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A Machine Learning Approach for Blockchain-Based Smart Home Networks Security


Abstract and Figures

Realizing secure and private communications on the Internet of Things (IoT) is challenging, primarily due to IoT's projected vast scale and extensive deployment. Recent efforts have explored the use of blockchain in decentralized protection and privacy supported. Such solutions, however, are highly demanding in terms of computation and time requirements, barring these solutions from the majority of IoT applications. Specifically, in this paper, we introduce a resource-efficient, blockchain-based solution for secure and private IoT. The solution is made possible through novel exploitation of computational resources in a typical IoT environment (e.g., smart homes), along with the use of an instance of Deep Extreme Learning Machine (DELM). In this proposed approach, the Smart Home Architecture based in Blockchain is protected by carefully evaluating its reliability in regard to the essential security aims of privacy, integrity, and accessibility. In addition, we present simulation results to emphasize that the overheads created by our method (in terms of distribution, processing time, and energy consumption) are marginal related to their protection and privacy benefits.
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IEEE Network • May/June 2021 0890-8044/21/$25.00 © 2021 IEEE
Realizing secure and private communications
on the Internet of Things (IoT) is challenging, pri-
marily due to IoT’s projected vast scale and exten-
sive deployment. Recent efforts have explored
the use of blockchain in decentralized protection
and privacy supported. Such solutions, however,
are highly demanding in terms of computation
and time requirements, barring these solutions
from the majority of IoT applications. Specifically,
in this paper, we introduce a resource-efficient,
blockchain-based solution for secure and private
IoT. The solution is made possible through novel
exploitation of computational resources in a typ-
ical IoT environment (e.g., smart homes), along
with the use of an instance of Deep Extreme
Learning Machine (DELM). In this proposed
approach, the Smart Home Architecture based in
Blockchain is protected by carefully evaluating its
reliability in regard to the essential security aims
of privacy, integrity, and accessibility. In addition,
we present simulation results to emphasize that
the overheads created by our method (in terms
of distribution, processing time, and energy con-
sumption) are marginal related to their protection
and privacy benefits.
A smart home is an Internet of Things (IoT) inte-
grated residence that offers consumers security,
health, comfort, improved standard of living, and
so on. Smart home systems are capable of mak-
ing people’s lives and independent living easier
and better. They provide useful tools like track-
ing behaviors and safety assessments that have
attracted users’ and device developers’ attention.
Although intelligent homes offer huge benefits
to homeowners and interested parties, they are
potentially at risk for malicious cyber-attacks that
may endanger users’ safety and privacy. Such
threats have conventional solutions, which are
highly centralized and vulnerable to fierce attacks.
Consequently, the versatility and scalability
required for proper use in the innovative area of
autonomous smart home applications and facil-
ities are lacking. Several intelligent technologies
render people’s lives simpler [1]. Such programs
produce huge amounts of information. The stor-
ing of this constantly evolving data into reposito-
ries creates safety concerns.
Nonetheless, blockchain has attained outstand-
ing performance as a cornerstone of the cyber-
security infrastructure in a variety of smart home
technologies like remote connectivity and data
transmission. Blockchain technologies and cen-
tralized storage networks may be used to address
these problems. Blockchain was invented in 2008
by Satoshi Nakamoto and included a timestamped
collection of malice-proof documentation con-
trolled by a community of decentralized systems
[2]. Inflexibility, decentralization, and openness
are the keystones of blockchain technology. The
three functions have extended their doors to a
wide range of applications, including the nature
of digital currencies and the feasibility review of
intelligent applications, while blockchain technol-
ogy guarantees security. For instance, the form
of attacks has recently grown more complex, like
most of the attacks controlling vote, Sybil attacks
for false identity creation to monitoring consen-
Because conventional approaches utilize a sig-
nature-based method to identify unique arrange-
ments, a comprehensive Intrusion Detection
System (IDS) is essential to resolve the underlying
issue. However, one of the latest technologies,
known as the Deep Extreme Learning Machine
(DELM) [1], can be used to evaluate data flow to
spot intrusions and attack patterns. Therefore, it
is important to manage smart blockchain-based
applications by developing powerful and versa-
tile algorithms to process this large amount of
data. Machine learning involves machines for
training, reasoning, and behaving without human
intervention. It is known as one of the Artificial
Intelligence (AI) frameworks. The basic goal of
machine learning is to create an effective algo-
rithm to take data from the input and make a pre-
diction and change the outputs through statistical
analysis. Machine learning may process a signifi-
cant amount of information and make decisions
guided by evidence.
This research will, therefore, employ a Deep
Extreme Learning Machine (DELM) approach to
make intelligent homes safer with IoT-enabled
sensors and enhanced performance. For this
study, the major contributions are to provide a
thorough review of cutting-edge technologies rel-
evant to blockchain-based smart homes empow-
ered with the Deep Extreme Learning Machine,
to offer a new viewpoint on various applications
(e.g., smart home data sharing), which is backed
by the recent stages of technology growth. Deep
Extreme Learning Machine architecture has been
proposed for implementation in blockchain-based
A Machine Learning Approach for Blockchain-Based Smart Home Networks Security
Muhammad Adnan Khan, Sagheer Abbas, Abdur Rehman, Yousaf Saeed, Asim Zeb, M. Irfan Uddin, Nidal Nasser, and Asmaa Ali
Digital Object Identifier:
Muhammad Adnan Khan is with Riphah International University Lahore Campus; Sagheer Abbas and Abdur Rehman are with NCBA&E;
Yousaf Saeed is with the University of Haripur; Asim Zeb is with Abbotabad University of Science and Technology; M. Irfan Uddin is with
Kohat University of Science and Technology; Nidal Nasser is with Alfaisal University; Asmaa Ali is with Queen’s University.
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IEEE Network • May/June 2021
smart homes, as demonstrated in Fig. 1. The smart
application here gathers information from vari-
ous information sources along with sensors, smart
devices, and IoT devices. Information obtained
from such smart applications is analyzed and pro-
cessed. The blockchain acts as an important part
of those applications. The Deep Extreme Learning
Machine will then be used to interpret and pre-
dict data (data analytics and real-time analytics)
in such applications. The datasets utilized by the
DELM framework could be processed in a block-
chain network, which eliminates errors in informa-
tion such as repetition, loss of data value, errors,
and disruption. Blockchains rely on the data. Thus
data-related problems in the DELM framework
will be excluded. The DELM framework can be
focused on different chain segments instead of
the entire collection of datasets. This will provide
a unique framework for various applications, such
as detecting fraud and predicting theft detection.
The sections of this article are structured as fol-
lows. The related survey articles are summarized
in the following section. We then explain the fun-
damental framework for blockchain, implementa-
tion of the DELM approach on blockchain-based
smart home, and smart home application frame-
work. Following that we address the DELM
approach’s simulation and tests. The research
conclusions are explored in the fi nal section.
reLAted work
C. Badii et al. [3] stated that in all frameworks,
such as electricity, water, and transport, the
dream of intelligent cities is secure, safe, green,
and effi cient. G. S. Aujla et al. [4] stated that the
smart city is an innovation-focused and better city
linking human beings, data, and urban characteris-
tics through innovative technology, thereby result-
ing in a stable, safe city with effi cient and creative
businesses and an improved quality of life. S. Tan-
war et al. [5] argued that the smart city is a clev-
er society in which various components, such as
people, the environment, mobility, democracy,
and the economy, are installed in a smart system.
G. Li et al. [6] proposed a user-centric block-
chain system to protect the exchange of edge
information in IoT. Z. Zhou et al. [7] introduced
a stable and effective energy sharing system for
vehicles to grids by investigating blockchain tech-
nology, contract theory, and edge computing. J.
Wu et al. [8] proposed a software-defi ned block-
chain platform to understand complex blockchain
architectures, and implemented a consensus-func-
tion solution to virtual machines with the appli-
cation-aware framework which can derive and
handle specifi c consensus tools.
This research intends to support people’s
transition to the Internet of Things, in particular,
in emerging smart cities. According to the Inter-
net of Things European Research Cluster, IoT
is a vibrant, worldwide network infrastructure
that automatically configures physical and virtu-
al objects and communicates them through the
standard and interoperable procedure. IoT would
be the best hope for a viable city [9]. To make
IoT intelligent, many computational technologies
have been implemented into it. Only data mining,
artifi cial intelligence, cloud computing, and neural
networks are among the most important technol-
M. Moore et al. [10] expects that 70 percent
of people will live in towns by 2050. The intelligi-
FIGURE 1. A 4-layer application framework of a blockchain-based smart home empowered with DELM.
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IEEE Network • May/June 2021 225
bility concept generates the comfort of life. Smart
City is an initiative that utilizes state-of-the-art tech-
nology to improve environmental sustainability.
Intelligent communities often boost environmen-
tal efficiency and offer better facilities to people.
Connectivity and information technology are nec-
essary to promote and turn cities into smart cities.
Because blockchain is becoming increasingly
popular in a smart home, a variety of research
papers have been published. For example, in a
study on the use of blockchain technologies in
the smart world, S. Aggarwal et al. [11] addressed
agreement, access control, home care, payments
integration, market sharing, and numerous smart
city facilities. Nevertheless, the implementation
of blockchain on the technology market tends
to be understudied in data analytics focused on
intelligent home services. Many regard this as the
potential usage of blockchain for smart homes. M.
Andoni et al. [12] identified the comprehensive
analysis of various blockchain implementations
of the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) energy trading network.
The research discusses, in great detail, the appli-
cation of the global agreement process and other
features of different smart home systems, such
as safety problems, the smart grid, Artificial Intel-
ligence (AI), payment processing, and Big Data
analytics. Although the technical details were spe-
cifically studied in their report, the sample omit-
ted many conventional ramifications from a smart
home perspective, such as smart home care and
smart cities financial management.
ProPosed deLM FrAMework
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto developed blockchain
[2]. A P2P payments network will remove third
parties and double-spent issues by using its simple
blockchain cryptocurrency (e.g., bitcoins). This
is a clustered data system in which every data
block is authenticated by SHA-256 (Secure Hash
Algorithm) with the previous hash block. Block
number, prior block hash, transaction informa-
tion, nonce, and time stamps constituted the fun-
damental structure of the block. The timestamp
comprises a continuous variable, but in the case
of a nonce, the variable is random. The valida-
tor and the miner (computer node) constantly
hash down the static (block) and dynamic (time-
stamp and nonce) data for a value that begins
with many consecutive leading zeroes. This meth-
od is commonly called a cryptography puzzle. In
the blockchain, which miners identify the right
hash value, will first consider the winner who is
permitted to insert the block. Proof of work is the
technique used to validate whether or not a block
is valid. The measures below identify key features
of blockchain. In the case of a smart home, every
node linked with an IoT device interacts with a
memory pool, including miners in a blockchain
system. The memory pool contains all transactions
waiting to be used in the blockchain to create a
new block. All transactions are checked and sum-
marized by the Merkle tree.
If transactions are viable, then extracted trans-
actions are inserted into the block ready for min-
ing by miners throughout the intelligent home
system. By modifying the nonce and time label,
miners create a Hash of Block. The program
afterward tries comparing the hash produced to
the target. The hash is linked to the chain once
a miner has finished mining the block. When the
hash reaches the target amount, the process will
restart. If the hash is smaller than the goal value,
the proof of work is tested for performance and
applied to the chain. This message is, therefore,
sent throughout the network to alert each linked
node to remove completed memo pool trans-
actions. The smart home communication envi-
ronment is increasingly formed by blockchain
technology, as it is flexible and adaptable enough
to integrate with smart home IoT apps easily.
Figure 1 demonstrates the smart home network
based on blockchain. The framework contains
four layers: a layer of IoT data sources, a block-
chain network layer empowered with Deep
Extreme Learning Machine (DELM), an intelligent
home device layer, and a client node.
IntegrAtIon oF deeP e xtreMe LeArnIng MAchIne In
bLockchAIn-bAsed sMAr t hoMe
The IoT information layer collects information
from devices that are important for the assess-
ment of smart homes, environments, and users.
Such devices are grouped into three significant
classifications: sensors, multimedia, and health-
care. Atmospheric conditions are calculated by
sensors. For instance, the thermostat is used for
room temperature calculation and regulation. The
IoT sensor network comprises closed-circuit tele-
vision, wearables, and so on, named a blockchain
layer. Information from these nodes is collected
and stored on a centrally built repository or data-
base, such as a blockchain that establishes the
stack’s first layer.
With blockchain-based applications, DELM
computing technologies can be employed to
make them smarter. Security can be improved by
using DELM for the distributed ledger. DELM can
also be utilized to increase the interval required
to achieve understanding by improved routes for
information sharing. It also constructs the chance
to build improved frameworks utilizing blockchain
technology’s centralized architecture. In block-
chain-enabled intelligent technology, we intro-
duced to the DELM implementation architecture,
as indicated in Figure 1. The smart application
here gathers information from various sources of
information, such as cameras, smart devices, and
IoT systems. Information from such methods was
evaluated as a component of smart applications.
Blockchain works as a key component of these
smart applications. Nonetheless, for interpretation
(data analysis and real-time analysis) and predic-
tion, the DELM framework can be used for such
application data. On a blockchain network, data
sets used by DELM models are processed.
Data errors like repetition, incomplete data
values, defects, and noise are minimized. Infor-
mation is distributed on a blockchain, and thus
information-related problems can be minimized
in the DELM system. Instead of the whole data
set, the DELM frame can be based on specific
chain fragments. This can include unique frame-
works for numerous applications, such as fraud
identification or prevention of identity theft. The
blockchain model is based on the edge of the IoT
architecture and consists of three key elements:
blockchain information architecture, smart con-
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IEEE Network • May/June 2021
tract, and Deep Extreme Learning Machine layer.
In the proposed DELM framework, large volumes
of hidden layers, hidden neurons, and many trig-
gering functions have been used for maximizing
the security and safety of smart homes. There are
three diff erent layers in the suggested technique:
the data collection, preprocessing, and evalua-
tion stages. Two sub-layers, namely, prediction
and performance assessment, are included in
the evaluation layer. Valid sensor data and actu-
ators for experimental research are obtained.
The information collected is supplied as an input
for the acquisition layer. Specific data cleaning
and planning processes to eliminate knowledge
inconsistencies in the preprocessing layer have
been introduced. The DELM was utilized to opti-
mize the smart home network by any malicious or
intrusive activity in the application layer.
Hash values bind blocks through cryptography.
A home server machine might be perceived as a
miner for checking new transactions and inserting
new blocks while intelligent contracts obey pre-
defi ned laws to render decentralized transactions
simpler and easier. There are different ways to
incorporate blockchains, such as public, propri-
etary, and federated, but in a sophisticated home
network, the usually privately owned blockchain is
used to minimize overhead costs.
The application layer is built to promote the
convergence of current blockchain networks with
specifi c smart home applications. This framework
covers smart home technologies such as the dig-
ital market, access management, interoperability
in home and healthcare, and the automatic pay-
ment of infrastructure and intelligent community
services. Ultimately, the access layer is at the top
of the hierarchy and enables third parties to take
advantage of blockchain-based smart home tech-
nologies, like microgrids, retailing outlets, suppli-
ers of utilities, careers, and so on.
The advent of smart devices has paved the
way for creative IoT technologies to intelligently
and eff ectively run smart residential systems. The
main components of an enhanced smart home
environment include cameras, CCTV, smart TV,
tness devices, smartphones, and actuators. The
main services offered by a smart home with IoT
apps include remote controls, alarm generation,
safety surveillance, and so on. A customized
access control device that allows the home user
to be activated on request must be implemented
to increase the smooth operation of smart home
and detect any malicious activities by hackers.
This access authorization may be specifi ed in a set
of IoT system access records for a specifi c user. In
an unforgeable distributed information network,
such information should be stored in order to
survive malicious attackers. To demonstrate how
blockchain leads to safe access, we take, as an
illustration as follows.
The home user (Admin) who may have per-
sonalized access to the smart home and be using
apps inside. Figure 2 demonstrates how block-
chain leads to safe access. First, the user must
identify the level of access and apply it to the
home service machine. For instance, the home-
owner (Admin) is permitted at the maximum
level, while teens, children, visiting families, and
teenagers require mid-level approval. Neighbors
and outsiders have low-ranked (or zero) control
permits. After obtaining a request from the user,
the home server reviews the directory of access
control. The home server subsequently transmits
this order for the legal authentication of that par-
ticular user to the blockchain layer. A blockchain
policy header holds the access control list for mul-
tiple consumers and devices. The policy header is
a component of the block data used to execute
control policies and tools. The new user’s request
is sent to the administrator who can approve or
deny any request for entry. Once the administra-
tor gives or denies permission, blockchain min-
ers insert the header policy details and carry out
actions. This method can be used to eliminate
malicious attackers.
deeP extreMe LeArnIng MAchIne
The DELM can be used in diff erent fi elds to fore-
cast health problems, predict energy consumption,
transport, and traffic control, and so on. [1]. The
existing Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) algo-
rithms require many adjustments and long learning
cycles, and the learning system can be overwritten.
The knowledge of an extreme machine is defi ned
by G. B. Huang et al. [13]. The DELM can be wide-
ly used in diff erent domains for classifi cation and
regression objectives because DELM learns quickly
and is successful in the rate of procedural convo-
lution. The extreme learning machine is a feed-
forward neural network that suggests data travels
only one way along with a series of layers, though
in this proposed system we used the backpropa-
gation approach during the learning phase, where
information fl ows backward through the network
and in the backpropagation, the neural network
adjusts the weights to achieve high accuracy with
minimum error rate. The weights of the network
are consistent throughout the validation phases, in
which we extract the trained model and forecast
the actual data. The proposed DELM approach
FIGURE 2. Blockchain-based smart home management system empowered with
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IEEE Network • May/June 2021 227
consists of three layers: an input layer, hidden lay-
ers, and an output layer, respectively. The DELM
framework consists of input layers, multiple hid-
den layers, and an output layer. In an extreme
learning machine, there is only one hidden layer
and multiple neurons employed in the network to
train the dataset, but in the deep extreme learn-
ing machine, there are multiple hidden layers with
a constant number of neurons to increase the
efficiency of the network. So, by increasing the
hidden layers along with the constant number of
neurons in the network, we have achieved better
results as compared to other machine learning
algorithms as shown in Table 1. In DELM we have
incorporated the backpropagation technique with
a feed-forward technique to adjust the weights in
the network to reduce the error rate. The DELM
framework outperforms the other machine learn-
ing algorithms in terms of accuracy.
Diff erent statistical parameters, given in Figure
3, are observed to optimize smart home security
in the evaluation layer like Accuracy, Miss Rate,
Sensitivity, Specificity, False Positive Value, and
Positive Prediction Value.
The backpropagation method involves weight
configuration, feedforward propagation, back-
ward error propagation, and distinguishability
update. A sigmoid activation function is used in
the hidden layer on each neuron. This helps in
the design of the sigmoid input function and the
DELM hidden layer, which can be measured by
dividing the square sum from the required output
by 2. The adjustment in weight is needed to miti-
gate the common error.
resuLts And dIscussIon
In this paper, the Deep Extreme Learning
Machine (DELM) in the proposed framework was
implemented with input data from [14]. The data
were randomly divided into 85 percent training
(125,973 samples), and 15 percent of data is
used for validation (22,543 samples). Data have
been processed in advance to delete informa-
tion irregularities and mitigate the possibility of
the presence of information resulting from errors.
DELM attempted to identify any malice or intru-
sion in various hidden layers, hidden connections,
and activation functions. Additionally, we evaluat-
ed a certain number of neurons in hidden layers
and various types of active functions. In this anal-
ysis, we evaluated the DELM to properly predict
the effi ciency of this system. To calculate the out-
put with the counterpart algorithms of this DELM
algorithm, we used diff erent statistical measures.
Table 2 shows the proposed blockchain-based
smart home empowered with the DELM system
model prediction of intrusion detection during
the training phase. A total of 125,973 samples
are used during training. These are further divid-
ed into 67,343 and 58,630 samples of normal
and attack, respectively. It is observed that 65,366
samples of a normal class (meaning in which no
attack is found) are correctly predicted, while
1,977 records are incorrectly predicted as an
attack found while there is no actual attack exist-
ing. Similarly, a total of 58,630 samples are taken
in the case of attack found, in which 56,210 sam-
ples are correctly predicted as an attack found,
and 2,420 samples are invalid predict as a normal
found while attack exists there.
Table 3 shows the proposed blockchain-based
smart home empowered with the DELM system
model prediction of intrusion detection during the
validation phase. A total of 22,543 samples are
used during validation. These are further divided
into 9,710 and 12,833 samples of normal and
attack, respectively. It is observed that 9,237
samples of a normal class are correctly predicted
while 473 records are incorrectly predicted as
an attack while no actual attack exists. Similarly,
12,833 samples are taken in the case of attack
found, in which 11,935 samples are correctly pre-
dicted as an attack found and 898 samples are
invalidly predicted as a normal found, when in
fact an attack existed there.
Figure 3 shows the proposed block-
chain-based smart home empowered with the
DELM system model performance in terms of
diff erent statistical measures during the training
and validation phase. It is clearly shown that the
proposed system during training produces 96.51
percent and 3.49 percent accuracy and miss
rates, respectively. During validation, the pro-
posed system produces 93.91 percent and 6.09
percent accuracy and miss rates, respectively. It
also shows system model performance in terms
of sensitivity, specifi city, during the training, and
testing phase. It clearly shows that the proposed
system during training gives 96.43 percent and
TABLE 1. Comparison of the proposed DELM meth-
od with other machine learning algorithms with
diff erent datasets.
Method Accuracy of NSL-
KDD dataset [14]
Accuracy of KDD-
CUP-99 dataset [15]
ANN 81.2 % 90.39%
SVM 69.52% 89.94%
Decision Tree 81.5 % 91.12%
Proposed DELM 93.91% 94.6%
FIGURE 3. Performance evaluation of blockchain-based smart home empowered
with deep extreme learning machine system model during the prediction of
malicious activity or attacks using diff erent statistical measure.
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IEEE Network • May/June 2021
96.6 percent sensitivity and specificity, respec-
tively, while it gives 91.14 percent and 96.19
percent sensitivity and specificity, respectively,
during validation. In addition, some more statis-
tical measures are added to predict the values
such as false positive, false negative, likelihood
ratio negative and positive as well as positive
and negative prediction values. All results of
these measures are given in Fig. 3.
Intrusion identification in smart homes remains
an outstanding challenge, especially in terms of
evaluation and prediction. Meanwhile, recent
developments in the areas of blockchain and
machine learning have shown great potential in
achieving such objectives. Given the power and
processing limitation of devices in the majori-
ty of smart home deployments, such solutions
cannot be readily applied. Addressing this void,
this work presented a lightweight yet effective
solution for intrusion identification and predic-
tion. A Deep Extreme Learning Machine (DELM)
blockchain-based architecture was proposed.
Several statistical methods were used to mea-
sure the effectiveness of the suggested solution.
Such estimation results demonstrate that the
DELM approach is far more reliable than those of
other algorithms. The proposed DELM approach
achieved spectacular results, demonstrating
93.91 percent accuracy. The obtained results are
promising, and we are currently exploring exten-
sions through the application of further datasets
and varied architectures.
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[15] “Network Intrusion Detection,”, 2020, avail-
sion-detection; accessed: 26 Aug. 2020.
MuhaMMad adnan Khan is currently working as an associate
professor in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of
Computing, Riphah International University Lahore Campus,
Lahore, Pakistan. He completed his Ph.D. at ISRA University,
Pakistan. Prior to joining the LGU, he worked in various aca-
demic and industrial roles in Pakistan. He has been teaching
graduate and undergraduate students in computer science and
engineering for the past 12 years. Presently he is guiding four
Ph.D. scholars and eight M.Phil. Scholars. He has published
about 160 research articles in international journals as well as
respected international conferences. His research interests pri-
marily include MUD, channel estimation in multi-carrier com-
munication systems, image processing and medical diagnosis
using soft computing, with various publications in journals and
conferences of international repute.
Sagheer a bbaS is currently working as an assistant professor
at the School of Computer Science, NCBA&E, Lahore, Paki-
stan. He completed his Ph.D. from the School of Computer
Science, NCBA&E, Lahore, Pakistan. He completed his M.Phil.
in Computer Science from the School of Computer Science,
NCBA&E, Lahore, Pakistan. He has been teaching graduate
and undergraduate students in computer science and engineer-
ing for the past 10 years. He has published about 80 research
articles in international journals as well as reputed international
conferences. His research interests primarily include cloud com-
puting, IoT, intelligent agents, image processing and cognitive
machines with various publications in international journals and
abdur r ehMan is currently working as lecturer at School of
Computer Science, NCBA&E, Lahore, Pakistan, and as a game
developer at the GameObject Lahore, Pakistan. He is working
toward a Ph.D. from the School of Computer Science, NCBA&E,
Lahore, Pakistan. He completed his M.Phil. in computer scienc-
es from the NCBA&E, Lahore, Pakistan. He completed his B.S.
in computer sciences from the Institute of Management Scienc-
es, Lahore, Pakistan. He has published and submitted several
research articles in international journals as well as well-respect-
ed international conferences. His research interests primarily
include cloud computing, IoT, medical diagnosis, intelligent
agents, cognitive machines, smart homes, blockchain, network
security, and smart city, with various publications in international
journals and conferences of international repute.
YouSaf Saeed received the Ph.D. degree in cognitive VANETs
from NCBA&E, Lahore, Pakistan, and the M.S. degree in
broadband and high-speed communication networks from the
University of Westminster, London, U.K., where he achieved
distinction for his individual research thesis on IPv6. He is cur-
TABLE 2. Training of the blockchain-based smart home empowered with deep
extreme learning machine system model during the prediction of malicious
activity or attacks.
Proposed DELM based system model (85% of sample data in training)
Total number of samples (N = 125,973) Output results (O0, O1)
Expected output (T0, T1) O0 (normal) O1 (attack)
T0 = 67,343 normal 65,366 1,977
T1 = 58,630 attack 2,420 56,210
TABLE 3. Validation of the blockchain-based smart home empowered with deep
extreme learning machine system model during the prediction of malicious
activity or attacks.
Proposed DELM based system model (15% of sample data in validation)
Total number of samples (N = 22,543) Output results (O0, O1)
Expected output (T0, T1) O0 (normal) O1 (attack)
T0 = 9,710 normal 9,237 473
T1 = 12,833 attack 898 11,935
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Gachon University. Downloaded on July 04,2021 at 13:45:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Network • May/June 2021 229
rently an assistant professor with the Department of Informa-
tion Technology, University of Haripur, Pakistan. He acquired
seven research projects of the ICT Research and Development
Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. His achievements
include the publication of monographs, journal articles, and
conference papers. His patent is under review regarding emer-
gency vehicles-based traffic light control system. He received
the International Students Award at the College of North West
London, U.K.
aSiM Z eb received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer
science from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan (UOP) in
2002 and 2005, respectively. He then completed his Ph.D. in
computer science from University Technology Malaysia (2012-
2016) and also served as a research fellow at the Nagoya Insti-
tute of Technology, Japan (2014-2015). He has received the
MJIIT-Malaysia Scholarship (2013–2014) and the JASSO-Japan
Scholarship (2014–2015). He served as an assistant professor
at Qurtuba University of Science and I.T. from February 2016
to April 2019. Currently, he has been serving as an assistant
professor in the Department of Computer Science at Abbotta-
bad University of Science and Technology, Pakistan since May,
2019. His research interest includes self-organized networks,
network architectures and protocols, cognitive radio networks
and supervised machine learning
M. irfan u ddin is actively involved with academia and
research. He worked as a graduate research associate at the
University of Peshawar, University of Amsterdam and University
of Turin. He was a faculty member on the computer science
faculty at Al Yamamah University, Saudi Arabia. He is currently
working at the Institute of Computing, Kohat University of Sci-
ence and Technology, Kohat, Pakistan. He has participated in
different research journals and conferences. He has published
several research papers in well-respected international journals
and conference proceedings. He serves as a reviewer for sev-
eral journals. His research interests include machine learning,
data science, deep learning, convolutional neural networks,
reinforcement learning, computer vision, Big Data and parallel
nidal naSSer (SM-IEEE) completed his Ph.D. at the School of
Computing, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in
2004. He is currently a professor of software engineering at
the College of Engineering, Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia.
He worked in the School of Computer Science at the Univer-
sity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He was the Founder
and Director of the Wireless Networking and Mobile Comput-
ing Research Lab @ Guelph. He is currently the Founder and
Director of the Telecommunications Computing Research Lab
@ Alfaisal University. He has authored 180 journal publications,
refereed conference publications and book chapters in the area
of wireless communication networks and systems. He is current-
ly serving as an associate editor for IEEE Wireless Communica-
tions Magazine, Wiley’s International Journal on Communication
Systems, and IEEE Systems Journal. He has been a member of
the technical program and organizing committees of several
international IEEE conferences and workshops. He has received
several outstanding research awards as well as a number of best
paper awards.
aSMaa a li completed her Ph.D. degree from the School of
Computing at Queen’s University-Canada. She received two
M.Sc. degrees with honors in the Electrical Engineering Program
from Kuwait University, State of Kuwait, and in the Engineer-
ing Systems and Computing Program from the University of
Guelph-Canada. She received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE
International Conference on Smart Applications, Communica-
tions and Networking (SmartNets 2019). Her current research
interests are computer vision and pattern recognition, robotics,
control systems, artificial intelligence, machine/deep learning,
data science and wireless sensor networks.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Gachon University. Downloaded on July 04,2021 at 13:45:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
... Incorporating proposed computational technology into FLbased systems can boost their intelligence and data privacy all at once. It is possible to build a network architecture and a platform for decentralized blockchain applications by using proposed distributed blockchain technology [89]. This research examines proposed model's deployment architecture and highlights its possible uses. ...
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This paper introduces Matrix-Valued Neural Coordinated Federated Deep Extreme Machine Learning, a novel approach for enhancing health prediction and intrusion detection on the Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT). By leveraging Machine Learning (ML), blockchain, and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), this technique ensures the security of medical data while enabling predictive health analytics. The IoHT, characterized by its vast network of interconnected devices, poses significant challenges in security and confidentiality. However, the integration of proposed technique empowers healthcare systems to proactively address these concerns while enhancing patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Smart healthcare, enabled by ML and blockchain, is revolutionizing healthcare 5.0. Healthcare systems may employ IoHTs’ intelligent and interactive characteristics using proposed approach. Despite its benefits, medical data aggregation poses security, ownership, and regulatory compliance challenges. Federated Learning (FL) is a key technique for distributed learning that protects data. The proposed architecture has several unique benefits like (1) it provides a thorough examination of the incorporation of blockchain technology with FL for healthcare 5.0, (2) it takes the lead in creating a robust healthcare monitoring system that utilizes blockchain technology and IDS to identify and prevent harmful actions, (3) the development of crucial blockchain elements by means of mutual neuronal synchronization of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) showcases pioneering progress in safeguarding medical data, (4) the framework underwent a thorough empirical assessment and outperformed existing methods in accurately predicting intrusion detection, achieving an impressive efficiency rate of 96.18%. This development represents a major step forward in improving security and predictive abilities within the IoHT ecosystem, offering the potential for revolutionary advancements in healthcare delivery and patient care.
... Protecting sensitive information and keeping the grid reliable and available in the face of cyber-attacks make network security a top priority. Protecting users and businesses from Malware and cyberattacks like distributed denial of service (DDoS) needs a comprehensive network security plan that integrates a wide range of security solutions [2]. In addition to preventing unauthorized access to private information, network security is crucial for preventing service disruptions and attacks. ...
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Communication network security situation analysis prevents unauthorized users from accessing and stealing sensitive information. Network security analysis aims to monitor, discover, and eradicate security flaws by carefully examining the network’s architecture, data, and traffic to ensure safety. In time series data mining analysis by cyber terrorism, specialists must pay attention to cyber security, which involves identifying the elements contributing to long-term trends or systemic patterns via pattern-matching algorithms and other types of inferential processing on large datasets. The challenging characteristics of communication network security situation analysis are data loss, security breaches, hacking, and viruses. Hence, in this research, attention mechanism-based convolutional neural network-enabled practical byzantine fault tolerant (AMBCNN-PBFT) has been designed to improve communication network security situation analysis in time series data mining. AMBCNN-PBFT helps to increase communication network security usage and support the expansion during the evaluation system by optimizing the time series data mining. AMBCNN-PBFT effectively predicts the rise in the communication network, associated with faster times series benefits data mining approach. The study concludes that the AMBCNN-PBFT efficiently indicates and validates the communication network security in time series data mining during the evaluation system. The experimental analysis of AMBCNN-PBFT outperforms the data mining time series in terms of accuracy, efficiency, performance, and prediction.
... Khan et al. [24] suggests a resource-efficient, blockchain-based solution for secure and private communication in the Internet of Things (IoT). It seeks to address the difficulty of ensuring secure and private communication in IoT contexts, which are distinguished by large scale and widespread deployment. ...
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Residential burglary is a severe crime that affects millions of residents each year. It is critical to analyze patterns of human behavior in surveillance video data and discover suspicious actions to avoid and deter this crime. However, the complexity and diversity of human behavior make this undertaking challenging. In this research, we provide a unique system that uses advanced deep learning algorithms to detect abnormal actions that signal burglar attempts at time intervals. We use the state-of-the-art object identification method YOLOv7 to detect an object and its trajectories in video data. We additionally extract the time intervals between the object's movements and utilize them as a categorization feature. Based on the COCO dataset and three videos of distinct scenarios: abnormal activity, burglary attempt, and false alarm, we evaluate our system with earlier versions of YOLO and additional detection methods. On the COCO dataset, our method outperforms all other models with a precision of 93.9%, an f1 score of 94.42%, a recall of 94.71, and an accuracy of 95%. We also show that our algorithm can effectively discriminate between suspicious and normal behaviors based on the motion region's length, width, energy, and orientation variance, achieving an accuracy of 92% on average over three videos. Our system can provide practical domestic protection by automatically detecting and preventing burglary attempts and violent scenarios. Our method can also contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of human behavior analysis and object recognition.
... However, detailed implementation and evaluation, along with scalability and resource constraints, are missing. Khan et al. [37] presented a data fusion technique for smart home healthcare monitoring using multiple sensors, demonstrating improved accuracy but lacking practical implementation details and being outdated. Rehman et al. [46] combined blockchain with federated learning for secure healthcare data sharing, proposing a ''Secure Healthcare 5.0 System'' and addressing data ownership, but requiring extensive computational resources and lacking security analysis and performance evaluation. ...
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Protecting patient privacy has become a top priority with the introduction of Healthcare 5.0 and the growth of the Internet of Things. This study provides a revolutionary strategy that makes use of blockchain technology, information fusion, and federated illness prediction and deep extreme machine learning to meet the difficulties with regard to healthcare privacy. The suggested framework integrates several innovative technologies to make healthcare systems safe and privacy-preserving. The framework leverages the blockchain system, a distributed and unchangeable ledger, to secure the integrity, traceability and openness of private medical information. Patient privacy is better protected as a result, and there is less chance of data breaches or unauthorized access. The system makes use of the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Decision Tree, Extra Tree Classifier, AdaBoost, and Federated Deep Extreme Machine Learning algorithms to increase the accuracy and efficacy of illness prediction. This method allows for collaborative learning across many healthcare organizations without disclosing raw data, protecting privacy. The system obtains a thorough awareness of patient health, allowing for the early diagnosis of diseases and the development of individualized treatment suggestions. To further detect and reduce possible security risks in the IoMT environment, the framework also includes intrusion detection methods. Protecting patient data and infrastructure, the system can quickly identify and react to unauthorized actions or threats. High accuracy and privacy protection are shown by the results, making it appropriate for Healthcare 5.0 applications. The findings have important ramifications for researchers, politicians, and healthcare professionals who are seeking to develop safe and privacy-conscious healthcare systems.
... An IoT private and secure solution based on blockchain. While assessing the dependability of the Smart Home Architecture based on Blockchain, the privacy, integrity, and accessibility aspects are carefully considered [24]. ...
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At a time when technology is spreading rapidly and widely, technology has become a necessity in daily life and practical life, and this led to the emergence of many cyber-physical systems (CPS), among which the medical cyber-physical systems (MCPS) have emerged, which is one application of CPS that is particularly concerned with patients and health care providers. These systems generate a large amount of data that may be difficult to process and store, in addition to unauthorized access to these systems, which affects their protection. This paper presents a proposed Authenticated Medical Cyber-Physical Blockchain (AMCB) model in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (MCPS) using Blockchain technology, machine learning, and physically unclonable function (PUF) to enhance the authentication process by controlling the access to electronic health records (EHR) that stored on the cloud server and physical authentication. In addition, it analyzes the data generated from the authorized devices to ensure that the devices do not contain malicious. This paper presents an experiment based on the medical Internet of Things (IoMT) dataset using K-nearest neighbors (k-NN), Random Forest (RF), Naive Bayes and Supporting Vector Machine (SVM) for malicious detection to test the proposed model’s accuracy. The Random Forest (RF) classifier gave more accurate results based on the preliminary results with a slight difference from k-NN.
... In a related manner, Chenet al. [15] proposed a medical cyber-physical system integrating the data access control mechanism of Blockchain with the chain of union fabric network resources. Khan et al. [16] presented an innovative Blockchain-based approach for efficiently securing and safeguarding the Internet of Things (IoT), specifically in smart homes. This approach leverages unique computing resources in a standard IoT environment and incorporates a Deep Extreme Learning Machine instance (DELM). ...
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The rapid advancement of technology has given rise to medical cyber-physical systems (MCPS), a subset of cyber-physical systems (CPS) specifically tailored for patient care and healthcare providers. MCPS generate substantial volumes of big data, posing challenges in terms of processing, storage, and safeguarding against unauthorized access. This paper introduces the Authenticated Medical Cyber-Physical Blockchain (AMCB) model within MCPS, leveraging Blockchain technology, machine learning, and physically unclonable functions (PUF) to fortify the authentication process, particularly for accessing electronic health records (EHR) stored on cloud servers. The model also involves analyzing data from authenticated devices to ensure its integrity. Experiments on the AMCB model evaluate its efficiency across four layers. In the physical layer, PUF keys are extracted using a built Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) circuit and stored in a simulated Blockchain, yielding a Hamming Distance standard deviation of 6.60%. The inspection layer analyzes data from authenticated devices using machine learning, with the Random Forest achieving the highest accuracy at 99.21%. In the application layer, centered on user authentication, the average transaction time is 36.15 MS. Overall, the AMCB model requires an average of 49.82 ms to execute operations across all layers. These findings underscore the effectiveness of the proposed model in securing EHR in the dynamic landscape of MCPS.
Integrating blockchain technology into the internet of things is a topic of significant interest and research. The internet of things is an evolving field with incredible growth due to the development of smart homes and smart cities. Smart devices are more prone to attacks and the low processing power, storage capacity, and network capacity make current security or cryptography techniques unusable. Blockchain has acquired huge attention since its use in Bitcoin, due to the numerous prospects it raises. Blockchain offers several advantages in addressing security and privacy challenges associated with IoT nodes and networks. This chapter provides insights into incorporating blockchain into IoT networks to achieve confidentiality and safety. The chapter covers details of IoT, smart home applications, and security concerns. The various blockchain solutions to protect IoT and smart home systems are also covered in the study.
Healthcare 5.0 represents the next phase in healthcare evolution. It aims to harness the creativity and expertise of healthcare professionals, integrating them with efficient, intelligent, and precise technologies. This integration allows for resource-efficient and patient-centered approaches, surpassing previous paradigms in healthcare. To provide a comprehensive introduction to Healthcare 5.0, this chapter presents a survey-based tutorial covering potential applications and enabling technologies within the healthcare domain. The chapter takes a comprehensive approach to introducing the key concepts and definitions of Healthcare 5.0. From the perspective of healthcare practitioners and researchers, it explores the potential applications that Healthcare 5.0 offers. Finally, several research challenges and open issues in Healthcare 5.0 require further development and overcoming. These include integrating and effectively utilizing Business Intelligence in Healthcare 5.0, as well as implementing robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive healthcare information.
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In recent years, the emergence of blockchain technology (BT) has become a unique, most disruptive, and trending technology. The decentralized database in BT emphasizes data security and privacy. Also, the consensus mechanism in it makes sure that data is secured and legitimate. Still, it raises new security issues such as majority attack and double-spending. To handle the aforementioned issues, data analytics is required on blockchain based secure data. Analytics on these data raises the importance of arisen technology Machine Learning (ML). ML involves the rational amount of data to make precise decisions. Data reliability and its sharing are very crucial in ML to improve the accuracy of results. The combination of these two technologies (ML and BT) can provide highly precise results. In this paper, we present a detailed study on ML adoption for making BT-based smart applications more resilient against attacks. There are various traditional ML techniques, for instance, Support Vector Machines (SVM), clustering, bagging, and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long short-term memory (LSTM) can be used to analyse the attacks on a blockchain-based network. Further, we include how both the technologies can be applied in several smart applications such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Smart Grid (SG), healthcare, and smart cities. Then, future research issues and challenges are explored. At last, a case study is presented with a conclusion. INDEX TERMS Blockchain, machine learning, smart grid, data security and privacy, data analytics, smart applications.
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A smart city is a sustainable and effective metropolitan hub, that offers its residents high excellence of life through appropriate resource management. Energy management is among the most challenging problems in such metropolitan areas due to the difficulty and key role of energy systems. To optimize the benefit from the available megawatt-hours, it is important to predict the maximum electrical power output of a baseload power plant. This paper explores the method of a deep extreme learning machine to create a predictive model that can predict a combined cycle power plant’s hourly full-load electrical output. An intelligent energy management solution can be achieved by properly monitoring and controlling these resources through the internet of things (IoT). The universe of artificial intelligence has produced many strides through deep learning algorithms and these methods were used for data analysis. Nonetheless, for further accuracy, deep extreme learning machine (DELM) is another candidate to be investigated for analyses of the data sequence. By using the DELM approach, a high level of reliability with a minimum error rate is achieved. The approach shows better results compared to previous investigations since previous studies could not meet the findings up to the mark and unable to predict power plant electrical energy output efficiently. During the investigation, it is shown that the proposed approach has the highest accuracy rate of 98.6% with 70% of training (33488 samples), 30% of test and validation (14352 examples). Simulation results validate the prediction effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm enables computation and communication among tools that everyone uses daily. The vastness and heterogeneity of devices and their composition offer innovative services and scenarios that require a new challenging vision in interoperability, security and data management. Many IoT frameworks and platforms claimed to have solved these issues, aggregating different sources of information, combining their data flows in new innovative services, providing security robustness with respect to vulnerability and respecting the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) of the European Commission. Due to the potentially very sensible nature of some of these data, privacy and security aspects have to be taken into account by design and by default. In addition, an end-to-end secure solution has to guarantee a secure environment at the final users for their personal data, in transit and storage, which have to remain under their full control. In this paper, the Snap4City architecture and its security solutions that also respect the GDPR are presented. The Snap4City solution addresses the full stack security, ranging from IoT Devices, IoT Edge on premises, IoT Applications on the cloud and on premises, Data Analytics, and Dashboarding, presenting a number of integrated security solutions that go beyond the state of the art, as shown in the platform comparison. The stress test also included the adoption of penetrations tests verifying the robustness of the solution with respect to a large number of potential vulnerability aspects. The stress security assessments have been performed in a piloting period with more than 1200 registered users, thousands of processes per day, and more than 1.8 million of complex data ingested per day, in large cities such as Antwerp, Helsinki and the entire Tuscany region. Snap4City is a solution produced in response to a research challenge launched by the Select4Cities H2020 research and development project of the European Commission. Select4Cities identified a large number of requirements for modern Smart Cities that support IoT/IoE (Internet of Things/Everything) in the hands of public administrations and Living Labs, and selected a number of solutions. Consequently, at the end of the process after 3 years of work, Snap4City has been identified as the winning solution.
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Blockchains or distributed ledgers are an emerging technology that has drawn considerable interest from energy supply firms, startups, technology developers, financial institutions, national governments and the academic community. Numerous sources coming from these backgrounds identify blockchains as having the potential to bring significant benefits and innovation. Blockchains promise transparent, tamper-proof and secure systems that can enable novel business solutions, especially when combined with smart contracts. This work provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental principles that underpin blockchain technologies, such as system ar-chitectures and distributed consensus algorithms. Next, we focus on blockchain solutions for the energy industry and inform the state-of-the-art by thoroughly reviewing the literature and current business cases. To our knowledge, this is one of the first academic, peer-reviewed works to provide a systematic review of blockchain activities and initiatives in the energy sector. Our study reviews 140 blockchain research projects and startups from which we construct a map of the potential and relevance of blockchains for energy applications. These initiatives were systematically classified into different groups according to the field of activity, implementation platform and consensus strategy used. 1 Opportunities, potential challenges and limitations for a number of use cases are discussed, ranging from emerging peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading and Internet of Things (IoT) applications , to decentralised marketplaces, electric vehicle charging and e-mobility. For each of these use cases, our contribution is twofold: first, in identifying the technical challenges that blockchain technology can solve for that application as well as its potential drawbacks, and second in briefly presenting the research and industrial projects and startups that are currently applying blockchain technology to that area. The paper ends with a discussion of challenges and market barriers the technology needs to overcome to get past the hype phase, prove its commercial viability and finally be adopted in the mainstream.
Currently, IoT has become an important carrier of blockchains, which not only makes blockchain more ubiquitous but also improves the security of IoT. Consensus is the core component of blockchains with various forms, which raises the following challenges. Dynamic management and configuration of the consensuses in a blockchain are required because IoT applications have high dynamics. Moreover, an IoT node is usually reutilized by various applications in different blockchains, which means the IoT node should be switched frequently to cross consensuses in different blockchains. To address this, a software-defined blockchain architecture is proposed to realized the dynamic configurations for blockchains. Then a consensus function virtualization approach with application-aware work flow is proposed, which can abstract and manage various consensus resources. Next, a transfer-learning-based intelligent scheme is designed to implement the application- layer packet analysis and perform the efficient management of virtualized consensus resources. Experiment results indicate the feasibility of the proposed scheme. This work is significant in enhancing the flexibility and extendibility of blockchains in IoT.
Smart cities have emerged as a hub of intelligent applications (intelligent transportation system, smart parking, smart homes, e-healthcare, etc) to provide ambient-assisted living and quality of experience to the wide communities of users. The smooth execution of these applications depend on reliable data transmission between various smart devices and machines. However, the exponential increase in the data traffic due to the growing dependency of end users on smart city applications has created various bottlenecks (channel congestion, manual flow configurations, limited scalability, low flexibility, etc) on the conventional network backbone which can degrade the performance of any designed solution in this environment. To mitigate these challenges, software defined networking (SDN) emerges as a new powerful technology which provides global visibility of the network by decoupling the control logic from the forwarding devices. Such an abstraction of network services in SDN architecture provides more flexibility to the network administrators to execute various applications. In SDN architecture, the decision making process is handled by a logically centralized controller which may have a single point of failure. An adversary/attacker can compromise the controller using different types of attacks (eavesdropping, man-in-the middle attack, and distributed denial of service, etc) in order to gain the total control of the network by updating the flow table entries at data plane or creating hindrance in the control plane operations. Therefore, to cope with the aforementioned challenges, new strategies and solutions are required for securing the SDN-enabled network architecture at different planes and their associated interconnections. For this purpose, in this paper, various security issues and different attack vectors are discussed along with the possible solutions. To mitigate various attacks, BlockSDN: a blockchain-as-a service framework for SDN is proposed. The architecture of permissioned blockchain is presented followed by two attack scenarios, 1) malware compromised switch at data plane and 2) distributed denial of service attack at control plane to demonstrate the applicability of BlockSDN framework for various future applications. Finally, the open issues and challenges with respect to the design of blockchain solutions for SDN in smart city applications are also discussed.
With the exposure development of edge/fog computing in the Internet of things (IoT), it has become a timely trend to deploy artificial intelligence (AI) applications at network edges. To enable auditable and delay-sensitive IoT services, the accumulated knowledge at edges will be shared among decentralized intelligent network edges (DINEs), end users and supervisors frequently. Blockchain is a decentralized accounting technology based on cryptography, which has a promising ability to provide a traceable, open and tamper-resistant ledger of edge knowledge sharing. However, due to the complicated environments of network edges, edge knowledge sharing still faces many challenges. Firstly, the resource limitation and mobility of IoT edge devices impede the applicability of existing consensus tricks (e.g., Poof of Work, Proof of Stake, and Paxos) of blockchain. Therefore, one of the most intractable problems is how to reach a robust consensus among multiple DINEs with low costs. Secondly, the malicious adversaries (e.g., man-in-the-middle attack, and denial of services) may eavesdrop the content of edge knowledge or entice the blockchain forks. In this paper, an user-centric blockchain (UCB) is proposed for preserving edge knowledge sharing in IoT. Significant superiorities of proposed UCB benefit from the proof of popularity (PoP) consensus mechanism, which relies on the DINEs' knowledge usage rather than computing power to mine. For the purpose of content privacy-preserving of edge knowledge, the DINE's trusted partners are responsible to check the validation of its knowledge transactions by associating knowledge into proposals. Moreover, to resist the adversary attacking in dynamical edge environment, a controller is also proposed to monitor the whole blockchain network, which can isolate abnormal DINEs in real time. Security analysis and experiments based on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B demonstrate the superiority of proposed schemes.
Since the success of Bitcoin, there have been increased focus of studying the application of blockchain in a broad range of applications, such as in solutions facilitating identity privacy and transaction security using a decentralized architecture via different consensus mechanisms (e.g. proof-of-work) between different geo-located IoT devices / nodes in our increasingly digitalized society (e.g. smart city). In this paper, we survey the usage of blockchain technology for smart communities, focusing on key components of the blockchain applications. We also study the various process models used in the execution of secure transactions. Specifically, we present a detailed taxonomy on the applications, process models used, and communication infrastructure support needed to execute various applications.
Smart grid has emerged as a successful application of cyber-physical systems in the energy sector. Among numerous key technologies of the smart grid, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) provides a promising solution to reduce the level of demand-supply mismatch by leveraging the bidirectional energy-trading capabilities of electric vehicles. In this paper, we propose a secure and efficient V2G energy trading framework by exploring blockchain, contract theory, and edge computing. First, we develop a consortium blockchain-based secure energy trading mechanism for V2G. Then, we consider the information asymmetry scenario, and propose an efficient incentive mechanism based on contract theory. The social welfare optimization problem falls into the category of difference of convex programming and is solved by using the iterative convex-concave procedure algorithm. Next, edge computing has been incorporated to improve the successful probability of block creation. The computational resource allocation problem is modeled as a two-stage: 1) Stackelberg leader-follower game and 2) the optimal strategies are obtained by using the backward induction approach. Finally, the performance of the proposed framework is validated via numerical results and theoretical analysis.