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Abstract and Figures

The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a networking paradigm related to the intercommunication of vehicles using a network. In a dynamic network, one of the key challenges in IoV is traffic management under increasing vehicles to avoid congestion. Therefore, optimal path selection to route traffic between the origin and destination is vital. This research proposed a realistic strategy to reduce traffic management service response time by enabling real-time content distribution in IoV systems using heterogeneous network access. Firstly, this work proposed a novel use of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm and formulated the path planning optimization problem as an Integer Linear Program (ILP). This integrates the future estimation metric to predict the future arrivals of the vehicles, searching the optimal routes. Considering the mobile nature of IOV, fuzzy logic is used for congestion level estimation along with the ACO to determine the optimal path. The model results indicate that the suggested scheme outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods by identifying the shortest and most cost-effective path. Thus, this work strongly supports its use in applications having stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for the vehicles.
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DOI: 10.32604/cmc.2023.034413
Traffic Management in Internet of Vehicles Using Improved Ant Colony
Abida Sharif1, Imran Sharif1, Muhammad Asim Saleem2, Muhammad Attique Khan3,
Majed Alhaisoni4, Marriam Nawaz5,6, Abdullah Alqahtani7,YeJinKim
8and Byoungchol Chang9,*
1Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan
2Faculty of Computing, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
3Department of Computer Science, HITEC University, Taxila, Pakistan
4Computer Sciences Department, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman
University, Riyadh, 11671, Saudi Arabia
5Department of Computer Science, UET Taxila, Taxila, Pakistan
6Department of Software Engineering, UET Taxila, Taxila, Pakistan
7Software Engineering Department, College of Computer Engineering and Sciences, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz
University, P.O. Box 151, Al-Kharj, 11942, KSA
8Department of Computer Science, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763, Korea
9Center for Computational Social Science, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763, Korea
*Corresponding Author: Byoungchol Chang. Email:
Received: 16 July 2022; Accepted: 02 February 2023
Abstract: The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a networking paradigm related to
the intercommunication of vehicles using a network. In a dynamic network,
one of the key challenges in IoV is traffic management under increasing
vehicles to avoid congestion. Therefore, optimal path selection to route traffic
between the origin and destination is vital. This research proposed a realistic
strategy to reduce traffic management service response time by enabling real-
time content distribution in IoV systems using heterogeneous network access.
Firstly, this work proposed a novel use of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
algorithm and formulated the path planning optimization problem as an
Integer Linear Program (ILP). This integrates the future estimation metric
to predict the future arrivals of the vehicles, searching the optimal routes.
Considering the mobile nature of IOV, fuzzy logic is used for congestion level
estimation along with the ACO to determine the optimal path. The model
results indicate that the suggested scheme outperforms the existing state-of-
the-art methods by identifying the shortest and most cost-effective path. Thus,
this work strongly supports its use in applications having stringent Quality of
Service (QoS) requirements for the vehicles.
Keywords: Internet of vehicles; internet of things; fuzzy logic; optimization;
path planning
5380 CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of ubiquitous gadgets, including computers, tablets,
vehicles, and smartphones. Communication linkage between multiple gadgets, the IoT network creates
a heterogeneous network [1]. For example, the Internet of Automobiles (IoV) facilitates Internet-based
communication and data sharing between vehicles. However, traffic management remained the key
issue with IoV. Several heuristics and algorithms have been suggested to select the shortest route
between the source and the destination [2]. Among the multiple pathways between the source and
destination, the best one should be picked, taking time and distance into account. However, choosing
the best route without considering the dynamics of traffic features (such as traffic flow and vehicle
speed) is challenging [2].
The word “path planning” refers to finding the best and least congested routes. Path planning has
recently attracted the attention of experts working in the field of automobiles [3]. Numerous methods,
such as the potential field method, evolutionary algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm, particle
swarm optimization, fuzzy logic, and dynamic window approach, have been suggested for effective
path planning [49].
The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) and the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time
Window (VRPTW) handle the issue of finding the best routes for more than 100 automobiles (CVRP).
In [9], VRPTW, a nonlinear problem, is solved using a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
(NSGA). When tackling the VRPTW, the Tabu Search (TS) performs significantly better than the
NSGA. A simple but effective hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) is suggested in [10]asasolution
to this issue. Using real-world data and domain knowledge in GA, the researchers developed a
brand-new heuristic standard for vehicle routing. A fuzzy routing solution has also been developed
for the location-routing problem in-vehicle networks [11]. Researchers in [12] developed a hybrid
route planning system for cars that are based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and swarm
algorithm (SA). However, the approaches lack flexibility and resilience and are quite vulnerable to
local optimization. Dorigo [13] first introduced ACO in the early 1990s. This novel meta-heuristic
method determines the foraging behavior of ants [14]. This algorithm has emerged as an effective
evolutionary approach for handling complex optimization problems. The ACO solves challenges
such as vehicle routing, network shortest path finding, and secondary distribution well because of
distributed and parallel processing features. In [15], the authors obtained declined average waiting and
transit time by formulating the path planning issue in IoV as an ACO optimization. Compared with
the state-of-the-art methods, researchers in [16] suggested a distributed ACO for vehicular networks
and enhanced network performance.
Researchers in [17] proposed a new navigation strategy for mobile robots working in dynamic
situations by utilizing the ACO’s heuristic characteristics. The current swarm intelligence (SI) based
routing protocols handle one or two indicators simultaneously while determining the optimum path.
They do not consider the correlation between many indices. However, this search strategy is not
appropriate for the situation where it is necessary to optimize numerous indices or pathways. The
authors of [18] presented an ACO method based on fuzzy logic for path planning; however, they did not
account for the dynamic character of the IoV environment, such as the cars’ potential future arrivals.
The ACO’s resilience and powerful computational capability have attracted many applications for
automobile traffic management. The optimal path is not necessarily to be the shortest distance path.
Other factors include safety, a breathtaking view, reduced traffic, and a small number of junctions.
Currently, there is no practical method for quick and accurate planning of these dynamic pathways.
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The best path is derived using nonlinear optimization with fuzzy logic and the SI in [19], which presents
a novel routing protocol based on fuzzy ant colony optimization (FACO).
2Literature Review
The Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) communication model uses roadside equipment and
vehicle-to-vehicle communication to convey information between the cars [19]. However, decreasing
the latency and enhancing network performance between the cars is one of the problems with the
existing IoV [20]. Path planning algorithms, such as Dijkstra, are employed to regulate traffic, but
they do not function well in dynamic situations like those seen in automotive networks [21].
The researchers improved the optimization technique and path-planning model for the IoV [22].
They offer a model so exact that it considers the steering window constraint and integrates length,
energy calculation, and collision risk using an objective function. Based on this concept, they created
a nature-inspired ACO algorithm to choose the best course. This technique is referred to as the
Pheromone-Assisted Ant Colony System (AP-ACS) because it combines the alarm pheromone with
the conventional guiding pheromone. This pheromone warns ants away from inefficient locations,
preventing them from doing pointless searches and improving the efficacy of the search. Three
heuristic metrics have been devised specifically to give ants the extra information they need for path
planning in the interim. The authors conducted scale-based comparisons between AP-ACS and the
present methods in various real-world settings. Their research revealed that the AP-ACS beat similar
methods concerning accuracy, stability, and efficiency while handling constraints well. Due to ACO’s
drawbacks, such as sluggish convergence and the ease with which it gets locked in a local optimum, [23]
presented a better ACO algorithm-based vehicle path planning. To create a place for moving vehicles,
it utilizes the grid approach. In a local optimum, a hybrid ant colony of common and scout ants is
used to evade traps. By conserving elite ants for accelerating convergence, the pheromone process is
enhanced by raising the ants’ sensitivity to the best path. In an area with various barriers, the fastest
route with the lowest chance of collision must be designed. The outcomes showed that the method is
efficient and useful. According to the available IoV studies, there exists a need for a study that considers
dynamics such as potential congestion when determining the ideal path [24].
Considering the previously stated methods, this work demonstrates the use of fuzzy logic in
conjunction with ACO, which dynamically chooses the best vehicle route based on various indices.
The benefits of the enhanced ACO and the FL are merged to identify the optimal path from the origin
and destination using several ideal factors. Given the dynamic nature of IoV, the best path, in this case,
is the one whose variables fully satisfy all user expectations. The following are the main contributions
of this work:
To solve the issue that the standard ACO is vulnerable to local optimization, an improved ACO
has been developed.
It has suggested a novel future congestion-based ACO that estimates the dynamic nature of the
IoV and calculates the optimal path considering the future arrival of the vehicles.
The remaining portions of the article are structured as follows: The proposed method for planning
courses for cars is established in Section 4; Section 2 examines the ACO and fuzzy logic; Section 3
introduces the path guidance system for IoV; Section 4 concludes; and Section 5 includes sections on
future suggestions.
5382 CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3
3Problem Formulation
A directed graph G =(V, E, D) is used to describe the proposed network model, where V stands
for the number of cars in an IoV network, E stands for the collection of directed edges, and D stands
for the separation between the source and destination. Table 1 a list of the annotations is presented
that has been used.
Table 1: Summary of notations
Notation Description
τij Pheromone on edge ij
LkLength of the path chosen by ant k
ηij Concentration of pheromone
dij Distance between the adjacent nodes
ij(t) Probability of choosing node jby ant k
ρEvaporation rate
RResponse variable
3.1 Optimization Model
An ILP is used to formulate the path planning optimization problem in IoV. The ILP’s primary
goal is to choose the best routes with the least congestion and travel time. Mathematically,
min N
j=1αijCij (1)
(i,j)(i,j)out (i)fmi,j=(i,j)(i,j)in (i)fmi,j,i,jE\{xm,zt}(2)
(i,j)(i,j)out (xm)fmi,j=(i,j)(i,j)in (zt)fmi,j=|fL|(3)
αij =1if Eij =1
0otherwise (4)
As stated in Eq. (1), the goal of the optimization issue is to ztthe cost in terms of congestion and
distance for designing a vehicle’s path. Each flow fmthat is a member of FLhas a unique source and
destination node, Cij denotes the cost of each edge (i, j), and Eqs. (2) and (3) outline the restrictions
related to the flow of conservation. Eq. (4) shows the choice of taking the path or not. The literature
frequently uses ACO to enhance the design of vehicle network paths. Finding the quickest path while
considering distance and congestion may be portrayed as the ant species’ foraging behavior. An arrival
time of backward information can be used to update the value of the pheromone Eij.
3.2 Ant Colony Optimization
The proposed ACO uses a backward and forward ant procedure to search the optimal locations
to reach the destination. The IoV technology, such as Road Side Unit (RSU), IoT gateways, and base
stations, are used to collect information such as the number of cars, density of cars, and car speed.
CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3 5383
Mathematically, the congestion on the road can be calculated as follows,
The above Equation represents the congestion on the network. The lower the value of Ci, the less
congested the road is, and less traffic density is considered. The spp stands for vehicle speed, the nvi
displays the number of vehicles parked along the edge of the road, and the maxsp is the top speed of
the vehicles.
Say the current node for an ant kis denoted by the letter i. Based on the distance between nodes
jand iand the quantity of pheromones on edge ij, the ant kwill travel from node I to an unvisited
node jat time t. When there are several unvisited nodes, it is more likely that ant kwill select node j,
as shown by:
Tij (t)α.nij (t)β
[Tis (t)]α.[nis (t)]β
where ηij is the fuzzy value on edge ij visibility, the amount of pheromone on edge ij is denoted by Tij;
allowedjdenotes the set of contender nodes from where the ant kcan select one, signifies the importance
(weight) of the heuristic data (visibility) in selecting a path, and denotes the importance (weight) of
concentration of pheromone in selecting a path.
3.3 ACO-Based Future Congestion System
The proposed future congestion metric also models the arrival of the vehicles in the future while
searching for the optimal paths. Mathematically, it can be written as,
where Ck
i,j denotes the capacity of the vehicle in the k lane. The Vk
i,j shows the vehicle in the kth lane
and Ei,j, represents the edge or route i, j. ECk
i,j represents the expected congestion on edge or route i j,
on the kth lane.
4Pheromone Update
The arrival time of the retreating ant updates the pheromone value of the edge (i,j).
Tij (t+1)=(1ρ)Tij (t)+n
ij (8)
where Tk
ij is the quantity of pheromones that ant kleft in current iterations; ndenotes the number of
ants; and the evaporation rate of pheromone is denoted by ρ;
ij =
(i, j)is selected by ant k(9)
where spindicates the vehicles’ speeds, nvi represents the number of vehicles, maxsp is the maximum
speed of the vehicles and ECk
i,jpredicts the future congestion on the kth lane.
5384 CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3
The proposed algorithm for traffic management is shown by Algorithm 1. Initially, the ants
are generated, and their position is located. After that, the vehicles acting as an ant calculates the
congestion using the Equation as seen in the algorithm step 7. After that, the expected congestion is
calculated as shown in step 8. Finally, the optimal route information is updated in the ant database.
Algorithm: ACO Algorithm for Traffic Management
1: Generate ants
2: for each iteration, do
3: Locate the positions of the ants
4: for each loop, do
5: for each ant, do
6: if Ant is functioning, then
7: 1. Calculate the congestion using Equation:
8: Ci=1Sp
9: 2. Calculate the future congestion as:
10: ECk
11: 3. Path information updated in the ant database
12: end if
13: Next ant
14: Next loop
15: Update pheromone value
16: Next iteration
17: Select the optimal path
4.1 Fuzzy Logic
Lotfi A. Zadeh, in 1965, presented the idea of a fuzzy set derived from a common set. Instead of
the characteristic function, the membership function having a value of either one or zero defines the
fuzzy set [25]. Membership implies that each object has the probability of being an element of the set.
The membership values lie within [0, 1]. If the value of 4 memberships is 1, the item is an element of
the set; if it is 0, the object is not a member of the set. Assilian and Mamdani devised sophisticated
fuzzy logic processes in the 1970s, especially without rigorous models [26]. The fuzzy logic control
methodology uses conditional sentences in place of equations. Inference refers to deriving a rule that
needs characterization through a membership function. The truthfulness of every proposition can
be evaluated through inference. The mechanism of an elementary FL control system is explained in
Fig. 1.Fig. 1 illustrates three key steps for attaining FL control: fuzzification, rule evaluation, and
CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3 5385
Figure 1: A fuzzy control system
4.2 Fuzzification
The implementation of every fuzzy logic control system might be done in terms of fuzzy rules,
Rule 1: if N is q1 & M is p1, then R is g1
Rule 2: if N is q2 & M is p2, then R is g2
Where the fuzzy parameters gi, qi, and pi are described by membership functions; R is the response
variable; N and M are conditional variables. Considering that conditional variable are generally
computed as one, Mamdani presented the fuzzy procedure for any membership function and the two
rules: taking D2 and D1 as intervals, the conditional variable’s memberships were measured as μq2(n)
and μp2(m) for Rule 2, and as μq1(n) and μp1(m) for Rule 1, followed by the matching of the computed
values with the equivalent fuzzy variables.
4.3 Rule Evaluation
Regarding the rules, the control rules that satisfy N =nandM=m are connected as follows:
Rule 1: μ1 =μp1 (m) and μq1 (n);
Rule 2: μ2 =μp2 (m) and μq2 (n);
where the min function, μ1, and μ2, are used to calculate the truth degrees of rules 1 and 2, respectively.
The collection of all fuzzy subsets, gi(R), is used to represent the output of the FL control system
(g(R)) by utilizing D3 as the output variable interval. The membership μgi(R) of the output provides
the total of all memberships.
where, , signifies the largest operation for evaluating Mamdani-type rules.
4.4 Defuzzification
The fuzzy output, or the result of inference, is converted into real values and used as an input for
the FL control system. Since a non-fuzzy result is necessary, it is possible to determine the quantitative
value of the FL control system output by μgi(R). The area of gravity (COA) procedure is generally used
ZCOA =μA(Z)dz
Here, Z signifies the membership of all elements in the subset of fuzzy output as an integral on
the continuous domain Z. There are equal areas on both sides of the ZCOA .
5386 CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3
5Simulation Results
Using the Intel Core i7-4790 CPU running at 3.6 GHZ machine, MATLAB is installed to run
the simulations. Table 2 shows the simulation parameters. The average waiting and travel time are
measured in ticks. In the simulation setting, where there is a high vehicle density, the distribution of
the vehicles is random. The density of the vehicles ranges from 10% to 60% in each direction of the
simulation environment. The environment will be considered congested if the vehicle’s density is greater
than 60%. The evaluation for average waiting time of the vehicles is evaluated using three scenarios
in the IoV. 1) Single intersection: The vehicle at a given junction node decides to move in different
paths; 2) Multiple lanes at the intersection: a situation in which a single car travels down more than
one lane; 3) numerous intersections: a scenario in which a single vehicle travels through more than one
intersection to represent a large-scale network (Figs. 2–4).
Table 2: Simulation parameters
Simulation Parameters
Vehicle speed 7 to 15 patches/10 ticks
Vehicle acceleration 0.5 to 2.5 patches/10 ticks
Density of vehicles 10 percent to 60 percent
Figure 2: Average travel time
CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3 5387
Figure 3: Congestion plot
Figure 4: Future estimated congestion
Figs. 2 to 4show the membership functions of the proposed algorithm. The membership functions
significantly enhance the performance of the fuzzy representation. The membership function can
graphically represent the fuzzy set. The fuzzy rules for searching the optimal paths are based on the
inputs of travel distance, congestion, and future estimated congestion. The trapezoidal membership
function has been used to calculate the optimal paths for each input. Fig. 2 exhibits a trip distance’s
membership function, Fig. 3 the congestion’s membership function, and Fig. 4 the anticipated future
congestion’s membership function.
Fig. 5 shows the fuzzy logic system for the proposed algorithm. The inputs for the Fuzzy system
are the travel distance, congestion, and estimated future congestion based on the trapezoidal mem-
bership function. Finally, the defuzzification process is completed, and the value of the pheromone is
5388 CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3
Figure 5: Fuzzy logic control system of the proposed algorithm
The readability and clarity of road networks are crucial in path planning. However, the road
network information is either static or dynamic. It is impossible to digitize the dynamic information,
so it is rarely considered in evaluating paths. A novel concept named “Future Congestion” has been
suggested in this paper, as presented in Fig. 5. For an actual path with a Ln length, three dynamic
parameters, including the travel speed, congestion, and future expected congestion are integrated while
searching for an optimal path (Tabl e 3 ).
Table 3: Fuzzy rules for the parameters
Rule number Travel distance by
an ant
Congestion on
the edge
Future congestion
Local pheromone
1 >65% <35% <35% VS
2 >65% >65% <35% S
3 >65% <35% >65% S
4<35% <35% <35% S
5<35% <35% >65% W
6<35% >65% <35% W
2 >65% >65% >65% W
8<35% >65% >65% VW
Terms: Very Strong =VS, Strong =S, Weak =W, V e r y We a k =VW
Comparison of offline optimization technique with proposed ACO: The problem of searching for
the optimal path in a dynamic IoV network is formulated as an ILP. There are two approaches, one for
evaluating results for offline comparison and the other for evaluating results for online comparison.
The offline comparison is made using a proposed optimization technique, as discussed in Section 3.
ILP can search for the optimal paths as it considers that the network already has all the information.
On the other hand, the network dynamics cannot be calculated in advance, so online comparison takes
the current network states as input and searches for an optimal path. ILP finds the optimal paths as
compared to heuristics. It is clear in Fig. 6 that the proposed ACO has a moderate deviation from ILP
CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3 5389
and is considered an effective approach for finding the optimal path, considering the time complexity
of the algorithms. The proposed approach considers the congestion, future congestion, and travel
distance for finding the optimal path and can be mathematically defined as:
i=1,j=1Di,j1+Ei,j+Ci1+Si,j (12)
Figure 6: Comparison of proposed ACO and integer linear program optimization with average travel
The simulation results show a decrease in path with the traffic flow. Among various factors, just
the road distance is considered in the actual path. However, the proposed approach considers the
congestion, FC, and travel distance, making it closer to the real conditions. Concerning the actual
path length, the ideal result is attained by the proposed algorithm in comparison with [19].
Average travel time: The suggested algorithm’s average journey time is displayed in Fig. 7 alongside
well-known techniques. The proposed approach beats the benchmark systems by 27.6% and 13.4%
when compared to the ACO [15]and[19], respectively, which incorporate virtual path length with
dynamic parameters when identifying the best path. As the number of cars rises, the average wait time
also increases. The proposed algorithm efficiently adapts to the dynamic situation of vehicles in an IoV
environment such as FC while finding the optimal path. The vehicles are connected, and based on the
collaboration among vehicles, the suggested technique can make dynamic and intelligent decisions,
especially in the case of higher vehicle densities. The connected vehicles can adaptively balance the
pheromone value based on actual traffic information. On the other hand, the benchmark scheme
does not consider the real conditions of the road while searching for the optimal path in terms of
waiting time.
5390 CMC, 2023, vol.75, no.3
Figure 7: Average travel time
Average Waiting Time: Fig. 8 illustrates the typical wait time. The suggested fuzzy-based ACO
strategy yields an average time slower than state-of-the-art methods. The suggested method computes
pheromone values using real-time traffic flow data. The recommended approach can reduce average
waiting times by adopting a virtual route length based on dynamic measurements and can produce
pheromone values based on exchanging information about real-time traffic flow. On the other hand,
the dynamic circumstances of the IoT network cannot be modeled by the benchmark systems.
Figure 8: Average waiting time
Optimal Path: The scheme is compared with the traditional ACO and the improved FLACO [19]
that considers dynamic path planning. The red line in Fig. 9 shows the classical ACO, the blue line
shows the improved ACO, and the black line shows the proposed future congestion-based estimation
technique while finding the optimal path from source S to destination D.
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Figure 9: Optimal path considering the future congestion
Fig. 9 shows the comparison of the proposed scheme with the benchmark techniques while
searching for the optimal path. The red line shows the path from S to D in ACO [15]. It performs well
in the case of static environments; however, its performance degrades if the nature of the environment
is dynamic. [19] It considers the dynamic nature and uses a fuzzy approach to find the optimal path.
Consequently, it does not consider future congestion while searching for optimal paths. The proposed
scheme considers the dynamic nature of the vehicles in the IoV while considering future congestion
while forwarding the optimal path. Thus, the proposed scheme performs best compared to benchmark
This paper presents a novel ACO-based technique that considers future congestion while searching
for optimal paths. The algorithm searches the paths while considering the expected future arrival of
cars in the network. The results show that our approach has optimized the network resources and
reduced the delay of the IoV network as it calculates the paths with a future estimation of congestion
on the paths. The execution of the proposed work is tested by running simulations on a road network
topology and comparing results with the improved ACO and the classic ACO. The proposed method
outperformed in finding the most cost-efficient route compared to the other two algorithms. In the
future, this approach can be optimized further (e.g., reduction in computing time), and its application
needs to be extended to planning paths for a group of vehicles.
Funding Statement: This work was supported by “Human Resources Program in Energy Technology”
of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP), granted financial
resources from the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Republic of Korea. (No. 20204010600090).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the
present study.
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... Scalability and stability of IOV are the main topics discussed here. Fuzzy logic coupled with ACO determines the optimal path for IOV because of its mobile nature [8]. ...
... Here is the path as mentioned in Eqn. (8). ...
The Internet of Vehicles (IOV) allows vehicles to communicate with each other in the Internet of Things (IOT). As vehicle nodes are considered to be always in motion, their topology frequently changes. The dynamic topology changes that result in these changes have caused IOV to face major issues, including scalability, shortest-path routing, and dynamic topology changes. Clustering can be used to solve such problems. Clustering is based on an optimization approach based on transmission range, node density, speed, and direction. This paper presents a method for calculating and evaluating an optimal cluster head (CH) using ant colony and Firefly optimization algorithms. Massively interconnected networks with heterogeneous data generated at the edge of networks require distributed machine-learning techniques that can take advantage of this data. A three-layer federated learning model is proposed in this study to take advantage of the distributed end-edge-cloud architecture typical of a 5G/6G environment to increase learning efficiency and accuracy while protecting data privacy and reducing communications overhead. Our experimental and evaluation results demonstrate our proposed method’s outstanding performance in improving convergence speed and learning accuracy for 5G/6G-supported IoV applications. The proposed TFL-IHOA model enhanced the number of clusters in the grid by 3-5%, reduced the computation time by 1.5-2%, and had 12-20% less packet loss than the existing algorithms.
... To improve the routing flexibility and heterogeneous device interoperability in an IoV network, an SDN-based controller was used. To maximize network resources, clusters can be formed using a multi-mediator system (Sharif et al., 2023a). A workable plan was put up to lower the response time of traffic control services by utilising heterogeneous network access to enable real-time content distribution in Internet of Vehicles (IoV) systems (Sharif et al., 2023b). ...
... WSNs are needed for a variety of applications since they are less expensive to install and require little to no maintenance after installation (Sharif et al. 2023). The purpose of WSN routing protocols is to create paths between source and destination nodes. ...
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The development of information technology, wireless communications have become prevalent in every other field we can imagine. Sensor nodes are the fundamental element of wireless communication networks. When they are deployed, they gather environmental data from the surrounding area and send it to the base station for further analysis. This paper focused on creating a routing technique that improved wireless communication energy conservation through the use of fuzzy logic and ant colony optimisation in order to extend battery life. Ant colony optimisation algorithm (HFACO) and hybrid fuzzy logic were used in the construction of the routing protocol. Numerous derived techniques have been adapted to dynamic problems in real variables, stochastic problems, multi-targets, and parallel implementations. Ant colony optimisation algorithms have been applied to a wide range of combinatorial optimisation problems, from quadratic assignment to protein folding or routing vehicles. Several techniques that are based on how ant colonies forage have been used recently to solve challenging discrete optimisation problems.By taking into account the node’s energy and traffic load, fuzzy logic was utilised to determine the total node cost to the gateway. Ant colony optimisation (ACO) was used to find the shortest path between the source and destination sensor nodes, and the path’s value was determined by measuring its shortest distance. When compared to the ACO’s performance in the same conditions, the Matlab simulation’s results showed superior energy conservation performance. This improved routing technique can be applied to Wi-Fi sensor networks in industrial environments.
... In fuzzing, many researchers consider seed scheduling, mutation scheduling, etc., as optimization problems. Numerous algorithms such as Simulated Annealing (SA) [68], Genetic Algorithms (GA) [69], Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [70], and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [71] are utilized as scheduling algorithms to improve efficiency. Table 3 shows the optimization solutions for different fuzzing processes. ...
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As one of the most effective techniques for finding software vulnerabilities, fuzzing has become a hot topic in software security. It feeds potentially syntactically or semantically malformed test data to a target program to mine vulnerabilities and crash the system. In recent years, considerable efforts have been dedicated by researchers and practitioners towards improving fuzzing, so there are more and more methods and forms, which make it difficult to have a comprehensive understanding of the technique. This paper conducts a thorough survey of fuzzing, focusing on its general process, classification, common application scenarios, and some state-of-the-art techniques that have been introduced to improve its performance. Finally, this paper puts forward key research challenges and proposes possible future research directions that may provide new insights for researchers.
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Road transportation is a statutory organ in a modern society; however it costs the global economy over a million lives and billions of dollars each year due to increase in road accidents. Researchers make use of machine learning to detect and predict road accidents by incorporating the social media which has an enormous corpus of geo-tagged data. Twitter, for example, has become an increasingly vital source of information in many aspects of smart societies. Twitter data mining for detection and prediction of road accidents is one such topic with several applications and immense promise, although there exist challenges related to huge data management. In recent years, various approaches to the issue have been offered, but the techniques and conclusions are still in their infancy. This paper proposes a deep learning accident prediction model that combines information extracted from tweet messages with extended features like sentiment analysis, emotions, weather, geo-coded locations, and time information. The results obtained show that the accuracy is increased by 8% for accident detection, making test accuracy reach 94%. In comparison with the existing state-of-the-art approaches, the proposed algorithm outperformed by achieving an increase in the accuracy by 2% and 3% respectively making the accuracy reach 97.5% and 90%. Our solution also resolved high-performance computing limitations induced by detector-based accident detection which involved huge data computation. The results achieved has further strengthened confidence that using advanced features aid in the better detection and prediction of traffic accidents.
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Technical advancement has propelled the proliferation of unmanned vehicles. Out of the multiple paths between origin (O) and destination (D), the optimal O-D path should be selected in the light of travel distance, travel time, fuel cost and pollutant emissions. This paper proposes a dynamic path planning strategy based on fuzzy logic (FL) and improved ant colony optimization (ACO). Firstly, the classic ACO was improved into the rank-based ant system. The rank-based ant system works well in static environments, but cannot adapt well to dynamic environments. Considering the difficulty in accurate digitization of dynamic factors, the improved ACO was integrated with the FL into the fuzzy logic ant colony optimization (FLACO) to find the optimal path for unmanned vehicles. Finally, the FLACO, the classic ACO and the improved ACO were separately applied to find the optimal path in a road network, with a novel concept called virtual path length. The results show that the FLACO output the shortest virtual path among the three algorithms, i.e. identified the most cost-effective path. This mean the FLACO can find the most efficient and safe path for unmanned vehicles in a dynamic manner.
With ever-growing number of vehicles on roads, traffic congestion is becoming a major problem in big cities around the world. Traffic congestion leads to pollution, time delays, excessive fuel consumption, financial losses and can severely disrupt normal human life. Conventional traffic management systems that rely on predecided traffic signal timings and pneumatic actuators are woefully inadequate in handling current traffic scenarios. Therefore, there is a pertinent need for a modern and intelligent overhaul of conventional traffic management systems and the introduction of such systems in modern smart cities. Intelligent traffic management systems are an ensemble of networks and systems integrated with each other to ensure optimum user commuting experience. They use a variety of advanced techniques such as reinforcement learning, Q theory, RFID tagging, IoT, IoV and local context awareness. Intelligent traffic management systems also help with safety issues, route optimization, delay reduction, and pollution control. This chapter explores conventional traffic management systems and their drawbacks, intelligent traffic management systems and recent advancements in them such as the introduction of reinforcement learning and local context-aware systems. This chapter aims to provide a glimpse of how intelligent traffic management systems can help drive smart cities of the future.
With the rapid development of the internet of things (IoT), connected vehicles are set to become a huge industry over the next few years. In this study, we take an investigation of the distributed intelligent traffic system by pushing intelligence into connected vehicles in terms of dynamic decision making for traversing a certain area (e.g., roundabout and intersection). In particular, we propose a model for the next generation of intelligent transportation system, which focuses on dynamic decision making of connected vehicles based on Ant Colony Optimization, a typical Swarm Intelligence (SI)-based algorithm. Specifically, we first present a communication framework among connected vehicles for sharing information of traffic flow. Then, by applying the concept of SI, connected vehicles are regarded as artificial ants which are able to self-calculate to make an adaptive decision following the dynamics of traffic flow. Furthermore, for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we have constructed a framework to model and simulate the traffic system in IoT environment. Simulations with different scenarios of transportation systems indicate promising results comparing with previous works.
As an emerging communication platform in the Internet of Things, IoV is promising to pave the way for the establishment of smart cities and provide support for various kinds of applications and services. Energy management in IoV has been attracting an upsurge of interest in both academia and industry. Currently, green IoV mainly focuses on two aspects: energy management of battery- enabled RSUs and EVs. However, these two issues are always resolved separately while ignoring their interactions. This standalone design may cause energy underutilization, a mismatch between traffic demands and energy supplies, as well as high deployment and sustainable costs for RSUs. Therefore, the integration of energy management between battery-enabled RSUs and EVs calls for comprehensive investigation. This article first provides an overview of several promising research fields for energy management in green IoV systems. Given the significance of efficient communications and energy management, we construct an intelligent energy-harvesting framework based on V2I communications in green IoV communication systems. Specifically, we develop a three-stage Stackelberg game to maximize the utilities of both RSUs and EVs in V2I communications. After that, a real-world trajectory-based performance evaluation is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our scheme. Finally, we identify and discuss some research challenges and open issues for energy management in green IoV systems.
One of the important applications in intelligent transportation system is path planning for vehicles at urban areas. A driver can reach a destination in a short time with a pleasant ride using less fuel and reach his or her destination safely. However, the destination status may change, and no more becomes a desired destination. In this paper we highlighted, discussed and analyzed related works for vehicle's path planning using Internet of Things (IoT). A new perspective for the destination was also proposed which defines how important considering the updated information of the destination in real-time using IoT that brings driver's attention when planning for a trip. A mathematical model for an optimal path planning was introduced which composes of two cost functions; path planning function and destination function. A gas station scenario was introduced as an example to demonstrate the proposed model. Futuristic look at integration design for the proposed system was also highlighted.