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A Research Study on Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Fault Detection in Predictive Maintenance

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Abstract and Figures

the area of predictive maintenance has taken a lot of prominence in the last couple of years due to various reasons. With new algorithms and methodologies growing across different learning methods, it has remained a challenge for industries to adopt which method is fit, robust and provide most accurate detection. Fault detection is one o f the critical components of predictive maintenance; it is very much needed for industries to detect faults early and accurately. In a production environment, to minimize the cost of maintenance, sometimes it is required to build a model with minimal or no historical data. In such cases, unsupervised learning would be a better option model building. In this paper, we have chosen a simple vibration data collected from an exhaust fan, and have fit different unsupervised learning algorithms such as PCA T2 statistic, Hierarchical clustering, K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means clustering and model-based clustering to test its accuracy, performance, and robustness. In the end, we have proposed a methodology to benchmark different algorithms and choosing the final model
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A Research Study on Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Early Fault
Detection in Predictive Maintenance
Nagdev Amruthnath
Department of IEE and EDMM
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Tarun Gupta
Department of IEE and EDMM
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
AbstractThe area of predictive maintenance has taken a lot
of prominence in the last couple of years due to various reasons.
With new algorithms and methodologies growing across
different learning methods, it has remained a challenge for
industries to adopt which method is fit, robust and provide
most accurate detection. Fault detection is one of the critical
components of predictive maintenance; it is very much needed
for industries to detect faults early and accurately. In a
production environment, to minimize the cost of maintenance,
sometimes it is required to build a model with minimal or no
historical data. In such cases, unsupervised learning would be
a better option model building. In this paper, we have chosen a
simple vibration data collected from an exhaust fan, and have
fit different unsupervised learning algorithms such as PCA T2
statistic, Hierarchical clustering, K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means
clustering and model-based clustering to test its accuracy,
performance, and robustness. In the end, we have proposed a
methodology to benchmark different algorithms and choosing
the final model.
Keywords-predictive maintenance; fault detection;
manufacturing; machine learning; just in time
The concept of predictive maintenance (PdM) was
proposed a few decades ago. PdM is also a subset of planned
maintenance. PdM did not gain prominence until the recent
decade. This rapid advance is mainly due to emerging
internet technologies, connected sensors, systems capable of
handling big data sets and realizing the need to use these
techniques. The abrupt growth can also be theorized due to
the demand for high-quality products, at the least cost and
with shortest lead time. Every year, it is estimated that U.S.
industry spends $200 billion on maintenance of plant
equipment and facilities and the result of ineffective
maintenance leads to a loss of more than $60 billion [1]. In
food and beverage industry it was estimated that failures and
downtime accounted for 18% of OEE [2]. Over the years,
different architecture, algorithms, and methodologies have
been proposed. One of the most prominent methods is
watchdog agent, a design enclosed with various machine
learning algorithms [3] [11]. Some of the other architectures
are an OSA-CBM architecture [4], SIMAP Architecture [5],
and predictive maintenance framework [6]. Emerging
technologies such as the Internet of things (IoT) devices have
formed a gateway to connect to machines and its
subcomponents to not only collect the process data and its
parameters but also to collect the physical health aspects of
the machine such as vibration, pressure, temperature,
acoustics, viscosity, flow rate and many as such. This
information is widely used for early fault detection, fault
identification, health assessment of the machine and predict
the future state of the machine. Some of this is made possible
due to machine learning algorithms available across different
learning domains.
Machine learning is a subsection of Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1. Machine learning can be defined a program or an
algorithm that is capable of learning with minimum or no
additional support. Machine learning helps in solving many
problems such as big data, vision, speech recognition, and
robotics [7]. Machine learning is classified into three types.
In supervised learning, the predictors and response variables
are known for building the model, in unsupervised learning, ,
only response variables are known, and in reinforced
learning, the agent learns actions and consequences by
interacting with the environment. In this research, the main
focus will be on unsupervised learning methodology. One of
the most commonly used approaches in unsupervised
learning is clustering where, response variables are grouped
into clusters either user-defined or model based on the
distance, model, density, class, or characteristic of that
variable. For this research, vibration data has been used. Data
collection, feature selection, and extraction will be described
in the later sections.
Figure 1. Structure of learning methods.
All the programming in this research is performed in a
statistical tool called as R- Programming. R- Program is
open source software and was designed by Ross Ihaka and
Robert Gentleman in August 1993. As of today, there are
2018 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications
978-1-5386-5746-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
over 10,000 packages which include thousands of different
algorithms contributed by various authors for different
The primary goal of PdM is to reduce the cost of a
product or service and to have a competitive advantage in the
market to survive. Today business analytics are embedded
across PdM to realize the need for it and to make appropriate
decisions. Business analytics can be viewed in three different
prospective (i) Descriptive analytics (ii) Predictive analytics
and (iii) Prescriptive analytics [16]. Descriptive analytics is a
process of answering questions like what happened in the
past? This is done by analyzing historical data and
summarizing them in charts. In maintenance, this step is
performed using control charts. Predictive analytics is an
extension to descriptive analytics where historical data is
analyzed to predict the future outcomes. In maintenance, it
is used predict type of failure and time to complete failure.
Finally, prescriptive analytics is a process of optimization to
identify the best alternatives to minimize or maximize the
objective. This also answers the questions such as what can
be done? In maintenance, this can be used to optimize the
maintenance schedules to minimize the cost of maintenance.
In this paper, our primary focus will be on descriptive and
predictive analytics to detect the faults.
Predictive analytics has spread its applications into
various applications such as railway track maintenance,
vehicle monitoring [23], automotive subcomponents [8],
utility systems [19], computer systems, electrical grids [13],
aircraft maintenance [21], oil and gas industry,
computational finance and many more.
Fault detection is one of the concepts in predictive
maintenance which is well accepted in the industry. Early
Failure detection could potentially eliminate catastrophic
machine failures. In one of the recent research studies, this
process is classified into different methods such as
quantitative model-based methods, qualitative model-based
methods, and process history based methods [25].
Principle component analysis (PCA) is one of the oldest
and most prominent algorithms that are widely used today. It
was first invented by Karl Pearson in 1901. Since then, they
have been many hybrid approaches to PCA for fault
detection such as using Kernel PCA [17], adaptive threshold
using Exponential weight moving average for T2 and Q
statistic [9], multiscale neighborhood normalization-based
multiple dynamic principal component analysis (MNN-
MDPCA) method [27], Independent Component Analysis.
Another common method used for fault detection is
clustering method. Similar to PCA, there are various
algorithms such as neural net clustering algorithm neural
networks and subtractive clustering [28], K-means [10],
Gaussian mixture model [15], C-Means, Hierarchical
Clustering [22], and Modified Rank Order clustering
(MROC) [33].
Fault detection is one of the most critical components of
predictive maintenance. Fault detection can be defined as a
process of identifying the abnormal behavior of a subsystem.
Any deviation from a standard behavior can be categorized
as a failure. In this section, we will discuss different
algorithms such as Principle Component Analysis (PCA) T2
statistic, Hierarchical clustering, K- Means clustering, C-
Means, and Model-based clustering for fault detection and
benchmark its results for vibration monitoring data.
A. Data Collection
Vibration data is one of the most commonly used
technique to detect any abnormalities in a submachine. In
this research paper, a vibration monitor sensor was set up on
an exhaust fan. The vibration was collected every 240
minutes for 12 days at a sampling frequency of 2048 Hz on
both X and Y axis. From the following data, different
features were extracted such as peak acceleration, peak
velocity, turning speed, RMS Velocity, and Damage
accumulation. Figure 2 is the time series plots of the data.
Figure 2. Feature data plot.
In Figure 2, we can see a trend line generating closer to
index 60th observation. In this paper, we will test to see how
different algorithms help in detecting this fault earlier.
B. Feature Selection Using PCA
Not all features extracted provide a true correlation. If
right features are not selected, then a significant amount of
noise would be added to the final model and hence, reduce
the accuracy of the model. One of the most prominent
algorithms for that is used for dimensionality reduction is
Principle component analysis. Principal component analysis
(PCA) is a mathematical algorithm that reduces the
dimensionality of the data while retaining most of the
variation (information) in the data set [18]. In a simple
context, it is an algorithm to identify patterns in data and
expressing such a way to showcase those similarities and
differences [29].
Step 1: Consider a data matrix X
[X]mxn (1)
where, X is the matrix, m is a row, and n is a column
Step 2: Subtract the mean from each dimension
  (2)
Step 3: Calculate the covariance matrix
 (3)
Step 4: Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the
covariance matrix
    (4)
Step 5: Store the eigenvector in a matrix
     (5)
Step 6: Store eigenvalues in a diagonal matrix
 (6)
where [Eigen] is the eigenvalues corresponding to the
principal components, and P contains the loading vectors
Step 7: Rank eigenvalues in decreasing order and choose top
“r” vectors to retain
 (7)
Step 8: Retain “r” eigenvectors
     (8)
Step 9: Calculate the principal components [U] which is
projected in data matrix
    (9)
Summary of the PCA indicates that the first two principal
components show 95.65% of variance compared to rest of
the components.
A scree plot can be plotted for Eigenvalues versus
principle components as shown in Figure 4. This plot can be
used to define the components that show significant variance
in the data.
From summary data and scree plot, we can conclude that
the first two principal components present maximum
variation compared to the rest of the principal components.
C. T2 Statistic
T2 Statistic is a multivariate statistical analysis. The T 2
statistic for the data observation x can be calculated by [12]
 
 (10)
The upper confidence limit for T 2 is obtained using the
   (11)
Figure 3. Summary of PCA.
where n is the number of samples in the data, a is the number
of principal components, and α is the level of significance
[24]. This statistic can be used to measure the values against
the threshold and any values above the threshold; can be
concluded as out of control data. In this case, it is going to be
faulty data. The results for the vibration data are shown the
Figure 5.
Based on the results from T2 statistic in Figure 5, we can
observe that the faults can be detected as early as 41
observations. Hence, this early detection would help the
maintenance teams to monitor these process changes and
take corrective actions accordingly.
D. Cluster Analysis
Clustering analysis is one of the unsupervised learning
methods. In cluster analysis, similar data are grouped into
different clusters. Some of the most prominent cluster
analyses are K-Means clustering, C-Means clustering, and
hierarchical clustering. There are various merging principles
in hierarchical clustering. They are iterative, hierarchical,
density based, Metasearch controlled and stochastic. In this
paper, we will be discussing one of the commonly used
hierarchical clusterings.
E. Optimal Number of Clusters
In cluster analysis, we need to know the optimal number
of clusters that can be formed. Although we know that, we
have healthy data and faulty data, identifying the number of
optimal cluster formations in our data would help in
understanding different states in the data and representing the
data more accurately. To identify the number of clusters,
there are many procedures available such as elbow method,
Bayesian Inference Criterion method and nbClust package in
R. The results for elbow method is shown in Figure 6 and
using nbClust [30] is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 4. Scree plot to determine the variation between principal
Figure 5. T2 statistic results for training dataset and testing dataset.
From both the procedures shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7,
we can identify that 3 clusters are the optimal number of
clusters. For fault detection, we can use three clusters and
theorize each cluster represents a normal condition, warning
condition, and faulty condition. In the next section of cluster
analysis, we can observe how each of the clustering
algorithms provides the results.
From both the procedures shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7,
we can identify that 3 clusters are the optimal number of
clusters. For fault detection, we can use three clusters and
theorize each cluster represents a normal condition, warning
condition, and faulty condition. In the next section of cluster
analysis, we can observe how each of the clustering
algorithms provides the results.
Figure 6. Determining the optimal number of clusters based on elbow
Figure 7. Determining the number of clusters using nbClust package.
F. Heirarchical Clustering
Start by assigning each item to its own cluster, so that if
you have N items, you now have N clusters, each containing
just one item. Let the distances (similarities) between the
clusters equal the distances (similarities) between the items
they contain [24].
Step 1: Find the closest (most similar) pair of clusters and
merge them into a single cluster, so that now you have one
less cluster.
Step 2: Compute distances (similarities) between the new
cluster and each of the old clusters.
Step 3: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all items are clustered into
a single cluster of size N.
In Figure 8, the cluster is formed based on the feature
data using Ward's method. Irrespective of feature data and
Principle components, the results were identical. Three
clusters were formed, where the first cluster includes
observations from 1 to 40, the second cluster includes
observations 41 to 67 and finally, the third cluster includes
observations from 68 to 71. Based on the domain knowledge,
we can represent cluster 1 as healthy dataset, cluster 2 as
warning dataset and finally cluster 3 as faulty data set.
G. K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
K-means is one of the most common unsupervised
learning clustering algorithms. This most straightforward
algorithm’s goal is to divide the data set into pre-determined
clusters based on distance. Here, we have used Euclidian
distance. The graphical results as shown in Figure 9.
C-means is a data clustering technique where each data
point belongs to every cluster at some degree. Fuzzy C
means was first introduced by Bezdek [14]. Fuzzy C-Means
has been applied in various applications such as agricultural,
engineering, astronomy, chemistry, geology, image analysis
[14], medical diagnosis, and shape analysis and target
recognition [26]. The graphical results for C-Means is as
shown in Figure 9.
Summary of K-Means and C-Means Clustering
Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
[1] 16.758705 39.575966 8.823486
(between_SS / total_SS = 90.2 %)
From Table III summary of K-means and C-means
clustering, we can observe that clusters of sizes 4, 27 and 40
are formed. Observation 1 to 40 formed one cluster, 41 to 67
formed second cluster and the third cluster with 68 to 71
observations. These results are same as hierarchical
Figure 8. Hierarchical clustering solution for fault identification.
H. Model-Based Clustering
A Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is used for modeling
data that comes from one of the several groups: the groups
might be different from each other, but data points within the
same group can be well-modeled by a Gaussian distribution
[20]. Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm
is an iterative algorithm where some initial random estimate
starts and updates every iterate until convergence is detected
[31] [32]. Initialization can be started based on a set of initial
parameters and start E-step or set of initial weights and
proceed to M-step. This step can be either set randomly or
could be chosen based on some method.
Summary of Classification
Mclust EVV (ellipsoidal, equal volume) model with five
log.likelihood n df BIC ICL
-57.23501 71 25 -221.037 -222.0734
Figure 9. K-Means and C-Means clustering for fault identification.
The results are summarized in Table 3. The results from
Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm
Classification, there was a total of 5 groups of components
are formed. Component 1 and two are assigned to
observation 1 to 40, component group 3 consists of
observation 41 to 63, component group 4 consist of
observations 64 to 67 and finally component 5 consists of
observations 68 to 71. It is interesting to note that, the critical
fault detection which is accurately predicted similarly to
other clustering algorithms as well.
In this research, initially, we were hypothesized that two
states in data. One is healthy data set, and the other is
unhealthy data set. Using PCA and T2 statistic, we were able
to fit our hypothesis states and able to detect the faults 31
observations ahead. Whereas, without a tool and just based
on data plots we could observe the trends only 11
observations ahead. As we moved on to fitting different
unsupervised clustering algorithms, we found most of the
clustering algorithms provided much more than the T2
Using elbow method and nbClust package, we were able
to identify that the most optimal number of clusters that
could be formed was three. Based on these results, when data
was fitted in hierarchical clustering, K-means, and C-means,
the results were nearly identical. Based on the previous
knowledge of the data, we were able to identify each of three
states. The first state was identified as healthy state (since it
was calibrated for healthy data), second state was identified
as the warning state and finally the third state was identified
as faulty state. It would not be surprising to obtain the
following results as all these algorithms were based on a
distance measure.
Figure 10. Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm
For our final model, Gaussian finite mixture model fitted
by EM algorithm was used. Unlike providing the number of
clusters, this model identifies optimal clusters and
accordingly classifies the observations into groups. Here, the
model recognized a total of 5 components. Although with
five components, upon closer investigation, we could
observe that, there is an overlap of component 1 and 2 and
component 3 and 4. When these components are reorganized
we can observe much similar pattern to the previous cluster
This research started out as a test bed to benchmark
different machine learning algorithms for early fault
detection using unsupervised learning. In our results, T2
statistic provided more accurate results compared to GMM
method, and no hypothesis was required to identify the
relationship between cluster and state. One of the main
benefits of this method is that, even when this is deployed to
the manufacturing environment, with minimum or no
domain knowledge, one can identify fault or critical
condition when compared to clustering analysis. On the other
hand in clustering, some information about the data is needed
to name the clusters as healthy, warning or critical.
Clustering methodology is undoubtedly a better tool in
detecting different levels of faults where T2 statistic would
be challenging after certain levels. To emphasize this, when
the cost machine maintenance is expensive, clustering would
be a flexible option where machine health can be monitored
continuously until a critical level is reached.
In conclusion of this study, although most algorithms
provided nearly similar results, each algorithm provided
deeper insight into the data. Hence, if the application is just
to detect the faults, T2 statistic would be an excellent tool.
But if fault detection needs to be performed under different
levels then, clustering algorithms would be a better choice.
Fault detection is one of the preliminary analytics for
predictive maintenance. Hence, detecting the fault accurately
is regarded important. This work is currently performed for
vibration data. The scope of this research can be extended
out to other physics-based parameters and combination of
these parameters. It would also be interesting to observe the
detection accuracy for bigger sample size and multiple fault
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Actual T2
K-Means C-Means
Actual T2
K-Means C-Means
1 H 0 1 1 1 1 37 H 0 1 1 1 1
2 H 0 1 1 1 1 38 H 0 1 1 1 1
3 H 0 1 1 1 1 39 H 0 1 1 1 1
4 H 0 1 1 1 1 40 H 0 1 1 1 1
5 H 0 1 1 1 1 41 F 1 2 2 2 3
6 H 1 1 1 1 1 42 F 1 2 2 2 3
7 H 0 1 1 1 1 43 F 1 2 2 2 3
8 H 0 1 1 1 1 44 F 1 2 2 2 3
9 H 0 1 1 1 1 45 F 1 2 2 2 3
10 H 1 1 1 1 1 46 F 1 2 2 2 3
11 H 0 1 1 1 1 47 F 1 2 2 2 3
12 H 0 1 1 1 1 48 F 1 2 2 2 3
13 H 0 1 1 1 1 49 F 1 2 2 2 3
14 H 0 1 1 1 1 50 F 1 2 2 2 3
15 H 0 1 1 1 1 51 F 1 2 2 2 3
16 H 0 1 1 1 1 52 F 1 2 2 2 3
17 H 0 1 1 1 1 53 F 1 2 2 2 3
18 H 0 1 1 1 1 54 F 1 2 2 2 3
19 H 1 1 1 1 1 55 F 1 2 2 2 3
20 H 0 1 1 1 1 56 F 1 2 2 2 3
21 H 0 1 1 1 1 57 F 1 2 2 2 3
22 H 0 1 1 1 1 58 F 1 2 2 2 3
23 H 0 1 1 1 1 59 F 1 2 2 2 3
24 H 0 1 1 1 1 60 F 1 2 2 2 3
25 H 0 1 1 1 1 61 F 1 2 2 2 3
26 H 0 1 1 1 1 62 F 1 2 2 2 3
27 H 0 1 1 1 1 63 F 1 2 2 2 3
28 H 0 1 1 1 1 64 F 1 2 2 2 3
29 H 0 1 1 1 1 65 F 1 2 2 2 4
30 H 0 1 1 1 1 66 F 1 2 2 2 4
31 H 0 1 1 1 1 67 F 1 2 2 2 4
32 H 0 1 1 1 1 68 F 1 2 2 2 4
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36 H 0 1 1 1 1 72 F 1 3 3 3 5
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4th IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control and
Automation Sciences, Reims, France, June 1-3, 2016
... Using IIoT, the physical object can be connected to the Internet (Silvestri et al., 2020), through different types of communication protocols, such as Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA) (Silva et al., 2021), and collect data. For instance, machine components can be connected to the Internet and thereby collect maintenance-related data, such as vibration, pressure, and temperature (Amruthnath & Gupta, 2018). Witkowski (2017) and Yin and Kaynak (2015) have defined Big Data and Analytics through 5 V: (1) Volume, the amount of data, (2) Variety, the variety of data, (3) Velocity, the speed of new data generation, (4) Value, the value of data, and (5) Veracity, quality of the data. ...
Industry 4.0 is usually presented as usage of technologies. Some of these play an important role in the development of smart maintenance technologies. However, although the subject of smart maintenance has been discussed for more than 10 years, the manufacturing industry still finds it challenging to implement smart maintenance technologies to add benefits to maintenance organizations in line with company’s goals. This study presents a conceptual process for implementing smart maintenance technologies, challenges and enablers to consider when implementing, and benefits. This article is based on an analysis of empirical findings from seven large manufacturing companies in Sweden, previous maintenance research, and authors’ three previous smart maintenance research articles. In the first article, the authors explored perspectives on smart maintenance technologies from 11 large companies within the manufacturing industry, while in the second one, perspectives on smart maintenance technologies from 15 manufacturing Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were presented. In the third and final one, the authors developed and presented a testbed for smart maintenance technologies.
... Tarun Gupta et al. [6] conducted research on catastrophic equipment breakdowns that might be avoided by quickly identifying flaws. This approach is divided into several methods, including quantitative model-based methods, subjective model-based methods, and process history-based methods, in one of the most recent research articles. ...
Conference Paper
It is common to utilize manufacturing equipment without a clear maintenance plan. Such a method typically results in unplanned downtime due to unforeseen breakdowns. By replacing parts frequently as part of scheduled maintenance, unplanned equipment failures are avoided. However, this results in more downtime and more expensive maintenance. Predictive maintenance helps avoiding such circumstances on prior basis for smooth functioning of industry. Predictive maintenance strategies that assist lower the cost of downtime and raise the availability (utilization rate) of industrial equipment are getting more attention In this paper study of AI-based algorithms for preventative maintenance keep an eye on two essential parts of machine systems: machine failure and the quality of tools. A data-driven modelling approach will be described for the investigation of tool wear and bearing failures.
... Industry 4.0 places a new demand on maintenance, and some of the nine technological pillars play an essential role in maintenance development (Silvestri et al. 2020). For example, machines can be connected using IIoT and collect maintenance data, such as vibration, pressure, temperature, acoustics, and viscosity (Amruthnath and Gupta 2018). Big Data and Analytics can support advanced data analysis (Witkowski 2017), real-time decision-making (Subramaniyan et al. 2018), and maintenance planning (Silvestri et al. 2020). ...
Industry 4.0 consists of nine technological pillars: IIoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Analytics, AR, etc. Some of the pillars play an essential role in maintenance development. Previous research presents many technologies for smart maintenance, but one prevailing problem is that there are still challenges to implementing smart maintenance technologies cost-effectively in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, we explore perspectives on smart maintenance technologies from respondents within 15 manufacturing SMEs. We start by investigating whether the companies had implemented smart maintenance technologies, if so, in what context. Then, we explore perspectives from the manufacturing SMEs on added values, challenges, opportunities, advantages, and disadvantages of smart maintenance technologies. However, as none of the case companies had implemented any Smart Maintenance Technologies, only implementation challenges could be investigated.
... Data-driven approaches for prognostics and health management (PHM), which are closely connected with predictive maintenance, use various methods like artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM), Bayesian methods, Markov models, regressive models (i.e., ARIMA), proportional hazards model [10], principal component analysis (PCA) T 2 statistic, clustering methods [11] or anomaly detection. There is no single recipe for the development of machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance. ...
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Development of predictive maintenance (PdM) solutions is one of the key aspects of Industry 4.0. In recent years, more attention has been paid to data-driven techniques, which use machine learning to monitor the health of an industrial asset. The major issue in the implementation of PdM models is a lack of good quality labelled data. In the paper we present how unsupervised learning using a variational autoencoder may be used to monitor the wear of rolls in a hot strip mill, a part of a steel-making site. As an additional benchmark we use a simulated turbofan engine data set provided by NASA. We also use explainability methods in order to understand the model’s predictions. The results show that the variational autoencoder slightly outperforms the base autoencoder architecture in anomaly detection tasks. However, its performance on the real use-case does not make it a production-ready solution for industry and should be a matter of further research. Furthermore, the information obtained from the explainability model can increase the reliability of the proposed artificial intelligence-based solution.
... Amruthnath and Gupta [6] in this paper have taken simple vibration data collected from an exhaust fan and used various unsupervised learning algorithms such as fuzzy C-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, PCA T2 statistic, K-Means and modelbased clustering to examine its precision and execution. Finally, a technique has been proposed to standardize different algorithms and select the ultimate model. ...
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The manufacturing industry is currently witnessing a huge revolution in terms of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, which aims to automate most of the manufacturing processes from condition monitoring of the machinery to optimizing production efficiency with automated robots and digital twins. One such valuable contribution of the Industry 4.0 paradigm is the concept of predictive maintenance (PdM), which aims to explore the contributions of artificial intelligence to get meaningful insights into the health of the machinery to enable timely maintenance. As majority of these machineries consist of bearings, bearing fault detection using artificial intelligence has been a popular choice for researchers. This paper provides a systematic literature survey of the existing research works in bearing fault detection. Further in this paper, we have done comparative analysis of bearing fault detection using the techniques of random forest classification, artificial neural network, and autoencoder on the benchmarked dataset provided by CWRU. The deep learning model of autoencoders provides the highest accuracy of 91% over the algorithms of artificial neural network and random forest.
... The unsupervised learning algorithms are left to interpret the data without guidance as no labeled data are provided in training dataset. Unsupervised learning identifies similarities and differences in data by clustering and association techniques (14). ...
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Some of the main challenges in developing an effective network-based intrusion detection system (IDS) include analyzing large network traffic volumes and realizing the decision boundaries between normal and abnormal behaviors. Deploying feature selection together with efficient classifiers in the detection system can overcome these problems. Feature selection finds the most relevant features, thus reduces the dimensionality and complexity to analyze the network traffic. Moreover, using the most relevant features to build the predictive model, reduces the complexity of the developed model, thus reducing the building classifier model time and consequently improves the detection performance. In this study, two different sets of selected features have been adopted to train four machine-learning based classifiers. The two sets of selected features are based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approach respectively. These evolutionary-based algorithms are known to be effective in solving optimization problems. The classifiers used in this study are Naïve Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine that have been trained and tested using the NSL-KDD dataset. The performance of the abovementioned classifiers using different features values was evaluated. The experimental results indicate that the detection accuracy improves by approximately 1.55% when implemented using the PSO-based selected features than that of using GA-based selected features. The Decision Tree classifier that was trained with PSO-based selected features outperformed other classifiers with accuracy, precision, recall, and f-score result of 99.38%, 99.36%, 99.32%, and 99.34% respectively. The results show that using optimal features coupling with a good classifier in a detection system able to reduce the classifier model building time, reduce the computational burden to analyze data, and consequently attain high detection rate.
... Amruthnath and Gupta [6] in this paper have taken simple vibration data collected from an exhaust fan and used various unsupervised learning algorithms such as fuzzy C-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, PCA T2 statistic, K-Means and modelbased clustering to examine its precision and execution. Finally, a technique has been proposed to standardize different algorithms and select the ultimate model. ...
Conference Paper
The manufacturing industry is currently witnessing a huge revolution in terms of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, which aims to automate most of the manufacturing processes from condition monitoring of the machinery to op-timizing production efficiency with automated robots and digital twins. One such valuable contribution of the Industry 4.0 paradigm is the concept of Predictive Maintenance (PdM), which aims to explore the contributions of Artificial Intelligence to get meaningful insights into the health of the ma-chinery to enable timely maintenance. As majority of these machineries con-sist of bearings, bearing fault detection using Artificial Intelligence has been a popular choice for researchers. This paper provides a systematic literature survey of the existing research works in bearing fault detection. Further in this paper we have done compar-ative analysis of bearing fault detection using the techniques of Random Forest Classification, Artificial Neural Network and Autoencoder on the benchmarked dataset provided by CWRU. The deep learning model of Au-toencoders provide the highest accuracy of 91% over the algorithms of Arti-ficial Neural Network and Random Forest.
The ongoing transformation of manufacturing industry into digitalized production, Industry 4.0, has put new perspectives on the maintenance of production systems. The technologies offer an array of new possibilities in optimization of maintenance and data driven decision making. On the other hand, these new technologies offer a lot of challenges in form of investment costs, need for new competences, and how to handle the equipment legacy, i.e. upgrading old equipment. Many researchers associate data driven decision making with intelligent sensors, cloud computing and cyber physical systems, but are these technologies the most cost-effective way of achieving data driven maintenance? The aim of this paper is to discuss how manufacturing industry should approach smart maintenance in order to improve the industry’s competitiveness, rather than spending money on technology that doesn’t contribute. The basis for the discussion will mainly be a literature study but additional empirical data may be included.
Mature startup activity, corresponding to new businesses between 1 and 4 years in existence, had a weak survival rate in most states during the years of the digital revolution. States with higher young startup trends saw the weakest survival rates. Rapid expansion and lack of a support architecture at the local level could be one explanation. Acquisitions could be another.KeywordsLife-cycleAcquisitionBiotechStagesRifle shootingShotgun shootingSurvivalIndexingDelay hypothesisLabor force participation
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A modified rank order clustering (MROC) method based on weight and data reorganization has been developed to facilitate the needs of real world manufacturing environment. MROC is designed to optimize the manufacturing process based on important independent variables with weights and reorganize the machine-component data that helps form cells where each cell would have approximately the same work load. The developed algorithm using a heuristics minimizes number of bottlenecks for the cellular solution without human input (necessary in King {1980)), while ensuring comparable machine utilizations in each cell. This paper describes our proposed algorithm and a solution to the machine cell design process for the real world manufacturing environment.
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Download at : Clustering is the partitioning of a set of objects into groups (clusters) so that objects within a group are more similar to each others than objects in different groups. Most of the clustering algorithms depend on some assumptions in order to define the subgroups present in a data set. As a consequence, the resulting clustering scheme requires some sort of evaluation as regards its validity. The evaluation procedure has to tackle difficult problems such as the quality of clusters, the degree with which a clustering scheme fits a specific data set and the optimal number of clusters in a partitioning. In the literature, a wide variety of indices have been proposed to find the optimal number of clusters in a partitioning of a data set during the clustering process. However, for most of indices proposed in the literature, programs are unavailable to test these indices and compare them. The R package NbClust has been developed for that purpose. It provides 30 indices which determine the number of clusters in a data set and it offers also the best clustering scheme from different results to the user. In addition, it provides a function to perform kmeans and hierarchical clustering with different distance measures and aggregation methods. Any combination of validation indices and clustering methods can be requested in a single function call. This enables the user to simultaneously evaluate several clustering schemes while varying the number of clusters, to help determining the most appropriate number of clusters for the dataset of interest.
This paper presents main results of fault detection and diagnosis in a cement manufacturing plant using a new monitoring scheme. The scheme is based on multivariate statistical analysis and an adaptive threshold strategy. The process is statistically modeled using Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Instead of the conventional fixed control limits, adaptive thresholds are used to evaluate the common T² and Q statistics as faults indicators. The adaptive thresholds are computed and updated using a modified Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart. These techniques are merged together to construct a novel monitoring scheme whose effectiveness is demonstrated using involuntary real fault of a cement plant process and some simulated faulty cases.
This paper presents a novel multiscale neighborhood normalization-based multiple dynamic principal component analysis (MNN-MDPCA) method to detect the fault in complex batch processes with frequent operations. Since the difference between batches is larger under random frequent operations according to phase, the corresponding monitoring model should be changed accordingly. However, the data quantity is small under a single operation at each phase, the data with similar operations can be clustered together. Due to frequent operations, the data clustered follows non-Gaussian distribution. A normalization strategy called MNN is proposed to complete Gaussian distribution conversion so as to build multivariate statistical model. Subsequently, MDPCA is used to model the multioperation industry processes. Finally, to test the modeling and monitoring performance of the proposed method, a numerical example and the ladle furnace (LF) steelmaking process case are provided, where the comparison with Gaussian mixture model and MDPCA-based results is covered.
The fresh food industry is increasingly more interested in developing efficient and innovative solutions to guarantee quality and distribution sustainability; one of the main factors that influences such crucial aspects is packaging. This paper aims to perform a critical analysis of two existing packaging solutions, i.e. corrugated fibreboard boxes and re-usable plastic containers, from both the economic and the environmental perspective, to highlight the main weaknesses. It then proposes two alternative packaging solutions. The analysis features different economic assessments and models with different environmental impacts, taking into account the characteristics of packaging solutions predominantly within two supply chain types: the traditional food supply chain and the short food supply chain. The economic and environmental models are applied to understand the limitations of existing packaging solutions, to develop two alternative solutions and finally to perform an overall analysis of all fresh food containers, allowing the definition of the most suitable container for each of the proposed supply chain scenarios, from both an economic and environmental perspective. The innovative aspect of the research lies in the simultaneous evaluation of economic and environmental factors and the introduction of two new packaging solutions, making it of interest to researchers and fresh food industry professionals alike. Copyright (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article discusses how Predictive Maintenance (PdM) technologies can be successfully applied to both GMP and non-GMP utility systems in the pharmaceutical industry. The discussion also demonstrates the clear benefits of PdM, including the use of a proactive approach to maintenance.