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Fish as a Significant Source of Nutrients


Abstract and Figures

A well balanced diet rich in all important elements is required to maintain excellent health. In this perspective, fish is a nutritious diet that is high in important nutrients. It is a source of a familiar group of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) specifically omega-3 and omega-6, which can avert atherosclerosis and thrombosis. These fatty acids have defensive effects on coronary heart diseases, autoimmune disorders, arrhythmias, lowering plasma triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Aside from that, in tropical regions, fish is more readily accessible and less expensive than that of other animal proteins. Practically all the minerals existing in fish that are obligatory for the human body. The minerals present in fish Fe, Ca, Zn, P, Se, F and iodine as well. These minerals are with maximum bioavailability that can straightforwardly absorb by our body in the count of proteins and amino acids from fish sources became more freshly positive health effects on human health. Fish-derived lipids, which include omega-3 PUFA like EPA and DHA, aid to prevent cardiovascular illnesses in addition to helping to manage blood pressure. Iron aids in the formation of haemoglobin and hence avoids anaemia. Selenium is essential for thyroid gland function. Rickets are prevented by the calcium and vitamin D found naturally in fish. Vitamin A aids in the maintenance of normal eyesight and an immune system. The authors of the current review study made an effort to explain the value of the nutrients found in fish for human health. A campaign to raise awareness of the advantages of eating fish for health is also suggested by the author.
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J Pub Health Nutri. 2023 Volume 6 Issue 4
Research Article
Fish as a significant source of nutrients.
Muhammad Yasir Naeem1, Zeliha Selamoglu2, 3*
1Department of Plant Production and Technologies, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Nigde, Turkiye
2Department of Medical Biology, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Nigde, Turkiye
3Ahmet Yesevi University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Central Campus - Turkestan, Kazakhstan
Received: 04-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. AAJPHN-23-104720; Editor assigned: 07-Jul-2023, AAJPHN-23-104720
(PQ); Reviewed: 24-Jul-2023, QC No. AAJPHN-23-104720; Revised: 05-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. AAJPHN-23-
104720 (R); Published: 13-Aug-2023, DOI:10.35841/AAJPHN.6.4.156
Accepted on 04 Jul, 2023
A well balanced diet rich in all important elements is required to maintain excellent health. In this
perspective, fish is a nutritious diet that is high in important nutrients. It is a source of a familiar
group of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) specifically omega-3 and omega-6, which can avert
atherosclerosis and thrombosis. These fatty acids have defensive effects on coronary heart diseases,
autoimmune disorders, arrhythmias, lowering plasma triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Aside
from that, in tropical regions, fish is more readily accessible and less expensive than that of other
animal proteins. Practically all the minerals existing in fish that are obligatory for the human body.
The minerals present in fish Fe, Ca, Zn, P, Se, F and iodine as well. These minerals are with maximum
bioavailability that can straightforwardly absorb by our body in the count of proteins and amino acids
from fish sources became more freshly positive health effects on human health. Fish-derived lipids,
which include omega-3 PUFA like EPA and DHA, aid to prevent cardiovascular illnesses in addition to
helping to manage blood pressure. Iron aids in the formation of haemoglobin and hence avoids
anaemia. Selenium is essential for thyroid gland function. Rickets are prevented by the calcium and
vitamin D found naturally in fish. Vitamin A aids in the maintenance of normal eyesight and an
immune system. The authors of the current review study made an effort to explain the value of the
nutrients found in fish for human health. A campaign to raise awareness of the advantages of eating
fish for health is also suggested by the author.
Keywords: Fish, Nutrition, Minerals, Vitamins, Human health
Fish has been a significant constituent of the eating regimen of
people in practically all nations on the planet since the
beginning of time. Fish are the only cold-blooded, strictly aqua
species with a slender body and dorsal side sensory organs [1].
Fish is often represented as a protein, and is frequently used in
human diet. Like additional animal sources for nourishments,
for example, eggs, milk and meat, fish has maximum protein
value and its edibility surpasses 90% [2]. Due to their role in
energy production, repair and regulating functions, nutrients are
crucial for optimal health and a higher quality of life. The
moisture, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals are significant
macronutrients and phytochemicals which suggest the fish
meat has nutritive significance [3,4]. It contains vital nutrients,
particularly proteins with significant biological qualities and
fats and is often referred to as "rich food for poor people."
Sujatha, et al., are supplied by fish. Fish's nutritious value is
determined primarily by its protein and fat content. Fishes
provide important nutritive contents such as high quality
protein, fats, vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and
phosphorus Ali et al. [5]. Fish serves as a food supply and a
means of protecting people from various diseases across the
world Pawar and Sonawane, et al. [5,6]. Fish has a healthy
amount of protein, ranging from 13% to 20 % by fresh weight
and all the necessary amino acids. Fish can include a variety of
fats. It ranges from 0.2 to 15 percent and depends on the
species Mohanty, et al. [7]. Children's maturation and the
emergence of cardiovascular disorders like coronary heart
disease are both aided by fat from fish species. Calder, et al.
noted that they contain PUFA, particularly omega-3 fatty acids,
which are polyunsaturated fatty acids [8]. It also ensuring
healthy prenatal cognitive development, avoiding premature
birth and assuring healthy birth weight Mohanty, et al. [9].
The most significant of these are fish lipids, which for the most
part contain a high measure of omega-3 unsaturated fats,
principally α-linolenic acid, Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) the suppleness of which isn't
adequate to give the suggested consumption levels of these
supplements for developing human populaces. In this manner,
actions have been made by the farming business to "help"
omega-3 unsaturated fat substance of different items, counting
milk, egg, and poultry. Omega-3 unsaturated fats have a few
helpful effects on human wellbeing. They also secure against
different mental issues, gloom, and hyperactivity issue
specifically and cancer [10,11].
J Pub Health Nutri. 2023 Volume 6 Issue 4
Citation: Selamoglu Z, Naeem MY. Fish as a significant source of nutrients. J Pub Health Nutri. 2023;6(4):1-14.
Furthermore, the significant wellspring of n-3 LC PUFA fish,
and other sea foods have adequate number of amino acids,
contain high extents of taurine and choline, the vitamins D3
and B12, and the minerals calcium, phosphorus, iodine, and
selenium. Besides this, fish and other seafoods providing
noteworthy amounts of vitamin A, iron, and zinc to populace if
diverse wellsprings of these supplements are limited [12].
Literature Review
Numerous studies conducted in the past several years have
demonstrated the value of regular seafood eating for excellent
health at any age. The prevalence of major vascular illnesses,
diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity and neurological
disorders have all been shown to be negatively correlated with
fish intake [13,14]. Due to these factors, food
recommendations are given the including seafood in a balanced
diet at least 2 times per week according to U.S. department of
agriculture. Fish is an essential nutrient in the human diet and is
also present in the global aquatic product industry for
consumers. Unfortunately, mostly the aquatic ecosystems and
living organisms suffer from environmental impact by
emissions of volatile organic substances and pollution of water
by oil chemicals and many various hazardous agents.
Therefore, we also should to protect our aquatic environment
against to pollution on various environmental and ecological
effects [15,16]. This viewpoint seeks to present a
comprehensive and integrative model that facilitates nutrients,
bioactive substances of seafood.
Nutrient profile of fish
The nutrients outlining of fish shows that fish are the
significant part of the human eating regime having good
natured medical advantages Balami et al. [17]. Fish comprises
of proteins and different nitrogenous mixes, lipids, minerals
and nutrients and an exceptionally low degree of
carbohydrates. Protein substance of fish blows to almost 20%
of the body weight. Fish, particularly saltwater fish, is high in
omega-3 unsaturated fats, which are heart friendly, saltwater
fish comprises significant levels of iodine [18]. The
biochemical composition of fish is mentioned in Table 1. In
Figure 1, which provides a visual depiction, the key elements
of fish/seafood are outlined [19].
Table 1. Nutrient profile of fish.
S. no
Figure 1. A graphical representation of the seafood/fish/
nutrient/bioactive compound search with related health
Fish as a functional food
The prime micro nutrients recognized as progressively thought
and additionally bio available from animal source like iron,
zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and calcium are the key nutrients
in the human diet [20]. For populaces in Africa and South
Asia, fish normally originated from uninhabited sources (either
aquatic or domestic), cultivated fish is progressively consumed
by the poor folk [21]. This brings up significant issues about
the nourishing constituent of that fish, and especially cultivated
fish must be observed as a 'functional food'. Functional
nourishments are the diet items clearly intended to carry
healthfully significant components ready to correct body
capacities and reduce the danger of specific ailments [22-24].
In this way, functional nourishments can limit clinical
consideration costs while improving our health. Roberfroid, et
al. mentioned 5 methodologies for the improvement of
functional food items that comprise:
Exclusion of an alimentary component which is hazardous.
Supplement of nourishment constituents that aren't
normally existing and helpful impact on health.
Replacement of nutritional constituents that consumption at
more significant levels may be destructive with a part that
has an advantageous impact on wellbeing.
An expansion of bio-availability or security of food
constituents that are valuable for human.
A rise in the measure of usually occurring constituent to a
level that will have a useful impact on health.
Functional foods appear to have more medical advantages
comparative with standard nourishments although it should be
underscored that huge numbers of the normal food sources,
counting equally animal and plant stuffs, are rewarding for
good [25].
J Pub Health Nutri. 2023 Volume 6 Issue 4
The healthful element of fish muscle differs as it inclines to be
influenced by species type and the physiological condition of a
creature including age, sexual development degree, size and by
different hereditary and nutritious components [26-29].
Additionally, the proof demonstrates that the nature of animal
based food items mainly related to creatures taking care of
does [30]. Fry, et al., proposed a calculated structure that
explained possible associations among at present utilized raw
resources in aquaculture feedstuff and its impact on ecological
wellbeing and human nourishment [31].
Proteins are significant for the development and improvement
of the body, upkeep, and fixing of destroyed tissues. Proteins
from fish considered taking an extreme health advantage. Sea
creature foods having maximum protein levels than most
earthly meat [32]. With over 3.3 billion people worldwide
receive roughly 20% of its average per capita consumption of
animal proteins from seafood, that has a higher protein
composition of 18%20%, Moreover, oceanic protein is
extremely absorbable and wealthy in a few peptides and
fundamental amino acids that are limited in earthly meat
protein, like lysine and methionine recommended by Tacon
and Metian, et al.
Fish muscle is a highly nutritious form of protein that may
meet the requirements of customers of every age, from young
children to elderly people. It is composed of short fibres
interwoven with thin barriers of consistently over time
collagen. Fish proteins, particularly mostly from lean fish,
were demonstrated to improve insulin levels, hence preventing
type-2 diabetes [34]. Due to its capacity for healing process,
skin anti-aging and osteogenesis, marine collagen, the primary
protein of the connective tissue found in fish skin, bones, and
scales, is highly sought-after for aesthetic, nutraceutical and
pharmaceutical purposes [35]. Fish proteins and protein
hydrolysates' bioactive peptides have been demonstrated to
have a number of health-promoting properties, including those
that are anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-coagulant, anti-
inflammatory, anti-microbial and antioxidant [36-39].
Amino acids serve as the fundamental building blocks for
proteins, but they also act in the human body in a number of
other ways, including as the control of gene expression,
nutrition transport and metabolism, thermogenesis, hunger
management, and immune response modulation [40]. Seafood
is among the few food components of taurine, a sulfur-
containing free amino acid-derived molecule that protects cells
and tissues against free radicals [41]. Taurine is engaged in a
variety of physiological functions, including bile salt
generation and fat digestion, membrane stability, fluid balance
and immune-modulatory, and has a positive impact on
digestive, endocrine, immunological, muscular, neurological,
reproductive and visual functioning [42].
Dort, et al., discovered cod protein to all the more likely
advance development and recovery of skeletal muscle after
injury compared with peanut protein and casein proposed
likewise to be mostly a result of better goals by an aggravation
of cod protein [43]. Calcitonin preserves bone quality and has
been utilized for the cure of metabolic bone infections as
osteoporosis and Paget's sickness and has likewise indicated
potentials in cure of osteoarthritis and to decrease
postmenopausal osteoporosis [44].
Drotningsvik, et al., showed that low dietary intake of cod
protein (25%) contrasted with casein just eating in routine,
enhanced lipid digestion and glucose guideline in obese rats
[45]. For people. Aadland, et al., indicated that a month of an
eating regimen with 60 % of protein from lean-fish decreased
serum triacylglycerol concentrations and prevented elevation
VLDL molecule in number and contrast with eating in routine
without fish proteins [46]. In a subsequent report, the lean-fish
consumption appeared to diminish postprandial C-peptide, and
lactate focuses just as the TG/HDL-cholesterol proportion [47].
Essential fatty acid
The most well-known and researched benefits of marine
fisheries are those attributed to its unique lipid profile, namely
its high amount of LC-omega-3-PUFA and low level of
saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Recent research has
underlined the necessity of a steady supply of seafood with
aging for its function in the protection of cognitive impairment
and neurological illnesses [48,49]. The fatty acid content of
marine foods varies widely depending on the species as well as
a number of intra-specific (independent and make, age, and
reproduction stage) and external (catching season, habitat of
provenance) variables.
Omega-3s are a group of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids that are fundamental elements for health improvement.
Research exploration shows that there are two most useful
omega-3s are EPA (Eicosapentaenoic corrosive) and DHA
(docosahexaenoic corrosive) they have a few valuable effects
on human body. These incorporate diminishing the danger of
myocardial localized necrosis bringing down pulse and
triglyceride concentration in the blood upgrading the resistant
system and maintaining brain function [50-52]. They likewise
ensure against different mental issues, depression and attention
deficit hyperactivity issue specifically in cancer.
The bioavailability of n-3 PUFA from invigorated diets is like
pharmaceutical/dietary enhancements [53]. However, human
ingestion of n-3 PUFA from food items has been accounted for
to happen at quicker rates contrasted with supplements [54].
The unsaturated fat profile of fish muscle can be controlled by
adjusting the unsaturated fat structure of fish diet and
subsequently, it is basic that cultivated fish for the most part
have lower rates of n-3 PUFA contrasted with fish in nature
[55]. This is caused to a great extent by the replacement of
dietary fish oil principally created from marine species (for
example herring, sardine, sand, eel, anchovy, cod, krill) with
vegetable oil in the consumption regimes for aquaculture
species rendering the nutritious nature of fish meat. Thusly,
elective raw materials and added substances are being
recognized for consideration in fish feeds to improve fish
unsaturated fat profile adding to medical advantages related to
the utilization of strengthened fish items [56]. Tocopherol
Citation: Selamoglu Z, Naeem MY. Fish as a significant source of nutrients. J Pub Health Nutri. 2023;6(4):1-14.
J Pub Health Nutri. 2023 Volume 6 Issue 4
(vitamin E) is a known cancer prevention agent that which
prevents fatty acid oxidation in cell membranes and a
speculation exist that vitamin E and n-3 PUFA levels are
tightly related in tissues. Navarro et al., saw that tilapia took
care of diets enhanced with vitamin E (100 mg/kg150 mg/kg
diet) had improved n-3 to n-6 proportion just as a significant
level of PUFA in muscle tissue [57]. There have additionally
been actions to build certain harvests to gather elevated levels
of EPA as well as DHA in its seed oil. Genetically designed
Camelina has been accounted for to be a source of n-3 PUFA
and in this manner, give significant levels of these unsaturated
fats in cultivated fish took care of decreased fish oil withholds
from food without weakening their dietary quality [58].
In addition to their valued essential oil and protein
composition, fish is similarly a noteworthy source of
micronutrients (minerals and vitamins).
All the vitamins are vital for the good soundness of people's
health. Fish is an unbelievable source of precise vitamins
which hold important volumes in the body that are important in
the growth and improvement of child’s body. Fish is a rich
source of many vitamins, especially vitamin A, D, and E from
oily species, just as thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin (vitamin
B1, B2, and B3).
Vitamin A
In people, vitamin A shoulders a fundamental job in resistant
system, development and vision [59]. Vitamin A insufficiency
stays a significant reason for kid mortality and kid visual
impairment (xerophthalmia) in low and middle income
countries, albeit numerous nations have half-yearly vitamin A
supplementation programs all through the world focusing on
youngsters 6-60 months old [60]. Human body can change
over provitamin-A carotenoids, accessible from orange and
yellow products of the soil and green verdant vegetables, to
retinol [61]. In any case, productivity procedure is variable and
relies upon numerous components counting the food grid, food
planning, utilization of dietary fat and even hereditary elements
[62]. Stimulatingly, preformed retinol from animal source diets
has more noteworthy integration and bio-availability.
In fish, vitamin A is a basic micronutrient that joined rightfully
from the consumption of regime or utilized from carotenoids.
Vitamin A has been demonstrated to assume a significant job
as an immune stimulant and takes an especially gainful
practice in fish cultivating [63]. Moren, et al., announced that
expanding levels of carotenoids in the weight control plans
were imitated in expanding levels of vitamin A in Atlantic
halibut hyoglossus entire body and liver tissue that is by all
accounts the capacity organ of nutrient.
Major distinctive vitamin A supplements had no impact on
rough protein, lipid, moisture, and ash substance in the entire
body. Indications of an excess of supplemental vitamin A, for
example, diminished development and depigmentation,
expanded death, have been accounted for in other species of
fish [64]. Likewise, Hernandez, et al., saw that vitamin A in
abundance could effectively affect the liver of Japanese
struggle Paralichthys olivaceous [65]. The two examinations
showing that dietary vitamin A supplementation might affect
fish execution and regime assistance. Certain fish species,
especially those expended entire with the head and viscera are
known to be plentiful in vitamin A [66]. Indeed, Roos, et al.,
determined that even little creation of the vitamin A rich fish
mola Amblypharyngodon mola in lakes in Bangladesh can
meet the yearly vitamin A suggestion of 2 million teenagers.
Katsuyama and Matsuno, 1988 detailed that tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus, among different species including
goldfish Carassius auratus and Atlantic halibut, ready to bio-
convert beta carotene to vitamin A, recommending conceivable
supplement of tilapia takes care of with beta carotene rich raw
materials to improve vitamin A substance of the fish toward
human health [27]. Vitamin A in fish liver must be stored when
significant levels (above fish necessities) are enhanced in the
feed. Be that as it may, raised levels of beta carotene can get
harmful to tilapia or other fish and negative consequences for
organic films and cell signal conduction have been accounted
for [68]. Here are various foods plentiful in beta carotene that
might develop vitamin A hotspots for fish counts calories.
Omoregie, et al., demonstrated that nutritional consideration of
sweet potato up to 15 percent didn't adversely affect the fish's
final weighs [69]. Vitamin A supplement in fish regimes might
be utilized to build vitamin A substance in few fish species, in
the entire body or potentially liver, as long as the enhanced
degree in takes care of don't surpass fish prerequisites and
henceforth, don't represent a danger of incited poisonousness.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is required for the strength of bones sickness
remembering rickets for kids and osteomalacia in a grown up.
Moreover, vitamin D inadequacy is related to a more serious
hazard for gestational matured births [70]. People, especially
who are existing close to the equator conclude a lot of its
vitamin D from presentation to daylight, albeit inside living, air
contamination, and skin shading are hazard issues for
insufficiency. Fish is the most significant normal dietary source
of vitamin D, in certain sceneries giving over 90 percent of
nutrition, even though egg, meats, and mushroom are different
bases [71].
Next to bones associated matters lack vitamin D has associated
with diabetes, expanded forcefulness of specific tumors and
expanded event of immune system illnesses just as heart
maladies [72,73]. Generally, vitamin D can be photochemically
delivered in the skin by the intervention of daylight. Because
of worries about skin cancer or different explanations behind
low presentation to the sun, as living on northern elevations,
maximum paces of vitamin D inadequacy has been accounted
for from kids and grown-ups all around the globe. The general
J Pub Health Nutri. 2023 Volume 6 Issue 4
proposal is to ingest at any rate of 1000 IU vitamin D for each
day, which relates to 25 mg. Vitamin D found in fish is vitamin
D3 (cholecalciferol), that is an additional structure actuality
delivered in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol when
presented to bright sunlight and that has as of late appeared to
have multiple occasions higher power contrasted with the
vitamin D2 that is found an example in mushrooms. Two
structures vary by ergocalciferol having one twofold bond and
a methyl bond more than cholecalciferol.
In fish, vitamin D assumes a similarly significant job in
skeleton genesis and solidification and subsequently,
satisfactory degrees of this fat-solvent nutrient ought to be
given in the ingestion regime especially because of the photo-
chemicals and non-photochemical creation of vitamin D
impossible happens in fish [74]. Like, wild salmon have a 75
percent higher vitamin D level compared with cultivated
salmon showing amongst others its useful impact on human
health. However, different examinations on fish demonstrated
significant levels of vitamin D causing hypervitaminosis,
impaired growth, lethargy and discoloration [75]. In rainbow
trout no connection was seen between vitamin D levels in
muscle and the eating, routine recommending that involvement
of substance exists for vitamin D in fish tissue. While an
examination performed by Graff, et al., indicated that fish can
be tolerant of high doses (up to 57 mg/kg feed) of vitamin D
over a significant period [76]. Vitamin D is useful for people
yet it can likewise decidedly influence fish affluence.
Vitamin D present in fish liver and oil is vital for bone growth
since it is essential for the retention and ingestion of calcium. It
additionally assumes a job in invulnerable capacity and may
offer assurance against cancer. Slick fish is the best food
wellspring of unfortified vitamin D. It isn't seen in numerous
nourishments and tends as a nutrient that numerous defenceless
gatherings go shy of, for example, high school young ladies
and the old.
Vitamin E and K
Fish oil taken with vitamin E lessens levels of inflammation,
joint inflammation, pain, and weakness normal for arthritic
joint pain. Vitamin K present in fish is answerable for hostile to
anti-haemorrhage factor [77]. Vitamin K forestalls interior
draining and animates the right coagulation of blood.
Fish is a decent source of practically all the minerals present in
seawater and the worth range from 0.4% to 1.5% (wet
premise). The minerals present in fish incorporate iron,
calcium, zinc (from marine fish), phosphorus, selenium
fluorine, iodine. These minerals are with high 'bioavailability'
implying that they are smoothly consumed by the body [78].
Accessibility of iodine and selenium in marine fish is of
extraordinary importance according to the nourishing
perspective. Iodine is significant for hormones thyroxin that
manages body digestion and in kids, it is required for
development and mental growth. Selenium is a fundamental
antioxidant low component. Iron is significant in the
combination of haemoglobin in red platelets for shipping
oxygen to entire pieces of the body. Calcium is obligatory for
solid bones (arrangement and mineralization) and the regular
working of muscles and the sensual system. The intake of
calcium, phosphorus, and fluorine is higher when little fish are
eaten with their bones as opposed to disposing of fish bones.
Iron assumes a basic job in numerous functions of the human
physique, utmost outstandingly in the creation of haemoglobin,
that liable for the transportation of oxygen all through the body
[79]. The worldwide ubiquity of anemia is around 33 percent
and keeping in mind that the general commitment of iron
versus other nourishing and non-wholesome causes in
numerous settings isn't surely known, iron insufficiency is
recognized to be a significant supporter [80]. Inadequacy
through pregnancy builds the danger of maternal mortality,
during youthful youth can influence the psychological turn of
Iron is a fundamental element in fish as well. Diverse fish
species have distinctive iron necessities that alter contingent
upon dietetic iron bio-availability. Iron can be profitable yet
may likewise get hurtful to the animals and along these lines,
dietary iron degrees for fish essentially firmly directed to give
adequate focus to organic responses without the superfluous
abundance which might be unsafe (for example oxidative
pressure) assembly it hard to focus on the iron fixation that
would profit human buyer. In rainbow trout, expanded degrees
of nutritional iron caused the height of these micronutrients in
blood just as gastrointestinal organs including the liver [81].
Trout, can manage raised iron focuses in the entire body by
regulating the degree of iron in the blood and resultant for
storage exchange in the liver. Thus, taking care of gilthead
ocean bream with consumes fewer calories energised with iron
and different metals counting zinc and copper, didn't majorly
affect the grouping of these minerals in tissues [82].
Selenium a fundamental component in human and animal food.
Selenium assumes a job as an antioxidant and catalyst for the
creation of thyroid hormone stimulates working of the immune
system, and acts as an antioxidant in cardiovascular disease
and cancer prevention avoidance. Selenium works
fundamentally in a type of seleno proteins and their job might
be auxiliary and enzymatic. The bio-availability of selenium,
which is a union of supplement retained and used by a living
being to add the necessary physiological capacity, fluctuates
significantly amongst various food types. In fish, for example,
yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi, supplementation of
fishmeal-based feeds with selenium in a type of selenocystine,
selenomethionine, or business selenium addition, brought
about expanded muscles selenium centralization of 0.35, 0.61,
and 0.62 mg/kg, separately, contrasted with selenite which had
no impact on the muscle selenium levels (0.24 contrasted with
0.21 mg/kg selenium in muscle in the basal-selenium lacking
gathering) [83]. All the while, nutrient selenium degrees
somewhere in the range of 15 and 21 mg/kg were shown as a
Citation: Selamoglu Z, Naeem MY. Fish as a significant source of nutrients. J Pub Health Nutri. 2023;6(4):1-14.
J Pub Health Nutri. 2023 Volume 6 Issue 4
limit level for adolescent yellowtail kingfish to forestall
diminished feed admission, development, and any neurotic
changes in fish tissues.
Selenium is poisonous in huge dosages; however, it is
fundamental as a micronutrient in animals and people. In
human, selenium capacities as seleno proteins as a cofactor for
the decrease of assorted cancer prevention agent catalysts, for
example, glutathione peroxidases and is likewise liable for the
capacity of the thyroid organ as a cofactor for the three of the
four known sorts of thyroid hormone deiodinases [84].
Effectively prior Kaneko and Ralston, et al. proposed an
alleged selenium medical advantage esteem (Se-HBV) in light
of the supreme sums and relative extents of selenium and
mercury in fish as a rule for fish wellbeing [85]. All the more
as of late, the gathering refreshed the Se-HBV incentive to not
just consider the accessibility of selenium from fish yet
additionally if the selenium status is upgraded or lessened. That
new worth is condensed HBVSe to recognize from the prior
Se-HBV [86].
Calcium is one more significant mineral in human nourishment
being significant for bone thickness. Calcium salt gives
unbending nature to the skeleton and calcium particles assume
a job in numerous. The suggested per day calcium by
WHO/FAO is 400 to 500 mg/d for grown-ups. Contrasted and
different minerals, calcium absorbance to the body is generally
wasteful. By and large, just about 30 percent of dietetic
calcium is successfully ingested. Alongside milk and milk
kinds of stuff, fish and fish bones are acceptable source of
calcium and likewise indicated before that calcium ingestion
from fish is similar to for instance skimmed milk.
Malde, et al., stated that salmon bone is described by nearness
of profoundly accessible calcium and subsequently [87].
Calcium is for the most part aggregated in fish bones yet as
much as possible likewise be put away in scales [88]. In event
that the water is wealthy in calcium fish can assimilate calcium
from their general condition to accomplish, somewhat, its
calcium necessities. Something else, calcium must be gotten
from the feed. Calcium necessity in fish may change with a
sequential nearness of other dietary supplements, for example,
phosphorus, that might influence fish entire body calcium
substance [89-93].
Zinc is required for most body forms as it happens along with
proteins in basic. Zinc lack is related to poor development, skin
issues, and loss of hair among different issues. High-protein
foods like meat and fish contain the most noteworthy measure
of zinc, and it is effectively ingested from the sources Gibson,
et al. Shellfish give additional zinc than some other food [94-
96]. Different kinds of sleek fish, for example, skate,
anchovies, herring, sardines, crab, prawns, shrimps, mussels
and winkles likewise give a lot of zinc Gibson, et al.
Phosphorus assumes a significant job in bones. Likewise, it is
additionally a segment of numerous intra cellular mixes as
nucleic acids, nucleoproteins and natural phosphates as
creatine phosphate and adenosine triphosphate. Phosphorus in
the human body is around 700 g of which 80% are bound in
the bones, 10.9% in viscera and 9% in the skeletal muscle
tissues [97,98]. Phosphorus inadequacy in the body prompts
strength issues, metabolic acidosis, encephalopathy, and
modification in bone mineralization just like cardiovascular,
respirational, neural, and metabolic disarranges. A few
distributions fish are recommended to be a superior wellspring
of phosphorus by a normal somewhere in the range of 204 and
230 mg/100 g phosphorus in fish, contrasted with 176 mg/100
g in the meats of an animal [99].
An integrated strategy involving biochemical science, food
science, and nutrition should serve as the foundation for a
developing and contemporary view of research on seafood,
nutrition, and health status. Fisheries and aquaculture are
recognized internationally for its contribution to lowering
nutritional shortages and health hazards associated to diet.
Aquatic foods are a rich source of nutrients and bioactive
components essential for human health. In addition to
highlighting the significance of taking food safety
considerations into account, fish intake and its bioactive
components are noted and encouraged for their positive effects
on health.
Fish and fish products shoulder an extraordinary job in the
wholesome picture since they are a rich source of nutrients and
give a decent parity of protein, nutrients and minerals, and a
generally low caloric substance. The utilization of uncommon
foods, such as seaweeds, together with waste products and by
products of the fish industry as sources of value-added
compounds is now the next breakthrough in the bio-refinery
and cyclical economic paradigms.
Several research have focused on the extraction of natural
chemicals from seafood processing by-products, such as omega
3 fatty acids and tocopherol, and its recycling and reuse in the
creation of novel food items for human diets in additional to
functional ingredients. Around the same time, it is important to
consider the applicable laws and safety considerations while
applying developing technologies, like nanoscience. The
investigation of novel usages is expanding, sparking interest in
this scientific topic on a global scale.
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*Correspondence to
Zeliha Selamoglu
Department of Medical Biology,
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University,
Nigde, Turkiye
Department of Biology, Central Campus - Ahmet Yesevi
University Turkestan, Kazakhstan
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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The proximate composition such as carbohydrate, protein and lipid of muscle tissues was analysed 22 fish species collected from Muthupet mangroves. The carbohydrate content ranged from 2.87 mg/g to 4.26 mg/g and Lutjanus fulviflamus was conspicuous in possessing high content of carbohydrate (4.26 mg/g). The lowest carbohydrate content was found in Stolephorus commersonii (2.87 mg/g). The protein content ranged from 14.69 mg/g to 26.69 mg/g. However, in Sillago sihama, the protein content was very high (26.69 mg/g). The lowest was found in Plotosus canius (14.69 mg/g). The lipid content varied from 1.16 mg/g to 1.91 mg/g however, in Liza parsia, the lipid content was very high (1.91 mg/g) in the muscle when compared to other species. Among the 22 species, the lowest lipid level was observed in Hemiramphus sp., (1.16 mg/g).
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This perspective presents current and updated advances in research on nutrients and bioactive compounds in seafood. It is based on a literature quantitative research analysis approach. The main features of seafood components are introduced. This perspective aims at providing a current framework that relates nutrients, bioactive compounds, and seafood in a novel integrated and multidisciplinary manner, highlighting the current knowledge, the main research lines, and emerging strategies. The literature search was carried out by means of the Scopus database, and 22,542 documents were retrieved in the period from 1932 to 2024. Particularly, from the perspective of nutrition and health outputs, the main terms correlated with research on the relationship between seafood and nutritional and bioactive components, and the main existing research lines focused on this topic, were identified. The top recurring keywords were human/s, female, diet, nutrition, fish, male, adult, food intake.
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Marine organisms harbor numerous bioactive substances that can be utilized in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Scientific research on various applications of collagen extracted from these organisms has become increasingly prevalent. Marine collagen can be used as a biomaterial because it is water soluble, metabolically compatible, and highly accessible. Upon review of the literature, it is evident that marine collagen is a versatile compound capable of healing skin injuries of varying severity, as well as delaying the natural human aging process. From in vitro to in vivo experiments, collagen has demonstrated its ability to invoke keratinocyte and fibroblast migration as well as vascularization of the skin. Additionally, marine collagen and derivatives have proven beneficial and useful for both osteoporosis and osteoarthritis prevention and treatment. Other bone-related diseases may also be targeted by collagen, as it is capable of increasing bone mineral density, mineral deposition, and importantly, osteoblast maturation and proliferation. In this review, we demonstrate the advantages of marine collagen over land animal sources and the biomedical applications of marine collagen related to bone and skin damage. Finally, some limitations of marine collagen are briefly discussed.
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The aquatic products are the term of the aquatic animal and plant products and their processed products produced by marine and freshwater fisheries in general. The marketability of aquatic products is an important issue in the development of aquaculture. In addition, processing and marketing facilities provide the great opportunities for employment within the aquaculture industry. Such products are prone to oxidation and bacterial contamination in organized transportation, which not only destroys the taste of products, but also poses a very serious threat to food safety. One of the essential classifications of cold chain logistics is the cold chain management of aquatic products. Cold chain planing is key to reducing aquatic products spoilage in the circulation, transport and marketing process. Cold chain logistics of aquatic products refers to system engineering in which cold or frozen aquatic products are stored in the specified low temperature environment before production, storage, transportation, sales and consumption. It is aimed to ensure quality and prevent damage to foods.
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Oceans are becoming increasingly important in facilitating international trade by connecting vendors and customers. As the interaction between land and water grows in its function and relevance, economic and regulatory attention should be paid to the behavior patterns of such connecting facilitators on the oceans. Against this backdrop, the notion of the "Blue Economy" was born. A review of the literature is conducted in order to determine a suitable definition for the Blue Economy. These definitions are examined in terms of the very minimum requirements for a Blue Economy. The article also tries to organize the many sorts of activity related to ocean services. It is really done with the goal of identifying what one would consider to be the primary considerations for the Blue Economy's growth. Article further proposes that blue oceans can be created via radical innovation, disruptive innovation, frugal innovation, and purely differentiation strategy and focused differentiation strategy rather than only value innovation. Furthermore, we suggest that strategy canvas is applicable not only for value innovation but all types of innovation. We, thus extend the boundaries of sources of blue oceans. Lastly, we explore if sustainable competitive advantage or blue oceans ae better sources of profitability.
Many studies over the past decade and a half have indicated that vitamin A status is an important determinant of health. The World Bank now estimates that vitamin A intervention programs are some of the most cost-effective health strategies globally. This new book, written by leading investigators in the field, is the first to synthesize the many important studies to date. The authors identify and quantify the biological, clinical and public health impact of vitamin A deficiency on childhood growth, mortality and morbidity, including anemia and blindness. They deal with the epidemiologic and biological basis of these findings, and with the prevention and treatment of these disorders, particularly of measles, diarrhea and xeorophthalmia. Alternative approaches to identifying individuals and populations in need of intervention, alternative strategies for improving vitamin A and carotenoids, and the relationship between vitamin A and immunity are discussed. This comprehensive volume on a critically important and widespread nutritional deficiency will serve as a unique resource for nutritionists, physicians, public health workers and policy makers, and will be especially relevant to clinicians and researchers in international health.
Background Bioactive peptides have been studied in several sources due to their valuable potential in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. Algae, mussels and fish are examples of marine sources of bioactive peptides. Several biological properties have been identified in these peptides, such as antioxidant, antiatherosclerosis, anticancer, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive and antimicrobial activities. Furthermore, peptides derived from marine sources may also be of great interest due to their functional properties, such as solubility, emulsifying and foaming properties, which could be beneficial for industrial application. Scope and approach This paper aims to review information about bioactive peptides isolated from different marine sources, focusing on the different biological activities and functional properties already described, and the different industrial applications exploited. Key findings and conclusions Enzymatic hydrolysis appears as the most used method for peptide production. Bioactive peptides have not been widely used individually, although marine protein hydrolysates are already used with different industrial purposes. However, due to all the bioactivities showed, marine peptides may be of great interest to industrial applications, such as active ingredients for food or cosmetic products; preservatives for food or cosmetics; anti-inflammatory cosmeceuticals; pharmaceutical or nutraceutical products to treat or prevent diseases, with potentially fewer side effects when compared with synthetic drugs. To incorporate peptides in industrial matrices it is essential to guarantee that they will not suffer modifications or lose bioactivity inside new matrices. To empower peptides action in pharmaceuticals, food or cosmetics, they must be able to resist to adverse external factors. Encapsulation may be of one of the most interesting approaches to increase peptides protection.