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Implementation of a virtual conference on healthy aging. An online resource for health education as a laboratory space to design a MOOC for Older people

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El presente estudio se enfoca en analizar los datos de encuestas de bienestar aplicadas en 2019 y 2020 a los alumnos de las preparatorias de Universidad Tecmilenio. Se utiliza un instrumento desarrollado en la Universidad de Pensilvania y validado en inglés y español para valorar el bienestar de los estudiantes. El instrumento mide los cinco pilares del bienestar propuestos por el modelo PERMA. El estudio identifica las diferencias en términos de bienestar reportado por los estudiantes. Se compara información del año previo a la pandemia e información levantada durante la contingencia sanitaria provocada por el Covid-19.
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In modern times, we observe many new trends, including technological, economic, cultural, ecological, and economic changes, which are part of the fast and uneven process of globalization. The current educational system is undergoing global changes caused by the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing both academic teachers and students not only to change the way they function or operate, but also to change attitudes and beliefs, especially regarding new media and remote learning. The article presents an analysis of the factors influencing the selection of a given form of learning in technical faculties from among three hypothetical options: stationary learning, remote learning, and hybrid learning. This analysis was based on the results of a survey conducted among students after two years of experience studying in the COVID-19 pandemic. The obtained results allowed for the selection of features influencing the choice of a given form of learning by the students. The knowledge of these factors is especially valuable for university authorities making decisions about the form of student learning after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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In recent years, student-centered learning has undergone significant changes influenced by the introduction of the competency-based approach to the digital learning environment. The new approach places a teacher at the center of the educational process taking into account professional competencies and personal interests of educators to foster the improvements of methodological, organizational, and technological support of personalized learning. The sample (N = 36) consists of the 3rd year students of University (KazNPU). The research methodology uses the following metrics to test the psychological and emotional characteristics of students: Communication Skills Assessments and Analysis of Cultural and Value Orientations. The study revealed a background of discomfort with the current system of education - about half of the respondents experience psychological and emotional stress due to the current education format. In addition, after the implementation of the program it was found that the SCL configuration model, applied to distance learning, had a significant impact on students. Statistical analysis of the chi-square indices of general fit (χ2 = 122.77) shows a good fit to the set of data points. The results can be used by educators and in future research to analyze the feasibility and advantages of digital educational processes in other geographical regions.
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Uno de los resultados de la incorporación de las tecnologías en la vida de las personas es la necesidad de provocar procesos de alfabetización digital, sin embargo, la antesala de este tipo de alfabetización es la alfabetización tradicional, es decir, aquella que se relaciona con las habilidades básicas para escribir y comprender de forma eficiente un texto escrito. Para atender esta situación se han diseñado diversos proyectos para explotar las ventajas que ofrecen las tecnologías principalmente en el campo de la educación, sin embargo, no tenemos una certeza de que estos proyectos estén logrando que los ciudadanos se estén involucrando en los escenarios digitales, por lo anterior, el objetivo de este escrito es describir la pertinencia de alfabetizar digitalmente a las personas desde un contexto funcional en donde se supere la intención de enseñar a leer y escribir para afrontar el reto de enseñar a comprender las diversas manifestaciones comunicativas que pueden encontrarse en el mundo contemporáneo y a las que se pueden acceder mediante las tecnologías para usar información de forma práctica y transformarla para lograr nuevas socializaciones lingüísticas.
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El artículo pretende: 1) generar un diagnóstico sobre los niveles de lectura y matemáticas básicas; y 2) analizar las relaciones entre brecha digital y logro educativo. Se utilizan datos del proyecto Medición Independiente de Aprendizajes-MIA de noviembre de 2020. Participaron 267 sujetos, entre 3º y 6º de primaria, de una muestra intencional, en Xalapa, Veracruz. Se aplicaron instrumentos de lectura y matemáticas básicas; se creó un índice de brecha digital. En lectura, 60 por ciento pudo leer una historia simple y 46 por ciento pudo responder una pregunta de comprensión inferencial de segundo de primaria. En matemáticas, 91 por ciento pudo responder sumas simples, pero sólo 33 por ciento pudo resolver restas con acarreo de segundo de primaria. Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre logro educativo y edad, grado escolar, clases adicionales y brecha digital. Se discute la necesidad de implementar cursos remediales para atender estas brechas y fomentar equidad educativa.
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Abstract Background Acquiring medical knowledge is a key competency for medical students and a lifelong requirement for physicians. Learning techniques can improve academic success and help students cope with stressors. To support students’ learning process medical faculties should know about learning techniques. The purpose of this study is to analyse the preferred learning techniques of female and male as well as junior and senior medical students and how these learning techniques are related to perceived learning difficulties. Methods In 2019, we conducted an online survey with students of the undergraduate, competency-based curriculum of medicine at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. We chose ten learning techniques of high, moderate and low utility according to Dunlosky et al. (2013) and we asked medical students to rate their preferred usage of those techniques using a 5-point Likert scale. We applied t-tests to show differences in usage between female and male as well as junior and senior learners. Additionally, we conducted a multiple regression analysis to explore the predictive power of learning techniques regarding perceived difficulties. Results A total of 730 medical students (488 women, 242 men, Mage = 24.85, SD = 4.49) use three techniques the most: ‘highlighting’ (low utility), ‘self-explanation’ (moderate utility) and ‘practice testing’ (high utility). Female students showed a significantly higher usage of low-utility learning techniques (t(404.24) = -7.13, p
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The use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for life support training is increasing. These technologies provide an immersive experience that supports learning in a safe and controlled environment. This review focuses on the use of AR and VR for emergency care training for health care providers, medical students, and nonprofessionals. In particular, we analyzed (1) serious games, nonimmersive games, both single-player and multiplayer; (2) VR tools ranging from semi-immersive to immersive virtual and mixed reality; and (3) AR applications. All the toolkits have been investigated in terms of application goals (training, assessment, or both), simulated procedures, and skills. The main goal of this work is to summarize and organize the findings of studies coming from multiple research areas in order to make them accessible to all the professionals involved in medical simulation. The analysis of the state-of-the-art technologies reveals that tools and studies related to the multiplayer experience, haptic feedback, and evaluation of user’s manual skills in the foregoing health care-related environments are still limited and require further investigation. Also, there is an additional need to conduct studies aimed at assessing whether AR/VR-based systems are superior or, at the minimum, comparable to traditional training methods.
Seligman (2020) hypothesized that individuals’ beliefs in Agency proximally cause progress and innovation. When agency is high, progress occurs, when low, stagnation. This seems to be true in the Greco-Roman epoch and we examined this in ancient China. The Shang (1600– 1046 BCE) devoutly followed the arbitrary will of gods and there was little progress. The Zhou (1045– 256 BCE) believed more in human agency and this was a time of progress. In the Axial Age (530 BCE-221 BCE), Confucianism emphasized human agency and progress was remarkable. In the first Imperial Age (221 BCE – 220 CE), when Legalism dominated, there was massive collective progress, followed by chaos. Eventually a hybrid of Legalism-Confucianism became the dominant ideology. Collective agency and individual agency were well-balanced, and there was considerable progress. We confirmed Seligman’s claim for Ancient China, but with the major addition of collective agency.