Murat Çelikdemir

Murat Çelikdemir
Gaziantep University · Department of History

Ottoman Social, Political and Cultural History Researcher


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Publications (17)
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Hüseyin Hüsnü Çakır, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti’nin Gaziantep’e atadığı ilk validir.14 kasım 1922 ile 27 Mayıs 1925 tarihleri arasında Gaziantep valisi olarak görev yapmıştır. Hüsnü Bey, Türkiye-Suriye sınırının genel durumu hakkındaki raporunu, Gaziantep valiliği döneminde bizzat Kilis’e giderek hazırlamıştır. “Gaziayıntab valisi Hüsnü” imzasıyla...
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Protection of orphaned and abandoned children was ensured in Ottoman State thanks to custody institution. The person who was tasked with the care and nurture of orphaned and abandoned children was called custodian. Custodians were appointed from among not only family members and close relatives but nonfamily members as well. Besides this, only one...
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Bu çalışmanın konusu Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi’nde 186 numarada kayıtlı olan Tahrir Defteri’nin transkripsiyonu, değerlendirmesi ve tıpkıbasımıdır. Böyle bir çalışma yapmaktaki amacımız, arşivlerimizde bulunan orijinal belgelerden istifade ederek Osmanlı Devleti’nin siyasi, idari, ekonomik ve sosyal yapısının Antep şehri bağlamında...
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In the Ottoman provincial organization, Voyvoda are the administrators assigned by the people with the Has income segment to control and collect these revenues on their behalf. The Mukataa income of Kilis Has was a Has of Valide Sutan and managed by Voyvodas. During the reign of Sultan Ahmed III (1703-1730), the Has of Kilis was Gülnuş Emetullah Su...
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II.Abdulhamit Dönemi maarif müdürlerinden Halil Kemal Bey, 1886-1889 Tarihleri arasında üç yıl Halep maarif müdürlüğü yaptıktan sonra, Suriye maarif müdürlüğüne tayin olunmuştur. Buradan 1891 tarihinde Beyrut’a ve 1892 tarihinde de ikinci defa Suriye’ye atanmıştır. Halil Kemal Bey, bu layihayı ikinci Suriye maarif müdürlüğü sırasında 1892 tarihinde...
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Raqqa is a city located in Northern Syria, where the Belih River meets the Euphrates River. Raqqa, which is the southern neighbor of Şanlıurfa and remains in Syrian territory today, remained under Ottoman rule for more than four hundred years. The Ottoman Empire started to settle Turkmen Tribes in Raqqa for a number of social, cultural, political,...
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Halil Kemal Bey, one of the Maarif-Education-Directors of Abdulhamid II, after working as the Maarif- Education-Director of Aleppo for three years between 1886-1889 was appointed to Syria Maarif-Education- Directorate. He, from there, was appointed to Beirut in 1891 and to Syria for the second time in 1892. Halil Kemal Bey wrote this layiha during...
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Harput, tarihi M.Ö. 4.binlere kadar uzanan kadim bir şehir olup Yavuz Sultan Selim Döneminde Osmanlı hakimiyetine girmiştir. Dağlık ve müstahkem bir mevkide kurulan bu şehir, 19.Yüzyıl ortalarından itibaren ovaya taşınmaya başlamıştır. Dönemin yöneticileri şehri Harput yerine Mezra denilen bu bölgeden idare etmeğe başlamışlardır. Mezra, şehir idare...
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zet Yavuz Sultan Selim tarafından 1516'da fethedilen Ayıntab, I. Süleyman döneminde sancak statüsüyle Dulkadir Beylerbeyliği'ne bağlanmış ve bu statüsünü 18. yüzyılın sonuna kadar sürdürmüştür. Özellikle 17. yüzyıla kadar Ayıntab'ın yönetilmesinde Osmanlı taşra yönetim modeli hakimdir. Ancak bir yüzyıl sonra resmiyette olmasa da, durum artık değişm...
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In this research, after the brief history of slavery and servitude in the Ottoman Empire is explained in general terms, the situation of slavery and concubines in Ayıntab, an important sanjak of Anatolia in the 17th century, is explained. Main source of research: H.1017/M.S. 1608 and H.1027-1028/A.D. It consists of the Şer'yye Sicilleri dated 1618-...
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In order to stop the advance of Arab tribes towards Anatolia, to break their influence in the region, and to ensure peace and security, the Ottoman state migrated Anatolian tribes to Raqqa State and its surroundings in Northern Syria and subjected them to forced settlement. .
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The law in the Ottoman Empire had bilateral mechanism. On the one hand the rules taking its base from sharia and on the other hand practices of örf, run accordingliy. Kadıs, because of this, while imposing punishment, tried to remain within the border of both sharia and law text, also previous practices. On the other hand, the self- protection mech...
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The Kurdish Mountain tribes, within the borders and under the responsibility of the Kilis District of Aleppo province, planned an attack on the Christians in the Ekbaz village in Hassa, where French priests also resided. With the timely arrival of the Ottoman State military forces to the scene, the Kurdish Mountain tribes bandits who blockaded Ekba...
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“Women in Nusayris” named article, is aimed at understanding the role of women in Nusayris. The Nusayris that have self-enclosed structure in regard to religion, arouse curiosity because of its mystery. Women in Nusyaris , according to their believer is exempt from prayer , whereas, to non-Nusayri, they are excluded. This is a socio-historical arti...
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One of the many sources in the Ottoman Archives regarding the settlement activities in Raqqa, which started by the Ottoman Empire in 1691 and continued for about a hundred years, is the Mühimme Defters. In this paper, information is given about the Mühimme Defters, which are an important source in the Raqqa settlement policy of the Ottoman Empire.
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Rakka, a city İn North Syria, is buîlt on the banks of Euphrates and Belih rivers. Rakka was located on the South of Şanlıurfa city and is now part of Syria, but was under Ottoman sovereignty över 400 century. Ottoman Empire had settled Turcoman tribes in Rakka due to some social, cultural, poiitical, economical and mllitary reasons, and it continu...


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