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Analysis of Project Integration on Smart Parking System in Telkom University



The parking process is common attempt to eliminate traffic in the road by providing certain spot for vehicle to stay for certain time. Considering the increase of amount of population, large parking area horizontally or vertically is not necessary proper solution because it requires enormous expenses to acquire vacant land or to construct high-rise building. Therefore, smart parking system is one solution to provide information on the availability of vacant parking locations efficiently and conduct identification and transaction process quickly. Telkom University has been adopted this system by using physical card with RFID built-in for handling, convenience and security purposes since October 2014. Even though, it deliver an easy way for verification and validation but some problem occurred that raise several complaints from student and staff. This study has objective to explore the challenges and to addresses the issues faced by smart parking system, which has been implemented in subsequent years. By identifying the solution, it can improve the quality of the system for greater purpose in the future.
The 6
International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2018)
Inna Parapat Hotel – Medan, August 7-9, 2018
Analysis of Project Integration on Smart Parking
System in Telkom University
Muharman Lubis
School of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia
Rahmat Fauzi
School of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia
Arif Ridho Lubis
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics
Politeknik Negeri Medan, Indonesia
Rokhman Fauzi
School of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia
Abstract—The parking process is common attempt to
eliminate traffic in the road by providing certain spot for vehicle
to stay for certain time. Considering the increase of amount of
population, large parking area horizontally or vertically is not
necessary proper solution because it requires enormous expenses
to acquire vacant land or to construct high-rise building.
Therefore, smart parking system is one solution to provide
information on the availability of vacant parking locations
efficiently and conduct identification and transaction process
quickly. Telkom University has been adopted this system by
using physical card with RFID built-in for handling, convenience
and security purposes since October 2014. Even though, it deliver
an easy way for verification and validation but some problem
occurred that raise several complaints from student and staff.
This study has objective to explore the challenges and to
addresses the issues faced by smart parking system, which has
been implemented in subsequent years. By identifying the
solution, it can improve the quality of the system for greater
purpose in the future.
Keywords—parking; smart system; management system;
problem; challenge;
In general, smart parking system (SPS) utilizes technology
based on RFID (Radio frequency identification) by using a
card that has a small chip for identification to be detected by a
particular reader. It has many advantages compare standard
ticketing system such as reducing traffic flow and pollution,
optimized parking process, enhancing user experience and
safety, new revenue streams, integrating transaction or
payment system, real-time data and trend insight, decreasing
management cost, improving service and brand image,
convenience factors and offer incentives. Therefore, if driver
can have information about parking availability with real-time
based, they can adjust their travel schedule without waste their
time to wander the road in vain, reduce their search time for
parking spot and less consumption of fuel. Nonetheless, the
simplifying of parking slot by eliminating unnecessary areas is
the initial step for university to make a better congestion
control and flow management for developing city infrastructure
[1]. If the drivers can quickly discover a parking lot, although
on-street parking may be quicker in term of time but they will
prefer the opposite as it will be secured. It is also better to send
the revenues for parking administrators which has more
responsibility compare the others. Thus, installing sensors in
unauthorized areas where people often park their cars can help
process of detecting illegal parking, imposing fines and
allocating parking lot for disability or VIP.
A fundamental SPS ecosystem consist two streams that are
traffic and information. Traffic flow occurs on the runway to
find an available parking spaces where drivers receive
information about parking availability then drive to there to put
their vehicle. Competition occurs and cumulative parking
conflicts might aroused due to more time to search. The
automatic support for positioning of the parking lot is very
advantageous and profitable, both strategically and technically,
if the scale of SPS limited and good positioned. In addition, it
intends to deploy multiple sensors in certain locations by
intention to allocate different type of parking lot to overcome
the current problem of sensor management leading to smart
cities paradigm [2]. In Telkom University, SPS using RFID
authorization to allow vehicles enter the parking lot, which is
depending on the registration. The SPS will check to the
database for registered vehicles to ensure its records for check-
in or check-out before updating the check-in information in the
database as well lifting the barrier for the entry. When, it is not
registered, the barriers will stay same to prevent vehicle enter
unless there is permission letter or security staff accept the
reason to open the system access. During the exit process, once
again the SPS will update the database with the check-out date
and time. The gates coordination and additional sensors allow
systematic parking-lot circulation thus preventing multipurpose
checking process, in which the transaction is seamless [8].
There are at least five entrances at Telkom University
located in Bandung Techno Park, although only two of them
are used for SPS gateway, which is gate two and three.
Meanwhile, gate one for motorcycles to have free access and
gate four and five for walking purposes. It is also developed by
integrating with iGracias student academic system using single
sign on mechanism for making easy registration process.
Despite the success of physical implementation of SPS, there
are also problems in the management and environmental
impact in daily processes or when peak season such as
graduation, seminar or conference when many illegal parking
The 6
International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2018)
Inna Parapat Hotel – Medan, August 7-9, 2018
lots outside have been seen along the road create more traffic
than usual. This system must be updated to optimize benefits,
where the ideas about project success are traditionally
understood from a medium management perspective, which
emphasizes issues centered on activity and control such as the
implementation and delivery of the project [12]. Some have
been argued that the system have been failed to meet its
objectives. In addition, the willingness of staffs and project
managers to accept project changes should be encouraged
either to change project directions or to add new features as
important consideration. Moreover, it can be integrated with
the vision for the future, generating commitment and attention
to people and lastly, changing the culture of management.
In terms of hardware requirements, with the use of RFID
readers, obstructions and labels, the input and output controls
for check-in and check-out have been fulfilled. Alternatively,
the traditional parking operations controlled by the security
staff can be developed as well to support SPS. However, some
precautions are required that are carried out through specific
code of programming to identify the number of available spots.
It can prevent the vehicle to perform check-in if there is no
empty spot anymore, thus eliminate wasting time to search
parking spot and avoid dissatisfaction of the driver. Another
problem that might arises is related to the termination of the
application as a result of the Internet down because
implementing centralized-based infrastructure. It is better for
the SPS to use data mart in the respectable gateway entrance to
run the process of verification and validation on the local and
remote servers simultaneously.
To conduct project integration involves multiple
components and mechanisms, project should have detail series
of task to be completed in determined schedule within certain
specification and provides platform for processing and
coordinating various element in the project under one banner
[10]. Previous study explain the problems in SPS through
classification methods [3][4][5][6][7] into CAPS, NAPS,
OAPS, PGIS, TBIS, Smart Payment, Automated Parking, E-
Parking, COINS, PRS, ITS, IPAS and ABGS. Moreover, SPS
depends largely on information about the parking space, since
it is used not only to help drivers on the road but also in
parking management, in which many type of sensor can be
used to provide this type of service such as active and passive
infrared sensor, inductive loop detector, fluxgate and search
coil magnetometer, magneto resistive sensor, piezoelectric
sensor, pneumatic road tube, weight-in-motion (WIM) sensor,
microwave radar, acoustic sensor, RFID, ultrasonic sensor and
video image processor [4]. Meanwhile, through experiment
showed that SPS proves more efficiency by providing real-time
based information and facilitate booking the park lot in
comparison with blind search methods and buffered parking
information sharing (PIS) [9]. Currently, the SPS is designed
by utilizing some Internet of Things (IoT) supportable
hardware for embedded system such as raspberry pi, auridino
board, Tsgate or Tsmote has been recommended [21]. The
concept is using mobile device and application that could be
tracked, controlled or monitored through remote computers
connected to Internet for the purpose of real-time based [22].
During the period between 1970 and 2000, the resources
identified specifically from the difficulty of the project were:
unclear success criteria, changing sponsorship strategies,
definitions of deficient projects, technology, competition, poor
quality assurance, relationships deficient with sales and
marketing, inappropriate contract strategies, absence of a
political environment, lack of support from top management,
inflation, financing difficulties and inadequate employment
[13][14][15]. No attention was paid to the impact of
organizational change, despite the growing interest in strategy
[16], the impact of organizational culture [17], behavioral
competence of project managers and leadership [18][19]. The
effectiveness of project integration has related to the attempts
to assume the unavoidable changes such as supervision,
acceptance, culture shock, social norm, moral standard,
satisfaction level and undesirable event that does not merely
based on bravery components [12]. Thus, SPS can provide
efficient control of parking through remote reservation and
placement of parking spaces, quick vehicle retrieval, parking
administration using gateway identification and parking spot
detection, protection of vehicle by connecting the movement
with certain RFID tags and parking offered service such as
paperless billing and parking payments [20].
Current advancement in the process of developing
inexpensive or low-power integrated systems help developers
to create new applications for IoT. Fortunately, the
development of new sensor technology open the possibility to
have opted the implementation of several IoT-based systems in
the university and its surroundings for monitoring and
management purposes such as SPS [22]. Therefore, several
factors need to be considered in the process of integrating SPS
with IoT-based technology such as storage capacity,
computation power, communication resources, scalability,
availability and interoperability while several infrastructure
such as parking sensors, processing units, mobile application
and cloud service should be evaluated the performance and
capability [22]. The parking behavior also distinct in each
drivers taking into account the driver's cognitive information,
the acceleration of the vehicle and emotion level on how long
they navigated the road [1]. Academicians surveyed the
condition of parking area in the several cities, has been found
that it requires at least one third of land use in San Francisco,
four fifth in Los Angeles and Melbourne. Meanwhile, at the
lower end, it was found that one fifth in New York and London
but one tenth in Tokyo [23]. Such extreme density of parking
spaces in Los Angeles can be an obstacle in the reconstruction
of the city that leads to a growing number of private transport
and the attempt to minimize the public transport [24].
Current initiative of embedded SPS for sustainable
development should be improved by enhancing the capability
of sensor devices, the punctuality of the sensor networks, the
dexterity of parking services, the spread of user centric
information, the degree of uncertainty from drivers’ behaviors
and routing trail [1]. Yang et al. [25] introduced a WSN-based
SPS that gather relevant and necessary information through
wireless detection device. Furthermore, Jeffrey et al. [26]
designed a WSN-based SPS to have multifunction such as
checking the parking availability and measuring the health
condition while drivers get the receipt via SMS. Meanwhile,
The 6
International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2018)
Inna Parapat Hotel – Medan, August 7-9, 2018
Rico et al. [27] proposed SPS that provides a booking scheme
and presents the process while duplicating the requests.
Moreover, Venkateswaran et al. [28] presented SPS with
reservation process that assists drivers in verifying and
validating their current parking status of occupancy and
provides anti-theft barrier gate through checking and
authenticate user ID. On the other hand, Giuffre et al. [29]
developed an intelligent assistance for parking architecture that
locate parking availability through a wireless sensing and
detection technology. Subsequently, Bechini et al. [30]
recommended to use QR codes that is more accessible and
well-known in market while Suryady et al. [31] suggested the
SPS to implement cloud-based platforms to achieve a rapid
deployment through a cellular mechanism. On the other hand,
Gopalan et al. [32] created an OSGi-based middleware with a
Java-based standard Knopflerfish for SPS and Pazos et al. [33]
adopted a central IoT platform to manage all the
OSGi-enabled gateways and sensors.
To finding problems and challenges in the implementation
of SPS and compare to the literature to find the appropriate
solutions is very diversified due to different technology that is
used from the protocols, components, languages and machines
used for integrated system. Harmonizing the relevant works in
multi-disciplinary is not trivial, thus it focus to identify the
current technology used based on its specification, objectives
and functionalities without suggesting or specifying
appropriate SPS to be used based on context or needs. This
study ask several students and staffs consisted 20 people for
their comments and complaint in the following years after
utilizing SPS as secondary sources to depict actual situation in
Telkom University involving the physical card, the process
identification and the parking availability. Those data
collection then use in focus group that was involving 10
member by discussing the challenges and issues faced in the
subsequent years. The implementation of best practices and
good communication with respected laws will determine
compatible models for the comprehensive and effective
directives resulted to solid performance, satisfaction and
agreements [44]. It should be noted that the hard results of the
interview may not be fully applicable and explainable in the
sense of detail description of current situation because
subjective perception derived from experience and other
related attributes and background of the demographics.
A. Corporate Value Differences
Currently, most project management losses are mainly
overexposed to the expectation on profit-related parts, in which
the life cycle take never ending process to finish while there are
also many sub-objects or sub-process to perform on the whole
phase. In addition, the lack coordination with stakeholders
create other problem in which they different points of view to
what direction the project should take leading to reduce
flexibility of project member or restricting the attempt in order
to achieve optimization practically [11]. The development of
SPS in Telkom University was started in 2013 and integrated
with other projects of construction and expansion plan for the
purpose of unification and consolidation of four institutions
(Institute of Technology, Institute of Management, Polytechnic
and High School of Art and Design) under single wing of
Telkom foundation. In the process of merging, there are many
value differences in term of management style, institution
cultures, legal issues, corporate interest, previous executives’
opinion and integration planning process. Although, the
uniformity has been shown in the structure and process but in
the work pattern and behavior still have problem to be adapted
with the changes of environment, objective, scheme and
responsibility in the beginning of activities. Without a doubt,
the project integration management in every phases namely
initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and closing has been
influenced coincidentally, especially in developing project
charter of describing project goals and desired deliverables,
which attempt to accomplished SPS in the minimum objectives
and less resources used. Each project manager request and
manage resources with their project teams and members for the
purpose of finishing their target based on responsibility, not the
coordination and collaboration.
B. Gateway Detection System
Ideally, after the vehicle arrives or leaves the parking lot,
the system inform its availability to help drivers identify the
empty space through flow management. To obtain the
occupancy status of the parking lot, the sensor is installed in
the street parking lot to detect if something occur to the
vehicle. Then, the sensor forms the network to transmit the
most recent info to storage device. So drivers can obtain up-to-
date info from variable message signatures (VMS) or smart
handheld devices that exchange messages with transceiver
stations (RSI) or transceivers (BTS). In Telkom University, the
process of detection in the entrance uses physical card-installed
RFID, in which the registration to the system have be done
previously to utilize this function. Therefore, it is costly and
needs tags for each user for identification process [38].
Meanwhile, visitor also can ask permission to enter parking
area from security staff who only work in two gateways out of
five. There are also limited CCTV to monitor the vehicle
movement in the parking area. Project management plan
consist of quick overview of the entire project, which in this
case has been executed very well. Unfortunately, in the long
term, the result is not really satisfied because many device
components has separate and isolated task such as CCTV that
can be optimized for parking availability information or dual
mode detection counter for registered and visitor. Regardless of
the importance of integration plan, the selection of team
members who are able to undertake the project really affects
the final outcome. Project leaders may have good vision and
management skills but team members cannot work together
accordingly will degrade the quality of project or not optimal
result achieved [34].
C. Parking Lot Allocation
By enabling driver to have real-time direction lead to
parking spot will increase the satisfaction of user and the
quality of SPS. It is not only the route drawn on the map but
the arrow pointing to the location, although to implement the
The 6
International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2018)
Inna Parapat Hotel – Medan, August 7-9, 2018
connection is quite difficult. There are many available parking
lots in the Telkom University but it is really difficult to declare
the exact capacity. There is no fixed standard to allocate
parking lot to distinct type of parking service such as
distinguish quest, parents, common visitor, structural and
functional position, academic and administrative staff,
undergraduate and postgraduate student. Every process for
managing parking lot is handled manually before specific event
held or scheduled. In the normal season, this problem is not
really shown but in the peak season, somehow, university
request police or transportation officer to help them with the
traffic management. For the VIP case, this problem of
allocation might not be happened because only a few spot (5
until 10) should be cleared but common visitor got trouble as
they often spend almost more than 20 minutes to find available
parking lot, which might be far distance from the location of
the intended program. Unfortunately, the location of the
university cover the area that is often jammed and crowded,
adding more problem to the existing situation, like at Monday
morning and Friday afternoon, which really difficult to find
parking off-street even on-street. The resource allocation
should be handled extremely well by integrating with the
project plan for developing optimized SPS, which will useless
if it cannot be maximized. For management decisions to be
designed and executed effectively, accurate information is
essential. Poor data quality cost organization various issues
such as in the correction activities, lost or missed opportunities,
customer complaint and incorrect decision [35].
D. Reservation of Parking Lot
It is proper to expect the technology adoption offers the
opportunities to reduce time and budget, which present greater
advantages than traditional approach [36]. Instead of driving
the car to the parking lot and then getting instructions, it is
better for the driver to book parking lot directly from their
homes. At worst case scenario, there is possibility of failing to
find any parking space without required information in peak
season [42]. Thus, the server must be connected to the internet
for client identification, which gather the status from various
gateways to inform the available spaces, then enable to book
randomly or selectively. When a new user enters the parking
lot, the server will communicate with the user’s mobile
application by portraying the parking area. Supposedly, the
drivers are not necessary to drive around to finding the spot but
rather to a targeted destination. Indeed, the problems that often
server face in regard to the dual protocol compatibility. As it is
required to communicate between the multiple detection sensor
in the gate and the mobile application, which is implemented
on the distinct communication protocols (GPRS and RF). In
Telkom University, the reservation of parking lot based on
privilege only based on structural position or recommendation,
which handled manually. Therefore, SPS should consider
overnight, frequent, vendor, business and casual type of driver
permit. By having this feature will increase the effectiveness of
objective of specific person in university, either academics or
business as well efficiency of spending time inside to reduce
fatigue and stress after driving from one location to another
location. For the payment methods can be using multiple
approach such as point-purchase, ticketing service, time-rates
and permit type, which consider current infrastructure and
common activities. Interestingly, the existence of corporate
policies to be effective for preventing misuse behavior and
ascribe this effect to deterrence mechanisms [37].
E. Illegal on-street Parking
To apply the parking on the street, the server should
consider the road maps, the roadside of the parks, the parking
regulation and the permissible parking spot. For off-street
parking, the server often considers the general image of the
structure. In any case, the route and the address will be
indicated by mobile devices or tablets that have parking
applications. Actually, Telkom University implement off-street
parking by providing various parking spot to allocate the needs
for parking. However, due to complicated process and limited
allocation for specific vehicle, many drivers especially student
with motorcycles choose parking on-street illegally. This
situation create chaotic atmosphere following with the number
of cadger sell food or snacks on the sidewalks. When illegal
activities thrives without any attempt to hinder or prevent it,
others will be interested in doing the same thing that ultimately,
not only the actors but every relevant parties got the bad
consequences and felt harmful emotionally or physically.
Actually, certain location for parking called patch has been
controlled by extortionate gangsters, in which parking
attendants collect the small amount of money from drivers and
give some commission to the responsible thugs based on
individual contracts. They also charge monthly fee from every
stall at sidewalks as security fee. This situation got more
complicated to be solved because there is indication of the
involvement of local government take revenues from each
patch by simplifying the estimation through negotiation or
survey, though it is hard to be proved. It is no surprise that any
enforcement will meet the dead-end because the power of
gangster and its collaborators while it is really difficult to
implement drastic changes to the environment, there will be
huge resistance. Therefore, for consumers to be aware of the
current situation or acquire sophisticated skills to adapt to
evolving technological changes, it takes a lot of time and effort
in education [36]. Thus, Telkom University can focus on
improving SPS features and capability to attract more and more
drivers use off-street parking spot inside campus through
offering more advantageous services such as convenience,
cheaper prize or secured facilities.
F. Safety and Security Procedure
Parking lots are supposed to be remained illuminated
throughout the night or in darky day to maintain the track of
the sport of parking, which are available, to prevent possibility
of damages by certain adolescence, to monitor the access to
vehicle easily and to maintain safety and security measures.
Similarly, it can be dimmed during work hours when the
sunlight bright the parking lot depend on condition and
situation. The interactional perspective has proven particularly
effective as a starting point for theoretical and empirical studies
in relation to everyday use of IT, which aligned with trend of
social media and new issues associated with fast-changing
technologies [36]. As much as possible, the parking area
should be designed to perform simple maneuvers to enter, park
and exit by avoiding or eliminating various reverse process
The 6
International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2018)
Inna Parapat Hotel – Medan, August 7-9, 2018
with sufficient space without restricting certain type of large
vehicles. However, parking areas can often be arranged in a
direct pass pattern by increasing the visibility of vehicle
movement to avoid incident or annoyance occur due certain
circumstances. Occasionally, wheel clamps is needed to
impose parking restrictions in some places based on permission
type. There are numerous incident occur in Telkom University
such as many cars got scratches on the front, on the side and on
the back, some car tires are deflated and lost goods left inside
the car. In addition, human errors are the primary reason for
traffic accidents occur in the road [40]. To help keep potential
threats away from parking spaces inside campus, the procedure
should be developed accordingly by specifying certain parking
restriction, creating perimeter buffer zones, installing parking
barriers, putting clear traffic sign, developing structural
hardening for setback, establishing patrol schedule, providing
connected CCTV and defining the limited access to the
entrance. In order to predict the future demand, the current and
historical information from parking space activities can be
collected with the regular monitoring system [39]. Thus,
project resources are controlled for improvement, while
corrective response may be taken involving acceptable level of
quality, timely manner monitoring, approved changes and
detailed procedure.
G. Electric Power Consumption
For large area, the wireless coverage is an essential criteria
that underlies the existence of SPS effectiveness and efficiency,
in which the impact of electric current determine the quality.
Thus, power supply consumption should not only considered
providing sufficient back up through large amount of energy or
capacity but also spent them accordingly and economically
based on the needs. Often, corporate keep the electric power to
stay alive at all-time even though the working time has been
finished, which ultimately added operational problem such as
improved cost, wasted resources, decrease performance and
bad channel. The key challenges in the implementation of SPS
are the varieties of platform of hardware and software
involved, which potential threats become the high concerns and
the status of its scalability in the future for improvement. The
technology platform supports SPS require large consumption
of electric power because involving number of hardware
sensors, dynamic messaging systems and traffic control
devices, wireless equipment, client computers, servers,
hardware drivers and application interfaces. Choosing and
integrating every selected component devices from hundreds of
different manufacturers to interact and complement each other
under single platform is the biggest challenge. Obviously, the
electric waste has been found numerously in Telkom
University performed by students, lectures and staff because
the lack of awareness on the importance of energy savings to
prevent crisis. The improvement of SPS can be done through
implementation of certain parameter such as idle time, working
hours, condition of the room and user requirements.
H. Traffic Congestion
On a daily basis, it is estimated that 30% of vehicles on the
road in the downtown area of major cities are cruising for a
parking spot with average of 7.8 minutes to allocate it [43].
This causes not only a waste of time and fuel for drivers
searching for parking but contributing to additional waste for
other drivers as a result of traffic congestion. It is one of major
issues at a global scale, which has been growing exponentially,
in which well-planned SPS can save 20,000 – 300,000 gallons
in three or four decades [41]. Therefore, SPS have critical role
in developing good quality of urban environment by not only
decreasing traffic congestion or sound pollutant but also
reducing the emission of CO
and other pollutants in the air.
Due to the large number of vehicles on the road, there are
likely to be traffic problem, which depends on transportation
infrastructures and parking facilities that somehow, cannot
currently cope with the effects. In Telkom University, the
problem also occurs especially in the peak season when traffic
congestion have been started in T-junction in Jalan Raya
Bojongsoang that also receive traffic of vehicle as meeting
point of flow from Buah Batu exit toll of Jalan Tol Padaleunyi
and Pasar Kordon at Jalan Terusan Buah Batu. Other protocol
road closed to the location also cannot accommodate the
number of vehicles crossed a day at Jalan Soekarno-Hatta.
However, road exchange in the main gate and roundabout of
Jalan Telekomunikasi that become integral part of usual traffic
congestion in Bandung road create other bottlenecks in certain
time. In spite of three out of gateway, still traffic congestion
occur because both of incoming and outgoing activities are
handle at same gateway without redirection and the location of
gateway in serial part of Jalan Telekomunikasi with a distance
not too far from each other. The time consuming in traffic
congestion is not directly coming from SPS performance but
the topology of parking lot and location of gateway against
road mapping.
V. C
In summary, it is common for multiple project teams
working on a single project which of them have special skills
required to complete the task. Therefore, coordination between
teams should be given the utmost importance. The
responsibility of successful implementation of a project fall on
the project manager, but most incident cases occur because
mismanagement of integration project as a result of poor
quality of work culture, unnecessary work motivation and
incorrect planning and conducting methodology. However,
when assigning team, it is important to ensure that the team
priorities match with other team so that the tasks can be easily
integrated. Project manager should develop an effective backup
plan with detail of flowcharts that explain clearly on what to do
in certain conditions. In addition, dynamic prices method based
on comprehensive research can provide many benefits to SPS
such as maximize the revenues and solving problems of delays.
For example, higher parking rates during peak season resulted
people to choose public or shared transport as alternative
option or change their time and place of activity. Consequently,
it generates less traffic, eliminate unnecessary pollution and
improves parking availability.
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... This type of standard is mostly used for its process completeness, interoperability or flexibility in using the elements, availability of architectural knowledge, vendor-neutrality and the alignment within the industry standards [3]. The implementation of application used should be abide to the government regulation to avoid worst case scenario that might happened in the future [4,5,6]. ...
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PT. Adigas Jaya Pratama is a company that distributes various products of Pertamina, which focus on delivering LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) to the distributors. There are still various problems occurred in term of service level agreement (SLA), which in many case merely based on promise, while at the same time there are also the incapability of monitoring and checking for updating items in the inventory and the storages. Meanwhile, the process of handling customer complaints often causes the decreasing in the level of satisfaction and loyalty to the services provided. To overcome these problems, the solution made must take explicit concern to the harmony between business and information technology aspects. It is necessary to design an enterprise architecture (EA) with the TOGAF framework to provide a suitable blueprint for the development of sales and service function that can present respective ability for the company to have well performance leading to the growth and profit. This research provide the respective artefacts from every design stage including preliminary phase to the migration planning, which is expected to be applied in accordance with the business needs of the company to provide solutions for the existing problems.
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Data quality issues are exacerbated when information is distributed across heterogeneous siloes data stores throughout the organization. The nature of this environment usually involves an architecture of values that conflicts with various formats. Even within a single database, consistent data quality is not always good unless appropriate rules are applied. Whether the information is dormant in the data warehouse or manipulated quickly by the application, the data quality is not enforced at all or is controlled by various components with inconsistent rules embedded in the code. To turn information into knowledge and harness its great value, data quality must, of course, be addressed through the application of continuous data processing, starting with proper and systematic evaluation. Therefore, using hard rules across the enterprise, not only at the database level but also at the application and process level, can help deliver services and improve customer satisfaction.KeywordsData qualityAssessmentUtilizationTelecommunication
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To improve health levels, good health literacy is required, in which Indonesia still categorized as low in health awareness. Someone with low health literacy will experience more challenges when using or accessing health care system, especially to identify or being aware about Internet addiction. Thus, electronic consultation come into the picture to provide more engaging and interactive mechanism in discussing several and related issues in order to improve the quality of understanding regarding the topic. It also aims to allow users to browse and investigate the indicator for the purpose to stay healthy or identify the others through online without having to visit doctor at his workplace due to various reasons such as lack of free time. In this study, user experience (UX) perspective was used through RSM (Recognize, Scrutinize and Materialize)design approach by developing and evaluating the prototype with usability testing using concrete scenarios with alternative design. Also, this study implement alternative design in the design phases to expand the usability criteria and aspects to align with the user demand as the critical factors and trigger for success implementation.
Parking vehicles in densely populated areas are often challenging, stressful, and sometimes it becomes a monotonous job for the drivers in jam‐packed areas. There are several reasons for the delay in finding parking spaces such as scarcity of parking slots, disordered or unmanaged parking of vehicles, lacking or unaware of parking information at the destination, which further leads to the wastage of time, fuel, energy and increase in environmental pollution. Literature has revealed a significant number of smart parking solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and context‐awareness with the incorporation of routing strategies and vehicle detection techniques in a pervasive computing environment. With the rapid escalation of the smart and intelligent devices along with their applicability in a highly decentralized environment, real‐time traffic monitoring, and finding parking spaces have become quite trivial. Smart parking sensors and technologies assist drivers in finding vacant parking slots while they are on the way to their destination. Considering the needs, wants, and demands of metropolitan cities, in this article, we have reviewed the recently published articles, mostly from the last 5 years, on smart parking systems augmented with sensors, embedded systems, context‐awareness capability, and IoT which yields in saving time, fuel, energy, and reduces the stress of the drivers. To accomplish this, we have reviewed different models on smart parking solutions based on algorithmic formalisms, theoretical frameworks, formal models, smart device‐based prototypes as well as real‐time applications, and verifying the correctness properties of the system. The results shown may provide a base for the state of the art future research directions.
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PT. Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) as one of the big companies in Indonesia that have implemented an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) since 2000, then ECC 6.0 version of SAP (Standard Application Product in Data Processing) information system at 2003. This makes Critical Success Factors (CSFs) become something interesting to identify for the purpose of benchmarking as the best practice. This study was conducted to examine the ERP system implementation in PT. Toyota Astra Motor, which is based on 11 variables identified by adjusting the extended IS Success Model based on the previous research of Abdesamad Zouine and Pierre Fenies [3]. Therefore, data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires to users of ERP systems in the respected company through delegating the process to the person in charge. Then the data was analyzed by inferential statistics to identify the significance of each variable, which has the results in term of individual impact, project management and information quality. It has verified that the success of the ERP system implementation at PT. Toyota Astra Motor is influenced by individual contributions, the level of acceptance of the ERP system, the contribution of key user, management of good implementation projects and the quality of information during the implementation phase.
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According to Regional Regulation No.23 of 2014 Article 386 until 390 which requires all institutions to adopt architectural designs to bring up architectural innovations. A smart city is a concept of the application, development, and implementation of technology that is applied to a region (especially urban area) as a complex interaction between the various systems in it. One important development area to be developed is the health sector. In Indonesian constitution of article 28 H and 28 I that the state must guarantee the lives of all its citizens, include by providing appropriate services such as health services. This study aims to design an enterprise architecture in health functions within Citizen Health Centre management system based on the Smart City based on the TOGAF ADM framework, so that it is expected to help the city government work program in realizing smart city and business activities that currently run can be supported by information systems so as to increase satisfaction Bandung City communities. Based on the results of research on public health functions at the Bandung City Health Office obtained a design or blueprint that focuses on the preliminary phase, architecture vision, business architecture, system architecture, information technology, opportunities and solutions, and migration planning.
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n addition to the popularity of ERP usage, the failure rate of ERP implementation in the company is quite high, the results obtained indicate that the failure of ERP implementation ranges from 67% -90%, the current study mostly discusses Critical Success Factors (CSF ) rather than Critical Failure Factors (CFF), there are 6% of journals that are successfully published, which contain CSF and less than 1% that discuss CFF. The inhibiting factors of ERP implementation are more often found in ERP implementation in developing countries, because ERP systems are built and designed with and for better technology in developed countries. The main objective of this research is to identify the factors that become obstacles and classify them to help industries in developing countries, especially companies that are the object of research in this case PT. Toyota Astra Motor, consultants and implementers to prevent failure in the implementation of ERP projects using CFF (Critical Failure Factors) models with 7 variables and assisted with SPSS and SmartPLS for calculation methods. Based on the results of the study using the CFF model at PT. Toyota Astra Motor is known that variables that have no significant and strong effect are Process Variables.
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Faster economic development led to increasingly tight business competitions. With the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, these companies compete in leveraging technology to enhance their competitive advantage and efficiency of their company's performance compared to its competitors. ERP systems are already commonly used in large companies and companies that develop because it is considered can improve performance and can help the process efficiency of data each process in system performance for flow can be connected. ERP system implementation is not always running smoothly. When the company failed to perform some of the success factors of ERP implementation, then these companies will experience failure in implementation. Companies must have a good strategy to achieve the desired success. Business strategy is done by optimizing the company's internal resources and innovating to face competition with other companies. By applying an ERP system can help companies to keep up with changes in the business that would later show up to the new business requirements. By using the Means of Engagement (MOE) model concept, the company can know the things to be aware of and consider implementing ERP software, so that it can minimize the failures that will occur. There are three levels in the MOE model, namely Adoption, Approval, Acceptance, and Agreement. At the level of Agreement that can be used by the analysis of clustering.
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There are many challenges that big company faced. One of the challenges that faced by large enterprises is regard data quality issue. In this study, we will investigate the issues focus on data quality issues through assessment methodology connected to the business process. Our objective to measure the data quality based on accuracy and consistency, then propose the solutions for data improvement. In addition, we narrow down the scope to focus on complementary business process of internal work process of XYZ division from for telecommunication company in Indonesia which manages customer order focused on corporate services involves activation, mutation, delete and customer status as stored in the system.
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Nowadays, in a highly computerized system, people have tendency to have not expect privacy to be maintained and continue in its current form if individual control is required and monitored. Especially, in contemporary campaigns for higher office, the candidates often use mass media to deliver political message or having certain campaign developed by expert in the efficient use of providing personal information for the purpose of influencing the voters while some of them may be hidden or exploited by certain parties. Practically, it is impossible to have total control over personal information, once it has been collected and dispersed but it is possible to have privacy without control and vice versa. In election, huge amount of data is stored and transfer from multiple location to other numerous or single location to facilitate tabulation and calculation analysis. Thus, it is critical to conduct monitoring process to prevent crime such as theft, fraud and illegal use, to prevent unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, to comply with the obligation, law and regulation in avoiding discrimination, to maintain productivity and quality of service and to ensure integrity of the systems. This paper explores the election fraud and privacy related issues occurred during the election period in various countries to address the electoral integrity in Indonesia.
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Considering the increase of urban population and traffic congestion, smart parking is always a strategic issue to work on, not only in the research field, but also from economic interests. Thanks to information and communication technology evolution, drivers can more efficiently find satisfying parking spaces with smart parking services. The existing and ongoing works on smart parking are complicated and transdisciplinary. While deploying a smart parking system, cities, as well as urban engineers, need to spend a very long time to survey and inspect all the possibilities. Moreover, many varied works involve multiple disciplines, which are closely linked and inseparable. To give a clear overview, we introduce a smart parking ecosystem and propose a comprehensive and thoughtful classification by identifying their functionalities and problematic focuses. We go through the literature over the period of 2000-2016 on parking solutions as they were applied to smart parking development and evolution, and propose three macro-themes: information collection, system deployment, and service dissemination. In each macro-theme, we explain and synthesize the main methodologies used in the existing works and summarize their common goals and visions to solve current parking difficulties. Finally, we give our engineering insights and show some challenges and open issues. Our survey gives an exhaustive study and a prospect in a multidisciplinary approach. Besides, the main findings of the current state-of-the-art throw out recommendations for future research on smart cities and the Internet architecture.
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In general, electronic election as the technology advancement offers the opportunities to reduce the time and budget of implementation which present the greater advantages than traditional approach. It seeks establish the privacy framework in the context of electronic voting that aligns with the mutual comprehension of relevant factors and measures. The result found that privacy concern and perceived benefit have influenced personal data protection significantly. The success and failure of electronic voting implementation depend on the fulfilment of the voter needs on privacy and personal data protection.
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The literature review conducted for this paper offers an in-depth review of the recent advances in sensing and communication technology concerning parking systems. In addition, this paper presents a survey and analysis of an academic, qualitative literature review. It includes an in-depth study of the selected topics and provides a step by step implementation process. It reviews different smart parking systems used for parking guidance and parking facility management and gives an insight into the technical aspects and specifications analysis of such systems that have been published in academia during the last 15 years
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Project communication is the exchange of project-specific information with the emphasis on creating understanding between the sender and the receiver. It reflected simultaneously to be an indispensable tool to manage project resources systematically. Communication through coordination and cooperation are common approach used for project scheduling, planning and control while collaboration establish the concrete result. Therefore, communication still remained as the main connector above all. Poor communication skill can cause anger, misunderstandings, conflict and distance that eventually influence project process significantly and lead to project failures. Analysis study was conducted to the ‘hiatus’ smart card project implementation in XYZ Malaysian higher education with emphasize the point of communication as the important point should be considered without eliminating other knowledge management area which also important in succession of project. In addition, the analysis study conducted to give limelight specifically towards the smart card implementation in higher education as the reference of other project in preventing project failure happen.
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In recent times the concept of smart cities have gained grate popularity. Thanks to the evolution of Internet of things the idea of smart city now seems to be achievable. Consistent efforts are being made in the field of IoT in order to maximize the productivity and reliability of urban infrastructure. Problems such as, traffic congestion, limited car parking facilities and road safety are being addressed by IoT. In this paper, we present an IoT based cloud integrated smart parking system. The proposed Smart Parking system consists of an on-site deployment of an IoT module that is used to monitor and signalize the state of availability of each single parking space. A mobile application is also provided that allows an end user to check the availability of parking space and book a parking slot accordingly. The paper also describes a high-level view of the system architecture. Towards the end, the paper discusses the working of the system in form of a use case that proves the correctness of the proposed model.
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Back cover text: Megaprojects and Risk provides the first detailed examination of the phenomenon of megaprojects. It is a fascinating account of how the promoters of multibillion-dollar megaprojects systematically and self-servingly misinform parliaments, the public and the media in order to get projects approved and built. It shows, in unusual depth, how the formula for approval is an unhealthy cocktail of underestimated costs, overestimated revenues, undervalued environmental impacts and overvalued economic development effects. This results in projects that are extremely risky, but where the risk is concealed from MPs, taxpayers and investors. The authors not only explore the problems but also suggest practical solutions drawing on theory and hard, scientific evidence from the several hundred projects in twenty nations that illustrate the book. Accessibly written, it will be essential reading in its field for students, scholars, planners, economists, auditors, politicians, journalists and interested citizens.
The book is based on an international research project that analyzed sixty LEPs, among them the Boston Harbor cleanup; the first phase of subway construction in Ankara, Turkey; a hydro dam on the Caroni River in Venezuela; and the construction of offshore oil platforms west of Flor, Norway. As the number, complexity, and scope of large engineering projects (LEPs) increase worldwide, the huge stakes may endanger the survival of corporations and threaten the stability of countries that approach these projects unprepared. According to the authors, the "front-end" engineering of institutional arrangements and strategic systems is a far greater determinant of an LEP's success than are the more tangible aspects of project engineering and management. The book is based on an international research project that analyzed sixty LEPs, among them the Boston Harbor cleanup; the first phase of subway construction in Ankara, Turkey; a hydro dam on the Caroni River in Venezuela; and the construction of offshore oil platforms west of Flor, Norway. The authors use the research results to develop an experience-based theoretical framework that will allow managers to understand and respond to the complexity and uncertainty inherent in all LEPs. In addition to managers and scholars of large-scale projects, the book will be of interest to those studying the relationship between institutions and strategy, risk management, and corporate governance in general. Contributors Bjorn Andersen, Richard Brealey, Ian Cooper, Serghei Floricel, Michel Habib, Brian Hobbs, Donald R. Lessard, Pascale Michaud, Roger Miller, Xavier Olleros