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Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) as a potential photovoltaic technology for
the self-powered internet of things (IoTs) applications
Asad Aslam, Umer Mehmood
, Muhammad Hamza Arshad, Abdulrehman Ishfaq, Junaid Zaheer,
Anwar Ul Haq Khan, Muhammad Sufyan
Polymer and Process Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore, Pakistan
Internet of Things
Indoor solar cells have a prospective to inuence the ecology of the Internet of Things (IoTs), containing
communication devices, actuators, remote, and distributed sensors. Smart IoT sensors have the potential of
performing control functions and mass monitoring, which leads to modernize the industrial and domestic au-
tomation systems. These sensor devices necessitate exceptionally less electrical power in several applications,
and it will be remarkable if they could be driven by an indoor power gathering system. The technology of Dye-
Sensitized Solar Cell has engraved a signicant space in the eld of photovoltaics due to its various distinctive
merits like relatively cheap methods of fabrication, roll-to-roll compatibility, using readily available materials
and easy processing ability on the exible substrates. Multi-colored, semi-transparent dye solar cells/panels also
exhibit exceptional performance in indoor/articial light, consequently streamlining the stage for the indoor
light-harvesting and self-power the applications of IoTs. The objective of this review is to emphasize applications
of DSSCs for IoTs, factors aecting the performance, and challenges in their commercialization. This paper
consists of four parts. The rst part will explain the importance of solar energy and the merits of photovoltaic
technology over other technologies. The second part will describe the evolution of DSSC from the laboratory to
commercialization. The potential of DSSCs for IoT applications will be discussed in the third part. Finally,
challenges and future outlook will be discussed in the last part of this literature.
1. Introduction
Energy is the driving force for economic development, advance-
ment, modernization, and automation. The Energy demand and its
usage are globally increasing, and the researchers seem to have a very
keen interest in the perspective of achieving future energy necessities
(Hasanuzzaman et al., 2012, 2011). Currently, the sources of global
energy are mainly sustained by fossil fuels. However, acquiring energy
directly from the fossil fuel is not the most appropriate and sustainable
way, because it results in the depletion of natural resources as well as it
is also the main cause of CO
emission and global warming
(Hosenuzzaman et al., 2015). Renewable energy is the most appropriate
and sustainable way to fulll the growing energy demand, which can
also be the source of sustainable power generation. The resources of
renewable energy contain wind energy, solar energy, hydropower,
geothermal, biomass, ocean currents and waves, tidal energy, and the
dierences of temperature in the oceans (Hosenuzzaman et al., 2015;
Mekhilef et al., 2011; World Energy Outlook 2012 Analysis - IEA,
n.d.). These technologies of renewable energy generate power,
mechanical energy, or heat energy by utilizing and transforming these
resources either to the electromotive force or to electricity. The utili-
zation of renewable energy presents various advantages that reduce the
release of toxic air contaminants as well as the emission of greenhouse
gasses (GHG) and, thus, provide sustainability to the overall environ-
ment (Nguyen, 2007). Hence, alternative energy resources are required
so that human beings can sustain on Earth without relying solely on
fossil fuels (Mekhilef et al., 2011).
Solar energy has sublime environmental advantages as compared to
other sources of energy and will not produce any CO
rich emissions,
deplete as a natural resource as well as not produce any solid or liquid
waste products (Ahmed et al., 2013; Tsoutsos et al., 2005; Yue and
Huang, 2011). Various countries have been compelled to move towards
environment friendly, sustainable sources of energy and have preferred
solar energy as the most suitable alternative source of energy since it
possesses the minimal adverse inuence on the environment to over-
come the harmful impacts of fossil fuels (Mekhilef et al., 2011). Pho-
tovoltaic (PV) cells are designed to transform the sunlight into elec-
tricity directly. PV cells are mainly classied into two types: i) organic
Received 17 May 2020; Received in revised form 26 June 2020; Accepted 9 July 2020
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (U. Mehmood).
Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
0038-092X/ © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Solar Energy Society.
solar cells and ii) silicon (Si) based inorganic solar cells. Still, the Si-
based solar cells are most demanding in the market of photovoltaic cells
due to their durability and high eciency of approximately 1520%
(Karim et al., 2019; Mehmood et al., 2016a). However, their energy-
intensive processing, rigidity, reduction in the eciency at higher
temperatures and requirement of extremely pure Si are the prominent
concerns in Si solar cells (Płaczek-Popko, 2017). The presence of these
concerns stimulated the researchers to investigate the novel organic
materials for photovoltaic applications.
There are three types of solar cells based on these organic materials,
i.e., DSSC, polymer heterojunction solar cells (PSCs) and perovskite
solar cells (PVSC). Perovskite solar cells give the utmost power-con-
version-eciency (PCE). The most recently recorded PCE of perovskites
is 23.3% in the single-junction layout (Mora-Seró et al., 2020). But,
PVSC are least stable against humidity and oxygen (Meng et al., 2018),
and also, the complexity in their fabrication process provides signicant
complications in their commercialization (Qiu et al., 2018). Likewise,
PSCs also involves a complex process for their cell fabrication purpose
and are also less ecient (10%) (Etxebarria et al., 2015). While DSSCs
are much easier to fabricate and their associated PCE has improved
from 7% to ~14% (Grätzel, 2005; Lee et al., 2017; Mehmood et al.,
2016b). DSSCs possess an ecient power output in the entire range of
lighting conditions, including LED lighting or indoor uorescent. Even,
they can work eciently in the conditions of diused or dim sunlight.
Whereas, Silicon-based solar cells are not as ecient and perform ra-
ther poorly under these lighting conditions (Iwata et al., 2018).
DSSCs found to be very useful, particularly in the applications of
wireless sensor networks (smart cities, smart homes, smart buildings),
sports and medical devices, cameras, security sensors and wearable
electronics (bracelets, armbands, watches, etc.) (RapidFire Consulting,
2018). A substantial amount of these smart electronic and wireless
sensor network is included in the Internet of Things (IoT) environment
that promises the vast networks of connected devices gathering the big
data on which our production, medical, infrastructure, and energy in-
dustries will be examined and optimized. In the future, a huge amount
of wireless sensors are likely to be installed, and nearly half of them will
be placed inside the buildings or in indoor applications (Mathews et al.,
2019; Wireless Sensors: Technologies and Global Markets: IAS019C |
BCC Research, n.d.). These sensor devices necessitate exceptionally low
power in most of their applications, and it will be remarkable if they
could be driven by the lowlight/ indoor power gathering systems
(Gokul et al., 2019). Thus, DSSCs can be potential candidates for IoTs
applications. Although many review papers on DSSCs are available, but
very few cover applications aspect of DSSCs photovoltaic technology.
The objective of this review is to emphasize applications of DSSCs for
IoTs, factors aecting the performance, and challenges in their com-
2. Development of DSSCs from laboratory to commercialization
2.1. Structure of DSSCs
The structure of DSSCs is comprised of dierent layers as compared
to the conventional solar cells based on silicon. Each layer of DSSCs
contains dierent chemical materials that perform a particular action in
the electricity generation from solar energy. The basic assembly of the
component is presented in Fig. 1 (Sharma et al., 2018). This cong-
uration comprises a metal oxide mesoporous semiconductor, con-
ductive transparent substrate, photosensitizer, a catalytic counter
electrode (CE), and an electrolyte.
2.2. Function of each material
Each of the material performs a particular job in DSSCs for the
thorough operation of the cell and has a signicant inuence on the
overall eciency of the cell.
2.2.1. Conductive transparent substrate
At both ends of DSSCs, a transparent and conductive substrate is
used to carry the charges and transport them. The transparent material
can be a polymeric material or glass, layered one side with the con-
ductive media. These substrates enable the thorough deposition of
catalyst and the semi-conductor metallic oxide. Moreover, the con-
ductive media should have a lower resistance to reduce the eect on the
cell performance.
The overall performance of the DSSCs is mainly reliant on the
transparency and electrical conductivity of the substrate. The con-
ducting le should have a resistance between 10 and 20 Ω/cm
(Adedokun et al., 2016). Moreover, the transparency of the medium
should be above 80% (Gong et al., 2012). In DSSCs, ITO (indium tin
oxide) and FTO (uorine tin oxide) are the key conductive substrate
(Mehmood et al., 2014). The comparison of ITO and FTO has revealed
that the FTO is most suitable, considering the overall eciency (η)of
DSSCs (Sima et al., 2010).
2.2.2. Mesoporous semi-conductor metal oxide
Mesoporous semiconductor metal oxide operates as a photo anode
(PE) of DSSCs. Its a porous medium that provides the permeable spaces
for the ecient adsorption of dye. Its part is to capture the electron
from the dye and then transport it to the conductive substrate. The
semi-conductors that are signicantly used in DSSCs are ZnO, TiO
, and SnO
. Owing to their low cost, non-toxicity, abundance,
relatively higher photovoltaic properties, and eciency (ORegan and
Grätzel, 1991a) TiO
has been deliberated as an ideal material for the
DSSCs (Li et al., 2006).
2.2.3. Dye/Photosensitizer
It is a photo-sensitizer, when the light falls on the dye, the electrons
become excited and are transported to the semiconductor. It is the most
essential part of DSSC and various photosensitizers are available based
on their chemical and physical properties. The extensive classication
of photosensitizers is comprised of metal-free sensitizer, natural sensi-
tizer, and metal complex sensitizer. The most important aspect of dye
selection is that the redox potential of the dye should be high so that it
can rapidly regenerate itself by accepting the electron from the elec-
trolyte (Gong et al., 2012). The dye should have the electrochemical
and photo-physical properties for the ecient working in DSSCs
(Mishra et al., 2009; Sharma et al., 2018).
Fig. 1. Arrangement of component and working principle of DSSCs [25].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
)i. Dye must be luminescent.
)ii. Dye should exhibit strong absorption in the near, visible and ul-
traviolet, infrared regions.
)iii. Dye should possess a high coecient of excitation.
)iv. Dye should be hydrophobic in nature to reduce the distortion due
to water, and to improve the stability with time.
)v. Dye should have a more positive value of the highest occupied
molecular orbital (HOMO) than the electrolytes redox potential
and more negative lowest un-occupied molecular orbital (LUMO)
than the semiconductors conduction band (CB).
2.2.4. Electrolyte
The primary function of the electrolyte is to regenerate the dye after
the injection of electrons to the conduction band (CB) of semiconductor
and also to carry the positive charge to the counter electrode. The
electrolyte can be in dierent physical and chemical foam including
Solid-State electrolyte, Liquid electrolyte, (organic electrolytes and
ionic electrolyte), and Quasi-Solid-State electrolyte. The main concern
associated with the liquid electrolyte is its leakage from the DSSCs
(Andrade et al., 2011). The quasi-solid and solid-state electrolytes show
more stability as compared to the liquid electrolytes, however, provide
more resistance in the diusion of electrons which leads to the reduc-
tion of overall performance of the cell (Mehmood et al., 2014). The
quasi-solid state electrolytes possess intermediary viscosity (between
liquid electrolytes and hole transport or solid state electrolytes). How-
ever, quasi-solid state electrolytes oer low electrical conductivity
(Weisspfennig et al., 2014). Therefore, several conductive nano-llers
(metal suldes, metal nitrides, metal oxides and carbonations material)
are recommended to enhance the electrical conductivity of this type of
electrolytes (Venkatesan and Lee, 2017; Wu et al., 2015a).
2.2.5. Counter electrode
The Counter electrode (CE) consists of a thin layer of catalyst on
conductive substrates. The Reduced electrolyte diuses towards the CE
where a reduction reaction occurs between external electrons and the
electrolyte. The electrolyte is regenerated by this reduction reaction. To
improve the reaction kinetics of this reaction, a catalyst is required.
Catalyst is selected by considering the nal application and the cost.
Platinum is considered as the most suitable catalyst due to its high
electrical conductivity, transparency, and activity (Andrade et al.,
2011). For the CE, the other materials are various forms of carbon (Kay
and Grätzel, 1996; Kitamura et al., 2001; Murakami and Grätzel, 2008)
and conductive polymers (Wu et al., 2016).
2.3. Energy level diagram, charge transport mechanism and dynamic
The energy level diagram of DSSC is shown in Fig. 2 (Hagberg et al.,
2008; Santos et al., 2014).
Upon the incident of the radiation, the dye gets excited. The elec-
trons from HOMO move towards the LUMO. From this stage, the
electron tends to move towards the lowest energy level and shift to-
wards the attached conduction band (CB) of the semiconductor.
Electronspass through the mesoporous surface of the semiconductor
and move towards the conduction electrode; from that stage electron
pass through the external load and collect at the counter electrode
where the reduction of electrolyte takes place. During this stage, the
dye becomes decient of electrons and dye overcomes this by taking it
from the electrolyte. In this way, the circuit gets closed, and the ow of
current remains continued. These are forward charge transfer pro-
cesses. In meanwhile, the backward charge transfer (electron motion)
also possible, this aects the eciency of DSSCs considerably.
i. De-excitation of the electron from the excited stage in the dye.
ii. Movement of electrons from the mesoporous semi-conductor to the
oxidized dye.
iii. Transfer of electron from the dye to the electrolyte.
To overcome this phenomenon following conditions should be ful-
i. The LUMO of dye should be at a high energy level than the con-
duction band (CB) of semiconductor (Hara et al., 2003).
ii. The HOMO dye must be at a low energy level than the redox po-
tential of electrolyte (Hara et al., 2003).
iii. Electrolyte redox potential should be at a low energy level than the
conduction band of semiconductor (Hara et al., 2003).
The dynamic of electron transportation is shown in Fig. 3 (Lee et al.,
2015). The de-excitation of electron takes place in 1012 ns. Transfer of
electron from an excited stage to the CB of semi-conductor takes place
in about 150 ps and from semi-conductor to conductive electrode in
100 µs. The back transfer of an electron from semi-conductor to an
oxidized dye and electrolyte occurs in 3 µs and 1 ms, respectively. The
electronic transportation kinetics can be varied with the dierent types
of components involved in DSSCs.
2.4. Developments in Dye-sensitized solar modules (DSCMs)
Over the last two decades, DSSC has engaged remarkable attention
and is currently considered as the most suitable alternative to the
conventional exible photovoltaic (PV) market. The lightweight, ex-
ible, and thin module of DSSCs facilitate their applications on the
Fig. 2. The energy level diagram and working principle of DSSC, the yellow
steps show the step involves in the generation of photocurrent and the black
dashed lines show the dark current [41,42]. (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
Fig. 3. Dynamics of an electron in dierent components of DSSCs [44].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
curved surfaces which considerably extends the scope of application.
Numerous substantial developments have been carried out to improve
and modify DSCMs concerning their dierent material components,
interconnection designs, outdoor stability testing, scalable fabrication
processes, tandem modules, and advanced applications; storage
devices and in harvesting the hybrid energy.
These developments are signicantly advancing their approach to-
wards the decisive objectives of DSSC technology: ecacious com-
mercial implementation as an alternative to fossil fuel and economical
antagonism with the current photovoltaic (Fakharuddin et al., 2014).
Various progressions have been observed in the scalable fabrication of
the DSCMs such as the emergence of solid-state (ss) modules and ss-
DSCs to improve the stability of devices (Crossland et al., 2013;
Matteocci et al., 2014; Plyushch et al., 2019), the introduction of the
exible DSCMs and their associated low processing temperature
(Zardetto et al., 2014, 2013), the fabrication of modules with validate
values of eciency up to 8.2% (Han et al., 2009), and thermal testing of
the transparent conductive oxide based DSSC up to 80 °C (DErcole
et al., 2011; Kado et al., 2003), and their utilization as a smart window
(Agarkar et al., 2012; Kang et al., 2013).
Modern accomplishments e.g., the rst commercial-scale distribu-
tion of DSCMs by Solaronix, Ecient s-DSMs manufactured by Dyesol
(presented eciency ~11.3% at one sun) (Fakharuddin et al., 2014)
and stable up to 90 °C have made the further development in the di-
rection of the eective commercialized production of DSCMs
(Weisspfennig et al., 2014). Fig. 4 (Fakharuddin et al., 2014) displays a
DSCMs development timeline since 1996, when they are rst reported.
It signies the prominent attainments in the advancement of the DSCM
and also plans their upcoming development.
2.5. Dye-sensitized solar modules (DSCMs) fabrication
The fabrication of DSCMs varies from single cells; mostly owing to
the electrical connections present between the neighboring cells. The
technique of Screen printing generally implemented as a means of
coating for the photo-anodes of DSCMs (Ito et al., 2008; Pettersson
et al., 2007) since it allows the precise and facile deposition in a
thickness range of very few up to 20 μm, and also its compatible with
roll-to-roll processing. This is a commercially accessible technique of
printing and can be implemented for printing on plastic as well as on a
glass substrates. The fabrication route of a grid-type interconnected
DSSC module is presented in Fig. 5a, b, and c (Wei et al., 2012); these
illustrate the process of photo-electrode, the process of the nano-Pt
counter electrode and the fabrication process, respectively (Wei et al.,
First, the cleaning of pre-drilled and working counter electrodes is
carried out by using ethanol, acetone, and trichloroethylene, then the
inscribing of electrodes are carried out for the series connections.
Counter electrodes are platinized via depositing the Pt paste and then
cured in a furnace. On the working electrode (WE), TiO
layers are
coated through screen printing to attain the required thickness of the
photoanode (~10 μm). After each coating cycle, the heat treatment
(100 °C) facilitates stabilizing each of the layers. The TiO
conductive substrates are sintered in a furnace to eradicate the binders
contents present in the past. Current collecting fringes (parallel) and
interconnections (series) among the adjacent cells are made through
conductive paste such as silver.
The sensitization of WEs is carried out with the dye, and completion
of the device is achieved via insertion of the patterned CEs on the WEs
that are separated with sealing and 30 to 60 μm thick spacer. The
patterns of Ag are enclosed to prevent their interaction with liquid
electrolyte. Electrolyte lling is done via drilling of holes, and these
holes are wrapped after lling using sealant material and coverslips.
The complete process is also shown in Fig. 5d(Wei et al., 2012). The
usual and common methods of sensitization of PEs are not appropriate
for the production of a batch of DSCM as they involve long hours of
soaking. The accelerated dye-sensitization processes of PEs take a few
minutes for the dye anchoring compared to the conventional overnight
Fig. 4. Historical developments in dye-sensitized solar cells/modules [45].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
dipping process. These types of accelerated dye adsorption processes
considerably reduce the batch production time of DSCMs. Similarly,
during DSCM fabrication, electrolyte lling and encapsulation are
amongst the most important phases. Excellent encapsulation is essential
for durability, and inappropriate lling causes a signicant decrease in
performance for similar sorts of devices. Currently, a vacuum lling of
electrolyte through drilled holes at CEs is being employed continuously.
However, this process is tedious, and to ease the uninterrupted fabri-
cation of DSCMs, various automatic electrolyte lling units are being
used by various companies such as Dyesol Ltd and Solarnix.
2.6. Modules congurations
The fabrication process of the DSCMs is much dierent from the
laboratory scale devices. For the fabrication of a DSSC module con-
sisting of large areas, the additional structures, e.g., metal gridlines, are
essentially used; signicant additional requirements include a protec-
tive layer to provide protection against the corrosive redox couples and
the local isolation of transparent conducting oxide (Wei et al., 2012).
During the fabrication process, intensive attention is required for the
electrical connections as an improper interaction leads to the lower FF
by adding towards series resistance, which will ultimately lower the
PCE (Giordano et al., 2011; Mastroianni et al., 2012). Several structures
have been proposed for the DSCMs; such as the series and parallel
connections. The pros and cons of each structure will be discussed
below. The photovoltaic parameters of dierent DSSCs modules have
been listed in the Table 1.
2.6.1. Series connections
The modules connected in series generally possess a high voltage
but low current. Series connections comprise of W-type (Han et al.,
2009), Z-type (Sastrawan et al., 2006a) and monolithic (Takeda et al.,
2009) connections. Monolithic design.Monolithicdenotes the progressive
deposition of the layers of electrode material by sequential coating
and pressing them (shown in Fig. 6a) (All Screen Printed Dye Sensitized
Solar Modules, n.d.). The several advantages associated with the
monolithic design are that: it can give a substantial reduction in cost
as a single FTO-coated glass plate is required as compared to various
(sandwich) designs, which requires two FTO-coated glass plates. While
in the sandwich design of DSSC, the FTO glass substrates are
accountable for up to 25% of the entire cost of manufacturing (Wei
et al., 2012). The roll-to-roll processing technique is compatible with
Fig. 5. Schematic drawing of a) the process to produce the anode, b) the process to manufacture the counter electrode, c) Schematic drawing of the assembly process
for an interconnected grid-type DSSC module, and d) Complete manufacturing process of DSSC [58].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
the monolithic design of DSMs as they dont involve continuous
thickness of photoanode (Fakharuddin et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2010).
The DSCM fabricated by Kay A et al. in 1996 showed the PCE of
about 5.3% (Kay and Grätzel, 1996). The key aspects of their modules
are: the substitution of expensive Pt catalyst with the cheap porous
carbon as the counter electrode, (ii) a porous thin lm is placed be-
tween CE and PE to avid short circuit but permits the diusion of
electrolyte, and (iii) a continuous process of fabrication of DSMs
Fig. 5. (continued)
Table 1
DSSCs modules congurations and their photovoltaic performance.
Module Conguration Connection type Active Area
Short circuit current
density, J
Open circuit
voltage, V
Fill Factor
Power Conversion
Eciency (PCE) (%)
Series Monolithic 19.75 1.45 3.90 0.61 5.29 (Kay and Grätzel,
90.25 0.44 9.00 0.60 < 2.5 (Takeda et al., 2009)
17.00 ––3.90 (Pettersson et al.,
Z-Type 512 0.27 29.0 0.58 4.50 (Green et al., 2013)
550 0.34 20.0 0.53 3.50 (Sastrawan et al.,
43 1.18 9.00 0.65 7.00 (Giordano et al.,
9.8 0.03 4.72 1.18 (Anggraini et al.,
W-Type 25.5 2.12 6.30 0.61 8.20 (Han et al., 2009)
Parallel 0.26 ~5.5 0.70 0.62 1.80 (Sun et al., 2011)
187 7.00 0.70 0.52 4.84 (Dai et al., 2004)
7.00 11.2 0.76 0.64 5.45 (Ramasamy et al.,
18.1 12.9 0.67 0.63 5.47 (Wei et al., 2013)
2246 0.94 9.00 0.62 5.90 (Dai et al., 2008)
151 15.0 0.72 0.68 7.40 (Wei et al., 2013)
~15 11.5 0.75 0.66 5.52 (Kumara et al., 2012)
~17 1.13 0.72 0.71 9.90 (Lee et al., 2007)
Series + Parallel 110 1.10 2.20 –– (Kato et al., 2009)
90 3.20 1.40 0.56 5.90 (Wei et al., 2012)
Panel with large area 6000 ––2.30 (Hinsch et al., 2012)
14,000 0.067 4.50 0.56 3.58 (Hinsch et al., 2009)
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
connected in series. The major problems associated with the series
design includes the extremely lower value of J
(1.3 mA cm
) regard-
less of the higher value of output voltage (~4 V), poor sealing, and high
opacity of the device. Boschloo et al. (2011) fabricated the DSC module
with the size ranging up to 13.5 cm
. The module comprises of 4 par-
allel connected cells.
The PCE of this monolithic module was 6.6% under the light in-
tensity of 56 W/m
. They used the Screen printing method to prepare
thin lm photoanodes. Rong et al. (2012) manufactured a
10 cm × 10 cm sized all-solid-state monolithic DSCM with a relatively
simple fabrication process containing low cost and highly stable ma-
terial. The PCE of 2.57% has been attained under the state of full
sunlight on the active area which is approximately 61.1% of the total
area. Moreover, they also developed a unique sealing method to pre-
vent the degradation of the module prone to the moisture invasion. Z-type design. Z-type modules (Fig. 6b) (All Screen Printed Dye
Sensitized Solar Modules, n.d.) utilize a vertical conductor (usually
silver), usually protected from the electrolyte by encapsulating layer on
either side (Sastrawan et al., 2006a), to connect the photoelectrode to
the CE of neighboring cells. Toyoda et al fabricated the rst Z-type
design of DSCM in 2004 (Toyoda et al., 2004), joined 64 DSCMs
(10 × 10 cm
) in a series to produce a large panel. The rst testing for
the stability of DSCMs for extended period of time is carried out by
Toyoda et al for six months. They equated the PV performance of
fabricated DSCM with a silicon solar cells module and found a
comparable output power rating.
The main problem observed during the fabrication process is the
enclosed sealing of the DSCMs, which lead to the reduction in the
overall performance. This problem was highlighted by Sastrawan et al.
(2006a) report. They synthesized an extremely stable glass frit as a
sealant. A DSCM (10 cm × 15 cm) was fabricated by Jun et al. (2008)
with signicantly enhanced PCE of 6.6% (V
= 8 V, FF = 0.67 &
= 1.23 mA cm
). The substantial improvement in J
and FF was
accomplished by limiting the width of every individual strip. By the
method of screen printing, Anggraini et al. (2018) fabricated the
working electrode with a per-unit cell size of 10 mm × 98 mm, and
each of the cells was linked in Z-type series that is capable of generating
high voltage. W-type design. Compared to the Z-type design, the W-type
design relatively gives a greater active area as it prevents additional
metallic interrelations (Wang et al., 2010). In W-type design, the
neighboring cells of alternate bias are interrelated, as illustrated in
Fig. 6c(All Screen Printed Dye Sensitized Solar Modules, n.d.). The
absence of further serial interrelations and simpler design can produce
higher FF values of the device.
The W-type DSCMs operate dierently than that of the Z-type
module as two categories of cell conjurations that exist in the same
module, i.e., front-illuminated (PE side) and the back-illuminated side
(CE side). The problem associated with this type of design is that it is
challenging to match the J
of these two dierent types (Giordano
et al., 2011). SHARP Co. presented the highest conrmed value of PCE
in the W-type interconnected DSCMs (8.2% for the active area of
25.45 cm
)(Fakharuddin et al., 2014).
2.7. Parallel connection
Parallel connected modules (shown in Fig. 6d) (All Screen Printed
Dye Sensitized Solar Modules, n.d.) possess a high current output and
low voltage (Dai et al., 2005; Koide et al., 2006). In this connection, the
bottom electrode is connected with glass substrates and border strips
are made of metal grids. Thus the charge is not only collected from the
bottom electrode but also from the border strips (Sommeling et al.,
2004). These metal grids signicantly improve the photovoltaic per-
formance of the DSCMs (Liu et al., 2010b). Späth et al. (2003) presented
the parallel-connected reliable fabrication of the DSMs containing 27
connected DSMs having a total area of ~100 cm
with PCE ~4.3%. Wei
et al. (2013) fabricated a parallel connection DSCM by a screen printed
silver grid and commercially available materials. Via altering the design
pattern of the silver grid, they infer that the performance of the DSSC
modules can be controlled. 7% PCE of DSSC modules can be reached
with the silver grid.
These following designs may lead to the high value of ll factor
(FF); but, their main disadvantage is the small active area caused by
silver current collectors, these collectors are required to be suciently
broad to accumulate the high currents with negligible voltage drops.
Attention must be given to prevent the silver grids from corrosion by
the electrolyte (iodide/triiodide). Thus, the protection of metal grids
from the attack of iodine is a crucial issue associated with the parallel-
Fig. 6. Dye-Solar Module Types [63].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
connected modules. Numerous materials i.e., thermal-curable sealant
(Späth et al., 2003), glass pastes (Lee et al., 2011, 2006; Wei et al.,
2013) and UV-curable sealant, have been presented to examine the
protective impact on the silver grid. Nevertheless, many of these ma-
terials are not commercially available at this time, so the large area
DSSCs devices are not simply fabricated or studied comprehensively by
the researchers to examine the stability or compatibility of new mate-
2.8. Global manufacturer of DSSC/DSCMs
According to the market research report published by P&S
Intelligence, the market of DSSCs is expected to touch 60,589.4 thou-
sand dollars by the year 2023 (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Market to
Reach $60,589.4 thousand by 2023: P&S Intelligence, n.d.). Building-
applied photovoltaics (BAPVs) and building-integrated photovoltaics
(BIPVs) are also the main components of DSSCs market.
Some of the main players recognized through the value chain of the
DSSCs market contain Dyesol Ltd., G24 Innovation Ltd, Solaris
Nanosciences Corporation, Solaronix, 3G Solar Photovoltaics Ltd.,
Konica Minolta Sensing Europe B.V and Merck KGaA, The detail of their
product development and fabrication process and shown in Table 2.
2.9. Major applications of DSSC technology
Although the battery technology is improving, but there is a con-
stant need of either recharging or replacement. An obvious but tech-
nically challenging solution is energy harvesting whereby ambient en-
ergy is captured from environment and converted into electricity. This
electricity can then be used to powerful small autonomous devices.
3GSolar (Israel) company fabricated DSSC modules for various smart
applications, for example:
i. Internet of things
ii. Energy Independent Wi-Fi subcomponents for wireless products
iii. Wireless surveillance cameras and alarm sensors
iv. Sports monitors
v. Portable medical devices
vi. Sensors for monitoring agriculture and dairy forms
vii. Smart watches
Table 2
Global Manufacturer and their products based on DSSC/Module.
Sr. No Manufacturer Products/business Country
1DSSC modules
DSSC for the applications of Bluetooth ®keyboards and e-Readers in the consumer electronics
environment, washroom fragrance dispensers, smoke alarms, smart cards and electronic price labels in
the retail sector.
United Kingdom
2DSSCs for wireless electronics from indoor light. Applications include:
Building sensors like thermosets and smoke detectors.
Wireless surveillance cameras and alarm sensors
Internet of things
3DSSC materials, photovoltaic panels based on Dye Solar Cell technology, and solar cell testing equipment Switzerland
4DSSC materials and solar cell testing equipment Australia
5DSSC material Development Switzerland
6DSSC material development and characterization America
7DSSCs fabrication and commercialization America
8DSCS material development, solar instruments, and commercialization Sweden
9DSSC module fabrication and commercialization Italy
10 4 cell module Fabrication for indoor light conditions
8 cell module Fabrication for outdoor light conditions
United Kingdom
11 Development of solid-state DSSC small modules for internet of thing applications Japan
12 Fabricated DSSC for the AKARIEo-grid lighting equipment. Japan
13 DSSC experiment kit and Measuring instrument Japan
14 Develop various materials for DSSC PV technology. Ireland
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
Here, our primary objective is to focus on the applications of DSSCs
for the Internet of Things. This point will be explained in detail in the
next section.
3. DSSCs/DSCM for wireless sensor networks or the Internet of
Things (IoTs)
The Internet of things (IoT) is a system consisting of interrelated
physical things or objectsrelating to analytics, mechanical and elec-
tronics, etc. It is an intelligent blend of computing and advanced au-
tomation that delivers an optimized solution of networking, articial
intelligence, data handling, and sensing technologies. This ecosystem
facilitates the transfer of data over a wider network which consists of
physical devices, electronics appliances and other things with little or
no human-to-computer or human to human intervention. It has been
estimated that by 2025, many problems of our lives will be medicated
with the help of 75 billion IoT based devices both for outdoor and the
majority of which will be located indoors (Michaels et al., 2020). The
new wave of technology has focused on making human life much more
automated, comfortable and simplied using the right amalgamation of
productivity and eciency. In specied wording, by taking the ad-
vantage of cutting-edge technologies such as Machine to Machine
(M2M), Machine Feeding Communications and Articial Intelligence
(AI), this technology has a goal to extend the support for beyond the
internet supported devices (smartphones, desktops, tablets, and lap-
tops) to a huge range of non-internet supported devices which are air
conditioners, coee makers, door locker, washing machines, etc., which
will enable a person to control and direct with the assistance of smart
mobile devices. A small list of many possible IoT applications in various
sectors is shown in Fig. 7 (IoT application domains - Hands-On Deep
Learning for IoT, n.d.).
3.1. Structure and working of Internet of Things (IoTs)
A complete IoT system consists of four dierent components that
together exchange information by getting the input from the
environment and providing the desired output as shown in Fig. 8a
(Internet of Things: What It Is, How It Works, Examples and More |
JUSTCreative, n.d.). These four components are sensors, connectivity,
data processor and analyzer and user interface. The rst step for the
function of IoT based devices is to gather information from the sur-
rounding environment. Fig. 8b(Internet of Things: What It Is, How It
Works, Examples and More | JUSTCreative, n.d.) shows the process of
collection of data from the surrounding with the help of sensors and
other devices. Once the data is collected, it is sent to the IoT platform
also known as cloud infrastructure with the assistance of transferring
medium. There are various wired and wireless bases networking tech-
nologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LPWAN, Cellular Network Ethernet,
etc. Their connectivity options are selected by analyzing the power
consumption, bandwidth, connectivity rang, complexity level, specic
requirements of IoT devices and applications. As the data transferred to
the cloud infrastructure, it is stored, analyzed with the fed programmed
information and transfer information to the user interface. The user
interface communicates between human and data processing units of
IoT. This interface provides feedback through text, light color in-
dicators, emails, or sound alert attached to the IoT devices.
3.2. Power sources for IoT applications
For the proper functioning of IoT devices, there is a requirement of
an uninterrupted power supply. These devices utilize a large number of
sensors nodes operating simultaneously which require replaceable or
chargeable power sources with proper maintenance as well. However,
the solution is not feasible; demands a power source with low or zero
maintenance. Therefore, it is a great concern to power sources that can
operate with good eciency in this environment. One solution to this
problem is the utilization of energy harvesting technologies, e.g. pho-
tovoltaic devices have the potential to provide power for the huge
domain of applications as shown in Fig. 9 (Michaels et al., 2020). In-
door photovoltaic has enough potential to power IoT domain applica-
tions including sensors, actuators, and other communication devices.
Photovoltaic devices are the persistent source of energy for indoor
Fig. 7. Internet of things application Domains [93].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
applications and are rapidly growing. This can drive signicant demand
for indoor photovoltaic with existing and novel photovoltaic technol-
ogies. Thus, photovoltaic technologies can remove the barrier in the
successful development of smart,portableand independentde-
vices with an eective energy sources as well in ambient indoor con-
DSSCs are known for their high performance in ambient/indoor
light environment (as shown in Fig. 9). Indoor 'light intensity or
illumination is usually measured in the Luxunit. This illumination
unit is based on the spectral response of the human eye. DSSCs work
can work in a wide range of indoor light conditions from low light
conditions (50 lx) through dim living room light (200 lx) to brightly-lit
supermarkets (1000 lx) Indoor Dye Sensitized Solar Cells | GCellG24
[WWW Document], n.d), as shown in Fig. 10 Indoor Dye Sensitized
Solar Cells | GCellG24 [WWW Document], n.d). Remarkably, it has
been reported that under 1000 lx indoor illumination their light to
Fig. 8. a) Structure of Internet of Things and b) dierent types of sensors [94].
Fig. 9. Fully autonomous IoT devices powered by harvested ambient light directly convert photons into computational information [92].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
electricity conversion eciency was found to 28.9%, excelling the
conventional silicon and even GaAs based photovoltaics under indoor
conditions and hence paced the path to applications in IoT devices
(Freitag et al., 2017; Minnaert and Veelaert, 2014). Recently, however,
it has been reported that the eciency of the DSSC based on dyes
XY1b/Y123 was found to 32% at 1000 lx intensity (Cao et al., 2018).
Fig. 11 shows the electrical energy utilized by various types of sensors
and required DSSCs size for their device operations (Nobuo Tanabe,
4. Commercialization challenges
The non-technical barriers to the successful commercialization of
indoor photovoltaics (IPV) technologies include costs when production
run in low volumes of IPV modules, stability concerns, toxicity level,
and market potentials.
4.1. Cell eciency and stability
Stability and eciency are the major concerns in DSSCs. The dif-
ference in physical and chemical properties aects the performance and
the long-term stability. The broad classication of electrolyte is shown
in Fig. 12.
4.1.1. Liquid electrolytes
The rst electrolyte used in DSSCs showed PCE of 78% consisting
of iodide/triiodide redox couple (ORegan and Grätzel, 1991b). The
liquid electrolytes show many advantages, such as high conductivity,
low viscosity, easy to prepare, good interaction with the electrode, and
high conversion eciency. To the date, the highest PCE of liquid
electrolyte based DSSC is 14% under a full light intensity of the sun
(Kakiage et al., 2015). However, liquid electrolytes cause leakage pro-
blems and it is dicult to make leakage prof assembly of DSSCs. The
problem is being overcome by using quasi-solid or solid-state electro-
lytes. Although viscous electrolytes have also been developed to over-
come these problems in DSSCs (Wang, 2003; Sommeling et al., 2004;
Toyoda et al., 2004). Organic electrolyte. Solvents based on organic species are used
for the diusion and transfer of charges between the electrodes of
DSSCs. Several types of redox couples have been utilized in electrolytes,
such as, SCN
and SCN
(Bergeron et al.,
2005; Oskam et al., 2001). The electrolytic solvents should be: less toxic
in nature and no light absorption in the visible region (Sauvage, 2014),
and inert to avoid any side reaction (Asghar et al., 2010). The stability
and power conversion eciency (PCE) of DSSCS based on organic
electrolytes are listed in Table 3. Ionic liquid electrolyte. Ionic liquid electrolytes are more stable
as compared to organic liquids owing to their solvent -free
characteristics. ILs have moderate ionic conductivity. In DSSCs, both
cationic and anionic species are used. Ammonium/Phosphonium salts
and heteroatomic and weak intermolecular species are the main
cationic ILs. Halides, complex anions or pseudo-halides are the
anionic ILs (Wu et al., 2015a). They possess low volatility, and
Fig. 10. Indoor Light Levels at dierent conditions: very low (50 lx) for ordinary light bulb and intermediate for supermarkets (1000 lx) [95].
Fig. 11. Power consumed by dierent types of sensors and required DSSCs size
for their device operations [98].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
therefore more stable compared to organic electrolytes. But they could
not resolve the leakage issue in DSSCs. The PCE and stability of DSSC
based on ILs are shown in Table 4.
4.1.2. Solid state Hole-Transporting material
To overcome the leakage and loss in eciency with the time, solid
state hole transport materials have been developed (Chung et al., 2012;
Hagfeldt et al., 2010). The solid state materials act as p-type semi-
conductors or Hole-Transporting Material (HTMs). The band-gap of
HTMs must be comparable with the LUMO of photosensitizer and the
conduction band (CB) of the semiconductor. The HTMs can be organic
or inorganic. The PCE of DSSCs based on HTMs electrolytes has been
shown in Table 5.
Solid-State DSSCs usually possess low PCE due to following draw-
a. Because of their solid nature, they create an electrically week con-
tact with the dye and the semiconductor causing improper dye re-
b. Due to high resistance in hole transportation, the electrical series
resistance increases, which results in reduced eciency.
c. HTMs possess intrinsic electrical conductivity as compare to liquid
Inorganic HTMS includes CuI, CuBr, CuSCN, CsSnI
(Wang et al.,
2005), Cs
(Zhou et al., 2013). Organic HTMs has advantage on
inorganic HTMs due to low cost, easy deposition and interaction with
4.1.3. Quasi-Solid electrolyte
Quasi-Solid electrolyte (QSE) was developed to replace the liquid
electrolytes. The leakage problem can be minimized by using QSEs.
However, they show low PCEs owing to high viscosity. The charge
transport or diusion drastically reduces with viscosity (Asghar et al.,
2010; Nogueira et al., 2004).
QSE consists of polymer and inorganic salt or solvent as a catalyst
(Hallinan and Balsara, 2013). This electrolyte is not solid or liquid but a
hybrid structure consisting of both cohesive and diusive transport
properties of solid and liquid respectively (Song et al., 1999).
Further, Quasi-Solid has based upon the nal product produced.
a. Thermoplastic Quasi-Solid Electrolyte: polymer matrix and solvent
of ionic salts mixture which foam a thermoplastic material
(Stankovich et al., 2007).
b. Thermoset Quasi-Solid Electrolyte: polymer matrix and solvent or
ionic salts that react and foam a thermoset material (Wu et al.,
c. Composite electrolyte: polymer matrix solidied with TiO
based powder or nano particles and liquid electrolyte (Marchezi
et al., 2016)
d. QS ionic liquid electrolyte: It is combination of polymer matrix or
inorganic nanoparticle in an ionic liquid (Jin et al., 2016). Thermoplastic Polymer Electrolyte (TPPE). TPPEs are stable and
Fig. 12. Classication of electrolytes for DSSCs.
Table 3
PCE and stability attained by the organic liquid electrolyte.
Sr. No Solvent + Redox couple Life time PCE (%) Ref
1 Acetonitrile (ACN) + [Co(phen)
14.30 (Fakharuddin et al., 2014)
2 ACN + [Co(bpy)
500 h at 25 °C 13.00 (Mathew et al., 2014)
3 ACN + [Cu(tmby)
11.30 (Freitag et al., 2017)
4 ACN + I
(DmPII) GuNCS/TBP 11.20 (Nazeeruddin et al., 2005)
5 ACN + I
(DmPII) GuNCS/TBP 10.50 (Gao et al., 2008)
6 Methoxy acetonitrile + I
(DmPII) MAN/TBP 10.40 (Nazeeruddin et al., 2001)
7 (ACN +Valerontrile) + I
(PMII) TBP Unstable 10.20 (Wang et al., 2004)
8 (ACN + N-methyl + Oxazolidinone) + I
10.00 (Nazeeruddin et al., 1993)
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
reversible polymer based electrolytes. Some TPPEs and their PV
performance are given in Table 6. These electrolytes have reversible
temperature transition from a gel state to the solution stage. These
types of gels have a glass transition temperature (T
) and the post
processing should not be at higher temperature than the degradation
temperature of the polymer gel. Thermoset Polymer Electrolyte (TSPE). TSPEs have no
temperature transitions; they are chemically crosslinked (Mahmood,
2015). There are various methods that can be used to prepare TSPE.
Thermo in-situ, photo in-situ, and liquid electrolyte adsorption method
are the main preparation methods, as shown in Fig. 13 (Wu et al.,
i. In in-situ photo-polymerization, monomers and oligomers are dis-
solved in a liquid electrolyte containing cross-linker. After joining
the electrodes of DSSCs, light irradiation is introduced on the cell to
start the in-situ crosslinking reaction (Komiya et al., 2004; Murai
et al., 2002).
ii. In in-situ heat polymerization, thermal energy is used to initiate the
crosslinking reaction instead of light as in light polymerization
(Bella and Bongiovanni, 2013).
iii. Liquid electrolyte adsorption method, electrolyte is adsorbed in
crossed linked structure to ll the vacant spaces (Lan et al., 2007).
Wang et al. reported a typical TSPE by heat cross-linked gel elec-
trolyte. The electrolyte is in-situ heated at 80 °C for a crosslinking
reaction. This cell showed an ecient of 7.72% under full luminance
(Wang et al., 2005). Dong et al. synthesized a gel copolymer in which
liquid electrolyte is adsorbed by the oligomerization reaction (Dong
et al., 2013). Their cell showed the PCE of 9.48% under full sunlight.
This high eciency could be attributed to good adhesion or interfacial
contact between components of a cell. Wu et al. (Wang et al., 2005)
fabricated a TSGE based cell consisting of poly (acrylic acid)-ethylene
glycol hybrid that absorbs liquid electrolyte. This cell achieved a con-
version eciency of 6.1%. Ho et al. (Yang et al., 2009) synthesized
liquid electrolyte adsorption based DSSCs consisting of a copolymer of
poly(oxyethylene) segments amine termini, the amido-acid linker to
form a nanochannel on which liquid electrolyte is adsorbed. Amide
based crosslinker was used to make an interconnected structure. Their
fabricated cell achieved a PCE of 9.48%. Park et al. (2013) synthesized
porous polymer lm by using methyl methacrylate (MMA) and organic
solvent of 1, 6-hexanediol diacrylate. Their fabricated DSSC showed
PCE of 10.6% under full sunlight intensity. The life of this cell was
600 h. Polymer composite electrolyte. Polymer composite electrolyte is
synthesized by adding nanoparticle in a polymer matrix to make a
porous structure and reduce crystallinity (Zhang et al., 2016). The
nanoparticles are used to increase the interfacial properties,
mechanical, and conductive properties. These nanomaterial includes
, SiO
, ZnO and carbon-based material (Ileperuma, 2013;
Mahmood, 2015; Zhang et al., 2016). Scrosati and Croce et al. utilized
the TiO
and Al
to increase the conductivity of electrolyte consisting
. The conductivity increased from 10
to 10
with the addition of llers at 30 °C (Croce et al., 2000). The PEG
consisting of polyvinyl(acetate-co-methyl methacrylate) as a base
polymer and acrylonitrile (ACN) as a solvent was synthesized by
Wang et al. (2013). They also used I
as a redox couple. The
electric conduction increases and consequently the eciency of ACN-
based electrolyte increase from 9.10% to 9.40% and 3-
Methoxypropionitrile (MPN) based electrolyte increases from 8.6% to
8.98% at 100 mW cm
. Nano clay mineral for the gel formation
purpose is being used in a liquid electrolyte to polymer composite
electrolyte (Tu et al., 2008) because of its multifunctional properties.
Carbon-based particles have also been employed in polymer com-
posite electrolyte owing to their unique characteristics such as con-
ductivity, make electron transfer easy and provides catalytic eects
(Chen et al., 2010). Polymer-composite electrolytes provide good
electrical conductivity and interfacial contacts to accomplish a higher
eciency along with long term stability.
Table 4
Stability and the PCE of ionic Electrolyte based DSSCs.
Sr. No. Electrolyte Components Life time PCE (%) Ref
, NBB GuNCS, NaI in BN 1000 h/60 °C 10.0 (Sauvage et al., 2011)
, NBB, GuNCS in 3-Methoxypropionitrile (MPN) 1000 h/60 °C 9.60 (Shi et al., 2008)
3 PMImI, I
, GuSCN, NMBI in MPN 1000 h/80 °C 8.00 (Wang et al., 2004)
, NMBI in PMImI/EMImTCM 672 h/60 °C 7.40 (Wang et al., 2005)
5 PMII, 4-OH-TEMPO, NOBF4, LiTFSI, NBB, in MPN 800 h/25 °C 7.20 (Chen et al., 2013)
Table 5
PCE of DSSCs based on HTMs.
Sr. No HTM PCE (%) Ref
1*Cu(II/I) HTM 11 (Cao et al., 2017)
2 Fluorine doped CsSnI
+ SnF
8.5 (Chung et al., 2012)
+ Li-TFSI + TBP 8 (Lee et al., n.d.)
4 TiO
/N719/P3OT/Au 1.3 (Lancelle-Beltran
et al., 2006)
5 2,2-bis(3,4-
6.1 (Liu et al., 2010a)
6Spiro-OMeTAD + AQ310 8 (Li et al., 2017)
7Spiro-OMeTAD + TeCA 7.7 (Xu et al., 2015)
8Spiro-OMeTAD + FK102 (Co3 + ) 7.2 (Burschka et al.,
* [Cu(4,4,6,6-tetramethyl-2,2-bipyridine)
) and [Cu(4,4,6,6-tetramethyl-2,2-bipyridine)
Table 6
Photovoltaic performance of DSSC s based on TPEs.
Sr. No. Polymer Solvent PCE (%) Ref
1 PAN, ethylene carbonte, polypropylene carbonate CAN, NaI, I
35(Cao et al., 1995)
2 Copolymer poly(epichlorohydrin-co-ethylene oxide) NaI/ I
1.3 (Nogueira et al., 1999)
3 PEO, urea (4%) as plasticizer I
redox mediators 6.82 (Lee et al., 2009)
4 polyethylene glycol (40%) Polycarbonate (60%), I
redox couple 7.22 (Wu et al., 2007a)
redox couple 10.37 (Hwang et al., 2017)
6 Poly(EO-co-PO)trimethyl acrylate EC + GBL 8.1 (Komiya et al., 2004)
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
4.2. Toxicity
DSSCs consist of dierent components and each component has a
dierent toxicity level. The conductive glass substrates have no toxicity
in normal conditions because of very thin layer of FTO or ITO materials
on glass substrates. The mesoporous semiconductor TiO
is inexpensive
and non-toxic in nature (Baraton, 2011). It is extensively utilized in
DSSCs owing to these characteristics. The photosensitizer is the basic
component of DSSCs and available in dierent categories. The broad
classication of DSSCs is Ru-complex dyes, quantum dot sensitizer
(QD), metal-free organic dyes, perovskite-based sensitizer, and natural
dyes (Shalini et al., 2016). The Ru-complexes are toxic in nature (Ito,
2011), The QD sensitizers is consisted of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb)
chalcogenides. Both have high toxicity levels. Recently, a series of QDs
have been developed consisting of colloidal ternary or quaternary metal
free products (Lefrançois et al., 2015; Pan et al., 2014; Park et al., 2016;
Santra et al., 2013). These newly developed QDs are non-toxic and have
band gaps of (11.5 eV).
Organic dyes are non-toxic because of metal-free contents. Lead-
based perovskite dyes are toxic and current research is focusing on the
lead-free perovskites having high eciency with non-toxicity (Ke and
Kanatzidis, 2019). The electrolytes utilized in DSSCs were consisting of
dierent physical form and toxicity levels. Especially some liquid based
electrolytes can cause toxicity and instability, such as acrylonitrile,
toxic metal-based compounds (Xiang et al., 2013). Although quasi-solid
and solid-state electrolytes are comparatively stable and less toxic but
have low eciency. The current research is focusing on the develop-
ment of a quasi-solid electrolyte with high eciency and stability
(Nogueira et al., 2004). The CE is a solid or exible electrical conductor
that is responsible for the transport of charges and catalytic action. It is
available in dierent chemical and physical foam (Wu et al., 2017). The
toxic eects of CE depend on its nature. However, research is focused
on the development of high performance less expensive CE materials
(Thomas et al., 2014).
4.3. Manufacturing cost
The manufacturing cost of DSSCs incorporates material cost, pro-
cessing cost, and overhead cost (shown in Fig. 14)(All Screen Printed
Dye Sensitized Solar Modules, n.d.). The overall manufacturing cost of
DSSCs mainly depends on the type of material used and the method of
their fabrication (Kalowekamo and Baker, 2009). The most important
contribution in the overall manufacturing cost of DSSCs is the material
cost which includes substrates, dye, and electrolyte. They contribute
around 5060% of overall manufacturing costs (Hashmi et al., 2011; Ip
et al., 2012). The key part of materials is rigid glass substrate, which
accomplishes almost 60% of the overall material expense. Using exible
substrates such as plastic and paper could reduce the overall cost of
DSSCs (Kalowekamo and Baker, 2009; Wang and Kerr, 2011).
4.4. Market entry/Emergence of DSSCs/DSCM business
Many companies are fabricating DSSCs globally (shown in Table 2)
owing to increase in the market potential that is estimated to grow
12.4% from 2015 to 2022. DSSCs were worth 49.6 million USD in 2014
and it is estimated to capture 130 million USD by 2022 on an inter-
national level (Shakeel Ahmad et al., 2017). The emergence of DSSCs in
the photovoltaic market is huge as companies like Dyesol has ocially
started its new manufacturing facilities in Queanbeyan, Australia on
October 7, 2008. Later on, it has announced a partnership with Tata
Steel (TATA-Dyesol) and Pilkington Glass (Dyetec-Solar) for large scale
manufacturing and development of building-integrated photovoltaics
(BIPVs). Dyesol has also extended its working relation with CSIRO,
Umicore, Merck, Japanese ministry of economy and trade, Singapore
aerospace manufacturing, and joint venture with TIMO Korea (Dyesol-
TIMO). DSSCs are low-cost photoconversion solutions with ease of
manufacturing facility and they can also be made in the bifacial con-
guration. Further, DSSCs have high photoconversion eciency in
diuse sunlight and cloudy environments as compare to conventional
Si-based solar cells. The third-generation dye-sensitized solar cells have
proven that they can replace conventional Si-based solar cells with their
low-cost material, cheap manufacturing technology and high perfor-
mance that has proved to a promising candidate for future technologies.
The eciency of perovskites solar cell has been reported around 20% in
less than ten years, but they are unstable (Mingsukang et al., 2017).
5. Future outlook and recommendations
There is a closed competition between DSSCs and other thin-lm
counterparts based on market availability and the price. Grand View
Fig. 13. Thermoset polymer Electrolyte preparation methods in DSSCs [144].
A. Aslam, et al. Solar Energy 207 (2020) 874–892
Research report revealed the worth of DSSCs technology about 49.6
million US$ in the photovoltaic market in 2014. It means, a constantly
increasing growth rate of 12% from 2015 to 2022 (shown in Fig. 15)
(Global E-Paper Display Market Worth USD 28.87 Billion by 2022,
n.d.; Shakeel Ahmad et al., 2017). Exponential growth is being pre-
dicted because of a large number of increasing applications of DSSCs in
numerous elds. The commercial and residential installations of DSSCs
with BIPVs and building-applied photovoltaics (BAPVs) have enhanced
their market growth (shown in Fig. 15). Following names belong to
well-recognised manufacturers in the DSSCs market include EXEGER
Sweden AB, Dyesol Ltd., Solaris Nanosciences Corporation, G24 In-
novation Ltd, Merck KGaA, CSIRO, Solaronix, 3G Solar Ltd., and G24
Power Ltd.
The major challenges in the commercialization of DSSCs are their
low stability and low PCE (Fakharuddin et al., 2014) and so far the
highest recorded eciency is only 13% (Mathew et al., 2014). To
commercialize the DSSCs, massive approaches have been taken but
several features for the observation and the collaborative work are re-
quired to date. In this context, some recommendations are being sug-
gested mentioned below are:
i. Extensive research is required to minimize and/or control interface
barriers, as charge transport mechanism at the interface plays a
signicant role in determining the photovoltaic performance of
ii. The conductivity of substrates is one of the vital parameters. The
FTO and ITO based substrates are continuously being employed in
devices. But due to their rigid nature, their conductivity is still not
up to the mark. Therefore, the utilisation of conductive polymers
such as polyaniline and polythiophene could be considered as
substrates for exible electronics. The deposition of conductive
materials (FTO or ITO) onto a Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
and/or Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) substrates could be
considered too. However, low-temperature TiO
paste will be re-
quired to make exible DSSCs.
iii. Incompetent light scattering inside the PEs is considered as the core
factor of poor optical properties and low current density. Pure or
bare TiO2 PE shows poor light harvesting eciency (LHE) as well as
charge collection eciency (LSE) owing to poor light scattering
ability of TiO
. The LHE and LSE both could be improved by doping
with various elements, by modifying the morphology of TiO
(NWs, NTs, hollow sphere, coreshell structure, etc.) and by making
nanocomposites along with carbon allotropes.
iv. Steps towards commercialization of DSSCs could be considered
more signicant by enhancing their stability for a long period.
DSSCs could be able to have experience of 10
turnovers by 20 years
exposure to sunlight. DSSCs based on liquid electrolyte exhibit poor
stability. Their stability could be improved by employing solid-state
electrolytes (as described in Section 4.1.3). Leakage and high vo-
latility of electrolytes drastically reduce the performance of DSSCs.
Therefore, polymer gel electrolytes can be recommended for the
v. To cope up the challenges such as synthesis of low-cost and ecient
catalysts, conductive polymers and their nanocomposites could be
the alternative source of Pt catalyst.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inu-
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... The function of the photoanode is to catch electrons from dye molecules and deliver them to the substrate. The most important semiconductors that have been frequently used in DSSCs are titania (TiO2), zinc oxide (ZnO), tin oxide (SnO 2 ), and niobium pentoxide (Nb 2 O 5 ) [8], TiO 2 and ZnO showing the most promising results [9]. Photo corrosion and dark corrosion are the reason for not accepting some semiconductors such as cadmium sulfide (CdS), silicon (Si), gallium phosphide (GaP) and cadmium selenide (CdSe) to be used in DSSCs. ...
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Ruthenium (Ru) dyes are a well-known player in the field of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) due to their high efficiency and excellent stability. Their properties and complexes have been studied for almost three decades. Although these sensitizers show better performances, their high cost makes these third-generation solar devices less economical. Organic dyes have recently been explored as an alternative to Ru-based dyes due to their easy and low-cost synthesis. A comparative performance evaluation of Ru complexes and dicyanoisophorone and rhodanine organic dyes in ZnO-based DSSCs is here reported. All the Ru complexes showed better performance in comparison to organic dyes except R-4. Among the Ru sensitizers, R-3 exhibited the highest efficiency of 1.21% followed by R-2, which is attributed to the presence of several anchoring groups such as carboxyl, nitro and amine. However, the presence of more nitrogen-based groups has drastically reduced the performance as observed for R-4, which is the least performing dye among the Ru-based ones. On the contrary, organic sensitizers S-06 and P-4 revealed to be less efficient with respect to R-3 owing to the presence of only one anchoring group and weak photoanode/dye interaction.
... DSSCs are generally constructed from a semiconductor layer, a redox electrolyte, and a dye molecule that serves as the light-capturing core. Building DSSCs with TiO 2 as the semiconductor surface has many advantages, including high efficiency, low cost, and ease of manufacturing [4,5]. Basically, dyes or molecules are considered to be the primary component of DSSCs as they transform absorbed solar energy into electricity by initiating charge separation and transfer processes [6][7][8][9]. ...
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One useful technique for increasing the efficiency of organic dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) is to extend the π-conjugated bridges between the donor (D) and the acceptor (A) units. The present study used the DFT and TD–DFT techniques to investigate the effect of lengthening the polyene bridge between the donor N, N-dimethyl-anilino and the acceptor dicyanovinyl. The results of the calculated key properties were not all in line with expectations. Planar structure was associated with increasing the π-conjugation linker, implying efficient electron transfer from the donor to the acceptor. A smaller energy gap, greater oscillator strength values, and red-shifted electronic absorption were also observed when the number of polyene units was increased. However, some results indicated that the potential of the stated dyes to operate as effective dye-sensitized solar cells is limited when the polyene bridge is extended. Increasing the polyene units causes the HOMO level to rise until it exceeds the redox potential of the electrolyte, which delays regeneration and impedes the electron transport cycle from being completed. As the number of conjugated units increases, the terminal lobes of HOMO and LUMO continue to shrink, which affects the ease of intramolecular charge transfer within the dyes. Smaller polyene chain lengths yielded the most favorable results when evaluating the efficiency of electron injection and regeneration. This means that the charge transfer mechanism between the conduction band of the semiconductor and the electrolyte is not improved by extending the polyene bridge. The open circuit voltage (VOC) was reduced from 1.23 to 0.70 V. Similarly, the excited-state duration (τ) decreased from 1.71 to 1.23 ns as the number of polyene units increased from n = 1 to n = 10. These findings are incompatible with the power conversion efficiency requirements of DSSCs. Therefore, the elongation of the polyene bridge in such D-π-A configurations rules out its application in solar cell devices.
... This is one of the essential advantages that DSSCs have in relation to other photovoltaic cell technologies. For example, the Internet of Things (IoT), technology that aims to connect all kinds of electronic devices, sensors, wearable devices, and smart meters through wireless connections [8]. ...
Renewable energies are playing a critical role in reducing emissions in the energy generation sector. Photovoltaic technologies have reduced their cost due to the improvements in conversion efficiency, the cost of the materials, the economies of scale, and the investments made in research and development in the private and public sectors. The Grätzel cells are part of the third generation of photovoltaics. This generation of photovoltaics looks to achieve photovoltaic devices with great efficiency while keeping low costs using thin layer processes and non-toxic materials. One of the main features of these solar cells, also known as dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), is that the spectrum of absorbed light depends on the dye used and can be tuned, which have a big effect on the performance of the cell. This feature grants this device great versatility, which gives this technology a great potential to give energy to devices in indoor illumination and as Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). The relevance and working principle of the Grätzel cells are presented in this text, as well as the steps that were required to build these solar cells in a laboratory setting.
Herein, the copolymer composition of [AN] and [4VP] units of [P(AN-co-4VP)]2-b-PEO (here, AN = acrylonitrile, 4VP = 4-vinylpyridine, and PEO = poly(ethylene oxide)) block copolymer (BCP) was controlled by reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization to make it acetonitrile-soluble BCP so that this BCP can be further converted into in situ three-dimensional (3D) network polymer gel electrolytes (PGEs) inside the cell by quaternization reaction in acetonitrile-based liquid electrolyte media. Before in situ application, a fully semisolid 3D network polymer gel with high mechanical stability was obtained by optimizing the quaternization reaction conditions in an iodine liquid electrolyte medium. The excess cross-linking agent, 1,8-diiodooctane, was utilized to ensure a fully quasi-solid-state gel by chemical cross-linking in the presence of iodine and tert-butylpyridine (TBP) of the liquid electrolyte. The addition of liner PEGDME (average MW 2000) in a cross-linking polymer further enhances the mechanical stability of the network PGE. A remarkable photovoltaic performance, above 7% efficiency, was found for quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells (QSS-DSSCs) under 1 sun conditions, around 20% lower than that for volatile liquid-state DSSCs. However, the deviation of efficiency for QSS-DSSCs by using in situ 3D semi-IPN PGE was reduced to 10% with liquid-state DSSCs under compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) ambient light. 16–20% efficiency of QSS-DSSCs by in situ semi-IPN PGE under CFL light intensity of 200–2000 lx can be entirely satisfactory in terms of flexibility and mechanical stability of the device, which ensures the potential of these QSS devices to power indoor-placed wireless devices and low-powered consumer electronic devices.
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Micro-energy harvesting (MEH) is a technology of renewable power generation which is a key technology for hosting the future low-powered electronic devices for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and, the Internet of Things (IoT). Recent technological advancements have given rise to several resources and technologies that are boosting particular facets of society. Many researchers are now interested in studying MEH systems for ultra-low power IoT sensors and WSNs. A comprehensive study of IoT will help to manage a single MEH as a power source for multiple WSNs. The popular database from Scopus was used in this study to perform a review analysis of the MEH system for ultra-low power IoT sensors. All relevant and important literature studies published in this field were statistically analysed using a review analysis method by VOSviewer software, and research gaps, challenges and recommendations of this field were investigated. The findings of the study indicate that there has been an increasing number of literature studies published on the subject of MEH systems for IoT platforms throughout time, particularly from 2013 to 2023. The results demonstrate that 67% of manuscripts highlight problem-solving, modelling and technical overview, simulation, experimental setup and prototype. In observation , 27% of papers are based on bibliometric analysis, systematic review, survey, review and based on case study, and 2% of conference manuscripts are based on modelling, simulation, and review analysis. The top-cited articles are published in 5 different countries and 9 publishers including IEEE 51%, Elsevier 16%, MDPI 10% and others. In addition, several MEH system-related problems and challenges are noted to identify current limitations and research gaps, including technical, modelling, economic, power quality, and environmental concerns. Also, the study offers guidelines and recommendations for the improvement of future MEH technology to increase its energy efficiency, topologies, design, operational performance, and capabilities. This study's detailed information, perceptive analysis, and critical argument are expected to improve MEH research's viable future.
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The field of photovoltaics gives the opportunity to make our buildings ‘‘smart’’ and our portable devices “independent”, provided effective energy sources can be developed for use in ambient indoor conditions. To address this important issue, ambient light photovoltaic cells were developed to power autonomous Internet of Things (IoT) devices, capable of machine learning, allowing the on-device implementation of artificial intelligence. Through a novel co-sensitization strategy, we tailored dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells based on a copper (II/I) electrolyte for the generation of power under ambient lighting with an unprecedented conversion efficiency (34%, 103 μW cm⁻² at 1000 lux; 32.7%, 50 μW cm⁻² at 500 lux and 31.4%, 19 μW cm⁻² at 200 lux from a fluorescent lamp). A small array of DSCs with a joint active area of 16 cm2 was then used to power machine learning on wireless nodes. The collection of 0.947 mJ or 2.72∙1015 photons is needed to compute one inference of a pre-trained artificial neural network for MNIST image classification in the employed set up. The inference accuracy of the network exceeds 90% for standard test images and 80% using camera-acquired printed MNIST-digits. Quantization of the neural network significantly reduces memory requirements with a less than 0.1% loss in accuracy compared to a full-precision network, making machine learning inferences on low-power microcontrollers possible. 152 J or 4.41∙10²⁰ photons required for training and verification of an artificial neural network were harvested with 64 cm² photovoltaic area in less than 24 hours under 1000 lux illumination. Ambient light harvesters provide a new generation of self-powered and “smart” IoT devices powered through an energy source that is largely untapped.
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Since the 2012 breakthroughs1–3, it is now very much accepted that halide perovskite solar cells may have a strong practical impact in next-generation solar cells. The most efficient solar cells are using Pb-based halide perovskites. The presence of Pb in these devices, however, has caused some concerns due to the high perceived toxicity of Pb, which may slow down or even hinder the pace of commercialization. Therefore, the science community has been searching for lower-toxicity perovskite-type materials as a back-up strategy. The community is paying significant attention to Pb-free materials and has achieved promising results albeit not yet approaching the spectacular performance of APbI3 materials. In this comment, we summarize the present status and future prospects for Pb-free perovskite materials and their devices.
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When translating photovoltaic technology from laboratory to commercial products, low cost, high power conversion efficiency, and high stability (long lifetime) are the three key metrics to consider in addition to other factors, such as low toxicity, low energy payback time, etc. As one of the most promising photovoltaic materials with high efficiency, today organic–inorganic metal halide perovskites draw tremendous attention from fundamental research, but their practical relevance still remains unclear owing to the notorious short device operation time. In this comment, we discuss the stability issue of perovskite photovoltaics and call for standardized protocols for device characterizations that could possibly match the silicon industrial standards.
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Abstract Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) belong to the group of thin-film solar cells which have been under extensive research for more than two decades due to their low cost, simple preparation methodology, low toxicity and ease of production. Still, there is lot of scope for the replacement of current DSSC materials due to their high cost, less abundance, and long-term stability. The efficiency of existing DSSCs reaches up to 12%, using Ru(II) dyes by optimizing material and structural properties which is still less than the efficiency offered by first- and second-generation solar cells, i.e., other thin-film solar cells and Si-based solar cells which offer ~ 20–30% efficiency. This article provides an in-depth review on DSSC construction, operating principle, key problems (low efficiency, low scalability, and low stability), prospective efficient materials, and finally a brief insight to commercialization.
We report on the design of highly absorptive thermostable composite materials for microwave applications. Ceramics comprising the thermostable phosphate host and silicon carbide particles or whiskers were studied in a wide frequency range from several Hertz up to microwaves. It was demonstrated that a thin layer of ceramics placed on the back-reflector absorbs perfectly at the 30 GHz frequency. In the case of a free-standing ceramic composite layer being 1 mm thick, it provides more than 50% of absorption.
The access of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) in the photovoltaic market is still a challenge owing to low power-conversion-efficiency (PCE) and stability. The foremost aim of this review is to emphasize the technical issues in DSSCs that reduce their efficiency. A DSSC consists of glass substrates, photoanode, photosensitizer, electrolyte and catalytic counter-electrode. Electrode materials play a critical role in the photovoltaic (PV) performance of DSSCs. The PV performance of DSSCs depends on many factors e.g. electron collection at photoanode, light harvesting efficiency of photoanode, a scattering of electrons inside the photoanode, and the fast reduction of an electrolyte at the counter electrode. In this review, physical, electronic, and morphological properties of electrodes materials will be examined for efficient DSSCs. This review paper comprises of four parts. First part highlights the importance, structure and charge transport mechanism of DSSCs. The second section describes the types, electronic and morphological properties of photoanode materials. The third part covers the nature and catalytic properties of materials used for counter-electrodes. Finally, challenges, market and future directions of DSSCs will be described in the last part of this review.
Indoor photovoltaic cells have the potential to power the Internet of Things ecosystem, including distributed and remote sensors, actuators, and communications devices. As the power required to operate these devices continues to decrease, the type and number of nodes that can now be persistently powered by indoor photovoltaic cells are rapidly growing. This will drive significant growth in the demand for indoor photovoltaics, creating a large alternative market for existing and novel photovoltaic technologies. With the re-emergence of interest in indoor photovoltaic cells, we provide an overview of this burgeoning field focusing on the technical challenges that remain to create energy autonomous sensors at viable price points and to overcome the commercial challenges for individual photovoltaic technologies to accelerate their market adoption.
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSC) technology is a photovoltaic technology that mimics natural photosynthesis, categorically coming under third generation photovoltaics; while completing almost three decades since its invention, it has carved a recognizable space in the PV arena owing to its unique merits like roll-to-roll compatibility, relatively inexpensive fabrication techniques-using cheap and readily available materials, workability on flexible substrates, and excellent low/diffused light performance. Semitransparent Multi-coloured Dye Solar Panels stands as a potential candidate in the Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) sector, while the small form-factor devices show an excellent performance in indoor/artificial light, thus paving way for the self-powered indoor light harvesting Internet of Things (IoT) applications. This chapter builds an understanding on the DSC technology from a device to module perspective, reviewing the progress in manufacturing technologies, outlining its evolution as a potential future candidate in photovoltaic sector.
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) are molecular photovoltaics that operate efficiently in direct solar and ambient light by employing dye-impregnated mesoscopic TiO2 films with a redox electrolyte or hole conductor. Here, we report on an advanced DSC architecture, which achieves efficiencies of 13.1% under air mass 1.5 global, 100 mW cm⁻² solar radiation, and power conversion efficiency of 32% under a standard Osram 930 Warm White fluorescent tube light at 1,000 lux intensity. The cell substantially benefits from the direct contact of the dye-impregnated TiO2 film with the poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) counter electrode acting as a hole collector. This reduces the diffusion path of redox mediator to merely the mesoporous TiO2 film attenuating the Warburg resistance, which thereby boosts the photovoltaic performance. This architecture will not only accelerate the practical exploitation of DSCs, but also foster new types of light-harvesting devices using mesoscopic TiO2 and PEDOT as electron and hole collection layers, respectively.