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Using google location APIs to find an accurate criminal accident location


Abstract and Figures

Globalization has brought about a change in social behavior of society. The open access to information from the development and utilization of Information and Communication Technology has brought about a very significant change in the culture and behavior of society. Currently, Smartphone as a mobile-based communication tool has many benefits for use by the community. Various features contained in it so that an application can be developed for use by the public as a media reporting the location of the crime. Thus, the security forces will be assisted to obtain accurate information about the position where the crime occurred. One of the unique features of mobile applications is location awareness. To get an accurate location is necessary. Using Google Location APIs to get more accurate location. Applications like this do not exist in Indonesia, so it can be developed to help the police quickly get to the location of the case.
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Using google location APIs to find an accurate criminal accident location
Article · August 2018
DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.14144
2 authors:
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Muhammad Irwan Padli Nasution
State Islamic University of Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia
Samsudin Samsudin
State Islamic University of Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia
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Copyright © 2018 Muhammad Irwan Padli Nasution, Samsudin. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3) (2018) 1818-1820
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.14144
Research paper
Using google location APIs to find an accurate criminal
accident location
Muhammad Irwan Padli Nasution 1 *, Samsudin Samsudin 1
1 Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan Indonesia
*Corresponding author E-mail:
Globalization has brought about a change in social behavior of society. The open access to information from the development and utiliza-
tion of Information and Communication Technology has brought about a very significant change in the culture and behavior of society.
Current-ly, Smartphone as a mobile-based communication tool has many benefits for use by the community. Various features contained
in it so that an application can be developed for use by the public as a media reporting the location of the crime. Thus, the security forces
will be assisted to obtain accurate information about the position where the crime occurred. One of the unique features of mobile applica-
tions is location awareness. To get an accurate location is necessary. Using Google Location APIs to get more accurate location. Applica-
tions like this do not exist in Indonesia, so it can be developed to help the police quickly get to the location of the case.
Keywords: Android; Criminal; Smartphone; Google API
1. Introduction
From print and electronic media currently often hear the occur-
rence of various criminal acts that cause people to feel afraid and
uncomfortable. The social gap between rich and poor has caused
problems in society. So no, wonder the crime rate increases due to
the weight of life burden borne. Crime is anything that violates the
law or an act of crime. Crimes have become a serious social prob-
lem for almost all of the world's public order, even more so nowa-
days more and more rampant crime cases occur where the perpe-
trators may be of all ages, children, young, adult can perform a
variety of criminal acts.
Various preventions and protections to the community continue to
be done by government. On the Police of the Republic of Indone-
sia has provided various phone contact numbers as call centers to
receive various complaints from the public. The phone number is
located in Police office state, so the public is recommended to the
nearest of the location with its current position. This is needed so
that the police can quickly move to the location of the case. How-
ever, the weakness of this manual system is that community must
know exactly and correctly the phone contact number in the Police
office state. This era so that smartphone more cheaper and easier
to obtain. It is now a requirement of modern society today. Thus,
this tool can be used to assist the public in complaining of crimi-
nal acts that occur around the environment where he was. It can be
developed an Android Based Application. Applications will be
useful for the community to be able to connect automatically with
phone contact numbers in the nearest Police office state from their
position of the criminal at that time. Applications like this do not
exist in Indonesia, so it can be developed to help the police quick-
ly get to the location of the case.
2. Android based technology
Currently the popularity of Android increasingly day. Many
emerging vendors who sell their smartphones using the Android
operating system. In addition, more and more people want to make
the Android apps to be uploaded in Google Play Store. The an-
droid is an operating system for linux-based mobile devices that
includes operating systems, middleware and applications. The
android provides an open platform for developers to create their
apps. Initially, Google Inc. buy Android Inc. which is a newcomer
who makes software for smartphones and then develops Android
formed Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 hardware
companies, software and telecommunications, including Google,
HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, and Nvidia. The first
mobile phone to use the Android operating system is the HTC
dream, which was released on October 22, 2008. At the end of
2010, it is estimated that almost all mobile vendors in the world
use android as the operating system. Android's popularity contin-
ues to grow, not just from the number of devices that adopt this
platform, but also telecom operators who are beginning to provide
more focus on this Google-developed opensource platform. Soft-
ware android as a complete platform, open, free and other infor-
mation can be downloaded freely and completely by visiting the
The android also continues to develop. The latest version of An-
droid in 2018 is Oreo bringing big changes to the interface. In the
development of this application required a smartphone that already
has a GPS (Global Positioning System) feature. Now, all Android
devices must be equipped with GPS features as it allows your
smartphone to use navigation apps like Google Maps and also
track your location for geo location features. Some GPS capabili-
ties, among others, can provide information about position, speed,
and time quickly, accurately, cheaply; anywhere on earth is not
dependent on the weather.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
3. Application development
In the early stages, identification of existing problems and solu-
tions to identified problems has been identified. After that initiali-
zation is done in the form of identification of stake holder system
to be developed. Stake holder associated with the development of
this system is community and end user support is the police. Once
the stakeholders are known to be tracked to collect the information
and data required for system development. The next step is analy-
sis. At this stage analysis of criminal reporting process conducted
by the community. At this stage there are several reporting pro-
cesses that exist, among others, namely: (1).the public reports a
criminal incident or incident to the police nearest to the call center
service; (2). there are reports from the public that the police offi-
cially direct personnel to investigate to the scene of the accident;
(3). Reports conducted by the community are processed by screen-
ing which is then followed up by the Criminal Investigation
Agency of the Indonesian National Police; (4). The police handle
reports based on cases occurring on the basis of the severity of a
case to be sentenced in accordance with the criminal law. The next
stage is design, at this stage designed the best application possible,
for the application can be used easily (user friendly). The user
interface is an aspect of a computer system or program that can be
viewed, heard, or perceived by humans, and the commands or
mechanisms that the user uses to control the operation and input of
data on a computer. In Android application development develop-
ers usually use Android Studio as Integrated Development Envi-
ronment (IDE).
In order for the system to run properly, we recommend using a
smartphone with a minimum android version 8.0, and smartphone
have GPS facility. Furthermore, if the application has been in-
stalled then, the public as the reporter directed to the registration
menu to fill in the name and number of his ID. The goal is to
avoid any false reports so that when the input of the ID card is
given automatically will connect to the electronic ID card to match
the identity of the community. After charging the reporting data,
the application can then be used. As the Figure 1 below is the
application interface display on the smartphone.
Fig. 1: Main Page Menu Display.
There are five menu items that can be used are: (1). Police Station;
(2). Call Police; (3). About; (4). Information; (5). Exit. The Police
Station menu is used to link scene positions to call center police.
The Call Police menu is used to talk with the nearest police to the
location of the case. The About menu contains about the version
of application used. Information menu contains about location of
police station in an area. The exit menu is used to exit the applica-
4. The system working
One of the unique features of mobile applications is location
awareness. Mobile users take their devices with them everywhere,
and adding location awareness to your app offers users a more
contextual experience. The location APIs available in Google Play
services facilitate adding location awareness to your app with
automated location tracking, geofencing, and activity recognition.
Specifically, use the fused location provider to retrieve the de-
vice's last known location. The fused location provider is one of
the location APIs in Google Play services. It manages the underly-
ing location technology and provides a simple API so that you can
specify requirements at a high level, like high accuracy or low
power. It also optimizes the device's use of battery power. Use of
the app is very easy. If you want to report the crime scene then run
the application and then simply press the "Police Station" as
shown in Figure 1. When selecting the Police Station menu, the
application will work so it can know the current location of the
user is CP (Current Position), and the location of the nearest Po-
lice Station from the Police Station in Medan City. CP is the posi-
tion of the location where the user is present when this app is used.
CP position can vary and vary according to location where the
user's whereabouts are located in which area. When to get the CP
position, the position must be outdoors so that the smartphone
used can connect to GPS to take the position of its location point.
GPS data is then imported from Google maps. To help Google
Maps find your location with the most accurate blue dot, use high-
accuracy mode. In the previous application was recorded all the
location position of the 12 existing Police Station in Medan City
and has been introduced on coding program by taking data latitude
and that can from Google maps[3] according to the of the address
of 12 in. Then the CP point compared to all locations in the 12
points of Police Station in Medan City. The smallest distance dif-
ference is the closest location from the point of CP to the nearest
Police Station, and then the public which wants to report immedi-
ately can make a call automatically to the nearest Police Station
that is the position of P-4 Police Station. The work process of the
above explanation can be seen on the Figure 2 below,
Fig. 2: Nearest Police Station Search View.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
5. Conclusion
The development of Information and Communication Technology
has brought many benefits to human life. The development of
criminal call center apps requires android-based smartphone de-
vices that are relatively inexpensive and easily obtainable on the
free market. Because the open source then, a lot of people who
develop applications for Android. This application can be used for
all people from adolescence to adulthood. The call center applica-
tion of this criminal act can be used by the public to report crimi-
nal events or acts. The location position of the GPS has received
the police, so it will make it faster and easier to get the scene. The
location and context APIs harness the sensors and signals of mo-
bile devices to provide awareness of user actions and their envi-
ronment, enabling delightful and engaging experiences that sim-
plify user interactions, provide assistance, and help users to better
understand themselves.
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Andi, Yogyakarta.
[2], last visit: 31.05.2018.
636635540928496488-747468582&rd=4#topic=3092425, last visit:
[4] Nasution, Muhammad Irwan Padli, (2008), Urgensi Keamanan Pa-
da Sistem Informasi, Journal Iqra’ Volume 02 Nomor 02.
[5] M.I.P. Nasution, S. Dewi Andriana, P. Diana Syafitri, E. Rahayu
and M.R.Lubis, "Mobile device interfaces illiterate" Technology,
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2015 International Conference on, Samosir, 2015, pp. 117-120,
doi= {10.1109/TIME-E.2015.7389758}.
o, last visit: 12.06.2018.
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Seiring dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia, kebutuhan akan energi pada sektor trasportasi pun juga meningkat. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, cadangan energi untuk minyak bumi sudah semakin menipis. Padahal kebutuhuan akan energi tersebut semakin tinggi. Salah satu konsumsi terbesar dari energi tersebut adalah penggunaan kendaraan bermotor. Disamping itu, kendaraan berbahan bakar minyak pun menghasilkan gas buang yang menjadi sumber polusi udara dan berperan besar dalam isu Global Warming and Climate Change saat ini. Salah satu solusi yang saat ini masih dikembangkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan mengembangkan kendaraan yang memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi yaitu mobil listrik Hibrida (HEV). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan analisis sederhana dan menjadi bahan edukasi bagi masyarakat dalam mengetahui perkembangan teknologi dan kelebihan mobil listrik Hibrida dibandingkan mobil konvensional (hanya bahan bakar fosil). HEV pada dasarnya merupakan kombinasi dari motor bakar dan motor listrik. Motor listrik berperan membantu motor bakar mencapai torsi dan akselerasi sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Untuk torsi dan akselerasi yang sama, HEV menggunakan motor bakar dengan kapasitas yang lebih kecil dibandingkan mobil konvensional. Dengan kata lain, bahan bakar yang digunakan akan lebih irit. Dengan prinsip kerja yang sangat mempertimbangkan tingkat efisiensi, HEV diharapkan mampu menjawab tantangan dan persoalan yang muncul terkait dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan transportasi, menipisnya cadangan minyak bumi, mahalnya harga bahan bakar minyak, dan tingginya polusi udara.
  • E W Wisnuh
Wisnuh, E.W, (2012), Asiknya Bernavigasi dengan Ponsel GPS, Andi, Yogyakarta.
Urgensi Keamanan Pada Sistem Informasi
Nasution, Muhammad Irwan Padli, (2008), Urgensi Keamanan Pada Sistem Informasi, Journal Iqra' Volume 02 Nomor 02.
Mobile device interfaces illiterate
  • M I P Nasution
  • S Andriana
  • P Diana Syafitri
  • E Rahayu
  • M R Lubis
M.I.P. Nasution, S. Dewi Andriana, P. Diana Syafitri, E. Rahayu and M.R.Lubis, "Mobile device interfaces illiterate" Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering &Environment (TIME-E), 2015 International Conference on, Samosir, 2015, pp. 117-120, doi= {10.1109/TIME-E.2015.7389758}.