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An Efficient Technique to Prevent Data Misuse with Matrix Cipher Encryption Algorithms

Tech Science Press
Computers, Materials & Continua
  • NASTP Institute of Information Technology
  • National University of Technology Islamabad
  • National University of Technology (NUTECH)

Abstract and Figures

Many symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms have been developed in cloud computing to transmit data in a secure form. Cloud cryptography is a data encryption mechanism that consists of different steps and prevents the attacker from misusing the data. This paper has developed an efficient algorithm to protect the data from invaders and secure the data from misuse. If this algorithm is applied to the cloud network, the attacker will not be able to access the data. To encrypt the data, the values of the bytes have been obtained by converting the plain text to ASCII. A key has been generated using the Non-Deterministic Bit Generator (NRBG) mechanism, and the key is XNORed with plain text bits, and then Bit toggling has been implemented. After that, an efficient matrix cipher encryption algorithm has been developed, and this algorithm has been applied to this text. The capability of this algorithm is that with its help, a key has been obtained from the plain text, and only by using this key can the data be decrypted in the first steps. A plain text key will never be used for another plain text. The data has been secured by implementing different mechanisms in both stages, and after that, a ciphertext has been obtained. At the end of the article, the latest technique will be compared with different techniques. There will be a discussion on how the present technique is better than all the other techniques; then, the conclusion will be drawn based on comparative analysis.
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Computers, Materials & Continua
DOI: 10.32604/cmc.2023.032882
An Efficient Technique to Prevent Data Misuse with Matrix Cipher
Encryption Algorithms
Muhammad Nadeem1, Ali Arshad2,*, Saman Riaz2, Syeda Wajiha Zahra1, Ashit Kumar Dutta3,
Moteeb Al Moteri4and Sultan Almotairi5
1Department of Computing, Abasyn University, Islamabad, Pakistan
2Department of Computer Science, National University of Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
3Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, College of Applied Sciences, AlMaarefa University,
Riyadh, 13713, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
4Department of Management Information Systems, Business Administration College, King Saud University,
Riyadh, 11451, Saudi Arabia
5Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Community College, Majmaah University,
Majmaah, 11952, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding Author: Ali Arshad. Email:
Received: 01 June 2022; Accepted: 26 August 2022
Abstract: Many symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms have been
developed in cloud computing to transmit data in a secure form. Cloud
cryptography is a data encryption mechanism that consists of different steps
and prevents the attacker from misusing the data. This paper has developed
an efficient algorithm to protect the data from invaders and secure the data
from misuse. If this algorithm is applied to the cloud network, the attacker
will not be able to access the data. To encrypt the data, the values of the bytes
have been obtained by converting the plain text to ASCII. A key has been
generated using the Non-Deterministic Bit Generator (NRBG) mechanism,
and the key is XNORed with plain text bits, and then Bit toggling has been
implemented. After that, an efficient matrix cipher encryption algorithm
has been developed, and this algorithm has been applied to this text. The
capability of this algorithm is that with its help, a key has been obtained from
the plain text, and only by using this key can the data be decrypted in the
first steps. A plain text key will never be used for another plain text. The
data has been secured by implementing different mechanisms in both stages,
and after that, a ciphertext has been obtained. At the end of the article, the
latest technique will be compared with different techniques. There will be a
discussion on how the present technique is better than all the other techniques;
then, the conclusion will be drawn based on comparative analysis.
Keywords: Symmetric; cryptography; ciphertext; encryption; decryption;
cloud security; matrix cipher
4060 CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2
Cloud computing is derived from two words, Cloud”and“Computing. Cloud means Internet,
and computing means Calculating something. Cloud computing is an online network-based data
storage system that combines different hardware and software and allows all users across the network
to communicate online [1]. Cloud computing has gained much popularity over the years due to the
collection of various servers, storage systems, databases, routers, switches, hardware, and software.
Cloud computing provides many services to end-users, and all of these are available through the
internet [2]. Many organizations are moving data to cloud servers to protect them from malware [3],
and this data can be accessed from any part of the world. Many organizations offer free services to
store data online, including the Amazon Web Service (A.W.S.), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft
Azure. Sometimes. The network, front-end server, and back-end storage are all components of the
cloud computing architecture [4]. Cloud computing is also called distributed system [5] because a
distributed system is a system that stores data across multiple locations and servers, and that data can
be accessed from anywhere. But as the demand for users increases in cloud computing similarly, the
rate of cloud computing attacks is also growing [6].
Various attackers develop multiple algorithms and tools to misuse users’ data and gain access
to data that can be detrimental to users’ data and cloud architecture. Two types of security are
required to secure cloud data [7]; Hardware-based security and software-based security. Hardware-
based security means protecting all the hardware and software connected to the cloud network and
used for communication purposes. In comparison, software-based security means protecting all the
applications that fetch data from the cloud server. Cloud servers and user data cannot be secured unless
all hardware and software associated with cloud computing are protected [8].
Many organizations are developing different applications to secure cloud servers. Some orga-
nizations are working on various algorithms to ensure cloud computing from the outside, but the
highest attack rate in cloud computing is from the inner side. When an attacker tries to attack from
outside, various techniques can be used to avoid outside attacks [9]. These techniques include Intrusion
Detection and Prevention systems (IDPs), firewalls, authentication, authorization, and biometrics.
Multiple methods have been developed to prevent internal attacks in cloud computing, including
Cloudflare, Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System (AIDS), and Cryptography.
Cloudflare is one of the techniques used to prevent internal attacks, which is usually done to
protect against phishing attacks such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) and malicious bots
[10]. Only authentic users and Internet Protocol (I.P) addresses can access cloud servers with this
technique. Whenever an invalid user tries to perform malicious activity on the cloud server [11], it can
be blocked by Cloudflare. Whenever an attacker tries to change the behavior of cloud data or cloud
devices, such intruders can be detected by the Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection system [12]. Still,
the problem with Cloudflare and AIDS techniques is that these techniques can only see and block
the attacks within the cloud server, but data cannot be secure through these techniques. Whenever an
attacker develops a mechanism to break these techniques, he can easily access and use the data, which
is the biggest problem.
The best way to keep data safe is to use cryptographic techniques [13]. Whenever the data is
encrypted, the attacker will not be able to read the text, nor will he understand what is written in the
text [14]. The most significant advantage of cloud cryptography is that cloud data cannot be accessed
unless the exact mechanism is applied to this data as it is designed to convert it into a nonreadable form.
CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2 4061
1.1 Cryptography
Cryptography is one of the best techniques to protect data from attackers [15]. Cryptography is
an encryption technique in which the data is changed into a nonreadable format in different steps [16].
Nonreadable text is also called ciphertext. The ciphertext is the text that is difficult for any person to
understand, whether the person is authentic or unauthentic. Ciphertext consists of symbols, characters,
and numeric keys [17]. Whenever the text is converted to a ciphertext and sent to the receiver, it must be
converted to a readable form on the receiver side called decryption [18]. In decryption, the ciphertext
is converted to readable format using different steps. Whenever a data transmission occurs between
the sender and the receiver, the attacker can use any technique to gain access to the data and transmit
it to the receiver by altering it [19]. Data leakage and misuse are the most significant problems.
1.2 Encryption and Decryption
When data is converted from readable to nonreadable format to prevent misuse, this process is
called Encryption. Various techniques are used to convert data to nonreadable format, which can be
used to protect data from attackers. Whenever data is sent to the receiver side, it is necessary to bring
this data in a readable format on the receiver side [20], for which different techniques are used, called
1.3 Cryptography Algorithms
Cryptography has been categorized into Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption [21].
Symmetric means same, whereas Asymmetric means different. Data encryption and decryption
are performed using the same key in symmetric cryptography [22]. In Asymmetric cryptography, data
is encrypted and decrypted using two different keys. The first key is public, and the second is private.
A Symmetric cryptography key is also called a secret key [23], and whenever this data is decrypted, it
is done using the same key used during Encryption.
1.4 Problem Formulation
Different researchers have developed various algorithms to secure the data. These algorithms
generate a key from the key generator in randomized form and use this key to encrypt the data and then
get the ciphertext, using the ASCII table, which is predefined. Whenever an attacker tries to decrypt the
data, he always uses a predefined ASCII table that can help decrypt the data. Data transmission can
be reliable if a predefined ASCII table is replaced by a Customized ASCII table that can only be used
between sender and receiver, as done in this paper. In this paper, a matrix cipher encryption algorithm
has been developed. A Customized ASCII table will be generated in which each character will be stored
in the randomized form. Two keys will be created to store the data, and the procedure for obtaining
each key will differ from the other key mechanism. The first key will be obtained from the NRBG,
while the second key will be obtained from the plain text to be encrypted. Matrix cipher encryption
algorithms will be used in two phases. In the first phase, Key-2 will be obtained by implementing a
mechanism that can be used to decrypt only this data. Both sides will secure data in the second phase
by implementing a random seed mechanism. The matrix cipher algorithm’s most significant efficiency
is achieving the second key. The second key (Key-2) is a key that will be unique to each text and can
only be used up to that text, while the first key (Key-1) can be used for every text.
4062 CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2
The paper has been distributed something like this. Previous work has been discussed in Section 2.
The proposed algorithm is discussed in Section 3. The algorithm has been tested in Section 4. The latest
work has been compared with previous work in Section 5, and Section 6 consists of Conclusions.
2Literature Review
Ahmad et al. [10] developed the hill cipher algorithm. They applied the hill cipher algorithm results
to the Strassen algorithm to identify the time complexity of the hill cipher algorithm. The text was
first taken in an alphabetical form in the Hill chipper algorithm. This text was equalized with different
numeric words with the help of a table, then generated a key, multiplied the numeric values with the key
in matrix forms, and obtained the ciphertext by mod26. After that, they determined the time complexity
by applying this ciphertext to the Strassen algorithm.
According to Al-Shabi [24], Cryptography is the art of converting data to a nonreadable format.
It consists of various methods and techniques in which data has to be reversed from nonreadable form
to readable format. This article developed a hill cipher algorithm to secure the data. The purpose of
this algorithm was to create a technique that could be used to protect data. First, an image was taken
as input to encrypt the image data, and, after that, the colors of the image were checked. If the image
is color, it was moved to the grayscale and then took each component in pixel form, and each pixel
was converted to a matrix. After converting to a matrix, the Hill cipher algorithm was applied and
encrypted the data.
In the paper [25], the researchers developed a Triple Pass Protocol (T.P.P.) method and divided data
into three phases for Encryption. In the first phase, plain text was taken and converted this plain text
to ciphertext-1 with the help of the Square Matrix mechanism. Ciphertext-1 was represented with KA.
In the second phase, the Hill Cipher algorithm was implemented on cipher text-1 (KA) and obtained
ciphertext-2, described with KB. All the values were inverted in the third step, and a ciphertext was
obtained, described with A.B.
Sun et al. [22] modified the Hill cipher algorithm and developed a Hill cipher chain algorithm.
This algorithm was implemented on the primary key text and obtained a ciphertext. The first plain
text was converted to ASCII, then converted ASCII values to matrix form. After that, a random key
was generated, multiplied the matrix with the key, and obtained different results in the matrix form.
After that, these results were converted to ciphertext with the help of an ASCII table and stored in
place of the primary key. The ciphertext was converted to matrix form to decrypt the data, and the
keys were reversed and multiplied with the matrix. After that, plain text was obtained by replacing
matrix values with their equivalent ASCII.
In this paper [26], the authors created a rectangular matrix key using the play fair cipher algorithm.
The matrix key was created using the Playfair cipher algorithm. Afterward, keywords were created and
arranged in the matrix; then, alphabets that do not exist in the keyword were stored in the matrix after
the keyword. The ciphertext was then obtained using the Playfair cipher algorithm. The alphabets of
this text were converted to their corresponding numerical values to form the rectangular matrix from
those values. The pseudo-inverse of the matrix was then taken. The Rectangular matrix was taken as
a key matrix for the Hill cipher algorithm, with the help of which encryptions were performed.
CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2 4063
In Paper [27], researchers analyzed the various cryptographic algorithms used by cloud service
providers and proposed an algorithm for providing security on client-side data. In this algorithm,
data was converted to ASCII values for data encryption, and then these ASCII values were converted
to binary. After conversion to binary, the bits were completed using 0, the last 4 bits were inverted, and
the cipher text was generated. To decrypt the data, the ciphertext was converted to ASCII, the ASCII
values were converted to binary, and the bits were completed. After completing the bits, the last 4 bits
were inverted, and the binary values were converted to ASCII to obtain the plain text.
In this paper [28], various cryptographic papers were surveyed, and the cryptographic mechanisms
proposed in these papers were compared and identified which mechanism is better in terms of security.
Then it was discussed that R4 and R5 algorithms are such mathematical solutions that can make it
difficult for an attacker to decrypt the data. Finally, it was concluded that the symmetric algorithm
performs better than the asymmetric algorithm.
3Proposed Algorithm
This article will develop a matrix cipher encryption algorithm that will help prevent data from
being misused. When an attacker tries to access the data, using this technique will make it difficult for
the attacker to access it. The attacker cannot access it to retrieve the original data.
3.1 Work Overflow
Whenever data is transmitted to the receiver side, the attacker makes every effort to gain access
to that data and uses every possible algorithm that can be helpful to the attacker. An advanced matrix
cipher encryption algorithm has been developed to solve this problem in which data can be saved from
attackers using different techniques. The reason for creating a matrix cipher algorithm is that if an
attacker attempts to misuse the data, the attacker will not be able to misuse the data due to the matrix
cipher encryption algorithm. Only an authoritative person will have access to the data. First, plaintext
will be taken to encrypt the data, and then plaintext will be converted to its equivalent ASCII. After
that, a key will be generated from an NRBG, which will be XORed with ASCII. After that, a key will be
generated from an NRBG, which will be XORed with plaintext ASCII. The bits toggling mechanism
will be implemented on the result obtained from XOR, and the result obtained from the bits toggling
will be converted to decimal.
After getting the decimal results, the 1C2R metric algorithm will be implemented on the decimal
values, and a key will be generated. The key obtained from the 1C2R matrix will be used up to the
same plaintext. A key from one plaintext cannot be substituted for a key from another plaintext. A
random key will be used to provide security to the data on both sides, and the obtained result will
be converted to ASCII, and the cipher text will be obtained. A complete encryption and decryption
methodology is shown in Flow charts Figs. 1 and 2.
4064 CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2
Figure 1: Encryption methodology
3.2 Data Encryption Process
Different steps will be used to convert plain text into ciphertext, in which the first plain text
will be converted to its equivalent ASCII. Whenever an attacker tries to access the file, the attacker
attempts to use the same ASCII table on the file, which is pre-created. This pre-created ASCII table
will give him different data than the original data, which has nothing to do with actual data. In
this paper, a customized ASCII table will be made, storing alphabets, symbols, and numeric keys in
randomized form. The equivalent values of the predefined ASCII table and the customized ASCII
table are different. A customized ASCII table is shown in Fig. 4. The plain text will be converted to
the equivalent ASCII and then converted to bytes. A key will be generated using NRBG, represented
as key-1.Key-1 will be represented by K,”and“Bytes will be represented by B.”“X value will be
obtained by XNORing the Key-1 (K) and Bytes (B). Bits of all values derived from XNOR will be
toggled so that if an attacker uses decryption mechanisms, he will not be able to understand which
phase has been toggled. After toggling the bits, each byte will be converted to decimals, as shown in
Fig. 3.
CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2 4065
Figure 2: Decryption methodology
Mathematical Notation:
z=Bits inversion
α=First random seed
β=Second random seed
An efficientalgorithm, “Matrix Cipher Encryption Algorithm,”has since been developed, and that
decimal value will be implemented in this algorithm. The matrix cipher encryption algorithm is divided
into two phases. The first phase is 1C2R-Matrix, while the second phase is the Random Seed phase.
When the decimal values are obtained, these decimal values will be paired and converted to 1C2R-
matrix form. The bits toggle values will be denoted by L, and the key-1 (K) will be represented by
M.”MatrixL and matrix M will be applied to the formula E=L-M”andE value will be
obtained. The second phase will generate two random seed pairs in matrix form. The first random
seed pair has been denoted by α.
4066 CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2
In contrast, the second random seed pair has been represented by β. The random seed value
α.” will be inserted at the beginning of E. In contrast, the seed badge βwill be inserted at the end
of E.” The formula J=α+E+β will be used for random seed insertion, and the value of J
will be obtained. The symbol + means data insertion. The value J obtained from matrix cipher
encryptions will be converted to ASCII and obtained ciphertext, as shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Encryption algorithms
3.2.1 Non-Deterministic Random Bit Generator (NRBG)
NRBG is a random bit generator. With the help of which different bits will be generated
in randomized form according to converted bits from ASCII. Bits obtained from NRBG will be
considered as Key-1. These bits will be used in two phases. These bits will be XNOR with ASCII
converted bits in the first phase. NRBG bits will be converted to decimal in the second phase and then
converted to matrix form. After that, the bits will be subtracted with toggled decimal values.
3.2.2 Bits Toggling
Bits toggling means inverting the bits. Whenever bits are inverted, the value of bits is changed from
0 to 1 and from 1 to 0, called bits toggling.
3.2.3 Matrix
A matrix is a rectangular array in which numbers or expressions are stored in a fixed form. The
matrix consists of rows and columns. In the matrix, whenever the values move from the left to the right
(vertical), it is called rows, while when the values move from the top to the bottom (horizontal), it is
called a column. There are several matrix types, including the Common rows matrix, column matrix,
and rectangular matrix. This paperwork is on One-column-two-rows-matrix (1C2R). 1C2R-Matrix
will store two values in one column.
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3.2.4 Random Seed
A random seed has been derived from two words. One is Random, and the other is Seed.
Random is also called pseudorandom. Seed is a technique that is used to generate numbers. A random
seed is a starting point from which a random number is started. In this paper, a random seed is used
to initialize the random number as desired by the user, the random number starts from where the user
wants. In this paper, random seeds are carried in matrix form.
3.2.5 Customized ASCII
Customized ASCII means creating an updated ASCII by modifying the existing ASCII. Whenever
an attacker receives data in encrypted form, he tries to implement a predefined ASCII table on the
malicious algorithms, which can be a way for one type of attacker to decrypt the data. If the attacker
understands the method of encrypting the data, he can quickly create an algorithm to decrypt the
data. Still, unless the attacker has the customized ASCII table, as developed in this article, the attacker
cannot get the actual data according to this ASCII. If the attacker uses a predefined ASCII table,
he will get the values according to the predefined ASCII table. That value will not be equalized to
the actual ASCII used in this paper. The customized ASCII table is shown in Fig. 4. If the proposed
algorithm is applied to a standard ASCII table, then, in this case, the data can be protected from man-
in-the-middle attacks, but the problem with using a standard ASCII table is that whenever an attacker
Attempts to decrypt the data, the attacker’s first attempt is to use the standard table. Suppose a custom
ASCII table is used instead of a standard ASCII table. In that case, it will be difficult for an attacker
to create such an ASCII table, which is why a custom ASCII table can provide more security than a
standard ASCII table.
Figure 4: Customized ASCII table
3.3 Data Decryption Process
First, the ciphertext will be converted to its equivalent ASCII,thenASCII values will be converted
to 1CR2-matrix form. Of the values derived from 1C2R, the values of α”andβ will be removed
with the help of G=αEβ to obtain the value of G. Symbol means remove the values.
After obtaining the value of G, matrix values in the decimal form will be obtained by adding a
4068 CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2
Key-2(F) and G using the formula H=G+F, and each value will be converted to Bytes.Bits
toggling mechanism will be used after bytes conversion, and then the decimal value will be obtained by
XNORing Key-1 (K) and bits toggled value (D). When the decimal value is obtained, each decimal
value will be replaced by its equivalent ASCII and will get the plain text. The decryption process is
shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: Decryption algorithm
First, a plan text will be taken, and this plan text will be converted to its equivalent ASCII then
each ASCII value will be converted to its bytes. After that, a Key will be generated using the NRBG
mechanism and XNOR this Key with Bytes by using the X=BK formula. Where X”is the
result, K”isthekey,andX is bytes generated by the decimal. Then, the bits toggling procedure
will be applied to X”and
X will be obtained. Toggle bytes values and key values will be converted
to decimal format. Toggle bytes Xwill represent with L”whereasKey (K) will be represented by
M”. After that, L”and“M pairs will be made. If any decimal value remains left single, then make
a pair of remaining values with .”Now,theIC2R-matrix mechanism will be applied to the decimal
values L”andM, and then the formula E=L-M will be applied to it. If the index value of the
first matrix (L) is less than the second matrix (M), replace that index value of the second matrix with
the first matrix value. After this, two values will be obtained, E is the result obtained from L”and
M,”and“F”isthekey-2, obtained after replacing the second matrix with the first matrix value. After
that, two pairs of random seed matrices (α,β)will be generated. α will insert at the start of “E”
and β will insert at the end of “E” by using J=α+E+β formula. The “J” matrices will be
obtained from step 8. Each metric value will be converted to its ASCII equivalent, and a ciphertext
will be generated.
4Test i n g
First, a plain text is taken to test the data, and then this plain text is encrypted with the help of
a matrix cipher algorithm, and an unreadable text is obtained, called ciphertext. After receiving the
ciphertext, various decryption steps have been followed to convert the text from nonreadable format
to readable.
CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2 4069
Algorithm 1: Encryption
Input: Plain text
Output: Ciphertext
1. Create a plain text
2. Convert the plain text to its ASCII values.
3. Convert each ASCII value into bytes (B).
4. Generate a Key (K) using NRBG.
5. XNOR bytes (B) with a generated key (K) using the formula X=BK.”
6. Apply bits toggling on step 5.
7. Convert toggle bytes X”andKey (K) into decimal format (L, M).
8. Make pairs of L”and M.
9. Convert the values of (L) and Key (M) into 1C2R-matrix form.
10. Apply E=L–M on step 9.
11. Generate two pairs of random seed matrices (α,β).
12. Insert the α”matrixatthestartof“E”andtheβ”matrixattheendof“E”byusingJ=
13. Convert each matrix value to equivalent ASCII
14. Generated ciphertext.
Algorithm 2: Decryption
Input: Ciphertext
Output: Plain text
1. Ciphertext
2. Convert each cipher value to its equivalent ASCII.
3. Generate 1C2R matrix (P) from step-2 ASCII.
4. Eliminate the value of α”and“β”fromP”byusingG=αPβ,where“”isthe
5. Add the value of G with the value of Key-2 (F), obtained at the time of Encryption.
6. Convert each value of H”tobinary.
7. Apply toggling on bits obtained in step-6.
8. XNOR binary values of step-6 with key-1 (K).
9. Convert binary to decimal.
10. Convert each decimal value to its equivalent ASCII and obtain plain text.
4.1 Encryption Algorithm
Step 1: First, plain text has been taken, as shown in Fig. 6, and this plain text has been encrypted.
Figure 6: Plain text
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Step 2: Each plain text character has been converted to its equivalent ASCII, as shown in Fig. 7.
Figure 7: ASCII of each character
Step 3: After obtaining the ASCII of each character, each ASCII value has been converted to
Bytes,andBytes are represented with B,”asshowninFig. 8.
Figure 8: Byte of each ASCII value
Step 4: When all the values have been converted to Bytes,aRandom key will be generated
according to the length of B. NRBG is used to generate bits. The values obtained from the NRBG
are named Key-1,” as shown in Fig. 9.
Figure 9: Generate key from NRBG
Step 5: After attaining the random bits from the Non-deterministic Random Bit Generator, these
bits have been XNORed with Step-3 bytes (B),asshowninFig. 10.The“X=BK formula has
been used for XNOR.“K”isKey-1 obtained from NRBG in step-4, while B is the value obtained in
step-3, in which each ASCII has been converted into Bytes.
Figure 10: XNOR result
Step 6: When Bytes (B) will XNORed with Key-1 (K), a value will be obtained, which is
represented as X. Bits toggling has been then implemented on the XNOR result X,”asshown
in Fig. 11. In bits toggling, each Bit has been inverted.
Figure 11: Bit Toggling on XNOR result
Step 7: The values of step-6 Bits toggling result in“X”andstep-4 Key-1 result K has been
converted to decimal format. After converting to decimal, the result of Key-1 (K) has been represented
with M,”asshowninFig. 12. In contrast, Bits toggling.“X has been represented with L after
converting to decimal, as shown in Fig. 13.
Figure 12: Decimal conversion result of Key-1
CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2 4071
Figure 13: Decimal conversion result of Bit toggling
Step 8: After receiving decimal results, step-7 L”and“M has been converted to pairs, as shown
in Figs. 14 and 15.
Figure 14: Pairs of “L”
Figure 15: Pairs of “M”
If the last digit is left single, that digit will be paired with and the pair will be completed.
Step 9: After making pairs, each pair has been converted into matrix form, as shown in Fig. 16.
Figure 16: Matrix conversion results
Step 10: Applied E=L–M on step-9, as shown in Fig. 17.
Figure 17: Matrix formula
If the value of the first matrix is less than the second matrix, then replace the second matrix value
with the first matrix, as shown in Fig. 18.
Figure 18: Replacement of second index value with the first index
New results have been obtained after replacing the second index’s greatest value with the smallest
value, as shown in Fig. 19.
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Figure 19: Values replacement results
After replacing the values, M index values have been used as Key-2 in decryption. The Key-2
value has been represented with F,”asshownin Fig. 20. The difference between Key-1 and Key-2 is
that Key-1 is randomized bits obtained from NRBG while Key-2 is the key generated in matrix cipher
phase-1. Even if the attacker tries to decrypt the data through the master key, it will be difficult for the
attacker to use the key generated from the text.
Figure 20: Generated key-2
After that, by using the E=L–M formula, the value of E is obtained, as shown in Fig. 21.
Figure 21: Matrix cipher phase-1 result
E is the result that has been obtained from E=L–M, whereas F is the latest key that has
been obtained from phase-1 of the matrix cipher encryption algorithm.
Step 11: After generating Key-2 and obtaining the result of E, Two random seed pairs of the
matrix have been developed, as shown in Fig. 22, so that “E” text can be provided left and right-side
Figure 22: Matrix cipher phase-2 result
Step 12: The first pair of Random Seed matrix α has been inserted at the start, and the second
pair of Random Seed matrix β has been inserted at the end of E by using this equation.
J is the result, which has been obtained after the insertion of α”andβ,”asshowninFig. 23,
while the symbol represents the insertion.
Figure 23: Matrix cipher phase-2 result
Step 13: Each matrix value has been converted to its equivalent ASCII using Fig. 4.TheASCII
value of each matrix is shown in Fig. 24.
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Figure 24: ASCII values of each matrix
Step 14: Generated the ciphertext as shown in Fig. 25.
Figure 25: Ciphertext
4.2 Decryption Algorithm
Different steps have been used to convert data from nonreadable format to readable format.
Step 1: A ciphertext has been taken first, as shown in Fig. 26.
Figure 26: Ciphertext
Step 2: Each ciphertext value has been converted to its equivalent ASCII,asshowninFig. 27.
Figure 27: ASCII values of each matrix
Step 3: After converting each cipher value to ASCII, each value has been converted into One-
column-two-rows-matrix (1C2R) form, as shown in Fig. 28. The matrix derived from 1C2R has been
represented with “P.
Figure 28: 1C2R matrix result
Step 4: After converting to One-column-two-rows-matrix (1C2R), α”and β will be eliminated
using the following equation.
α is the value that has been inserted at the start of E, while β is the value that has been inserted
at the end of E. Symbol means to eliminate values. Elimination values of α”and“β have been
shown in Fig. 29.
Figure 29: Elimination of α”andβ values
4074 CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2
After eliminating values, different results have been obtained, as shown in Fig. 30.
Figure 30: Elimination results of α”andβ
Step 5:After eliminating α,”andβ, the result “G” has been added with the Key-2 key using
the equation H=G+F.” Key-2 is the key obtained from plain text in Encryption.
The addition results of matrix H”areshowninFigs. 31 and 32.
Figure 31: Addition of key-2 and “G”
Figure 32: Matrix addition results
Step 6:Each value of H has been converted to binary. The converted results of each value are
shown in Fig. 33.
Figure 33: Conversion of each of the values in binary form
Step 7:Apply toggling on bits obtained in step-6. Bits toggling result is shown in Fig. 34, and the
result obtained from bits toggling has been represented with D.
Figure 34: Conversion of each of the values into binary form
Step 8: After bits toggling step-6, result D has been XNORed with Key-1 (K), as shown in
Fig. 35.Key-1 is the key obtained from NRGB in Encryption.
Figure 35: XNOR result
Step 9: Each binary of X has been converted to its decimal. The conversion result is shown in
Fig. 36.
Figure 36: Binary to decimal conversion results
CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2 4075
Step 10: Each decimal value has been converted to its equivalent ASCII and obtained the plain
text. The plain text is shown in Fig. 37.
Figure 37: Plain text
5Comparative Analysis
Researchers have surveyed various cryptographic mechanisms and developed new mechanisms
using existing ones. Some researchers modified the Hill cipher algorithm and introduced a new
algorithm by adding some new features. Some researchers provided encryption through triple-time
encryption. Some researchers tried to provide security only on client-side data. None of the papers
developed any algorithm that would provide both sides security for cipher data, nor has any technique
been used in any paper that would make data decryption impossible for an attacker. Data in cloud
computing cannot be secure unless efficient encryption techniques are implemented on that data. It will
be effortless for an attacker to break a single technique, but when a different technique is implemented
in each phase, then data leakage or data interruption will be impossible for the attacker, as has been
done in this paper. A complete comparative analysis is shown in Tabl e 1.
Table 1: Comparative analysis
Sr# 1 2 3 4 5 Proposed
Year 2020 2021 2021 2022 2021
Reference [10][24][25][22][27]
hill cipher
hill cipher
Using of hill
cipher with
triple pass
Hill cipher
ASCII Table Standard Standard Standard Standard Customized
Random key Random Key Random
Random key Random Key Plaintext
image pixels
to matrix
seed (αβ)
4076 CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2
Table 1: Continued
Sr# 1 2 3 4 5 Proposed
Novelty Identification
of Hill
Three phases
Primary key
key by
Key by
Used one
random key
done by
seed can
instead of
Suitable for
the primary
key number
techniques to
provide data
all existing
Used two
keys for
done by
seed is used
to provide
security on
both sides of
cipher text.
Suitable for
all types of
1C2R matrix
that can
security on
both sides.
In 2020 [10], researchers developed a hill cipher algorithm, in which they multiplied the plaintext
by a key equal to different values and obtained a ciphertext. Then, implemented the Strassen algorithm
on it to identify the time complexity. In this paper, encryption was performed using a static key. If an
attacker gets the static key through any algorithm, the attacker can obtain all the data that is encrypted
with that key, which is the drawback of this paper.
In 2021 [24], to encrypt data, an image was taken and converted to grayscale, then converted to
pixels, and then the pixels were converted to a matrix. After that, a hill cipher formula was applied,
and data encryption was performed. This paper does not use any technique or key that could provide
additional security to the data. If the attacker gains access to this formula through some mechanism,
he can easily decrypt the data, which is the drawback of this paper.
In 2021 [25], researchers developed a three-phase triple-pass protocol that encrypts plaintext. In
the first phase, plaintext was converted to ciphertext-1 with the help of the Square Matrix mechanism.
In the second phase, ciphertext-1 was converted to ciphertext-2 with the help of the hill cipher
CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2 4077
algorithm, and in the third phase, ciphertext A.B. was obtained by inverting all the values through
a mechanism. This paper’s algorithm did not use any technique that could further prevent data from
being misused. Data can be further preserved if a random seed is used instead of inverting the values
in phase 3, which is the drawback of this paper.
In 2022 [22], researchers modified the Hill cipher algorithm, named the Hill cipher chain
algorithm. The main purpose of which was to encrypt the primary key. Various steps were taken
to encrypt the primary key, and a ciphertext was obtained. The problem with this paper is that this
algorithm is only suitable for encrypting keys of numbers.
In the paper [27], The researcher developed an algorithm to secure the data on the client side using
various techniques such as ASCII conversion, encryption by static key and bits conversion. The last
four bits are inverted to protect the data further, and a ciphertext was obtained. The problem with this
paper is that this algorithm did not develop any state-of-the-art techniques and only used techniques
that already existed. Instead of using existing techniques, developing advanced techniques can further
protect data.
6Novelty of Proposed Work
The working method of this paper is different from all other papers. In various papers, researchers
have modified the hill cipher algorithm, multiplicated the matrix form with the help of keys, used
standard ASCII tables and implemented algorithms equalizing plain text with different values, which
is not enough to encrypt the data completely. This paper uses techniques that can be decrypted only
if the algorithm is implemented exactly as it is for each phase. Whenever cloud data is encrypted, it
should be encrypted in different stages so that if an attacker decrypt one of the techniques, the second
phase technique cannot be decrypted. Various researchers have worked on predefined ASCII tables to
obtain cipher values unsuitable for data security. A customized ASCII table should be generated to
solve this problem, as has been done in this paper. The matrix cipher encryption algorithm has been
used to secure the data, developing a key created from the exact plain text that could prevent data from
being misused.
After comparing the encryption techniques and algorithms used in different papers, it is concluded
that the Matrix Cipher Encryption Algorithm is an efficient and secure algorithm that encrypts data
using various methods at different stages. Whenever an attacker tries to break this algorithm, the data
cannot be misused due to using different techniques in different phases. The security of each phase of
this paper is very different from all other phases. To break each phase, it is essential to use the same key
used during Encryption, and the exact mechanism must be used, which is developed for decrypting
the data. This paper develops a hill matrix algorithm to encrypt the data. In this algorithm, Security
is provided in two phases. In the first step, a key is generated, which can be used in the same plaintext
from which the key is generated. A key of one text cannot work in another text, which is the novelty
of this paper. The second phase of the matrix cipher algorithm uses a random seed mechanism that
provides left-right security, making it difficult for an attacker to decipher the plaintext. Cloud server
data can be protected entirely from attackers if the Hill Matrix algorithm is used while encrypting the
data. When all the techniques used in Hill Matrix Algorithm are used effectively, it does not matter
how many attacks an attacker attacks the cloud server because he can never access the original data,
which can further reduce the chances of attack.
4078 CMC, 2023, vol.74, no.2
In the future, the latest Hill cipher algorithm will be modified, and different techniques will be
implemented on this algorithm to secure all kinds of cloud server data, whatever the format of data is.
The papers will then be compared in detail with the different articles and will be discussed to see how
the present technique is better than all the other techniques. After that, an algorithm will be developed
to test the performance of the Hill cipher algorithm.
Acknowledgement: The authors deeply acknowledge the Researchers supporting program (TUMA-
Project-2021-27) Almaarefa University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for supporting steps of this work.
Author Contributions: M.N. Conceptualization; A.A. Software, Writing—review & editing; S.R Review
& editing; S.W.Z Methodology; A.K.D Editing; M.A.M Review; S.A. funding acquisition.
Funding Statement: This research was supported by the Researchers Supporting Program (TUMA-
Project-2021-27) Almaarefa University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the
present study.
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... Nadeem et al. [21] introduced an efficient algorithm to safeguard data against intrusion and misuse. The proposed algorithm prevented unauthorized access to data when applied in cloud computing. ...
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Elliptic curve cryptography has emerged as a potent tool for safeguarding data communications. This research paper addresses the problem of traditional text encryption methods relying on shared code tables between senders and receivers. This reliance not only adds complexity but also increases the risk of security breaches and requires significant communication overhead. In the present paper, we introduce TEXCEL, an innovative, efficient and authenticated text encryption scheme. TEXCEL begins with a pioneering method for crafting a customized permuted ASCII table elevating cryptographic security by leveraging elliptic curve coordinates as keys. These coordinates serve as seeds for a random number generator ensuring reproducibility. Here, the technique used to map the characters of the message to a point on elliptic curve eliminates the traditional approach of sharing a code table between sender and receiver, thus reducing communication overhead. TEXCEL undergoes a thorough security analysis, including NIST evaluation, key and plaintext sensitivity, and resilience against common attacks like known-ciphertext, known-plaintext, chosen-plaintext, and chosen-ciphertext. To test and validate the proposed methodology, experimental results present that TEXCEL demonstrates plaintext sensitivity exceeding 98%, high randomness, and a robust key space. Additionally, encryption and decryption of a 5000-character text takes only 0.027 s and 0.007 s respectively, with a cipher size of 9.8 KB, ensuring both security and efficiency. Furthermore, as compared with the existing schemes, TEXCEL shows enhanced resilience against modern cryptanalysis and outperforms existing schemes with a 53.50% improvement in encryption time, 94.86% in decryption time, 53.31% in cipher data size and better plaintext sensitivity. These findings justify the suitability of TEXCEL for secure text communication in diverse real-time applications.
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The relentless surge of cyber threats represents a pressing challenge to global security and individual privacy. Among these, phishing attacks remain a particularly pernicious form of cybercrime. This study provides a comprehensive review of phishing attacks, their evolution, methodologies, impacts, and countermeasures. The methods of perpetrating phishing attacks have grown in sophistication, extending beyond the common email phishing to include spear phishing, whaling, clone phishing, vishing, smishing, and search engine phishing. Through in-depth exploration of numerous case studies, the study illustrates the substantial financial and non-financial consequences of these attacks. The review also sheds light on the cutting-edge detection and prevention techniques that are currently being deployed to mitigate the risks associated with phishing. Amidst the escalating arms race between cybercriminals and cybersecurity professionals, the study highlights emergent trends and challenges, stressing the necessity for continued advancements in research and technology. The objective of this review is to provide a valuable reference for academics, cybersecurity professionals, and policymakers, enabling them to comprehend and address the challenges posed by phishing threats.
... This article work delves into the mathematical foundations of the Hill cipher, a polygraphic substitution cipher that utilizes matrix operations for encryption and decryption. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the underlying mathematical concepts and operations involved in the Hill cipher [6]. The article begins with an overview of the Hill cipher, explaining its encryption and decryption processes using matrices. ...
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Cloud computing is used everywhere in today's era. Around 80+ businesses are running on cloud computing. But security is also an important issue. Barley is a disease that can spread destructively, leading to significant damage. Attacks can be done in two ways. One of them may be from outside the server and this study will discuss an important topic. Brute force and signature threats are attacks that attack cloud servers from outside. However, this attack can be prevented in various ways including tracing. In this study, a robust attack protection architecture is developed that will ignore outside attacks. An effective method has been used for this; and is then plotted on a map which can be estimated using tool, impression will be evaluated.
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Data centers and business networks are rapidly using SDN (Software Defined Networking), an emerging technology. It isolates the control plane from the underlying data or forwarding plane to allow more efficient and customized network control with a global view of the underlying network. A variety of encryption algorithms created for network-level data encryption and decryption must be used in a PC network for every application communication to be encrypted at the transmission end and decrypted at the receiving end. Unfortunately, the time it takes to transform plain text into encrypted text due to encryption computations might slow down the performance of the communication protocol stack. This study aims to simulate and investigate the effects of encryption delay caused by encryption calculations on TCP and UDP transport layer protocols in an SDN network environment. We will consider and investigate performance measures including data, throughput, and end-to-end packet delay under the suggested SDN simulation settings using a realistic network simulator. Keywords: ABE attribute-based encryption, CP-ABE ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption, CS cloud server, PK public key, RK retrieving key, SK secret key, TK transformation key, TCT transformed ciphertext INTRODUCTION As computer networks have developed, PC systems and server farms have become more elaborate, complicated, and information heavy. As a result, as time goes on, programming must be updated to meet the needs. The needs of the clients cannot be met by traditional system paradigms. When different system parts are unable to incorporate any new system gadgets due to the basic leadership of the inheritance networks being communicated, organized arrangement results in mistakes being made in system administration. System engineers have created Software Defined Networking (SDN) as a solution to these issues. To the degree that designers, framework architects, and executives who run the system can do so, SDN makes the system framework design programmable and provides controls for the applications.
... "Krypto" means hidden, and "graphein" means writing. Cryptography is related to encryption [13], which converts readable text to nonreadable form [14,15]. Cryptography is a data encryption mechanism between the sender and the receiver that prevents data from being misused by third parties. Whenever data are transferred between two entities, it should be done in cipher form rather than in its original form [16], in which the third party may misuse the data and send incorrect data to the receiver, as shown in Figure 1. ...
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Cloud computing (CC) is a rapidly growing technology that is deployed by various organizations due to the high level of scalability, elasticity, and virtualization it offers. However, security-related challenges arise due to insecure access control points. Security models in the cloud such as authentication, data recovery, confidentiality, accessibility, and data integrity. This includes the deployment model, barriers in cloud computing, cloud services, and security issues. Data security can be improved via the usage of encryption and decryption keys during transmission. However, the existing techniques often suffered from improved time consumption and complexity in handling more users. This paper mainly focuses on the data security issue with the outsourced sensitive data in the cloud server by designing a novel Modified Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network-based Zebra Optimization (MMCNN-ZO) approach to improve the cloud data sharing system. The proposed MMCNN-ZO approach safeguards the crucial data effectively and outputs in the form of cipher text/image. Here, the weight functions of the MMCNN are tuned mechanically using the ZO algorithm for the enhanced encryption process. The decryption process is performed to obtain the data in user understandable format. These procedures make the proposed system effectively secure the data content by protecting against intrusions. The efficacy of the proposed MMCNN-ZO method is investigated using diverse evaluation indicators namely throughput, decryption, and encryption time. The proposed MMCNN-ZO algorithm achieved improvements in terms of throughput, encryption time, and decryption time of 7450 bits/sec, 4.82 ms, and 4.86 ms respectively compared to other existing methods of SVM, ANN, BPPSVC, and GBCRP. The experimental results inherit the better performances of the suggested MMCNN-ZO approach over other methods in terms of all metrics.
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Encryption is based on precise algorithms and specific mathematical operations it is indispensable for the security and safety of information and files that are of great importance in our lives. This paper discusses a new encryption and decryption technique, we used very powerful and complex encryption and decryption algorithms. Our study relies on encrypting the blocks according to the code writing style by making the encryption process for each individual block individually and does not depend on all the blocks that precede it in the message. We focus on sending several messages with different keys. These algorithms will have a high ability to maintain confidentiality and increase the security of information.
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During the past several decades, the information and communication technology sector has advanced significantly, enabling extensive information interchange over the internet, including message sharing and electronic transactions. These days, the main issue is how to transmit information securely. From ancient times, there has been interest in the field of cryptography research. A masterwork of cryptography is Muni Kumudendu's original work, Siribhoovalaya. His study served as the basis for the method suggested in this publication. Several messages can be sent using different keys utilising a single matrix. Encryption uses a variety of matrix traversal techniques, making it challenging for cryptanalysis to map the plaintext and ciphertext.
Full-text available
During the past several decades, the information and communication technology sector has advanced significantly, enabling extensive information interchange over the internet, including message sharing and electronic transactions. These days, the main issue is how to transmit information securely. From ancient times, there has been interest in the field of cryptography research. A masterwork of cryptography is Muni Kumudendu's original work, Siribhoovalaya. His study served as the basis for the method suggested in this publication. Several messages can be sent using different keys utilising a single matrix. Encryption uses a variety of matrix traversal techniques, making it challenging for cryptanalysis to map the plaintext and ciphertext.
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Cloud computing is considered to be the best technique for storing data online instead of using a hard drive. It includes three different types of computing services that are provided to remote users via the Internet. Cloud computing offers its end users a variety of options, such as cost savings, access to online resources and performance, but as the number of users in cloud computing grows, so does the likelihood of an attack. Various researchers have researched and provided many solutions to prevent these attacks. One of the best ways to detect an attack is through an Intrusion Detection System. This article will develop an efficient framework in which will use and discuss various security solutions for a network. Every device on the network will be attacked and the attack rate of the entire network will be monitored. After that, various solutions will be provided to protect the cloud server from attacks. Different principles will be used at the end of the article to test the accuracy of the results and from each conclusion it will be concluded to what extent the results of this paper are better than others.
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The continuous development of information communication technology assists the traditional electricity grid to become a modern integrated platform. As Internet-of-Thing's technologies involve in smart grid features together with delivery emerging services utility side to end user via unreliable channel. Due to high dependency of communication system lead catastrophic security vulnerabilities. In addition, loss data security or privacy along hampered core security objectives confidentiality, integrity, availability and broken connection between them. Therefore, significant number of researches worked mitigates those types of threads by the use of cryptographic aspect. It is fascinated to kept data secure and ensures the privacy between two parties during transmission or any kind of data share in distribute manner. In this paper, we present comprehensive survey on cryptographic impact in smart grid for security objectives, requirement, and challenges. Particularly, produces security threats, examined current research work countermeasure technique. We aim to supply deeper understanding about role of cryptographic aspect in smart grid to shed light and guide future research direction for cyber-security protection against from malicious attacker in smart grid application.
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Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) plays a vital role in improving people’s health, protection, and treatment. Rather than going to the hospital, it is possible to remotely track patients’ health-related criteria and move them to medical data centers using cloud storage. There is also an exponential rise in the amount of data handled by MIoT devices. This means higher disclosure of confidential data; consequently, data protection and privacy obtained from MIoT devices are major unresolved concerns. As classification systems are growing rapidly, the need to apply machine learning algorithms to large-scale industrial data is also expanding. In this paper, we classify medical data into disease-free individuals from affected ones. To securely store this information in the cloud, we introduce a novel Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for data protection to improve and determine the degree of security like breaches, data integrity, etc. Results indicate that with the 6.2506e−06 training error and 0.3429 testing error, ANFIS performs extremely well in improving the degree of security parameters for a secure path to the cloud.
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The security of important and confidential data is a top priority. Therefore, it is necessary to secure appropriate data to ensure confidentiality. Secrecy of data security can be done by randomizing the data in order to make the data is difficult to understand by anyone. One of the data security techniques that can be used is Advanced Hill Cipher cryptography. The purpose of this research was to create an application or software used to secure an image’s data by applying the Advanced Hill Cipher algorithm. A classic cryptographic technique, which use a matrix as a key in the process of encrypting and decrypting data with the type of key used is the symmetric key type. The data used in this study was an image data, while the application development used the language of MATLAB Programming. The method used in this study was the Advanced Hill Cipher Cryptographic Algorithm. Basically the Advanced Hill Cipher Cryptography algorithm is much more like the Hill Cipher algorithm. However, on Advanced Hill Cipher, algorithms are developed using a key matrix that always has inverse; so that the disadvantages of the hill cipher algorithm are that the key matrix does not always have inverse resolved. In this research, the key matrix used is a 2x2 order involuntary matrix with integer elements. The output of this study is anapplication that can be used to encrypting and decryptinggrayscaleand color image data with key matrix that always have inverse.
Conference Paper
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Cryptography indicates to techniques of securing information and communication derived from mathematical perception to convert messages in ways that are tough to interpret. Cryptography is firmly associated with the department of cryptology along with cryptanalysis. It consists of techniques such as blending words with images, microdots, and alternative ways to mask data during storage or else transit. However, in the modern era, cryptography is repeatedly related to cloud computing. But, moving data into a cloud is a huge modification and has real involvement that makes users lapse before one can sign up for the desired service which can cause unwanted instruction on sensitive information and data lost. For the security of cloud data, a symmetric algorithm had been introduced by previous research work which used simple algorithms and had performance issues. In this research paper we have introduced and enforced symmetric key encryption that would encrypt a file locally at the client-side prior to uploading to the cloud and the file would decrypt after downloading on the client-side using key generated during encryption. This algorithm also uses a different algorithm to calculate the key value. As a result, our algorithm offers better security and better performance for large files. This way we can add an extra layer of security which would restrain unwanted attacks on intimated information as well as lack of standardization.
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Hill cipher is a cryptographic algorithm that uses matrix as a key by utilizing modulo operations. The key matrix used is usually made randomly as a square matrix. In this study, a key matrix was created using the Playfair Cipher algorithm as a rectangular matrix. The use of the Playfair Cipher algorithm makes it easy for users to remember key matrices, while remaining safe when distributed. Beside the key matrix security, use of a rectangular key matrix produces a longer and more complicated ciphertext to find the linear equation.
With the explosively growing internet that has been merging with our lives for the past few decades, data and network security has been of utmost importance as society moves towards the age of digital information. As the number of users connected to the web increases, the threat faced by the network because of attackers also increases. Cryptography, the science of information security derived from the inherent needs of humans to converse and share information or communicate selectively at times, has the primary function of sending correct data over the network without any undesirable modifications. In cryptography, the original message is masked or encrypted by the sender and has to be decoded or decrypted by the receiver using a predefined set of algorithms decided before the commencement of the data transmission. Thereby, successfully avoiding redundant people from accessing or understanding the message as it is converted to content unreadable by the human eye.