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Medicinal importance of Papra (Podophyllum hexandrum Royle) in Unani System of Medicine

  • Centre for Biodiversity & Taxonomy Deptt. of Botany University of KashmirSrinagarJammu & Kashmir India


Podophyllum hexandrum Royle [=Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) T.S. Ying] is an important, endemic medicinal plant species of Himalaya. It is used in Unani System of Medicine under the name of 'Papra'. The drug was not mentioned in previous literatures, but the first time it introduced in Unani Medicine by a great scholar Hakim Najmul Ghani. He has mentioned its uses and benefits in his classical book Khazainul Advia. In Unani Medicine the plant species has been used to treat various ailments like constipation, fever, jaundice, liver disorders, syphilis, diseases of lymph glands etc. In Kashmir Himalaya it is used to treat various diseases by local medicinemen, but now it is listed in rare drugs. Various pharmacological studies have been done such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, radio-protective etc., recently it has also been reported that podophyllotoxin or podophyllin can be used to treat some forms of cancers also.
Review Article
Mohd Afsahul Kalam*, Akhtar H. Malik, Aijaz Hassan Ganie and Tariq Ahmad Butt
Medicinal importance of Papra (Podophyllum
hexandrum Royle) in Unani System of Medicine
Received May 11, 2020; accepted August 10, 2020;
published online January 29, 2021
Abstract: Podophyllum hexandrum Royle [=Sinopodo-
phyllum hexandrum (Royle) T.S. Ying] is an important,
endemic medicinal plant species of Himalaya. It is used in
Unani System of Medicine under the name of Papra. The
drug was not mentioned in previous literatures, but the rst
time it introduced in Unani Medicine by a great scholar
Hakim Najmul Ghani. He has mentioned its uses and
benets in his classical book Khazainul Advia. In Unani
Medicine the plant species has been used to treat various
ailments like constipation, fever, jaundice, liver disorders,
syphilis, diseases of lymph glands etc. In Kashmir Hima-
laya it is used to treat various diseases by local medicine-
men, but now it is listed in rare drugs. Various
pharmacological studies have been done such as antioxi-
dant, antimicrobial, anti-inammatory, antifungal, radio-
protective etc., recently it has also been reported that
podophyllotoxin or podophyllin can be used to treat some
forms of cancers also.
Keywords: ailments; cancer; medicinal systems;
physicians; Unani.
Medicinal plants are the backbone of the traditional system
of medicine. A large population of the world is still depen-
dent on the traditional system of medicine. Unani and
Ayurvedic Systems of medicine is growing at a fast pace,
because of cost effective, high curative properties with less
side effects of its vast range of herbal based medicine.
Numerous wild and cultivated plants are the main source of
medicine in Unani System. Some very valuable medicines of
wild sources are now very difficult to obtain, as they are
endangered because of over-exploitation from their natural
habitats. Podophyllum hexandrum Royle [=Sinopodophyllum
hexandrum (Royle) T.S. Ying] which is known as Himalayan
Mayapple and Paprain Unani medicine belongs to family
Berberidaceae [1, 2]. Podophyllum is derived from the Greek
words podoa foot and phyllosa leaf. It is called so due to
the resemblance of the leaf to ducks foot. It is named as
Mayapple due to the ripening of its fruit in spring season [3].
The leaves are 3, orbicular-reniform, 615 ×3.510 cm,
palmate, blobbed and hence named hexandrum,meaning
six lobes [4]. According to Ghani (2011) [1] among the two
species of Podophyllum:P. hexandrum and P. peltatum,only
the rst one is used in Unani System of Medicine, this species
is commonly found in India that is why it is also called as
Indian Podophyllum.However, P. peltatum is found in North
America, hence called as American podophyllum [1]. One
more species is also found inSikkim named as P. sikkimensis
[5]. P. hexandrum Royle is commonly found in the Himalayan
regions, in few pockets of Indian cold dessert (Ladakh and
Lahaul-Spiti) and some parts of Asian continent [3].
This medicinal plant species is commonly used in Ay-
urveda and Chinese System of Medicine, while the medicinal
importance of its rhizome and resins is very limited to Unani
System. Hakim Najmul Ghani was first to described the
medicinal effect of this plant in Unani Medicine. According
to him, it acts as mushil-i-safra(cholagogue purgative) just
like Mercury and calomel,hence called as vegetable Mercury
or vegetable calomel. It is used for the treatment of various
ailments like, constipation, fever, jaundice, liver disorders,
syphilis, diseases of lymph glands etc. [1] Many scientic
studies regarding its pharmacological action like anti-viral,
*Corresponding author: Mohd Afsahul Kalam, Research Ofcer
Unani, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Central Council
for Research in Unani Medicine, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India,
Naseembagh Campus, Srinagar, 190006, Jammu and Kashmir, India,
Phone: +91 7051435488, E-mail:
Akhtar H. Malik, Centre for Biodiversity and Taxonomy, Department of
Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India,
Aijaz Hassan Ganie, Department of Botany, Kargil Campus, University
of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India,
Tariq Ahmad Butt, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine,
Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, Ministry of AYUSH,
Govt. of India, Naseembagh Campus, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir,
India, E-mail:
J Complement Integr Med 2021; ▪▪▪(▪▪▪): 20200178
anti-bacterial, pesticidal, anti-cancerous, antimitotic activ-
ities etc. have been reported. In this article, an attempt has
been made to review briey the phytochemical composition,
pharmacological activities, its uses in Unani System of
Medicine and ethno-medicinal uses in various Himalayan
regions. This review will pave the way to conduct further
research studies so that unexplored potential of this plant
can be harnessed utmost. In essence, the traditional
knowledge about this prized species reects many genera-
tions of experience and problem solving by the indigenous
communities [6].
Materials and methods
Relevant literature regarding Papra (Podophyllum hexan-
drum) was collected from classic book (Khazainul Advia)of
Unani medicine [1], from the Library of RRIUM, Srinagar
and information also retrieved from published papers on
various database like Web of Science, Google Scholar,
Researchgate, Springer, and PubMed.
Podophyllum hexandrum Royle is believed to be originated
in Himalaya region; it is found in the interior range of
Himalaya at 2,5004,600 m (amsl) from Sikkim to Hazara
descending to 2,000 m (amsl) in Kashmir; distributed in the
west to Afghanistan and S.W. China [7, 8]. It is also found in
Arunachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttaranchal, and Himachal
Pradesh [7, 9]. Generally, it is found in the vicinity of spe-
cies like Rhododendron, Salix, Viburnum and Juniperus but
it is also located in open alpine meadows [7].
Botanical description
Podophyllum hexandrum Royle [=Sinopodophyllum hexan-
drum (Royle) T.S.Ying; Podophyllum emodi Wall.exHook.f.&
Thomson] is an erect, glabrous, succulent, perennial herb
3560 cm tall with creeping, knotted rhizomes bearing
numerous roots; color yellowish brown to earthy brown;
roots easily broke off, brittle, odor slight but distinct, taste
bitter acrid and starchy; leaves 23 umbrella like, 1020 cm
long, rounded in outline and deeply cut into three ovate
lobes; stem approximately 3090 cm tall; owers white or
pale pink, borne at the ends of stout stem during May to
August. It has six petals and six stamens; fruit is berry which
is oblong,elliptic, 2.55.0 cm in diameter, green when unripe
and red on ripening and containing many seeds embedded
in the red pulp (Figure 1).
Cultivation and collection
Seeds sown with the pulp in June or July immediately after
collection, the seeds remain dormant for 910 months and
show germination in the following spring after the melting
of snow. The rhizome and roots of the plant are obtained
entirely from wild plants. The underground rhizomes
remain dormant during winter and produce aerial shoot in
April or May after melting of snow. Propagation by rhizome
cutting, 1.02.5 cm in length has also been reported [7]. The
plant prefers moist and shady localities. The owering
period commences in spring and fruiting period during
summer and senescence occurs during October-November
months. Rhizome which bear 35 aerial shoots are
considered suitable for collection. The rhizomes are
collected in spring or autumn, cleaned, dried in sun,
packed and stored in gunny bags; sometimes they are cut
into cylindrical pieces and carefully dried. Rhizomes which
are collected in May contain higher resin content than
those obtained in November. Freshly collected rhizomes
possess more amounts of active compounds which are lost
on prolonged storing [7].
Vernacular names
The plant is known by various names according to different
places and languages. Most commonly it is known as
Podophyllum and Mayapplebut also called Podophillum
and Papra in Unani Tibb; Bakrachimyaka, Bhavanbakra,
Papra, Papri in Hindi; Wunwagun, Banwangan, Bankakdi,
Bankakri in Kashmir; Lagu Petra in Nepali; Laghupatra in
Sanskrit; Bankakra, Gulkakru, Papri in Panjabi; Wenivel in
Gujrati; Padwel, Patvel in Marathi and Rhizoma Podiphylli
indici and P. emodi in Latin [1, 10, 11]. In Ayurveda, it is
known as Aindri, Bantrapushi or Giriparpat [12], and in
Ladakh it is known as Ol-mo-se which means the remedies
for women problems [13]. In some parts of Ladakh it is also
called Drenmookushu.
Uses in Unani System of Medicine
The rhizomes are used in Unani medicine for its mushil-i-
safra(cholagogue purgative), muharrik-i-kabid(hepatic
stimulant), da-i-tap (antipyretic), daf-i-suda-i-ghathayani
(headache occurs due to nausea) and muqi (emetic) prop-
erties etc. It has a long history being used as intestinal
2Kalam et al.: Podophyllum hexandrum as a valuable medicinal herb
purgative and in cases of Qabd muzmin(chronic con-
stipation) and Adati qabd(habitual constipation), and
also for constipation which occurs due to the involvement
of liver diseases [1]. The drug is also useful in Atashak
(syphilis), Khanazir(diseases of lymph glands), chest
pain etc. It is used as a salve for infection and necrotic
wounds [11].
The therapeutic dose of roots is 510 grain; podophyllin,
1/4th 1 grain and tincture is used in a dose of 15 minum-1
uid dram [1]. (minum = 0.0616 mL; grain = 64.8 mg; uid
dram = 60 drops).
Adverse effect
If taken above the therapeutic dose, it causes spasmodic
pain, sloughing and excoriation in the stomach [1].
Curd mixed with water, honey or sugar-based syrup, luab
behdana(mucilage of Cydonia oblonga Mill. seeds),
aspghol(Plantago ovata Forsk.) or ashjau(barley water)
is used to counter excessive purgation which occurs due to
the side effect of P. hexandrum.Ajwain Khurasani
(Hyoscyamus niger L.) and Qinnab(Cannabis sativa L.)
is added to manage the spasmodic action caused by
P. hexandrum [1].
Ethno-medicinal uses in Kashmir Himalaya
Since ages, through trial and error, local healer in Hima-
layan region have learned and are practicing the medicinal
use of plants growing in their close vicinity for treating
various ailments. Kashmir has its own medicinal system in
place practiced by local medicinemen called Hakims. The
ethno-medicinal uses of Podophyllum hexandrum in
Kashmir are as under:
Figure 1: Podophyllum heaxandrum
(a) Plant; (b) Unripe fruit; (c & d) Ripen fruits
and seeds; (e & f) Flowering stages.
Kalam et al.: Podophyllum hexandrum as a valuable medicinal herb 3
A. The crushed leaves and roots are applied to cure skin
diseases [14].
B. The fruit is claimed as a laxative and stops bilious
vomiting; it is eaten raw for chest congestion and
gastric problems [14, 15]; ripe fruit juice is taken in
stomach ulcers and dyspepsia [16].
C. Powder obtained from the dried root is administered
orally along with water to counter tumors [16]; a paste
made with root powder mixed with oil is used as a
remedy to skin diseases such as rashes and eczema
D. Resin is used in veterinary medicine as cathartic for
dogs [15].
E. Pericarp of mature red fruit is used to treat eye wounds
of cattle [17].
Ethno-medicinal uses in other regions of Himalaya
The rhizomes and resin of Podophyllum hexandrum are
used for its alterative, laxative, purgative and antineo-
plastic properties. Externally it is applied for removal of
condyloma, anogenital warts, veneral warts, verrucae and
similar conditions [18]. It is also useful against various
diseases like wilms tumours, genital tumors, molluscum
contagiosum, psoriasis vulgaris, non-Hodgkin lymphoma
and other lymphomas, cancer of brain, lung, bladder,
leukemia [19, 20]. In Ladakh and Tibetan System of Medi-
cine the rhizome is used against various gynecological
problems [13].
Bio-active compounds
The resin obtained from Podophyllum speciesiscalled
podophylloresin (a neurotoxin) which can be processed to
extract podophyllotoxin or podophyllin11.Therhizomesand
roots also contain antitumor lignans such as podophyllo-
toxin, 4-dimethyl podophyllotoxin and podophyllotoxin 4-O-
glucoside [21, 22]. Wani et al.,[23] reported that it contain
glycosides, avonoids, saponins, D-glycoside,terpenes and
proteins also. The highest percentage of resin is obtained in
the May-June during the owering stage [24]. Commonly it is
known for its valuable drug podophyllotoxin, which is used
as starting compound for the synthesis of anticancer drug
etoposide, etopophose and teniposide [25]. Indian podo-
phyllum has more than double amount of podophyllotoxin,
however; the active principal alpha and beta peltatins iso-
lated from P. peltatum, whichare absent in P. hexandrum [26].
Hexanedioic acid, Oleic acid, and Octadecanoic acid are the
other constituents of the rhizome [27]; Tannin was noticed in
the root of this plant by Wallis [28]. Chawla et al. [29], reported
that polyphenols and lignans were rich in P. hexandrum
rhizome. The lignin compounds of Podophyllin from
P. hexandrum are podophyllotoxin, podophyllotoxingluco-
side, picropodophyllin, 1-O glucopyranosyl-picropodophyllin,
4-glucoside, dihydropodophyllotoxin, 4-demethylpodo-
phyllotoxin glucoside, dihydropodophyllotoxin, podophyllol,
podophyllic acidand 4-dimethyl deoxypodophyllotoxin
glucoside [7]. In addition to these compounds, podophyllic
acid, podophylloquercin, starch, picropodophyllin, calcium
oxalate, kaempferol, astragalin, wax, mineral salts and an
essential oil also present which is responsible for its odor [7, 12].
Pharmacological studies
Antitumor activity
In the past few years podophyllin resin and its active
constituent podophyllin, have received significant atten-
tion for their tumor necrotizing properties. Scientific evi-
dence for antitumor activity of podophyllotoxin was first
reported by Kaplan in 1942 [30] and also for its signicant
anti-tumor effect at sub-toxic, well-tolerated, sequential
doses of aqueous extracts [31].
Antioxidant activity
The various extract of the rhizome, petiole and leaves of
Podophyllum hexndrum have been examined for antioxidant
activity in vitro and in vivo. The ethyl acetate extract of the
rhizome was investigated by using DPPH scavenging assay,
hydroxyl assay, H2O2 assay, superoxide assay, and reducing
power under in vitro conditions. For in vivo study albino rats
were used for antioxidant enzyme activities and glutathione
levels in the liver tissue homogenate. Both the method have
proven the effectiveness of the ethyl acetate extract
compared to known antioxidants BHT and α-tocopherol [32].
Antimicrobial activity
Methanolic and aqueous extract of Podophyllum hexan-
drum (60 mg/mL) were reported to have antimicrobial ef-
fect against the bacteria and fungi in vitro. Both the extract
inhibited Bacillus megaterium MTCC 1684 and Pseudo-
monas aeruginosa MTCC 3541 with zone of inhibition
ranging between 0.9 and 1.4 cm against disc diffusion
method; and inhibited the fungi Aspergillus avus and
Fusarium solani with zone of inhibition ranging between
0.9 and 1.8 cm [33]. In other study it is also reported to have
antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmo-
nella typhi, Klebseilla pneumonia and Enterococcus faecalis
by Sabzar [34].
4Kalam et al.: Podophyllum hexandrum as a valuable medicinal herb
Antivirus activity
In vitro and In vivo studies showed that podophyllotoxin
and related lignans are active against viruses [35].
Anti-inflammatory effects
The anti-inflammatory potential of aqueous extract of
P. hexandrum rhizome has been evaluated on liposaccharide
(LPS) induced inammation in Balb/c mice [36].
Radio-protective effect
P. hexandrum is a promising candidate plant for develop-
ment of radio protective drugs. According to a study done
by Raj Kumar et al. (2008), the extract of P. hexandrum
administered prior to irradiation, has been shown to pro-
vide approximately 80% whole-body radioprotection in
mice [37].
Antifungal activity
Two aryltetralin lignans (4-O-demethyl-dehydropodophyllo-
toxin and picropodophyllon), isolated from leaves showed
strong antifungal activity against Allescheria boydii, Curvul-
laria lunata, Epidermophyton occosum, Microsporum canis,
Nigrospora oryzae, Pleurotus ostreatus [38].
Podophyllum hexandrum Royle has got importance in
various traditional systems of medicine because of its
extensive therapeutic potential. Realizing its highly value
medicinal importance as reported by various researchers;
the sustainable utilization of the prized plant species is
need of the hour. The documentation of medicinal impor-
tance of such plants is necessary for the discovery of new
drugs. Similarly, lesser-known plant species may also
prove useful in phyto-pharmacological research for the
discovery of new bioactive compounds and their applica-
tion to treat challenging diseases of the world.
Acknowledgments: The authors are thankful to Director
General CCRUM- New Delhi, Assistant Director/In-charge,
RRIUM Srinagar and Head, Department of Botany, Uni-
versity of Kashmir, Srinagar for providing the necessary
Research funding: None declared.
Author contributions: All authors have accepted
responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript
and approved its submission.
Competing interests: The authors declare that there is no
conict of interest.
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6Kalam et al.: Podophyllum hexandrum as a valuable medicinal herb
... The results of our study can also help in developing a robust framework for predicting the conservation and cultivation hotspots for those narrow endemic and medicinally important Himalayan species which are often associated with Himalayan Trillium, and thus are adapted to similar environmental conditions. In our case, for instance, Podophyllum hexandruma positively associated endemic medicinally important species of the Himalaya can be also conserved along with the conservation of Himalayan Trillium (Kalam et al., 2021). ...
... The strategy of restoration program should include restoration in the vicinity of associated shrubs which act as refuges or nurse plants and are crucial for successful restoration. As highlighted by the present study, the whole-community based restoration strategies have better chances of success as compared to singlespecies focusing restoration programs and should be promoted more by the conservation planners and practitioners for restoration of the degraded ecosystems in the Himalaya (McAfee et al., 2021;Kalam et al., 2021). Such an approach not only restores the target species but also ensures achieving larger restoration goals in terms of maintenance of the community composition, structure and ecosystem functioning, including continuation of life-supporting ecosystem services in the natural landscapes. ...
In an era of climate change, identifying suitable habitats for ecosystem restoration is critical for conservation of globally threatened biodiversity. Here, we integrate the insights gained from ensemble modelling with the community field data on threatened Himalayan Trillium (Trillium govanianum) to identify the suitable sites for its habitat restoration. We used ensemble modelling to map the current potential distribution and predict the future suitable habitats for the species under future climate change scenarios. The predictive accuracy of the ensemble model was fairly good; and the most influential variables governing the distribution of Himalayan Trillium were precipitation of the driest month followed by mean diurnal range. The current potential suitable habitats for this species are mostly located in western parts of the Himalaya; however, a range shift from western to eastern Himalaya is predicted under future climate change scenarios. Further, the analysis of community data revealed that Himalayan Trillium is positively associated with two tree species (Abies pindrow and Taxus wallichiana) forming forest top-story, four understory shrubs (Viburnum grandiflorum, Parrotiopsis jacquemontiana, Skimmia laureola and Rhododendron campanulatum) and one herbaceous species (Podophyllum hexandrum). In particular, the shrubs serve as micro-refuges by facilitating the suitable growth and protect the species from unsustainable extraction and livestock grazing. Our findings highlight a two-pronged strategy for habitat restoration of Himalayan Trillium: (i) identification of suitable habitats using ensemble modelling at the pan-Himalayan scale, (ii) and its integration with the community information at local scale. Such an integrated approach offers a nature-based solution in guiding the climate change-integrated restoration programs in the Himalaya, and elsewhere in the world.
... The effectiveness of TCM compounds and their active components in managing cervical cancer has been supported by modern pharmacology . Podophyllum, known as JiangBianYiWanShui among the Miao population in China, is a medicinal material derived from the rhizome of the Berberidaceae plant (Kalam et al., 2021). Podophylloideae includes Sinopodophyllum, Diphylleia, and Dysosma. ...
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Introduction: Cervical cancer (CC) ranks as the fourth most prevalent malignant tumor among women worldwide, and is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related mortality. GuiErBai (GEB), a compound preparation developed by our research team, is derived from the ancient Chinese medicine of the Miao nationality and is comprised of podophyllotoxin (PTOX), imperatorin, isoimperatorin, and A. dahurica alkaloids. These individual components have demonstrated notable efficacy in tumor treatment. However, the specific anti-tumor effect of the compound Chinese medicine GEB in the context of CC has yet to be validated. Methods: HeLa and SiHa cell lines were utilized for in vitro experiments and treated with 5 mg/mL and 10 mg/mL GEB concentrations, respectively. The cell cycle changes after GEB treatment were assessed using flow cytometry. Transmission electron microscopy was employed to observe autophagic bodies and apoptotic bodies, while MDC staining evaluated the occurrence of autophagy. CCK-8 was used to observe the effect of GEB on cell proliferation, and Transwell assays assessed cell migration and invasion. Western blotting detected cell cycle and apoptosis-related protein expression, along with the expression level of autophagy-related protein LC3I/II. Changes in ROS and mitochondrial membrane potential in cervical cancer cells following GEB treatment were determined using ROS detection and mitochondrial membrane potential detection kits. For the in vivo experiment, a nude mouse model of cervical cancer transplantation based on HeLa cells was established. Experimental animals were divided into negative control, positive control, high-dose GEB (10 mg/mL), and low-dose GEB (5 mg/mL) groups. Results: In HeLa and SiHa cell lines, the G0/G1 phase of tumor cells significantly decreased (p < 0.001), while the G2/M phase increased notably (p < 0.001) following various GEB treatments. Electron microscopy showed GEB promoted apoptotic body and autophagosome formation in both cell lines. Compared to untreated HeLa and SiHa cells, GEB-treated cells exhibited significantly reduced caspase3 protein expression, and substantially increased autophagy-related protein LC3I/II expression. GEB treatment significantly reduced migration and invasion capabilities in both cell lines (p < 0.001), while ROS content and mitochondrial membrane potential were significantly elevated (p < 0.001). GEB effectively inhibited cervical cancer cell proliferation, with the optimal concentration being 10 mg/mL. A successful nude mouse model of cervical cancer transplantation was established using HeLa cells. Post-GEB treatment, the tumor volume and weight in nude mice significantly decreased (p < 0.001), with diminished expression of CD34, VEGF, and caspase3 proteins in tumor tissues. Discussion: GEB exhibits a robust antitumor effect against cervical cancer, both in vitro and in vivo, in a concentration-dependent manner, by regulating autophagy and apoptosis of tumor cells.
... Many plant-based drugs are used in Western evidence-based medicine, often named allopathic medicine. Examples of valuable allopathic plant drugs are quinine isolated from the Cinchona bark used to treat malaria [9], morphine isolated from the latex of Papaver somniferum L. (opium poppy) used to relieve severe pain [10], artemisinin obtained from leaves of Artemisia annua (Asteraceae) used as an antimalarial drug [11], podophyllotoxin isolated from roots, and rhizomes of Podophyllum species applied for the removal of condyloma (genital warts) [12]. ...
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This study explores the traditional knowledge of plants used by traditional health practitioners (THPs) in the treatment of symptoms or syndromes related to mental illnesses in the district of Bamako in Mali, along with the identification of affiliated traditional treating methods. An exploratory and cross-sectional ethnopharmacological survey was conducted in the district of Bamako. The Malian Federation of Associations of Therapists and Herbalists (FEMATH) assisted in the identification and inclusion of the THPs. Data sampling included semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews. Quantitative data were evaluated by analysing reports of the use of different medicinal plants and the number of participants. Fifteen THPs belonging to the district of Bamako participated. In total, 43 medicinal plants belonging to 22 plant families were used by the THPs. The most cited plant species was Securidaca longepedunculata (violet tree), followed by Khaya senegalensis (African mahogany) and Boscia integrifolia (rough-leaved shepherds tree). A great number of herbal combinations, preparation methods, and administration routes were used, often with honey as an adjuvant. To our knowledge, this is the first ethnobotanical survey on the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of all types of mental disorders in Bamako.
... P. hexandrum is a perennial Podophyllum L herb that is mainly found in the high Himalayan regions of China, Nepal, Bhutan, northern India, Pakistan, eastern Afghanistan, and Kashmir [1]. Given its outstanding medicinal value, P. hexandrum has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine [2][3][4]. Podophyllotoxin, a lignan component in P. hexandrum, is widely used to treat lung cancer, liver cancer, verrucous cancer, and condyloma acuminatum owing to its pharmacological activity. Drugs made from its derivatives, such as etoposide and metabolomic studies of wheat seeds at two levels of dormancy have shown that unsaturated fatty acid analogs, such as cis-vaccenate, oleate, linoleate, and linolenate, undergo accumulation mediated by phospholipase A2 to maintain dormancy. ...
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Podophyllum hexandrum Royle is an alpine medicinal plant of considerable importance, and its seed dormancy severely inhibits population renewal. Although cold stratification can break dormancy to a certain extent, the migration and accumulation of phytochemicals and inorganic elements in the seeds during dormancy release and their functions remain unclear. Changes in phytochemicals and inorganic elements in different seed parts were analyzed during dormancy. The key differential phytochemicals and inorganic elements were screened and their association with dormancy release and their roles in dormancy release were explored. The results showed that dormancy release may have occurred following the decrease in palmitic acid and linoleic acid content in the seeds and the increase in 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydro-6-methyl-4 (h)-pyran-4-one content in the endosperm. Meanwhile, 6-propyltridecane and hexadecane in the seed coat may enhance the water permeability of seeds to speed up germination. Mg may migrate from the seed coat to the endosperm and seed embryos, whereas Co may migrate from the seed embryo to the seed coat. Ca, Mn, Mg, and Co are involved in various physiological metabolic processes, which may facilitate the dormancy release of P . hexandrum seeds. These findings have enhanced our understanding of the mechanisms of dormancy release in P . hexandrum seeds and can serve as a reference for the development of more effective dormancy-breaking techniques for the conservation of this endangered medicinal plant.
... It contains podophyllin, podophyllotoxin, quercetin, 4demethylpodophyllotoxin, podophyllotoxinglucoside, 4 dimethyl podophyllotoxinglucoside, kaempferol, icropodophylotoxin, deoxypodophyllotoxin, picropodophylotoxin, isopicropodophyllone, 4 Methyl deoxy-podophyllo toxin, peltatin, and Speltatin. The roots and rhizomes are known to synthesize much of secondary metabolites, besides podophyllotoxin and multifaceted pharmacological applications (Kalam et al. 2021, Anand et al. 2022. ...
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The paper deals with the thorough review of ethnopharmacological knowledge of three medicinal plants (Mentha longifolia, Peganum harmala, and Podophyllum hexandrum) of Union Territory of Ladakh, India, their traditional practices by the inhabitants of the area for their daily sustenance. Traditional medicine of the cold desert of Ladakh has immense potential to treat various ailments among tribal communities inhabiting the remotest region of the Indian subcontinent. The documentation and review of ethnopharmacological information, phytochemical and pharmacological validation, and their traditional use in different remedies and to conserve the disappearing traditional knowledge system of Ladakh, India, the plants mentioned above have been studied in detail in the present paper.
The Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, known as the “Third Pole of the World,” has a rich variety of medicinal plants that play an important role in the field of medicine due to its unique geographical environment. However, due to the limited resources of Tibetan medicinal plants and the fragility of the ecological environment of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, more and more Tibetan medicinal plants are on the verge of extinction. As a reservoir of biologically active metabolites, endophytes of medicinal plants produce a large number of compounds with potential applications in modern medicine (including antibacterial, immunosuppressive, antiviral, and anticancer) and are expected to be substitutes for Tibetan medicinal plants. This paper reviews 12 Tibetan medicinal plants from the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, highlighting the diversity of their endophytes, the diversity of their metabolites and their applications. The results show that the endophytes of Tibetan medicinal plants are remarkably diverse, and the efficacy of their metabolites involves various aspects, such as antioxidant, anti-disease and anti-parasitic. In addition, conservation measures for the resources of Tibetan medicinal plants are summarised to provide a reference for an in-depth understanding of the endophytes of Tibetan medicinal plants and to stimulate the scientific community to bioprospect for the endophytes of Tibetan medicinal plants, as well as to provide ideas for their rational exploitation.
Background: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Therapy for cancer has remained a challenge for a very long period of time, though developments of various treatment strategies have been introduced. However, Curcuma longa L (Turmeric) attains major attention to cure cancer due to its phytoconstituents which can be used in the treatment of various cancers. Due to the wide availability and minimal adverse effects, curcumin has become a source of significant interest in research for cancer treatment which can lead to heavy cost cut off in the treatment. Objective: In this review article, the anti-cancer properties of curcumin in the treatment of cancer are highlighted. Conclusion: Scientists from all over the world have been interested in curcumin, a polyphenol isolated from Curcuma longa, for its biological properties, the most well-known of which is its ability to fight cancer. It is one of the most promising classes of bioactive natural substances, particularly in the treatment of various cancer types. Curcumin demonstrates anticancer properties. To overcome the limitation of curcumin numerous studies, analysis, and research has been already completed and many are still going on. The use of curcumin either alone or in combination might alter the treatment of cancer
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Among all available antimicrobials, antibiotics hold a prime position in the treatment of infectious diseases. However, the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has posed a serious threat to the effectiveness of antibiotics, resulting in increased morbidity, mortality, and escalation in healthcare costs causing a global health crisis. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics in global healthcare setups have accelerated the development and spread of AMR, leading to the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens, which further limits treatment options. This creates a critical need to explore alternative approaches to combat bacterial infections. Phytochemicals have gained attention as a potential source of alternative medicine to address the challenge of AMR. Phytochemicals are structurally and functionally diverse and have multitarget antimicrobial effects, disrupting essential cellular activities. Given the promising results of plant-based antimicrobials, coupled with the slow discovery of novel antibiotics, it has become highly imperative to explore the vast repository of phytocompounds to overcome the looming catastrophe of AMR. This review summarizes the emergence of AMR towards existing antibiotics and potent phytochemicals having antimicrobial activities, along with a comprehensive overview of 123 Himalayan medicinal plants reported to possess antimicrobial phytocompounds, thus compiling the existing information that will help researchers in the exploration of phytochemicals to combat AMR.
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Podophyllum hexandrum Royle is an endemic and endangered valuable medicinal plantspeciescharacterisedasherbaceousandrhizomatousperennial.Thegeographicalpresence of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle spans over the Himalayas at an altitude rangingfrom 2000 to 4000 m above Mean Sea Level. With a long history of usage in traditionalmedicine, it has been exercised as an intestinal purgative, an inhibitor of tumour growth andasalvefornecroticandinfectedwounds.Manysecondarymetabolites,suchasPodophyllotoxin,havebeenreportedtobe extracted from the plant, which possessesanti-tumourpropertiestotreattesticularandlung cancer.TheextensiveexploitationofPodophyllumhexandrum Royle in regions of the Himalayashasledtoadeclineinthefrequencyofthespeciesinthepastfewyears.Thiscomprehensive review article aims to facilitate an updated overview of the pharmacologicalproperties of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle including its anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory,anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, and radio-protective effects. This article reviews themedicinal, phytochemical, pharmacological, ethnobotanical and cultivation-related aspects oftheplant.
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The present study documents the ethno-veterinary uses of plant species by the 'Gujjar' and 'Bakerwal' communities in the Hirpora Wildlife Sanctuary, Kashmir Himalaya. These tribal communities reside inside the Sanctuary during the summer season for livestock grazing. A total of 100 informants selected from representative age groups were interviewed to gather the data on ethno-veterinary uses. In total, 29 species belonging to 25 genera and 21 families have been documented with ethno-veterinary uses. These species include 23 herbs, 3 shrubs, 2 climbers and a single sub-shrub species. These plant species were used for 10 different types of livestock diseases, with majority (i.e.11 species) for alleviating digestive disorders. Different plant parts were used in ethno-veterinary practices, with majority as the aerial part. The documentation of valuable ethno-veterinary information, as carried out during the present study, can be useful for the bio-prospecting of potential plant species and subsequent commercial utilization with equitable benefit sharing among these tribal communities.
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The present study documents the ethno-veterinary uses of plant species by the 'Gujjar' and 'Bakerwal' communities in the Hirpora Wildlife Sanctuary, Kashmir Himalaya. These tribal communities reside inside the Sanctuary during the summer season for livestock grazing. A total of 100 informants selected from representative age groups were interviewed to gather the data on ethno-veterinary uses. In total, 29 species belonging to 25 genera and 21 families have been documented with ethno-veterinary uses. These species include 23 herbs, 3 shrubs, 2 climbers and a single sub-shrub species. These plant species were used for 10 different types of livestock diseases, with majority (i.e.11 species) for alleviating digestive disorders. Different plant parts were used in ethno-veterinary practices, with majority as the aerial part. The documentation of valuable ethno-veterinary information, as carried out during the present study, can be useful for the bio-prospecting of potential plant species and subsequent commercial utilization with equitable benefit sharing among these tribal communities.
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Podophyllum hexandrum Royle syn P. emodi Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thoms. is an endangered and valuable medicinal plant, distributed in the Himalayan zone at an altitudes ranging from 2000 to 4000 m above MSL. It is an herbaceous and rhizomatous perennial plant also found in few pockets of Indian cold desert (Ladakh and Lahaul-Spiti). Its rhizomes and roots contain about 8% of podophylloresin from which several lignans were isolated. Amongst the most important being podophyllotoxin (4% on a dry weight basis) which has cytotoxic and antitumour properties, and also used in the treatment of certain forms of cancer. In past few years, the frequency of this species in nature has declined considerably because of unscientific exploitation to meet the everincreasing demand of pharmaceutical sector. Podophyllum hexandrum has an increasing demand in national and international market because of more than double amount of podophyllotoxin content found in it, than P. peltatum (American Podophyllum). This article briefly reviews the botanical, medicinal, phytochemical, pharmacological, conservation, market and trade related aspects of the plant. An attempt has also been made to compile and document information on other aspect of Podophyllum hexandrum, other species of such as P. peltatum, P. sikkimenmsis and also highlight the need for its research and development.
Lignans are widely occurring plant compounds and are closely related to lignin, which forms the woody component of trees and other plants. The lignans are characterized by their dimeric composition from cinnamic acids, and they are attracting increasing attention as a result of their pharmacological properties. The volume surveys the chemical, biological and clinical properties of lignans as well as providing information on their isolation, purification, identification and chemical synthesis. The volume also explores fully the potential use of these compounds as antiviral and antitumour agents, and thus provides a wide-ranging survey of their pharmacology and chemistry. The text is fully documented and referenced and provides the only up-to-date compilation on this subject. The volume is suitable for research scientists in the fields of organic chemistry, biochemistry, oncology, pharmacology, toxicology and botany.
In the present study two extracts, methanolic and aqueous, of each of the two ethnomedicinal plants, Rheum emodi and Podophyllum hexandrum, were prepared and checked for their antimicrobial activity against the bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 3541 and Bacillus megaterium MTCC 1684) and the fungi (Fusarium solani MTCC 3871 and Aspergillus flavus MTCC 3784). To check the antimicrobial activities, Disc diffusion assay was used. Both Rheum emodi and Podophyllum hexandrum inhibited the bacteria and the fungal strains with zone of inhibition ranging between 0.9 to1.8 cm. MIC was determined to be in the range of 0.4 to 1.5 mg/ml.