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Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story



Background: Nowadays COVID-19 is the most widely spread viral infections all over the world. The relation between immune system response, coordination, existing comorbid conditions, viral proofreading, and severity of corona virus infection and increased mortalities requires some attention to be investigated and correlated. Aim: Reviewing the immune system, types of immunity and investigating the effect of comorbidity and poly pharmacy on patients’ immunity system and response finally, the correlation between viral proofreading and severity of COVID-19 infection. Discussion: Severity of COVID-19 infection can be attributed to immune dysregulation and loss of bridging between innate and adaptive immunity. Several factors and comorbid conditions contribute in such dysregulation, like age, obesity, pre-existing diseases, stress conditions. Besides, viral mutations that occurs as a result of proofreading mechanisms contributes in such diseases severity. Clinical pictures showed high white blood cell count, lower lymphocyte count, and high levels of reactive protein (CRP) in those patients died from COVID-19 compared to those recovered individuals. Several drug choices like hydroxychloroquine, Baricitinib, Beta-glucans proved to be effective in management and regulation of disrupted immune responses and improving clinical pictures. Conclusion: Immune dysregulation and other factors supporting such dysregulation showed to be the main leading cause for exacerbation of COVID-19 symptoms and increased mortalities. Different therapeutic choices showed to be effective in restoring immune coordination, and improving clinical signs and symptoms. Keywords: COVID-19; Innate Immunity; Proofreading; Adaptive Immunity; Cytokines, Thymus-Derived Immunity
Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISSN: 2581-5423)
Volume 6 Issue 6 June 2022
Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story
Mohamed Raslan1, Eslam MS1, Sara AR1 and Nagwa A Sabri2*
1Drug Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
2Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Nagwa A Sabri, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty
of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Research Article
Received: April 20, 2022
Published: May 16, 2022
© All rights are reserved by Nagwa A Sabri.,
et al.
Background: Nowadays COVID-19 is the most widely spread viral infections all over the world. The relation between immune
system response, coordination, existing comorbid conditions, viral proofreading, and severity of corona virus infection and increased
mortalities requires some attention to be investigated and correlated.
Aim: Reviewing the immune system, types of immunity and investigating the effect of comorbidity and poly pharmacy on patients’
Discussion: Severity of COVID-19 infection can be attributed to immune dysregulation and loss of bridging between innate and
adaptive immunity. Several factors and comorbid conditions contribute in such dysregulation, like age, obesity, pre-existing diseases,
stress conditions. Besides, viral mutations that occurs as a result of proofreading mechanisms contributes in such diseases severity.
Clinical pictures showed high white blood cell count, lower lymphocyte count, and high levels of reactive protein (CRP) in those
patients died from COVID-19 compared to those recovered individuals. Several drug choices like hydroxychloroquine, Baricitinib,
Beta-glucans proved to be effective in management and regulation of disrupted immune responses and improving clinical pictures.
Conclusion: Immune dysregulation and other factors supporting such dysregulation showed to be the main leading cause for
exacerbation of COVID-19 symptoms and increased mortalities. Different therapeutic choices showed to be effective in restoring
immune coordination, and improving clinical signs and symptoms.
Keywords: COVID-19; Innate Immunity; Proofreading; Adaptive Immunity; Cytokines, Thymus-Derived Immunity
Immune system
Immunity means a groups of cells, chemical substances, and
processes that is functioning to provide protection for the skin,
respiratory tract, intestinal tract and other body areas from foreign
invading pathogens such as microbes, viruses, cancer cells, and
are innate immunity and adaptive immunity [1,2].
against invading pathogens. It is characterized by being an antigen-
use immediately or within hours of facing an antigen. Also, it has
no immunologic memory and so, it can’t recognize or memorize the
same pathogen again when the body exposed to it another time [3].
      
antigen and so, it involves a lag time between antigen exposure
and maximal response. The key feature of adaptive immunity is its
Citation: Nagwa A Sabri., et al. “Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 6.6 (2022).
memory capacity, which implies that when infection occurs again,
Innate immunity
This type of immune response to pathogens is dependent on
what is called “pattern recognition receptors” (PRRs). Innate
immune response allows a limited number of immune cells to
recognize and respond quickly to a large variety of pathogens with
similar structures, which is called “pathogen associated molecular
patterns” (PAMPs). Examples of PAMPs include lipopolysaccharides
(LPS) of bacterial cell wall components, and RNA produced during
viral infection [5,6].
Furthermore, innate immunity provides one of the important
immunological roles, including the rapid recruitment of immune
         
production of cytokines and chemokines [7].
Cytokines can activate many defensive systems. They also
stimulate local cellular responses to infection or damage. The key
       
an infection includes, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin 1
       
autoimmune disease. For that reason, cytokines are considered an
important therapeutic targets [7].
The biochemical sequence that is important in identifying and
opsonizing bacteria and other pathogens is called “complement
system”. It makes pathogens susceptible to phagocytosis that
encourage getting rid of dead cells or antibody complexes and
removes foreign substances present in tissues, blood, lymph, and
organs. Moreover, the complement system stimulates the adaptive
immune response by mobilizing and activating antigen-presenting
cells (APCs) [4].
Natural killer (NK) cells are principally involved in tumor
rejection and cell destruction infected by viruses. Perforins and
granzymes released by NK-cell granules stimulate the destruction
of infected cells, which also trigger apoptosis [8].
Furthermore, NK cells are a major producer of another cytokine,
          
development of antiviral immunity. One of the cell that contribute
          
17 is called innate lymphoid cells (ILCs). Examples of those cells
include ILC-1, ILC-2, ILC-3. Cytokines production help to direct the
to immune regulation [7].
Adaptive immune response begins after Innate immunity.
The two main divisions of adaptive immunity, are antibodies and
T-cell-mediated, which are mainly directed at different targets.
Antibodies bind to free viral particles that result in blocking of viral
infection to the host cell. T-cells act by identifying and destroying
infected cells. All viruses replicate within cells and spread directly
between cells without re-entering the extracellular environment
and so, resolution of infection is mainly relaying on T-cell function
than on antibody [9].
Antibodies is important as an immune-protective barrier against
reinfection. Antibodies are present at portals of entry, most often
mucosal surfaces. Thereby, investigators are designing vaccines
that optimally induce mucosal antibody. Innate mechanisms that
stimulate antigen-presenting cells are required for the onset of
adaptive immunity (APC) [10].
Chemokine and cytokine signals drive APC and lymphocytes
into lymphoid tissues and keep them there for a few days to
allow for successful interactions between these cells. Secondary
lymphoid tissues, through a supporting stromal cell network and
local chemokine gradients, aid in the coordinated interactions of
adaptive immune system cells [11].
If the virus reaches the circulation, the induction events occur
in the lymph nodes draining the infection site or in the spleen.
Virus antigens are often transported to lymph nodes by Dendritic
Cells (DCs). Some viruses are capable to compromise APC function,
such as herpes simplex virus and measles virus, which can inhibit
Dendritic cells maturation [9].
Clinical picture of COVID-19 infected and recovered versus
deteriorated patients
A research study that included patients infected with
coronavirus from which 109 who died during hospitalization and
116 patients recovered reported that the median age of the death
Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story
Citation: Nagwa A Sabri., et al. “Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 6.6 (2022).
subject group was older than the recovered ones (69 versus 40
years). The white blood cell (WBC) values in those patients who
        
versus 4.52 [3.62, 5.88]. ×10/L). Patients in the death group
 
versus 1.00 [0.72, 1.27]. ×10/L) and lymphocyte percentage (7.10
[4.45, 12.73]. % versus 23.50 [15.27, 31.25]. %) on admission, and
it continued to decrease during hospitalization (7.10 [4.45, 12.73].
% versus 2.91 [1.79, 6.13]. %) [12].
C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were also remarkably higher
in the death group on admission (109.25 versus 3.22 mg/L) and
showed no remarkable improvement after treatment (109.25
versus 81.60 mg/L). The death group patients experienced more
complications such as (59.6% vs. 0.9%) acute cardiac injury,
(89.9% versus 8.6%) ARDS, (18.3% versus 0%) acute kidney injury,
(11.9% versus 0%) shock, and (6.4% versus 0%) disseminated
intravascular coagulation [12].
Severity of COVID-19 in adult versus children and loss of
bridging between innate and adaptive immunity
COVID-19 infection showed to be less severe in children than
in adults in terms of symptoms, lung consolidation, and laboratory
abnormalities. The bases of such mechanism remains unknown.
It is postulated that this may be due to a fully functional thymus
in children, that plays a vital role in both lymphatic and endocrine
function and serves as a setting where T-cells develop which is
responsible for adaptive immunity. Thus we can postulate that
increased morbidity in COVID-19 infected older adults is mainly due
to compromisation of immune system secondary to dysregulated
adaptive immunity [13].
SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is known to decrease the
      
system. When innate immune system fails to eliminate invading
        
4th to 7th day following the infection. This duration correlates
with the average time at which the patient symptoms exacerbate
in COVID-19 infection. Postulations explain why older adults are
more affected by SARS CoV-2 compared to children. The thymus-
derived immunity in children can bridge the gap between innate
and adaptive immune response. Innate immune responses in
elderly is delayed, that’s why they are more susceptible to develop
worsening symptoms, and vulnerable to COVID-19 complications.
Also, the decrease in plasmacytoid dendritic cells in the elderly
besides their comorbidities depletes the immune envelope [14].
Immune response dysregulation
Infection with SARS-CoV-2 showed to activates both innate and
adaptive immune response, that makes the resolution of COVID-19
sustained. On the other hand, fast and highly coordinated immune
response is considered the main defense mechanism against viral
     
adaptive immune defence may result in tissue damage at the site
of viral entry as well as systemic damage. Furthermore, excessive
       
injury (ALI) and ARDS [15-17].
The massive cytokine and chemokine release which is called
       
immune defense [18].
Studies showed relevant changes occurring to innate immunity
and adaptive immunity in COVID-19 infected patients. In particular,
lymphocytopenia and a modulation in total neutrophils are
common characteristic clinical pictures that seems to be directly
correlated with disease severity and death [17].
Investigations showed that, in patients suffering from severe
COVID-19, a remarkable decrease in circulating CD4+ cells, CD8+
cells, B cells, NK cells, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils levels
        
 
   
injury, and severe pneumonia [19-21].
Elevated levels of serum cytokine and chemokine, besides
high neutrophil-lymphocyte-ratio (NLR) in SARS-CoV-2 patients
responses induction in COVID-19 and disease severity and adverse
outcomes. Moreover, a recent study showed that patients infected
with coronavirus had higher Hs-CRP and procalcitonin serum
risks of mortality [18].
Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story
Citation: Nagwa A Sabri., et al. “Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 6.6 (2022).
Different immune cells like macrophages, THP-1 cells, and others
have been shown to be infected by MERS-CoV. Furthermore, SARS-
CoV has been shown to directly infect T-cells, and macrophages,
       
cytokines and chemokines levels [22,23].
Although ACE2 receptor is modestly expressed in the lung
monocytes, macrophages, and T cells, the mechanism of immune
cells infection by which SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 is still unknown
A study in Wuhan that included 452 COVID-19 infected
patients showed that, patients infected with severe COVID-19
had a considerably decreased number of total T cells, helper and
suppressor T cells. In particular, among helper T cells, a decrease
in regulatory and memory T cells has been observed, on the other
hand, naïve T cells percentage was found increased [25].
Naïve T cells provide defenses against new and previously
unrecognized infection. This occurs by a coordinated cytokine
       
is mediated by memory T cells. The disruption of immunological
balance favoring naive T cell activity over regulatory T cell activity
       
Besides, the reduction in memory T cells could be involved in
COVID-19 relapse, that is why the number of recurrences has been
reported in recovered cases of COVID-19 [26].
Proofreading mechanism of coronavirus
Typically, a high error rate may exist in RNA virus replication.
This results in the existence of various groups of viral genome
mutation known as “quasispecies”. This low replicative viral
        
environments. Besides, it is also associated with an increased
chance of error catastrophe which may lead to viral vanishing,
   
antivirals against CoVs and other RNA viruses, because RNA
viruses can rapidly develop resistance to drugs while maintaining
         
proofreading function considered as an additional barrier in the
development of Nucleoside analogs as antivirals against CoVs [29].
Coronavirus genomes are among the biggest and most complex
RNA virus genomes, and nsp14 is highly conserved within the
Coronaviridae family. The nsp14 exonuclease proofreading function
have been a main contributor in the expansion and maintenance of
such large genomes to ensure replication competence [30].
Coronavirus in animals
Coronaviridae have a broad host range and cause a wide variety
of gastrointestinal, respiratory and systemic diseases in animals,
including infectious bronchitis in birds, a fatal disease with multi-
organ involvement in felines, and enteritis in pigs, cows, turkeys
and dogs. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory disease and,
to a lesser extent, gastroenteritis. SARS-CoV, which causes a severe
respiratory disease, seems to be an Enzootic Virus in Southeast
Asia. Several species that might be infected, such as masked palm
civets, are consumed as food in parts of China, and the ‘wet markets’,
at which live animals are bought and sold, are likely venues for the
initial crossover event to humans. The 2002–2003 outbreak of
  
of the virus by aerosols from live, exotic animals that were infected
with SARS-CoV to workers in these wet markets [31].
Serum from masked palm civets, raccoon dogs, and Chinese
ferret-badgers were shown to contain neutralizing antibodies that
the strains that were isolated from infected humans was detected
in masked palm civets [32].
Impact of pre-existing comorbidities
Evidence has demonstrated that individuals with pre-existing
comorbidities are susceptible to high mortality rates from
Immune dysfunction
Immunity becomes activated during SARS-
CoV-2 infection, which result in a local
      
natural killer (NK) cells, T and B cells. The immune response
may result in a mild to moderate disease with fever, cough, and
tiredness, but this will be followed by resolution of the infection.
Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story
Citation: Nagwa A Sabri., et al. “Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 6.6 (2022).
The occurrence of severe lymphopenia and the buildup of
fatigued T and NK cells in severe COVID-19 patients resulted in a
Besides, high levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6) remains elevated
over time, and associated with increased levels of IL-2, -7, -10,
critical and potentially life-threatening complications such as
severe pneumonia, ARDS, and multiple organ failure [34].
COVID-19 patients revealed that proportions of naïve CD4+ T
 
associated with mild cases. While in severe cases, it was observed
that a sharp decline in the percentage of CD8+ T and NK cells
occurred [35].
Moreover, results from investigations on hospitalized COVID-19
patients that had developed ARDS revealed a novel population
of developing neutrophils, which appeared to be closely related
to plasmablasts. However, investigation is required to determine
whether this novel subset of neutrophils contributes in
development of ARDS and other complications [36].
In COVID-19 patients who are severely infected, CD8+ T cells
and NK cells exhibited more signs of exhaustion than mild to
moderate patients. For example, elevated levels of programmed cell
death protein-1 (PD-1). Besides, increased cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-
on CD8+ [33].
Impact of age
Individuals over the age of 60 are more vulnerable to severe
COVID-19 symptoms and have a higher death risk [37]
patients have more noticeable immune compromisation compared
to younger patients, as lymphocyte counts are lower and pro-
  
aged, they become associated with immunosenescence and chronic
Much of the drop in protective viral immunity resulting from
defective T cell immunity. The decline of naïve T cell output due
to thymic involution and the accumulation of senescent T cells
leads to reduced viral host immunity. In mice studies, CD4+ T cells
were shown to be crucial against SARS due to their important role
in SARS-CoV clearance. This protection was lost in aged mice as
senescent CD4+ T cells responded poorly to antigen. Moreover,
the accumulation of senescent CD8+ T cells and B cells in older
      
     
storm upon SARS-CoV-2 infection [39].
Diabetes and obesity
Diabetes mellitus Type 2 is a disease characterized by chronic
       
increasing risk to human health. Diabetic individuals have
an increased susceptibility to COVID-19 infection. A study on
COVID-19 revealed that diabetic patients showed more likelihood
to develop pneumonia and were responsible for 11.7% of severe
cases [40].
      
      
cytokine storm. This has been already reported in COVID-19
patients, as C-reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6 levels were found to
       
can impair the immune response, increase oxidative stress and is
associated with the onset of premature senescence [39].
DPP4 inhibitors commonly used to treat diabetes have an anti-
which could impair the innate immune response during COVID-19.
Obesity has also been associated to a weakened immunological
response, with indications of weakened antibody and T cell
responses. Furthermore, ACE2 expression is increased in obese
people’s adipocytes and therefore may act as a potential target for
SARS-CoV-2 [39].
Effect of stress and depression
Chronic stress works as a trigger for anxiety and depressive
and glucocorticoids, which contribute to behavioral alterations. It
cytokine was elevated in the blood of individuals suffering from
depressive disorders. As per recent studies in major depression,
it was concluded that only the basal blood levels of IL-6 and TNF
were remarkably elevated [41].
Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story
Citation: Nagwa A Sabri., et al. “Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 6.6 (2022).
Depression lead to immune system alteration leading to increase
      
and TNF which in turns induce cytokine storm in case of acute
respiratory distress syndrome causing failure in management of
critical cases with higher mortality rates in COVID-19 patients [42].
Drugs that affect immunity used in COVID-19 protocols:
Investigations showed that that immune-suppressive agents
like hydroxychloroquine, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-1 antagonists,
are commonly used in rheumatology, and are also considered
as treatment in therapeutic protocols of COVID-19 especially in
severe cases [43].
Studies showed that patients treated with baricitinib had
        
treated with baricitinib (45%). Moreover, patients showed to
      
      
Beta-glucans are naturally occurring polysaccharides derived
from a variety of sources, including barley, yeast, algae, oats,
  
called Aureobasidium pullulans AFO-202 strain reported to have a
powerful immune stimulator action that can activate macrophages
and have positive immune actions on B-lymphocytes, natural
killer cells, and suppressor T cells [45]. AFO-202 beta glucan
supplementation showed to have immune-enhancing activity via
Furthermore, AFO-202 beta glucan stimulates neutrophil
activation, migration, and chemotaxis in order to destroy virus-
infected cells via IL8. Besides it causes a decrease of CCL2
(Monocyte chemotactic protein 1; MCP-1) and decrease of
        
for monocytes/macrophages, T-cells, NK cells, and dendritic cells
and so, suppressing immune response. This will lead to immune
regulation enhancement [47].
Immune dysregulation and other factors like immune
dysfunction, old age, obesity and diabetes, stress and depression
showed to be the main leading cause for exacerbation of COVID-19
symptoms and increased mortalities. Different therapeutic choices
like hydroxychloroquine, anti-interleukin (IL)-6, baricitinib, and
AFO-202 beta glucan showed to be effective in restoring immune
normal function, and improving immune response co-ordination,
besides they showed to improve clinical signs and symptoms and
alleviating disease severity and decrease mortalities.
The author would like to thank Drug Research Center for its
support in data collection and manuscript writing.
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Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story
Citation: Nagwa A Sabri., et al. “Immune System Response to COVID-19. An Endless Story". Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 6.6 (2022).

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... This list includes but is not limited to, diabetes mellitus, dementia, drug abuse, hemiplegia or paraplegia, HIV/AIDS, malignancies, severe liver disease, and renal disease [15]. Furthermore, multiple factors that affect human immunity can cause immune dysfunction or immune dysregulation, predisposing patients to more severe infections with higher mortality rates, such as obesity, diabetes, distress, and advanced age [16,17]. ...
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Background Despite tremendous efforts to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections, they still remain life-threatening complications among hospitalized patients with significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The emerging antibiotic-resistant bacteria and other risk factors, including patient comorbidities, complicate patient management. Methods A single-center retrospective observational study was conducted at King Fahad Hospital of the University, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Hospitalized patients with confirmed central line-associated bloodstream infections between January 2015 and December 2020 were included. The primary objectives were to investigate the trends in antibiotic susceptibility patterns of the causative agents, coexisting comorbid conditions, and other risk factors associated with mortality. Results A total of 214 patients with confirmed central line-associated bloodstream infections were included (CLABSI). The overall 30-day mortality rate was 33.6%. The infection rates per 1000 central line days for medical, surgical, and pediatric intensive care units were 4.97, 2.99, and 4.56 per 1000 CL days, respectively. The overall microbiological trends showed a predominance of Gram-negative agents, a steady increase of fungal CLABSI up to 24.0% in 2020, and a high prevalence of multidrug resistance up to 47% of bacterial CLABSI. In addition, the study indicates a significant negative surviving correlation with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, chronic kidney disease, and the presence of ≥ 3 comorbidities (P < 0.05). Conclusion The microbiological trends of the study population demonstrated a steady increase of CLABSI caused by Candida spp. with a predominance of Gram-negative pathogens. Stratifying the patients according to relevant mortality risk factors, including patient comorbidities, will help reduce CLABSI rates and improve patient outcomes.
... 33,34 To note, during the same period, when there is no existing antiviral efficient drugs and vaccines, just dexamethasone and tocilizumab have been shown to reduce mortality in patients with COVID-19. [35][36][37] Thus, our work is a prospective and qualitative study using a convenience sampling from patients with severe COVID-19 referring to the first year of the pandemic in Rio de Janeiro city. The main goal of this study was to identify specific molecular biomarkers of disease severity in a Brazilian cohort with COVID-19. ...
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The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), the agent of the ongoing COVID‐19 pandemic, has spread worldwide since it was first identified in November 2019 in Wuhan. Since then, progress in pathogenesis linked severity of this systemic disease to the hyperactivation of network of cytokine‐driven proinflammatory cascades. Here, we aimed to identify molecular biomarkers of disease severity by measuring the serum levels of inflammatory mediators in a Brazilian cohort of COVID‐19 patients and healthy controls (HC). Critically ICU patients were defined as such by dependence on oxygen supplementation (93% intubated and 7% face mask), and CT profiles showing ground‐glass opacity pneumonia associated to and high levels of D‐dimer. Our panel of mediators included HMGB1, ATP, tissue factor (TF), PGE2, LTB4, and cys‐LTs. Follow up studies showed increased serum levels of every inflammatory mediator in COVID‐19 patients as compared to HC. Originally acting as a transcription factor, HMGB1 acquires proinflammatory functions following secretion by activated leukocytes or necrotic tissues. Serum levels of HMGB1 were positively correlated with cys‐LTs, D‐dimer, AST, and ALT. Notably, the levels of the classical alarmin HMGB1 were higher in deceased patients, allowing their discrimination from patients that had been discharged at the early pulmonary and hyperinflammatory phase of COVID‐19. In particular, we verified that HMGB1 levels above 125.4 ng/mL is the cut off that distinguishes patients that are at higher risk of death. In conclusion, we propose the use of serum levels of HMGB1 as a biomarker of severe prognosis of COVID‐19.
... Additionally, immune dysregulation is the main leading cause for exacerbation of covid-19 symptoms and increased mortalities. Different therapeutic choices showed to be effective in restoring immune coordination, and improving clinical signs and symptoms (11). ...
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Background: There is lack of clinical outcome data on the safety of covid-19 vaccines booster. Objective: To study, in general medicine, clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients who consulted for self-reported adverse reactions to covid-19 vaccines booster. Methodology: An observational, longitudinal and prospective case series study of patients with adverse reactions to covid-19 vaccines booster, based on a cohort of patients in a family medicine office in Toledo (Spain) was carried out from November 1, 2021 to September 1, 2022. Results: Twenty-one cases of adverse reactions to covid-19 vaccines booster were included. The mean age of the patients was 45 years. 67% were women. According to the criteria of causality, 42% were probable. According to the time of appearance, the majority (76%) occurred between 1-72 hours after shot. 52% were moderate (with interference with normal activities); there was no severe adverse reaction. 81% of adverse reactions to covid-19 vaccines booster occurred with Moderna mRNA-1273. Only 1 case had also presented an adverse reaction with a previous dose of the vaccine. 71% had chronic diseases, being 21% from the genitourinary group and 17% mental. 64% of the symptoms were from the group of symptoms, signs not elsewhere classified (Injection site pain, throat pain, fever, chills, dizziness, headache, asthenia, lymphadenopathy). Conclusion: In the context of general medicine in Toledo (Spain), during the 10 months following the start of the covid-19 vaccination booster, no serious adverse effects were found, which were mostly symptoms and signs not otherwise specified in middle aged women with chronic diseases of genitourinary and mental system.
... Immune dysregulation and other variables which support it were shown to be the primary cause of COVID-19 symptom severity and higher death rates [8]. Also, it was assumed that both ACE2 and Transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2) overexpression in men may support the theory of increased COVID-19 prevalence in men with increased severity and poorer health outcomes [9]. ...
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Beta-glucans comprise a group of polysaccharides of natural origin found in bacteria, algae, and plants, e.g., cereal seeds, as well as microfungi and macrofungi (mushrooms), which are characterized by diverse structures and functions. They are known for their metabolic and im-munomodulatory properties, including anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral. Recent reports suggest a potential of beta-glucans in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. In contrast to β-glucans from other sources, β-glucans from mushrooms are characterized by β-1,3-glucans with short β-1,6-side chains. This structure is recognized by receptors located on the surface of immune cells; thus, mushroom β-glucans have specific immunomodulatory properties and gained BRM (biological response modifier) status. Moreover, mushroom beta-glucans also owe their properties to the formation of triple helix conformation, which is one of the key factors influencing the bioac-tivity of mushroom beta-glucans. This review summarizes the latest findings on biological and health-promoting potential of mushroom beta-glucans for the treatment of civilization and viral diseases, with particular emphasis on COVID-19.
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Corona virus Disease-2019 is a new strain of Coronaviruses (COVID-19) causing an infection which has rapidly spread all over the Globe, where the primary pathways of infection spreading reported to be through large respiratory droplets and the disease severity has varied from mild self-limiting flu like illness to acute pneumonia, respiratory collapse and death. On the other hand, depression is a disease that could be progress to a life-threatening condition that affects globally hundreds of millions of people. The aim of this review is desired to investigate and find a correlation between depressive disorders and the incidence of COVID19, where, pathogeneses of depressive disorder and its effect on the immunity system was addressed, besides the impact of depression on individual food intake and its complications regarding weight gain, insulin resistance, and immune system disruption was also discussed which by turn might increase the risk for infection with COVID-19. Finally, the possible drug-drug interactions between drugs included in management protocols of both depressive disorder including antidepressants and anxiolytics and COVID19 with possible proposed alternatives.
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Background: COVID-19 patients develop pneumonia generally associated to lymphopenia and severe inflammatory response due to uncontrolled cytokine release. These mediators are transcriptionally regulated by the JAK-STAT signaling pathways, which can be disabled by small molecules. Methods: A group of subjects (n = 20) was treated with baricitinib according to an off-label use of the drug. The study was designed as an observational longitudinal trial and approved by the local ethical committee. The patients were treated with baricitinib 4 mg twice daily for 2 days, followed by 4 mg per day for the remaining 7 days. Changes in the immune phenotype and expression of pSTAT3 in blood cells were evaluated and correlated with serum-derived cytokine levels and antibodies anti-SARS-CoV-2. In a single treated patient, we evaluated also the alteration of myeloid cell functional activity. Results: We provided evidences that baricitinib-treated patients have a marked reduction in serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, a rapid recovery in circulating T and B cell frequencies, and increased antibody production against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which were clinically associated with a reduction in oxygen flow need and progressive increase in the P/F. Conclusion: Baricitinib prevented the progression towards a severe/extreme form of the viral disease by modulating the patients' immune landscape and these changes were associated with a safer and favorable clinical outcome of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Trial registration: The identifier of this project is protocol NCT04438629. Funding: This work was supported by Fondazione Cariverona (ENACT Project) and Fondazione TIM.
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There is an urgent need to better understand the pathophysiology of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the global pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, which has infected more than three million people worldwide1. Approximately 20% of patients with COVID-19 develop severe disease and 5% of patients require intensive care2. Severe disease has been associated with changes in peripheral immune activity, including increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines3,4 that may be produced by a subset of inflammatory monocytes5,6, lymphopenia7,8 and T cell exhaustion9,10. To elucidate pathways in peripheral immune cells that might lead to immunopathology or protective immunity in severe COVID-19, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to profile peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from seven patients hospitalized for COVID-19, four of whom had acute respiratory distress syndrome, and six healthy controls. We identify reconfiguration of peripheral immune cell phenotype in COVID-19, including a heterogeneous interferon-stimulated gene signature, HLA class II downregulation and a developing neutrophil population that appears closely related to plasmablasts appearing in patients with acute respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. Importantly, we found that peripheral monocytes and lymphocytes do not express substantial amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Collectively, we provide a cell atlas of the peripheral immune response to severe COVID-19. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis identifies changes in peripheral immune cells in seven hospitalized patients with COVID-19, including HLA class II downregulation, a heterogeneous interferon-stimulated gene signature and low pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression in monocytes and lymphocytes.
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To date, no vaccines or effective drugs have been approved to prevent or treat COVID-19 and the current standard care relies on supportive treatments. Therefore, based on the fast and global spread of the virus, urgent investigations are warranted in order to develop preventive and therapeutic drugs. In this regard, treatments addressing the immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2 infection have become a major focus. Notably, while a rapid and well-coordinated immune response represents the first line of defense against viral infection, excessive inflammatory innate response and impaired adaptive host immune defense may lead to tissue damage both at the site of virus entry and at systemic level. Several studies highlight relevant changes occurring both in innate and adaptive immune system in COVID-19 patients. In particular, the massive cytokine and chemokine release, the so-called “cytokine storm”, clearly reflects a widespread uncontrolled dysregulation of the host immune defense. Although the prospective of counteracting cytokine storm is compelling, a major limitation relies on the limited understanding of the immune signaling pathways triggered by SARS-CoV-2 infection. The identification of signaling pathways altered during viral infections may help to unravel the most relevant molecular cascades implicated in biological processes mediating viral infections and to unveil key molecular players that may be targeted. Thus, given the key role of the immune system in COVID-19, a deeper understanding of the mechanism behind the immune dysregulation might give us clues for the clinical management of the severe cases and for preventing the transition from mild to severe stages.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that is wreaking havoc on global public health and economies has heightened awareness about the lack of effective antiviral treatments for human coronaviruses (CoVs). Many current antivirals, notably nucleoside analogues (NA), exert their effect by incorporation into viral genomes and subsequent disruption of viral replication and fidelity. The development of anti-CoV drugs has long been hindered by the capacity of CoVs to proofread and remove mismatched nucleotides during genome replication and transcription. Here, we review the molecular basis of the CoV proofreading complex and evaluate its potential as a drug target. We also consider existing nucleoside analogues and novel genomic techniques as potential anti-CoV therapeutics that could be used individually or in combination to target the proofreading mechanism.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is a respiratory disorder caused by the highly contagious SARS‐CoV‐2. The immunopathological characteristics of COVID‐19 patients, either systemic or local, have not been thoroughly studied. In the present study, we analyzed both the changes in the number of various immune cell types as well as cytokines important for immune reactions and inflammation. Our data indicate that patients with severe COVID‐19 exhibited an overall decline of lymphocytes including CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, B cells, and NK cells. The number of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells was moderately increased in patients with mild COVID‐19. IL‐6, IL‐10, and C‐reactive protein were remarkably up‐regulated in patients with severe COVID‐19. In conclusion, our study shows that the comprehensive decrease of lymphocytes, the elevation of IL‐6, IL‐10, and C‐reactive protein are reliable indicators of severe COVID‐19.
COVID-19 has spread to most countries in the world. However, there are some striking differences in how COVID-19 is behaving in different age groups. While data on COVID-19 is limited, children appear to be less susceptible to severe disease. These unique characteristics may be considered as a potential link to understanding the immune system and response in COVID-19 and lead to an effective cure to the disease. We suggest a possible role of loss of bridging between innate and adaptive immunity in COVID-19 and a potential treatment modality also discussed.