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Abstract and Figures

The usage of IoT-based smart meter in electric power consumption shows a significant role in helping the users to manage and control their electric power consumption. It produces smooth communication to build equitable electric power distribution for users and improved management of the entire electric system for providers. Machine learning predicting algorithms have been worked to apply the electric efficiency and response of progressive energy creation, transmission , and consumption. In the proposed model, an IoT-based smart meter uses a support vector machine and deep extreme machine learning techniques for professional energy management. A deep extreme machine learning approach applied to feature-based data provided a better result. Lastly, decision-based fusion applied to both datasets to predict power consumption through smart meters and get better results than previous techniques. The established model smart meter with automatic load control increases the effectiveness of energy management. The proposed EDF-FMLA model achieved 90.70 accuracy for predicting energy consumption with a smart meter which is better than the existing approaches.
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Energy Demand Forecasting Using Fused Machine Learning Approaches
Taher M. Ghazal
, Sajida Noreen
, Raed A. Said
, Muhammad Adnan Khan
, Shahan
Yamin Siddiqui
, Sagheer Abbas
, Shabib Aftab
and Munir Ahmad
Center for Cyber Security, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebansaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, 43600,
Selangor, Malaysia
School of Information Technology, Skyline University College, University City Sharjah, Sharjah, 1797, UAE
School of Computer Science, NCBA&E, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan
Canadian University Dubai, Dubai, UAE
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Lab, Department of Software, Gachon University, Seongnam, 13557, Korea
School of Computer Science, Minhaj University Lahore, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author: Muhammad Adnan Khan. Email:
Received: 21 April 2021; Accepted: 04 June 2021
Abstract: The usage of IoT-based smart meter in electric power consumption
shows a signicant role in helping the users to manage and control their electric
power consumption. It produces smooth communication to build equitable elec-
tric power distribution for users and improved management of the entire electric
system for providers. Machine learning predicting algorithms have been worked
to apply the electric efciency and response of progressive energy creation, trans-
mission, and consumption. In the proposed model, an IoT-based smart meter uses
a support vector machine and deep extreme machine learning techniques for pro-
fessional energy management. A deep extreme machine learning approach applied
to feature-based data provided a better result. Lastly, decision-based fusion
applied to both datasets to predict power consumption through smart meters
and get better results than previous techniques. The established model smart meter
with automatic load control increases the effectiveness of energy management.
The proposed EDF-FMLA model achieved 90.70 accuracy for predicting energy
consumption with a smart meter which is better than the existing approaches.
Keywords: Feature fusion; deep extreme learning; SVM; decision-based fusion;
smart meters; energy; EDF-FMLA
1 Introduction
Recently, the application of a keen meter for controlling and overseeing electric force utilization is one of
the advances that help both clients just as electric forces and providers. It is expected that 70% of the
universes populace, more than 6 billion, will live in urban communities and encompass districts by 2040,
so urban communities should be savvy. IoT is the interconnection of different incorporated processing
gadgets on the Internet, which allow them to speak with one another. This improves the personal
satisfaction of the end client. The expansion in the Internet of things (IoT) has reached out in the local
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing
applications and the day-by-day activities [13]. This idea of IoT in homes is recommended to screen and
spare vitality while coming to and keeping up a specic degree of comfort. The standard existing home
automation systems practice basic technology such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, wi-, Arduino, gsm, etc. Each
technology has some benets but weaknesses also. Research should be ended to lessen and identify their
disadvantages [4].
The IoT application has become this standard in this 21st century due to the prevalent usage of the web,
headway of PDA development, and expanded desires for versatile correspondence. The prerequisite for the
internet of things propels for home computerization structure has extended because of the augmentation in
light of a legitimate concern for equality between the house and the rest of the world. The ever-expanding
worldwide populace drives the interest for power. In any case, the present framework foundation is
incapable of ghting the rising vitality prerequisite. On the one hand, the electric frameworks become
wasteful and fragile due to outdated gear and innovations of the current electric lattice [5].
The administration organizations worldwide are concentrating on decreasing Carbon dioxide (Co2)
discharges because of expanding natural mindfulness, what's more, involving guidelines. At present, to
meet the ever-developing vitality request, power plants are utilizing oil, gas, coal, what's more, atomic
force. The Smart Grid changes the current matrix to work all the more helpfully, responsively, and
naturally. Electronic force molding, control of the creation, and conveyance of power are signicant parts
of the brilliant network [6].
A critical fragment of the smart grid is the Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). AMI is
unquestionably not a single development, in any case, an organized course of action of smart meters,
trades frameworks, and data the chiefs systems that engage two-route correspondence among utilities
and customers. Keen meters are critical sections of the smart grid, enabling a robotized variety of ne-
grained (regularly reliably or few seconds) essentialness use data [7].
The smart meter has made conceivable novel sort of administrations. For instance, a Savvy meter (SM)
compromises adaptable power evaluating plans, in which shoppers are charged by the hour of vitality
utilization. The information created by SM is immense and gets weak to be prepared with regular
procedures. MDA enables service organizations to make their organizations progressively effective;
shoppers set aside their cash by utilizing less vitality at top times. Likewise, utilities and purchasers can
comprehend their power use designs from the point-by-point examination of meter information. Along
these lines, it is both practical and green [8].
With shrewd meter innovation, it is conceivable to prot by request exibility and better decisions on tax
plans. In this way, determining gives the clients the way to relate power use conduct with utilization cost.
Clients may likewise prot by anticipating arrangements through more superior comprehension of their
vitality utilization and future projections, permitting them to all the more likely deal with their vitality
bills. Additionally, at whatever point, specic controllers of a segment of the robust warming and cooling
loads can design the movement of these stacks to dodge load shedding [9]. There are numerous
difculties in determining the issue of energy estimating since 1990 utilizing different strategies
comparing Articial neural network (ANN) [911], neuro-fuzzy method, and fuzzy logic [12].
Further approaches consist of time series analysis [10] and Support vector regression (SVR) [13].
Feature fusion-based technique is used to estimate standard energy capacity for each hour regularly using
SM data. Deep extreme machine learning technique is a data handling framework enlivened by the way
natural apprehensive frameworks process the data.
540 IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1
2 Literature Review
A massive part of the Internet of things (IoT) based keen meters is viewed as a strategy to accomplish
energy prociency, feasible turn of events, and the capability of improving the quality, dependability, and
effectiveness of intensity of power supply. These results demonstrate the signicance of the character
limit regarding signicant inherent capacity, deal, and circulation of electrical force exibly [14]; an
intelligent meter was proposed along with the applied GRU model, one articial neural network adequate
energy supervision. Power consumption data collected to train the GRU model with the proposed smart
meter. The applied smart meter has programmed power capacity and real-time observation function, and
energy control function through power consumption prediction. A reference value is determined to
control the energy using Root mean squared error (RMS), which is one of the performance evaluation
indexes. The author conrmed that the smart meter with automatic energy control increases energy
supervision productivity [15].
The recently proposed technique utilizes Clara bunching for gathering the entire dataset into three
different gatherings relying upon their essential feeding value, which future used with arrangement
models articial neural network and support vector machine to gauge with apparatus devoured extra
energy inside different timeframes [16]. In this study, a novel illustration of highlight signicance
investigation as applied to brilliant meter order for non-private structures. The smart meter information is
monstrous, and experts frequently need to utilize worldly knowledge to separate metadata data about
structures [17].
An analytic data context for bunching housing clients based on their load features has been presented.
The structure utilized a denition approach to decrease hourly load information from 4,000 Swedish clients
in a particular time and temperature stretches. This information was a contribution to the K-implies
calculation that gathered the clients. The group results were remotely approved on review information
from 94 clients and indicated that the structure could recognize electric and non-electric warming
frameworks, along with social viewpoints associated with the family unit arrangement. An affectability
examination of model boundaries was also performed, indicating that the bunching was touchy to
changes in separation boundaries. In this way, it should be tended to when bunching will be made, for
example, tax plan for DSO. It was talked about that some potential mistakes were connected with the
climate information as the climate station was situated in another geographic zone [18].
The authors study presents an adaptable strategy for focusing on private clients for EE programs that
attention on lessening pointless homegrown energy utilization and supplanting low procient cooler coolers
by utilizing shrewd meter information and day by day temperature information. A tale technique is proposed
to recognize baseload [18]. In this study, the author proposed a period recurrence highlight mix-based family
trademark ID approach utilizing shrewd meter information. First, a few recurrence area highlights are
separated using discrete wavelet change notwithstanding traditional time-space measurable highlights.
Second, the arbitrary backwoods calculation is used to choose a subset of signicant highlights and
eliminate redundant data in the rst list of capabilities. Third, a help vector machine is utilized as a
classier with the chosen highlightscontribution to gathering the family unit qualities. Finally,
contextual investigation using the practical information from Ireland demonstrates that the proposed
approach shows better execution after consolidating the recurrence space highlights [19].
To guarantee clientsprotection and forestall pernicious clients from altering power information, a
security insurance plan of decentralized keen meter for brilliant home climate dependent on consortium
blockchain is proposed in this paper, which tackles the clientsprotection issue and the danger of
concentrated stockpiling. Hypothetical examination demonstrates that the plan ensures clientsprotection
and has attributes of privacy and enforceability. The security of data downloaded by power organizations
dependent on the consortium blockchain is a problem worth concentrating on later on [20,21]. Machine
IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1 541
learning approaches like the Fuzzy system [22], Neural Network [23,24], DELM [25,26] and SVM [26] are
robust candidate solutions in the eld of smart health and smart city [24].
3 Proposed EDF-FMLA System Model
The cloud and decision-based fusion model for an intelligent smart meter load forecast system are
proposed to predict the load. The preprocessing technique was used for handling the missing values. The
moving average method was used for taking missing values in the datasets. The DELM has been applied
for smart meter load prediction in the feature-based dataset in the application layer. In the evaluation
layer, the accuracy and miss rate of the purposed EDF-FMLA Model were investigated. If the learning
criteria are not met in both conditions, then the system must retrain, whereas if the learning criteria were
completed, the data are stored on the cloud, and the next step is the decision-based fusion empowered
with fuzzy logic activation. Decision-based fusion entangled with fuzzy logic determines whether the
fused feature predicts load or not, shown in Fig. 1.
After the preprocessing step, the proposed EDF-FMLA model imports fused data from the cloud to
predict energy consumption. If the energy consumption is not indicated, then the model reschedules it. If
energy consumption is indicated, then a fused database for intelligent prediction (activation layer) is
created, and energy consumption prediction is imported from the cloud.
3.1 Deep Extreme Learning Machine
The Deep extreme learning machine (DELM) is an effective method that is primarily used for prediction.
Fig. 2 represents the DELM architecture that consists of an input layer, hidden layers, and output layer. In the
input layer, the various features are used as input. Four hidden layers are used in the proposed EDF-FMLA
For the mathematical model of the proposed EDF-FMLA, the input layer represents in Eq. (1), and the
output layer of the 1
layer represents in Eq. (2)
 (1)
;where i¼1;2;3...;x:(2)
The feedforward propagation for the 2
layer to the output layer in Eq. (3):
 (3)
The output layer in the activation feature is indicated in Eq. (4):
;where l ¼2;3...x;(4)
where k ¼1;2;3...4:(5)
542 IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1
Figure 1: Proposed energy consumption prediction from smart meter EDF-FMLA model
IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1 543
The backpropagation error is written as in Eq. (6):
Targetl, and mk¼4
lRepresent the chosen and calculated outputs, correspondingly.
Eq. (7) imitates the rate of the weight change that is written for the output layer:
Da /
By adding the chain rule, in Eq. (8):
Applying the chain rule (substituting Eq. (8)), to obtain the weight value revised as shown in
Eq. (9):
Dmi;lk¼4¼e Targetllk
Figure 2: Deep extreme learning machine model for the proposed EDF-FMLA model
544 IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1
where plk¼Targetlmlk
;and so on:
Daj;ik/ X
where pik¼P
Then the weights are the updating and biases between them, the output and hidden layers in
Eq. (10):
The weight and bias alterations between the input and hidden layers are represented in Eq. (11).
deis the learning rate of the modal, and the value of deis between 0 and 1. The margin of the model
depends upon the vigilant selection of the value of de.
3.2 Support Vector Machine
In the application layer, the SVM is used for the prediction of load with a smart meter. It is a supervised
ML algorithm that can be implemented in both regression and classication problems, but SVM is mainly
used for classication tasks. K-fold cross-validation method is applied for the SVM algorithm in the
forecast phase. The cross-validation method is applied to test the effectiveness of the model. K-fold sets
are used for all data samples contributed, just as in the training and test phases. 4-fold, 10-fold, 14-fold,
and 20-fold sets are applied to the processed data in the proposed model. In the performance evaluation
layer, accuracy, miss rate, and other statistical parameters are designed to estimate the outcomes of the
proposed model. The proposed model classies the smart meter load prediction conditions into two
classes, namely negative, positive. The negative case means no load prediction, and the record will not
proceed. It would not be updated in the cloud database and positively signify the load prediction and data
will be updated in the cloud database. The proposed EDF-FMLA can be stated mathematically as:
Given the equation of the line as,
where wdenotes the slope of the line and yrepresents the intersect, so, Eq. (12) written as
IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1 545
Suppose, l¼s1;s2
Tand m¼w;1ðÞthen above equation becomes as
Eq. (12) obtain from 2-dimensional vectors. Eq. (12) can work for other dimensions, the Eq. (13) shows
the general equation of hyper lane.
The direction of a vector l¼l1;l2
Tis written as m
jjjj (14)
As we know that
cos bðÞ¼ l1
and sin bðÞ¼ l2
Eq. (3) can also be written as
m¼ðcos bðÞ;sin bðÞÞ
cos aðÞ
Let, a¼mb
Applying cos function on both sides of the equation,
cos aðÞ¼cos mbðÞ
cos aðÞ¼cos mðÞcos bðÞþsin mðÞsin bðÞ
cos mðÞ¼ m1
and sin mðÞ¼ m2
l¼ðcos mðÞ;sin mðÞÞ
cos aðÞ¼m1
546 IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1
The dot product can be computed as Eq. (15) from multidimensional vectors. Let
If sign (g) < 0.5 then energy optimization is negative, if the sign (g) is greater than and equal to 0.5 and
less than 1.5 then energy optimization is positive or yes.
Given a dataset S, we compute the energy optimization as follows,
In the following equation, g represents the functional margin of the dataset
The largest f will be selected by taking hyperplanes as the geometric margin of the dataset and is
represented by g. The main objective is to take an optimal hyperplane which can be attained by nding
the appropriate values of y and m:
The Lagrangian function is dened in the following equation,
binili¼0 (16)
bini¼0 (17)
From the above two equations, we get
biniliand X
bini¼0 (18)
After substituting the Lagrangian function cwe get
Subject to bi0;i¼1...:c;P
Lagrangian multipliers technique is long to Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions due to constraints
have inequalities. The new requirement of KKT states that
IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1 547
bimimi:lþyðÞ1½¼0 (20)
lis the optimal point and bis the positive value and afor the other points are 0
These are called support vectors, which are the closest points to the hyperplane. According to the above
Eq. (21)
To compute the value of x we use the following equation
nimi:lþyðÞ1ðÞ¼0 (23)
Multiplying both sides by miin Eq. (12), we get
where n2
ðÞ (25)
The numbers of support vectors are V that will make the hyperplane used to make predictions. The
hypothesis function is dened as follows,
ðÞ¼ 0ifm:lþx,0:5
 (26)
The point that lies on the hyper-plane will be considered class 0 (negative), and the point that lies down
the hyperplane will be categorized as 1 (positive). The primary purpose of the SVM is to discover the best
hyper-plane that can distinguish the data prociently and accurately.
3.3 Decision-Based Fusion Empowered with Fuzzy Logic
The proposed decision-based fusion modal empowered with fuzzy logic is based on knowledge,
expertise, and logical reasoning ability. The Fuzzy Logic modal can manage the uncertainty and
imprecision of data usage in a proper method. The proposed cloud and decision-based fusion for smart
meter load forecasting system using the hierarchical DL SMFB modal mathematically modal is written as
548 IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1
mDELMlayer1\SVM layer 1ðdelm;svmÞ¼min½mDELMlayer1ðdelmÞ;mSVMlayer1ðsvmÞ
Fig. 3 represents the decision-based fusion diagram for the detection of energy consumption from smart
= if DELM layer 1 is positive and SVM layer 1 is positive, then energy consumption is positive
= if DELM layer 1 is positive and SVM layer 1 is negative, then energy consumption is positive
= if DELM layer 1 is negative and SVM layer 1 is positive, then energy consumption is positive
= if DELM layer 1 is negative and SVM layer 1 is negative, then energy consumption is negative
Fig. 4 displays the output of the energy consumption consisting of DELM layer 1 and SVM layer 1. If
SVM layer 1 is 80 to 100 and deep extreme 75 to 100, results will be positive, and energy consumption is
entirely predicated. If SVM layer 1 is 0 to 60 and DELM 0 to 75, then results will be negative it will not
predict the energy consumption from smart meters.
Figure 4: Proposed EDF-FMLA model rule surface for decision-based fusion
Figure 3: Proposed EDF-FMLA lookup diagram for decision-based fusion
IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1 549
4 Proposed EDF-FMLA Modal Results
Matlab Tool 2019 is utilized for simulation and results based on an intelligent decision support system
for the EDF-FMLA model empowered with deep learning based on a Support vector machine. The proposed
Cloud and decision-based fusion for smart meter energy consumption prediction (EDF-FMLA) model were
developed to predict load consumption from smart meters. In the proposed model using MATLAB
simulations, results are obtained for prediction. The proposed EDF-FMLA model consists of two
approaches, the SVM and DELM. In layer 1 the SVM and DELM approaches were used on 25575 and
2576 fused samples, correspondingly. For both methods, 80 percent of the fused samples were used for
training purposes, and 20%were used for validation. The accuracy and miss rates of the proposed
EDF-FMLA model were compared with the other existing approaches.
Miss rate ¼O1
Accuracy ¼O0
Average percentage ¼Percentage of SVM layer 1ðÞþPercentage pf DELM layer 1ðÞ
Sample size 1 þSample size 2 (29)
The proposed model detected either a smart meter predicts the load or not.
Tab. 1 represents the detection of the proposed EDF-FMLA model for training and used 80% fused
samples. In Layer 1 the SVM Attained 98.9% and a 1.1 miss rate. DELM layer 1 obtained
84.27 accuracy and a 14.73 miss rate. The average performance of the purposed EDF-FMLA model layer
1 achieved 91.58 accuracy and a 7.9 miss rate.
Tab. 2 represents the detection of the proposed EDF-FMLA model for validation and used 20% fused
samples. In Layer 1 the SVM Attained 97.4% and a 2.6 miss rate. DELM layer 1 obtained 84.1 accuracy and
a 14.99 miss rate. The average performance of the purposed EDF-FMLA model layer 1 achieved
90.70 accuracy and an 8.7 miss rate.
Table 1: Layer 1 performance for the proposed EDF-FMLA model (training)
80 percent fused samples for training
Approaches Accuracy Miss rate
SVM layer 1 98.9 1.1
DELM layer 1 84.27 14.73
Average performance proposed EDF-FMLA Layer 1 91.58 7.9
Table 2: Layer one performance for the proposed EDF-FMLA model (validation)
20 percent fused samples for validation
Approaches Accuracy Miss rate
SVM layer 1 97.4 2.6
DELM layer 1 84.01 14.99
Average performance proposed EDF-FMLA Layer 1 90.70 8.7
550 IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1
Tab. 3 lists the overall performance of the proposed EDF-FMLA model for the training and validation
phases. The proposed EDF-FMLA model achieved 98.07 overall accuracy and a 2.93 miss rate in the training
phase, and in the validation phase obtained 97.04 accuracy and a 2.96 miss rate. The proposed EDF-FMLA
model layer 1 achieved 98.07 accuracy, which is better than the existing approaches. The proposed EDF-
FMLA model also detects energy consumption from smart meters which achieve accuracy for validation
97.04 phase.
Tab. 4 represents a contrast between the state-of-the-art methods and the proposed EDF-FMLA model.
The proposed EDF-FMLA layer 1 model achieved 97.04 accuracy for predicting energy consumption with a
smart meter which is better than the existing approaches.
5 Conclusion
The usage of IoT-based Smart Meter in electric power consumption shows a signicant role in helping
users manage and control their electric power consumption. It produces smooth communication to build
equitable electric power distribution for users and improved the entire electric system for providers.
Machine learning predicting structures have been worked to apply the electric efciency and response of
progressive energy creation, transmission, and consumption. The proposed IoT-based smart meter uses
deep extreme machine learning techniques to predict meter energy consumption. The proposed
EDF-FMLA model controls the power consumption relying on and decision-based fusion. A deep
extreme machine learning approach applied to feature-based data provided a better result. The proposed
EDF-FMLA model achieved 90.70 accuracy for predicting energy consumption with a smart meter which
is better than the existing approaches.
Acknowledgement: Thanks to our families & colleagues who supported us morally.
Funding Statement: The authors received no specic funding for this study.
Table 3: Layer 2 overall performance for the proposed EDF-FMLA model
Overall performance Accuracy Miss rate
Proposed EDF-FMLA model (training) 98.07 2.93
Proposed EDF-FMLA model (validation) 97.04 2.96
Table 4: Proposed EDF-FMLA model in-contrast with literature
Approaches Accuracy
Linear regression [27] 68.58
Polynomial regression [27] 76.87
DecisionTree regression [27] 81.33
BP.ANN [28] 88.30
DELM 84.01
Proposed EDF-FMLA model 90.70
IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1 551
Conicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest to report regarding the
present study.
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IASC, 2022, vol.31, no.1 553
... Despite their prevalence, these models assume linear relationships and can be computationally demanding. Conversely, recent studies have shown machine learning models outperforming traditional time series methods in trade forecasting [30][31][32]. Tese models excel with complex, nonlinear data but necessitate extensive training data and parameter tuning. Teir efectiveness largely depends on the quality of feature extraction. ...
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In the dynamic global trade environment, accurately predicting trade values of diverse commodities is challenged by unpredictable economic and political changes. This study introduces the Meta-TFSTL framework, an innovative neural model that integrates Meta-Learning Enhanced Trade Forecasting with efficient multicommodity STL decomposition to adeptly navigate the complexities of forecasting. Our approach begins with STL decomposition to partition trade value sequences into seasonal, trend, and residual elements, identifying a potential 10-month economic cycle through the Ljung–Box test. The model employs a dual-channel spatiotemporal encoder for processing these components, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of temporal correlations. By constructing spatial and temporal graphs leveraging correlation matrices and graph embeddings and introducing fused attention and multitasking strategies at the decoding phase, Meta-TFSTL surpasses benchmark models in performance. Additionally, integrating meta-learning and fine-tuning techniques enhances shared knowledge across import and export trade predictions. Ultimately, our research significantly advances the precision and efficiency of trade forecasting in a volatile global economic scenario.
The advent of mobile health has opened up fascinating new avenues for patient engagement in their healthcare. Health data collected by wearable devices may be examined to reveal insights into the user's health. Despite the importance of data privacy and data safety concerns raised by such technology, very little study has been done on the topic. Reduction of the discipline toward data or information flow linkages in medical wearables is one example of a defect in technology that may lead to security issues like data and privacy breaches. The challenge of protecting sensitive information and individual privacy while collecting data using wearable healthcare devices wants more investigation. This paper examines the technological, managerial, and legal elements of data protection and privacy management for healthcare wearable devices.
The Internet of Medical Things has demonstrated considerable promise in improving health-related assurance and enables a variety of applications. The implementation of the Internet of things in the medical field comes with the additional danger of collecting a lot of customer data over an extended period. It is the duty of organizations (Health care centers) to safely maintain information about their patients. Many health care centers are offering remote and real-time treatment. A medical tool called tele monitoring enables medical professionals to examine sufferers away from typical medical setting. And in remote and real-time treatments, they have to face many problems and ethical issues to using medical and internet equipment. In an urgent situation, the patient, who may be kilometers away, also could receive virtual health care aid. Obtaining prompt immediate treatment can reduce the need for critical situations rooms and avoid further issues. These medical institutions are particularly helpful for those who live alone, in rural locations, and old-age persons or spouses who require more extensive medical services. This remote and real-time monitoring may have many challenges. These challenges can be Non—secure Connectivity, Inexpensive Gadget, and Information Sharing Mechanisms.
Artificial Intelligence means to duplicate human Intelligence to machines that are supposed to act like human beings and imitate their actions. This can also be applied to any machines that are similar human minds such as problem solving and learning. According to recent studies there are 4 classifications for AI: Self-aware, Theory of mind, reactive, limited memory. Artificial Intelligence is a method for construction of machines that need human intelligence. Decision making, Speech recognition, visual perception are examples of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is normally used to give customised opinions to people based on their previous surfing and online purchases or other behaviour on online. Artificial Intelligence is more widely used in commerce, logistics, planning inventory etc. Artificial Intelligence is the capacity to provide human-like intelligence such as learning, reasoning, creativity, planning. Artificial intelligence enables technical systems to understand their environment, trade in what they perceive. Some AI technologies have been in this world more than 60 years, but encourage in computing power, the use of large quantities of new algorithms and data have led to Artificial Intelligence development in these years. Artificial Intelligence has brought tremendous change in these years. Future applications are more expected to bring about trending changes, But AI is there now also. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Human intelligence for machines, Different from reasonable intelligence shown by animals. The word Artificial intelligence has been used in olden days to say about machines that mimics and copy human perception that are associated with the mind of human such as problem-solving and learning. AI applications include recommendations used by YouTube, Amazon and Netflix, web search engines, automated decision making, understanding human speech, automated car driving, some strategic games. Some AI technologies have been in this world more than 60 years, but encourage in computing power, the use of large quantities of new algorithms and data have led to Artificial Intelligence development in these years. Artificial Intelligence has brought tremendous change in these years. Future applications are more expected to bring about trending changes, But AI is there now also.
Ethics is considered the core of health care. Everyone is concerned about their health, and everything in health care requires some level of morality. Moral behavior is required when working in the health industry, developing and delivering healthcare, planning and managing the healthcare environment, and assessing health. Additionally, public health aspects including actions that promote good health, illness prevention, and health protection are included. This article looks at ethical difficulties in health care in the UAE and highlights several ethical issues and challenges. Malpractices and botched operations, insufficient information on procedures and costs to patients, over-the-counter selling of prescription-only medications, designer babies, and doctors being paid on a commission basis are among them. The article concludes that these moral concerns could have a negative effect on the provision, affordability, and accessibility of healthcare. The paper recommends numerous approaches to deal with the problems, including new legislation that forbids commission payments to medical practitioners, enforcement of current laws and professional ethics, education, and public awareness campaigns.
Numerous opportunities are emerging due to the Internet of Things’ (IoT) rapid development, which has the potential to significantly improve human quality of life in many areas. The healthcare industry is the main place where IoT can enhance our quality of lives. Security and privacy concerns, however, take center stage in electronic health (eHealth) systems, and the incorporation of IoT makes them increasingly difficult to address. Due to the numerous stakeholders in its broader ecosystem, the majority of IoMT which raises security concerns. The IoT-based healthcare system has various security features. This search provides an Identity-Based Cryptography cornerstone management technique that uses collaborative authentication and a secret passcode to protect transformation of data between any IoT health device and any other entity from a different company or domain (IBC).
There have been attempts to use modern technology in numerous sectors to improve the quality of human life as technology has improved and sensors have been miniaturized. The healthcare sector is one major field of research that has witnessed technology adoption. People in need of healthcare services find it prohibitively expensive, particularly in developing nations. The Iot - Enabled concepts have been frequently utilized to connect various medical resources and provide patients with smart, dependable, and effective healthcare services. A few of the approaches that could really employ IoT services to enhance the patient's lifestyle is health monitoring for active and supported living. In this research, I introduced an Implementation framework tailored to application domains. The project's objective was to develop a Remote Monitoring Device that could be constructed with locally accessible sensors and would be economical if mass produced. As an outcome, this initiative is an opportunity to rectify a contemporary healthcare issue in society. The project's major goal was to create a virtual healthcare system. It is composed of three layers. The first stage involved using technology to sense the patient's health data, the second uploading data to cloud preservation, and the last delivering the observed data for extrasensory perception. A doctor or guardian can monitor a patient's health development while they are not in the hospital by accessing information remotely. As a result, the suggested architecture captures sensor data via the Arduino micro controller and distributes it to the cloud, where it is gathered and analyzed for remote viewing. In the case of emergency, feedback actions based on the collected data can be communicated back to the doctor or guardian by email and/or SMS.
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The innovation in technologies related to health facilities today is increasingly helping to manage patients with different diseases. The most fatal of these is the issue of heart disease that cannot be detected from a naked eye, and attacks as soon as the human exceeds the allowed range of vital signs like pulse rate, body temperature, and blood pressure. The real challenge is to diagnose patients with more diagnostic accuracy and in a timely manner, followed by prescribing appropriate treatments and keeping prescription errors to a minimum. In developing countries, the domain of healthcare is progressing day by day using different Smart healthcare: emerging technologies like cloud computing, fog computing, and mobile computing. Electronic health records (EHRs) are used to manage the huge volume of data using cloud computing. That reduces the storage, processing, and retrieval cost as well as ensuring the availability of data. Machine learning procedures are used to extract hidden patterns and data analytics. In this research, a combination of cloud computing and machine learning algorithm Support vector machine (SVM) is used to predict heart diseases. Simulation results have shown that the proposed intelligent cloud-based heart disease prediction system empowered with a Support vector machine (SVM)-based system model gives 93.33% accuracy, which is better than previously published approaches.
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A large part of the Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart meters is considered a method to achieve energy efficiency, sustainable development, and the potential of improving the quality, reliability, and efficiency of power supply. These outcomes indicate the importance of the inherent capacity for profound implications on storage, sale, and distribution of electrical power supply. A few of the existing literature review identified the challenges of primary consumer adoption in terms of privacy, eco-efficient feedback, and technology awareness. Provided that these factors were investigated without theoretical association, this study examined the barriers to the adoption of IoT-based smart meters technology by developing a model representing the users’ intention to adopt smart meters by drawing on the variables of the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance And Use of Technology (UTAUT2). Data were collected from 318 users of smart meter from two cities in Malaysia, while the model was validated using a multi-analytic approach using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), and the results from SEM were used as inputs for a neural network model to predict acceptance factors. As a result, it was found that technology awareness and eco-effective feedback were the important determinants with a positive impact on the adoption of smart meter technology, while privacy concerns led to an adverse impact. Overall, these study findings contribute useful insights and implications for users, utilities; regulators, and policymakers.
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An epidemic is a quick and widespread disease that threatens many lives and damages the economy. The epidemic lifetime should be accurate so that timely and remedial steps are determined. These include the closing of borders schools, suspension of community and commuting services. The forecast of an outbreak effectively is a very necessary but difficult task. A predictive model that provides the best possible forecast is a great challenge for machine learning with only a few samples of training available. This work proposes and examines a prediction model based on a deep extreme learning machine (DELM). This methodology is used to carry out an experiment based on the recent Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. An optimized prediction model that has been developed, namely DELM, is demonstrated to be able to make a prediction that is fairly best. The results show that the new methodology is useful in developing an appropriate forecast when the samples are far from abundant during the critical period of the disease. During the investigation, it is shown that the proposed approach has the highest accuracy rate of 97.59% with 70% of training, 30% of test and validation. Simulation results validate the prediction effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
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The developing countries are still starving for the betterment of health sector. The disease commonly found among the women is breast cancer, and past researches have proven results that if the cancer is detected at a very early stage, the chances to overcome the disease are higher than the disease treated or detected at a later stage. This article proposed cloud-based intelligent BCP-T1F-SVM with 2 variations/models like BCP-T1F and BCP-SVM. The proposed BCP-T1F-SVM system has employed two main soft computing algorithms. The proposed BCP-T1F-SVM expert system specifically defines the stage and the type of cancer a person is suffering from. Expert system will elaborate the grievous stages of the cancer, to which extent a patient has suffered. The proposed BCP-SVM gives the higher precision of the proposed breast cancer detection model. In the limelight of breast cancer, the proposed BCP-T1F-SVM expert system gives out the higher precision rate. The proposed BCP-T1F expert system is being employed in the diagnosis of breast cancer at an initial stage. Taking different stages of cancer into account, breast cancer is being dealt by BCP-T1F expert system. The calculations and the evaluation done in this research have revealed that BCP-SVM is better than BCP-T1F. The BCP-T1F concludes out the 96.56 percentage accuracy, whereas the BCP-SVM gives accuracy of 97.06 percentage. The above unleashed research is wrapped up with the conclusion that BCP-SVM is better than the BCP-T1F. The opinions have been recommended by the medical expertise of Sheikh Zayed Hospital Lahore, Pakistan, and Cavan General Hospital, Lisdaran, Cavan, Ireland.
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Diabetes is among the most common medical issues which people are facing nowadays. It may cause physical incapacity or even death in some cases. It has two core types, namely type I and type II. Both types are chronic and influence the functions of the human body that regulate blood sugar. In the human body, glucose is the main element that boosts cells. However, insulin is a key that enters the cells to control blood sugar. People with diabetes type I do not have the ability to produce insulin. Whereas people with diabetes type II lack the ability to react to insulin and frequently do not make enough insulin. For adequate analysis of such a fatal disease, techniques with a minimum error rate must be utilized. In this regard, different models of artificial neural network (ANN) have been investigated in the literature to diagnose/predict the condition with a minimum error rate, however, there is a need for improvement. To further advance the accuracy, a deep extreme learning machine (DELM) based prediction model is proposed and investigated in this research. By using the DELM approach, a high level of reliability with a minimum error rate is achieved. The approach shows significant improvement in results compared to previous investigations. It is observed that during the investigation the proposed approach has the highest accuracy rate of 92.8% with 70% of training (9500 samples) and 30% of test and validation (4500 examples). Simulation results validate the prediction effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
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Predicting the location of parking is a long-lasting problem that has ultimate importance in our daily life. In this paper, artificial neural networks are used to predict the parking location that will be helpful for drivers to settle on a reasonable area for stopping. This approach eventually adds to the familiarity and wellbeing of traffic on the roads which results in a decrease in turbulence. By using the approach of Deep Extreme Learning Machine (DELM), reliability can be achieved with a marginal error rate thus reducing the skeptical inclination. In this article, the Proposed Car Parking Space Prediction (CPSP) to elaborate on the dilemma of parking space for vehicles, we have used deep learning neural networks in contrast with feedforward and backward propagation. When the results were taken into consideration, it was unveiled that extreme deep machine learning neural network bears the highest accuracy rate with 60% of training (21431 samples), 40% of test and validation (14287 examples). It has been observed that the proposed DELM has the highest precision rate of 91.25 %. Simulation results validate the prediction effectiveness of the proposed DELM strategy.
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The widespread popularity of smart meters enables an immense amount of fine-grained electricity consumption data to be collected. Meanwhile, the deregulation of the power industry, particularly on the delivery side, has continuously been moving forward worldwide. How to employ massive smart meter data to promote and enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the power grid is a pressing issue. To date, substantial works have been conducted on smart meter data analytics. To provide a comprehensive overview of the current research and to identify challenges for future research, this paper conducts an application-oriented review of smart meter data analytics. Following the three stages of analytics, namely, descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics, we identify the key application areas as load analysis, load forecasting, and load management. We also review the techniques and methodologies adopted or developed to address each application. In addition, we also discuss some research trends, such as big data issues, novel machine learning technologies, new business models, the transition of energy systems, and data privacy and security. Index Terms—smart meter, big data, data analytics, demand response, consumer segmentation, clustering, load forecasting, anomaly detection, deep learning, machine learning
In order to ensure the reasonable dispatch and utilization of power in smart homes, decentralized smart homes need to send power information to the power control center, and the power control center need to send control instructions to smart homes. However, the bi-directional interaction between smart homes and the power control center may lead to a series of security problems, such as smart meters of smart homes collect fine-grained real-time power consumption data and upload it to the control center, which will lead to the leakage of users’ privacy. The existing schemes protect users’ privacy by signcryption and data aggregation usually, and elliptic curve bilinear pairing or exponential operation are used in most of them, whose computation costs is high. In addition, the existing schemes for centralized storage of power consumption data may result in some security problems, such as single point failure, malicious tampering of data, etc. Aiming at the problems above, a privacy protection scheme of smart meter for decentralized smart home environment based on consortium blockchain is proposed, elliptic curve point multiplication operation is used in the certificateless aggregated ring signcryption algorithm, which reduces the computing and communication costs; distributed storage of users’ data with consortium blockchain is used to solve the problem of single point failure and data tampering. Theoretical analysis proves that the scheme not only guarantees users’ privacy, but also has characteristics of confidentiality and unforgeability, and experiments show that the scheme has lower computing and communication costs.
Household characteristics play an important role in helping utilities carry out efficient and personalized services. Current methods to obtain such information e.g. survey are usually costly and time-consuming. The widespread installation of smart meters enables the collection of fine-grained residential electricity consumption data, thus making the identification of household characteristics from smart meter data possible. This paper proposes a time-frequency features combination-based household characteristics identification approach using smart meter data. Firstly, in addition to conventional time-domain statistical features, several frequency-domain features are extracted using discrete wavelet transform. Secondly, random forest algorithm is used to select a subset of important features and remove redundant information contained in the original feature set. Thirdly, support vector machine is used as classifier with the input of the selected features to infer the household characteristics. Finally, case study using the realistic data from Ireland indicates that the proposed approach shows better performance after incorporating the frequency-domain features.