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Bilateral Force Deficit in Proximal Effectors Versus Distal Effectors in Lower Extremities



Purpose: Bilateral force deficit occurs when the maximal generated force during simultaneous bilateral muscle contractions is lower than the sum of forces generated unilaterally. Neural inhibition is stated as the main source for bilateral force deficit. Based on differences in bilateral neural organization, there might be a pronounced neural inhibition for proximal compared to distal effectors. The aim of the present experiment was to evaluate potential differences in bilateral force deficit in proximal compared to distal effectors in lower extremities. Methods: Fifteen young adults performed single-joint maximal voluntary contractions in isometric dorsiflexion of ankle (distal) and knee (proximal) extension unilaterally and bilaterally. Results: Results showed a significant absolute bilateral force deficit for both proximal (123.46 ± 59.51 N) and distal effectors (33.00 ± 35.60 N). Interestingly, the relative bilateral force deficit for knee extension was significantly larger compared to dorsiflexion of ankle, 19.98 ± 10.04% and 10.27 ± 9.57%, respectively. Our results indicate a significantly higher bilateral force deficit for proximal effectors compared to distal effectors. Even though distal muscles produced higher forces in unilateral conditions compared to bilateral conditions, the present analysis showed no significant difference in MVC force generated in unilateral compared to bilateral conditions for right leg and left leg to distal muscles. Conclusion: Plausible explanations are related to neuroanatomical and neurophysiological differences between proximal effectors and distal effectors where proximal muscles have a higher potential for bilateral communication compared to distal muscles. In addition, higher forces produced with proximal effectors could cause a higher perceived exertion and cause a more pronounced bilateral force deficit to proximal effectors
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Bilateral Force Deficit in Proximal Effectors Versus
Distal Effectors in Lower Extremities
M. A. Aune, T. V. Roaas, H. W. Lorås, A. Nynes & T. K. Aune
To cite this article: M. A. Aune, T. V. Roaas, H. W. Lorås, A. Nynes & T. K. Aune (2023): Bilateral
Force Deficit in Proximal Effectors Versus Distal Effectors in Lower Extremities, Research
Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2023.2166893
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Published online: 10 Apr 2023.
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Bilateral Force Decit in Proximal Eectors Versus Distal Eectors in Lower
M. A. Aune
, T. V. Roaas
, H. W. Lorås
, A. Nynes
, and T. K. Aune
Nord University;
NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Purpose: Bilateral force decit occurs when the maximal generated force during simultaneous bilateral
muscle contractions is lower than the sum of forces generated unilaterally. Neural inhibition is stated as
the main source for bilateral force decit. Based on dierences in bilateral neural organization, there might
be a pronounced neural inhibition for proximal compared to distal eectors. The aim of the present
experiment was to evaluate potential dierences in bilateral force decit in proximal compared to distal
eectors in lower extremities. Methods: Fifteen young adults performed single-joint maximal voluntary
contractions in isometric dorsiexion of ankle (distal) and knee (proximal) extension unilaterally and
bilaterally. Results: Results showed a signicant absolute bilateral force decit for both proximal (123.46
± 59.51 N) and distal eectors (33.00 ± 35.60 N). Interestingly, the relative bilateral force decit for knee
extension was signicantly larger compared to dorsiexion of ankle, 19.98 ± 10.04% and 10.27 ± 9.57%,
respectively. Our results indicate a signicantly higher bilateral force decit for proximal eectors
compared to distal eectors. Conclusion: Plausible explanations are related to neuroanatomical and
neurophysiological dierences between proximal eectors and distal eectors where proximal muscles
have a higher potential for bilateral communication compared to distal muscles. In addition, higher forces
produced with proximal eectors could cause a higher perceived exertion and cause a more pronounced
bilateral force decit to proximal eectors.
Received 20 February 2022
Accepted 5 January 2023
Bimanual coordination;
bimanual force deficit; force
production; interhemispheric
communication; maximal
voluntary contraction
Several experiments have reported that movements on one side
of the body affect movements on the other side when coordi-
nated simultaneously (Aune et al., 2020, 2021; Botton et al.,
2013; Brown et al., 1994; Howard & Enoka, 1991; Jakobi &
Chilibeck, 2001; Koh et al., 1993; Swinnen & Wenderoth,
2004). Studies that address bilateral maximal force production
with homologous muscles have observed lower force produc-
tion with bilateral limb contraction compared to the summed
force produced when the limbs are contracted unilaterally
(Henry & Smith, 1961; Herbert & Gandevia, 1996; Howard &
Enoka, 1991; Jakobi & Cafarelli, 1998; Kuruganti & Seaman,
2006; Ohtsuki, 1983). This phenomenon is known as the bilat-
eral force deficit (Jakobi & Chilibeck, 2001; Škarabot et al.,
2016). Bilateral force deficit (BFD) has been reported in
a wide range of movements in both upper and lower extremi-
ties (Škarabot et al., 2016), both in dynamic (e.g., Botton et al.,
2013; Brown et al., 1994; Janzen et al., 2006; Kuruganti &
Seaman, 2006; Magnus & Farthing, 2008; Weir et al., 1997)
and isometric contractions (Howard & Enoka, 1991; Koh et al.,
1993; Owings & Grabiner, 1998; Van Dieën et al., 2003). In
addition, it has been reported that BFD is greater in lower
compared to upper limbs and is larger for dynamic compared
to isometric contractions (for a review, see Jakobi & Chilibeck,
2001). Understanding the mechanisms behind BFD may
increase the understanding of constraints in complex motor
control and biomechanics that concern everyday activities or
specific populations (Hernandez et al., 2003; Jakobi &
Chilibeck, 2001; Vieluf et al., 2013), and such knowledge
about BFD is interesting from both applied and theoretical
From an applied perspective, researchers have suggested
that the occurrence of BFD could have a significant impact
on functional capability in everyday bilateral movement tasks
(Hernandez et al., 2003; Pääsuke et al., 2004; Samozino et al.,
2014). The presence of BFD in elder individuals can increase
the risk of injury in situations where simultaneous bilateral
activity is necessary such as, for balance when rising from
a chair/bed, quiet standing, lifting a box from the floor to
a shelf (Hernandez et al., 2003). Knowledge about BFD is also
important for sports athletes performing bilateral contractions
exclusively (e.g., rowers, powerlifters, weightlifters, ski jum-
pers), and BFD has also been correlated with poorer sprint
starting performance (Bračič et al., 2010). Therefore, identify-
ing the different constraints that influence BFD will probably
generate further knowledge to coaches and clinicians when
designing effective training programs and test protocols
(Sarabon et al., 2020).
From a theoretical perspective, the origin of BFD is still not
fully understood (Aune et al., 2013; Whitcomb et al., 2021).
Therefore, studying the underlying mechanisms of BFD is
important for understanding how specific constraints affect
motor control. As suggested by Škarabot et al. (2016), main
CONTACT T. K. Aune Department of Sport Science, Sport and Human Movement Science Research Group (SaHMS), Nord University,
Rostad, 7600, Levanger, Norway.
© 2023 SHAPE America
categories of constraints for BFD can be divided into 1) task-
related factors, 2) psychological factors, and 3) physiological
A task-related factor for BFD is the limited ability to con-
tract muscles bilaterally and simultaneously maintain postural
stability and counterbalances, especially for large muscle
groups with increased levels of force production and multijoint
movements (Bobbert et al., 2006; Herbert & Gandevia, 1996;
Janzen et al., 2006; Magnus & Farthing, 2008; Whitcomb et al.,
2021; Zijdewind & Kernell, 2001).
Furthermore, a proposed psychological factor of BFD may
be higher perceived exertion during bilateral contractions com-
pared to unilateral contractions (Jakobi & Chilibeck, 2001; Vint
& McLean, 1999). Based upon cognitive psychology, bilateral
contractions are a type of dual-task. Subsequently, the divided
attention to generate maximal force in both limbs may cause an
interference effect in the motor programming process and
cause a reduction of neural drive in the corticospinal tract
(Takebayashi et al., 2009; Vandervoort et al., 1984; Škarabot
et al., 2016). This indicates a link between cognitive psychology
and neuromotor control.
A frequently used explanation of BFD is from
a physiological perspective, more specifically neural inhibition
(Škarabot et al., 2016). Bilateral communication between hemi-
spheres is described as mutually inhibiting each other, thus
resulting in a decrement in neural drive to bilateral homolo-
gous muscles (Abbruzzese et al., 1999; Bloom & Hynd, 2005;
Harris-Love et al., 2007; Kawakami et al., 1998; Magnus &
Farthing, 2008; Oda & Moritani, 1994; Post et al., 2007;
Škarabot et al., 2016; Taniguchi, 1998). In addition, complex
spinal circuits have met substantial interest to explain BFD,
where inhibitory interneurons might inhibit contralateral
motor neurons (Delewaide et al., 1988; Koh et al., 1993;
Ohtsuki, 1983), especially in fast-twitch motor neurons
(Jakobi & Cafarelli, 1998; Oda & Moritani, 1994).
Presumably, spinal cord circuits have a greater impact on the
movements of the lower limbs, which potentially explains why
bilateral force deficit is often observed to be more pronounced
in lower extremities (Danner et al., 2015).
BFD is observed to be more pronounced in proximal
muscles compared to distal muscles in upper extremities,
and these results are in association with differences in
bilateral communication to proximal and distal muscles
(Aune et al., 2013; Ye et al., 2019). The number of com-
missural fibers through the corpus callosum and commis-
sural interneurons in the spinal cord connecting proximal
muscles is higher compared to distal muscles (Brodal, 2004;
Gould et al., 1986; Jenny, 1979; Pandya & Vignolo, 1971),
and thus the potential for interhemispheric inhibition to
proximal muscles increases (Aune et al., 2013). Moreover,
distal muscles are mainly activated by monosynaptic con-
nections through the lateral corticospinal tract crossing in
the medulla oblongata, while proximal arm muscles are
mainly innervated through polysynaptic connections in
the ventromedial corticospinal tract that are not crossing
in the medulla oblongata (Brodal, 2004; Kuypers, 1978;
Palmer & Ashby, 1992). Potentially, a higher degree of
monosynaptic connections between the motor cortex and
distal muscles might weaken the potential for BFD (Aune
et al., 2013). Furthermore, bilateral maximal voluntary con-
traction (MVC) is a type of a bimanual coordination task in
which it has been shown that proximal muscles interfere
more with contralateral muscle contractions compared to
distal muscles in arms (Aune et al., 2020, 2021; Wang et al.,
2022). Consequently, it is likely to expect differences
between proximal and distal muscles when analyzing sepa-
rate legs during bilateral compared to unilateral contrac-
tions regarding BFD.
Based on the presented considerations and previous research
regarding the proximal-distal distinction in BFD in upper extre-
mities (Aune et al., 2013; Ye et al., 2019), the purpose of the
current study is to explore whether there is also a difference in
BFD between proximal and distal effectors in lower extremities.
Since it is expected that proximal and larger muscles have
a higher potential for BFD because of higher force production
(Herbert & Gandevia, 1996; Janzen et al., 2006; Zijdewind &
Kernell, 2001), and the potential for bilateral communication in
the nervous system is greater for proximal muscles compared to
distal muscles, it is hypothesized that proximal effectors have
a higher level of BFD (Aune et al., 2013; Aune et al., 2020, 2021;
Brodal, 2004; Gould et al., 1986; Jenny, 1979; Pandya & Vignolo,
1971; Ye et al., 2019). In addition, it has been shown that
proximal effectors are more predisposed for bilateral interfer-
ence in bimanual coordination tasks (Aune et al., 2020, 2021;
Wang et al., 2022). Therefore, it is interesting to study separate
legs in both bilateral and unilateral contractions in relation to
BFD. Thus, the specific purpose of the present experiment is
to: 1) compare absolute and relative BFD in proximal and distal
effectors in lower extremities, and 2) compare absolute force for
separate left and right legs during unilateral and bilateral con-
tractions in lower extremities.
Materials and methods
Fifteen sport science students (mean age 21,84 SD = 2,2 years)
with no known neuromuscular problems were recruited and
gave informed consent prior to participating in the study. The
subjects had no specific resistance training of the lower extre-
mities prior to the experiment. All subjects were right-footed,
as defined by the Waterloo footedness questionnaire. The
study protocol was evaluated and approved by the Regional
Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics and per-
formed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
The task consisted of pushing a firmly mounted force cell
(S-type push-pull load cell) with constrained isometric max-
imal voluntary contraction (MVC) with either left leg or right
leg ankle dorsiflexion and left leg and right leg knee extension
to evaluate bilateral deficit. Participants were instructed to
produce a powerful isometric MVC in 3 s with one bilateral
and two unilateral (right leg and left leg) contractions with
either dorsiflexion in the ankle or knee extension.
In order to perform the isolated unilateral and bilateral con-
tractions, a custom-made chair and apparatus was used to
reduce the impact of postural instability and to ensure single
degree-of-freedom contractions for knee extension and ankle
dorsiflexion (see Figure 1(a,b)). A specially designed wooden
platform was used with straps and bands to ensure single
degree-of-freedom extension of the knee (see Figure 1(b)) For
ankle dorsiflexion, each foot rested on the wooden platform in
order to isolate single degree-of-freedom (see Figure 1(a)).
Further, straps were used around the waist and trunk to
ensure no impact of force transmitting from the upper body,
and participants crossed their arms over their chest during the
contractions. The force transducer (S-type push-pull load cell)
attached to both the right and left leg using static wires was used
to measure the force with a sampling range of 200 Hz in the
MVCs. MuscleLab 6000 data synchronization unit (DSU)
recorded the force produced, which was analyzed using the five-
point differential filter with the software MuscleLab version (Ergotest Innovation, Porsgrund, Norway).
The subjects performed unilateral and bilateral MVCs with
proximal effectors (knee extension) and distal effectors of
lower limbs (ankle dorsiflexion). The order in which the prox-
imal versus distal effectors were tested was counterbalanced
across participants. Each experimental condition started with
a short instruction on how to perform the task and a practice
trial of the task, followed by three recorded trials in each
condition, in total of 18 MVCs (3 UR + 3 UL + 3 BL for both
the proximal and distal condition). The subjects did not get any
online visual feedback of produced force during the trials.
Every trial lasted 3 s and was followed by a one-minute rest
period to prevent fatigue.
Data analysis
Each subject performed three MVCs in each condition, and the
maximum force (measured in Newton) of each three trials was
used for further data analysis. The baseline force (no force
exerted by the subject) was checked to be equal to zero before
force exertion in each trial. Figure 2 below illustrates the 3-s force
time-series for one MVC performed with unilateral and bilateral
contractions with both proximal and distal effectors.
To determine BFD, the total force in the bilateral condition
was calculated as the sum of forces produced in the right and
left legs and was used for further analysis to compare the
bilateral deficit between proximal and distal effectors.
The absolute bilateral deficit was calculated for proximal
effectors and distal effectors, as BLtot ULRþULL
ð Þ, in which
denotes total bilateral force (sum of forces produced in
right leg and left leg), while UL
and UL
denote right and left
unilateral forces, respectively.
The bilateral index (BI) was used to compare the relative
difference between the sum of the two unilateral contractions
and the bilateral contraction. The BI was calculated using the
following equation (Howard & Enoka, 1991):
BI %ð Þ ¼ 100 BLtot=ULRþULL
ð Þð Þ 100:
A bilateral index deviation of zero indicates a difference
between unilateral and bilateral MVCs. A bilateral index >0
implies that the bilateral MVC is larger than the sum of the
Figure 1. The figure shows the experimental setup and illustrates the position of straps that were used to constrain subjects` body position to ensure no mechanical,
postural, or synergist muscle contributions in the proximal and distal conditions. The placement of the strap attached to the force cell was in the proximal condition
standardized to 5 cm above the ankle muscles, and in the distal condition around the metatarsal bones in the middle of the foot. The knee and ankle angles were set to
90 °. In the respective conditions, the force transducers were placed in line with the direction of exerted force, as illustrated by black arrows.
right and left MVCs in the unilateral contractions. A bilateral
index <0 indicates that the bilateral MVC is smaller than the
sum of the right and left MVCs in the unilateral contractions.
Statistical analysis
Normal distribution for all variables was inferred from
Shapiro–Wilk tests, as well as inspection of Q-Q plots and
histograms. Thus, a two (unilateral or bilateral conditions) ×
two (right leg or left leg) × two (proximal or distal effector)
within-subject repeated measures ANOVA was conducted on
the MVC force production. In the rm-ANOVA, partial eta
squared (η
) was applied as the indicator of the effect size
and interpreted as small effect, 0.01; medium effect, 0.06; and
large effect, 0.14 (Cohen, 1988; Richardson, 2011). Post-hoc
Bonferroni-corrected pairwise comparisons at the level of sim-
ple main effects on MVC force were conducted with paired-
samples t-tests: right leg/left leg proximal effector (unilateral
vs. bilateral) and right leg/left leg distal effector (unilateral vs.
bilateral). For dependent t-tests, Cohen’s d
was applied as
a measure of the effect size (Lakens, 2013), in which 0.2, 0.5,
and 0.8 were interpreted as small, moderate, and large, respec-
tively (Cohen, 1988). Calculations of 95% CI for partial eta
squared were conducted by specifically designed syntax
(Wuensch, 2017). Further, one-sample t-tests against zero
were used to determine whether the average bilateral force
deficit and BI for each task were significantly different from
zero. The BI scores of the proximal effector and distal effector
flexions were compared directly using a paired-samples t-tests.
Predictive Analytics Software (PASW, IBM, United States;
previously SPSS) Version 27.0 was used for all statistical calcu-
lations, with alpha = 0.05 as the criterion for statistical
Absolute and relative bilateral force decit in proximal
and distal eectors
Absolute bilateral force deficit in proximal and distal
As depicted in Figure 3, the mean absolute BFD for proximal
effectors was 123.457 N ±59.51 and 33.001 ± 35.604 N for distal
effectors. One-sample t-tests indicated that the bilateral force
deficit was significant for both proximal and distal effectors,
[t (14) = 3.21, p = .006, d
= 0.83 (95% CI [0.23, 1.41])] and
[t (14) = 4.15, p < .001, d
= 1.07 (95% CI [0.42, 1.70])],
Relative bilateral force deficit in proximal and distal
The most interesting comparison was the differences in the rela-
tive BFD in proximal versus distal effectors. The bilateral index
was calculated, representing relative values of the bilateral deficit
for proximal effectors and distal effectors in the unilateral and
bilateral conditions (see Figure 4). One-sample t-tests indicated
the bilateral index for proximal effectors and effectors was sig-
nificantly different from 0, namely (−19.98 ± 10.04%, [t (14) =
7.71, p < .001, d
= 1.99 (95% CI [1.09, 2.87])] and −10.27 ± 9.57%,
[t (14) = 4.15, p < .001, d
= 1.07 (95% CI [0.42, 1.70])],
Figure 2. Example of a force time-series used in the data analysis extracted from subject eight.
respectively. In addition, there was a significantly larger bilateral
index for proximal effectors compared to distal effectors, as indi-
cated by a paired-samples t-tests [t (14) = 3.29, p = .005, d
= 0.85
(95% CI [0.25, 1.43])].
Analysis of absolute force for separate left and right legs
during unilateral and bilateral contractions
Figure 5 shows that the MVC force production is higher in
proximal compared to distal effectors. A repeated measures
(rm) ANOVA indicated no significant condition (unilateral or
bilateral conditions) × side (right leg or left leg) × effector
(proximal or distal) interaction effect on MVC force [F (1,
14) = 1.27, p = .28, η
= 0.08 (95% CI [0.00, 0.38])]. Further,
rm—ANOVA indicated a significant main effect of condition
(unilateral or bilateral) on MVC force [F (1, 14) = 49.77, p
< .001, η
= 0.78 (95% CI [0.46, 0.87])], with a mean difference
of 35.03 Newton (95% CI [24.38, 45.67]) in favor of unilateral
conditions, and a significant main effect of effector (proximal
or distal) on MVC force [F (1, 14) = 44.76, p < .001, h
= 0.76
(95% CI [0.42, 0.86])], with higher force production for prox-
imal effectors (mean difference = 129.57 N (95% CI [88.03,
171.10]). There was no significant main effect of right leg or
left leg on MVC force [F (1, 14) = 0.65, p = .43, η
= 0.04 (95%
CI [0.00, 0.31])]. Furthermore, there was a significant condi-
tion (right leg or left leg) × effector (proximal or distal) inter-
action effect on MVC force [F (1, 14) = 52.08, p < .001, η
0.79 (95% CI [0.47, 0.87])].
Figure 3. Illustration of the unilateral versus the bilateral condition for both proximal and distal effectors. The sum of forces produced in right and left legs during
bilateral condition and unilateral condition for proximal effectors and distal effectors. * Indicates significant bilateral force deficit.
Figure 4. Comparison of BI (%) for proximal versus distal effectors. *indicates a significant difference in BI between proximal effector and distal effectors.
MVC in proximal effectors in unilateral condition versus
bilateral condition
Further, post-hoc analysis with paired-samples t-tests on prox-
imal effectors indicated significantly higher (mean difference =
54.39, 95% CI [32.70, 76.08]) MVC force produced unilaterally
compared to bilateral conditions for the right leg [t (14) = 5.38,
p < .001, d
= 1.39 (95% CI [0.66, 2.09])], and significantly
higher (mean difference = 69.05, 95% CI [41.11, 96.99]) MVC
force produced unilaterally compared to bilateral conditions
for the left leg [t (14) = 5.30, p < .001, d
= 1.37 (95% CI
[0.64, 2.07])].
MVC in distal effectors in unilateral condition versus
bilateral condition
Further, at the level of the distal effector, the analysis indicated
no significant difference (mean difference = 12.27, 95% CI
[−4.79, 29.33]) in MVC force produced in unilateral compared
to bilateral conditions for the right leg [t (14) = 1.54, p = .15, d
= 0.40 (95% CI [−0.14, 0.92])]. Similarly, no significant differ-
ence (mean difference = 4.39, 95% CI [−7.15, 15.92]) was found
for MVC force production in unilateral compared to bilateral
conditions for the left leg [t (14) = 0.81, p = .43, d
= 0.21 (95%
CI [−0.31, 0.71])].
The overall aim of the current study was to evaluate potential
differences in BFD in proximal effectors and distal effectors in
lower extremities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
study to explicitly examine BFD in distal and proximal effec-
tors in lower extremities. Executed through isolated unilateral
and bilateral isometric knee extension (proximal muscles) and
dorsiflexion in ankle (distal muscles), comparisons of the bilat-
eral deficit between proximal and distal effectors were made.
As hypothesized, both proximal effectors and distal effec-
tors showed that the sum of forces produced in the right leg
and the left leg in the bilateral contractions is lower compared
to the summed force produced when the limbs are contracted
unilaterally in both absolute force and relative values.
Psychological theories and physiological theories can probably
explain the BFD phenomenon in general. From a psychological
perspective, one approach might be the dual-task field in
cognitive psychology, where humans have limited capacity to
share neural resources during bimanual motor tasks; subse-
quently, the information-processing and motor programming
between the two legs during bilateral contractions results in
a reduced excitation of the motoneurons to the appropriate
muscles (Takebayashi et al., 2009; Vandervoort et al., 1984).
Another psychological approach to understand the BFD in
general is that perception of exertion might be higher in bilat-
eral contractions (Jakobi & Chilibeck, 2001; Vint & McLean,
1999). Furthermore, physiological factors such as bilateral
neural inhibition in both hemispheres could reduce the neural
drive to bilateral homologous muscles during bilateral contrac-
tions (Abbruzzese et al., 1999; Bloom & Hynd, 2005; Harris-
Love et al., 2007; Kawakami et al., 1998; Magnus & Farthing,
2008; Oda & Moritani, 1994; Post et al., 2007; Škarabot et al.,
2016; Taniguchi, 1998). A more interesting finding from the
current study is that the relative BFD was significantly larger
for proximal effectors compared to distal effectors, with an
average bilateral index at 19.98% for proximal effectors and
10.27% for distal effectors (see Figure 4). These results are
congruent with a previous study targeting potential differences
in BFD between proximal and distal muscles in upper extre-
mities, which significantly reported 20.51% BFD for proximal
muscles compared to 5.07% for distal muscles (Aune et al.,
2013). In general, BFD research has shown that smaller mus-
cles are less affected by BFD, with a BFD range between
approximately 2% to 5% (Herbert & Gandevia, 1996;
Figure 5. Illustration of absolute force (Newton) exerted separately in left leg and right leg during unilateral contractions and bilateral contractions, respectively, within
proximal and distal effectors. *indicates a significant difference in force production between unilateral versus bilateral contraction for left and right leg.
Zijdewind & Kernell, 2001), compared to larger muscles, with
a bilateral deficit range between approximately 10% to 20%
(Koh et al., 1993; Magnus & Farthing, 2008; Roy et al., 1990).
From a psychological perspective, perceived exertion may
explain the differences in BFD for proximal versus distal effec-
tors, where proximal effectors produce higher forces in bilat-
eral contractions compared to distal effectors, and
consequently, a higher perceived exertion could occur in bilat-
eral contractions with proximal effectors (Hernandez et al.,
2003; Jakobi & Chilibeck, 2001; Vint & McLean, 1999).
Moreover, from a neuromuscular perspective, the topic of
bilateral communication is of interest, where the high number
of commissural fibers between homologous cortical areas con-
trolling proximal muscles is higher compared to distal muscles
and therefore increases the potential for neural inhibition to
proximal muscles (Brodal, 2004; Gould et al., 1986; Jenny,
1979; Pandya & Vignolo, 1971). The neural inhibition could
therefore reduce the neural excitability to proximal muscles
more than distal muscles, and consequently it is associated
with the more pronounced BFD for proximal effectors.
Furthermore, proximal muscles have a higher number of
commissural interneurons in the spinal cord. This would
increase the potential for proximal muscles to bilaterally inter-
act with inhibitory nervous signals in contralateral proximal
muscles (e.g., Bloom & Hynd, 2005; Harris-Love et al., 2007;
Kawakami et al., 1998), which is also associated with the more
prominent BFD in proximal muscles compared to distal mus-
cles (Aune et al., 2013; Ye et al., 2019). It should also be
mentioned that distal muscles are mostly innervated by mono-
synaptic connections through the lateral corticospinal tract,
and proximal muscles are mainly innervated through polysy-
naptic connections in the ventromedial corticospinal tract
(Brodal, 2004; Kuypers, 1978; Palmer & Ashby, 1992). Thus,
a greater proportion of monosynaptic connections between the
motor cortex and distal muscles would weaken the potential
for BFD (Aune et al., 2013; Ye et al., 2019). A more pronounced
BFD to proximal effectors observed in the current study might
therefore also be associated with a higher potential of bilateral
communication and interaction to proximal muscles than dis-
tal muscles at both cortical and spinal level.
The more detailed analysis of the absolute force for separate
left and right legs during unilateral and bilateral contractions
showed that MVC for separate left and right legs during prox-
imal contractions is significantly higher in the unilateral com-
pared to the bilateral condition, while no such differences were
observed for the distal effectors. The present findings are con-
gruent with studies comparing bilateral interference between
proximal and distal effectors where proximal effectors are
more interfered in upper extremity bimanual coordination
tasks (Aune et al., 2020, 2021; Wang et al., 2022). Hence, the
significant BFD observed for distal effectors in the bilateral
contraction is shown when analyzing only the overall sum of
decrement in MVC for the left and right leg. For proximal
effectors, a significant decrement in MVC was also shown in
separate analyses of left and right leg in the bilateral contrac-
tion, and this probably explains the higher level of BFD for
proximal effectors. Correspondingly, these findings are asso-
ciated with the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological
differences between proximal and distal muscles (Aune et al.,
2020, 2021; Wang et al., 2022).
Limitations and practical implications
Behavioral and practical implications of bilateral force deficit
are multifaceted, and the results might be interpreted accord-
ing to individuals’ familiarity with different tasks and training
experience (Taniguchi, 1998; Vieluf et al., 2013; Škarabot
et al., 2016). Hence, transfer of movement execution (in this
case, isometric force production) between everyday practical
movement and an isolated scientific test situation could be
perceived as speculative. However, it is reasonable to presume
that the amount or type of training influences the bilateral
deficit. In sports, where the emphasis is related to unilateral
training (i.e., running/cycling), studies have shown that the
bilateral deficit increases naturally, and in sports with bilat-
eral training (i.e., weightlifting) the deficit decreases (DeJong
& Lang, 2012; Howard & Enoka, 1991). A plethora of studies
have proposed that bilateral training reduces bilateral deficit,
while unilateral training increases it (Häkkinen et al., 1996;
Janzen et al., 2006; Kuruganti et al., 2005; Taniguchi, 1998;
Weir et al., 1997), but no studies have investigated the prox-
imal-distal distinction in lower extremities related to BFD.
The present results demonstrate that the proximal-distal dis-
tinction is an important organismic constraint on motor
control also for lower extremities. Thus, professionals work-
ing with rehabilitation, training, and performance develop-
ment should be aware of the proximal-distal distinction when
constructing programs facilitating both movement execution
and force production in order to reduce potential BFD for the
specific effectors. The present study analyzed behavioral data,
and it would be interesting in future studies to integrate the
present data with measures of brain and muscle activity.
Thus, it would be an advantage to include measurements
such as electroencephalogram (EEG), functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI), and electromyography (EMG) to
provide additional understanding of how inhibitory and exci-
tatory interactions are associated with BFD in general, and
the proximal-distal distinction in particular.
The intention of the present study was to gain a more compre-
hensive understanding of BFD in proximal and distal muscles
in general, and in lower legs in particular. The results showed
a more pronounced bilateral force deficit in proximal com-
pared to distal effectors in lower extremities and demonstrated
that the proximal-distal gradient is an organismic constraint
for motor control in lower extremities.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
The author(s) reported there is no funding associated with the work featured
in this article.
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Full-text available
The phenomenon in which the force produced by maximal contraction of both limbs is less than the sum of the forces produced by the individual limbs is called bilateral deficit (BLD) and is observed in different movement patterns and types of muscle contraction. The aim of this study was to examine the presence of BLD during grip test and isometric extension and knee flexion tests, among recreational and highly-trained weightlifters, and to examine the association between BLD and 1RM of the deadlift. The study involved 18 recreational and highly trained subjects who performed maximal strength tests: grip test and isometric knee extension and flexion tasks. The results showed the presence of BLD only during knee extension (p = 0.040), and a trend for knee flexion (p = 0.068), but not during grip test (p = 0.958). There were no associations between BLD and 1RM (both absolute and normalized values). In the future, a more detailed measurement protocol and the selection of more homogeneous group of athletes with similar training process would be necessary to better investigate the relationship between BLD and deadlift performance, but the results of our study can serve as a starting point for further research.
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Previous research has indicated that neural crosstalk is asymmetric, with the dominant effector exerting a stronger influence on the non-dominant effector than vice versa. Recently, it has been hypothesized that this influence is more substantial for proximal than distal effectors. The current investigation was designed to determine the effects of distal ((First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI)) and proximal (triceps brachii (TBI)) muscle activation on neural crosstalk. Twelve right-limb dominant participants (mean age = 21.9) were required to rhythmically coordinate a 1:2 pattern of isometric force guided by Lissajous displays. Participants performed 10, 30 s trials with both distal and proximal effectors. Coherence between the two effector groups were calculated using EMG-EMG wavelet coherence. The results indicated that participants could effectively coordinate the goal coordination pattern regardless of the effectors used. However, spatiotemporal performance was more accurate when performing the task with distal than proximal effectors. Force distortion, quantified by harmonicity, indicated that more perturbations occurred in the non-dominant effector than in the dominant effector. The results also indicated significantly lower harmonicity for the non-dominant proximal effector compared to the distal effectors. The current results support the notion that neural crosstalk is asymmetric in nature and is greater for proximal than distal effectors. Additionally, the EMG-EMG coherence results indicated significant neural cross-talk was occurring in the Alpha bands (5-13 Hz), with higher values observed in the proximal condition. Significant coherence in the Alpha bands suggest that the influence of neural crosstalk is occurring at a subcortical level.
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Background: The bilateral limb deficit (BLD) phenomenon suggests that lower forces are produced with bilateral limb contractions compared to the summed force produced when the same muscles are contracted unilaterally. While interhemispheric inhibition has been suggested as a cause of BLD, the origin of the deficit is yet to be determined. The aim of this study was to investigate central and peripheral factors responsible for the BLD during leg press using surface electromyography (EMG) and electroencephalography (EEG). Methods: Fourteen adults (age = 23.7 ± 4.7 years old) completed bilateral (BL), unilateral left (UL) and unilateral right (UR) isometric leg press exercises. Bilateral limb ratio (BLR) was calculated similar to previous studies and surface EMG from three muscles of the quadriceps femoris (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and rectus femoris) was used to measure the level of muscle activation. Movement related cortical potentials (MRCPs) over the left and right motor cortex areas (C3 and C4, respectively) were used to assess brain activity asymmetries reflecting central factors. Results: No significant difference was noted in the mean BLR (BLR = 94.8%), but a subset of ten participants did demonstrate a BLD (BLR = 81.4%, p < 0.01). Mean differences in relative activation were found among the three quadricep muscles (p < 0.001) with the right VM having significantly higher amplitude for the unilateral right (0.347 ± 0.318 mV) and bilateral right (0.436 ± 0.470 mV) conditions, respectively) than either the VL or RF (p < 0.05). The VL had significantly lower amplitudes in all conditions (0.127 ± 0.138 mV; 0.111 ± 0.104 mV; 0.120 ± 0.105 mV; 0.162 ± 0.147 mV for unilateral left, bilateral left, unilateral right, and bilateral right, respectively). However no overall significant differences were noted between bilateral and unilateral conditions. No significant differences in MRCPs were observed between brain activity of the C3 and C4 electrodes in any of the conditions. Conclusion: While the sample size was low, this exploratory study noted the presence of BLD however the results did not provide evidence of significant limitations in either the EMG or EEG data.
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Performance of bimanual motor actions requires coordinated and integrated bilateral communication, but in some bimanual tasks, neural interactions and crosstalk might cause bilateral interference. The level of interference probably depends on the proportions of bilateral interneurons connecting homologous areas of the motor cortex in the two hemispheres. The neuromuscular system for proximal muscles has a higher number of bilateral interneurons connecting homologous areas of the motor cortex compared to distal muscles. Based on the differences in neurophysiological organization for proximal vs. distal effectors in the upper extremities, the purpose of the present experiment was to evaluate how the level of bilateral interference depends on whether the bilateral interference task is performed with homologous or non-homologous effectors as the primary task. Fourteen participants first performed a unilateral primary motor task with the dominant arm with (1) proximal and (2) distal controlled joysticks. Performance in the unilateral condition with the dominant arm was compared to the same effector’s performance when two different bilateral interference tasks were performed simultaneously with the non-dominant arm. The two different bilateral interference tasks were subdivided into (1) homologous and (2) non-homologous effectors. The results showed a significant decrease in performance for both proximal and distal controlled joysticks, and this effect was independent of whether the bilateral interference tasks were introduced with homologous or non-homologous effectors. The overall performance decrease as a result of bilateral interference was larger for proximal compared to distal controlled joysticks. Furthermore, a proximal bilateral interference caused a larger performance decrement independent of whether the primary motor task was controlled by a proximal or distal joystick. A novel finding was that the distal joystick performance equally interfered with either homologous (distal bilateral interference) or non-homologous (proximal bilateral interference) interference tasks performed simultaneously. The results indicate that the proximal–distal distinction is an important organismic constraint on motor control and for understanding bilateral communication and interference in general and, in particular, how bilateral interference caused by homologous vs. non-homologous effectors impacts motor performance for proximal and distal effectors. The results seem to map neuroanatomical and neurophysiological differences for these effectors.
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Bimanual performance depends on effective and modular bilateral communication between the two bodysides. Bilateral neural interactions between the bodysides could cause bimanual interference, and the neuromuscular system for proximal and distal muscles is differently organized, where proximal muscles have more bilateral interneurons at both cortical and spinal level compared to distal muscles. These differences might increase the potential for bimanual interference between proximal arm muscles, because of greater proportions of bilateral interneurons to proximal muscles. The purpose of the present experiment was to evaluate potential differences in bimanual interference between proximal versus distal effectors in the upper extremities. 14 participants first performed a unilateral primary motor task with dominant arm with (1) a proximal and (2) distal controlled joysticks (condition A). Performance in condition A, was compared with the same effector’s performance when a bimanual interference task was performed simultaneously with the non-dominant arm (condition B). The results showed a significant bimanual interference for both the proximal and distal controlled joysticks. Most interestingly, the bimanual interference was larger for the proximal joystick compared to the distal controlled joystick. The increase in spatial accuracy error was higher for the proximal controlled joystick, compared with the distal controlled joystick. These results indicate that the proximal-distal distinction is an important organismic constraint on motor control, and especially for bilateral communication. There seem to be an undesired bilateral interference for both proximal and distal muscles. The interference is higher in the case of proximal effectors compared distal effectors, and the results seem to map the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological differences for these effectors.
Full-text available
Purpose The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of strength outcome (maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque vs. rate of torque development (RTD)), motor task (unilateral vs. bilateral) and muscle group (knee extensors vs. flexors) on the magnitude of bilateral deficits and inter-limb asymmetries in a large heterogeneous group of athletes. Methods 259 professional/semi-professional athletes from different sports (86 women aged 21 ± 6 years and 173 men aged 20 ± 5 years) performed unilateral and bilateral “fast and hard” isometric maximal voluntary contractions of the knee extensors and flexors on a double-sensor dynamometer. Inter-limb asymmetries and bilateral deficits were compared across strength outcomes (MVC torque and multiple RTD measures), motor tasks and muscle groups. Results Most RTD outcomes showed greater bilateral deficits than MVC torque for knee extensors, but not for knee flexors. Most RTD outcomes, not MVC torque, showed higher bilateral deficits for knee extensors compared to knee flexors. For both muscle groups, all RTD measures resulted in higher inter-limb asymmetries than MVC torque, and most RTD measures resulted in greater inter-limb asymmetries during unilateral compared to bilateral motor tasks. Conclusions The results of the present study highlight the importance of outcome measure, motor task and muscle group when assessing bilateral deficits and inter-limb asymmetries of maximal and explosive strength. Compared to MVC torque and bilateral tasks, RTD measures and unilateral tasks could be considered more sensitive for the assessment of bilateral deficits and inter-limb asymmetries in healthy professional/semi-professional athletes.
Full-text available
The bilateral deficit phenomenon, characterized by a reduction in the amount of force from a single limb during maximal bilateral actions, has been shown in various movement tasks, contraction types and different populations. However, bilateral deficit appears to be an inconsistent phenomenon, with high variability in magnitude and existence, and seems to be plastic, as bilateral facilitation has also been shown to occur. Furthermore, many mechanisms underlying this phenomenon have been proposed over the years, but still remain largely unknown. The purpose of this review was to clarify and critically discuss some of the important issues relevant to bilateral deficit. The main findings of this review were: (1) bilateral deficit does not seem to be contraction-type dependent; however, it is more consistent in dynamic compared to isometric contractions; (2) postural stabilization requirements and/or ability to use counterbalances during unilateral actions seem to influence the expression of bilateral deficit to a great extent; strong evidence has been provided for higher-order neural inhibition as a possible mechanism, but requires further exploration using a lower limb model; biomechanical mechanisms, such as differences in shortening velocity between contraction modes and displacement of the force-velocity curve, seem to underlie bilateral deficit in ballistic and explosive contractions; (3) task familiarity has a large influence on bilateral deficit and thus adequate testing specificity is warranted in training/cross-sectional experiments; (4) the literature investigating the relationship between bilateral deficit and athletic performance and injury remains scarce; hence, further research in this area is required.
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Constant drive provided to the human lumbar spinal cord by epidural electrical stimulation can cause local neural circuits to generate rhythmic motor outputs to lower limb muscles in people paralysed by spinal cord injury. Epidural spinal cord stimulation thus allows the study of spinal rhythm and pattern generating circuits without their configuration by volitional motor tasks or task-specific peripheral feedback. To reveal spinal locomotor control principles, we studied the repertoire of rhythmic patterns that can be generated by the functionally isolated human lumbar spinal cord, detected as electromyographic activity from the legs, and investigated basic temporal components shared across these patterns. Ten subjects with chronic, motor-complete spinal cord injury were studied. Surface electromyographic responses to lumbar spinal cord stimulation were collected from quadriceps, hamstrings, tibialis anterior, and triceps surae in the supine position. From these data, 10-s segments of rhythmic activity present in the four muscle groups of one limb were extracted. Such samples were found in seven subjects. Physiologically adequate cycle durations and relative extension- and flexion-phase durations similar to those needed for locomotion were generated. The multi-muscle activation patterns exhibited a variety of coactivation, mixed-synergy and locomotor-like configurations. Statistical decomposition of the electromyographic data across subjects, muscles and samples of rhythmic patterns identified three common temporal components, i.e. basic or shared activation patterns. Two of these basic patterns controlled muscles to contract either synchronously or alternatingly during extension- and flexion-like phases. The third basic pattern contributed to the observed muscle activities independently from these extensor- and flexor-related basic patterns. Each bifunctional muscle group was able to express both extensor- and flexor-patterns, with variable ratios across the samples of rhythmic patterns. The basic activation patterns can be interpreted as central drives implemented by spinal burst generators that impose specific spatiotemporally organized activation on the lumbosacral motor neuron pools. Our data thus imply that the human lumbar spinal cord circuits can form burst-generating elements that flexibly combine to obtain a wide range of locomotor outputs from a constant, repetitive input. It may be possible to use this flexibility to incorporate specific adaptations to gait and stance to improve locomotor control, even after severe central nervous system damage.
Bilateral deficit (BLD) describes a phenomenon that the force produced during maximal simultaneous bilateral contraction is lower than the sum of those produced unilaterally. The aim of this study was to examine the potential sex-related differences in BLD in upper body proximal and distal limb muscles. Ten men and eight women performed single-joint maximal contractions with their elbow flexors and index finger abductors at separate laboratory visits, during which the maximal isometric voluntary contractions (MVICs) were performed unilaterally and bilaterally with a randomized order in the designated muscle group. Surface electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded from the prime movers of the designated muscle groups (biceps brachii and first dorsal interosseous) during the maximal contractions. Both men and women demonstrated BLD in their elbow flexors (deficit: men=−11.0 ± 6.3%; women=−10.2 ± 5.0%). Accompanied by this force deficit was the reduced EMG amplitude from the dominant biceps brachii (collapsed across sex: p=0.045). For the index finger abductors, only men (deficit=−13.7 ± 6.1%), but not women showed BLD. Our results suggested that the BLD in the proximal muscle group is likely induced by the decreased maximal muscle activity from the dominant prime mover. The absence of BLD in women’s index finger muscle is largely due to the inter-subject variability possibly related to the sex hormone flux and unique levels of interhemispheric inhibition.
The dynamometer strength of 30 males age 21 years was measured for each hand. There were two trials under the condition of single-hand contraction and two trials with simultaneous contraction of both hands. Facilitation as predicted by the hypothesis failed to occur. The dominant hand showed 3 percent loss of strength when there was simultaneous contraction of the contralateral hand, but there was no influence on the strength of the nondominant hand. Individual differences in strength were found to be 54 percent specific to the hand tested; there was only 46 percent general hand strength ability.