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Collagen remodeling during cervical ripening is a key event for successful vaginal delivery

  • Universidad Nacional del Litoral-CONICET

Abstract and Figures

Parturition involves a complex interplay of maternal and fetal factors. An understanding of the physiological mechanisms involved in maternal adaptations would be of great benefit in the diagnosis, management, and outcome of dystocic parturition, an important problem in human health care and animal production. In this review, we consider the histofunctional changes in the uterine cervix that are essential for successful vaginal delivery and focus on work from our laboratory. The functions of the uterine cervix change considerably during pregnancy. As the uterus enlarges to accommodate the growing fetus, the cervix behaves essentially as a barrier. At term, however, the cervix softens and dilates through a process known as cervical ripening. This process is extremely complex and involves interactions between different cellular compartments and the extracellular matrix, as well as properly timed biochemical cascades, and stromal infiltration by inflammatory cells. Since the main component of the uterine cervix is connective tissue, collagen remodeling is a key event for ripening and delivery. Moreover, because of their intrinsic mechanical properties, elastic fibers may be involved in the recovery of shape immediately after parturition. Despite the advances in our knowledge of cervical ripening, the signals responsible for initiating these changes remain to be elucidated. By under-standing the mechanisms involved in these changes, it should be possible to address complex issues such as cervical incompetence, pre-and post-term delivery, and proper "ripening" of the cervix in order to avoid surgical delivery. Abbreviations: α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), basement membrane (BM), blood vessels (bv), cytoplasmic processes (CP), eosinophils (eos), epithelium (E), estradiol (E 2), estrogen receptor (ER), fibroblast (Fib), muscle layer (MS), myofibroblast (Myof), nucleus (N), progesterone (P 4), progesterone receptor (PR), subepithelial stroma (SS).
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Collagen remodeling in the uterine cervix 75
Braz. J. morphol. Sci. (2003) 20(2), 75-84
ISSN- 0102-9010
Mónica Muñoz-de-Toro, Jorgelina Varayoud, Jorge G. Ramos, Horacio A. Rodríguez and Enrique H. Luque
Laboratorio de Endocrinología y Tumores Hormonodependientes (LETH), School of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences,
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Casilla de Correo 242, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina.
Parturition involves a complex interplay of maternal and fetal factors. An understanding of the physiological mechanisms
involved in maternal adaptations would be of great benefit in the diagnosis, management, and outcome of dystocic
parturition, an important problem in human health care and animal production. In this review, we consider the
histofunctional changes in the uterine cervix that are essential for successful vaginal delivery and focus on work from
our laboratory. The functions of the uterine cervix change considerably during pregnancy. As the uterus enlarges to
accommodate the growing fetus, the cervix behaves essentially as a barrier. At term, however, the cervix softens and
dilates through a process known as cervical ripening. This process is extremely complex and involves interactions
between different cellular compartments and the extracellular matrix, as well as properly timed biochemical cascades,
and stromal infiltration by inflammatory cells. Since the main component of the uterine cervix is connective tissue,
collagen remodeling is a key event for ripening and delivery. Moreover, because of their intrinsic mechanical properties,
elastic fibers may be involved in the recovery of shape immediately after parturition. Despite the advances in our
knowledge of cervical ripening, the signals responsible for initiating these changes remain to be elucidated. By under-
standing the mechanisms involved in these changes, it should be possible to address complex issues such as cervical
incompetence, pre- and post-term delivery, and proper “ripening” of the cervix in order to avoid surgical delivery.
Key words: Collagen remodeling, extracellular matrix, parturition, uterine cervix
Abbreviations: α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), basement membrane (BM), blood vessels (bv), cytoplasmic processes
(CP), eosinophils (eos), epithelium (E), estradiol (E2), estrogen receptor (ER), fibroblast (Fib), muscle layer (MS),
myofibroblast (Myof), nucleus (N), progesterone (P4), progesterone receptor (PR), subepithelial stroma (SS).
Correspondence to: Dr. Mónica Muñoz-de-Toro
Laboratorio de Endocrinología y Tumores Hormonodependientes,
School of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences, Casilla de Correo
242, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina Tel/Fax: (54) (342) 4575207, E-mail:
Parturition results from a complex interplay of
maternal and fetal factors. Maternal preparation for
parturition involves many events, including cervical
ripening, relaxation of the interpubic joint, induction
of receptors for uterine-activating agents, and the
formation of gap junctions between uterine smooth
muscle cells in order to coordinate myometrial
contractions [15]. The most important issue in peri-
natology is how to predict when a patient at term or
preterm will proceed to active labour. Further
knowledge of uterine contractility and cervical
ripening may be useful in helping to recognize when
the uterus or the cervix is prepared for labour and
thus select effective therapeutic strategies. An
understanding of the physiological mechanisms
involved in maternal adaptations would be of great
benefit in the diagnosis, management, and outcome
of dystocic parturition, an important problem in
human health care and animal production. In this
review, we consider the histofunctional changes in
the uterine cervix that are essential for successful
vaginal delivery and focus on work from our
The uterine cervix was initially thought to be
merely an anatomic end of the uterus that allowed
drainage of the menstrual flow (when present), sperm
migration and the passage of the conceptus during
delivery. However, numerous studies have shown that
the cervix has an important role in the normal transport
and capacitation of spermatozoa, as well as acting as
a protective barrier, together with the cervical mucus,
against the penetration of microorganisms and toxic
substances into the uterine cavity. The cervix also
serves to prevent the expulsion of the preterm con-
ceptus. At term, however, the cervix softens and
Muñoz-de-Toro et al.
Braz. J. morphol. Sci. (2003) 20(2), 75-84
dilates through a process known as cervical ripening
[61]. This process is an active biochemical response
which occurs independently of uterine contractions
and is similar to an inflammatory reaction. Cervical
ripening involves interactions between various
cellular compartments and the extracellular matrix,
as well as properly timed biochemical cascades and
stromal infiltration by inflammatory cells [26,65].
tissue that confers the required mechanical properties
to this segment [18]. This conclusion is reinforced by
observations in species in which the muscular
component is either scant or absent. Connective
tissues have a predominantly mechanical function and
must be able to withstand high tensile or
compressional stress and to recover their shape and
form when the stress is removed [50]. Collagen-
containing fibers add strength to the tissues, whereas
elastin and proteoglycans are essential for matrix
During parturition, the increased amount of water
present obviously helps to soften the uterine cervix,
but proper dilation is dependent on changes in
collagen-containing fibers and other components of
the extracellular matrix [26,29,39,40,55,69]. It is,
therefore, not surprising that connective tissue is the
major component of the uterine cervix (Figs. 1 and
2), and that collagen fibers play an important role in
the functions of this structure. Elastic fibers, the
second most important fibrillar component of the
cervical connective tissue, protect against rupture
during dilation/parturition, thus guaranteeing the
anatomical integrity and continuity between the uterus
and vagina during delivery. These fibers may also be
involved in the recovery of shape during the post-
partum period, particularly in view of their ability to
undergo reversible extension.
Figure 2. Histological section stained with hematoxylin-eosin
showing the different tissue compartments of the guinea pig
uterine cervix: The subepithelial stroma (SS) is the area of
connective tissue from the basement membrane to the muscle
layer (MS). The SS occupies most of the cervical tissue and
collagen fibers play an important role in the physiological
adaptation of the organ. E - epithelium, SS - subepithelial stroma,
MS - smooth muscular stroma. Bar = 150 μm.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the rat uterine cervix. As
in most other species, including humans, connective tissue was
the predomintat component, with smooth muscle accounting for
10-15% of the rat cervical tissue.
The uterine cervix is a complex organ that under-
goes extensive histoarchitectural changes to allow its
successful adaptation to the different physiological
conditions mentioned above [11,33,36,71]. As shown
in the organization of rat cervical tissue (Fig.1), the
cervix is composed predominantly of connective
tissue [9,10]. The rate and extent to which the cervix
must dilate and efface to allow expulsion of the
fetus(es) vary among species [6]. Since, in some
species, a considerable number of muscle fibers is
observed in the cervix, it was initially believed that
these fibers were responsible for the physiological
valve function of the cervix [57]. Although smooth
muscle fibers may participate in the functional
mechanisms of the uterine cervix, it is the connective
Collagen remodeling in the uterine cervix 77
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Figure 3. Photomicrographs of nonpregnant (A and B) and intrapartum (C and D) rat cervix. In the upper panel the sections were
studied by the Picrosirius-polarization method, a specific procedure to detect oriented collagenous structures. All brightly birefringent
structures shining against a dark background were collagenous material (A). Section of a nonpregnant control cervix in which collagen
appears as thick bundles of continuous, densely packed fibers. Compare the regular arrangement of the collagen fibers in (A) with the
disturbed appearance of the corroded collagenous framework seen in an intrapartum sample (C). In the latter, the collagenous fibers
showed the fragmented and irregular appearance characteristic of collagen remodeling. The section in the lower panel were stained
with Sirius red in alkaline solution in order to detect eosinophils. In the nonpregnant cervix (B), eosinophils were limited to blood
vessels (bv) and no eosinophils were seen in the stroma. In the intrapartum sample (D), a heavy eosinophilic infiltration (eos) was
observed in the connective tissue. Bar = 35 μm.
The dilation and effacement (ripening) of the
cervix are necessary prerequisites for a normal vaginal
delivery [35]. Cervical dilation is accompanied by
disruption of the ordered collagen bundles (Fig. 3A,
C). The cellular response involves modifications of
the extracellular matrix, with cervical stromal cells
and immune cells being responsible, at least in part,
for the enzymatic remodeling of fibrous connective
tissue [26,37-42,47,67].
The physiological mechanisms involved in the
onset of ripening at term are still unclear, although
collagenase has been implicated in this process. There
is good evidence that the activity of collagenase and
other proteolytic enzymes increases at term [28,51].
One of the sources of these enzymes could be the
infiltrating neutrophils seen in women, sheep and
guinea-pigs [21,26,37,47,49] and the eosinophils seen
in rats [38,40,54]. A close spatial and temporal
association between the infiltration of eosinophils and
collagenolysis has been observed in the cervical
stroma of rats during parturition (Fig. 3C,D) [40,54].
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The presence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes
in cervical tissue during parturition has been
confirmed by electron microscopy [21,26,37,38] and
by immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies
against granule-associated neutrophil enzymes or
against eosinophil major basic protein [12,47]. In
addition, polymorphonuclear leukocytes degranulate
in the cervical stroma at term and this event coincides
with the widespread collagenolysis seen in the extra-
cellular matrix [26,38]. The changes in the
organization of cervical collagen fibers have been
quantified [39,40] using the picrosirius-polarization
method which allows the morphometric analysis of
collagen fiber organization [25,43]. This method is
specific for orientated collagen molecules since only
these structures show a bright birefringence [43].
Collagen fibers normally form thick bundles of
densely packed, regularly arranged fibers that appear
as brightly birefringent structures throughout the
entire microscopic field. During collagen remodeling,
collagen fibers are not dense or regularly arranged
and show weak birefringence. Figure 3 shows the
appearance of nonpregnant (A) and intrapartum (C)
rat cervix studied with the picrosirius-polarization
method. Note that the greater the collagen remodeling,
the lower the birefringence.
Electron microscopic examination of human [26],
rat [38] and ewe [37] cervical stroma during labor
has revealed dramatic changes in the fine structure of
collagen. The regular arrangement of collagen fibrils,
which is typical of nonpregnant cervix, is markedly
disturbed in intrapartum cervical biopsy specimens
(Fig. 4A,B). Electron micrographs of collagen deg-
radation show fragmented collagen fibrils which, in
cross-section, have a ragged, irregular outline. Fibro-
blast are the main cell type in cervical tissue from
nonpregnant rats, ewes, guinea pigs and women (Fig.
3B). In intrapartum samples there is extensive poly-
morphonuclear leukocyte infiltration of the cervical
stroma (Fig. 3D) with few mast cells and macroph-
ages, in addition to the fibroblasts. Light and elec-
tron microscopy have revealed a series of character-
istics in the appearance and distribution of these poly-
morphonuclear leukocytes. The identity of polymor-
phonuclear leukocytes which varies among species,
was confirmed by electron microscopy, immunohis-
tochemistry and special staining techniques [52].
There is currently no explanation for the differences
in the types of polymorphonuclear leukocytes that in-
filtrate each species or for the variations in their mi-
gration patterns. In the ewe, neutrophils migrate to-
wards the cervical lumen since their highest number
occurs in the luminal mucus [37]. These neutrophils
may be responsible for preventing uterine infections
associated with parturition since they make the cer-
vical mucus less penetrable to microorganisms.
The uterine cervix is a dynamic structure with a
high capacity to adapt to different, often opposing,
roles during the physiological events associated with
gestation, parturition and postpartum recovery. To
achieve this adaptation, the cervix responds to changes
in hormone levels [5,16,39,61]. Progesterone (P4) is
essential for the maintenance of pregnancy in most,
if not all, eutherian mammals [62] and reduces the
ability of the female to combat intrauterine bacterial
infections [20,27,58]. This latter effect is thought to
result, at least in part, from the P4-dependent reduction
in uterine leukocyte infiltration [2,21,63].
Parturition in rats and sheep is preceded by a fall
in P4 and an increase in estradiol (E2) plasma levels,
with both steroids being implicated in the regulation
of cervical softening in sheep [30,48]. Estradiol
stimulates whereas P4 inhibits the infiltration of
eosinophils in the rat cervix at term [39,40]. Neither
estrogen nor P4 alone is responsible for collagen
remodeling. Rather, this response is mediated by
relaxin, a hormone with a major role in promoting
the growth and widespread reorganization of collagen
fibers in the rat cervix [7,23,31,39]. Estradiol-induced
eosinophil infiltration in the rat cervix is blocked by
tamoxifen [54], an antagonist that interacts with the
estrogen receptor (ER). Progesterone also antagonizes
the effect of E2. The anti-progestin RU-486 blocks
the inhibitory action of P4 on eosinophil infiltration
in the cervix [54], thus suggesting that the effect of
P4 is mediated by the progestin receptor (PR). The
antagonistic actions of both steroids explain the time
course of the leukocyte invasion in intact pregnant
rats during the last days of pregnancy. Following the
decrease in P4 levels that occurs during the last 36 h
of pregnancy in the rat [45], the increased E2 levels
act through the ER promoting the massive infiltration
seen in cervical tissue at term.
In addition to the serum steroid hormone levels,
the level of the receptors for these mediators also play
Collagen remodeling in the uterine cervix 79
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Figure 4. Photomicrographs of a nonpregnant (A) and intrapartum (B) rat cervix studied by electron microscopy. (A) A fibroblast
(Fib) surrounded by collagen fibers showing the regular arrangement characteristic of nonpregnant cervical tissue. Bar = 1.3 μm. (B)
A myofibroblast (Myof) and collagen fibers with a disturbed appearance and corroded framework characteristic of collagen remodeling
in intrapartum cervical tisssue. A cervical epithelial cell (E) and the basement membrane (BM) are shown. Bar = 0.5 μm.
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Figure 5. Photomicrographs of myofibroblastic cells in the lamina propria of human uterine cervix during labor. Electron micrographs
of a subepithelial myofibroblastic cell at low (A) and high (B) magnification. (A) The well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum
and the Golgi complex (arrowhead) indicate that the myofibroblast is actively involved in secretion. The luminal epithelium (E) and
its basement membrane (arrow) can be seen. Bar = 2.5 μm. (B) A high magnification of the cell shown in (A), with cell surface
features characteristic of myofibroblasts, including a subplasmalemmal web of filaments (arrowheads) and microtubules (arrow)
and plasmalemmal caveolae with pinocytotic vesicles (asterisk). E - epithelium, G - Golgi complex. Bar = 0.4 μm. (C) Myofibroblastic
cells (Myof) immunostained for desmin show a halo arround the nucleus (N) that extends through the cytoplasm up to the cell
membrane. The inset shows cytoplasmic processes (CP) that are an important characteristic of myofibroblastic cells. E - epithelium.
Bar = 25 μm, inset = 10 μm.
pivotal role in the histofunctional changes of the
cervix. Thus, in humans and guinea pigs, in which no
significant changes in the serum concentrations of
either E2 or P4 occur immediately before parturition
[68], there is a significant down-regulation of PR and
ERα [56,64]. Recently, an increase in ERβ but not
ERα mRNA has been reported in the human cervix
at term [72]. Thus, the onset of parturition may involve
changes in the responsiveness of the uterus and cervix
to P4 and E2 through alterations in their receptor
density [56].
For ethical reasons, time course studies during
the entire gestation cannot be done in humans, so an
animal model with responses similar to those in
humans would be a valuable tool for studying
temporal and spatial changes in the expression of ER
and PR in the uterus and cervix from mid pregnancy
to early postpartum. In our laboratory, the guinea pig
has been used to study the profile of ERα and PR
expression and collagen remodeling (as an indicator
of functional changes) in different regions of the
uterus and cervix during pregnancy, parturition and
postpartum [56]. Our findings indicate that, in the
presence of high levels of P4 and E2, the diminished
target organ responsiveness to P4 before parturition
may be caused by a decrease in PR levels in the
subepithelium and muscular region. Alterations in PR
levels could help to coordinate cervical dilatation and
uterine contractions. Indeed, it has been hypothesised
[8,16] that a reduction in P4–mediated inhibition,
either through a decrease in hormone production (rats,
rabbits, sheep) or in hormone activity in the target
organs (primates, guinea-pigs), is the major
mechanism for initiating parturition. Our results [56]
are consistent with the P4 withdrawal theory of
As already mentioned, connective tissue cells and
the extracellular matrix play important roles in
cervical functions. Fibroblasts, the most common cells
in the connective tissue, show marked phenotypic
plasticity in architecture and biochemical composition
in various physiological and pathological situations
[59,60]. Changes in the cytoskeletal elements are
prominent features in the morphological alterations
in fibroblasts with desmin, vimentin and α-smooth
muscle actin (α-SMA) frequently being expressed in
specific pathways of differentiation [4,22]. The
contractile machinery represented by cytoskeletal
structures such as microfilaments and intermediate
filaments provides characteristic ultrastructural
features that are useful for defining the myofibroblast
[13,14]. We have examined the ultrastructural and
immunohistochemical characteristics of fibroblasts in
the mucous layer of uterine cervices from rats [70]
and women [44]. The differential expression of
cytoskeletal proteins, and the ultrastructural features
seen in both species, indicate that the resident
fibroblasts seen in the mucous layer of nonpregnant
cervices are replaced by a typical myofibroblastic-
cell phenotype characteristic of intrapartum tissue
(Figs. 4B and 5). The implications of the plasticity of
fibroblastic-myofibroblastic cells in the physiological
changes seen in the uterine cervix during pregnancy,
labour and postpartum involution require further
In addition to the phenotypic modulation of
fibroblastic cells, adaptative changes in the uterine
cervix during pregnancy imply a dynamic cell
turnover. In rats, the proliferation and death of
epithelial and stromal cells during pregnancy, at term
and in early postpartum are influenced by hormones
[3,32,53,66,73]. In all stages studied, 1) ERα and PR
have different patterns of expression and responses
to the signals that modulate proliferation and/or
apoptosis, depending on the cellular compartment, and
2) although the epithelium is the region with the
highest cell turnover, the fibroblastic and muscle
stroma are dynamic compartments with their own
patterns of behavior [53].
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Cervical ripening is an extremely complex process
that involves interactions between different cellular
compartments and the extracellular matrix, as well
as properly timed biochemical cascades, and the
infiltration of inflammatory cells into the stroma.
Cervical ripening is an energy-dependent process that
requires an adequate supply of nutrients. The vascular
system and new vessel formation (angiogenesis) are
critical for the cervical histo-architectural changes that
are necessary for a successful vaginal delivery
[24,34,Varayoud et al., unpublished results].
Endothelial cell proliferation assessed by BrdU
incorporation and measurement of the vascular area
showed a significant increase in the subepithelial and
muscular cervical stroma at the end of gestation in
the rat [Varayoud et al., unpublished results].
Although angiogenesis is essentially an endothelial
cell event, other cell types and various mediators are
involved in this process [17]. Studies in vitro and in
vivo have implicated mast cells in angiogenesis
[34,46]. We have also demonstrated that mast cells
are involved in cervical angiogenesis since the
inhibition of mast cell degranulation results in a
significant decrease in endothelial cell proliferation
and in the vascular area [Varayoud et al., unpublished
results]. A better understanding of the regulation of
angiogenesis, would allow the development of
therapeutic strategies for controlling cervical function.
Apoptosis is a predominant event during
postpartum cervical involution and may contribute
to the recovery of the uterine cervix after delivery
[53]. In addition, water resorption and a decrease in
the levels of some proteoglycans contribute to this
process [19,29]. However, none of these events can
account for the recovery in uterine cervix shape that
occurs immediately after parturition. The intrinsic
mechanical properties of elastic fibers suggests that
these structures may be involved in cervical rigidity
and in the recovery of form immediately after delivery.
In agreement with this, we recently reported an
increase in the elastic system fibers in the uterine
cervix at the end of pregnancy [1].
Understanding the complex cellular and
molecular biology underlying the dynamic function
of the uterine cervix is a basic challenge for studies
investigating the physiology of gestation and
parturition. During pregnancy, extensive tissue
remodeling involves both the extracellular matrix and
cells of the cervical tissue. The cellular and
extracellular compartments must rapidly adapt to new
functional demands imposed by gestation and
parturition, and then subsequently return to their
original state during the period of involution. In this
review, we have discussed the histofunctional features
observed in the uterine cervix during gestation,
parturition and early postpartum, and have stressed
the key role of collagen remodeling in adaptations to
different functional demands, particularly during
cervical ripening. Despite advances in our knowledge
of cervical ripening, the precise signals and hormonal
control responsible for initiating these changes remain
to be fully elucidated. If we can understand the
mechanisms responsible for these changes, then we
may be better able to address complex phenomena
such as cervical incompetence, pre- and post-term
delivery, and proper “ripening” of the cervix.
This review is dedicated to the memory of Professor
Gregorio S. Montes (1952-2002) who was an invaluable source
of advice, assistance, and moral support in our work. Professor
Montes instilled in us his passion for the impossible and
introduced us to research in collagen biology. He nourished our
work through his insights and valuable critiques; and this is
reflected in the many papers cited which were joint efforts
between his and our laboratories. All LETH members are
indebted to him for the time and effort he devoted to supporting
the development and expansion of our research group. We were
extremely priviledged to have enjoyed his friendship.
We also thank our fellows whose work contributed to many
of the results discussed in this article. The studies described here
were supported by grants from the Argentine National Council
for Science and Technology (CONICET), the Universidad
Nacional del Litoral, SECyT-CAPES, and the Argentine National
Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology
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Received: April 30, 2003
Accepted: July 1, 2003
... The cervix undergoes significant structural and mechanical changes leading up to and during labor [1], known collectively as cervical remodeling ( Figure 1). Among the driving forces of cervical remodeling are tissue hydration, hormonal processes, and enzymatic processes resulting in constant collagen reorganization [4,[37][38][39][40]. The four phases of cervical remodeling are softening, ripening, dilation, and postpartum restoration [41]. ...
... The fibrillar remodeling process in the pregnant cervix is shown in Figure 2. Collagen fiber bundles appear regularly oriented in "non-pregnant" cervix tissue arranged in layers of thick, continuous fibers oriented in the same direction. However, throughout the course of cervical remodeling, collagen fibers begin to appear fragmented and irregular in intrapartum samples [40]. Much of the fragmentation and irregularity in the complex collagen fibrillar network is associated with proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans [2]. ...
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Preterm birth (PTB) is the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. The ability to predict patients at risk for preterm birth remains a major health challenge. The currently available clinical diagnostics such as cervical length and fetal fibronectin may detect only up to 30% of patients who eventually experience a spontaneous preterm birth. This paper reviews ongoing efforts to improve the ability to conduct a risk assessment for preterm birth. In particular, this work focuses on quantitative methods of imaging using ultrasound-based techniques , magnetic resonance imaging, and optical imaging modalities. While ultrasound imaging is the major modality for preterm birth risk assessment, a summary of efforts to adopt other imaging modalities is also discussed to identify the technical and diagnostic limits associated with adopting them in clinical settings. We conclude the review by proposing a new approach using combined photoacoustic, ultrasound, and elastography as a potential means to better assess cervical tissue remodeling, and thus improve the detection of patients at-risk of PTB. ARTICLE HISTORY
... In the upper part of the cervix, it was also significantly higher than in its lower part [40]. Since the main component of the uterine cervix is connective tissue, it was suggested that collagen remodeling is the key event for ripening and delivery [41], whereas elastic fibers seem to be involved in the recovery of the shape of lower reproductive organs after delivery [42]. ...
... .41.40 Various shapes of cesarean scar defects: Semicircular (a); rectangle (b) droplet (c); wedge, triangular (d); inclusion-cyst like (e); linear (f); irregular (g); multiple (h). ...
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“A prediction of the acceptable rate in 10 years’ time would neither be prudent nor, in itself, of any real importance. Some individual obstetricians have already arrived at the stage when cesarean section delivery is resorted to all women deviating at all from the bounds of accepted normality. This policy quickly brings the rate up to 20 per cent or more. There are, furthermore, those enthusiasts who go almost the whole way in order to protect the pelvic floor and lower genitals from natural childbirth! For those who fear the cesarean section rate will “get out of hand,” let me predict that this tendency will automatically be corrected by one factor—uterine morbidity.
... The uMC tryptase has been reported to stimulate the production of MMPs by endometrial stromal cells and to set up a cascade of MMPs activation within the endometrium . MMPs are involved in the degradation of extracellular matrix by collagenolysis (Figure 9) allowing the dilation and ripening of the cervix which necessary prerequisites for a normal vaginal delivery (Muñoz-de-Toro et al., 2003). ...
... Despite advances in knowledge of cervical ripening, the precise signals and hormonal control responsible for initiating these changes remain to be fully elucidated (Mooz- de-Toro et al., 2003). If we can understand the mechanisms responsible for these changes, then we may be better able to address complex phenomena such as cervical incompetence, pre-and post-term delivery, and proper "ripening" of the cervix. ...
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review article mast cell:Mast cells as novel mediators in reproduction, pregnancy and labour
... This softening has been shown to be linked with micro-structural changes in the collagen orientation of the cervix [19] . As the collagen shifts within the extracellular framework of the cervix, the circumferential stiffness of the cervix weakens, eventually allowing cervical dilation and childbirth [20] . ...
... In sows (Winn et al. 1993(Winn et al. , 1994Muñoz-de-Toro et al. 2003) and other mammal species (Rimmer 1973;Varayoud et al. 2001;Battlehner et al. 2003), the cervix is composed predominantly of connective tissue, which confers the flexibility required to avoid structural damage during parturition. Connective tissue could regulate the morphology of the cervical rings, and could particularly allow the distention of a segment undergoing changes in size and shape during mating and parturition. ...
Artificial insemination is commonly practiced in several domestic animals, including sows. Postcervical insemination is used to increase the fertility index, given that the volume of semen is optimized. Knowledge of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the genital tract can be used to improve our understanding of the fertilization process that occurs during artificial insemination, and possibly to improve the technique. The aim of our study was to examine the gross morphology and histological properties of the cervix of recently slaughtered multiparous sows, using different stains. The results indicate that the porcine cervix has two regions: a uterine region characterized by the presence of glandular acini, and a vaginal region with a large vascular network. Both regions showed a mixed secretory activity by epithelial cells, which produced sulfated mucins (mucous secretion), intermingled with abundant glycogen-rich cells (serous secretion). This study contributes to the understanding of the morphologic features of the porcine cervix.
... Connective tissue predominates the cervix and undergoes most of the remodelling of that organ. Although findings vary with experimental models and species, CR is associated with increased stromal hydration [1], disorganization of collagen bundles [2,3] and altered concentrations of hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulphate [4]. During the final stages of CR, there is increased nitric oxide synthesis [5], with extravasation of leucocytes [6] and activated fibroblasts [7]. ...
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Prostaglandins (PG) are widely employed to induce cervical remodelling (CR) in pregnancy. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Tight junctions (TJ) and gap junctions (GJ) regulate paracellular and intercellular solute transport respectively but their role in the process of CR remains unexplored. We hypothesized that the synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue Misoprostol (M), widely used in clinical practice to induce CR, may alter TJ and GJ expression as part of the changes in the extracellular matrix (ECM) associated with remodelling. We investigated the effects of Misoprostol exposure on the expression of cervical TJ (claudins 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and occludin) and GJ (connexins 43, 30 and 26) in the 1st trimester. Cervical biopsies were obtained from pregnant women and comparisons of TJ and GJ protein expression (by western blotting) and immunolocalisation (laser scanning confocal microscopy) made between those who were administered vaginal Misoprostol (n=10) and those who were not (n=5). We found that Misoprostol-treated tissue (M+) had higher expression of Claudins 1,2,4,7 and occludin (p<0.05) than untreated (M-) tissue. Expression levels of Claudins 1, 2 and 4 were positively correlated to interval from Misoprostol treatment to biopsy, whilst occludin was negatively correlated. Misoprostol-treated cervical tissue demonstrated more endothelial claudin-5 and occludin, whilst expression of GJs were unchanged. Our observations suggest, for the first time, that increased expression of tight junction proteins may be one of the mechanisms by which Misoprostol induces CR in humans. Further studies are needed to explore if TJ proteins may be therapeutic targets to alter timing of CR in clinical practice.
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Objective Cervical remodeling is an important component in determining the pathway of parturition; therefore, assessing changes in cervical tissue composition may provide information about the cervix's status beyond the measurement of cervical length. Photoacoustic imaging is a non-invasive ultrasound-based technology that captures acoustic signals emitted by tissue components in response to laser pulses. This optical information allows for the determination of the collagen-to-water ratio (CWR). The purpose of this study was to compare the CWR evaluated by using spectroscopic photoacoustic (sPA) imaging in cervical samples obtained from pregnant and non-pregnant women.Methods This cross-sectional study comprised cervical biopsies obtained at the time of hysterectomy (n = 8) and at the scheduled cesarean delivery in pregnant women at term who were not in labor (n = 8). The cervical CWR was analyzed using a fiber-optic light-delivery system integrated to an ultrasound probe. The photoacoustic signals were acquired within the range of wavelengths that cover the peak absorption of collagen and water. Differences in the CWR between cervical samples from pregnant and non-pregnant women were analyzed. Hematoxylin and eosin and Sirius Red stains were used to compare the collagen content of cervical samples in these two groups.ResultsEight cervix samples were obtained after hysterectomy, four from women ≤41 years of age and four from women ≥43 years of age; all cervical samples (n = 8) from pregnant women were obtained after 37 weeks of gestation at the time of cesarean section. The average CWR in cervical tissue samples from pregnant women was 18.7% (SD 7.5%), while in samples from non-pregnant women, it was 55.0% (SD 20.3%). There was a significantly higher CWR in the non-pregnant group compared to the pregnant group with a p-value
Objective: The variable fibronectin (FN) molecular forms are known to be engaged in coagulation and fibrinolysis pathways as well as tissue remodeling and repair processes. Some of them seem to be indispensable molecules within intensive biological processes associated with delivery. The aim of the study was to evaluate the FN molecular status in maternal and cord plasma after vaginal birth and cesarean section. Materials and methods: The study included nonpregnant women’s plasma samples (n = 31) and puerperal and cord plasma samples collected from 49 mothers who delivered healthy newborns at term by vaginal birth (n = 25) and cesarean section (n = 24). The maternal and cord plasma FN concentrations and presence and relative ratios of different FN-fibrin complexes were determined by ELISA and SDS-agarose immunoblotting, respectively. Results: FN concentration in puerperal plasma after vaginal birth (232.08 ± 71.8 mg/L) and cesarean section (228.17 ± 71.2 mg/L) was significantly higher than in the plasma of nonpregnant women (190.00 ± 48.75 mg/L). In contrast, FN concentration in cord plasma of the cesarean section group (101.95 ± 30.3 mg/L) was significantly lower than that of the vaginal birth group (121.80 ± 22.2 mg/L). Immunoblotting of puerperal and cord plasma distinguished the most abundant dimeric plasma FN form, the 220–280-kDa FN degradation products and 750–1900-kDa FN-fibrin complexes, which occurred more frequently and in higher amounts in puerperal and cord plasma groups than the nonpregnant women group, although independently of the mode of delivery. Conclusion: Occurrence and relative amount of delivery-associated FN-fibrin complexes in both puerperal and cord plasmas might be bound with the physiological adaptive mechanisms reducing the risk of hemorrhage and intensive remodeling and repair processes after delivery.
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Background: Induction of labor is a common procedure performed at 15-20 % of pregnancies. The most common indication was prolonged pregnancy (70 %). The past decade labor induction rate was increased 2-fold as well as the risk of cesarean section. Difficulties to predict the success of induction made predictors of success of induction widely studied. Predictors can be physical or chemical markers. One of the chemical marker is the ratio of estriol to estradiol levels. Objective: To determine the value of the ratio of estriol/ estradiol to predict success of induction of labor in prolonged pregnancy. Method: The design of study are Prospective Cohort. Study two hospitals (Wonosobo District Hospital and Banjarnegara District Hospital) used in this study from September 10, 2013 until December 31, 2013. Blood sampling was drown from the subject before induction to examin the levels of estriol and estradiol the induction which end in vaginal delivery were noted as succesull induction Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) method in order to determine the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and Area Under the Curve. Bivariate and multivariate analyzes also used to determine the correlation between variables. Results and Discussion: This study obtained 76 samples, 69 with successful induction and 7 failed of induction. The research got a cutoff was point 35 the sensitivity was 71% value, specificity value of 71%, positive predictive value 49%, negative predictive value was 55.6%. Area Under the was value of 80,7%. Positive likelihood ratio 1,06 and negative likelihood ratio 0,88. Bivariate and multivariate analysis showed that the ratio of estriol / estradiol ≥ 35 ng / mL significantly associated with successful induction (OR 9,598; 95% CI 1,378-66,859) Bishop score was also associated with a significant induction success (OR 13,481; 95% CI 1,955-92,955) Conclusion: This study shows that the proportion ratio of estriol / estradiol in succeed induction group were higher (≥ 35) compared with induction failure group (<35). ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Induksi persalinan adalah prosedur umum yang dilakukan pada 15-20% kehamilan. Indikasi tersering adalah kehamilan lewat waktu (70%). Satu dekade terakhir angka induksi persalinan telah meningkat 2 kali lipat begitu juga dengan risiko seksio sesarea. Keberhasilan induksi sulit diprediksi. Prediktor keberhasilan induksi banyak diteliti baik penanda fisik maupun kimia. Salah satu penanda kimia adalah rasio kadar estriol terhadap estradiol. Tujuan: Mengetahui nilai rasio kadar estriol estradiol untuk memprediksi keberhasilan induksi pada kehamilan lewat waktu
Angiogenesis is tightly regulated by pro- and anti-angiogenic factors. Secreting mast cells are able to induce and enhance angiogenesis via multiple in part interacting pathways. They include mast cell-derived (i) potent pro-angiogenic factors such as VEGF, bFGF, TGF-beta, TNF-alpha and IL-8, (ii) proteinases and heparin, that release heparin-binding pro-angiogenic factors lodged on cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix (ECM), (iii) histamine, VEGF, and certain lipid-derived mediators that induce microvascular hyperpermeability having pro-angiogenic effects, (iv) chemotactic recruitment of monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes that are able to contribute with angiogenesis-modulating molecules, (v) activation of platelets that release pro-angiogenic factors, (vi) activation of neighboring stationary non-mast cells, which secrete pro-angiogenic factors, ECM-degrading proteinases and stem cell factor which attracts, mitogenically stimulates and activates mast cells, (vii) auto- and paracrine stimulation of mast cells by stem cell factor, (viii) recruitment of mast cells by pro-angiogenic factors such as VEGF, bFGF and TGF-beta. As a result of ECM-degradation and changes in the microenvironment following initial mast cell secretion, the mast cell populations may change significantly in number, phenotype and function. In tumor models, mast cells have been shown to play a decisive role in inducing the angiogenic switch which precedes malignant transformation. There is, moreover, strong evidence that mast cells significantly influence angiogenesis and thus growth and progression in human cancers.
Specific ConsiderationsConclusions SummaryReferencesDiscussionReferences
Distribution of the eosinophil major basic protein (MBP) was studied in the rat uterus horn and cervix by means of immunohistochemistry using an antiserum raised against rat MBP. Various hormonal contexts were investigated: pre- and post-parturition, the estrous cycle, and ovariectomy followed by hormonal treatment or without treatment. MBP was detectable in the cervix as early as 12 h post-partum, appearing in the stroma close to the myometrium. The MBP had spread throughout the stroma toward the luminal epithelium after a few days. In contrast, no MBP was seen in sections of the corresponding pre- and post-partum uteri and in the pre-partum cervix. In cycling rats, MBP was distributed equally in the cervix and uterus and was more abundant during proestrus and estrus. In ovariectomized rats and in ovariectomized rats subsequently treated with progesterone, no MBP was detected in the cervix or uterus. In the cervix of ovariectomized rats treated with estradiol, MBP first appeared in the muscle layer situated between the two cervical lumina and then reached the stroma; within a few days only the stroma was stained. Inversely, in the uterus MBP-staining first appeared in the stroma. In conclusion, analysis of the distribution of MBP in rat uterus revealed a marked difference in the response of the cervix and horn to a hormonal environment.
Maternal recognition of pregnancy in domestic farm animals evolved as a physiological mechanism by which the conceptus inhibits luteolysis through alteration in endometrial prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) synthesis or movement during the establishment of early pregnancy. Luteolysis in ruminants, swine and horses results from the pulsatile release of PGF2α from the endometrium during late diestrous. Current evidence indicates that the timing of luteolysis is controlled by down regulation of nuclear progesterone receptors within the uterine epithelium during mid-luteal phase of the estrous cycle. Loss of progesterone regulation on uterine epithelium may permit the synthesis of oxytocin receptors necessary for establishing luteolytic pulses of PGF2α as proposed for the ewe and cow of allow synthesis of PGF2α essential for regressing the corpus luteum. Mechanism(s) by which the conceptus of each species gains control over the uterine epithelium to protect the corpora lutea from luteolysis, most likely evolved through pathways which were best suited to meet the requirements of placental growth, development and attachment. Ruminants have adapted a specific trophoblast Type I interferon (IFN) to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and possibly stabilize the uterine environment while trophoblast expansion and attachment occur. Although the pig conceptus secretes a trophobiast IFN, its endometrium is refractory to IFN stimulation of 2′, 5′-oligoadenylate synthetase as occurs in ruminants. Estrogen secretion by the porcine conceptus alters endometrial PGF2α movement and allows estrogen stimulated endometrial growth and secretion necessary for establishment of pregnancy in this polytocous species. The earlier evolution of the horse, which retains a spherical chorio-vitelline placenta during maternal recognition of pregnancy, developed a method of intrauterinc conceptus migration to inhibit luteolysis through secretion of an unknown prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor.
Sirius Red, a strong anionic dye, stains collagen by reacting, via its sulphonic acid groups, with basic groups present in the collagen molecule. The elongated dye molecules are attached to the collagen fibre in such a way that their long axes are parallel. This parallel relationship between dye and collagen results in an enhanced birefringency. Examination of tissue sections from 15 species of vertebrates suggests that staining with Sirius Red, when combined with enhancement of birefringency, may be considered specific for collagen. An improved and modified method of staining with Sirius Red is presented.