Muhammad Isya

Muhammad Isya
Syiah Kuala University | UNSYIAH

Doctor of Engineering


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Publications (93)
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Bus Trans Koetaradja resmi beroperasi sejak 02 Mei 2016, sejak saat itu Bus ini merupakan satu-satunya transportasi umum yang gratis sehingga diminati oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat di Provinsi Aceh. Sejak bus ini beroperasi hingga saat ini Pemerintah Aceh di bawah Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Aceh belum menetapkan tarif kepa...
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Peatlands are more likely to be affected by intense precipitation and soil erosion, thus requiring modifications for stabilized soil and subgrade protection. This experimental study aimed to find a suitable pavement type using fly ash, an unutilized byproduct from coal burning processes, for peatland areas with a low bearing capacity. We designed l...
The disposal of eggshells in landfills presents an ongoing global environmental issue that demands immediate attention. However, a promising solution lies in utilizing eggshells as modifiers in bitumen binders, offering a sustainable approach to alleviating this burden. This study focuses on crushing eggshells to produce eggshell ash, which is then...
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Changes in transportation trends can occur during and after COVID-19, such as travel distance, trip, and choice of transportation mode. The positive benefits from these changes in transportation trends should be maintained, to reduce disaster risk of environmental hazards from the CO2 emissions. Research on changes in mobility, trips, and CO2 emiss...
Beberapa ruas jalan di kawasan pantai di Provinsi Aceh mengalami permasalahan kerusakan jalan yang dapat disebabkan oleh air laut. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan meningkatkan mutu campuran aspal dengan melakukan modifikasi menggunakan limbah plastik Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) yang d...
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The aim of this research is to evaluate the physical properties of bitumen binder incorporating eggshell ash (ESA). Using ESA in bitumen was investigated as an alternative, as an additive in potential paths to landfill disposal and for improving the service physical properties of bitumen binder. Four different contents of ESA (2%, 5%, 7%, and 10%)...
Seiring dengan banyaknya pergerakan yang membutuhkan kendaraan baik itu motor, mobil atau angkutan umum, ada kemungkinan terjadinya ketidaksengajaan pertumpahan produk minyak bumi di antara lain solar dan bensin, sehingga dapat mengurangi umur rencana dari perkerasan jalan. Karena itu, perlu adanya penelitian terkait pengaruh tumpahan produk minyak...
Transportasi merupakan media pelayanan jasa angkutan umum yang berguna untuk memindahkan orang maupun barang dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya. Salah satu sarana transportasi umum di Banda Aceh adalah Bus Trans koetaradja, dimana selama ini jangkauan layanan Trans Koetaradja belum optimal untuk mencapai titik asal maupun tujuan perjalanan yang leb...
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Tata guna lahan dipercaya mempengaruhi tarikan perjalanan. Hal ini dikarenakan tata guna lahan berhubungan erat dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia. Pandemi Covid19 telah mempengaruhi berbagai aspek dalam kehidupan manusia, termasuk dalam melakukan pergerakan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari (aktivitas). Fenomena ini terjadi sangat signifikan di...
Pemanfaatan material getah karet salah satu sumber daya alam yang dapat digunakan untuk penggunaan infrastruktur perkerasan jalan di Indonesia. Seiring berjalannya waktu keawetan dan kemampuan aspal beton semakin berkurang salah satu kasus penyebabnya adalah tumpahan cairan minyak bumi seperti solar, bensini, dan oli yang tumpah dari kendaraan yang...
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Green Open Space (RTH) in urban areas has value for the needs and needs of parks and recreation. The allocation of twenty percent of public green open space from the urban area of Sigli City as stipulated in the Pidie Regency Qanun Number 5 of 2014 concerning the Pidie Regency Spatial Plan for 2014-2034 has not yet been achieved. This study aims to...
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Road construction is one thing that is always in line with technological advances and human thinking. Because the road is an important facility for humans, in order to reach an area. Continuous use of the road will reduce the service life of the road to the economic life of the road. To restore the service condition of the road, it is necessary to...
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Abstrak Kecamatan Seulimeum merupakan kecamatan yang mempunyai tingkat kerusakan jalan yang paling berat diantara kecamatan lainnya yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Jalan kabupaten di Kecamatan Seulimeum terdapat sebanyak 23 ruas dengan kondisi rusak berat sepanjang 69,50 km (50,44%) dari 137,80 km. Mengingat Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Besar mempu...
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p>Transportasi merupakan kegiatan memindahkan orang/barang dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain. Fasilitas yang digunakan termasuk sarana dan prasarana transportasi yang fungsinya harus dapat digunakan oleh semua orang tanpa kecuali penyandang difabel. Untuk itu, studi tentang penyediaan kelengkapan prasarana untuk penyandang difabel dirasa perlu untuk...
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Flexural resistance is the ability of a specimen to withstand force in two pedestals with vertical axis until it is broken. Flexible pavement is a type of pavement which is very dependent with pavement course underneath. The dependency of flexible pavement in both base course and subgrade makes this pavement difficult to apply in unstable soil. Usi...
Fly ash is a waste byproduct from burning coal in electric power generating plants. The tendency of abundant coal waste not optimally utilized leads to a serious environmental problem in the future. One of the management that can be applied is utilizing this waste as civil engineering building materials. Previous studies have recommended the use of...
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Kuta Alam Subdistrict is one of the Districts which are prone to tsunami disaster, 5 Gampongs from 11 Gampongs in Kuta Alam Sub-district are Gampong in the red zone, namely Gampong Lampulo, Gampong Lamdingin, gampong Lambaro Skep, Gampong Mulia, and gampong Peunayong. Based on the level of vulnerability, the five Gampongs are included in the Villag...
The Punge intersection in Banda Aceh City is a four-armed intersection without traffic control devices such as traffic lights and roundabouts. The intersection performance from visual observation is currently very low, especially during peak hours. Therefore, it is presently considered necessary to evaluate road performance and carry out alternativ...
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p align="center"> Abstrak Elemen-elemen dasar biaya dan manfaat dalam analisis kelayakan proyek jarang diwakili oleh hanya satu nilai yang benar dan pasti. Dengan demikian hasil studi kelayakan ekonomi proyek juga bukanlah kepastian. Untuk itu perlu dilihat sejauh mana perubahan elemen biaya dan manfaat terhadap kelayakan ekonomi proyek. Cara sed...
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This study aims to explore the constraints of the Travel Costs Budget Frontier (TCBF) before a full-charged fare is implemented for the bus system known as the “Trans Koetaradja” in the city of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. A stochastic frontier analysis was used to identify how people allocate their share of income for transportation in line with their m...
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The western and southern path of highway that connects Banda Aceh to Meulaboh City is national road. The distance between the two cities is 246 kilometers. On the connecting link between the two cities there are at least three locations in the mountainous area. Roads geometric in these locations have low capacity, uphill and downhill with high grad...
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The value of the modulus of elasticity is very important to know for analyzing the strength of a hot asphalt mixture because the increase in the modulus of elasticity indicates an increase in the ability of a mixture to withstand loads by itself. The use of the wire mesh layer as reinforcement in hot asphalt mixture is considered capable of increas...
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Road damage that has occurred on several roads has caused enormous losses, especially for road users, such as long travel times, congestion, accidents, and others. It is necessary to pay attention to this so that there is no deterioration in road quality due to road surface damage so that it can affect safety, comfort, and smoothness of traffic. Th...
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Construction failure can occur in every project activity. This has been included in Law No.19 of 1990 concerning construction services which require that building failures be included in the contract in order to maintain the principle of justice. The factors causing this construction failure basically can occur due to various reasons depending on t...
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Following the development of transportation technology, steady road infrastructure is needed. The choice of construction type is a crucial point for the expected quality. Road construction consists of flexible and rigid pavement construction. Rigid pavement has higher durability and is produced from concrete, a strong, flexible, and fire-resistant...
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The policy of Nagan Raya District Government to develop the Lamie - Kuala Tuha provincial road section aims to shorten travel time, reduce high mobility, facilitate travel, and support the movement of the plantation and agricultural sectors. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the benefits obtained from the producer surplus aspect in the...
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Gajah Mada street is the main street of Meulaboh City, which serves traffic from or to Banda Aceh City. In the Gajah Mada street area, there are offices, educational facilities and public hospital facilities, and there are also trade centers such as supermarkets, restaurants and coffee shops. This emerges an impact in the form of decreasing the lev...
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Pidie District has a district road length of 1,015 Km and is divided into 445 roads. The lack of funds makes it difficult to determine the priority of handling the road, it is necessary to examine the method of setting road priority in accordance with the needs of the community. The purpose of this study was to obtain criteria weights based on perc...
Conference Paper
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Rutting is a permanent deformation that occurs in a hot asphalt mixture of flexible pavement caused by cyclic loading at extreme temperatures in heavy traffic conditions. This study aimed to analyse the value of rutting on hot asphalt mixtures using wire mesh layers. The research employed an experimental method to test the hot asphalt mixtures with...
Conference Paper
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Kutacane is a city located in Southeast Aceh district, the majority of the community’s economic income comes from agricultural and plantation products, the production of corn and cocoa is distributed to the city center from several sub-districts located across the Alas river which is a river that separates some of these districts from the city cent...
Conference Paper
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The Sigli - Banda Aceh toll road, which has a length of 75 km, is part of the construction project of the Banda Aceh - Binjai toll road section. This toll road will become the first toll road in Aceh, so it is needed to do the research in order to plan the toll rates. The purpose of this study is to find out the value of ability to pay (ATP) and wi...
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Community dependence on private transportation is a major factor in traffic congestion. Community perception is one of many important aspects in policy-making because by involving the community, the decision-makers will be able to capture the views, needs, and expectations of the community. The purpose of this study is to examine people’s perceptio...
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In the process of planning a transportation system, it is important to predict transportation demand in the next few years. Predicting transportation demands for a wide area requires large resources including funding. Transport demand is usually done for the scope of the study area, such as formulating documents for the national transportation syst...
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In this study, two types of substitutions, wood ash, and styrofoam, were used in asphalt concrete. The substitution of wood ash and styrofoam for asphalt concrete’s filler is expected to enrich the variations of the asphalt concrete material as well as to reduce the existing industrial waste. This study objective is to determine the effect of the a...
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The city of Banda Aceh is the capital city of Aceh province. The city’s population is 259,913, and the city’s annual population growth rate is 1.97% (BPS, 2018). Punge intersection is one of the intersections in Banda Aceh; this intersection is passed by the numerous and dense traffic. Based on the observation in certain hours at Punge intersection...
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Damage that occurs in Flexible Pavement is mostly caused by the repetition of the load or trajectory of the vehicle's wheels under extreme conditions. The cause of the damage is due to the strength of flexible pavement which is very dependent on temperature. To overcome the problem of permanent deformation (rutting) due to repetition of load and te...
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The paper presents the experimental study on Ferro foam concrete I beam with different number of wire mesh layers. Ferro foam concrete is alternative materials, which consist of a combination between wire mesh and foam concrete. This material is lightweight and easy to be produced. There are 3 specimens has been tested. Specimens’ configuration was...
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The bridge assessment and checking is an effort to gain well performance and vouch for the decline condition of the bridge to ensure the bridges could be restored back under its stability based on its performance. The aim of this study is to check the bridge damaged by inspecting the condition value and damage code in the field by using BMS and Bri...
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Johan Pahlawan subdistrict is one of subdistricts in West Aceh. This subdistrict is center of all community activities compared to the sub-districts in West Aceh Regency. This is because there are many government offices, schools and trade centers. So that community activities tend to move to this sub-district. The modeling of trip generation has b...
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In Indonesia, Karl-L Bang research in 1994 on the relationship between traffic parameters was included in the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual 1997. The research has undergone many changes between 1994 and 2018 in the growth of traffic that may affect traffic flow and volume, speed and density all urban roads, roads outside the city in an area, In A...
Conference Paper
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Routine maintenance refers to the repair of damages on roads' sections by means of steady service condition. It is always conducted on the Blangkejeren-Laweaunan Road Section on annual basis. It is often conducted using a self-management system by Executing Officer (PPK) 08, which, according to government statistics is 65 km long. While implementin...
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The most crucial transportation components in studying individual decision-making behavior are mode choice that used by evacuees. Especially in typical emerging countries which private motorized transport is mostly used in daily activities. Mode choice evacuation behavior is viewed as one of the essential aspects in a transportation disaster planni...
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The construction of medium and infrastructure of transportation has to be followed by the population growth. The trend to divide a regency / city into new separate one was perceived from the theorem of public welfare. This perception generates a big problem throughout Indonesia. Central Bureau of Statistics (2015) stated that the most populous city...
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Transportation services in the city of Banda Aceh are currently supported by a public transport system, one of which is Transkoetaradja bus and labi-labi. At the beginning of its service, Transketaradja bus public transportation received a fairly good response from the community. To find out how Transkoetaradja buses can improve their service capab...
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To know the condition of roads in slum area on the sub-districts of Sigli City and what type of handling which will be done so it can be determined the priority of road handling. The benefit of this research is to provide an alternative in selecting the priority of road handling in slum area in accordance with SK of Pidie regent on 2014. Method use...
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The good quality of road surface layers are strongly influenced by the materials used such as the aggregate composition, asphalt, and filler. Fine Aggregate from Jamur Ujung is a local aggregate that can be found in Bener Meriah District. It has not been utilized maximally due to its porosity and high aggregate absorption. This research is conducte...
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The length of road network in Indonesia continues to increase gradually in every year. This increase will influence an availability of natural resources as the formation materials of road structures. For that, it is necessary to develop a green road concept that is able to reduce the use of natural resources and minimize the occurrence of waste mat...
Conference Paper
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The role of road as land transportation infrastructure is important, thus it must be well managed through the preservation program. The problems faced along national roads in Aceh Province are both functional condition and road structure which are often damage before the design periods or the quality achievements are not complied. The road damages...
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The limited funding of the Aceh Jaya regency government for development, including the construction of road infrastructure and the way in which road construction projects are still inaccurate and the process of budgeting unproportional work package by the Aceh Jaya regency government itself has not been able to fully meet the needs of road developm...
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Service infrastructure related to population density and space usage. This is due to the increasingly crowded population can affect the decrease in public spending per capita, so the quality of public services declined. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of settlement density on infrastructures service in Banda Aceh City. The stati...
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The quality performance of road improvement and road development projects in Aceh Province has always been highlighted by various elements of society. This is due to the occurrence of the damage that the age of the plan has not timed. It is also often found quality mismatch so that road construction must be dismantled and reworked. This study aims...
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Parking lot is a necessity for vehicles owner who whant their vehicle parking at the place that is easy to reach, one of which is parking on the road. Parking on the road can cause decreased in road capacity, delayed traffic flow, and the use of the road becomes ineffective. High land prices become a problem for urban areas, which indirectly impact...
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Transport aims to provide the public with a service of mobility or mobility that is affordable to purchase and creates a condition of transportation services that is safe, convenient, fast, smooth, orderly, reliable and competitive, sea transport plays an important role in every activity, indeed are in the waters. This study aims to analyze the cha...
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Kecamatan Kuta Alam mempunyai luas wilayah 10,05 Km2 dengan tinggi rata-rata 0,80 meter diatas permukaan laut. Lokasi bukit yang cukup jauh dari pinggir pantai (±10 Km), dengan jumlah penduduk 42.217 jiwa dan kepadatan penduduk 4200.70 jiwa/km², hal ini menimbulkan masalah yang serius bila mana bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami melanda, yaitu pada saa...
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Lambaro - Batas Pidie is a highway that located in Aceh Besar District, and has important function as a national highway. This highway is connecting from Aceh Besar District to Pidie District, started from Ingin Jaya District to Lembah Seulawah District. There is pavement damage that needs overlay activity in the highway, so the pavement is needed...
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Better capabilities of a vehicle (higher speeds, larger payloads) allows freight operators to perform "transport efficiency" (carrying goods as much as possible in one way that will provide benefits). This problem affects the cumulative equivalent standard axle (CESA) plan, which will experience a shift (Plans of CESA are reached before the service...
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Puddle is one of the damaging effects that can reduce the quality of pavement. The quality of road construction with asphalt pavement is determined by its stability, flexibility, and durability which are the determinants of the quality of pavement. In this research, Buton Rock Asphalt (BRA) was used as an alternative to improve the performance of a...
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The number of contractor companies, especially in the field of roads every year continues to increase. Based on data obtained from LPJK website (Construction Services Development Agency) Province of Aceh Year 2016, shows that from 2,717 road contractors in Aceh Province, 1% of them are big qualification, 10% middle qualification and 89% small quali...
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Road damage that occurs in some road segments that cause huge losses, especially for road users. It is worth noting that there is no decrease in road quality due to road surface damage. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the rate of damage with the speed of travel. This research took place on Lueng Mane - Tadu Raya Road segment,...
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Pedestrian path is one of the important elements in urban areas that support mobility of pedestrian movement. Pedestrian accessibility is largely determined by pedestrian track conditions. Pedestrian paths must meet the physical criteria in terms of facilities and infrastructure. The existence of pedestrian path in Peunayong area which is one of th...
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The construction project has a target of either completion time or cost, as well as road construction projects. Projects that are delayed due to rework are at risk both to the owner and beneficiary if the project is a means and infrastructure used by the community. Rework greatly affects the performance and productivity of workers in the field. The...
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The Bayu Village is one of the villages located in Darul Imarah Sub-district, Aceh Besar District, the Aceh Province. The abundance of vacant land in Bayu Village, prompting the desire of investors to be converted into the development of a housing residential. Based on the observation, public facilities in Beutari Permai residential are still inade...
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The problem of garbage has become a problem together and must be done in special handling. The 3R program is one of the best ways to handle the waste problem in Gampong Nusa Kecamatan Lhoknga, Aceh Besar District. The purpose of this study is to assess the level of community participation in the waste management system of 3R in Gampong Nusa. Data c...
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The Green path in the road is the part of the landscape in the space area of the road which has safety and comfortability function to the road users, supporting education activities, recreation, conservation aesthetics, and area identity and become a character of a city. The plant is the main element in structuring the green road path. The plant fu...
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Routine maintenance on the Blangkejeren - Laweaunan road is done by self-managed and continuously every year with road length 65 Km. The committing officer undertakes work with the subcontractor who is deemed capable of carrying out the work and provides wages to the foreman who is a resident. To avoid risks, the Committing Officer undertakes the i...
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Sabang Island is a prospective tourist destination for generating regional and national income. The city of In terms of the number of lodging and visitor, Sabang is very much changed every year. The number of tourists both Domestic and Foreign has steadily increased since 2011. In 2014 the number of tourists reached 299,881 visitors and in 2015 the...
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The retaining wall is a retaining construction so that the soil does not slide. This construction is used for a cliff that is somewhat steep or erect, if without a retaining wall, the cliff will slide. Southwest Aceh Regency, especially in Babahrot-Blangkejeren road, Singgah Mata Mountains of Babahrot Subdistrict often experience landslide disaster...
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The road is a transportation infrastructure that is essential for humans. The road connects a community of people in a region with other regions, one important aspect for highway construction was securing the road from the water, either from rain or from a side-street drainage impact on the road surface damage. Bener Meriah district, a mountainous...
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Blangkejeren - Lawe Aunan road conditions overall is on the slopes of the mountains which is strongly influenced by local environmental factors such as drainage, topography, soil conditions, material conditions and vehicle load conditions across the road. It should be noted in order to avoid a decrease in the road quality due to road surface damage...
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All this time, the construction of roads in Banda Aceh and surrounding areas uses materials from the river, so the C quarry mining causes the basic changes in the river channel and also the erosion of the bridge pillars on the river route. In addition to the above problems, another problem is the lack of stone ash production from Stone Crusser. Fro...
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The main cause of road damage is inseparable from stability and flexibility which is the determinant of the quality of pavement. One way to overcome that is to improve performance by modifying pavement mixture using additive, With low penetration value and high temperature in Indonesia, buton rock asphalt suitable for use as an additive. This resea...
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Damage that occurs on some road segment causing huge lossed, especially for road users such as a long travel time, traffic jam, incident, and etc. In general there variety factor that caused of road damage such as age of the road that has been passed, puddle onthe road surface that cannot flow due to the poor drainage, trafic load excessively repet...
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Good asphalt concrete and good care are required for the highway construction, to support the road capabilities and to raise the quality of asphalt mixture, one step is by adding additives into the asphalt. Additive material used plastic bag waste, while Basalt stone used as material that is raw material from hills. Waste plastic bag can be used in...
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Many materials for asphalt mixture are from waste that believed can be improved the pavement performance, such as stability and durability. The remaining polyethylene terepthalate type (PET) plastic waste which is used for plastic bottles of mineral water and second tires dust (STD) was the result of grated outer tires of the four wheels vehicle. T...
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In order to accommodate the needs of movement with a certain level of service, it is necessary to make an effort to maintain the quality of road services, where one of these efforts is to evaluate the condition of the road surface. Based on the above condition, a research is needed in order to evaluate the condition of pavement in accordance with t...
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The cause of damage and strength reductionon highway flexible pavement isthe low strength and durability on the wear layer. To cope withthis problem, it is necessary to add some particular additivethat can increase the asphalt concrete performance. One of the additional material that can be used are plastic. Stone ash, cement and fly ash has been c...
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Asphalt concrete pavement is depend on the type and composition of aggregate, asphalt, and filler being used. In this study, the aggregate used was an aggregate of Simeulue Island. In this Regency are difficult to find enough hard aggregate because the majority of the rocks there come from the process of particles mineral deposition, rest of the an...
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Road infrastructure plays an important role as land transportation in Aceh. The transport mobility in Aceh province west coast highway kept increase every year. So that, the construction of the road had got load (traffic volume and axle load) increased every time. The addition of traffic load caused the level of damage to the road construction was...
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Asphalt concrete strength is influenced by the material properties of the mixture. Asphalt mixture can be modified by adding several kinds of additives, ranging from chemical additives, natural materials, and the rest of the waste. One of the waste materials that were encountered and also difficult to disentangle by nature is plastic waste. One way...
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Comprehensive stated preference (SP) experiment was conducted in Jakarta (a capital of Indonesia), where proposal for congestion charge (CC) has been considered as a way to reduce acute traffic congestion. With the government planning a CC scheme, public support is regarded as a prerequisite for its implementation. Therefore, a framework of structu...
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Surabaya intersection is one of the intersections with traffic levels are quite large. The poor condition of the intersection marked by the performance value on the circumstances existing at the level of service is very bad. On this basis, the government will build a flyover along the 900 meters. The purpose of this study is to see how big the cost...
p>Penerapan sistem manajemen mutu terhadap jaringan jalan nasional dan provinsi di Provinsi Aceh tidak terlepas dari penerapan standar mutu untuk mencapai kualitasperkerasan jalan yang baik. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian mutu konstruksi jalan. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan kajian yang berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang menentukan pencapai...


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