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Physical restraint in older people: an opinion from the Early Career Network of the International Psychogeriatric Association

  • The Dementia Centre - HammondCare


The International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) has expressed significant concerns over the use of physical restraints in older people across diverse aged care settings. Following an extensive analysis of the available literature, the IPA’s Early Career Network (ECN) has formulated a collection of evidence-based recommendations aimed at guiding the use of physical restraints within various care contexts and demographic groups. Physical restraints not only infringe upon human rights but also raise significant safety concerns that adversely impact the physical, psychological, social, and functional well-being of older adults. Furthermore, their effectiveness in geriatric settings remains inadequate. Given these considerations, the IPA and its ECN firmly assert that the use of physical restraints should only be considered as a final recourse in the care of older people.
Physical restraint in older people: an opinion from the
Early Career Network of the International Psychogeriatric
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Mustafa Atee,1
4Claire V. Burley,5
6Victor Adekola Ojo,7
Agboola Jamiu Adigun,10 Hayoung Lee,11 Daniel Jake Hoyle,12
Olusayo Elugbadebo,13 and Tomas Leon14
1The Dementia Centre, HammondCare, Osborne Park, WA, Australia
2Curtin Medical School, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University, Bentley, WA, Australia
3Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
4Centre for Research in Aged Care, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA, Australia
5UNSW Medicine and Health Lifestyle Clinic, School of Health Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
6Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA), University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
7Royal Perth and Bentley Group, Bentley, WA, Australia
8Nissi Healthcare Telehealth, Clyde, VIC, Australia
9Vita Healthcare, Mount Eliza, VIC, Australia
10Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
11Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
12School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia
13Department of Psychiatr y, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
14Memory and Neuropsychiatric Clinic (CMYN) Neurology Department, Hospita l del Salvador and Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
15Global Brain Health Institute, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
The International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) has expressed signicant concerns over the use of physical
restraints in older people across diverse aged care settings. Following an extensive analysis of the available
literature, the IPAs Early Career Network (ECN) has formulated a collection of evidence-based
recommendations aimed at guiding the use of physical restraints within various care contexts and demographic
groups. Physical restraints not only infringe upon human rights but also raise signicant safety concerns that
adversely impact the physical, psychological, social, and functional well-being of older adults. Furthermore, their
effectiveness in geriatric settings remains inadequate. Given these considerations, the IPA and its ECN rmly
assert that the use of physical restraints should only be considered as a nal recourse in the care of older people.
Key words: physical restraint, older adults, evidence-based statement, care settings, dementia, disability, recommendations, ethics, neuropsychiatric
Globally, the number and proportion of older people
(i.e. those aged over 60 years) continues to rise (United
Nations, 2019). Between 2019 and 2050, the number
of people aged over 60 years is expected to double to 2.1
billion people, accounting for 22% of the population
(WHO, 2022). Neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric
disorders (e.g. dementia, depression, anxiety, and
substance abuse) are estimated to affect over 20% of the
older population (WHO, 2017), with many exhibiting
neuropsychiatric symptoms. Recently, the Interna-
tional Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) expressed
renewed concern over the inappropriate use of physical
restraints for the management of neuropsychiatric
symptoms in older people, considering high prevalence
rates in various parts of the world, both in high- and
low-to-middle income countries (IPA, 2022b).
The IPA is the peak international body for
psychogeriatrics, a branch of psychiatry that forms
part of the multidisciplinary delivery of mental
health care to older people (Silva and Wertheimer,
1996). It was formed to serve the interests,
disciplines, and communities representing the full
spectrum of geriatric mental health (IPA, 2022a).
This article was originally published with an error in the title. The error has
been corrected and a correction notice prepared. The PDF and HTML
versions have been updated.
International Psychogeriatrics: page 1 of 12 ©International Psychogeriatric Association 2023. This is an OpenAccess article,distributed underthe terms of theCreative Commons
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doi:10.1017/S1041610223000728 Published online by Cambridge University Press
The IPA has a wide range of members from over 50
countries that encompass physicians (such as
psychiatrists, neurologists, geriatricians, and pri-
mary care consultants), nurses, pharmacists, social
workers, occupational therapists, psychologists,
scientists, and epidemiologists. The IPAs core
mission is to advance IPA members and the geriatric
mental health of older people everywhere through
education, research, professional development,
advocacy, health promotion and service develop-
ment (IPA, 2022a).
While the recommended standard of care is a
restraint-free care environment (Bellman, 2016),
guidance on using physical restraints is critically
needed to inform best practice. In 2001, the
American Nursing Association (ANA) published a
position statement, titled Reduction of Patient
Restraint and Seclusion in Health Care Settings,
which recognized that restraints may be necessary
but should only be used when clinically appropri-
ate, and adequately justied(ANA, 2001). The
Australian Medical Associations (AMA) position
statement, published in 2001 and revised in 2015
and 2022, rmly opposes the use of environmental,
mechanical, and physical restraints, including
seclusion, when caring for people living in long-
term care (LTC) facilities due to their impact on the
rights and safety of the individual (AMA, 2022). The
Australian Centre for Evidence-Based Care (ACE-
BAC) developed a standardized care process for
public sector residential aged care services intending
to promote evidence-based practice in seeking
alternatives to physical restraint for older people
who live in these settings (ACEBAC, 2018). Dutch
hospitals have established guidelines to support
clinical decisions around physical restraints, but
adherence to these guidelines remains poor (van der
Kooi et al.,2015). Despite local guidelines and
resources in various countries, the lack of interna-
tional consensus on how and when to use physical
restraints in older adults contributes to disparities
and poor care outcomes in this population (Hwang
et al., 2022). The position held by the IPA is that
restraint is not to be used at all, if possible, and only
if serious harm is imminent and there are no other
Why is it essential for IPA to make a statement
on physical restraint?
Physical restraint is a primary example of the
violation of human rights in older people (American
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2021) and should be
avoided as much as possible. When avoidance is not
possible (e.g. the risk of harm is imminent and there
are no other strategies), physical restraint involves
complex ethical considerations crossing dimensions
related to older patients' dignity, safety and medical
treatment, and the caregiverssafety and responsi-
bility. This statement represents the ofcial policy
position of the IPA. The purpose of this statement is
to provide clear and concise evidence-based guid-
ance on the clinical and ethical considerations of
using physical restraints in older adults, from an
international perspective.
In May 2022, the IPA Director Board commis-
sioned a Working Group from the IPA Early Career
Network (ECN) to develop this statement. Mem-
bers of the Working Group comprised of the eight
authors who have an interest and expertise in
physical restraint use in older people. The group
had four planning and progress meetings between
May and November 2022. Existing literature on
physical restraint use in older adults was reviewed
and summarized from July culminating in the
submission of a rst draft of this statement to the
IPA Board in November 2022. After review and
amendment, the IPA Board endorsed this state-
ment in May 2023.
Current situation on physical restraint
What is physical restraint, and what are the
different types of physical restraint?
There are various denitions of physical restraint in
the literature. An international consensus study
denes physical restraint as any action or procedure
that prevents a persons free body movement to a position
of choice and/or normal access to his/her body by the use
of any method, attached or adjacent to a persons body
that he/she cannot control or remove easily(Bleijlevens
et al.,2016). A common description of physical
restraint is a physical device, material, or piece of
equipment with mechanical or manual properties
that limits or obstructs the persons ability to
mobilize freely and is not easily removed or
controlled by the involved individual (Negroni,
2017). This involves the use or action of physical
force to deliberately restrict, immobilize, or subdue
the movement of a part or whole of a persons body
to control or inuence their behavior for a period of
time (Australian Government, 2020).
Physical restraints can be classied according to
the attached body location, such as limb (e.g. leg or
hand), chest or abdominal restraints, and/or the
materials or objects used or worn. Examples include
straight jackets, wrist-cuff belts, lap belts and bed-
tied wrist, ankle cuffs, bed rails, bean bags, Posey
2 Commentary Published online by Cambridge University Press
bed chairs with tables attached, water chairs, tip-back
chairs, conned or curved edge mattresses, and
wheelchair brakes. Care should be exercised when
categorizing specic types of restraints, as certain types
are more widely acknowledged as restraints than
others. This consideration carries potential conse-
quences for an individuals autonomy and mobility.
For example, the intentional use of wheelchair brakes
by an individual to prevent forward movement is
signicantly distinct from another person using
wheelchair brakes to restrict their freedom.
Physical restraint does not include reasonable
care practices, such as gently guiding, redirecting, or
alerting a person away from a potential injury or a
dangerous situation. There are specic care situa-
tions that are not considered to be physical
restraints. These include assisting care recipients
during activities of daily living (ADL) and thera-
peutic activities where the care recipient has
requested assistance or been unable to perform
these tasks independently. For instance, assisting
care recipients during showering or dressing and
prescribing orthopedic devices as part of a treatment
process are not classied as physical restraints.
Where and why is physical restraint used?
Physical restraints are not limited to nonmedical
uses such as law enforcement, but are also related to
psychiatry, geriatrics, and other medical elds
(Negroni, 2017).
The fundamental rationale for employing physi-
cal restraints is ostensibly to ensure the safety of the
patient and others. Four common justications for
resorting to physical restraints include:
1. To prevent interference with medical treatment.
2. To safeguard active or open wounds and recent
medical and operative procedures.
3. To reduce the risk of falls or accidents in ambulant
patients with safety concerns.
4. To protect other patients, staff, and caregivers
against unsafe behaviors, severe injury, or physi-
cal harm.
These well-intended motives, however, are not
supported by the evidence. On the contrary, many
studies show that restraints do not prevent falls and
can instead increase the likelihood of injury from
falls (Luo, et al., 2011). Restraint use has also been
associated with increased falls, walking dependence,
abrasions, pressure injuries, urinary and fecal
incontinence, aspiration, suffocation, and death
(Evans, et al., 2003). Other adverse consequences
include impaired cognitive and ADL performance
(Hofmann and Hahn, 2014). Further, restraints can
expose the restrained person to psychological distress
and may increase agitation (Engberg, et al., 2008).
Physical restraint use in different care
settings and with different clinical
Physical restraints such as bed rails, tables with xed
chairs, belts, and chairs are routinely implemented
for patient safety (Shariet al., 2021) in many care
settings despite research demonstrating a lack of
efcacy and safety (Abraham et al., 2020). The
following sections outline physical restraint use in
hospital settings, LTC facilities, and home care
community settings. Restraint use in people living
with dementia and older people with disabilities is
also discussed.
Hospital settings
Older people represent a large proportion of the
patients admitted to hospitals. Hospital environ-
ments can be particularly stressful for older adults
due to its busy environment, disruptions to the
persons routine, frequent bed moves and clinical
contact, and the use of physical restraints (Jackson
et al., 2017). These factors can precipitate the
occurrence of iatrogenic harms, particularly among
people living with dementia (AIHW 2020). Iatro-
genesis refers to injury experienced by patients
resulting from medical care and may include falls,
sepsis, pressure ulcers, fractures, delirium, and
neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as agitation
(Chenoweth et al., 2023).
The prevalence of physical restraint use in
hospitalized older adults is as high as 3368%
(Lim and Poon, 2016). Furthermore, older adults
are three times more likely to be physically restrained
during their hospitalization than their younger
counterparts (Said and Kautz, 2013). Guidelines
recommend that the use of physical restraints in
hospital settings is reduced or stopped entirely
(Joseph, 2016; Lachance and Wright 2019;
ANZSGM, 2012;Cuiet al., 2021). In some
countries, the use of physical restraints in these
circumstances is illegal (Abraham et al.,2020).
Several interventions have been implemented to
reduce physical restraint use in hospital settings.
They include staff education and training, policy
change at the organizational level, and alternatives to
less restrictive restraints (see Section How could
physical restraint be avoided?).
LTC facilities
On average, one-third (33%) of LTC residents are
exposed to physical restraints, with an estimated
range of 685% (Ambrosi et al., 2021;Leeet al.,
2021). The most common forms of physical
restraints in this setting are (in descending order)
bedrails 44%, force/pressure used in medical
Commentary 3 Published online by Cambridge University Press
treatment or ADL (14%), chair belts (8%), chair
restraints (8%), surveillance/sensors/tracking sys-
tems (8%), trunk restraints (7%), other physical
restraints(7%), any belt restraint(6%), chairs or
wheelchairs with locked tables (5%), sleep suits
(5%), chairs to prevent rising (Geri chairs, deep or
overturned chairs, and chairs on a board) (5%), bed
sheet restraints (4%), bed belts (3%), limb restraints
(including mittens) (3%), locked bedroom doors
(2%), physical retention (2%), removal of walking
aids from residents (1%), and bed rail protectors
(1%) (Lee et al., 2021). The duration of restraint use
in LTC ranges from less than 1 day to 180 days (Lee
et al., 2021).
Physical restraint use serves as a dened
benchmark that aids in identifying domains where
care might be suboptimal and demands enhance-
ment. Alongside several other indicators, the
consistent integration of physical restraint use as a
crucial element of care quality and safety denoted
as a Quality Indicator(QI) is observed in
international LTC reporting. This underscores its
clinical signicance and the acknowledged value it
holds. The use of physical restraints has been
included as part of routine monitoring of quality and
safety for LTC recipients in the United States,
Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
However, the interpretation of physical restraint use
for the purposes of LTC QIs differs across countries.
For example, the Canadian Institute for Health
Information (CIHI) maintains the Continuing Care
Reporting System (CCRS) QIs, a set of 19
indicators for use in residential care that includes
daily physical restraints as a surrogate measure of the
quality-of-life domain. The CCRS denition of
Daily physical restraintsrefers to the percentage of
residents who were physically restrained daily over 7
days before assessment, using trunk restraint, limb
restraint, or chairs that prevent rising. Recently,
Australia has added physical restraint as a key QI for
residential aged care services as part of the National
Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program.
Under this QI, the intent to restrain and use of
physical restraint devices are set as two metrics with
a zero tolerance for each as the recommended
reference range.
Home care community settings
The prevalence of restraint use in home care varies
between 7 and 25% (Hamers et al., 2016; Scheep-
mans et al., 2017,2018). In older adults living with
cognitive impairment at home, the prevalence of
physical restraint use can reach 42% (Moermans
et al., 2018). There are multiple examples of physical
restraints used in home care, including bed rails,
bed-against-the-wall (positioned to prevent a person
from falling out of bed), locked room or house
doors, a deep chair that prevents rising, and
restrictive clothing and belts (Scheepmans
et al., 2017).
There are several risk factors for physical restraint
use in home care, including:
Personal characteristics, e.g. impaired mobility and
cognition, dependency in ADL.
Contextual factors, e.g. frequent requests from the
family to use restraints, the dissatised attitude, and
poor well-being of the informal caregiver (Hofmann
and Hahn, 2014; Scheepmans et al., 2014,2019).
Knowledge and attitudes of healthcare providers,
e.g. lack of awareness and/or knowledge regarding
the negative impact of restraint use, person-centered
care, and behavioral communication and support
(Gastmans and Milisen, 2006; Hamers and Huiz-
ing, 2005).
Culture of home care organization (Gastmans and
Milisen, 2006; Hamers and Huizing, 2005).
Policy and legislation, e.g. a lack of clear policy
within the organization and informed consent.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as increased
People living with dementia
The prevalence of restraint use ranges from 6 to 65%
among people living with dementia (Feng et al.,
2009; Hamers, 2017; Selbaek et al., 2016; Mamun
and Lim, 2005). According to a national report on
dementia in South Korea in 2011 (Bundang Seoul
National University Hospital, 2011), 86.3% of
nursing hospitals use physical restraints, and only
52.3% of care facilities for older people kept a record
of physical restraints. There is a link between
increased antipsychotic use and reduced physical
restraint use in LTC residents living with dementia
(Konetzka et al., 2014). Evidence suggests that
residents with dementia living in special care units
(SCUs) are less likely to have bed rails than those
living in regular units without an SCU (Luo et al.,
2010). Adverse outcomes associated with using
restraints in residents with dementia include
cognitive and ADL decline, increased agitation,
risk of falls and fractures, delirium, and death
(Allen et al., 2005; Foebel et al., 2016; Freeman
et al., 2017;Linet al., 2009;Luoet al., 2011;te
Boekhorst et al., 2013; Selbaek et al., 2016; Voyer
et al., 2011).
Neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with
dementia (also known as behaviors and psychologi-
cal symptoms of dementia [BPSD], noncognitive
symptoms, and changed or responsive behaviors)
include symptoms, such as verbal/physical agitation,
aggression, psychosis, and sexual disinhibition.
Individuals with cognitive impairment who
4 Commentary Published online by Cambridge University Press
experience these symptoms are more likely to be
physically restrained. Neuropsychiatric symptoms
are almost ubiquitously experienced by people living
with dementia. In the context of dementia, physical
restraint is most often used to address the relation-
ship between neuropsychiatric symptoms and falls.
However, evidence demonstrates that physical
restraint does not prevent falls or fall-related injuries
(Qureshi, 2009) and can instead exacerbate symp-
toms, such as agitation, and cause injuries (Capezuti
et al., 1998; Sung et al., 2006). Aggressive behavior
toward care staff or other residents may result in the
use of physical restraints in LTCs. However, a
qualitative study investigating the views of people
living with dementia revealed that feelings of worry,
fear, and stress are sometimes expressed as anger or
frustration (Burley et al., 2021), suggesting that
approaches to reduce worry and fear may be more
effective and reduce the likelihood of staff resorting
to physical restraints. Further, people living with
dementia and their families/caregivers express
strong views against physical and chemical
restraints, I'd like people to not restrict me, drug me
or tie me in a chair(Burley et al., 2022). Participants
discussed alternative nonpharmacological and psy-
chosocial approaches, such as suggesting that staff
look at it (behavior change) holisticallyand talk to
me and see if they can help me.
Many LTC residents have a documented diag-
nosis of dementia or cognitive impairment. It has
been demonstrated that people with dementia
consistently experience more restraint use com-
pared to other LTC residents (Luo, et al., 2011).
Other predictors for restraint use include advanced
age, reduced mobility, reduced functional capacity,
and perceived fall risk (Hofmann and Hahn, 2014;
Pu and Moyle, 2022). Triggers for neuropsychiatric
symptoms are multifactorial (Macfarlane et al.,
2021) and may include underlying pain, infections,
caregiver approach, and over or understimulation.
These triggers must be carefully considered and
thoroughly evaluated to identify management strat-
egies other than physical restraints.
Older people with disabilities
Globally, over 46% of older persons have disabilities
and more than 250 million older people experience
moderate-to-severe disabilities (United Nations,
2022). Several articles by the UN Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) have
suggested that the use of restraint on persons with
disabilities constitutes a violation of human rights,
such as: the right to be free from torture or cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; to
be free from exploitation, violence, and abuse; and
the right to respect their physical and mental
integrity on an equal basis with others (CRPD,
2015). The CRPD has consistently vocalized its
concerns about the use of restraint and recom-
mended action to reduce or abolish restraint
(CRPD, 2007). Older adults with disabilities have
the right to live life with respect, dignity, liberty, and
security, as indicated by the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (1948). This entails freedom from
injury to the body and the mind, or bodily and mental
integrity(Human Rights Committee, 2014: para-
graph 3). Physical restraints deprive this population
of these basic civil rights. Thus, these rights should
be carefully considered before planning and pre-
scribing restraints in any healthcare setting. Because
physical restraints can be harmful and counter-
therapeutic, their use may not be justied in older
adults with disabilities.
Statement and recommendations
Ethics and physical restraint
Physical restraint is a restrictive practice that
severely impacts the patients autonomy, freedom,
dignity, and personhood and violates the indivi-
duals rights across these ethical domains. Informed
consent is essential before using physical restraints.
Informed consent should discuss the purpose,
potential risks (malecence), benets (benecence),
and alternatives and provide an adequate opportu-
nity to review and ask questions about using physical
restraints. For people with no capacity to provide
informed consent, such as those with cognitive
impairment or dementia, a discussion with a proxy,
legal guardian, or representative (i.e. substitute
decision-maker) should be initiated before attempt-
ing to obtain informed consent.
Healthcare professionals must provide the best
care without stereotyping or discrimination. Thus,
the risk of self-harm or harm to others (e.g.
caregivers) should be carefully weighed against
using physical restraints.
The responsibility for decisions surrounding
using physical restraints varies by setting and
country. For example, for legislative reasons,
Australian physicians have a limited role in making
such decisions for LTC residents. But they
consistently advocate on behalf of the resident to
ensure the clinical appropriateness of these
restraints (AMA, 2022). Nurses play a signicant
role in determining when physical restraints are used
and the type and duration of use. A 2007 study
across four Turkish hospitals found that only one-
third of nurses involved physicians when deciding
on using physical restraints in ICUs, emergency
Commentary 5 Published online by Cambridge University Press
departments, and surgical wards. This is a reminder
that context-specic legislation is a vital tool for
reducing the use of physical restraints (Demir,
2007). Sadly, the decision to use physical restraints
is often based on unfounded beliefs and perceptions
about benets and underestimated harmful effects
of these restraints.
The decision to use physical restraints should be
informed by a collaborative approach after seriously
weighing human safety versus personal freedom
(ANZSGM, 2016). The decision-making process
should involve consultation with the individual or
their substitute decision-maker (e.g. family mem-
ber), nursing staff, medical practitioner, and other
relevant clinicians. Before making this decision,
documentation of a comprehensive care plan on
restraint use should be in place. The plan should
consist of an extensive review of the individual by a
medical practitioner, the rationale for restraint use
and its intended duration, a regular review and
monitoring of use, and a list of potential alternatives
to restraint use.
Why should physical restraint be avoided?
Recent literature has shown that physical restraints
are neither necessary nor effective for preventing
falls and injuries in older persons (Abraham et al.,
2020). The use of restraints in older persons
increases the risk of physical and psychological
complications, such as agitation, risk of suffocation,
and muscle loss. Furthermore, physical restraints
may violate or disrespect the autonomy of the
patient. According to the United Nations Principles
for Older Persons (United Nations, 1991): Older
adults should have the privilege of enjoying their human
and fundamental rights when residing in any care home
or treatment facility, with full respect for their dignity,
beliefs, needs, and privacy and right to make decisions
about their health.Physical restraint should only be
reserved for emergency crises as a last temporary
How could physical restraint be avoided?
Every attempt should be made to remove, if not
minimize, physical restraint use in older adults.
Restraint removal or minimization strategies can
include early preventative actions and improving
approaches toward care. Some examples of these are
listed in Table 1.
In the Netherlands, an effective program named
EXBELT has been developed that combines these
recommendations through policy change, staff
education and training, using alternative strategies
(e.g. hip protectors and special pillows) and a
consultation nurse (Bleijlevens et al., 2013; Gulpers
et al., 2012,2013) and builds on the knowledge that
education alone is not effective (Huizing et al.,
Physical restraint is sometimes used in response
to behavior that is perceived by healthcare staff
as aggressive. Staff training in person-centered
approaches so they better understand how to
respond to neuropsychiatric symptoms and unmet
needs has been shown to reduce agitation (Ballard
et al., 2017; Chenoweth et al., 2019,2023), though
staff need to be supported at the organizational level,
so their responses are not impeded by structural or
procedural constraints within the facility (Cheno-
weth et al., 2019; Rapaport et al., 2018).
The use of physical restraints can be reduced or
eliminated by creating an environment that is
friendly toward older adults, embraces aging with
compassion, promotes safe mobility by making the
physical environment accessible to people with
disabilities, and caters for the needs of older people.
In addition, educating family members, caregivers,
and healthcare professionals on the ethical chal-
lenges and underlying factors associated with the use
of restraints for the older population is crucial in
advocating for the avoidance of the use of restraints
among older persons (Scheepmans et al., 2019).
Strong organizational leadership and culture in a
restraint-free care environment have been linked to
reduced restraint use across a care home (Australian
Government, 2014). Nonrestraint strategies
should be attempted rst. Many alternatives to
restraint use focus on optimizing the physical
environment (e.g. access to the outdoors and
adequate lighting), increasing meaningful engage-
ment activities and programs (e.g. physical exercise,
personalized activities and hobbies, music therapy,
and socialization), using validation techniques
(e.g. reassurance), and addressing unmet needs
(e.g. sensory impairment, pain, and caregiver
approach). However, there is little evidence for
alternative interventions to physical restraints in
older adults. Furthermore, the scarcity of studies
that concentrate on singular interventions adds
complexity to the evaluation of such measures.
Both psychosocial and nonpharmacological
interventions are essential alternatives to physical
restraints in older adults. Psychosocial interventions
are usually focused on improving the well-being and
functioning of the individual, whereas nonpharma-
cological interventions are primarily aimed at
symptom management (Moniz-Cook et al., 2011;
McDermott et al., 2019).
Person-centered care is deemed the gold stan-
dard for older adults across various care settings, as
it focuses on a more humanistic approach as
opposed to a traditional biomedical one. Minimiz-
ing, discontinuing, or ceasing the use of physical
restraints helps promote a more person-centered
6 Commentary Published online by Cambridge University Press
and compassionate approach to caring for older
adults, such as nursing home residents living with
dementia (Jacobsen et al., 2017). The provision of
person-centered care protects the safety of the
individual and others while respecting and enhanc-
ing the values of autonomy, dignity, and well-being
(Kitwood and Bredin, 1992). High-quality care
should be centered around personhood, which
entails recognition, respect, and trust (Fazio et al.,
2018). In contrast, using physical restraints contra-
dicts personhood principles of care as it abolishes or
threatens these values (Scheepmans et al., 2020).
Thus, not surprisingly, the WHO, the Dementia
Care Practice Recommendations and Alzheimers
Association have listed person-centered care as a
critical focus area of quality care in older adults and
dementia (WHO, 2015; Fazio et al., 2018; Whitlatch
and Orsulic-Jeras, 2018).
Cultural adaptations concerning physical
Culture is an agreed and accepted set of values,
principles, norms, and acts by individuals, peoples,
and societies. Inspired by cultural differences,
countries and geographic regions may have different
laws, legislations, policies, and views when dealing
with restraint use. Intercultural differences such as
personal agency, authority, control, weighed
assessment of benets versus harm and risks, the
urgency of the situation encountered, and views on
ageism may inuence the use of physical restraints
on older adults. As such, cultural adaptations have
been translated into local laws or policy implemen-
tation to restrict restraint use. For example, in South
Korea, the Enforcement Rule of the Medical Act
was revised in 2020 to include standards for physical
restraint use in medical institutions, but further
recommendations from the National Human Rights
Commission of Korea (NHRCK) were made to
improve programs and procedures in local govern-
ment and welfare facilities (NHRCK, 2023). Some
countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United
States, Germany, the Netherlands, and Australia,
have enacted criteria for the use of physical
restraints. This has subsequently reduced the use
of restraints in these countries (Scheepmans
et al., 2020).
In the Netherlands, the national law is focused on
preventing the use of involuntary treatment, includ-
ing physical restraints (Law care and force, 2018).
This law is based on the principle that no treatment
may be provided without the consent of the person
receiving it. If a clinician wishes to apply involuntary
treatment, they need to follow a multidisciplinary,
person-centered plan (Table 2). Before using
physical restraints, this plan must be followed
regardless of consent, because these measures are
Table 1. Examples of care optimization strategies and principles applied to reduce the use of physical restraint in
older adults
............................................ ................................................... ................................................ ................................................... .................................................. ................................................... ............................
Care should be focused on upholding the personshealthcare rights
while respecting age, culture, language, and spiritual differences and
allowing for differences in health literacy.
Autonomy and respect
Embracing positive, respectful, and collaborative relationships with
individuals, their caregivers, and families, using care approaches that
emphasize person-centered care principles and practices and respect
human dignity.
Person-centered and relationship-based care
and respect
Healthcare professionals have a greater understanding of the perspec-
tives, experiences, and preferences of individuals who experience
neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Knowledge, awareness, education, and train-
ing of healthcare team (e.g. registered nurses
in long-term care facilities)
Formulating individualized behavior support plans for people with a
greater risk of developing agitated or aggressive behavior, particularly
if they have a history of being physically restrained.
Personhood and person-centered care
Assessment and treatment of the persons physical and mental health
condition(s) and associated symptoms using evidence-based guide-
Holistic assessment and comprehensive man-
agement of all medical conditions
Conducting a rigorous behavioral assessment that identifies environ-
mental triggers or contributing factors, level of distress and risk of
neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as increased agitation and/or
aggression using validated screening and assessment tools, such as
the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), Cohen-Mansfield Agitation
Inventory (CMAI), and 4AT delirium screening.
Holistic assessment and understanding of the
underlying cause(s) of behaviors (e.g.
delirium-induced agitation)
Commentary 7 Published online by Cambridge University Press
harmful and greatly restrict the freedom of the
person receiving them. Only if there are no other
alternatives possible, involuntary treatment may be
Physical restraint use remains high in geriatric care
settings. The IPA and its ECN believe that the use of
physical restraints is not aligned with human rights
and encourages taking every step possible to avoid
physical restraint use. When considered absolutely
necessary, the clinician should document the
rationale in the medical record and justify why
physical restraint is considered the only option.
Documentation should indicate the frequency of
periodic reviews to evaluate for adverse effects and
the opportunity to discontinue. Physical restraints
have signicant safety concerns that affect older
adults' physical, psychological, social, and func-
tional well-being and lack effectiveness in geriatric
settings. Embracing positive and collaborative
relationships with individuals, person-centered
care principles, staff education and training, and
organizational-level policy change can help avoid its
use. Policy on preventing physical restraints in LTC
for older persons should be implemented on the
national/regional/local levels. Further research is
needed to inform the use of alternative interventions
to prevent or minimize physical restraint use in older
adults and clarify ethical issues concerning physical
restraint policies.
Conict of interest
The authors have no conicts of interest to declare.
Description of authorsroles
All authors contributed to the conceptualization,
literature review, and writing and approval of the
The authors thank the IPA Board for reviewing and
approving the manuscript.
Abraham, J., Hirt, J., Kamm, F. and Möhler, R. (2020).
Interventions to reduce physical restraints in general
hospital settings: a scoping review of components and
characteristics. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29, 31833200.
Allen, R. S., Burgio, L. D., Fisher, S. E., Michael
Hardin, J., Shuster, J. L. (2005). Behavioral
characteristics of agitated nursing home residents with
Table 2. A practical guide for clinicians to eliminate or reduce physical restraint in older adults
............................................ ................................................... ................................................ ................................................... .................................................. ................................................... ............................
1. Evaluate the need and associated risks for physical restraint after conducting a comprehensive person-centered assessment
of the older adults physical and psychiatric health, including cognitive function, mobility, and any underlying medical
conditions; prioritizing the older adults autonomy, comfort, safety, and dignity; and respecting older adults cultural
values. Evaluate the urgency and risk of harm (e.g. falls and behaviors) that might prompt the consideration of physical
2. Consider and prioritize the use of alternative and multicomponent interventions (such as person-centered care approaches,
environmental modifications (e.g. bed alarms), and psychological support strategies) over physical restraints.
3. Consult family members, caregivers, and other clinicians in the multidisciplinary team before using any form of physical
restraints. Engage early with the family in the decision-making process, seeking a holistic understanding of the individuals
needs and preferences after an extensive discussion on the risks and benefits of restraint use.
4. Restraints should be used as a last temporary resort and only in certain exceptional circumstances. Reserve the use of
restraints for high-risk behaviors and behavioral emergencies, where the safety of the older adult and/or others is in danger.
If alternatives have been exhausted or ineffective and there is a serious risk of harm to the older adult and/or others, use the
least restrictive form of restraints for the shortest possible time.
5. Educate, train, and encourage clinicians on best practice minimization strategies for physical restraints. This includes
education on the potential risks and benefits of physical restraint usage, open communication, person-centered care, and
other alternative techniques for managing complex behaviors or situations without resorting to restraints. Information on
physical restraints should be part of the clinical staffs orientation and continuous education.
6. Continuously reevaluate the need for restraint and regularly monitor the response to restraints utilizing the principles of
benefitsrisks ratio.
7. Document all steps toward considering, initiating, minimizing, or discontinuing physical restraints in a structured care
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12 Commentary Published online by Cambridge University Press
Full-text available
Background: While Australian guidelines promote person-centered healthcare (PCC) for persons with dementia, healthcare systems, routines, rules, and workplace cultures can pose challenges in the provision of PCC. Objective: To present a knowledge translation protocol of the PCC model in a sub-acute rehabilitation hospital. Methods: The two-year pre/post/follow-up translation project will include (n = 80) persons with dementia, (n = 80) adult family/carers of patient participants, (n = 60) healthcare staff (medical, nursing, allied health), and (n = 8) PCC staff champions. Champions will complete six half-days' training in PCC. Medical, nursing, and allied health staff will be provided with PCC learning manuals, complete six hours of online PCC education and attend six face-to-face PCC education sessions. Champions will provide ongoing support to staff in PCC practice. The Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework will be used to evaluate: i) outcomes for prospective patients provided with PCC, compared with a matched sample of retrospective patients (primary outcomes agitation incidence and severity); 2) champion and staff PCC knowledge, confidence, engagement, and practice quality; 3) person, family/carer, champion, and staff satisfaction with PCC; 4) PCC costs and benefits; and 5) organizational structures, systems and policies required to implement and maintain PCC in sub-acute healthcare. Results: We will identify if PCC benefits persons with dementia, staff, and healthcare services, and we will generate evidence on the educational and organizational resources required to embed PCC in practice. Conclusion: Project findings will inform tailored PCC education applications for dissemination in healthcare and produce evidence-based PCC practice guidelines to improve healthcare for persons with dementia.
Full-text available
Objectives This study investigated the views of people living with dementia and their families/care partners on (i) what they find helpful or unhelpful regarding behavioral changes, i.e. which coping strategies they used for themselves and/or which responses from others, and (ii) what they consider to be appropriate terminology to describe behavioral changes. Design & setting One-on-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with people living with dementia and families/care partners face to face, online, or over the telephone. Measurements Data from open-ended questions were analyzed inductively. Common themes were derived from the data using an iterative approach. Results Twenty-one people living with dementia and 20 family members/care partners were interviewed. Four main themes were derived for helpful responses, and three main themes for unhelpful responses. Helpful responses included providing clear professional support pathways and supportive environments where people living with dementia can engage in physical, cognitive, social, and spiritual activities. Unhelpful responses included discriminatory treatment from others and use of medicalized terminology. Views toward terminology varied; people with lived experience most favored using “changed behaviors” over other terminology. Areas for improvement included targeting dementia stigma, societal education on dementia, and building confidence in people living with dementia by focusing on living well with dementia. Conclusion Knowledge of the views of people living with dementia may assist healthcare professionals to provide more appropriate care for people living with dementia.
Full-text available
Background Guidelines concerning the use of physical restraints in medical facilities have been published and amended over the years. However, the quality and suitability of these guidelines have not been appraised. Objectives This study aims to assess the suitability and quality of guidelines for the use of physical restraints in intensive care units with the AGREE-REX and AGREE Ⅱ instruments. Methods A systematic search of electronic databases (e.g., EMBASE), cross-database search platforms (e.g., Clinical Key), guideline web portals (e.g., Guidelines International Network) and society websites (e.g., Society of Critical Care Medicine) was conducted from January 2011 to December 2020. The methodological quality was assessed using AGREE Ⅱ, and the recommendation quality and suitability were assessed using AGREE-REX instruments. Results A total of eight guidelines were included. The criteria for overall quality and suitability of guidelines for the use of physical restraints were met by 50–72% and 59–76%, respectively. The “Values and Preferences” domain had the lowest score (38% ± 9%). The criteria for methodological quality of the guidelines were met by 50–83%. Two domains, “Applicability” and “Editorial Independence”, achieved lower scores. There was a strong, positive correlation between the overall methodological quality of guidelines and the overall quality of recommendations (r = 0.968). Conclusion There is a potential feasibility of guideline adaptation for the management of physical restraints. In order to implement a physical restraint guideline, the following aspects should be considered: (i) minimize the use of physical restraints, (ii) analyze barriers and facilitators relative to the local context, (iii) consider any specifications, and (iv) modify recommendations to local situation or individual conditions of the patient.
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Physical restraints in the long-term care setting are still commonly used in several countries with a prevalence ranging from 6% to 85%. Trying to have a broad and extensive overlook on the physical restraints use in long-term care is important to design interventions to prevent and/or reduce their use. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review was to analyze the range of occurrence of physical restraint in nursing homes, long-term care facilities, and psychogeriatric units. Pubmed, CINAHL, Ovid PsycINFO- databases were searched for studies with concepts about physical restraint use in the European long-term care setting published between 2009 and 2019, along with a hand search of the bibliographies of the included studies. Data on study design, data sources, clinical setting and sample characteristics were extracted. A total of 24 studies were included. The median occurrence of physical restraint in the European long-term care setting was still high (26.5%; IQR 16.5% to 38.5%) with a significant variability across the studies. The heterogeneity of data varied according to study design, data sources, clinical setting, physical restraint’s definition, and patient characteristics, such as ADLs dependence, presence of dementia and psychoactive drugs prescription.
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Background: Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD, also known as neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS), changed behaviors and responsive behaviors), occur in up to 90 percent of people living with dementia (PLWD). These symptoms and behaviors strongly correlate with functional and cognitive impairment and contribute to ~30% of overall dementia costs. As decisions regarding care and strategies for BPSD are generally based on professional frames of reference, this study investigates whether the perspectives of PLWD and families/care partner on BPSD terminology can inform a more nuanced conceptualization of BPSD. Methods: PLWD and families/care partners participated in one-on-one semi-structured interviews. A thematic iterative approach was used to code the data and identify common themes until theoretical saturation was reached. Themes were compared between groups. Data were analyzed deductively in relation to pre-existing terminology regarding BPSD, and inductively to discover new ideas on use of such terminology as perceived by PLWD and others. Results: Forty-one volunteers were interviewed: 21 PLWD, mean age 71 yrs, mean Mini-Mental State Examination score 25, and 20 family members/care partners. Three main themes emerged from the data: (1) descriptions of BPSD from people with lived experience compared to clinical terms, (2) viewpoints on interpreting causes, and (3) experiences of concurrent BPSD. The experiences described and terms used by PLWD and families/care partners differed from terms used in existing professional frameworks (e.g., “disinhibition” described as ‘loss of filter') and there were differences between PLWD and family members' interpretations of BPSD causes. Discussion/Conclusion: Reports from PLWD and families/carers describing their experiences of BPSD suggest a reconceptualization of BPSD terminology is needed to understand and de-stigmatize these symptoms and behaviors. For example, the term “agitated/hard to handle” would benefit by clearer, contextualized description, such as “frustrated with cognitive decline, discriminatory behavior and inadequate support systems.” In better understanding individual expressions of BPSD, families, professionals and societies will be able to respond in ways that are helpful for PLWD. An informed, integrated understanding of BPSD and improved terminology use will have the potential to improve the quality of care and support for PLWD.
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Background: Physical restraint (PR) is a routine care measure in many hospital wards to ensure patient safety. However, it is associated with many different professional, legal, and ethical challenges. Some guidelines and principles have been developed in some countries for appropriate PR use. The present study aimed to explore the principles of PR use for hospitalized elderly people. Methods: This was an integrative review. For data collection, a literature search was conducted in Persian and English databases, namely Magiran, Scientific Information Database (SID), Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and PubMed as well as the websites of healthcare organizations and associations. Eligibility criteria were publication in English or Persian between January 1, 2010, and January 1, 2021, and description of the principles of PR use for hospitalized elderly people. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement was used for document screening and selection, while the critical appraisal tools of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) and the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II) instrument were used for quality appraisal. The data were analyzed through constant comparison. Results: Primarily, 772 records were retrieved, while only twenty were eligible for the study. The principles of PR use for hospitalized elderly people were categorized into six main categories, namely principles of education for PR use, principles of decision making for PR use, principles of implementing the PR procedure, principles of monitoring patients with PR, principles of PR use documentation, and principles of PR management. Conclusion: PR should be used only by trained healthcare providers, with the consent of patient or his/her family members, with standard devices and safe techniques, based on clear guidelines, and under close managerial supervision. Moreover, elderly people with PR should continuously be monitored for any PR-related complications. The findings of the present study can be used for developing clear PR-related guidelines.
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Key points •The aetiopathogenesis of behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) is often subjective, complex and multifaceted, produced by an array of contributing factors, including biomedical, psychological, environmental and/or social factors. •Alongside other contributing factors, organic aetiology of BPSD should be considered when devising therapeutic management plans. •Although considered last resort, time-limited antipsychotic treatment (≤ 3 months) may have a vital adjunct role in managing intractable, refractory, distressing and/or life-threatening BPSD, such as delusions and hallucinations; but only after person-centred psychosocial interventions are exhausted and fail to deliver any therapeutic response. •If prescribed, careful monitoring of therapeutic responses and adverse effects of antipsychotics with de-prescribing plans should be a top priority, as these agents have limited efficacies and serious adverse outcomes (e.g., mortality).
Background Use of physical and chemical restraints are common in residential aged care facilities worldwide. Restraint use can pose harm to residents even causing deaths. Objective To synthesize the prevalence and variability in physical and chemical restraint use, and examine factors that may contribute to this variability of prevalence rates. Methods Six health science databases were searched from inception up to 21st January 2020. Quantitative studies investigating restraint use in residential aged care facilities that reported data from year 2000 onwards were included. Meta-analyses of binomial data using a random effect model were performed to pool proportions of physical or chemical restraints with 95% confidence intervals. Univariable meta-regression analyses were used to assess factors that may contribute to the variability in physical and chemical restraint prevalence. Multiple meta-regression analyses were performed where possible to construct models of factors contributing to these variations. Results Eighty-five papers were included. The pooled proportion of physical and chemical restraint use in residential aged care facilities were 33% and 32% respectively. Bedrails (44%) and benzodiazepines (42%) were the most prevalent forms of physical and chemical restraint respectively. Studies from North America (lower prevalence) [coefficient (95% CI): -0.15 (-0.27, -0.03)], measurement approaches using direct observation (higher prevalence) [0.17 (0.02, 0.33)] and a combination of multiple measurement approaches (higher prevalence) [0.17 (0.05, 0.29)] explained 25.5% of variability in the prevalence of physical restraint. Multiple meta-regression analyses were not performed to identify factors that may explain the observed variability in chemical restraint prevalence due to the small number of studies with data available. Conclusion Variability in prevalence of physical restraint could be explained partly by different measurement approaches and geographical regions. Valid and reliable measurement approaches across different regions is required to understand cultural differences due to geographical region effects on the prevalence of physical restraint use.
Aims and objectives: To provide an overview of restraint use in residents with dementia in the context of residential aged care facilities. Background: Restraints are commonly used in people with dementia living in residential aged care facilities to manage behaviours and reduce injuries, but the concept of restraint use in people with dementia remains ambiguous, and current practices to reduce restraint use in long-term care residents with dementia remain unclear. Design: A scoping review using the methodological frameworks of Arskey and O'Malley and colleagues. Methods: Nine databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, OVID, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and ProQuest) were searched from 2005 to 20 May 2019. Articles were included if they were written in English, peer-reviewed and used any research method that described restraint use in residents with dementia living in residential care settings. The PRISMA-ScR checklist was used. Results: From 1,585 articles, 23 met the inclusion criteria. There is a lack of a clear definition of restraint use, and the prevalence of restraint use varied from 30.7% to 64.8% depending on the different operational concepts. People with dementia were at a higher risk for restraint use, and the decision-making process for restraint use was largely ignored in the literature. The effect of staff educational interventions to reduce restraint use was inconsistent due to varying delivery duration and content. Conclusions: The prevalence of restraint use in people with dementia living in residential care settings remains high alongside the absence of a clear definition of restraint use. More research about the decision-making process involved in using restraint and development of effective interventions are needed. Relevance to clinical practice: Better education about the decision-making regarding staff, conditions of residents and organisations for restraint use is needed to improve the care for people with dementia living in care settings.