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The Role of Consumer Confidence as a Leading Indicator on Stock Returns: A Markov Switching Approach


Abstract and Figures

Investor’s psychological and emotional factors lead to irrationality in financial decision making and anomalies in prices. Investor sentiment and psychology help to elucidate phenomena in financial markets that cannot be explained by traditional theory. The aim of this study is two-fold: it investigates whether mutual regime switching behavior exists between the consumer indices and equity index, and examines their dynamics in response to each other in different regimes. This study applies the Markov Regime Switching model to monthly data from the BIST100 Return Index, Bloomberg Confidence Index, TUIK Confidence Index, Real Sector Confidence Index for the period between 2007:01 and 2016:06. The results indicate if consumer indices point out negative signals, capital market still gains in normal periods of economy. If they only in a recession or an expansion regime do, each of the indices moves in the same direction.
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Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics
Years XXIII – no1/2017
ISSN-L 1584-0409 ISSN-Online 2344-441X
The Role of Consumer Confidence as a Leading Indicator
on Stock Returns: A Markov Switching Approach
Koy AYBEN, Akkaya MURAT
Article history
Accepted March 2017
Available online
Investor’s psychological and emotional factors lead to irrationality in financial decision
making and anomalies in prices. Investor sentiment and psychology help to elucidate
phenomena in financial markets that cannot be explained by traditional theory. The aim of
this study is two-fold: it investigates whether mutual regime switching behavior exists
between the consumer indices and equity index, and examines their dynamics in response
to each other in different regimes. This study applies the Markov Regime Switching model
to monthly data from the BIST100 Return Index, Bloomberg Confidence Index, TUIK
Confidence Index, Real Sector Confidence Index for the period between 2007:01 and
2016:06. The results indicate if consumer indices point out negative signals, capital market
still gains in normal periods of economy. If they only in a recession or an expansion regime
do, each of the indices moves in the same direction.
© 201
EAI. All rights reserved.
JEL Classification
G10, G11
Behavioral Finance, Consumer
Confidence, Stock Returns, Markov
Regime Switching, Nonlinearity
1. Introduction
Investor sentiment in behavioral finance was made popular by the Prospect Theory developed by
Kahneman and Tversky (1979). This theory claims that investors may not be rational, instead they should be
considered to be "normal". Investors make decisions not only about risk, return, and utility maximization,
they also decide on satisfaction shaped by cognitive and emotional biases. Investor’s intuition and emotions,
systematic errors in financial decisions, and other psychological factors such as cognitive dissonance, lead to
irrationality and anomalies in prices. Moreover, investors overreact or underreact by noise. These behaviors
cause risk in financial markets. Investor sentiment and psychology leads to understand the phenomenon in
financial markets that cannot be explained by traditional theory.
Consumer expectations and confidence are one of the most important variables in studies of investor
sentiment. Consumer confidence and investor sentiments are important indicators in investor’s expectations
and perceptions. While confidence is a difficult concept to pin down, it has a substantial impact on financial
markets. Both confidence and a lack thereof have been important following the financial crises in last two
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between consumer confidence and stock returns
during different phases of the market cycle with regime switching models. The Markov Regime Switching
models represent the most important example of non-linear time series models.
Among nonlinear models, the Markov switching techniques have been popular for studies on finance.
Studies create many interesting new questions, such as if it is possible to distinguish between distinct
regimes in stock market returns, how the regimes differ, how frequently regime switches, or when these
changes occur. Moreover, the predictability of the returns and regime switches are also important questions.
The answers to these questions give us new information about stock market returns (Schaller and Norden,
1997). Having built important strategic partnerships (NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange Group – LSEG,
London Metal Exchange, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – EBRD,…etc.) as part of its
vision to make Istanbul the largest financial district in the region, Borsa Istanbul is an attractive capital
market between other emerging markets. The main purpose of the study is to investigate whether mutual
regime switching behavior exists between the consumer indices and Turkish equity index. The secondary
purpose is to analyze the relationship between the confidence indices and equity index in different regimes
with probabilities and durations. The Markov switching vector autoregressive (MS(M)-VAR(p)) models with
an intercept successfully capture the heteroskedasticity, skew and fat tails of the stock return distribution.
Accordingly, MSI(M)-VAR(p) models are used with regime shifts including the intercept in this study.
Istanbul Comm erce University, Istanbul, Turkey, Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul, Turkey. E- mail addresses: (K. Ayben), (A.
2. Literature review
Factors affecting stock prices and prediction of stock prices have always been a popular subject in
finance research. There have been various studies examining the consumer confidence. These studies have
focused mainly on confidence index and stock returns.
The summary literature of the relationship between consumer confidence and stock returns is given
Table 1.
Table 1: The literature of the relationship between consumer confidence and stock returns
Author Date Article Journal
Lee, Shleifer and Thaler 1991 Investor Sentiment and Closed- End Fund Puzzle The journal Of Finance, Vol. XLVI, No.1, March 1991, ss. 75-109
Neal and Wheatley 1998 Do Measures of Investor Sentiment Predict Returns Journal of Finacial and Quantitative Analysis, 33 (4), 1998, ss. 523-548.
Barberis, Shleifer and Vishny 1998 A Model of Investor Sentiment Journal of Financial Economics, 49, 1998, ss. 307-343.
Elton, Gruber and Busse 1998 Do Investors Care About sentiment? The Journal of Business, Vol. 71, No.4, ss. 477-500.
Fisher and Statman 2000 Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns Financial Analysts Journal, 56, Sayı 2, 2000, March-April, 16-31.
Howrey 2001 The Predictive Power of the Index of Consumer Sentiment Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, I, 2001, ss. 175-216
Baker and Stein 2002 Market Liquidity as a Sentiment Indicator NBER, Working Paper 13189, June 2007, ss. 1-31.
Chen 2002 Domestic Investors Herding Behavior in reaction To Foreign Trading International Conference on Finance, 2002
Brown and Cliff 2004 Investor Sentiment and The Near-term Stock Market Journal of Empirical Finance, 11, (2004), ss. 1-27.
Brown and Cliff 2005 Investor Sentiment and Asset Valuation Journal of Business, 78 (2), 2005, ss. 405-440
Baker and Wurgler 2006 Investor Sentiment and The Cross-Section Of Stock Returns Journal of Finance, Vol. LXI, No. 4 August 2006, ss. 1645-1680
Baker and Wurgler 2007 Investor Sentiment in the Stock Market Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 21, Number 2, Spring 2007, ss. 129-151
Kumar and Lee 2006 Retail Investor Sentiment and Return Comevements Journal of Finance, Volume 61, Issue 5, 2006, ss. 2451–2486
Barber, Odean and Zhu 2007 Systematic Noise systematicnoise.pdf
Verma, Baklacı and Soydemir 2008
Canbaş and Kandır 2009 “Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns: Evidence from Turkey Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2009, ss. 36-52.
Lemmon and Ni 2010
Baker, Wurgler and Yuan 2012 Global, Local and Contagious Investor Sentiment Journal of Financial Economics, 104, (2012), ss. 272-287.
Uygur and Taş 2013
Sohn 2013 What Does Sentiment Reflect: Animal Spirit or Risks
The Impact of Rational and Irrational Sentiments of Individual and
Institutional Investors on DJIA and S&P 500 Index Returns
The Effects of Investor Sentiment on Speculative Trading and Prices
of Stock and Index Options
The Impact of Investor Sentiment on Returns and Conditional Volatility
of Internatioanal Stock Markets Quality and Quantity, Volume 48, Issue 3, May 2014, ss. 1165-1179.
Applied Financial Economics, 18, 2008, ss. 1303-1317.
Source: Compiled by the authors
The current Michigan University Confidence Index designed by George Katona measures consumer
spending. Established in the late 1940s, it was first study on consumer expectation and confidence to
measure empirically (Katona, 1968).
Consumer confidence has been popular topic in finance studies by Otoo (1999). Using the Michigan
University Confidence Index, Otoo investigates the relationship between consumer confidence index and the
stock prices, observing a strong positive relationship between the two.
The relationship between the stock market and confidence has been observed using different
variables and indices in various studies including, but not limited to: Fisher and Statman (2003), Lemmon
and Portniaguina (2006), Baker and Wurgler (2007), Bremmer (2008) and Schmeling (2009).
Kandır (2006), Korkmaz & Çevik (2009), Topuz (2011), Kale and Akkaya (2015), and Kilic and
Cankaya (2016) analyze the relationship between consumer confidence and the stock market for Turkey’s
capital market. They observe significant relationship and effects of consumer confidence on stock returns.
Korkmaz & Çevik (2009) analyze the causality between BIST100 index return and real sector confidence
index in two stages. They argue that there is a feed-back effect between equity index and confidence index
and that these two factors impact each other simultaneously. Topuz (2011) and Kale and Akkaya (2015) find
one-direction causality from stock prices towards consumer confidence.
Moreover, there is high correlation between consumer confidence and real economic activity found
in studies by Ludvigson (2004) and Howrey (2001). Investors should characterize the fluctuations in the
stock markets to understand the effects of consumer confidence on stock. Hamilton’s Markov-switching
autoregressive (MS-AR) models are successful in studies for real output fluctuations.
Regime Switching and Markov Regime Switching models represent the most important example of
non-linear time series models of current application. Regime is defined as an unobserved state variable
affecting the levels, volatility, or correlations of the distributions of stock returns (Perez-Quirors and
Timmermann (2000), Guidolin and Timmermann (2008), Chung and Yeh (2008)).
The predictive power of consumer confidence indexed by Regime Switching and Markov Regime
Switching models has been observed in various studies such as Batchelor (2001), Chen (2009), Chen (2011),
Chung, Hung, and Yeh (2012), Çevik, Korkmaz, and Atukeren (2012).
Batchelor, (2001) studies business confidence, consumer confidence, and the state of the economy in
the US and the UK using a Markov switching model. He concludes that there is significant correlation between
business confidence and state of economy. As consumer confidence decreases, the probability that growth
will subsequently fall, increases. Moreover, rising consumer confidence leads to an increase in the probability
of recovery.
Chen (2011) studies correlation between the lack of consumer confidence and stock returns during
market fluctuations using Markov-switching model. He analyzes asymmetric effects of consumer confidence
on stock returns by using monthly returns on Standard & Poor's S&P 500 price index. It is observed that
market pessimism has larger impacts on stock returns in bear markets. It also finds a higher probability that
the lack of consumer confidence causes a switch to a bear market regime.
Chung, Hung, and Yeh (2012), analyze the effects of investor sentiment on stock returns across
economic expansion and recession states. In this study, the Markov switching model is used to show the
otherwise unobservable dynamics of the changes in the economic regime by using portfolio formed on size,
book-to market equity ratio, dividend yield, earnings-to-price ratio, age, return volatility, asset tangibility,
growth opportunities, and 11 widely documented anomalies. They observe predictive power for the returns.
Furthermore, sentiment performs both in-sample and out-of-sample only in the expansion state. However,
the predictive power of sentiment is generally insignificant in a recession state.
Çevik, Korkmaz, and Atukeren (2012) show evidence in all shares stock returns in the USA by using
time-varying Markov regime-Switching (MS) model. They use the US Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM)
manufacturing and Nonmanufacturing Business Activity Index (NMBAI) in the transition equations. They
observed effects of the developments in the ISM manufacturing index on the regime-switching probabilities
in both bull and bear stock market periods. Also the information content in the ISM manufacturing confidence
index influences the stock market regimes.
3. Data and Methodology
As a confidence index, the Bloomberg Consumer Confidence Index (BCI) and Turkey Statistical
Institution Consumer Confidence Index (TUIKCI) have been conducted monthly in Turkey.
The Bloomberg HT confidence index has covered CNBC-e CCI in name since November 2015. The BCI
(old CNBC-e) has been announced on a monthly basis since January 2002.
The TUIKCI is comprised of the results of the consumer tendency survey carried out in cooperation
with the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) and has been announced on a monthly basis since
January 2004.
There is also third confidence index called Real Sector Confidence Index (RSCI) in Turkey. It is
measured and announced by the CBRT. The RSCI tracks the general views of the real sector about general
economic outlook. The RSCI has been announced on a monthly basis since January 2007.
3.1. Data
BIST100 Return Index data, BCI data, TUIKCI data and RSCI data have been gathered from official
web site of these institutions.
We use monthly data from 2007:01 to 2016:06 which includes 114 observations, considering data
limitations. Data are analyzed using Oxmetrics program.
Figure 1. BCI, RSCI and TUIKCI
Figure 2. BIST 100 Return Index
3.2. Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Model
A Markov chain is composed of independent random variables. The basic idea for the Markov Regime
Switching Model is to describe a situation or stochastic process which determines the change from one regime
to another via a Markov chain. Markov chain is used to model the behavior of a state variable or combination
of variables which cannot be directly observed but determines the regime. In a Markov Regime Switching, the
state of the economy (st) cannot be directly observed, although the time series variable (vt) can be observed.
Any period of economy whose properties depend on the observation values, is obtained as probability. At the
same, time those observations are supposed to be dependent on the properties of the regime. When the state
of the economy in the Markov regime is determined, the next regime can be expressed as a
probability.(Bildirici et all).
In the Markov Regime Switching Models, there is a K-dimensional vector time series process (yt)
dependent upon an unobservable regime variable. The probability of being in a particular state of the
economy is represented by st (Krolzig, 2000).
f(yt|Yt−1;Xt; ϴ1) ; st = 1 (1)
p(yt|Yt−1;Xt; st) = {
f(yt|Yt−1; Xt; ϴM) ; st = M
Xt: exogenous variables;
ϴ: parameter vector associated with regime M.
The regime-generating process in the Markov Switching models is an ergodic Markov chain. Finite
number of states is defined by the transition probabilities (Krolzig 2000).
; (2)
st follows an ergodic M-state Markov process with an irreducible transition matrix:
In a two-stated model, the transition probabilities of moving from one state to the other,
P(st+1=1|st = 1) = p11,
P(st+1=2|st = 1) = p12,
P(st+1=1|st = 2) = p21,
P(st+1=2|st = 2) = p22. (4)
Obviously, for the pijs to define proper probabilities, they should be nonnegative, while it should also
hold that p11 + p12 = 1 and p21 + p22 = 1 (Franses and Dijk 2000).
The probability of the regime which is effective at time t, conditional on the information at time t− 1,
and only depends on the statistical inference on st−1:
Pr(st|Yt−1;Xt; St−1) = Pr(st|st−1)
Markov Switching time series analysis was first implemented by Hamilton (1989) in the business
cycle. Hamilton investigates the possibility that macroeconomic variables progress on a cyclical time scale
between calendar time (month, quarter or some other kind of units) and economic time. The time
transformations between economic and calendar time depends on the economic history of the process such
as whether the economy has been in a cyclical expansion or contraction.
The two main types of the Markov Switching Model, are MSM and MSI models. In MSM Model, the
regime switches according to the conditional mean t),while in MSI Model, the regime switches according to
the constant (cst).
MSM Model: yt- µt = ɸ(yt-1 - µt-1) + ut (6)
MSI Model: yt– cst= ɸyt-1 + ut (7)
In financial time series, MSIH models’ results are generally the most significant. MSIH model is
derivative from MSI model. An added factor Ω1/2 to the MSI model represents variance covariance matrix of
variable (y) Ω st:
MSIH Model: yt– cst= ɸyt-1 + ut + Ω1/2 (8)
ɸ is an n x n matrix of regime-dependent autoregressive coefficients
ut is an (n*1) unobservable zero mean white noise vector process
Matrix Ω1/2 represents
Ω st =Var[yt| ϗt-1,st] ; (9)
ϗt-1: denotes time t-1 information of all past observations and states.
A two-state bivariate Matrix Ω1/2 is (Guidolin, 2016):
t (10)
To define the nonlinear relationship between multiple variables, we can use the Markov switching
vector autoregressive model. The basic p lagged VAR(p) model process is:
yt= c + [A1yt-1+…+Apyt-p] + ut ; (11)
An is (n*n) coefficient matrices
The general form of a Markov-switching vector autoregressive (MS-VAR) model is (Krolzig 1998,
yt= c(st) + [A1(st)yt-1+…+Ap(st)yt-p] + ut (12)
A VAR with regime shifts in the mean is called a MSM(M)-VAR(p):
yt= µ(st) + A1(st)(yt-1 - µ(st-1)) +…+ Ap(st)(yt-p - µ(st-p)) + ut (13)
ut ̴̴̴ NID( 0, Ʃ(st))
If the regime shifts affect the intercept of the VAR, this is called a MSI(M)-VAR(p):
yt= c(st) + A1(st)yt-1 +…+ Ap(st)yt-p + ut (14)
The transition in the MSI-VAR is smooth compared to the MSM-VAR model. These models are the
subclass of MS-VAR models. (Krolzig 1998, 2000).
If the regime shifts affect the intercept of the VAR and the model includes a variance covariance
matrix, this is called a MSIH(M)-VAR(p) process:
yt= c(st) + A1(st)yt-1 +…+ Ap(st)yt-p + ut + Ω1/2 (15)
MSIH(M)-VAR(p) model refers to Markov switching, Intercept regime dependent, Vector autoregressive and
heteroskedastic model (Guidolin 2016).
In MS-VAR, it is possible to analyze models how other variables are affected if shocks are applied to a
variable. Impulse response functions of the models show these relations in different regimes. For example, if
the model includes two variables and has three regimes, there should be six (2*3=6) relations to analyze.
4. Results
We apply models to three different consumer confidence index - equity index duals (BCI-BIST100,
RSCI-BIST100 and TUIK-BIST100). The applied models include either two or three regimes and different lags
(0-4). Models are applied to the logarithmic differences of the variables. We select the model between the
models with a Davies’ criteria smaller than 0.01 which rejects the Davies criteria’s null hypothesis of linearity.
LR linearity criterion is an important criterion; it shows how much the non-linear model explains the relation
more than the linear model. Moreover, other criterions such as log-likelihood, Akaike (AIC), Hannan-Quinn
(HQ) and Schwarz (SIC) are examined.
4.1 The Bloomberg Confidence Index and the BIST100
The MSIH(3)-VAR(1) Model with 3 regimes and 1 lag is the best model according to the criteria
established above and the distribution of the observations among the different nonlinear models, if any
additional lag of any variable is added; the Akaike's (AIC), Hannan-Quinn (HQ), Schwarz (SIC) criterions
increase and the LR linearity decreases, thus the power of the model decreases.
MSIH(3)-VAR(1) model have three regimes. The first regime includes a recession with high volatility,
the second regime contains moderate growth with low volatility, and the third regime sees expansion with
high volatility. Volatility differentiates the second and third regime in the model.
Table 2: Information Criterions
Model log-
AIC HQ SIC LR linearity
MSIH(3)-VAR(1) 42.5653 -4.3562 -4.1100 -3.7494 42.5653 0.0002
Table 3 shows the coefficients of the model. The model has three regimes, the first regime is in a
recession, the second one has moderate growth and the last one is experiencing expansion. The constants in
regime 1 (recession) are negative. If the market is in a recession, the consumer confidence index and the
return on the equity index should decline. In regime 2 (moderate growth), there is a weak decline in the BCI
while the BIST100 returns are positive. The constants in regime 3 (expansion) are positive. If the market is in
expansion, the consumer confidence index should rise and the return on equity index should be positive.
Table 3: Coefficients
Constant (Reg.1) -0.1284
Constant (Reg.2) -0.0092
Constant (Reg.3) 0.0749
BCI_1 -0.1432
BIST100_1 0.3528
SE (Reg. 1) 0.0636
SE (Reg. 2) 0.0520
SE (Reg. 3) 0.1104
Table 4 shows the probabilities of regime transitions. If the market is in regime 1, by the following
month the market should be 52.10 % in regime 1, 00.74 % in regime 2 and 47.16 % in regime 3. If the market
in regime 2; the following month the market should be 94.77 % in regime 2, 05.10 % in regime 1 and 00.13 %
in regime 3. If the market is in regime 3; the following observation should be 74.61% in regime 3, 5.17 % in
regime 1 and 20.22 % in regime 2.
Table 4: Matrix of Transition Probabilities
Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3
Regime 1 0.5210 0.0074 0.4716
Regime 2 0.0510 0.9477 0.0013
Regime 3 0.0517 0.2022 0.7461
Table 5 shows the transition possibilities for the whole model.
In the examining period, the highest number of observations (80) and the highest probability (72.07
%) and the longest duration (19) belong to the moderate growth regime. The minimum number of
observations (11) belongs to the recession regime.
Table 5: Regime Probabilities
Number of Obs. Probability Duration
Regime 1 11 0.0965 2
Regime 2 80 0.7207 19
Regime 3 21 0.1828 4
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
MSIH(3)-VAR(1), 2007 (3) - 2016 (6)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 2
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 3
Figure 3: Regime Probabilities
Figure 4 shows the impulse response test of the MSIH(3)-VAR(1) model of the BCI and BIST100. The
responses of the BIST100 to the shocks on the BCI in different regimes are in the first column. In the first and
second regimes, the BCI shows weak increases when one standard deviation shock is applied to the BIST100.
In the third regime, BCI’s response is negatively weak.
The responses of the BCI to the shocks on the BIST100 in different regimes can be found in the
second column. In all regimes, the BCI increases in the first month when one standard deviation shock is
applied to the BIST100. Any shock on the BIST100 leaves a permanent effect on the BCI. The responses in the
first and third regimes are stronger (0.04, 0.03). The minimum response is shown in the second regime
(around 0.002).
0 25 50 75 100 125
Regime 1: cum. response orth. shock to L BCI
0 25 50 75 100 125
Regime 1: cum. response orth. shock to L BIST100RI
0 25 50 75 100 125
Regime 2: cum. response orth. shock to L BCI
0 25 50 75 100 125
Regime 2: cum. response orth. shock to L BIST100RI
0 25 50 75 100 125
Regime 3: cum. response orth. shock to L BCI
0 25 50 75 100 125
0.10 Regime 3: cum. response orth. shock to L BIST100RI
Figure 4: Impulse Response Tests
4.2 The Real Sector Confidence Index and The BIST100
The MSIH(3)-VAR(1) Model is the most successful among the nonlinear models in explaining the
relationship between the RSCI and the BIST100. If any additional lag of any variable is added, the Akaike's
(AIC), Hannan-Quinn (HQ), Schwarz (SIC) criterions increase and the LR linearity decreases, thus the power
of the model decreases.
Table 6: Information Criterions
Model log-
AIC HQ SIC LR linearity
MSIH(3)-VAR(1) 390.8101 -6.5323 -6.2861 -5.9255 92.4167 0.0000
Table 7 shows the coefficients of the model. The constants in regime 1 (recession) are negative. If the
market is in recession, the RSCI and the return on the equity index should decline. The constants in regime 3
(expansion) are positive. If the market is in expansion, the consumer RSCI should rise and the return on
equity index should be positive.
Table 7: Coefficients
Constant (Reg.1) -0.0428
Constant (Reg.2) -0.0012
Constant (Reg.3) 0.0577
BIST100_1 0.1099
RSCI_1 -0.0585
SE (Reg. 1) 0.0883
SE (Reg. 2) 0.0217
SE (Reg. 3) 0.0934
Table 8 shows the probabilities of regime transitions. If the market is in regime 1 in any given month,
the market should be 75.66 % in regime 1, 1.89 % in regime 2, and 22.45 % in regime 3 in the following
month. If the market is in regime 2, it should be 98.58 % in regime 2, 01.42 % in regime 1, and 0.00 % in
regime 3. If the market is in regime 3, it should be 58.95 % in regime 3, 01.47 % in regime 1, and 39.58 % in
regime 2.
Table 8: Matrix of Transition Probabilities
Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3
Regime 1 0.7566 0.0189 0.2245
Regime 2 0.0142 0.9858 1.1389e-009
Regime 3 0.0147 0.3958 0.5895
Table 9 shows the transition possibilities of the model. The highest number of observations (99) and
the highest probability (91.49 %) belong to the moderate growth regime in this period. Moreover, at 71
months, it also has the longest duration. If the market is in moderate growth, it is expected to last 71 months.
The minimum number of observations (5) belongs to the high growth regime. The probability and duration of
the high growth regime are also at the minimum.
Table 9: Regime Probabilities
Number of Obs. Probability Duration
Regime 1 8 0.0550 4
Regime 2 99 0.9149 71
Regime 3 5 0.0301 2.5
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
MSIH(3)-VAR(1), 2007 (3) - 2016 (6)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 2
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 3
Figure 5: Regime Probabilities
0 25 50 75 100 125
0.10 Regime 1: cum. response orth. shock to L BIST100RI
0 25 50 75 100 125
Regime 1: cum. response orth. shock to L RSCI
0 25 50 75 100 125
Regime 2: cum. response orth. shock to L BIST100RI
0 25 50 75 100 125
Regime 2: cum. response orth. shock to L RSCI
0 25 50 75 100 125
0.100 Regime 3: cum. response orth. shock to L BIST100RI
0 25 50 75 100 125
0.002 Regime 3: cum. response orth. shock to L RSCI
Figure 6: Impulse Response Tests
Figure 6 shows the impulse response test of the MSIH(3)-VAR(1) model of the RSCI and the BIST100.
The responses of the RSCI to the shocks on the BIST100 in different regimes are in the first column. RSCI
increases in the first month in all regimes when one standard deviation shock is applied to the BIST100. Any
shock on the BIST100 leaves a permanent effect on the RSCI. The highest response is shown in the third
regime (over 0.08) and the minimum response is shown in the second regime (over 0.012). The responses of
BIST100 to the shocks of RSCI in different regimes are in the second column. RSCI decreases in the first
month in all regimes when one standard deviation shock is applied to BIST100. The highest response is
shown in the first regime (around -0.04) and the minimum response is shown in the third regime (around -
4.1 The TUIK Confidence Index and the BIST100
We find various significant nonlinear models between the TUIKCI and the BIST100. Although they
are econometrically significant, they are not theoretically, economically or financially significant. The
MSIH(3)-VAR(1) Model with 3 regimes and 1 lag is summarized below as an example.
Table 10: Information Criterions
Model log-
AIC HQ SIC LR linearity test DAVIES
MSIH(3)-VAR(1) 67.9339 -
6.1044 -5.8582 -5.4976 67.9336 0.000
Table 11 shows the coefficients of the model. The coefficients are explainable. The constants are
negative in regime 1 and positive in regime 3.
Table 11: Coefficients
Constant (Reg.1) -0.0018
Constant (Reg.2) -0.0111
Constant (Reg.3) 0.0515
TUIK CI_1 0.0447
BIST100_1 0.1520
SE (Reg. 1) 0.0376
SE (Reg. 2) 0.0252
SE (Reg. 3) 0.0626
Table 12 shows the probabilities of regime transitions. If the market is in regime 1 in any given
month, the market is expected to be 88.78 % in regime 1, 00.27 % in regime 2, and 10.95 % in regime 3 in the
following month. If the market is in regime 2, the market is expected to be 85.78 % in regime 2, 14.22 % in
regime 1, and 0.0000 % in regime 3 in the following month. If the market is in regime 3, it is expected to be
12.04 % in regime 3, 01.01 % in regime 1, and 86.95 % in regime 2 in the following month.
Table 12: Matrix of Transition Probabilities
Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3
Regime 1 0.8878 0.0027 0.1095
Regime 2 0.1422 0.8578 3.27e-006
Regime 3 0.0101 0.8695 0.1204
Table 13 shows the transition possibilities for the all model. The highest number of observations (58) and the
highest probability (52.50 %) belong to the moderate growth regime in this period. Moreover, it has a long
duration of 9 months. The minimum number of observations (7), probability (06.54 %) and duration (1)
belong to the high growth regime.
Table 13: Regime Probabilities
Number of Obs. Probability Duration
Regime 1 58 0.5250 9
Regime 2 47 0.4096 7
Regime 3 7 0.0654 1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
MSIH(3)-VAR(1), 2007 (4) - 2016 (6)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 2
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1.0 Probabilities of Regime 3
Figure 7: Regime Probabilities
The transition possibility from regime 2 to regime 3 (Table 12) and the dates of the regime
possibilities (Figure 7) are not theoretically, economically, or financially significant.
5. Conclusions
Confidence is crucial topic in financial discussions. Similarly, consumer confidence has been popular
topic in finance since the 2008 global crisis. This paper adds to the literature of studies that focus primarily
on confidence index and stock returns.
The financial markets experienced with fast and frequent fluctuations after the year 2000. These
fluctuations seen in the recession and expansion regimes are captured successfully in non-linear models. In
particular, the Markov Regime Switching Models was found successfully capture these regimes.
We observe that there are various models that explain the mutual nonlinear switching mechanism
between the consumer confidence indices and equity index. Of these models, the Markov Regime Switching
Model is the most appropriate to explain the relationship between these variables in different regimes.
Specifically, the MSIH(3)-VAR(1) Model with 3 regimes and 1 lag is the best model when taking into account
all variable duals among the different nonlinear models. This model contains three regimes; recession,
moderate growth, and expansion. Moreover, it successfully explains the relationships econometrically.
Additionally, the model clarifies the relationships for the BCI – the BIST100 and the RSCI – the BIST100.
However, the model cannot define the relationship between the TUIKCI and the BIST100 return index
economically or financially.
Even if consumer indices point out negative signalrecessions, capital market still gains in normal
periods of economy. If they only in a recession or an expansion regime do, each of the indices moves in the
same direction. If the market is in recession (regime 1), they decline. But if the market is in expanding, they
rise. Moreover, the impulse response functions of the MSIH(3)-VAR(1) models identify the relationships
between the different regimes. The estimated regime-dependent impulse response functions support
theoretical predictions. Both the BCI and RSCI are affected significantly by the shocks on the BIST100 in three
of the regimes. The effects of the shocks of consumer indices on the BIST100 are not strong as the effects of
BIST100’ shocks on consumer indices. These findings support previous studies by Topuz (2011) and Kale and
Akkaya (2015).
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Investor sentiment plays an important role in the all level of economic activities. Confidence as an indicator of investor sensitiment, has become an important and interesting concept in recent years. Confidence indicators are a way in assessing economic developments in the short term. The aim of this study is to analyze the long and short term relationship between the Real Sector Confidence Index, which is a leading indicator, and macroeconomic/financial variables. The Johansen Cointegration Test results prove a long-term cointegration relationship. Vector Error Correction Models for both macroeconomic and financial variables are statistically significant at the 5% level. In the short run, Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Ratio, Official Reserves, Domestic Debt Stocks, Real Exchance Rate, US Dollar/TRL Buying Rate, Non-Residents’ Stock Portfolio and Volatility Index have a statistically significant effect on the changes in Real Sector Confidence Index.
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Güven faktörü ekonomi ve finansal piyasalarda önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Tüketici ve iş güven göstergeleri ekonominin sağlığı ve geleceği hakkındaki tahminlerde kullanılmaktadır. İş güven endeksi bir bütün olarak ekonominin durumunu yansıtan özel bir ekonomik göstergedir. Bu amaçla T.C. Merkez Bankası Reel Kesim Güven Endeksi’ni 2005 yılında oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı finansal piyasalarda ve politika yapımında bir öncü gösterge olarak kullanılan Reel Kesim Güven Endeksi ile makroekonomik ve finansal değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi Vektör Oto Regresyon (Vector Auto Regression – VAR) modeli ile analiz etmektir. Model sonuçları % 5 düzeyinde anlamlıdır ve Altın gr. Fiyatı, Dış Ticaret Dengesi, Uluslararası Rezervler, Amerika Birleşik devletleri (ABD) Doları/Türk Lirası kuru ve Oynaklık Endeksi değişkenleri Reel Kesim Güven Endeksi’ni etkilemektedir. Reel Kesim Güven Endeksi ile Borsa İstanbul 100 Endeks Değeri, İç Borç Stoku, İmalat Kapasite Kullanım Oranı ve Yurtdışı Yerleşiklerin Hisse Senedi Portföyü arasında çift yönlü Granger nedensellik bulunmaktadır.
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The article aims to study the impact of public governance on the relationship between consumer confidence and the stock market index. Theoretical framework: The concept of consumer confidence index: According to consumer confidence, and stock market index is a way to measure expected changes in income. Katona also argues that consumer trust includes emotional and intellectual factors. Design/methodology/approach: Data is collected from 2012 to 2021 from 10 middle-income countries. The public governance variable is measured by 6 component variables, including (1) Voice and accountability, (2) Political stability, (3) Government efficiency, (4) Regulatory quality, (5) the rule of law, and (6) Control of corruption. Consumer confidence is measured by the consumer confidence index (CCI) and the stock market index (SMI). The authors use P. VAR model to solve the set goal. Findings: The research results show that public governance positively affects the relationship between consumer confidence and the stock market price index in high-middle-income countries. In contrast, public administration does not influence the relationship between consumer confidence and the stock market index in low-income countries. Research, Practical & Social implications: Based on the research results, the authors propose policy implications for middle-income countries for investors' confidence and investment activities on the stock market, contributing to boosting capital in the future more efficient circular economy. Originality/value: Government must increase its accountability to the people and investors for all activities and decisions of the Government. Creating a stable political environment, prioritizing dispute settlement by peaceful negotiations. O IMPACTO DO GOVERNO PÚBLICO NA RELAÇÃO ENTRE A CONFIANÇA DO CONSUMIDOR E O ÍNDICE DO MERCADO DE AÇÕES: UM ESTUDO RESUMO Objetivo: O artigo tem como objetivo estudar o impacto da governança pública sobre a relação entre a confiança do consumidor e o índice do mercado de ações. Estrutura teórica: O conceito de índice de confiança do consumidor: De acordo com a confiança do consumidor, o índice do mercado de ações é uma forma de medir as mudanças esperadas na renda. Katona também argumenta que a confiança do consumidor inclui fatores emocionais e intelectuais. Projeto/metodologia/abordagem: Os dados são coletados de 2012 a 2021 em 10 países de renda média. A variável de governança pública é medida por 6 variáveis componentes, incluindo (1) voz e responsabilidade, (2) A PhD. Student at University of Finance-Marketing (UFM). Vietnam. estabilidade política, (3) eficiência do governo, (4) qualidade regulatória, (5) estado de direito e (6) controle da corrupção. A confiança do consumidor é medida pelo índice de confiança do consumidor (CCI) e pelo índice do mercado de ações (SMI). Os autores usam o modelo P. VAR para resolver o objetivo definido. Conclusões: Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que a governança pública afeta positivamente a relação entre a confiança do consumidor e o índice de preços do mercado de ações em países de renda média alta. Em contrapartida, a administração pública não influencia a relação entre a confiança do consumidor e o índice do mercado de ações em países de baixa renda. Implicações sociais, práticas e de pesquisa: Com base nos resultados da pesquisa, os autores propõem implicações de políticas para os países de renda média no que se refere à confiança dos investidores e às atividades de investimento no mercado de ações, contribuindo para impulsionar o capital na futura economia circular mais eficiente. Originalidade/valor: O governo deve aumentar sua responsabilidade perante a população e os investidores em relação a todas as atividades e decisões do governo. Criar um ambiente político estável, priorizando a resolução de disputas por meio de negociações pacíficas. Palavras-chave: Confiança do Consumidor, Índice do Mercado de Ações, Impacto, Administração Pública, Governo. EL IMPACTO DEL GOBIERNO PÚBLICO EN LA RELACIÓN ENTRE LA CONFIANZA DEL CONSUMIDOR Y EL ÍNDICE BURSÁTIL: UN ESTUDIO RESUMEN Objetivo: El artículo pretende estudiar el impacto de la administración pública en la relación entre la confianza del consumidor y el índice bursátil. Marco teórico: El concepto de índice de confianza del consumidor: Según la confianza del consumidor, el índice bursátil es una forma de medir los cambios esperados en los ingresos. Katona también sostiene que la confianza del consumidor incluye factores emocionales e intelectuales. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Se recogen datos de 2012 a 2021 en 10 países de renta media. La variable de gobernanza pública se mide mediante 6 variables componentes, incluyendo (1) voz y rendición de cuentas, (2) estabilidad política, (3) eficiencia gubernamental, (4) calidad regulatoria, (5) estado de derecho y (6) control de la corrupción. La confianza de los consumidores se mide mediante el índice de confianza de los consumidores (ICC) y el índice bursátil (ISM). Los autores utilizan el modelo P. VAR para resolver el objetivo definido. Conclusiones: Los resultados de la investigación muestran que la gobernanza pública afecta positivamente a la relación entre la confianza del consumidor y el índice de precios bursátiles en los países de renta media alta. Por el contrario, la gobernanza pública no influye en la relación entre la confianza de los consumidores y el índice bursátil en los países de renta baja. Implicaciones sociales, prácticas y de investigación: Basándose en los resultados de la investigación, los autores proponen implicaciones políticas para los países de renta media en relación con la confianza de los inversores y las actividades de inversión bursátil, contribuyendo a impulsar el capital en la futura economía circular más eficiente. Originalidad/valor: El gobierno debería aumentar su responsabilidad ante el público y los inversores en todas las actividades y decisiones gubernamentales. Crear un entorno político estable dando prioridad a la resolución de conflictos mediante negociaciones pacíficas.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, yatırımcı duyarlılığını temsilen kullanılan TCMB Tüketici Güven Endeksi, Bloomberg HT Tüketici Güven Endeksi ve VIX Endeksi ile BIST 100 Endeksi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışma Ocak 2007-Ağustos 2020 dönemini kapsamaktadır ve aylık veriler kullanılmıştır. BIST 100 Endeksi ile Bloomberg HT Tüketici Güven Endeksi ve VIX Endeksi arasında eşbütünleşme ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir. BIST 100 Endeksi ile TCMB Tüketici Güven Endeksi arasında ise eşbütünleşme ilişkisi bulunamamıştır. Yapılan nedensellik analizlerine göre, BIST 100 Endeksinden her iki tüketici güven endeksine doğru tek yönlü nedensellik, VIX Endeksinden ise BIST 100 Endeksine doğru yine tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi bulunmaktadır.
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Financial services confidence index draws attention as an important variable that gives information about financial markets. Increasing the trust of decision-makers in financial services leads to an increase in investments, while decreases in their trust may lead to a possible stagnation in the markets. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of Financial Service Confidence Index (FSCI) on BIST city indices (XSADA, XSANK, XSANT, XSBAL, XSBUR, XSDNZ, XSIST, XSIZM, XSKAY, XSKOC, XSKON, XSTKR). In the research, the effects of financial services confidence index on BIST city indexes were examined and the results were revealed by using time series analysis methods. Lee Strazicich (LS) unit root tests, which also including structural breaks, were applied among the variables. Then, Toda-Yamamoto test was applied on causality relationships and direction among variables. As stated by study findings, no causality was found from the financial services confidence index to the XSADA, XSANK, XSANT, XSBAL, XSDEN, XSIST, XSIZM, XSKAY, XSKOC indices. However, a one-way causality relationship was found from financial services confidence index to XSBUR index. In addition, a mutual causality relationship has been determined between the financial services confidence index and the XSKON and XSDEN indices. A causality relationship could not be determined from XSADA, XSANK, XSANT, XSBAL, XSDEN, XSIST, XSIZM, XSKAY, XSKOC indices to financial services confidence index.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı tüketici güven endeksi (TGE), finansal hizmetler güven endeksi (FHGE) ve kredi temerrüt takas primlerinin (CDS) hisse senetleri üzerine etkilerini keşfetmektir. Araştırmada finansal hizmetler güven endeksinin yayınlanmaya başladığı Mayıs 2012 ile Eylül 2019 tarihleri arasındaki TGE, FHGE ve BIST100 endeksinin aylık verileri ile 4 Ocak 2016-30 Eylül 2019 tarihleri arasındaki CDS primleri ve BIST100 endeksinin günlük kapanış verileri kullanılmıştır. Seçilen makroekonomik değişkenlerin BIST100 endeksi üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiş ve bulgular ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmada zaman serisi analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak üzere öncelikle değişken serilerinin durağan olup olmadığı nın test edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla serilerin yapısal kırılmalarını da dikkate alan Lee Strazicich birim kök testi uygulanmıştır. Akabinde optimal gecikme uzunluğu Akaike bilgi kriterine göre belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra Toda-Yamamoto testi ile değişkenler arasında herhangi bir nedensellik ilişkisi olup olmadığı, nedensellik varsa ilişkinin yönünün ne olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Toda-Yamamoto testi sonuçlarına göre TGE’den ve CDS’ten BIST100’e doğru tek yönlü nedensellik tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca BIST100’den FHGE’ye doğru tek yönlü bir nedenselliğe rastlanmıştır.
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This study takes microblog texts as the original data, builds Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) user dictionary, and calculates the CCI through different experimental conditions of the target words' frequency analysis. We explored the better way between “exact matching” and “fuzzy matching,” and tested the necessity of degree words and negative words. The main findings are as follows: (a) The numbers of principal components extracted in the six different matching methods and weight settings were similar, which were nine or 10 principal components, and the explanatory variance of composition was above 96%; (b) Comprehensively considered, the principle of “fuzzy matching target word + degree word” was the best calculation method; (c) When the validation set data to predict the CCI in next month which based on the optimal method was used, the difference between the index estimate and the official value was within 10%. To a certain degree, CCI based on microblog can be on behalf of consumers' subjective feelings as well as attitudes towards China's current and future economic situations.
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Traditional finance theories ignore investors’ sensitivity and psychology,assuming that they arerational. This situation leads to emergence of behavioralfinance theories. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship betweenthe Consumer Confidence Indices announced for Turkey and the Istanbul StockExchange Index. Within this scope, themonthly data from 2004 to 2017 have been analyzed using the Toda-Yamamoto Causality Test, which will be used forthe first time in this subject. According to the analysis result, it is determined thatthere is a one-way causality relation from stock returns to consumer confidence.As a result, consumers’ confidence for the economy is affected by fluctuations instock exchanges.
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Traditional finance theories are not sufficient to explain investor’s sentiment and psychology. This situation leads to emergence of Behavioural Finance. The aim of this paper is to analyse the macroeconomic factors affecting Real Sector Confidence Index (RSCI) of Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT). Within this scope, monthly data for the period between 2007:01 and 2017:03 is analysed by using Johansen Cointegration Test and Granger Causality Test. According to the results of the analysis, CBRT Composite Leading Indicators Index, Capacity Utilization Rate of Manufacturing Industry (CURMI), Turkish Lira Reference Interest Rate (TRLIBOR) and BIST100 Return Index affect RSCI.
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Consumer confidence predicts economic activity, but does it also predict stock returns? Do stock returns affect consumer confidence? And what is the relationship between consumer confidence and investor sentiment? Answers to these questions are gained through examination of the consumer confidence measures of the University of Michigan and the Conference Board. Consumer confidence rises with high stock returns, but high consumer confidence. is followed by low stock returns. Sentiments of individual investors about the stock market improve with consumer confidence about the economy, as if individuals Were unaware that stock prices are a leading indicator of the economy. No relationship is found between changes in the sentiments of institutional investors and consumer confidence, however.
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This article presents evidence in favour of time-varying Markov regime-Switching (MS) properties in all shares stock returns in the USA. The model specifications include the US Institute for Supply Management's (ISM) manufacturing and Nonmanufacturing Business Activity Index (NMBAI) in the transition equations. We find that the developments in the ISM manufacturing index affect the regime-switching probabilities in both bull and bear stock market periods. The business activity in nonmanufacturing sectors, on the other hand, has a bearing only on bull market periods. We also test for the possibility of a common factor influencing both stock returns and business confidence in the manufacturing sector by estimating a time-varying MS model with the US industrial production in the transition equation. We find that the null hypothesis of a fixed transition probability MS model cannot be rejected when the US industrial production index is included in the transition equation of a time-varying MS model. We conclude that the information content in the ISM manufacturing confidence index, such as expectational shifts, has a separate influence on the stock market regimes over and above that of actual developments in industrial production.
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While there has been a great deal of interest in the modelling of non-linearities and regime shifts in economic time series, there is no clear consensus regarding the forecasting abilities of these models. In this paper we develop a general approach to predict multiple time series subject to Markovian shifts in the regime. The feasibility of the proposed forecasting techniques in empirical research is demonstrated and their forecast accuracy is evaluated.
This study aims to analyse the effects of the consumer confidence on economic activity for the US market. We use the empirical factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) method, which enables us to incorporate a wide range of economic activity factors into the analysis. The consumer confidence index (CCI) is chosen as the principal variable that is presumed to represent the degree of optimism on the state of economic activity. The results show that consumer confidence and economic activity are strongly correlated for manufacturing-related factors, such as industrial production and inventories. We also observe strong relation among CCI and personal consumption expenditures, as well as housing market variables.
We examine the predictive effect of sentiment on the cross-section of stock returns across different economic states. The degree of mispricing and the subsequent price correction can be different between economic expansion and recession because of the limits of arbitrage and short sale constraints. The predictive ability of sentiment is asymmetric between different states of the economy. We implement a multivariate Markov-switching model to characterize the economic states. Conditional on the identified economic states, we use the lagged sentiment proxy to forecast the portfolio returns related to small stocks, non-earning stocks, growth stocks, and non-dividend-paying stocks. We find that only in the expansion state does sentiment performs both in-sample and out-of-sample predictive power on these categories of stocks. When an expansion state has high sentiment, these categories of stocks earn relatively low subsequent returns. The predictive ability of sentiment can not be attributed to time-variation in the market beta driven by investor sentiment.
This paper investigates the link between the lack of consumer confidence and stock returns during market fluctuations. Using a Markov-switching framework, we first focus on whether the shock to consumer confidence has asymmetric effects on stock returns. We also examine whether the decreased confidence pushes the stock market into bear territory. Empirical evidence using monthly returns on Standard & Poor's S&P 500 price index suggests that market pessimism has larger impacts on stock returns during bear markets. Moreover, the lack of consumer confidence leads to a higher probability of switching to a bear market regime.