic quality was consid-
ered poor in 16 studies and high in two studies.
Pooling of the results of the two high-quality
studies was deemed inappropriate because of
this heterogeneity. None of the studies provided
a valid estimate of the effect of neonatal hypo-
glycemia on neurodevelopment. Building on the
strengths and weaknesses of existing studies,
they proposed an “optimal” future study design
and invited content experts and clinicians
worldwide to comment, refine the design, and
3. R
Hour after birth 5th Percentile PGL-mg/dL (mmol/L)
1–2 (nadir) 28 (1.6)
3–47 40 (2.2)
48–72 48 (2.7)
From: Alkalay AL, Sarnat HB, Flores-Sarnat L, et al.
Population meta-analysis of low plasma glucose thresh-
olds in full-term normal newborns. Am J Perinatol
4. C
Irritability, tremors, jitteriness
Exaggerated Moro reflex
High-pitched cry
Seizures or myoclonic jerks
Lethargy, listlessness, limpness, hypotonia
Apnea or irregular breathing
Vasomotor instability
Poor suck or refusal to feed
participate in a prospective collaborative study.
Hopefully, such a study will be done.
In the absence of definitive data regarding
a “safe” blood glucose concentration in any
given population, the “operational threshold”
approach suggested by Cornblath
and Al-
seems most appropriate. Hawdon
summarized it well: “Evidence from studies of
humans and other animals suggests that corti-
cal damage and long-term sequelae occur after
prolonged hypoglycemia sufficiently severe to
cause neurological signs.”
Bedside glucose testing strips are inexpen-
sive and practical, but are not reliable with sig-
nificant variance from true blood glucose lev-
Studies comparing different reagent
strips have estimated that as many as 20% of
truly normoglycemic infants are falsely labeled
as hypoglycemic, leading to unnecessary labo-
ratory tests and treatment.
A recent study
evaluated readily available “point-of-care” glu-
cose measuring devices and concluded that
none of the five glucometers was satisfactory
as the sole measuring device.
Newer bedside
glucose systems simplify procedures, but ap-
propriate test strip storage, handling, and ad-
herence to expiration dates are still essential to
prevent error.
Even newer point-of-care glucose electrode
(YSI) and cuvette-based glucose oxidation opti-
cal methods (HemoCue), although possible im-
provements over reagent strips, do not have the
reliability of laboratory measurement.
side glucose tests may be used for screening, but
laboratory levels must confirm results before a
diagnosis of hypoglycemia can be made, espe-
cially in asymptomatic infants.
Neonates at increased risk for developing
neonatal hypoglycemia should be routinely
monitored for blood glucose levels irrespective
of the mode of feeding. These at-risk infants
should be screened before any symptoms man-
ifest. Neonates at risk fall into two main cate-
gories: (a) Excess use of glucose, which in-
cludes the hyperinsulinemic states; and (b) in-
adequate production or substrate delivery.
Table 5 shows infant categories at increased
risk for hypoglycemia.
Glucose screening should be performed only
on at-risk infants and those with clinical symp-
toms compatible with hypoglycemia. Routine
monitoring of blood glucose in asymptomatic,
term newborns is potentially harmful to the es-
tablishment of a healthy mother–infant rela-
tionship and successful breastfeeding pat-
This recommendation has
been supported by the World Health Organi-
the AAP,
and the National Childbirth
Trust of the United Kingdom.
At-risk infants
should be screened for hypoglycemia with a
frequency and duration related to the specific
risk factors of the individual infant.
It is sug-
gested that monitoring begin within 30 to 60
minutes of age for infants with suspected hy-
perinsulinemia, and no later than 2 hours of age
for infants in other risk categories. Monitoring
should continue, until normal preprandial lev-
els are consistently obtained. Bedside glucose
screening, tests must be confirmed by formal
laboratory testing.
Early and exclusive breastfeeding meets the
nutritional needs of healthy, term, newborn in-
fants. Healthy term infants do not develop
symptomatic hypoglycemia simply as a result
of underfeeding.
Therefore, routine sup-
plementation of healthy, term infants with wa-
ter, glucose water, or formula is unnecessary
and may interfere with establishment of nor-
mal breastfeeding and normal metabolic com-
pensatory mechanisms.
As with gen-
eral breastfeeding recommendations, healthy
term infants should initiate breastfeeding
within 30 to 60 minutes of life and continue on
demand, recognizing that crying is a very late
sign of hunger.
Feedings should be fre-
quent, 10 to 12 times per 24 hours in the first
few days after birth.
Early breastfeeding is
not precluded just because the infant meets the
criteria for glucose monitoring. Initiation and
establishment of breastfeeding is also facili-
tated by skin-to-skin contact of mother and in-
fant. Such practices will maintain normal in-
fant body temperature and reduce energy
expenditure while stimulating suckling and
milk production.
Documented hypoglycemia in an
asymptomatic infant
As noted, the asymptomatic “hypoglycemic”
infant is at extremely low risk of long-term neu-
rologic sequelae. Such an infant should con-
tinue breastfeeding (approximately every 1 to
2 hours) or feed 3 to 5 mL/kg of expressed
breast milk or substitute nutrition (pasteurized
donor human milk, elemental formulas, par-
tially hydrolyzed formulas, or routine formu-
las). This volume is based on normal volumes
of colostrum
and the average size of the in-
fant’s stomach in the first week postpartum.
There is no research available delineating what
amount of glucose or what volume of glucose-
containing oral fluids is needed to raise serum
glucose a certain amount in any population.
The blood glucose concentration should be
rechecked before subsequent feedings until the
value is acceptable and stable. If the neonate is
unable to suck or feedings are not tolerated, avoid
forced feedings (e.g., nasogastric tube) and begin
intravenous therapy (see the following). Such an
infant is not normal and requires a careful ex-
amination and evaluation in addition to more in-
tensive therapy. If glucose remains low despite
feedings, intravenous glucose therapy should be
initiated and intravenous rate adjusted by blood
glucose concentration. Of course breastfeeding
may continue during intravenous (IV) glucose
therapy if the infant is interested and will suckle.
As with any medical therapy, clinical signs, phys-
ical examination, screening values, laboratory
confirmation, treatment, and changes in clinical
condition (i.e., response to treatment) should be
carefully documented.
Symptomatic hypoglycemic infants
Infants with symptoms consistent with hy-
poglycemia (see Table 4) or infants with plasma
glucose levels less than 20 to 25 mg/dL (1.1
to 1.4 mmol/L) should have more aggressive
therapy. Current neonatal texts suggest initiat-
ing intravenous glucose using a 2 mL/kg bolus
of 10% glucose solution, followed by a contin-
uous infusion of 6 to 8 mg/kg per minute (ap-
proximately 80 to 100 mL/kg per 24 hours).
Attempts to rely on oral or intragastric feeding
to correct extreme (20 to 25 mg/dL) or symp-
tomatic hypoglycemia are inappropriate and
may be dangerous if the infant aspirates the
oral supplement. Such an infant is not normal
and requires an immediate and careful exami-
nation and evaluation. To allow for minute-to-
minute variations in blood glucose, the glucose
5. A
Small for gestational age (SGA); 10th percentile for weight
Large for gestational age (LGA); 90th percentile for weight*
Discordant twin; weight 10% larger twin
Infant of diabetic mother, especially if poorly controlled
Low birth weight (2500 g)
After perinatal stress; severe acidosis or hypoxia-ischemia
Cold stress
Polycythemia (venous Hct 70%)/hyperviscosity
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Microphallus or midline defect
Suspected infection
Respiratory distress
Known or suspected inborn errors of metabolism or endocrine disorders
Maternal drug treatment (e.g., terbutaline, propranolol, oral hypoglycemics)
Infants displaying symptoms associated with hypoglycemia (see Table 4)
*In unscreened populations in which LGA may represent undiagnosed and untreated
maternal diabetes.
concentration in symptomatic infants should
be maintained at greater than 45 mg/dL (2.5
The intravenous rate should be adjusted by
blood glucose concentration and frequent
breastfeeding should be encouraged after the
relief of symptoms. As feedings are initiated,
glucose concentrations should be monitored
before feedings as the IV is weaned, until val-
ues are stabilized off intravenous fluids. Again,
clinical signs, physical examination, screening
values, laboratory confirmation, treatment, and
changes in clinical condition (i.e., response to
treatment) should be carefully documented.
Having an infant thought to be normal and
healthy develop hypoglycemia is both con-
cerning to the mother and family, and may
jeopardize breastfeeding. Mothers should be
reassured that there is nothing wrong with
their milk, and that supplementation is usually
temporary. Having the mother hand express or
pump milk that is then fed to her infant can
overcome feelings of maternal inadequacy as
well as help establish a full milk supply. In or-
der to protect the mother’s milk supply, it is
important to provide stimulation to the breasts
by manual or mechanical expression with ap-
propriate frequency (8 times in 24 hours) until
her baby is latching and suckling well. Keep-
ing the infant at the breast or returning the in-
fant to the breast as soon as possible is impor-
tant. Skin-to-skin care is easily done with an IV
and may soften the trauma of intervention,
while providing physiologic thermoregulation,
contributing to metabolic homeostasis.
Boluyt et al.
proposed a study design to an-
swer two questions: (a) What is the effect of
various blood glucose concentrations in the
first three postnatal days on long-term neu-
rodevelopment? and (b) What is the effect of
treatment with additional carbohydrates in
neonates with moderate hypoglycemia on
long-term neurodevelopment compared with
expectant observation? In addition, the devel-
opment of simple, rapid, and reliable bedside
testing would improve the efficiency of diag-
nosis and treatment. A clearer understanding
of the role of other metabolic fuels and meth-
ods to measure them in a clinically useful way
may improve the ability to predict which in-
fants are truly at risk for neurologic sequelae,
and facilitate more rapid and appropriate treat-
ment. Finally, it is unclear how much enteral
glucose in what form is necessary to raise blood
glucose to acceptable levels, once those levels
are determined. At present, many breastfed in-
fants are being grossly overfed with the good
intention of avoiding intravenous glucose. It
may be that more long-term problems are be-
ing caused by aggressively feeding artificial
Healthy, full-term infants are programmed
to make the transition from their intrauterine
constant flow of nutrients to their extrauterine
intermittent nutrient intake without the need
for metabolic monitoring or interference with
the natural breastfeeding process. Homeostatic
mechanisms ensure adequate energy substrate
is provided to the brain and other organs, even
when feedings are delayed. The normal pattern
of early, frequent, and exclusive breastfeeding
meets the needs of healthy full-term infants.
Routine screening or supplementation are not
necessary and may harm the normal establish-
ment of breastfeeding. Screening should be re-
stricted to at-risk and symptomatic infants.
Symptomatic infants need immediate assess-
ment and intravenous glucose therapy, not
forced feedings.
1. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Clinical Proto-
col #1 (Revised): Guidelines for Glucose Monitoring
and Treatment of Hypoglycemia in Breastfed
Neonates. Breastfeeding Med 2006;1:178–184.
2. Williams, AF. Hypoglycaemia of the Newborn: Review of
the Literature. World Health Organization, Geneva,
1997. Accessed August 7, 2006:
3. Sperling MA, Menon RK. Differential diagnosis and
management of neonatal hypoglycemia. Pediatr Clin
North Am 2004;51:703–723.
4. Eidelman AI. Hypoglycemia and the breastfed
neonate. Pediatr Clin North Am 2001;48:377–387.
5. Srinvasan G, Phildes RS, Cattamanchi G, et al. Plasma
glucose values in normal neonates: A new look. J Pe-
diatr 1986;109:114–117.
6. Hawdon JM, Ward Platt MP, Aynsley-Green A. Pat-
terns of metabolic adaptation for preterm and term
neonates in the first postnatal week. Arch Dis Child
7. Cornblath M, Reisner SH. Blood glucose in the neonate
and its clinical significance. NEJM 1965;273:378–381.
8. Hawdon JM, Ward Platt MP, Aynsley-Green A. Pre-
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Address reprint requests to:
Nancy E. Wight, M.D., FABM
Division of Neonatology
Children’s Specialists of San Diego
3020 Children’s Way, MC 5102
San Diego, CA 92123-4282
To convert mmol/L of glucose to mg/dL,
multiply by 18.
To convert mg/dL of glucose to mmol/L,
divide by 18 or multiply by 0.055.
... Enzymes necessary for gluconeogenesis remains very minimally active as there is very little need for glucose production. 1 At birth when the placental circulation is curtailed different metabolic adaptation occurs in neonate to fulfil the need of glucose supply. At birth glucose needs of neonates is approximately 5 to 8 mg/kg per minute mostly needed for cerebral use. ...
... Neonates gets the glucose from exogenous source (milk) and also by endogenous glucose production by glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis when adequate substrates are available. 1 The hormonal change that occurs at birth facilitate endogenous glucose production. Just after birth there is surge in glucagon and catecholamine production which helps to breakdown glycogen. ...
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Background: Neonates has well-coordinated adaptation system which maintains the blood sugar at certain safe level in extra uterine life. However certain intrauterine risk factors alter this adaptation system leading to hypoglycemia in early post-natal period. Most of the time hypoglycemic episodes are transient but sometimes there may be recurrent or prolonged hypoglycemia leading to permanent insult in brain and neurological deficit in post-natal life. Aims and objective of the study was to find out incidence of hypoglycemia in exclusively breastfeed neonates and the risk factors associated with this in the post-natal ward of a tertiary care centre in North-East India. Methods: This is a prospective study conducted for a period of six month, where 112 exclusively breastfeed neonates who were shifted immediately to post-natal ward were included. Capillary blood sugar was checked at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours of life. Neonates with capillary blood glucose less than 40 were considered hypoglycemic. All the hypoglycemic babies were extensively evaluated for different intrauterine and post-natal risk factors. Results: Incidence of hypoglycemia was 16% (18 out of 112 babies). Significant numbers (30.5%) of LBW babies had hypoglycemia, where as 6.5% of normal birth weight babies had hypoglycemia. 38.8% of preterm babies had hypoglycemia where as 11.95% of term babies had hypoglycemic episodes. 71.4% (5 out of 7 babies) of neonates born from diabetic mother. All the large for date infants of diabetic mother had hypoglycemia. Conclusions: Our study came to a conclusion that incidence of hypoglycemia is not very uncommon finding in exclusively breastfeed neonates especially those with risk factors. Routine capillary blood glucose screening is utmost important to pick up the babies with hypoglycemia to prevent immediate and long-term complication.
... The early initiation of breastfeeding and the exclusive breastfeeding refer to the best practice recommendation by the WHO [22]. The short and long-term health benefits of breastfeeding for children and mothers have been well documented: the "skin to skin" contact between mother and newborn immediately after birth favors the newborn's skin colonization by the mother's microbiota, facilitates the regulation of body temperature, maintains the blood glucose levels stable, and contributes to cardiorespiratory stability [23,24]. In Nepal [25] and in Ghana [26], the early initiation of breastfeeding has been associated with a 19% and 22% reduction in deaths respectively. ...
... The early initiation of breastfeeding and the exclusive breastfeeding refer to the best practice recommendation by the WHO [38]. The short and long-term health benefits of breastfeeding for children and mothers have been well documented: the "skin to skin" contact between mother and newborn immediately after birth favors the newborn's skin colonization by the mother's microbiota, facilitates the regulation of body temperature, maintains the blood glucose levels stable, and contributes to cardiorespiratory stability [39,40]. In Nepal [41] and in Ghana [42], the early initiation of breastfeeding has been associated with a 19% and 22% reduction in deaths respectively. ...
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Background In DRC, childhood undernutrition remains a serious public health concern. Internationally recommended infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices may improve child nutritional status. This study aimed to describe IYCF practices, factors associated with inappropriate complementary feeding, and infant’s nutritional status. Methods A community-based cross-sectional study including 1,009 mother-infant pair was conducted in August 2019 in 32 health areas (16 in rural health zone and 16 in urban one) of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), among mothers who had infants under 24 months of age. Infant’s nutritional status was assessed using WHO Anthro plus software. To describe IYCF practices, we used the indicators recommended by the WHO. To study the factors associated with inappropriate complementary feeding practices, we performed univariable and multiple logistic regression analyzes. The data was analyzed in SPSS version 25. Results The prevalence of early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age was 73.7% and 42.2% respectively. Of the 746 infants aged 6–23.9 months, 246 (32.3%) received appropriate complementary feeding. Of the 997 infants who had valid anthropometric parameters, 416 (41.7%) were well-nourished, 374 (37.5%) were undernourished and 207 (20.8%) were overweight. Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that residence in rural area [Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR): 2.38 (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.49, 3.78)], non-attendance at postnatal care (AOR 1.63; 95% CI 1.12, 2.96), low household socioeconomic (AOR 1.72; 95% CI 1.14, 2.59) and low maternal education (AOR 1.83; 95% CI 1.20, 2.77) were factors associated with inappropriate complementary feeding. Mothers with inappropriate complementary feeding practices were 6.88 times more likely to have undernourished infants than their counterparts (AOR 6.88; 95% CI 1.24, 18.37). Conclusion Findings from this study provide strong evidence, both of association between inappropriate complementary feeding and undernutrition, and of the double burden of malnutrition with the co-existence of under- and overnutrition in the infant population in South Kivu. Interventions should focus on both preventing undernutrition and overweight to promote child well-being.
... The early initiation of breastfeeding and the exclusive breastfeeding refer to the best practice recommendation by the WHO [38]. The short and long-term health benefits of breastfeeding for children and mothers have been well documented: the "skin to skin" contact between mother and newborn immediately after birth favors the newborn's skin colonization by the mother's microbiota, facilitates the regulation of body temperature, maintains the blood glucose levels stable, and contributes to cardiorespiratory stability [39,40]. In Nepal [41] and in Ghana [42], the early initiation of breastfeeding has been associated with a 19% and 22% reduction in deaths respectively. ...
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Background: In DRC, childhood undernutrition remains a serious public health concern. Internationally recommended infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices may improve child nutritional status. This study aimed to describe IYCF practices, factors associated with inappropriate complementary feeding, and infant’s nutritional status. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study including 1,009 mother-infant pair was conducted in August 2019 in 32 health areas (16 in rural health zone and 16 in urban one) of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), among mothers who had infants under 24 months of age. Infant’s nutritional status was assessed using WHO Anthro plus software. To describe IYCF practices, we used the indicators recommended by the WHO. To study the factors associated with inappropriate complementary feeding practices, we performed univariable and multiple logistic regression analyzes. The data was analyzed in SPSS version 25. Results: The prevalence of early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age was 73.7% and 42.2% respectively. Of the 746 infants aged 6–23.9 months, 246 (32.3%) received appropriate complementary feeding. Of the 997 infants who had valid anthropometric parameters, 416 (41.7%) were well-nourished, 374 (37.5%) were undernourished and 207 (20.8%) were overweight. Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that residence in rural area [Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR): 2.38 (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.49, 3.78)], non-attendance at postnatal care (AOR 1.63; 95% CI 1.12, 2.96), low household socioeconomic (AOR 1.72; 95% CI 1.14, 2.59) and low maternal education (AOR 1.83; 95% CI 1.20, 2.77) were factors associated with inappropriate complementary feeding. Mothers with inappropriate complementary feeding practices were 6.88 times more likely to have undernourished infants than their counterparts (AOR 6.88; 95% CI 1.24, 18.37). Conclusion: Findings from this study provide strong evidence, both of association between inappropriate complementary feeding and undernutrition, and of the double burden of malnutrition with the co-existence of under- and overnutrition in the infant population in South Kivu. Interventions should focus on both preventing undernutrition and overweight to promote child well-being.
Background: Severe neonatal hypoglycemia may cause irreversible neurological sequelae. Although blood glucose (BG) screening in term neonates without risk factors for hypoglycemia (non-risk neonates) is not recommended in the current guidelines, severe hypoglycemia can occur in such neonates. To evaluate the necessity of BG screening in non-risk neonates, it is important to determine the accurate incidence of severe hypoglycemia in those neonates. Methods: We conducted a 10 year survey of all normal-weight term neonates diagnosed with severe neonatal hypoglycemia who were treated at secondary- and tertiary-level neonatal centers in Toyama Prefecture, Japan, between January 2011 and December 2020. Results: During the study period, 11 cases of severe neonatal hypoglycemia (six of which occurred in non-risk neonates) were identified. The overall incidence of severe hypoglycemia was 1 in 5,827 normal-weight term births, and the incidence in non-risk neonates was 1 in 10 682 normal-weight term births. All of the cases in non-risk neonates were diagnosed as hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia. Conclusions: This is the first population-based study to have identified the actual incidence of severe pathological neonatal hypoglycemia in non-risk neonates. The incidence was not low compared with those of the newborn screening disorders, justifying the necessity of BG screening even in non-risk neonates.
This review provides an update on neonatal hypoglycemia in the term infant, including discussion of glucose metabolism, definitions of hypoglycemia, identification of infants commonly at risk, and the screening, treatment, and potential neurologic outcomes of postnatal hypoglycemia. Neonatal hypoglycemia is a common metabolic condition that continues to plague clinicians because there is no clear relationship between low glucose concentrations or their duration that determines adverse neurologic outcomes. However, severely low, prolonged, recurrent low glucose concentrations in infants who also have marked symptoms such as seizures, flaccid hypotonia with apnea, and coma clearly are associated with permanent brain damage. Early identification of at-risk infants, early and continued breastfeeding augmented with oral dextrose gel, monitoring prefeed glucose concentrations, treating symptomatic infants who have very low and recurrent low glucose concentrations, and identifying and aggressively managing infants with persistent hyperinsulinemia and metabolic defects may help prevent neuronal injury.
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There have been few comprehensive accounts of the relationships between glucose and other metabolic fuels during the first postnatal week, especially in the context of modern feeding practises. A cross sectional study was performed of 156 term infants and 62 preterm infants to establish the normal ranges and interrelationships of blood glucose and intermediary metabolites in the first postnatal week, and to compare these with those of 52 older children. Blood glucose concentrations varied more for preterm than for term infants (1.5-12.2 mmol/l v 1.5-6.2 mmol/l), and preterm infants had low ketone body concentrations, even at low blood glucose concentrations. Breast feeding of term infants and enteral feeding of preterm infants appeared to enhance ketogenic ability. Term infants had lower prefeed blood glucose concentrations than children but, like children, appeared to be capable of producing ketone bodies. This study demonstrates that neonatal blood glucose concentrations should be considered in the context of availability of other metabolic fuels, and that the preterm infant has a limited ability to mobilise alternative fuels.
The aim of the study was to evaluate a portable photometer, HemoCue® Blood Glucose Analyzer, in the instant diagnosis of hypoglycaemia in newborns. The HemoCue is a simple, easy-to-handle photometer; with an analysis time of less than 240 s. it utilizes a modified glucose dehydrogenase method in 5 μl whole blood. The HemoCue method was compared to a hexokinase method for deproteinized whole blood in a total of 118 samples from 5X newborns. The linear regression for these samples was Y = 1.19x-1.02 (range 0.7-7.2 mmol/L), r = 0.90. Ten samples were ≤2.0 mmol/L with both methods and 37 samples were ≤2.0 mmol/L with the HemoCue method. The average difference (D) for each :sample (n = 118) and the standard deviation (SD) for the difference were 0.45±0.46 mmol/L. Blood samples with a mean value with both methods ≤2.0 mmol/L (n = 20) had a D and SD of 0.71±0.29 mmol/L. When testing for linearity at low glucose concentrations, the HemoCue method gave significantly lower values compared to an ideal line. The HemoCue method has several advantages in the analysis of glucose in newborns: short analysis time, small sample size, and no influence from glycolysis. However. in our investigation, l'alsely low values occurred, especially in the low measuring range, so the HemoCue method is not suitable in the diagnosis of hypoglycaemia in newborns.
LEVELS of total reducing substance, true sugar and glucose have been measured in the blood of newborn infants since 1911. The early reports have been reviewed by Norval et al.1 , 2 Although an extensive literature exists, there is still disagreement over which levels of blood sugar are normal in the neonate and which are hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic. Much of this confusion results from differences in technics in collecting, precipitating and analyzing the sugar, as well as the duration of fasting before sampling. An attempt will be made to explain the differences in reported results, to present current data for normal ranges . . .
Experiments in adult animals have indicated that hyperglycemia accentuates whereas hypoglycemia ameliorates hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. To determine whether hypoglycemia is protective or deleterious to the perinatal brain subjected to hypoxia-ischemia, 7-d postnatal rats were rendered hypoglycemic either by receiving an s.c. injection of insulin or fasting for 12 h. All rat pups underwent unilateral common carotid artery ligation followed by exposure to 8% oxygen-balance nitrogen at 37 degrees C for 2 h. Control animals (no insulin or fasting) received s.c. injections of normal saline. Mean blood glucose concentrations were 5.4 +/- 0.1, 4.3 +/- 0.2, and 3.4 +/- 0.1 mmol/L for control, insulin, and fasted animals, respectively. Blood beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were identical (0.5 +/- 0.1 mmol/L) for control and insulin-treated animals, but more than doubled in concentration in the fasted animals (p less than 0.001). Mortality rates during hypoxia-ischemia were higher in the insulin-treated animals (30%) than in either the fasted (4%) or control (0%) animals (p less than 0.05). Fasted animals showed a significant reduction in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage as compared with either the insulin-treated or control animals. Insulin-treated animals were not significantly different from controls. The findings indicate that 1) insulin induced hypoglycemia does not provide a protective effect on perinatal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage, as in adults; and 2) fasting adequate to produce hypoglycemia and ketonemia improved neuropathologic outcome.