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Attendance Monitoring System of Students Based on Biometric and GPS Tracking System



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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-3, Issue-3, Mar- 2017] ISSN: 2454-1311 Page | 241
Attendance Monitoring System of Students
Based on Biometric and GPS Tracking System
J.Chandramohan1, R.Nagarajan2, M. Ashok kumar3, T.Dineshkumar4, G.Kannan5,
1Asst. Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, India.
2Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal, India.
3,4,5,6 U.G. Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal,
AbstractThis paper is a study of a fingerprint
recognition system based on minutiae based fingerprint
algorithms used in various techniques. This line of track
mainly involves extraction of minutiae points from the
model fingerprint images and fingerprint matching based
on the number of minutiae pairings among to
fingerprints. This paper also provides the design method
of fingerprint based student attendance with help of GSM.
This system ignores the requirement for stationary
materials and personnel for keeping of records. The main
objective of this project is to develop an embedded
system, which is used for security applications. The
biometrics technology is rapidly progressing and offers
attractive opportunities. In recent years, biometric
authentication has grown in popularity as a means of
personal identification in college administration systems.
The prominent biometric methods that may be used for
authentication include fingerprint, palmprint, and
handprint, face recognition, speech recognition, dental
and eye biometrics. In this paper, a microcontroller based
prototype of attendance system using fingerprint sensor
and face recognition module is implemented. The tracking
module is used here to identify the location of the missing
The fingerprints are one of the main forms in biometric
field which used to identify the individual and their
uniqueness. Fingerprint authentication is one of popular
authentication systems in the world. Due to their
consistency and uniqueness it is used widely. There are
several sources available for the collection and their
established use [1]. In the past, magnetic card attendance
system was widely used. But, this system has lot of bugs
in it. The card may be lost or damaged. This fingerprint
attendance system is highly secure and cannot be forged
easily. In recent time, there has been high level of
impersonation experienced on a daily basis in both private
and public sectors, the ghost worker syndrome which has
become a menace across all tiers of government,
employers concerns over the levels of employee absence
in their workforce and the difficulty in managing student
attendance during lecture periods. Fingerprints are a form
of biometric identification which is unique and does not
change in one’s entire lifetime. This paper presents the
attendance management system using fingerprint
technology in a university environment. It consists of two
processes namely; enrolment and authentication.
During enrolment, the fingerprint of the user is captured
and its unique features extracted and stored in a database
along with the users identity as a template for the subject.
The unique features called minutiae points were exacted
using the Crossing Number (CN) method which extracts
the ridge endings and bifurcations from the skeleton
image by examining the local neighborhoods of each
ridge pixel using a 3x3 window [2]. During
authentication, the fingerprint of the user is captured
again and the extracted features compared with the
template in the database to determine a match before
attendance is made.
Attendance management system is one of the most
advanced applications in biometric technology. It cannot
be forged easily. With the integration and use of
biometric technology getting simpler, many institutions
are using down the biometric road to verify the time and
attendance of their students and staffs. The system also
contains a GMS Modem, which can be used to send the
attendance information of the students automatically to
their parents. The Embedded system using a small LCD
user interface can be interfaced with the computer by
using serial communication interface. The previous
papers done were only the fingerprint based attendance
system and a report generation [3].
The Fingerprint authentication has many advantages such
as very high accuracy, the most economical biometric PC
user authentication technique [4]. It is one of the safest
biometric authentication methods widely used. It is very
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-3, Issue-3, Mar- 2017] ISSN: 2454-1311 Page | 242
easy to use. Small storage space required for the
biometric template, reducing the size of the database
memory required and it is standardized. Biometrics
technology can solve these problems and proposed
fingerprint based attendance system would be ideal for
implementation in universities for identification.
The fingerprints from the various users are acquitted
using the fingerprint module. For example we are taking
the samples of three or four fingerprints and they are
enhanced using several enhancement techniques. After
that we detect the edges along the image using the edge
detection function. Here we use the pewit operator for the
detecting the edges. We use minutiae matching algorithm
for matching the finger print images. Instead of doing all
these image processing works, we had used Fingerprint
Module (R305) in t his paper [5]. The circuit is made to
be switched ON and all the initialization processes are
Fig.1 General Block Diagram
The “Initialization done” message has to be displayed in
the screen. Up to that user should not keep any
fingerprints for scanning. After that “Show the Finger”
will be displayed on the screen. The fingerprint that has to
be compared is already stored in the memory of
fingerprint module. The fingerprint module is capable of
storing about 100 images in the inbuilt memory. Now the
fingerprints are kept for scanning with in a stipulated time
period. Fingerprint module started to compare the results
and it gives the hex codes to the microcontroller for
further operations. The microcontroller starts to send the
control to GSM based on the results from the finger print.
But the microcontroller has only one transmitter pin in it.
We have to communicate both of the GSM and
fingerprint module but not at a time. For that we are using
Relay for switching between the GSM and fingerprint
module. There are also commands for holding the
fingerprints and for comparing it. The person whose
fingerprint is matched and there will not be any SMS send
to those persons. The persons whose fingerprints were not
kept were taken and SMS will be sent only to those
numbers. If the fingerprint of an unknown person is kept
for scanning then the scanning will not take place. If
unknown persons fingerprint is kept then the message
“Not Identified” will be displayed. With the help of this
the parents can be known about their arrival of the
Students to the college or school. The fingerprints are one
of the greatest authentication systems where students
cannot forge very easily. This can be practically
implemented by extending the time period and student’s
attendance can be managed.
The fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication
refers to the automated method of verifying a match
between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are one of
many forms of biometric used to identify individuals ad
verify their identity. If unknown persons fingerprint is
kept then the message “Not Identified” will be displayed.
With the help of this the parents can be known about their
arrival of the Students to the college or school [6].
Fig.2 Fingerprint Module
The fingerprint consist of four process, they are given
Image Acquisition
Image Enhancement
Edge Detection
Extraction of Miniature Points and Matching
A. Image Acquisition
The Fingerprint images from various users are taken
using the module. The finger module itself has an internal
memory which can store about 100 images in it. These
images are used for the enhancement in next stages [7].
B. Image Enhancement
The image is enhanced using the techniques like
Histogram Equalization [8]. It is nothing but the graph
(SIM 300)
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-3, Issue-3, Mar- 2017] ISSN: 2454-1311 Page | 243
plot for number of pixels against the gray level. The
overall contrast of the image is made uniform and image
looks enhanced now the image is suitable for the
C. Edge Detection
They are many operators used for detecting the edges.
The operators are Prewitt, Laplacian, Sobels, and
Robertson Operators [9]. The Prewitt operator is one of
the best edge detecting operator and we are implementing
Prewitt operator in this paper. The edges have to be
detected in order to match the input image with already
saved image. There are two types of masking used here.
They are
i) Horizontal masking
ii) Vertical masking
Edges are calculated by using difference between
corresponding pixel intensities of an image. All the masks
that are used for edge detection are also known as
derivative masks. Because as we have stated many times
before in this series of tutorials that image is also a signal
so changes in a signal can only be calculated using
Fig.3 Actual image
Fig.4 Vertical mask
Fig.5 Horizontal mask
D. Extraction of Miniature Points and Matching
After the extraction of edges, the points are marked in it.
Those points which are detected after edge detection are
known as miniature points. The miniature points that are
extracted are compared with already stored image [10]. In
order to find the matching process the correlation factor
and the Euclidean distance has to be found out. Based on
the tolerance value the matching results can be found out.
The main purpose of the GSM in projects is to send and
receive the messages.
Fingerprints are one of many forms of biometric used to
identify individuals ad verify their identity. If unknown
persons fingerprint is kept then the message “Not
Identified” will be displayed. With the help of this the
parents can be known about their arrival of the Students
to the college or school.
Fig.6 Minutiae before marking
Fig.7 Minutiae after marking
The second process is the verification process. This is the
most repeated process. It is a done each time the user
wants to make use of the fingerprint controlled device.
When he places his finger on the fingerprint scanner
surface, the fingerprint would be processed by the
fingerprint scanner. The finger-print pattern that has been
obtained would be compared against the stored enrolment
template that is already stored in the database or memory
location where the enrolment process was executed.
When the fingerprint pattern passes the com-parison
process, it shows an acknowledgement in its display and
grants the user access [11].
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-3, Issue-3, Mar- 2017] ISSN: 2454-1311 Page | 244
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), is a
standard developed by the(European Telecommunications
Standards Institute) ETSI in order to represent the
protocols for 2G cellular networks used by mobile
phones. We have majorly two types of SIM modules.
They are SIM 300 and SIM 900. Here the SIM 300 is
enough for our purpose. SIM 900 is used for some
advanced purposes and it has many additional features
[12]. But not only that we can make a call and can we
also browse using the GSM. The GSM has the operating
voltage of 12v. It has mainly of three pins namely
transmitter, ground and the receiver pin.
To perform these tasks, a GSM modem must support an
Extended AT command set” for sending / receiving SMS
messages. GSM is one of the most useful inventions in
the modern world. It has many advantages than other
technology standards. The Advantages of GSM are,
Worldwide roaming
Reasonable devices and facilities
Extensive spectrums obtainable
After some time interval the details of the students who
were not present were taken. Those persons details were
taken and message of “NOT PRESENT “is sent to their
respective parent’s mobile numbers. So, the parents may
know about the student’s presence immediately. The
Students cannot forget this system easily.
Fig.8 GSM Module
GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, is a
radio navigation system that allows land, sea, and
airborne users to determine their exact location, velocity,
and time 24 hours a day, in all weather conditions,
anywhere in the world. The satellites transmit the exacta
me the signals are sent. By subtracting the time t he signal
w as transmitted from the time it was received, the GPS
can tell how for it is from each satellite [13]. The camera
used here is a PC web camera that captures the images of
students for both database creation and test images [14].
The face recognition is the most important part of this
system. It is an automatic method of identifying or
verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame.
It is done by comparing the extracted features from the
captured image with the images that are previously stored
in the predefined database [15]-[17].
Fig.9 Proposed system
Fig.10: Interface of GSM Module
The system consists of fingerprint acquisition module and
a GSM modem. Fingerprint acquisition module is used
for capturing the fingerprint and pre- treatment [18]-[21].
GSM modem is used to send the attendance of the
students to their parents in the form of SMS. The system
hardware includes: fingerprint acquisition module, GSM
modem, microcontroller, Camera (Face recognition),
MAX-232, and LCD.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-3, Issue-3, Mar- 2017] ISSN: 2454-1311 Page | 245
The fingerprint based attendance management system
was implemented with Microsoft’s C# on the .NET
framework and Microsoft’s Structured Query Language
(SQL) Server 2005 as the backend. The future work may
consist of creating the database of students which
contains the academic details of the students. We can
send the academic details of the students periodically to
the parent’s mobile along with the attendance report. So
in near future we can use finger vein recognition in this
attendance system which very unique compared to the
fingerprint authentication. The authentication can also be
made as more secure by using human odor for the
Security purpose.
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J.Chandramohan received his B.E. in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
from Bharathiyar University
Coimbatore, India, in 2003. He received
his M.E. in Power Electronics and
Drives from Anna University,
Coimbatore, India, in 2010. He is
currently working toward his Ph.D. in Power System at
Anna University Chennai, India. He is currently working
as a Assistant Professor of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering at Gnanamani College of Technology,
Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India. His current research interest
includes Power System and High Voltage Engineering.
R. Nagarajan received his B.E. in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
from Madurai Kamarajar University,
Madurai, India, in 1997. He received
his M.E. in Power Electronics and
Drives from Anna University,
Chennai, India, in 2008. He received
his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Anna
University, Chennai, India, in 2014. He has worked in
the industry as an Electrical Engineer. He is currently
working as Professor of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering at Gnanamani College of Technology,
Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India. His current research
interest includes Power Electronics, Power System, Soft
Computing Techniques and Renewable Energy Sources.
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... identity fraud, lacks of simplicity, no reliability, effectiveness, no scalability, acceptance, mobility or affordability. The biometric module incorporates a common processing of fingerprint features by means of a Digital Persona U ARE U 4500 biometric reader; which follows a well-known procedure that usually includes image enhancement, thresholding, thinning and minutiae extraction [15,16,20,26,82]. The corresponding evaluation process is performed by means of a comparison of the new sample against minutiae feature template dataset. ...
... The decision fusion integrates the matching scores from fingerprint verification and face recognition in order to establish the final decision. Continuing with the idea of marking paths where there are various controls over the academic attendance scenarios, Chandramohan et al. [15] designed a prototype employing a microcontroller (ATMEGA16A), which uses a fingerprint sensor and a face recognition module. A tracking module is used here to identify the location of a missing person; meanwhile a GSM modem is used to send the attendance of students to their parents in the form of SMS (short message service). ...
... General fingerprint-based attendance record process generally divided into different stages: fingerprint acquirement, image enhancement, thresholding, thininng or skeletization, minutiae extraction and feature template [15,16,20,26,82]. Thus, procedure detects and extracts all minutiae found in the fingerprint, which are saved in a file (identification template). ...
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Academic performance of students in most places around the world is determined by their presence in the classroom. Lecture attendance control at a university is a traditional process in which student engagement in classes is fostered by means of an institutional policy. In a conventional way, professors have employed different techniques to monitor the influx of students in the classroom, as well as their punctuality and history log. Nevertheless, conventional (paper-based) and modern attendance registration approaches (some using worksheets and computational information systems) often lack either promptness, non-impersonation ability, simplicity, reliability, effectiveness, scalability, acceptance, mobility, or affordability. The aim of this paper is to present a new proposal based on a common fingerprint process and in a new speaker recognition configuration by using a Raspberry system for student attendance administration purposes in order to provide most of these advantages. Thus, the propounded scheme uses ordinary fingerprint verification (a binarized 8-bit grayscale image processing) and speech recognition in the task of text-independent closed-set speaker identification using convolutional neural networks by means of previous enrollment and training process using as input a new approach of spectrograms images configuration. The presented system obtained an accuracy of 97.5% and 97.49% for the fingerprint and speech-based task respectively. These results are comparable with the corresponding state-of-the-art environments. The main findings obtained show a flexible structure with growth capacity, dynamism and prompt response due to the set of user assistance reports and the student control techniques.
... If the fingerprint of an unknown person is stored, an "unknown" message will be displayed. Through this, parents can be notified of their student's arrival at the college or school (Chandramohan et al., 2017). The development of presence is driven by the need to know who is in a particular place at a particular time for future reference. ...
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SMA Kosgoro Bogor uses fingerprint technology as a tool to improve accountability of student attendance and monitoring. The implementation of fingerprint technology has enabled the school to have detailed and automated information about student attendance. This article aims to explain how the use of the fingerprint system at SMA Kosgoro Bogor can improve student attendance accountability. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral observations of people and observable behaviour. The data source of this research uses primary data sources and secondary data. The research subjects were all students of SMAS Kosgoro Bogor. One form of appreciation given is the provision of free tuition scholarships at the beginning of each month that meets predetermined criteria, such as consistent daily attendance, recorded in the school attendance system, designated as a nominee by the homeroom teacher, active in extracurricular activities, speaking well, and behaving politely.
... Fingerprint identification technology has various blessings for much less price and non-invasive manner of acquisition [6]. Traditionally students' attendance takes too much time of lecture and gives room for proxy attendance, hence needs for computerized system [7]. ...
... What is particularly fascinating is that certain deep architectures have features that can be effortlessly transferred to other tasks . This implies that one can extract features from a trained model for a specific task and apply them to a different task by training a classifier or predictor on top of them [36]. ...
The traditional method of taking attendance using paper sheets is prone to errors like impersonation, loss, or theft. To solve this issue, automatic attendance systems utilizing identification technology such as barcode badges, electronic tags, touch screens, magnetic stripe cards, and biometrics have been implemented. Biometric technology uses physiological or behavioral characteristics for identification purposes, but traditional biometric systems have limitations such as vulnerability to damage or alteration over time, and variations in occlusions, poses, facial expressions, and illumination can affect face recognition accuracy. Fingerprint identification relies on the distinctiveness of fingerprints and involves comparing two impressions of the friction ridges on human fingers or toes to determine if they belong to the same individual. There are five primary categories of fingerprints: arch, tented arch, left loop, right loop, and whorl. Various algorithms have been developed to recognize fingerprints using minutiaebased matching, which involves identifying key features like ridge ending and bifurcation. Deep learning algorithms, particularly convolutional neural networks, have been successful in improving identification accuracy by extracting features automatically from fingerprint images. In recent times, securing personal data has become increasingly important, and the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) identification system is recommended for improving accuracy and performance. This paper proposes a fingerprint identification system that combines three models: CNN, Softmax, and Random Forest (RF) classifiers. The conventional system uses K-means and DBSCAN algorithms to separate the foreground and background regions and extracts features using CNNs and dropout approach. The Softmax acts as a recognizer. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on a public database and shows promising results, providing an accurate and efficient biometric identification system.
... Research [12] also solves the problem in the attendance system. The problem raised in this study is that manual attendance recording takes a long time, this problem can be solved by updating technology and adding existing hardware, but this can increase the costs incurred and add to the complexity of the attendance process. ...
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The situation during the Covid-19 pandemic is forcing changes in daily life. The change is mainly in matters relating to direct contact between humans. The attendance tool, such as the fingerprint attendance machine, is one of the tools that must be avoided. Because the tool is used simultaneously and touched, so can be an intermediary for the transmission of the virus. Attendance with the web was created as its replacement. However, this web attendance has a weakness in the integrity of the incoming data because it still has the potential to be spoofed. One way to carry out monitoring is to require students to take attendance. This mechanism raises several problems such as absenteeism fraud, small attendance numbers, and difficulty in monitoring. Therefore, an application design will be carried out in this study by integrating fingerprint, GPS, and OTP features. The application is built based on Android to facilitate the integration of these three features without additional devices. The application will be designed using the prototyping development method. The study results indicate that the integration of these three features is expected to solve problems in the implementation of online attendance fraud.
... Raspberry Pi adalah komputer papan tunggal yang didukung oleh sistem operasi Linux dan banyak digunakan oleh pengembang sistem tertanam [4], [9], [10]. Raspberry Pi dikembangkan oleh Raspberry Pi Foundation UK [11]. ...
Kendaraan listrik adalah solusi yang sangat baik untuk menjaga lingkungan, di samping mengurangi penggunaan energi fosil, kendaaraan listrik tidak mengeluarkan zat sisa atau dengan kata lain emisi yang di hasilkan tidak ada sehingga udara sekitar tidak tercemar Kendaraan listrik yang dijual di pasaran pada saat ini hanya beberapa yang dilengkapi dengan sistem monitoring kecepatan, daya baterai dan lokasi yang dapat di monitor melalui smarthphone dari jarak jauh. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu merancang sistem monitoring sepeda listrik yang dapat memonitoring daya baterai, kecepatan dan lokasi sepeda listrik menggunakan Raspberry pi. Pengujian sistem yang telah dilakukan bertujuan bahwa alat bekerja dengan baik dan memiliki akurasi yang baik. Alat dapat memonitoring tegangan baterai dengan akurat dan hanya memiiki rata-rata error pengukuran tegangan 1,424 %. Alat juga dapat mengetahui jarak yang dapat ditempuh oleh sepeda listrik dan dapat memonitoring kecepatan sepeda listrik dengan akurat dengan hanya memiliki rata-rata error pengukuran sebesar 2,68 %. Alat juga dapat menunjukkan titik lokasi keberadaan kendaraan listrik dengan akurasi titik koordinat yang hampir sama dengan google maps.
Keeping track of attendance while engaging students in the classroom may be tough, especially when the class is big. The conventional method of calling pupils' names is tedious and time-consuming, and proxy attendance is always a possibility. To address this problem and maintain track of students' attendance, we presented a smart attendance management system (SAMS) using face recognition, and location.This system replaces the traditional method with a mobile application which eventually reduces the use of pen and paper. The student needs to install the application on the mobile. the application will work as a user interface that can be accessed by Teachers, Students, and admins.Students can view their overall attendance using face recognition and their statistical data is also presented in the application. Each student can be tracked using a unique user ID and the student's presence can be recognized by using GPS coordinates typically longitudes and latitudes.
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In this paper, the development of an attendance management system using biometrics is proposed. Managing student attendance during lecture periods has become a difficult challenge. The ability to compute the attendance percentage becomes a major task as manual computation produces errors, and also wastes a lot of time. For the stated reason, an efficient attendance management system using biometrics is designed. This system takes attendance electronically with the help of a finger print device and the records of the attendance are stored in a database. Attendance is marked after student identification. For student identification, a biometric (fingerprint) identification based system is used. This process however, eliminates the need for stationary materials and personnel for the keeping of records. Eighty candidates were used to test the system and success rate of 94% was recorded. The manual attendance system average execution time for eighty students was 17.83 seconds while it was 3.79 seconds for the automatic attendance management system using biometrics. The results showed improved performance over manual attendance management system. Attendance is marked after student identification.
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In this paper, the design and development of a portable classroom attendance system based on fingerprint biometric is presented. Among the salient aims of implementing a biometric feature into a portable attendance system is security and portability. The circuit of this device is strategically constructed to have an independent source of energy to be operated, as well as its miniature design which made it more efficient in term of its portable capability. Rather than recording the attendance in writing or queuing in front of class equipped with fixed fingerprint or smart card reader. This paper introduces a portable fingerprint based biometric attendance system which addresses the weaknesses of the existing paper based attendance method or long time queuing. In addition, our biometric fingerprint based system is encrypted which preserves data integrity.
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Multilevel inverters have been widely used for high-voltage and high-power applications. Their performance is greatly superior to that of conventional two-level inverters due to their reduced total harmonic distortion (THD), lower switch ratings, lower electromagnetic interference, and higher dc link voltages. However, they have some disadvantages such as an increased number of components, a complex pulse width modulation control method, and a voltage-balancing problem. In this paper, a novel nine-level reduced switch cascaded multilevel inverter based on a multilevel DC link (MLDCL) inverter topology with reduced switching components is proposed to improve the multilevel inverter performance by compensating the above mentioned disadvantages. This topology requires fewer components when compared to diode clamped, flying capacitor and cascaded inverters and it requires fewer carrier signals and gate drives. Therefore, the overall cost and circuit complexity are greatly reduced. This paper presents modulation methods by a novel reference and multicarrier based PWM schemes for reduced switch cascaded multilevel inverters (RSCMLI). It also compares the performance of the proposed scheme with that of conventional cascaded multilevel inverters (CCMLI). Simulation results from MATLAB/SIMULINK are presented to verify the performance of the nine-level RSCMLI. Finally, a prototype of the nine-level RSCMLI topology is built and tested to show the performance of the inverter through experimental results.
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RFID means Radio Frequency Identification is a wireless identification technique which becomes very popular these days and is used for the identification of physical objects like products, humans etc by the use of radio frequency. This technique is much more advantageous, safe, secure and easy with lower overhead in contrast with the other conventional technique used. It is much faster and it has two components i.e. RFID tag and RFID reader. In this paper, we have proposed a push based SMS sending approach by GSM cellular network to remote monitoring of attendance of student based on RFID.
Conference Paper
This paper presents the design methodology of a simple and high real time Zigbee - biometric system for easy and time saving attendance management using the finger prints of the employees at any organization along with the employee incoming and outgoing log maintenance. Firstly employee's fingerprints are scanned by software and an identity number is allotted as their enrollment. During the attendance time when employees impress their fingerprints, against the scanner, the system compares the new fingerprint patterns and the connection between various points in the fingerprint with the enrollment database. A match is recorded as a knock exercising acquisition, processing, transmission, matching. Through this automatic system, time and manpower is reduced to the great extent.
Petroleum based mineral oils are generally used for electric power apparatus insulation and cooling applications. Since the conventionally used mineral oils are not biodegradable and difficult to decompose, there is a need for the development of alternate vegetable based insulation oils for such applications. Formation of partial discharges plays a major role in determining the life time of liquid insulation. Reports on partial discharge characteristics of thermal aged natural ester fluids for high voltage applications are scanty. The major aim of this research work is to understand the partial discharge characteristics of natural esters as a dielectric fluid for power transformer and other electric power apparatus insulation applications. Laboratory experiments are performed as per IEC (International Electro technical Commission) test procedures in order to understand the breakdown voltage and partial discharge characteristics of vegetable oils such as corn oil and palm oil under both virgin and thermal aged conditions. This paper presents a comparative assessment of the PD characteristics of thermal aged natural ester fluids with respect to mineral oil. Time and frequency domain analysis of PD pulse at both needle-plane and rod-plane electrode configurations are studied. Statistical analysis of PD pattern is also carried out. This analysis collects the typical PD patterns from natural ester fluids in order to find its suitability for power transformer and electric power apparatus applications.