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Gender Differences in Polysomnographic Sleep in Young Healthy Sleepers


Abstract and Figures

Middle-aged and elderly populations exhibit gender differences in polysomnographic (PSG) sleep; however, whether young men and women also show such differences remains unclear. Thirty-one young healthy sleepers (16 men and 15 women, aged 18 to 30 yr, mean+/-SD, 20.5+/-2.4 yr) completed 3 consecutive overnight sessions in a sleep laboratory, after maintaining a stable sleep-wake cycle for 1 wk before study entry. Standard PSG sleep and self-rated sleepiness data were collected each night. Across nights, women showed better sleep quality than men: they fell asleep faster (shorter sleep onset latency) and had better sleep efficiency, with more time asleep and less time awake (all differences showed large effect sizes, d=0.98 to 1.12). By contrast, men were sleepier than women across nights. Both men and women demonstrated poorer overall sleep quality on the first night compared with the subsequent 2 nights of study. We conclude young adult healthy sleepers show robust gender differences in PSG sleep, like older populations, with better sleep quality in women than in men. These results highlight the importance of gender in sleep and circadian rhythm research studies employing young subjects and have broader implications for women's health issues relating to these topics.
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Namni Goel, Hyungsoo Kim, and Raymund P. Lao
Department of Psychology, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Middle-aged and elderly populations exhibit gender differences in polysomnographic
(PSG) sleep; however, whether young men and women also show such differences
remains unclear. Thirty-one young healthy sleepers (16 men and 15 women, aged
18 to 30 yr, mean +SD, 20.5 +2.4 yr) completed 3 consecutive overnight sessions
in a sleep laboratory, after maintaining a stable sleep-wake cycle for 1 wk before
study entry. Standard PSG sleep and self-rated sleepiness data were collected each
night. Across nights, women showed better sleep quality than men: they fell asleep
faster (shorter sleep onset latency) and had better sleep efficiency, with more time
asleep and less time awake (all differences showed large effect sizes, d¼0.98 to
1.12). By contrast, men were sleepier than women across nights. Both men and
women demonstrated poorer overall sleep quality on the first night compared with
the subsequent 2 nights of study. We conclude young adult healthy sleepers show
robust gender differences in PSG sleep, like older populations, with better sleep
quality in women than in men. These results highlight the importance of gender in
sleep and circadian rhythm research studies employing young subjects and have
broader implications for women’s health issues relating to these topics.
Keywords Gender Differences, Polysomnography, Sleepiness, First Night Effect,
Objective Sleep, Subjective Sleep, Circadian Sleep-Wake Rhythm
A number of gender differences exist in human circadian rhythms
(reviewed in Lee et al., 2004). However, whether young adults show
gender differences in the sleep-wake cycle—a fundamental circadian
rhythm that is, in part, controlled by the circadian clock—remains equi-
vocal. This topic has significance for various women’s health issues relating
to sleep and circadian rhythms (see Collop et al., 2004; Smolensky et al.,
Submitted May 9, 2005, Returned for revision June 25, 2005, Accepted July 19, 2005
Address correspondence to Namni Goel, PhD, Department of Psychology, 207 High Street, Judd
Hall, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459, USA. E-mail:
Chronobiology International, 22(5): 905–915, (2005)
Copyright #2005 Taylor & Francis, Inc.
ISSN 0742-0528 print/1525-6073 online
DOI: 10.1080/07420520500263235
Middle-aged and elderly female populations report poorer subjective
sleep quality than men of similar age (Hayter, 1983; Hoch et al., 1988;
Li et al., 2002; Middelkoop et al., 1996; but see Voderholzer et al.,
2003). However, objective polysomnographic (PSG) measures in these
groups show the opposite pattern; women have better sleep quality than
men, including more slow-wave sleep (SWS), more rapid-eye movement
(REM) sleep, and fewer night-time awakenings (Fukuda et al., 1999;
Hume et al., 1998; Kobayashi et al., 1998; Rediehs et al., 1990; Reynolds
et al., 1985; Wauquier et al., 1992; Webb, 1982). Elderly women also
show longer REM latencies than elderly men (Hoch et al., 1988; Rediehs
et al., 1990).
Young women, like older women, consistently report poorer sleep
quality than men, including longer sleep onset latencies and more noctur-
nal awakenings ( Janson et al., 1995; Li et al., 2002; Lindberg et al., 1997;
Mniszek, 1988; Tsai and Li, 2004). Yet, only a few PSG studies have
detected gender differences in younger populations. For example,
Williams and colleagues (1974) found that women awaken less frequently
and have more stage 2 sleep than men. Women also have less SWS during
the second half of the night, with greater SWS decreases from the first to
the second half of the night (Antonijevic et al., 1999). Most studies,
however, have failed to find significant gender differences using PSG
(Armitage, 1995; Armitage et al., 2000; Carrier et al., 2001; Dijk et al.,
1989; Ehlers and Kupfer, 1997; Elsenbruch et al., 1999). In some cases,
these latter studies used only 1 non-adaptation night or did not impose a
stable sleep-wake cycle before laboratory data collection. Thus, we deter-
mined whether gender differences would emerge across 3 consecutive lab-
oratory nights in young adults who maintained a stable sleep-wake cycle
for 1 wk before study entry.
This experiment investigated gender differences in PSG sleep and self-
rated sleepiness in young male and female healthy sleepers. We hypothe-
sized that young women would show better PSG sleep quality than young
men across nights, as has been demonstrated for middle-aged and elderly
populations, but poorer subjective sleep (more sleepiness). We also pre-
dicted that all subjects would show first night effects, with poorer sleep
quality on the first laboratory night compared with the second and third
This study used the same subjects as those described in more detail
in a companion paper in this journal issue (Goel et al., 2005). Briefly,
31 subjects, 16 men and 15 women, ages 18 to 30 yr (overall mean
N. Goel, H. Kim, and R. P. Lao906
age +SD, 20.5 +2.4 yr; men: 20.2 +2.9 yr; women: 20.8 +1.8 years)
participated. Subjects were recruited through local newspaper advertise-
ments and campus postings and were screened by telephone and in-
person interviews. These interviews ascertained that all subjects were in
good physical and psychological health, were healthy sleepers, and were
not using central nervous system medications. Subjects with extreme
morningness or eveningness, assessed by the Morningness-Eveningness
Questionnaire (Horne and O
¨stberg, 1976), were excluded.
Three women were taking oral contraceptives, and all women had
normal menstrual cycles. An equal number of women were in their
luteal (n¼6) or follicular (n¼6) menstrual cycle phases. Subjects main-
tained a stable wake-up time and bedtime, documented by sleep logs for
1 wk before study entry. Wesleyan University’s Institutional Review
Board approved the study, and all procedures conformed to the Declara-
tion of Helsinki and to the ethical and good practice standards for biologi-
cal rhythm research as advanced by the Journal (Touitou et al., 2004).
Subjects received monetary compensation for participation and signed
informed consent before study entry.
Polysomnographic Recordings
Central and occipital electroencephalographic (EEG), electrooculo-
graphic (EOG), and submental electromyographic (EMG) measures were
recorded from 24:00 (lights off) to 08:00 h (lights on). During the adap-
tation night, subjects were screened for sleep pathologies, including
apneas, oxygen desaturation, and periodic limb movements by monitoring
respiratory effort, nasal airflow, arterial oxygen saturation level, bilateral
anterior tibialis EMG, and heart rate (EKG). Sleep records were visually
scored in 30-sec epochs according to Rechtschaffen and Kales’ (1968) stan-
dard scoring criteria by two trained scorers blind to the experimental con-
ditions. Inter-rater reliability for the two scorers was 95.2%. Sleep
parameters for the whole night and for the first (24:00 to 04:00 h) and
second (04:00 to 08:00 h) half of each night were analyzed.
Subjective Sleepiness Questionnaire
The Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS; Hoddes et al., 1973) quantifies the
progressive, subjective stages of the sleep-alertness continuum, with a scale
from 1 to 7 (1: feeling active, vital, alert, or wide awake; 7: sleep onset soon;
lost struggle to remain awake). The SSS has been tested with repeated
acute sampling periods (e.g., 15 min).
Gender Differences in Polysomnographic Sleep 907
This study used the same procedure described in more detail in a com-
panion manuscript in this journal issue (Goel et al., 2005). Briefly, subjects
slept in a sleep laboratory for 3 consecutive overnight sessions. Each
session lasted from approximately 21:00 to 08:00 h. On the second and
third intervening days, subjects left the laboratory between 08:00 to
21:00 h and engaged in their habitual activities. On these study days, sub-
jects refrained from napping and exercise, and from alcohol or caffeine
Electrode placement for PSG recordings occurred at 21:00 h on all
3 nights. Subjects then engaged in recreational activities until bedtime
(24:00 h) on the first night and until 23:10 h on the second and third
nights. PSG data were collected from 24:00 to 08:00 h each night. Subjects
remained in bed if they awakened before 08:00 h. The SSS was
administered at 23:50 and 08:00 h each night and morning, respectively.
This instrument is designed for repeated measures over short time inter-
vals, as noted above; moreover, any possible repeated administration
effects would be observed across all nights.
Statistical Analyses
Repeated measures analyses of variance, with gender and session
order as between-subject factors, examined differences in PSG sleep
measures and SSS scores across the 3 nights. Our companion manuscript
in this journal issue reports on the 2-night analyses comparing the effects
of lavender odor vs. a control (administered on the second and third
nights) on these and other measures (Goel et al., 2005). Post-hoc tests, cor-
rected for multiple comparisons, examined 2-night differences following
significant overall 3-night main effects. The magnitude of the between-
group differences in scores was expressed as effect size, d, the standardized
difference between means (d¼0.3, small; 0.5, medium; 0.8, large; Cohen,
1988). Data are presented as mean +SD; p,0.05 was considered signifi-
cant for all statistical analyses.
Polysomnographic (PSG) Sleep
First Night Effects
Table 1 illustrates whole night PSG sleep measures for the first night
(Night 1) and Nights 2 and 3 (combined). On the first night, all subjects
had less total sleep time (F
¼6.45, p,0.006, d¼0.64) and worse
sleep efficiency (F
¼5.95, p,0.008, d¼0.62) and sleep maintenance
N. Goel, H. Kim, and R. P. Lao908
efficiency (F
¼8.35, p,0.002, d¼0.75) compared with the other
2 nights. Moreover, subjects had more Stage 1 %SPT (sleep period time,
the duration from sleep onset to the end of sleep; F
¼26.57, p,
0.001, d¼0.96), total wake time (F
¼5.99, p,0.007, d¼0.62), and
wake after sleep onset (WASO) %SPT (F
¼8.11, p,0.002, d¼0.75).
They also showed less SWS %SPT (F
¼40.15, p,0.001, d¼0.51
and REM %SPT (F
¼5.32, p,0.02, d¼0.68). There were no
additional first night differences in sleep measures for the first or second
half of the night beyond those reported for the whole night.
Night Gender Differences
There were no significant night gender interactions across all
3 nights for any PSG measure.
Gender Differences
Table 2 describes whole night PSG sleep measures for men and women
across all 3 nights. Women showed significantly longer total sleep time
¼6.10, p,0.02, d¼0.98) and SPT (F
¼8.01, p,0.009,
d¼1.11), and better sleep efficiency than men (F
¼5.82, p,0.02,
d¼0.96). Women also had significantly less total wake time
¼6.03, p,0.02, d¼0.98). Moreover, sleep onset latency (the
TABLE 1 Mean +SD Whole Night Sleep Measures for the 3 Nights
PSG measure Night 1 Night 2 and 3
Total sleep time (TST), min
440.5 +36.2 458.8 +18.7
Sleep period time (SPT), min 455.2 +29.0 464.4 +14.3
Total wake time (TWT), min
36.6 +33.5 19.9 +18.4
Sleep efficiency (SE), %
92.3 +7.1 95.8 +3.8
Sleep maintenance efficiency (SME), %
96.7 +3.4 98.8 +2.0
Sleep onset latency (SOL), min 21.1 +24.5 14.2 +14.2
Wake after sleep onset (WASO), %SPT
3.3 +3.4 1.2 +2.0
WASO, latency, min 98.5 +101.2 198.3 +101.1
Stage 1, %SPT
5.7 +4.1 2.6 +2.2
Stage 1, latency, min 21.1 +24.5 19.7 +31.4
Stage 2, %SPT 66.8 +7.1 66.3 +5.3
Stage 2, latency, min 26.6 +24.3 18.4 +15.6
Slow-wave sleep (SWS; Stages 3 þ4), SPT
4.3 +4.1 6.3 +4.1
SWS (Stages 3 þ4), latency, min 36.8 +17.1 35.4 +17.0
Non-rapid eye movement (NREM), %SPT 76.6 +6.3 75.2 +4.8
Rapid-eye movement (REM), %SPT
19.9 +6.4 23.6 +4.3
REM, latency, min 124.6 +76.9 110.4 +45.4
p,0.05, post-hoc corrected comparisons for Night 1 vs. Nights 2 and 3 following significant 3-night
overall main effects.
Gender Differences in Polysomnographic Sleep 909
time it takes to initially fall asleep) was significantly shorter for women
¼8.09, p,0.009, d¼1.11), as were latencies to stage 1
¼8.22, p,0.008, d¼1.12) and stage 2 sleep (F
p,0.009, d¼1.11). There were no additional gender differences in
sleep measures for the first or second half of the night, beyond those
reported for the whole night.
Subjective Sleepiness
Across all 3 nights, men were sleepier than women, as indicated by
significantly higher SSS scores (F
¼5.38, p,0.03, d¼0.89;
Figure 1). There were no other significant SSS differences.
This study found significant gender differences in PSG sleep—with
large effect sizes—across all 3 nights. A longer sleep period time, shorter
total time awake, better sleep efficiency, and shorter latencies to sleep
onset collectively demonstrate better sleep quality in women. Subjective
sleepiness across nights, however, was higher in men. All subjects also
showed first night effects, with poorer sleep quality on the first laboratory
night compared with the second and third nights.
Our gender difference data concur with those from middle-aged and
elderly populations (Fukuda et al., 1999; Hume et al., 1998; Kobayashi
TABLE 2 Mean +SD Whole Night Sleep Measures for Men and Women Across
the 3 Nights
PSG measure Men Women
TST, min
444.2 +23.4 463.1 +12.9
SPT, min
453.9 +17.4 469.4 +8.4
TWT, min
33.5 +22.8 15.8 +10.8
SE, % 93.0 +4.8 96.6 +2.3
SME, % 97.8 +2.5 98.6 +1.5
SOL, min
23.2 +16.3 9.3 +5.6
WASO, %SPT 2.2 +2.5 1.4 +1.5
WASO, latency, min 179.9 +69.6 99.7 +61.7
Stage 1, %SPT 3.7 +1.9 3.5 +3.5
Stage 1, latency, min
23.4 +16.3 9.3 +5.6
Stage 2, %SPT 66.6 +3.5 66.6 +7.1
Stage 2, latency, min
28.1 +16.5 13.7 +6.8
SWS (Stages 3 þ4), %SPT 5.5 +3.6 5.7 +4.6
SWS (Stages 3 þ4), latency, min 53.3 +18.4 42.7 +11.2
NREM, %SPT 75.8 +4.9 75.6 +4.5
REM, %SPT 22.0 +4.3 22.9 +4.0
REM, latency, min 122.6 +43.4 104.2 +48.8
Significant gender effect across all 3 nights (p,0.05).
N. Goel, H. Kim, and R. P. Lao910
et al., 1998; Rediehs et al., 1990; Reynolds et al., 1985; Wauquier et al.,
1992; Webb, 1982). However, they contrast with findings from a number
of studies that failed to detect gender differences in younger populations
using PSG (Armitage, 1995; Armitage et al., 2000; Carrier et al., 2001;
Dijk et al., 1989; Ehlers and Kupfer, 1997; Elsenbruch et al., 1999).
Notably, each of these latter studies detected gender differences, with
women showing greater delta power during NREM sleep, but only after
employing EEG spectral analysis, a more sensitive measure than PSG.
Thus, it is possible that underlying gender differences were amplified by
our laboratory’s environmental conditions, enabling detection by PSG
alone. Other factors such as the number of study nights, prior sleep
history, or recruitment of subjects also may underlie our positive findings.
The gender differences do not result from sleep deprivation incurred
from the adaptation night leading to better rebound sleep in women on the
second and third nights, since the differences persisted across all 3 nights.
The differences also are not due to prior sleep history in our subjects, since
both men and women maintained stable wake-up times and bedtimes
before entry. While 3 women in our study used oral contraceptives, statisti-
cal analyses excluding their data did not alter our results; thus, the
observed differences cannot be attributed to oral contraceptive use
(Burdick et al., 2002). Conceivably, the differences between men and
women could be due to the effects of cyclical levels of female reproductive
hormones (including estrogen, progesterone, and luteinizing hormone)
on sleep (Driver and Baker, 1998; Lee et al., 1990; Manber and Armitage,
FIGURE 1 Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) scores across all 3 nights for men and women (mean +SD).
Significantly higher in men than in women, p,0.03.
Gender Differences in Polysomnographic Sleep 911
1999; Shaver, 2002). Since an equal number of women were in the luteal
(n¼6) or follicular (n¼6) menstrual cycle phases, however, this possi-
bility seems improbable. Overall, since our women were healthy and nor-
mally menstruating, their sleep unlikely was affected by menstrual phase
(Baker et al., 2001; Driver and Baker, 1998; Driver et al., 1996).
Although women showed better sleep across nights, men had higher
SSS scores, indicating greater sleepiness. Our results contrast with those
of previous studies documenting poorer self-reported sleep measures in
women compared with men (Janson et al., 1995; Li et al., 2002; Lindberg
et al., 1997; Mniszek, 1988; Tsai and Li, 2004). Our discrepant results may
be due to use of only one self-rated measure in our study: other measures,
such as estimations of sleep onset latency, number of awakenings, and total
time asleep and awake may have indicated perceptions of poorer sleep
quality in women.
Although men were sleepier, they showed longer sleep onsets; by
contrast, women, who were less sleepy, fell asleep faster. Thus, both
men and women showed discrepancies between subjective sleepiness
and objective sleep measures. Other laboratories also have reported
such inaccuracies in healthy, nondepressed sleepers for certain sleep
measures (Armitage et al., 1997; Baker et al., 1999; Frankel et al.,
1976; Shaver et al., 1991). Therefore, collection of both kinds of measures
is necessary for obtaining an accurate and complete assessment of sleep
quality in younger populations.
A number of sleep measures showed first-night effects. Our results cor-
roborate data from other laboratories using nondepressed subjects who
report lower sleep efficiency, increased wakefulness, less REM and
NREM sleep, and longer latencies to sleep onset and REM sleep on the
first night (Agnew et al., 1966; Curcio et al., 2004; Lorenzo and Barbanoj,
2002; Mendels and Hawkins, 1967; Schmidt and Kaelbling, 1971; Tamaki
et al., 2005; Toussaint et al., 1995; Webb and Campbell, 1979). However,
our data contrast with a few studies that failed to find multiple first-night
disruptive effects (Browman and Cartwright, 1980; Coble et al., 1974;
Kader and Griffin, 1983). Nights 2 and 3 did not differ in these measures,
supporting other studies that indicate the disruptive effects last only
1 night (Agnew et al., 1966; Lorenzo & Barbanoj, 2002; Webb and
Campbell, 1979). Notably, since PSG measures did not show significant
night gender interactions, women slept better even on Night 1,
although both genders fared better on Nights 2 and 3. Environmental
sleeping conditions, including restricted movements, the presence of elec-
trodes, technicians, and cameras, as well as increased arousal and vigilance
may underlie such first-night disruptions.
Morning subjective sleepiness ratings did not differ across the 3 nights,
despite PSG sleep differences. We assessed sleepiness immediately upon
awakening (within 1 to 2 min), a time when lingering sleepiness could be
N. Goel, H. Kim, and R. P. Lao912
due to sleep inertia (Tassi and Muzet, 2000). Thus, our study methodology
may have hampered detection of differences in morning sleepiness,
explaining why objective sleep differences on the first night were not
reflected in subjective sleepiness. Assessing sleepiness later after awaken-
ing (i.e., 15 min) may be a more accurate morning indicator of this
This study revealed robust gender differences in sleep measures across
3 nights. Young women showed better sleep quality overall: they had
shorter latencies to sleep onset, less total wake time, and better sleep effi-
ciency. By contrast, subjective sleepiness was higher in men across
nights. Thus, both men and women showed discrepancies between subjec-
tive and objective sleep measures. Our results emphasize the significance
of gender in sleep and circadian rhythm studies in young adults and
have important applications for medical issues relating to women in
these research areas.
This research was supported by a grant from the Sense of Smell Insti-
tute (N.G.). R.P. Lao received summer support from a Howard Hughes
Medical Institute grant for undergraduate education at Wesleyan Univer-
sity. We thank Dave Bushnell, Glenda Etwaroo, Ying-Ju Lai, and Sonia
Vesely for assistance in data collection.
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Gender Differences in Polysomnographic Sleep 915
... 7 Additionally, sex is considered a contributing factor to sleep issues. [8][9][10] Among the general population, objective measurements indicate that females exhibit higher sleep quality, shorter sleep onset latency, and greater sleep efficiency compared to males, 9 yet females also report more sleep-related complaints such as insomnia and more nocturnal awakenings. 10 A survey of 632 German athletes revealed that female athletes tended to get less sleep before competition than male athletes do. ...
... 7 Additionally, sex is considered a contributing factor to sleep issues. [8][9][10] Among the general population, objective measurements indicate that females exhibit higher sleep quality, shorter sleep onset latency, and greater sleep efficiency compared to males, 9 yet females also report more sleep-related complaints such as insomnia and more nocturnal awakenings. 10 A survey of 632 German athletes revealed that female athletes tended to get less sleep before competition than male athletes do. ...
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Purpose While there is a rising focus on sleep issues among athletes, a notable gap exists in the comparative analysis of sleep patterns between male and female athletes. This study aims to evaluate the sleep patterns of collegiate swimmers during a specific period (pre-competition training phase) based on the National Sleep Foundation’s recommendations and compares sleep differences between males and females. Patients and Methods 15 swimmers (6 males and 9 females) completed the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) and wore actigraphy devices for 8 consecutive nights to record objective sleep patterns including bedtime, wake time, sleep onset latency, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, and sleep efficiency. Results The total sleep time of collegiate male (5.0±0.4 h, 4.6 to 5.4h) and female (6.0±0.7 h, 5.5 to 6.5h) swimmers was less than 7 hours per night, and male swimmers’ sleep efficiency (76.7±8.9%, 67.4 to 86.0%) was lower than the 85% standard. Male swimmers had less objectively measured sleep duration (p=0.006, d=1.66, large effect), lower sleep efficiency (p=0.013, d=1.51, large effect), and longer wake after sleep onset (p=0.096, d=0.94, moderate effect). Female swimmers had higher sleep difficulty scores (p=0.06, d=1.08, moderate effect), and there was a significant difference in the distribution of sleep difficulty scores between male and female swimmers (p=0.033, V=0.045, small effect). Conclusion Collegiate swimmers exhibited poor sleep patterns during pre-competition preparation, and the sleep fragmentation of male swimmers was more pronounced. There were sex differences in both subjective and objective measured sleep patterns, with male swimmers having less sleep and low efficiency, while female swimmers experienced more significant sleep disturbances.
... In some studies, it was observed that women have better objective sleep quality and shorter sleep latency. 23,26 Nevertheless, women report worse subjective sleep quality and more sleep problems than men. 23 There is evidence that these differences start with puberty, with girls having a higher prevalence of insomnia 18,27 and depression. ...
... Several studies show evidence of a greater sleep need by girls, represented by a longer sleep duration or time in bed. 15,23,26,35,51 This result is corroborated by the higher frequency of naps in girls, confirmed by the longer time in bed during 24 h, which is the sum of naps durations and nocturnal time in bed. The greater sleep need could be leading girls to compensate for insufficient sleep through napping, as well as longer times in bed on weekends, when they are free from fixed morning class schedules. ...
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Insufficient sleep and irregular sleep hours are common in adolescents, who experience a delayed sleep phase due to biopsychosocial changes associated with puberty, resulting in later sleep times. However, early morning class hours shorten sleep duration on weekdays. This condition is harmful to cognitive performance, which may be accentuated in girls due to a greater sleep need and less resistance to sleep deprivation. In this study, we evaluated sex differences concerning temporal sleep patterns, social jetlag, and attention in high school adolescents attending morning classes. Students ( n = 146 - F: 73–16.1 ± 0.8 years; M: 73–16.2 ± 0.9 years) completed a Health and Sleep questionnaire, kept a sleep diary for 10 days, which incorporated a Maldonado Sleepiness Scale, and performed a Continuous Performance Task. Girls went to bed earlier and woke up on weekends, and spent more time in bed at night and in 24 h on weekdays and weekends, while they also had a greater irregularity in wake-up times ( p < 0.05). There were no differences between sexes in terms of social jetlag, sleep debt, and sleepiness upon awakening ( p > 0.05). Regarding attention, the girls had a longer reaction time in phasic alertness ( p < 0.01) and a tendency to have fewer errors in selective attention ( p = 0.06). These results persisted when controlled for sleep parameters. Therefore, we suggest that girls have a greater sleep need and less resistance to sleep deprivation, while the differences in attention performance could be due to different strategies, the girls could be making a trade, increasing reaction time in favor of better accuracy, while the boys could be prioritizing a faster response time.
... [24][25][26][27][28] Moreover, sex differences in network organization during REM sleep have been observed in polysomnography (PSG) studies. 29,30 In this observational study, we aimed to identify SWDs during the post-acute TBI period while considering sex as a biological variable. We hypothesized that disruptions in N3 and REM sleep stages would be associated with cognitive deficits. ...
... In contrast with these findings, other PSG studies indicate that healthy non-injured women show more REM sleep duration, as well as better sleep efficiency and longer periods of slow-wave sleep. 29,39,48 Thus, in the general population, women seem to have better objective sleep, but more selfreported insomnia compared to men. 28 Comorbidities observed after TBI may be associated with REM alterations. ...
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Sleep-wake disturbances (SWDs) are common after TBI and often extend into the chronic phase of recovery. Such disturbances in sleep can lead to deficits in executive functioning, attention, and memory consolidation, which may ultimately impact the recovery process. We examined whether SWDs post-TBI were associated with morbidity during the post-acute period. Particular attention was placed on the impact of sleep architecture on learning and memory. Because women are more likely to report SWDs, we examined sex as a biological variable. We also examined subjective quality of life, depression, and disability levels. Data were retrospectively analyzed for 57 TBI patients who underwent an overnight polysomnography. Medical records were reviewed to determine cognitive and functional status during the period of the sleep evaluation. Consideration was given to medications, owing to the fact that a high number of these are likely to have secondary influences on sleep characteristics. Women showed higher levels of disability and reported more depression and lower quality of life. A sex-dependent disruption in sleep architecture was observed, with women having lower percent time in REM sleep. An association between percent time in REM and better episodic memory scores was found. Melatonin utilization had a positive impact on REM duration. Improvements in understanding the impact of sleep-wake disturbances on post-TBI outcome will aid in defining targeted interventions for this population. Findings from this study support the hypothesis that decreases in REM sleep may contribute to chronic disability and underlie the importance of considering sex differences when addressing sleep.
... In addition to age differences, studies have observed gender differences in sleep architecture, with women typically having better sleep than men (Djonlagic et al., 2021;Goel et al., 2005; Kováčová & Stebelová, 2021;Redline et al., 2004;Silva et al., 2008;Yetton et al., 2018;Yoon et al., 2021). Women tended to have more N3, while men had more N1 and WASO and shorter total sleep time (TST) (Jonasdottir et al., 2021), which is partly explained by more frequent respiratory disturbance and OSA in men (Roehrs et al., 2006). ...
Gender and age are well‐established determinants of health and sleep health that influence overall health, which also often varies by gender and age. Sleep architecture is an important component of sleep health. The goal of this analysis was to examine whether associations between age and sleep stages differ by gender in the absence of moderate–severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in a rural setting in Brazil. This study conducted polysomnography recordings in the Baependi Heart Study, a cohort of Brazilian adults. Our sample included 584 women and 309 men whose apnea–hypopnea index was ≤15 events/h. We used splines to distinguish non‐linear associations between age, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset (WASO), N2, N3, and rapid‐eye‐movement sleep. The mean (standard deviation; range) age was 47 (14; 18–89) years. All sleep outcomes were associated with age. Compared to men, women had more N3 sleep and less WASO after adjusting for age. Model‐based comparisons between genders at specific ages showed statistically higher mean WASO for men at ages 60 (+13.6 min) and 70 years (+19.5 min) and less N3 for men at ages 50 (−13.2 min), 60 (−19.0 min), and 70 years (−19.5 min) but no differences at 20, 30, 40 or 80 years. The other sleep measures did not differ by gender at any age. Thus, even in the absence of moderate–severe OSA, sleep architecture was associated with age across adulthood, and there were gender differences in WASO and N3 at older ages in this rural community.
... Although this has not been tested systematically, it may influence the variability of prevalence estimates. Moreover, sleep differs between men and women: Women exhibit better sleep quality compared to men (Goel et al., 2005). However, they report more sleep problems, such as inadequate sleep time and insomnia (Bixler et al., 2002;Zhang & Wing, 2006). ...
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The hypnagogic state refers to the transitional phase between wakefulness and sleep during which vivid experiences occur. In this questionnaire study, we assessed the self-reported prevalence of hypnagogic states considering the frequency of experiences in different modalities. We also assessed the emotional quality and the vividness of the experiences. Moreover, we compared hypnagogic states to other phenomena, such as dreams, sleep paralysis, imagination, and extra-sensory perception in these measures. Hypnagogic states were reported by 80.2 % of 4456 participants and were more prevalent in women than men. Experiences were most often kinaesthetic and visual, and less often auditory, tactile, and olfactory or gustatory. Hypnagogic states were less prevalent than dreams and characterized by different modality profiles. However, they were similar to dreams in their emotional quality, the irritation they caused, and in their vividness. In conclusion, hypnagogic states are quite common.
... Women are also more often diagnosed with sleep disorders than men (Baker et al., 2020;Mong and Cusmano, 2016). Incongruously, however, EEG studies imply that women have higher sleep quality than men, as they exhibit longer total sleep time, shorter latency to sleep onset, and higher sleep efficiency (Baker et al., 2020;Bixler et al., 2009;Carrier et al., 1997;Dijk et al., 1989;Goel et al., 2005;Hume et al., 1998;Polo-Kantola et al., 2016;Reyner et al., 1995;Roehrs et al., 2006;Ursin et al., 2005;van den Berg et al., 2009). While little is known about sleep across the entire menstrual cycle in women, high progesterone and estrogen levels have been correlated with reduced REM sleep (Baker et al., 2012). ...
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Sleep is a vital and evolutionarily conserved process, critical to daily functioning and homeostatic balance. Losing sleep is inherently stressful and leads to numerous detrimental physiological outcomes. Despite sleep disturbances affecting everyone, women and female rodents are often excluded or underrepresented in clinical and pre-clinical studies. Advancing our understanding of the role of biological sex in the responses to sleep loss stands to greatly improve our ability to understand and treat health consequences of insufficient sleep. As such, this review discusses sex differences in response to sleep deprivation, with a focus on the sympathetic nervous system stress response and activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. We review sex differences in several stress-related consequences of sleep loss, including inflammation, learning and memory deficits, and mood related changes. Focusing on women's health, we discuss the effects of sleep deprivation during the peripartum period. In closing, we present neurobiological mechanisms, including the contribution of sex hormones, orexins, circadian timing systems, and astrocytic neuromodulation, that may underlie potential sex differences in sleep deprivation responses.
... The essential oils of lavender and sandalwood have been used in treating sleep disturbance and promoting relaxation [11]. Moreover, research has shown that listening to either nature music (an instrumental composition consisting a mix of rain and waterfall sound) [15] or Mozart's K448 [16] is associated with the function of relaxing mind and helping sleep. We focus on specific gender (male) to control the role of gender as a confounding factor because sleep quality varies between men and women [1], [17]. ...
Sleep is a fundamental physiological process that plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Over the past few decades, research has highlighted intriguing sex differences in various aspects of sleep, including sleep architecture, sleep-wake regulation, sleep disorders, and the impact of sleep on health outcomes. It is crucial to understand the various factors affected by sex differences in order to optimize sleep interventions and promote better sleep health in both men and women. This review article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current literature on sex/gender differences in sleep physiology and sleep disorders, highlighting the underlying biological, behavioral, and sociocultural factors, contributing to these differences.
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects more women than men, with women throughout the menopausal transition potentially being the most under researched and at-risk group. Sleep disruptions, which are an established risk factor for AD, increase in prevalence with normal aging and are exacerbated in women during menopause. Sex differences showing more disrupted sleep patterns and increased AD pathology in women and female animal models have been established in literature, with much emphasis placed on loss of circulating gonadal hormones with age. Interestingly, increases in gonadotropins such as follicle stimulating hormone are emerging to be a major contributor to AD pathogenesis and may also play a role in sleep disruption, perhaps in combination with other lesser studied hormones. Several sleep influencing regions of the brain appear to be affected early in AD progression and some may exhibit sexual dimorphisms that may contribute to increased sleep disruptions in women with age. Additionally, some of the most common sleep disorders, as well as multiple health conditions that impair sleep quality, are more prevalent and more severe in women. These conditions are often comorbid with AD and have bi-directional relationships that contribute synergistically to cognitive decline and neuropathology. The association during aging of increased sleep disruption and sleep disorders, dramatic hormonal changes during and after menopause, and increased AD pathology may be interacting and contributing factors that lead to the increased number of women living with AD.
Objective: Sleep dysregulation in Parkinson's disease (PD) has been hypothesized to occur, in part, from dysfunction in the basal ganglia-cortical circuit. Assessment of this relationship requires accurate sleep stage determination, a known challenge in this clinical population. Our objective was to optimize the consensus on the sleep staging process and reduce interrater variability in a cohort of advanced PD subjects. Methods: Fifteen PD subjects were enrolled from three sites in a clinical trial that involved recordings from subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) leads (NCT04620551). Video polysomnography (vPSG) data for a total of 45 nights were analyzed. Four experienced scorers independently scored data on initial review. Epochs with less than 75% consensus were flagged for secondary review. In secondary review of discordant epochs, two of the original scorers re-assessed epochs, from which the final consensus stage was derived. Results: Sleep stage classification agreement averaged 83.10% across all sleep stages on initial scoring (IS), and on secondary consensus scoring (CS) review, agreement reached 96.58%. Greatest disagreement was noted in determination of awake epochs (33.6% of discordant epochs) and non-rapid-eye-movement stage 2 (N2) epochs (31.8% of discordant epochs). Scoring discrepancy was resolved with direct measurement of cortical frequency and amplitudes, physiologic context of the epoch, and video review. Conclusion: Our method of multi-level initial and then secondary consensus review scoring resulted in consensus scoring agreement superior to conventional standards. This work features a custom-engineered vPSG software and review platform for integration of consensus sleep stage scoring in a multi-site clinical trial.
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The aim of this investigation was to study the geographic variation in sleep complaints and to identify risk factors for sleep disturbances in three European countries: Iceland (Reykjavik), Sweden (Uppsala and Goteborg) and Belgium (Antwerp). The study involved a random population of 2,202 subjects (age 20–45 years) who participated in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey. The subjects answered a questionnaire on sleep disturbances. Participants in Iceland and Sweden also estimated their sleep habits and sleep times during a period of 1 week in a sleep diary. Habitual (≥3/week) difficulties inducing sleep (DIS) were reported by 6–9% and early morning awakenings by 5–6% of the subjects. The estimated number of awakenings and the prevalence of nightmares was significantly lower in Reykjavik. Participants in Reykjavik went to bed at night and woke in the morning approximately 1 hour later than participants at the Swedish centers (p < 0.001). Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) were associated with DIS (odds ratio [OR] = 2.7), nightmares (OR = 4.4), longer sleep latency and frequent nocturnal awakenings. Smoking correlated positively to DIS (OR =1.8) and estimated sleep latency. We conclude that the prevalence of DIS was fairly similar at these four European centers but that there was a variation in the prevalence of nightmares and nocturnal awakenings. The significant correlation between reported GER and subjective quality of sleep should be followed up in studies using objective measurements.
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Objective: Since gender effect is inconsistent and grade effect has not been addressed in previous studies, we investigated both effects on the daily sleep patterns in a group of young college students. Methods: The sample consisted of 237 students aged 18–24 years. Each subject completed a 7-day sleep log. Results: Gender differences were found in several sleep variables and those were mostly not dependent on weekday/weekend difference. The female students went to bed and rose earlier and had longer sleep latency, more awakenings, and poorer sleep quality than the male. Gender differences were also shown in the relationship between sleep quality and other sleep variables. The correlation between sleep quality and rise time, time in bed, and sleep efficiency was stronger in men than in women. In contrast, grade differences were mostly dependent on weekday/weekend difference. The freshmen rose earlier and had shorter sleep time than did the other students on weekdays only. Sleep latency was the longest in seniors on weekdays only. Conclusion: This study showed that gender differences in sleep patterns and sleep difficulties were remarkable in the group of young college students. Alarmed by the high prevalence of sleep difficulties among general college students, it is recommended that the students should be informed of their sleep problems and the consequences.
The goal of the present study was to evaluate the first-night effect in psychiatric inpatients using large subject samples (n > 30) in order to obtain a good statistical evaluation. Thirty-two normal subjects and 94 psychiatric inpatients (38 depressives and 56 insomniacs) were studied for three consecutive nights in the hospital sleep laboratory. Our results showed clearly that there was a first-night effect in normal subjects, similar to that reported in previously published data, characterized by a longer rapid eye movement (REM) sleep latency (p < 0.05), increased wakefulness (p < 0.01) and total sleep time (p < 0.02) and a decreased sleep efficiency (p < 0.01). REM sleep latency and stage REM in the first third of the night were still altered in the second night. Both clinical groups had a less marked first-night effect than normal subjects, showing alterations only observed in REM sleep (p < 0.01) (decreased REM sleep, longer REM sleep latency, increased REM sleep gravity center). However, the first-night effect was more pronounced in insomniacs than in depressed patients. No statistical differences between the second and third nights’ recordings were found in sleep parameters. It is suggested that first-night data should not be simply discarded but could be used in subsequent analyses.
Many studies have been carried out to assess the variability of sleep parameters. The first night effect is one of the most important factors in this variability and has been extensively studied. However, the readaptation phenomenon when subjects returned to the sleep laboratory after spending a certain period of time at home has been not systematically evaluated. To investigate this phenomenon across multiple sleep laboratory sessions, polysomnographic data from 12 healthy young subjects for 12 nights (three periods each of 4 consecutive nights, with a minimum of 1 month between them) were collected. The first night effect was present only in the first night of the first period (“very first night”) and was significant only for REM sleep-related variables. We conclude that the results from the first nights of consecutive periods within a specific protocol with healthy young subjects need not be discarded in subsequent analyses.
• Sleep polygraph and questionnaire data of 18 chronic primary insomniacs were compared with those of 18 age- and sex-matched controls. The insomniacs had significantly longer sleep latencies, less total sleep, less sleep efficiency, more terminal wake time, and less delta sleep. There were significant discrepancies between the insomniacs' and controls' subjective assessments of their sleep and the sleep-polygraph data, but in opposite directions. The insomniacs' recorded sleep also showed more night-to-night variability than that of the controls. However, the controls, in contrast to the insomniacs, reported sleeping worse in the laboratory than at home. Significant differences between insomnia subtypes validly reflected the insomniacs' subjective complaints and were generally in accord with expectations based on them.