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AI in healthcare

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An individual patient data when aggregated with others
across the health system artificial intelligence (AI)’s
predictive capabilities are enhanced as its to make better
decision making via improved public health surveillance
besides producing leaner, quicker and more focussed
research and development (1). AI is poised to be an aide
for all healthcare professionals as it becomes an integral
part of healthcare whether it is to automate patient data
documentation or fast tracking image analysis as well as
assist with virtual observation, diagnosis, rehabilitation,
mental health support and patient outreach (2-4). AI can
prove to be an efficient tool for identification of early
infections, developing treatment protocols, drugs and
vaccine development (5). Whether medical, epidemiological
or molecular applications AI in healthcare can help.
Presence of AI in Indian healthcare
Several research studies over the last two years have
increasingly brought out the fact that AI technologies have
the potential to bridge the gap particularly in rural areas to
better access quality healthcare (5-7).
A multitude of stakeholders including Microsoft and
Google, have also come together to work on variety of
initiatives to build AI infrastructure across India (8,9). They
have conducted pilots with hospital chains in India (10).
Review Article
Use of artificial intelligence in healthcare delivery in India
Keerti Pradhan1, Preethi John2, Namrata Sandhu1
1Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, India; 2Chitkara School of Health Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: All authors; (II) Administrative support: P John; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: K Pradhan, P
John; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: All authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: P John, N Sandhu; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors;
(VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Keerti Pradhan. Chitkara University, Punjab, India. Email:
Abstract: The growth of articial intelligence (AI) has seen an exponential growth in India. Recent policy
initiatives favouring the acceleration of AI application in Indian healthcare is discussed. This article then
captures the range of AI applications in healthcare in India. The AI applications range from those used in
early screening or diagnostic space, to those used in treatment and rehabilitation. In the Indian healthcare
space innovations that can improve rural healthcare is greatly valued. Several of the start ups featured in
this article have sought to apply AI to rural Indian healthcare to address the gaps. With smartphone boom
AI enabled reality can be possible. However there are several challenges to scale up use of AI in healthcare
delivery in India about which this article concludes with. Currently most of the applications are still at a
regional level. Several issues are there to scale up the data level needs to be addressed before AI can truly be
a reality for India. Data availability, data pooling, data collection, data sharing, data protection, data privacy
are among the multifaceted issued which must be sorted out. Other challenges range from human resource
issues to lack of awareness to need to address ethical issues in AI based innovations, to cyber security issues,
lack of infrastructure, besides the high cost of investing in AI based innovations. Several policy mechanisms
and regulatory frameworks are being brought out to address these challenges via NITI Aayog Towards
Responsible #AIforAll. The article concludes on the fact that AI in healthcare can potentially change the
landscape if done right.
Keywords: Healthcare; articial intelligence (AI); India
Received: 01 September 2020; Accepted: 24 December 2020; Published: 25 September 2021.
doi: 10.21037/jhmhp-20-126
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Indian policy space accelerating use of AI in healthcare
‘NITI Aayog’ the policy think tank of the Government
of India was authorised to formulate the national strategy
on AI and other emerging technologies in 2018 (11).
NITI Aayog focused on ve sectors that are envisioned to
benet the most from AI in solving societal needs of which
healthcare is one (11). The motto adopted by NITI Aayog
in this venture is ‘AI for all’ (#AIforAll).
NITI Aayog also seeks to ensure adequate data privacy,
security and balancing ethical considerations with the
need for innovation (11). The following recommendations
are being put in place to accelerate the pace of AI related
innovations in healthcare.
Creating a multistakeholder marketplace—The
National Articial Intelligence Marketplace.
The development stage requiring a multitude
of specialized processes. In order to encourage the
development of sustainable AI solutions in healthcare it
is crucial to address information asymmetry and promote
effective collaboration. This may be possible by creating a
‘marketplace’ which could:
Enable access to the required AI component, be it
data or business models, and services, such as data
annotation, and enable rating of these assets;
Serve as a platform for execution and verification of
Ensure data today which is being collected at the
individual hospital level but not analysed be collected to
build the big dataset envisaged to accelerate AI work.
Unraveling new sources of data and facilitating more
efficient use of computational and human resources. It is
estimated that only 1% of data today is analyzed due to lack
of awareness and availability of AI experts. For instance,
several medical imaging centers are collecting valuable data;
however, these databases are not analysed since AI models
cannot be created without computational infrastructure
and trained personnel (11). In the presence of a formal
marketplace, diagnostic centers would have an incentive
to collect these data and provide access to the data in the
market with requisite security measures in place.
Provide an opportunity to address ethical concerns
regarding data sharing: creation of a formal
marketplace for data transactions would ensure the
development of data security measures to prevent
misuse of valuable information.
The development of a data protection law in India is
currently underway. This, along with the promotion of local
innovators and leaders in AI technologies, are crucial steps
to ensure that the big data generated in India is used to
empower local populations and provide them with services,
rather than to exploit them for commercial gains (12).
Partnerships and collaboration
A stratied approach to partnerships is proposed as follows:
Low transfer: informal interactions such as
conferences and social networking;
Medium mobility: training of industrial employees,
internship programs, and academic entrepreneurship;
High relationships: sharing infrastructure and
interorganizational arrangements for pursuing R&D.
For instance, a radiologist and computer scientist
could work together to develop solutions and enhance
knowledge in real time (11).
Promotion of AI in India
The Union Health Ministry has also publicly expressed
eagerness to incorporate AI into Indian healthcare. The
Union Minister stated that potential of AI in public health
was being explored for India. NITI Aayog proposes the
creation of ‘Big Data’ sets (11). This could then be utilised
by those entering this space like the Indian AI developers.
Department of Biotechnology is also facilitating the
implementing of solutions for rapid deployment of AI in
healthcare in India (11).
In India health is both a national priority as well as
priority for states to deliver on. Several states have taken on
the initiate to accelerate AI innovation in healthcare (12-14).
A major hurdle to the adoption and promotion of AI is
the lack of awareness with regards to the work being done
across the country. The promotion of AI is can be overcome
by creating an online portal such as an AI Database for
registered people to access and obtain information (11).
Promoting startups
Availability of nancial support and adequate infrastructural
facilities is important to ensure their participation in AI
projects (11).
Accelerating the HR pool in India with skillset to match
the AI in healthcare needs
Start of multidisciplinary programmes have been initiated in
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several Universities to accelerate the production of human
resource skills trained with the right skill set (11).
PG programme in Medical Science and Technology
programme offered by IIT Kharagpur which
provides an option for MBBS graduates to enter into
engineering for those with an interest in AI;
AIIMS and IIT Delhi are working on several
collaborative projects of AI in healthcare from
government/semi government front;
Centre for AI has been established in JSS Medical
College, Mysore, Karnataka;
Centre of Excellence in AI has been launched in India
( The center of excellence has
been developed by the national informatics center
to use AI to improve the delivery of government
The Hope Foundations—International Institute of
Information Technology launched its Centre for of
Excellence in Articial Intelligence at Hinjawadi;
Narayana Health uses data analytics, and IA to provide
affordable healthcare high quality healthcare;
Health Ministry signs MOU with AI based work
solutions in combating TB;
Amazon Alexa, launch in Pune on Aug 30, 2019,
Chandra Kumar—for the first time Amazon team
will conduct hands on workshop for developing Alexa
TISS and CII—National Conference on AI in Health;
Chitkara University has been leading with a lot
of innovation programmes which it is offering to
computer science students with specialisations
in different areas of AI like Big data; Artificial
IIIT Delhi is another institute actively working on AI
solutions in healthcare.
Classification of AI use in Healthcare in India
There are four broad categories for AI in healthcare (15):
Descriptive: this is currently the most widely used.
It involves quantifying events that have already
occurred, and using this data to detect trends and
other insights; ‘what wellness monitoring or clinical
episode happened’;
Diagnostic: why a specific clinical episode or
healthcare case had happened;
Predictive: this uses descriptive data to make
predictions about the future, about what healthcare
issues are likely to happen;
Prescriptive: not only detects trends but also suggests
possible treatments in public health or more targeted
clinical trials in research and development. It seeks to
‘prescribe to the relevant actions required to mitigate
or eliminate healthcare problems and to exploit
specic healthcare trends in improving patient or care
Applications of AI in Indian healthcare
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay incubated a startup
Matra Technology which developed a mobile based AI
technology Naima which reduces pregnancy risk (16)
( Maternal, newborn and
child health—smartphone based anthropometry technology
which allows frontline health workers to screen for low
birth weight babies (17).
In 2016, Niramai Health Analytics (Bangalore),
developed a non-invasive, low-cost solution to screen early
breast cancer based on mapping body heat embedded
with AI technique (18). ‘Niramai’ is an acronym for Non-
Invasive Risk Assessment with Machine-learning and
Artificial Intelligence. It can detect tumours five years
earlier than mammography or clinical exams based on
‘Thermalytix’ technology (18,19).
Janitri Innovations focusing on pregnancy healthcare
with different innovations like Daksh a paperless
labour monitoring system (20). Keyar a non-invasive
cardiotocography CTG device that can monitor the heart
rate of a baby in the mother’s womb and track uterine
contractions of pregnant women. This device is portable,
non-invasive, and easy to use in rural remote areas (21).
The performance of the device when tested against the gold
standard CTG machine at St Johns Medical Hospital in
Bangalore was equivalent to the gold standard (21).
Predictive AI has shown that for predicting suicide
attempts, AI triumphs over human beings (22,23).
Taking family history using chat bots will be great boon
in Indian setting because patients usually travel from far off
places to city’s or town’s only to sit and answer questions
(24,25). This can be a great time saver. Family history is
extremely important in genetics. In India voice bots may
overcome several challenges of literacy which chatbots face.
Challenge in chatbot development is—how to translate
most of it in regional languages that is comprehensible by
a lay person; also they have limitation in areas with limited
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AI in screening
AI has been found to be as effective and in some cases, more
effective particularly in diagnostics areas like radiology and
pathology (11). CARING (Centre for Advanced Research
in Imaging, Neuroscience and Genomics) applied AI to
imaging as well as the integrative research in the field of
neuroscience and genomics and they have taken forward
cutting edge scientic and clinical research but also focussed
on producing relevant products in collaboration with others
AI-based Radiomics project by NITI Aayog in
collaboration with Tata Memorial Centre Imaging Biobank
(Machine learning and Articial Intelligence Database and
Tumor Radiomics Atlas Project for Cancer unit) is currently
underway. There are several other interesting innovations
happening with NITI AAYOG (11).
Currently it has been used in medical diagnosis, in
psychiatry and for treatment of certain medical ailments
Diabetic retinopathy: Remidio Fundus on Phone—
portable affordable retinal camera. This AI innovation
shifts DR screening to primary care centres (28). Medios AI
automated screening of referable DR on the Remidio FOP
works offline, and is deployed on camera smartphone. It
works with non-mydriatic image and output and provides
referral for ophthalmologist and visualization of the
detected lesions.
There are AI innovations for Histopathological image
analysis as well as TB screening using X-rays (29,30).
Wadhwani Institute for AI is also doing tremendous work in
this areas as ofcial AI partner for India central tuberculosis
division technologies (31).
Medical Devices Based on IOT/IOMT—are uploading
and analysing data in real time; used for quarantined self
to telemonitoring/teleICU consultation to AI predication
from sepsis (32,33). There are AI enabled devices like
wheelchairs- sensor for automatic parking of wheelchairs (34),
thermometer, weighing scale, ECG (35).
Founded in 2018, Kolkata based medtech startup is
building affordable non-invasive AI based solutions for
early diagnosis of chronic diseases. This device aims to
make the adoption of preventive healthcare approach more
feeling accessible for Indians by providing easy affordable
diagnostic solutions (36). The startup first product AJO
which stands for anemia jaundice and oxygen saturation
is a non-invasive IOT enable device that test for anaemia
liver and lung related medical problems without any blood
work and for less than Rs 1. The user friendly device does
not require medical knowledge or expertise to operate once
the test is completed the result can be transferred by email
or text message in less than 1.5 seconds. The device cleared
clinical trials at NRS Medical College Kolkata with high
accuracy (36).
Osteoporosis Prediction Models for Patients’ Risk
The aim of this invention ˜Osteoporosis™ is to design
the predictive model for early and accurate detection of
osteoporosis. In most of the situations patient’s age, weight,
and gender are taken as the clinical features. It assesses the
risk of patient having developed osteoporosis by classifying
the patient into at risk or not at risk category (37).
AI in treatment interventions
Kochi based startup founded in March 2017 BAGMO
(blood bag monitoring) device addresses lack of blood
availability in rural India. It has developed a blood bag
monitoring device bag more which monitors temperature of
blood bank blood bags during transportation and storage. It
improves logistics and communication issues (38,39).
Prantaeis is Bhubaneswar based biotech startup born out
of experience of the founder suffering from a pregnancy
disorder called pre-eclampsia; this startup develops devices
and diagnostic solutions mainly for pregnancy related
health care. So far 4 products are there this includes EyeRa
for early detection of preeclampsia; ProFoIU to monitor
kidney health Salubrious, which provide solution for hidden
hunger and Embargo which can detect antibiotics in food
products (40).
Waferchips Techno solutions developed in Kollam
Kerala is a wearable electrocardiography ECG device called
‘Biocalculus’ to transfers data to an Android application
via Bluetooth if a smartphone is not available. It will store
the data up to a month of recording. The device uses AI to
generate a clinically actionable report for further diagnosis
and treatment (41).
AI in rehabilitation
One of the areas where AI is helping is in the area of
rehabilitation. There are several AI based products which
are coming out which help in mobility. They include
rehabilitative prosthetics, exoskeleton, augmentations, Brain
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Computer Interface (BCI) EMG based interface to take
inputs from thoughts (42).
AI in times of COVID
AI played an important role in times of COVID (43,44).
Various AI applications have been tested for
(I) Early detection and diagnosis of the infection;
(II) Monitoring treatment;
(III) Contact tracing;
(IV) Futuristic projections of cases and mortality;
(V) Development of drugs and vaccines;
(VI) Reducing workload of healthcare workers;
(VII) Prevention of disease.
Challenges to be addressed to scale up use of
AI in healthcare delivery in India
The challenges and barriers to the implementation of AI
in healthcare in India must be understood to facilitate the
scaling up of use of AI in healthcare India (45).
Lack of trained personnel and expertise for AI
Replacement of humans because of AI is another huge
worry which affects the support for the adoption of AI in
healthcare (46). The lack of AI trained professionals can
also be a key barrier to using AI in healthcare (45).
Awareness of AI and quicker deployment of AI innovations
There is a lack of awareness about potential and benefits
of AI use in healthcare delivery at level of multiple
stakeholders. Neither healthcare owners, healthcare
professionals nor patients have much idea about it in India.
There is still a lack of understanding of AI and its benets,
among medical professionals particularly among those
in leadership positions and the general population (47).
Information asymmetry among the stakeholders is another
huge challenge (48). Negative media in India of the impact
AI will have on jobs has resulted in an increased struggle for
start-ups to acquire funding (47).
Ethical issues of AI in healthcare delivery
Inequality concerns in the adoption of AI in healthcare in
India include the under-representation of minority groups
in the data used to develop algorithms and solutions; the
prominence of males in the software industry, resulting in
a male bias in technologies; and greater benets to higher
income populations with access to technologies (47).
Data integrity is another burning issue that requires.
Datasets based on large and diverse population would be
required to offset bias (48). This could have disastrous
effect on increasing the divide in society (49,50). AI design
is prone to being a reflection of all the bias that exists in
society if care is not taken (50). Algorithms can generate
data that may be based on race, gender, age, and religion,
resulting in discrimination and unfair results which might
be better for some demographics in India than others (51).
Legal liability and attribution of negligence
Liability for AI is also a key issue that needs to be resolved
as, currently, liability falls solely on the doctor, rather than
the technology (51,52). Explainability, when making its
decisions, is very important (52).
Cybersecurity in India
Cyberattacks on all types of organisations globally are on
the rise, rendering private digitised data vulnerable to being
hacked and accessed by other parties (53,54). In 2016, the
laboratory database hacking, resulted in the leaking of over
35,000 patient records from across India. This is despite a
prior hack, the laboratory had not taken action to secure the
data (55). This requires increase higher standards in data
privacy and data security (55,56). There are concerns in
India about multinationals accessing to local data, without
local benets. Issues of condentiality and cybersecurity also
need to be addressed, in order to prevent the compromise
of sensitive health information (55-57).
High initial cost in AI ventures
In India, the infrastructure required for AI to grow remains
inadequate (5-9). Smaller organisations in the health
sector also struggle, in particular, with limited resources
and insufcient data backup systems (5,7). Start-ups in the
medical eld also face issues in accessing data from outside
of India. Data protection laws, in the EU for example, do
not allow for interoperability.
Lack of infrastructure
While the Indian government has increased spending in
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the healthcare industry, the amount of public funding it
invests in healthcare is small compared to other emerging
economies (4). Government investment specifically in
health-related AI in India is limited (6). The infrastructure
necessary for AI to take off in India remains neglected by
policy makers (6). This includes availability of internet
and electricity. Hospitals that do not have their own IT
infrastructure can produce difficulties for managers using
IT technologies (5).
Challenges to data availability in healthcare for use by AI
in healthcare
There are several problems facing India the large number of
unstructured data sets and problems with interoperability (2).
Concerns about the absence of open sets of medical data;
inadequate analytics solutions capable of working with big
data; and concerns that algorithms may generate data that
reflect cultural biases (1,4-6,8,57). Lack of access to open
data sets is a particular challenge for start-ups (6). For
example, gathering and uploading all the data from intensive
care unit monitors, deciphering signicant medical patterns
and triggering a medical action (4).
Data pooling and data collection
Access to data is essential for AI implementation (6). India
has extensive amounts of health data available. India lacks,
however, a structured regime in terms of sharing health-
related data (57).
A key obstacle to the adoption and implementation of AI
in healthcare in India is the absence of robust open sets of
medical data. Accessing healthcare datasets can be difcult,
legally and due to other reasons. This is a particular
challenge for start-ups, in particular, as larger actors often
already have access to such data (6). Start-ups thus often
rely instead on publicly available datasets from the US,
Europe, and elsewhere (6,9,57). This undermines the
effectiveness of using AI in healthcare as it does not cater to
the Indian demographic (6,50). Reliance on open data from
other contexts results in algorithms that reect the bias of
such data and development of solutions trained to a specic
demographic (6,8). It would be necessary to adjust for these
biases in the application of AI tools and to retrain solutions
on Indian data, particularly when it involves drug discovery
and genomics (6,8). While there are some scattered
examples of open source data in the Indian context, such as
the state of Tamil Nadu and the National Cancer Registry,
they are insufcient (13).
There is in India a lack of necessary historical health
data due to a plethora of reasons. Health records are often
hand-written in local languages, which may make it more
challenging to digitise (50).
Data protection and privacy
Information privacy concerns are identied as a tremendous
obstacle to big data adoption in healthcare in India (4,50).
There are concerns in India that international companies
in the past have drawn on intangible knowledge from the
healthcare sector in India in order to develop a hospital
information system using the resources of Indian hospitals.
However, these same hospitals were later not able to
access these products they helped to develop, having to
buy licenses for the next versions of the same or similar
products (9).
Consent for collection is a key data challenge (6).
Technical deployment seemed to precede policy
development, adequate privacy legislation, and ethics
constraints (9,45,46,57). The Aadhaar Act [2016] and other
existing regulations fail to provide robust consent provisions
and address privacy issues in regards to the collection of
biometrics (55).
Lack of regulatory compliances and policy guidelines
Problems with standardisation of digitised health data
and interoperability, contribute to ineffective health data
governance (2,57). While the absence of such regulation
has allowed for greater flexibility for start-up companies
to collect data and adopt self-regulatory practices of
anonymising data prior to further use, the regulatory
vacuum produces uncertainty about potential changes
Insistence of proof of acceptable results in the form of
costly and time-consuming clinical trials is a key obstacle
for start-ups in India (48,49).
There is a dearth of guidelines regarding data collection
in India, however, especially in healthcare (46). This, in
addition to errors of data entry and tabulation, is considered
to be a key problem—as identified by AI and healthcare
practitioners, start-ups and thank tanks at a workshop on AI
in India (46).
Regulatory challenges include the need for an
appropriate certication mechanism (50). Given that AI is
not limited to any one subject or aspect, there is also a need
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for self-regulation and/or for the use of different regulators
for different aspects—such as medical aspect, or for data
aspect (52).
Further, there is no clear regulation to adhere to in
conducting such clinical trials (9,53). Certification system
can help to build trust amongst health practitioners and
patients (9). A possible solution is for doctors and start-
ups to partner to conduct clinical trials (6,53). In addition,
a ‘regulatory sandbox’ could be adopted, which is a testing
box with relaxed regulations to allow a product to be
launched. This can offer an incentive to people working
in the field of AI and health to innovate and to receive
certication (9,53).
In India, the healthcare industry is rarely standardised,
resulting in fragmented and non-standardised clinical data.
Implementation of electronic health record policy has yet
to be harmonised across relevant segments of the healthcare
sector in India. This leads to different interpretations
of digitising records and the absence of comprehensive
implementation across all hospital data (9,50). The absence
of collaborative efforts between various stakeholders
exacerbates this obstacle (57).
Lack of partnerships and collaboration
Public-private partnerships are essential, in order to
avoid duplication of investment, particularly with limited
resources (9,45,46).
With start-ups and large tech companies offering AI
solutions for healthcare challenges the use of AI in
healthcare in India is exponentially increasing (58).
Though developing nations like India lag the superpowers
in fundamental research and resources, they enjoy
advantages in the form of a vast engineering workforce, a
burgeoning startup scene, and a large pool of data waiting
to be tapped (59). India also has the entrepreneurial spirit
to help businesses derive value from real-time data and the
ambition to carve a niche for themselves in an increasingly
AI-driven world (60). With the correct navigation of policy
space, coordination between different stakeholders, and
increased benefits of AI among healthcare leaders the
exponential increase in use will become embedded and
become a part of the Indian healthcare framework.
Funding: None.
Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned
by the Guest Editors (Sandeep Reddy, Jenifer Sunrise
Winter, and Sandosh Padmanabhan) for the series “AI in
Healthcare - Opportunities and Challenges” published in
Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy. The article
has undergone external peer review.
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the
ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at http://dx.doi.
org/10.21037/jhmhp-20-126). The series “AI in Healthcare -
Opportunities and Challenges” was commissioned by the
editorial office without any funding or sponsorship. The
authors have no other conicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all
aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related
to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article
distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-
commercial replication and distribution of the article with
the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the
original work is properly cited (including links to both the
formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license).
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Cite this article as: Pradhan K, John P, Sandhu N. Use of
artificial intelligence in healthcare delivery in India. J Hosp
Manag Health Policy 2021;5:28.
Hospitals face the challenge of achieving an energy economy while maintaining a healthy atmosphere for patient comfort and recovery. This chapter reviews the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) in hospital HVAC systems and how they help achieve optimal conditions in temperature, ventilation, and energy usage. AI algorithms can automatically adjust air conditioning settings, reducing energy usage while maintaining required conditions. This leads to efficient cost reduction. These technologies when integrated into hospital HVAC systems improve patient comfort and the indoor environment. In order to maintain the ideal conditions required for effective patient outcomes and rehabilitation, air conditioning systems are used, but they consume high energy in order to operate. By combining AI and IoT, hospitals can optimize their energy use while maintaining optimal conditions of temperature, ventilation, human comfort, and air quality.
The exponential progress of artificial intelligence (AI) and its extensive incorporation into several facets of contemporary society has generated significant apprehensions pertaining to the protection of data privacy. This chapter examines the various obstacles and potential advantages related to responsible artificial intelligence (AI) in the contemporary digital age, with a specific emphasis on the protection of data privacy. In the current era, characterised by the significance of data for artificial intelligence (AI) systems, there exists a crucial necessity for a complete framework that prioritises the protection of individual privacy rights and the implementation of ethical practices in data handling.
The case revolves around the reactionary measures taken by an Indian IT services company based in Pune in an attempt to stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic. The case, in particular, brings to light the effect of the employee-related managerial decisions on their well-being and work involvement amidst the unprecedented health crisis. The pronounced role of leadership, decision making, communication, conflict management, employee perceptions, and HR policies is well brought out in the narrative. Apart from the key takeaways, the readers are provoked to analyze the case and deliberate on novel ways to manage a business within India's unique socio-economic scenario. The in-depth account acquires significance in the light of rapid digital transformation due to the pandemic and its impact on business and management. It paves the way for empirical research on the newer constructs in the areas of organizational behavior and has implications for human resource policies in the VUCA environment.
Healthcare 4.0 (H4.0) is the term corresponding to Industry 4.0 (I4.0). Like other industries, the healthcare industry has also gone through several technological changes and got nourished with them. The health care system of many countries is not mature enough to swiftly transform from its current state to the H4.0 state. Even the matured healthcare systems are facing several challenges while adopting H4.0 practices. The implementation of H4.0 has many challenges (or barriers) to be overcome. This paper has attempted to understand and analyze the challenges that the current Indian hospital management system faces while implementing H4.0. This study uses an integrated approach to the decision-making process to understand the importance of these barriers from the perspective of the Indian health care system. With the help of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis, the paper has mapped the importance of barriers which need to be overcome for to make implementation of H4.0 possible.
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As technology continues to improve, health care systems have the opportunity to use a variety of innovative tools for decision-making, including artificial intelligence (AI) applications. However, there has been little research on the feasibility and efficacy of integrating AI systems into real-world clinical practice, especially from the perspectives of clinicians who use such tools. In this paper, we review physicians' perceptions of and satisfaction with an AI tool, Watson for Oncology, which is used for the treatment of cancer. Watson for Oncology has been implemented in several different settings, including Brazil, China, India, South Korea, and Mexico. By focusing on the implementation of an AI-based clinical decision support system for oncology, we aim to demonstrate how AI can be both beneficial and challenging for cancer management globally and particularly for low-middle-income countries. By doing so, we hope to highlight the need for additional research on user experience and the unique social, cultural, and political barriers to the successful implementation of AI in low-middle-income countries for cancer care.
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The use of Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare in India is increasing with new start-ups and large ICT companies offering AI solutions for healthcare challenges in the country. India can be a stakeholder in revolutionizing Artificial intelligence as it is the second populous country in the world and has a fast-growing economy. Governments have proposed policies to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Artificial intelligence can prove to be an efficient tool for identification of early infections, monitoring patients with active infection, decision making and treatment, developing treatment protocols, prevention strategies, drugs and vaccine development. It can help at different directions starting from medical, epidemiological to molecular applications.
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The article study provides an analysis of the areas where AI has successfully been used in different domains of health care. Further, it also discusses some of the AI-based applications approved by the FDA. Based on the analysis of the existing policies and regulations relevant to the health care sector in different countries, the study suggests factors that need to be considered for the development of responsive regulation.
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Over the past decade, data recorded (due to digitization) in healthcare sectors have continued to increase, intriguing the thought about big data in healthcare. There already exists plenty of information, ready for analysis. Researchers are always putting their best effort to find valuable insight from the healthcare big data for quality medical services. This article provides a systematic review study on healthcare big data based on the systematic literature review (SLR) protocol. In particular, the present study highlights some valuable research aspects on healthcare big data, evaluating 34 journal articles (between 2015 and 2019) according to the defined inclusion-exclusion criteria. More specifically, the present study focuses to determine the extent of healthcare big data analytics together with its applications and challenges in healthcare adoption. Besides, the article discusses big data produced by these healthcare systems, big data characteristics, and various issues in dealing with big data, as well as how big data analytics contributes to achieve a meaningful insight on these data set. In short, the article summarizes the existing literature based on healthcare big data, and it also helps the researchers with a foundation for future study in healthcare contexts.
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Background and aims Healthcare delivery requires the support of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Machine Learning to fight and look ahead against the new diseases. We aim to review the role of AI as a decisive technology to analyze, prepare us for prevention and fight with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and other pandemics. Methods The rapid review of the literature is done on the database of Pubmed, Scopus and Google Scholar using the keyword of COVID-19 or Coronavirus and Artificial Intelligence or AI. Collected the latest information regarding AI for COVID-19, then analyzed the same to identify its possible application for this disease. Results We have identified seven significant applications of AI for COVID-19 pandemic. This technology plays an important role to detect the cluster of cases and to predict where this virus will affect in future by collecting and analyzing all previous data. Conclusions Healthcare organizations are in an urgent need for decision-making technologies to handle this virus and help them in getting proper suggestions in real-time to avoid its spread. AI works in a proficient way to mimic like human intelligence. It may also play a vital role in understanding and suggesting the development of a vaccine for COVID-19. This result-driven technology is used for proper screening, analyzing, prediction and tracking of current patients and likely future patients. The significant applications are applied to tracks data of confirmed, recovered and death cases.
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Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the fascinating result of the convergence of various technologies, algorithms and approaches. Its role in early detection and diagnosis will be a boon to society in the next few years and should be seen as 'Augmented Intelligence.' Issues like ethical considerations and collaborations need to be sorted out to ensure apt implementation in healthcare. This article reviews the current status of AI in developing nations like India and highlights some insights that could provide new directions and opportunities for AI in healthcare, especially in the field of radiology. Implications for Patient Care: (1) AI will aid in nation-wide research and cooperation that will provide an impetus for the development of imaging science and decentralization of medical services. (2) AI may help to bridge the gap for need of specialized medical personnel in the peripheral areas in developing countries like India. (3) Government initiatives, ethical considerations and joint public private sector collaborations will ensure smooth transition and implementation of AI in healthcare especially in radiology. Summary Statement: This manuscript highlights the existing gap between the developed and developing nations regarding implementation and acceptance of AI in healthcare and at the same time brings out insights in regard to the government initiatives to ease the progress of AI in healthcare in developing countries like India.
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This prospective study uses a tablet-based mobile application (digital partograph named DAKSH) to assess the implementation fidelity of partograph use for monitoring labour in primary healthcare settings in Rajasthan, India. As DAKSH does not allow filling of data retrospectively, only real-time information can be used for generating the partograph using this application. Two algorithms were developed to feed each of the data points for seven fetal and maternal parameters into the research instrument. In this study, percentage of data points captured in real-time for fetal heart rate, status of membranes and colour of amniotic fluid, uterine contractions (frequency and duration), maternal pulse, cervical dilatation, maternal blood pressure, and maternal temperature were 29.63%, 35.32%, 29.36%, 29.45%, 55.06%, 42.51%, and 42.71%, respectively. Notably, implementation fidelity was lowest for capturing realtime information pertaining to uterine contractions (frequency and duration), maternal pulse, and fetal heart rate. KEYAR, a second-generation e-partograph developed by JANITRI Innovations Private Limited, may significantly contribute towards increasing implementation fidelity in terms of continuous real-time intrapartum monitoring of these three parameters.
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In this paper, we have described the health care problem (maldistribution of doctors) in India. Later, we have introduced the concept of artificial intelligence and we have described this technology with various examples, how it is rapidly changing the health care scenario across the world. We have also described the various advantages of artificial intelligence technology. At the end of the paper, we have raised some serious concerns regarding complete replacement of human based health care technology with artificial intelligence technology. Lastly, we concluded that we have to use artificial intelligent technology to prevent human sufferings/health care problems with proper caution.
The fourth industrial revolution refers to a fusion of technologies which blend the physical, digital and biological worlds. It can mitigate miseries of the teeming masses. However, India faces the unique challenge. It is both the creator of enormous amount of data required for this revolution as well as largest potential market for those innovations in the coming future. This article traces the challenges and draws parallels with the past experiences. The first transformation is expected to hit healthcare sector much sooner than projected earlier. It outlines the call to action required of our thought leaders today.