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An improved hybrid technique for energy and delay routing in mobile ad-hoc networks


Abstract and Figures

A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) comprises wireless mobile nodes that dynamically establish a temporary network without needing a central administration or an infrastructure. The Quality of service (QoS) enables a mobile network to interconnect wired or wireless networks. An important research background identifying a path that satisfies the QoS requirements, such as their topology and applications, has become quite a challenge in mobile networks. The QoS routing feature can also function in a stand-alone multi-hop mobile network for real-time applications. A QoS-aware protocol aims to find a stable path between the source and destination nodes that satisfies the QoS requirements. The proposed method was a new energy and delay-aware routing protocol that combines cellular automata (CA) with the hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) and African Buffalo Optimization (ABO) to optimize the path selection in the ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol. The main conclusions of this research include two QoS parameters that were used for routing: Energy and delay. The routing algorithm based on CA was used to identify a set of routes that can satisfy the delay constraints and then select a reasonably good route through the hybrid algorithm. Results of the simulation showed that the proposed approach demonstrated a better performance than the AODV with CA and GA.
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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 1 (2017) pp. 134-139
© Research India Publications.
An Improved Hybrid Technique for Energy and Delay Routing in Mobile
Ad-Hoc Networks
Mustafa Hamid Hassan1 and Ravie Chandren Muniyandi2
Center for Software Technology and Management (SOFTAM), Faculty of Information Science and Technology.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) comprises wireless
mobile nodes that dynamically establish a temporary network
without needing a central administration or an infrastructure.
The Quality of service (QoS) enables a mobile network to
interconnect wired or wireless networks. An important
research background identifying a path that satisfies the QoS
requirements, such as their topology and applications, has
become quite a challenge in mobile networks. The QoS
routing feature can also function in a stand-alone multi-hop
mobile network for real-time applications. A QoS-aware
protocol aims to find a stable path between the source and
destination nodes that satisfies the QoS requirements. The
proposed method was a new energy and delay-aware routing
protocol that combines cellular automata (CA) with the hybrid
genetic algorithm (GA) and African Buffalo Optimization
(ABO) to optimize the path selection in the ad-hoc on-demand
distance vector (AODV) routing protocol. The main
conclusions of this research include two QoS parameters that
were used for routing: energy and delay. The routing
algorithm based on CA was used to identify a set of routes
that can satisfy the delay constraints and then select a
reasonably good route through the hybrid algorithm. Results
of the simulation showed that the proposed approach
demonstrated a better performance than the AODV with CA
and GA.
Keywords: mobile ad-hoc network, cellar automata, genetic
algorithm, African Buffalo Optimization, ad-hoc on-demand
distance vector, quality of service.
A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) exhibits a dynamic
topology that does not contain any fixed infrastructure, with
each node having host and router functionalities [1]. The most
critical features of a MANET include autonomy and the
absence of infrastructure, dynamic network topology, multi-
hop routing, limited physical security, device heterogeneity,
and variable capacity links with constrained bandwidth [2,
11]. The attributes of a MANET have various applications
even with numerous constraints [15, 20]. These attributes
include high ability in circumstances where a fixed
infrastructure does not exist [19, 9]. The second feature is that
a MANET does not have to operate on its own because it can
be attached to the Internet and be incorporated in various
devices, making its respective services available to the rest of
the users. MANETs have been used in numerous applications
in the past. Establishing the path from source to destination is
crucial when using MANETs to deliver a data packet that
satisfies the quality of service (QoS) standards, such as the
end-to-end delay, throughput, and energy. Nevertheless, the
algorithm designed in this study should be comparable with
the QoS-based method in terms of the average end-to-end
delay. However, the proposed algorithm is more effective in
terms of node lifespan and packet delivery ratio. African
Buffalo Optimization (ABO) [4] constitutes an effort to
develop a convenient, reliable, efficient, effective, and easily
implementable algorithm that will exhibit outstanding ability
in exploring and exploiting the search space. The hybrid
algorithm will be integrated with the ad-hoc on-demand
distance vector (AODV) routing protocol to improve the QoS.
Numerous artificial and heuristic QoS routing algorithms have
been suggested for application in MANETs routing [1, 5].
Basically, routing is divided into several categories: single-
and multi-path routing; source routing, and next step,
hierarchical, and flat routing; centralized and distributed
routing; data- and address-centric routing; QoS-based and
best-effort routing; event-driven and queue-based routing; and
energy-based routing. Many articles have discussed this issue
and used several methods, which were often heuristic and
intelligence tools.
Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of the most popular methods.
A fuzzy GA is used for QoS routing [7]. The exact
information protection of global network status is impossible
for the nodes of a real dynamic network. Therefore, at first
QoS parameters were fuzzed, and then became fuzzed to
optimize the fitness function using the GA. Meanwhile, one of
the related studies on multiple QoS routing algorithms based
on GA was introduced [8]. Evolutionary optimization
strategy, which is used in QoS multiple routing, is one of the
other intelligent methods [17]. In the article, an evolutionary
multi-purpose quick method was proposed as the Multi-
Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEAQ) to find the
optimized path of the QoS. It was better than its basic version
because of its convergence. In addition to high diversity, it
could obtain more favorable results than the popular routing
algorithm based on GA [12]. QoS routing could be performed
by comparing several intelligent methods [3].
Swarm intelligence is a new and modern field inspired by the
swarm behavior of creatures [12, 6]. The cellular model
simulates the natural evolution from the perspective of the
individual, which encodes a tentative (optimization, learning,
search) problem solution. A cellular automaton (CA) has been
shown capable of resolving various complex systems, such as
MANET and issues in varied applications. A popular
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 1 (2017) pp. 134-139
© Research India Publications.
approach based on CA and employed in routing includes the
Lee algorithm, which identifies the path that has the lowest
aggregate weight on the grid [18]. The algorithm needs to
establish the shortest path from the source cell to the
destination cell when the weights of all the nodes (grid points)
are configured as one. In the framework utilized, the authors
considered the possibility of a relationship between the
number of states and the longest path or the largest aggregate
weight. Meanwhile, GA constitutes a search heuristic that
mimics the natural process of evolution and is normally
employed in generating solutions applicable in handling
search and optimization problems [10, 13]. The composition
of an ad-hoc network includes spatially distributed
autonomous systems where intermediate nodes communicate
with each other. Every mobile node can deal with route
broadcasting even without requiring a consolidated controller.
However, the main challenge is on lowering the power
consumption of the various mobile nodes because each node
has a limited battery power.
The GA-based routing algorithm has been observed to lead to
the development of a heuristic methodology for MANETs.
Nevertheless, the algorithm tends to speedily converge to a
single solution through GA but causes network congestion.
The work in [18] attempted to integrate genetic algorithm
(GA) with cellular automata (CA) to improve efficiency.
However, the main objective of this study is to solve the
following disadvantages:
a. GA does not guarantee that the global maxima will be
attained. However, in addition to brute force, GA does
not guarantee the global maxima when dealing with non-
trivial issues. However, the possibility of being fixed to
the local maxima at initial phases is an issue that must be
addressed, for instance, with a form of simulated
galvanizing mutation rate decay.
b. GA consumer time before convergence is reached. A
decently sized population and numerous generations are
necessary to attain desirable results. With heavy
simulations, a solution will often take days to obtain.
Hybrid Algorithm Gaabo
The genetic Algorithm have been used to solve different
problems, one of them is an energy problem that shown in
Ahmadi scheme. But the GA still consume a high amount of
time to get an optimum solution moreover, stuck in local
optima. This research proposed a hybrid algorithm to solve
the GA problems. This algorithm combines the advantages of
both GA and ABO algorithms. The ABO is a response to
create the population and discover the initial solution. The GA
selects two solutions from an initial solution that comes from
ABO. Then, it performs the crossover and mutation process
till produce the best solution for GA algorithm. Next, ABO
checks the state of the solution based on the fitness.
Thereafter, it will make an update for the buffalos’ position.
Then check the stopping criteria. Subsequently, get an
optimum solution. Overall steps for a hybrid algorithm are
presented below.
Step 1: Initialization of Population is done randomly.
Buffaloes are placed at nodes in a random manner.
Step 2: Determine Fitness of population by the following
          (1)
Lp1,lp2 learning factors
Bgmax herd’s best fitness
Bpmax.k individual buffalo’s best fitness
Wk mk exploration and exploitation movement of kth
K=1, 2…., N.
Step 3: Repeat
o Select parents from the population.
o Perform Crossover on parents, creating a new population.
o Perform Mutation on New population.
o Determine Fitness of the population.
o Update location of New child (bgmax, bpmax) by using the
below equation:
      
 (2)
o Check bgmax is getting updated, If Yes Check Stopping
Criteria (Step 4) If No Initialize population (go back to
step 1).
o Check Stopping Criteria, if met go to Step 4 else go to
step 2.
Step 4: Output Best Solution.
All the proposed stages can show in figure 1.
Figure 1: hybrid algorithm
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 1 (2017) pp. 134-139
© Research India Publications.
Implementation of Discovering Routes by CA
The aspects of the executions are understood from the
explanation of the mapping of CA using the MANET
topology. A two-dimensional network plane in which several
mobile nodes are spread randomly is considered in this study,
to find out a path with delay as the QoS constraint. There
exists no hierarchy among the nodes, and the network plane is
found to be fully homogeneous (i.e. all nodes consist of the
same characteristics).
Our approach involves the broadcasting of the RREQ message
that constitutes the delay requirement of the connection
request [maximum delay (Dmax)] by the source node to its
communicating neighbors. All the nodes at the right, left, top,
and down side are involved in this, as depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: CA mechanism
The message re-broadcast by the intermediate nodes to their
neighbors, which also establish a reverse path to the sender.
Certain nodes, when given a delay constraint, turn into a
wave, take in a wave node to their neighbors, re-broadcast the
message, and establish a reverse path to the nodes from which
they had obtained the message. This activity continues till the
message is collected by the destination node or the delay
faced by the packet outstrips the limit Dmax. The destination
obtains many RREQ messages for the same sender when there
are more paths from the sender to the destination.
Consequently, reply to some of the RREQ messages is done
by the destination through sending an RREP message through
the reverse path that is established when the RREQ messages
are passed on. The entire set of nodes observed along these
routes amidst the source and the destination constitute the path
nodes. Each and every communication between the source and
the destination from this juncture happens through this path
till the topology of the network gets modified... However, the
Pseudo code for the MATLAB developed code can found
Algorithm for two-way dimensional of CA for the initial and
shortest path.
i. Input the radius of the CA K=1;
ii. Put loop for the loop for discovering and checking loop
for checking both side route from sn-dn and dn-sn
iii. checking the neighbours of CN node ,which [r,c]=
find(O == CA)
iv. storing path created by nag node with concatenating
original sn node
v. concatenating dn to created path
Figure 3 shows the rule process of selecting a path by CA.
update rule
Selected route
for each request
suitable paths will considered
Initialize network
Output (CA)
Figure 3: The Process rule for short path selection
System Model
In general, the reactive routing protocols create a path by
using two types of messages; route request and route reply.
The source node broadcast the RREQ to discover the possible
path to the destination when the destination node receives the
RREQ message it will send an RREP message to the source
node. In protocols like AODV, the path is creating via sending
an RREQ by source node till receiving an RREP from a
specific destination. However, the AODV select the path
based on the first RREP that comes from destination rather
than the energy level of the nodes, this mechanism leads to
exhaust node in the path and increase the probability of link
failure, the link failure has negative effective on the QoS of
the network such as; throughput, E2E delay, energy
consumption, etc.
This paper, attempt to establish a robust path and get fulfill
the QoS requirement as energy and delay. This research
comprised two stages to achieve our objective, in the first
stage we used CA to discover all possible paths based on
minimum time, the second stage selects the path based on
highest energy level for each node in the path by using hybrid
algorithm GAABO. We proposed hybrid techniques that will
enable the discovery of routes in MANETs which satisfy both
the delay constraints and some simple energy constraints
(every node on a path has a minimum energy level).
Aforementioned, the CA generate the paths from source to
destination nodes based on the minimum delay, the RREQ
message that sends by CA content a threshold term to ensure
all paths achieve the requirement of delay. Subsequently, the
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 1 (2017) pp. 134-139
© Research India Publications.
hybrid algorithm checks the status of paths based on energy
level. A hybrid GAABO with CA shown in figure 4.
Output (CA)
Select path list in CA
(ABO initialize population )
ABO feed the fitness of GA
Fitness Evaluation
Genetic operations
Maximum Location
update rule
Crossover Mutation
Figure 4: The process of CA with hybrid algorithm
The behavior of the ABO algorithm in nature is searching for
the best pasture. The herd of buffalos’ discovers the best place
by sending different buffalo to a different place in the space.
The buffalos’ communicate between each other by sound.
Each buffalo has two kinds of sound (maaa, waaa). The maaa
sound means a place is a good place for the herd. On the other
hand, the waaa sound means the place is not good (no pasture
or danger) for the herd.
These characteristics of ABO are used in MANET. Figure
(4.4) illustrate the steps of proposed approach. As mentioned
before, the CA creates an initial population based on less
delay. Then, the ABO use the population that generated by
CA to select the path based on energy, each node in the
network represent as buffalo in ABO, as mentioned earlier the
buffalo (node) has two types of sounds( messages )these
messages are uses to indicate the energy level of each node in
the networks. All nodes forward the information of energy to
the source node (herd). There are different paths are discover
from source to destination nodes. The fitness function of ABO
evaluates the quality of paths then sorts them. Moreover, get
an optimum solution from all possible solutions, the GA
selects two best solutions from a list of solution that generated
by ABO as parents. Thereafter perform the operation of GA
(crossover and mutation), then select the best solution (path).
Through this mechanism get an optimum path with QoS
requirements (less delay and highest energy level).
This section represents the parameters that use to implement
the proposed approach and AODV. MATLAB toolbox was
utilized to implement and evaluate the performance of routing
protocols. To evaluate the behavior of protocols we changed
the nodes speed as (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25), with node density
625 node, these node distributed in Random Way Point
(RWP) within 3000m2, packet size 512, CPR is controlled the
traffic and pause time 5ms. The different performance metric
utilized to evaluate the performance of the protocols:
a. Packet loss ratio (PLR): define the ratio of the
difference between the number of data packets sent
and received.
b. Packet delivery ratio (PDR): the ratio of the data
delivered to the destination node to the packets
transmitted by the source.
c. End-to-end (E2E) delay: This metric represent the
amount of time spent to transmit the data packet from
source to destination.
d. Throughput (TP): defined as the number of bytes
that have been successfully received by the
e. Energy Consumption: defined as the amount of
energy consumed by all nodes in the network in a
given simulation time.
After the simulation was completed for the proposed method,
performance analysis was conducted using the evaluation
metrics, PDR, E2E delay, energy consumption, PLR, and TP.
A simulation study was conducted by varying node speeds of
5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 m/s to show the effectiveness of energy
cost on AODV routing protocol using CA with hybrid
Figure 5: Packet Delivery Ratio
Figure 5 shows the packet delivery ratio for protocols, which
have a different PDR. However, the proposed approach has a
better result in PDR than CAGA protocol. Due to the CA with
GAABO establish a stable path based on less delay and
highest energy between source and destination nodes. This
minimizes the probability of link failure as well as packets
510 15 20 25
PDR (%)
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 1 (2017) pp. 134-139
© Research India Publications.
Figure 6: E2E delay
Figure 6 depicts the E2E delay for CAGA and CA with
GAABO. That has a different E2E delay with the increase of
the node mobility in the network. In the term of E2E delay,
the proposed approach is better than CAGA protocol. Since
the CA with GAABO searching for the path from source to
destination nodes relay on the minimum delay between the
Figure 7: Energy Consumption
The variation of energy consumption for the CA with
GAABO and CAGA are presented in figure 7. For all
strategies, as the node mobility increases the energy
consumption increases also. Results clearly show that
proposed approach is better than another approach in term of
energy consumption. Because once the protocol selects the
best path, then, the same path will be used to transmit all
packets. This path is highest energy level. Therefore, as the
intermediate nodes will not perform route discovery and it
need not have to waste its battery power.
Figure 8: Packet loss
Figure 8 shows the variation of packet loss with mobility.
When the mobility increases as (5, 10, 15, 20, 25) m/s, the
packet loss increases also. The CA with GAABO has better
performance than CAGA protocol in term of packet loss. Due
to proposed protocol selects the route with less delay and
highest energy, which saves time for the packets to be
transmitted over the network.
Figure 9: Throughput
The variation of average throughput for protocols is shown in
figure 9. While the node mobility increased as (5, 10, 15, 20,
25) the throughput decrease in routing protocols. CA with
GAABO protocol has better throughput than CAGA, as it
selects the most active route to the destination. This route has
less delay and more energy level than other routes; therefore
the link is more stable which leads for fewer packets dropped.
This, in turn, increases the throughput.
A wide range of fields, such as commercial and military
applications, employ MANETs. Thus, establishing a path
from source to target is essential to ensure that the data packet
delivered meets the QoS requirements. However, this paper
proposed a QoS-routing algorithm applicable in MANETs,
which satisfies energy and delay constraints. In other words,
the algorithm must support the QoS parameters of energy and
510 15 20 25
E2E Delay
510 15 20 25
Packet Loss
510 15 20 25
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 1 (2017) pp. 134-139
© Research India Publications.
delay. Using CA with GAABO techniques, this study sought
to enhance the network lifetime as well as the E2E delay.
This work is supported by the Fundamental Research Grant
Scheme of the Ministry of Higher Education (Malaysia; Grant
code: FGRS/1/2015/ICT04/UKM/02/3).
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... Hassan et al. [81] studied to know about the QoS aware protocol that provides the stable connectivity or path between source nodes to the destination node. That's why researchers proposed the method, the routing protocol which aware of delay and energy QoS Metrics. ...
... The future research can be carried out to reduce the route failure in a dense dynamic environment in ad-hoc networks [62]. By using hybrid routing [81] further QoS algorithm may be explored for determining the better path instead of the Genetic Algorithm and American Buffalo optimization for real dynamic networks like UAVCN. In [82] the delay is a major factor that affects the QoS; however, the researchers could explore the algorithms that minimize the delay and ensure QoS during routing in SWARM of UAVs communication. ...
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The unmanned aerial vehicle communication networks (UAVCN) comprises of a collection of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to build a network that can be used for many applications. These nodes autonomously fly in free space in ad-hoc mode to carry out the mission. However, the UAVs face some challenging issues during collaboration and communication. These nodes have high speed, hence the communication links fail to route the traffic that affects the routing mechanism. Therefore, UAVCN communication affecting the quality of service and facing the performance issue. Power is another major problem to limit and optimize the use of power, the energy-efficient mechanism is needed. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the issues of unmanned aerial vehicle communication networks: UAVCN characteristics, UAVCN design issues, UAVCN applications, routing protocols, quality of service, power issue and identify the future open research areas which could be considered for further research to explore the UAVCN technology.
... Hassan et al. [16] proposed a QoS-routing algorithm applicable to MANETs that satisfied energy and delay constraints. Using CA with GAABO techniques, this study sought to enhance the network lifetime as well as the E2E delay. ...
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are wireless networks that operate without a fixed infrastructure or base station. In MANETs, each node acts as a data source and a router, establishing connections with its neighboring nodes to facilitate communication. This research has introduced the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP), which combines the OLSR, AOMDV, and AODV routing protocols while considering the network situation for improved performance. The EHRP protocol begins by broadcasting a RREP (Route Reply) packet to discover a route. The selection of routing options is based on the current network situation. To determine the distance between the source and destination nodes, the proposed EHRP initiates a RREQ (Route Request) packet. In situations where network mobility exceeds the capabilities of the AODV protocol, the EHRP protocol can utilize the OLSR routing protocol for route selection and data transmission, provided that at least 70% of the network nodes remain stable. Additionally, the EHRP protocol effectively handles network load and congestion control through the utilization of the AOMDV routing protocol. Compared to the hybrid routing protocol, the enhanced hybrid routing protocol (EHRP) demonstrates superior performance. Its incorporation of the OLSR, AOMDV, and AODV protocols, along with its adaptive routing adaptation based on network conditions, allows for efficient network management and improved overall network performance. The analysis of packet delivery ratio for EHRP and ZRP reveals that EHRP achieves a packet delivery ratio of 98.01%, while ZRP achieves a packet delivery ratio of 89.99%. These results indicate that the enhanced hybrid routing protocol (EHRP) outperforms the hybrid routing protocol (ZRP) in terms of packet delivery ratio. EHRP demonstrates a higher level of success in delivering packets to their intended destinations compared to ZRP. The analysis of normal routing load for EHRP and ZRP reveals that EHRP exhibits a normal routing load of 0.13%, while ZRP exhibits a higher normal routing load of 0.50%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the performance of the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) is significantly better than that of the Hybrid Routing Protocol (ZRP) when considering the normal routing load. EHRP demonstrates a lower level of routing overhead and more efficient resource utilization compared to ZRP in scenarios with normal routing load. When comparing the average end-to-end delay between the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) and ZRP, the analysis reveals that EHRP achieves an average delay of 0.06, while ZRP exhibits a higher average delay of 0.23. These findings indicate that the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) performs better than ZRP in terms of average end-to-end delay. EHRP exhibits lower delay, resulting in faster and more efficient transmission of data packets from source to destination compared to ZRP. After considering the overall parameter matrix, which includes factors such as normal routing load, data send and receive throughput, packet delivery ratio, and average end-to-end delay, it becomes evident that the performance of the Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) surpasses that of the current hybrid routing protocol (ZRP). Across these metrics, EHRP consistently outperforms ZRP, demonstrating superior performance and efficiency. The Enhanced Hybrid Routing Protocol (EHRP) exhibits better results in terms of normal routing load, higher throughput for data transmission and reception, improved packet delivery ratio, and lower average end-to-end delay. Overall, EHRP offers enhanced performance and effectiveness compared to the existing hybrid routing protocol (ZRP).
... To make up the power delivery systems, loads, transmission, production, management systems, control, and distribution system networks. In general, most devices contain many sensors to monitor and control operational parameters locally (AL-Khaleefa et al., 2018;Hassan and Muniyandi, 2017;Hasan et al., 2021c). However, the sensors can detect and prevent potential system failures. ...
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A cloud computing-based power optimization system (CC-POS) is an important enabler for hybrid renewable-based power systems with higher output, optimal solutions to extend battery storage life, and remotely flexible power distribution control. Recent advancements in cloud computing have begun to deliver critical insights, resulting in adaptive-based control of storage systems with improved performance. This study aims to review the recently published literature on the topic of power management systems and battery charging control. The role of intelligent based cloud computing is to improve the battery life and manage the battery state of charge (SoC). To achieve this purpose, publishers' databases and search engines were used to obtain the studies reviewed in this paper. We identify and review the purpose, achievements, tools/algorithm, and recommendations for each survey work, and thus outline a number of key findings and future directions. Furthermore, the review includes a listing of novels and recently used algorithms. Additionally, a critical review of 174 research articles were analyzed as per Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus database. The key findings of this study are discussed in two key conceptual frameworks that contain a power optimization system and an optimal battery management system. The power transmission, distribution, and charge and discharge processes are controlled and stored on cloud computing using the power mix between hybrid renewable energy and other power sources.
... Nevertheless, the protocol does not adequately address pheromone depletion and motion-based connection failures. E-AOMDV builds various pathways between the communication nodes while utilizing hop count and power efficiency [22]. When determining the path, it takes into account the power factors of all the hosts in the path. ...
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It is a wireless network made up of mobile nodes that operate independently and use radio waves to communicate. Nodes can communicate with one another without a permanent basic structure by exchanging packers with nearby nodes. When the hosts are in wireless communication range, they exchange packets directly and without the need for a middle man. By sending messages to intermediaries, communication occurs outside of the wireless range. The message is sent to the closest host by the originating node. The host intern passes it on to the host that is the closest to it, allowing for numerous hops between the intermediate nearby nodes to carry out the conversation. In these networks, each node is in charge of deciding which path is the most effective for transferring packets. The best path is picked and the packet is forwarded when a node receives it. Every node of the network has routing capabilities built into it in this fashion. At first, a new protocol called Energy Aware Simple Ant Routing Algorithm (ESARA) was developed in which the node's energy consumption was factored into the cost function. It was discovered that the adjustment boosted the packet delivery ratio and decreased routing overhead. Such an adjustment also helped boost communication throughput. It was observed that ESARA's performance improved even when the number of hosts increased.
... Nevertheless, the protocol does not adequately address pheromone depletion and motion-based connection failures. E-AOMDV builds various pathways between the communication nodes while utilizing hop count and power efficiency [22]. When determining the path, it takes into account the power factors of all the hosts in the path. ...
... On the other hand, reactive routing protocols send control messages only upon request, providing a route to send a packet from a source to a specific target [8], reducing network overload. Finally, hybrid-routing protocols combine the advantages of proactive to deliver packets to nodes within the network while using reactive techniques to forward packets to nodes outside the network [9][10]. ...
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A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a group of active mobile nodes wirelessly connected in a self-configuring and self-healing network without a preexisting centralized infrastructure. Several studies have been conducted to improve the stability and lifetime of routes for communicating between source and destination nodes, integrating new techniques with existing protocols. This paper presents a fuzzy-based approach to improve the performance of the standard Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) by selecting the optimal value of the zone radius. Each node has a fuzzy inference system that is periodically fed with parameters, such as the remaining energy and mobility of the node, to calculate the optimal value of the zone routing radius, which makes the node autonomous and intelligent. The simulation results obtained using the NS-2 simulator showed that the proposed fuzzy radius approach outperformed the standard ZRP, OVBAZRP, and PSOZRP routing protocols in all measures considered: PDR, NRL, and E2ED.
... MANET must operate in places where nodes are hard to recharge. For the network to last, node energy consumption must be balanced (Jubair and Muniyandi 2016;Hassan and Muniyandi 2017). Ad hoc routing protocols often usage a least hop count without considering node energy usage. ...
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Most mobile nodes are mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). MANET technology is energy-hungry. Because the network lacks a reliable power source, the mobile nodes are battery-powered. MANETs and body sensor networks have impacted health care (BSNs). In healthcare applications, a BSN must provide more reliable routing. Decreased communication rates and improved healthcare system dependability are needed. They're placed on, inside, or around the patient to track and send medical data to cloud servers. Such networks require QoS and EE. This article provides a reliable and energy-efficient healthcare system routing technique to balance QoS and power consumption. Performance metrics include routing overhead, energy consumption, end-to-end latency, throughput, scalability, and transmission error. According to testing, IBOLSR uses less energy and has a longer lifespan than OLSR, EAOLSR, and BOLSR. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms other existing algorithms. In tests, the proposed work shows a 79% less Average End-to-End Delay compared to other existing algorithms.
Parallel power loads anomalies are processed by a fast-density peak clustering technique that capitalizes on the hybrid strengths of Canopy and K-means algorithms all within Apache Mahout’s distributed machine-learning environment. The study taps into Apache Hadoop’s robust tools for data storage and processing, including HDFS and MapReduce, to effectively manage and analyze big data challenges. The preprocessing phase utilizes Canopy clustering to expedite the initial partitioning of data points, which are subsequently refined by K-means to enhance clustering performance. Experimental results confirm that incorporating the Canopy as an initial step markedly reduces the computational effort to process the vast quantity of parallel power load abnormalities. The Canopy clustering approach, enabled by distributed machine learning through Apache Mahout, is utilized as a preprocessing step within the K-means clustering technique. The hybrid algorithm was implemented to minimise the length of time needed to address the massive scale of the detected parallel power load abnormalities. Data vectors are generated based on the time needed, sequential and parallel candidate feature data are obtained, and the data rate is combined. After classifying the time set using the canopy with the K-means algorithm and the vector representation weighted by factors, the clustering impact is assessed using purity, precision, recall, and F value. The results showed that using canopy as a preprocessing step cut the time it proceeds to deal with the significant number of power load abnormalities found in parallel using a fast density peak dataset and the time it proceeds for the k-means algorithm to run. Additionally, tests demonstrate that combining canopy and the K-means algorithm to analyze data performs consistently and dependably on the Hadoop platform and has a clustering result that offers a scalable and effective solution for power system monitoring.
One of the greatest traits of technological know-how is networking. For a quantity of decades, networking has been an necessary aspect of communication. The hubs include the quintessential business enterprise associations. Power is one of the most quintessential factors that the nodes consider. MANET nodes solely have a restricted quantity of power. At the factor when the hub's energy is not depleted, it is utilized for positive undertakings. The frameworks are continuously impacted by way of energy deficiencies, which likewise affect the availability of the organization. Issues with power additionally have an impact on the mobility and congestion of the nodes, which in flip reasons packet loss and hyperlink disasters as nicely as a terrible impact on the protocol's fantastic of provider (QoS) performance. In MANET, this find out about combines balanced and energy-efficient multipath routing (BEMRT) with sturdy transmission. With the assist of this blend, the business enterprise will definitely favor to undergo the troubles illustrated above, which are reliant upon the FF-AOMDV path disclosure component.
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Now a days Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are becoming a major immerging technology in mobile computing. In this paper we focus on the evolution of the MANET, the challenges in it and a wide area of it's applications. In the first section we provide a brief information about the history and evolution of MANET , next to it we discuss the major challenges in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and towards the end we mentioned some of the application of MANET.
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A Mobile Ad-hoc Network is defined as a network that is wireless and dynamic. It can be designed with no necessity for prior infrastructure where every node acts as router. A mobile Ad hoc Network is a self-configuring system of mobile nodes that are connected wirelessly. Every node functions as a sink, as well as a router to send packets. These nodes can move freely and independently in any direction and able to get organized into a network. Hence, they change their positions frequently. In this study, a comparison is made between Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector protocol and Ad-hoc On Multipath Demand Distance Vector protocol using network simulator NS2.35. AODV is reactive gateway discovery algorithm where a MANET mobile device connects only ondemand. AOMDV was basically made for highly dynamic adhoc networks to respond to link breakages and failures in network. It works on sustaining paths for the destinations and uses destination sequence numbers to define the fresh routing information to ensure loop freedom at all times and to avoid problems. It is a protocol based on timer that finds ways for the mobile nodes to respond to breakages in links and changes in topology. Three protocols have been compared together and separately to see their performance. The performance matrix contains Packet Delivery Ratio, End to End Delay, Throughput, and Routing overhead. The comparison of routing protocols’ performance is made under two scenarios when the number of nodes changes and when simulation time changes. The results show that the AODV is better than AOMDV when the number of node increases. On the other hand, the AOMDV has better performance when the simulation increases.
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In wireless sensor networks energy is a very important issue because these networks consist of lowpower sensor nodes. This paper proposes a new protocol to reach energy efficiency. The protocol has a different priority in energy efficiency as reducing energy consumption in nodes, prolonging lifetime of the whole network, increasing system reliability, increasing the load balance of the network, and reducing packet delays in the network. In the new protocol is proposed an intelligent routing protocol algorithm. It is based on reinforcement learning techniques. In the first step of the protocol, a new clustering method is applied to the network and the network is established using a connected graph. Then data is transmitted using the í µí±„-value parameter of reinforcement learning technique. The simulation results show that our protocol has improvement in different parameters such as network lifetime, packet delivery, packet delay, and network balance.
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The need for an adaptive with support for context service aware Quality of Service routing scheme is always a major research challenge. The complexities of Mobile Ad hoc Networks are well surveyed, but traditional routing protocols do not focus on the context aware nature of services, which is highly required for dynamic change in service requirements. Context Aware Adaptive Fuzzy (COAAF) is a ‘context aware’ protocol, which is adaptive for variable services and network traffic intensity. The behaviour of streaming services is found to be highly variable; hence, fuzzy approach is adopted. COAAF is simulated over NS-2 and its performance analyzed in comparison with AODV, DYMO and GPSR routing schemes.
"An excellent book for those who are interested in learning the current status of research and development. [and] who want to get a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art."-E-Streams. This book provides up-to-date information on research and development in the rapidly growing area of networks based on the multihop ad hoc networking paradigm. It reviews all classes of networks that have successfully adopted this paradigm, pointing out how they penetrated the mass market and sparked breakthrough research. Covering both physical issues and applications, Mobile Ad Hoc Networking: Cutting Edge Directions offers useful tools for professionals and researchers in diverse areas wishing to learn about the latest trends in sensor, actuator, and robot networking, mesh networks, delay tolerant and opportunistic networking, and vehicular networks. Chapter coverage includes: Multihop ad hoc networking. Enabling technologies and standards for mobile multihop wireless networking. Resource optimization in multiradio multichannel wireless mesh networks. QoS in mesh networks. Routing and data dissemination in opportunistic networks. Task farming in crowd computing. Mobility models, topology, and simulations in VANET MAC protocols for VANET Wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting nodes. Robot-assisted wireless sensor networks: recent applications and future challenges. Advances in underwater acoustic networking. Security in wireless ad hoc networks. Mobile Ad Hoc Networking will appeal to researchers, developers, and students interested in computer science, electrical engineering, and telecommunications. © 2013 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Routing in MANET is a challenging problem as a result of highly dynamic topology as well as bandwidth and energy constraints. Many researchers have developed different routing protocols at network layer which have considered transmission power, residual battery capacity and self-organization while routing data packets to the destination. Swarm intelligence such as ants can find a shortest path when they work collectively as a group. The main focus of this work is to develop an energy-efficient swarm routing algorithm called Energy-efficient Ant-colony-based Routing Algorithm (EARA) for the MANETs. We have compared traditional Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) with EARA in terms of the node lifetime and throughput. The simulation results show that EARA has around 7% increase in average packet delivery ratio than AODV under different mobility speed indicating that it explores other optimal routes to improve the total efficiency.
The Quality of Service (QoS) routing protocol plays a vital role in enabling a mobile network to interconnect wired networks with the QoS support. It has become quite a challenge in mobile networks, like mobile ad-hoc networks, to identify a path that fulfils the QoS requirements, regarding their topology and applications. The QoS routing feature can also function in a stand-alone multi hop mobile network for real-time applications. The chief aim of the QoS aware protocol is to find a route from the source to the destination that fulfils the QoS requirements. In this paper we present a new energy and delay aware routing method which combines Cellular automata (CA) with the Genetic algorithm (GA). Here, two QoS parameters are used for routing; energy and delay. The routing algorithm based on CA is used to identify a set of routes that can fulfill the delay constraints and then select a reasonably good one using GAs. The results of Simulation show that the method proposed produces a higher degree of performance than the AODV and another QoS method in terms of network lifetime and end-to-end delay.
With the fast evolution of real time and multimedia applications, some quality of service (QoS) constraints need to be guaranteed in the underlying network. In this paper, we present a new method for least-cost QoS multicast routing problem based on genetic algorithm and tabu search. This problem has been proven to be NP-complete. The proposed genetic tabu search algorithm (GTS) combine Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search adequately in order to improve the computing performance. In our method the chromosomes of the multicast tree represented by tree structure coding scheme. This coding scheme simplifies the coding operation and omits the coding and decoding process. A new population initialization method based on Prim's algorithm is proposed. This method ensures that every chromosome is a reasonable multicast tree without loops. The proposed algorithm is then compared with one of existing multicasting algorithms. The simulation results show that our method has high speed of convergence and effective in solving the considered problem.