Mwaffaq Almahameed

Mwaffaq Almahameed
Al al-Bayt University · law

Associate Professor in Public Law


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Mwaffaq Almahameed is associate professor in public law, currently works at college of law, Abu Dhabi University , also associate professor in public law at Al - Albayt University(currently on leave). Mwaffaq does research in Public Law. Their most recent publication is 'الخدمات الضريبية الالكترونية الاردنية ومدى مراعاتها حقوق المكلفين ذوي الاعاقة في النفاذ Jordanian e-tax services and its effects on the accessibility of taxpayers with disabilities'.
Additional affiliations
October 2014 - present
Bahrain council of representatives
  • Legal advisor


Publications (13)
This study focuses on the role of the Bahraini constitutional institutions that make up the legislative authority in protecting the constitution by explaining the role of the king in protecting the constitution and highlighting the relationship between the legislative authority and the Bahraini constitutional judiciary and the extent to which both...
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يعالج هذا البحث الأساس القانوني للخدمات الضريبية الإلكترونية الأردنية والتطورات التي شهدها قانون ضريبة الدخل، وشملت مسألة الاعتراف بالإقرار الضريبي الإلكتروني والدفع الإلكتروني، وأثر ذلك على حقوق الأشخاص ذي الإعاقة في النفاذ، ومن ناحية عملية تم استعراض الخدمات الضريبية الإلكترونية المتاحة وخخضاعها لسلسلة من الفحوص الإلكترونية المتعلقة بالتمكين وفقا...
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The Legal Nature of the Jordanian Governmental Universities and Their Financial Independency” Abstract This study explains the legal nature and the financial independency of the public sector (state funded) universities, the question of considering it as a Public institution or as an official Public institution, its financial independence and its f...
إن ضريبة الدخل على الرغم من حياديتها واعتبارها من مصادر الإيرادات العامة إلا أنها لا تخرج عن كونها أداة مالية بيد الدولة تستخدمها لتحقيق أهدافها المختلفة وأهمها الهدف الاجتماعي من خلال الحفاظ على مقومات المجتمع وقيمه ومعتقداته لذا حرص المشرع الدستوري في الدول محل الدراسة على التأكيد على أهمية العناية بالأسرة باعتبارها النواة الأساسية للمجتمع مع ما...
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The exchange of tax-related information, as one of the major aspect of international tax cooperation in combating tax evasion and harmful tax practices by means of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs), was an effective means of preserving bank secrecy. This fact was true until 2002, since the increase and expantion in crossborder transactions, through...
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his article explains income tax treatment of public sector universities in Jordan and explores the legal and constitutional defects that might result from this tax treatment, the principle of inter-governmental immunity ,the role of tax administrations in factual interpretation of tax law, and the retroactive implementation against taxpayer rights...
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The Legal Value of Treaties in Jordanian Constitution of 1952 as Amended A comparative study Dr. Mwaffaq Summor Al Mahameed Abstract Any country as one of the public international law persons can’t live in isolation, It must enter in many kinds of international transactions with other states, and this will give rise to the subject of applying p...
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Any country as one of the public international law persons can’t live in isolation, It must enter in many kinds of international transactions with other states, and this will give rise to the subject of applying public international law in that state and the question of determining the nature of the relation which compound between international law...
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Abstract: The 1966 Jordanian Charities and Other Social Entities law No (33) and its subsequent modifications regulates and oversees all matters related to the registration and practice of charities and social groups. Moreover, the 1985 Income Tax Law No. (57) and its modifications holds a series of incentives directed towards charities and other s...