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Binary Chimp Optimization Algorithm with ML Based Intrusion Detection for Secure IoT-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks



An Internet of Things (IoT)-assisted Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) is a system where WSN nodes and IoT devices together work to share, collect, and process data. This incorporation aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of data analysis and collection, resulting in automation and improved decision-making. Security in WSN-assisted IoT can be referred to as the measures initiated for protecting WSN linked to the IoT. This article presents a Binary Chimp Optimization Algorithm with Machine Learning based Intrusion Detection (BCOA-MLID) technique for secure IoT-WSN. The presented BCOA-MLID technique intends to effectively discriminate different types of attacks to secure the IoT-WSN. In the presented BCOA-MLID technique, data normalization is initially carried out. The BCOA is designed for the optimal selection of features to improve intrusion detection efficacy. To detect intrusions in the IoT-WSN, the BCOA-MLID technique employs a class-specific cost regulation extreme learning machine classification model with a sine cosine algorithm as a parameter optimization approach. The experimental result of the BCOA-MLID technique is tested on the Kaggle intrusion dataset, and the results showcase the significant outcomes of the BCOA-MLID technique with a maximum accuracy of 99.36%, whereas the XGBoost and KNN-AOA models obtained a reduced accuracy of 96.83% and 97.20%, respectively
Citation: Aljebreen, M.; Alohali,
M.A.; Saeed, M.K.; Mohsen, H.; Al
Duhayyim, M.; Abdelmageed, A.A.;
Drar, S.; Abdelbagi, S. Binary Chimp
Optimization Algorithm with ML
Based Intrusion Detection for Secure
IoT-Assisted Wireless Sensor
Networks. Sensors 2023,23, 4073.
Academic Editor: Achyut Shankar
Received: 4 February 2023
Revised: 24 February 2023
Accepted: 1 March 2023
Published: 18 April 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
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Binary Chimp Optimization Algorithm with ML Based Intrusion
Detection for Secure IoT-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohammed Aljebreen 1, Manal Abdullah Alohali 2, Muhammad Kashif Saeed 3, Heba Mohsen 4,
Mesfer Al Duhayyim 5, *, Amgad Atta Abdelmageed 6, Suhanda Drar 6and Sitelbanat Abdelbagi 6
1Department of Computer Science, Community College, King Saud University, P.O. Box 28095,
Riyadh 11437, Saudi Arabia
2Department of Information Systems, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Princess Nourah bint
Abdulrahman University, P.O. Box 84428, Riyadh 11671, Saudi Arabia
3Department of Computer Science, Applied College, King Khalid University, Muhayil 63311, Saudi Arabia
4Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Information Technology,
Future University in Egypt, New Cairo 11835, Egypt
5Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Engineering and Sciences, Prince Sattam bin
Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj 16273, Saudi Arabia
6Department of Computer and Self Development, Preparatory Year Deanship, Prince Sattam bin
Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj 16278, Saudi Arabia
An Internet of Things (IoT)-assisted Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) is a system where
WSN nodes and IoT devices together work to share, collect, and process data. This incorporation aims
to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of data analysis and collection, resulting in automation and
improved decision-making. Security in WSN-assisted IoT can be referred to as the measures initiated
for protecting WSN linked to the IoT. This article presents a Binary Chimp Optimization Algorithm
with Machine Learning based Intrusion Detection (BCOA-MLID) technique for secure IoT-WSN. The
presented BCOA-MLID technique intends to effectively discriminate different types of attacks to
secure the IoT-WSN. In the presented BCOA-MLID technique, data normalization is initially carried
out. The BCOA is designed for the optimal selection of features to improve intrusion detection
efficacy. To detect intrusions in the IoT-WSN, the BCOA-MLID technique employs a class-specific cost
regulation extreme learning machine classification model with a sine cosine algorithm as a parameter
optimization approach. The experimental result of the BCOA-MLID technique is tested on the Kaggle
intrusion dataset, and the results showcase the significant outcomes of the BCOA-MLID technique
with a maximum accuracy of 99.36%, whereas the XGBoost and KNN-AOA models obtained a
reduced accuracy of 96.83% and 97.20%, respectively.
intrusion detection system; wireless sensor networks; machine learning; chimp optimiza-
tion algorithm; feature selection
1. Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT) is commonly known as a network that is made up of
many devices that are connected through the internet [
]. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
have a crucial role in the IoT, which is helpful to produce seamless data that influence the
lifetime of a network. Despite the significant applications of the IoT [
], various challenges,
such as storage, security, load balancing, and energy exist. In addition, it is an open
network with random and dynamic topology [
]. Thus, it is essential to execute a sequence
of targeted studies to guarantee reliability, real-time response, energy-saving, and other
operational needs of WSNs. As a data-centric network, a lot of delicate information is
transmitted, collected, processed, and stored in WSN [
]. Its security problem has become
very serious. Owing to the characteristics and limitations of WSN itself, the data can be
easily tampered with, ruined, or stolen. How to protect network security effectually in the
Sensors 2023,23, 4073.
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 2 of 17
face of numerous network attacks becomes a significant research topic [
]. Passive defense
via firewalls, access control, and other means is inadequate to thwart every network attack.
Intrusion detection (ID) is a proactive security protection technology that is used to observe
the functioning condition of the network and find intrusions such as maloperations and
internal or external attacks, in such a way that the network can interrupt them and respond
as needed [7].
To protect IoT systems from cyber threats, an Intrusion Detection System (IDSs) is
another line of defense that must be advanced in IoT networks [
]. Many surveys
have been performed to describe machine learning (ML)-related IDSs for protection from
compromised IoT devices or IoT networks. The surveys have covered studies on IDSs for
cloud-related IoT systems, WSNs, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), and cyber–physical
systems (CPS) [
]. However, conventional IDS techniques are insufficient or less effective
for the security of IoT systems because of their peculiar features, for example„ limited
bandwidth capacity [11], limited energy, heterogeneity, global connectivity, and ubiquity.
Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML) related methods have obtained
credibility through a successful implementation in the detection of network attacks, which
includes IoT networks. Since WSN includes low computing and communication abilities,
conventional network intrusion detection models are not directly used in WSN. Presently,
several researchers on WSN intrusion detection can exploit ML models for investigating
traffic data. Because of the expansion in both the network’s size and its user base, the WSN
network produces high-dimensional traffic data, and the classical ML models encounter
problems such as poor feature extraction and detection accuracy, which cannot meet the
requirements of such an application environment [
]. Compared to ML models for IDS,
the DL models can decrease the computation burden and increase the ability to learn the
characteristics of data traffic, which can improve the precision of the detection model [
This article presents a Binary Chimp Optimization Algorithm with Machine Learning
based Intrusion Detection (BCOA-MLID) technique for secure IoT-WSN. In the presented
BCOA-MLID technique, data normalization is initially carried out. The BCOA is designed
for the optimal selection of features to improve intrusion detection efficacy. To detect
intrusions in the IoT-WSN, the BCOA-MLID technique employs a Class-specific Cost
Regulation Extreme Learning Machine (CCR-ELM) classification model with a Sine Cosine
Algorithm (SCA) as a parameter optimization approach. The design of BCOA feature
selection with an SCA-optimized CCR-CLM classifier for intrusion detection shows the
novelty of the work. The experimental result of the BCOA-MLID technique was tested on
the Kaggle intrusion dataset.
2. Related Works
Kagade and Jayagopalan [
] developed a new intrusion detection system (IDS) that
was set up with a DL method. First of all, the optimum cluster head (CH) was chosen from
among the SNs, from which SNs with higher energy will be listed to act as CH. In this study,
the CH selection was optimally assessed concerning energy variables under limitations
such as distance and delay. For the best selection, a new technique called the Self-Improved
Sea Lion Optimization (SI-SLnO) method was presented in this study. Krishnan et al. [15]
aimed to frame an intrusion prevention protocol and anomalous ID protocol for interruption
evasion in the IoT, based on WSN for expanding the information reliability and network
time frame. This structure made dissimilar energy-efficient groups reliant on the natural
features of nodes. In [
], a smart IDS suitable to finding IoT-related attacks was applied.
Specifically, to identify malicious IoT network traffic, a DL technique was utilized. The
identity solution has supported the IoT connectivity protocols to interoperate, and it assures
the security of operation. An IDS is one common type of network security technology that
can be employed to secure the network. Zhiqiang et al. [
] devised an enriched empirical-
related component analysis for choosing applicable features. The feature-selecting method
compiles the benefits of both PCA and empirical mode decomposition to retain many
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 3 of 17
appropriate attributes. The classifications of the attack nodes with selective attributes have
been executed with LSTM.
Muruganandam et al. [
] developed a DL-related feed-forward ANN method that
enables accurate predictions of k-barrier count for potential ID and mitigation. The area
of RoI, sensing transmission area, sensor sensing area, and various sensors were the four
potential features that can be utilized to assess and learn the feed-forward ANN method.
Subramani and Selvi [
] modeled an intelligent IDS to detect intruders in IoT-related
WSNs so that it can manage such intrusions. To develop this intelligent IDS, a rule- and
multi-objective PSO-based feature selection technique was devised by the author, who even
suggested an intellectual rule-based enhanced multiclass SVM classifier method to detect
the intruders with a higher level of accuracy. Saba et al. [
] presented a CNN-related
algorithm for anomaly-based IDS that uses IoT power, offering the ability to potentially
inspect all of the traffic across the IoT. This presented algorithm displays the capability to
find any abnormal traffic behavior and possible intrusion.
Sadeghi et al. [
] presented a hybrid method of a new DCNN and multi-objective
binary chimp optimization algorithm (MOBChOA) for selecting the feature optimally.
Then, for optimal selection of features, a method called MOBChOA is applied. Finally,
for classifying the pixels into particular specific land-cover labels, the author trained the
fully connected DCNN. In [
], the author presented a method to optimize the network
parameters, which combined both GRU and CNN, and distinct CNN–GRU combination
sequences were introduced. In [
], the author scrutinized the effect of data imbalance on
formulating a potential SCADA-based IDS. CNNs were combined with Long Short-Term
Memory (CNN-LSTM) for binary classification.
Abosata et al. [
] modeled a Federated-Transfer-Learning-Based Customized Dis-
tributed IDS (FT-CID) approach to identify RPL intrusion in a heterogeneous IoT. Primarily,
to construct a local model, the central server initialized the FT-CID with a predefined
learning approach and observed the unique attributes of various RPL-IoTs. Then, using the
local parameters, the edge IDSs were trained and, through federation, the globally shared
parameters generated by the central server were altered and aggregated into diverse local
parameters of different edges. In [
], two different approaches were devised. In the first
method, a custom CNN was framed and united with LSTM deep network layers. The
second model was constructed around each fully connected layer (dense layers) to build an
Artificial Neural Network (ANNs).
3. The Proposed Intrusion Detection Model
In this article, an automated BCOA-MLID technique has been developed for accurate
intrusion detection to accomplish security tasks in the IoT-WSN. The presented BCOA-
MLID technique intends to effectively discriminate different types of attacks to secure
the IoT-WSN. In the presented BCOA-MLID technique, a four-stage process is involved,
namely, data normalization, FS using BCOA, CCR-ELM classification, and SCA-based
parameter optimization. Figure 1represents the overall flow of the BCOA-MLID approach.
3.1. Data Normalization
In the presented BCOA-MLID technique, data normalization is performed at the initial
stage. The data-normalized operation scales the data so that the weighted sum exists in
the range of the activation functions [
]. The un-normalized data generates an ill-trained
network and delays the convergence. At the same time, normalizing the data accelerate the
convergence and attain non-dimensionality. For scaling the data in the range of zero and
one, it utilizes the min–max normalized system that is determined as:
Xnorm =xxmin
xmax xmin
where X
represents normalization data, xsignifies the primary value from the database,
xmax denotes the maximal value, and xmin stands for the minimal value.
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Figure 1. The overall flow of the BCOA-MLID approach.
3.1. Data Normalization
In the presented BCOA-MLID technique, data normalization is performed at the ini-
tial stage. The data-normalized operation scales the data so that the weighted sum exists
in the range of the activation functions [26]. The un-normalized data generates an ill-
trained network and delays the convergence. At the same time, normalizing the data ac-
celerate the convergence and attain non-dimensionality. For scaling the data in the range
of zero and one, it utilizes the minmax normalized system that is determined as:
Binary Chimp Optimization Algorithm
Figure 1. The overall flow of the BCOA-MLID approach.
3.2. Feature Selection Using BCOA
At this stage, the BCOA is designed for the optimal selection of features to improve
intrusion detection efficacy. Khishe and Mosavi (2020) introduced a BCOA that was
stimulated by the ability of chimpanzees to think individually during group hunting and
sexual motivation [
]. The BCOA can recognize optimal solutions by the exploration of
the entire search space and avoids the local optima. It is simple to design and does not
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 5 of 17
require a large number of computational resources. BCOA has a fast convergence rate,
which means it can quickly converge to the optimal solution. This makes it suitable for
applications where time is a critical factor. In summary, BCOA is a simple and robust
optimization algorithm that is capable of finding the global optimal solution in complex
and noisy search spaces.
Meanwhile, attacking, driving, blocking, and chasing are the four major stages of
BCOA. The BCOA can be initialized by randomly producing several chimps. The attacker
chimp prognosticates the breakout path of prey by forcing it back toward the chaser. The
driver chimp follows the prey without trying to capture it. The barrier chimp places
themselves in trees to generate a barrier during prey development.
The chaser chimp moves faster to catch the prey. Chasing and driving the prey are
expressed as follows:
d=c·Xprey (r)m·Xchimp (2)
Xchim p(r+1)=Xprey (r)a·d(3)
m=Chaolic_value (6)
denotes the prey location vector;
, and
show the coefficient vectors;
Xchim p
symbolizes the chimp location vector;
represents the existing iteration;
the random vector
[0, 1]
denotes the dynamic vector
[0, 2.5]
, and
represents a
chaotic vector. First, the chimpanzees search for the prey location during the hunting stage
based on the four hunting strategies. Then, the prey position can be evaluated using those
hunting strategies, and other chimpanzees update the position of the prey. These steps are
expressed as follows:
dAttacher =|c1·XAttacher m1·X|
dBarrier =|c2·XBarrier m2·X|
dChaser =|c3·XChaser m3·X|
dDriver =|c4·XDriver m4·X|
X1=XAttacher a1(dAttacher)
X2=XBarrier a2(dBarrier )
X3=XChaser a3(dChaser )
X4=XDriver a4(dDriver)
be the better searching agent,
represents the second better search-
ing agent,
represents the third better searching agent,
indicates the fourth
better searching agent, and X(t+1)denotes the updated location of every chimp.
Lastly, each chimpanzee attacks the prey. After hunting the prey, they attain sexual
motivation, regardless of their duties. Sexual motivation can be represented as follows:
xchim p(t+1)=Xprey(l)a·d i f µ<0.5
Choatic_val ue i f µ0.5 (10)
In Equation (10), µdenotes the randomly generated number [0, 1]. In the extended
version of BCOA, chimpanzees continuously change their location at any point in the
search space. In discrete issues, the solution is constrained to binary values. The operator
of the binary metaheuristic method moves toward the nearer and farther corners of the
hypercube by constantly changing zero to one and one to zero. Thus, in the BBCOA model,
the position updating formula needs to be adjusted. For these purposes, a transfer function
maps the continuous space to the discrete space. The transfer function symbolizes changing
the probability of the location vector from zero to one. Therefore, the transfer function
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 6 of 17
forces the chimpanzees to move in the discrete space. Here, a newly generated technique
used to update the position of a chimpanzee is presented. In the presented technique, the
location-updating formula can be given as the following:
d=(1i f sig moid X1+X2+X3+X4
0otherwise (11)
In the expression,
denotes the upgraded binary location at iteration,
resents the arbitrary value
0, 1. Sigmoid
shows an
-shaped function,
denotes the chimpanzee’s movement towards the four attacking strategies of
chimps, correspondingly.
In the presented method, two objective functions have been utilized for feature se-
lection: the minimum number of features and the maximum overall accuracy (OA). The
weighted sum has been used for integrating both main functions. Hence, the fitness
function is represented as follows:
Fitness Funclion(i)=α·0A(i)+(1α)·log10N
In Equation (13), objective Function
represents the fitness function of
denotes the total accuracy of
101 features, and
indicates the
number of features chosen at the
chimps. Moreover,
represents the weight parameter,
which can be assumed to be 0.92. The calibration of
has been set by using the trial-and-
error technique.
3.3. Intrusion Detection Using Optimal CCR-ELM Model
To detect intrusions in the IoT-WSN, the BCOA-MLID technique utilized the SCA with
the CCR-ELM classification model in the ELM model. The input bias and weight of SLFNs
can be randomly created [
]. An equal resultant matrix of hidden states was computed,
concerning the resultant, weighted with some steps. Therefore, the computation cost of
ELM was lower.
Assume that there are
various instances defined as
1, 2,
. . .
Xi= [xi1,xi2, . . . , xin]T
yi= [yi1,yi2, . . . , yi m]T
. Consider
to be
the input and resultant, weighted correspondingly.
refers bias of hidden units. The SLFN
with Lhidden node can be modeled as:
βjgaj,bj,Xi=0i,i=1, . . . , N(14)
denotes the activation function and generally utilizes typical non-linear func-
tions, such as radial basis functions, sigmoid, sine, etc. The error amongst evaluated output
0iand the actual output yiis zero if the SLFNs exactly estimate the data feature.
βjgaj,bj,Xi=yi,i=1, . . . , N(15)
β= [βT
1, . . . , βT
Y= [y1T, . . . , yNT]T
. The above method is repre-
sented as Hβ=Y.
g(a1,b1,X1). . . g(aL,bL,X1)
. . . . .
g(a1,b1,XN). . . g(aL,bL,XN)
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 7 of 17
is the supposed resultant matrix of the hidden state.
signifies the resultant of
hidden node equivalent to input
. In the trained procedure, the parameters of hidden
nodes comprising
, could not be modified then primarily created. The equivalent
resultant weighted can be evaluated as:
represents the Moore–Penrose generalization inverse of H.
denotes the pre-
set parameter, intending to give a trade-off between minimizing the trained error and
maximizing the marginal distance.
denotes the unit matrix. A better resultant weighted
can be obtained with the minimized cost function kOYk.
After establishing class-specific regulation cost, CCR-ELM has been projected for
solving the class imbalance issues. Two trade-off factors, comprising
for minority
positive instances and
for most negative instances, can be utilized for rebalancing
both classes. Let the count of minority positive instances and most negative instances be
formulated as l1and l2, correspondingly. CCR-ELM was modeled as:
min (1
s·t·h(xi)β=yiξi,i=1, . . . N.
Equivalent resultant weighted ˆ
βis calculated as:
To binary classifier issues, the decision function of the CCR-ELM-based classifier was
f(x)=sign h(x)β.
f(x)=(sign h(x)(I
sign h(x)HT(I
In CCR-ELM, five key parameters contain direct features of the classifier accuracy,
comprising the count of hidden nodes
, input weighted
, biases
for minority
positive instances, and
for most negative instances. The former three parameters
determine the infrastructure of SLFNs and were generally pre-set by humans.
Finally, the SCA is applied to optimally choose the parameters related to the CCR-
ELM classifier. SCA is a simple and versatile optimization algorithm that is capable of
finding the global optimal solution in complex and noisy search spaces. Its robustness,
fast convergence rate, and scalability make it a suitable algorithm for a wide range of
optimization problems. The SCA creates several primary random solutions and appeals to
them to shift nearby optimum solutions utilizing a mathematical method dependent upon
sine and cosine functions [
]. For expressing the functions of SCA, a gathering of random
variables can be utilized. Figure 2illustrates the flowchart of SCA.
The motion direction;
The movement place;
Emphasizing or de-emphasizing the target effect;
Swapping amongst the sine and cosine elements.
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Finally, the SCA is applied to optimally choose the parameters related to the CCR-
ELM classifier. SCA is a simple and versatile optimization algorithm that is capable of
finding the global optimal solution in complex and noisy search spaces. Its robustness,
fast convergence rate, and scalability make it a suitable algorithm for a wide range of op-
timization problems. The SCA creates several primary random solutions and appeals to
them to shift nearby optimum solutions utilizing a mathematical method dependent upon
sine and cosine functions [28]. For expressing the functions of SCA, a gathering of random
variables can be utilized. Figure 2 illustrates the flowchart of SCA.
The motion direction;
The movement place;
Emphasizing or de-emphasizing the target effect;
Swapping amongst the sine and cosine elements.
Figure 2. Flowchart of SCA.
The upgrade procedure of candidate solutions can be carried out utilizing the subse-
quent formula.
Figure 2. Flowchart of SCA.
The upgrade procedure of candidate solutions can be carried out utilizing the subse-
quent formula.
P(t)+r5·cos(r6)·|r7S(t)S(t)|r40.5 (21)
refers to the count of searching iterations. Present and better solutions can be
indicated as
. The values of [0, 1] are assigned to random variables
, and
. For instance, it is seen in the formula that the places of optimum solutions control the
present solution position, generating it more simply to obtaining an ideal solution. The
value of r4was altered as follows in the running iterations of SCA.
tmax (22)
represents the constant, and
signify the present and maximal iterations,
correspondingly. The SCA technique is more resilient than a broad range of metaheuristic
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 9 of 17
techniques from the literature because it utilizes just one better solution to manage the other
solution. Fitness selection becomes a vital factor in the SCA method. Solution encrypting
was used to evaluate the accuracy of the candidate solution. Here, the accuracy value was
the main condition utilized to modchip a fitness function.
Fitness =max (P)(23)
TP +FP (24)
From the expression, FP denotes thefalse positive value and TP indicates the
true positive.
4. Results and Discussion
In this section, the intrusion detection fallouts of the BCOA-MLID technique are
examined using the WSN-DS dataset [29], which holds 374661 samples with 5 class labels
as defined in Table 1. For experimental validation, we have used 80:20 and 70:30 of
training/testing data.
Table 1. Details of the dataset.
Class No. of Samples
Normal 340,066
Blackhole 10,049
Grayhole 14,596
Flooding 3312
Scheduling Attacks 6638
Total Number of Samples 374,661
The proposed model was simulated using Python 3.6.5 tool on a PC with i5-8600k
CPU, GeForce 1050Ti 4 GB, 16 GB RAM, 250 GB SSD, and 1 TB HDD. The parameter
settings are given as follows: learning rate: 0.01, dropout: 0.5, batch size: 5, epoch count:
50, and activation: ReLU.
In Figure 3, the confusion matrices of the BCOA-MLID technique are examined under
distinct sizes of the Training Phase (TRP) and Testing Phase (TSP). The figures indicate that
the BCOA-MLID technique categorizes the attacks and normal samples proficiently.
In Table 2, the entire results of the BCOA-MLID technique received under 80:20 of
TRP/TSP are given. In Figure 4, the average intrusion detection results of the proposed
model are illustrated under 80:20 of TRP/TSP. The results show that the BCOA-MLID
technique reported improved results under every individual class. With 80% of TRP, the
BCOA-MLID technique reaches an average
of 99.63%,
of 97.91%,
of 94.52%, and
of 98.79%. Concurrently, with 20% of TSP, the BCOA-
MLID approach reaches an average
of 99.63%,
of 97.86%,
of 99.66%,
of 94.28%, and AUCscore of 98.76%.
Table 2. Classifier outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach on TRP/TSP of 80:20.
Class Labels AccuySensySpecyFscore AUCscore
Training Phase (80%)
Normal 99.19 99.19 99.21 99.55 99.20
Blackhole 99.75 98.44 99.79 95.46 99.11
Grayhole 99.71 98.45 99.76 96.38 99.11
Flooding 99.77 95.64 99.80 87.84 97.72
Scheduling Attacks 99.75 97.84 99.79 93.39 98.81
Average 99.63 97.91 99.67 94.52 98.79
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 10 of 17
Table 2. Cont.
Class Labels AccuySensySpecyFscore AUCscore
Testing Phase (20%)
Normal 99.17 99.17 99.16 99.54 99.16
Blackhole 99.77 98.72 99.80 95.87 99.26
Grayhole 99.73 98.45 99.78 96.53 99.11
Flooding 99.73 94.79 99.78 86.43 97.28
Scheduling Attacks 99.75 98.18 99.78 93.03 98.98
Average 99.63 97.86 99.66 94.28 98.76
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Figure 3. Confusion matrices of the BCOA-MLID approach (a,b) TRP/TSP of 80:20 and (c,d)
TRP/TSP of 70:30.
In Table 2, the entire results of the BCOA-MLID technique received under 80:20 of
TRP/TSP are given. In Figure 4, the average intrusion detection results of the proposed
model are illustrated under 80:20 of TRP/TSP. The results show that the BCOA-MLID
technique reported improved results under every individual class. With 80% of TRP, the
BCOA-MLID technique reaches an average  of 99.63%,  of 97.91%,  of
99.67%,  of 94.52%, and  of 98.79%. Concurrently, with 20% of TSP, the
BCOA-MLID approach reaches an average  of 99.63%,  of 97.86%,  of
99.66%,  of 94.28%, and  of 98.76%.
Figure 3.
Confusion matrices of the BCOA-MLID approach (
) TRP/TSP of 80:20 and (
of 70:30.
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 11 of 17
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Table 2. Classifier outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach on TRP/TSP of 80:20.
Class Labels
Training Phase (80%)
Scheduling Attacks
Testing Phase (20%)
Scheduling Attacks
Figure 4. The average outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach on TRP/TSP of 80:20.
Table 3 shows the overall results of the BCOA-MLID technique obtained under 70:30
Figure 5 demonstrates the average classification outcomes of the BCOA-MLID tech-
nique are given under 70:30 of TRP/TSP. The results show that the BCOA-MLID algorithm
reported improved results under every individual class. With 70% of TRP, the BCOA-
MLID technique reaches an average  of 99.19%,  of 89.96%,  of 98.86%,
 of 86.23%, and  of 94.41%. Concurrently, with 30% of TSP, the BCOA-
MLID approach reaches an average  of 99.18%,  of 89.41%,  of 98.81%,
 of 85.70%, and  of 94.11%.
Figure 4. The average outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach on TRP/TSP of 80:20.
Table 3shows the overall results of the BCOA-MLID technique obtained under 70:30
Figure 5demonstrates the average classification outcomes of the BCOA-MLID tech-
nique are given under 70:30 of TRP/TSP. The results show that the BCOA-MLID algorithm
reported improved results under every individual class. With 70% of TRP, the BCOA-MLID
technique reaches an average
of 99.19%,
of 89.96%,
of 98.86%,
86.23%, and
of 94.41%. Concurrently, with 30% of TSP, the BCOA-MLID approach
reaches an average
of 99.18%,
of 89.41%,
of 98.81%,
of 85.70%, and
AUCscore of 94.11%.
Table 3. Classifier outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach on TRP/TSP of 70:30.
Class Labels AccuySensySpecyFscore AUCscore
Training Phase (70%)
Normal 98.63 98.90 95.99 99.25 97.45
Blackhole 99.39 94.15 99.53 89.19 96.84
Grayhole 99.28 87.97 99.74 90.46 93.85
Flooding 99.45 82.38 99.60 72.83 90.99
Scheduling Attacks 99.21 86.39 99.44 79.43 92.92
Average 99.19 89.96 98.86 86.23 94.41
Testing Phase (30%)
Normal 98.63 98.92 95.76 99.24 97.34
Blackhole 99.39 94.27 99.53 89.29 96.90
Grayhole 99.25 87.55 99.74 90.27 93.64
Flooding 99.43 81.72 99.58 70.90 90.65
Scheduling Attacks 99.19 84.57 99.45 78.82 92.01
Average 99.18 89.41 98.81 85.70 94.11
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 12 of 17
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 17
Table 3. Classifier outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach on TRP/TSP of 70:30.
Class Labels
Training Phase (70%)
Scheduling Attacks
Testing Phase (30%)
Scheduling Attacks
Figure 5. The average outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach on TRP/TSP of 70:30.
The TACY and VACY of the BCOA-MLID model were used to investigate the IoT-
WSN detection performance in Figure 6. The figure shows that the BCOA-MLID model
has shown improved performance with increased values of TACY and VACY. To be spe-
cific, the BCOA-MLID method has attained maximum TACY valued outcomes.
Figure 5. The average outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach on TRP/TSP of 70:30.
The TACY and VACY of the BCOA-MLID model were used to investigate the IoT-WSN
detection performance in Figure 6. The figure shows that the BCOA-MLID model has
shown improved performance with increased values of TACY and VACY. To be specific,
the BCOA-MLID method has attained maximum TACY valued outcomes.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 17
Figure 6. TACY and VACY outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach.
The TLOS and VLOS of the BCOA-MLID approach were tested on IoT-WSN detec-
tion performance in Figure 7. The figure shows that the BCOA-MLID approach has supe-
rior performance with menial values of TLOS and VLOS. The BCOA-MLID model has
resulted in reduced VLOS-valued outcomes.
A brief, clear precisionrecall analysis of the BCOA-MLID system under the test da-
tabase is shown in Figure 8. The figure shows the BCOA-MLID approach has enhanced
values of precisionrecall values for each class label.
In Table 4, the classification results of the BCOA-MLID technique compared with
recent methods are examined briefly [30,31]. The results indicate that the AdaBoost, GB,
and KNN-PSO algorithms result in the worst performance compared other models. Next,
the XGBoost model manages to demonstrate moderately improved results. Meanwhile,
the KNN model results in somewhat considerable performance, with an  of 97.2%,
 of 96.49%,  of 96.34%, and  of 90.23%. In contrast, the BCOA-MLID
technique attains a maximum performance  of 99.63%,  of 97.91%,  of
99.67%, and  of 94.52%.
Figure 6. TACY and VACY outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach.
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 13 of 17
The TLOS and VLOS of the BCOA-MLID approach were tested on IoT-WSN detection
performance in Figure 7. The figure shows that the BCOA-MLID approach has superior
performance with menial values of TLOS and VLOS. The BCOA-MLID model has resulted
in reduced VLOS-valued outcomes.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 17
Figure 7. TLOS and VLOS outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach.
Figure 8. The precision-recall outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach.
Figure 7. TLOS and VLOS outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach.
A brief, clear precision–recall analysis of the BCOA-MLID system under the test
database is shown in Figure 8. The figure shows the BCOA-MLID approach has enhanced
values of precision–recall values for each class label.
In Table 4, the classification results of the BCOA-MLID technique compared with
recent methods are examined briefly [
]. The results indicate that the AdaBoost, GB,
and KNN-PSO algorithms result in the worst performance compared other models. Next,
the XGBoost model manages to demonstrate moderately improved results. Meanwhile, the
KNN model results in somewhat considerable performance, with an
of 97.2%,
of 96.49%,
of 96.34%, and
of 90.23%. In contrast, the BCOA-MLID technique
attains a maximum performance
of 99.63%,
of 97.91%,
of 99.67%, and
Fscore of 94.52%.
Table 4. Comparative outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach with recent systems [30,31].
Methods AccuySensySpecyFscore
BCOA-MLID 99.63 97.91 99.67 94.52
AdaBoost 95.69 95.77 95.00 90.31
GB Model 94.58 95.25 94.09 93.31
XGBoost 96.83 96.10 94.43 91.52
KNN-AOA 97.20 96.49 96.34 90.23
KNN-PSO 92.89 95.63 95.08 92.99
In Table 5and Figure 9, the computation time (CT) outcomes of the BCOA-MLID
technique compared with existing techniques are investigated. The experimental outcomes
demonstrate that the AdaBoost, KNN, and KNN-PSO algorithms led to ineffectual results,
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 14 of 17
with higher CT values over other models. Moreover, the XGBoost model tried to exhibit
somewhat reduced CT values. In addition, the BG model results in somewhat considerable
performance, with a CT of 12.75 s. In contrast, the BCOA-MLID technique attains better
results, with a lower CT of 7.26 s. These results ensure the improved detection performance
the of BCOA-MLID technique in the IoT-WSN environment. The enhanced performance of
the proposed model is due to the inclusion of BCOA for feature subset selection and SCA
based parameter tuning.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 17
Figure 7. TLOS and VLOS outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach.
Figure 8. The precision-recall outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach.
Figure 8. The precision-recall outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 17
Table 4. Comparative outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach with recent systems [30,31].
GB Model
In Table 5 and Figure 9, the computation time (CT) outcomes of the BCOA-MLID
technique compared with existing techniques are investigated. The experimental out-
comes demonstrate that the AdaBoost, KNN, and KNN-PSO algorithms led to ineffectual
results, with higher CT values over other models. Moreover, the XGBoost model tried to
exhibit somewhat reduced CT values. In addition, the BG model results in somewhat con-
siderable performance, with a CT of 12.75 s. In contrast, the BCOA-MLID technique at-
tains better results, with a lower CT of 7.26 s. These results ensure the improved detection
performance the of BCOA-MLID technique in the IoT-WSN environment. The enhanced
performance of the proposed model is due to the inclusion of BCOA for feature subset
selection and SCA based parameter tuning.
Table 5. CT outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach with recent systems.
Computational Time (s)
GB Model
Figure 9. CT outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach with recent systems.
Figure 9. CT outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach with recent systems.
Sensors 2023,23, 4073 15 of 17
Table 5. CT outcome of the BCOA-MLID approach with recent systems.
Methods Computational Time (s)
AdaBoost 15.65
GB Model 12.75
XGBoost 13.67
KNN 15.01
KNN-PSO 14.87
5. Conclusions
In this article, an automated BCOA-MLID technique has been developed for accurate
intrusion detection to accomplish security tasks in the IoT-WSN. The presented BCOA-
MLID technique identifies intrusions using a series of processes: data normalization,
BCOA-based feature subset selection, CCR-ELM classification, and SCA-based parameter
tuning. The experimental result of the BCOA-MLID technique was tested on the Kaggle
intrusion dataset, and the results showcase the significant outcomes of the BCOA-MLID
technique with a maximum accuracy of 99.63%. In the future, the performance of the
proposed technique can be improved by the use of an unsupervised or semi-supervised
WSN intrusion detection model. These models will not only target a particular type of DoS
attack, but also strive to cover Sybil attacks, routing attacks, and other possible attacks.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, M.A.; Methodology, M.A.A.; Software, A.A.A. and S.D.;
Validation, M.A. and M.K.S.; Formal analysis, H.M. and A.A.A.; Investigation, M.A. and S.D.;
Resources, M.A.D.; Data curation, M.A.D. and A.A.A.; Writing—original draft, M.A., M.A.A., M.K.S.,
H.M., M.A.D. and S.A.; Writing—review & editing, M.K.S., H.M., A.A.A., S.D. and S.A.; Visualization,
S.D.; Supervision, M.A.A.; Project administration, M.A.D.; Funding acquisition, M.A.A, M.A. and
M.K.S. The manuscript was written through the contributions of all authors. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid
University for funding this work through Large Groups Project under grant number (117/44). Princess
Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number (PNURSP2023R330),
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Research Supporting Project
number (RSP2023R459), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This study is supported via
funding from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University project number (PSAU/2023/R/1444).
Institutional Review Board Statement:
This article does not contain any studies with human partic-
ipants performed by any of the authors.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement:
Data sharing does not apply to this article as no datasets were generated
during the current study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... The existing body of research focuses on improving security in WSNs, combining optimisation algorithms and regression modelling for barrier placement optimisation [2]. Aljebreen et al. [3] models. Compiling this dataset facilitates research on intrusion detection and prevention in WSNs [10]. ...
... Hyperparameter tuning is a critical component of our research to optimise the performance of the SVR models [3]. We employ ACO to iteratively search for the best combinations of hyperparameters, including the regularisation parameter (C) and the insensitive loss parameter (epsilon). ...
Full-text available
This research addresses the pressing challenge of intrusion detection and prevention in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), offering an innovative and comprehensive approach. The research leverages Support Vector Regression (SVR) models to predict the number of barriers necessary for effective intrusion detection and prevention while optimising their strategic placement. The paper employs the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm to enhance the precision of barrier placement and resource allocation. The integrated approach combines SVR predictive modelling with ACO-based optimisation, contributing to advancing adaptive security solutions for WSNs. Feature ranking highlights the critical influence of barrier count attributes, and regularisation techniques are applied to enhance model robustness. Importantly, the results reveal substantial percentage improvements in model accuracy metrics: a 4835.71% reduction in Mean Squared Error (MSE) for ACO-SVR1, an 862.08% improvement in Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for ACO-SVR1, and an 86.29% enhancement in R-squared (R ² ) for ACO-SVR1. ACO-SVR2 has a 2202.85% reduction in MSE, a 733.98% improvement in MAE, and a 54.03% enhancement in R-squared. These considerable improvements verify the method’s effectiveness in enhancing WSNs, ensuring reliability and resilience in critical infrastructure. The paper concludes with a performance comparison and emphasises the remarkable efficacy of regularisation. It also underscores the practicality of precise barrier count estimation and optimised barrier placement, enhancing the security and resilience of WSNs against potential threats.
... It explains a positive integer for exemplifying the good outcome of candidate performances. During this case, the minimized classifier rate of errors can be supposed to be FF, as expressed in Eq. (27). ...
... [27][28][29]. The comparison outcomes stated that the RKOA-AEID system reported effectual outcomes over other models.Based on , the RKOA-AEID technique offers an increasing of 98.94% while the Adaboost, GB, XGBoost, KNN-AOA, and KNN-PSO models obtain decreasing values of 95.69%, 94.58%, 96.83%, 97.20%, and 92.89% respectively. ...
Full-text available
The Internet of Things (IoT) based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) contain interconnected autonomous sensor nodes (SN), which wirelessly communicate with each other and the wider internet structure. Intrusion detection to secure IoT-based WSNs is critical for identifying and responding to great security attacks and threats that can cooperate with the integrity, availability, and privacy of the network and its data. Machine learning (ML) algorithms are deployed for detecting difficult patterns and subtle anomalies in IoT data. Artificial intelligence (AI) driven methods are learned and adapted from novel data for improving detection accuracy over time. In this article, we introduce a Red Kite Optimization Algorithm with an Average Ensemble Model for Intrusion Detection (RKOA-AEID) technique for Secure IoT-based WSN. The purpose of the RKOA-AEID methodology is to accomplish security solutions for IoT-assisted WSNs. To accomplish this, the RKOA-AEID technique performs pre-processing to scale the input data using min-max normalization. In addition, the RKOA-AEID technique performs an RKOA-based feature selection approach to elect an optimum set of features. For intrusion detection, an average ensemble learning model is used. Finally, the Lévy-fight chaotic whale optimization Algorithm (LCWOA) can be executed for the optimum hyperparameter chosen for the ensemble models. The performance evaluation of the RKOA-AEID algorithm can be tested on the benchmark WSN-DS dataset. The extensive experimental outcomes stated the higher outcome of the RKOA-AEID algorithm with other approaches with an improved accuracy of 98.94%.
... In Ref. [23], the authors discussed a new algorithm called BCOA-MLID that combined Binary Chimp Optimization and Machine Learning techniques for intrusion detection in IoT-WSN. The BCOA-MLID utilized data normalization and feature selection through BCOA to improve the accuracy of intrusion detection. ...
... Moharam et al. [23] introduced a new algorithm called the discrete chimp optimization algorithm (DChOA) that improved ChOA for not only the TL problem but also other discrete optimization problems. The DChOA used modified and improved parameters and operators, along with a new swap operator, to solve the TL problem. ...
Chimp Optimization Algorithm (ChOA) is one of the recent metaheuristics swarm intelligence methods. It has been widely tailored for a wide variety of optimization problems due to its impressive characteristics over other swarm intelligence methods: it has very few parameters, and no derivation information is required in the initial search. Also, it is simple, easy to use, flexible, scalable, and has a special capability to strike the right balance between exploration and exploitation during the search which leads to favorable convergence. Therefore, the ChOA has recently gained a very big research interest with tremendous audiences from several domains in a very short time. Thus, in this review paper, several research publications using ChOA have been overviewed and summarized. Initially, introductory information about ChOA is provided which illustrates the natural foundation context and its related optimization conceptual framework. The main operations of ChOA are procedurally discussed, and the theoretical foundation is described. Furthermore, the recent versions of ChOA are discussed in detail which are categorized into modified, hybridized, and paralleled versions. The main applications of ChOA are also thoroughly described. The applications belong to the domains of economics, image processing, engineering, neural network, power and energy, networks, etc. Evaluation of ChOA is also provided. The review paper will be helpful for the researchers and practitioners of ChOA belonging to a wide range of audiences from the domains of optimization, engineering, medical, data mining, and clustering. As well, it is wealthy in research on health, environment, and public safety. Also, it will aid those who are interested by providing them with potential future research.
... Scaling techniques such as mean centering, variance scaling, and specified range scaling [67] are used to scale features with a comparable distribution and range. This step prevents some features from controlling the learning process based only on their magnitudes [68]. Transformation techniques can be categorized as one-hot encoding (binary) [6] and label encoding (categories with integer labels) [44]. ...
The significance of intrusion detection systems in networks has grown because of the digital revolution and increased operations. The intrusion detection method classifies the network traffic as threat or normal based on the data features. The Intrusion detection system faces a trade-off between various parameters such as detection accuracy, relevance, redundancy, false alarm rate, and other objectives. The paper presents a systematic review of intrusion detection in Internet of Things (IoT) networks using multi-objective optimization algorithms (MOA), to identify attempts at exploiting security vulnerabilities and reducing the chances of security attacks. MOAs provide a set of optimized solutions for the intrusion detection process in highly complex IoT networks. This paper presents the identification of multiple objectives of intrusion detection, comparative analysis of multi-objective algorithms for intrusion detection in IoT based on their approaches, and the datasets used for their evaluation. The multi-objective optimization algorithms show the encouraging potential in IoT networks to enhance multiple conflicting objectives for intrusion detection. Additionally, the current challenges and future research ideas are identified. In addition to demonstrating new advancements in intrusion detection techniques, this study attempts to identify research gaps that can be addressed while designing intrusion detection systems for IoT networks.
Full-text available
Removing redundant features and improving classifier performance necessitates the use of meta-heuristic and deep learning (DL) algorithms in feature selection and classification problems. With the maturity of DL tools, many data-driven polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (POLSAR) representation models have been suggested, most of which are based on deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs). In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach of a new multi-objective binary chimp optimization algorithm (MOBChOA) and DCNN for optimal feature selection. We implemented the proposed method to classify POLSAR images from San Francisco, USA. To do so, we first performed the necessary preprocessing, including speckle reduction, radiometric calibration, and feature extraction. After that, we implemented the proposed MOBChOA for optimal feature selection. Finally, we trained the fully connected DCNN to classify the pixels into specific land-cover labels. We evaluated the performance of the proposed MOBChOA-DCNN in comparison with nine competitive methods. Our experimental results with the POLSAR image datasets show that the proposed architecture had a great performance for different important optimization parameters. The proposed MOBChOA-DCNN provided fewer features (27) and the highest overall accuracy. The overall accuracy values of MOBChOA-DCNN on the training and validation datasets were 96.89% and 96.13%, respectively, which were the best results. The overall accuracy of SVM was 89.30%, which was the worst result. The results of the proposed MOBChOA on two real-world benchmark problems were also better than the results with the other methods. Furthermore, it was shown that the MOBChOA-DCNN performed better than methods from previous studies.
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Citation: Henry, A.; Gautam, S.; Khanna, S.; Rabie, K.; Shongwe, T.; Bhattacharya, P.; Sharma, B.; Chowdhury, S. Composition of Hybrid Deep Learning Model and Feature Optimization for Intrusion Detection System. Sensors 2023, 23, 890. s23020890 Academic Editors: Ali Ismail Awad, Abstract: Recently, with the massive growth of IoT devices, the attack surfaces have also intensified. Thus, cybersecurity has become a critical component to protect organizational boundaries. In networks, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are employed to raise critical flags during network management. One aspect is malicious traffic identification, where zero-day attack detection is a critical problem of study. Current approaches are aligned towards deep learning (DL) methods for IDSs, but the success of the DL mechanism depends on the feature learning process, which is an open challenge. Thus, in this paper, the authors propose a technique which combines both CNN, and GRU, where different CNN-GRU combination sequences are presented to optimize the network parameters. In the simulation, the authors used the CICIDS-2017 benchmark dataset and used metrics such as precision, recall, False Positive Rate (FPR), True Positive Rate (TRP), and other aligned metrics. The results suggest a significant improvement, where many network attacks are detected with an accuracy of 98.73%, and an FPR rate of 0.075. We also performed a comparative analysis with other existing techniques, and the obtained results indicate the efficacy of the proposed IDS scheme in real cybersecurity setups.
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Integrating IoT devices in SCADA systems has provided efficient and improved data collection and transmission technologies. This enhancement comes with significant security challenges, exposing traditionally isolated systems to the public internet. Effective and highly reliable security devices, such as intrusion detection system (IDSs) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), are critical. Countless studies used deep learning algorithms to design an efficient IDS; however, the fundamental issue of imbalanced datasets was not fully addressed. In our research, we examined the impact of data imbalance on developing an effective SCADA-based IDS. To investigate the impact of various data balancing techniques, we chose two unbalanced datasets, the Morris power dataset, and CICIDS2017 dataset, including random sampling, one-sided selection (OSS), near-miss, SMOTE, and ADASYN. For binary classification, convolutional neural networks were coupled with long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM). The system’s effectiveness was determined by the confusion matrix, which includes evaluation metrics, such as accuracy, precision, detection rate, and F1-score. Four experiments on the two datasets demonstrate the impact of the data imbalance. This research aims to help security researchers in understanding imbalanced datasets and their impact on DL SCADA-IDS.
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Technological breakthroughs in the Internet of Things (IoT) easily promote smart lives for humans by connecting everything through the Internet. The de facto standardised IoT routing strategy is the routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL), which is applied in various heterogeneous IoT applications. Hence, the increase in reliance on the IoT requires focus on the security of the RPL protocol. The top defence layer is an intrusion detection system (IDS), and the heterogeneous characteristics of the IoT and variety of novel intrusions make the design of the RPL IDS significantly complex. Most existing IDS solutions are unified models and cannot detect novel RPL intrusions. Therefore, the RPL requires a customised global attack knowledge-based IDS model to identify both existing and novel intrusions in order to enhance its security. Federated transfer learning (FTL) is a trending topic that paves the way to designing a customised RPL-IoT IDS security model in a heterogeneous IoT environment. In this paper, we propose a federated-transfer-learning-assisted customised distributed IDS (FT-CID) model to detect RPL intrusion in a heterogeneous IoT. The design process of FT-CID includes three steps: dataset collection, FTL-assisted edge IDS learning, and intrusion detection. Initially, the central server initialises the FT-CID with a predefined learning model and observes the unique features of different RPL-IoTs to construct a local model. The experimental model generates an RPL-IIoT dataset with normal and abnormal traffic through simulation on the Contiki-NG OS. Secondly, the edge IDSs are trained using the local parameters and the globally shared parameters generated by the central server through federation and aggregation of different local parameters of various edges. Hence, transfer learning is exploited to update the server’s and edges’ local and global parameters based on relational knowledge. It also builds and customised IDS model with partial retraining through local learning based on globally shared server knowledge. Finally, the customised IDS in the FT-CID model enforces the detection of intrusions in heterogeneous IoT networks. Moreover, the FT-CID model accomplishes high RPL security by implicitly utilising the local and global parameters of different IoTs with the assistance of FTL. The FT-CID detects RPL intrusions with an accuracy of 85.52% in tests on a heterogeneous IoT network.
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Telecommunication networks are growing exponentially due to their significant role in civilization and industry. As a result of this very significant role, diverse applications have been appeared, which require secured links for data transmission. However, Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are a substantial field that utilizes the wireless communication infrastructure. However, the IoT, besides the diversity of communications, are more vulnerable to attacks due to the physical distribution in real world. Attackers may prevent the services from running or even forward all of the critical data across the network. That is, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) has to be integrated into the communication networks. In the literature, there are numerous methodologies to implement the IDSs. In this paper, two distinct models are proposed. In the first model, a custom Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was constructed and combined with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) deep network layers. The second model was built about the all fully connected layers (dense layers) to construct an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Thus, the second model, which is a custom of an ANN layers with various dimensions, is proposed. Results were outstanding a compared to the Logistic Regression algorithm (LR), where an accuracy of 97.01% was obtained in the second model and 96.08% in the first model, compared to the LR algorithm, which showed an accuracy of 92.8%.
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The world is still trying to recover from the devastation caused by the wide spread of COVID-19, and now the monkeypox virus threatens becoming a worldwide pandemic. Although the monkeypox virus is not as lethal or infectious as COVID-19, numerous countries report new cases daily. Thus, it is not surprising that necessary precautions have not been taken, and it will not be surprising if another worldwide pandemic occurs. Machine learning has recently shown tremendous promise in image-based diagnosis, including cancer detection, tumor cell identification, and COVID-19 patient detection. Therefore, a similar application may be implemented to diagnose monkeypox as it invades the human skin. An image can be acquired and utilized to further diagnose the condition. In this paper, two algorithms are proposed for improving the classification accuracy of monkeypox images. The proposed algorithms are based on transfer learning for feature extraction and meta-heuristic optimization for feature selection and optimization of the parameters of a multi-layer neural network. The GoogleNet deep network is adopted for feature extraction, and the utilized meta-heuristic optimization algorithms are the Al-Biruni Earth radius algorithm, the sine cosine algorithm, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm. Based on these algorithms, a new binary hybrid algorithm is proposed for feature selection, along with a new hybrid algorithm for optimizing the parameters of the neural network. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, a publicly available dataset is employed. The assessment of the proposed optimization of feature selection for monkeypox classification was performed in terms of ten evaluation criteria. In addition, a set of statistical tests was conducted to measure the effectiveness, significance, and robustness of the proposed algorithms. The results achieved confirm the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed methods compared to other optimization methods. The average classification accuracy was 98.8%.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has a wide range of opportunities and can be applied to almost every part of our life. Intrusion detection and monitoring across disputed areas and on army bases are two of the most important uses of WSN. An innovative method that precisely calculates many barriers involved in the process for quick identification and prevention of intrusions. The relevance and risk level of the chosen characteristics were assessed in this paper using feature importance and feature sensitivity metrics. This paper develops a deep learning-based feed-forward artificial neural network model that enables precise estimates of the k-barrier count for effective intrusion detection and mitigation. The area of the region of interest, sensor sensing area, sensing transmission area, and many sensors are the four potential characteristics that were used to learn and assess the feed-forward ANN model. The various attributes are extracted via Monte Carlo simulation. This research found that the method correctly forecasts the number of barriers with Root Mean Square Error and correlation coefficient. The proposed methodology is more efficient than the other standard methods.
One of the key mechanisms of the current electronic and wireless frameworks is the assistance of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in Internet of Things (IoT) networks. A WSN typically consists of multipurpose sensor hubs for data sensing, processing, and communication. These networks are more suited to conveying medical data from various geographical regions and sending private medical data to the network owner. However, the worry about various attacks on health care data normally grows daily. These assaults could quickly have adverse impacts on the WSN-IoT (Internet of Things) nodes. Additionally, the low detection rate, significant processing overhead, and resource limitations of current intrusion detection systems all contribute to an increase in false alarm rates when trying to identify various attacks. The unique Whale Optimized Gate Recurrent Unit (WOGRU) Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for WSN-IoT networks is proposed in this research in light of the aforementioned issues in order to effectively identify various attacks. The whale algorithm was used in the proposed framework to tune the hyperparameters of the deep long short-term memory in order to achieve low computational overhead and great performance. Last but not least, validations are carried out using the WSN-DS dataset, and the performance of the suggested work is evaluated using the parameters accuracy, recall, precision, specificity, and F1-score. Additionally, the comparison study was conducted using the current frameworks. The data demonstrates that the suggested framework had an average performance of 99.85 percent for the detection of flooding, scheduling, black hole, and gray hole attacks.
In recent infrastructures, Internet of Things (IoT) have become an important technology for connecting various actuators and sensors over wireless networks. Due to increase in mission-critical infrastructures, we make use of these new technologies for reliable communication but their security is always not promising in terms of availability, confidentiality, integrity, and privacy of network services. Users can be compromised and vulnerable by a motivated malicious opponent unless they are not adequately protected by a robust defense. Due to this reason, an ambient intelligence approach for Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is required. In this research, ww proposed Ambient Approach based on Reinforcement Learning Integrated Deep Q-Neural Network (RL-DQN) model for WSNs and IoT in which it leverages the Markov decision process (MDP) formalism to enhance the decision performance in IDS. We deploy RL-DQN-IDS over Edge-cloud intrusion detection infrastructure in which binary attack classification of the network traffic is performed at the edge network while multi-attack classification is performed at the cloud network. To identify intrusions, we use a two-phase process that includes an initial learning phase that relies on RL, followed by a detection and classification phase that relies on DQN. We used four datasets namely UNSW-NB-15, BoTNeTIoT-L01, CICIDS2017 and IoTID20 with a smart house simulation environment configured with WSN and IoT technologies to evaluate performance. Accuracy, precision, and recall were all considered while assessing the dataset under consideration. When compared to five other machine learning models, the RL-DQN model method has demonstrated superior performance. This model outperforms the other five that were tested.