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Conservation of Hypericum foliosum Aiton, an endemic Azorean species, by micropropagation


Abstract and Figures

One of the first Azorean endemic vascular taxa chosen for the development ofin vitro multiplication techniques wasHypericum foliosum Aiton, due to its colonizing ability (Sjögren, 1984), a loss of seed germination capacity after only 1 yr of storage (Maciel, 1994), and the populations' generally low number of individuals. The following culture media were tested usingHypericum foliosum's single node cuttings: Murashige and Skoog (1962), Roest and Bockelmman (1973), Lloyd and McCown (1980), Côrte and Mendonça (1985), and Cellárová et al. (1992). Further experiments were performed on CM medium supplemented with four different growth regulators: α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), N6-benzyladenine (BA), γ, γ-(dimethylallyl) aminopurine (2iP), and kinetin (KIN). The acclimatization stage was carried out in Jiffy 7® pots and in a 2∶1 or 1∶1 peat/perlite mixture. We found that micropropagation ofHypericum foliosum is possible on CM medium and that the best results with growth regulators were achieved with the following supplements: 0.1 mg/l (0.4 μM) BA and 0.5 mg/l (2.6 μM) NAA+1.0 mg/l (4.4 μM) BA (in the initiation stage), and 0.1 mg/l (0.4 μM) BA (in the elongation stage). As for culture multiplication, 0.1 mg/l (0.4 μM) BA (in the initiation stage) and 0.5 mg/l (2.6 μM) NAA+1.0 mg/l (4.4 μM) BA (both in the initiation and elongation stages), proved to be the most efficient concentrations. The acclimatization stage was successfully performed in Jiffy 7® pellets.
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In Vitro CeII. Dev. Biol.-PIant 34:244-248, JuIy-September 1998
@ 1998 Society for In Vitro BioIogy
1054-5476198 $05.00+0.00
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, Apartado 1422, 9502 Ponta Delgada (Açores) Codex, Portugal
(Received 15 ApriI1997; accepted 20 March 1998; editor M. R. Becwar)
One of lhe first Azorean endemic vascular taxa chosen for lhe development of in vitro multiplication techniques was
Hypericumfoliosum Aiton, due to its colonizing ability (Sjogren, 1984), a loss of seed germination capacity after only 1 yr
of storage (Maciel, 1994), and lhe populations' generally low number of individuais. The following culture media were
tested using Hypericumfoliosum's single node cuttings: Murashige and Skoog (1962), Roest and Bockelmman (1973), Uoyd
and McCown (1980), Côrte and Mendonça (1985), and Cellárová et aI. (1992). Further experiments were performed on CM
medium supplemented with four different growth regulators: a-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), N6-benzyladenine (BA), y, y-
(dimethylallyl) aminopurine (2iP), and kinetin (KIN). The acclimatization stage was carried out in Jiffy 7@ pois and in a
2:1 or 1:1 peat/perlite mixture. We found that micropropagation of Hypericumfoliosum is possible on CM medium and that
lhe best results with growth regulators were achieved with lhe following supplements: 0.1 mg/l (0.4 11M) BA and 0.5 mg/l
(2.6 11M> NAA + 1.0 mg/l (4.4 11M) BA (in lhe initiation stage), anq 0.1 mg/l (0.4 11M> BA (in lhe elongation stage). As
for culture multiplication, 0.1 mg/l (0.4 11M) BA (in lhe initiation stage) and 0.5 mg/l (2.6 11M> NAA + 1.0mg/l (4.4 11M)
BA (both in lhe initiation and elongation stages), proved to be lhe most efficient concentrations. The acclimatization stage
was successfully performed in Jiffy 7@ pellets.
Key words: micropropagation; Hypericumfoliosum Aiton; conservation; endemic; nodal explants.
INTRODUCTION altered vegetation patches, located in lhe feeding areas of an Azorean
endemic bird known as "Priôlo" (Pyrrhula murina).
As to previous in vitro cultures of Hypericum spp., lhe only avail-
able information referred to lhe shoot production and rooting of Hy-
pericum peiforatum (Roest and Bockelmann, 1973; Cellárová et al.,
1992) and Hypericum canarieme (Mederos, 1991). Roest and Bock-
elman obtained adventitious shoots Eram capitula, in RB medium
supplemented with 1 mg/l of N6-benzyladenine (BA) and 5 mg/l su-
crase. The media was solidified with 6 g/l agar. Rooting was accom-
plished ex vitro, after previously dipping lhe shoots in 1% indole-3-
acetic acid (IAA) talco Mederos (1991) initiated lhe culture of Hy-
pericum canarieme from apical and axillary buds in an Almacigo
medium (Mederos and Rodríguez, 1990). The author considers lhe
MS macronutrient solution, [Murashige and Skoog 1962], with BA
and a-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) added, as lhe most effective to
propagate lhe species. Rooting was obtained in a 1/2 diluted MS
macronutrient solution to which was added indole-3-butyric acid
(IBA) or NAA and lhe other remaining regular Almacigo additives.
The author also refers to lhe importance of adding rosmanol to pre-
vent explant and media darkening during lhe culture initiation stage,
as lhe only condition to allow in vitro production of shoots. Cellárova
et alo (1992) obtained several adventitious shoots from whole Hyper-
icum peiforatum plantlets, excised leaves, shoots, and roots, using
MS mineral salts, PRL-4-C Gamborg vitamin solution (Gamborg et
al., 1968), and Skoog amino acids. The medium was supplemented
with 87.6 X 10-3 M of sucrose, 0.5 or 0.91 mg/l BA, and solidified
with 0.6% agar. The pH was set to 5.6 before autoclaving. The shoots
The Azores, with its archipelago status and an increasing human
pressure to which the natural vegetation is subjected, has become a
priority region for the development of conservation methodologies.
Currently, various endemic Azorean taxa appear only in small dis-
persed populations or are restricted to a single locality in one or more
islands. As part of an autoecological conservationist plan, a micro"
propagation unit was established in the Biology Department of the
University of Azores, and is fully working since late 1993.
One of the first Azorean endemic vascular taxa chosen for the
development of in vitro multiplication techniques was Hypericumfo-
liosum Aiton (Guttiferae family). This plant (Fig. 1 A), commonly
known as "Furalha" or "Malfurada," is an Azorean endemic nano-
phanerophyte (Franco, 1971), occurring on alI islands of the archi-
pelago (Dias, 1989). It is a woody plant that, according to Sjogren
(1984), grows preferentially above 400 m and occasionally below 100
m, on both sheltered and exposed places. On São Miguel, the most
developed populations were found on the northeast part of the island
(at altitudes ranging from 570 to 887 m), in open, treeless sites. The
plants colonizing ability (Sjogren, 1984) was verified by our study,
as several individuaIs were observed in recent landslide areas and
man-made glades.
It is algO known that the seeds of this species lose the ability to
germinate afteronly 1 yrof storage (Maciel, 1994) and its populations
are usually formed by a small number of individuaIs. Micropropa-
gation will overcome such problems and was made a component of
the LIFE project, whose major objective is the recuperation of several
% 100
flG. 1. Stages in lhe micropropagation of Hypericumfoliosum Aiton from single nade explants. A, Field-established planto B, Ger-
minated seedling. C, Single nade stem cuttings (each pair of leaves will be excised before placing lhe explant in lhe culture vessel). D,
Visible contamination percentages for lhe surface-sterilization procedures tested. The values were taken after 4 wk in culture. O Without
visible contamination. .Bacteria + yeasts. m Fungi. E, Single nade explant in CM medium (CÔrte and Mendonça, 1985), with differ-
entiated shoots and roots. F, Acclimatized young planto
(%) Time
(min.) Bleach
(%) Time
(min.) HgCl2
(%) Time
Plant Material Pr.
Plants 10
4--ó cm Stem
The culture vessels used were 125 X 25 mm Pyrex@ test tubes with Ka-
put@ translucent closures. AlI cultures were placed in a growing charnber at
21 :!: 10 C, with a light intensity ofapproximately 56j!mol'm-2's-1 and a
photoperiod of 16 h.
The acclimatization stage was carried out in Jiffy 7@ pois and in a 2:1 or
1:1 peat/perlite mixture. Single plants were kept inside 330 ml plastic green-
houses and, REter 6 to 8 wk, were transplanted to pois with humus-enriched
soil (Fig. 1 E).
The experiments conducted with seed-produced explants were carried out
in 22 to 24 test tubes, with a single explant each and repeated twice. For lhe
growth regulator tests and due to lhe plants reduced number of individuais,
each test tube with one single explant, was considered lhe experimental unit
and was replicated 48 times. The values used in lhe statistical analysis were
taken REter 4 wk in culture.
The multiplication rales (i.e., lhe number of single node cuttings produced
in vitro), were determined in lhe initiation stage by lhe product between lhe
number of nodes per normal shoot and lhe number of normal shoots per
explant. In lhe elongation stage, lhe multiplication rales were determined by
lhe number of nodes obtained per normal shoot.
When evaluating lhe contarnination rales, in lhe few cases where both fungi
and bacteria/yeast contaminants were visible, lhe contamination was consid-
ered fungal in lhe statistical analysis, because fungi development inside lhe
test tubes overcame those of lhe other contaminants.
A single factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed whenever
there were sufficient amounts of data to justify it. Veri/ication of lhe homo-
geneity of variances, for each pararneter analyzed, was accomplished through
a graphical representation of residuais. When homoscedasticity was not ob-
served, lhe data was normalized with one lhe following transformations: x'
= arcsenv'x, x' = logx or x' = log (x + 1). For a multiple comparison of
meROS, Tukey's test was used at lhe 5% signi/icance leveI. The statistical
analysis and graphics were done with SYSTAT 5.2,running in a Macintosh
were rooted in the same medi um, without growth regulators. Though
there were no references to the use of Uoyd and McCown (1980) and
Côrte and Mendonça (CM, 1985) media for micropropagating this
specific genus, it was decided to also include them in the experiment,
because these media are known to have produced good results with
other woody plants (Côrte and Mendonça, 1985; George et aI., 1987;
Plane material. Ali plant material carne from São Miguel island. The ex-
plant sources were young seedlings (Fig. 1 B and C), by in viera culture and
this year's growth from field established plants. The whole plants, produced
by seed germination on petri dishes with moist Whatman~ No. 1 papel, or
4--6 cm stem sections taken from field-established specimens, without leaves
nor apical portions (including lhe last three to falir nades), were previously
washed in running tap water for 3 h. The material was then surface-sterilized
and several procedures were tested (Table 1). 0.01% ofTween 20 was added
to ali treatments. The last stage was also identical in ali lhe experiments and
consisted of three rinses with sterile distilled water.
ln lhe initiation stage, lhe explants used were singie nade cuttings without
leaves and in lhe elongation and rooting stage, axillary shoots produced in
viera. The explants obtained from seed-produced plants were solely used in
lhe media experiments, while lhe field-collected material was uniquely used
in lhe growth regulator experiments.
Culture conditíons. The following basal media were tested: MS (Murashige
and Skoog, 1962), RB (Roest and Bockelmman, 1973), WPM (Lloyd and
McCown, 1980), CM (Côrte and Mendonça, 1985), and CK (Cellárová et ai.,
CM medium consists of a 2/5 dilution of lhe MS macronutrient solution,
lhe MS micronutrient solution, 15 mg/i (40.9 I!M) of NaFeEDTA, lhe Rose
Galzy (1964) vitamin formulation, and 1 mg/i (2.61!M) of vitamin D3. ln lhe
CM medium, vitamin D3 was omitted. Ali lhe media were supplemented with
20 g of sucrose, solidified with 7 g of Bacto Agar Difco~, and autoclaved at
pH 5.8. Furtber experiments were performed using CM medium supple-
mented with falir different growth regulators: NAA, BA, y,y-(dimethylallyl)
aminopurine (2iP), and kinetin (KlN).
ln lhe initiation stage, lhe effect of lhe falir growth regulators, in lhe fol-
lowing concentrations, was tested: 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/i. The matrix had ali
possible combinations between auxin and cytokinins. ln lhe elongation and
rooting stage, lhe medium was supplemented with 0.1 mg/i (0.41!M) BA, 0.1
mg/i (0.51!M) NAA + 1.0 mg/i (4.41!M) BA, 0.5 mg/i (2.61!M) NAA + 1.0
mg/i (4.41!M) BA, and 1.0 mg/i (4.91!M) 2iP. To specifically induce rooting,
two auxins were added to lhe basal medium: 0.1 (0.5 I!M) and 1.0 mg/i (5.3
!lM) NAA, 0.1 (0.41!M) and 0.5 mg/i (2.41!M) lBA.
Surface sterilization. The contamination (Fig. 1 D) in lhe tests
performed with laboratory seed-germinated plants (Table 1, proce-
dures A and B) was significantly different from those observed in
field-obtained stem cuttings (by Tukey's test, at lhe 5% leveI). In B,
no visible fungal contamination was detected. The best results using
field material was with procedures F; I, and M, with I being lhe most
efficient one, relative to necrosis (data not shown).
In vitro culture. CM medium gave lhe best results (Table 2, Fig. 1
E) in lhe initiation stage, with a multiplication rale of 2.8 nodes per
explant, against 2.2 for WPM, 1.8 for MS, 0.9 for CK, and 0.8 for
RB. In lhe elongation stage, CM algO produced lhe longest shoots,
lhe highest number of rooted explants, and lhe longest roots, though
these values were not significantly different by Tukey's testo
Although CM and CK produced lhe highest number of nodes per
normal shoot in lhe elongation stage (respectively, 2.8 and 3.0 nodes),
CK algO produced lhe highest percentages of shoot necrosis (approx-
imately 15% in lhe initiation and 23% in lhe elongation stages).
CM's performance can most likely be explained by its two-fifth's
dilution of lhe MS macronutrient solution, for it has already been
previously stated that a high ionic concentration (which is lhe case
with MS and CK media) has growth-inhibitory effects in several
woody species (McCown and Sellmer, 1987).
The complete lack of vitamins in RB's formulation can be pointed
as a possible explanation for its low efficiency, being referred by
several authors lhe importance of these substances, particularly thi-
amine, for in vitro cultures (Gamborg and Shyluck, 1981; Bhojwani
and Razdan, 1983; Boccon-Gibod, 1989);
The positive results obtained in lhe initiation stage in CM media
with added growth regulators are shown in Table 3. From these vari-
ous treatments tested in lhe elongation stage, only two produced posi-
NOrnlal Shoots/Expl. Nodes/Nornlal Shoot Nodes/NornIaI Sh(K)! Shoot Length (mm) Rooted Shoots (%)
Elongation and Rooting Longes! Roo! Length (mm)
Media Inilialion
2.3 a
2.5 a
1.4 b
2.4 a
3.0 a
2.8 a
2.2 ab
1.1 b
2.0 ab
5.5 a
6.9 a
4.8 a
4.5 a
4.4 a
26 a
18 a
0.3 a**
1.2 b
0.7 ab
0.6 a
0.9ab 2.2 a
3.8 a
*CK = Cellárová et al., 1992; CM = Côrte and Mendonça, 1985; MS = Murashige and Skoog, 1962; RB = Roest and Bockelmann, 1973; WPM = Uoyd
and McCown, 1981.
**Significantly different from b, by Tukey test, at lhe 5% levei.
Growth Regula!ors
Nonnal Shoots/Explant Nodes/Nomlai Shoot
0.1 BA
1.0 BA
O.lNAA + 0.5BA
O.lNAA + 1.0BA
O.lNAA + 0.52iP
0.5NAA + O.lBA
0.5NAA + 0.5BA
0.5NAA + 1.0BA
0.5NAA + 1.02iP
*BA = N6-benzyladenine; 2iP = Y,Y-(dimethylallyl) aminopurine; NAA
= a-naphthaleneacetic acid.
tive results: 2.9 nodes per nonnal shoot with a mean shoot length of
7.0 mm in the media supplemented with 0.1 mg/l BA, and 4.4 nodes
per nonnal shoot with a mean shoot length of 4.7 mm in 0.5 mg/l
NAA + 1.0 mg/l BA. Neither one of the treatments promoted rooting.
Considering the various growth regulators, when added singly to
the medium, BA was the most efficient in promoting shoot differen-
tiation and proliferation, as stated by Cellárová et alo (1992) and
Roest and Bockelmann (1973) for Hypencum peiforatum. The best
results using an auxin and a cytokinin simultaneously happened in
an NAA + BA supplemented media. This was algo stated by Med-
eros (1991) for Hypencum In contrast to what was said
by Cellárová et aI. (1992) for Hypericum peiforatum, high BA con-
centrations did not improve results. The absence of rooting in the
presence of NAA and IBA, as mentioned by the same authors, was
algO confinned for Hypencum foliosum.
An increase in NAA, generally proved to be inversely proportional
to shoot differentiation. Its inhibitory effect was only counterbalanced
by BA's concentrations of 1 mg/l. It was observed that even with the
highest concentrations of BA, the results were very poor when in the
presence of 1.0 mg/l NAA. The inhibitory effect of NAA was further
confinned by a totallack of shoot differentiation on the modalities
supplemented only with this auxin.
The results obtained with NAA in the initiation stage only partially
agrees with Skoog and Miller's theory (1957), which states that shoot
versus root organogenesis is dependent on the proportion between
the exogenous auxinlcytokinin levels in the culture media. According
to these authors, a relatively high auxin concentration will promote
root differentiation and inhibit shoot development. The fact that the
results with NAA in this stage are so extreme, even when used in
low concentrations, suggest a possible high endogenous auxin leveI
present in the field-collected plant material (Tran Thanh Van and
Trinh, 1990).
During elongation, the inefficiency of 1 mg/l2iP and of 0.1 mg/l
NAA + 1 mg/l BA, was obvious. With 0.1 mg/l of BA, an auxin
source did not seem to be needed, whereas it was required when 1.0
mg/l of BA was added. This suggests the need of a compensatory
effect from an exogenous auxin source, which mar be a sign of a
weak apical dominance in the in vitro produced Hypericumfoliosum
Tamas (1987), summarizing various work dane in apical domi-
nance, indicates that the lack of apical dominance mar lead to the
channelling of the available cytokinin mainly to the axillary buds in
detriment of the apex, thus implementing an axillary shoot devel-
opment instead of the main shoot growth. On the other hand, and
according to the same author, the accumulation of cytokinin in the
apical bud, due to a strong apical dominance, increases the produc-
tion of endogenous auxins in this structure, which have a suppressive
effect on the axillary caulogenesis.
NAA did not promote rooting, as neither did any of the cytokinins
tested alone or combined with this auxin. The results obtained with
NAA seem to indicate that the caulogenesis suppression effect at-
tributed to this growth regulator is, in this plant, dissociated from its
rooting effect. In fact, having been observed the first in a remarkable
way during initiation, the later was never verified.
Rooting algo was not promoted by the addition of IBA and, in a
last instance, the absence of rooting in alI the growth regulator tests
mar be explained by the fact that these were conducted with material
obtained from field-established plants. Though the year's growth was
used as the preferred explant source, its degree of differentiation is
higher than the one expected in a seedling or in a plantlet, increasing
thus the difficulty of in vitro rooting (Debergh, 1988).
Considering that the number of nodes per explant obtained in the
initiation stage, in a nonsupplemented CM, was slightly higher than
the one obtained with growth regulators, and that the shoot length
and number of nodes per normal shoot in the elongation stage were
not very different from lhe values obtained in supplemented media,
it seems that lhe micropropagation of Hypericum foliosum could be
efficiently done in a growth-regulator-free CM medi um. However, be-
cause lhe seed-produced explants used in lhe media tests and lhe
field-established explants used in lhe growth regulators tests were
not interchangeable, it is possible that lhe results obtained in a sim-
pIe CM could be improved using growth regulators with seed-pro-
duced explants.
Mter 4 wk of acclimatization to progressively lower humidity lev-
eIs, there were no differences in lhe shoot length and number of
nodes observed between lhe plantlets potted in lhe three media used.
However, lhe plantlets rooted in Jiffy 7@ pellets originated new
shoots. Mter 8 wk of acclimatization, these new shoots looked normal
and lhe plantlets had a well-developed root system. The plantlets
rooted in peatfperlite mixtures not only did not develop any shoots,
but lhe plantlets showed signs of necrosis.
Culture initiation from laboratory seed-produced plants was the
preferable technique for Hypericumfoliosum's micropropagation. The
most efficient surface-sterilization technique tested with seed-pro-
duced plants was B(15% sodium hypochlorite + 0.01% Tween 20
for 15 min) and lhe procedure labeled as I was the best for field
material (70% alcohol for 1 min + 10% sodium hypochlorite +
0.01 % of Tween 20 for 20 min + 0.2% mercuric chloride for 5 min).
We also conclude that CM was the most efficient medium for alI
culture stages and that the best results with growth regulators are
achieved in the following supplements: 0.1 mg/l (0.4 ~ BA and
0.5 mg/l (2..6 ~NAA + 1.0 mg/l (4.4 ~ BA, in the initiation
stage, and 0,1 ii1g/l(0.4 ).iM)BA in the elongation stage. For culture
multiplication,.O.lmg/l (0.4~ BA (in the initiation stage) and 0.5
mg/l (2.6 I.LM) NAA + 1.0 mg/l (4.4 ~ BA (in the initiation and
elongation stages) are lhe most efficient supplements.
The acclimatization stage was successfully performed in Jiffy 7@
pellets. Using these conditions, it would be possible to produce two
to four plantlets from single nodal explants in approximately 4 mo.
This study was cofinanced by the European Community "CIf:NCIA" pro-
gram and by the "Associaç;ão de Municípios da Região Aut6noma dos
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... The essential oil composition is known to mainly comprise n-nonane, limonene, terpinolene, and other terpene derivatives [2,7,13]. Conservation of the species was also a focus of study, with micropropagation methodologies showing good results [16]. ...
... In H. foliosum, the translucent glands were present within the lamina of the leaf, close to the abaxial surface; type A and type B secretory canals were found in the cortical parenchyma of the stem and associated with phloem in the midrib, respectively. These secretory structures and their localization have previously been described in other Hypericum sp., such as Hypericum elodes L. [20], Hypericum perforatum L. [16], Hypericum inodorum Mill., Hypericum olympicum L., and Hypericum forrestii (Chitt.) N. Robson, as well as in other families of Angiosperms [27]. ...
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Hypericum foliosum Aiton is an endemic Azorean Hypericum species. Even though the aerial parts of Hypericum foliosum are not described in any official pharmacopoeia, they are utilized in local traditional medicine due to their diuretic, hepatoprotective, and antihypertensive properties. This plant has previously been the subject of phytochemical characterization and has been studied for its antidepressant activity, showing significant results in animal models. The lack of a description of the main characteristics of the aerial parts, which would be necessary to properly identify this medicinal plant species, contributes to the possibility of misidentification events. We performed macroscopic and microscopic analyses that identified specific differential characteristics, such as the absence of dark glands, the dimensions of the secretory pockets in the leaf, and the presence of translucent glands in the powder. To continue our previous work on the biological activity of Hypericum foliosum, ethanol, dichloromethane/ethanol, and water extracts were prepared and studied for their antioxidant and cytotoxic activity. Extracts showed in vitro selective cytotoxic activity in human lung cancer cell line A549, colon cancer cell line HCT 8, and breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231, with dichloromethane/ethanol showing higher activity against all cell lines (IC50 values of 71.49, 27.31, and 9.51 µg/mL, respectively). All extracts also showed significant antioxidant activity.
... In general, the use of auxins stimulates rooting of different propagating materials, but the concentration to be used for this purpose routinely varies with the species studied, the maturity level of the propagating material used, the prevailing environmental conditions, as well as the mode of application of the PGRs to the plants [28][29][30][31] . The effects of auxins and cytokinins on in vitro shoot multiplication is known only for limited number of Hypericum species [15,32] . With respect to H. empetrifolium subsp. ...
... Our findings support that 0.1 mg L -1 BA + 0.01 mg L -1 IBA was the best hormonal combination for shoot proliferation of H. empetrifolium explants (shoot number, shoot proliferation rate and shoot formation percentage). In accordance with our results, other studies in H. foliosum [32] and H. canariensi [34] also found that the highest number of shoots was obtained on media supplemented with BA and NAA. Data from studies in H. perforatum [17,35] support the use of auxins for in vitro rooting. ...
... Many studies have been published on the appropriate type and optimum concentration of cytokinin regarding different species (e.g., Hutchinson and Zimmerman, 1987). Several auxins have been also used for the regeneration of Hypericum spp., including indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and αnaphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), with the number of formed roots increasing proportionally with the concentration of administered auxin (Mikhovich et al., 2021;Ravindran et al., 2022;Moura, 1998). However, the selection of the appropriate auxin type and its concentration largely depends on species genotype (George, 1993), while the in vitro combination of auxins and cytokinins often results in blastogenesis. ...
... Similarly, media supplemented with a combination of BA and NAA were shown to induce the best regeneration in Hypericum spp. namely H. foliosum Aiton, H. hirsutum L. and H. maculatum Crantz (Coste et al., 2011;Moura, 1998). The low performance of media containing only BA in this study might be due to the fact that an auxin is required as a trigger of organogenesis and when its concentration is below the organ-inducing threshold, cytokinins alone were not able to induce organogenesis (Pernisová et al., 2009). ...
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This article reports simple, robust, and species-independent methods for establishing in vitro cell suspension and shoot cultures useful for sustainable bioprospecting of Hypericum, a genus containing several medicinal plants commonly used in treating mild and moderate depression. Loose cell masses or shoot buds were directly induced by culturing seeds on medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) or 6-benzyladenine (BA). Homogeneous cell suspension cultures could be achieved when cells were transferred to liquid culture medium, and robust shoot cultures could be established by transferring cultures containing shoot buds to basal medium. Stable cell suspension and (or) shoot cultures could be established for all Hypericum spp. tested (H. androsaemum L., H. linariifolium Vahl, H. elodes L., H. pulchrum L., H. humifusum L., H. undulatum Schousb. ex Willd, H. perfoliatum L., H. canariense L., H. tomentosum L., H. perforatum L. and H. maculatum Crantz), regardless of their habits and habitats.
... Roxb.). Using basal CK medium that had diluted levels of MS microand macronutrients (Cellárová et al. 1992), Moura (1998) found 15% and 23% STN in shoot initiation and elongation stages, respectively, of leafy St. John's wort (Hypericum foliosum Aiton). The use of WPM induced more STN than MS in the multiplication of wych elm (Ulmus glabra Huds.) shoots (Mirabbasi and Hosseinpour 2014). ...
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Main conclusion Shoot tip necrosis is a physiological condition that negatively impacts the growth and development of in vitro plant shoot cultures across a wide range of species. Abstract Shoot tip necrosis is a physiological condition and disorder that can arise in plantlets or shoots in vitro that results in death of the shoot tip. This condition, which can spread basipetally and affect the emergence of axillary shoots from buds lower down the stem, is due to the cessation of apical dominance. STN can occur at both shoot multiplication and rooting stages. One of the most common factors that cause STN is nutrient deficiency or imbalance. Moreover, the presence or absence of plant growth regulators (auxins or cytokinins) at specific developmental stages may impact STN. The cytokinin to auxin ratio within an in vitro plant can be modified by varying the concentration of cytokinins used in the culture medium. The supply of nutrients to in vitro shoots or plantlets might also affect their hormonal balance, thus modifying the occurrence of STN. High relative humidity within culture vessels and hyperhydricity are associated with STN. An adequate supply of calcium as the divalent cation (Ca²⁺) can hinder STN by inhibiting the accumulation of phenolic compounds and thus programmed cell death. Moreover, the level of Ca²⁺ affects auxin transport and ethylene production, and higher ethylene production, which can occur as a result of high relative humidity in or poor ventilation of the in vitro culture vessel, induces STN. High relative humidity can decrease the mobility of Ca²⁺ within a plant, resulting in Ca²⁺ deficiency and STN. STN of in vitro shoots or plantlets can be halted or reversed by altering the basal medium, mainly the concentration of Ca²⁺, adjusting the levels of auxins or cytokinins, or modifying culture conditions. This review examines the literature related to STN, seeks to discover the associated factors and relations between them, proposes practical solutions, and attempts to better understand the mechanism(s) underlying this condition in vitro.
... Similar results were obtained for Hypericum maculatum [7]. The highest number of shoots was obtained from nodal explants in the presence of BA and NAA in Hypericum foliosum [30]. In another study, leaf and internodium explants of Hypericum bupleuroides were used and direct shoots were developed in medium containing BA and 2,4 D [31]. ...
In this study, A standart protocol to callus formation and adventitious shoot regeneration of Hypericum adenotrichum Spach via direct or indirect organogenesis has been described.Callus induction was carried out by using leaves which were collected from their native environment. The maximum callus induction frequency has been observed on MS media containing 4 mgL-1 BA and 0.2 mgL-1 NAA. These calli were not induced to shoot regeneration. Shoot formation was obtained by transferring the calluses from BA-containing media to MS medium containing 0.5 mgL-1 KIN. Maximum shoot number was observedin transferred calluses from callus induction medium containing 3 mgL-1 BA to media containing 0.5 mgL-1 KIN.Direct shoot formation developed on leaf explants of H. adenotrichum on MS media containing KIN alone. The highest direct shoot development was observed on MS medium with 1 mgL-1 KIN.
... On the other hand, the influences of PGRs such as auxins and cytokinins on shootlets multiplication and propagation have been reported in many Hypericum species. The maximum number of shootlets regeneration was recorded in H. foliosum on nutrient media augmented with BA and NAA (Moura, 1998). Similar records were displayed for H. canariensis (Mederos, 1991). ...
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The conservation of endangered, rare, and endemic plant species is based on in situ and ex situ conservation strategies. When in situ conservation alone is not sufficient to guarantee the survival of the species, ex situ techniques are adopted in support. This study aimed to develop an efficient micropropagation protocol for Adenostyles by evaluating the effect of different plant growth regulators on leaf explants. Adenostyles alpina subsp. macrocephala (Asterace) is a perennial herbaceous plant endemic to Calabria (Southern Italy). The genus Adenostyles includes three species confined to the mountains of the Mediterranean and southern Europe. For callus induction, media supplemented with different concentrations of Benzylaminopurine (BAP) (0.5, 1, 2, and 3 mg L−1), Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA) (1 mg L−1), and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) (1 mg L−1) were tested. Shoot regeneration and proliferation were obtained in media supplemented with BAP (1, 2, and 3 mg L−1) and NAA (1 mg L−1). Root induction was obtained in media supplemented with IBA (0.25, 0.50, and 1 mg L−1) and NAA (0.25, 0.50, and 1 mg L−1). Statistically significant differences in callus induction and shoot regeneration were observed between the various media tested. The medium containing Murashige and Skoog (MS) supplemented with 3 mg L−1 of BAP and 1 mg L−1 of NAA showed the highest percentage of callus induction and increased shoot regeneration. The regenerated shoots showed more effective root induction in the hormone-free MS medium and in the presence of Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) at concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, and 1 mg L−1. These results can be used as a basis for the preparation of a micropropagation protocol for different taxa of Adenostyles, as well as other species of Asteraceae specialized to the Mediterranean mountain habitat.
The rhythm of biodiversity loss is estimated to be between 1000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate. This is often referred to as “the sixth extinction crisis” after the five known mass extinction events in geological history. Plant species are known to be particularly vulnerable to present biotic crisis. These figures indicate that research for improving existing, and developing new effective conservation strategies are necessary. Advances in biotechnology provide new methods for plant diversity conservation and evaluation. In the past decade a significant number of plant species, either wild or crop, threatened, medicinal or ornamental, were conserved by biotechnological means. Therefore, the challenges to support conservation by biotechnology are many and varied. Direct application of biotechnological tools like in vitro culture and cryopreservation proved to be valuable means for large-scale propagation, storage, and reintroduction of endangered plant species. The in vitro techniques for plant conservation include photoautotrophic micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, cell culture and embryo rescue techniques, as well as in vitro cold storage and cryopreservation methods. This chapter presents their application in the development of ex situ collections and their contribution toward an integrated system to conserve endangered plant species.
The factors to be considered when microculturing a plant tissue generally can be grouped into five broad categories: 1) tissue (genotype, source, and history), 2) media (minerals, hormones and other organics, supporting agents), 3) environment (light, temperature, gases, vessels), 4) timing (subculture period, dosage), and 5) interactions between the above factors. Each investigator has a bias as to the relative importance of each of these, however no factor can be considered separately from the others. This makes the last factor, interactions, one of the most important but because of the difficulties in conducting and interpreting multifactor experiments, interactions are also the least studied and most poorly understood. Thus a chapter with a goal of addressing one factor is necessarily limited in scope.