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Harnessing IoT for Safety: Knowledge Management Approaches in Society 5.0's Sustainable Framework



In the era of Society 5.0, characterized by the seamless integration of cyberspace and physical space for the betterment of society, harnessing the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) is paramount for ensuring safety and sustainability. This paper explores knowledge management approaches within Society 5.0's sustainable framework to leverage IoT for enhancing safety measures. The integration of IoT devices into various aspects of daily life offers unprecedented opportunities for monitoring, analyzing, and responding to safety concerns in real-time. By employing knowledge management techniques, such as data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, society can effectively utilize the vast amounts of data generated by IoT sensors to identify potential hazards, predict safety risks, and proactively implement preventive measures. Furthermore, the collaborative nature of knowledge management fosters information sharing among stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, academia, and citizens, thereby facilitating a holistic approach to safety management. Through knowledge sharing platforms and decentralized networks, relevant insights and best practices can be disseminated rapidly, enabling communities to collectively address safety challenges and adapt to changing circumstances.
Harnessing IoT for Safety: Knowledge Management Approaches in Society
5.0's Sustainable Framework
Nadeem Ahmad, Ravi Tazel
Department of Computer Science, University of Camerino
In the era of Society 5.0, characterized by the seamless integration of cyberspace and physical
space for the betterment of society, harnessing the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) is
paramount for ensuring safety and sustainability. This paper explores knowledge management
approaches within Society 5.0's sustainable framework to leverage IoT for enhancing safety
measures. The integration of IoT devices into various aspects of daily life offers unprecedented
opportunities for monitoring, analyzing, and responding to safety concerns in real-time. By
employing knowledge management techniques, such as data analytics, machine learning, and
artificial intelligence, society can effectively utilize the vast amounts of data generated by IoT
sensors to identify potential hazards, predict safety risks, and proactively implement preventive
measures. Furthermore, the collaborative nature of knowledge management fosters information
sharing among stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, academia, and citizens,
thereby facilitating a holistic approach to safety management. Through knowledge sharing
platforms and decentralized networks, relevant insights and best practices can be disseminated
rapidly, enabling communities to collectively address safety challenges and adapt to changing
Keywords: IoT, safety, Society 5.0, knowledge management, sustainability, data analytics,
collaboration, real-time monitoring, preventive measures, holistic approach
In the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by the convergence of digital
technologies and physical systems, Society 5.0 emerges as a beacon of hope, promising a
harmonious integration of humanity and technology for the betterment of society. Rooted in
Japan's vision of a human-centric society, Society 5.0 envisions a future where advanced
technologies, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT), are leveraged to tackle societal challenges
and enhance human well-being. At the heart of Society 5.0 lies a commitment to sustainability and
safety. In this paradigm, the seamless integration of IoT devices into various aspects of daily life
offers unprecedented opportunities for improving safety measures across different domains. From
smart cities to healthcare systems, transportation networks to industrial facilities, the potential of
IoT to enhance safety is vast and multifaceted [1], [2].
The essence of safety in Society 5.0 extends beyond mere accident prevention; it encompasses a
proactive approach to identifying and mitigating risks, thereby fostering a culture of resilience and
preparedness. However, realizing this vision requires more than just the deployment of IoT
devices; it necessitates effective knowledge management strategies to harness the wealth of data
generated by these devices and translate it into actionable insights. Knowledge management
emerges as a critical enabler in this endeavor, offering a systematic approach to capturing,
organizing, analyzing, and disseminating information relevant to safety. By leveraging data
analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, knowledge management enables society to
make sense of the vast streams of data flowing from IoT sensors, thereby empowering decision-
makers to anticipate safety risks and implement timely interventions [3], [4].
One of the key strengths of knowledge management lies in its collaborative nature. In the context
of safety, collaboration among diverse stakeholdersgovernment agencies, businesses, academia,
and citizensis essential for pooling resources, sharing expertise, and co-creating innovative
solutions. By fostering a culture of information sharing and cooperation, knowledge management
platforms serve as catalysts for collective action, driving continuous improvement in safety
outcomes. Real-time monitoring emerges as a cornerstone of IoT-enabled safety management.
Through an interconnected network of sensors, devices, and infrastructure, society gains
unprecedented visibility into potential safety hazards, enabling proactive interventions before
incidents occur. Predictive analytics further enhance this capability by leveraging historical data
to forecast future safety risks, empowering decision-makers to allocate resources efficiently and
prioritize interventions based on risk severity. Illustrative case studies from various domains
highlight the effectiveness of knowledge management approaches in enhancing safety within the
context of Society 5.0. From the use of IoT-enabled surveillance systems in smart cities to
predictive maintenance in industrial settings, these examples underscore the transformative
potential of data-driven safety management strategies [5], [6], [7].
Society 5.0
Society 5.0 epitomizes a profound shift in societal dynamics, aiming to seamlessly integrate the
digital and physical realms for collective progress. Rooted in the Japanese concept of human-
centricity, Society 5.0 envisions a society where technological innovations serve as catalysts for
societal well-being and advancement. Unlike its predecessors, which focused primarily on digital
transformation, Society 5.0 emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of technology and humanity
to address pressing societal challenges while enhancing the quality of life for all individuals.
Central to the vision of Society 5.0 is the recognition that technology should not be an end in itself
but rather a means to empower and uplift humanity. This principle underpins the integration of
advanced technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and big
data analytics, into various aspects of daily life. By leveraging these technologies, Society 5.0
seeks to create a symbiotic relationship between humans and technology, where each enhances the
capabilities of the other to drive collective progress. In the realm of safety, Society 5.0 offers a
comprehensive framework that transcends traditional risk management practices. Safety, within
the context of Society 5.0, encompasses not only the prevention of accidents but also a proactive
approach to identifying and mitigating risks before they escalate [8], [9].
IoT devices into the fabric of daily life, society gains unprecedented capabilities for real-time
monitoring, predictive analysis, and proactive intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of
its citizens. The integration of IoT technologies within Society 5.0 facilitates a seamless exchange
of information between the physical and digital domains, enabling decision-makers to make
informed choices based on real-time data and insights. For instance, in smart city environments,
IoT sensors embedded in infrastructure and public spaces can monitor various factors, such as air
quality, traffic flow, and pedestrian movement patterns. This wealth of data enables city authorities
to identify potential safety hazards, optimize urban planning initiatives, and implement targeted
interventions to enhance overall safety and quality of life for residents. Moreover, Society 5.0
underscores the importance of leveraging knowledge management strategies to maximize the
impact of IoT-enabled safety measures. By harnessing the power of data analytics, machine
learning, and artificial intelligence, society can extract valuable insights from the vast volumes of
data generated by IoT sensors. These insights enable decision-makers to anticipate safety risks,
prioritize interventions, and allocate resources more effectively, thereby enhancing the resilience
and responsiveness of safety management systems [10], [11].
IoT Integration
In the landscape of Society 5.0, the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) emerges as a
fundamental strategy for revolutionizing safety management practices across various domains. At
its core, IoT integration involves the deployment of interconnected sensors, devices, and systems
that collect, transmit, and analyze data in real-time, enabling proactive safety measures and
informed decision-making. The key to IoT integration lies in its ability to provide comprehensive
and real-time insights into safety-related parameters, allowing for a proactive approach to risk
management. By deploying IoT sensors in diverse environments such as smart cities, industrial
facilities, healthcare settings, and transportation networks, society gains unprecedented visibility
into potential safety hazards and operational risks. In smart city environments, for instance, IoT
sensors embedded within urban infrastructure can monitor factors like air quality, temperature,
traffic flow, and pedestrian movement. This continuous stream of data enables city authorities to
identify emerging safety concerns, such as air pollution spikes or traffic congestion, and implement
timely interventions to mitigate risks and ensure public safety [12], [13], [14].
In industrial settings, IoT integration enables predictive maintenance strategies by monitoring the
health and performance of machinery and equipment in real-time. By detecting anomalies in
operating parameters or signs of potential failure, IoT sensors can trigger alerts, prompting
maintenance teams to take preventive action before equipment breakdowns occur, thereby
minimizing downtime and mitigating safety risks. In healthcare, IoT-enabled medical devices and
wearables offer opportunities for remote patient monitoring and early detection of health issues.
For example, wearable devices equipped with biometric sensors can continuously monitor vital
signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels, allowing healthcare providers to
intervene promptly in case of abnormalities or emergencies. Moreover, IoT integration facilitates
data-driven decision-making by providing actionable insights derived from the analysis of sensor
data. Advanced analytics techniques, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, can
process large volumes of IoT data to identify patterns, trends, and correlations that may not be
apparent through manual analysis. These insights empower decision-makers to anticipate safety
risks, prioritize interventions, and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately enhancing the
resilience and responsiveness of safety management systems [15], [16], [17].
Knowledge Management
In the context of safety management within Society 5.0, knowledge management emerges as a
critical enabler for harnessing the full potential of IoT integration and fostering a culture of safety
and innovation. Knowledge management involves the systematic process of capturing, organizing,
sharing, and applying knowledge to enhance decision-making, problem-solving, and performance
improvement. One of the key functions of knowledge management in safety management is the
aggregation and organization of data generated by IoT sensors and other sources. IoT integration
produces vast amounts of data related to safety parameters, including environmental conditions,
equipment performance, and human behavior. Knowledge management systems provide
mechanisms for storing and structuring this data in a way that facilitates easy retrieval and analysis
[18], [19].
By leveraging data analytics techniques, knowledge management systems can extract actionable
insights from IoT data, enabling decision-makers to identify trends, patterns, and correlations that
may indicate safety risks or opportunities for improvement. For example, analytics tools can
analyze historical safety incident data to identify common causes or contributing factors, allowing
organizations to implement targeted interventions to prevent recurrence. Moreover, knowledge
management fosters collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders involved in safety
management efforts. By providing platforms for sharing best practices, lessons learned, and
innovative ideas, knowledge management systems facilitate cross-functional collaboration and
enable organizations to benefit from the collective expertise of their workforce [20].
In addition to internal collaboration, knowledge management systems also support collaboration
with external stakeholders, such as industry partners, regulatory agencies, and academic
institutions. Collaborative networks and communities of practice enable organizations to tap into
external expertise, access cutting-edge research, and stay abreast of industry trends and best
practices in safety management. Furthermore, knowledge management promotes a culture of
continuous learning and improvement within organizations. By providing access to training
materials, educational resources, and performance data, knowledge management systems
empower employees to enhance their skills and knowledge related to safety management. This
ongoing learning process enables organizations to adapt to changing safety requirements,
emerging technologies, and evolving best practices effectively [21], [22].
Collaborative Approach
In the paradigm of Society 5.0, safety management relies on a collaborative approach that brings
together diverse stakeholders to address complex safety challenges and create safer communities.
Collaboration involves the coordinated efforts of government agencies, businesses, academia, non-
profit organizations, and citizens to share resources, expertise, and responsibilities in managing
safety risks. One of the primary benefits of collaboration in safety management is the pooling of
resources and capabilities to address multifaceted challenges. By working together, stakeholders
can leverage their unique strengths and perspectives to develop comprehensive safety strategies
that encompass various domains and address interconnected risks. For example, in disaster
preparedness and response, collaboration between government agencies, emergency responders,
community organizations, and volunteers enables the mobilization of resources and coordination
of efforts to protect lives and property during emergencies [23], [24].
Moreover, collaboration fosters innovation by promoting the exchange of ideas, best practices, and
lessons learned among stakeholders. Through collaborative platforms, working groups, and joint
initiatives, stakeholders can share insights, experiences, and innovative solutions to safety
challenges, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation. This collaborative
approach to innovation enables stakeholders to stay ahead of emerging risks, leverage new
technologies, and develop more effective and sustainable safety management strategies. In
addition to promoting innovation, collaboration enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of safety
management efforts by facilitating coordinated action and resource allocation. By aligning
priorities, sharing information, and coordinating activities, stakeholders can avoid duplication of
efforts, minimize gaps in coverage, and optimize the use of available resources. This coordinated
approach enables stakeholders to respond more effectively to safety incidents, mitigate risks, and
enhance overall safety outcomes. Furthermore, collaboration builds trust and strengthens
relationships among stakeholders, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and mutual
accountability for safety outcomes. By involving stakeholders in decision-making processes,
engaging in transparent communication, and demonstrating commitment to common goals,
organizations can build trust and credibility with their partners and stakeholders. This trust is
essential for fostering collaboration, garnering support for safety initiatives, and mobilizing
collective action to address shared safety challenges [25], [26].
Information Sharing and Knowledge Exchange
In the framework of Society 5.0, information sharing and knowledge exchange play pivotal roles
in empowering informed decision-making and enhancing safety management practices. By
facilitating the flow of information among stakeholders, organizations can leverage collective
insights, experiences, and expertise to address safety challenges more effectively and proactively.
One of the primary benefits of information sharing is the democratization of knowledge, enabling
stakeholders to access timely and relevant information to inform their decision-making processes.
Through centralized platforms, databases, and communication channels, organizations can
disseminate safety-related information, such as incident reports, best practices, regulatory updates,
and emerging trends, to stakeholders across various levels and sectors [27].
Moreover, information sharing promotes transparency and accountability in safety management
efforts by providing stakeholders with visibility into decision-making processes, actions taken, and
outcomes achieved. By sharing information openly and transparently, organizations can build trust
with their stakeholders, demonstrate their commitment to safety, and invite feedback and input
from diverse perspectives to improve safety outcomes. In addition to promoting transparency,
information sharing facilitates collaboration and coordination among stakeholders involved in
safety management efforts. By providing a common platform for sharing information and
communicating with each other, organizations can foster a culture of collaboration, teamwork, and
shared responsibility for safety outcomes. This collaborative approach enables stakeholders to
work together more effectively, align their efforts, and leverage each other's strengths to address
complex safety challenges [28].
Furthermore, information sharing enables organizations to learn from past experiences and apply
lessons learned to improve safety performance in the future. By analyzing incident reports,
conducting root cause analyses, and sharing lessons learned with stakeholders, organizations can
identify systemic issues, address underlying causes, and implement corrective actions to prevent
recurrence of similar incidents in the future. Knowledge exchange, on the other hand, involves
more active and interactive processes of sharing expertise, insights, and best practices among
stakeholders. Through workshops, seminars, training programs, and communities of practice,
organizations can facilitate knowledge exchange and peer learning opportunities that enable
stakeholders to enhance their skills, knowledge, and capabilities in safety management [29].
Case Studies
Within the context of Society 5.0, case studies serve as compelling examples of how IoT-driven
safety solutions have been successfully implemented to address real-world challenges and enhance
safety outcomes across various domains. These case studies offer valuable insights into the
potential applications, benefits, and best practices associated with integrating IoT technologies into
safety management practices. One notable example is the deployment of IoT-enabled surveillance
systems in smart cities to enhance public safety and security. By leveraging a network of connected
cameras, sensors, and data analytics algorithms, cities can monitor public spaces in real-time,
detect suspicious activities or anomalies, and respond proactively to potential security threats. This
proactive approach to surveillance enables authorities to prevent crime, deter antisocial behavior,
and ensure the safety and well-being of residents and visitors. In the healthcare sector, IoT-enabled
medical devices and wearables have revolutionized patient monitoring and healthcare delivery.
For instance, wearable devices equipped with biometric sensors can continuously monitor patients'
vital signs, track their activity levels, and alert healthcare providers to potential health issues or
emergencies in real-time [30], [31].
This remote monitoring capability enables early intervention, reduces hospital readmissions, and
improves patient outcomes, particularly for individuals with chronic conditions or those requiring
ongoing medical supervision. In industrial settings, IoT integration has facilitated predictive
maintenance strategies to enhance equipment reliability and workplace safety. By embedding
sensors in machinery and equipment, organizations can monitor key performance indicators, detect
signs of potential failure or malfunction, and schedule maintenance activities proactively to
prevent unplanned downtime and accidents. This predictive maintenance approach improves
equipment uptime, reduces maintenance costs, and enhances worker safety by minimizing
exposure to hazardous conditions. Furthermore, IoT-driven safety solutions have been
instrumental in improving transportation safety and efficiency. For example, in the transportation
sector, IoT sensors embedded in vehicles, roadways, and infrastructure can collect data on traffic
flow, road conditions, and vehicle performance in real-time. This data can be analyzed to identify
congestion hotspots, optimize traffic management strategies, and improve road safety through
initiatives such as dynamic speed limits, adaptive traffic signals, and automated collision
avoidance systems [32].
Ethical Considerations: Safeguarding Privacy and Security in IoT Implementation
In the era of Society 5.0, where the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies is
pervasive, ethical considerations surrounding privacy and security emerge as paramount concerns.
While IoT holds tremendous potential for enhancing safety management practices and improving
quality of life, the widespread deployment of connected devices also raises significant ethical
implications related to data privacy, cybersecurity, and societal trust. One of the primary ethical
considerations in IoT implementation is the protection of individual privacy rights. As IoT devices
collect vast amounts of personal data from various sources, including sensors, cameras, and
wearable devices, there is a risk of unauthorized access, misuse, or exploitation of sensitive
information. Organizations must ensure that appropriate safeguards and privacy protections are in
place to protect individuals' privacy rights and comply with relevant data protection regulations.
Moreover, cybersecurity vulnerabilities in IoT devices pose significant ethical challenges, as they
can be exploited by malicious actors to compromise privacy, disrupt services, or cause harm to
individuals and communities [33].
Weaknesses in IoT device security, such as default passwords, unencrypted communication
channels, and lack of firmware updates, can expose devices to hacking, malware attacks, and data
breaches. Organizations must prioritize cybersecurity measures, such as encryption,
authentication, and regular security updates, to mitigate these risks and safeguard the integrity and
confidentiality of IoT data. In addition to privacy and security concerns, ethical considerations also
arise concerning the equitable distribution of benefits and risks associated with IoT
implementation. There is a risk that certain populations, such as marginalized communities or
vulnerable individuals, may be disproportionately impacted by the deployment of IoT
technologies, leading to further exacerbation of existing social inequalities. Organizations must
ensure that IoT initiatives are designed and implemented in a way that promotes inclusivity,
accessibility, and social justice, ensuring that the benefits of IoT are equitably distributed across
society. Furthermore, ethical considerations extend to the transparency and accountability of IoT
systems and the organizations that deploy them. Stakeholders must have access to clear and
comprehensible information about how IoT technologies are being used, what data is being
collected, and how it is being processed and shared. Organizations should be transparent about
their data practices, provide mechanisms for individuals to exercise control over their personal
data, and establish mechanisms for accountability and redress in case of privacy or security
breaches [34].
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
In the pursuit of advancing safety management practices within the framework of Society 5.0, it is
imperative to consider the sustainability and environmental impact of IoT integration and other
technological advancements. While IoT technologies offer numerous benefits in terms of safety,
efficiency, and convenience, their widespread deployment can also have significant environmental
consequences, including increased energy consumption, resource depletion, and electronic waste
generation. One of the key environmental challenges associated with IoT deployment is the
increased demand for energy to power connected devices and infrastructure. As the number of IoT
devices continues to proliferate, so too does the demand for electricity to operate these devices and
support the data centers and network infrastructure required to process and transmit IoT data. This
heightened energy consumption can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and
resource depletion, exacerbating climate change and environmental degradation. Moreover, the
production and disposal of IoT devices can have significant environmental impacts throughout
their lifecycle [35].
The manufacturing process for IoT devices requires raw materials, energy, and water, contributing
to resource depletion, pollution, and habitat destruction. Additionally, the disposal of end-of-life
IoT devices, often referred to as electronic waste or e-waste, presents challenges related to
recycling, hazardous materials management, and landfill pollution, further exacerbating
environmental degradation. To mitigate the environmental impact of IoT deployment,
organizations must adopt sustainable practices throughout the lifecycle of IoT technologies. This
includes designing IoT devices and infrastructure with energy efficiency in mind, minimizing
resource consumption, and maximizing product longevity through repair, reuse, and recycling
initiatives. Additionally, organizations should prioritize the use of renewable energy sources to
power IoT infrastructure and promote the circular economy principles to minimize waste
generation and maximize resource recovery. Furthermore, organizations should consider the
broader implications of IoT deployment on ecosystems and biodiversity. IoT technologies have
the potential to disrupt natural habitats, interfere with wildlife behavior, and contribute to habitat
fragmentation and biodiversity loss. To mitigate these impacts, organizations must conduct
thorough environmental assessments and implement measures to minimize ecosystem disturbance,
protect sensitive habitats, and mitigate potential risks to biodiversity [36].
Regulatory Compliance and Governance
Within the context of Society 5.0, regulatory compliance and governance are essential aspects of
ensuring that IoT deployment adheres to legal frameworks and ethical standards. As the integration
of IoT technologies becomes increasingly prevalent across various sectors, it is imperative for
organizations to navigate complex regulatory landscapes and uphold principles of accountability,
transparency, and ethical conduct. One of the primary challenges in IoT deployment is navigating
the myriad of regulations and standards that govern data privacy, security, and consumer
protection. Depending on the jurisdiction and industry sector, organizations may be subject to a
range of regulatory requirements, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the
European Union, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the
healthcare sector, or industry-specific standards such as ISO 27001 for information security
management. Compliance with these regulations requires organizations to implement robust data
protection measures, secure data storage and transmission protocols, and mechanisms for obtaining
consent and protecting individual privacy rights [37].
Moreover, organizations must consider ethical considerations and societal values when deploying
IoT technologies, particularly those that have the potential to impact individuals' lives, safety, and
well-being. Ethical frameworks, such as the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and
Intelligent Systems or the European Commission's Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, provide
guidance on ethical principles, including fairness, transparency, accountability, and human-
centricity, that should inform the design, development, and deployment of IoT systems. By
adhering to ethical principles, organizations can build trust with stakeholders, mitigate risks, and
ensure that IoT technologies are deployed in a manner that respects individuals' rights, values, and
dignity. Furthermore, governance mechanisms play a crucial role in ensuring accountability and
oversight in IoT deployment. Organizations should establish clear roles and responsibilities for
decision-making, risk management, and compliance with regulatory requirements and ethical
standards. This may involve creating dedicated governance structures, such as IoT steering
committees or ethics advisory boards, to oversee IoT projects, assess risks, and ensure alignment
with organizational goals and values. Additionally, organizations should implement mechanisms
for monitoring and auditing IoT systems to identify and address compliance issues, security
vulnerabilities, and ethical concerns proactively.
Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation
Within the dynamic framework of Society 5.0, continuous monitoring and adaptation are essential
principles for ensuring the effectiveness and resilience of IoT-driven safety solutions. Recognizing
that safety risks and technological capabilities are constantly evolving, organizations must adopt
an iterative approach to safety management, characterized by ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and
adaptation of IoT systems and practices. One of the key aspects of continuous monitoring is the
collection and analysis of data generated by IoT sensors and systems. By monitoring key safety
indicators in real-time, organizations can detect emerging safety risks, identify trends, and evaluate
the effectiveness of existing safety measures. This data-driven approach enables organizations to
make informed decisions, prioritize interventions, and allocate resources more effectively to
address safety challenges proactively. Moreover, continuous monitoring facilitates early detection
of system vulnerabilities, security breaches, and performance issues in IoT devices and
infrastructure. By implementing robust monitoring and alerting mechanisms, organizations can
identify potential security threats, such as unauthorized access attempts or anomalous behavior,
and take prompt action to mitigate risks and protect sensitive data and assets [38].
In addition to monitoring safety performance, organizations must also engage in continuous
evaluation and improvement of IoT-driven safety solutions. This involves conducting periodic
assessments of safety practices, processes, and technologies to identify areas for optimization,
enhancement, or innovation. By soliciting feedback from stakeholders, conducting post-
implementation reviews, and leveraging lessons learned from past experiences, organizations can
identify opportunities for improvement and implement corrective actions to address gaps or
deficiencies in safety management practices. Furthermore, continuous adaptation involves staying
abreast of technological advancements, regulatory changes, and emerging safety trends to ensure
that IoT-driven safety solutions remain relevant and effective in addressing evolving safety
challenges. Organizations must actively monitor developments in IoT technology, data analytics,
cybersecurity, and regulatory compliance to identify opportunities for innovation and integration
into safety management practices.
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... By analyzing historical data and patterns, IoT systems can identify trends, correlations, and anomalies indicative of impending safety risks. This proactive approach empowers organizations to implement preemptive measures, such as equipment maintenance, process modifications, or personnel interventions, to mitigate risks and prevent accidents from occurring [13], [14], [15]. ...
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In contemporary industries, promoting safety culture stands as a paramount objective to ensure the well-being of employees, safeguard assets, and maintain operational efficiency. This abstract proposes an integrated approach leveraging Internet of Things (IoT), Knowledge Management (KM), and Sustainable Practices (SP) to enhance safety culture within organizational settings. Firstly, IoT technologies provide real-time monitoring and data collection capabilities, enabling proactive identification and mitigation of safety hazards. By employing IoT sensors in work environments, organizations can gather actionable insights to prevent accidents and optimize safety protocols. Secondly, Knowledge Management facilitates the efficient dissemination and utilization of safety-related information across all levels of the organization. By establishing robust KM frameworks, companies can capture, organize, and share best practices, lessons learned, and regulatory updates, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and informed decision-making. Furthermore, integrating Sustainable Practices into safety initiatives ensures long-term viability while reducing environmental impact. Embracing sustainable materials, energy-efficient technologies, and waste reduction strategies not only enhances safety but also aligns with corporate social responsibility objectives, enhancing brand reputation and stakeholder trust. Introduction:
... Embracing eco-friendly vehicle design, renewable energy usage, and optimizing infrastructure not only reduces environmental impact but also contributes to creating safer driving environments. By aligning safety objectives with sustainability goals, stakeholders can foster innovation and collaboration towards building resilient transportation ecosystems [1], [2], [3]. ...
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In the contemporary landscape of transportation, ensuring driving safety stands as a paramount concern. This paper proposes a comprehensive approach to enhance driving safety by integrating Internet of Things (IoT) technology, knowledge management strategies, and sustainable practices. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a dynamic framework for real-time monitoring and analysis of vehicle performance, road conditions, and driver behavior. By leveraging IoT sensors installed in vehicles and road infrastructure, pertinent data regarding potential hazards, vehicle malfunctions, and environmental factors can be continuously collected and analyzed. Knowledge management practices play a crucial role in synthesizing and disseminating this wealth of information effectively. Through knowledge sharing platforms and databases, stakeholders in the transportation ecosystem can access insights, best practices, and lessons learned to inform decision-making and foster a culture of safety. Furthermore, integrating sustainable practices into driving safety initiatives promotes long-term ecological viability while enhancing safety outcomes. Strategies such as eco-friendly vehicle design, renewable energy usage, and infrastructure optimization contribute to mitigating environmental impact and creating safer driving environments.
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Industry 5.0 is the next stage in industrial evolution, collaborating between human ingenuity and intelligent technologies to provide manufacturing solutions. Integrating modern technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) into manufacturing and production processes characterizes Industry 5.0. On the other hand, edge computing provides real-time data processing and analysis at the networks edge, closer to the data source and a vital component of Industry 5.0. Edge computing enables Industry 5.0 to access and communicate information about their industrial sectors using more accessible, standard hardware and software resources. However, no recent survey papers have examined the importance of edge computing in Industry 5.0. This study aims to fill that gap by presenting a survey on the importance of edge computing in Industry 5.0 and discussing a variety of technologies that could be used to implement and support this new industrial paradigm. First, we outline an overview and fundamentals of edge computing in Industry 5.0 architecture. Then objectives of Industry 5.0 are summarized to address various research challenges, including privacy, human-robot co-working, sustainability, and robust networks. Afterwards, this paper provides an extensive overview of emerging technologies for Industry 5.0, such as collaborative robots, AI, Digital Twins, and many more. In addition, this survey highlights various open research challenges and potential solutions that should be addressed further to achieve Industry 5.0.
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The present study addresses two critical controversies surrounding the emerging Industry 5.0 agenda. Firstly, it seeks to elucidate the driving forces behind the accelerated momentum of the Industry 5.0 agenda amidst the ongoing digital industrial transformation. Secondly, it explores how the agenda’s sustainability values can be effectively realised. The study conducted a comprehensive content-centric literature synthesis and identified how Industry 4.0 shortcomings adversely impacted sustainability values. Furthermore, the study implements a novel approach that determines how and in what order the sustainability functions of Industry 4.0 should be leveraged to promote the sustainability objectives of Industry 5.0. Results reveal that Industry 4.0 has benefited economic and environmental sustainability values most at the organisational and supply chain levels. Nonetheless, most micro and meso-social sustainability values have been adversely impacted by Industry 4.0. Similarly, Industry 4.0 has been worryingly detrimental to macro sustainability values like social or economic growth equality. These contradictory implications of Industry 4.0 have pulled the Industry 5.0 agenda. However, the results identified nine sustainability functions of Industry 4.0 that, when leveraged appropriately and in the correct order, can offer important implications for realising the economic and socio-environmental goals of Industry 5.0. For example, under extreme unpredictability of business world uncertainties, the business should first leverage the automation and integration capabilities of Industry 4.0 to gain the necessary cost-saving, resource efficiency, risk management capability, and business antifragility that allow them to introduce sustainable innovation into their business model without jeopardising their survival. Various scenarios for empowering Industry 5.0 sustainability values identified in the present study offer important implications for knowledge and practice.
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Smart technologies have demonstrated striking outcomes regarding the early diagnosis of diseases and the delivery of the necessary healthcare in the last decade. However, by emphasizing the core fundamentals of social justice and sustainability, together with digitalization and smart technologies that predicate raising productivity and flexibility, Industry 5.0 has proven to achieve more efficient results. Industry 5.0 technologies provide more intelligent ways for human employees and higher efficiency development while also improving safety and performance in many applications. In this research, the contribution is focused on the healthcare and how Industry 5.0 technologies demonstrate several advantages for the healthcare sector, starting with automated and precise disease prediction, moving on to aiding medical personnel in continual surveillance and monitoring and concluding with successful digital automation of smart equipment. The objective of this study is to apply a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach under a neutrosophic environment to evaluate the advantages of industry 5.0 technologies in the healthcare sector. Industry 5.0 primary value is to reach human-centric, sustainable, and resilient industries. While Industry 5.0 technologies sub-values regarding the healthcare sector are determined and distinguished according to the 3-main values mentioned previously based on literature. The methodologies applied in this study are: The Analytical Hierarchy approach (AHP) evaluates the main values and sub-values. Subsequently, the effectiveness of industry 5.0 technologies according to their values to the healthcare sector are ranked by Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The approach is constructed under uncertainty based on a neutrosophic environment to achieve accuracy in the evaluation process. The results show that the most influential technology in healthcare are AI and cloud computing, while nano-technology, drone technology, and robots are at the end of the ranking. While validating the suggested technique, outcome comparisons were carried out to demonstrate the benefits of the methodologies. A sensitivity study indicates that adjusting the weightings of the sub-values has no significant effect on the ranking of technologies.
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In this study, we examine Society 5.0, defined as a future framework where advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and other digital innovations are integrated into society for sustainable resource management. Society 5.0 represents an evolution from the industrial focus of Industry 4.0, aiming for a harmonious balance between technological progress and human-centric values, consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our methodology involves a detailed literature review, focusing on identifying and evaluating the roles of AI, IoT, and other emerging technologies in enhancing resource efficiency, particularly in the water and energy sectors, to minimize environmental impact. This approach allows us to present a comprehensive overview of current technological advancements and their potential applications in Society 5.0. Our study’s added value lies in its synthesis of diverse technological strategies, emphasizing the synergy between circular economy practices and sustainable economic development. We highlight the necessity for resilience and adaptability to ecological challenges and advocate for a collaborative, data-informed decision-making framework. Our findings portray Society 5.0 as a holistic model for addressing contemporary global challenges in resource management and conservation, projecting a future where technology aligns with sustainable, equitable, and human-centered development.
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Industry 5.0 envisions a human-centered approach to design and value creation. In addition, the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology has proved successful in enhancing production activities and quality. By integrating LSS into a human-oriented discipline, we can achieve a harmonious blend of more humane processes and a conducive result-driven environment. The Lean concept adopts a people-centric approach, prioritizing the well-being of employees and customers, while emphasizing sustainable development. Concurrently, the Six Sigma philosophy and Industry 5.0 highlight innovation to minimize process variation and attain iterative process improvement. To attain process excellence, we propose a novel sustainable innovation framework (SIF) utilizing inductive and integrative approaches based on LSS methodology and Industry 5.0 technologies. We have developed three Lean 5.0 tools, the RIDEM (Requirements, Initiation, Design, Execution, and Monitoring) approach and LSS 5.0 implementation steps. We have conducted a case study to demonstrate the practical application and outcomes of LSS 5.0 tools. Implementing these tools resulted in a remarkable reduction of over 80% in defective parts per million (DPPM), leading to direct savings of NT$104,000 for the case company. This research contributes significantly through the proposed framework, making the practical concepts more readily implementable within work organizations.
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The article analyzes a specific type of tourism, hunting tourism. In a special edition, in the form of foreign exchange hunting, which means that when a hunter decides to do such hunting, he goes to another country. It is a special way to get to know nature and hunting culture combined with the pursuit of a passion in the form of hunting. The article analyzes data from 2019-2021. The aim of the study was to analyze the activities that affect the effectiveness of foreign exchange hunts and the disappearance of the factors necessary to make a decision about the next visit of the hunter. The article presents a CAWI study that enabled the use of a tool in the form of the Kano model-adopted as a qualitative methodology, examining the satisfaction of the hunter-client. The novelty of the research is the determination of the groups of factors influencing the quality of hunting, the hunter's satisfaction and the next hunt in the same place in the next hunting season. The obtained effects define the factors which occur one or more times as determining the hunting or redundant for the hunter. The study shows that hunters are demanding tourists who expect a lot of knowledge about the area and species, hunting skills, but also a background in the form of digitization of many processes supporting, for example, moving around a foreign country.
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In the quest to meet the escalating demands of citizens, future smart cities emerge as crucial entities. Their role becomes even more vital given the current challenges posed by rapid urbanization and the need for sustainable and inclusive living spaces. At the heart of these future smart cities are advancements in information and communication technologies, with Industry 5.0 playing an increasingly significant role. This paper endeavors to conduct an exhaustive survey to analyze future technologies, including the potential of Industry 5.0 and their implications for smart cities. The crux of the paper is an exploration of technological advancements across various domains that are set to shape the future of urban environments. The discussion spans diverse areas including but not limited to cyber–physical systems, fog computing, unmanned aerial vehicles, renewable energy, machine learning, deep learning, cybersecurity, and digital forensics. Additionally, the paper sheds light on the specific role of Industry 5.0 in the smart city context, illuminating its impact on enabling advanced cybersecurity measures, fostering human–machine collaboration, driving intelligent automation in urban services, and refining data management and decision making. The paper also offers an in-depth review of the existing frameworks that are shaping smart city applications, evaluating how Industry 5.0 technologies could augment these frameworks. In particular, the paper delves into the various technological challenges that smart cities face, bringing potential Industry 5.0-enabled solutions to the fore.
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This study aims to explore a demoethical model for sustainable development in modern society. It proposes an approach that focuses on organizing activities to improve sustainable development. Specifically, it presents a demoethical model relevant to Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 organizations. The objective is to identify demoethical values that can drive sustainable development in the era of digitalization. Through a literature review and analysis, this study identifies key components of the demoethical model and provides practical recommendations for stakeholders involved in digital transformation. The analysis of demoethical norms and phenomena, such as education, nurturing, mind, knowledge, science, and honest work, has enabled the identification of values that align with sustainable development in society. The results of the study demonstrate that the notion of a demoethical foundation for sustainability is rooted in the concept of spirituality as the basis for a new societal development scenario and its relationship with nature. The study shows that ideas about the demoethical basis of sustainability are based on the priority of spirituality as the basis of a new scenario for the development of society, as well as the integration of demographic, socio-economical, and ecological components in system-wide modeling.