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MOGATS: a multi-objective genetic algorithm-based task scheduling for heterogeneous embedded systems

MOGATS: A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm based
Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems
Mohaddaseh Nikseresht
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Shiraz University
Shiraz, Iran
Mohsen Raji
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Shiraz University
Shiraz, Iran
Abstract Multi-objective optimization is an unavoidable
requirement in different steps of embedded systems design,
including task mapping and Scheduling. In this paper, a new
Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm-based Task mapping and
Scheduling (abbreviated as MOGATS) is presented for
heterogeneous embedded system design. In MOGATS, the
architecture of the hardware platform and the set of tasks in the
form of a task graph are assumed to be given as the inputs. Task
mapping and scheduling problems are modeled as a genetic
algorithm-based optimization approach in which the execution
time, energy consumption, and reliability of the Scheduling are
considered as the objectives of the optimization method. In
MOGATS, we are interested in finding the Pareto frontier of the
solutions (scheduled tasks) in order to help the designer to pick
out the best outcome according to different design considerations.
The experimental results on real application task graphs show
that, MOGATS gains a better solution than the greedy algorithm
if it is applied as a single-objective task scheduling method.
Moreover, the superiority of MOGATS in comparison to the
state-of-the-art single- and multi-objective task scheduling
algorithms are shown in terms of standard performances factors
such as Scheduling length Ratio and Speed up parameters. In
summary, our task scheduling tool is the first multi-objective
task scheduling in the design stage of Embedded Systems to help
the designer to figure out which set of scheduling would provide
their desired outcome. Additionally, In comparison to EGA-TS,
the state-of-are task scheduling algorithm, in terms of speedup
and SLR, we have gain 27.8 and 28.6 immediate improvements
KeywordsEmbedded Systems, Task Scheduling, Multi-Objective
Optimization, Genetic Algorithm.
Embedded systems are widely used in industrial, military,
and commercial services and products [1]. These various fields
of application have led to more heterogeneity and ever-
increasing complexity in modern embedded systems making
the design of these systems a critical engineering challenge [2].
One of the main parts of this challenge includes the problem of
mapping and scheduling of tasks during the design time of
embedded systems [2]. In the mapping and scheduling
problem, the functionality of the embedded system is
partitioned into a series of software tasks represented as a task
graph, and the order of the executing tasks should be
determined based on the existing hardware infrastructure [3].
Embedded systems are typically faced several constraints
such as energy consumption, execution time, and reliability [4].
These constraints may be conflicting in some cases; e.g., the
execution time and the energy consumption are contradictory
because less energy consumption requires less operating
voltage leading to higher execution time [4]. Hence, all design
stages, including task scheduling step, should be solved by
simultaneously considering these parameters in the form of a
multi-objective optimization problem so that a system designer
can apply the desired balance between various design options
The task scheduling problem is an NP-hard problem [6];
i.e., by increasing the dimensions of the problem, it is not
possible to reach the best answer at a reasonable time. Hence, it
is required to use heuristic algorithms to find solutions that are
as close as possible to the global optimum solution. Genetic
Algorithm, inspired by the evolution of humans, is capable of
solving the optimization problem with the help of applying
genetic operators after modeling the problem in the form of
chromosomes. Due to the efficiency and yet simplicity of
implementation, the genetic Algorithm has been widely used to
solve various multi-objective optimization problems. We need
to emphasize again that our tool is working in the stage of
Designing Embedded Systems. There is no Operational System
at this level, only the set of expected tasks and the hardware
platform. It helps the designer to figure out whatever the set of
tasks can be scheduled on the demanded hardware in the
desired indicators or not and make any required change in the
hardware platform or set of tasks if necessary. Evaluation tools
in the first stage with detailed system analytics enable
designers to discover different design options that can provide
the desired design indicators. Design decisions made at an
early stage of the design process are critical to preventing
potentially costly changes to more advanced stages of the
process. As a result, the designer should provide the necessary
design, analysis, and evaluation at an early stage of the design
to ensure that the resulting embedded system meets the desired
performance concerning the design parameters desired.
Several works based on genetic algorithms have been used
to solve the problem of mapping and task scheduling during the
design of embedded systems. We can separate them based on
the fact if the input task graph is static or dynamic. In case they
are working on dynamic task graphs like works presented in
[7][8] The task graph dynamically changes. However, as
mentioned before, we are working in the design stage of
Embedded Systems with static task graphs. Those works may
not be related. In the field of static task graphs we can mention
following works:
The task graph Embedded system [9], a multi-objective
genetic algorithm for the synthesis of hardware/software of
distributed embedded systems, is presented for the first time. In
this work, the system is synthesized considering the power
consumption and the execution time of the tasks. However, the
reliability parameter is neglected in this work. In [10], an
approach for mapping and scheduling an embedded system
based on a genetic algorithm is presented. In this work, the run-
time and cost are considered. Additionally, in order to improve
the reliability of the design, the scheduling problem is applied
to the modified task graph in which redundant tasks are added
to the task graph. This approach does not compute the
reliability of the original task graph in the scheduling problem,
but instead, the scheduling is done on the modified graph by
imposing a high cost. In [11], an integrated framework for the
synthesis of embedded systems is presented at the system level.
In this framework, the genetic algorithm applied to optimize
the multi-objective mapping parameters and various
architecture. However, this framework does not consider the
design space with respect to parameters such as energy
consumption and reliability. In another category of works,
different genetic algorithms are proposed to optimize the
execution time of tasks during scheduling for embedded
systems. In these works, important parameters of the embedded
systems, including energy consumption and reliability, are not
considered. In [10], the problem of scheduling is solved, with
the aim of reducing energy consumption. However, the
execution time of the tasks and reliability metric are not
considered. There are also some works such as [35], [36], and
[37] which have developed a modeling and simulation
environment for the efficient design space exploration of
heterogeneous embedded systems. However, these works have
focused on mapping problem and neglected to address the
scheduling problem. Moreover, these works did not consider
the reliability aspect either. In MOGAC [30], the scheduling
problem in the real-time heterogeneous distributed systems is
considered. However, it did not also address the reliability
metric. Previous works have serious limitations; i.e. some
previous works only deal with the problem of mapping tasks or
in some works, the parameters of the execution time, energy
consumption, and reliability are not considered simultaneously.
In this paper, a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm-based
Task mapping and Scheduling method called MOGATS is
presented for the design of embedded systems. In MOGATS,
the tasks, which are modeled as a task graph, are mapped and
scheduled on the existing hardware architecture. To this end,
task mapping and scheduling solutions are modeled in the form
of chromosomes, while each chromosome is evaluated using
different objective functions considering the parameters of
execution time, energy consumption, and reliability of the
scheduled tasks in the embedded system. Using the well-
known Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA
II) algorithm, the multi-objective genetic algorithm
optimization method finds Pareto frontier solutions (i.e.
scheduled tasks) during the task scheduling optimization flow.
The experimental results on real applications show that,
MOGATS achieves better solutions comparing to the greedy
algorithm when considering each objective separately.
Moreover, MOGATS outperforms other single- and multi-
objective heuristic task scheduling algorithms in terms of
common performance metrics such as Scheduling Length Ratio
and Speed up.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section III
the proposed methodology is explained and the model used for
tasks and hardware architecture is clarified, additionally, a
developed genetic algorithm is presented to solve the problem
of mapping and task scheduling in embedded systems. In
Section IV, experimental results are presented and, finally, the
paper is concluded in Section V.
This section presents the proposed Multi-Objective Genetic
Algorithm-based Tasks Scheduling Approach called
MOGATS. At first, tasks and hardware architecture models are
described and then, the design space exploration approach
based on MOGATS is presented.
Task set and hardware platform architecture modelling
For modelling tasks, the model introduced in [13] has been
used. This model is based on the Kahn Process Network
(KPN), a very well-known computational model for modelling
embedded systems. The KPN is represented by a directed
graph   in which a vertex for 
 represents a task or process and, for each vertex ,
the set of tasks associated with this vertex are shown in the
form of. In a case where  is assigned to a
hardware component in a scheduling,  represents the
execution time on this hardware component. If it is possible for
a task to be run on multiple hardware processing cores (i.e.
FPGA or ASIC), its execution time is shown as the set of 
 where U represents the number of
hardware processing cores on which a specific task can be
executed. On the other hand, when a vertex is assigned to a
software processing element (i.e. CPU or DSP) for scheduling,
 represents the execution time on that software processing
element. When it is possible to run a task on multiple software
elements, the execution time is shown as the set of
 where V represents the number of software
processing elements.
Each edge for  represents the
relationship between two tasks of the task graph . If this
link is allocated to a memory, represents the memory
access time. If during scheduling, the edge can be allocated to
multiple memories, the corresponding access time is
represented as to the set of 
where W denotes the number of memories that the task can be
assigned. Also, the architecture model is represented as the
graph in which the  and respectively
represent the architectural components and the communication
links between them. A set of architectural components
consists of two independent sets: a memory set (M), as well as
a set of processors (P) that includes hardware and software
components; i.e.  . A delay between
communication links is indicated by, where
{1…||}. The energy consumption related to running
an task on a processor p is shown as while and
indicates the energy consumption of memory m and
communication link. In this paper, it is assumed that the
architecture platform is available because the main goal is not
to solve the problem of determining the ideal architecture, but
to propose a method for solving the problem of mapping and
scheduling in embedded systems.
The problem of mapping and scheduling is finding the
optimal assignment of tasks and communications between
them on the hardware architecture platform. An example of
mapping and scheduling tasks on the hardware platform is
shown in Fig.1. As shown in the figure, each vertex of the
graph represents a task, and each edge indicates a relationship
between two tasks. Fig. 1(a) shows a task mapping in which
tasks are allocated to processors from the hardware
architecture platform, and communication links are mapped to
memories. Fig. 1(b) illustrates the task scheduling step in
which the orders of task execution/communication on the
processing elements/memories are determined.
In the following, the proposed approach called MOGATS
is introduced for exploring the best mapping and scheduling
concerning the critical objectives of the embedded systems,
including execution time, energy consumption, and reliability.
Design space exploration using MOGATS
Due to the complexity and limitations in the design of
embedded systems, the design space exploration is a
challenging process and known as an NP-hard problem [14].
Hence, it is required to use a multi-objective heuristic
algorithm to guide the designer to make the best scheduling
and mapping decisions for the tasks. In MOGATS, the
problem of task scheduling is modelled using a genetic
algorithm. At first, a task scheduling solution is modelled in
forms of a chromosome and then, using genetic operators, new
population (task scheduling solutions) are generated. Then,
the objectives (i.e. execution time, energy consumption, and
reliability) are defined, and the new population is formed
using a selection approach. In the following, the details of
each step are described.
Figure 1.The Problem of mapping and scheduling in the design of Embedded Systems.
Segmentation Method
In this work, in order to handle the dependency between tasks
in the task graph, we have used a segmentation approach
described in [12], in this method with considering the
dependency graph, the segmentation method is used to divide
scheduling into several segments. Each segment should cover
independent tasks that allow for parallel execution on different
processors [12]. Each element of the segment shows a task
and a processor to which it is assigned. The feature of the
segmentation method is that the tasks in each segment are
independent. However, the segments must execute in order.
Figure 2 shows the segmentation result from the task graph in
figure 1. As an example, in Seg1, task T1 is executed on
FPGA F2. After completing execution of Seg1 task list, Seg2
can execute its task list. Notice that, for a specific task graph,
each segment indexes are similar in all chromosome sets,
which is based on the task graph. However, the assigned cores
(the inputs of each segment) are the outputs of a random
function which randomly assigns cores from the core domain
to each task. We have chosen this method because, in single-
objective optimization, this simple technique brings a
significant improvement in comparison to other methods to
deal with dependency graphs.
Figure 2. The Segmentation result from the task graph in figure 1
Chromosome Representation
The processor allocation and scheduling order of tasks on
processors and communication edges are coded within each
chromosome. Given a task graph G with N tasks and M
communication nodes, and system architecture with P
processors, a chromosome is described as a set of 2N + M
genes. The structure of a representative chromosome is
presented in Figure 3.
a. Mapping
b. Scheduling
Communication BUS
Scheduling edges
M2 M3
C1 C1
T2 T3
F2 C1 C1 M1 M2 M2
Orders Communication
Mapping Scheduling
T3 T2
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
1) Mapping part in which the allocation of the tasks to the
processing elements is shown (the first N genes),
corresponding to the mapping N tasks to P available
processors. For example, task is mapped on processor.
The point here is different processors are mapped to the same
task orders shown as processor allocation indexes. The task
orders are based on segmentation order (Figure 2) and this
order is the same for all chromosome sets. However, the input
of each element (the assigned cores) is the output of random
function which randomly assigns core from the core domain to
each task in the first population. Appendix A shows the details
on how to recover the processor allocation (mapping part)
from the task graph segmentation.
2) Scheduling part in which the remaining N+ M genes
represents the order of execution tasks on the allocated
processors in the first sub-part and the order of the
communications to the communication links (i.e. memories in
this example) in the second sub-part. In the first sub-part, we
first fill the genes with task order segmentation (initialization
state), and then, we randomly reorder the task placements in
each segment by calling reorder function to generate other
chromosomes in the first population. In the second sub-part in
which the order of the communication nodes on the memories
is coded, the procedure is similar to the mapping part.
Appendix A shows the details on how to recover the processor
allocation (scheduling part) from the task graph segmentation.
3) Genetic operators
Genetic operators are used in a genetic algorithm to generate
and maintain genetic diversity from one generation of a
population to the next (mutation operator) and to combine
existing solutions into others (crossover operators). In the
following, the genetic operators, which are used in MOGATS,
are described.
1) Crossover
As one of the genetic operators, the crossover is used to
combine the genetic information of two parents to generate a
new child. In MOGATS, at first, one of the parents is selected
randomly, and a local crossover mechanism proposed in [33]
is applied in order to prevent local optimums. According to
this mechanism, chromosomes are classified based on NSGA
II Pareto set classification [17] and then, the other parent is
randomly selected from the same class of the first one; i.e. if
the first parent is selected from the Pareto set class 1, the
second praetor will also be selected from the Pareto set class
1. After the parent's selection step, two children are generated
with probability as described in the following.
In the mapping part of the child chromosome, the algorithm is
based on uniform crossover [34]. According to this algorithm
for each task of the child, a random number between 0 and 1 is
generated. If the number is lower than, the mother’s
processor will be selected to execute the child’s task (i.e. the
processor allocation of child chromosome is copied from the
mother’s chromosome); otherwise, the father’s processor will
be chosen. The pseudocode of the crossover operator in the
mapping part is provided in Figure 4.b. similar steps are done
for the crossover operation in the communication links
scheduling part because we do not change the order of tasks,
there would be no problem on correctness, completeness and
uniqueness of the mapping-part are provided.
In the task order section of the scheduling part, the algorithm
is based on the single point crossover [34]. A cross over point
K is randomly selected between 0 to N-1 where N denotes the
number of tasks then, we cut the mother’s and father’s task
orders from the point K and copy tasks from the first part of
mother’s task orders to the same part of the child1’s
chromosome. The same will be repeated for child2 with the
first part of fathers’ task orders. After that, we scan the
father’s task order part from the beginning and copy the tasks
of father’s task order part which do not appear in the left side
of child1’s task orders to fill it. The same will happen for the
child2 with mother’s task orders. The pseudocode of the
crossover operator for this part is provided in Fig. 4.c. In
appendix B, we prove that the proposed crossover operator is
a valid genetic operator as it fulfils the necessary conditions
such as the correctness, completeness and uniqueness of
chromosomes [16].
F2 C1 C1 M1 M2 M2
T1 T3T2
C2 F2 C1 M2 M1 M2
T1 T2T3
F2 C1 C1 M2 M2 M2
T1 T3T2
T2 T3
T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
C2 F2 C1 M1 M1 M2
T1 T2T3
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
Figure 4.a Crossover operation
1. One parent is randomly chosen from current population
2. The other parent randomly chosen from the same class of
Figure3. Chromosome Representation
first parent
Output: Two new chromosomes in mapping part
For (all tasks in the task set)
1. Generate a random number R
2. If(R )
3. Copy mothers ‘processor to child1’s gen and Copy
fathers’ processor to child2’s gen
4. Else if(R > )
5. Copy fathers ‘processor to child’s gen and Copy
mother’s processor to child2’s gen
Figure 4.b. Crossover- mapping part Algorithm
Inputs: 1. The same parents from crossover-mapping part
Output: Two new chromosomes in scheduling part
For (all tasks in the task set)
2. Random cross over point K between [1, N-1] is
3. The initial selected tasks from Mother [0 to K] are
directly transmitted to the child1 and tasks from
Father[0 to k] are directly transmitted to child2
4. To fill [k+1 to N-1], fathers chromosomes are
scanned from beginning and each node that is not yet
in the child is added to the next empty position of
child. The same will be repeated with mother’s
chromosome for child2.
Figure 4.c. Crossover- scheduling part Algorithm
Figure 4. The cross over operation and its mapping and cross over
2) Mutation
The mutation is a genetic operator used to maintain genetic
diversity from one generation of genetic algorithm to the next
one. These changes should not affect the prioritization of
genes. In MOGATS, a parent is chosen randomly from the
current population, and one child is generated from the
selected parent. These changes should not affect the
prioritization of genes, and therefore, changes in each segment
must take place by segmentation. The mutation operator is
performed in each part of the chromosomes as described in the
In the mapping part, uniform mutation [34] is applied for each
task of the child in which the parent’s processor is selected to
execute the child’s task with probability; i.e. a random
number between 0 and 1 is generated and if the number was
lower than  the parent’s processor would be selected to
execute child’s task; otherwise, another processor from
processor pool is chosen randomly. An example of mutation
operator is shown in Figure 5.a. The pseudocode of mutation-
mapping operation algorithm is provided in Figure 5.b. A
similar procedure is used for the scheduling the
communication links. Since the order of tasks is not changed
in the applied mutation operator, the mutation operator is a
valid genetic algorithm as it keeps the correctness,
completeness and uniqueness of the chromosome in the
mapping part.
The mutation operator in the task order section of the
scheduling part in the chromosome is as follows: a task is
randomly selected in each segment, and it is changed with a
task of the same segment; i.e. their order can be changed.
Figure 5.c shows the pseudocode of mutation-scheduling part.
In order to prove that the mutation operator maintains the
order of tasks and will not result in invalid orders, a theorem is
proved in appendix B.
C2 F2 C1 M2 M1 M2
T1 T2T3
C1 F2 F2 M2 M1 M1
T1 T3T2
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
D. Tasks Order
Figure 5.a. Mutation operation
1. One parent is randomly chosen from current population
Output: A new chromosome in mapping part
For (all tasks in the task set)
2. Generate a random number R
3. If(R )
4. Copy parents processor to child’s gen
5. Else if(R >)
6. One processor is randomly chosen from
processor’s pool
7. Copy chosen processor to the child’s gen
Figure 5.b. Mutation-Mapping part Algorithm
1. The same parent from mutation-mapping part
Output: A new chromosome in Scheduling part
For (all tasks in the task set)
2. Choose randomly a task T
3. Generate a new task orders by interchanging the task of T
with a task in the same segment
Figure 5.c. Mutation-Scheduling part Algorithm
Figure 5. cross over operation and its mapping and cross over
algorithms Shows the
3) Selection
The selection operator is based on NSGAII [17]. The
pseudo-code of NSGAII is shown in Figure 6.
Input: N population size, M max number of
Output: Pareto frontier, non-dominated solutions in
= GenerateInitialPopulation(); // Size N
=  // Start with children set empty
EvaluateObjectiveFunction(); //calculate fitness
RankPopulation(); //Done according to fitness values
For (i=0 to M-1) do
// Create children population
// Calculate children fitness
EvaluateObjectiveFunction ();
//Elitism: Keep non-dominated:
End for
Figure 6. Design Space Exploration based on NSGAII[17]
Fitness functions
In MOGATS, three different design parameters are taken
into consideration while finding the best task scheduling; i.e.
execution time, energy consumption, and the reliability. The
fitness functions related to these design parameters used for
evaluation of each task schedules are determined after
specifying executing core and other related aspects of each
task for a specific task scheduling [16].
1) Execution Time
The execution time of the critical path of a task scheduling
(i.e. the path which includes the maximum executing tasks) is
computed as follows:
  
 
Where the first and the second parts of Eq. 1 respectively
represent the effect of hardware processors and software
processors on the execution time while the last part shows the
effect of the links delay due to memory access time if the task
communication j is assigned to a memory core. The parameter
 illustrates the memory access time for w in
which M is the maximum number of memories. Additionally,
illustrates the delay of communication link between
processors k and l with. Finally, the
variable  represents the communication delay among two
cores m and n where.
In order to model which task is assigned to each processor,
the decision variables are used. In more details, when task i is
assigned to the hardware processor u or software processor v,
decision variables  and  are set to 1, respectively;
otherwise, they are set to 0. On the other hand, in order to
show that a communication link j is linked to a memory core
w, or a communication channel j is included within a core,
decision variables  and are set to 1, respectively;
otherwise, they are set to 0. Note that if two communicating
tasks are assigned to the same processor value will be zero.
2) Energy consumption
The fitness function used for computing energy
consumption is as [13]:
 
Where 
shows the execution time of the processor p and
 illustrates the power consumption per unit of this
processor while and respectively determine the time
elapsed on the communication link and memory. Moreover,
 and  indicate power consumption by communication
link and memory, respectively.
3) Reliability
The third fitness function is related to computing the
reliability of the task scheduling. The system’s reliability
model introduced in [16] and [17] is adopted in MOGATS to
compute the reliability of the task scheduling. This fitness
function is based on Discrete-Time Markov Chain (DTMC) of
the system architecture which are graphical models consisting
of finite state graphs. A user-oriented reliability model has
been developed to measure the reliability of service that a
system provides to a user community. It has been observed
that in many systems, especially software systems, reliable
service can be provided to a user when it is known that errors
exist, provided that the service requested dose not utilize the
defective parts. The reliability of the system, therefore,
depends both on the utilization of the components and the
probabilistic distribution of the utilization of the components
to provide the service. This user-oriented software reliability
figure of merit is defined to measure the reliability of the
system with respect to a user environment. A simple Markov
model is formulated to determine the reliability of a software
system based on the reliability of each individual module and
the measured inter modular transition probabilistic as the use
profile. The reliability of the program can be calculated from
the following procedure in the critical path. Let { ,, … ,
} be the set of nodes in the program graph with the entry
node and the exit node. Let be the reliability of node
and  the transition probability of the branch (, ). Let
= 0 if the branch (, ) does not exist. However In the
critical Path all Tasks must be taken so the = 1. Let the
transition matrix be  where ) represents the probability
of transition from state i to state j in the Markov process. For
any positive integer n, let the nth power of be .
Evidently,  is the probability that starting from state i,
the chain enters the absorbing state  at or before the
nth step. The reliability of the program R is the probability of
reaching state C (correct termination) from the initial state
. Hence, we have
Let be an n by n matrix such that:
If is finite, which is the case here, and we let , it
can be shown that [20]
where S is the base matrix of the DTMC, S(i, j) shows the
expected number of times to visit state j from the base state i,
and parameter n is the number of states in the model, and
indicates the reliability of last state n. Since a better task
scheduling is the one which has less execution time, less
energy consumption, and higher reliability, in order to align
this fitness function with the previous ones, unreliability (1-R)
is considered in MOGATS; i.e.
Unreliability = 1-R
Solving the multi-objective optimization problem
After defining fitness functions in the previous section, the
general form of the multi-objective optimization problem
which is the task scheduling problem here can be written as
follows [17]:
Where x shows a possible solution from the set of all feasible
solutions X. In MOGATS, a possible solution is a task
scheduling which is determined by the decision variables
discussed before and completely depends on how application
tasks are mapped and scheduling onto the processors of the
architecture platform. For a specific solution (i.e. a scheduling
of tasks), the fitness functions, , and calculate the
value of design parameters from Eq. (1), (2), and (4). The
overall fitness function of  translates a solution x
from the decision space determined by the decision variables
into a point in the objective space defined by the three
objectives or fitness functions. However, in multi-objective
optimization, there does not typically exist a feasible solution
that minimizes all objective functions simultaneously as the
design parameters are antagonistic [19][20]; i.e. finding a
design parameter decreases at least one of the other design
parameters. So, we are interested in finding so-called Pareto
optimal solutions; i.e. the solutions which are non-dominated
by any other solution point among all solutions from the
feasible set [17].
In order to obtain Pareto optimal solutions, multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms such as genetic algorithm can be used
due to the capability of these algorithms to optimize several
independent objective functions simultaneously. In this paper,
NSGAII algorithm [17] has been used as it has shown that, in
contrast to other evolutionary algorithms, NSGA II has several
advantages such as ease of implementation and low computing
power [17]. The pseudocode of this algorithm is shown in Fig.
6. NSGA II starts with a randomly generated population (i.e.
different solutions for task scheduling) and then, iteratively
generates new populations from the previous one using genetic
operators (i.e. crossover and mutation). The aim is to use these
operations to produce a more appropriate set of non-dominated
results in each iteration. The algorithm terminates when the
required number of iterations are passed. The final set of Pareto
solutions are the Final solutions for task mapping and
scheduling problem.
The proposed mapping and scheduling method (MOGATS)
is implemented in C programming language and run on a
LINUX machine with Intel Core i3 with 2.30 GHz clock
frequency and 2 GB RAM. For simulation, we use four test-
cases, the first two test cases are in the domain of automotive
software; i.e. Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) and Adapter
Controller System (ACC) These two test cases and their failure
rates are adopted from the study in [20]. The last two test cases
are chosen from Embedded System Synthesis Benchmarks
Suite (E3S) benchmark [15]. For E3S benchmarks, the failure
rate is also adopted from the work done in [20]. The ABS and
ACC are two services that are used in most of modern cars to
enhance the safety as well as to assist convenient driving. The
software architecture of the subsystems is depicted in [22],
where includes 14 components (tasks) from (components 07)
are mainly responsible for the ABS subsystem and
(components 814) contribute to the ACC functionality. The
two E3S benchmarks [15] Auto.indust-mocsyn consists of 21
components and consumer-mocsyn consists of 10 tasks. The
hardware platform consists of 8 processors, four high-
performance processors, and four energy-efficient processors
the hardware detailed are adopted from [22]. The correlation
between the energy consumption and reliability is also
considered; i.e. the reliability of the processors with less energy
consumption should be less than the ones with higher energy
consumption. Some further information about task graphs and
is presented in the following table.
Table 1- The number of task graphs, edges from each Bench mark
has been shown.
Target Application
# of Nodes
# of Edges
E3S Benchmark-
Auto. Indust
E3S Benchmark-
The parameters of NSGA II are set as follows: the probability
of crossover ( has been set to 0.7 and the probability of
mutation has been set to 0.05. The number of iterations is
9 million times (the final Pareto set is achieve in 870 iterations
but we continue the execution up to 9 million to make sure
that, there would be no change in the final set) with population
size 100.
In MOGATS, because reliability, performance, and energy
consumption represent objective functions, the only constraints
that we used in our problem formulation consist of the
architecture platform begin given and the HW/SW partitioning
of the given application. Specifically, in our case, we assume
that the architecture platform has eight components in order to
accommodate the largest application task graph that we
investigated. It is assumed that the hardware architecture and
software components (tasks graph) are given as inputs to the
algorithm. In these experiments, the hardware platform
includes four CPUs as software processing cores, four FPGAs
as hardware components, and two communication units which
are assumed to be handling through memory mapping; i.e. the
source core writes into a memory component, and the
destination core reads it from memory. The communication
arcs in the task graph are handled in this manner. The energy
consumption, reliability (in terms of failure rates) and
execution time (in terms of Million Instructions per Second
(MIPS)) of each processor has been adopted from [20].
Evaluation metrics
To compare the efficacy of MOGATS with other
algorithms on standard graphs, two standard factors scheduling
length Ratio (SLR) and Speedup are used.
Scheduling length Ratio(SLR):
The length of the scheduled output graph is an essential
factor in comparing different scheduling algorithms; we need
to synchronize these graphs to get the shortest possible length
in each graph. To this aim, we have used SLR, a suitable
metric for comparing different algorithm which is computed as
follows [23]-[31]:
Where  or completion time is the total time taken to
process a set of tasks for its complete execution, 
represents the critical path, and) indicates the time of
executing task on the processor based on the output of
the task scheduling. In fact, this criterion divides the achieved
execution time (), into the optimum execution time
of the scheduling (
 ). To
obtain a normal criterion SLR average on several graphs is
considered as comparison criterion. SLR, The most important
performance measurement criterion on graph scheduling
algorithms is scheduling length resulted from output algorithm.
Since a large number of graphs with different characteristics
are used, it is necessary to normalize scheduling length to a low
band for every graph so that we reach a criterion for total
comparison called scheduling length ratio.
Speedup parameter
Speedup metric is another standard performance metric
which is obtained by dividing the time of executing all the
tasks serially on the fastest processing element by the total
completion time of tasks in the obtained scheduling solution;
i.e. [23]-[26],[29]-[31]:
The problem of task scheduling, in the form of software
scheduling programming on the hardware platform, is
considered. Pareto solutions taking into account parameters in
the form of unreliability, the energy consumption and the
execution time in the objective space are considered. The
experimental results obtained for the two test cases are shown
in Fig. 7. X, Y, and Z axis of this figure respectively show the
energy consumptions, execution time, and unreliability of the
solutions (i.e. task scheduling). The initial populations and
final set of Pareto optimal solutions have been shown in a
circle (red) and triangle (blue), respectively. Comparing the
first population and the final one, it can be seen that noticeable
improvements in all three objectives are achieved as the final
solutions have moved in the direction of the arrows shown in
the figure; i.e. the better solution is the one with less execution
time, less energy consumption, and less unreliability.
Figure 7. Comparison of the initial population (circle - red) and the
final population (triangle - blue).
In order to show the results more clearly, these results are
re-displayed using two-dimensional graphs in Fig. 8. For
example, Fig. 8.a compares the results of Energy consumption
vs execution time in the first population and the final one.
Similarly, Fig. 8.b and Fig. 8.c shows the comparison of the
parameters of energy consumption vs unreliability and
execution time vs unreliability, respectively. As can be seen in
Fig. 8, the Pareto set of the final population in all cases
dominates the first population, which means that MOGATS
improve the initial task scheduling solutions considering all
three fitness functions.
Figure 8.a. Energy consumption vs. Execution Time Graph, the
comparison of initial population (circle - red) and final population
(triangle - blue)
Figure 8.b. Energy consumption vs. Unreliability Graph, the
comparison of initial population (circle - red) and final population
(triangle - blue)
Figure 8.c. Execution Time vs. Unreliability Graph, the comparison
of initial population (circle - red) and final population (triangle -
Figure 8. Two-dimensional graphs for better results demonstration-
the first population and the final one has been respectively shown in
(circle - red) and (triangle - blue) respectfully. As it can be seen in all
scenarios, the final population covers the wide range of answers.
The 3D view of E3S benchmark, Auto.indust-mocsyn, is
shown in Fig. 9. For a better understanding as it can be seen in
Fig. 10.a, the final population dominates the first population
regarding energy consumption and execution time. Fig.
10.b/10.c shows the results regarding energy
consumption/execution time vs unreliability. As power has
been increased, the reliability improves the reason behind it is
that in this scenario, we are using less power consumption
cores. With less power consumption cores, the reliability of
the system is less affected. In the negative side, the less power
consumption cores usually have a longer time of execution as
a result in figure 10.c as the time of execution increased the
reliability of the system increased.
Figure9 Comparison of initialization Population (circle - red) and
Final Population (triangle - blue) using MOGATS
Figure 10.a. Energy consumption vs. Execution Time Graph, the
comparison of initial population (circle - red) and final population
(triangle - blue)
Figure 10.b. Execution Time vs. Unreliability Graph, the comparison
of initial population (circle - red) and final population (triangle -
Figure 10.c. Execution Time vs. Unreliability Graph, the comparison
of initialization Population (circle - red) and Final Population
(triangle - blue)
Figure 10. Two-dimensional graphs for better results demonstration-
the first and the final population.
The experimental results of the other E3S benchmark (i.e.
consumer-mocsyn) are shown in Fig. 11 and 11. Fig. 11 shows
the 3D view of the first and final population considering
energy consumption, unreliability, and execution time while
Fig. 12 shows the 2D view of the first and final populations.
The point about this benchmark is that the overall Execution
time of tasks on processors was insignificant despite the type
of the processor. Thus the best and worse execution times are
closed together as it can be seen in figure 12.a. Additionally,
The effect of this can be seen on execution-unreliability and
power-unreliability charts as well. The best and worse
reliability values are extended from 0.991 to 0.999. As a
result, these two charts are constant with unreliability values
near zero.
Figure 11. Comparison of initialization Population (circle - red) and
Final Population (triangle - blue) using MOGATS.
Figure12.a. Power Execution Time Graph, the comparison of initial
population (circle - red) and final population (triangle - blue)
Figure12.b. Power Unreliability Graph, the comparison of initial
population (circle - red) and final population (triangle - blue)
Figure 12.c. Execution Time Unreliability Graph, the comparison of
initial population (circle - red) and Final Population (triangle - blue)
Figure12. Two-dimensional graphs for better results demonstration-
the first population and the final one.
In order to compare the efficacy of MOGATS with similar
scheduling algorithms, 100 random graphs with size 20 nodes
are created using an automatic graph generator tool that is
implemented in our work. In random graphs, the costs of
communications for all nodes are considered to be the same.
Specially, we compare performance standards (i.e. SLR and
Speedup) of MOGATS with well-known heuristic task
scheduling algorithms. (i.e. EGA-TS [12], HEFT_T [29], and
BGA [32]).
The SLR comparison results are presented in Figure 13. As
shown in the figure, MOGATS provides the scheduling
solution with an execution time equal to the optimum
execution time of the scheduling according to Eq. (6) while
the other scheduling algorithms achieve to SLR value of .5 by
EGA-TS in the best case. Figure 14 shows the Speedup
comparison results. As can be seen in the figure, MOGATS
outperform other scheduling algorithms by achieving higher
speedup value. The results show that, if all the tasks are
serially executed on the fastest processing element, it takes six
times longer than if the obtained scheduling solution is applied
for executing the task set. In comparison to the other methods,
in the best case, EGA-TS provides scheduling solutions which
are four times shorter than the case in which the tasks are
serially executed on the fastest processing element.
Figure 13. SLR Comparison Results between MOGATS and other
task scheduling methods
Figure 14. Speedup Comparison Results between MOGATS and
other task scheduling methods
We also compare MOGATS with greedy-based task
scheduling method to show its efficacy in finding the best
solution in terms of each of the three objective functions (i.e.
execution time, energy consumption, and reliability). To this
end, we implement the greedy-based scheduling considering
one the objective functions and then, the best tasks scheduling
solution provided by MOGATS is selected for comparison
each time. In this experiment, ABS and ACC benchmarks were
used. Table 2.a, Table 2.b, and Table 2.c show that the
numerical results of the obtained scheduling solution when the
selected objective function in the greedy algorithm is
respectively execution time, energy consumption, and
unreliability. As shown in Table 1.a, MOGATS finds a
scheduling solution which has similar execution time to the
greedy-based method, which is even better in terms of energy
consumption and unreliability. More interestingly, as shown in
Table 2.b and 2.c, the task scheduling solutions found by
MOGATS dominate the ones obtained by the greedy-based
task scheduling approach when the greedy-based method is
applied to optimize the tasks scheduling in terms of energy
consumption and unreliability, respectively. The main reason
for this superiority is that MOGATS takes advantages of
genetic algorithm which explores the search space broader and
more accurate.
Table 2-Comparison of MOGATS with greedy-based task
scheduling method
a. Objective function: Execution time
b- Objective function: Energy consumption
c- Objective function: Unreliability
In this paper, a multi-objective genetic algorithm based task
scheduling method called MOGATS is proposed for designing
embedded systems considering the parameters of the
execution time, energy consumption, and reliability. In
MOGATS, tasks are modelled as a task graph, and according
to the existing hardware architecture, a method for mapping
and scheduling tasks on hardware architecture is proposed.
The task mapping and scheduling problem are modelled in
forms of chromosomes and using the genetic operators such as
crossover and mutation and a selection approach based on
NSGAII, the new populations (i.e. task scheduling solutions)
are generated. The multi-objective task scheduling
optimization provided by MOGATS is verified using real task
graphs, and its efficacy is investigated by comparing to the
well-known heuristic-based task scheduling algorithm. The
use of a multi-objective optimization strategy allows the
system designers to balance various design parameters (i.e.
execution time, energy consumption, and reliability) according
to the main constraints of their embedded system design.
In this part, it is explained how segmentation is implemented
in mapping and scheduling parts. Figure 16.a and 16.b show
how to recover the processor allocation (mapping
part/scheduling part) from the task graph segmentation.
C1 C1
T2 T3
C1F2 C1
Processor Allocation
Figure16.a. Converting segmentation to Processor Allocation (the mapping
C1 C1
T2 T3
T2T1 T3 T3T1 T2
Reorder (Segment 2)
Reorder(Segment 1)
Figure 16. (a) Converting segmentation to Processor Allocation (the
mapping part, (b) Converting segmentation to Processor Allocation
(the mapping part)
To prove that the genetic operators maintain the order of tasks
and would not result in invalid orders, they have to fulfill the
following condition [16]:
Correctness: following the prioritized dependency of
Competence and Uniqueness: non-repeated
occurrence of all tasks in a given chromosome
Theorem 1: A task orders is an execution order if the tasks
keep their dependencies orders. In this case if we remove 
from the task orders, the remaining tasks still keep the
topological order of tasks without violating precedence
constrains (Correctness condition).
Proof 1: When is removed from a topological order, the
remaining tasks are actually a topological order of the new
graph created by removingfrom the original graph.
Therefore, all priority constraints of the new graph are
preserved in the remaining task orders.
Theorem 2: Taskcan be inserted into any position among
tasks with higher and lower priority then which can provide
a new task orders without violating priority constraints.
(Competence and Uniqueness condition).
Proof 2: All tasks with the same higher and lower priority as
are independent of. It means if we change the position of
these tasks with each other there is no threat for priority
constraints. Hence, the relative order between them in any
task orders can be acceptable.
In the following, it is proved that the mutation operator
maintains the order of tasks and will not result in invalid
orders by fulfilling the necessary conditions [16]:
Theorem 3. For mutation, task orders can be replaced in any
order without violating priority constraints (Correctness
Proof 3. This is because of the fact that we only replace the
tasks in the same segment and the tasks in a segment have the
capacity of parallel execution.
In this appendix, we have performed a hyper-parameter
exploration in the experiments. In the first set of these
experiments, we have extended the population to 500 and
1000. This modification leads to acceleration of finding the
solution with only 150 and 30 iterations respectively.
However, memory usage increased to 50 and 60 percent
respectively for experiments with 500 and 1000 populations.
The obtained results are shown in Figures 17.a and 17.b for
500 and 1000 population sizes, respectively.
Figure17.a. The first (red circles) and final (blue triangles) results with
population size of 500 after 150 iterations.
Figure17.b. The first (red circles) and final (blue triangles) results with
population size of 1000 after 30 iterations.
Initialize State
Task Order
Figure16.b. Converting segmentation to Processor Allocation (the
scheduling part)
In order to explore the impact of the mutation and crossover
rates, we have made changes to the crossover and mutation
probabilities in MOGATS. The obtained results are shown in
Figure 18.a in which the mutation and crossover probabilities
have been set to 0.6 and 0.03, respectively. The results show
that, it takes about 1700 iterations to obtain Pareto set similar
to the set in the experimental result section. The reason for
that is that, the local exploration the design space is reduced
by reducing the crossover probability. In another experiment,
we have set crossover and mutation probabilities to 1 and 1
shown in Figure 18.b. In this case, all of the produced children
are acceptable. In this experiment, the Pareto set similar to the
one in the experimental result section have been obtained in
500 iterations while the memory usage has been increased
about 40%.
Figure18.a. The first (red circles) and final (blue triangles) results with
crossover probability of 0.03 and mutation probability of 0.6.
Figure18.b. The first (red circles) and final (blue triangles) results with
crossover probability of 1 and mutation probability of 1.
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... The distribution of nodes in fog computing is highly scattered, resulting in unequal resource distribution owing to some regions being too sparse while others too dense. As a result, constructing a task scheduling model presents several challenges that require balancing multiple factors to avoid modeling bias while ensuring the desired effect [16][17][18]. In this paper, we propose a task offloading model based on multi-decision information, and select three computational objectives, namely transmission time, processing time, and energy consumption for the task scheduling model [19]. ...
... When generating the weights corresponding to the zero-term subproblem, the generation process is guided according to the information in the external archive, so as to ensure that the newly generated weight vector is more consistent with the population distribution characteristics and promote the subsequent solution to be more uniform. The generation of the weight vector is shown in Formula (18). When ∏ m j=1 f sp j − z * j = 0 = 0, the weight vector generation method proposed in this paper discards a parameter ε in the MOEA/D-AWA algorithm and adds an item W e i , which is the previously removed weight vector stored in the external archive. ...
Full-text available
Task offloading and real-time scheduling are hot topics in fog computing. This paper aims to address the challenges of complex modeling and solving multi-objective task scheduling in fog computing environments caused by widely distributed resources and strong load uncertainties. Firstly, a task unloading model based on dynamic priority adjustment is proposed. Secondly, a multi-objective optimization model is constructed for task scheduling based on the task unloading model, which optimizes time delay and energy consumption. The experimental results show that M-E-AWA (MOEA/D with adaptive weight adjustment based on external archives) can effectively handle multi-objective optimization problems with complex Pareto fronts and reduce the response time and energy consumption costs of task scheduling.
... In addition, the invasive weed optimization (IWO) [9] algorithm imitated the growth, reproduction, and competitive extinction of weeds in nature. Other intelligence optimization algorithms include [10][11][12][13], and those algorithms have been widely applied in a host of modern intelligent industries, such as artificial intelligence (AI) robots [14], economic and political decision-making [15], control engineering [16], simulation systems, financial fields, etc. ...
... , v n }, where the side of graph G is weighted. The w ij represents the non-negative weight between the two vertices v i and v j , as shown in (10). For any two vertices in V , there can be an edge connection or no edge connection. ...
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Inspired by various behaviors of creatures in nature, numerous efficient bionic algorithms are designed for dealing with complex clustering problems. As a population-based intelligence bionic optimization model mixes individual information interaction and physical mechanism, the emotional preference and migration behavior clustering (EPMC) algorithm had proposed for dealing with clustering tasks. It is superior to multiple classic clustering algorithms and obtains epoch-making clustering effects. However, EPMC still shows premature convergence and ineffectiveness in balancing exploration and exploitation. To further enhance the searchability and the performance during clustering, we proposed a Monte Carlo spectral clustering algorithm for emotional preference and migratory behavior optimization named MCSC-EPMC. Specifically, we first incorporate the spectral clustering strategy based on Laplacian eigenmaps to assist in updating the individual. Second, a Monte Carlo statistical data theory is utilized to simulate the cluster center point and help to approach the optimal. In addition, the theoretical analysis and convergence property of MCSC-EPMC are discussed. Numerous experiments were performed to compare the proposed MCSC-EPMC with the other seven clustering algorithms on several standard datasets. And the experimental results on several standards show the effectiveness and feasibility of MCSC-EPMC. It also enhanced the clustering performance by about 6.036% compared to the EPMC.
... Nikseresht et al. designed a mapping method by NSGA for the multi-objective problem in embedded system design. It showed a higher acceleration ratio than other task scheduling methods [15]. ...
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As science and technology develop in recent years, the center of ship shafting has received high attention from the ship industry. The traditional ship shafting calibration mostly focuses on the issue that hull deformation cannot be accurately estimated. The ship is floating after entering the water, and this method is not conducive to the long-term stable operation of the ship shafting. To solve the above problems, the study establishes the optimization model of ship axis alignment based on slide alignment and finite element method. This model can be optimized by adopting the non-dominant sequencing genetic algorithm improved by elite strategy. The study verified the performance of the optimization model of ship axis alignment. The results showed that the adaptive value, super-volume value, and inverse generation distance of the improved genetic algorithm were 74.57, 0.38, and 0.03, respectively. In the application of a ship, the intermediate bearing position could be adjusted by the ship shafting optimization model based on the improved non-dominant sorting genetic algorithm. As a result, the shaft reaction under the ballast condition was reduced by 24019 N than before, making the bearing load of the ship shafting more uniform. To sum up, the proposed optimal model is robust, which can effectively reduce the impact of hull deformation, improve the optimal effect of ship shafting alignment and ensure the safe navigation of the ship.
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The challenge in cloud services is scheduling and allocating resources due to the exponential growth in demand and diversity of cloud resources. Scheduling is to allocate tasks across cloud resources so that scheduling algorithms reduce power consumption and offer cloud providers maximum return by reducing execution time. Various QoS parameters (such as makespan, load balancing, costs, etc.) are considered for efficient scheduling to reduce workload and enhance performance. Through this framework, multi-objective scheduling is a decision-making problem with multiple attributes considering the trade-off between the conflicting and competing parameters mentioned in the SLA between users and providers. This paper summarizes various multi-objective scheduling algorithms that consider contradictory and competing parameters or constraints to be optimized simultaneously. These algorithms are finally tabulated, presenting their advantages and disadvantages with cloud simulation tools and other QoS related parameters.
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For task-scheduling problems in cloud computing, a multi-objective optimization method is proposed here. First, with an aim toward the biodiversity of resources and tasks in cloud computing. This paper propose a resource cost model that defines the demand of tasks on resources with more details. A multi-objective optimization scheduling method has been proposed based on this resource cost model. This method considers the makespan, wall clock time , execution time and the costs as constraints of the optimization problem. This paper proposed a multi-objective improved genetic algorithm (MOIGA) to address multi-objective task scheduling problems. The experiment results showed that the MOIGA algorithm minimizes makespan, wall clock time, execution time and cost when compared with First Come First Serve (FCFS), Round Robin (RR) and Shortest Job First (SJF).
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Nowadays, the expanding computational capabilities of the cloud system rely on the minimisation of the consumed power to make them sustainable and economically productive. Power management of cloud data centres received a great attention from industry and academia as it consumes high energy and thus increases the operational cost. One of the core approaches for the conservation of energy in the cloud data centre is the task scheduling. This task allocation in a heterogeneous environment is a well known NP-hard problem due to which researchers pay attention for proposing various heuristic techniques for the problem. In this paper, a technique is proposed based on dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS) for optimising the energy consumption in the cloud environment. The basic idea is to address the trade-off between energy consumption and makespan of the system. Here, we formally introduce a model that includes various subsystems and assess the implementation of the algorithm in the heterogeneous environment.
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The task scheduling problem for Multiprocessor System-on-Chips (MPSoC), which plays a vital role in performance, is an NP-hard problem. Exploring the whole search space in order to find the optimal solution is not time efficient, thus metaheuristics are mostly used to find a near-optimal solution in a reasonable amount of time. We propose a novel metaheuristic method for near-optimal scheduling that can provide performance guarantees for multiple applications implemented on a shared platform. Applications are represented as directed acyclic task graphs (DAG) and are executed on an MPSoC platform with given communication costs. We introduce a novel multi-population method inspired by both genetic and imperialist competitive algorithms. It is specialized for the scheduling problem with the goal to improve the convergence policy and selection pressure. The potential of the approach is demonstrated by experiments using a Sobel filter, a SUSAN filter, RASTA-PLP and JPEG encoder as real-world case studies.
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One of the important problems in heterogeneous computing systems is task scheduling. The task scheduling problem intends to assigns tasks to a number of processors in a manner that will optimize the overall performance of the system, i.e. minimizing execution time or maximizing parallelization in assigning the tasks to the processors. The task scheduling problem is an NP-complete and this is why the algorithms applied to this problem are heuristic or meta-heuristic by which we could reach a relatively optimal solution. This paper presents a genetic-based algorithm as a meta-heuristic method to address static task scheduling for processors in heterogeneous computing systems. The algorithm improves the performance of genetic algorithm through significant changes in its genetic functions and introduction of new operators that guarantee sample variety and consistent coverage of the whole space. Moreover, the random initial population has been replaced with some initial populations with relatively optimized solutions to lower repetitions in the genetic algorithm. The results of running this algorithm on the graphs of real-world applications and random graphs in heterogeneous computing systems with a wide range of characteristics, indicated significant improvements of efficiency of the proposed algorithm compared with other task scheduling algorithms.
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Purpose – The aim of the present work is to provide a case study where lean production (LP) techniques are implemented in a semi-automated assembly line with O-shaped (closed-loop) layout configuration. The action research has been conducted within an assembly line for automotive components. The work aims to provide insights on the impact of loop layout features with respect to lean principles’ application; operative solutions related to some logistic limit of loop layout; and how kanban technique can be adapted to an O-shaped layout. Design/methodology/approach – The main research methodology is based on action research within an assembly line of oil pumps. The two research questions find answer through literature analysis and implementation of LP in the O-shaped layout. In the A3 step, we identify the main weak points of a loop layout also under the perspective of operators’ feeling. The analysis of the main constraints is conducted in this step, with respect to the most common layout used within LP adoption. Steps A4 and A5 answer to RQ2 by an on-field results’ analysis. Findings – The use of an O-shaped layout may allow to improve ergonomic conditions for workers; to better organize parts feeding through slides and chutes because of the presence of operators outside the line. The new approach to determine the number of withdrawal kanban potentially extends the findings of Tardif et al. (2012): the minimum of the objective function is reached with a higher number of withdrawal kanbans. Research limitations/implications – The approach is applied within a stand-alone line, while in several industrial contexts, we may find several of these lines in the same shop floor. In this case, LP implementation would cope with the several kanban cards circulating, the over-saturation of the logistic operator in supplying all the lines with smaller quantities of materials. Practical implications – The action research resulted in the introduction of a new concept of supermarket, conceived as a decoupling buffer that lies near the line and in the review feeding devices, with the adoption of bins and operators’ feeding chutes. Parts’ feeding systems is reorganized with a two levels of withdrawal kanban. The introduction of line supermarket and the change of supply policies from pallets to bins contributed to the strong reduction of average work-in-progress. Yet, the double-withdrawal kanban and the small quantities supplied may cause an increase of material handling times and meters covered by operators. Social implications – Better working condition of the line operators because of the presence of ergonomic chutes for parts’ feeding. In contrast, we observed a high saturation of logistic operator because of the small quantities of components supplied on the line, with an increased stress of this worker. Originality/value – A decoupled withdrawal kanban (DWK) is developed. In DWK, the first withdrawal is issued to the supermarket that serves the line. The second withdrawal kanban is issued from the supermarket to the central warehouse. Within DWK, we propose a modified dimensioning formula through minimization of the objective function Z(k). Parts’ feeding is now organized with sliding chutes on operators’ workstations to collect components in accordance to kanban dimensioning.
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The general problem of multiprocessor scheduling can be stated as scheduling a task graph onto a multiprocessor system so that schedule length can be optimized. Task scheduling in multiprocessor system is a NP-complete problem. In literature, several heuristic methods have been developed that obtain suboptimal solutions in less than the polynomial time. Recently, Genetic algorithms have received much awareness as they are robust and guarantee for a good solution. In this paper, we have developed a genetic algorithm based on the principles of evolution found in nature for finding an optimal solution. Genetic algorithm is based on three operators: Natural Selection, Crossover and Mutation. To compare the performance of our algorithm, we have also implemented another scheduling algorithm HEFT which is a heuristic algorithm. Simulation results comprises of three parts: Quality of solutions, robustness of genetic algorithm, and effect of mutation probability on performance of genetic algorithm.
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Real-world applications are composed of multiple tasks which usually have intricate data dependencies. To exploit distributed processing platforms, task allocation and scheduling, that is assigning tasks to processing units and ordering inter-processing unit data transfers, plays a vital role. However, optimally scheduling tasks on processing units and finding an optimized network topology is an NP-complete problem. The problem becomes more complicated when the tasks have real-time deadlines for termination. Exploring the whole search space in order to find the optimal solution is not feasible in a reasonable amount of time, therefore meta-heuristics are often used to find a near-optimal solution. We propose here a multi-population evolutionary approach for near-optimal scheduling optimization, that guarantees end-to-end deadlines of tasks in distributed processing environments. We analyze two different exploration scenarios including single and multi-objective exploration. The main goal of the single objective exploration algorithm is to achieve the minimal number of processing units for all the tasks, whereas a multi-objective optimization tries to optimize two conflicting objectives simultaneously considering the total number of processing units and end-to-end finishing time for all the jobs. The potential of the proposed approach is demonstrated by experiments based on a use case for mapping a number of jobs covering industrial automation systems, where each of the jobs consists of a number of tasks in a distributed environment.