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Fundamental Recognition of ADL Assessments Using Machine Learning Engineering


Abstract and Figures

This paper describes an RGBD (Red Green Blue Depth) image daily life activity identification system that can monitor and detect human activities without the need of optical markers or motion sensors. In this paper, we have developed a practical methodology for detecting human activity in the daily environment. For feature extraction technique, we suggested a noble method for recognition of ADL activities based on symmetry principle. By extracting silhouette from depth images and performing mapping operations over RGB images, we have been able to extract the skeleton information of the human body in RGBD images and identify ADL activities using four critical parameters: angle formation between hand and upper half of the body, angle between center body point and hand, angle formation between hand and lower half of the body, and angle between two hands of the single silhouette. We employed the linearly dependent concept (LDC) and long short-term memory-recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNN) for feature selection and classification, compared the results to existing approaches. The objective of our research is to not only find an effective and useful collection of features from the silhouette, but also to outperform current approaches. Finally, the suggested method's testing results showed a 2.5 percent increase in accuracy with a 92.83 percent success rate, as well as a reduction in relative error to 2.47 percent of the original dataset.
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Fundamental Recognition of ADL Assessments
Using Machine Learning Engineering
Mouazma Batool
Dept. of Computer Science
Air University
Islamabad, Pakistan
Madiha Javeed
Dept. of Computer Science
Air University
Islamabad, Pakistan
AbstractThis paper describes an RGBD (Red Green Blue
Depth) image daily life activity identification system that can
monitor and detect human activities without the need of optical
markers or motion sensors. In this paper, we have developed a
practical methodology for detecting human activity in the daily
environment. For feature extraction technique, we suggested a
noble method for recognition of ADL activities based on
symmetry principle. By extracting silhouette from depth images
and performing mapping operations over RGB images, we have
been able to extract the skeleton information of the human body
in RGBD images and identify ADL activities using four critical
parameters: angle formation between hand and upper half of
the body, angle between center body point and hand, angle
formation between hand and lower half of the body, and angle
between two hands of the single silhouette. We employed the
linearly dependent concept (LDC) and long short-term memory-
recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNN) for feature selection
and classification, compared the results to existing approaches.
The objective of our research is to not only find an effective and
useful collection of features from the silhouette, but also to
outperform current approaches. Finally, the suggested method's
testing results showed a 2.5 percent increase in accuracy with a
92.83 percent success rate, as well as a reduction in relative error
to 2.47 percent of the original dataset.
Keywords activities of daily living, linearly dependent
concept, recurrent neural network, symmetry principle.
Activities of daily living (ADL) identification has gotten
importance in a wide range of applications including
surveillance, human-computer interaction, pedestrian
detection systems, healthcare systems, homo-robotics, and
smart homes [1-7]. Most ADL recognition systems utilize
grey or RGB video sequences [8-11]. Here, the extraction of
elements of human actions in clutter background, light
variations, and camera motion is a big difficulty here [12].
Moreover, the appearance information given by RGB images
is not resilient against typical fluctuations such as illuminance
shift, making deployment of RGB-based vision systems in
real-world settings difficult [13]. Depth sensors have become
widely employed in recent years in a variety of applications,
including object recognition, object detection, scene labelling,
and action recognition [14-24]. Because depth information
provides extra information about the object's spatial
dimension, which is invariant to color fluctuation and light, it
can considerably increase object identification ability [25].
Meanwhile, it has been demonstrated that utilizing RGB-D
information for ADL improves classification accuracy
significantly [26-27].
Most academics have focused their efforts on developing
increasingly complex algorithms, while some have taken a
different approach in quest of a new sort of representation that
can better interpret the world. Cartas et al. [28] The
ADLEgoDataset of Daily Living, which contains 105,529
annotated photos, was launched. The dataset was examined
using the CNN+LSTM algorithm and attained an accuracy of
80.12%. Yu et al. [29] have proposed a knowledge-driven
multisource fusion architecture for recognizing egocentric
behaviors in everyday life (ADL). The DezertSmarandache
theory and a convolutional neural network has trained to
provide a collection of textual tags to distinguish ADL
activities. Experiments indicate that the proposed technique
correctly classified 15 preset ADL classes with an average
accuracy of 85.4 percent. Heidarivincheh et al. [30] has
combined classification and regression recurrent model. The
recurrent voting node has been then forecasted the frame's
relative location to display the completion moment. The
system has been tested on RGBD-AC dataset and has
achieved an accuracy of 89% for both complete and
incomplete sequences.
Miron et al. [31] presented temporal convolutional neural
network (Res-TCN) in assessing the correctness of a human
motion or action. For every movement type, a different model
has been trained with the explicit purpose of differentiating
between optimal and non-optimal movements. This paper
produced 71.2% results for certain actions but can also fall
into the trap of classifying an incorrect execution of an action
as a correct execution of another action used. Wang et al. [32]
presented stacked auto encoder (SAE) deep learning model as
a fundamental building blocks for ADL activities
identification. The SAE has been then trained using greedy
layer-wise. In order to fine-tune the network settings, a fully
connected layer and a classification layer have been connected
on top of the SAE. The model had achieved an accuracy of
90.43% on the publicly accessible ADL-based dataset. Xiao
et al. [33] presented a deep convolutional model and a self-
attention model-based end-to-end framework for recognizing
human action from skeletal sequences. To extract
discriminative deep features, DCM has used CNN. The SAM
algorithm has been made to learn attention weights from
variations in motion. Additionally, the attention weight for
skeleton-based action categorization learned attentive deep
characteristics. Over the SYSU-3D dataset, the efficacy of the
suggested model has attained an accuracy of 80.36 %.
In this study, we have presented a novel type of symmetry
principle based on the silhouette of a human. We have showed
that the camera's location and the distance between the camera
and the target can change. Each kind of skeleton will be
processed once a skeleton has been retrieved from each
RGBD (Red Green Blue Depth) frame. The upper half of the
body, lower half of the body, center of the body, the position
of the hands, and the variation of the hands are the four
parameters discussed in this work.
The following is how the rest of the paper is organized:
The solution framework, which includes silhouette detection,
feature extraction, optimization, and classification, is
described in Section II. The experimental results are presented
in Section III, along with a comparison to other state-of-the-
art systems. Finally, part IV brings the paper to a close.
The RGB and depth sequences from the RGBD-AC
(RGBD-Action-Completion-2016) [34] dataset has been used
in the proposed ADL system. The replacement operation,
scaling operation, median filter, canny edge filter, and
mapping depth image across RGB images have been
employed in the preprocessing step to extract silhouette from
RGBD images. These RGBD silhouettes have been then used
to extract symmetry principal [35-42] features. With linearly
dependent concept (LDC) [43] and long short-term memory-
recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNN) [44], these
properties have been further improved and categorized.
Finally, the leave one subject out (LOSO) method has
been utilized to test and train the sequence of all ADL tasks.
The basic diagram of our suggested ADL framework is
shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Architecture diagram of the presented methodology for activities of
daily living (ADL) system.
A. Silhouette extraction of RGB-D images using depth
The pre-processing step accomplished through five phases.
1) Substitution operation: In the first step, missing depth
values are interpolated by substitution operation [45]. The
substitution operation for missing values of the depth images
search through neighboring data on both left and right pixels
[46]. Later, missing value is replaced with the larger of the
2) Scaling operation: In the second step, depth image has
been linearly scaled [47] within a range of 0 to 255 as:
  
Where, depicts depth values of images before scaling.
While is the depth values of images after scaling.
Moreover, and  represents minimum and maximum
values in depth images before scaling. The 
depicts the
lower bound of image, which is 0, and   depicts the
upper bound of depth image which is 255.
3) Median Filter: In the third step, noise of the rescaled
depth image has been removed using median filter [48].
4) Canny Edge Filter
In the fourth step, canny edge filter has been applied
that use multi-stage algorithm to detect and correct depth
silhouette edges [49-50].
5) Mapping over RGB image
In the last step, resulting depth silhouette is mapped to
RGB images using affine transformation to extract
silhouette from the RGB frames [51-57].
The advantage of extracting silhouette from depth
images is that border information of silhouette can be
detected even under poor light conditions [58-60]. The
results of RGB and depth silhouette is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Examples of silhouette extraction and background removal in RGBD
images through five phases
B. Feature Extraction
The technique of extracting important information from
raw data is known as feature extraction [61]. Detecting
human operations including drink, open, pick, plug, switch,
and pull requires several essential places in the human body
[63]. Angles between two hands, angle between hand and
upper half of body, angle between hand and lower half of
body, angle between hand and center point of the body, and
other aspects can all be used as motion indicators [64-68].
Some of the indicators are more stable than others. By
stability, we mean that some points in the human body do not
change because of movement [69-70]. For example, we found
that the position of the head fluctuates relatively little during
cyclic motions in all our samples [71-72]. In this paper, five
features of the human body have been extracted: (1) The
thirteen key points of the body has been detected; (2) The
angle of hand and upper half of the body; (3) The angle
between centers line of the body and hand; (4) The angle
between lower half of the body and hand; (5) The angle
formation between two hands. The implementation technique
for our feature extraction approach has been described below.
1) Thirteen key points detection: Fig. 3 depicts a
comprehensive overview of the human body key point
detection model, which includes thirteen human body points
that are classified as three key skeleton fragments: lower
body, mid-point of the body, and upper body, and has been
based on link of neck, head, shoulders, wrist, hand points, and
elbow with knees, hips, foot, and ankle. Each part of the body
plays a role in the completion of a specific task.
The central torso point has been calculated using the
human silhouette's outer shape for the identification of human
body points. The point 1/4 between the foot and the knee
points has been used to determine the human ankle posture
[73]. To estimate the wrist point, we divided the distance
between the hand and elbow points by ¼ . The comprehensive
explanation of human body part detection has been seen in
Algorithm 1.
Fig. 3. Illustration of thirteen key points detection on extracted silhouette.
Algorithm1: Human silhouette key point detection
Input: Human silhouette
Output: Nineteen key points detection as neck, head, shoulders,
wrists, hands, and elbows, knees, hips, foot, ankle, and torso.
HBS = Human Body Silhouette
H = Height
W = width
L = Left
R = Right
Jh = Head
Jn = Neck
do For i = 1 to N
Ih = Get_Head_Point(Jh)
In = Get_Upper_Point(Jn)
Im = Get_Mid_Body_Point(H, W)
If = Get_Bottom_Body_Point(HBS)
Iknp = Get_Midpoint(Im, If)
Ihnp = Get_Midpoint(Ih, In)
Ielp = Get_Midpoint(Ihnp, Ih)
Iwrp = Get_Midpoint(Ihnp, Ielp)/2
Ihip = Im
Ianp = Get_Midpoint(Iknp, If)/4
While ((search (HBS) & search (L, R))!=NULL)
return 13_Body_Points (head, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands,
hips, torso, feet, knees, and ankles).
2) Angle between upper half of the body and hand: In
RGBD-AC dataset, the angle formation in some activities
have been formed between hand and upper half of the body
such as switch, open and drink. Therefore, angle forms
between upper half of the body and hand, is the most
important feature of measuring activities performed by
silhouette. It can be seen as meeting the decision requirement
for the occurrence of the event at the given time. Because
ADL activities require a quick transition from start to finish
in RGBD-AC dataset, the time required for event detection
has been set at once per fifteen adjacent frames, with a 0.5s
time interval. The angle detection process [74] has been
depicted in Fig. 4. The coordinates of the upper body point
and hand is󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 and󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜. At
time t, the angle is expressed as;
󰇻 (2)
where represents the satisfying the decision condition
of the occurrence of the event at time t.
Fig. 4. Angle formation between upper body part and hand illustration on
the silhouette.
3) Angle between center body point and hand: The angle
creation between the center body point and the hand is the
most visible aspect of silhouette in the process of ADL
activities [75] in the RGBD-AC dataset as shown in Fig. 5.
The characteristics of the degree of angle creation between
the central body point and the hand while performing
activities such as open and pull have been set at once every
twenty-five adjacent frames. The coordinates of the center
body point and hand is 󰇛󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜
󰇛 󰇜. At time t, the angle between center body point and
the hand is expressed as:
󰇻 (3)
where represents the satisfying the decision condition
of the occurrence of the event at time t.
Fig. 5. Angle formation between center body point and hand illustration on
the silhouette.
4) Angle between hand and lower half of the body: Angle
formation has been generated between hand and lower part of
the body in several activities in the RGBD-AC dataset, such
as plug, switch, and pick. As a result, the most important
element of assessing actions conducted by silhouette is the
angle established between the lower half of the body and the
hand as shown in Fig. 6. In the RGBD-AC dataset, the time
necessary for event detection has been adjusted to once every
fifteen adjacent frames, with a 0.5s time gap, because ADL
activities require a rapid transition from start to conclusion.
The lower body point and hand coordinates are expressed in
(4). The coordinates of the lower body point and hand
is󰇛󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 and󰇛󰇜 󰇛 󰇜. At time t, the
angle is expressed as;
󰇻 (4)
where represents the satisfying the decision condition
of the occurrence of the event at time t.
Fig. 6. Angle formation between hand and lower half of the body
illustration on the silhouette.
5) Formation of angle between hands: The position of
hands in each class of activities change systematically [76].
Therefore, formation of angle between hands postures can be
used as a motion indicator. The coordinates of the right and
left hands is󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 and󰇛󰇜 󰇛 󰇜. At
time t, the angle is expressed as;
 󰇻
󰇻 (5)
where represents the satisfying the decision condition of
the occurrence of the event at time t. The angle formation
between hands has been shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Angle formation between hands illustration on the silhouette
C. Linearly dependent concept (LDC) optimization
In this paper, linearly dependent concept (LDC) has been
used to reduce redundant features and to improve the
accuracy of classifier [77]. There have been 793 features that
have been considered as vectors. First, the vector set of
features has been set as 1, 2, . . . , where is a vector
set of features. The has been considered as a homogeneous
linear combination system for all vectors and has been
expressed as;
 (6)
where,  is the element of real set and is an element of
. The Gaussian elimination approach has been used to obtain
the constant values. After implementing the suggested
technique, 365 features have been chosen from the features
vector, while 428 have been eliminated.
D. Long short-term memory-recurrent neural networks
Due to the lack of memory components in traditional
neural networks, they may be unable to relate earlier
knowledge to the current task to conduct reasoning about
previous occurrences [78]. Recurrent neural networks
(RNNs) are designed to processing sequential incoming data
by allowing information to survive across loops in the
network topology. Most of these achievements may be
ascribed to the usage of LSTMs, a type of RNN capable of
learning long-term dependencies [79]. As a result, we
employed LSTM-RNNs to predict probable behaviors based
on sequential sensor data observation.
We employed a simple LSTM model with one input layer,
one hidden layer, and one output layer in our research. For
the input, hidden, and output layers, the number of neurons
was set to 10, 42, and 9, respectively. During training, the
learning rate and batch size were set at 0.005, 1600,
respectively. The results of LSTM-RNN classifiers have been
depicted in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Long short-term memory-recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNN)
visual results over RGBD-AC dataset.
The dataset description, experimental findings,
recognition accuracy, and a comparison of our technique to
existing state-of-the-art ADL recognition systems are all
presented in this part.
A. RGBD-AC Dataset
The RGBD-AC [34] dataset contains both complete and
incomplete examples of various activities. A Microsoft
Kinect v2 was used to create 414 sequences in the collection.
Plug: plug socket, switch: turn off the light, open: open the
jar, drink: drink from a cup, pull: pull the drawer, and pick:
choosing item from the desk are the six actions captured in
the sequences. The RGBD-AC dataset requirements for each
action such that it could not be performed as; switch: subjects
were asked to act as if they had forgotten to turn off the light,
plug: subjects were given a plug that did not fit the socket,
open: a lid was glued to the jar to prevent it from being
opened, yank: a drawer that was locked could not be yanked.
A total of eight individuals (3 females and 5 men) conducted
at least four full and four partial sequences for each activity.
B. Experimental Results
With training and testing data, the suggested system was
tested using the leave one subject out (LOSO) cross
validation approach. To distinguish distinct postures and
movements, the human activity classification system was
tested using recall, precision, and F-measure. Table I depicts
the confusion matrix of the RGBD-AC dataset for six
different activities. The F-measure combines recall and
precision respectively. The classification result of 92.83%
has been achieved on F-measure over RGBD-AC (RGBD-
Action-Completion-2016), reported in Table II. Finally,
Table III shows a comparison of the proposed ADL approach
with existing framework techniques on the RGBD-AC
dataset. Overall, the findings revealed that our proposed
strategy outperformed existing state-of-the-art methods.
Mean Accyuracy = 92.83%
Accuracy (%)
Res-TCN [31]
Deep Convolutional Model and a
Self-Attention Model [33]
Dezert–Smarandache theory [29]
Classification and regression
recurrent model [30]
Stacked auto encoder deep learning
model [32]
Proposed approach
Using RGBD silhouettes, we suggested an effective
symmetry principle-based feature extraction methodology for
ADL. The method we have suggested for extracting features
from RGBD silhouettes is a combination of points and body
form. On the publicly available RGBD-AC dataset, we
trained and tested an ADL system uses LOSO and have
achieved a mean recognition rate of 92.83%. Many
applications can benefit from the suggested feature extraction
method, including smart homes, autonomous video
monitoring, and health care. We intend to construct our own
ADL dataset in future for an online continuous environment
that will make it more useful for ADL applications. We will
also employ these characteristics for exceedingly compound
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[45] I. Akhter, A. Jalal, and K. Kim, “Pose estimation and detection for
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[48] K. Nida, M. Gochoo, A. Jalal, and K. Kim, “Modeling two-person
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[49] P. Mahwish, A. Jalal, and K. Kim, “Hybrid algorithm for multi people
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[51] J. Madiha, M. Gochoo, A. Jalal, and K. Kim, “HF-SPHR: Hybrid
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[52] S. Amna, A. Jalal, M. Gochoo and K. Kim, “Robust active shape model
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[53] A. Jalal, A. Ahmed, A. Rafique and K. Kim “Scene semantic
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[54] A. Jalal, M. Mahmood, and M. A. Sidduqi, “Robust spatio-temporal
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[55] A. Hira, A. Jalal, M. Gochoo, and K. Kim, Hand gesture recognition
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[56] N. Amir, A. Jalal, and K. Kim, “Automatic human posture estimation
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[57] I. Akhter, A. Jalal, and K. Kim, Adaptive pose estimation for gait
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[58] M. Gochoo, S. Badar, A. Jalal, and K. Kim, “Monitoring real-time
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[59] P. Mahwish, G. Yazeed, M. Gochoo, A. Jalal, S. Kamal et al., “A smart
surveillance system for people counting and tracking using particle
flow and modified SOM,” Sustainability, 2021.
[60] M. Gochoo, S. R. Amna, G. Yazeed, A. Jalal, S. Kamal et al., “A
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using RGB-D remote cameras,” Applied Sciences, 2021.
[61] Y. Ghadi, I. Akhter, M. Alarfaj, A. Jalal, and K. Kim, “Syntactic
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Computer Science, 2021.
[62] W. Manahil, A. Jalal, M. Alarfaj, Y. Ghadi, S. Tamara, S. Kamal, and
D. Kim, “An LSTM-based approach for understanding human
interactions using hybrid feature descriptors over depth sensors,” IEEE
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[63] Y. Ghadi, J. Madiha, M. Alarfaj, S. Tamara, A. Suliman, A. Jalal, S.
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detection via kinematic-static energy and body-specific HMMs,” IEEE
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[64] A. Usman, Y. Ghadi, S. Tamara, A. Suliman, A. Jalal, and J. Park,
“Smartphone sensor-based human locomotion surveillance system
using multilayer perceptron,” Applied Sciences, 2022.
[65] A. Ayesha, Y. Ghadi, M. Alarfaj, A. Jalal, S. Kamal, and D. Kim,
“Human pose estimation and object interaction for sports behaviour,”
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[66] B. Mouazma, Y. Ghadi, A. Suliman, S. Tamara, A. Jalal, and J. Park,
“Self-care assessment for daily living using machine learning
mechanism,” CMC, 2022.
[67] Y. Ghadi, W. Manahil, S. Tamara, A. Suliman, A. Jalal, and J. Park,
“Automated parts-based model for recognizing human-object
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[68] Y. Ghadi, R. Adnan, S. Tamara, A. Suliman, A. Jalal, and J. Park,
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Remote Sensing, 2022.
[69] S. Tamara, J. Madiha, M. Gochoo, A. Suliman, Y. Ghadi, A. Jalal, and
J. Park, “Student’s health exercise recognition tool for E-learning
education,” IASC, 2022.
[70] Y. Ghadi, W. Manahil, M. Gochoo, A. Suliman, S. Chelloug, A. Jalal,
and J. Park, “A graph-based approach to recognizing complex human
object interactions in sequential data,” Applied Sciences, 2022.
[71] A. Alam, S. Abduallah, A. Israr, A. Suliman, Y. Ghadi, S. Tamara, and
A. Jalal, “Object detection learning for intelligent self automated
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[72] Y. Ghadi, A. Israr, A. Suliman, S. Tamara, A. Jalal, and J. Park,
“Multiple events detection using context-intelligence features,” IASC,
[73] H. Sadaf, Y. Ghadi, M. Alarfaj, S. Tamara, A. Jalal, S. Kamal, and D.
Kim, “Sensors-Based Ambient Assistant Living via E-Monitoring
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[74] M. Jamil, A. Shaoor, A. Suliman, Y. Ghadi, S. Tamara, A. Jalal, and J.
Park, “Intelligent Sign Language Recognition System for E-learning
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[75] S. Tamara, A. Israr, A. Suliman, Y. Ghadi, A. Jalal, and J. Park,
“Pedestrian Physical Education Training over Visualization Tool,”
CMC, 2022.
[76] M. Alarfaj, W. Manahil, Y. Ghadi, S. Tamara, A. Suliman, A. Jalal,
and J. Park, “An Intelligent Framework for Recognizing Social
Human-Object Interactions,” CMC, 2022.
[77] Y. Ghadi, B. Mouazma, M. Gochoo, A. Suliman, S. Tamara, A. Jalal,
and J. Park, “Improving the Ambient Intelligence Living using Deep
Learning Classifier,” CMC, 2022.
[78] R. Hammad, M. Muneed, A. Suliman, Y. Ghadi, A. Jalal, and J. Park,
“Home Automation-based Health Assessment along Gesture
Recognition via Inertial Sensors,” CMC, 2022.
[79] M. Mushhood, S. Shizza, Y. Ghadi, A. Suliman, A. Jalal, and J. Park,
“Body Worn Sensors for Health Gaming and e-learning in Virtual
Reality,” CMC, 2022.
... SVM [59] 90.00 KNN [60] 89.00 LSTM [61] 85.00 LSTM + RNN [62] 92.83 ...
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In the fields of body-worn sensors and computer vision, current research is being done to track and detect falls and activities of daily living using the automatic recognition of human actions. In the area of human–machine communication, different combinations of sensors and communication technologies are often used to capture human action. Many researchers have also worked with artificial intelligent systems to detect actions, understand scenes, and implement systems that are more efficient in human action recognition. Although effective approaches are needed to detect outdoor activities with the combination of human actions, feature extraction can be quite a complicated task in a human activity recognition system development. Thus, this paper proposed a solution to detect human activities via hybrid descriptors based on robust features and accurate results. In this study, complex backgrounds, including multiple humans in video frames, were detected. First, inertial signal and video frames are pre-processed using denoising techniques, after which the frames are used to remove the background by detecting human motions and extracting the silhouettes. Then, these silhouettes are further used to extract the human body key points to make the human skeleton. Then the time and frequency domain features are extracted for inertial signals, and geometric features are extracted for the skeleton body points. Finally, multiple feature sets are combined and fed into a zero order optimization model, after which logistic regression is utilized to recognize each action. The proposed system has been evaluated on three benchmark datasets, including, the UP Fall dataset, the University of Rzeszow Fall dataset, and the SisFall dataset and proved its significance by achieving accuracy of 91.51%, 92.98%, and 90.23%, on the aforementioned datasets respectively.
... LPCC help in extraction of complex activity from the signal values and their transfer functions [55]. Rate of change for a variety of bands is being extracted from cepstrum [56]. Linear prediction coefficients are used to extract LPCC through a recursive relationship as; = ln. 2 , ...
Conference Paper
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Human activities have always been complex and most important concern for researchers especially when it comes to physical exercises. Multiple methods have been proposed for physical exercise recognition using different sensors where the conventional approaches focused on either videos or motion-based sensors. Whereas, the combination of both types of data can improve the physical exercise recognition particularly for complex motion patterns. For that reason, a hybrid hand-crafted cues-based method has been proposed in this paper. Data has been collected from the multi-modality-based datasets that are publicly available. Next, three different filters have been used to sift the noise from multiple sensors-based data. Then, an overlapping windowing technique along with human silhouette extraction has been utilized to pre-process the filtered data. Further, the hybrid hand-crafted cues have been extracted using linear prediction cepstral coefficients, Gaussian markov random field, and saliency maps. Finally, the cues have been reduced using multi-layer sequential forward selection methodology and the physical exercise activities have been classified using a deep belief network.
... Every filter type has its nature and cannot be filtered using the same filter [53]. Therefore, this IoT-based home surveillance system has proposed to use the Quaternionbased filter [54][55][56] in order to handle the multiple IMU data types. Fig. 3 explains the actual gyroscope data filtration. ...
Conference Paper
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Internet of things (IoT) represent the small devices connected together wirelessly collecting data to make lifestyle convenient. Inertial measurement units (IMU) and cameras connected together to collect data from multiple indoor activities can also support home surveillance systems. The traditional closed-circuit television is out-fashioned due to the huge volume of storage requirements and not connected together to notify users immediately of apprehensive activities. Therefore, this paper proposes an IoT-based surveillance system for indoor environments that will upkeep the security methods inside the home. For this purpose, the fused multi-sensors-based data is acquired from two state-of-the-art datasets, namely, Opportunity++ and CMU-MMAC. This acquired data from IoT devices is further pre-processed through multiple filtering techniques according to the type of data. Then, a skeleton model has been designed for the filtered video frame sequences. Furthermore, a bag of visual and motion features has been extracted using three different techniques followed by their discrimination. Finally, the IoT-based surveillance system detects indoor activities and provides feedback to the user.
... The accuracies for each locomotion activity [54] have been compared in the form of an accuracy graph [55] in Fig. 9. Then, a comparison of model's true positives [56], false positives [57], and false negatives [58] has been performed in Table 1. Here, actually tested positives will define the true positive rate [59]. ...
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Hand gesture recognition (HGR) is used in a numerous applications, including medical health-care, industrial purpose and sports detection. We have developed a real-time hand gesture recognition system using inertial sensors for the smart home application. Developing such a model facilitates the medical health field (elders or disabled ones). Home automation has also been proven to be a tremendous benefit for the elderly and disabled. Residents are admitted to smart homes for comfort, luxury, improved quality of life, and protection against intrusion and burglars. This paper proposes a novel system that uses principal component analysis, linear discrimination analysis feature extraction, and random forest as a classifier to improve HGR accuracy. We have achieved an accuracy of 94% over the publicly benchmarked HGR dataset. The proposed system can be used to detect hand gestures in the healthcare industry as well as in the industrial and educational sectors.
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Hand gesture recognition (HGR) is used in a variety of applications, including medical and sports detection. We have developed a real-time hand gesture recognition system using inertial sensors for the smart home application. Developing such a model facilitates the medical health field (elders or disabled ones). Home automation has also been proven to be a tremendous benefit for the elderly and disabled. Residents are admitted to smart homes for comfort, luxury, improved quality of life, and protection against intrusion and burglars from a social point of view. This paper proposes a novel system that uses principal component analysis (PCA), linear discrimination analysis feature extraction, and random forest as a classifier to improve HGR accuracy. We have achieved an accuracy of 94% over the publicly benchmarked HGR dataset. The proposed system can be used to detect hand gestures in the healthcare industry as well as in the industrial and educational sectors.
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E-learning approaches are one of the most important learningplatforms for the learner through electronic equipment. Such study techniquesare useful for other groups of learners such as the crowd, pedestrian, sports,transports, communication, emergency services, management systems andeducation sectors. E-learning is still a challenging domain for researchersand developers to find new trends and advanced tools and methods. Manyof them are currently working on this domain to fulfill the requirementsof industry and the environment. In this paper, we proposed a method forpedestrian behavior mining of aerial data, using deep flow feature, graphmining technique, and convocational neural network. For input data, thestate-of-the-art crowd activity University of Minnesota (UMN) dataset isadopted, which contains the aerial indoor and outdoor view of the pedestrian,for simplification of extra information and computational cost reductionthe pre-processing is applied. Deep flow features are extracted to find moreaccurate information. Furthermore, to deal with repetition in features dataand features mining the graph mining algorithm is applied, while Convolu-tion Neural Network (CNN) is applied for pedestrian behavior mining. Theproposed method shows 84.50% of mean accuracy and a 15.50% of error rate.Therefore, the achieved results show more accuracy as compared to state-of-the-art classification algorithms such as decision tree, artificial neural network(ANN) (PDF) Pedestrian Physical Education Training Over Visualization Tool. Available from: [accessed Sep 02 2022].
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Virtual reality is an emerging field in the whole world. The problem faced by people today is that they are more indulged in indoor technology rather than outdoor activities. Hence, the proposed system introduces a fitness solution connecting virtual reality with a gaming interface so that an individual can play first-person games. The system proposed in this paper is an efficient and cost-effective solution that can entertain people along with playing outdoor games such as badminton and cricket while sitting in the room. To track the human movement, sensors Micro Processor Unit (MPU6050) are used that are connected with Bluetooth modules and Arduino responsible for sending the sensor data to the game. Further, the sensor data is sent to a machine learning model, which detects the game played by the user. The detected game will be operated on human gestures. A publicly available dataset named IM-Sporting Behaviors is initially used, which utilizes triaxial accelerometers attached to the subject's wrist, knee, and below neck regions to capture important aspects of human motion. The main objective is that the person is enjoying while playing the game and simultaneously is engaged in some kind of sporting activity. The proposed system uses artificial neural networks classifier giving an accuracy of 88.9%. The proposed system should apply to many systems such as construction, education, offices and the educational sector. Extensive experimentation proved the validity of the proposed system.
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Due to the recently increased requirements of e-learning systems, multiple educational institutes such as kindergarten have transformed their learning towards virtual education. Automated student health exercise is a difficult task but an important one due to the physical education needs especially in young learners. The proposed system focuses on the necessary implementation of student health exercise recognition (SHER) using a modified Quaternion-based filter for inertial data refining and data fusion as the pre-processing steps. Further, cleansed data has been segmented using an overlapping windowing approach followed by patterns identification in the form of static and kinematic signal patterns. Furthermore, these patterns have been utilized to extract cues for both patterned signals, which are further optimized using Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (FLDA) technique. Finally, the physical exercise activities have been categorized using extended Kalman filter (EKF)-based neural networks. This system can be implemented in multiple educational establishments including intelligent training systems, virtual mentors, smart simulations, and interactive learning management methods.
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The critical task of recognizing human–object interactions (HOI) finds its application in the domains of surveillance, security, healthcare, assisted living, rehabilitation, sports, and online learning. This has led to the development of various HOI recognition systems in the recent past. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop a novel graph-based solution for this purpose. In particular, the proposed system takes sequential data as input and recognizes the HOI interaction being performed in it. That is, first of all, the system pre-processes the input data by adjusting the contrast and smoothing the incoming image frames. Then, it locates the human and object through image segmentation. Based on this, 12 key body parts are identified from the extracted human silhouette through a graph-based image skeletonization technique called image foresting transform (IFT). Then, three types of features are extracted: full-body feature, point-based features, and scene features. The next step involves optimizing the different features using isometric mapping (ISOMAP). Lastly, the optimized feature vector is fed to a graph convolution network (GCN) which performs the HOI classification. The performance of the proposed system was validated using three benchmark datasets, namely, Olympic Sports, MSR Daily Activity 3D, and D3D-HOI. The results showed that this model outperforms the existing state-of-the-art models by achieving a mean accuracy of 94.1% with the Olympic Sports, 93.2% with the MSR Daily Activity 3D, and 89.6% with the D3D-HOI datasets.
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Over the last decade, there is a surge of attention in establishing ambient assisted living (AAL) solutions to assist individuals live indepen- dently. With a social and economic perspective, the demographic shift toward an elderly population has brought new challenges to today’s society. AAL can offer a variety of solutions for increasing people’s quality of life, allowing them to live healthier and more independently for longer. In this paper, we have proposed a novel AAL solution using a hybrid bidirectional long-term and short-term memory networks (BiLSTM) and convolutional neural network (CNN) classifier. We first pre-processed the signal data, then used time- frequency features such as signal energy, signal variance, signal frequency, empirical mode, and empirical mode decomposition. The convolutional neu- ral network-bidirectional long-term and short-term memory (CNN-biLSTM) classifier with dimensional reduction isomap algorithm was then used to select ideal features. We assessed the performance of our proposed system on the publicly accessible human gait database (HuGaDB) benchmark dataset and achieved an accuracy rates of 93.95 percent, respectively. Experiments reveal that hybrid method gives more accuracy than single classifier in AAL model. The suggested system can assists persons with impairments, assisting carers and medical personnel.
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Human object interaction (HOI) recognition plays an important role in the designing of surveillance and monitoring systems for healthcare, sports, education, and public areas. It involves localizing the human and object targets and then identifying the interactions between them. However, it is a challenging task that highly depends on the extraction of robust and distinctive features from the targets and the use of fast and efficient classifiers. Hence, the proposed system offers an automated body-parts-based solution for HOI recognition. This system uses RGB (red, green, blue) images as input and segments the desired parts of the images through a segmentation technique based on the watershed algorithm. Furthermore, a convex hull- based approach for extracting key body parts has also been introduced. After identifying the key body parts, two types of features are extracted. Moreover, the entire feature vector is reduced using a dimensionality reduc- tion technique called t-SNE (t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding). Finally, a multinomial logistic regression classifier is utilized for identifying class labels. A large publicly available dataset, MPII (Max Planck Institute Informatics) Human Pose, has been used for system evaluation. The results prove the validity of the proposed system as it achieved 87.5% class recognition accuracy.
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Robotics is a part of today's communication that makes human life sim- pler in the day-to-day aspect. Therefore, we are supporting this cause by making a smart city project that is based on Artificial Intelligence, image processing, and some touch of hardware such as robotics. In particular, we advocate a self auto- mation device (i.e., autonomous car) that performs actions and takes choices on its very own intelligence with the assist of sensors. Sensors are key additives for developing and upgrading all forms of self-sustaining cars considering they could offer the information required to understand the encircling surroundings and con- sequently resource the decision-making process. In our device, we used Ultraso- nic and Camera Sensor to make the device self-sustaining and assist it to discover and apprehend the objects. As we recognize that the destiny is shifting closer to the Autonomous vehicles that are the destiny clever vehicles predicted to be dri- ver-less, efficient, and crash-fending off best city vehicles of the destiny. Thus, the proposed device could be capable of stumbling on the item/object for easy and green running to keep away from crash and collisions. It could additionally be capable of calculating the gap of the item/object from the autonomous car and making the corresponding decisions. Furthermore, the device can be tracked-able by sending the location continuously to the mobile device through IOT using GPS and Wi-Fi Module. Interestingly. Additionally, the device is also controlled with the voice using Bluetooth.