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Internet of Things (IoT) Applications and Security Challenges: A Review



The Internet of Things (IoT) revolutionized the global network comprising of people, smart devices, intelligent objects, information, and data. It is no secret that as more and more devices connect to the internet, the challenges of securing the data that they transmit and the communications that they initiate are becoming more profound. Over the years, we have seen a surge in IoT devices, broadly in 2 areas-in homes and in manufacturing. With the former, we have seen an entire ecosystem built around Amazon's Echo devices using the Alexa Voice Service. Google, Microsoft, and Apple have followed suit as well. Since these are independent and closed platforms, the responsibilities of securing the devices rest with the platform providers. In this paper, we highlights cyber security in manufacturing and related industries. Industries such as manufacturing, oil & gas, refining, pharmaceuticals, food & beverage, water treatment, and many more are constantly looking to add the right layers of security, as they bring an increasing number of equipment and devices online. Device manufacturers and plant operations managers constantly face pressure to protect their physical assets from cyber threats. Moreover, for each of these industries, the nature of the data, topologies of IoT devices, and complexities of threat management and ensuring compliance vary widely.
Internet of Things (IoT) Applications and
Security Challenges: A Review
Mohit Kumar Saini1
1Department of Computer Application,
Doon Business School, Dehradun
Uttrakhand, India
Rakesh Kumar Saini2
2Department of Computer Application,
DIT University, Dehradun
Uttrakhand, India
Abstract-The Internet of Things (IoT) revolutionized the
global network comprising of people, smart devices,
intelligent objects, information, and data. It is no secret that
as more and more devices connect to the internet, the
challenges of securing the data that they transmit and the
communications that they initiate are becoming more
profound. Over the years, we have seen a surge in IoT devices,
broadly in 2 areas in homes and in manufacturing. With the
former, we have seen an entire ecosystem built around
Amazon's Echo devices using the Alexa Voice Service. Google,
Microsoft, and Apple have followed suit as well. Since these
are independent and closed platforms, the responsibilities of
securing the devices rest with the platform providers. In this
paper, we highlights cyber security in manufacturing and
related industries. Industries such as manufacturing, oil &
gas, refining, pharmaceuticals, food & beverage, water
treatment, and many more are constantly looking to add the
right layers of security, as they bring an increasing number of
equipment and devices online. Device manufacturers and
plant operations managers constantly face pressure to protect
their physical assets from cyber threats. Moreover, for each of
these industries, the nature of the data, topologies of IoT
devices, and complexities of threat management and ensuring
compliance vary widely.
Keywords-- Internet of Things, Cyber-attack, Security threats.
The recent rapid development of the Internet of Things
(IoT) and its ability to offer different types of services have
made it the fastest growing technology, with huge impact
on social life and business environments. Internet of Things
(IoT) devices are rapidly becoming ubiquitous while IoT
services are becoming pervasive. Their success has not
gone unnoticed and the number of threats and attacks
against IoT devices and services are on the increase as
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an idea that could radically
alter our relationship with technology. The promise of a
world in which all of the electronic devices around us are
part of a single, interconnected network was once a thing of
science fiction. But IoT has not only entered the world of
nonfiction; it’s taking the world by storm. IoT devices are
no longer a niche market. They have started to move from
our workspaces into our (smart) homes, where IoT devices
are expected to have the most significant impact on our
daily lives. Most smart home devices will be benign,
everyday appliances like kettles and toasters. Even if these
devices are hacked and compromised, short of ruining your
breakfast, there’s not a lot a hacker can do to cause you
grief. The market is currently focusing on the vertical
domains of IoT since it is in relatively early phases of
development. But IoT cannot be treated as a single thing,
or single platform, or even a single technology. In order to
achieve the expected rapid growth from IoT opportunities,
more focus needs to be put on interfaces, platforms, mobile
applications and common/dominant standards [1][2].
IoT in the education sector has already started to make the
conventional education system more automated
interactive smart classrooms are helping students learn and
participate more, whilst automatic attendance and various
student tracking systems could help to make schools more
secure. Internet-enabled remote classrooms will be a
milestone for developing countries, making deep
penetration in areas where setting up a traditional school
infrastructure is not possible. Internet-enabled
manufacturing and industrial units are giving
differentiating results, making them safer and more
efficient through automated process controls. Plant and
energy optimization, health and safety control and security
management are now increasingly being provided by
advanced sensors, networked with sophisticated
microcomputers [3][4]. Financial services are already
leveraging the internet for many of their services.
Exponential improvement in digital infrastructure and the
next generation of IoT enabled products could further lead
the growth of the financial sector, with innovations, such as
smart wearable and smart monitoring devices, helping
customers to keep better track of their money and
investments. Telcos could face a surge in data usage due to
IoT-enabled devices, thus raising their ARPU (average
revenue per user), while on the other hand, they will also
have to deal with some concerns, such as privacy and
infrastructure security. While the possibilities of these new
technologies are mind-boggling, they also reveal severe
IoT cybersecurity challenges. During the last few years,
we’ve seen a dramatic increase in the number and the
sophistication of attacks targeting IoT devices. The
interconnectivity of people, devices and organizations in
today’s digital world, opens up a whole new playing field
of vulnerabilities access points where the cyber
criminals can get in. The overall risk “landscape” of the
organization is only a part of a potentially contradictory
and opaque universe of actual and potential threats that all
too often come from completely unexpected and
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by,
NCRIETS – 2019 Conference Proceedings
Volume 7, Issue 12
Special Issue - 2019
unforeseen threat actors, which can have an escalating
effect. In this paper discussed various security challenges
in IOT. The main contribution of this paper is to provide an
overview of the current state of IoT security challenges [5].
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated
computing devices, mechanical and digital machines,
objects, animals or people that are provided with unique
identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a
network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-
computer interaction A thing in the internet of things can
be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal
with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built-
in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low or
any other natural or man-made object that can be assigned
an IP address and is able to transfer data over a
Increasingly, organizations in a variety of industries are
using IoT to operate more efficiently, better understand
customers to deliver enhanced customer service, improve
decision-making and increase the value of the business [9].
The internet of things (IoT) is a computing concept that
describes the idea of everyday physical objects being
connected to the internet and being able to identify
themselves to other devices. The term is closely identified
with RFID as the method of communication, although it
also may include other sensor technologies, wireless
technologies or QR codes.
Some most popular characteristics of Internet of things are:
(a) Intelligence
(b) Connectivity
(c) Dynamic Nature
(d) Enormous scale
(e) Sensing
(f) Heterogeneity
(g) Security
(a) Intelligence
IoT comes with the combination of algorithms and
computation, software & hardware that makes it smart.
Ambient intelligence in IoT enhances its capabilities which
facilitate the things to respond in an intelligent way to a
particular situation and supports them in carrying out
specific tasks. In spite of all the popularity of smart
technologies, intelligence in IoT is only concerned as
means of interaction between devices, while user and
device interaction is achieved by standard input methods
and graphical user interface [8].
Together algorithms and compute (i.e. software &
hardware) provide the “intelligent spark” that makes a
product experience smart. Consider Misfit Shine, a fitness
tracker, compared to Nest’s intelligent thermostat. The
Shine experience distributes compute tasks between a
smartphone and the cloud. The Nest thermostat has more
compute horsepower for the AI that make them smart.
(b) Connectivity
Connectivity empowers Internet of Things by bringing
together everyday objects. Connectivity of these objects is
pivotal because simple object level interactions contribute
towards collective intelligence in IoT network. It enables
network accessibility and compatibility in the things. With
this connectivity, new market opportunities for Internet of
things can be created by the networking of smart things and
applications. Connectivity in the IoT is more than slapping
on a WiFi module and calling it a day. Connectivity
enables network accessibility and compatibility.
Accessibility is getting on a network while compatibility
provides the common ability to consume and produce data.
If this sounds familiar, that’s because it is Metcalfe’s Law
and it rings true for IoT [10].
(c) Dynamic Nature
The primary activity of Internet of Things is to collect data
from its environment, this is achieved with the dynamic
changes that take place around the devices. The state of
these devices change dynamically, example sleeping and
waking up, connected and/or disconnected as well as the
context of devices including temperature, location and
speed. In addition to the state of the device, the number of
devices also changes dynamically with a person, place and
The state of devices change dynamically, e.g., sleeping and
waking up, connected and/or disconnected as well as the
context of devices including location and speed. Moreover,
the number of devices can change dynamically [11].
(d) Enormous scale
The number of devices that need to be managed and that
communicate with each other will be much larger than the
devices connected to the current Internet. The management
of data generated from these devices and their
interpretation for application purposes becomes more
critical. Gartner (2015) confirms the enormous scale of IoT
in the estimated report where it stated that 5.5 million new
things will get connected every day and 6.4 billion
connected things will be in use worldwide in 2016, which
is up by 30 percent from 2015. The report also forecasts
that the number of connected devices will reach 20.8
billion by 2020.
The number of devices that need to be managed and that
communicate with each other will be at least an order of
magnitude larger than the devices connected to the current
Internet. Even more critical will be the management of the
data generated and their interpretation for application
purposes. This relates to semantics of data, as well as
efficient data handling.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by,
NCRIETS – 2019 Conference Proceedings
Volume 7, Issue 12
Special Issue - 2019
(e) Sensing
IoT wouldn’t be possible without sensors which will detect
or measure any changes in the environment to generate
data that can report on their status or even interact with the
environment. Sensing technologies provide the means to
create capabilities that reflect a true awareness of the
physical world and the people in it. The sensing
information is simply the analogue input from the physical
world, but it can provide the rich understanding of our
complex world [12] [13].
We tend to take for granted our senses and ability to
understand the physical world and people around us.
Sensing technologies provide us with the means to create
experiences that reflect a true awareness of the physical
world and the people in it. This is simply the analog input
from the physical world, but it can provide rich
understanding of our complex world.
(f) Heterogeneity
Heterogeneity in Internet of Things as one of the key
characteristics. Devices in IoT are based on different
hardware platforms and networks and can interact with
other devices or service platforms through different
networks. IoT architecture should support direct network
connectivity between heterogeneous networks. The key
design requirements for heterogeneous things and their
environments in IoT are scalabilities, modularity,
extensibility and interoperability. The devices in the IoT
are heterogeneous as based on different hardware platforms
and networks. They can interact with other devices or
service platforms through different networks [14].
(g) Security
IoT devices are naturally vulnerable to security threats. As
we gain efficiencies, novel experiences, and other benefits
from the IoT, it would be a mistake to forget about security
concerns associated with it. There is a high level of
transparency and privacy issues with IoT. It is important to
secure the endpoints, the networks, and the data that is
transferred across all of it means creating a security
Some useful applications of Internet of Things (IOT) are:
(a) Connected Health
(b) Smart City
(c) Connected Cars
(d) Smart Home
(e) Smart Farming
(f) Smart Retail
(g) Smart Supply Chain
(a) Connected Health (Digital Health/Tele
IoT has various applications in healthcare, which are from
remote monitoring equipment to advance & smart sensors
to equipment integration. It has the potential to improve
how physicians deliver care and also keep patients safe and
healthy. Healthcare IoT can allow patients to spend more
time interacting with their doctors by which it can boost
patient engagement and satisfaction. From personal fitness
sensors to surgical robots, IoT in healthcare brings new
tools updated with the latest technology in the ecosystem
that helps in developing better healthcare. IoT helps in
revolutionizing healthcare and provides pocket-friendly
solutions for the patient and healthcare professional
Figure 1: Connected Health
Connected healthcare yet remains the sleeping giant of the
Internet of Things applications. The concept of connected
healthcare system and smart medical devices bears
enormous potential not just for companies, but also for the
well-being of people in general. Research shows IoT in
healthcare will be massive in coming years. IoT in
healthcare is aimed at empowering people to live healthier
life by wearing connected devices. The collected data will
help in personalized analysis of an individual’s health and
provide tailor made strategies to combat illness. The video
below explains how IoT can revolutionize treatment and
medical help.
(b) Smart City
Smart city is another powerful application of IoT
generating curiosity among world’s population. Smart
surveillance, smarter energy management systems,
automated transportation, water distribution, urban security
and environmental monitoring all are examples of internet
of things applications for smart cities. IoT will solve major
problems faced by the people living in cities like pollution,
traffic congestion and shortage of energy supplies etc.
Products like cellular communication enabled Smart Belly
trash will send alerts to municipal services when a bin
needs to be emptied [17].
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by,
NCRIETS – 2019 Conference Proceedings
Volume 7, Issue 12
Special Issue - 2019
Figure 2: Smart City
By installing sensors and using web applications, citizens
can find free available parking slots across the city. Also,
the sensors can detect meter tampering issues, general
malfunctions and any installation issues in the electricity
(c) Connected Cars
The automotive digital technology has focused on
optimizing vehicles internal functions. But now, this
attention is growing towards enhancing the in-car
experience. A connected car is a vehicle which is able to
optimize its own operation, maintenance as well as comfort
of passengers using onboard sensors and internet
connectivity. Most large auto makers as well as some brave
startups are working on connected car solutions.
Major brands like Tesla, BMW, Apple, and Google are
working on bringing the next revolution in automobiles
Figure 3: Connected Cars
Connected car technology is a vast and an extensive
network of multiple sensors, antennas, embedded software,
and technologies that assist in communication to navigate
in our complex world. It has the responsibility of making
decisions with consistency, accuracy, and speed. It also has
to be reliable. These requirements will become even more
critical when humans give up entirely the control of the
steering wheel and brakes to the autonomous or automated
vehicles that are being successfully tested on our highways
right now.
(d) Smart Home
Smart Home has become the revolutionary ladder of
success in the residential spaces and it is predicted Smart
homes will become as common as smartphones Whenever
we think of IoT systems, the most important and efficient
application that stands out every time is Smart Home
ranking as highest IOT application on all channels. The
estimated amount of funding for Smart Home startups
exceeds $2.5bn and is ever growing. Wouldn’t you love if
you could switch on air conditioning before reaching home
or switch off lights even after you have left home? Or
unlock the doors to friends for temporary access even when
you are not at home. Don’t be surprised with IoT taking
shape companies are building products to make your life
simpler and convenient [11].
Figure 4: Smart Home
The cost of owning a house is the biggest expense in a
homeowner’s life. Smart Home products are promised to
save time, energy and money. With Smart home companies
like Nest, Ecobee, Ring and August, to name a few, will
become household brands and are planning to deliver a
never seen before experience [19].
(e) Smart Farming
Smart farming is an often overlooked IoT application.
However, because the number of farming operations is
usually remote and the large number of livestock that
farmers work on, all of this can be monitored by the
Internet of Things and can also revolutionize the way
farmers work. But this idea is yet to reach a large-scale
attention. Nevertheless, it still remains to be one of the IoT
applications that should not be underestimated. Smart
farming has the potential to become an important
application field specifically in the agricultural-product
exporting countries.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by,
NCRIETS – 2019 Conference Proceedings
Volume 7, Issue 12
Special Issue - 2019
Figure 5: Smart Farming
(f) Smart Retail
Retailers have started adopting IoT solutions and using IoT
embedded systems across a number of applications that
improve store operations such as increasing purchases,
reducing theft, enabling inventory management, and
enhancing the consumer’s shopping experience. Through
IoT physical retailers can compete against online
challengers more strongly. They can regain their lost
market share and attract consumers into the store, thus
making it easier for them to buy more while saving money
Figure 6: Smart Farming
The potential of IoT in the retail sector is enormous. IoT
provides an opportunity to retailers to connect with the
customers to enhance the in-store experience. Smartphones
will be the way for retailers to remain connected with their
consumers even out of store. Interacting through
Smartphones and using Beacon technology can help
retailers serve their consumers better. They can also track
consumer’s path through a store and improve store layout
and place premium products in high traffic areas [17].
(g) Smart Supply Chain
Supply chains have already been getting smarter for a
couple of years. Offering solutions to problems like
tracking of goods while they are on the road or in transit, or
helping suppliers exchange inventory information are some
of the popular offerings. With an IoT enabled system,
factory equipment that contains embedded sensors
communicate data about different parameters such as
pressure, temperature, and utilization of the machine. The
IoT system can also process workflow and change
equipment settings to optimize performance [21].
Figure 7: Smart Supply Chain
IoT security is the protection of Internet of Things devices
from attack. While many business owners are aware that
they need to protect computers and phones with antivirus,
the security risks related to IoT devices are less well known
and their protection is too often neglected.
Internet of Things devices are everywhere. From cars and
fridges to monitoring devices on assembly lines, objects
around us are increasingly being connected to the internet.
The speed at which the IoT market is growing is staggering
- Juniper research estimates that the number of IoT sensors
and devices is set to exceed 50 billion by 2022.While
consumer IoT devices allow lifestyle benefits, businesses
are quickly adopting IoT devices due to high potential for
savings. For example, after Harley-Davidson turned their
York, Pennsylvania plant to a ‘smart factory’ using IoT
devices in every step of the production process,
they reduced costs by 7% and increased net margin by
(a) Data Integrity
Billions of devices come under the umbrella of an
interlinked ecosystem that is connected through IoT.
Manipulating even a single data point will result in
manipulation of the entire data which is exchanged and
shared back and forth from the sensor to the main server.
Decentralized distributed ledger and digital signatures
should be implemented in order to ensure integrity [24].
(b) Encryption Capabilities
Data encryption and decryption is a continuous process.
The IoT network’s sensors still lack the capability to
process. The brute force attempts can be prevented by
firewalls and segregating the devices into separate
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by,
NCRIETS – 2019 Conference Proceedings
Volume 7, Issue 12
Special Issue - 2019
(c) Privacy Issues
IoT is all about the exchange of data among various
platforms, devices, and consumers. The smart devices
gather data for a number of reasons, like, improving
efficiency and experience, decision making, providing
better service, etc.; thus, the end point of data shall be
completely secured and safeguarded.
(d) Common Framework
There is an absence of a common framework and so all the
manufacturers have to manage the security and retain the
privacy on their own. Once a common standardized
framework is implemented, the individual efforts will then
collectively be utilized in an expandable manner and so
reusability of code can be achieved [23].
Figure 8: Security Challenges Facing IoT
(e) Automation
Eventually, enterprises will have to deal with more and
more number of IoT devices. This enormous amount of
user data can be difficult to manage. The fact cannot be
denied that it requires a single error or trespassing a single
algorithm to bring down the entire infrastructure of the data
(f) Updations
Managing the update of millions of devices needs to be
adhered to, respectively. Not all the devices support over
the air update and hence it requires manually updating the
devices. One will need to keep a track of the available
updates and apply the same to all the varied devices. This
process becomes time-consuming and complicated and if
any mistake happens in the process than this shall lead to
loopholes in the security later. Security Investment in
securing infrastructure and network should be the first
priority, which is not the case now. IoT involves the use of
millions of data points and each point should be secured.
Indeed, the need is for the multi-layer security, i.e., security
at each and every level. From end-point devices, cloud
platforms, embedded software to web and mobile
applications that leverage IoT (Internet of Things), each
layer should be security intact. With the set of
heterogeneous devices, security becomes complex.
The IoT framework is vulnerable to attacks at each layer.
Therefore, there are many security threats and requirements
that need to be dispatched. Current state of research in IoT
is mainly concentrated on authentication and access control
protocols, but with the rapid growth of technology it is
essential to consolidate new networking protocols like IPv6
and 5G to achieve the progressive mash up of IoT topology
The main emphasis of this chapter was to highlight major
security issues of IoT particularly, focusing the security
attacks and their countermeasures. Due to lack of security
mechanism in IoT devices, many IoT devices become soft
targets and even this is not in the victim’s knowledge of
being infected. In this chapter, the security requirements
are discussed such as confidentiality, integrity, and
authentication, etc. In this paper, different applications of
IOT are discussed. We hope this paper will be useful to
researchers in the security field by helping identify the
major issues in IoT security and providing better
understanding of the threats and their attributes originating
from various intruders like organizations and intelligence
agencies. ETHICS
This Research paper is original and not published in any
conferences or in any journal.
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Published by,
NCRIETS – 2019 Conference Proceedings
Volume 7, Issue 12
Special Issue - 2019
... The applications of IoT in sectors, such as healthcare, education, homes, power distribution, cloud, web and mobile applications, agriculture and technology, were explored in various studies [19][20][21][22]. The challenges that come along with IoT applications, including security, privacy, heterogeneity, lack of standardized protocols, device identity, vulnerability detection and scalability, have also been explored. ...
... In addition to putting pressure on blockchain networks, the large data volume created by IoT devices also necessitates careful selection and transfer of user data. The inherent delays in blockchain consensus systems 21 may conflict with the need for low latency and near-instantaneous responses. The immutability of blockchain transactions poses a threat to privacy and confidentiality [63]. ...
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Given the exponential expansion of the internet, the possibilities of security attacks and cybercrimes have increased accordingly. However, poorly implemented security mechanisms in the Internet of Things (IoT) devices make them susceptible to cyberattacks, which can directly affect users. IoT forensics is thus needed for investigating and mitigating such attacks. While many works have examined IoT applications and challenges, only a few have focused on both the forensic and security issues in IoT. Therefore, this paper reviews forensic and security issues associated with IoT in different fields. Future prospects and challenges in IoT research and development are also highlighted. As demonstrated in the literature, most IoT devices are vulnerable to attacks due to a lack of standardized security measures. Unauthorized users could get access, compromise data, and even benefit from control of critical infrastructure. To fulfil the security-conscious needs of consumers, IoT can be used to develop a smart home system by designing a FLIP-based system that is highly scalable and adaptable. Utilizing a blockchain-based authentication mechanism with a multi-chain structure can provide additional security protection between different trust domains. Deep learning can be utilized to develop a network forensics framework with a high-performing system for detecting and tracking cyberattack incidents. Moreover, researchers should consider limiting the amount of data created and delivered when using big data to develop IoT-based smart systems. The findings of this review will stimulate academics to seek potential solutions for the identified issues, thereby advancing the IoT field.
... Although it is still an IoT usage, it should not be dismissed particularly for nations involved in the production and trade of agricultural products, smart farming has emerged as 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE RICE. HYDERABAD, 2023 a promising field with a wide range of potential applications [24].  Smart Retail: Retailers have been using Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and integrating IoT-enabled systems into different applications, which has improved the efficacy and efficiency of their shop operations., including boosting sales, lowering fraud, allowing inventory management, and improving the purchasing experience for customers. ...
... Another critical issue is the management of resources, which can become complex and require a high level of coordination and integration. Furthermore, as smart farming systems grow in size and complexity, scalability becomes an increasingly important factor that must be considered [2], [3], [4]. Thus, to address the challenges posed by the adoption of IoT devices in smart farming, it is crucially needed for the enhancement of access control to ensure authorized access will be granted to legitimate devices while also being scalable to accommodate future expansion. ...
Energy usage is exactly proportional to population growth in the current environment. As a result, demand for power rises in tandem with population growth. However, daily and seasonal variations in electricity demand exist. So, we’ll talk about energy storage systems for balancing generation and demand in this article. Because of growing concerns about rising energy prices, most renewable energy sources are being combined into the power grid as distributed energy resources (DER). This increase in DER penetration raises concerns about load stability and matching and reliability and power quality. The electric grid must be able to encounter customer demand. The energy storage system (ESS) can boost efficiency and reliability while also giving the PV system more power control options.
A Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a network of wireless devices that are used to monitor the health of individuals or provide them with information pertinent to their personal health. A WBAN typically consists of multiple sensors and a central sink and it enables the tracking of multiple body signals without the need for cables or other wired connections, allowing for a more comfortable user experience. The used sensors are extremely small and lightweight, making them well-suited for long-term medical monitoring. In this paper, we consider the joint problem of device positioning and data routing in WBANs leveraging relay-based multi-hop communication to address network energy consumption and reliable data transmission, which are two fundamental challenges in the WBAN design. The deployment of a WBAN is the most important factor that impacts both the network lifetime and reliability. On the other side, routing in multi-hop WBANs is of paramount importance for efficient communications between sensors and the centralized hub. For this reason, we define and assign to each relay a concave and non-increasing function (called reliability function) which permits to decrease consistently congestion occurrence in the network by balancing relays loads. In this work, we consider the problem of designing an energy-aware routing on WBANs while ensuring that all data are delivered to the sink with a sufficiently large probability. This problem is formulated as a non-convex mixed-integer non-linear programming problem and proven to be NP-hard. We first present an efficient linearization technique for the problem and then propose lower- and upper-bounding schemes for the problem, which can be applied within a cutting plane algorithm-based heuristic to solve the problem. Finally, we evaluate the proposed model with a real topology scenario and compare its performance with the most notable methods presented in the literature. Numerical results show that our model, independently of patient body movement, can transfer data through reliable paths from biosensors to the sink while further offering these options: (1) the probability that each biosensor successfully transfers its data to the sink is adjustable according to the desired application; (2) congestion is limited through a careful balancing of incoming traffic to relays, and (3) a small number of relays is installed, while ensuring an energy-efficient routing of data.
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Internet of Things (IoT), which will create a huge network of billions or trillions of “Things” communicating with one another, are facing many technical and application challenges. This paper introduces the status of IoT development in China, including policies, R&D plans, applications, and standardization. With China's perspective, this paper depicts such challenges on technologies, applications, and standardization, and also proposes an open and general IoT architecture consisting of three platforms to meet the architecture challenge. Finally, this paper discusses the opportunity and prospect of IoT
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The Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become popular in diverse domains such as e-Health, e-Home, e-Commerce, and e-Trafficking, etc. With increased deployment of IoT devices in the real world, they can be, and in some cases, already are subject to malicious attacks to compromise the security and privacy of the IoT devices. While a number of researchers have explored such security challenges and open problems in IoT, there is an unfortunate lack of a systematic study of the security challenges in the IoT landscape. In this paper, we aim at bridging this gap by conducting a thorough analysis of IoT security challenges and problems. We present a detailed analysis of IoT attack surfaces, threat models, security issues, requirements, forensics, and challenges. We also provide a set of open problems in IoT security and privacy to guide the attention of researchers into solving the most critical problems.
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Internet of Things (IoT) has provided a promising opportunity to build powerful industrial systems and applications by leveraging the growing ubiquity of radio-frequency identification (RFID), and wireless, mobile, and sensor devices. A wide range of industrial IoT applications have been developed and deployed in recent years. In an effort to understand the development of IoT in industries, this paper reviews the current research of IoT, key enabling technologies, major IoT applications in industries, and identifies research trends and challenges. A main contribution of this review paper is that it summarizes the current state-of-the-art IoT in industries systematically.
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According to the European Union data protection legislation, privacy is a fundamental right that should be protected in the interaction of the citizen with the digital world. In the evolution of Internet towards new paradigms like Internet of Things (IoT), protection of privacy can be a challenging task because IoT connected objects can generate an enormous amount of data, some of which actually constitute personal data. In addition, it is difficult to control the flow of data when there is no user interface or adequate tools for the user. In this paper we describe an efficient solution to enforcement security policy rules that addresses this challenge, and takes a more general enterprise architecture approach for security and privacy engineering in IoT. This enforcement solution is based on a Model-based Security Toolkit named SecKit, and its integration with the MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol layer, which is a widely adopted technology to enable the communication between IoT devices. In this paper, we describe the motivation and design of our enforcement solution, demonstrating its feasibility and the performance results in a case study.
We discuss analogs based on elliptic curves over finite fields of public key cryptosystems which use the multiplicative group of a finite field. These elliptic curve cryptosystems may be more secure, because the analog of the discrete logarithm problem on elliptic curves is likely to be harder than the classical discrete logarithm problem, especially over GF(2"). We discuss the question of primitive points on an elliptic curve modulo p, and give a theorem on nonsmoothness of the order of the cyclic subgroup generated by a global point.
The IOT(Internet of Things) is thriving to connect everything on our planet. With the maturity of Radio Frequency Identification technology, companies are adopting RFID technology into their legacy systems. However, systems of different companies are facing obstacles in establishing mutual trust to be partners of the IOT. This paper proposes an item-level access control framework for inter-system security in the IOT, promising to help solve the issue and drive the development of the IOT a step forward.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to uniquely identifiable objects (things) which can interact with other objects through the global infrastructure of wireless/wired Internet. The communication technique among a large number of resource-constrained devices that generate large volumes of data has an impact on the security and privacy of the involved objects. In this paper, we propose an encryption method based on XOR manipulation, instead of complex encryption such as using the hash function, for anti-counterfeiting and privacy protection. The enhancement of the security is described and hardware design methodology is also demonstrated.
Conference Paper
Personal Medical Devices (PMDs) are attached to the patient's body to assist his physiological processes and to monitor his medical condition. These PMDs communicate with programming devices for various reasons like monitoring, firmware update, and operational parameter updates. With wider proliferation of PMDs, their communication and connectivity features will improve enabling greater mobility for the patient. The PMDs will essentially become part of the Internet of Things (IoTs) for medical devices providing almost seem less communication capabilities. This will expose the PMDs to new cyber threats. In this paper, we present the cyber threats to these devices and limitations of the PMD IoTs that make addressing these cyber threats challenging. We then present some initial solution approaches to address the identified cyber threats.