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Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks for Internet of Things Routing: Review and Taxonomy



The internet of things (IoT) is an emerging technological advancement with significant implications. It connects a wireless sensor or node network via low-power and lossy networks (LLN). The routing protocol over a low-power and lossy network (RPL) is the fundamental component of LLN. Its lightweight design effectively addresses the limitations imposed by bandwidth, energy, and memory on both LLNs and IoT devices. Notwithstanding its efficacy, RPL introduces susceptibilities, including the version number attack (VNA), which underscores the need for IoT systems to implement effective security protocols. This work reviews and categorizes the security mechanisms proposed in the literature to detect VNA against RPL-based IoT networks. The existing mechanisms are thoroughly discussed and analyzed regarding their performance, datasets, implementation details, and limitations. Furthermore, a qualitative comparison is presented to benchmark this work against existing studies, showcasing its uniqueness. Finally, this work analyzes research gaps and proposes future research avenues.
Received 1 February 2024, accepted 19 February 2024, date of publication 21 February 2024, date of current version 1 March 2024.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3368633
Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power
and Lossy Networks for Internet of Things
Routing: Review and Taxonomy
1National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang 11800, Malaysia
2Applied College, Najran University, Najran 61441, Saudi Arabia
3School of Computing, Skyline University College, University City of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Corresponding author: Mohammed Anbar (
This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Najran University through the General Research Funding Program
under Grant NU//RG/SERC/12/3.
ABSTRACT The internet of things (IoT) is an emerging technological advancement with significant
implications. It connects a wireless sensor or node network via low-power and lossy networks (LLN). The
routing protocol over a low-power and lossy network (RPL) is the fundamental component of LLN. Its
lightweight design effectively addresses the limitations imposed by bandwidth, energy, and memory on both
LLNs and IoT devices. Notwithstanding its efficacy, RPL introduces susceptibilities, including the version
number attack (VNA), which underscores the need for IoT systems to implement effective security protocols.
This work reviews and categorizes the security mechanisms proposed in the literature to detect VNA against
RPL-based IoT networks. The existing mechanisms are thoroughly discussed and analyzed regarding their
performance, datasets, implementation details, and limitations. Furthermore, a qualitative comparison is
presented to benchmark this work against existing studies, showcasing its uniqueness. Finally, this work
analyzes research gaps and proposes future research avenues.
INDEX TERMS IoT, RPL protocol, VNA, intrusion detection system, security, LLN.
The internet of things (IoT) comprises an extensive network
of low-power modules that are interconnected, serving as a
critical component in various sectors, including healthcare,
transportation, industrial systems, and residential automation
[1],[2]. These programs heavily rely on wireless sensor
networks (WSNs), integral to the IoT. Wide-area WSNs
comprise compact, energy-efficient modules with sensing,
processing, and communication functionalities, delivering
accessible and innovative services. However, concerns arise
about power consumption due to the utilization of battery-
operated devices [3]
They have emerged in the IoT landscape to mitigate
resource limitations in WSNs and LLNs. The IPv6 over
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and
approving it for publication was Young Jin Chu .
low-power wireless personal area networks (6LoWPAN)
protocol [4], widely adopted by WSNs, addresses resource
limitations and lossy communication channels. Despite
improvements, securing LLNs remains challenging, leaving
vulnerabilities for attacks like VNAs and threatening data
security, privacy, and availability.
The RPL, designed for resource-limited devices, is com-
monly used in LLNs. However, RPL is vulnerable to VNAs,
compromising network security and efficacy. Scholars have
proposed various security strategies, including secure transit
protocols, lightweight encryption algorithms, and intrusion
detection mechanisms [5]. This survey thoroughly evaluates
and compares current security measures designed for LLNs,
focusing on protecting against VNAs. After examining
RPL’s vulnerabilities to VNAs, we evaluate the proposed
security measures within LLN limitations. A comprehensive
literature review reveals numerous papers discussing using
2024 The Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
For more information, see VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
FIGURE 1. Distribution of published works related to VNAs on the RPL
intrusion detection systems for VNAs in RPL, as illustrated in
Figure 1.
Figure 1depicts the number of publications between
2011 and 2022 related to VNAs on RPL. We scrutinized
these papers, comparing their effectiveness in securing the
network against VNAs. Studying state-of-the-art security
techniques for LLNs helps identify strengths and weaknesses
in protecting against VNAs [1].
The term ‘‘IoT’ denotes a network of tangible entities
equipped with sensors, software, and connectivity function-
alities, facilitating data exchange via the Internet. WSNs
are crucial components of the IoT, with recent security
improvements and energy-saving protocols like Low-energy
adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) and stable election
protocol (SEP) [6],[7],[8],[9] efficient routing algorithms
like RPL, and connectivity to both cloud and edge computing.
Recent contributions in the IoT and WSNs domains
encompass energy-efficient protocols, routing and data
aggregation algorithms, security mechanisms, integration
with cloud and edge computing, and standardization efforts
by organizations like the institute of electrical and electronics
engineers (IEEE) and internet engineering task force (IETF).
These contributions address challenges such as limited
resources, scalability, network topology management, data
aggregation, and security [10],[11].
1) energy-efficient protocols: LEACH and SEP minimize
energy consumption at sensor nodes to prolong the
network lifetime [12].
2) Routing and data aggregation algorithms: RPL and
sensor protocols for information via negotiation (SPIN)
reduce data transmission overhead [13], improve
scalability, and minimize energy consumption.
3) Security mechanisms: encryption algorithms, authen-
tication protocols, IDS, and secure key management
techniques ensure data security in IoT and WSNs [14].
4) Integration with cloud and edge computing: Facilitates
efficient data processing, storage, and analysis for real-
time decision-making and resource management [15].
5) Standardization efforts: IEEE 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN,
and CoAP ensure interoperability and compatibility
among different devices and networks [16].
Comparison of IoT, WSN, and 6LoWPAN networks before
going into specifics about IDS and how it can be used in IoT,
FIGURE 2. Existing approaches Used to detect VNAs.
WSN, and 6LoWPAN networks, it is helpful to know what
makes these networks unique and how they differ from each
other [17],[18].
Table 1shows how IoT, WSN, and 6LoWPAN networks
compare in terms of things like data collection, energy use,
network performance, event detection, security, scalability,
and communication protocols [19]. This comparison will
help in comprehending the unique considerations and chal-
lenges associated with implementing IDS in these network
environments. A summary of critical attributes among
6LoWPAN, IoT, and WSN networks is displayed in Table 1.
Regarding data collection, each of the three networks is
capable of amassing environmental information, including
temperature and humidity. Energy consumption data pertains
to a device or node’s power and energy levels. Included in the
metrics for network performance are latency, throughput, and
dependability [3].
Detection of events requires both triggers and sensor
data. Utilizing localization techniques, the location of nodes
is ascertained. Aspects of security consist of encryption,
authentication, and ID. Varying in scalability, the IoT
supports large-scale deployments. IoT utilises MQTT, CoAP,
and HTTP for communication, whereas WSN employs
Zigbee, Z-Wave, and Bluetooth. 6LoWPAN utilises IPv6,
6LoWPAN, and RPL for communication [20].
After an examination of numerous innovations and devel-
opments in WSNs and the IoT, we shall now browse into
a particular facet of network security known as VNAs.
In contrast to the preceding discussion, which empha-
sised security mechanisms, routing algorithms, and energy-
efficient protocols, it is imperative to focus on the obstacles
associated with VNAs within the framework of LLNs and
the RPL. The classification of proposed approaches against
VNAs is illustrated in Figure 2, which serves as a visual
aid for our systematic investigation of techniques and areas
where further research is required in this specialised field.
Figure 2illustrates the classification of proposed
approaches based on intrusion detection techniques against
As shown in Figure 2, a systematic examination of
techniques for discovering research gaps and weaknesses is
VOLUME 12, 2024 31137
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 1. Comparison of IoT, WSN, and 6LoWPAN Networks.
essential. This review addresses issues related to detecting
VNAs in RPL by investigating specific research inquiries:
1) What suggested approaches are currently available
for detecting VNAs in RPL?
2) How are the datasets for the suggested detection
methods produced by researchers?
3) What methodology is used to assess the proposed
4) which metrics are used to assess the efficacy of the
proposed methods During an evaluation?
5) Which areas of research have shortcomings that can
be addressed and improved upon?
Thus, we can outline the following as the principal
contributions of this review paper:
1) Recognizing the advanced techniques and IDS
researchers use to find VNAs in RPL.
2) Determining the metrics for evaluating the pro-
posed detection methods and the datasets,
researchers utilize to assess their effectiveness.
3) It identifies research areas needing improvement
and recommends further study on detection
approaches and IDS for VNA under RPL.
In the subsequent sections of this review, we delve into
various aspects related to our study. Section II provides
an in-depth exploration of background information, encom-
passing the RPL protocol, the VNA, performance metrics
prevalent in current approaches, widely used simulators, and
datasets commonly employed in related studies.
Following this background exposition, Section III conducts
a thorough analysis of the existing security mechanisms,
with a specific focus on detection techniques. This survey
critically compares these techniques to prior studies within
the same domain, establishing a contextual understanding of
the advancements in security protocols.
Section IV serves as the platform for presenting the
findings derived from our study. This section not only
encapsulates the outcomes but also highlights potential
research needs identified during the investigative process.
Concluding our discourse, Sections Vand VI individually
feature concluding notes and the conclusion. The concluding
notes encapsulate lingering problems and unresolved issues
in the field, while the conclusion outlines avenues for future
studies. This structured progression through background
exploration, analysis, findings presentation, and conclusion
aims to provide a comprehensive and cohesive narrative in
our review.
This section aims to provide essential background informa-
tion and definitions to ensure a clear understanding of the
concepts discussed in the subsequent sections, especially
those related to IDS or detection methods described in the
IDS plays a crucial role in enhancing the security posture
of IoT, WSN, and 6LoWPAN networks. These systems
monitor and analyze network and device activities to detect
and respond to malicious behavior or security incidents.
In this context, an IDS is pivotal in safeguarding network
security [3].
An IDS, whether implemented as hardware or software,
utilizes diverse detection methods to identify potential attacks
on a system. Upon detecting an attack, the IDS promptly
notifies the system administrator through notifications or
reports. The IDS may be a standalone device overseeing
an individual system or a network-based system conducting
local analyses for attack detection. Furthermore, IDSs
contribute significantly to the three fundamental security ser-
vices, which are (i) data confidentiality, ensuring secure data
storage within the system; (ii) data availability, confirming
data availability for authorized users; and (iii) data integrity,
verifying the correctness and consistency of data within the
system [21],[22].
On the other hand, there are various detection techniques
utilized in IDSs, which are categorized as follows:
31138 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
FIGURE 3. DODAG control message structure.
1) Misuse or Signature Detection: This method relies
on a database or patterns derived from previously
identified attacks. The IDS requires regular updates to
its information to identify new attacks effectively.
2) Anomaly Detection: This approach observes the behav-
ior of a system over a specific period, constructing a
profile that encompasses all system activities. Various
models, including time series and threshold models,
can create this profile.
3) Hybrid Detection: This method combines signature and
anomaly detection techniques.’
In 2012, the IETF established the RPL. In IoT and WSN
systems, RPL acts as a distance vector routing mechanism.
Its primary objective is to establish a Destination-Oriented
Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG), which comprises a root
node, parent nodes, and child nodes [1].
The child nodes communicate with the root node by
sending data packets through their parent nodes, with only
the root node being directly connected to the internet.
RPL automatically improves the route topology and avoids
network loops. In the hop-by-hop and IP-based distance
vector routing techniques, each node determines its rank
based on the number of hops from the root node. The path
with the lowest rank is discovered to be the most direct way
to the root node. Using an objective function and specific
constraints, nodes in an RPL network choose the best parent
node for each child node to connect with, as shown in Figure3.
RPL has two main objective functions (OF), which just
account for hop count, and the minimum rank with hysteresis
objective function (MRHOF), which also considers the
expected transmission count metric.
The RPL protocol utilizes four types of messages to
construct a DODAG. The four types of messages used by the
RPL protocol are as follows: [5]
1) DODAG Information Object (DIO): The root node
transfers the DIO to a node that wants to join an existing
DODAG and to its nearby nodes to construct the
DODAG. Additionally, it updates the network topology
information by broadcasting a message throughout the
entire network.
2) A new node that wishes to join the neighboring
DODAG will send a message of control known as a
DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS). To locate an
existing network, DIS is utilized.
3) A DODAG Advertisement Object (DAO) is a control
message sent from child and parent nodes to the root
node to update parent node information across the
4) A DAG Advertisement Object Acknowledgment
(DAO-ACK) is a control message sent from the parent
node to the child node during the formation of the
DODAG or after the acknowledgement of a new node
joining request.
The root node broadcasts a DIO message to its neighbors
at the initial stage of joining the RPL instance to create
a new DODAG (Figure 3, part a). The child nodes return
DAO messages (Figure (Figure 3, part b). The root node then
provides a DAO-ACK response, completing the DODAG
(Figure 3, part c). A node will send a DIS message to the
DODAG root node to establish a connection to an active RPL
instance (Figure 3, part d). The closest nodes then respond
with a DIS message, allowing the new node to join the
network (Figure 3, part f). This procedure guarantees that
the network has a single root node [23]. With the leaf nodes
having the greatest rank values and the internet-connected
root node having the lowest rank,( Figure 3, part g) presents
the network architecture of an RPL network [24].
Once the nodes establish the network topology, they can
begin the routing process and data transmission. However,
various security issues may threaten the network, resulting
from a malicious node infiltrating the network. Routing
attacks are specific security attacks that target the routing pro-
cess and network topology, resulting inmessage misdirection
and disruption. Modifying the version number in the message
VOLUME 12, 2024 31139
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FIGURE 4. Version Number Attack.
header to cause message misdirection is a prime example of
this type of attack. Such an attack can significantly affect
the network’s performance and safety, leading to data loss or
security holes [23]. This attack could be a harbinger of more
damaging attacks like WH, BH, and selective forwarding
(SF) attacks. Additionally, the network architecture may vary
due to the VNA, making finding efficient paths for message
delivery challenging. Understanding the specifics of the VNA
and how it affects RPL is key.
The network is susceptible to a VNA, wherein a malicious
node deceitfully elevates the root node’s DODAG version
number before relaying the DIO message to neighboring
nodes [23] Fig.4. Upon receiving the DIO message with the
altered version number, the neighbor nodes initiate a new
formulation, and the trickle timer is reset [25]. Subsequently,
these neighboring nodes broadcast the updated DIO messages
continuously [26]. The VNA has serious effects, such as
(1) making the network less functional; (2) increasing the
amount of work that needs to be done to keep the network
running; (3) creating routing loops in data routing; (4) using
more energy than it should; and (5) stopping communication
channels between nodes from working.
This results in a twofold increase in network latency and an
upswing in dropped packets [26]. This attack takes advantage
of the global repair mechanism, which is set off when the
network has a lot of problems and the root starts a global
repair [23]. This mechanism involves rebuilding the entire
DODAG by incrementing the version number of the DODAG,
carried in a control message called DIO [27]. Each receiving
node compares its existing version number with the one
received from its parent, initiating a new procedure to join
the DODAG if the received version is higher. While this
guarantees a loop-free topology, it is a resource-intensive
Nodes with an older version in DIO messages should not
be chosen as preferred parents. During a global repair, two
versions of a DODAG can coexist, but to prevent loops, data
packets from the old version can transit to the new version
but not vice versa. However, in this transitional state, loop-
free topologies cannot be guaranteed.
The version number should be propagated unchanged
through the DODAG to maintain consistency. However, RPL
lacks a mechanism to ensure the integrity of the version
number in received DIO messages, allowing a malicious
node to manipulate this value. The resulting propagation
of illegitimate version numbers in the network causes
unnecessary DODAG rebuilds and generates loops in the
Detection of this attack is challenging for individual nodes
due to the deceptive nature of malicious DIO packets, making
it difficult to discern whether they originate from a parent or a
child. Moreover, localization of the source of malicious DIOs
is challenging from a purely local perspective, necessitating
communication between nodes to trace the attack’s origin [1].
In general, researchers evaluate the effectiveness of their
methods by utilising simulation software and RPL com-
munication datasets to simulate the behaviour of IoT and
WSN networks [4]. In our review, we explored 15 studies
to obtain the presented result. The details of these studies
can be found in Table 2, which provides a comprehensive
overview of the diverse evaluation mechanisms employed in
the research community. Each of these studies contributes
valuable insights into the performance and applicability of
various approaches, shedding light on the advancements
made in the field of IoT and WSN network evaluations.
The reviewed studies in this field have employed various
network simulators, such as the COOJA simulator [28], the
Network Simulator NS-2, OMNETT++, MATLAB [23],
and Contiki OS. These simulators allow researchers to
analyze and test their techniques under various scenarios and
network topologies. The choice of a simulator depends on the
research requirements and the available resources, as each
simulator has limitations and strengths regarding features,
scalability, and ease of use. For instance, the COOJA sim-
ulator the research community commonly uses the COOJA
simulator due to its integration with the Contiki OS and its
ability to simulate large-scale networks, as demonstrated in
Table 2.
COOJA is considered the best choice for dealing with
resource-constrained devices. Using COOJA, researchers can
obtain a simulated view of proposed scientific contribu-
tions [24]. Table 2provides a comprehensive overview of
simulators used in existing approaches to model the RPL
protocol [29].
As shown in Table2, the NS-2 simulator is often used for
networking research because it works with many different
network protocols and has an extensive library of networking
components. Also, OMNETT++ is a general-purpose net-
work simulator that gives researchers a flexible environment
for simulating a wide range of network scenarios.
Lastly, MATLAB is a popular simulation platform that
lets researchers build and study network models through a
graphical user interface (GUI). This feature helps investi-
gators interact effortlessly with their models and evaluate
31140 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 2. RPL simulators used in the existing approaches.
the network’s performance, making it a valuable instrument
for network simulation research [28],[29]. Since each
simulator has its assets and weaknesses regarding scalability,
usability, and number of features, selecting a simulator
depends on the research requirements and the available
Datasets play a very crucial role in artificial intelligence (AI)
and machine learning (ML) research, as they provide a means
to train and evaluate models. The availability of high-quality
datasets is particularly essential for network security and
protection. These datasets can be generated synthetically,
collected from existing sources, or created by researchers.
Datasets may contain benign and malicious network traffic
for IoT networks, enabling researchers to develop and
evaluate models for identifying VNAs. To conduct effective
research in this discipline, comprehending the characteristics
and limitations of the available dataset is essential. Table 3
depicts the various categories of VNA-relevant datasets
discussed in this section [4],[51]. In our review, we explored
more than 15 studies to obtain the presented result. The details
of these studies can be found in Table 3and figure 5
1) Synthetic datasets: are generated via a mathematical
or computational model instead of being gathered
directly from actual observations or experiments. They
are frequently used in machine learning and data anal-
ysis to create a controlled environment for testing algo-
rithms, models, or methodologies. Synthetic datasets
use a variety of algorithms or models to generate data
that accurately simulate the statistical characteristics of
real-world data. These datasets can be generated based
on specified assumptions or distributions to construct
scenarios challenging or impossible to observe or to
create or generate data types for a specific population
or occurrence [23].
VOLUME 12, 2024 31141
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 3. Various categories of VNA-relevant Datasets.
2) EDC and IDC Dataset: are two datasets created by
researchers [46]at the SERCOM Lab of the University
of Carthage that reflect a smart hospital infrastructure.
The IDC dataset includes both normal and malicious
network traffic, as well as traces of three categories
of attacks: rank, deluge, and VN modification. The
dataset is split into training and testing sets, with
1000 instances used for training and 200 for testing.
The EDC dataset includes environmental and body
sensor data, with the former providing temperature,
light, and humidity information. The training and
testing set for environmental data consists of 100 and
200 instances, respectively [44], while the body sensor
data includes information on body temperature and
heart rate. A training set of 1000 instances and a testing
set of 200 instances were used for the body sensor data.
3) IRAD dataset: There are three routing attacks within
the dataset: DR attack, greeting HF attack, and VNA
attack., developed by Yavuz et al. [40]. The dataset
comprises 1,050,861 records, with 884,861 assigned
as benign and the remainder as malicious traffic. The
authors created a Python model to extract dataset
features, with 113 parts extracted. The authors also
developed a lightweight mechanism to detect the
attack. This dataset is unique in focusing on DR, HF,
and VN attacks and using a Python model to extract
features [29].
4) A real-time dataset is a collection of data that is
continuously created, updated, and available for pro-
cessing or analysis in real-time. It accurately records
and depicts dynamic events or phenomena, often from
FIGURE 5. Datasets utilized for evaluating VNA detection approaches.
sensors, streaming platforms, or live event data. Due
to their size, effective data processing, storage, and
analysis methods are needed [42].
Figure 5shows the datasets Utilized for evaluating
VNA detection approaches.
As indicated in Figure 5and Table 3, the researchers
have widely used synthetic datasets to evaluate their methods
in the context of VNAs because they offer greater control
over the data characteristics and enable the creation of many
instances with specific features. Different approaches, such as
simulation software and mathematical models, can produce
customized synthetic datasets that mimic network topologies,
traffic patterns, and attack scenarios. This flexibility allows
researchers to systematically vary the dataset’s features and
evaluate the impact of various factors on the performance of
31142 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
their methods. Additionally, synthetic datasets can generate
instances with known ground-truth labels, facilitating the
training and testing of machine-learning models. Overall,
using synthetic datasets provides researchers with a con-
trolled environment to evaluate the effectiveness of their
methods and gain insights into the behaviour of VNAs.
When evaluating proposed systems, researchers use different
metrics. The following metrics are commonly employed
in the literature to assess the effectiveness of approaches
proposed for detecting VNAs [43], as shown in Table 4.
The primary objective of detecting attacks is to achieve
optimal effectiveness, measured through the performance
metrics presented in Table 4, which highlights the different
metrics employed by researchers to evaluate the effectiveness
of their proposed techniques. The commonly used metrics
include packet delivery ratio (PDR), energy consumption, the
true positive rate (TPR), and the false positive rate (FPR) are
all crucial indicators of malicious attacks.
1) PDR refers to the proportion of data packets the
Gateway has received concerning the overall quan-
tity of packets the sensor nodes have transmitted,
calculated as follows.
PDR =Number of Packets Received at Sink
i=1Packets Sent By Node i(1)
2) Average End-to-End Delay (AE2ED) shows the
relationship between the time it takes for each packet
to be successfully transmitted to the Gateway and
the number of packets that have been sent, without
considering any packets that were not successfully
delivered [49].
i=1Packet Delayi
Total Packets (Received Successfully)
3) Energy consumption (EC) or energy usage is
evaluated for various conditions of the node, such
as whether the radio is active or not, whether the
microcontroller is sending or receiving signals, or if the
microcontroller is in a state of low power.
Energyc=(CCPU +CLMP +CTX +CRX) mj (3)
Power =Energyc
Total_Time mW (4)
4) Control Overhead (CO) is a dimensionless metric
that quantifies the ratio of received to control packets.
This measure needs to be evaluated carefully because a
specific IDS system could increase network overheads.
The success of the system’s prediction depends on
its accuracy, either positive or negative, depending on
whether it relates to an attack.
Therefore, there are four possible outcomes: accurate
and safe prediction, correct attack prediction, safe
attack false negative, and false positive. These out-
comes are classified as true positive (TP), true negative
(TN), false positive (FP), and false negative (FN),
respectively. The classification error is determined by
the ratio of incorrect predictions to the total number of
forecasts, as follows [29],[46]:
5) Accuracy: The metric of accurately identifying
whether the network activity is regular or under attack
is calculated using Equation (5).
Accuracy =(TP +TN )
(TP +TN +FP +FN )(5)
6) Precision indicates the number of accurate attacks
identified among the detected attacks.
rClPrecision =TP
TP +FP (6)
7) Recall metric indicates the proportion of true positives
with the combined number of TP and FNs.
Recall =TP
TP +FN (7)
8) F1-score is a weighted harmonic average that consid-
ers both precision and recall, providing a measure of
the balance between the two.
F1 =2×Precision ×Recall
Precision +Recall(8)
9) This research employed two distinct metrics to address
the issue of imbalanced datasets. The first metric,
called True positive rate (TPR), positive class accuracy,
or recall, is sensitivity. The second metric, nega-
tive class accuracy or true negative rate (TNR), is
specificity [29].
Sensitivity (TPR) =TP
TP +FN (9)
Specificity (TNR) =TN
TN +FP (10)
10) Throughput Measured by dividing the period by the
total number of active packet arrivals detected at the
destination. Its equation is as follows: [64]:
Throughput =Number of packetsent
Time (11)
This section focuses on the research papers published on
IDS and detection techniques for RPL networks susceptible
to VNAs. The review also includes a performance review
and how the suggested methods have been implemented.
This review has also summarized other literature reviews,
highlighting the unique contribution of this review.
Researchers have proposed various methods to identify
VNAs in RPL networks, which fall into the following cat-
egories: secure-based, lightweight, AI, signature, anomaly,
and distributed. In this review, we have explored each of these
classifications in detail.
VOLUME 12, 2024 31143
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 4. Distribution of the metrics in the existing studies.
This section provides an overview of multiple defense
mechanisms that employ secure protocols to protect the
RPL protocol from VNAs. Table 5summarizes these secure
protocol solutions.
The authors of [56] suggest a security system called VeRA
that is designed to ward off attacks employing fake VNs
and rank modifications. The fundamental idea behind this
strategy is to employ hash chains to verify nodes whose rank,
or VN, changes. VeRA incorporates a hash-based, minimally
time-consuming authentication method. VeRA’s resistance to
circumvention is a noteworthy trait except for rank fabrication
and replay attacks [59].
In another study by Landsman et al. [57], a novel
security technique is introduced to counter the reduced rank
attack. This solution uses a multilayer encryption chain
to stop attackers from broadcasting updated hash chains
and maintain rank integrity. VN and rank hash chains are
connected by the encryption chain. It should nevertheless be
emphasized that this security feature does not offer a defense
against rank-replay attacks.
To detect and prevent topological differences, Per-
rey et al. [57] presented an addition to the security technique
suggested in [65]. RPL offers topology-based authentication
with the trust anchor interconnection loop (TRAIL) general
security technique. Without depending on encryption chains,
TRAIL enables every node to verify its upward routing path
to the root and spot TRAIL can locate and eliminate unwanted
nodes from a network’s topology. VeRA and TRAIL, on the
other hand, demand that nodes prohibit their states for nodes
with low memory resources.
Mayzaud et al. expanded their previously described tech-
nique [58] for detecting VNAs in their investigations [43].
They admitted that a higher VN spreads throughout the entire
graph and that a monitoring node cannot tell on its own
whether this is an attack. To improve the effectiveness of
global detection, they updated the distributed monitoring
architecture to allow monitoring nodes to cooperate using
a multi-instance network. However, this defense design
assumes a solitary attacker and disregards mobility, limiting
its usefulness in more complicated circumstances.
In [43], the authors built on their prior work by incor-
porating detection and localization methods. They put the
‘‘LOCAL ASSESSMENT’ algorithm on monitoring nodes
separate from the root to give them the ability to inform
the sender’s root of an increased version number in their
neighborhood. They discovered an attack on the sink node
using the ‘‘DISTRIBUTED DETECTION’ approach, and
they collected all the information from the monitoring nodes
into tables. Finally, they used the information acquired to
find the perpetrator by applying the ‘‘LOCALIZATION’
algorithm to the drain node [66], Table5provides a summary
of essential parameters, benefits, and drawbacks of a secure-
based mechanism.
Summary and Analysis: The analysis of a secure-based
mechanism is presented in Table 5. This section focuses on
several secure protocol-based defense approaches to safe-
guard the RPL protocol. However, these approaches possess
31144 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 5. A review of secure-protocol- based detection techniques.
limitations in offering sufficient security for IoT networks
owing to several challenges that necessitate resolution.
For instance, vulnerability to rank forgery and replay
attacks [56], increased resource overheads (i.e., memory
and processing) [43],[57], and significant increase in
communication overhead [65] restrict their usage in existing
6LoWPAN networks. To effectively use secure-based solu-
tions, further exploration into IoT constraints is necessary.
It can also investigate lightweight cryptographic keys for
developing security solutions for the IoT.
Resource-constrained nodes may experience scalability and
resource limitations due to RPL’s complex structure and
high control message overhead. Lightweight mechanisms
that streamline RPL and lower its overhead while preserving
its routing performance have been offered to solve these
problems. These mechanisms include streamlined default
parameter sets, simplified control message formats, and fewer
control messages.
Lightweight techniques can increase the scalability and
effectiveness of LLN routing by lowering the complexity and
overhead of RPL. As shown in Table 6, several studies have
proposed lightweight mitigation techniques for VNAs.
In the study [51], researchers proposed two methods to
mitigate VNA, each with different resource requirements and
performance outcomes. The first technique eliminates VN
updates from leaf node directions, effectively mitigating the
most critical attack positions but not addressing the rest of
the attacking positions. The second technique allows nodes
to change their VN neighbors with better ranks and claim a
VN update, mitigating the attack’s effects regardless of the
attacking positions.
The effectiveness of these techniques is tested on four
different topologies, showing a reduction in adverse effects
caused by the attack while allowing legitimate VN updates.
Results indicate a significant decrease in delay caused by
the attacker, up to 87%, a reduction in average power
consumption of up to 63%, a lowering of control message
overhead by up to 71%, and an increase in data packet
delivery ratio of up to 86%. Therefore, researchers proposed
a lightweight solution to address the negative impact of
VNAs [67].
The approach involves each node in the RPL network run-
ning unique algorithms that do not require storing node states.
The evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme
is lightweight and compatible with resource-constrained
In addition, Belkheir et al. [55] proposed a novel,
lightweight, decentralized approach to minimizing VNAs
in RPL-based IoT networks [66]. Their solution entails
modifying the fundamental DIO processing conducted by a
node to maintain the same VN as the root and only accept
VN from its preferred parent. The researchers conducted
simulations to evaluate the effectiveness of their proposed
solution. They found that it exhibited superior performance
compared to existing techniques, with energy savings of
up to 58% and a reduction in control overhead of up to
81% depending on the attacker’s position in the network.
Hence, CDRPL, a security scheme proposed in [62], is a
collaborative and distributed approach that aims to improve
the resilience of RPL against VNAs. The method offers
fast and accurate detection of attacks, quick convergence of
the network topology, and efficient network stability with
reduced energy consumption.
Rosewelt et al. [53] used a two-phase approach based
on machine and deep learning (DL) techniques in their
study. In the first phase, they employed a qualitative feature
extraction method based on filter techniques independent of
any classifiers, allowing for selected features independent of
machine learning or DL algorithms. In the second phase,
the authors addressed the issue of imbalanced datasets by
VOLUME 12, 2024 31145
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 6. Intrusion Detection System based on Lightweight.
using the SMOTE oversampling technique. Table6shows a
summary of lightweight-based mechanisms.
Summary and Analysis: the analysis of lightweight-based
mechanisms is presented in Table 6. One method proposed
for detecting RPL attacks involves a monitoring architec-
ture where nodes collaborate and share information [67].
However, this approach assumes only one attacker and does
not account for node mobility, which can negatively affect
system performance [51],[53]. Another proposed method
involves cooperative verification between neighboring nodes,
which can increase false detections as the number of attackers
grows [26]. These methods are limited in accurately detecting
VNAs in RPL networks, mainly when multiple attackers and
mobility are present. Improvements are needed to address
these challenges effectively.
Integrating AI, IoT, and 5G is a pivotal strategy in developing
the next-generation smart network. As explored in the
research paper [68], the paper delves into the imperative
need for automated decision-making, security fortification,
scalability, real-time monitoring, and seamless interoperabil-
ity across network layers.
Within IoT networks, the synergy of AI techniques with
IDS is transformative. Leveraging ML and DL algorithms,
IDS can intricately scrutinize real-time network traffic,
swiftly identifying potential threats and monitoring devia-
tions from normal behaviour [4]. This innovative integration
not only bolsters the accuracy of intrusion detection but also
minimizes false alarms, culminating in a more secure and
resilient IoT network [69]. The comprehensive exploration of
this integration is reflected in Tables 7and 8below.
Several studies have proposed using DL for detecting routing
attacks in IoT networks. Yavuz et al. [29] presented a
scalable DL-based system that caught three types of RPL
attacks using a dataset created with Cooja emulation and the
Contiki operating system. The authors used a deep neural
Model to detect these attacks and obtained an accuracy
rate of 99.5 % for the greeting deluge attack, 94.9% for the
31146 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
DR attack, and 95.5% for the VNA attack. Additionally, they
developed a distributed IoT network attack detection system
based on DL.
They compared its performance with traditional ML
methods like support vector machines (SVM), decision trees
(DT), and other neural networks (NN). The results showed
that the DL-based system outperformed traditional ML
methods regarding accuracy, detection rate, false alarm rate,
F1 measure, recall, and precision. DL increased the proposed
model’s accuracy from around 96% to above 99% ˙
this work demonstrates the potential of DL for accurately
identifying IoT attacks in the distributed architecture of IoT
Kamel SOM et al. [37] developed a new model that
uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to find routing
attacks and guess suspicious traffic in IoT networks. The
dataset used to train the algorithm had five attack groups.
The authors utilized three preprocessing techniques, includ-
ing feature selection, Chi-squared, and weighting by tree
importance, to improve the model’s performance. These
techniques reduced overfitting and noise in the input data,
which enhanced the model’s predictability. In their study,
Rosewelt et al. [53] introduced an ML and DL technique that
consists of two phases.
In the first phase, the authors employed a qualitative
feature extraction approach based on filter techniques inde-
pendent of any classifiers. They ensured that the selected
features were not reliant on any specific ML or DL
In the second phase, they utilized the synthetic minority
oversampling technique (SMOTE) to address imbalanced
datasets. This approach helped improve the model’s accuracy
by generating synthetic samples for the minority class,
thereby achieving a better balance between the classes in the
On the other hand, Nayak et al. [60] developed a DL-based
routing attack detection model for industrial internet of things
(IIoT) networks. This model can detect planned attacks in
RPL using adversarial training. The authors combined the
generative adversarial network (GAN) and SVM to create
the GAN-C model, demonstrating superior performance in
detecting attack events. Table7. provides a summary of
essential parameters, benefits, and drawbacks of DL-based
Summary and Analysis: the analysis of DL-based mech-
anisms presented in Table7reveals several significant limi-
tations. The proposed model for detecting routing attacks in
IoT networks has limitations, such as its long training time
and vulnerability to other attacks. Incorporating DL models,
however, can increase detection rates, as shown in previous
studies [29].
In another work, VNA classification was stable and not
sensitive to specific classes [58]. However, important metrics
like PDR, PRC, and E2E delay data were missing, and the
authors of [37] and [53] did not share the datasets and features
they used. Furthermore, the suggested solutions in [60] are
targeted at VNAs, and it is uncertain if they would be effective
against other kinds of attacks.
Additionally, as shown in Table 7, DL techniques are
more effective than traditional data processing methods for
analyzing large datasets [40]
ML techniques have emerged as a promising solution for
enhancing the detection performance of IDSs in the IoT
domain. Specifically, RPL-based networks can utilize ML
algorithms to learn from large-scale datasets and adapt
to changing attack patterns, improving the accuracy and
efficiency of IDSs. The utilization of ML in RPL-based IDSs
is a growing research area that can lead to more reliable and
secure IoT applications.
Sahay et al. developed a method for identifying VNAs in
IoT systems [24]. It is applicable at the edge of the IoT-LLN
network or in the cloud, with accurate detection and no
misidentification. The framework is divided into many stages,
including filtering input features, feature preprocessing, and
application of ML classification algorithms (DT, SVM,
Bernoulli RBM, and LR). VN fluctuations and the quantity
of VN changes when malicious nodes issue a warning are
two criteria used in detecting VNAs. The root node for
blacklisting. The findings indicated that the Light Gradi-
ent Boosting Machine (ML-LGBM) model outperformed
existing approaches with high accuracy, precision, and
f-score. The ML-LGBM model achieved an ACC of 99.6%
a precision of 99% an F-Score of 99.6% a true negative rate
of 99.3% and a false negative rate of 0.0093.
In their study, Kfoury et al. [30] introduced the Self
Organizing Map Intrusion Detection (SOMID) tool to
identify Sinkhole, VRA, and HF attacks. SOMID utilizes
Self Organizing Maps (SOM) to group regular and malicious
network traffic based on data extracted from a packet
capture (PCAP) file generated by a Cooja simulator. The
system consists of three main components: an aggregator
that compiles data from the PCAP file, a normalizer that
standardizes the collected data, and a trainer that educates
The result is a matrix that can be displayed as a 2D image,
demonstrating the clustering patterns. Also, Sharma et al. [45]
proposed the ML approach to detect routing attacks in RPL.
They simulated three types of attacks, such as HF, DR, and
VNA, and utilized an artificial neural network (ANN) for
attack detection. Setting up network scenarios, watching how
networks behave during attacks, gathering and processing
data, using ANN to sort and analyze network traffic, and fine-
tuning ANN’s performance were all parts of the proposed
ANN-based IDS workflow.
They evaluated the system’s performance using hold-out
and k-fold cross-validation techniques across four simulation
scenarios, each representing one type of attack, and a final
scenario combining all attacks.
During HF attacks, the malicious node generated the
most packets, while during VNAs, it encouraged neighboring
VOLUME 12, 2024 31147
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 7. Intrusion Detection System based DL.
nodes to create more packets. During DR attack scenarios,
it initiated the fewest packets. The hold-out approach was
shown to be more effective when compared to the k-fold
cross-validation method since it required less time to reach
100% accuracy.
Tenfold cross-validation was used to prevent overfitting
problems. The accuracy of the ANN model was eventually
ideal after hyperparameter optimization.ANN for attack
detection. Setting up network scenarios, watching how
networks behave during attacks, gathering and processing
data, using ANN to sort and analyze network traffic, and fine-
tuning ANN’s performance were all parts of the proposed
ANN-based IDS workflow.
They evaluated the system’s performance using hold-out
and k-fold cross-validation techniques across four simulation
scenarios, each representing one type of attack and a final
scenario combining all attacks.
During HF attacks, the malicious node generated the most
packets, while during VN attacks, it encouraged neighboring
nodes to create more packets. During DR attack scenarios,
31148 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 8. Intrusion detection system based ML.
it initiated the fewest packets. The authors compared the
efficacy of the hold-out and k-fold cross-validation methods
and determined that the hold-out method required percent
accuracy to achieve 100 percent accuracy.
They utilized 10-fold cross-validation to prevent over-
fitting problems. Eventually, after optimizing its hyperpa-
rameters, the ANN model attained 100 percent accuracy.
Osman et al. [49] presented a multi-layer (MLRPL) model
VOLUME 12, 2024 31149
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 9. Intrusion Detection System Based-Distributed.
that uses an ANN approach to recognize DR attacks
in RPL.
Data preprocessing, feature extraction, and ANN-based
attack detection comprise the three phases of the MLRPL
model. The authors tested their model using the IRAD
dataset, which included VNA, DR, and HFs. The authors
combined the VNA and DR attack datasets into a single RPL
attack dataset with 18 features during the data preprocessing
In the second phase, the scientists trained an RF clas-
sifier on the dataset and used an entropy approach called
information gain to evaluate each quality. The ideal eight
attack detection features were created during this phase.
As a result, many detection situations, including binary and
multi-class classification, were utilized to gauge the model’s
effectiveness [67].
The experimental findings also revealed that for binary
class detection, the training and testing accuracies were
97.14% and 97.01% respectively, while for multi-class
detection, the values were 96.59% and 96.39%˙
The proposed
methods produced a 97.14% overall accuracy, a 97.03%
precision score, a 0.36% FPR, and a 98% AUC-ROC score.
Regarding training time and ANN model complexity, the
MLRPL approaches work better than earlier ones [67],[71].
Summary and Analysis: Table 8provides an overview
of studies that used ML for ID in RPL networks. The
proposed models had varying accuracy and approaches, some
having high accuracy but with drawbacks like increased
memory and energy consumption or an inability to identify
the attacker [24]. This section highlights the need for further
research to improve the accuracy and efficiency of these
models. Additionally, some studies only detect one type of
attack [36],[53],[62], and no information is available about
the generated dataset’s availability [37],[45].
The authors of [46] also provided an architecture with a
real-time data collection tool for tracking network activity
and gathering IoT network information. The data collection
model (DCM), detection model (DM), and classification
model (CM) make up the suggested architecture. The DCM
can gather IoT communication data from the physical,
network, and application layers and is interoperable with all
IoT protocols.Table8summarizes studies that employed ML
for ID in RPL networks.
IDS utilizes distributed methodologies to identify and miti-
gate threats and vulnerabilities in IoT networks. Distributed
monitoring stands out among these methods because it entails
cooperation between various IDS nodes to monitor and
investigate network traffic for suspected intrusions. This
cooperative strategy can help decrease FP and increase the
precision of ID. Many studies have been performed on the
efficiency of this strategy, and this section presented some of
Mayzaud et al. [58] developed a distributed monitoring
system for DODAGs using RPL’s multi-instance feature and
dedicated monitoring nodes. The system combines regular
and monitoring nodes, enhancing security. Monitoring nodes
use local anomaly detection algorithms to analyze data
and identify potential distributed attacks. However, the
system faces limitations in detecting multi-attacker scenarios
and high-end device use, requiring further improvement.
Additionally, the authors [43],[72]of the study acknowledged
that the propagation of an incremented version number across
the entire graph could make it difficult for a monitoring node
to determine if this results from an attack.
Therefore, they proposed an extension to the distributed
monitoring architecture that enables monitoring nodes to
31150 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
collaborate and share information to identify malicious
nodes. The proposed multi-instance network facilitates global
detection, enabling monitoring nodes to collaborate and
share information to identify malicious nodes. However, it is
essential to note that this defense architecture assumes only
one attacker case and does not consider mobility. Table 9
shows a summary of distributed mechanisms.
Summary and Analysis: As presented in Table 9above,
the ideas in [43] and [72] come with extra costs for setting
up networks, which are not ideal for networks with limited
resources. Furthermore, tackling these crucial challenges to
advance IDS for the IoT is imperative.
Securing RPL networks against various attacks is a challeng-
ing task. One common approach for securing RPL networks
is anomaly-based and signature-based IDS [65].
1) Signature-based detection is a method to detect and
prevent malicious behaviors using preexisting attack
signatures [54]. It is commonly used in IDS and can
effectively identify known attacks. However, it may
struggle to identify unknown or previously unseen
attacks due to its reliance on existing signatures [30].
2) Anomaly-based detection assumes that the normal
behavior of a network is known, and any deviation
from this behavior can be considered an anomaly. This
approach analyzes network traffic and system behavior
to identify variations from normal patterns, indicating
a potential intrusion [28]] , [73].
It was recognized by Mayzaud et al. [58] that an increased
VN could spread throughout the graph, making it challenging
for a monitoring node to verify whether it results from an
attack. Therefore, they increased the distributed monitoring
architecture, enabling monitoring nodes to cooperate and
boosting detection effectiveness. However, the protection
architecture only considered a single attacker and ignored
They developed this work in [67], where they introduced
techniques for detection and localization. For monitor
nodes [43], other than the root, to notify the root of
the sender of an increased VN in their local area, the
LOCAL ASSESSMENT algorithm was implemented on
those nodes. The DISTRIBUTED DETECTION algorithm
was used on the sink node to recognize the attack and gather
information from all monitoring nodes. On the other side, the
LOCALIZATION method was used on the sink node, and
the information gathered was evaluated to determine who the
attacker was. This framework carried over the drawbacks of
the earlier strategy by Mayzaud et al. [58].
Philokypros et al. [74] proposed a framework for detecting
DIS and VNA using a signature-based IDS. The approach
requires the installation of detection and monitoring modules
on nodes, like hybrid detection schemes, but with the addition
of two types of nodes: sensors and IDS detectors, including
routers. While sensors and IDS detectors watch and report
on malicious traffic to the router nodes, IDS routers feature
detection and firewall modules. All incoming traffic is
analyzed by the IDS router to identify whether a packet’s
source is malicious.
The IDS detector simultaneously computes metrics like
packet failure and transmission rates. Based on the informa-
tion it receives from each node, the detection module running
on 6BR analyzes whether each node is malicious. However,
the authors have not validated the proposed framework,
which is a significant flaw.
SOMIDS, proposed by Kfoury et al. [30], is a system
that detects sinkhole, VNA, and HF attacks using SOM. The
SOMIDS system is designed to cluster normal and attack
traffic for detection using a PCAP file from a Cooja simulator.
The aggregator module collects traffic data from the captured
PCAP file, including ICMPv6 code, IPv6 destination, and
timestamp, and then aggregates it into six variables.
The normalizer module normalizes the aggregated data,
while the trainer module trains the SOM. The SOMIDS
output is a matrix transformed into a 2D picture for improved
cluster visibility. However, SOMIDS is imperfect because it
ignores node mobility, and its implementation overhead has
not been studied. However, SOMIDS is a novel approach to
employing SOM to identify attack types, which may help
defend RPL networks.
Summary and Analysis: As shown in Table 10, some
proposed approaches rely on outdated signatures for classi-
fiers. Training, making them less effective in securing RPL
networks. On the other hand, the solutions in [30] utilized
signatures obtained from simulated attacks and showed
encouraging outcomes concerning key indicators. However,
real-world physical network fingerprints should be more
useful for developing classifiers [74]. Therefore, there is a
need to develop a real traffic dataset for RPL-based networks
that contain traces of common routing attacks, as suggested
in [33],[73], and [75]. Lastly, the energy usage of the
anomaly-based IDS is suggested in consideration [43],[67]
and might be further reduced.
This section focuses on comparing this review with other
existing reviews, surveys, and systematic review studies on
attack detection in RPL networks. Additionally, we empha-
size the topics related to VNAs covered in these studies
and their limitations and gaps, as shown in Table 11. The
comparison aims to point out the uniqueness of this work.
Previous review on detecting network attacks using
ML, DL, and combined ML-DL techniques was carefully
reviewed and judged by those who conducted the study [23].
The review was based on thoroughly searching various
information sources and screening many studies using
pre-defined inclusion criteria. Ultimately, they identified
49 studies as relevant for inclusion in their review, which were
then carefully analyzed and evaluated.
VOLUME 12, 2024 31151
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 10. Intrusion detection system based signature-and Anomaly.
Meanwhile, Pasikhani et al. [76] reviewed IoT’s
6LoWPAN security using RPL. They provided an overview
of the IoT architecture and RPL protocol before discussing
current threats to RPL and the necessary countermeasures.
Additionally, the study elaborated on the evaluation metrics
utilized in these measures. The authors concluded by
identifying the limitations of previous review studies,
discussing the problems encountered, and proposing possible
future research directions.
In a separate study, Faraj et al. [77] focused on using ML
techniques to identify attacks on IoT devices. Specifically,
the authors designed an IDS that utilized ML and discussed
the essential components of such systems, how they can
be grouped, and how they can be used in IoT networks.
They also examined various IDS methods to detect attacks
on IoT devices and pointed out their shortcomings. Finally,
the authors highlighted unresolved issues and research
challenges in IoT security and suggested directions for future
studies to overcome them.
In [78], researchers conducted an SLR of IDSs in RPL-
based 6LoWPAN. The review analyzed 103 published works
in this field, providing comprehensive explanations of the
detrimental impacts of network attacks and the architecture
of RPL. The authors evaluated the studies gathered and sug-
gested potential modifications. They also provided a detailed
classification and analysis of IDS-based RPL techniques,
including methodologies for validating methods, monitoring
data sources, detection strategies, and countermeasures.
The authors thoroughly collected and analyzed the
evaluated studies, considering assessment metrics, network
simulators, the harmful consequences of RPL attacks, and
study outcomes. They also discussed frequently used IoT
network datasets and briefly reviewed RPL datasets. Lastly,
the author identified research gaps and suggested several
future research directions to address the gaps. This review
provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of IDSs in
RPL-based 6LoWPAN and is a valuable resource for future
It is worth mentioning that the research studies in
Table 11 do not comprehensively analyze VNAs. While
some studies evaluate the impact of VNAs on IoT networks,
they do so within the context of their respective research
31152 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
TABLE 11. Various Categories of Security Attacks in IoT.
areas. This review, on the other hand, focuses exclusively
on VNAs.
It contrasts the implementation, datasets, performance
evaluation measures, and proposed detection algorithms.
Furthermore, this review covers VNAs from 2011 to 2023 in
the most thorough and current manner. Although fewer
papers are in this review than other surveys, it is useful
because it concentrates on efforts that directly address VNAs.
Additionally, Table 11 reveals that VNA and HF attacks are
the most prevalent, followed by WH, SH, and BH attacks.
Researchers have also explored DAG, decreased rank, and
identity attacks. Nevertheless, the limited attention given
to the remaining attacks implies that they may either be
straightforward to detect or challenging to implement within
RPL networks.
In conclusion, our goal was to distinguish our review from
others and gain a deeper understanding of the crucial issues
related to routing protocol-based attacks while identifying the
most prevalent attacks on routing protocols. This comparison
can be a useful reference for future researchers in this
field. By examining the attacks analyzed in previous studies,
researchers can recognize and concentrate on novel types of
This section discusses the findings of the publication
review. It involves addressing research questions, identifying
gaps and potential future research avenues, and discussing
the review’s findings. The review revealed that the VNA
targets vulnerabilities in the RPL protocol and manipulates
node rank values to significantly disrupt the network’s
operation, potentially leading to further damaging attacks.
Consequently, many researchers proposed techniques to
address the problem of VNA attacks by detecting and
mitigating them early. The review revealed significant
distinctions between the evaluation metrics, datasets, and
Most studies focused on various network routing attacks
without investigating specific countermeasures for each.
To circumvent this ambiguity, this review focuses on the
security techniques designed to detect and counteract VNAs.
VOLUME 12, 2024 31153
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
FIGURE 6. Distribution of the attacks in the existing research.
The review identified many potential future research areas on
this topic, summarized as follows:
1) Most of the research covered in this review looked
at how well-proposed methods worked with a single
network topology. Only a few studies examined how
their performance changed with different network
topologies. The evaluation of suggested approaches in
network topology comprising a single case of RPL as
opposed to numerous cases has thus been identified as
a research gap (Section II-D).
2) A requirement for solutions that are lightweight,
secure, scalable, and serve critical IoT applications run-
ning on networks with limited resources (section III-B)
3) Several solutions have been proposed to detect and mit-
igate VNAs, including signature-based and anomaly-
based approaches; trust-based solutions have also been
Still, they are not widely used in resource-limited
networks (section III-E).
4) The distribution of attacks in the research under
consideration is shown in Section III-D above. Figure 6
shows that the most researched attacks are VNA and
HF, followed by WH, SH, and BH attacks. DAG,
DR, and identity attacks are also investigated in some
detail. However, the remaining attacks received little
attention from researchers. Therefore, it can be inferred
that because these attacks are either easy to detect or
challenging to implement in RPL networks, they have
gotten less attention.
In summary: examining the attacks implemented in
previous studies would assist future researchers in
detecting such attacks and concentrating on new types.
5) To progress the development of anomaly-based IDS
for the IoT, significant hurdles must be overcome,
highlighting the need for additional research to resolve
these issues and enhance the overall effectiveness of
IDS in the IoT.
6) The RPL protocol is intended for use in LLN networks,
an essential aspect of IoT systems. Nevertheless, not
all IoT systems operate similarly. As reported in one of
the reviewed papers, a detection method was developed
FIGURE 7. Distribution of metrics in previous studies.
specifically for a healthcare IoT system [41],[76],
[79]. Whether a suggested detection method can be
applied in IoT systems or is designed for a specific IoT
application must be determined.
7) All but one of the ML-based detection techniques under
study did not include hyperparameter adjustment.
To adjust the hyperparameters and choose features, the
researchers, however, employed a genetic optimization
technique [72]. Optimization approaches for hyper-
parameter tweaking ML-based detection algorithms
are highlighted as a research gap that should be
8) The literature analysis finds that previous research has
focused primarily on detecting attacks and isolating
malicious nodes. Furthermore, there is a lack of initial
acknowledgment of efforts to prevent the attack. This
raises the question of identifying a research gap in
the proposed security approach. Specifically, there is
a need for mechanisms capable of detecting, isolating,
and thwarting VNAs within RPL networks.
9) Finally, the reviewed works utilized a variety of per-
formance metrics to evaluate their proposed methods.
Figure 7presents statistics on the frequency of these
metrics and the references that employ them. However,
these statistics reveal that specific critical metrics for
IoT systems, such as accuracy, F1-score, recall, time,
average delay, and precision, were not given sufficient
attention. Therefore, future research on IoT systems
should address these metrics.
Section Iof this review presented several research inquiries
to direct this investigation. This segment will respond to these
inquiries by utilizing the insights obtained from the literature
1) What proposed techniques currently exist for
detecting VNAs in RPL?
Several approaches have been suggested to detect
VNAs, which can be categorized based on their
31154 VOLUME 12, 2024
N. A. Alfriehat et al.: Detecting Version Number Attacks in Low Power and Lossy Networks
FIGURE 8. Instruments for Evaluating Proposed Detection Methods.
detection approach, as discussed in SectionIII. They
include secure-based construction systems, signature
and anomaly detection, distributed-based, lightweight-
based systems, and systems that utilize AI data models.
The literature review section thoroughly investigated
each of these techniques.
2) How are the datasets used in the suggested detection
algorithms being created by researchers?
This work’s literature survey failed to find a dataset
explicitly designed to address the RPL issue VNA,
as discussed in Section II-E. While some researchers
use datasets focusing on various attacks, such as
synthetic, most prefer creating artificial datasets using
web simulators like COOJA.
3) What is the methodology used to assess the proposed
methods? On actual IoT platforms, evaluating attack
detection techniques might be quite difficult. As a
result, many researchers use network simulators like
Cooja or matlab to simulate the operation of IDS. The
instruments frequently used in literature for assessing
suggested detection methods are listed in Table 2.See
section II-D,
As shown in Figure 8and Table 2, the Cooja simulator
is the most widely used method in the scientific
4) Which metrics are used to measure the performance
of the proposed methods during an evaluation? The
researchers evaluated the efficacy of their proposed
techniques using a variety of metrics. Figure 9illus-
trates these metrics: TPR, FNR, FPR, detection rate,
detection Acc, packet loss ratio, energy consumption,
overhead, and average latency. Indicators for detecting
malicious attacks, PDR, energy consumption, TPR,
and FPR were the most frequently employed metrics.
The reviewed studies did not utilise critical metrics
such as overhead, throughput, and average latency as
FIGURE 9. Commonly Metrics Based used in Existing Researches.
5) Which research areas have shortcomings that can
be addressed and improved upon?
Section IV-A and IV-B provides a detailed discussion
of various research gaps that have been identified.
This review has highlighted several critical areas in the
research on VNAs in LLN and RPL networks that have not
received sufficient attention. These areas can be summarized
as follows:
1) Evaluating the impact of the VNA on RPL networks
based on multiple variables, such as the location
of the criminal within the network, the number of
hops between the attacker and the root node, and the
presence of multiple or a single malicious node.
2) Examining the interaction between VNAs and other
routing attacks.
3) Comparing the applicability, adaptability, and net-
work integration complexity of proposed detection
approaches. Exploring the fundamental characteristics
of a network’s traffic flow that can be used to apply
ML and DL models to detect an attack and identify the
malicious node.
In conclusion, while numerous proposals for using machine
learning techniques to detect and prevent VNAshave been put
forward by researchers, less attention has been given to opti-
mizing the model’s hyperparameters. The majority of studies
have evaluated the effectiveness of suggested solutions using
detection metrics without taking into account important IoT
system characteristics like complexity, overhead, delay, and
ACC. Furthermore, researchers have made some suggestions
for identifying and separating malicious nodes, but little
attention has been given to preventing attacks from occurring
in the first place.
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Our research aims to address these gaps by achieving
satisfactory performance and supporting security modes and
protection techniques specific to contexts. We have discov-
ered that VNAs are the most pernicious, yet many studies
on routing attack detection have ignored task distributions
and parallel processing during the learning phase. Effective
security performance requires real-time prediction and detec-
tion of attacks; however, most studies have not addressed the
issue of multiple attacks. Therefore, our study seeks to fill
these gaps by optimizing hyperparameters, identifying and
preventing attacks from occurring, considering critical IoT
metrics, and addressing multiple attacks.
There are several potential avenues for future work in
this area. Firstly, there is a need to analyze multiple VNA
situations that have not yet been addressed in the literature.
Exploring a hybrid mitigation scenario that uses the elimina-
tion technique for nodes with limited resources and the shield
technique for other nodes could be interesting. Another factor
to consider is mobility, which could incorporate evaluating
the impact of dynamic node ranking and topology changes
on attack mitigation. These potential research directions
could improve our understanding of VNAs in LLN and RPL
Finally, there is still ample opportunity to contribute
significantly to this field of study, and additional research
should be encouraged.
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of Things,’ in Internet of Things. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier,
2023, pp. 10075–0.
NADIA A. ALFRIEHAT received the B.S. degree
in computer science from Jerash University and the
M.Sc. degree in computer science from Amman
Arabiya University, in 2018. She is currently
pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the National
Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), University Sains
Malaysia (USM). Her research interests include
computer networks, network security, intrusion
detection systems (IDS), artificial intelligence
(AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT).
MOHAMMED ANBAR (Member, IEEE) received
the Ph.D. degree in an advanced computer network
from University Sains Malaysia (USM). He is
currently a Senior Lecturer with the National
Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), USM. His current
research interests include malware detection,
web security, intrusion detection systems (IDS),
intrusion prevention systems (IPS), network
monitoring, the Internet of Things (IoT), and IPv6
received the B.Sc. degree (Hons.) in computer
science from University Sains Malaysia (USM),
in 2009, the M.Sc. degree in software systems
engineering from the King Mongkut’s Univer-
sity of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB),
in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree from TU Darmstadt
with his dissertation titled Advanced Monitoring
in P2P Botnets, in 2016. He has been a Senior
Researcher/a Postdoctoral Researcher with the
Tele Cooperation Group, TU Darmstadt, since July 2019. He has also
been a Senior Lecturer with the National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6),
USM, since 2016. He is working actively on several cybersecurity projects
and working groups, e.g., the National Research Center for Applied
Cybersecurity (ATHENE), formerly the Center for Research in Security and
Privacy (CRISP).
SHAZA DAWOOD AHMED RIHAN received the B.S. degree in computer
engineering from the University of Gezira, Sudan, in 2002, the M.Sc.
degree in information system from the Arab Academy for Science and
Technology, Egypt, in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in information systems
from Omdurman Islamic, Sudan, in 2016. She is currently an Assistant
Professor with Najran University. Her current research interests include
computer networks, cybersecurity, and distributed databases.
BASIM AHMAD ALABSI received the B.Sc.
degree in computer science from Al-Azhar Uni-
versity, Palestine, in 2000, the M.Sc. degree in
computer science from Aman Arab University,
Jordan, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in inter-
net infrastructure security from Universiti Sains
Malaysia (USM), in 2020. He is currently an
Assistant Professor with Najran University. His
current research interests include the Internet of
Things (IoT), routing protocol for low-power and
lossy networks (RPL) security, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), intrusion
prevention systems (IPSs), and IPv6 security.
ALAA M. MOMANI received the Ph.D. degree in
software engineering. He is currently the Associate
Dean of the School of Computing, Skyline Uni-
versity College, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
He has experience teaching at several universities
in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and United
Arab Emirates, where he has been in the academic
field, since 2005. He has valuable research articles
published in international journals and participated
in conferences as the author or reviewer. His
research interests include the area of software engineering, technology
acceptance and usage behaviors, artificial intelligence, machine learning,
e-commerce, e-tourism, e-learning, social applications, expert systems, and
decision support systems.
31158 VOLUME 12, 2024
... So the RPL protocol is still affected by three types of attacks Resource-related Attacks, Traffic-related Attacks, and Topology-related Attacks [1]. The Resource-related attacks are flooding attacks [3], rank attacks [4], and version number modification attacks [5]. This proposed work concentrates on Resource-related Attacks such as DAO Flooding attacks (DF), ...
... This process is coined as Eq. (5). If the comparison result is positive, the value is 1 else the value is 0. If the value is 1 the DIO message is authorized and will be accepted as a parent. ...
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Resource Attacks in the Internet of Things (IoT) target to attack resource-related things. It affects the memory, processing, energy, and battery of each node in the IoT environment. Existing protocols use complex mathematical calculations and additional control messages to detect the attacks. That consumes more energy for each node and reduces the lifetime of each node, also bringing the entire network to a halt. To overcome these problems the DE2RA-RPL protocol is proposed. It is a hybrid and lightweight protocol to detect and eliminate Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) Advertisement Object (DAO) Flooding Attacks, Decreased Rank Attacks, and Increased Version Number Attacks at a time. The DE2RA-RPL protocol uses basic RPL control messages, a trickle timer, a minimum rank hysteresis objective function, and small byte flag values to detect and eliminate the attacks. This DE2RA-RPL protocol is suitable for smart communications systems that are used by police and military operations. The Cooja simulator, part of the Contiki operating system, simulates the proposed protocol. The simulation results are compared with existing protocols. It shows that the proposed protocol increases the Packet delivery ratio by 53.23% and Throughput by 59.74%, and decreases the Energy Consumption by 46.5% and, End-to-End Delay by 48.12% than the traditional RPL protocols.
... From the inception of simple password-based security measures to the sophisticated encryption algorithms of today, the history of network security is marked by a continuous arms race between defenders and attackers. Early network protocols were not designed with security as a primary concern; however, the advent of the internet and the exponential growth of online activities quickly underscored the need for robust security measures [5]. This realization led to the development of protocols such as SSL/TLS, which became foundational to secure web communications. ...
... As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, the future direction of network security protocols and policies must be marked by innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to security, privacy, and trust. By addressing these future challenges and opportunities, we can ensure the continued safety and prosperity of the digital world [5]. ...
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In the contemporary digital era, the integrity and security of network protocols are paramount in safeguarding the global infrastructure of communication, commerce, and information exchange. This paper delves into the intricate world of network security protocols, spotlighting the recent advancements that fortify our digital defence mechanisms against the burgeoning wave of cyber threats. Amidst a backdrop of escalating digital interconnectivity, this exploration is timely, revealing how innovations in network security protocols are pivotal in maintaining the sanctity of our digital domains. With an analytical lens, this research examines the evolution and current efficacy of seminal protocols such as SSL/TLS, IPsec, and SSH. These protocols, foundational to encrypted and authenticated communications, are scrutinized for their resilience against the sophisticated strategies employed by cyber adversaries. Further, the paper ventures beyond these traditional bulwarks to explore the integration of avant-garde technologies quantum-resistant algorithms, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in bolstering network security. These emerging technologies are dissected for their potential to revolutionize our defence mechanisms, offering a beacon of hope in an era riddled with cyber vulnerabilities. However, this journey through the annals of network security is not devoid of challenges. The paper identifies critical gaps in current research and practical deployment highlighting the relentless sophistication of cyber-attacks, the need for agility in security protocols to match rapid technological advances, and the imperative balance between security measures and privacy concerns. Addressing these challenges necessitates a clarion call for incessant innovation, rigorous research, and robust international cooperation. This comprehensive inquiry aims to serve as a cornerstone for future explorations in network security, advocating for a proactive stance in the development and refinement of security protocols. It underscores the relentless need for collaboration across borders and disciplines to safeguard our digital frontiers. As we tread forward, the paper echoes the sentiment that securing our digital ecosystems is a shared responsibility, urging for a collective effort to ensure that our interconnected world remains a realm of opportunity, innovation, and trust.
... This has been instrumental in leveraging internet capabilities [4]. Despite the remarkable evolution exhibited by IoT technology, they remain vulnerable to various attacks, posing a significant challenge for researchers and network administrators [5][6][7]. This work specifically addresses the rank attack, where malicious actors attempt to manipulate the hierarchical structure, potentially disrupting the communication and collaboration between IoT devices. ...
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Despite the widespread adoption of the Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL) in IoT environments, its inherent limitations in addressing security vulnerabilities have left IoT networks vulnerable to ongoing attacks. This paper introduces a novel intrusion detection system tailored specifically for IoT networks, with a focus on mitigating attacks at the network’s edge. The study presents the Hybrid Rank Attack (HRA), a sophisticated threat exploiting RPL vulnerabilities by alternately advertising decreased and increased rank values in control messages. Extensive experimentation evaluates the detrimental effects of HRA on critical network metrics including exchanged messages, energy consumption, PDR, latency, and memory footprint. Additionally, a lightweight and distributed countermeasure algorithm is proposed to effectively mitigate the impact of HRA. Simulation-based evaluations demonstrate significant reductions in control overhead (68.7%) and energy consumption (61.83%), with minimal additional RAM utilization (1.05%). This lightweight solution enhances the resilience of RPL-based IoT networks against HRA threats.
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The rapid growth and increasing demand for Internet of Things (IoT) devices in our everyday lives create exciting opportunities for human involvement, data integration, and seamless automation. This fully interconnected ecosystem considerably impacts crucial aspects of our lives, such as transportation, healthcare, energy management, and urban infrastructure. However, alongside the immense benefits, the widespread adoption of IoT also brings a complex web of security threats that can influence society, policy, and infrastructure conditions. IoT devices are particularly vulnerable to security violations, and industrial routines face potentially damaging vulnerabilities. To ensure a trustworthy and robust security framework, it is crucial to tackle the diverse challenges involved. This survey paper aims to aid researchers by categorizing attacks and vulnerabilities based on their targets. It provides a detailed analysis of attack methods and proposes effective countermeasures for each attack category. The paper also highlights case studies of critical IoT applications, showcasing security solutions. In addition to traditional cryptographic approaches, this work explores emerging technologies like Quantum Crypto Physical Unclonable Functions (QC-PUFs) and blockchain, discussing their pros and cons in securing IoT environments. The research identifies and examines attacks, vulnerabilities, and security measures and endeavors to impact the overall understanding of IoT security. The insights and findings presented here will serve as a valuable resource for researchers, guiding the development of resilient security mechanisms to ensure the trustworthy and safe operation of IoT ecosystems.
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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology has grown in importance in recent years. All WSN implementations need secure data transmission between sensor nodes and base stations. Sensor node attacks introduce new threats to the WSN. As a result, an appropriate Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is required in WSN for defending against security attacks and detecting attacks on sensor nodes. In this study, we use the Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) for addressing security services in WSN by identifying IDS with a network size of more or less 20 nodes and introducing 10% malicious nodes. The method described above is used on Cooja in the VMware virtual machine Workstation with the InstantContiki2.7 operating system. To track the movement of nodes, find network attacks, and spot dropped packets during IDS in WSN, an algorithm is implemented in the Network Simulator (NS2) using the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol in the Linux operating system.
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The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has defined routing protocols for low power and lossy networks (RPL) for constrained devices. RPL constructs DODAGs (destination oriented directed acyclic graphs), to optimize routing. RPL ensures acyclic topology with the DODAG version number. However, the control message’s DODAG version number is not authenticated. So, RPL is vulnerable to network resource attack known as DODAG Version Number (DVN) attack. DVN attack creates a packet delay, packet loss, cyclic topology, etc., in the network. This paper proposes a method for detecting DODAG version number attacks. Several existing schemes to defend against the DVN, such as cryptographic techniques, trust-based, threshold-based and mitigation are computationally intensive or require protocol modification. DVN does not change the packet format or sequence of packets, but can still perform attacks and hence fall under the category of stealthy attacks, which are difficult to detect using traditional intrusion detection system’s (IDS). Discrete-event system (DES) based IDS have been applied in the literature for stealthy attacks that achieve low overhead, low false alarm rate, etc. However, the construction of DES-based IDS for network protocol may lead to errors, as modelling is manual. The resulting IDS, therefore, is unable to guarantee its correctness. This paper proposes linear temporal logic (LTL) based DES paradigm to detect DVN. LTL-based paradigm facilitates formal verification of the DES-based IDS, and hence the correctness of the scheme is ascertained. The proposed technique is simulated using the Contiki cooja simulator. When the percentage of spiteful nodes in the network increases, the true positive rate, and packet delivery rate drops, while the false positive rate and control message overhead increase. The memory requirement for sending the packets and verifying the nodes is minimal. The LTL-based IDS has been formally verified using NuSMV to ensure the correctness of the framework.
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With the rapid involvment of IoT networks in almost all aspects of our daily life, the security concern is being more challenging to protect the enormous amount of the data exchanged over theses networks. Statisitcs reveal that threats against IoT networks are more and more growing , while DoS attacks are taking the lead. However, mitigation solutions against attacks targetting IoT networks must be developped while taking into consideration the network scalability, but also they should fit with the limited resources of IoT devices in terms of processing, storage, energy efficiency, and connectivity-loss. For thi aim, the present work proposes a lightweight detection and mitigation solution against the version number attack "VNA" which is considered as one among the haitful DoS attacks against IoT networks. The proposed decentralized algorithm targets the edge part of the netowrk. Upon an illigitimate incremented version number the sink node is informed via an alert DAO message by the malicious node parent, and it disseminates this information through the overall network to advertise the malicois originator. Beside its efficiency, the proposed algorithm does not involve any encryption algorithm, it does not generale any heavyweight computation, nor a specific extra node is needed for monitoring the network. Simulations were carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution in terms of control overhead, energy efficiency, latency, and memory footrpint.
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Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of a huge number of heterogeneous devices, which can communicate, collect, and share data through the prevailing web. In the current world scenario, the dependence on technologies and the Internet is increasing very rapidly. The IoT came with many applications in the real world in the form of a smart city, home monitoring system, environmental condition monitoring, and social networking. With these IoT applications, there are many restrictions, such as insufcient resources, limited capacity, and processing capabilities. The Green IoT has emerged with new advantages, which is an energy-efcient and environment-friendly procedure that reduces emission, pollution, and minimizes operational costs and power consumption. Over the last few years, a plethora of Green IoT solutions has played a critical role in the IoT paradigm. A detailed study on several prevalent and innovative IoT solutions in terms of Green IoT is performed in this paper. More specifcally, the assessment and comparison of these Green IoT solutions are carried out based on their characteristics, technology used, outcomes, usability, and their limitations. This survey is envisioned to assist as a guideline and a conceptual framework for Green IoT development and research. It also ofers an organized assessment of existing Green IoT techniques and highlights several potentially substantial research directions and developments towards Green IoT
Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionised the networking by connecting the real world entities to the Internet. IoT connects the communication devices and has an incredible impact on perspective analytics on the massive volume of data produced every day. An attacker may exploit vulnerabilities of IoT entities and compromise users' security and privacy. Development of solutions to address security and privacy issues of IoT is in premature stage and considered as challenge. This challenge becomes more critical when the devices in the network are resource-constrained in terms of energy, processing and memory. The IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) has emerged in recent years as an adaptation layer to carry IPv6 packets over IEEE 802.15.4. Many IoT applications use Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) as a network layer protocol developed for routing in 6LoWPAN. Security is challenging in resource constrained environment where encryption may not be a viable solution. Version number attack is one of the most common network layer attacks against RPL based 6LoWPAN. The RPL specification does not address the integrity of the version number and therefore leaves version number mechanism as a weak point in terms of security. This paper investigates the impact of version number attack in RPL networks while considering mobility of the sensor nodes. We propose a solution that utilizes Q-Learning strategy to detect the malicious nodes that are performing version number attack. The proposed approach detects malicious nodes with reasonable accuracy while imposing significantly less overhead on the nodes of low power and lossy networks. There are other approaches too like Message Authentication Codes (MAC) based on symmetric keys but these techniques have memory and communication overhead. So we propose different approach Q-Learning to detect the attacker nodes.
Finite element methods (FEM) are popular approaches for simulation of soft tissues with elastic or viscoelastic behavior. However, their usage in real-time applications, such as in virtual reality surgical training, is limited by computational cost. In this application scenario, which typically involves transportable simulators, the computing hardware severely constrains the size or the level of details of the simulated scene. To address this limitation, data-driven approaches have been suggested to simulate mechanical deformations by learning the mapping rules from FEM generated datasets. Prior data-driven approaches have ignored the physical laws of the underlying engineering problem and have consequently been restricted to simulation cases of simple hyperelastic materials where the temporal variations were effectively ignored. However, most surgical training scenarios require more complex hyperelastic models to deal with the viscoelastic properties of tissues. This type of material exhibits both viscous and elastic behaviors when subjected to external force, requiring the implementation of time-dependant state variables. Herein, we propose a deep learning method for predicting displacement fields of soft tissues with viscoelastic properties. The main contribution of this work is the use of a physics-guided loss function for the optimization of the deep learning model parameters. The proposed deep learning model is based on convolutional (CNN) and recurrent layers (LSTM) to predict spatiotemporal variations. It is augmented with a mass conservation law in the lost function to prevent the generation of physically inconsistent results. The deep learning model is trained on a set of FEM datasets that are generated from a commercially available state-of-the-art numerical neurosurgery simulator. The use of the physics-guided loss function in a deep learning model has led to a better generalization in the prediction of deformations in unseen simulation cases. Moreover, the proposed method achieves a better accuracy over the conventional CNN models, where improvements were observed in unseen tissue from 8% to 30% depending on the magnitude of external forces. It is hoped that the present investigation will help in filling the gap in applying deep learning in virtual reality simulators, hence improving their computational performance (compared to FEM simulations) and ultimately their usefulness.
Self-organizing maps (SOM) have been widely known for resolving a variety of detection and classification problems. It is a special kind of machine learning technique that sorts out the issue without any supervision. On the other hand, there is a key protocol named RPL (Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks) i.e ., used in the low power networks. There are several security attacks on RPL including the DODAG information solicitation (DIS) and the version number attacks. It would be vital to use SOM for sensing such attacks. In this paper, SOM based scheme has been deployed to sense the DIS and the version number attacks in RPL based IoT networks. These attacks have been applied to three scenarios. Two scenarios implemented one attack each from the aforesaid attacks. The third scenario has been analyzed with both the attacks jointly. The proposed approach uniquely sensed the security attacks in all the scenarios.
In order to mitigate the double near-far effect , we focus on a mobile wireless-powered communication network (WPCN), where sensor nodes harvest energy from the radio frequency (RF) signal of the mobile energy access point (EAP), and transmit data to the mobile data access point (DAP) by using the harvested energy. Only the sensor nodes with energy larger than a threshold, which is mainly determined by the energy consumption of one transmission, have opportunities to transmit data. Due to the mobility of the EAP and DAP, the distance between the EAP and DAP changes over time. When the DAP moves into the operation region of the EAP, the EAP and DAP could not work simultaneously due to the severe interference, and an energy harvesting probability is employed to denote the probability that the EAP works in this scenario. The purpose of this paper is to identify the optimal transmission policy, i.e., the optimal pairing of the energy consumption of one transmission and the energy harvesting probability, that maximizes the throughput of the WPCN under an energy causality constraint. By analyzing the energy causality constraint, we show that the WPCN could be divided into an energy-sufficient state and an energy-limited state by the pairing of the energy consumption of one transmission and the energy harvesting probability. Since the energy consumption of one transmission and the energy harvesting probability are jointly intertwined with the energy causality constraint, making the joint optimization problem intractable, we divide the throughput maximization problem into two layers. In the inner problem, we investigate the optimal energy consumption of one transmission with a given energy harvesting probability. In the outer problem, we derive the optimal energy harvesting probability based on the obtained optimal energy consumption of one transmission. According to the aforementioned investigations, we propose a two-layer algorithm to obtain the specific solution. Numerical results are conducted to validate the theoretical results and the efficiency of the proposed two-layer algorithm.