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In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants (1)

In Vitro
in Higher Plants
Maria Antonietta Germanà
Maurizio Lambardi Editors
Methods in
Molecular Biology 1359
Series Editor
John M. Walker
School of Life and Medical Sciences
University of Hertfordshire
Hat fi eld, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK
For further volumes:
In Vitro Embryogenesis
in Higher Plants
Edited by
Maria Antonietta Germanà
Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Maurizio Lambardi
IVALSA/Trees and Timber Institute, National Research Council (CNR), Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
ISSN 1064-3745 ISSN 1940-6029 (electronic)
Methods in Molecular Biology
ISBN 978-1-4939-3060-9 ISBN 978-1-4939-3061-6 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015952782
Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
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Cover image: Somatic embr yogenesis in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck). Photo of Maria Antonietta Germanà
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Maria Antonietta Germanà
Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie e Forestali
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Palermo , Italy
Maurizio Lambardi
IVALSA/Trees and Timber Institute
National Research Council (CNR)
Sesto Fiorentino, Florence , Italy
To Emanuela,
Maria Luisa,
Antonio and
the best experiments of my life
Maria Antonietta Germanà
To my beloved children
Matilde and Tommaso
Maurizio Lambardi
I was fortunate to start my research career in plant tissue culture in the 1970s when this fi eld
of research was expanding rapidly. The next few decades witnessed an exponential growth in
knowledge, understanding, and application of many tissue culture protocols to a wide range of
plant species. Then followed a period in the 1990s and turn of the century when plant tissue
culture research was neglected. Many of the leading researchers of the era such as Toshio
Murashige, Pierre Debergh, and Walter Preil retired. Postgraduate students and young
researchers now wanted to work in the new fi eld of biotechnology. For a time, plant tissue
culture was becoming the “forgotten art” even though it underpinned new biotechnologies
such as plant transformation. However, some scientists continued to work on plant tissue cul-
ture and applied new molecular genetic techniques, such as gene identifi cation, function, and
expression, to an understanding of basic plant pathways such as embryogenesis. It has been
encouraging for me, as I now reach retirement, to see the next generation of experienced plant
tissue culturists now fi lling the ranks of the experts who have gone before. Maurizio Lambardi
and Maria Antonietta Germanà are two of those scientists who are renowned for their research
on plant tissue culture. I have known Maurizio both through his research and his contribution
to the International Society for Horticultural Science in his role as Chair of the Commission
Molecular Biology and In Vitro Culture. Maurizio is both an accomplished researcher and a
genuine person who is passionate about his fi eld of research. Maria Antonietta Germanà is an
experienced researcher in gametic and somatic embryogenesis in fruit crops. I recommend
them as leaders in their fi eld and ideal authors of this book on embryogenesis.
When I fi rst started working on plant tissue culture in the early 1970s, very little was
known about embryogenesis. Why species had a predetermined genetic bias to regenerate
from callus by embryogenic or organogenic pathways was a mystery. Of the species that
were easy to tissue culture, why was carrot embryogenic and tobacco organogenic? In the
1980s, one of my Ph.D. supervisors advised me not to work on embryogenesis because it
appeared to depend on “phases of the moon.” The message was that experimental results
were inconsistent because of our lack of understanding; thus it was not recommended as a
topic for students who were facing a deadline and needed reliable and repeatable results.
However, our knowledge of embryogenesis has been greatly expanded in recent years. This
book represents a detailed overview of the current status of research on embryogenesis and
the advances that have been made by researchers who have worked on biotechnology and
in vitro culture. Thus the book contains chapters on “Recent advances on genetic and
physiological bases of in vitro somatic embryo formation,” “A central role of mitochondria
for stress-induced somatic embryogenesis;” “…What can we learn from proteomics?,”
“Genome-wide approaches and recent insights,” and “Microspore embryogenesis.” There
are chapters on somatic embryogenesis in a range of horticultural species, and an excellent
series of protocols for embryogenesis from a range of explants.
I would recommend this book to students, researchers, and those who have an interest
in plant tissue culture, and to those who may not realize the importance of knowledge of
this “forgotten art.”
President of the International Society Roderick Drew
for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
Leuven, Belgium
Embryogenesis in higher plants, one of the different routes of morphogenesis of the plant
kingdom, is a fascinating example of cellular totipotency. In fact, different kinds of plant
cells (somatic, gametic, nucellar, and fertilized egg cells) are able to regenerate, in nature or
in vitro, an entire organism through the formation of a somatic, gametic, or zygotic embryo,
a bipolar structure without vascular connection with the surrounding tissue. In vitro
somatic, gametic, and zygotic embryogenesis, apomixis, and secondary embryogenesis are
actually valuable tools to support plant breeding, propagation, and conservation, with rel-
evant implications to agriculture, forestry, horticulture, and preservation of plant genetic
resources. Advances in plant biotechnology, and particularly in tissue culture, led in time to
a better understanding of the physiological and biochemical bases regulating the process of
plant embryogenesis, and to the establishment of more and more effi cient protocols of
in vitro embryo induction, maturation, and conversion to plant. Moreover, the recent
molecular, genomic, and proteomic studies have produced additional valuable contribu-
tions to the comprehension of the in vitro embryogenic developmental process.
The intent of the book is to present an overview of recent advances, innovative applica-
tions, and future prospects of in vitro embryogenesis in higher plants by means of topical
reviews and stepwise protocols of selected species. With this goal, the book has been divided
into fi ve parts. Part I contains reviews on general topics (microspore, zygotic and somatic
embryogenesis, in vitro and in vivo asexual embryogenesis, advances on the genetic, physi-
ological, and proteomic knowledge of somatic embryo formation, role of programmed cell
death and mitochondria in somatic embryogenesis, and innovation in the use of bioreac-
tors). The remaining part of the book contains stepwise protocols on somatic embryogen-
esis in selected horticultural plants ( Part II ) and forest trees ( Part III ), on gametic
embryogenesis ( Part IV ), and on some pivotal topics ( Part V ), such as the detection of
epigenetic modifi cations during microspore embryogenesis, the in vitro embryogenesis and
plant regeneration from isolated zygotes, the synthetic seed production, the induction and
maturation of somatic embryos, and the cryostorage of embryogenic cultures. Some useful
“Notes,” a peculiarity of the series “Methods in Molecular Biology,” complete all the step-
wise chapters, with additional information directly coming from the authors’ valuable daily
experience in the tissue culture laboratory.
We are extremely grateful to all the authors for providing such excellent contributions,
coming from their remarkable expertise on the different aspects of in vitro plant embryo-
genesis. It is our hope that this book will be a useful source of information and ideas for
plant tissue culturists, cell biologists, embryologists, horticulturists, and operators of com-
mercial nurseries. It is also our hope that it will attract students and young scientists toward
the fascinating world of in vitro embryogenesis in higher plants.
Palermo, Italy Maria Antonietta Germanà
Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy Maurizio Lambardi
Pref ace
Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
1 A Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Melanie L. Hand , Sacco de Vries , and Anna M. G. Koltunow
2 Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis: Learning from Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Traud Winkelmann
3 Recent Advances on Genetic and Physiological Bases
of In Vitro Somatic Embryo Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Maria Maddalena Altamura , Federica Della Rovere ,
Laura Fattorini , Simone D’Angeli , and Giuseppina Falasca
4 Do Mitochondria Play a Central Role in Stress-Induced Somatic
Embryogenesis? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt , Carla Ragonezi , and Hélia Cardoso
5 Dying with Style: Death Decision in Plant Embryogenesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Shuanglong Huang , Mohamed M. Mira
, and Claudio Stasolla
6 Somatic Embryogenesis in Broad-Leaf Woody Plants:
What We Can Learn from Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Sandra I. Correia , Ana C. Alves , Paula Veríssimo , and Jorge M. Canhoto
7 Advances in Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis Since Year 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Krystyna Klimaszewska , Catherine Hargreaves , Marie-Anne Lelu-Walter ,
and Jean-François Trontin
8 Molecular Aspects of Conifer Zygotic and Somatic Embryo Development:
A Review of Genome-Wide Approaches and Recent Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Jean-François Trontin , Krystyna Klimaszewska , Alexandre Morel ,
Catherine Hargreaves , and Marie-Anne Lelu-Walter
9 Androgenesis in Solanaceae. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
10 Bioreactors for Plant Embryogenesis and Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Liwen Fei and Pamela Weathers
11 Somatic Embryogenesis and Genetic Modification of Vitis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Sadanand A. Dhekney , Zhijian T. Li , Trudi N. L. Grant ,
and Dennis J. Gray
12 Somatic Embryogenesis in Peach-Palm (Bactris gasipaes)
Using Different Explant Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Douglas A. Steinmacher , Angelo Schuabb Heringer , Víctor M. Jiménez ,
Marguerite G. G. Quoirin , and Miguel P. Guerra
13 Somatic Embryogenesis: Still a Relevant Technique
in Citrus Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Ahmad A. Omar , Manjul Dutt , Frederick G. Gmitter ,
and Jude W. Grosser
14 Somatic Embryogenesis Induction and Plant Regeneration
in Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
João F. Martins , Sandra I. Correia , and Jorge M. Canhoto
15 Somatic Embryogenesis in Olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea
var. sativa and var. sylvestris) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Eddo Rugini and Cristian Silvestri
16 Somatic Embryogenesis in Crocus sativus L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Basar Sevindik and Yesim Yalcin Mendi
17 Somatic Embryogenesis in Lisianthus (Eustoma russellianum Griseb.) . . . . . . . 359
Barbara Ruffoni and Laura Bassolino
18 Somatic Embryogenesis in Two Orchid Genera
(Cymbidium, Dendrobium) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
19 Somatic Embryogenesis of Lilium from Microbulb Transverse
Thin Cell Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Pablo Marinangeli
20 Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Brachiaria brizantha. . . . . 395
Glaucia B. Cabral , Vera T. C. Carneiro , Diva M. A. Dusi ,
and Adriana P. Martinelli
21 Somatic Embryogenesis in Pinus spp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Itziar Aurora Montalbán , Olatz García-Mendiguren ,
and Paloma Moncaleán
22 Somatic Embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica Loud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
23 Somatic Embryogenesis in Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) . . . . . 431
Maurizio Capuana
24 Somatic Embryogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.)
Kuntze (Araucariaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Miguel P. Guerra , Neusa Steiner , Francine L. Farias-Soares ,
Leila do N. Vieira , Hugo P. F. Fraga , Gladys D. Rogge-Renner
and Sara B. Maldonado
25 Anther Culture in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
26 Anther Culture in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Verónica Parra-Vega and Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
27 Microspore Embryogenesis Through Anther Culture
in Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Benedetta Chiancone and Maria Antonietta Germanà
28 Detection of Epigenetic Modifications During Microspore
Embryogenesis: Analysis of DNA Methylation Patterns Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . 491
Pilar S. Testillano and María Carmen Risueño
29 Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Isolated Wheat Zygotes . . . . . . . 503
Jochen Kumlehn
30 From Somatic Embryo to Synthetic Seed in Citrus spp.
Through the Encapsulation Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Maurizio Micheli and Alvaro Standardi
31 From Stress to Embryos: Some of the Problems for Induction
and Maturation of Somatic Embryos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Sergio J. Ochatt and Maria Angeles Revilla
32 Cryotechniques for the Long-Term Conservation of Embryogenic
Cultures from Woody Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Elif Aylin Ozudogru and Maurizio Lambardi
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
MARIA MADDALENA ALTAMURA Department of Environmental Biology , Sapienza
University of Rome , Rome , Italy
ANA C. ALVES Associação UC INPROPLANT – Investigação, Desenvolvimento
Tecnológico e Internacionalização , Paço das Escolas , Coimbra , Portugal
BIRGIT ARNHOLDT-SCHMITT EU Marie Curie Chair ICAAM, IIFA , Universidade de
Évora , Évora , Portugal
LAURA BASSOLINO Ornamental Plants Research Unit, Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura
e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA), Sanremo, Imperia, Italy
GLAUCIA B. CABRAL Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology , Parque Estação
Biológica , Brasília , DF , Brazil
JORGE M. CANHOTO Center for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences ,
University of Coimbra , Coimbra , Portugal
MAURIZIO CAPUANA Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR) – CNR, sede Firenze , Sesto
Fiorentino , Firenze , Italy
HÉLIA CARDOSO EU Marie Curie Chair , ICAAM, IIFA, Universidade de Évora , Évora ,
VERA T. C. CARNEIRO Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology , Parque Estação
Biológica , Brasília , DF , Brazil
BENEDETTA CHIANCONE Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti , Università degli Studi
di Parma , Parma , Italy
SANDRA I. CORREIA Center for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, University of
Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
SIMONE D’ANGELI Department of Environmental Biology , Sapienza University of Rome ,
Rome , Italy
FEDERICA DELLA ROVERE Department of Environmental Biology , Sapienza University
of Rome , Rome , Italy
SADANAND A. DHEKNEY Sheridan Research and Extension Center , University of Wyoming ,
Sheridan , WY , USA
DIVA M. A. DUSI Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology , Parque Estação
Biológica , Brasília , DF , Brazil
MANJUL DUTT Citrus Research and Education Center , University of Florida/IFAS ,
Lake Alfred , FL , USA
GIUSEPPINA FALASCA Department of Environmental Biology , Sapienza University of Rome ,
Rome , Italy
FRANCINE L. FARIAS-SOARES Graduate Program in Plant Genetic Resources,
Plant Developmental Physiology and Genetics Laboratory , Federal University of Santa
Catarina (UFSC) , Florianópolis , SC , Brazil
LAURA FATTORINI Department of Environmental Biology , Sapienza University of Rome ,
Rome , Italy
LIWEN FEI Department of Biology and Biotechnology , Worcester Polytechnic Institute ,
Worcester , MA , USA
HUGO P. F. FRAGA Graduate Program in Plant Genetic Resources, Plant Developmental
Physiology and Genetics Laboratory , Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) ,
Florianópolis , SC , Brazil
MARIA ANTONIETTA GERMANÀ Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali , Università
degli Studi di Palermo , Palermo , Italy
FREDERICK G. GMITTER Citrus Research and Education Center , University of Florida/
IFAS , Lake Alfred , FL , USA
TRUDI N. L. GRANT Mid-Florida Research and Education Center , University of Florida/
IFAS , Apopka , FL , USA
DENNIS J. GRAY Mid-Florida Research and Education Center , University of Florida/
IFAS , Apopka , FL , USA
JUDE W. GROSSER Citrus Research and Education Center , University of Florida/IFAS ,
Lake Alfred , FL , USA
MIGUEL P. GUERRA Graduate Program in Plant Genetic Resources, Plant Developmental
Physiology and Genetics Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC),
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
HELY HÄGGMAN Genetics and Physiology Department, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
MELANIE L. HAND Commonwealth Scientifi c and Industrial Research Organization
(CSIRO), Agriculture. Waite Campus, Urrbrae, South Australia
CATHERINE HARGREAVES Scion , Rotorua , New Zealand
ANGELO SCHUABB HERINGER UENF-Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense , Darcy
Ribeiro , RJ , Brazil
SHUANGLONG HUANG Department of Plant Science , University of Manitoba , Winnipeg ,
VÍCTOR M. JIMÉNEZ CIGRAS , Universidad de Costa Rica , San Pedro , Costa Rica
KRYSTYNA KLIMASZEWSKA Laurentian Forestry Centre , Canadian Forest Service, Natural
Resources Canada , Québec , QC , Canada
ANNA M. G. KOLTUNOW Commonwealth Scientifi c and Industrial Research Organization
(CSIRO), Agriculture. Waite Campus, Urrbrae, South Australia
JANA KRAJŇÁKOVÁ Department of Agriculture and Environmental Science , University
of Udine , Udine , Italy ; Genetics and Physiology Department, University of Oulu, Oulu,
JOCHEN KUMLEHN Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK)
Gatersleben , Stadt Seeland/OT Gatersleben , Germany
MAURIZIO LAMBARDI IVALSA/Trees and Timber Institute, National Research Council
(CNR), Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
MARIE-ANNE LELU-WALTER INRA, UR 0588 Unité Amélioration , Génétique et
Physiologie Forestières , Ardon, Orléans Cedex 2 , France
ZHIJIAN T. LI Mid-Florida Research and Education Center , University of Florida/IFAS ,
Apopka , FL , USA
SARA B. MALDONADO Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology , University
of Buenos Aires , Buenos Aires , Argentina
PABLO MARINANGELI Agronomy Department, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de
Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS), National Research Council
(CONICET), Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ADRIANA P. MARTINELLI University of São Paulo, CENA , Piracicaba , SP , Brazil
JOÃO F. MARTINS Center for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences , University
of Coimbra , Coimbra , Portugal
YESIM YALCIN MENDI Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Çukurova, Adana, Turkey
MAURIZIO MICHELI Georgofi li Academy of Florence , Florence , Italy
MOHAMED M. MIRA Department of Botany, Faculty of Science , Tanta University , Tanta ,
PALOMA MONCALEÁN NEIKER-TECNALIA, Centro de Arkaute, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
ALEXANDRE MOREL INRA, UR 0588 Unité Amélioration , Génétique et Physiologie
Forestières , Ardon, Orléans Cedex 2 , France
SERGIO J. OCHATT INRA, CR de Dijon , UMR 1347 Agroécologie , Dijon Cedex , France
AHMAD A. OMAR Citrus Research and Education Center , University of Florida/IFAS ,
Lake Alfred , FL , USA ; Biochemistry Department, College of Agriculture , Zagazig
University , Zagazig , Egypt
ELIF AYLIN OZUDOGRU IVALSA/Trees and Timber Institute, National Research Council
(CNR), Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
VERÓNICA PARRA-VEGA COMAV - Universitat Politècnica de València. CPI,
Valencia , Spain
MARGUERITE G. G. QUOIRIN Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia , UFPR ,
Curitiba , PR , Brazil
CARLA RAGONEZI EU Marie Curie Chair , ICAAM, IIFA, Universidade de Évora , Évora ,
MARIA ANGELES REVILLA Departamento Biología de Organismos y Sistemas, Instituto de
Biotecnología de Asturias, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
MARÍA CARMEN RISUEÑO Pollen Biotechnology of Crop Plants, Biological Research Centre ,
CIB-CSIC , Madrid , Spain
GLADYS D. ROGGE-RENNER Department of Cell Biology, Embryology and Genetics,
Plant Cell Biology Laboratory , UFSC , Florianópolis , SC , Brazil ; Department of Biological
Sciences , University of Joinville Region , Joinville , SC , Brazil
GIUSEPPE LEONARDO ROTINO Vegetable Crops Research Unit, Consiglio per la ricerca in
agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA), Montanaso Lombardo, Lodi, Italy
BARBARA RUFFONI Ornamental Plants Research Unit, Consiglio per la ricerca e l’analisi
dell’economia agraria (CREA), Sanremo, Imperia, Italy
EDDO RUGINI Department of Agriculture, Forests, Nature and Energy (DAFNE) ,
University of Tuscia , Viterbo , Italy
JOSE M. SEGUÍ-SIMARRO COMAV - Universitat Politècnica de València. CPI, Camino de
Vera , Valencia , Spain
BASAR SEVINDIK Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Çukurova,
Adana, Turkey
CRISTIAN SILVESTRI Department of Agriculture, Forests, Nature and Energy (DAFNE) ,
University of Tuscia , Viterbo , Italy
ALVARO STANDARDI Georgofi li Academy of Florence , Florence , Italy
CLAUDIO STASOLLA Department of Plant Science , University of Manitoba , Winnipeg ,
NEUSA STEINER Department of Botany , UFSC , Florianópolis , SC , Brazil
DOUGLAS A. STEINMACHER Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia , UFPR ,
Curitiba , PR , Brazil ; Vivetech Agrociências , Marechal Candido Rondon , PR , Brazil
JAIME A. TEIXEIRA DA SILVA P.O. Box 7, Miki-cho Post Offi ce , Kagawa-ken , Japan
PILAR S. TESTILLANO Pollen Biotechnology of Crop Plants, Biological Research Centre ,
CIB-CSIC , Madrid , Spain
JEAN-FRANÇOIS TRONTIN FCBA, Pôle Biotechnologie et Sylviculture Avancée , Équipe
Génétique et Biotechnologie, Campus Forêt-Bois de Pierroton , Cestas , France
PAULA VERÍSSIMO Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Department of Life Sciences ,
University of Coimbra , Coimbra , Portugal
LEILA DO N. VIEIRA Graduate Program in Plant Genetic Resources, Plant Developmental
Physiology and Genetics Laboratory , Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) ,
Florianópolis , SC , Brazil
SACCO DE VRIES Department of Biochemistry , University of Wageningen , Wageningen ,
The Netherlands
PAMELA WEATHERS Department of Biology and Biotechnology , Worcester Polytechnic
Institute , Worcester , MA , USA
BUDI WINARTO Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute (IOCRI) ,
Pacet- Cianjur , West Java , Indonesia
TRAUD WINKELMANN Leibniz Universität Hannover , Institute of Horticultural
Production Systems , Hannover , Germany
Part I
Reviews on General Topics
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_1, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 1
A Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual
Melanie L. Hand , Sacco de Vries , and Anna M. G. Koltunow
In plants, embryogenesis generally occurs through the sexual process of double fertilization, which involves
a haploid sperm cell fusing with a haploid egg cell to ultimately give rise to a diploid embryo. Embr yogenesis
can also occur asexually in the absence of fertilization, both in vitro and in vivo . Somatic or gametic cells
are able to differentiate into embryos in vitro following the application of plant growth regulators or stress
treatments. Asexual embryogenesis also occurs naturally in some plant species in vivo, from either ovule
cells as part of a process defi ned as apomixis, or from somatic leaf tissue in other species. In both in vitro
and in vivo asexual embryogenesis, the embryo precursor cells must attain an embryogenic fate without
the act of fertilization. This review compares the processes of in vitro and in vivo asexual embryogenesis
including what is known regarding the genetic and epigenetic regulation of each process, and considers
how the precursor cells are able to change fate and adopt an embryogenic pathway.
Key words Adventitious embryony , Apomixis , Cell fate , Gametic embryogenesis , Kalanchoë ,
Parthenogenesis , Somatic embryo genesis
1 Introduction
Embryogenesis describes the development of a single cell into an
embryo. In plant embryogenesis there is no cell migration, so
embryo pattern formation and cell type specifi cation is interrelated
with oriented cell division and expansion. Within sexual angio-
sperm plant species, embryogenesis usually occurs in vivo within
oral organs during the events of seed formation. Formation of an
embryo can also occur via asexual pathways in seeds, from somatic
plant cells in vivo or be induced experimentally from somatic plant
explants or gametes in vitro.
This review describes and compares the processes of in vivo
and in vitro asexual embryogenesis including what is currently
understood regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying each
2 Types of Embryogenesis
The most prevalent form of embryogenesis in plants occurs follow-
ing double fertilization in the female gametophyte (embryo sac)
found in the ovule of the fl ower, which gives rise to the embryo and
endosperm compartments of the seed (Table
1 ; Fig. 1a ). Haploid
male and female gametes form in the anther and ovule, respectively,
via meiosis and subsequent mitosis [
1 , 2 ]. Double fertilization initi-
ates when the male pollen tube containing two sperm cells enters the
ovule. One haploid sperm cell fuses with the meiotically derived hap-
loid egg cell in the female gametophyte to form the single-celled
diploid zygote, which then undergoes cell division and pattern form-
ing events to give rise to the diploid embryo [
3 ]. The other haploid
sperm cell fuses with the diploid central cell nucleus of the embryo
sac, which initiates divisions to form triploid endosperm that pro-
vides resources to the developing embryo [
4 ]. Ovule tissues that
surround the embryo and endosperm contribute to the seed coat.
Evolutionary speaking, embryogenesis is a much older process
than seed formation and initially resulted from the fusion of two
homospores into the zygote, gradually evolving in present day het-
erospory [
5 , 6 ]. The zygote formed following fusion of parental
gametes is the fi rst cell evident during sexual reproduction with a
competence for embryogenesis. In plants, an “embryogenic” state
is not only restricted to the zygote and in the following sections,
ways of attaining an embryogenic state other than via fertilization
will be discussed (Table
1 ).
Apomixis is a term describing a suite of developmental processes
resulting in the formation of an asexual seed . Characteristic fea-
tures of all apomicts include fertilization - independent formation of
an egg cell or another somatic ovule cell into an embryo, and the
development of functional endosperm in apomicts occurs either
with or without fertilization [
7 , 8 ]. As a result, plants germinating
2.1 Zygotic (Sexual)
2.2 Asexual
in Seeds: Apomixis
and Parthenogenesis
in Cereals
Table 1
Characteristics of each type of embryogenesis considered in this review
Type of embryogenesis Precursor cell
Mode of
Ploidy of
Zygotic Egg Sexual Diploid In vivo
Parthenogenesis Egg Asexual Diploid In vivo
Adventitious embryony Nucellar/integument Asexual Diploid In vivo
Somatic embryog enesis Somatic cells Asexual Diploid In vitro/in vivo
Gametic embryogenesis Egg/sperm Asexual Haploid In vitro
Melanie L. Hand et al.
from seeds derived via apomixis are genetically identical to the
maternal parent.
Apomixis has evolved independently ac ross different angio-
sperm plant families and genera many times, and has been docu-
mented in more than 120 angiosperm genera that belong to
approximately 40 families [
9 ]. Apomixis is genetically controlled
by dominant loci in studied species and is not prevalent in agro-
nomically important plants [
10 ]. Apomixis mechanisms are gener-
ally divided into two categories: gametophytic or sporophytic,
based upon the location of the precursor cell which develops into
the embryo. In gametophytic apomixis , the embryo develops with-
out fertilization (termed parthenogenesis ) from an egg cell found
inside an embryo sac that has formed mitotically without prior
meiosis, and is thus chromosomally unreduced (Table
1 ; Fig. 1b ).
Fig. 1 Asexual embryogenesis occurs in vivo and in vitro from different cell types. ( a ) Floral organs and leaves
are some of the source plant tissue for inducing embryogenesis in vitro. Asexual embryos also form in ovules
in vivo; ( b ) Parthenogenesis involves the development of a chromosomally reduced or unreduced egg cell ( yel-
low ) into an embryo without fertilization ; ( c ) Nucellar or integument cells ( red ) adjacent to an embryo sac
within the ovule develop into embryos through adventitious embryony ; ( d ) In vivo somatic embryo genesis is
known to occur in species such as Kalanchoë , where the embryos develop along leaf margins; ( e ) Gametic
embryogenesis involves the experimental induction of embryogenesis from gametic cells such as microspores
and ovules; ( f ) Embryogenesis can be induced in somatic cells following experimental treatment; ( g ) Embryos
formed via asexual embryogenesis may or may not possess a suspensor . At a heart-shaped stage, the typical
plant embryo contains precursor cells for the shoot apical meristem ( blue cells ), and the root apical meristem
which consists of a quiescent center ( orange cells ) and columella stem cells ( purple cells )
In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis
Two common mechanisms termed diplospory and apospory give
rise to such embryo sacs. They are distinguished by whether the
starting cell is a megaspore mother cell or another somatic cell in
the ovule, respectively (see Hand and Koltunow [
7 ] for further
information). Gametophytic apomixis and parthenogenesis are
found and studied in species including eudicots Taraxacum offi ci-
nale (dandelion), Boechera spp., and Hieracium spp. and also in
grasses Pennisetum squamulatum and Paspalum simplex among
others [
11 14 ].
During sporophytic apomixis , which is also called adventitious
or nucellar embryony, embryos develop without fertilization
directly from diploid somatic ovule cells surrounding an embryo
sac (Table
1 ; Fig. 1c ). Most commonly, the embryos arise from
two different ovule tissues: the nucellus and the inner integument.
Nucellar embryony is widespread among Citrus species [
15 , 16 ].
The embryo initial cells that give rise to the asexual embryos dif-
ferentiate near the developing embryo sac [
17 ] and they can be
specifi ed as early as the 2–4 nuclear stage of embryo sac formation
18 , 19 ]. The embryo initial cells develop and form globular-
shaped embryos that can only develop to maturity if the sexually
derived embryo sac is fertilized, as the sexual and asexual embryos
share the nutritive endosperm . The developing seed therefore con-
sists of one sexual embryo and one or more asexual embryos and is
termed polyembryonic. The sexually derived embryo may not
develop or survive germination [
17 ].
Asexual embryogenesis is evident within seeds of the “Salmon”
system of wheat . In contrast to gametophytic apomixis , a chromo-
somally reduced embryo sac develops via the usual events of meio-
sis, spore selection, and mitosis evident in sexually reproducing
angiosperms . However, salmon wheat lines are capable of up to
90 % parthenogenesis , whereby the egg is able to initiate embryo-
genesis without fertilization [
20 , 21 ]. Parthenogenesis capability
results from translocation of the short arm of wheat chromosome
1B with the short arm of chromosome 1R of rye. This particular
translocation results in the loss of two critical loci in wheat:
Suppressor of parthenogenesis ( Spg ) and Restorer of fertility ( Rfv1 ),
along with the gain of a Parthenogenesis ( Ptg ) locus from rye. In
addition to this translocation, parthenogenesis is dependent upon
organellar DNA from Aegilops causdata or A. kotschyi , demon-
strating the importance of cytoplasmic as well as nuclear factors in
asexual embryogenesis in vivo [
21 ]. The existence of fertilization-
independent embryo development from different cell types in the
ovules of apomicts suggests that multiple cells can acquire an
embryogenic state. This contrasts with sexual reproduction where
the embryogenic state is suppressed until fertilization and
restricted to the egg cell within the female gametophyte. In par-
thenogenetic cereals the embryogenic state is attained by the egg
Melanie L. Hand et al.
in the absence of fertilization whilst embryogenic competency is
suppressed in the remaining ovule cell types.
Somatic embryo genesis is known to occur in vivo in nature, where
embryos develop on the surface of plant tissue (Fig.
1d ) [ 22 ]. For
example, plants of the genus Kalanchoë reproduce asexually
through the ectopic formation of plantlets along their leaf margins
23 ]. The plantlets arise following proliferation of cells described
as “dormant meristems” that are found in notches along the leaf
margin [
24 , 25 ]. Some Kalanchoë species require stress to induce
plantlet formation while others do not and constitutively form
asexual plantlets. Because of this form of multiplication, Kalanchoë
species are known as “mother of thousands.” The embryo result-
ing from somatic embryo genesis is diploid and genetically identical
to the somatic precursor cells from which it was formed.
It is possible to induce asexual embryogenesis in vitro from gametic
cells including male microspores (termed androgenesis ), and from
egg cell s or the associated accessory cells found in the female game-
tophytes (termed gynogenesis) (Table
1 ; Fig. 1e ). This process
requires gametophytic cells to switch to a sporophytic embryo for-
mation pathway. Application of various stress treatments such as
cold/heat shock and starvation are applied to the anther, isolated
microspores, cultured ovules, ovaries, or fl ower buds to induce the
switch [
26 28 ]. The resulting embryos are haploid , possessing
either maternal or paternal chromosomes depending on the game-
tophytic precursor cell. The production of haploid plants through
in vitro gametic embryogenesis is a powerful mechanism to gener-
ate homozygous lines much faster than using conventional breed-
ing. Colchicine induced chromosome doubling of haploid embryos
during, or just after, embryogenesis results in homozygous
doubled- haploid plants which are useful tools in trait discovery and
plant breeding applications [
29 ]. Currently, microspore embryo-
genesis is favored over gynogenesis as a mode of gametic embryo-
genesis because of its higher effi ciency [
30 ].
In vitro somatic embryo genesis can also be induced in vegeta-
tive explants or cells following treatment with plant growth regula-
tor s ( PGR ) or stresses such as osmotic shock, dehydration, water
stress , and alteration of pH (reviewed in [
31 ]) (Fig. 1f ). A few stud-
ies have addressed correspondences and differences between zygotic
and somatic embryogenesis and suggest that the patterning and
specifi cation events are quite similar [
32 ], with the exception of a
lack of the suspensor and dormancy in in vitro cultured somatic
embryos [
33 ]. Therefore, the most important step in vegetative
cells that undergo somatic embryogenesis must be to fi rst gain the
“embryogenic” state. Recent work suggests that a release in sup-
pression of the embryogenic state is a plausible mechanism [
6 , 34 ].
2.3 Somatic
Embryogenesis In Vivo
from Leaves
2.4 In Vitro Somatic
and Gametic
In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis
3 Attaining an Embryogenic State
A prerequisite for embryogenesis in plants is that the precursor cell
must attain an embryogenic state which provides the cellular com-
petence for embryo formation. During gametic embryogenesis ,
and gametophytic apomixis , the developing gametophyte cells
respond to induction signals that switch their fate from gameto-
phytic to sporophytic. During zygotic embryo genesis , the zygote
has acquired embryogenic competency following fertilization of
the egg cell . In somatic embryo genesis in vitro, and adventitious
embryony , the embryo precursor cells are somatic sporophytic cells
which fi rst must attain the embryogenic state. Changing the devel-
opmental fate of a cell is therefore an important component of
both in vitro and in vivo asexual embryogenesis.
It has been proposed that somatic embryo genesis consists of
two distinct phases which are independent of each other and are
controlled by different factors [
35 ]. The initial stage is induction,
which involves the somatic cells attaining the embryogenic state
usually by the exogenous application of PGR. The following stage
is expression, where the newly differentiated embryonic cells
develop into an embryo without any further exogenous signals. It
is not yet known whether in vivo embryogenesis via adventitious
embryony similarly consists of two separate independent phases.
However, such a scenario could be envisaged where the sporo-
phytic ovule cells also fi rst acquire embryonic competence by a
particular molecular signal, and then develop into an embryo with-
out fertilization via a separate developmental program.
In the process of in vitro somatic embryo genesis, somatic cells
attain the embryogenic state following the application of PGR .
Auxin is most commonly used [
36 ], although other PGR, includ-
ing cytokinin and abscisic acid, have proven capable of inducing
embryogenesis [
37 , 38 ]. Following treatment with PGR, the cells
are cultured on a hormone-free medium. Auxin plays major roles
in plant growth and morphogenesis including embryo sac develop-
ment and embryo patterning [
39 , 40 ]. In addition to treatment
with auxin, the frequency of somatic embryogenesis induction also
depends on the species, genotype, tissue, stage of development,
and endogenous hormone levels [
35 , 41 ]. Therefore although
auxin is a universal induction molecule, other factors must be
involved in the induction of embryonic competence. The role of
cellular stress response s in the induction of somatic embryogenesis
is increasingly being recognized. The process of culturing explants
for somatic embryogenesis involves wounding, sterilization, and
culturing of the explant, all which undoubtedly apply stress to the
cells involved. Furthermore, exogenous stresses such as osmotic,
heavy metal ion, temperature, and dehydration stresses can enhance
Melanie L. Hand et al.
somatic embryogenesis [ 42 46 ]. The induction of somatic
embryogenesis through the application of auxin or stresses may
imply an interaction between auxin and stress signaling . Auxin may
therefore activate a stress signaling response, which is involved in
inducing embryogenic competence . Many stress-related genes are
up-regulated during the early phases of somatic embryogenesis,
which supports this theory [
47 , 48 ].
Whether somatic cells in vitro and nucellar, integument cells
and unreduced egg cell s in apomicts in vivo acquire an embryo-
genic state via the same mechanism is currently unknown. Unlike
somatic embryo genesis, embryos formed through parthenogenesis
and adventitious embryony in apomicts are subject to the develop-
mental infl uences of the ovule which may produce alternate cues
that induce an embryogenic state. Stress and alterations in ovule
pattern formation lead to a deregulation of apomixis in Hieracium
where embryos form ectopically in different ovule positions [
49 ].
Although no genes have yet been identifi ed that are responsible for
inducing adventitious embryony, genes related to stress signaling
have been implied in the process of nucellar embryony in Citrus .
Kumar et al. [
50 ] used suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH)
and microarray to detect genes that were differentially expressed
during asexual embryo initiation and discovered genes related to
stress signaling, including heat shock proteins.
Some similarities exist in the morphology of the embryo pre-
cursor cell for in vitro somatic embryo genesis and in vivo adventi-
tious embryony . In Citrus species that undergo adventitious
embryony, those nucellar cells that ultimately differentiate into
embryos are distinguished from surrounding nucellar cells by their
large nuclei and dense cytoplasm [
51 ]. These nucellar initial cells
also have very thick callosic cell wall s and later become thinner
walled, rounder, larger, and with a prominent nucleus prior to cell
division [
17 ]. Histological observations of embryonic somatic cells
cultured in vitro from various species show that these embryonic
cells are relatively small and also contain large nuclei and dense
cytoplasm when compared to other somatic cells (reviewed in
Namasivayam [
52 ]). Large nuclei and dense cytoplasm are also
characteristic of cells that are precursors of the female gametophyte,
including the aposporous initial cell in aposporous apomictic plants,
distinguishing them from surrounding somatic cells [
1 , 53 ].
4 Embryo Morphology
Zygotic embryo genesis within angiosperms passes through a series
of sequential stages to give rise to the mature differentiated struc-
ture. In Arabidopsis and some other angiosperms, the fi rst division
In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis
of the zygote produces an apical cell that continues to be embryo-
genic, while the second basal cell is no longer embryogenic and
continues to form the multicelled suspensor . Further divisions of
the apical cell produce a globular embryo, and differentiation and
expansion of the cotyledons leads to heart and torpedo-shaped
embryos [
54 ]. Only the suspensor derived hypophyseal suspensor
cell continues to form the quiescent center and the columella stem
cells of the root meristem (Fig.
1g ) [ 55 ]. Variation in early cell
division patterning exists between different dicotyledonous spe-
cies, although the typical globular, heart, and torpedo morpho-
logical stages still usually occur [
54 ]. Zygotic embryogenesis in
monocotyledonous species differs from dicots mostly with respect
to planes of symmetry and the position of the shoot apical meri-
stem [
56 ]. Variation in embryo formation also exists between
monocot species. The embryo is the only plant structure in which
both the root and shoot apical meristem is formed simultaneously.
This requires a highly complex series of pattern forming and speci-
cation events, including establishment of small populations of
stem cells. These cells continue to support the formation and activ-
ity of meristems during the remainder of the plant life cycle (for a
recent review see [
57 ]). Extensive studies have revealed molecular
details of the formation of the major tissue types as well as the
meristems themselves during embryogenesis [
6 ].
The processes of asexual embryogenesis, both in vivo and
in vitro, often differ from the regular divisions and patterning
events that defi ne zygotic embryo genesis . Embryo pattern forma-
tion during apomictic embryogenesis ( parthenogenesis ) can be
irregular compared to zygotic embryogenesis in related sexual spe-
cies. In aposporous Hieracium , for example, embryogenesis fre-
quently commences earlier than in sexual plants as once the egg
differentiates, it transits rapidly to embryogenesis, and in some
cases altered division planes can result in a different embryo appear-
ance. Multiple embryos can also form in aposporous Hieracium
embryos in either the same or a secondary embryo sac [
58 ].
Although most Hieracium parthenogenetic embryos resemble
those formed by zygotic embryogenesis in sexual plants, embryos
with one or three cotyledons have also been observed. Despite
developmental alterations in the primary pattern of embryos
formed in aposporous Hieracium species, the resulting germinated
seedlings eventually exhibit normal plant growth when grown on
hormone free media in vitro [
58 ].
In vivo asexual embryogenesis in Kalanchoë species proceeds
through the typical globular, heart and torpedo stages from meri-
stematic cells along leaf margins [
24 ]. However unlike zygotic
embryo s, Kalanchoë asexual plantlets resemble shoots that then
grow adventitious roots from a hypocotyl structure [
23 ]. Once the
root system has developed, Kalanchoë plantlets detach from the
mother plant, fall to the ground and become new plants.
Melanie L. Hand et al.
In vitro embryogenesis could also be described as heteroge-
neous, as multiple developmental pathways are possible which
occur at varying frequencies within a single species and even the
same culture [
33 , 59 , 60 ]. Detailed characterization of in vitro
embryogenesis pathways has been performed using time-lapse
tracking from embryonic cell suspension s [
33 , 61 ]. Early
development of most microspore derived embryos involves a glob-
ular embryo with little cellular organization that undergoes sym-
metrical division and does not resemble a typical zygotic embryo
54 ]. Other microspore-derived embryos appear to form via a
developmental pathway that involves asymmetric division and con-
sequently more closely resemble zygotic embryos. Recently, micro-
spore embryogenesis systems have been developed that consistently
produce such embryos [
59 , 62 ]. These systems involve a heat stress
period that is either shorter or at a much lower temperature than is
usually applied.
Early during zygotic embryo genesis , a region of the embryo
differentiates to become a suspensor that functions to connect the
embryo to surrounding tissues, thereby positioning the embryo
inside the seed [
63 ]. The suspensor also acts to transport nutrients
and hormones to the embryo. When microspore embryogenesis
more closely mimics zygotic embryogenesis, a recognizable sus-
pensor is always present, which suggests the suspensor plays a role
in supporting early patterning events [
59 , 62 , 64 ]. A suspensor is
also formed during in vivo asexual embryogenesis, although
throughout Citrus nucellar embryony, the suspensor becomes evi-
dent at a much later stage of development than in zygotic embryos
15 ]. In aposporous Hieracium , embryos that develop in the
micropylar end of the embryo sac always form a suspensor and
embryos that develop within secondary chalazal embryo sacs may
or may not form a suspensor and often arrest at the globular stage
65 ]. The development of suspensors in asexual embryogenesis
suggests that fertilization is not required for formation of the
Unlike asexual embryos formed in apomictic seeds which
undergo desiccation and dormancy as part of seed maturation,
embryos formed in vitro and in vivo in Kalanchoë develop directly
into seedlings. Despite not developing within a seed, in vitro
somatic embryo s also undergo some form of maturation and accu-
mulate late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, although
sometimes treatment with ABA is fi rst required to induce matura-
tion [
66 ]. In vitro somatic embryos also accumulate seed storage
proteins , which are recognized as important for the future devel-
opment of in vitro somatic embryos into plants. Only those
embryos that have accumulated enough storage proteins and have
acquired desiccation tolerance will develop into normal plants
60 ]. A comparison between asexual in vivo and somatic in vitro
embryogenesis processes was performed by measuring the
In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis
accumulation of citrin seed storage proteins in polyembryonic
seeds and in vitro cultured embryos in Citrus . This study revealed
that in vitro embryos accumulate fewer citrins and at a later devel-
opmental stage than within the polyembryonic seed, suggesting
that despite not being derived from fertilization events, the nucel-
lar embryos are infl uenced by the seed environment [
19 ].
Formation of endosperm is a crucial component of seed devel-
opment which does not accompany in vitro embryogenesis. The
precursor of the endosperm is the large diploid central cell of the
embryo sac. During sexual seed formation, the endosperm will
only develop following double fertilization , when one of the two
sperm cells fuses with the two central cell nuclei to produce trip-
loid endosperm. Formation of viable seed via apomixis also
requires the formation of endosperm. The majority of apomictic
species studied require fertilization to develop endosperm, a pro-
cess which is termed pseudogamy. In some apomictic species, typi-
cally members of the Asteraceae, endosperm can develop without
fertilization of the central cell. Maternal (m) and paternal (p)
genome ratios in the endosperm are typically 2m:1p in sexual spe-
cies and disturbance in this ratio may lead to seed abortion.
Apomicts tend to tolerate variation in endosperm ploidy and
maternal and paternal genome ratios which are not easily tolerated
in sexually reproducing plants, and have developed various strate-
gies to ensure seed viability [
67 ].
Apomictic Hieracium species are able to form endosperm
without fertilization . The polar nuclei fuse prior to the develop-
ment of nuclear and then cellular endosperm, in the absence of
fertilization and the resulting endosperm exhibits a 4m:0p genome
ratio in aposporous Hieracium . The trait of autonomous endo-
sperm (AutE) has recently been separated from fertilization-
independent embryogenesis in Hieracium through two
inter-specifi c crosses [
68 ]. Two individuals were identifi ed that
form reduced embryo sacs containing meiotically derived eggs and
central cells through the sexual pathway. However, egg cell s within
these individuals are unable to commence embryogenesis without
fertilization although in the absence of fertilization, the fused polar
nuclei undergo proliferation and continue to develop cellular
endosperm with a 2m:0p genome ratio. This indicates a paternal
genome contribution is neither required for endosperm initiation,
nor cellularization in both chromosomally reduced and unreduced
embryo sacs. When egg cells from these individuals are fertilized,
embryogenesis occurs to completion and viable seed is formed. It
is currently unclear if the central cell is also able to be fertilized as
this would result in a parental genome ratio of 2m:1p ratio as seen
in sexual species [
68 ].
Melanie L. Hand et al.
5 Genes Implicated in In Vivo and In Vitro Asexual Embryogenesis
Similarities between asexual embryogenesis in vitro and in vivo
raise questions regarding whether these processes are controlled by
the same molecular mechanisms. Although no genes responsible
for embryogenesis have yet been isolated from apomictic plants, a
number of gene candidates have been identifi ed through differen-
tial gene expression analysis, genetic mapping and study of sexual
mutants with phenotypes that mimic asexual embryogenesis.
Attempts to understand in vitro somatic and gametic embryogen-
esis have also resulted in a range of gene candidates that when
expressed ectopically, result in embryo formation.
One of the fi rst genes associated with somatic embryo genesis
( SERK ) when its involvement was demonstrated in carrot cell cul-
tures [
69 ]. SERK was identifi ed as a marker for cells transitioning
from a somatic to an embryogenic state, due to its transient expres-
sion in established suspension cell cultures [
69 ]. SERK is a leucine-
rich repeat (LRR) receptor-like kinase that is also expressed in
developing ovules and embryos in planta and may therefore infl u-
ence somatic embryogenesis through the same mechanisms of the
sexual pathway [
69 , 70 ]. Overexpression and downregulation of
SERK increases and decreases the effi ciency of somatic embryo-
genesis, respectively [
70 , 71 ]. Interestingly, a SERK gene has also
been implicated in asexual reproduction within an apomictic grass,
Poa pratensis . cDNA-AFLPs differentially expressed between apo-
mictic and sexual lines of P. pratensis revealed a SERK gene that
displays differential expression [
72 ]. Apomixis in P. pratensis
involves development of an embryo sac not from the megaspore
mother cell (MMC) which is the typical precursor cell for the sex-
ual pathway, but from a diploid somatic cell positioned nearby the
MMC. These somatic precursor cells are found in the nucellar
ovule tissue. Within P. pratensis , SERK is expressed in embryo sac
precursor cells: the MMC in sexual plants, and somatic nucellar
cells in apomictic plants [
72 ]. The same expression profi le was also
observed in apomictic and sexual lines of Paspalum notatum [
73 ].
SERK expression was also examined in apomictic Hieracium where
it was detected throughout the ovule, and expression was not
restricted to the nucellar region or MMC in Hieracium. SERK
expression was also observed in developing Hieracium embryos
74 ]. SERK is therefore thought to play an important role in
changing developmental fate of cells, both in stages of apomixis
and in somatic embryogenesis. BABYBOOM ( BBM ) is another
gene that has been associated with both in vitro and in vivo asexual
embryogenesis. BBM is an APETELA2 (AP2) transcription factor
that was originally identifi ed following subtractive hybridization of
cDNA from Brassica napus microspores undergoing
In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis
embryogenesis [ 75 ]. Ectopic expression of BBM in Arabidopsis or
B. napus induces somatic embryos, and constitutive expression of
BBM gene s from other species also results in the emergence of
ectopic embryos [
75 77 ]. BBM expression was also observed in
developing Arabidopsis zygotic embryo s [
75 ]. These results sug-
gest that BBM has a conserved role in the induction and/or main-
tenance of embryo development . BBM genes have also been
identifi ed within a genomic region essential for apomixis in the
apomictic grass Pennisetum squamulatum [
78 ]. The apospory-
specifi c genomic region (ASGR) of Pennisetum was identifi ed fol-
lowing marker analysis of a selection of apomictic and sexual plants,
which revealed a set of apomixis-specifi c markers that defi ne the
79 ]. Sequencing of BAC clones from within the ASGR
revealed putative protein coding regions, including two of which
had similarity to BBM of rice [
78 ]. The ASGR is thought to con-
tain genetic elements responsible for both the formation of a dip-
loid embryo sac, and the process of parthenogenesis . The BBM
genes within the ASGR are therefore candidate apomixis genes
with strong potential to have a role in the induction or mainte-
nance of asexual embryogenesis in Pennisetum apomicts. However,
confi rmation of a role for BBM in parthenogenesis has not yet been
The involvement of common genes in zygotic and asexual
embryogenesis implies that despite arising from different activa-
tion signals and different tissues, each embryogenesis process con-
verges on a similar developmental pathway. Genes with a known
involvement in zygotic embryo genesis have therefore been studied
in asexual embryogenesis systems to understand whether such
genes are also involved in asexual embryogenesis. The LEAFY
COTYLEDON ( LEC ) family of transcription factor s is crucial for
regular embryogenesis and is also implicated in somatic embryo-
genesis. Arabidopsis contains three LEC gene s : LEC1 , LEC2, and
FUSCA3 ( FUS3 ), and each of these genes is expressed exclusively
in the embryo [
80 82 ]. Ectopic expression of each of the three
LEC genes leads to vegetative cells adopting characteristics of
maturation- phase embryos, and hence this gene family is associ-
ated with the process of somatic embryogenesis [
80 82 ]. The LEC
genes have been linked to auxin production, as LEC2 is known to
activate the auxin biosynthesis genes YUCCA2 and YUCCA4
83 ]. FUS3 expression also increases in response to auxin [ 84 ].
This interaction with auxin signaling is thought to be responsible
for the ability of LEC gene expression to induce embryonic
LEC1 has been studied in Kalanchoë species and is implicated
in the process of asexual plantlet formation in these species.
Compared to Arabidopsis , the LEC1 gene of Kalanchoë daigre-
montiana ( KdLEC1 ) is truncated and does not rescue the
Arabidopsis lec1 mutation, suggesting it functions differently to
Melanie L. Hand et al.
LEC1 in Arabidopsis [ 23 ]. A functional full length copy of LEC1
was created by replacing the deleted nucleotides in KdLEC1 with
the corresponding nucleotides from Arabidopsis and transforma-
tion of Kalanchoë daigremontiana with this synthesized LEC1-
LIKE gene results in disrupted asexual reproduction and in some
instances abortion or absence of plantlet formation [
85 ]. This
study strongly supports the involvement of LEC1 in in vivo asexual
embryogenesis in Kalanchoë and furthermore suggests that the
switch from sexual to asexual propagation in the evolution of
Kalanchoë was probably activated following truncation of the
KdLEC1 gene [
85 ].
Another gene that appears to be involved in the induction of
an embryogenic state is the RWP-RK domain containing (RKD)
transcription factor RKD2, which is preferentially expressed in the
egg cell of Arabidopsis and wheat [
86 ]. Ectopic expression of
RKD2 results in ovule integument cells that become enlarged and
densely cytoplasmic with prominent nuclei, suggesting these cells
have become pluripotent [
87 ]. Ectopic RKD2 expression also
results in some integument cells adopting an egg cell identity, and
a low frequency (ca. 0.1 %) of embryo-like structures also appear
outside of the embryo sac [
87 ]. This observation is reminiscent of
adventitious embryony and may indicate that RKD2 is involved in
the induction of embryogenesis from ovule tissue during adventi-
tious embryony.
Additional genes including WUSCHEL and AGAMOUS-Like
15 ( AGL15 ) are known to induce embryo formation from vegeta-
tive tissue when ectopically expressed, and have therefore been
implicated in somatic embryo genesis [
88 , 89 ]. WUSCHEL is
known to be involved in specifying and maintaining stem cells in
the shoot and root meristem [
90 ] while AGL15 is known to accu-
mulate in developing embryos [
91 ], therefore a role in embryo-
genesis is to be expected for both of these genes. However, with
the exception of SERK , most of the genes shown to be involved in
zygotic and asexual embryogenesis are not specifi cally expressed in
the egg cell or the zygote. Therefore, whilst important for later
stages of embryo development , these genes may not be involved in
the process of embryo initiation which is possibly the most impor-
tant aspect of asexual embryogenesis. It has been proposed that the
observed ectopic embryo development associated with mis-
expression of these genes, is a result of cellular stress, rather than a
specifi c initiation signal expressed by the genes [
92 ]. This hypoth-
esis is consistent with embryonic competence being induced by
stress factors, as discussed earlier.
To understand the genetic elements responsible for inducing
embryonic competence in both in vitro and in vivo asexual embryo-
genesis, future experiments will likely focus on comparison of gene
expression from embryo precursor cells directly before and after
the initiation of embryogenesis. Genetic mapping of apomixis loci
In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis
may also reveal which genes are responsible for the initiation of
asexual embryogenesis. Genetic analyses of apomicts have shown
that gametophytic apomixis is inherited as a dominant trait. In
many apomictic species, developmental components of apomixis
(meiotic avoidance and parthenogenesis ) are controlled by inde-
pendent loci and further research is underway to isolate the causal
sequences that underlie these loci. For example, characterized
deletion mutants developed in apomictic Hieracium praealtum
revealed a genomic region responsible for fertilization- independent
embryogenesis and endosperm formation, named LOSS OF
93 ]. Deletion of LOP sees the
plant become dependent upon fertilization for both embryo and
endosperm development (Fig.
2 ) [ 13 ]. Genetic mapping of LOP
and AutE is the focus of current work that may lead to isolation of
the causal sequences for both traits.
A genomic locus strongly associated with adventitious embry-
ony in Citrus has also been identifi ed [
94 ]. Further characteriza-
tion of this locus may clarify the mechanism of adventitious
embryony and identify the genetic element responsible for
Fig. 2 Cleared ovules from wildtype apomict Hieracium praealtum ( a ), and a H.
praealtum lop mutant ( b ) that has lost the capacity to undergo parthenogenesis
and autonomous endosperm development. Within apomictic H. praealtum ovules,
embryo and endosperm develop from the egg and central cell, respectively, with-
out fertilization ( a ). H. praealtum lop deletion mutant m179 ( b ) has lost this
capacity and the egg and central cells do not develop further without fertilization.
Scale bars = 50 μm. em embryo, e egg, cc central cell, ne nuclear endosperm.
Ovules were collected at stages 6 ( a ) and 10 ( b ) of capitulum development
according to Koltunow et al. [ 65 ]
Melanie L. Hand et al.
inducing asexual embryogenesis in planta . Similarly, the search for
genes within the controlling parthenogenesis loci of the salmon
wheat system may reveal those genes that are responsible for par-
thenogenesis in this system. Although controlling genes are cur-
rently unknown for the salmon wheat system, it is likely that they
have lost those genes required for repressing fertilization indepen-
dent embryogenesis in sexual plant species.
6 Epigenetic Infl uence on Asexual Embryogenesis
Various epigenetic marks and pathways have been associated with
both sexual and asexual embryogenesis processes, suggesting that
the induction and regulation of asexual embryogenesis may involve
epigenetic components. For instance, the application of exogenous
auxin during somatic embryo induction results in DNA hyper-
methylation [
95 ], and inhibition of DNA methylation suppresses
the formation of embryogenic cells from cultured carrot epidermal
cells [
96 ]. Auxin could therefore possibly reprogram gene expres-
sion through DNA methylation, leading to the induction of
embryogenesis pathways within somatic cells.
Genes within epigenetic pathways have also been implicated in
both in vitro and in vivo asexual embryogenesis. One such epigen-
etic factor implicated in asexual embryogenesis is PICKLE (PKL),
a chromatin remodeling protein [
97 ]. PKL is responsible for
repressing the LEC family of transcription factor s, as pkl mutants
display overexpression of LEC1 , LEC2 and FUS3, and display a
phenotype similar to that seen from LEC1 overexpression [
97 ,
98 ]. PKL activity is therefore acknowledged as an important regu-
latory mechanism for repressing embryonic identity throughout
seedling growth, by suppressing the embryogenic program in
somatic cells [
99 ]. For this reason, PKL is also a candidate for the
induction of asexual embryogenesis. Deregulation of PKL in
somatic cells or within the egg cell would permit expression of
embryogenic genes that are generally only expressed by the devel-
oping embryo following fertilization . However to date, PKL has
not been specifi cally associated with asexual embryogenesis in any
natural apomictic plant.
Strong evidence exists suggesting that epigenetic pathways
play a crucial role in asexual embryo and endosperm development
during apomixis . Mutants of the Polycomb -Group (PcG) chroma-
tin modeling complex show phenotypes reminiscent of fertilization
independent embryogenesis and endosperm formation seen in
gametophytic apomixis. In particular, the Polycomb Repressive
Complex 2 (PRC2) is known to be involved in the suppression of
seed development in the absence of fertilization. The PRC2 is con-
served between plants and animals and represses gene expression
via trimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27me3).
In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis
Phenotypes of asexual embryo and endosperm development have
been observed when core PRC2 genes are mutated in Arabidopsis .
For instance, the fertilization-independent seed (FIS) PRC2
complex (FIS-PRC2) consists of the genes MEDEA ( MEA ), FIS2 ,
of any of these genes results in endosperm initiation and prolifera-
tion without fertilization. However, the endosperm does not cel-
luarize [
100 102 ]. The role of the FIS-PRC2 complex is therefore
considered to inhibit central cell proliferation. In the case of MSI1
mutants, low levels of parthenogenetic embryo initiation are
observed, followed by embryo arrest, so that viable seeds are not
formed [
103 ]. The role of some of the FIS-PRC2 genes has been
investigated during seed initiation in Hieracium spp., one of the
few groups of apomicts that develop endosperm without fertiliza-
tion. Downregulation of Hieracium FIE (HFIE), a protein linking
multiple PRC2 components inhibiting fertilization-independent
endosperm proliferation in Arabidopsis does not result in
fertilization- independent endosperm proliferation in sexual plants.
HFIE function is required for completion of both sexual and asex-
ual embryo and endosperm development in examined Hieracium
species [
104 ]. These results demonstrate that the capacity for
embryogenic competence and endosperm formation in apomicts
may function via deregulation of other PRC2 complex family
members and that additional factors are required to produce viable
asexual embryos and endosperm. The identifi ed Hieracium AutE
plants that form endosperm, but not embryos, without fertiliza-
tion may help identify and defi ne the roles of genes that regulate
the autonomous endosperm mechanism.
The PRC2 complex interacts with other genes implicated in
asexual embryogenesis, including the LEC gene family. LEC1 ,
LEC2, and FUS3 are all overexpressed in CURLY LEAF ( CLF ) and
SWINGER ( SWN ) double mutants, which are PcG gene homo-
logues of the PRC2 gene MEA [
105 ]. A cis regulatory element has
been identifi ed within the LEC2 promoter which is responsible for
recruiting the PRC2 complex [
106 ]. These results suggest that the
PcG acts to repress embryonic gene expression by histone methyla-
tion. Histone acetylation is another epigenetic mark that in contrast
to histone methylation, is generally associated with transcriptional
activation. Removal of the acetylation is performed by histone
deacetylase (HDAC), which consequently results in transcriptional
repression. Interestingly, two histone deacetylase genes ( HDA6 and
HDA19 ) are partly responsible for repressing the embryonic pro-
gram during Arabidopsis germination [
107 ]. Another HDAC gene
( HDA7 ) in Arabidopsis is known to be important for normal
embryo development [
108 ]. Ineffi cient or defective histone deacet-
ylation of key embryonic genes may therefore be a candidate mech-
anism for inducing asexual embryogenesis.
Melanie L. Hand et al.
7 Conclusions
While the pathways involved in developing the embryo itself appear
common between the various modes of embryogenesis described
here, many differences exist between the initiation processes of
asexual embryogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Unlike somatic or
gametic embryogenesis , apomixis -associated embryogenesis occurs
near maternal reproductive tissue, and develops within a seed
structure. Despite these differences, in vitro and in vivo asexual
embryogenesis share some common factors: a change in the devel-
opmental fate of embryogenic precursor cells; and expression of an
embryonic pathway in such cells without fertilization . Identifying
molecular mechanisms that underlie these processes within in vitro
systems may help to understand pathways that lead to apomixis.
While some candidate genes for both in vitro and in vivo asexual
embryogenesis have been identifi ed, a role in apomixis has not yet
been confi rmed for any of these genes. One possibility is that
embryogenesis related genes are deregulated by epigenetic factors
during asexual embryogenesis. Continued research into asexual
embryogenesis will yield important fi ndings related to plant cell
fate specifi cation and the molecular regulation of embryogenesis.
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In Vitro and In Vivo Asexual Embryogenesis
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_2, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 2
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis: Learning
from Seeds
Traud Winkelmann
Plant embryogenesis is a fascinating developmental program that is very successfully established in nature
in seeds. In case of in vitro somatic embryogenesis this process is subjected to several limitations such as
asynchronous differentiation and further development of somatic embryos, malformations and disturbed
polarity, precocious germination, lack of maturity, early loss of embryogenic potential, and strong geno-
typic differences in the regeneration effi ciency. Several studies have shown the similarity of somatic and
zygotic embryos in terms of morphological, histological, biochemical, and physiological aspects. However,
pronounced differences have also been reported and refer to much higher stress levels, less accumulation
of storage compounds and a missing distinction of differentiation and germination by a quiescent phase in
somatic embryos. Here, an overview on recent literature describing both embryogenesis pathways, com-
paring somatic and zygotic embryos and analyzing the role of the endosperm is presented. By taking
zygotic embryos as the reference and learning from the situation in seeds, somatic embryogenesis can be
improved and optimized in order to make use of the enormous potential this regeneration pathway offers
for plant propagation and breeding.
Key words Biochemistry , Comparative approach , Maturation , Morphology , Proteome , Storage
reserves , Stress response , Transcriptome
1 Introduction
Somatic embryo genesis, a fascinating developmental pathway
through which plants can be regenerated from bipolar structures
derived from a single or a few somatic cells was fi rst described more
than 50 years ago in carrot by Reinert [
1 ] and Steward et al. [ 2 ].
This regeneration pathway offers a great potential to be applied in
mass propagation, genetic transformation by direct means or via
Agrobacterium tumefaciens and as a source of protoplasts as well as
for long-term storage of germplasm using cryopreservation. Also
fundamental studies of early embryogenesis are easier to be per-
formed with somatic than with zygotic embryo s. However, up to
now the exploitation of this pathway is limited by inherent
problems that are observed in many different plant species, like
asynchronous differentiation and further development of somatic
embryo s, malformations and disturbed polarity , precocious germi-
nation , early loss of embryogenic potential , and strong genotypic
differences in the regeneration effi ciency. On the other hand, such
limitations are not found in zygotic embryos developing within
seeds. Thus, this review aims at comparing these two types of
embryogenesis by regarding zygotic embryogenesis as a reference
as suggested for the fi rst time for wheat by Carman [
3 ]. The iden-
tifi cation of the major differences could enable new approaches to
optimize somatic embryogenesis. Available literature dealing with
comparisons of somatic and zygotic embryos on morphological,
histological, biochemical, and also transcriptomic and proteomic
level will be summarized, with emphasis on our model plant, the
ornamental species Cyclamen persicum .
The zygote is formed after double fertilization has taken place
which is leading to the formation of the embryo and the endo-
sperm . Zygotic embryo genesis is a complex, highly organized pro-
cess, that has been studied for a long time by histological approaches
only [
4 ]. Recently it has been supplemented by molecular genetic
studies, mainly based on mutant analyses of Arabidopsis thaliana as
excellently reviewed in 2013 by Wendrich and Weijers [
5 ] and
depicted in Fig.
1 . Embryogenesis is divided into (1) embryogenesis
sensu strictu (morphogenesis of embryo and endosperm) meaning
the development of the zygote up to a cotyledonary stage embryo
and (2) the subsequent maturation phase that starts with the switch
from maternal to fi lial control [
6 ] and fi nally (3) the phase of
embryo growth and seed fi lling ending with a desiccation phase [
7 ].
Embryogenesis sensu strictu starts with a loss of polarity directly
after fertilization of the egg cell which is followed by re- polarization
and elongation of the zygote [
5 ] . The important fi rst asymmetric
cell division of the zygote results in a more elongated basal cell that
gives rise to the suspensor and the hypophysis and a small apical
cell that generates the embryo. The suspensor positions the embryo
within the embryo sac, conducts nutrients to the developing
embryo and is a source of plant hormones that are important for
polarity establishment [
8 ]. It is eliminated by programmed cell
death between globular and torpedo stage in angiosperms and in
late embryogenesis in gymnosperms [
9 ].
Auxin is the predominant plant hormone that has been
reported to be involved in polarity and pattern formation.
Especially, the PIN (PIN formed proteins) dependent asymmetric
auxin effl ux regulates these processes in early embryogenesis ( [
10 ] ,
reviewed in 2010 by De Smet et al., [
11 ]). The role of other plant
hormones, among which cytokinins and brassinosteroids were
reported to be important in these processes, is not yet clearly
resolved [
11 ].
1.1 Zygotic
Traud Winkelmann
Subsequent organized cell division in a symmetric way and
only in one direction leads to the formation of the suspensor . In
the apical cell division planes change in a strictly regulated way in
A. thaliana and thereby establish two types of axes, defi ning upper
and lower tiers and radially arranged cell types [
5 ]. Most interest-
ingly, the fi rst cell divisions take place within the space provided by
the apical cell. Thus, pattern formation occurs in the globular
embryo by which the protoderm cells, vascular and ground tissue
are defi ned. The last stage of embryogenesis sensu strictu is the
heart stage being characterized by the presence of shoot and root
apical meristems as well as early cotyledons. The key genes regulat-
ing morphogenesis of the embryo have been identifi ed and encode
transcription factor s, receptor kinases, proteins involved in plant
hormone signaling and micro RNAs pointing to the predominant
Fig. 1 Morphogenetic processes during Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Schematic overview of Arabidopsis
embryogenesis from the egg cell to the heart stage embryo, highlighting the morphogenetic processes required
to progress from one stage to the next. The colors represent cells of (essentially) the same type ( see color
legend), based on marker gene expression and lineage analysis. Cot cotyledon, SAM shoot apical meristem,
Hyp hypocotyl, RAM root apical meristem (reproduced from [ 5 ] with permission from New Phytologist)
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis
transcriptional control, and future research needs to focus on how
these regulators hold their function in terms of cell biological
implementations [
5 ] .
The later phase of seed development (maturation phase) com-
prises embryo growth, seed fi lling by deposition of storage reserves
and fi nally desiccation . Mainly seed dormancy has attracted the
attention of research in A. thaliana and other species (reviewed by
Finch-Savage and Leubner-Metzger in 2006, [
12 ]). Seed fi lling is
of importance for many agricultural crops like rape seed or legumes
as well (reviewed by Verdier and Thompson in 2008, [
13 ]). At the
end of seed development, the zygotic embryo is in a quiescent
state which clearly separates embryogenesis from germination .
The term somatic embryo genesis already points to the pronounced
morphological similarity of this vegetative regeneration pathway to
zygotic embryo genesis . Somatic embryo genesis generally starts
from a single cell or a group of cells of somatic origin and direct
somatic embryogenesis is distinguished from indirect somatic
embryogenesis in which a callus phase is passed through. The
induction of embryogenic cells sometimes refers to all events that
reprogram a differentiated cell into an embryogenic cell, but
recently was divided into different phases, i.e., dedifferentiation,
acquisition of totipotency , and commitment into embryogenic
cells [
14 ]. The fi rst important difference compared to zygotic
embryogenesis is the need for both, transcriptional and transla-
tional reprogramming of a somatic cell. Dedifferentiation of the
somatic cells is the prerequisite to gain embryogenic competence
and results in genetic reprogramming, loss of fate, and change into
meristematic cells [
15 ]. Stress due to wounding, separation from
surrounding tissue, in vitro culture conditions, and also auxin are
discussed to have a pivotal role in dedifferentiation [
15 ]. Elhiti
et al. [
14 ] postulated that cells have to be cytologically separated
for dedifferentiation as expression of genes responsible for second-
ary cell wall formation changed. Moreover, pronounced changes in
the network that regulates the response to hormones have to take
place. Twenty-fi ve candidate genes being associated with the
expression of cellular totipotency were identifi ed by a bioinfor-
matic approach using the CCSB (Center of Cancer Systems
Biology) interactome database and Arabidopsis as a model for a
molecular regulation network [
14 ]. They cover functions in tran-
scription, signal transduction, posttranslational modifi cation,
response to plant hormones, DNA repair and DNA methylation,
and for the fi rst time protein phosphorylation and salicylic acid
signaling. The fi nal step of the induction phase, the commitment
into embryogenic cells, involves genes for signal transduction,
microtubule organization, DNA methylation, regulation of tran-
scription, apoptosis, and hormone-mediated signaling [
14 ].
1.2 Somatic
Traud Winkelmann
The establishment of polarity and a fi rst asymmetric cell divi-
sion has been observed in early somatic embryo genesis of carrot
16 ] and alfalfa [ 17 ]. By cell tracking experiments it was shown
that carrot somatic embryos developed from different single sus-
pension cells either via a symmetric or via an asymmetric fi rst divi-
sion [
18 ], indicating that an asymmetric division is not decisive for
proper somatic embryo development . However, as stated by Feher
et al. [
15 ] , polarity, in terms of the transcriptional and biochemical
status of the cell, is not necessarily expressed at the level of the
morphology and symmetry of cell division. Therefore, early polar-
ization is thought to be crucial in somatic embryogenesis as well as
in zygotic embryo genesis , but needs to be set up by the cell inter-
nally following an external stimulus. The suspensor originating
already from the fi rst asymmetric division of the zygote is also
formed in somatic embryos of conifers. It is supposed to support
polarity and axis establishment in embryos and undergoes pro-
grammed cell death also in somatic embryos (reviewed by
Smertenko and Bozhkov in 2014, [
8 ]). In contrast, suspensor
structures are often not so clearly detectable or completely missing
in somatic embryos of plant species other than gymnosperms .
Due to the diffi culty of identifi cation of embryogenic cells, the
early stages up to the globular embryo, and especially the precise
sequence of cell divisions that can be described for Arabidopsis zygotic
embryo genesis resulting in pattern formation have not often been
recorded in somatic embryo genesis systems. Most studies that
track the development of somatic embryos start with the globular
stage [
4 ]. Further development runs through the typical stages of
angiosperm embryogenesis in dicots, namely globular stage, heart
stage, torpedo stage, and cotyledonary stage. For a long time,
markers for competent cells have been searched for, and most
promising are Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor like Kinases
(SERKs), that were identifi ed to play a role in zygotic and somatic
embryogenesis in Daucus carota [
19 ] and A. thaliana [ 20 ]. They
are involved in perception and transduction of extracellular signals
and connected to brassinosteroid signaling [
21 ], but their exact
function is unknown up to now.
Maturation includes accumulation of storage reserves , growth
arrest, and acquisition of desiccation tolerance and is, in case of
somatic embryo s, induced externally by increasing the osmotic
pressure (lowering the osmotic potential) of the culture media
(e.g. by addition of polyethylene glycol or increased sugar concen-
tration) and application of abscisic acid ( ABA ) [
22 ]. Germination
requires similar conditions as in the respective zygotic embryo s
and completes this developmental pathway. Obviously, somatic
embryos are completely lacking the effects of the surrounding seed
tissues which provide physical (space) constraints and a specifi c and
complex interaction of testa and endosperm supporting embryo-
genesis in an optimal way. For the induction of embryogenic cells,
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis
external stimuli are mainly coming from the culture media, plant
growth regulator s , and culture conditions, but thereafter somatic
embryogenesis is following an intrinsic autoregulatory develop-
mental program [
8 ]. Most likely, this process can be improved by
mimicking conditions found in seeds.
2 Comparison of Somatic and Zygotic Embryos
The fact that somatic embryo genesis was named after embryogen-
esis taking place in seeds clearly indicates a high degree of similarity
of somatic and zygotic embryo s. Many early studies were devoted
to describe morphological aspects involving histological and micro-
scopic investigations. Due to the typical stages both types of
embryos pass through, globular, heart, torpedo, and cotyledonary
stage, the parallels become obvious. Both kinds of embryos are
bipolar structures from the beginning and do not have a vascular
connection to maternal tissue which enables the discrimination of
somatic embryogenesis and adventitious shoot regeneration.
The fi rst cell division of the zygote is asymmetric while in
somatic embryo s this is not always the case (see above, [
18 ]).
Mathew and Philip [
23 ] described the regeneration of Ensete super-
bum via somatic embryogenesis starting from single cells without
the need of strong polarity establishment in these cells. However,
all further stages that were compared in this histological approach
revealed high similarity of somatic embryos to their zygotic coun-
terparts in terms of structure of the embryonic apex or formation
of cotyledons and hypocotyls. In many indirect somatic embryo-
genesis systems, the so-called proembryogenic masses, being clus-
ters of small, dense cytoplasm rich embryogenic cells, give rise to
the differentiating embryos, but their fi rst divisions have not often
been observed in detail, since the cell or the cell group from which
the embryo originates is diffi cult to identify. While in gymnosperm
somatic embryos the suspensor is a very prominent structure that
in late embryogenesis undergoes programmed cell death [
8 ], in
many angiosperm systems suspensors are either absent or strongly
reduced which might explain the diffi culties in root formation
reported for some species, especially due to the absence of the
hypophysal cell [
4 ].
Maize secondary somatic embryo s derived from single primary
somatic embryos or somatic embryos developing attached to callus
cells, revealed malformations in the shoot meristem formation after
direct regeneration of the single somatic embryos, while those that
developed next to callus cells perfectly represented zygotic embryo
development [
24 ]. The authors discuss a possible role of the neigh-
boring callus cells with similar functions as suspensor cells in the
zygotic situation. Interestingly, in our model plant C. persicum
2.1 Morphological
and Histological
Traud Winkelmann
[ 25 ] embryogenic cultures are mixtures of embryogenic and
nonembryogenic cells, and the differentiating somatic embryos are
surrounded by a extracellular matrix resembling several cell wall
layers (Douglas Steinmacher, Melanie Bartsch, and Traud
Winkelmann, unpublished data). One possible explanation, for
which further evidence is needed, could be that nonembryogenic
cells undergo programmed cell death and thereby enable differen-
tiation. In Eucalyptus nitens somatic embryos are only sporadically
observed, but then appear on dark brown wounded callus cells
26 ]. An ultrastructural study not only recorded several analogies
in cell and embryo structure when compared to zygotic embryos,
it also identifi ed a kind of waxy coat surrounding the somatic
embryos which was supposed to originate from phenolic exudates
26 ]. Somatic embryo s of C. persicum have three times larger cells
than their zygotic counterparts, and their outer surface is more
irregular than the smooth protoderm of zygotic embryos [
27 ].
This observation indicates that the physical and chemical con-
straints of the surrounding tissue, the endosperm , may have an
important infl uence on the cellular organization of zygotic embryos
that is lacking in somatic embryogenesis systems ( see also
3 ).
Maturation is a major bottleneck in somatic embryo genesis of
several species including Pinus pinaster [
28 ] and coffee [ 29 ]. Also
loblolly pine somatic embryos did not reach full maturity and had
lower dry weights than the zygotic ones [
30 ]. Polyethylene glycol
( PEG ) which is often used in maturation media of conifers had
clear effects on the morphology of somatic embryos of P. pinaster
as numerous and larger vacuoles as well as larger intercellular spaces
were induced by this treatment [
28 ]. By the histological compari-
son of somatic embryos subjected to different maturation treat-
ments ( carbohydrates in various concentrations) protein bodies
were found to appear earlier in somatic embryos, and to be more
abundant in well-developed somatic embryos leading to the sug-
gestion that storage protein accumulation could be regarded as a
marker for embryo quality of Pinus pinaster [
28 ]. The same authors
observed starch accumulating in zygotic embryo s in a gradient of
higher concentrations at the basal end, whereas in somatic embryos
the localization of starch granules strongly depended on the matu-
ration treatment. However, irrespective of the maturation treat-
ment, somatic embryos always contained higher amounts of starch
than the zygotic ones again with signifi cant differences between
different kinds and concentrations of carbohydrates applied [
28 ].
Another aspect, namely the water status, was studied in Hevea
brasiliensis embryos [
31 ]. In zygotic embryo s the water content
decreased sharply from 91 to 53 % within 1 week (14–15 weeks
after pollination) and during the remaining maturation phase down
to 42 %. In contrast, somatic embryo s without maturation treat-
ments had a water content of nearly 80 %, while those that had
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis
been desiccated or cultivated on higher sucrose concentrations
plus ABA still contained 71 % water but had much higher germina-
tion and conversion rates than the nontreated ones [
31 ]. Also in
date palm the zygotic embryos underwent dehydration with a
water content of 80 % decreasing to 35 %, whereas somatic embryos
had a water content of around 90 % throughout the whole devel-
opment [
32 ]. Both mentioned species still have high water content
in the seed after desiccation . In species with true orthodox seeds
and much lower water contents, the drop in water content and
thereby the discrepancy between somatic and zygotic embryos can
be expected to be even more pronounced.
Somatic embryo genesis is already commercialized in coffee , but
its profi tability is limited due to losses during conversion into plant-
lets. Thus, Etienne et al. [
29 ] put special emphasis on studying this
phase in the zygotic and somatic system. Differences were found in
conversion time which took 22 weeks in somatic and 15 weeks in
zygotic embryo s, hypocotyl length being shorter in somatic
embryo s, a more spongy tissue in the somatic embryo axis, earlier
differentiation of stomata in somatic embryos and less protein and
starch in cotyledonary somatic embryos [
29 ] . The water content of
zygotic embryos increased strongly during germination starting
from 28 % and reaching 80 % within 4 weeks, whereas the increase
in somatic embryos was rather mild (water content from 70 to 85
%). Furthermore, the authors observed asynchronous germination
in somatic embryos. It can be concluded that the phase of matura-
tion which includes a growth arrest controlled by plant hormones
(mainly ABA ) and desiccation is obviously extremely important to
allow the development of high quality somatic embryos that will
germinate in high rates and in a synchronized way.
When screening the literature for studies comparing somatic and
zygotic embryo s on the biochemical level, mainly analyses of major
storage compounds, i.e. storage proteins , carbohydrates , and lipids
are found. Depending on the type of seed in a respective species,
storage reserves may be found in the embryo itself and here mainly
in the cotyledons or in the endosperm . Early studies in Brassica
napus [
33 ] and cotton [ 34 ] have shown that somatic embryo s are
able to accumulate storage proteins, but in much lower amounts
(1/10 of that found in zygotic embryos in B. napus ) and in earlier
stages. In somatic embryos of alfalfa 7S globulin was dominant,
while in zygotic embryos 11S globulin and 2S albumin were more
abundant [
35 ]. The processing and subcellular localization of 7S
and 11S storage proteins in protein bodies was comparable in both
embryo types, while 2S albumin in somatic embryos was detected
in the cytoplasm, in contrast to zygotic embryos in which 2S albu-
mins were localized in protein bodies [
35 ]. Overall, also in alfalfa
lower amounts of storage proteins were determined in somatic
embryos, thus supporting the observations in B. napus and cotton.
Thijssen et al. [
36 ] visualized globulin (storage protein)
2.2 Biochemical
2.2.1 Storage Proteins
Traud Winkelmann
accumulation by fl uorescence labeled antibodies in somatic and
zygotic embryos of maize. Starting 10 days after pollination globu-
lins were detected in the scutellum fi rst and later in leaf primordia
and roots. Lower amounts of intermediate globulin precursor pro-
teins were found early in development of somatic embryos while
mature globulins could be induced by a maturation treatment with
36 ]. Date palm somatic embryos contained about 20 times
lower amounts of total protein than zygotic embryos, a different
protein composition, and were lacking glutelin, a storage protein
with the typical accumulation and hydrolysis pattern in zygotic
embryos [
32 ]. In agreement with these studies are the observations
in oil palm embryos in terms of earlier, but 80 times less production
of 7S globulins in somatic embryos compared to zygotic ones [
37 ].
A recent follow-up study [
38 ] reported on early mobilization of
storage proteins by proteases in somatic embryos, thus providing
further evidence that the clear differentiation of the developmental
phases of embryogenesis, maturation, and germination is lacking in
somatic embryos. Instead there is an overlap of all three programs,
since globulin synthesis still occurred during germination of somatic
embryos and cystein proteases were active in all phases of somatic
embryogenesis [
38 ]. In order to gain insights into glutamine
metabolism, a nitrogen compound that is important for embryo-
genesis, Perez-Rodriguez et al. [
39 ] found cytosolic glutamine syn-
thase 1a (GS1a) to be absent in zygotic, but present in somatic
embryos of P. pinaster and Pinus sylvestris indicating the onset of
precocious germination in late stages of somatic embryogenesis,
since this gene is a marker for chloroplast differentiation. GS1b
expression was detected in procambial tissues of both types of
embryos with the level of expression correlating to the quality of
somatic embryos [
39 ]. Arginase expression in somatic embryos
indicated that storage protein breakdown obviously started before
germination [
39 ]. Possibilities to improve storage protein accumu-
lation by ABA treatment were shown for example for cocoa somatic
embryos [
40 ] or by increasing sucrose concentrations in matura-
tion media for Pinus strobus [
41 ] and cyclamen [ 42 ].
Cotyledonary white spruce somatic embryo s accumulated more
starch, but less proteins and lipids than zygotic embryo s in the
same stage. This points to the fact that the conversion of starch
into the energy rich storage compounds lipids and proteins did not
take place in somatic embryos to the same extent [
43 ]. According
to this study, adjustment of in vitro culture conditions might be an
option to improve this conversion during embryo maturation .
Carbohydrates have important functions during plant develop-
ment and growth as energy sources but also for osmotic adjust-
ment, protein protection, and signaling molecules, and they have
been analyzed in comparative approaches during somatic and
zygotic embryogenesis . During maturation of cocoa zygotic
embryos ( Theobroma cacao ) storage proteins and starch
2.2.2 Carbohydrates
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis
accumulate, dehydration takes place and monosaccharides and
sucrose decrease, while two oligosaccharides, raffi nose and stachy-
ose, increase [
40 ]. In contrast, somatic embryos accumulated less
protein and starch as detected in histological studies and they had
higher levels of sucrose, xylose, and rhamnose [
40 ]. A shift in car-
bohydrate composition was observed in Norway spruce for both,
somatic and zygotic embryos, during later developmental stages
with decreasing total carbohydrates and a higher sucrose:hexose
ratio within time. However, only mature zygotic embryos con-
tained raffi nose and stachyose which play a role in desiccation tol-
erance [
44 ]. After a maturation treatment with 3.75 % PEG 4000
the sucrose:hexose ratio in Norway spruce somatic embryos raised
signifi cantly from 0.88 to 6 which resembled more the ratio of 9.7
found in zygotic embryos, all in the early cotyledonary stage [
45 ].
While in somatic embryos invertase and sucrose synthase were
found in high activity during the proliferation and early maturation
phase, invertase activity was low in developing zygotic embryos
and sucrose synthase was fi rst observed in the cell layer surround-
ing early zygotic embryos and later inside the embryos. From this
the authors conclude that sucrose synthase plays an important role
in the transition of the embryo from a metabolic sink to a storage
sink [
45 ]. The sucrose distribution within the embryo which is
among other factors controlled by epidermal sucrose transporters
was suggested to trigger starch accumulation during the matura-
tion phase of Vicia faba zygotic embryos [
46 ].
In the fruit tree Acca sellowiana that is native to South Brazil,
total soluble carbohydrates per gram fresh mass were found to be
about twice as high in zygotic compared to somatic embryo s in the
globular, heart, and torpedo stage, although the principal compo-
sition was the same. Especially for sucrose , fructose, myo-inositol ,
and raffi nose (in the later stages of embryogenesis) zygotic embryo s
showed higher contents, even though somatic embryos were cul-
tured in sucrose containing media. On the other hand starch con-
tents of torpedo and cotyledonary stage somatic embryos exceeded
those of their zygotic counterparts [
47 ]. Also in pea changes in
soluble sugar composition during maturation of zygotic embryos
were observed with sucrose, galactinol, raffi nose, verbascose, and
stachyose being the most prominent in mature seeds. In contrast,
pea somatic embryos contained much lower total soluble sugars
being composed of fructose, glucose, myo-inositol, sucrose, raffi -
nose, and galactinol, but lacking stachyose and verbascose. Most
interestingly, irregular misshaped somatic embryos differed in their
carbohydrate profi les from normal ones [
48 ]. Taken together,
these analyses on carbohydrates point to the fact that somatic
embryos often contained lower total amounts of soluble sugars, in
later stages show different monosaccharide:sucrose ratios and a
lack or smaller amounts of raffi nose and its derivatives that are con-
sidered to be important for desiccation tolerance. Thus, matura-
tion obviously is the major bottleneck for somatic embryogenesis
in several species.
Traud Winkelmann
Comparative lipid analyses in both types of embryos are hardly
found in literature, except one report for Prunus avium [
49 ]: the
lipid profi les of somatic embryo s resemble those of zygotic embryo s
with neutral glycerolipids and phosphatidylcholine being the major
lipid classes. However, contents of these two classes of lipids in
somatic embryos were comparable to those of immature zygotic
embryos, which was in line with the observation that somatic
embryos did not develop further, until they received a cold treat-
ment that resulted in increased lipid levels.
Polyamines (among which the commonly occurring spermidine,
spermine, and putrescine) are assumed to play a role in embryo-
genesis [
50 ] and they were quantifi ed in somatic and zygotic
embryo s of Norway spruce [
51 ]. If mature somatic embryo s are
contrasted to zygotic ones, the latter contained less spermidine,
but more putrescine resulting in a much lower spermidine:putrescine
ratio. This ratio as well as the higher absolute polyamine contents
of somatic embryos may be connected to the lower germination
ability of somatic embryos. However this assumption requires
physiological explanations [
51 ] .
In a comparison of plant hormone contents in somatic and zygotic
larch embryos, 100 times higher concentrations of ABA were
found in somatic embryo s that were cultivated on medium con-
taining the nonphysiological ABA concentration of 60 μM. During
maturation the ABA content increased in somatic embryos while it
declined in zygotic ones [
52 ]. Among the cytokinins, only for iso-
pentenyladenine differences were detected with much higher levels
in zygotic embryo s, whereas IAA contents were similar in both
embryo types [
52 ]. The set of enzymes detoxifying reactive oxy-
gen species differed between zygotic and somatic embryos of horse
chestnut [
53 ]: catalases and superoxide dismutases showed differ-
ent courses of expression and different isoforms, especially in the
maturation phase that resembled more the germination phase in
case of somatic embryos. These authors concluded that somatic
embryos seem to be exposed to higher stress levels than their
zygotic counterparts.
While an increasing number of studies on gene expression during
embryogenesis of either the somatic (e.g. soybean, [
54 ]) or the
zygotic type (e.g. loblolly pine, [
55 ]), are available, only very few
reports deal with transcriptomic comparisons of somatic and
zygotic embryo s. In C. persicum, Hoenemann et al. [
27 ] com-
pared zygotic and somatic embryo s and also embryogenic and
nonembryogenic cell lines using a cDNA microarray with 1216
transcripts. They observed an upregulation of oxidative stress
response genes in somatic embryos, as for glutathione S-transferases,
catalase, and superoxide dismutase. These genes were upregulated
not only in early stages of somatic embryogenesis but also 3 weeks
2.2.3 Lipids
2.2.4 Polyamines
2.2.5 Plant Hormones
2.3 Comparison
of Transcriptomes
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis
after induction, pointing at lingered stress and/or the induction of
secondary somatic embryos. The importance of pectin-mediated
cell adhesion as a prerequisite for embryogenicity was proposed by
these authors based on the higher abundance of several genes
encoding pectin-modifying enzymes in embryogenic than in non-
embryogenic cells. Moreover, a cationic peroxidase that prevents
cell expansion was suggested to be important for early embryogen-
esis [
27 ]. Thus, the early cell divisions that do not result in expan-
sion in size in early zygotic embryogenesis could be realized in a
similar way in somatic embryos.
Recently, next generation sequencing was applied in cotton to
compare the transcriptome of three comparable stages of both
somatic and zygotic embryo s [
56 ]. Among a total of more than
20,000 unigenes, 4242 were found to be differentially expressed in
these six samples. Of the differentially expressed genes a higher
number was upregulated in somatic embryo s at all stages [
56 ].
Especially, stress response genes including hormone-related genes
(mainly ABA and jasmonic acid signaling), kinase genes, transcrip-
tion factor s, and downstream stress responsive genes—e.g. late
embryogenesis abundant (LEA) genes, heat shock proteins—were
found at higher expression levels in somatic embryos. Moreover,
cotton somatic embryos were found to be metabolically more
active than their zygotic counterparts as indicated by gene expres-
sion data, the number of mitochondria , bigger vacuoles, and more
lipid droplets [
56 ]. Stress on the one hand can be considered as an
important trigger of embryo development which also occurs in the
zygotic system during maturation to prepare the embryo for desic-
cation stress. On the other hand, if cells experience too much stress
as it might be the case under in vitro conditions, this might disturb
the developmental program or even lead to cell death.
The proteome refl ects the total set of proteins that is present in a
defi ned tissue in a specifi c developmental stage under defi ned con-
ditions and thus provides direct evidence of the biochemical and
physiological status of these cells. A possible disadvantage of pro-
teomic studies is that proteins of very low abundance such as
important transcription factor s may be not detected. Although the
number of proteins that can be detected is limited if gel-based pro-
teomics is used, the comparison of two proteomes can be visualized
very well using 2D-SDS-PAGE (two-dimensional isoelectric focus-
sing/sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ).
In our own comparative studies we used a gel-based proteomic
comparison of somatic and zygotic embryo s of C. persicum , the
work-fl ow of which is depicted in Fig.
2 [ 57 ]. The fi rst and essen-
tial step is to select the biological material that will allow a mean-
ingful proteomic comparison; in our studies, the selection of
comparable stages was based on embryo morphology [
42 , 58 , 59 ].
Spots of interest being either more abundant or even specifi c for
2.4 Comparison
of Proteomes
Traud Winkelmann
Fig. 2 Workfl ow of a gel-based proteomic approach combined with mass spectrometry . The biological system
represents one or more samples to be analyzed via a gel based proteomic approach. In the example given in
this diagram, proteomes of zygotic and somatic embryo s of Cyclamen persicum are analyzed and compared
( a ). Therefore, total proteins are extracted from each tissue ( b ) and separated via IEF-SDS PAGE ( c ). To perform
statistical analyses with gels of different tissues, at least a set of three replicates for each tissue is required.
Spots that differ signifi cantly in abundance are labeled ( green and red ) in an overlay image of all gels analyzed
( d ). Protein of interest (e.g., differentially abundant proteins) are isolated from 2D gels and subsequently a
tryptic protein digest is performed ( e ). The resulting peptides are separated via liquid chromatography (LC)
before tandem mass spectrometry analyses ( f ). Protein identifi cation is performed based on resulting peptide
sequences ( pink ) via a database search matching to known sequences ( g ). Finally, a digital proteome reference
map can be designed indicating all identifi ed proteins ( h ). Using a gel-free shotgun approach, the steps ( c ) and
( d ) are replaced by digestion of a complex protein sample which is then further analyzed (reproduced from
[ 57 ] with permission from author and Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis
one sample can then be eluted from the gel and subjected to mass
spectrometry in order to identify the protein or proteins within
this spot by comparison to databases. Finally, the obtained data can
be combined to an interactive reference map which in our case was
made publicly accessible and allows fi ltering spots by their abun-
dance, metabolic function, or tissue specifi city [
60 ]. This tech-
nique was already applied in the ‘90s. Comparing somatic and
zygotic embryos of D. carota torpedo shaped somatic embryo s had
a clearly distinct protein pattern from zygotic embryos and lacked
the maturation specifi c proteins, namely two globulin-type storage
proteins and a LEA protein [
61 ]. In the gymnosperm species
Norway spruce ( Picea abies ), similar protein patterns of zygotic
and somatic embryos, the latter cultivated on maturation medium
containing 90 mM sucrose and 7.6 μM ABA , were reported and
both types were dominated by storage proteins [
62 ].
Our model to study somatic embryo genesis is the ornamental
plant C. persicum . In a pilot study, the proteomes of cyclamen
somatic embryos grown in differentiation medium with 30 and 60
g/L sucrose were compared to zygotic embryo s and endosperm
42 ]. When somatic embryos were differentiated in medium con-
taining 60 g/L sucrose, 74 % of the protein spots were found in
comparable abundance as in the zygotic embryos’ proteome , while
11 % and 15 % were found in higher abundance in zygotic and
somatic embryos, respectively. Enzymes of the carbohydrate
metabolism, as well as heat shock proteins and a glutathione-S-
transferase, were more abundant in somatic embryos. Thus, again
evidence was presented for differences in stress response of both
types of embryos. Furthermore, fi rst insights into cyclamen seed
storage protein accumulation and the synthesis of the storage car-
bohydrates xyloglucans were gained [
42 ] . A follow-up study made
use of the advances achieved in protein extraction, resolution, eval-
uation, more sensitive mass spectrometrical analyses and, most
important, sequence information available in the data bases leading
to higher identifi cation rates even for this nonmodel organism
58 ]. In both embryo types glycolytic enzymes were identifi ed as a
high percentage of the identifi ed proteins. In somatic embryos
four protein spots showed six- to more than tenfold increased
abundance, and the identifi ed proteins within these spots were
involved in oxidative stress defense: osmotin -like protein and anti-
oxidant 1, peroxiredoxin type 2, and catalase. This fi nding is a clear
indication that somatic embryos are much more stressed than
zygotic ones [
58 ]. The occurrence of truncated forms of enolases
in zygotic embryos in relatively high amounts that disappear dur-
ing germination suggested a new role of parts of this glycolytic
enzyme as storage proteins [
58 ] . We followed the original idea of
taking the proteome of zygotic embryos as a reference for the opti-
mized development of high quality somatic embryos: we could
show that in somatic embryos a change of the proteome towards
Traud Winkelmann
the zygotic status was induced after the application of a maturation
treatment with ABA [
59 ]. After ABA treatment, the proposed new
storage proteins (“small” enolases) appeared in the proteome of
somatic embryos, thus resembling more the proteome of zygotic
embryos (Fig.
3 ). Sghaier-Hammami et al. [ 64 ] found the total
Fig. 3 Upper Part: Comparison of protein gels of torpedo-shaped somatic embryo s, zygotic embryo s, and
somatic embryos treated with 10 mg/L ABA for 28 days (taken from different studies [ 57 , 63 ], encircled are
parts of the gels which show high similarity in zygotic and ABA-treated embryos). Lower Part: Alterations in
protein abundance of 56 days old somatic embryos after cultivation on medium containing 0, 2, and 10 mg/L
ABA for 28 days. Green labeled spots are at least 1.5 times higher abundant in controls, orange labeled spots
are at least 1.5 times more abundant in the 2 mg/L ABA treatment, and pink labeled spots are at least 1.5
times more abundant in the 10 mg/L ABA treatment (compared to control) (lower part of the fi gure reproduced
from [ 63 ] with permission from the author and Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis
protein content as well as the number of spots to be higher in
zygotic than in somatic embryos of date palm in a comparative
2-DE proteomic approach. Sixty percent of the protein spots dif-
fered in their abundance between the two embryo types, and out
of 63 spots of differential abundance that were eluted from the
gels, 23 were identifi ed. Most of the proteins of higher abundance
in somatic embryos were involved in the glycolysis pathway, citrate
cycle, and ATP synthesis pointing to a higher energy demand,
while in zygotic embryos a high abundance of storage proteins and
stress-related protein s of the heat shock family indicated matura-
tion and preparation of dehydration [
64 ].
Also in cocoa, enzymes of the carbohydrate and energy metab-
olism were very prominent in torpedo stage somatic and zygotic
embryo s [
65 ]. Interestingly, somatic embryo s had a more active
oxidative/respiration pathway while in zygotic embryos anaerobic
fermentation might be the more important energy pathway. Again
stress-induced proteins such as peroxidases , pathogenesis-related
proteins, and glutathione S-transferase were more abundant in
somatic embryos [
65 ].
3 Role of the Endosperm
Somatic embryo s lack an endosperm , which is not only a tissue that
nourishes the developing embryo and the germinating seedling,
but insulates the embryo from mechanical pressure and has impor-
tant signaling function for embryo development , maturation and
growth arrest, and fi nally germination timing [
66 ]. Thus, for opti-
mization of somatic embryo genesis a detailed look into the endo-
sperm during seed development seems reasonable.
In order to develop optimal culture media for somatic embryo
development in wheat , Carman et al. [
67 ] analyzed minerals and
primary metabolites of the endosperm during seed development.
Maltose concentrations in the extracted kernel fl uid increased
between 6 and 18 days after pollination indicating that this product
of starch hydrolysis is the major carbon source for the developing
embryo. For the development of improved tissue culture media,
the addition of free amino acids, the adjustment of phosphate and
sulfur which were detected in relatively high concentrations in the
kernel fl uids probably because of their presence in phosphorylated
sugars and amino acids, respectively, and the addition of maltose
and short chain fructans were suggested [
67 ]. Likewise in white
spruce , somatic and zygotic embryo s and the megagametophyte
which is the haploid nourishing tissue of gymnosperms were ana-
lyzed with respect to their mineral contents [
68 ] . The female game-
tophytes and zygotic embryo s contained more phosphorus,
potassium, magnesium, and zinc on a dry- weight basis than somatic
embryo s, whereas the female megagametophyte stood out due to
Traud Winkelmann
its high calcium content when compared to the embryo tissues
68 ]. However, if this information is going to be integrated into
optimization of culture media, more data sets will be necessary for
the mineral contents in different developmental phases, and also
the forms in which the minerals are found in the respective tissue.
Arabinogalactan protein s were identifi ed in conditioned culture
media of embryogenic cells by Kreuger and van Holst [
69 ] and
found to be essential for somatic embryo development [
70 ]. Most
interestingly, an endochitinase gene (EP3) which is involved in the
generation of arabinogalactan protein s was expressed in carrot
seeds by cells in the integuments and the protein localized in the
endosperm and also in nonembryogenic cells of embryogenic cul-
tures [
70 ]. Also the formation of arabinogalactan proteins in the
developing carrot seed was shown to be developmentally regulated
71 ]. In a review Matthys-Rochon [ 72 ] came to the conclusion
that nonembryogenic cells within embryogenic cultures might
take over some functions of the endosperm by secretion of signal
molecules that control embryo development.
For C. persicum the proteomic analysis of the endosperm dur-
ing seed development revealed a general shift from high molecular
weight proteins to low molecular weight proteins and the accumu-
lation of storage proteins (including “small” enolases) from 7
weeks after pollination when the endosperm is still liquid [
73 ].
Furthermore proteins involved in synthesis of other storage com-
pounds, namely lipids and xyloglucans were identifi ed in the endo-
sperm. Obviously, stress response including reactive oxygen species
detoxifi cation and ABA signaling also play a role in endosperm and
embryo development [
73 ].
4 Conclusions and Outlook
It can be concluded from the aforementioned literature that:
1. Somatic embryo s are more exposed to stress than their zygotic
2. Somatic embryo s accumulate less storage compounds,
3. Somatic embryo s do not undergo a proper maturation phase
that would include a growth arrest but instead germinate
The role of stress which is on the one hand an important trig-
ger of embryogenesis and, on the other hand, induces severe
changes in the cellular metabolism; here especially the role of reac-
tive oxygen species deserves further investigations. Obviously, par-
ticularly somatic embryo genesis is a process that only is successfully
realized if the cells experience the right stress level at the right
developmental time frame. Also programmed cell death which has
Somatic Versus Zygotic Embryogenesis
an impact in zygotic and somatic embryogenesis should be taken
into consideration in coming research projects. The importance of
the maturation phase for accumulation of storage reserves , and
also for the clear distinction of differentiation and germination , has
been noticed in many systems. Nevertheless, input is needed par-
ticularly to improve this phase of somatic embryogenesis in the
future. At physical culture conditions, attention is not often paid,
except at the oxygen concentration, for example in wheat embryo-
genesis [
3 , 74 ]. Here it has been shown that installing reduced O
levels, mimicking the situation found in seeds, improved growth
and development of somatic embryos. However, the O
2 levels
changed not only with time of development and spatially but also
during the day due to photosynthesis [
74 ]. Our own studies in
cyclamen revealed hypoxic conditions in seeds at the position
where the embryo is found about 5–6 weeks after pollination in
unpublished measurements according to [
75 ]. Thus, in vitro cul-
tured somatic embryos which grow at ambient oxygen concentra-
tions may establish too high or altered metabolic activity as
indicated by some studies cited above (e.g. [
64 ] , [ 65 ]) and/or
oxidation of plant growth regulator s such as cytokinins, ABA , and
indole acetic acid due to increased activity of oxidases as discussed
by Carman and Bishop (2004) [
74 ] .
The “omics” tools (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolo-
mics…) will substantially improve in terms of sensitivity, resolution
and identifi cation, and affordable analyses of different genotypes
over time and thereby enable us to gain deeper insights into plant
embryogenesis and to optimize the in vitro protocols for somatic
embryo genesis. Moreover, epigenetic regulation of embryogenesis
by methylation/demethylation and histone modifi cations , post-
transcriptional and posttranslational modifi cations should be stud-
ied in detail especially during the early phases. The role of specifi c
micro RNAs as regulators of plant development including embryo-
genesis has to be elucidated, since Oh et al. [
76 ] found differences
in the abundance of fi ve micro RNAs between somatic and zygotic
embryo s in loblolly pine. Although zygotic embryogenesis is more
and more understood because of mutant analyses and molecular
genetic studies of embryogenesis-related genes and both kinds of
embryogenesis are studied in detail on a transcriptional and pro-
teomic level, many aspects of the fascinating regeneration pathway
of plant embryogenesis are still not explained. One interesting
aspect for instance is the fact that somatic embryogenesis is highly
dependent on the genotype, whereas zygotic embryogenesis is not.
Especially for the recalcitrant genotypes improvements would be
desirable by learning from seeds.
Traud Winkelmann
Special thanks go to Dr. Dolf Weijers and Dr. Jos Wendrich and
John Wiley and Sons (publisher) for the permission to use Fig.
1 in
this book chapter. The author is very grateful to Dr. Christina
Rode and MSc. Kathrin Lindhorst for their allowance to publish
2 and 3 and for the very good scientifi c cooperation. The
excellent proofreading of the manuscript by Dr. Melanie Bartsch
and Dr. Bernhard Strolka is gratefully acknowledged.
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Traud Winkelmann
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_3, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016|
Chapter 3
Recent Advances on Genetic and Physiological Bases
of In Vitro Somatic Embryo Formation
Maria Maddalena Altamura , Federica Della Rovere , Laura Fattorini ,
Simone D’Angeli , and Giuseppina Falasca
Somatic embryogenesis involves a broad repertoire of genes, and complex expression patterns controlled
by a concerted gene regulatory network. The present work describes this regulatory network focusing on
the main aspects involved, with the aim of providing a deeper insight into understanding the total repro-
gramming of cells into a new organism through a somatic way. To the aim, the chromatin remodeling
necessary to totipotent stem cell establishment is described, as the activity of numerous transcription fac-
tors necessary to cellular totipotency reprogramming. The eliciting effects of various plant growth regula-
tors on the induction of somatic embryogenesis is also described and put in relation with the activity of
specifi c transcription factors. The role of programmed cell death in the process, and the related function of
specifi c hemoglobins as anti-stress and anti-death compounds is also described. The tools for biotechnol-
ogy coming from this information is highlighted in the concluding remarks.
Key words Auxins , Chromatin remodeling , Hemoglobins , Osmotin , Programmed cell death ,
Receptor-kinase s , Stem cells , Stress signaling , Somatic embryo s , Transcription factor s
1 The Concept of Stem Cell in Somatic Embryogenesis
Most plant cells express developmental plasticity allowing their
reprogramming. The developmental plasticity is linked to the stem
cell condition, because the stem cells have the unique characteristics
1 Genetics nomenclature adopted in the chapter:
Wild-type gene names are uppercase italic, e.g., EMBRYOMAKER.
Wild-type gene symbols consist of three uppercase letters in italics, e.g., EMK , and may be preceded by
two letters in italics, the fi rst one in uppercase, showing the species to which the gene belongs, e.g.,
AtEMK means Arabidopsis thaliana EMBRYOMAKER .
Mutant gene names are lowercase italic, e.g., embryomaker .
Mutant gene symbols are designed by three lowercase letters in italics corresponding to the gene locus
name, e.g., emk .
Different genes with the same symbol are distinguished by different numbers, e.g., LEC1 and LEC2 .
Different alleles of the same gene are distinguished with a number following a hyphen, e.g., Hb1-2 .
to both self-renew and develop into precursors that can form
different cell types and tissues. During zygotic embryo formation
the number of stem cells reduces progressively, and the stem cells
become limited to the opposite poles of the mature embryo,
forming niches in the shoot and root meristems. The zygote, and
its early derivatives, are totipotent stem cells, whereas the niches
in the root and shoot meristems of the mature embryo are formed
by pluripotent stem cells. Pluripotent stem cells are also present
out of the apical meristems, e.g. in the procambium, cribro-vas-
cular cambium and phellogen, and in the meristemoids, as those
originating stomata and hairs ([
1 ] and references therein). Plant
somatic embryo genesis (SE) is the process through which differ-
entiated cells, single or in small groups, reverse their develop-
mental program during in vitro culture, and rarely in planta ,
giving rise to embryos which follow a developmental pattern
similar to the one of zygotic embryogenesis [
2 ]. The cells that
initiate the somatic embryo, and their early derivatives (trans-
amplifying cells), have been recently included in the plant stem
cell concept [
3 ]. Moreover, stem cell niches are maintained in the
apical meristems of the somatic-embryo-derived plants, and are
pluripotent as in zygotic embryo-derived plants [
1 ]. However,
the mechanisms underlying the initiation of somatic embryos are
still poorly understood [
4 , 5 ]. Deciphering the molecular deter-
minants of SE can contribute to revealing the genetic program
underlying the phenomenon of stem cell totipotency and pluri-
potency, and somatic embryo formation and maturation. The
study of regulatory molecules and associated gene networks dur-
ing SE is essential for understanding embryogenic competence
and plant regeneration, which are necessary for crop improve-
ment and the establishment of new protocols, e.g., aimed to the
production of synthetic seeds and the maintenance of elite
2 Chromatin Remodeling as a Prerequisite for Totipotent Stem Cell
Establishment in SE
In animals, chromatin remodeling is an important tool of stem cell
conversions [
6 ]. In plants, chromatin structure is continuously
remodeled during development, whereas a chromatin-dependent
gene silencing is a common mechanism for maintaining the
Proteins are written in non-italic uppercase, with the same full descriptive name, and the symbol
of the corresponding gene, e.g., EMBRYOMAKER, and EMK.
The symbol of either a gene or a protein known by multiple names is given by the known symbols sepa-
rated by a slash, e.g., BAK1/SERK3 and BAK1/SERK3, respectively.
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
differentiated cellular state. Thus, as in animals, a role of chromatin-
structure changes in pluripotency of plant stem cells has been
proposed [
7 9 ]. The stem cells show a more dynamic chromatin
state than the differentiated cells because structural chromatin pro-
teins, like histones, are exchanged more rapidly in stem cells than
in differentiated cells, and this favors rapid changes in the gene
expression program [
10 ].
It has been hypothesized that chromatin restructuring plays
two major roles during early stages of SE. An unfolding of the
super-coiled chromatin structure is required for the dedifferentia-
tion of the somatic cells, both when they produce embryos directly
(direct SE), and when they are engaged into callus formation
before embryogenesis (indirect SE). This early step is necessary to
allow the expression of genes which had been inactivated by het-
erochromatization during the cell differentiation process, but
which are specifi cally required for the embryogenic pathway [
7 ]. A
chromatin remodeling is also required at the end of embryogenic
process to repress the embryo-specifi c genes, thus reactivating the
differentiation process, at least in specifi c cellular districts of the
somatic embryo s. Formation of somatic embryos by somatic
embryo cells (i.e., secondary SE) occurs when the repression of the
embryo-specifi c gene pathway and the chromatin re-folding are
delayed/altered, not allowing the transition from the embryo to
the seedling. In plants, as well as in animals, two major epigenetic
pathways play important roles in the regulation of cell-fate deci-
sions by modifying chromatin, namely DNA methylation and his-
tone methylation. In animals, there is increasing evidence for a
complex regulatory interplay between the two pathways, with a
direct mechanistic link based on physical interactions of histone-
modifying proteins and DNA methyltransferases ([
11 ], and refer-
ences therein).
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are present in animals and
plants. They maintain the inactive state of the target genes by
establishing repressive histone modifi cations , e.g. by methylation.
During Arabidopsis life cycle, distinct variants of the POLYCOMB
REPRESSIVE COMPLEX 2 (PRC2) are involved in the regula-
tion of the developmental processes, such as gametophyte and seed
development and embryo-to-seedling transition [
11 ]. The plant
variants of PRC2 catalyze the Histone H3 Lysine 27 Trimethylation
(H3K27me3) [
12 ]. It is known that H3K27me3 is a repressive
mark that plays a crucial role in the dynamic regulation of gene
expression in plant development [
13 ], acting as a major silencing
mechanism. In Arabidopsis , prc2 mutants with substantially
reduced levels of H3K27me3 exhibit extensive derepression of the
embryonic traits ([
14 ], and references therein). The ATP-
dependent chromatin remodeler PICKLE (PKL) belongs to a pro-
tein family that can participate in multiple remodeling pathways
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
and can either repress or activate gene expression depending on
the other factors it associates with. In Arabidopsis , PKL promotes
the epigenetic mark H3K27me3 facilitating repression of specifi c
genes. In fact, the phenotype of pickle ( pkl ) mutant is characterized
by the postembryonic expression of embryo-specifi c markers, e.g.
the LEAFY COTYLEDON ( LEC ) genes (see below), and by the
spontaneous regeneration of somatic embryo s in the roots [
15 ].
Thus, the loss of PKL generates a window of opportunity through-
out which the embryo transcriptional program has the potential to
become reestablished [
14 ], maintaining the embryo-related gene
In contrast with the effects of histone methylation, DNA
(hyper)methylation, for example caused by exogenous auxin,
which is, in general, necessary to induce SE, is positively related to
SE ([
16 ], and references therein) (Fig. 1 ).
Fig. 1 Model of chromatin remodeling involved in SE-induction. 2,4-D-activated DNA hypermethylation , his-
tone (H) demethylation and hyperacetylation events, and early-activated/repressed proteins are shown (see
the text for further explanation). Numbers (1) and (2) consequences of PKL knock-out
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
In Arabidopsis , DNA methylation is mediated by at least three
classes of methyltransferases. The METHYLTRANSFERASE1
(MET1) is one of these classes. Zygotic embryo s with loss-of-
function mutations in MET1 develop improperly, displaying altered
cell divisions, reduced viability, mis-expression of genes specifying
embryo cell identity, and altered auxin hormone gradients [
17 ]. In
carrot , a MET1 gene is expressed transiently after the application of
the synthetic auxin 2,4- D , and before the formation of the SE-cell-
clumps, and 5-azacytidine, an inhibitor of DNA methylation, sup-
presses the embryogenic clump formation [
18 ]. All together, these
results highlight a role of MET1 in both zygotic and somatic
embryo genesis. Very recently, it has been observed that during
seed development Arabidopsis MET1 interacts with MEDEA, one
of the core components of the FERTILIZATION INDEPENDENT
SEED (FIS)-PRC2 complex, with MEDEA involved in PRC2
repression ([
12 ], Fig. 1 ). The interaction between MET1 and
1 ) demonstrates, for the fi rst time in plants, that a
concerted action of the epigenetic pathways of DNA methylation
and histone methylation regulates the switching of developmental
changes [
11 ], and sustains that a concerted action of DNA meth-
ylation and histone demethylation might be essential for SE induc-
tion (Fig.
1 ). The modifi cations of chromatin also include the
acetylation of histone tails for relaxing the packing of the DNA,
thus facilitating the access to DNA of many regulatory proteins.
Thus, the hyperacetylation of histones is associated with active
gene expression, while hypoacetylation correlates with gene repres-
sion ([
19 ], and references therein). In animals, a dynamic repro-
gramming of both histone acetylation and methylation has been
demonstrated, e.g. in cloned mouse embryos [
20 ], whereas full
evidence of this interplay is still lacking for plant zygotic/somatic
Proteins containing bromodomains have the role of decipher-
ing the histone acetylation codes. There are bromodomain pro-
teins that also contain an Extra Terminal domain that is a
protein-protein interaction motif [
EXTRA TERMINAL DOMAIN proteins (BET proteins) bind to
acetylated lysines of histone tails and control gene transcription
22 ], and references therein) (Fig. 1 ). In a variety of organisms
the BET proteins contribute to the transmission of the transcrip-
tional memory from one generation of cells to the next ([
23 ], and
references therein). In Arabidopsis , the BET bromodomain factor
is involved in the activation and maintenance of cell division in the
meristems. The loss of GTE4 negatively affects both zygotic
embryo genesis by altering meristem organization in the mature
embryo, e.g., at the root pole (Fig.
2a, b ), and post-embryonic
growth by altering the stem cell niche formation in the root apical
meristems [
22 , 23 ]. The RETINOBLASTOMA (Rb)-E2
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
Fig. 2 Arabidopsis zygotic embryo s ( ab ). Altered root pole meristem in a mature gte4 embryo ( a ), in compari-
son with the well-organized meristem of the wild-type ( b ). ( cd ) Auxin transport and localization in the mature
embryo. The expression pattern of PIN1 auxin-effl ux carrier in a PIN1::GUS embryo [i.e., a transgenic embryo
expressing the uidA gene coding for a β - GLUCURONIDASE (GUS) under the control of PIN1 promoter] ( c ), and
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
FACTOR (E2F) pathway is considered an essential link between
chromatin restructuring, dedifferentiation, and fate switch. In
tobacco protoplasts, the Rb/E2F-target genes RNA RIBOSOMAL
CLUSTER 2 ( RNR2 ), i.e., the small subunit of ribonucleotide
( PCNA ) are condensed and silent in differentiated leaf cells, but
become de-condensed as cells acquire competence for fate-switch,
and turn transcriptionally active during progression into S phase,
concomitantly with Rb phosphorylation [
24 ]. Moreover, Rb has
been shown to bind to a transcription factor (TF) that functions in
the Arabidopsis root stem cell niche, and a relationship with
WUSCHEL (WUS)/CLAVATA (CLV) has been also shown
19 ], and references therein). Roles for Rb proteins in human
embryogenesis are widely known [
25 ]. GTE4 might be a good
candidate in the control of histone-acetylation during plant SE,
because, as the Bromodomain containing 2 (BRD2/RING3) pro-
tein in animals, its activity is related to the Rb-E2F pathway [
22 ]
1 ). Among the possible factors causing chromatin modifi ca-
tions there are also small RNAs, such as the small-interfering RNAs
(siRNAs) and the microRNAs (miRNAs). The small RNAs not
only function at the posttranscriptional level by guiding sequence-
specifi c transcript degradation and/or translational repression
26 ], and references therein), but can also play a role in targeting
DNA methylation through RNA-directed DNA methylation [
27 ,
28 ]. These events lead to chromatin modifi cations eventually
resulting in transcriptional silencing and heterochromatin forma-
tion [
29 ]. ARGONAUTE (AGO) effectors of RNA silencing bind
small RNA molecules and mediate mRNA cleavage, translational
repression, or DNA methylation [
30 ]. The possible regulation of
SE by small RNAs has been investigated using various systems. In
rice callus, a unique set of miRNAs, only expressed or differentially
expressed in embryogenic cells, was identifi ed [
31 , 32 ]. Moreover,
miRNA expression during SE was also characterized in orange
33 ], longan [ 34 ], and cotton, where four trans-acting small inter-
fering siRNAs (tas3-siRNAs) were also identifi ed [
35 ]. On the
other hand, the expression of AGO gene s during SE is well known,
and in both gymnosperms and angiosperms , e.g., spruce [
36 ], car-
rot [
37 ], Cichorium intybus [ 38 ], Auracaria angustifolia [ 39 ].
Nonetheless, the roles of miRNAs and siRNAs, and related effec-
tors, in the induction of plant SE remain to be understood.
Fig. 2 (continued) the strictly apical localization of auxin in the root pole of a DR5::GUS embryo [i.e., a trans-
genic embryo expressing the GUS -encoding reporter gene under the control of the synthetic auxin-responsive
promoter DR5 ] ( d ), are shown. ( ef ) Calcium distribution in the embryo monitored by the CTC-Ca
2+ epifl uores-
cence signal ( yellow - green color ). The apical-basal distribution along the hypocotyl ( e , arrow ), and the strong
signal-reduction at the root apex ( f ), are shown. Bars = 10 μm ( a , b , df ) and 50 μm ( c )
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
3 Transcription Factor Activity Involved in Cellular Totipotency Reprogramming
The developmental cell switching to SE induction involves activa-
tion of various signal cascades and differential gene expression.
The inductive role of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs), auxin in
particular, has been well established, and will be summarized
below. However there is increasing evidence for a role of numerous
Transcription Factors (TFs) in accordance with human somatic
cells in which a specifi c combination of TFs re-programs the dif-
ferentiated cells into embryonic stem cells [
40 ]. In plants, TFs
involved in SE induction have been reported. For example, an
extensive modulation of the TF- transcriptome has been recently
described during SE induction by in vitro culture in Arabidopsis sug-
gesting directions for further research on functional genomics of SE
41 ]. In this model plant, it has been demonstrated that the embryo-
induction stage is associated with a robust change of the
TF-transcriptome by a drastic upregulation of transcripts related
with plant development, PGRs and stress response s. By contrast, the
advanced embryo stages are associated with the stabilization of the
transcript levels of the majority of the TFs [
41 ]. TFs are known to
play fundamental roles in the control of plant cell totipotency , which
is essential for SE (see above), and the list of TFs affecting SE induc-
tion includes BABY BOOM ( BBM ) [
42 ], WUS [ 43 ], some
44 ],
46 ], genes encoding MYELOBLASTOSIS (MYB) TFs, i.e.,
AtMYB115 and AtMYB118 [
47 ], and EMBRYOMAKER [ 48 ].
BBM was isolated from microspore embryo cultures of Brassica
napus [
42 ]. It belongs to a family of genes [ APETALA2
enhance regeneration in vitro, and to be involved into meristem
cell fate and organ development. Interestingly, in Arabidopsis ,
BBM induces somatic embryo formation from seedlings in the
absence of exogenously applied PGRs ([
49 ], and references
therein). Arabidopsis EMBRYOMAKER ( AtEMK ) is another
AP2-domain TF. It is homologous to BnGemb-18 of Brassica
napus which is specifi cally expressed in microspore embryogenesis ,
as BBM ([
48 ], and references therein). AtEMK ectopic expression
results into embryo-like structures from cotyledons in planta ,
enhancing somatic embryogenesis in in vitro culture, and a role for
this gene in conferring embryonic identity to cells has been pro-
posed [
48 ].
Another initiator of ectopic embryogenesis is AGL15 . This
gene was identifi ed from Arabidopsis and soybean as a MADS
domain-containing TF specifi cally expressed in the embryonic cells
50 , 51 ]. The MADS name derives from the initials of the found-
ing members of the gene family, i.e., MINICHROMOSOME
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
( DEF ), and SERUM RESPONSE FACTOR ( SRF ). In plants, e.g.
Arabidopsis and rice, MADS-domain proteins are central players of
many developmental processes including fl owering time, fl oral
organogenesis, fruit and seed development ([
52 ], and references
therein). About embryogenesis, Harding and coworkers [
45 ] have
demonstrated that in Arabidopsis the ectopic expression of AGL15
enhances somatic embryo formation both from zygotic embryo s
removed from the seed at the green cotyledon stage and cultured
on a germination medium without exogenous PGRs, and from the
shoot apical meristem of seedlings growing in a liquid medium in
the presence of 2,4-D. It is also known that AGL15 enhances SE
reducing gibberellic acid (GA) levels by inducing a GA2-oxidase
which inactivates GA [
45 , 53 , 54 ]. Moreover, it is a component of
(SERK1) protein complex [
55 ], as detailed in a following
MYB proteins are TFs with a specifi c DNA-binding domain
comprising up to three imperfect tandem repeats (R1, R2, R3),
that fold into a helix-turn-helix motif. In vertebrates, the MYB
gene family is small and includes c-MYB , A-MYB , and B-MYB ; the
products of these genes are involved in the control of cell prolifera-
tion, differentiation, and apoptosis [
56 ]. In plants, the MYB family
is much more extensive: at least 198 MYB genes have been identi-
ed in Arabidopsis , and, similarly to the MADS -domain genes, are
involved in a wide range of developmental processes, including cell
cycle progression, cell differentiation, lateral organ polarity , fl ower
and seed development. Plant MYB proteins are classifi ed according
to the number of MYB repeats, and those with R2R3 repeats con-
stitute the largest group ([
57 ], and references therein). AtMYB118
and the closely related AtMYB115 encode R2R3-type MYB TFs.
In Arabidopsis their overexpression effi ciently induces SE from
root explants, resulting in elevated expression levels of Arabidopsis
LEAFY COTYLEDON 1 ( LEC1 ) (see below), suggesting that
they may act as positive regulators of vegetative-to-embryonic
transition in a WUS -independent manner [
47 ], possibly acting
upstream to LEC1 .
The WUS gene , encoding a homeodomain protein, is critical
for stem cell fate determination in the shoot apical meristem of
higher plants. WUS activity results in signaling to the overlaying
stem cells , inducing CLAVATA3 ( CLV3 ). CLV3 acts as the ligand
for the CLAVATA1/CLAVATA2 (CLV1/CLV2) receptor com-
plex that limits the expression areas of WUS in the shoot apical
meristem, with this negative CLV3/WUS feedback loop ensuring
the shoot apical meristem homeostasis by regulating the number of
stem cells in the central zone [
58 , 59 ]. During zygotic embryo-
genesis in Arabidopsis WUS is expressed before the stem cell estab-
lishment in the embryonic shoot [
60 ]. In the same plant,
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
WUS -induced overexpression causes increased SE without any
external PGR , suggesting the involvement of this TF in the SE
process by promoting the vegetative-to-embryonic transition [
43 ].
Moreover, WUS induction occurs earlier than that of CLV3 , mark-
ing the initial cell clumps of SE. These clumps exhibit the same
cytological features of the pre-embryogenic aggregates formed in
Cyclamen persicum SE - callus, and which express other stem cell
markers which are not TFs (i.e., CpSERK1 and SERK2, as
described below) [
3 ]. The induction of WUS expression in the
embryogenic callus of Arabidopsis requires the removal of auxin
from the medium; however, the cell status in the embryonic callus
is regulated by auxin in a concentration-dependent manner, with
the levels of this exogenously applied PGR essential for determin-
ing WUS expression pattern. Moreover, the auxin gradients acti-
vate the polar auxin transporter PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1) in the
embryogenic callus, and the suppression of both WUS and PIN1
show that both genes are necessary for somatic embryo induction
3 ] ( see the following paragraph).
The WUS-RELATED HOMEOBOX ( WOX ) gene family is a
class of TFs involved in the early phases of Arabidopsis zygotic
embryo genesis and in lateral and adventitious organogenesis [
44 ,
61 ]. In particular, WOX5 is a stem cell marker in the root apical
meristem and is very early expressed in in vitro adventitious root
induction ([
61 ], and references therein). Moreover, in Arabidopsis
WOX2, WOX8, and WOX9 are important cell fate regulators of
zygotic pro-embryos, acting as embryo-identity genes [
44 , 62 ].
During the SE-process WOX5 and WUS are expressed before the
embryo-identity genes, e.g. WOX2 [
63 ]. An extensive study on
the expression of WOX gene family in Vitis vinifera SE shows that
the WOX genes play important roles in coordinating the gene
transcription involved in the early phases of the process. VvWOX2
and VvWOX9 are the principal WOX genes expressed, and the low
aptitude to SE shown by specifi c grape cultivars correlates with a
very low expression of these genes [
64 ].
Arabidopsis LEC gene s , LEC1 , LEC2 , and FUSCA3 ( FUS3 ),
were identifi ed originally as loss-of-function mutations resulting in
defects in both embryo identity and seed maturation processes
65 ], and are all essential for SE induction in Arabidopsis [ 46 ].
LEC1 encodes a protein with sequence similarity to the HEME-
ACTIVATED PROTEINS 3 ( HAP3 ) subunit of the CCAAT bind-
ing factor [
66 ]. LEC1-LIKE ( LIL ) gene is also required for somatic
embryo development and is active in numerous plants. For exam-
ple, in cocoa, TcLIL mRNA levels are detected in young somatic
embryos and undetected in nonembryogenic explants and mature
somatic embryos, suggesting that also LEC-like genes may be
important in coordinating primary events leading to embryonic
competence ([
49 ], and references therein). LEC2- and FUS3-
proteins share greatest similarity with the B3 domain, a DNA-
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
binding motif unique to plant TFs, acting primarily in developing
seeds ([
46 ], and references therein). FUS3 activates transcription
of maturation-specifi c genes containing RY domains [
67 ], and the
ectopic expression of LEC2 causes accumulation of lipids and seed
storage proteins in transgenic seedlings [
68 ]. In addition to its ver-
satile regulatory functions in zygotic embryo genesis and seed
development ([
69 ], and references therein), LEC2 , the same as
LEC1 , is suffi cient to induce embryo development in vegetative
cells when expressed ectopically ([
49 , 68 ], and references therein).
Moreover, it directly induces genes involved in maturation pro-
cesses before formation of somatic embryos [
68 , 70 , 71 ]. The role
of LEC1 in maintaining embryonic characteristics in vegetative
organs requires auxin and sugar ([
72 ], and references therein), and
the capacity of SE in lec1lec2 double mutants is very low even in
the presence of auxin, suggesting that in Arabidopsis the formation
of somatic embryos by auxin needs the function of LEC genes
46 ]. By the use of an inducible chimeric fusion construct it has
been recently shown that ectopic expression of these LECs confers
embryonic characteristics also to tobacco [
72 ]. PKL, the chromatin-
remodeling factor described before, seems to be the master regula-
tor of LEC genes because, in the pkl mutant, roots express the
ability to form somatic embryos through a derepression of the
LEC genes [
73 ] (Fig. 1 ). Interestingly LEC2 overexpression leads
to spontaneous embryo formation in planta , but impairs SE
in vitro under auxin treatment, suggesting an auxin-mediated
mechanism of action [
70 ]. In line with this hypothesis, it has been
shown that LEC2 controls the INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID
INDICIBLE30 ( IAA30 ), an auxin signaling gene, the PIN1 and
PIN2 auxin effl ux carrier genes, the auxin biosynthesis YUCCA2
( YUC2 ) and YUCCA4 ( YUC4 ) genes, the AUXIN RESPONSE
FACTOR ( ARF ) genes ARF5 , ARF8 , and ARF10 , and SERK1 ,
the auxin-induced marker-gene of SE in a lot of plants ( see the next
paragraph) [
70 72 ]. Again in accordance, LEC2 is upregulated in
a SE culture induced on an auxin-containing medium, and the
gene overexpression compensates for the auxin treatment as
somatic embryos are formed in explants cultured under auxin-free
conditions [
74 ]. Very recently, it has been shown that de novo
auxin production via the tryptophan-dependent indole-3-pyruvate
(IPA)-YUC auxin biosynthesis pathway is implicated in SE induc-
tion, with LEC2 playing a key role in this mechanism [
69 ]. The
possibility that LEC2 may also promote SE due to a repression of
GA levels via a positive control on AGL15 , as well as of other
GA-related factors, has been also proposed [
69 , 71 , 72 ]. Moreover,
most genes involved in ethylene signaling pathway are downregu-
lated by LEC2 during SE in transgenic tobacco, suggesting a
LEC2-mediated negative role of this PGR , at least in this species
72 ]. Controversial results about ethylene-control of SE are dis-
cussed in the following paragraph.
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
4 The Eliciting Effects of PGRs on SE Induction and the Crosstalk with TFs
Auxin, but also other PGRs, for example cytokinins, are involved
in the specifi cation and maintenance of stem cells in the zygotic
embryo and in the meristems, both in planta [ 75 78 ], and in
in vitro culture [
61 ]. Usually, auxin is required to induce SE in
in vitro culture, in particular the synthetic auxin 2,4-D ([
49 ], and
references therein). Moreover, auxin gradients are needed to trig-
ger the formation of stem cells in the zygotic and somatic embryo s
3 ]. A signifi cant amount of literature on auxin biosynthesis,
metabolism, and transport, in somatic embryos shows that auxin
plays important roles, both in the induction of embryo formation
in culture, and in the subsequent elaboration of the proper mor-
phogenetic events during embryo development ([
49 ], and refer-
ences therein). However, there are also species in which a cytokinin
applied alone induces SE, e.g., in sunfl ower [
79 ], and species in
which a cytokinin must be combined with an auxin to induce the
process, for example, in Medicago truncatula , Vitis vinifera ,
Cyclamen persicum [
1 , 80 , 81 ]. The SE-inductive role of abscisic
acid ( ABA ) in carrot seedlings has been also reported [
82 , 83 ].
The external PGR supply has been supposed to cause local varia-
tions in the internal auxin concentration of explants, possibly trig-
gering de novo synthesis/relocation of endogenous auxin forms,
which contribute to somatic embryo induction. Moreover, 2,4-D
might act as an auxin either directly or modifying intracellular IAA
metabolism, and/or it may act as an inducer of stress-related genes
7 , 84 , 85 ]. For example, in the induction of SE in wheat leaf
explants, genes characteristic of a response to oxidative burst are
upregulated during the fi rst hours of 2,4-D treatment [
86 ].
Moreover, as described above, 2,4-D might cause a DNA hyper-
methylation , as in Cucurbita pepo [
38 ], and induce MET1 gene
expression leading to genome reprogramming and acquisition of
SE competence.
In Arabidopsis , transcriptional regulatory networks, control-
ling stem cell population and maintenance, have been demon-
strated in planta in the shoot and root apices, and in the
procambium. Moreover, homologous TFs have been found to be
involved ([
9 , 87 ], and references therein), with activity beginning
during zygotic embryo formation. The relationship between
specifi c TF-networks and PGR synthesis, transport, activity, catab-
olism is also elucidating for SE.
By the action of the ubiquitin protein ligase SCF
TIR1 , formed
the endogenous auxin is known to promote the breakdown of cer-
tain auxin/IAA (AUX/IAA) repressor proteins which, when
active, block the ARFs by forming inactive dimers. The AUX/IAA
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
inactivation allows ARFs to bind to the auxin-response elements
present on the auxin-responding genes, causing their activation.
Because AUX/IAA genes themselves are rapidly induced by auxin,
a negative-feedback loop is established with the AUX/IAA, newly
synthesized by auxin, restoring ARF-repression [
88 ]. The expres-
sion of IAA9 and IAA8 , two AUX / IAA transcriptional regula-
tors, has been observed in the SE of Cyclamen persicum and
Gossypium hirsutum [
89 , 90 ]. Recently in Arabidopsis it has been
shown that about 70 % of the AUX / IAA members display modu-
lated expression during SE, and the corresponding mutants are
impaired in somatic embryo formation [
41 ]. Taken together, it
seems evident that members of the ARF and AUX/IAA transcrip-
tion regulator/signaling families act in concert to modulate expres-
sion of auxin-responsive genes that are essential for SE. Interestingly,
in Arabidopsis and soybean, ARF5 / MONOPTEROS ( MP ) is
upregulated during SE-induction [
41 , 85 ]. In addition, during SE
in transgenic tobacco , MP is activated by LEC2 [
72 ], and Fig. 3 .
MP is a key gene in zygotic embryo patterning, affecting polar
auxin transport through activation of PIN1 auxin carrier [
91 ].
Embryo formation is impaired in vitro when auxin transport is
inhibited and MP repressed ([
41 ], and references therein). This
highlights the importance of a correct polar auxin-transport for
Fig. 3 Model of the cross talk among PGRs, stress, and TFs in SE-induction. Other proteins, exhibiting a pivotal
role in the process, are also shown. Early and further increases in endogenous IAA are shown by different
colors (details in the text)
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
proper SE formation, as well as for zygotic embryo formation
2 ). In addition, the early establishment of auxin gradient and
PIN1-mediated polar auxin transport are essential, at least in
Arabidopsis , for the induction of WUS in the callus before the mor-
phological identifi cation of the somatic embryo nic cells [
92 ].
CLV3 transcripts appear later than those of WUS , and are localized
in the stem cells of the somatic proembryo [
3 ]. Like WUS role in
early defi ning the shoot apical stem cell niche during SE, the WUS-
RELATED HOMEOBOX TF WOX5 is also early activated by the
auxin present in the medium, early defi ning the root apical stem
cell niche, e.g. in grapevine , Arabidopsis and Medicago truncatula
SE [
64 , 93 , 94 ]. As detailed in the paragraph about Programmed
Cell Death (PCD), PCD takes part to somatic embryo develop-
ment . Polar auxin transport is essential for apical-basal patterning
and related stem niche positioning during early embryogenesis,
and disturbed transport causes aberrant embryo development, as
well as altered PCD, e.g. in Scots pine [
95 ].
It is known that auxin regulates stem cell positioning and
maintenance during plant developmental processes via an auxin
gradient resulting from a local auxin biosynthesis, coupled with
polar auxin transport ([
61 ], and references therein). A family of
YUC gene s encoding fl avin mono-oxygenases, key enzymes in
auxin biosynthesis, is also required for the establishment of the
basal part of the zygotic embryo and for embryogenic organ initia-
tion. Multiple mutations of YUCs impair local auxin distribution,
resulting into severe developmental defects which resemble those
caused by multiple mutations in PIN genes [
96 , 97 ] and indicating
that auxin biosynthesis and transport are both required for zygotic
embryogenesis . This seems also the case for SE, because together
with the essential role of the auxin transport discussed before, also
YUC-mediated auxin biosynthesis has been demonstrated to occur
during SE [
4 , 69 ]. Moreover, the above-described LEC2 TF
exhibits a positive role in controlling the YUC-mediated auxin bio-
synthesis, associated with SE induction in Arabidopsis [
69 ].
Moreover, LEC2 downregulates genes involved in ethylene signal-
ing pathway in SE of transgenic tobacco [
72 ]. Interestingly ethyl-
ene disturbs SE initiation in Arabidopsis through inhibiting YUC
gene expression [
4 ]. Roles for ethylene in SE are not well under-
stood, because SE-promotive/inhibiting results have been
obtained in different species and culture systems. Ethylene is con-
sidered a stress hormone, and “stress” is a major factor in inducing
SE, as discussed in a following paragraph. Stress response can take
different forms depending on the species, the immature/mature
features of the explant tissues, and the environmental parameters
used for the culture. As discussed below, wounding and 2,4-D
application are also stress-inducers, and ethylene synthesis is rap-
idly induced in response to various stresses, including wounding
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
and auxin application [ 16 ]. In Medicago truncatula , SOMATIC
EMBRYO-RELATED FACTOR1 (MtSERF1) has been demon-
strated to be essential for SE [
98 ]. MtSERF1 encodes one of the
ERF subfamily B-3 members of the AP2/ERF TF family. Its tran-
script accumulation depends on ethylene, but also on auxin and
cytokinin, i.e. the SE-inductive PGRs in this plant [
98 ]. Its ortho-
log in Arabidopsis ( At5g61590 ) is the direct upregulated target of
AtAGL15, both positively involved in the promotion of SE in
Arabidopsis [
99 ]. In addition, the ortholog of AtAGL15 in soy-
bean (i.e. GmAGL15) upregulates genes involved in ethylene bio-
synthesis, including a 1-AMINOCYCLOPROPANE-1-CARBO
( ACO ) which generates ethylene from ACC, and in ethylene
response, including the TFs which are the orthologs of AtERF1
and MtSERF1 (i.e., GmSERF1 / SERF2 ). This upregulation results
into increased ethylene production and SE in soybean [
99 ].
Likewise, in Pinus sylvestris an increased content of endogenous
ethylene appears to be required for SE [
100 ]. Interestingly, none
of the ACS or ACO genes upregulated by GmAGL15 in soybean
appear to be upregulated in response to AtAGL15 accumulation in
Arabidopsis , and two putative ACO genes are repressed, hypothe-
sizing differences between AGL15 regulation in the SE of different
species [
99 ], and perhaps in ethylene levels and effects on SE. In
accordance, ethylene biosynthesis has been reported to decrease
during SE in Arabidopsis , with excessive ethylene reducing YUC
expression and disrupting local auxin distribution [
4 ]. Ethylene is
known to affect auxin transport and regulate the asymmetric distri-
bution of auxin in various plant tissues [
101 ]. Once synthesized,
ethylene is perceived by a family of receptors. COSTITUTIVE
TRIPLE RESPONSE 1 ( CTR1 ) is a receptor-interaction protein
kinase whose expression negatively regulates ethylene response
102 ], and references therein). In Arabidopsis , mutation at CTR1
causes costitutive ethylene signaling, and inhibition of SE initiation,
but also downregulation of most YUC genes, highlighting the pos-
sibility of a negative effect of ethylene signaling on SE through inhi-
bition of YUC expression [
4 ]. Moreover, the endogenous levels of
GA are negatively related to SE potential. The lec mutants show
increased GA levels and reduced SE [
103 ], and the exogenously
supplied GA
3 decreases tissue capacity for SE induction [ 104 ]. In
support of the inhibitory effect, several genes important for the neg-
ative regulation of GA responses display a SE-specifi c upregulation,
including genes coding proteins containing the conserved amino-
acid sequence Asp - Glu - Leu - Leu - Ala , named DELLA - domain [
105 ].
Similarly the GA addition reduces SE in both nontransgenic and
transgenic (i.e., 35Spro : GmAGL15 ) soybean, and genes encoding
DELLA proteins are upregulated at some stages of SE induction
99 ]. Ethylene and auxin are known to impact their biosynthesis
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
reciprocally, and ethylene is known to act cooperatively/antagonisti-
cally with GA depending on the context [
99 ], and a central role for
AGL15 seems to exist at least during SE (Fig.
3 ).
In carrot , the application of ABA to seedlings effi ciently
induces SE [
82 ] and plays an important role in the induction of
secondary SE [
106 ]. By the use of different approaches to reduce
cellular ABA levels in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia , it was demon-
strated that the ABA defi ciency disturbs morphogenesis at the pre-
globular somatic embryo stage, but the effect is reverted by
exogenous ABA application [
107 ]. ABA is known to induce the
genes in late-stage zygotic embryo s. The expression of some carrot
LEA genes is also observed during SE after treatment with ABA,
and occurs via a C - ABSCISIC ACID–INSENSITIVE3 ( ABI3 )-
mediated signal transduction [
108 ]. In Arabidopsis , the genes
coding for the EMBRYOGENIC CELL PROTEIN 31 and 63
( AtECP31 and AtECP63 ) represent the homologous to the carrot
LEA genes, and are similarly induced by ABA during SE and
equally involve an ABI3 gene expression [
109 ]. In carrot, the
endogenous levels of ABA increase in response to stress treatments,
and they are particularly high during the induction of SE in com-
parison to further embryo development al stages, suggesting the
importance of an early stress-induced accumulation of ABA for
SE-induction [
83 ]. Interestingly, LEC1 upregulates the expression
of ABI3 and FUS3 [
110 , 111 ], and all the three genes are expressed
during early microspore embryogenesis in Brassica napus [
112 ]. It
seems that ABI3 and FUS3 positively regulate each other through
a feedback loop, and the GA-ABA ratio seems to determine the
developmental mode, with low GA-ABA ratio promoting the
embryo mode of development [
112 , 113 ]. AGL15 directly con-
trols the genes encoding these TFs, in both Arabidopsis and soy-
bean [
99 , 114 ]. Thus, the roles of AGL15 are multiple, in particular
having in mind that it responds to auxin levels, but it is also capable
to repress its own expression and to activate LEC2 [
114 , 115 ]
3 ).
Independently of the presence/absence of cytokinin in the SE
inductive medium, the involvement of cytokinin-related TFs in SE
may be expected due to the known crosstalk between auxin and
cytokinin in the control of the respective synthesis, transport, and
signaling during morphogenesis in vitro (e.g. adventitious rhizo-
genesis, [
61 ]). In the auxin-induced embryogenic cultures of
Arabidopsis numerous cytokinin-response associated TFs are
affected, including key cytokinin regulator y genes, i.e. CYTOKININ
41 ]. CRFs mediate the transcriptional
responses to cytokinin involved in the regulation of embryo and leaf
development, and function together with type-B ARRs [
116 ]. One
of these ARRs , i.e. ARR10 , is upregulated in the SE of Arabidopsis
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
[ 41 ], similarly to its homolog in Medicago truncatula , i.e. MtRR1
117 ]. ARR10 has been proposed to play a general role in cytokinin
signal transduction throughout the life cycle of Arabidopsis , working
redundantly with other typeB-ARRs [
118 ]. However the upregulation
of specifi c TFs may also inhibit SE. It is known that the embryo-
genic competence of the callus induced from alfalfa petioles is
inhibited when kinetin is replaced by thidiazuron (TDZ) ([
5 ], and
references therein). This inhibitory effect of TDZ is associated with
the upregulation of a HD-Zip II TF, named MEDICAGO SATIVA
5 ].
Taken together, the regulatory network of TFs for cellular
reprogramming leading to SE is complex, and still far to be fully
elucidated. The mechanisms by which this regulatory network
communicate with PGRs to coordinate SE is still widely unknown,
however, a model summarizing the relationships between the main
TFs and PGRs during the reprogramming of vegetative cells for SE
induction is proposed in Fig.
3 .
5 Somatic-Receptor-Kinases Involvement in the Regulatory Network for Stem
Cell Induction and Maintenance During SE
In addition to PGRs and TFs, ligand-receptor-like kinase signaling
pathways have been revealed as crucial regulators in stem cell speci-
cation, and an intercellular leucine-rich repeat receptor-mediated
pathway has been proposed for the maintenance of plant stem cells
119 , 120 ] and references therein). SERK genes form a subgroup
among the genes coding for membrane-located LEUCINE-RICH
which play important roles in plant signaling pathways ([
1 ], and
references therein). Auxin, combined or not combined with cyto-
kinin, upregulates SERK genes, depending on the species ([
121 ],
and references therein). Some SERKs are positively related to
zygotic embryo genesis , e.g., in carrot [
122 ], Arabidopsis [ 123 ],
cacao [
124 ], Medicago truncatula [ 98 ], wheat [ 125 ], as well as to
apomixis [
126 , 127 ]. The positive involvement of some SERKs in
the induction of SE has been reported for a lot of dicots and mono-
cots , e.g., carrot [
122 ], Dactylis glomerata [ 128 ], Arabidopsis
123 ], Medicago truncatula [ 80 ], Ocotea catharinensis [ 129 ], sun-
ower [
79 ], cacao [ 124 ], rice [ 130 ], Citrus unshiu [ 131 ], grape-
vine [
81 ], potato [ 132 ], wheat [ 125 ], coconut [ 133 ], banana
134 ], maize [ 121 ], and Cyclamen persicum ([ 1 ], and references
therein). Interestingly, numerous studies suggest a role in develop-
ment, at least for specifi c SERKs, broader than in SE and zygotic
embryogenesis. For example, in sunfl ower, a SERK gene is
expressed in both SE and shoot organogenesis [
79 ]. In Medicago
truncatula , MtSERK1 is expressed in somatic and zygotic embryo-
genesis, but also in rhizogenesis in vitro, and in all types of primary
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
meristems in planta [ 80 , 135 , 136 ]. In addition, AtSERK1 and
AtSERK2 redundantly control microsporogenesis in Arabidopsis
137 ]. All together these results suggest an involvement of specifi c
SERKs in stem cell formation and maintenance in planta and
in vitro. The in vitro culture of Cyclamen persicum immature ovules
has provided useful outcomes for demonstrating SERK(s) involve-
ment in stem cell formation/maintenance, because lines forming
either organs or embryos, as well as callus lines recalcitrant to
organ/embryo formation, are available for the same cultivar and
PGR condition (Fig.
4a–c ). Using this system, Savona and cowork-
ers [
1 ] isolated two SERK genes, CpSERK1 and CpSERK2 , from
the embryogenic callus. The expression of both genes was high in
the embryogenic callus, moderate in the organogenic callus, and
null in the callus showing neither SE nor organogenesis. The
expression of both genes has been shown to start in the stem cell
clumps from which the pre-embryogenic aggregates (PEAs,
Fig. 4 Cyclamen persicum callus lines obtained under the same hormonal conditions but forming either shoots
and roots (magnifi ed in the inset ) ( a ), or only somatic embryo s (magnifi ed in the inset , arrows ) ( b ), or only cal-
lus ( c ) [see also the text, and [ 1 ] for further details]. ( d ) Encapsulated seeds of cyclamen (courtesy of B. Ruffoni
and M. Savona)
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
Fig. 5c ) and the organ meristemoids, respectively, originate.
Expression continues in the pro-embryogenic masses ( PEMs ,
Fig. 5d, m ), but progressively declines (Fig. 5d ). A similar expres-
sion pattern occurs in the organ meristemoids. In mature somatic
embryo s developing from the PEMs (Fig. 5g ), and in the shoot
and root primordia developing from the meristemoids (Fig. 5e, f ),
CpSERK1 and CpSERK2 are expressed with patterns similar to
those of the zygotic embryos (Fig. 5b ) and the primary meristems
in planta (Fig. 5a ). Thus, CpSERK1 and CpSERK2 , being
expressed in the stem cells, may be regarded as markers of pluripo-
tency. Moreover, their relation with the embryogenic potential is
of interest, because their high expression maintains the trans-
amplifying derivatives of the original stem cells (PEAs) in a plu-
ripotent condition over time, and this leads to the totipotency
necessary for somatic embryo formation [
1 ]. Consequently, even if
not peculiar of SE, the two genes may be used as markers of SE in
cyclamen, allowing the screening of the calli before the macro-
scopic expression of their fate, i.e., embryogenesis, organogenesis,
recalcitrance, with this early screening important for a large-scale
production of synthetic seeds (Fig.
4d ). The feature of
CpSERK1 / SERK2 of pluripotency/totipotency markers is in
accordance with their lack of expression during PCD occurring in
the xylogenic nodules of the organogenic calli [
1 ]. Similarly,
AtSERK1 and AtSERK2 do not seem to be involved in PCD in
Arabidopsis [
138 , 139 ]. As discussed in a following paragraph,
PCD has an important role in SE, but uncoupled with stem cells.
In Arabidopsis and other species, SERK genes form a gene
family ([
1 ], and references therein). SERKs tend to function in
pairs of redundant proteins evolutionarily organized in clades
related to either AtSERK1/2 or AtSERK3/4/5 [
140 , 141 ].
CpSERK1 and CpSERK2 are tightly evolutionarily related, and
relatively close to AtSERK1/2, and more distant to the other three
1 ]. In accordance, CpSERK1 / 2 and AtSERK1 / 2 share
a common localization in planta ([
1 ], and references therein), and
CpSERK1 and CpSERK2 are expressed in Arabidopsis , e.g. in the
root apex (Fig. 5h, k ). In addition, a pro(promoter) AtSERK1-
struct [
142 ], introduced into cyclamen embryogenic calli, expresses
correctly the fusion protein and localizes exactly as CpSERK1 /2
(Fig. 5j, c , in comparison). All together these data sustain a role for
SERK1/SERK2 complex in SE control in different species.
It is interesting to note that SERK1 and AGL15 are associated
in complexes that include components of the brassinosteroid (BR)
signaling pathway, i.e., BR-INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1), and its core-
55 , 140 ]. Evidence has been presented that BAK1-LIKE
1 (BKK1)/SERK4 also participates in BR signaling [
138 ].
However, the involvement of the latter complex, as well as of BR
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
Fig. 5 Investigating SERK1/2 genes in Cyclamen persicum and Arabidopsis . ( ag ) CpSERK1/2 RNA in situ
hybridizations on cyclamen sections. ( h , i , k , l ) expression of CpSERK1/2 in Arabidopsis , and ( j , m ) cyclamen
callus with PEMs , with expression of AtSERK1 ( j ). ( a ) Flower with strong CpSERK2 expression in stamen
signaling in SE control, remains to be elucidated. It might not be
excluded that SERK1 and AGL15, and perhaps LEC2, interact in
controlling SE independently on the BR pathway. In fact, it is
known that in Arabidopsis AGL15 -overexpressing tissues show
enhanced SE (see above), and have increased expression of SERK1
and reduced GA levels by the AGL15-induced GA2-oxidase ([
45 ,
53 ], and Fig. 3 ). Also in Medicago truncatula SE induction,
MtSERK1 reveals a binding recognition site for AGL15 and upreg-
ulation of GA2-oxidase [
98 ]. Moreover, upregulation of SERK1
also occurs in LEC2 transgenic tobacco in which SE is promoted
72 ], and a relationship between AGL15 and LEC2 in the positive
control of SE through a GA-lowering mechanism has been pro-
posed, as discussed above.
6 The Multifacet Signifi cance of Stress as SE-Inducer
In vitro culture experiments have widely shown that the differenti-
ated fate of plant cells, which depends on positional information
and developmental signals in planta , can be altered under the
in vitro culture conditions, with the changes in cellular environ-
ment perceived as, and generating, signifi cant stress effects. When
the stress level exceeds cellular tolerance, cells die, whereas when
the level is lower, it enhances metabolism and induces adaptation,
including gene expression reprogramming, cellular reorganization,
and developmental switch. Somatic embryo genesis may be consid-
ered among the adaptation responses to stress, because various
stresses are useful to induce this process (Fig.
3 ). For example, SE
in carrot can be stimulated by the application of heavy metal ions
2+ , Ni
2+ , Cu
2+ , Co
2+ ), high osmotic pressure ( sucrose , NaCl)
and high temperature in the absence of exogenous PGRs ([
83 ],
and references therein). Heavy metals also induce SE in Arabidopsis
and wheat [
143 , 144 ], and high osmotic pressure or dehydration
are SE-inducers in Arabidopsis , wheat, and cotton [
143 145 ]. Of
course, also the excision of the explant (i.e., wounding) must be
Fig. 5 (continued) primordia and procambia. ( b ) Immature seed containing an embryo at torpedo-stage show-
ing CpSERK1 expression. ( c ) Large PEA showing uniform CpSERK1 expression. ( d ) CpSERK2 expression only
in a part of a PEM . ( e ) Adventitious root apex with CpSERK1 expression in the apical meristem and procam-
bium. ( f ) Meristematic shoot apex with strong CpSERK2 expression. ( g ) Mature somatic embryo with CpSERK1
expression in the shoot pole. ( h , k ) Whole mounts RNA hybridizations of Arabidopsis primary root apices with
CpSERK1 ( h ) and CpSERK2 ( k ). ( i , l ) Sense- probe controls. ( j , m ) Cyclamen embryogenic calli transformed with
proAtSERK1-AtSERK1-YFP construct during the induction phase . ( j ) Yellow fl uorescence signal under confocal
microscopy ( arrows ) localizing AtSERK1 expression in the PEMs (courtesy of M. Savona). ( m ) Histological
control section of PEMs. See text and [ 1 ] for further details. Bars = 10 μm ( bg ), 20 μm ( h , i , k , l ), 50 μm ( a ,
m ), 1 mm ( j )
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
considered as a “stressor” by a very early upregulation of the
endogenous levels of auxin, as in potato adventitious shooting
146 ], and of ethylene [ 147 ], but also by acting as a source of
Reactive Oxygen Species ( ROS ), as occurs in Medicago truncatula
SE [
136 ]. Moreover, ROS may induce ethylene biosynthesis [ 148 ].
It is widely known that 2-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)
may be considered as a “stressor” for the explant ([
16 ], and refer-
ences therein). For example, in soybean and potato cotyledons SE
induced by 2,4-D is associated with upregulation of oxidative
stress and defense genes [
85 , 132 ]. In agreement with a role of
ROS as stress-inducers (Fig.
3 ), SE is enhanced by increased levels
of ROS, e.g., in wheat and alfalfa [
149 , 150 ], and the application
of antioxidants to the inductive medium reduces SE in Eucalyptus
globulus [
151 ].
ABA serves as a critical messenger for stress response s, and is
considered one of the SE-inductive PGRs (Fig.
3 ). ABA increases
ROS levels in maize embryos, supporting roles of ROS in ABA-
signaling through a mechanism that still requires investigation [
16 ].
Also the micronutrient boron triggers stress-mediated path-
ways during SE, as recently reviewed [
152 ]. Boron-stress has a
direct impact on levels of ABA , e.g. increasing them as reported in
carrot SE [
153 ]. However, after ROS -signaling, a mechanism to
protect the embryogenic-potential cells against the harmful effects
(GSTs) seem involved in this protective activity, considering the
accumulating evidence that the redox status and the glutathione
content of the cells are interrelated in plant developmental pro-
cesses. In accordance, members of the GST gene family are upreg-
ulated during auxin-induced SE of soybean [
85 ], and GST
transcripts accumulate in the somatic embryo s of numerous plants
49 ], and references therein).
GA has a negative effect on SE, and, in accordance, several
genes important for the negative regulation of GA show SE-specifi c
upregulation in Arabidopsis , including DELLA genes [
41 ] (Fig. 3 ).
The stimulation of DELLA genes may be put in relation with the
stress response , because DELLA accumulation has been reported
to elevate the expression of genes encoding ROS detoxifi cation
enzymes, reducing ROS levels [
154 ]. Moreover, results on SE in
transgenic lettuce support the hypothesis of an involvement of
SERK genes in stress-perception [
155 ].
2+ ions are key regulators of many plant developmental pro-
cesses, including sexual reproduction of gymnosperms and angio-
sperms [
156 158 ]. In plant cells the free ionized form of calcium
is located in the cytosol, and frequently acts as second messenger
in signaling, whereas the loosely bond calcium, which is in dynamic
equilibrium with free calcium, is present in middle lamellae and cell
wall s [
157 ]. Exogenous treatments with calcium salts have demon-
strated that calcium ions are active during organogenesis in vitro,
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
e.g., in vegetative bud formation from tobacco leaf and pith
explants, fl ower and root formation from tobacco pith explants,
and root formation from Arabidopsis thin cell layer s [
159 161 ].
Depending on the culture system and the exogenous concentra-
tion, calcium ions affect organogenesis independently/depend-
ently of the exogenous hormone(s) [
159 , 161 ]. A positive Ca
2+ /
auxin interaction has been demonstrated in the pollen androgenesis
of Solanum carolinense [
162 ]. In the SE of carrot the process coin-
cides with signifi cant variations in calcium ion distribution and lev-
els. In particular, a positive interrelation with the inductive auxin
2,4-D seems to exist because the fi rst SE stages are characterized
by a strong and uniform Ca
2+ presence in the cells. Calcium-
presence, monitored by a fl uorescent dye, becomes lower in PEMs ,
but again rises in the somatic embryo s from the globular to the
torpedo stage. At the latter stage, an apical-basal gradient of
calcium- distribution appears along the longitudinal axis of the
somatic embryo [
163 ]. The role of PIN effl ux-carriers in the estab-
lishment of the auxin gradient, necessary to the apical-basal axis of
the Arabidopsis zygotic embryo , is well known ([
96 ], Fig. 2c ). Our
unpublished results show that calcium distribution parallels this
gradient (Fig.
2e, f ), strengthening the possible link between auxin
and calcium in axial patterning in both zygotic and somatic
embryos [
163 ]. Ca
2+ ions are also known to regulate the transcript
abundance of early auxin-inducible AUX / IAA genes [
164 ].
Moreover, in SE-induction in wheat [
165 , 166 ], Ca
2+ ions seem to
have a different role, i.e., to be involved in the induction of lipid-
transfer proteins [
86 ], which are also active compounds in SE, as
described in the following paragraph. Taken together, these evi-
dences show that there is a connection among auxin, calcium ions,
and SE induction, but this connection also involves SERKs,
because, as in wheat, SERK1 and SERK2 expression is auxin- and
calcium-dependent [
125 ]. It is important to note that calcium is
also important after SE-induction. In fact, an increase in calcium
ion supply in the medium at the time of the transfer to the auxin-
free differentiation medium, and an increased uptake by the
somatic embryos, highly enhances the number of embryos reach-
ing maturity, e.g., in carrot and sandalwood ([
7 ], and references
therein). The levels of cytosolic calcium are well known to change
transiently in response to various stresses and to auxin, as well
167 ], and there are evidences that this also occurs during
SE-induction, e.g., by an effect on the transduction of the auxin
signal ([
86 ], and references therein). Thus, in addition to the long-
lasting changes described above, the very rapid changes affecting
the free-calcium-pool are also of interest. For example, blocking
calcium-signaling in sandalwood cells, SE frequency decreases
168 ]. In this species, Ca
2+ signaling is associated with the activity
of two Ca
the expression of a CDPK gene also increases during early phases
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
of 2,4-D induction of SE in cultured alfalfa cells [ 169 ]. In
Arabidopsis , two CDPKs have been demonstrated to activate a
stress and an ABA -inducible promoter, suggesting connection of
CDPKs to ABA-signaling pathways, with a link with calcium,
because elevation of calcium ions is suffi cient to trigger ABA-
responsive gene expression [
170 ].
Nitric oxide ( NO ) is being recognized as a critical factor in
growth, development and stress response in plants [
171 ], and
there is emerging evidence that it may act as a stressor for
SE-induction. NO might exhibit its inductive role on SE affecting
the availability of Ca
2+ within the cells via protein kinases [ 172 ].
Alternatively it might increase auxin production, repressing the
basic HELIX-LOOP-HELIX protein 6 (bHLH006/MYC2), a
repressor of auxin biosynthesis, as observed in Arabidopsis SE
173 ]. Interestingly, NO and calcium ions are also related to PCD ,
which is essential to successful embryogenesis, as discussed in the
following paragraph.
7 Programmed Cell Death vs. Cell Survival in Somatic Embryogenesis, Two
Faces of the Same Coin
In the zygotic embryo genesis of angiosperms and gymnosperms ,
the suspensor is a terminally differentiated structure committed to
programmed cell death ( PCD ) and elimination. The suspensor
cells must die at a certain stage of embryo-proper development.
This usually occurs at the end of embryo-heart-stage, in the angio-
sperms, and at the end of the early embryogeny phase in the gym-
nosperms ([
174 ], and references therein). The suspensor is not
always formed by angiosperm somatic embryo s, but, when present
such as in carrot [
175 ] and Vitis rupestris (Fig. 6a ), its cells die via
PCD similarly to what occurs in zygotic embryogenesis. Suspensor
death by PCD also occurs in gymnosperm somatic embryos, as
described for Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) and silver fi r ( Abies alba )
176 , 177 ]. It is important to highlight that the proper timing of
PCD in the suspensor cells is determinant to correct zygotic and
somatic embryogenesis. In Arabidopsis , mutants with altered
Fig. 6 (continued) mature somatic embryo . ( b ) Barrier formed by cells with degenerating nuclei ( arrow ) and
cutinized cell wall around a PEA of Vitis rupestris . ( c ) PEM anked by callus cells in PCD (magnifi ed in the
inset ), and ( d ) mature somatic embryos of Vitis rupestris . ( e , f ) Strong Ca
2+ signal in the anther-wall tissues and
microspores of kiwifruit male-sterile anthers ( e ), and weaker Ca
2+ signal in male-fertile ones ( f ). ( g ) Nuclear
fragments showing OSMOTIN immunolocalization in a degenerating epidermal cell of an olive tree twig, also
showing a thick cuticle. ( h ) PCD nuclei of late-vacuolated microspores of kiwifruit male-sterile anthers moni-
tored by OSMOTIN immunolocalization. ( i , j ) Kiwifruit male-sterile anthers shortly before dehiscence showing
OSMOTIN-positive nuclear fragments in the middle-layer ( i , arrows ), and in the endothecium ( j , arrow ). See
text and [ 158 , 181 , 187 ] for further details. Bars = 10 μm ( ac , e , f , i , j ), 40 μm ( d , g )
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
Fig. 6 Somatic embryo genesis from the sporophytic tissues of Vitis rupestris anthers ( ad ), CTC-Ca 2+ signal in
kiwifruit male-sterile and male-fertile anthers ( e , f ), and PCD monitored by OSMOTIN immunolocalization in
different cell types ( gj ). ( a ) Degenerating multilobed nuclei in the suspensor cells ( arrows ) of a Vitis rupestris
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
regulation of PCD in the suspensor, such as twin and raspberry ,
exhibit altered embryo development . In both mutants the suspen-
sor proliferates, and this results either into multiple embryo forma-
tion or failure of embryo transition from globular to heart stage
178 , 179 ]. Moreover, in Picea abies , the prolonged longevity of
suspensors delays the onset of histogenesis in the somatic embryos,
nally resulting into disintegration of their tissues [
176 ].
Research in gymnosperms (i.e., Picea abies and Abies alba )
shows that there is another, and earlier, wave of PCD which is spe-
cifi c of SE and essential for its success [
174 , 177 ]. This fi rst wave
of PCD occurs in the PEMs . In Picea abies , time lapse-tracking
analysis has shown that each PEM may either multiply in the pres-
ence of the inductive PGRs (auxin and cytokinin are necessary for
SE-induction in this plant), giving rise to new PEMs, or trans-
differentiate to embryo upon withdrawal of the PGRs. The latter
pathway is only executed when massive PCD occurs in the PEM,
establishing a positive correlation between cells in PCD in the
PEM and frequency of somatic embryo s [
174 ]. This concept is
strengthened by the results of the experiments with cell-lines com-
posed of PCD-defi cient PEMs, which are unable to form embryos
regardless of treatment [
180 ]. The presence of a PCD wave at the
PEM stage of angiosperm-SE still needs investigation. However, in
cyclamen SE, the progressive loss of stem trans-amplifying condi-
tion in the derivatives by the PEM couples with CpSERK1 / 2 loss
of expression (Fig. 5d ). Because the expression of these genes is
not compatible with PCD occurrence (see above), it is possible
that in the angiosperms PCD occurs as a late event in the PEM
cells, and only in those not engaged into somatic embryo forma-
tion and no more expressing SERK1 / 2 genes. In a lot of cases of
indirect SE in angiosperms, e.g., in SE from Vitis rupestris anther
tissues [
181 ], PEAs become separated from the callus cells by a
barrier of cells with a cutinized cell wall (Fig.
6b ). Events of nuclear
fragmentation leading to PCD widely occur around the encased
PEMs (Fig.
6c , and inset) and in the barrier cells (Altamura,
unpublished results). It is plausible that this out-of-PEM PCD
wave reduces the embryo-inductive potentialities in the PEMs,
giving the already existing embryogenic cells the chance to develop
further, i.e., to become a mature embryo without competition
with further forming embryonic structures. All together, in both
gymnosperms and angiosperms, PCD seems necessary to obtain a
correct SE up to the mature embryo stage (Fig.
6d ), and a PCD-
signal needs to be cell-to-cell communicated.
Zinc is a potent regulator of PCD in animals and is crucial for
correct SE patterning, as demonstrated in Picea abies SE ([
182 ],
and references therein). In this plant, high zinc accumulation in
the somatic embryo couples with a strong decrease of the ion in
the suspensor . In accordance, exposure of early embryos to a zinc
chelating agent leads to embryonic lethality, and exogenous zinc
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
supplementation suppresses suspensor terminal differentiation and
elimination, causing inhibition of embryo maturation [
182 ].
However, Zn
2+ can also have a pro-apoptotic effect on mammalian
cells [
183 ]. In accordance, in plants, when applied at high level, it
may exhibit a positive function in the PCD process. This is caused
by an increase in nitric oxide ( NO ) in the cells, which induces an
NO-mediated PCD ([
171 ], and references therein). All together
these results show that the exact level of free intracellular zinc
mediates PCD-survival decisions in embryogenesis, however other
ions seem to be also involved.
In the previous paragraph the importance of calcium in the
control of somatic and zygotic embryo genesis has been highlighted
2e, f ); however, the role(s) of calcium in these processes also
include a relationship with PCD . In fact, transient changes in cyto-
solic free calcium and long-lasting changes in cytosolic and cell
wall /membrane-associated Ca
2+ affect development also by induc-
ing PCD [
184 186 ]. Male sterility is known to occur by PCD, and
studies on microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in numer-
ous dioecious plants have demonstrated that calcium ion distribu-
tion and content are related to this sterility ([
158 ], and references
therein). The sporophytic tissues of the anther degenerate by PCD
in both male-fertile and male-sterile plants, but PCD is delayed in
kiwifruit male-sterile genotypes, with a calcium signal in the tape-
tum, middle-layer and exine of the microspores that is higher than
in the male-fertile anthers (Fig.
6e, f ). A prolonged secretion of
calcium by the anther tissues seems to induce the inability of the
microspores to transit to microgametogenesis, causing, instead,
their PCD [
158 ].
OSMOTIN is a pathogenesis-related type-5 protein involved
in abiotic/biotic defense responses ([
187 ], and references therein).
The protein is also positively involved in PCD -induction [
188 ],
e.g., in the stem epidermal cells during cork formation (Fig.
6g ),
in degenerating sterile microspores (Fig.
6h , [ 158 ]), and in the
endosperm of olive tree seed [
189 ]. In accordance with the results
by the use of other PCD markers, OSMOTIN immunolocalization
in kiwifruit demonstrates the existence of a delay in PCD in the
sporophytic tissues of the male-sterile anthers (Fig.
6i, j ). Kiwifruit
anther tissues are able to dedifferentiate in the presence of IAA and
produce somatic embryo s, but SE only occurs from anthers of
male-fertile genotypes [
190 ]. Taken together, it seems that the
excess of calcium and the altered timing of PCD [
158 ] are posi-
tively related with the SE-inability of kiwifruit male-sterile geno-
types [
190 ]. In accordance, it is known that Ca
2+ concentration
can change the hormone-induced organogenic response. For
example, tobacco thin cell layer s were induced to produce fl owers
by a specifi c combination of auxin and cytokinin and a specifi c
concentration of CaCl
2 , but formed vegetative buds instead of
owers when CaCl
2 concentration was increased fourfold [ 191 ].
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
In addition, NO has been demonstrated to infl uence the Ca
availability within the cells ([
171 ], and references therein), and
NO and PCD have been shown to be involved in the stress-induced
microspore embryogenesis of barley [
192 ]. A role of OSMOTIN as
a stress- acclimating protein involved in both blocking [Ca
2+ ]
transients, and in PCD has been demonstrated in the vegetative
organs (Fig.
6g , [ 187 ]). Osmotin , and osmotin -like mRNAs have
been also found in seeds, e.g., those of Benincasa hispida [
193 ],
tobacco [
194 ] and olive tree [ 189 ], and the gene has been over-
expressed in tea and olive tree somatic embryos [
195 , 196 ]. Also
ABA , ethylene and wounding activate the osmotin gene ([
187 ],
and references therein). The transcriptionally active form NAC
[name from the fi rst letters of NAM ( No Apical Meristem ), ATAF
( Arabidopsis Transcription Activation Factor ), and CUC ( Cup-
shaped Cotyledon ) genes] of AtNTL6 ( Arabidopsis thaliana N AC
with TRANSMEMBRANE MOTIF 1-LIKE) protein causes the
expression of Pathogenesis-Related-5 ( PR-5 ) genes [
197 ], and
LEC2 (Fig.
3 ) induces the expression of NAC TFs ([ 72 ], and ref-
erences therein). In Olea europaea , the NAC domain of the
homologous gene ( OeNTL6 ) induces osmotin transcription in both
seed coat and embryo, but the protein is absent in the embryo,
because of a downregulation after transcription. Concomitantly,
cuticular lipids are produced in the seed coat and extruded towards
the endosperm to enhance its cutinisation, suggesting a further
role for OSMOTIN as lipid -transfer protein [
189 ]. In accordance,
osmotin over-expression induces accumulation of oil bodies in tea
somatic embryos [
195 ]. It has been previously mentioned that
there is a phase during PEM growth characterized by the forma-
tion of a cutinized barrier around the PEMs , with PCD events
occurring in the barrier cells and in the callus around (Fig.
6b ). A
role of OSMOTIN as a lipid-transfer protein during PEM encas-
ing, and in inducing PCD around, is possible because genes
involved in encoding lipid-transfer proteins elicit PCD, e.g., in the
anther of Hordeum vulgare [
198 ], and because an OSMOTIN-like
protein accumulates and is secreted in the embryogenic cultures of
Cichorium [
199 ].
8 Hemoglobins Function as Anti-stress and Anti- PCD Compounds in SE
and Their Repression is required in the Inductive Phase
The existence of plant hemoglobins , distinct from leghemoglobin,
has been demonstrated in over 50 species ([
200 ], and references
therein). A relationship between NO , hemoglobins and PCD is
well known in mammalians, but it is also appearing in plants, e.g.,
in chicory and Arabidopsis SE [
173 , 201 ]. The main role of specifi c
hemoglobins is to reduce NO levels as a result of NO scavenging,
resulting in reduction of NO toxicity and cell survival [
171 ]. Plant
Maria Maddalena Altamura et al.
hemoglobins have been classifi ed into three groups. Class 2 hemo-
globins are upregulated by cold, cytokinin and ABA ([
171 ], and
references therein). For example, the promoter of a rice hemoglo-
bin gene is activated by ARR1 TF [
202 ], a type-B cytokinin-
responsive regulator. As discussed before, stress-induced
compounds, e.g., ROS (Fig.
3 ) and NO, are important for trigger-
ing SE, and PCD occurrence is determinant at PEM and suspensor
stages. Based on this premise, compounds causing NO-detoxifi cation
and acting as anti-PCD might have a negative effect at specifi c
time-points of the process. In accordance, the suppression of the
type-2 hemoglobin identifi ed in Arabidopsis (GLB2/AHB2,
species by increasing levels of NO within the embryogenic cells.
This increase causes a repression of the IAA-biosynthesis-repressor
MYC2 . Relieving the inhibition of IAA synthesis, the hormone
increases in the cells promoting WUS and SERK1 expression, and
embryogenic competence . Moreover, the repression of GLB2
increases the expression of PIN1 [
173 ], which is also essential to
SE-induction (Fig.
3 ). Similarly the suppression of Hemoglobin 1
( Hb1-2 ) gene in maize results in stimulating somatic embryo for-
mation [
171 ]. Taken together, SE is induced by compounds, such
as NO, which are known to induce PCD, but PCD does not occur
in the inductive phase because the activity of auxin, and not of anti-
PCD compounds, such as hemoglobins. Thus, a working hypoth-
esis in which SE-induction involves auxin and NO activities and
suppression of hemoglobins and PCD may be suggested. However,
the activity of hemoglobins might become essential later in the SE
process, e.g., to scavenge NO and repress PCD, at the times when
this becomes necessary.
9 Concluding Remarks
The broad repertoire of genes and complex expression patterns in
SE show that multiple cellular pathways are controlled by a con-
certed gene regulatory network. SE is an ideal model system for
investigating developmental fl exibility and stem cell formation,
maintenance and polarization, in particular because there is a strict
similarity in the genetic control of zygotic and somatic embryo-
genesis in both gymnosperms and angiosperms . The fi rst message
coming from the actors described in the work is that pluripotent
stem cells need to be defi ned before the realization of the totipo-
tent condition. The totipotent cells result from trans-amplifi cation
and maintenance over time of the original pluripotent stem cell
commitment. The switch from trans-amplifi cation to trans-
differentiation (i.e., the construction of the somatic embryo) is still
obscure, but seems to share aspects with animal metamorphosis.
The lack of the switch stabilizes the cells in the embryogenic fate,
Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
leading to secondary embryogenesis. As in animals, death ( PCD )
and life (embryo-proper) must be coordinated processes.
Differently from animals, a feedback loop exists in plants between
pluripotent and totipotent stem cells, because niches of no more
totipotent, but again pluripotent, stem cells must be present in the
mature somatic and zygotic embryo s to allow the polarized growth
of the seedling. The second message is about the importance of the
epigenome in the control of SE. Unraveling the interplay between
DNA methylation, histone modifi cations , and small RNA activities
in the establishment of the epigenetic program leading to SE will
contribute to understand the behavior of plant cells in vitro and
the molecular basis of cell totipotency . A third message is about the
lipidome importance in SE, and its emerging functions in cellular
communication, traffi cking control, and PCD.
The tools for biotechnology coming from these messages
are evident, because to maintain cells in a trans-amplification
state will improve the massive production of plant stem cells ,
e.g., for innovative cosmetics industry. By contrast, to stimu-
late trans- differentiation will provide a tool for improving
large-scale production of mature somatic embryo s, which is the
essential prerequisite for massive artificial seed production.
Special thanks to B. Ruffoni, M. Savona, V. De Gregis, M. Trovato,
R. Biasi, M. Kater for the contribution to our researches on somatic
and zygotic embryo genesis . Research supported by Progetti
d’Ateneo 2012, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
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Genetics and Physiology of Somatic Embryogenesis
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_4, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 4
Do Mitochondria Play a Central Role in Stress-Induced
Somatic Embryogenesis?
Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt , Carla Ragonezi , and Hélia Cardoso
This review highlights a four-step rational for the hypothesis that mitochondria play an upstream central
role for stress-induced somatic embryogenesis (SE): (1) Initiation of SE is linked to programmed cell
death (PCD) (2) Mitochondria are crucially connected to cell death (3) SE is challenged by stress per se (4)
Mitochondria are centrally linked to plant stress response and its management. Additionally the review
provides a rough perspective for the use of mitochondrial-derived functional marker (FM) candidates to
improve SE effi ciency. It is proposed to apply SE systems as phenotyping tool for identifying superior
genotypes with high general plasticity under severe plant stress conditions.
Key words Somatic embryo genesis , Mitochondria , PCD , Severe stress , Cell reprogramming ,
Phenotype plasticity , Phenotyping tool , Genotype selection
1 Introduction
It is state-of-the-art understanding that mitochondria play an
upstream role in stress response management and cell network
integration. This view is shared among scientists from various
research fi elds who study organisms from diverse kingdoms, includ-
ing plants and animals [
1 4 ]. Mitochondria are seen central for
stress perception and orchestrating the effects of external signaling
by connecting them to growth and development control mecha-
nisms. They are movable organelles that are able to sense where
their action is required and seem to act as tuners [
2 , 3 ]. The num-
bers per cell, size, and shape of mitochondria are highly fl exible
and related to development and cell function. SE is an example of
inducible developmental plasticity. It is based on molecular and
metabolic cell reprogramming that covers typically phases of dedif-
ferentiation and de novo-differentiation. SE can occur naturally
during agamospermy along a species-dependent developmental
plan and it can be induced artifi cially under in vitro culture condi-
tions ([
5 , 6 ] and other chapters in this book ).
Changing environmental conditions is commonly referred to
as being “stressful” to organisms. This defi nition of stress encloses
regular daily and seasonal, as well as unpredictable, events. These
events can have positive, negative, or even neutral effects. In cell
biology and organism physiology, stress at various levels is judged
by its effect. However, exploring stress response s is a never ending
story, since diversity is high and evolution is an ongoing process.
Nevertheless, despite this dynamics, in biotechnology and plant
breeding the view is forced to be more focused, which helps to
acknowledge that functional biology can only be understood in
case-by-case studies that respect individuality. This understanding
is getting even more important in view of the increasing awareness
of the ubiquity of endophytes and the subsequent fact that organ-
isms typically exist as complex holobionts [
7, 8 ]. Thus, the term
“individuality” must refer also to organisms that need to coordi-
nate various living units within the same body along developmen-
tal and environmental constraints. It includes not only coordinating
the diversity of cells with potentially diverse genetic, epigenetic ,
and metabolic identities, but encloses also endophytes, whenever
present. Consequently, stress effects on organism’s performance
should be assessed by upstream and superimposed measures,
because this is what will count for validating fi nal stress responses.
In this context, it was proposed that plant stress responses are opti-
mization strategies dictated by thermodynamic demands, in order
to reach harmony with the environment [
9 11 ], and carbon bal-
ance is seen as the master integrator for plant stress responses [
13 ]. The effect of stress depends on timing, severity, and novelty of
stress events. Whether a stress will be harmful, neutral, or a driving
force for tolerance or resistance depends on the capacity and actual
engagement of the cell/tissue/organism to respond and on the
level that the organism has achieved for “optimality” in a trait-
specifi c, as well as in a wider sense related to the general capacity
for phenotype plasticity [
14 ].
Nevertheless, it is possible to identify also typical stress response
patterns. In explants or cultivated plantlets exposed to successful
in vitro culture conditions for SE, the process starts typically in
distinct plant cells or group of cells. Afterwards, these cells directly
develop embryos or indirectly proliferate and form pro-
embryogenic cell structures and/or masses ( PEMs ) from which
somatic embryo s can form. Original cells and PEMs are network-
ing with their neighbors via plant common internal communica-
tion pathways, contributing to the stimulation of surrounding cells
to regain totipotency in order to run into the same developmental
direction [
6 , 15 ]. Developing embryogenic cells reproduce and
propagate the multicellular organism via a bipolar structure origi-
nating a new plantlet. These processes run similar to zygotic
embryo genesis [
15 ]. Nevertheless, the new plantlets may show
genetic differences to each other through differential genetic
Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt et al.
identities in the original cells, or due to stress-induced genetic
changes ( somaclonal variation ). These changes can be expected to
result from the multiple interactions among the original cell, the
developmental stage, and the stress [
16 21 ]. The developmental
program for SE is heritable, and consecutively occurs in a repetitive
manner. Thus, it can be used for mass propagation. However, SE
performance can happen with varying effi ciency depending on the
characteristics of individual genotypes. Low effi ciency can be due
to lower strength in response and/or postponed responses. Both
can make a relevant difference for the effi ciency of a SE system.
The molecular biological reasoning for differential effi ciency dur-
ing both induction and initiation is still quite obscure. However,
genetic differences for effi ciency in SE systems are supposed to be
mainly seen during the initiation phase [
6 , 22 ].
2 Initiation of SE Is Linked to Programmed Cell Death ( PCD )
It is now accepted that the death of cells from the suspensor and
the fi nal exclusion of the suspensor itself are prerequisite to the
process of SE during bipolar patterning [
15 ]. Thus, successful SE
seems to depend on the dying of neighboring cells that initially
helped to feed the later core cells of the embryo proper. This
observation is more obvious in gymnosperms , where suspensor
structures during early and late embryogenesis are more strongly
pronounced. However, McCabe et al. [
23 ] have reported also for
carrot ( Daucus carota ) that suspensor cells die during initiation of
embryo formation via programmed cell death ( PCD ). Bozhkov
et al. [
24 ] found a two wave rhythm of PCD in Picea abies . While
one wave of PCD occurs during maturation as vacuolated PCD
and is linked to gradual degradation of the suspensor [
25 ], a fi rst
wave of PCD happened already during proliferation. This fi rst
period is connected to the transition of PEMs to somatic embryo s.
Smertenko and Bozhkov [
15 ] reviewed the life and death pro-
cesses during apical-basal patterning for angiosperms and gymno-
sperms both in comparison to zygotic embryo genesis . The authors
stress that the balance between survival and embryo development
and PCD together with the elimination of the suspensor are critical
for SE effi ciency. Petrussa et al. [
26 ] found that in Abies alba the
rate of PCD was substantial during proliferation as well as during
the maturation stage, although much higher during proliferation.
3 Mitochondria Are Crucially Connected to Cell Death
PCD and necrotic cell death events form part of stress manage-
ment strategies for organism survival and are both related to mito-
chondrial functionality. However, while necrosis is based on
Do Mitochondria Play a Central Role in Stress-Induced Somatic Embryogenesis?
mitochondrial dysfunction not involved in SE observed in plants,
vacuolated PCD is connected to SE, but mitochondrial involve-
ment is more sophisticated [
27 ]. Smertenko and Bozhkov [ 15 ]
reported that mitochondria remained intact at the fi nal stages of
PCD during SE, although with altered biochemical activities. The
role of mitochondria in plant PCD was described by Vianello et al.
28 ] and Reape et al. [ 29 ]. It was reported that mitochondrial
electrical potential and ATP levels dropped down during PCD pro-
cess [
30 , 31 ]. However, how the balance between survival and
death is established and maintained in proliferating embryogenic
cells and during the maturation phase of SE remains unclear.
Smertenko and Bozhkov [
15 ] underlined that the same groups of
protein can play a role in proliferation and cell death, depending
on their molecular environment. In maturating cells in A. alba ,
Petrussa et al. [
26 ] observed that mitochondrial activities changed
when compared to cells during the proliferation phase. The authors
found higher activity of the mitochondrial alternative oxidase
enzyme ( AOX ) in maturing cells than in proliferating cells, which
were characterized by a higher amount of dying cells. This led
them to suggest a correlation between mitochondrial activities and
the manifestation of PCD during the formation of somatic
embryo s. The alternative respiration pathway (AR) seemed to act
in the A. alba SE system as anti-apoptotic factor via reactive oxy-
gen species ( ROS ) capturing. The activities of external NADH
dehydrogenases, AOX, and the free-fatty acid circuit system were
higher in mitochondria from maturing tissues. The alternative cya-
nide-resistant pathway seemed to be activated and functional only
in maturing tissue reaching about 50 % of total O
2 uptake. It was
demonstrated a fi vefold increase in this pathway compared to pro-
liferating cells [
26 ]. In contrast, the mitochondrial K + ATP chan-
nel activity was decreased, which seemed to reduce the destructive
release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. Overall, it is supposed
that mitochondria play a crucial role in the manifestation of the
two waves of PCDs during SE in conifers. A protective role of
AOX in PCD had been indicated earlier by the group of
Vanlerberghe [
32 , 33 ].
4 SE Is Challenged by Stress Per Se
It is now commonly accepted that stress induces the in vitro induc-
tion of SE ([
34 ]; reviewed by [ 5 , 6 ]). Moreover, SE is the most
pronounced example for stress-related phenotype plasticity reac-
tions [
6 ]. It is well known also that plant growth regulator s (PGRs)
are involved in wounding, plant development, and growth pro-
cesses, likewise that they are integrated in the process of external
environmental signal transmission towards the interior of organis-
mic life, and that they interfere with gene regulatory networking.
Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt et al.
This is reviewed in Zavattieri et al. [ 5 ], Yang and Zhang [ 35 ],
Zeng et al. [
36 ], Osakabe et al. [ 37 ] and Fehér [ 6 ]. Several reports
show the generation of ROS or the involvement of oxidative stress
(OS) responsive genes upon SE induction conditions [
38 40 ].
Following a transgenic approach, Zheng and Perry [
41 ] demon-
strated that SE could be more rapid and prolifi c by differential
regulation of genes involved in stress response .
Appropriate abiotic stress stimuli for in vitro SE have been
empirically explored over long time, among which osmotic shock,
dehydration, water stress , heavy metal ions, pH changes, heat and
cool treatments, hypoxia, ultraviolet radiation, and mechanical or
chemical treatments, including also antibiotics ( reviewed in [
5 ]).
Several PGRs have been applied and a diversity of combinations
have been optimized not only to induce SE, but also to promote
embryo differentiation when SE is indirect and embryos are devel-
oped from a previously generated callogenic mass. However, SE in
carrot was also induced in PGR -free medium by different chemi-
cals, such as sucrose , sodium salt, or CdCl [
5 ]. SE can be regulated
by cell wall components, diverse extracellular proteins, arabinoga-
lactan protein s ( AGPs ), oligosaccharins, and through the percep-
tion and transduction of extracellular signals by receptor kinases,
2+ and its effectors, as well as by diverse transcription factor s
(reviewed in [
15 ]). Several studies show that changes in chromatin
organization and in epigenomic marks (DNA methylation, histone
posttranslational modifi cations, micro RNAs) accompanies SE
induction and somatic embryo development and growth [
6 , 15 ].
These observations are not surprising, since they confi rm the role
of global genome organization during normal and adaptive devel-
opment and its involvement in stress response s, also seen in other
in vitro culture systems or stress treatments [
16 , 17 , 19 ].
Nevertheless, future studies should more strongly consider differ-
ences in cell identity in the fi rst responsive cells, marked not only
by differential transcript patterns [
42 , 6 ] but also by genetic and/
or epigenetic factors. This is justifi ed by the current knowledge on
DNA variability at single cell and tissue levels due to single nucleo-
tide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertion/deletions (InDels), copy
number variation (CNV), and/or DNA methylation [
43 45 ].
Stress provided by changing environmental conditions can
promote both induction of dedifferentiation (e.g., [
46 ]) and the
realization of induced SE programs by somatic embryo develop-
ment (e.g., [
6 ]). However, due to the high diversity of inducers,
SE cannot be defi ned as a specifi c response to a unique stress or
stress composition. On the contrary, it must be recognized that
stress per se plays critical role as an embryonic stimulus [
5 , 6 , 47 ].
The so-called stress-induced morphogenic response (SIMR)
depends on the stress-management capacity of the plant, or of a
cell and tissue at a given developmental stage. Fehér [
6 ] pointed to
the large variation observed in SE between genotypes. He
Do Mitochondria Play a Central Role in Stress-Induced Somatic Embryogenesis?
highlighted also the fact that main differences among various
embryonic pathways will be found in the phase of the initiated
stress response .
5 Mitochondria Are Centrally Linked to Plant Stress Response
and Its Management
Under stress mitochondria play multiple roles. They regulate cell
homeostasis through controlling cell redox states and adapt the
supply of energy and metabolic compounds to target cell locations,
integrating stress response s with plant growth and development
both in photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic cells [
4 , 48 ]. How
mitochondria can take over this upstream role superimposed to all
types of adaptive metabolic and morphologic cell processes related
to growth and development is currently in the focus of ambitious
research efforts and was excellently reviewed for plants by Ng et al.
4 ]. Crucial is the central role of mitochondria in stress perception
and transmission to cell functioning through anterograde and ret-
rograde signaling pathway networks, including dual location strat-
egies that integrate cell nucleus, cell organelles, and endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) [
2 , 4 , 49 , 50 ]. Recently, Wallace and Fan [ 51 ] and
Wallace [
52 ] highlighted in the context of human diseases the criti-
cal role of mitochondria (via bioenergetics) also for epigenetic cell
A role of mitochondria for stress response s was confi rmed for
diverse types of environmental stress stimuli that also account as
stimuli for SE. This includes importantly osmotic stress [
53 , 54 ],
salinity [
54 ], water stress [ 48 ], and temperature [ 55 ]. As reported
above some of those factors have been successful to induce SE
without any PGR application ( reviewed in [
5 ]). Sugar and hor-
mone signaling pathways interplay for the modulation of develop-
mental transition [
56 ] and it was reported that mitochondrial
invertase functions in developmental energy-demanding processes
12 ]. It has been shown that Glucose-TOR (Target-Of-Rapamycin)
signaling reprograms the transcriptome and activates meristems in
the control of developmental transition and growth [
13 ]. TOR
complexes constitute an ancestral signaling network, which is con-
served throughout eukaryotic evolution to control the fundamen-
tal process of cell growth. As a central controller of cell growth,
TOR plays a key role in development and aging, and has been
implicated in stress-induced disorders. This master metabolic regu-
lator was shown to be involved also in mitochondrial shaping,
which is impressively linked to mitochondrial functioning [
57 ]. It
is well known that the number of mitochondria is adaptive, depend-
ing on environmental signaling that interacts with plant develop-
ment. For example, in root cells the number of mitochondria is
plastic and correlates to induced root exudation and plant growth
Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt et al.
performance. Mitochondria are highly dynamic with respect to
their biogenesis, frequent fusion and fi ssion events, and size and
shape restructuring, which is related to consecutive functioning.
This dynamic seems to be regulated by tissue specifi city,
developmental and internal, as well as external, stimuli [
57 60 ].
Vice versa, mitochondria can infl uence morphogenesis as reported
for cancer [
61 ]. In plants, signifi cance of mitochondria for cell fate
decisions that enclose dedifferentiation and de novo differentiation
is also recognized [
62 , 63 ]. In this context, the AR is increasingly
getting into the focus of research on stress acclimation and adapta-
tion [
64 66 ]. Most studies on AR focus on AOX , an inner mito-
chondrial membrane protein that functions as terminal oxidase
generating water from ubiquinol [
67 ]. The enzyme is encoded by
a nuclear gene family, which in higher plants is composed by 1–6
gene members distributed in two subfamilies ( AOX1 and AOX2 )
68 , 69 ]. AOX employs activity in the mitochondria at the cutting
edge of stress signal perception, cell signaling, and maintenance of
homeostasis. Several authors highlighted the involvement of also
other components of the mitochondrial energy-dissipating systems
in stress responses, such as uncoupling proteins (UCPs) and exter-
nal NADH dehydrogenases [
14 , 70 , 71 ] or other antioxidant mol-
ecules. From those, glutathione [
72 ], superoxide dismutase and
catalase [
73 ] have also been suggested as being involved in SE.
For AOX , many studies confi rm a central role for cell redox
homeostasis [
74 , 75 ], a link between AOX and responses to
osmotic stress [
64 ], salinity [ 54 , 76 , 77 ] , temperature [ 70 , 78
80 ], drought [ 65 , 81 ], pH changes [ 82 ], nutrient limitation [ 83 ,
84 ], ozone, metal toxicity, as well as to low oxygen and high irradi-
ance ( reviewed in [
64 , 70 ]). Several reports are available also in
reference to biotic stress showing a contribution of AOX in resis-
tance against insects, virus, fungi, and pathogenic bacteria ( reviewed
in [
64 , 66 ]). AOX was proposed as “master regulator” for stress
response s [
85 ], and it is known for its involvement in the regula-
tion of seed germination [
86 ], plant growth [ 83 ] and development
87 ], as well in fruit development [ 88 ] and ripening [ 89 ]. The
involvement of AOX in SE was fi rstly reported by Frederico et al.
22 ]. These authors demonstrated early differential expression of
AOX gene members during SE initiation (“realization phase”).
Application of SHAM (salicylhydroxamic acid) inhibited AOX
activities and completely suppressed embryo development .
Recently, a role for AOX in early events of dedifferentiation was
also indicated during the lag-phase of callus growth induction in
explants from carrot tap-root secondary phloem ([
90 ], Campos
et al., personal communication ). SHAM application can obviously
reveal discriminatory inhibiting effects on callus growth and devel-
opmental morphogenesis. During auxin-stimulated adventitious
rooting in microshoots from olive , SHAM application suppressed
the rooting process as expected, while simultaneously occurring
Do Mitochondria Play a Central Role in Stress-Induced Somatic Embryogenesis?
callus growth in the same region was not infl uenced [ 91 93 ].
Fehér [
6 ] emphasized that calli correspond not necessarily to a
dedifferentiation state, but can also be the result of disturbed
differentiation of adult stem cells under unphysiological conditions
6 ], and references therein ). These results hypothesize a role for
AOX in dedifferentiation, but not a role in “misdifferentiation.”
6 Perspective View on Future Experimentation
There is no doubt that mitochondria and mitochondrial proteins
play a relevant role in plant stress response s. SE is a clear demon-
stration of the capability of plants to respond upon severe stress by
strong morphogenic plasticity in order to enable survival. Further,
SE is an example for SIMR, i.e., the stress per se is the stimulus .
Consequently, effi cient biomarker and DNA marker for SE related
to applications in biotechnology or plant breeding can be supposed
to come from the mitochondrial machinery linked to cell network-
ing. This is a promising and wide fi eld for future research. Since
long time it is known that induction and initiation of SE depend on
multiple interaction of [genotype × development × explant × envi-
ronment]. Recalcitrant species are well recognized ( see in this book ),
but genotype-specifi c responses are also known in non-recalcitrant
species. Even within easy-to-induce species, such as D. carota , dif-
ferential responsiveness to stimuli and conditions are found at sub-
species and variety level. Based on the insight that SE is a response
upon stress, SE was proposed as a screening tool to study stress-
inducible plant plasticity as a trait per se [
14 , 94 , 95 ]. This was also
the underlying idea of initiating about 10 years ago research on
carrot SE as one of several experimental in vitro and in vivo plant
systems from diverse species, subspecies, and cultivars that show
clearly defi ned developmental plasticity upon stress. In these sys-
tems the role of AOX on stress performance and its appropriate-
ness as functional marker (FM) for stress behavior was studied [
22 ,
90 , 91 , 94 , 96 98 ], Campos et al. ( personal communication ).
Findings from this integrated research ac ross species and systems is
expected to contribute to a better understanding of stress behavior
and phenotype plasticity as well as to advance FM development for
stress responses, including also the identifi cation of markers for the
effi ciency of the SE process.
The idea of Frederico et al. [
22 ] of using SE as a screening tool
for stress behavior was already taken by the breeding community.
Afuape et al. [
99 ] applied SE in cassava as a system to study stress
responsiveness of the heterologous AtAOX1a gene in search for a
linkage to post-harvest stress and its use in molecular breeding.
Similarly, a primary culture test system for carrot root explant
growth induction was used to confi rm the signifi cantly higher
Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt et al.
responsiveness of a hybrid to yield-determining cytokinin activity
compared to growth of the according parental inbred lines [
100 ].
The system could also discriminate carrot cultivars and plant- specifi c
response to temperature and reveals now AOX involvement in
dedifferentiation and growth maintenance ([
90 ], Campos et al.,
personal communication ). Recently, bioenergetics and mitochon-
drial respiration are in the focus of plant breeding research on abi-
otic and biotic stress tolerance and FM development. SE systems
might develop as important species-specifi c deep phenotyping
tool , in order to screen for superior genotypes that can cope with
severe stress conditions.
Recognizing the ubiquity of endophytes in organismic life
challenges not only our fundamental understanding of functional
biology but will also drive innovation in conventional and
FM-assisted plant breeding [
8 ]. Future research needs to consider
the signifi cance of plants as holobionts that should also be explored
to understand the origins of variable competence for SE. Studying
the meaning of endophytes in SE systems will be a fascinating area
of research for the coming generations of scientists. Mitochondria
are one of the most prominent examples of invasion of organisms
with mutually benefi cial effects and shared coordination of the
whole organism structure and function. Improving our under-
standing of mitochondrial dynamics (variable number per cell,
mobility and, plastic sizes and shapes) related to plant morphogen-
esis will certainly contribute to improve SE effi ciency.
Finally, linking bioenergetics and thus the importance of mito-
chondria for epigenome regulation may become highly instrumen-
tal for application in biotechnology and breeding. This is a research
area which can be excellently studied on SE as an experimental
This work was supported by FEDER Funds through the Operational
Program for competitiveness Factors—COMPETE, and National
Funds through FCT under the Strategic Project PEst-OE/AGR/
UI0115/2014 and the project FCOMP-01- 0124-FEDER-009638
(PTDC/EBB-BIO/099268/2008). The authors are thankful to
the Portuguese FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology
(FCT) for the support given under the program POPH—Programa
Operacional Potencial Humano (Ciência 2008: C2008-UE/
ICAM/06) and also to ICAAM for the support given to H.C.
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Gartenbauwissenschaft 64:26–32
Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt et al.
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_5, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 5
Dying with Style: Death Decision in Plant Embryogenesis
Shuanglong Huang , Mohamed M. Mira , and Claudio Stasolla
Embryogenesis is a fascinating event during the plant life cycle encompassing several steps whereby the
zygote develops into a fully developed embryo which, in angiosperms, is composed of an axis separating
the apical meristems, and two cotyledons. Recapitulation of embryogenesis can also occur in vitro through
somatic embryogenesis, where somatic cells are induced to form embryos, and androgenesis, in which
embryos originate from immature male gametophytes. Besides cell division and differentiation, embryo
patterning in vivo and in vitro requires the dismantling and selective elimination of cells and tissues via
programmed cell death (PCD). While the manifestation of the death program has long been acknowl-
edged in vivo, especially in relation to the elimination of the suspensor during the late phases of embryo
development, PCD during in vitro embryogenesis has only been described in more recent years.
Independent studies using the gymnosperm Norway spruce and the angiosperm maize have shown that
the death program is crucial for the proper formation and further development of immature somatic
embryos. This chapter summarizes the recent advances in the fi eld of PCD during embryogenesis and
proposes novel regulatory mechanisms activating the death program in plants.
Key words Androgenesis , Embryogenesis , Hemoglobins , Programmed cell death , Somatic
embryo genesis
1 Programmed Cell Death in Plant Growth and Development
The term programmed cell death ( PCD ) encompasses several dis-
tinct pathways unique to eukaryotes [
1 ] which lead to the selective
dismantling and elimination of cells, tissues, and/or organs. This
active process, which together with cell division and differentiation
contributes to the “shaping” of the organism, is controlled by
endogenous factors and relies on energy-dependent events [
2 ].
Manifestation of PCD in plants is developmentally and environ-
mentally regulated and observable throughout the life cycle. The
most dramatic examples of development-regulated PCD are appar-
ent during xylogenesis, the maturation and death of xylem cells
required for the formation of the vascular system, reproduction,
involving the elimination of specifi c embryogenic cells or the selec-
tive killing of female primordia, and senescence, where PCD
ensures the removal of old tissue and the turnover of macromole-
cules [
3 ]. Activation of PCD is also triggered by some abiotic and
biotic stresses. While during fl ooding conditions selective removal
of cortical cells maintains a continuous supply of oxygen to the
under-water organs through the formation of aerenchyma, during
plant-pathogen interaction programmed elimination of cells limits
pathogen growth and reduces the infection sites [
3 ].
In animal systems, the mechanisms regulating PCD have been
well investigated and, based on morphological, biochemical and
molecular characteristics, three types of PCD are distinguished:
apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis [
1 ]. In plants, despite the early
recognition of PCD, knowledge on the biochemical and molecular
events underlying PCD is scarce and classifi cation of the death
pathways is solely based on morphological criteria [
4 ]. According
to van Doorn [
5 ], PCD in plant cells can be categorized as necrosis
and vacuolar cell death. While the former is generally caused by the
rupture of the plasma membrane and the shrinkage of the cytoplas-
mic components, as often observed under abiotic stresses, the lat-
ter is characterized by the clearance of the cytoplasm triggered by
the rupture of the tonoplast and the release of vacuolar hydrolytic
enzymes. Vacuolar cell death is very common during development
where it is involved in organ formation. It must be kept in mind
that the categorization of cell death into these two pathways, i.e.,
necrosis and vacuolar cell death, is somehow simplistic as some
atypical examples of cell death do not follow in either category [
5 ].
2 Ultrastructural and Cytological Characteristics of Necrotic and Vacuolar Cell
Death in Plants
Considered for a long time an “unprogrammed” event, necrosis
has been recently included as an integral pathway of PCD [
5 ] char-
acterized by two early hallmarks: the increase in cellular volume
and the rupture of the cytoplasm leading to the release of the intra-
cellular content [
1 ]. Although poorly characterized in plants,
necrosis in animals is also accompanied by increases in cytosolic
2+ and changes in mitochondrial and lysosomal function leading
to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) [
6 ]. As sum-
marized by van Doorn [
5 ], necrosis is typical of the hypersensitive
response and cells challenged with necrotrophic pathogens.
Unlike necrosis, vacuolar cell death is better characterized and
manifested by the rupture of the tonoplast and the release of the
hydrolytic enzymes. Plant cells are equipped with two major types
of vacuoles: storage vacuoles which accumulate preferentially pro-
teins, and lytic vacuoles enriched with several hydrolytic enzymes
including aspartate and cysteine proteases and nucleases [
5 ].
Manifestation of vacuolar cell death can be non-disruptive, if the
tonoplast fuses with the plasma membrane and releases the
Shuanglong Huang et al.
hydrolytic enzymes in the apoplast, or disruptive, if the collapse of
the tonoplast discharges the hydrolytic enzymes within the cyto-
plasm [
7 ]. This second series of events has been shown to occur
during lysogenous aerenchyma formation through three tempo-
rally distinct steps. The fi rst step is characterized by the swelling of
the lytic vacuoles which occupy most of the symplast. During the
second step, the tonoplast invaginates and through processes anal-
ogous to autophagy of animal cells engulfs and degrades cytoplas-
mic regions [
8 ]. Microscopy studies revealed shrinkage of the
plasma membrane and the formation of granular bodies within the
lytic vacuoles and around the organelles engulfed by the tonoplasts
9 ]. The third and fi nal step is characterized by the lysis of the
tonoplast and the release of the hydrolytic enzymes which clear
cytoplasmic components starting with the endoplasmic reticulum
and terminating with the nucleus and mitochondria [
5 ]. Deviations
from this sequence, such as the early disruption of the cell wall
prior to the rupture of the vacuole [
10 ], are observed and confi rm
the simplistic classifi cation of the proposed death pathways.
The most characteristic cytological events of PCD are visible
in the nucleus and compromise the ability of the DNA to tran-
scribe and replicate; these include the degradation of DNA, the
condensation of chromatin, and nuclear fragmentation [
11 ].
Degradation of DNA is executed by nucleases and occurs in two
distinct phases: the initial cleavage of the DNA at the interloop
sites of the chromatin producing DNA fragments of about
50–300 kbp, followed by cleavage at the internucleosomal sites
which generate 200 bp DNA fragments [
12 ]. These events occur
in conjunction with the condensation of chromatin which
requires de-polymerization of F-actin [
13 ], and the fragmenta-
tion of the nucleus which is very typical of animal apoptosis [
14 ].
Although nuclear fragmentation is generally one of the last events
of PCD, it was reported as the fi rst sign of PCD during aerenchyma
formation in oxygen -deprived plants [
15 ].
3 Execution of PCD During Plant Embryogenesis
Embryogenesis is an important event during the plant’s life cycle.
The zygote, originating from a single fertilization event in gymno-
sperms and a double-fertilization event in angiosperms , undergoes
a precise pattern of cell divisions culminating in the formation of a
fully developed embryo. The subsequent imposition of a matura-
tion period, in which the seed experiences water stress , is required
for the termination of the developmental program and the initia-
tion of germination [
16 ]. Recapitulation of embryogenesis can
also be achieved in culture through judicious manipulations of
media and culture environment. Two methods routinely used to
generate in vitro embryos are somatic and gametophytic
Cell Death in Plant Embryogenesis
embryogenesis. While the former method is employed to generate
embryos from somatic cells, i.e., cells other than gametes, the latter
uses male or female gametophytes as explants. The utilization of
male gametophytes to produce embryos ( microspore embryogen-
esis , sometimes referred as androgenesis ) exploits the ability to re-
route the developmental fate of immature pollen , i.e., microspores,
from a gametophytic to an embryogenic pathway [
17 ]. Both
somatic and gametophytic embryogenic systems are used as model
systems to investigate biochemical and molecular events governing
embryo development .
Execution of PCD is an integral component of embryonic
development both in vivo and in vitro as it shapes the body of the
embryo through the elimination of specifi c cells and organs.
Experimental interference with the death program compromises
the formation of the embryos [
18 ].
Manifestation of PCD is apparent during different phases of in vivo
embryogenesis. It participates in the dismantling of the suspensor ,
the removal of supernumerary embryos produced by polyembry-
onic seeds, and degradation of nucellus , endosperm , and aleurone
layer. This chapter only deals with the fi rst two events as they are
intimately related to the formation of embryos. Detailed descrip-
tions of the last events are available [
19 ].
Formation of the suspensor is concomitant to that of the embryo
proper. In angiosperms , the fi rst asymmetric division of the zygote
originates an apical cell and a sub-apical cell. While the apical cell
gives rise to the embryo proper (which will progress though a
globular, heart, cotyledon, and torpedo stage of development),
transverse divisions of the subapical cells generate the suspensor
20 ]. Besides its passive function in anchoring the embryo to the
seed, the suspensor plays two key roles. It transfers nutrients to the
embryo proper and it participates in the establishment of the polar-
basal embryonic axis by modulating the fl ow of auxin [
21 ]. The
suspensor is short-lived and once its functions are no longer
needed, generally at the cotyledon stage of development, it is dis-
mantled through the execution of the death program [
22 ]. In all
cases examined, PCD is required for the elimination of the suspen-
sor regardless of its shape and morphology which differ remarkably
among species. While in orchids the suspensor consists of a single
cell, the Arabidopsis suspensor is composed of about seven cells
while runner bean suspensors have more than 200 cells [
23 ].
Variations in the number of suspensor cells are also observed within
the same family [
24 ]. Profound differences in suspensor morphol-
ogy are also apparent. In angiosperms, the suspensor is generally
composed by a fi le of single cells characterized by two regions: the
neck including suspensor cells adjacent to the embryo proper and
the knob comprising suspensor cells in close proximity to the seed
3.1 Role of PCD
During In Vivo Plant
3.1.1 Elimination
of the Suspensor
Shuanglong Huang et al.
integuments [ 25 ]. More complex morphological arrangements are
observed in gymnosperms , such as in Picea abies , where the sus-
pensor consists of defi ned tiers of cells with the upper tier “embry-
onal tube cells” produced by the asymmetric division of the embryo
proper [
22 ]. Independent evidence suggests that elimination of
the suspensor by PCD progresses basipetally, starting from the top
suspensor cells adjacent to the embryo proper and terminating to
the bottom portion of the suspensor. Using Phaseolus coccineus as
a model system, Lombardi et al. [
25 ] showed the basipetal spread-
ing of DNA fragmentation, a hallmark of PCD, from the neck
region (top) to the knob region (bottom) of the suspensor. This
“death” pattern was also observed in maize [
26 ] and in spruce
22 ]. Contrasting reports describing an acropetal movement of
PCD in suspensor cells exist, but they are solely based on ultra-
structural evidences and are not substantiated by PCD marker
analyses [
27 ]. As reviewed by Bozhkov et al. [ 22 ] two scenarios
have been proposed to account for the progressive development of
PCD. The fi rst involves the presence of a “cell-death” signal pro-
duced by the embryo proper which is released basipetally towards
the suspensor cells, while the second would require the depletion
of an “anti-death factor.” The generation and analyses of suspensor
mutants might resolve the nature of the PCD progression. An
intriguing question arising from the progressive spreading of PCD
is whether the suspensor cells are committed to die only after they
are fully differentiated. Arabidopsis suspensor cells are targeted by
PCD only after the suspensor is fully formed, thus suggesting that
death occurs in terminally differentiated cells. This notion is also
substantiated by analyses of tween mutant embryos. In these
mutants, suspensors cells can re-differentiate into embryogenic
cells and this ability is retained only up to the globular stage, after
which cells become fully differentiated and committed to die [
28 ].
In spruce, however, the death program is initiated in newly formed
suspensor cells which are not terminally differentiated. Suspensor
cells are added from asymmetric divisions of the embryo proper
and they start dying soon after they are formed [
22 ].
Elimination of the suspensor cells is a slow process and cells
are not subjected to rapid disruption. This is possibly required for
the proper differentiation of the embryo, given the function of
the suspensor in transporting nutrients [
22 ]. Time-course analy-
ses of zygotic and somatic embryo genesis in gymnosperms [
29 ,
30 ] suggest that the death and removal of a suspensor cell occurs
in a period of at least 5 days [
22 ]. While the information above
argues strongly for the involvement of PCD in the elimination of
the suspensor, it provides a rather simplistic picture on the timing
and progression of PCD, as variations in both are apparent.
Different patterns of PCD timing and progression in suspensor
cells exist and, in the case of the Leguminosae family, have been
categorized [
31 ].
Cell Death in Plant Embryogenesis
Generation of multiple embryos from one zygote is referred to as
monozygotic polyembryony, a common event in animal reproduc-
tion [
32 ]. This process, the genetic bases of which are unknown,
requires the physical splitting of cells after a few rounds of mitotic
divisions leading to the formation of two or more genetically iden-
tical embryos. Although several plant species develop supernumer-
ary embryos, monozygotic polyembryony is particularly common
in gymnosperms where several embryos are produced in one seed,
but only a “dominant” one continues to complete the develop-
mental process. The remaining “subordinate” embryos are elimi-
nated [
33 ]. Based on the growth rate of the supernumerary
embryos, Filonova et al. [
34 ] divided the development of pine
seeds into three distinct phases. The fi rst phase is characterized by
the formation of multiple embryos from the same zygote. The
embryos share the same growth rate with no dominance.
Acquisition of “dominant” characteristics of one embryo, which
overgrows the subordinate embryos, demarks the second phase. In
the third phases, the subordinate embryos are eliminated by PCD ,
while the dominant embryo completes the maturation process.
Manifestation of PCD in the subordinate embryos follows a spe-
cifi c pattern and is part of two distinct death programs [
22 ]. By
using terminal deoxynucleotydil transferase (TdT)-mediated
dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) to detect DNA degradation in
the subordinate embryos, Filonova et al. [
34 ] showed that PCD is
initiated in the basal part of the embryo proper and progresses
acropetally reaching the apical cells in approximately 4 weeks. As
reviewed by Bozhkov et al. [
22 ], this pattern can be established by
the presence of a “death-inducing signal” moving acropetally, or
by a survival signal which accumulates preferentially in the apical
region of the embryo. The nature and origin of the signal are
unknown, but the signal might be produced by the megagameto-
phyte where PCD precedes the autodestruction of the embryonic
cells [
34 ]. This idea is also resonated by Young and Gallie [ 35 ]
who proposed that death in the megagametophyte precludes the
transport of nutrient (and a putative survival signal) to the super-
numerary embryos. Orchestration of the death program in mega-
gametophytic and embryonic cells is in fact required for normal
seed development [
22 ]. As in any other developmental process
governed by PCD, the response to the death program can be quite
exible and environmentally infl uenced, as demonstrated by the
presence of more than one dominant embryo able to develop to
maturity [
36 ].
As outlined above, recapitulation of the embryogenic process can also
occur in vitro through somatic and microspore -derived embryogen-
esis. In both processes removal of cells through PCD is an integral
component of embryo development , and recent studies have emerged
on the molecular components governing the death program.
3.1.2 Monozygotic
Polyembryony: Survival
of a Single Dominant
3.2 Role of PCD
During In Vitro Plant
Shuanglong Huang et al.
While descriptions of hormone- and density-induced death pro-
grams have been shown in several somatic embryo genic systems
37 39 ], it was von Arnold’s group to fi rst prove the requirement
of PCD for proper spruce embryo development in vitro [
30 , 34 ].
The spruce system is suitable for these studies as its developmental
pathway has been well characterized [
30 ]. In this system the pro-
embryogenic masses ( PEMs ), generated from cultured zygotic
embryo s, are maintained with the plant growth regulator s auxin
and cytokinin (PGRs), and consist of three defi ned cellular aggre-
gates ( PEM I-III). Proembryogenic masses I (PEM I) are com-
posed of clusters of highly cytoplasmic cells subtended by a single
suspensor -like cell . Addition of other suspensor cells to PEM I
forms PEM II. As more cells are added to the PEM II the cluster
grows in size and differentiates into PEM III. In the presence of
PGRs, the three PEMs co-exist without forming embryos. Removal
of PGRs from the culture medium stimulates the trans-
differentiation of PEM III into somatic embryos through processes
involving PCD [
30 ]. The massive execution of the death program
in the PEM III re-shapes the cell cluster and allows the formation
of somatic embryos. Independent evidence suggests that PCD is
obligatory for proper and successful embryogenesis. Besides the
positive correlation observed between the extent of PCD in the
PEM III and the number of somatic embryos produced [
30 ], inhi-
bition of PCD through manipulations of the culture medium com-
promises the differentiation of PEM III into somatic embryos
18 ]. Consistent with the requirement of the death program, lines
composed by PCD-defi cient PEMs are not able to form embryos
40 ], possibly because of their inability to reprogram their tran-
scriptional machinery [
41 ]. These results are analogous to
Drosophila studies showing that blockage of PCD by mutagenesis
results in prenatal death [
42 ].
Ablation of the PEMs III by the death program is followed by
a second wave of PCD which removes the suspensor of the somatic
embryo s during the late phases of development. This second wave
follows a basipetal gradient, starting from the suspensor cells adja-
cent to the embryo proper and proceeding towards the basal region
of the suspensor [
43 ].
Microspore -derived embryogenesis relies on the ability of imma-
ture microspores to redirect their normal gametophytic develop-
mental pathway toward a sporophytic route. This cell
reprogramming can be triggered in culture by imposition of diverse
stress treatments including heat shock, starvation, cold conditions,
and ethanol and gamma irradiation [
44 ]. According to Touraev
et al. [
17 ] the embryogenic process involves two steps: the forma-
tion of multicellular structures (MCS) within the exine wall of the
isolated microspores, and the differentiation of MCSs into embryo-
like structures (ELS). Formation of MCSs can occur through
3.2.1 PCD During
Somatic Embryogenesis
3.2.2 PCD During
Microspore- Derived
Cell Death in Plant Embryogenesis
different pathways. In the fi rst pathway, the microspore nucleus
divides asymmetrically forming a generative and a vegetative cell.
Divisions of the vegetative cells give rise to MCSs [
45 ]. In the sec-
ond pathway, common to rapeseed, potato and tobacco , MCSs are
formed directly from symmetric divisions of the microspore
nucleus. The fi rst pathway is characterized by the simultaneous
divisions of the vegetative and generative cells, both contributing
to the formation of MCSs [
46 ].
Manifestation of PCD is an integral component of microspore-
derived embryogenesis, especially during the early phases, as most
of the anther tissue harboring the microspores undergoes massive
death. Degeneration of cells by PCD is fi rst apparent in the tape-
tum of the anthers at the pre-meiosis stage [
47 ]. As reviewed by
Varnier et al. [
48 ], this fi rst death wave, which contributes to the
total elimination of the tapetal cell layer, has a temporary effect on
the microspores soon after meiosis, as some death “information”
might migrate from the dying tapetum to the microspores. Signs
of microspore degradation are often observed [
49 ] and this might
compromise their redirection towards the embryogenic pathway.
Therefore, the ability to control and manipulate the course of the
PCD process in the microspores is crucial for ensuring a high
recovery of embryos. Does the stress pretreatment, which redirects
the developmental fate of the microspores towards the embryo-
genic pathway, interfere with the death program? Wang et al. [
50 ]
showed that while inducing death in the tapetal cells, the stress
pretreatment does not accelerate death in the microspores.
Furthermore, at a metabolic level components of the PCD machin-
ery, including the bax inhibitor Bi1, are induced during the stress
pretreatments [
51 ]. Based on the above results, Varnier et al. [ 47 ]
suggested that the arrest of the death pathway in the microspores
is a necessary prerequisite for redirecting their fate towards embryo-
genesis. Once the redirection step has occurred the microspores
undergo a symmetric division and no evidence of PCD is apparent,
as revealed by transcriptome and proteomic studies [
52 , 53 ].
Contrasting observations were reported in barley , where micro-
spores subjected to stress pre-treatment exhibited increasing levels
of cell death [
54 ]. Discrepancies in results are possibly due to dif-
ferent systems and stress conditions utilized.
The second wave of PCD during microspore -derived embryo-
genesis occurs during the differentiation of MCSs into ELSs. The
development of mannitol -stressed barley microspores into haploid
embryos is characterized by formation of MCSs composed by two
distinct cell domains derived from proliferation of the vegetative
cell and generative cell, respectively. These two domains have dif-
ferent fates; the generative domain is eliminated by PCD, while the
vegetative domain develops into ELS [
55 ]. According to the
authors, the elimination of the generative domain marks the site of
exine rupture from where the globular embryos will emerge.
Shuanglong Huang et al.
Collectively, these studies suggest that PCD plays an integral
and important role during (1) the redirection of the microspores
from a gametophytic to an embryogenic pathway, and (2) the early
morphogenetic events associated to embryo development . The
capacity to experimentally manipulate the death program during
both processes would provide valuable insights into the require-
ment of PCD for microspore -derived embryogenesis.
4 Regulation of PCD During Embryogenesis
Regulation of the death program in plants is complex and relies on
the participation of many components, some of which participate
in unrelated responses. A premise to any investigation on plant
PCD should be that the death program in plants is mediated by
factors fulfi lling similar functions to regulators of animal PCD. The
following section outlines the role of some proteins and signal
molecules in modulating the cell survival/death decision during
Animal apoptosis is mainly orchestrated by the Bcl-2 related pro-
teins, which include pro-survival and pro-apoptotic members.
While pro-apoptotic members, such as those of the Bax subfamily,
trigger death events through the release of cytochrome C from the
mitochondria , pro-survival components, such as Bax-inhibitor 1
( BI-1 ) abrogate these events [
56 ]. Initially characterized in humans
for its ability to repress the yeast death pathway activated by the
over-expression of the mouse Bax gene [
57 ], BI-1 has been iso-
lated in many species of yeasts, plants and animals where it is
expressed under stress conditions and in senescent tissues [
58 , 59 ].
The pro-survival nature of this protein was also defi ned in plants
through transformation studies. Cell death induced by pathogens,
fungal elicitors, temperature stress and hydrogen peroxide was
repressed in Arabidopsis plants ectopically expressing BI - 1 [
60 ]. In
the same line, a down-regulation of BI-1 accelerated death in car-
bon starved tobacco cells [
61 ]. Although the role of BI-1 has not
been investigated during embryogenesis, Maraschin et al. [
51 ]
showed a transcriptional activation of the barley BI-1 following
stress treatments which induce embryogenesis possibly through
the suppression the PCD pathway. Localization studies together
with analyses of structural and functional domains suggest BI-1
proteins reside in the ER membranes where they have a protective
role against the ER-stress induced PCD, a condition where basic
ER functions are compromised [
62 ]. This cytoprotective role of
BI-1 is mediated by its ability to modulate Ca
2+ homeostasis and
response in the ER by interacting with several calcium-binding
proteins [
63 ].
4.1 Bax-Inhibitor-1
Cell Death in Plant Embryogenesis
As indicated above, the pro-survival role of BI-1 proteins is to
counteract the pro-death effect of other factors, including kiss of
death, a small amino acid peptide which triggers PCD [
64 ]. Using
two mutant kod alleles and KOD over-expressing lines, the authors
demonstrated the involvement of KOD in the elimination of the
Arabidopsis suspensor during embryogenesis and its participation
in early PCD events including the depolarization of mitochondrial
membrane [
64 ]. The ability to trigger the suicide program by the
sole expression of KOD makes this gene a suitable tool to target
and dismantle cells by PCD.
Apoptosis in animal cells is triggered by the activation of caspases,
proteolytic enzymes able to cleave proteins at specifi c amino acid
residues. Expressed as inactive pro-enzymes, i.e., pro-caspases, cas-
pases are activated at the onset of the death program where they
initiate an irreversible proteolytic cascade of events involving the
induction of other caspases and culminating to rapid cell death
65 ]. Based on their position and function along this cascade, cas-
pases are broadly divided into initiators (caspase 2, 8, 9, and 10),
executioners (caspase 3, 6, and 7) and infl ammatory (caspase 1, 4,
and 5) [
66 , 67 ].
While direct homologues of caspases are not found in plants,
proteins with similar functions have been identifi ed as metacas-
pases , characterized by caspase-like secondary structures and cata-
lytic domains [
68 ]. Involvement of metacaspases in PCD has been
demonstrated in yeast, where the survival/death fate is dependent
upon metacaspase expression [
69 ], and more recently in plant
embryos [
70 ]. In this latter study, it was showed that a spruce
metacaspase (mcII-Pa) is expressed during spruce somatic embryo-
genesis in tissues committed to PCD, i.e. suspensor of immature
embryos and procambium of late embryos, and that RNAi-
mediated suppression of mcII - Pa prevents the differentiation of
somatic embryos from PEMs III by repressing the death program.
Besides establishing metacaspases, and mcII-Pa specifi cally, as exe-
cutioners of PCD in plant embryogenesis, this work emphasized
the relevance of the death program for the formation of embryos
in culture. The cellular function exercised by mcII-Pa requires its
cysteine-dependent arginine-specifi c proteolytic activity and its
ability to migrate from the cytoplasm into the nucleus to induce
the fragmentation of DNA and the disassembly of the nuclear
envelope in cells committed to die [
71 ].
Nitric oxide ( NO ) is a signal molecule fundamental for a broad
range of plant developmental and environmental responses, includ-
ing hormone signaling, cell cycle mechanisms, and biotic and abi-
otic stress response s [
72 ]. Over the past years its role as modulator
of PCD has emerged and NO participation during the embryo-
genic process has received increasing attention. In animals, the
4.2 Metacaspases
4.3 Nitric Oxide
Shuanglong Huang et al.
pro-apoptotic role of NO occurs through several mechanisms.
Besides inducing two caspase activators: p53 and CD95 [
73 ], NO
infl uences the death program by modulating protein nitrosation/
nitrosylation and the level of cellular cGMP [
74 ]. During plant
pathogen interaction, protein nitrosylation via reaction with NO
regulates the activity of many stress-related enzymes, including
metacaspase 9 [
75 ]. Nitric oxide also infl uences the pool of cGMP
by binding to the ferrous heme group of the guanylate cyclase-
coupled receptor converting GTP to cGMP, an effector of apopto-
sis [
76 ]. In plants, administration of NO increases PCD through
an elevation of cGMP which opens Ca
2+ channels through inter-
mediates including cyclicADP-ribose [
77 ]. A spike in cellular Ca
increases mitochondria permeability and triggers the death pro-
gram [
78 ]. Of note, applications of 8-Br-cGMP, a cGMP analog,
suppress caspase activity and PCD [
79 ]. While these regulatory
mechanisms have not been demonstrated during embryogenesis,
the NO-mediated activation of caspase activity and PCD has been
recently shown to occur during the early phases of microspore -
derived embryogenesis [
54 ].
As suggested above, NO homeostasis is crucial for cell death/
survival decision and plant hemoglobins ( Hbs ) are active NO scav-
engers [
74 ]. Plant HBs have been classifi ed into three classes
depending on their structural and chemical characteristics, but all
of them react with NO producing nitrate and oxidizing ferrous
hemoglobin to methemoglobin [
72 ]. Studies in animal systems
have shown the ability of Hbs to infl uence the death program by
modulating NO, a function that we have shown to be retained
during plant embryogenesis [
80 , 81 ]. Suppression of two Hbs
( ZmHb1 and ZmHb2 ) in maize embryogenic tissue induces PCD
by increasing NO levels in cells in which Hbs are repressed. This
increase of NO produces opposite outcomes on embryo yield
depending on the expression patterns of the two Hbs . While sup-
pression of ZmHb1 , which is expressed in both suspensor cells and
embryo proper, triggers massive death resulting in embryo abor-
tion, suppression of ZmHb2 , which is expressed solely in a few cells
anchoring the embryos to the embryogenic tissue, eliminates these
“anchor” cells releasing the embryos in the culture medium,
encouraging their growth, and increasing total embryo production
81 ]. The induction of PCD in Hb -suppressing cells fi ts a model in
which repression of Hbs causes localized NO maxima which
increase intracellular Zn
2+ levels, by favoring its release from
metallothioneins through the destruction of the zinc-sulphur clus-
ters [
81 , 82 ]. Changes in cellular Zn
2+ homeostasis infl uence the
death/survival decision in a system-dependent fashion. While in
some embryogenic systems the PCD program is induced by deple-
tion of Zn
2+ level [ 83 ], in others, including maize, an elevation in
2+ level triggers cell suicide through the MAPK cascade which
activates NADPH oxidase and induces production of reactive
Cell Death in Plant Embryogenesis
oxygen species [ 81 ]. Based on these observations, the authors
identifi ed Hbs as potential regulators of in vitro embryogenesis by
elevating NO levels and promoting the suicide program.
5 Conclusions
Removal of unwanted plant cells by PCD is an important factor for
embryonic and post-embryonic development. During in vivo
embryogenesis activation of the death program is required for the
elimination of the suspensor , once the function of this organ is not
needed, and for the selective elimination of supernumerary
embryos in polyembryonic seeds. Recent advances on the role of
PCD during in vitro embryogenesis have evidenced the death pro-
gram as an obligatory event for the early phases of embryo forma-
tion. While the ability to alter the embryonic death program with
molecular and pharmacological approaches has been pivotal in the
identifi cation of some executors of the death pathway, more infor-
mation is required to identify the early inductive signals triggering
death. Specifi c attention should be addressed on the initial steps of
the death commitment, the reversibility of the commitment pro-
cess, and most importantly the identifi cation of cues (positional?)
responsible for selective death occurring within the cultured tissue.
Answers to these questions will open new avenues for targeted
applications and manipulations of PCD to enhance embryo quality
and yield.
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Cell Death in Plant Embryogenesis
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_6, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 6
Somatic Embryogenesis in Broad-Leaf Woody
Plants: What We Can Learn from Proteomics
Sandra I. Correia , Ana C. Alves , Paula Veríssimo ,
and Jorge M. Canhoto
Proteomic approaches have been used to understand several regulatory aspects of plant development.
Somatic embryogenesis is one of those developmental pathways that have benefi ciated from the integra-
tion of proteomics data to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms that control embryogenic
competence acquisition, somatic embryo development and conversion into viable plants. Nevertheless,
most of the results obtained are based on the traditional model systems, very often not easily compared
with the somatic embryogenesis systems of economical relevant woody species. The aim of this work is to
summarize some of the applications of proteomics in the understanding of particular aspects of the somatic
embryogenesis process in broad-leaf woody plants (model and non-model systems).
Key words Angiosperms , 2D electrophoresis , Embryogenic competence , Embryo maturation , Heat-
shock protein s , Mass spectrometry analysis , Metabolism-related protein s , Stress-related protein s ,
Zygotic embryo
1 Introduction
Proteomics studies the total proteins expressed in any given sys-
tem, whether by abundance, activity, structure, state of posttrans-
lational or other modifi cation, or how these proteins interact with
each other in networks or complexes [
1 ]. In recent years proteome
studies have been employed to generate reference maps of the
most abundant soluble proteins of plant organs, at defi ned devel-
opmental stages, for several purposes such as genetic studies com-
paring the proteomes of different plant genotypes, physiological
studies analyzing the infl uences of exogenous signals on a particu-
lar plant organ, and developmental studies investigating proteome
changes during development [
2 , 3 ]. Technical advances provide
now a proteomic dissection of individual cell types, thus greatly
increasing the information revealed by proteome analyses [
2 ].
Proteomics has been successfully applied to the systematic anal-
ysis of protein expression during somatic embryo formation and
development in various plant species [
3 ]. Following the pioneering
studies in carrot [
4 , 5 ], somatic embryogenesis (SE) has been con-
sidered not only as an effi cient system for in vitro clonal propaga-
tion, but also as an outstanding model system quite appropriate to
better understand totipotency in higher plants, as well as embryo
development , considering the diffi culties that have been encoun-
tered to analyze the early stages of zygotic embryo genesis during
development of the embryo inside the ovular tissues [
6 ].
Nevertheless, most knowledge on the general principles underlin-
ing the SE regulatory pathways has been focused on traditional
model organisms. With the recent increase in the number of
genome-sequencing projects, the defi nition of model organism has
broadened [
7 ]. For example, the whole sequence genome of
Populus trichocarpa was published in 2006 [
8 ]. In addition, several
other tree species have been sequenced, including conifers [
9 11 ],
Eucalyptus [
12 ], and Fagaceae [ 13 ]. Moreover, the genomic data
for fruit trees such as citrus or apple also became available [
14 , 15 ].
Considering that there are approximately 300,000 botanically
described species of plants and that model plants represent only a
handful of species and families, even the arrival of these new model
plants cannot refl ect the biodiversity of the plant kingdom and all
the economic or agricultural interests [
16 ]. Some features and pro-
cesses are unique and cannot be approached via a model plant.
Woody plants for example, are perennials with a quite long life cycle
and special features to be analyzed, including in what concerns their
SE systems. Proteomic approaches have a great potential to study
non-model species, because protein sequences have the advantage
of being more conserved, making the high- throughput identifi ca-
tion of non-model gene products quite effective by comparison to
orthologous proteins [
17 ]. However, it is important to recognize
that there is a possible discrepancy between the messenger (tran-
script) and its fi nal effector (mature protein). As most biological
functions in a cell are executed by proteins rather than by mRNA,
transcript expression profi ling does not always provide pertinent
information for the description of a biological system. Several post-
transcriptional and posttranslational control mechanisms such as
the translation rate, the half-lives of mRNAs and proteins, protein
modifi cations and intercellular protein traffi cking, have an impor-
tant infl uence on the phenotype [
18 ].
The main goal of this work is not to give a full review of all the
proteomic studies carried out on broad-leaf woody plant species,
but to summarize some of the applications of proteomics to under-
stand different aspects of the SE process in these plants (model and
non-model systems). First, a general perspective of the most com-
mon methodologies followed in the proteomics workfl ow is given,
followed by a short review of what we could learn in the last years
Sandra I. Correia et al.
from the proteomic approaches to embryogenic competence
induction and somatic embryo maturation and germination in
woody plants.
2 Proteomics Workfl ow
The most common proteomic workfl ow (Fig. 1 ) consists of pro-
tein extraction, protein (peptide) separation and quantifi cation,
protein identifi cation, and data integration [
19 , 20 ]. Several
approaches have been developed to address proteomic investiga-
tions, either trough top-down or bottom-up strategies, applying
“gel-based” or “gel-free” procedures. These procedures differ in
the way proteins are isolated (extracted), separated, and detected,
and consequently, each of them covers a typical subset of proteins
19 ]. The “gel-based” approaches based on two-dimensional poly-
acrylamide gel electrophoresis (2DE-PAGE) are the most com-
mon referred proteome analysis of the plant SE process. The
classical 2DE protocol separates denatured proteins according to
two independent properties: isoelectric point (p I ), by isoelectric
focusing (IEF), and molecular weight (MW). One of the most
challenging steps of the process is usually protein extraction from
plant samples, due to the relatively low protein content and high
level of contaminants [
21 ]. The cell wall and the vacuole are associ-
ated with numerous substances responsible for irreproducible
results such as proteolytic breakdown, streaking and charge het-
erogeneity. Most common interfering substances are phenolic
compounds, proteolytic and oxidative enzymes, terpenes, pig-
ments, organic acids, ionic species and carbohydrates . The majority
of the plant protocols introduce a precipitation step to concentrate
the proteins and to separate them from the interfering compounds.
The most commonly used method for extraction of plant proteins
is the trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone precipitation method
22 ]. Apart from the optimization of the extraction protocol, also
protein solubilization is a critical factor. Proteins are solubilized in
the presence of high concentrations of chaotropes, a reductant and
a neutral detergent. The use of a detergent in conjunction with
chaotropes is of paramount importance and is decisive for the sub-
set of proteins that can be analyzed [
20 , 21 ]. Proteins of several
samples can be labeled prior to an electrophoretic separation with
spectrally distinct fl uorescent dyes, and mixed together to run on
the same 2D gel. This 2D difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE)
approach allows to simultaneously comparing the proteomic pro-
les of different samples that migrate under identical conditions
20 ]. After separation through 2DE, data are generated through
image analysis software that detects and quantifi es the protein
abundances and matches the proteins ac ross the different gels.
Though the matching quality is dependent on the software
Proteomic Analysis of Somatic Embryogenesis in Broad-Leaf Woody Plants
Fig. 1 Workfl ow for the proteomic analysis of somatic embryo genesis in woody plants
Sandra I. Correia et al.
algorithm, it is above all determined by the quality and reproduc-
ibility of the gels. The standard approach for the identifi cation of
2DE-separated proteins involves an enzymatic digestion of the
protein in the spot of interest and extraction of the peptides fol-
lowed by mass spectral (MS) analysis. The traditional way of analy-
sis involves peptide mass fi ngerprint (PMF) analysis, typically
performed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of
ight (MALDI-TOF) MS, since it provides a simple profi le by pro-
ducing a single peak per peptide [
19 ]. However, PMF data have
very little resolution power to identify proteins from species with a
fragmentary genome and protein repository (non-model organ-
ism). Hence, the chance of fi nding signifi cant and conserved pep-
tides decreases and PMF fails or results in false positive hits [
23 ].
For that reason, tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has been
often used to generate sequence specifi c information and the infor-
mation content of such spectra is thus much higher than for
PMF. Unfortunately, separation of peptides prior to MS/MS is
expensive and time consuming, and MALDI-TOF is often pre-
ferred because of easiness of using, speed and ability to include
MALDI-TOF spotting in automated digestion protocols on liquid
handling systems [
19 ].
An emerging method gaining popularity combines one-
dimension (1D) gel separations with reversed-phase (RP) liquid
chromatography. Here proteins are fi rst separated by size on stan-
dard polyacrylamide gels or by isoelectric point on IPG strips, nor-
mally used for the fi rst dimensional separation in 2D-PAGE. After
separation, the lane of the gel or the strip containing the proteins
is extracted, divided into slices and treated similarly to spots excised
from 2D gels. The peptides are then separated on an integrated
and reusable RP column coupled to a standard HPLC pump. The
RP eluent is then analyzed by MS/MS [
24 ]. Although the plat-
form based on 2-DE is still the most commonly used [
25 ], the use
of “gel-free” approaches offers several advantages, since 2-DE is
diffi cult to automate. Most of the protocols use a bottom-up strat-
egy where proteins are fi rst digested with a proteolytic enzyme and
the obtained complex peptide mixture is then separated via
reversed-phase (RP) chromatography coupled to a tandem mass
spectrometer [
24 ]. The whole dataset of acquired tandem mass
spectra is subsequently used to search protein databases and to link
the individual peptides to the original proteins. However, this con-
cept is only successful when identifying proteins in relatively simple
mixtures. In general, such peptide centered bottom-up approaches
have the disadvantage that both qualitative and quantitative infor-
mation on protein isoforms and differential posttranslational mod-
ifi cations are lost [
20 ].
To summarize, an optimized workfl ow for a non-model organ-
ism comprises (1) the investment in a powerful protein extraction
method capable to minimize the effects of interfering compounds,
Proteomic Analysis of Somatic Embryogenesis in Broad-Leaf Woody Plants
(2) the combination of different complementary protein fraction-
ation, separation and quantifi cation techniques to maximize the
resolution and to cover the proteome as good as possible, and (3)
the usage of different complementary MS techniques and error
tolerant database searches [
19 ].
3 Proteomics Approaches to Somatic Embryogenesis Analysis in Broad-Leaf
Woody Plants
Proteomic studies have shown to be powerful tools for monitoring
the physiological status of plant organs under specifi c developmen-
tal conditions [
3 ]. SE is one form of non- zygotic embryo genesis
by which somatic cells, under suitable induction conditions,
undergo a complete genome shift and embark into a new develop-
mental pathway ending in the formation of asexual embryos mor-
phologically identical to their zygotic counterparts [
6 , 26 , 27 ].
During this unique developmental process, cells have to dediffer-
entiate, activate cell division, and reprogram their physiology,
metabolism and gene expression patterns [
28 ]. Thus, SE can be
considered the clearest demonstration of totipotency , showing that
somatic cells contain the essential genetic blueprint to complete
plant development, and that embryogenesis is not exclusive of the
zygote formation and can proceed in absence of fertilization [
26 ].
Since the fi rst observations of somatic embryo formation in car-
rot cell suspension cultures [
4 , 5 ], the potential for SE has been
shown to be characteristic of a wide range of tissue culture systems
from both gymnosperms and angiosperms plants [
28 30 ].
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in proteomic
approaches to better understand SE. Since proteins directly infl u-
ence cellular biochemistry and provide a more accurate analysis of
cellular changes during growth and development [
31 ], the identi-
cation of proteins associated with somatic embryo development
may provide insights onto SE. Thus, several proteomic approaches
were applied to study somatic embryogenesis of several broad-leaf
woody plant species such as cork oak ( Quercus suber ) [
32 ], Valencia
sweet orange ( Citrus sinensis ) [
33 ], grape wine ( Vitis vinifera )
34 ], cacao tree ( Theobroma cacao ) [ 35 ], feijoa ( Acca sellowiana )
36 ], and tamarillo ( Cyphomandra betacea ) [ 37 ]. These reports
included studies on protein expression changes during SE and
comparative studies between embryogenic and non-embryogenic
cells as well as between zygotic and somatic embryogenesis.
SE induction involves differentiated somatic cells acquiring
embryogenic competence and proliferating as embryogenic cells
28 ]. This switching of somatic cells into embryogenic cells
involves a series of events associated with the molecular recogni-
tion of internal signals and external stimuli [
38 , 39 ]. In recent
3.1 Embryogenic
Sandra I. Correia et al.
years, an increasing number of works have indicated that the stress-
response of cultured tissues plays a major role in somatic embryo
induction [
39 , 40 ], and that plants respond to abiotic stresses by
altering the expression of many of their genes. This altered expres-
sion is a major mechanism of adaptation and survival during the
stress periods [
41 ]. Actually, proteomics helps the investigation of
changes in proteome profi les emphasizing the participation of
stress-related protein s in all developmental processes [
3 ].
One important line of investigation to analyze embryogenic
competence acquisition by woody plants is by the comparison of
responsive and nonresponsive explants during the SE induction
process [
37 , 42 44 ]. In the late 1990s, following the pioneering
works of De Vries and collaborators in carrot [
45 ], the detection
of embryogenesis-related proteins from total protein extracts was
reported for several woody species, such as Betula pendula [
41 ],
Camelia japonica [
46 ], and Cupressus sempervirens [ 47 ]. In Betula
pendula , the changes in protein patterns and the expression of
“embryo-specifi c” proteins during embryogenesis were observed
when comparing two cell lines, one potentially embryogenic,
under the right inductive conditions, and one which never has
shown any embryogenic capacity. In the following years, the
improvements in high-resolution 2-DE and mass spectrometry
contributed to the large-scale profi ling and identifi cation of the
proteins associated to embryogenic competence acquisition. SE
systems in which embryogenic (EC) and non-embryogenic (NEC)
cell lines can be induced from the same cultured explant, like the
ones of wine grape ( Vitis vinifera ) [
34 , 43 ] and tamarillo
( Cyphomandra betacea ) [
37 ], have been explored to obtain more
information on important regulatory proteins. Proteins, exclu-
sively or predominantly expressed in EC, included iron-defi ciency-
responsive proteins, acidic ascorbate peroxidases and isofl avone
reductase-like proteins [
43 ] and metabolism-related protein s , such
as enolases and threonine synthases, and also heat-shock protein s
(HSP) and ribosomal proteins [
37 ]. Ascorbate peroxidases, cata-
lases, calcineurin B-like proteins, 1,3- b -glucanases, cyclin-
dependent kinases A1 [
43 ] and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins
were found mainly in NEC [
37 , 43 ]. The examination of differen-
tially expressed proteins between ECs and NECs suggests that the
embryogenic status of EC cells could be related to a better ability
to regulate the effects of stress conditions, namely through the
controlling of oxidative stress by regulation of the reactive oxygen
species ( ROS ) scavenging system [
34 ], and by the action of HSP
34 , 37 ]. A hypothesis is that the expression of totipotency in cul-
tured somatic cells is part of a general stress adaptative process that
implies a fi ne regulation of auxin and stress signaling resulting in
the restart of cell division and embryogenic competence acquisi-
tion. The observation that embryogenic tissues of different origins
and obtained with the use of different auxins display similar pro-
tein profi les suggests a general behavior of cellular metabolism that
Proteomic Analysis of Somatic Embryogenesis in Broad-Leaf Woody Plants
can give important insights about the mechanisms triggering and
controlling somatic embryo formation [
37 ]. Also for cork oak
32 ], the role of ROS in the proliferative stages during SE and the
upregulation of proteins involved in cell division were reported.
The comparison between somatic embryo cells type (SE-type) and
pro-embryogenic masses type ( PEM -type) of avocado ( Persea
americana ) have confi rmed the observations previously made in
other systems [
44 ]. In this work, the identifi cation of high levels of
HSP, glutathione S -transferases (GST), and superoxide dismutases
(SOD) proteins in SE-type cells suggested that the generation of a
signifi cant amount of stress and ROS are prerequisites to induce
somatic embryogenesis, and SE lines seems to be more effi cient to
cope with the necessary ROS and stress and, hence, have a higher
regeneration capacity.
In order to develop into somatic embryo s, somatic cells must
regain their cell division activity. Hence, the division associated
proteins, such as proliferating cell nuclear antigen in grape wine
34 ] and putative citrus DRT102 in Valencia sweet orange [ 33 ]
are activated during embryogenesis. Besides, cytoskeletal proteins,
such as tubulins associated to cell division, are also differentially
regulated [
33 ]. During the last decades, proteomic studies also
described several extracellular proteins as markers for SE, which
could offer the possibility of determining embryogenic potential of
plant cells in culture [
38 49 ]. Arabinogalactan protein s , nonspe-
cifi c lipid transfer proteins and germin/germin-like proteins are
important groups of extracellular proteins that help triggering
embryogenic potential in plant cells [
50 ]. More recently, results
obtained with EC and NEC suspension cultures of coffee species
( Coffea sp.) [
51 ] showed that a particular set of proteins is exclu-
sively secreted under embryogenic conditions.
In several plant regeneration processes through SE, one of the
major problems is an effective transition from the proembryogenic
masses, forming the embryogenic tissue, toward embryo develop-
ment , which is often impaired by the formation of abnormal
embryos and precocious germination of many others. This situa-
tion may be caused by an inadequate maturation of the embryos,
an important phase of somatic and zygotic embryo development,
following the classic morphogenic phases from globular to
cotyledonary embryos [
52 ]. During maturation, embryo cells
undergo various physiological changes, which become evident by
the deposition of storage materials, repression of germination and
acquisition of desiccation tolerance [
53 , 54 ]. In cork oak, the acti-
vation of diverse ROS detoxifi cation enzymes and the accumula-
tion of reserve products ( carbohydrates and proteins mostly) have
been reported during the transition phase between proliferation
and cotyledonar stages, suggesting the requirement that cell divi-
sion should be replaced with cell expansion for proper embryo dif-
ferentiation [
32 ]. Energy requirements reach a maximum at the
3.2 Somatic Embryo
and Conversion
Sandra I. Correia et al.
cotyledonary stage, suggesting the relevance of primary metabolite
production, such as amino acids and fatty acids, whereas fermenta-
tion could constitute an alternative source of energy at the early
steps of somatic embryo development [
32 ]. Also, for Valencia
sweet orange [
33 ] several proteins involved in antioxidative stress
response (GST), cell division (tubulins), photosynthesis (ferritins),
and cyanide detoxifi cation (rhodanese) exhibited different expres-
sion patterns and were likely to be associated with SE. Another
species often referred in studies aimed to detect and identify pro-
teins expressed during the different developmental stages of
somatic embryos is the myrtaceous feijoa ( Acca sellowiana ) [
36 ,
55 ]. The results obtained with this SE system indicate a high simi-
larity in the profi les of the assayed somatic embryos, suggesting
that only a few specifi c genes are involved in the different develop-
mental stages, and that gene expression occurs prior to morpho-
logical changes. The hypothetical protein similar to
l -isoaspartyl- O -methyltransferase in torpedo stage, and an osmotin-
like protein in the pre-cotyledonar stage of somatic embryos were
suggested as embryonic markers for feijoa [
55 ]. The expression of
the protein phenylalanine ammonia lyase in all the assayed devel-
opmental stages confi rmed the synthesis and accumulation of sev-
eral phenolic compounds observed during the induction of feijoa
embryogenic cultures and the development of somatic embryos.
The presence of cytosolic glutamine synthetase and NmrA-like
proteins revealed the activation of nitrogen metabolism, observed
particularly in the later developmental stages in which the accumu-
lation of storage compounds (mostly in the cotyledonary leaves) is
enhanced [
55 ]. More recently, the comparison between “off-type”
and normal phenotype proteomes of somatic plantlets of feijoa has
brought new insights to somatic embryo abnormal development
36 ]. The presence of HSP was observed only during the forma-
tion of normal phenotype somatic plantlets, indicating that these
proteins may be involved in the morphogenesis of normally devel-
oped plantlets. A vicilin-like storage protein was only found in
“off-types” at 20-day conversion , indicating that plantlets may
present an abnormality in the mobilization of storage compounds,
causing reduced vigor in the development of derived plantlets.
The understanding of seed development is an important approach
to overcome the diffi culties in somatic embryo conversion and ger-
mination . Proteomic analyses have been made on zygotic embryo s
of several woody species, such as araucaria ( Araucaria angustifolia )
56 ], coffee ( Coffea arabica ) [ 57 ], and Masson’s pine ( Pinus mas-
soniana ) [
58 ]. These analyses revealed signifi cant requirements for
energy production/carbon metabolism during the early stages of
zygotic embryo development [
35 , 59 ]. Over accumulated proteins
in early seed development also indicated a higher control on oxida-
tive stress metabolism during this phase [
56 ]. Besides, early zygotic
embryos showed changes in the abundance of proteins involved in
3.3 Somatic Versus
Zygotic Embryos
Proteomic Analysis of Somatic Embryogenesis in Broad-Leaf Woody Plants
mRNA splicing and signaling [ 57 ]. The advanced stages of zygotic
embryogenesis were complemented by differential expression of
Rubisco, Myb transcription factor , and by changed biosynthetic
activity of phosphatidylcholine [
57 ], but also by an active metabo-
lism, leading to carbon assimilation and storage compounds accu-
mulation [
56 ]. Comparison of somatic and zygotic embryos
revealed that their proteomes refl ected mainly the different envi-
ronmental conditions, which caused differential expression of pro-
teins involved in metabolic pathways and stress response [
59 ].
Noah and collaborators systematically compared at the proteome
level the physiological mechanisms underlying somatic and zygotic
embryogenesis in cacao [
35 ]. Many of the identifi ed proteins were
involved in genetic information processing, carbohydrate metabo-
lism and stress response. Somatic embryo s especially displayed
many stress related proteins, few enzymes involved in storage com-
pound synthesis and an exceptional high abundance of endopepti-
dase inhibitors. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, which was
accumulated more than threefold higher in zygotic embryos, rep-
resents a prominent enzyme in the storage compound metabolism
in cacao seeds. More information on this topic are reported else-
where in this book ( see Chapter
2 ).
4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives
The results obtained with the proteomic studies over the last
decades strongly emphasize the role of stress proteins in somatic
embryo genesis, revealing an intricate dynamism, variability, and
behavior of several regulatory proteins. Nevertheless, and unlike
the classical biological model systems, the full potential of pro-
teomics is far from being fully exploited in woody plant research.
Only a low number of woody species has been investigated at the
proteomics level and the predominant use of strategies based on
2DE coupled to MS results have so far resulted in a low proteome
coverage. Although proteome analyses are still signifi cantly less
representative in the literature than those based on genomic
approaches, the integration of the expressed protein data, together
with transcriptome and even metabolome data, has the potential to
provide the most comprehensive and informative clues on somatic
embryogenesis in plants. Future research in this fi eld should
include new and/or complementary approaches, including more
sensitive methods for protein detection and identifi cation. The
laser-capture microdissection tool is one of those technical improve-
ments that could overcome the limitations in tissue accessibility,
allowing more accurate molecular profi les of isolated embryogenic
tissues. Also, “gel-free” approaches, with higher levels of automa-
tion and less inherent technical variability, should be applied in
order to obtain a better reproducibility. These approaches are
becoming more effective with the integration of new data from
Sandra I. Correia et al.
several genome-sequencing projects. Furthermore, efforts should
be taken in the functional validation of the specifi c identifi ed pro-
teins, in order to use them as markers for the SE process. The
coordination of all this knowledge will give an insight into future
studies addressing the optimization of the somatic embryogenesis
protocols for mass propagation and conservation strategies in sev-
eral economical relevant woody species.
This work was supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship
(SFRH/BPD/91461/2012) awarded to Sandra Correia by the
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal).
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Proteomic Analysis of Somatic Embryogenesis in Broad-Leaf Woody Plants
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_7, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 7
Advances in Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
Since Year 2000
Krystyna Klimaszewska , Catherine Hargreaves , Marie-Anne Lelu-Walter ,
and Jean-François Trontin
This review compiles research results published over the last 14 years on conifer somatic embryogenesis
(SE). Emphasis is placed on the newest fi ndings that affect the response of seed embryos (typical explants)
and shoot primordia (rare explants) to the induction of SE and long-term culture of early somatic embryos.
Much research in recent years has focused on maturation of somatic embryos, with respect to both yield
and quality, as an important stage for the production of a large number of vigorous somatic seedlings.
Attempts to scale up somatic embryo production numbers and handling have resulted in a few bioreactor
designs, the utility of which may prove benefi cial for an industrial application. A few simplifi ed cryopreser-
vation methods for embryonal masses (EM) were developed as a means to ensure cost-effi cient long-term
storage of genotypes during clonal fi eld testing. Finally, recent long-term studies on the growth of somatic
trees in the fi eld, including seed production yield and comparison of seed parameters produced by somatic
versus seed-derived trees, are described.
Key words Cryopreservation , Field tests , Somatic embryo s , Somatic trees , Tree improvement
1 Discovery of Somatic Embryogenesis in Conifers and the General Pattern
of Somatic Embryo Development
Since its discovery in Picea abies and Larix decidua [ 1 , 2 ], somatic
embryo genesis (SE) in conifers has been reported in many other
species, with a large majority of them belonging to Pinaceae,
and only a few to Cupressaceae , Taxaceae , Cephalotaxaceae , and
Araucariaceae families. The general differentiation and develop-
mental pattern of conifer somatic embryos is highly similar among
most species tested to date and starts with an immature seed
embryo (enclosed in a megagametophyte or excised) or with an
excised mature embryo that is cultured on a nutrient medium con-
taining plant growth regulator s (PGRs) from either both the auxin
and cytokinin groups or from cytokinin only. Subsequently, the
cells of the embryo deviate from their previous pattern of division
and differentiation into a mature embryo; instead, they start divid-
ing profusely and differentiate into multiple early somatic embryos
also known as embryonal masses ( EM ). For example, 50 mg fresh
mass of white spruce proliferating cell culture may contain, at any
given time, approximately 300 single early somatic embryos, 39–75
cleaving early somatic embryos, 60–90 multiple cleaving somatic
embryos, small and large cell aggregates, and single small and large
cells, the latter with large vacuole(s) (Klimaszewska, unpublished).
Typically, the composition of the culture is highly heterogeneous
and may change over culture time, a period that may last from
several months to several years, during which EM has to be subcul-
tured every 10–21 days (depending on the species) onto fresh
medium of the same or slightly modifi ed composition. EM of some
species can be cultured on a semisolid medium or in liquid medium.
The cultures are amenable to long-term storage through cryo-
preservation without losing their viability and growth characteris-
tics. In most species, early somatic embryos will not develop further
unless the culture conditions are changed. High frequency devel-
opment and maturation of early somatic embryos in most conifer
species of the Pinaceae family take place under remarkably similar
conditions, namely in the presence of abscisic acid ( ABA ), sucrose
and/or other sugars, and in a medium that imposes restriction on
water availability either by physical means (high concentration of
solidifying agents) or by a high molecular weight solute such as
polyethylene glycol ( PEG , MW 4000–8000) that mimics drought.
Often the sugar concentration is also increased to lower the osmotic
water potential of the medium. Once the somatic embryos resem-
ble mature seed embryos (usually after 6–12 weeks, depending on
the species), they are harvested and desiccated if matured on a
medium with PEG for normal germination , or they can be germi-
nated directly if developed on a medium with high gel strength.
On a germination medium, the somatic embryos display a rapid
radicle and hypocotyl elongation (usually within 1 or 2 days) fol-
lowed by the growth of a shoot and a root. Once the plantlets
reach the desired size, they are transferred into containers with a
suitable substrate and acclimatized in a greenhouse or a nursery.
Subsequently, they are planted in the fi eld for research purposes,
clonal selection or, eventually, for commercial production.
Several reviews describing various aspects of SE research in
conifers have been published in both international journals and in
books [
3 9 ]. The main focus of the present review is to summarize
the progress in SE research in conifers made over the last 14 years
and to determine its impact on understanding the basic mecha-
nisms governing the process and on the development of new, more
effi cient protocols for the production of somatic trees. We also
include research results on conifer species for which somatic
embryo genesis has been achieved only recently and the results
obtained with adult trees.
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
2 Genetic Control in Somatic Embryogenesis
Perhaps the most basic factor that determines whether SE is
initiated from the seed embryos is the genetics of parental trees,
providing that suitable culture medium and conditions have been
established. Experiments designed to establish the extent of genetic
control in SE initiation have been conducted with a few pine spe-
cies. A large study was undertaken with Pinus sylvestris using 49
seed families from diallel crosses among seven elite trees including
reciprocals and selfi ng [
10 ]. Four of the experimental trees were
preselected for their propensity for SE based on an earlier study
that tested 138 trees. Analysis of the data suggested a stronger
maternal than paternal effect on culture initiation; however, spe-
cifi c combining ability (SCA) had no detectable effect. The mater-
nal effect at the initiation stage could be explained by both the
genotype and the developmental or physiological stage of the
mother tree and the inherited maternal alleles of the zygotic
embryo . Similarly, MacKay et al. [
11 ] quantifi ed the genetic con-
trol of SE initiation in P. taeda using seeds from diallel crosses and
factorial matings. Thirty seed families were used in the experiments
that tested two different culture treatments and resulted in large
differences between treatments in SE initiation frequency among
families. The variance due to treatments accounted for 41 % of
total phenotypic variance, whereas that due to families accounted
for 22 %. Signifi cant variance due to interactions between families
and treatments was also found, accounting for 13 % of the pheno-
typic variance. The latter indicated that different culture media
might be better suited for different genotypes. In another study
with 20 control-pollinated seed families of P. radiata , Hargreaves
et al. [
12 ], also challenged the notion that poor results should be
attributed to genetic effects only and showed that it was possible to
create laboratory conditions that increased the number of respond-
ing explants ac ross all families. However, previous work with P.
taeda showed that many mother trees produce seeds that do not
respond to SE initiation, leading to the hypothesis that such trees
possess unfavorable alleles at loci expressed in the mother tree,
whereas favorable alleles at other loci may be inherited by zygotic
embryos [
11 ]. The estimates of large general combining ability
(GCA) variance component and narrow sense heritability sug-
gested that targeted breeding could infl uence SE initiation in P.
taeda . To test this hypothesis, an experiment was carried out that
involved a small number of control reciprocal crosses among trees
that ranged from low to high SE initiation capacity when tested
with seed from open-pollinated mother trees. By selecting a favor-
able mother tree for cross-pollination for each pair of parental
trees, it was possible to increase SE initiation frequency from 1.5-
to 9-fold. Also, some trees had strong additive effects as male parents,
but had negative maternal effects; hence, using them in control
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
crosses as pollen donors might be yet another solution to increase
SE initiation. The authors concluded that this knowledge of
genetic control in SE initiation can now be easily applied to breed-
ing schemes to capture valued genotypes. Smaller studies with
seeds from control crosses of P. pinaster [
13 ] and P. sylvestris [ 14 ]
supported the above conclusions.
3 Improvements of Previously Established Protocols for Somatic Embryogenesis
SE biotechnology of conifers has constantly evolved since its dis-
covery in 1985, and incremental improvements are being made
according to the time and effort committed to a given species. The
literature search revealed that since the year 2000, about 46 jour-
nal articles reporting improvements of SE protocols were pub-
lished for Pinus taeda , Pinus strobus , Pinus sylvestris , Pinus pinaster ,
Pinus radiata , Pinus patula , Pseudotsuga menziesii , Abies nordma-
nniana , Picea abies , Picea glauca , Picea mariana , and Larix
hybrids. In addition, the publication of approximately 40 articles
on species for which SE is described for the fi rst time is a clear indi-
cator of the importance of this technology for conifer clonal propa-
gation. For species of economic importance that are grown in
forest plantations, a lot of research has been carried out by compa-
nies and patented, for example for Pinus taeda (Arbogen,
Weyerhauser, WA, USA), P. radiata (Forest Genetics Ltd and
Arborgen, NZ), P. abies , P. pinaster , and P. radiata (FCBA,
France), Pseudotsuga menziesii (Weyerhauser, WA, USA), Picea
glauca and P. abies (Natural Resources Quebec, QC, Canada and
JD Irving Inc., NB, Canada). Among these economically valued
plantation species, the largest body of literature exists for Pinus
taeda (loblolly pine), which reports on the stepwise optimization
approach to overcome low effi ciencies at each stage of SE. In their
recent review, Pullmann and Bucalo [
9 ] have attributed these
improvements to medium supplements including specifi c sugars,
vitamins, organic acids, and redox potential modifi ers. Other con-
trolled factors, including medium water potential, pH, adsorption
of medium components by activated carbon and use of liquid ver-
sus semisolid medium, also positively infl uenced SE. These modifi -
cations resulted from the analytical studies of P. taeda seed tissue,
the seed environment, and gene expression in megagametophytes,
zygotic embryo s, and somatic embryo s. The premise of the study
was that duplication of the seed environment in vitro would lead to
the design of effi cient protocols for SE.
Major improvements were made in the frequency of SE initiation
in either open-pollinated or control-pollinated seed sources of sev-
eral European and North American Pinus species, and Pseudotsuga
menziesii . In P. strobus , the number of responding immature seed
3.1 Initiation of SE
and Growth of Early
Somatic Embryos
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
embryos increased from the average of 20 % to the average of 53 %
ac ross fi ve open-pollinated seed families by reducing the
2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and benzyladenine (BA)
concentrations from 9.5 to 2.2 μM and from 4.5 to 2.2 μM,
respectively. Both concentrations were tested in modifi ed [
15 , 16 ]
Litvay’s medium (MLV). The most striking difference in initia-
tions occurred when the embryos were at the pre-cleavage and
early post-cleavage stages, which were also linked to the morpho-
logical appearance of the megagametophytes becoming opaque as
opposed to being translucent [
15 ]. The same medium modifi ca-
tions were tested with a few control-pollinated seed families of P.
sylvestris and the result was better on a medium with reduced
PGRs, i.e., 24 % initiation versus 9 % [
14 ]. However, contrary to
the response of P. strobus and P. sylvestris , when eight control-
pollinated seed families of P. pinaster were tested, MLV with
reduced concentrations of PGRs decreased the initiation frequency
from 93 to 80 %; nevertheless both culture medium variants were
very productive [
13 ]. The high response of the latter was also
attributed to the selection of embryos that were at the uniform
pre-cotyledonary stage of development by excising the embryos
from the surrounding megagametophytes. When the embryos
were cultured within megagametophytes, the SE response was
only slightly reduced, suggesting that in the tested cones the devel-
opment of embryos was relatively synchronized. This was in con-
trast to P. radiata for which the zygotic embryo s had to be excised
for the best response [
17 ].
Another medium that is considered suitable for SE initiation
in P. pinaster and P. sylvestris is Gupta and Durzan’s medium
(DCR [
18 ]). Like other commonly used media [ 7 , 19 , 20 ], it also
includes glutamine and casein hydrolysate as well as 2,4-D and
BA. Recent research aimed at improving SE initiation in P. radi-
ata showed that by making another modifi cation to Litvay’s
medium (designated as GLITZ) it was possible to achieve consid-
erably higher responses from both 19 open-pollinated and 20
control-pollinated seed families compared with those obtained on
Embryo Development Medium 6 (EDM6) [
12 , 17 , 21 ]. Average
initiations were 70 % for both types of seed families when embryos
were excised from the megagametophytes at an early stage of
development. GLITZ medium contained glutamine (0.5 g/L),
casein hydrolysate (1.0 g/L), 2,4-D (4.5 μM), and BA (2.25 μM).
Likewise, a 2-year study on SE initiation in P. nigra demonstrated
higher potential for two out of four tested medium formulations
22 ]. DCR and MLV media consistently supported approximately
10 % explants producing EM as opposed to Litvay medium (LV
16 ]) and Quoirin and Lepoivre (QP [ 23 ]) media, on which the
response was negligible.
Among pine species, SE in P. taeda has been the most
researched owing to its high commercial value in the USA and
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
elsewhere, but relatively low responses obtained in earlier work.
Not surprisingly, a considerable effort was undertaken to improve
the effi ciencies of SE and understand the bottlenecks at each stage
( see ref.
9 and references therein). Various supplements were tested
in a unique loblolly pine (LP) medium formulation and found ben-
efi cial for SE initiation, such as AgNO
3, maltose instead of sucrose ,
high level of myo-inositol (up to 20 g/L), glutamine , casamino
acids, 2-( N -morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid (MES, as pH stabi-
lizer), biotin, folic acid, vitamins B
12 and E, α-ketoglutaric acid,
kinetin together with BA, activated charcoal , abscisic acid ( ABA ),
brassinolide as well as
D -xylose and D - chiro -inositol [ 24 ]. The num-
ber of initiated SE cultures increased further by adding liquid over-
lays 14 days after placement of explants on gelled medium. This
technique allows replenishment or addition of nutrients and PGRs,
or adjustment of pH without disturbing the tissue.
All the medium supplements that were benefi cial to P. taeda
were also tested with immature seed embryos of P. menziesii , which
differ from those of pine species by the lack of cleavage polyem-
bryony and the need for an embryo to be cultured while partially
excised and still attached to the megagametophyte by a suspensor
25 ]. These tests resulted in the development of an effective
medium formulation for initiation of SE in P. menziesii that
included activated charcoal , ABA , biotin, brassinolide, folic acid,
MES, pyruvic acid,
D -xylose, and D - chiro -inositol in addition to 1
g/L myoinositol, 0.5 g/L casamino acids, 0.45 g/L glutamine
and 2,4-D, BA, and kinetin [
24 , 25 ]. Tests with seeds from high-
value crosses conducted over 2 years gave initiation frequencies of
40 and 57 %, respectively. Based on the above results, a new
medium was designed for the culture of mature embryos of P. abies
that resulted in doubling SE initiation from around 14–30 % when
the medium contained 100 mg/L
D -xylose. Some other medium
additives were asparagine and brassinolide, and the PGRs were
α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and BA [
24 ].
Research on initiation of SE in somatic embryo s of Larix x
leptoeuropaea showed that 98 % of cotyledonary somatic embryos
matured for 3 weeks produced SE; those matured for 6 weeks pro-
duced SE at a frequency of only 2 % [
26 ]. The authors suggested
that the loss of ability of somatic embryos to respond to the
induction treatment might be caused by the synthesis/accumula-
tion of ethylene , because enrichment of the vessel headspace with
ethylene reduced the induction of SE from 3-week-old somatic
embryos from 98 to 4 %. Ethylene was also found to infl uence the
development of early somatic embryos as described below.
Once SE is initiated and EM can be identifi ed (after several days to
several weeks), the next challenge is to ensure a rapid proliferation
of EM upon subculture onto fresh medium to generate the
amounts that are needed for various steps, such as cryopreservation
3.2 Growth
of Initiated EM
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
and/or production of mature somatic embryo s. The majority of
conifer species are usually subcultured onto media of the same
composition, but in a few cases, such as P. pinaster , it has been
shown that medium modifi cations were required to obtain better
growth and/or to maintain the embryogenic potential of the cul-
tures [
27 , 28 ]. These modifi cations included weekly subcultures,
substitution of sucrose with maltose and withdrawal of PGRs
(2,4-D and BA). To maintain satisfactory growth of P. radiata
EM, it was necessary to increase the amino acid content in LV
medium after initiation [
12 ]. In some species and genotypes, the
application of a culture technique that is based on dispersing the
cells in a liquid medium, and then collecting the cells on a fi lter
paper, draining the liquid, and placing the fi lter paper with the cells
onto a fresh medium has been the most important for the survival
and growth of P. monticola and P. sylvestris [
14 , 29 ].
Embryogenic cultures of Cryptomeria japonica ( Cupressaceae )
were composed of a mixture of EM and callus cells, and when an
attempt was made to culture the EM separately; their embryo-
genic capacity was lost [
30 ]. The culture medium was that of
Campbell and Durzan [
31 ], containing 1 μM 2,4-D and 0.6 g/L
glutamine ; however, when the medium was supplied with 2.46
g/L glutamine, the culture remained embryogenic and simulta-
neously its dry mass and endogenous level of glutamine increased.
The high glutamine treatment might have increased the synthesis
of certain macromolecules or metabolites that were essential for
SE. The ability of EM to grow in the presence of callus cells was
attributed to the high content of endogenous glutamine in the
latter that might have supported the growth of EM in mixed cul-
ture. Based on the research results of others, the authors con-
cluded that without an adequate supply of glutamine/glutamate,
the embryogenic culture of C. japonica would lose its embryo-
genic characteristics. Phytosulfokine, which is a small sulfated
peptide, was also found benefi cial for C. japonica culture growth
when included in the medium at 32 nM [
32 ]. This peptide acts as
an extracellular ligand at the onset of cell dedifferentiation, prolif-
eration, and redifferentiation and plays a stimulatory role in SE. In
particular, phytosulfokine promoted suspensor regeneration from
basal cells of somatic embryo s of Larix leptolepis [
33 ]. The pres-
ence of suspensor in somatic embryo development and in the
maintenance of the culture embryogenic characteristics was estab-
lished as critical by Umehara et al. [
34 ] and later by Larsson et al.
35 ] and Abrahamsson et al. [ 36 ] for Picea abies and Pinus sylves-
tris , respectively.
To promote further development and maturation of early somatic
embryo s in a majority of conifer species, the proliferating cultures
of early somatic embryos are transferred (after a pretreatment or
without it) onto a medium with ABA that replaces auxin and/or
cytokinin. Most often, the medium water potential is lowered at the
3.3 Development
and Maturation
of Early Somatic
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
same time by increasing the concentration of sugar(s) and creating
permeating osmotic stress, or by including PEG (MW 4000–8000),
thus creating a non-permeating osmotic stress, the latter is due to
the larger than cellular pores molecule size [
37 ]. An alternative
method of affecting somatic embryo development is to increase the
gelling agent concentration in the ABA medium, which increases
gel strength and reduces water availability to the cells [
38 ].
A study that unequivocally confi rmed that ABA was crucial for the
normal somatic embryo development and maturation in conifers
was carried out with Larix x leptoeuropaea [
39 ]. This larch hybrid
is somewhat unique because it can produce cotyledonary somatic
embryos and plantlets on a medium with ABA or without it, hence
providing an ideal material for this study. However, the somatic
embryos that developed on both media differed in structure, cell
types, intracellular secondary metabolites and storage product
accumulation, endogenous ABA concentrations, and extracellular
mucilage build-up. Clearly, those from ABA medium displayed a
coordinated growth and better-shaped somatic embryos with the
concomitant accumulation of lipids and storage proteins that were
lacking in embryos developed in the absence of ABA. Hence,
somatic embryos developed without ABA did not go through mat-
uration. Still, in all conifer species studied to date, a certain num-
ber of genotypes in a given species fails to produce mature somatic
embryos even in the presence of optimized concentrations of
ABA. It has been shown that the ability of embryogenic tissue to
utilize ABA from the medium may refl ect the capability of embryo
maturation in different genotypes of Picea glauca x engelmanni
40 ]. The genotypes that produced mature somatic embryos on
gelled medium with racemic ABA (equal amounts of (+)- cis , trans-
ABA and (−)- cis , trans -ABA) were characterized by a greater utili-
zation of exogenous ABA, when grown as cell suspension s,
compared with a non-productive genotype. Furthermore, differ-
ent forms of ABA were metabolized to various levels. For example,
only half of racemic ABA was metabolized by the 22nd day of
culture; the remainder was exclusively (−)-ABA. The natural ABA
((+)-cis, trans-ABA) was still available at the end of the test, but its
amount may be infl uenced by species, cell density of the initial
inoculation, tissue growth rates, and initial ABA concentrations.
The natural ABA exerted by far the best bio-effect compared with
racemic ABA and the mixture of ABA isomers.
Improvement of somatic embryo quality and yield was achieved by
combining ABA with activated charcoal ( AC ). In P. abies , AC
introduced into a medium at 0.125 % with 189 μM ABA promoted
a zygotic-like appearance of somatic embryos with more elonga-
tion and taper in the hypocotyl region as well as formation of a
prominent shoot apical region compared with those developed
3.3.1 Abscisic Acid
3.3.2 Activated Charcoal
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
without AC [ 41 ]. These embryos grew faster and were produced
at a reduced material and labor cost because the cultures did not
require subculturing onto fresh medium. However, the authors
cautioned against the types of AC to be utilized as these vary with
respect to particle sizes and hence the adsorption properties caus-
ing potential defi ciencies in the medium components. Alternatively,
AC was used with P. pinaster by coating the cells with AC and
culture on a fi lter paper placed on the maturation medium [
13 ].
This method of culture resulted in a greater number of mature
somatic embryos produced in a shorter time compared with cul-
tures without AC coating. Similarly, P. sylvestris aged cultures (24
weeks old) responded favorably when coated with AC, whereas
there was no effect on young cultures (8 weeks old) [
14 ].
Changes in water status that occur during conifer zygotic embryo
development and maturation are also critical for the progression of
the development of early somatic embryo s, but the type of com-
pounds used to alter the medium water status must be the “right”
type for a given species. For example, when mannitol (a plasmolyz-
ing agent) was tested against PEG (a non-plasmolyzing agent) in
cultures of P. glauca , the better quality of somatic embryos from
the latter was accompanied by the accumulation of higher levels of
reduced ascorbate, resulting in a physiological state similar to that
of zygotic embryos [
42 ]. Moreover, in the presence of PEG, there
was a constant decline in the GSH (reduced)/GSSG (oxidized)
ratio of glutathione, suggesting seed-like fl uctuations of the
ascorbate- glutathione metabolism in somatic embryos. In another
study with somatic embryos of P. glauca and P. mariana it was
found that sucrose at 6 % (in the absence of PEG) was highly ben-
efi cial when added to the maturation medium for both the number
of matured somatic embryos and the accumulation of soluble and
insoluble storage proteins [
43 ]. The maturation response could
not be matched by osmotic equivalents of glucose and fructose
(products of sucrose hydrolysis) in the medium. Moreover, the
embryo carbohydrate content was independent from the carbohy-
drate used in the maturation medium. The same conclusion was
later reached for somatic embryos of P. abies , where endogenous
carbohydrate patterns were stable irrespective of culture condi-
tions, which indicated the carbohydrate status to be a robust fea-
ture of normal somatic embryo development [
44 ]. Experiments
aimed at the separation of the sucrose osmotic infl uence from its
role as carbon and energy source suggested that sucrose might
have an additional regulatory role in the maturation process. In P.
abies , a medium with 7.5 % PEG and 3 % maltose promoted the
development of a large number of somatic embryos, but with low
germination frequency in spite of the post-maturation partial des-
iccation [
45 ]. Conversely, somatic embryos developed on a
medium with 3 % sucrose (without additional osmotic agent),
3.3.3 Carbohydrates ,
PEG (Medium Water
Potential), and Gel Strength
(Water Availability)
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
although low in numbers, were able to germinate. A combination
of sugar assays, metabolic and proteomic analyses revealed that
somatic embryos grown on sucrose medium contained high levels
of sucrose, raffi nose, and late embryogenesis abundant proteins, all
involved in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance (reviewed by
Trontin et al., Chapter
8 ). These embryos also accumulated starch
whereas those from PEG and maltose medium had high levels of
storage proteins. Therefore the poor germination of P. abies
somatic embryos grown on PEG and maltose medium was most
likely caused by the reduced desiccation tolerance.
Manipulation of water availability to the cells of EM was also
achieved by physical means, without affecting water potential of
the medium, by increasing the amount of gelling agent that
increased medium gel strength and consequently reduced the
amount of water available to the cells [
16 , 46 ]. By applying this
method of water control to P. strobus early embryo cultures, high
quality mature somatic embryo s were produced on medium with
1 % gellan gum that were characterized by a lower water content
compared with those from 0.4 % gellan gum medium. Combination
of 0.8 or 1 % gellan gum with 6 % sucrose (instead of 3 %) in the
maturation medium was even more benefi cial because the somatic
embryos accumulated higher quantities of storage proteins [
47 ].
An intuitive interpretation of these results is that the developing
embryos must have been exposed to the water stress (drought type
of conditions) on the media with high gelling agent concentra-
tions, a condition similar to that of a developing zygotic embryo ,
when the maturation of the embryo is accompanied by desiccation
(loss of water). However, in a later study involving cultures of
Larix x eurolepis , an opposite conclusion was reached [
48 ]. The
more numerous and higher quality (lower water content) somatic
embryos that developed on medium with 0.8 % gellan gum were in
fact less stressed than those developed on 0.4 % gellan gum. This
conclusion was based on the measurements of physiological param-
eters and on the two-dimensional (2-D) protein gels that identifi ed
62 proteins that differed between the two somatic embryo groups
from the two treatments. Fifty six proteins were subsequently iden-
tifi ed, and among them 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
(decarboxylating), actin, enolase, fructose phosphate aldolase,
phosphoglucomutase, and superoxide dismutase, which are known
to be associated with water stress, were expressed at a higher level
in somatic embryos developing on medium with 0.4 % gellan gum.
In addition to the increased abundance of heat shock proteins in
somatic embryos cultured on the 0.4 % gellan gum medium, the
observed increases in expression of pyruvate decarboxylase (which
directs carbon metabolism toward glycolysis) and apparent detoxi-
cation capacity (indicated by the increased expression of superox-
ide dismutase) suggested that maturation medium containing 0.4 %
gellan gum induced a water stress response in the developing
somatic embryos. Contrary to this, somatic embryos developed on
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
0.8 % gellan gum medium accumulated stress proteins at a much
lower level. Further evidence supporting utilization of high gellan
gum medium for the maturation of somatic embryos came from a
large study of P. pinaster where multi-scale integrated analysis was
used to follow early molecular and physiological events involved in
somatic embryo development [
49 ]. Similarly to P. strobus , early
somatic embryos of P. pinaster do not develop on medium with
0.4 % gellan gum; instead, abundant proliferation of EM occurs,
which is not conducive to subsequent embryo development.
According to the transcriptomic and proteomic analysis results,
these cultures had enhanced glycolysis whereas those from medium
with 0.9 % gellan gum had adaptive, ABA -mediated molecular and
physiological responses marked by active protein synthesis and
overexpression of proteins involved in cell division, embryogenesis
and starch synthesis. Concomitantly, synthesis of protective sec-
ondary metabolites and regulation of oxidative stress were acti-
vated, most likely to adapt to the culture conditions. Furthermore,
two genotypes of cotyledonary P. pinaster somatic embryos, after
10–14 weeks of culture on maturation medium, were compared
with zygotic embryos excised from developing fresh and desic-
cated seeds with respect to dry mass, water content, sucrose and
raffi nose contents, raffi nose/sucrose ratio, and total proteins ([
50 ];
reviewed by Trontin et al., Chapter
8 ). The study demonstrated
that somatic embryos were the most similar to zygotic embryos in
seeds collected from late July to early August, and with respect to
total protein content up to October (Northern Hemisphere). The
somatic embryos, which typically are harvested after 12 weeks, are
not at the same maturity level as their zygotic counterparts at the
mature, desiccated stage.
There is evidence suggesting that ethylene , a gaseous plant growth
hormone produced by cultured plant cells and tissues, may also
affect the development of somatic embryo s in P. glauca [
51 ]. Due
to the volatile nature of ethylene, it is diffi cult to control it in cul-
ture. However, the reduction in endogenous ethylene synthesis was
achieved by incorporating α-aminooxyamino acid (AOA), a potent
inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, into the medium, which proved
to be benefi cial to somatic embryo development . The mechanism
of this stimulation was not elucidated, only suggesting that AOA
may have interfered with the metabolism of other compounds,
most likely through the availability of S-adenosylmethionine, a
common precursor for both ethylene and polyamine biosynthesis.
In P. mariana , it has been shown that limiting ethylene biosyn-
thesis or its physiological action was benefi cial to somatic embryo
development in a poor line, but not benefi cial in a line that was a
good embryo producer [
52 ]. These opposite reactions could stem
from different initial ethylene levels in the two cultures, one hav-
ing a super-optimal and the other an optimal level. Later study
with cultures of P. sylvestris confi rmed that ethylene production
3.3.4 Ethylene
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
varied among fi ve embryogenic lines, both when cultured on
proliferation medium with 2,4-D and on maturation medium,
indicating a lack of defi nite trend [
53 ]. Future experiments should
include many more genotypes to realize the full impact of ethyl-
ene on SE in P. sylvestris . Also, any generalization to other conifer
species should be avoided.
Among Abies species, A. nordmanniana somatic embryo s were
stimulated to develop on maturation medium (with ABA ) after a
4- to 8-week treatment with PCIB, 2-( p -chlorophenoxy)2-
methylpropionic acid, an auxin antagonist that is believed to reduce
the activity of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by competi-
tive binding to auxin receptors [
54 ]. Abies species do not require an
auxin for initiation or proliferation of early somatic embryos and
the subsequent problems pertaining to somatic embryo develop-
ment have been attributed to the high activity of endogenous auxin,
at least in A. nordmanniana . Treatment of P. sylvestris early somatic
embryos with the auxin transport inhibitor 1- N -naphtylphthalamic
acid (NPA) caused the embryos to form supernumerary suspensor
cells at high frequency, which led to abnormal development [
36 ].
Although treatment with PCIB increased the yield of somatic
embryos, their morphology was not affected, suggesting that the
supernumerary suspensor cells in early somatic embryos were stim-
ulated by disturbed polar auxin transport.
P. glauca somatic embryo development and maturation were
greatly improved through the manipulation of glutathione redox
status in EM cultures. By employing a two-step protocol that first
included reduced glutathione (GSH) and then its oxidized form
(GSSG) in culture medium, which caused a shift in the total glu-
tathione pool towards its oxidized state, proper somatic embryo
development was achieved [
42 ]. However, due to the high cost
and labor associated with this protocol, a simpler alternative was
developed involving dl - buthionine -[ S , R ]- sulfoximine (BSO)
55 ]. BSO is effective in reducing endogenous GSH levels through
the inhibition of its de novo synthesis without affecting glu-
tathione reductase, the GSH-recycling enzyme. These changes are
similar to those observed when GSH and GSSG are applied
sequentially to impose an oxidized environment. To maximize
somatic embryo development, BSO concentration had to be at
0.01 mM, while higher concentrations were inhibitory. Therefore,
it appears that certain threshold of cellular GSH must be main-
tained for embryo development to continue. In Araucaria angus-
tifolia cultures of EM, manipulation of the GSH/GSSG ratio of
the culture medium proved to be beneficial to somatic embryo
development up to the pre-cotyledonary stage, but to achieve a
complete development would require further modification of the
redox potential of the cultures [
56 ].
3.3.5 Antiauxin
and Auxin Transport
3.3.6 Redox Compounds
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
When Larix laricina early somatic embryo s were cultured in high
density suspension in a liquid medium the differentiation of sus-
pensors was inhibited, thus negatively impacting the development
of new somatic embryos [
57 ]. It was confi rmed that an inhibitory
compound was present in the conditioned culture medium, which
was subsequently purifi ed and the compound was identifi ed as
vanillyl benzyl ether (VBE) [
34 ]. Tests with synthetic VBE in the
medium produced similar results. Interestingly, the low density
suspension cultures also contained VBE, but at much lower con-
centrations, which did not prevent differentiation of the suspen-
sors. This fi nding emphasizes the importance of the presence of
suspensors in somatic embryo development of a conifer and
increases awareness of the infl uence of cell density on the embryo-
genic characteristics of a culture. Another modifi er of normal
somatic embryo development is an inhibitor of polar auxin trans-
port, 1- N -naphtylphthalamic acid (NPA), which was tested in P.
abies [
35 ]. Polar auxin transport is essential to proper embryo pat-
terning and establishment of root/shoot polarity . During early
somatic embryo development, treatment with NPA caused an
increase in IAA content, abnormal cell division, and decreased pro-
grammed cell death resulting in the aberrant development of
embryonal tube cells and suspensors. These embryos had abnor-
mal morphology marked by malformed and fused cotyledons and
irregular cell divisions at the site of root meristem.
4 Extending Somatic Embryogenesis Protocols to Numerous Conifer Species
Previously published protocols have been utilized, often with slight
modifi cations and with various degrees of success, to test/achieve
SE in numerous other conifer species.
Among Picea species, results that showed regenerated somatic
seedlings were published for P. morrisonicola [
58 ], P. koraiensis
59 ], and P. likiangensis [ 60 ]; however, it is not clear whether any
of the somatic trees were established in the fi eld.
In the Pinus genus, at least 16 new species were reported to
display SE; however, for many of them, initiation and/or maturation
effi ciencies and plant regeneration were low and needed further
research and improvements. Notoriously low initiation and survival
of EM has been reported for P. contorta [
61 ], P. monticola [ 29 ],
P. roxburghii [
62 , 63 ], P. pinaea [ 64 ], P. banksiana [ 65 ], P. densi-
ora [
66 , 67 ], P. rigida x taeda [ 68 ], P. kesiya [ 69 ], P. thunbergii
70 ], P. armandii [ 71 ], and P. luchuensis [ 72 ]. On the other hand,
species such as P. patula [
73 ], P. nigra [ 22 ], P. bungeana [ 74 ],
P. brutia [
75 ], P. oocarpa [ 76 ], and P. halepensis [ 77 ] responded at
frequencies ranging from 9 to 30 %.
3.3.7 Inhibitors of SE
4.1 Pinaceae
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
Signifi cant progress in SE response and plant regeneration has
been achieved for Larix leptolepis [
78 , 79 ], L . x eurolepis and L. x
marschlinsii [
80 ]. The reciprocal hybrids between L. decidua and
L. leptolepis are important species in Europe, and the fi rst hybrid
variety (‘REVE-VERT’) was registered in France in 2005. SE
modifi ed protocols were subsequently tested as a means for rapid
cloning of limited numbers of hybrid seeds and resulted in up to
48 % of initial zygotic embryo s producing high numbers of vigor-
ous somatic plants (Fig.
1 ). It is anticipated that SE will infl uence
breeding strategies for these hybrids by offering an additional tool
for the production of large quantities of plants for clonal fi eld tests.
SE in Abies species has been very challenging, but recent prog-
ress made with some species is encouraging. A study with A. alba
by Krajňáková et al. [
81 ] tested several variables for maturation of
somatic embryo s, which improved the maturation yield by utiliz-
ing a method of spreading the cultures in a layer on Whatman #2
lter paper placed on the surface of a semisolid medium [
82 ] sup-
plemented with 32 μM ABA , maltose , organic N additives, and
devoid of PEG . The medium formulation was Murashige and
Skoog [
83 ] modifi ed by 50 % reduction in inorganic salt strength.
The somatic embryos required desiccation for proper germination
Fig. 1 Larix x eurolepis “Reve-Vert” somatic seedlings (INRA, France, improved variety) acclimatized at
the XYLOBIOTECH nursery (XYLOFOREST platform, ) located at the FCBA, Pierroton,
France (0.8×)
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
but still the conversion to plants remained ineffi cient. In A. lasiocarpa ,
a novel medium was designed based on the elemental analysis of
megagametophytes and designated AL, which was free of inor-
ganic nitrogen and in which
L -glutamine was supplied at 2 g/L as
the sole nitrogen source [
84 ]. AL medium was compared with
Schenk and Hildebrand [
85 ], and although initiation of SE (up to
37 %) did not differ signifi cantly between the two media, EM
growth after subculture and its survival was better on AL. However,
the conversion to plants was very low (approximately 8 % of germi-
nated somatic embryos), which seems to be a norm in this genus.
Similarly, in A. cilicica and A. cilicica x A. nordmaniana , relatively
high initiations of EM were obtained (63 and 28 %, respectively)
but only a third of EM lines developed cotyledonary stage somatic
embryos on both maltose or lactose media [
86 ]. In A. numidica ,
both the maturation and germination of somatic embryos were
studied. PEG and 6 % maltose in maturation medium were very
effective followed by partial desiccation and germination of somatic
embryos on medium with activated charcoal and indolbutyric acid
(IBA) [
87 , 88 ]. In A. cephalonica , up to 25 % of the seeds pro-
duced EM lines, and somatic embryo development was achieved
on medium with PEG and sucrose followed by medium without
PEG for up to 12 weeks [
89 , 90 ]. However, germination was poor,
most likely due to the omission of partial desiccation of somatic
embryos before germination, which appears to be a requisite in
this genus.
A complete protocol for SE and plant production, including
cryopreservation, was reported recently for Tsuga caroliniana and
T. canadensis [
91 ]. Induction frequencies were from 17 to 52 % for
immature embryos , respectively. The results confi rmed the inter-
play among the collection date of the cones, medium composition
and source tree on the frequency of SE induction, which has been
reported in all previous publications. Maturation of somatic
embryo s was completed by slow drying under permeable plastic
lm. However, conversion of somatic embryos to plants was very
low and requires further research.
Cryptomeria japonica SE was successful with up to 17 % of imma-
ture seed explants tested over 3 years, and the presence of PGRs
was not required in the initiation medium [
92 ]. The embryogenic
characteristics of the cultures could be improved by increased glu-
tamine concentration in the medium [
30 ]. Somatic embryo s devel-
oped better on a medium that in addition to ABA , PEG , charcoal
and maltose , also contained 32 nM phytosulfokine [
32 ].
Two species of Chamaecyparis produced plants through SE,
namely C. pisifera [
93 ] and C. obtusa [ 94 , 95 ]. Initiation of SE
occurred on both a medium with PGRs (2,4-D and BA) and on
PGR -free medium at the frequency up to 33 and 48 %, respec-
tively. Development of somatic embryo s was promoted by PEG ,
4.2 Cupressaceae
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
AC , ABA , and maltose in a medium gelled with 0.3 or 0.5 % gellan
gum. Sixty-eight percent of C. obtusa EM lines produced cotyle-
donary somatic embryos, 91 % of which germinated and the plants
were subsequently transferred to a greenhouse [
95 ]. In both spe-
cies, somatic embryo germination was very high and conversion to
plants was not problematic. Field tests of C. pisifera somatic trees
are underway [
93 ].
Another species that was recently studied for its propensity to
undergo SE in the same family was Juniperus communis [
96 ]. This
work confi rmed that similarly to Cryptomeria and Chamaecyparis ,
the presence of an auxin and/or a cytokinin was not necessary for
SE to be initiated and was even inhibitory in J. communis , with a
reduction from 50 to 25 %. Proliferation of EM was rapid on PGR-
free medium as well, but the maturation of somatic embryo s was
stimulated by 60 μM ABA after brief culture on ABA-free medium
with a lower concentration of N and Ca. The development of
somatic embryos was highly asynchronous and the culture pro-
duced a continuous supply of early and mature somatic embryos.
The latter germinated after partial desiccation and converted to
plants at a low frequency. A major impediment to plant production
was the growth of new EM at the basal part of the somatic plant,
which could not be controlled by the application of the gibberellin
4/7 ) in the medium.
In Taxus wallichiana , SE was achieved indirectly from calli that
grew on zygotic embryo s in culture [
97 ]. Initially, the explants
were cultured in the presence of BA and NAA, and after 8 weeks
they produced compact yellow calli. Subsequently, when trans-
ferred onto a medium with 2,4-D, NAA, and BA, the calli changed
in morphology, and two out of four displayed embryogenic char-
acteristics. Somatic embryo development was achieved on medium
with ABA and charcoal after 12 weeks; however, the conversion
rate to plants was only 10 %.
A complete SE protocol was developed for Torreya taxifolia [
98 ].
High initiation of SE (60–100 %) from six seed families was accom-
plished on medium with various additives, including PGRs (2,4-D,
BA, kinetin, and ABA ) and maltose . The EMs were cryopreserved
using the standard protocol. Somatic embryo s developed on a
medium with ABA, activated charcoal , maltose, biotin, brassino-
lide, MES, folic acid, and pyruvic acid. Two genotypes of clonal
mature somatic embryo s germinated at 64 and 95 %, respectively,
and after 2 months the somatic seedlings were planted in a sub-
strate. The species is under threat of extinction and SE will assist in
the present and future conservation of this ancient plant.
Despite extensive research to develop SE protocols for Araucaria
angustifolia , only pre-cotyledonary somatic embryo s were obtained
in culture [
99 , 100 ].
4.3 Taxaceae
4.4 Cephalotaxaceae
4.5 Araucariaceae
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
5 Genetic Stability of Cultured Embryonal Mass and Somatic Seedlings
Embryogenic cell lines from ten half-sib seed families of P. sylvestris
were analyzed using four nuclear single sequence repeat (SSR)
markers, also known as microsatellites or short tandem repeats
(STR) [
101 ]. The aim was to determine whether the genetic stabil-
ity of the lines changes during in vitro culture. The results indicated
that mutations occurred in the cell lines and that their frequency
was dependent on the seed family. Interestingly, mutations were
detected in cell lines cultured on both a medium with PGRs and on
a medium without PGRs, undermining the present notion that
2,4-D is the main culprit causing genetic instability. The authors
also found a considerable mutation rate in zygotic embryo s, albeit
at a much lower rate compared with cultured EM , which led them
to conclude that the in vitro culture stress triggered the mutations
in the microsatellite regions in P. sylvestris . Whether the instability in
the studied microsatellite loci refl ect alteration in functional genes
remains to be investigated. In a similar study with P. pinaster , 17
EM lines from six seed families were analyzed using seven nuclear
SSR markers after 6, 14 and 22 months of culture as well as regen-
erated somatic seedlings [
102 ]. The SSR pattern at the time of line
establishment was used as a reference for the cultures of increasing
age. Genetic variation was detected in cultures of all ages and in 5
out of 52 somatic seedlings. Some somatic seedlings displayed pla-
giotropism and loss of apical shoot dominance, but no correlation
was found between genetic instability at the analyzed loci and the
abnormal phenotype. Nevertheless, there is a risk of genetic muta-
tions during the cell proliferation stage in vitro, which may lead to
the regeneration of mutant plants with different mutations occur-
ring among somatic plants regenerated even from the same EM
line. The latter could be caused by the presence of a mixture of cells
that accumulated different mutations in a given cell line and, hence,
the regenerated plants were not clonal. There is some speculation
that the loss of embryo development capacity in aged EM lines
might be attributed to the accumulation of mutations, perhaps
together with epigenetic changes, during prolonged in vitro cul-
ture, as described below.
6 Aging of Embryogenic Cultures and its Infl uence on the Ability to Produce
Mature Somatic Embryos
The age of embryogenic cultures maintained on semisolid medium
can negatively infl uence their ability to produce mature somatic
embryo s in some conifer species. However, aging was not counter-
productive in cultures of Picea and Larix hybrids. In L. x eurolepis ,
a line was still productive after 9 years of subculturing [
80 ]. On the
contrary, the somatic embryo regeneration ability of cultures of
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
A. lasiocarpa [ 84 ] and C. japonica [ 92 ] decreased overtime
whereas in Larix leptolepis , embryogenic cultures became non-
embryogenic [
103 ]. The aging and associated changes appear
critical in Pinus sp. In P. pinaster , maturation yield decreased rap-
idly within 6 months of culture [
28 , 104 ]. Reduction in the quantity
of somatic embryos or cessation of somatic embryo development
was accompanied by substantial modifi cations to the cellular orga-
nization/composition of the culture during proliferation [
27 ].
Total culture time also affected the quality of cotyledonary somatic
embryos, with progressive reduction of size and germination rate
28 ]. However, the embryogenic culture’s ability to regenerate
cotyledonary somatic embryos could be prolonged by modifying
the culture medium composition and subculture frequency [
27 ].
In Larix sp., the effect of aging on embryogenic ability has
been studied at the molecular level (reviewed by Trontin et al.,
8 ). Differential expression of various microRNAs (four
major miRNA families: miR171, miR159, miR169, miR172) has
been detected in embryogenic and in non-embryogenic cultures of
Larix kaempferi [
105 ]. In particular, miR171 and miR159 were
found downregulated and upregulated in non-embryogenic cul-
tures, respectively. Subsequently, the authors identifi ed a MYB
transcription factor ( LaMYB33 from L. kaempferi ) as a target gene
for miR159 and Larix SCARECROW-LIKE 6 homolog ( LaSCL6 )
was targeted by miR171 [
106 ]. Post-transcriptional regulation of
LaMYB33 and LaSCL6 by miRNAs may participate in the mainte-
nance of embryogenic potential as part of the epigenetic complex
of regulation of gene expression [
103 , 106 ].
To circumvent the recurrent problem of aging, the embryo-
genic cultures of most conifer species are routinely cryopreserved
shortly after initiation ( see Ozudogru and Lambardi, Chapter
32 ).
Full embryogenic competence of old embryogenic lines could be
restored in P. pinaster by inducing new cultures from cotyledonary
somatic embryo s (secondary SE; [
104 ]).
7 Desiccation and Cryopreservation
The ability to cryopreserve EM has been a critical success feature
of the development of SE to the level we utilize this technology in
the afforestation programs today. The maturation competences of
SE cultures under conditions of continuous subculture are highly
variable both within and between species. Some species of Picea
and Larix are seemingly unaffected by long periods of minimal or
erratic subculture, but many Pinus species show a sharp decline in
both quantitative and qualitative mature embryo production [
28 ,
80 , 107 ]. These differences, to some degree, infl uence the urgency
to cryopreserve cultures. However, the cost savings associated with
not subculturing and the importance of retention of genetic fi delity
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
and maturation competence make cryopreservation as critical as
the other stages of the SE process.
Considering the progress made in cryopreservation over the
past decade, key developments include a better understanding of
the morphology of cell lines, the interaction of cryoprotectant
treatments with these and the development of protocols that facili-
tate storage of immature and mature somatic embryo s [
108 , 109 ].
It is also clear that relatively simple pretreatments and freezing pro-
tocols are proving as effective as earlier more complex methodolo-
gies. Embryogenic cell lines on proliferation media are highly
heterogeneous, consisting of a range of cell types in a state of con-
stant differentiation and dedifferentiation. This variability in cell
types has been thought to differentially infl uence the responsive-
ness of cellular components to osmotic treatment, colligate cryo-
protection and controlled cooling [
107 ]. Recent results with a
number of species indicate that many of the factors that contribute
to successful cryopreservation still remain elusive [
108 ]. The
increasing body of work using more differentiated tissues may lead
to this being the preferential material for long-term storage of
Cryotolerance of P. abies was studied in association with growth
rate, anatomical features and polyamines (putrescine, spermidine
and spermine) in fi ve embryogenic cultures [
108 ]. The authors
found that the ability to produce normal mature embryos was the
only characteristic shown to have a positive correlation with cryo-
tolerance. Of the two lines showing a high percentage of cryotoler-
ance, one was a highly productive line, in terms of maturation
ability, the other one had a negligible ability to produce mature
embryos. Anatomically, the contrast between the embryo initials
for these two lines prior to cryopreservation was striking, with the
poor-embryo-producing line showing highly dedifferentiated ini-
tials. The same contrast was seen with total polyamine contents,
with the two cell lines with the highest contents giving opposite
results with regard to cryotolerance at 94 and 0 %. These observa-
tions indicate that the factors that confer cryotolerance in EM are
yet to be fully elucidated.
New species to show successful recovery from liquid nitrogen
storage include P. nigra and P. omorika [
110 112 ], respectively.
More unusually for conifer embryogenic tissues, the pretreatment
stages for P. omorika were done on semisolid medium with increas-
ing sucrose concentrations followed by air drying of the EM to
20 % of original fresh weight and subsequent immersion directly
into liquid nitrogen. No other cryoprotectant agents were used.
After cryostorage, P. nigra demonstrated growth rates and ability to
produce mature embryos similar to the control material maintained
in long-term culture [
110 ]. Another less common pretreatment
( maltose ) and cryoprotectant formulation was applied to P. pinaster
7.1 Cryotolerance of
Embryonal Masses
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
that included PEG 4000 with dimethylsulfoxide ( DMSO ), resulting
in 97 % recovery of the cell lines tested [
113 ].
Vitrifi cation using a modifi ed plant vitrifi cation solution
( PVS2 ), developed primarily for nonembryogenic tissues and shoot
apices, has been tested with the aim of developing a simplifi ed cryo-
preservation procedure for conifer embryogenic tissues. Successful
vitrifi cation of tissues would facilitate immediate immersion into
liquid nitrogen storage without intervening steps including tran-
sient storage at −40 to −80 °C in freezers or programmable cooling
incubators. This was successfully achieved with some cell lines of P.
mariana [
114 ]. An encapsulation /dehydration method was tested
with immature somatic embryo s of P. sitchensis and resulted in the
regeneration of EM following immersion in liquid nitrogen [
115 ].
No −40 to −80 °C or programmable freezer are required, but the
tissue treatment is labor intensive prior to storage.
A novel method for tissue regrowth was tested with P. radiata
and resulted in signifi cantly improved post-thaw growth with 60
cell lines stored from 6 months to 4 years prior to thawing [
116 ].
The authors used a vigorous culture (nurse culture) of P. radiata
to nurse the thawed cells; the nurse culture and thawed cells were
separated from each other by a nylon screen. Further simplifi cation
of methods was achieved with P. glauca x engelmannii and P. men-
ziesii . The method eliminated both the use of toxic cryoprotec-
tants and freezing environments. Following culture on ABA
medium at 4 °C, the tissue was immersed directly into liquid nitro-
gen [
109 ]. The method relied on preconditioning of early somatic
embryo s and these retained the ability to regenerate EM following
storage in liquid nitrogen.
Contamination of EM lines can still plague this step of the SE
process, with a number of authors reporting signifi cant losses of
cell lines upon thawing from liquid nitrogen storage [
108 , 112 ].
Picea omorika cryopreserved as clumps of tissues rather than as
cell suspension s had a decreased frequency of contamination if
liquid nitrogen was prevented from entering the vials during
freezing [
112 ]. In embryogenic cultures of P. radiata cell lines
stored for 6 months, none of the 37 genotypes (222 vials) were
contaminated and only 5 % of the vials from a further 23 geno-
types (138 vials) stored for 4 years were contaminated, despite the
fact that all vials had been immersed in liquid nitrogen upon freez-
ing [
116 ]. Interestingly, antibiotic cephotaxime (100 mg/L) was
used in the proliferation medium to reduce the risk of bacterial
contamination of cultures during the frequent treatments before
cryostorage of P. abies [
108 ].
Mature somatic embryo storage could potentially confer a range of
advantages over the cryopreservation of embryogenic masses and
would be especially useful in the application of this propagation
technology. Effective storage would facilitate both the synchrony
7.2 Mature Somatic
Embryo Storage
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
of seed orchard and laboratory production with seasonal nursery
and planting programs. Added advantages are that with careful
pretreatment, no cryoprotectant chemicals or programmable freez-
ing equipment is required. Successful desiccation without cryo-
preservation may also be an important aspect of improving quality
and synchronizing germination in somatic embryos in many
species. Continued development of direct sowing and artifi cial
seed technologies may also benefi t from more effective desiccation
The desiccation environment seems to be one of the key ele-
ments for successful storage. Picea mariana and P. glauca somatic
embryo s were slowly dried at 97 or 88 % relative humidity (RH) to
reach a water content of 0.23 H
2 O g/L dry weight before
achieving a high post liquid nitrogen germination frequency of
93.8 % [
117 ]. Desiccation at a lower RH of 63 % had a signifi cantly
negative effect on subsequent germination following cryopreserva-
tion. Interestingly, the somatic embryos that managed to survive
this treatment showed a 100 % conversion to plantlets whereas the
conversion of the somatic embryos from the 97 or 88 % RH treat-
ments ranged from 26.7 to 46.7 %. These authors also tested the
stored embryo potential for embryogenic tissue reinduction fol-
lowing thawing. Embryos that had been desiccated at high RH
(97 %) and were rehydrated for 12 h at 100 % RH had reinduction
rates that were similar to those of the controls [
117 ]. Further work
from this team has elucidated some of the mechanisms linked to
fast desiccation tolerance in P. mariana [
118 ]. Their studies
showed that an initial short period of slow desiccation of the
embryos increased their subsequent tolerance to a fast desiccation
treatment. The mechanisms behind this indicated an increase in
sucrose accumulation, occurrence of raffi nose, and depletion of
starch reserves within the somatic embryos. The occurrence of
dehydrins was also investigated in reference to their suspected role
in the development of desiccation tolerance. The authors noted a
doubling of the dehydrin signal intensity after 48 h of slow desic-
cation (24–48 kDA), which coincided with the best treatment for
subsequent germination of rapidly desiccated embryos.
Picea glauca and P. glauca × engelmannii complex somatic
embryo s were gradually dried over salt solutions to the level of dry
seed embryos and retained their viability upon rehydration [
119 ].
Desiccated somatic embryos also survived subsequent freezing in
liquid nitrogen , without the addition of cryoprotectant or pre-
culture steps. Highest survival (>80 %) after freezing in liquid
nitrogen was in embryos pre-dried to Ψ of –15 to –20 MPa, which
yielded relative water content (RWC) close to predicted bound
(apoplastic) water values. In another study, somatic embryos of
P. glauca survived a rapid desiccation treatment (2 h of air drying
on a laminar fl ow bench at ambient temperature and humidity) if
they were carefully preconditioned on maturation medium [
120 ].
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
The optimum treatment was leaving embryogenic tissue on
maturation medium for 51 days, making it possible for embryos to
become cotyledonary before placing the Petri dishes into 5 °C for
8 more weeks of incubation. It should be noted that in P. glauca ,
cotyledonary embryos are fully developed after 51 days and preco-
cious germination was observed in some embryos prior to incuba-
tion at 5 °C. In contrast to the results presented for P. mariana
(and P. glauca ) [
118 ], shorter periods of incubation were detri-
mental to the quality of the germinant following rapid desiccation
120 ]. Elucidation of the mechanisms behind the cold tolerance of
P. glauca somatic embryos has subsequently shown, with freezing
damage tests based on electrolyte leakage, that somatic embryos
matured at lower temperatures possessed signifi cantly higher freez-
ing tolerances than somatic embryos matured at 20 °C [
121 ].
8 SE from Vegetative Tissues of Adult Conifers
Vegetative (also known as clonal) propagation of adult trees has a
major advantage over propagation through seed because large
genetic gains are achieved by capturing a large proportion of tree
genetic diversity in a single selection cycle [
122 ]. Hence, vegeta-
tive propagation of select superior forest conifers through SE is
highly desirable, particularly because it has the potential to deliver
a stable supply of superior seedlings for forest plantations. However,
in spite of decades of research efforts, effi cient propagation of adult
conifers by any means is still beyond reach [
61 , 123 , 124 ]. The
rst work that raised expectations in this area of research was induc-
tion of SE in buds (primordial shoots/needles) of 2- to 3-year-old
P. abies grown from a somatic embryo [
125 ] and Ceratozamia spp.
126 ], but no results on somatic plant growth have been pub-
lished. Using four genotypes of somatic trees of P. glauca , it was
subsequently demonstrated that one genotype produced SE from
primordial shoot explants (Fig.
2a–f ) consistently from age 2 (in
2002; [
127 ]) to 15 years (in 2015; Klimaszewska, personal com-
munication). The media for each stage of SE were the same as
those used for seed embryo SE and a large number of juvenile
propagules (somatic seedlings) have been grown in a greenhouse
and subsequently planted in the fi eld. These somatic trees derived
from donor trees of increasing chronological and ontogenic ages
Fig. 2 (continued) (17.5×). ( c ) Primordial shoot cut longitudinally and showing slightly elongated needle
primordia (24×).Fig. 2 (continued) ( d ) Embryonal masses growing from the explant after 33 days (magnifi cation
25×). ( e ) Mature somatic embryos produced from embryonal masses induced from the same donor trees of
different ages; 2, 7, and 8 years old (0.5×). ( f ) Somatic seedlings cultured on germination medium for 7 weeks
(1.1×). ( g ) Clonal, juvenile G6 trees produced from primordial shoots collected from 7-year-old (on the left ) and
8-year-old (on the right ) donor trees (1×) growing in the nursery of NRCan-CFS, Valcartier, QC, Canada
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
Fig. 2 Induction of somatic embryo genesis (SE) within primordial shoots of somatic Picea glauca 13-year-old
trees, genotype G6. Vegetative buds were collected on May 6, 2013 from a plantation established in 2003 by
NRCan-CFS in Valcartier, QC, Canada. ( a ) A branch with pre-fl ush buds (2.5×). ( b ) Cleaned and disinfected buds
are being evaluated for their growth rate and morphology, and are
expected to provide evidence of true rejuvenation. Simultaneously,
the donor trees of responsive and nonresponsive genotypes pro-
vided a unique opportunity to examine the molecular aspects
underpinning SE within shoot tissues of adult P. glauca trees
(reviewed by Trontin et al., Chapter
8 ). A 32,000 oligo-probe
microarray was used for transcriptome-wide expression profi ling of
explants at day 0 and day 7 of culture, which led to the identifi ca-
tion of four of the most differentially expressed genes in each of the
two genotypes [
128 ]. The absolute quantitative PCR (qPCR) of
these genes was expanded to 21 days of SE induction and showed
that the expression of all eight genes was maintained throughout
the induction period. In contrast to the responsive genotype,
explants of the nonresponsive genotype expressed high levels of
stress-related genes, such as two extracellular serine protease inhib-
itors, a cell wall invertase, and a class III apoplastic peroxidase,
whereas the former showed temperate expression of these genes.
Instead, high expression of dehydrins and the QT-repeat and pro-
line rich proteins that are conifer-specifi c were identifi ed in the
responsive genotype and suggested an adaptive stress response .
These results further suggested that the possible causes of the lack
of SE induction in an explant may not be necessarily due to an
innate lack of SE promoting activity, but that biotic defense activa-
tion could potentially be a dominant antagonist. Therefore, future
work should focus on determining how and if suppressing biotic
defense activation could be used to promote SE induction in non-
responsive explants.
9 Field Growth of SE Trees
Clonal forestry offers signifi cant advantages for forest productivity
due to the genetic gain (volume and quality improvements) that
can be realized through selection and mass propagation of elite
individuals (clones) [
129 ]. Somatic embryo genesis, with its capac-
ity for long-term germplasm cryopreservation and scale-up tech-
nologies, is the preferred avenue to accelerate the selection and
operational deployment of value-added genotypes, especially
through multivarietal forestry [
4 , 7 ]. Over the past decade, more
information has become available from fi eld performance trials of
planting stock derived from SE. As described in an earlier review,
the majority of reports was for Picea spp. due to their responsive-
ness to SE relative to other genera [
4 ]. A number of early trials
with Picea spp. and P. menziesii have been established for several
decades and while the Pinus spp. have been more recalcitrant to
SE, some information is available [
7 ].
Further studies looking at the possible long-term effects on
eld growth of somatic seedlings caused by in vitro conditions
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
was undertaken with P. abies [ 130 ]. The somatic plants were
assessed for survival and early growth after 4 months in the fi eld.
The authors confi rmed that prolonged exposure to ABA during
the maturation period of somatic embryo formation inhibited early
growth. Another treatment of continuous light routinely given to
P. abies seedlings to improve early growth in the greenhouse had a
negative effect on the growth of somatic plants. The authors con-
cluded that direct inwintering of somatic plants after transfer to ex
vitro conditions should be avoided. Early greenhouse work study-
ing clonal variation in morphology, growth, physiology, anatomy,
and ultrastructure of 6-month-old container-grown P. glauca
somatic plants found a number of differences when compared with
zygotic seedlings of the same families [
131 ]. Height ranges of
clones were greater (14.4–31.8 cm) than that of seedlings (15.8–
24.3 cm), and root collar diameters were generally greater in
clones. Variation within families was larger among somatic clones
than among zygotic seedlings for height, needle dry mass and
branch density. Light microscopy showed that tannins were more
abundant in somatic plants than seedlings; otherwise all needle
samples displayed a similar morphology. Of more concern was
the incidence of root deformation in somatic plants which had to
be transplanted from culture vessels to styroblock containers.
Only 52 % of somatic plants had a normal root form, a rate that is
comparable with that observed in zygotic seedlings that were not
transplanted. Another interesting observation was that plants from
specifi c clones suffered from copper defi ciency symptoms in all rep-
lications despite fertilizer application. What was clear and encour-
aging from this study was the early screening potential for selection
of superior clones based on both physiological and morphological
characteristics [
131 ]. Subsequent work presenting pooled data
that compared zygotic seedlings and somatic plants of P. menziesii
for gas exchange rate s, water relations and frost hardiness after 2
years in the fi eld concluded that there were no signifi cant differ-
ences between the two stock types [
132 ]. However, no data was
presented for individual clone performance. There were only three
clones in this trial derived from control crosses versus the seedling
controls, which were from bulked open pollinated seed collected
from the same orchard. When considering frost hardiness and bud
break, no signifi cant differences were found between the two stock
types in the latter study. More recent work raised the possibility
that there may be some interaction between temperature at the
time of somatic embryo maturation and subsequent frost hardi-
ness and bud break especially in the fi rst few years of plant estab-
lishment [
117 ]. Based on fi eld performance studies, it appears
that clones produced from SE, at least those of P. menziesii and
P. glauca , can be highly acclimated to different climatic conditions
133 , 134 ].
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
Evaluation of genetic parameters and examination of genotype
x environment interactions to characterize the genetic stability of
somatic seedlings of P. glauca have been done 4 years after estab-
lishment of the fi eld tests [
134 ]. In these tests, 52 clones (from 14
control-crossed families) were compared and they are the fi rst of a
series of trials established under different ecological site conditions
comparing over 1000 somatic clones. Encouragingly, the percent-
age of somatic seedlings (52 clones) exhibiting normal adaptive
characteristics for survival (98–99 %) and bud frost damage and
stem form (90–99 %) characteristics were high, and therefore,
genetic parameters were not calculated for these characteristics.
Strong positive genotypic correlations were found between height,
diameter, annual shoot length and volume. The authors felt that
the stability of the clonal performance at the two sites refl ected the
effi ciency of clonal selection and was therefore a good reason to
promote the selection of generalist clones for future applications in
multiclonal forestry [
134 ]. Older somatic plantings (5.5 years) of
P. menziesii var. menziesii have been assessed for survival and per-
formance, clonal genetic parameters such as variances, heritability,
and correlations, and for stability of clonal performance ac ross fi ve
sites in Washington and Oregon, in the Pacifi c Northwest, USA
133 ]. There were 70 clones in the test and the somatic seedlings
were grown in the same greenhouse for 1 year prior to planting.
All exhibited growth rates and morphology within the normal
range exhibited by zygotic seedlings in nurseries. The survival of
the somatic seedling clones at 5.5 years ranged from 92 to 99 %
and the general conclusion from this study was that the stability of
these clones was encouraging for future clonal forestry applications
in coastal Douglas fi r.
A set of P. radiata trials was established in New Zealand and
Australia (three in each country) to investigate clonal stability
focusing on growth and form traits [
135 ] (Fig. 3 ). The planting
stock was derived from cuttings taken from hedges established
from somatic embryo s rather than using germinated somatic
embryos directly. One reason for this approach was to improve
plant quality within clones (height, root mass, and stem diameter,
all of which were positively affected). There were 245–280 clones
tested at the three New Zealand trials and 44–69 clones at the
three Australian sites. In general, clonal stability was good ac ross
the New Zealand sites, and although there was only a small num-
ber of clones that were common between Australia and New
Zealand, clones stable for growth could be identifi ed across both
countries. The authors did note that age 5 may still be too young
to draw fi rm conclusions with regard to genotype rankings. Forest
Genetics Ltd. planted their fi rst trials of P. radiata derived from
somatic seedlings in 1999. They have been able to clearly identify
outstanding clones, which now form the basis of fi eld-proven
material being sold to commercial clients ( ).
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
These plants command a premium price relative to seedlings of
control pollinated seed lots. Evaluation of somatic seedlings has
been also ongoing in France since 1999 with P. pinaster for which ca.
3200 clonal trees from more than 200 genotypes were established
in eight fi eld tests [
7 ]. Data analysis at age 6, from 24 clones
planted in 2004, indicated that somatic seedlings are producing
normal trees but usually with a lower initial growth rate than those
from seedlings (Trontin, personal communication). However, it
has been shown that mean relative increase in height was similar or
even higher in specifi c somatic lines after 6 years, suggesting that
normal growth can be recovered later.
Seed production from somatic clonal trees has been studied in
P. mariana [
136 ]. The authors found that the somatic trees pro-
duced both viable pollen and female cones that were able to be
crossed to produce equally viable seeds. The authors noted that
male strobili were produced about 6 years after planting and 2
years after the early onset of female fl ower production, which is
earlier than what is generally observed in zygotic trees. The
authors also noted the incidence of albino germinants (up to 14 %
in one particular inbred cross). No direct non-somatic clone con-
trols were used in this research to determine if earlier male and
female cone production had an adverse effect on vegetative
growth. Results were generally compared with other data available
for P. mariana and there were no outstanding anomalies (pollen
germination , seed mass, and morphophysiological standards for
planting stock). The authors concluded that the stock produced
Fig. 3 Somatic Pinus radiata in a fi eld test of the Forest Genetics Ltd., New Zealand
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
through SE and selected for exceptional performance could be
used for subsequent seed production and would enhance gains
from multivarietal forestry.
10 Bioreactor /Scale-Up Studies
For commercial application of SE, laboratory-scale protocols must
be scaled up and fulfi ll several criteria such as production of high
quantities of uniform somatic embryo s at a given time and at a
reasonable cost per unit. This can be achieved by utilizing
bioreactors, which are amenable to automation and allow contin-
uous monitoring and control of growth conditions (agitation,
pH, oxygen , and carbon dioxide ), large volumes, and mainte-
nance of a homogeneous culture. In a study with P. sitchensis , two
EM lines were grown in bioreactors of different confi gurations
( air-lift , bubble, stirred tank, and hanging stirrer bar) and com-
pared with shake fl ask cultures [
137 ]. The bioreactors were 5, 2,
or 1 L in volume. Both lines exhibited larger increases in biomass
when grown in bioreactors, but one line proliferated as single
early somatic embryos while the other one formed large aggre-
gates of somatic embryos. Samples taken from all cultures were
transferred onto maturation medium with 40 μM ABA , 1 μM
IBA, 3 % sucrose , and 0.1 % activated charcoal . There were two
medium variants in Petri dishes: one semisolid (0.6 % agar ) and
another semisolid covered with 7 mL of liquid medium for sub-
merged culture. One line produced cotyledonary somatic embryos
at the highest number when proliferated in bubble bioreactor on
both variants of maturation medium. For the second line, the sub-
merged way of culture was unsuitable. The results suggested that
the bioreactor confi guration, design, and operating conditions
must be adequately chosen to suit the physiological, metabolic,
and morphological characteristics of a line. For P. menziesii , a
large-scale somatic embryo production system was developed by
Weyerhauser Co. (WA, USA) [
138 ]. It involved growing the EM
in 1 L fl asks in liquid medium on a rotary shaker in darkness, fol-
lowed by culture in perfusion bioreactors on liquid medium
soaked pads containing PEG , ABA, GA
4/7 , and charcoal for devel-
opment and maturation. The development medium was pumped
from the reservoir into the bioreactor until it made contact with
the lower surface of the pads. The medium was absorbed in the
pads by capillary action and, after a few hours, it was pumped out
to the reservoir. This was repeated at regular intervals until mature
cotyledonary embryos developed. Twenty to fi fty cotyledonary
somatic embryos were produced from the initial 1 mL of settled
EM, but different genotypes showed variations in both the num-
ber and quality of mature somatic embryos. The somatic embryos
were cold-treated before germination . The authors concluded
Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
that the solution for low-cost mass production of conifers was the
combination of liquid culture with bioreactors, automation tech-
nology, and manufactured seed delivery system.
11 Conclusions and Future Research
The multidiscipline approach that is taking place to fi nd solutions
to some of the problems still facing large-scale production of conifer
trees through SE should prove fruitful in the future. SE research
has generated knowledge and protocols that can be immediately
applied from one species to another and have their utility verifi ed.
For example, in Pinus species and other conifer genera where ini-
tiation of SE is proving problematic, the viability of crosses prior
to sampling needs to be considered. Following sampling for
embryogenesis, a further collection of cones should be made
when the seed is mature to verify that the seed is viable. It has
been shown with a range of conifers that embryos often form early
in development only to abort prior to becoming cotyledonary,
especially in situations where self- fertilization or hybridization
may be occurring. In some cases, SE may be a way of rescuing
these embryos that could be advantageous, especially with the
establishment of novel fi rst generation hybrids. However, for gen-
eral protocol development, it is better to have known high viabil-
ity crosses to work with. Another confounding factor with protocol
development is the presence of the megagametophyte , which is
likely to have a confounding effect with regard to development of
an optimal induction medium. The megagametophyte tissue dies
as soon as it is dissected away from the seed coat and may start to
produce toxic leachates. Examination of the literature does show
mixed responses and it is possible that the megagametophyte acts
as a buffer against suboptimal media interactions, and that it even
provides some nutritive benefi ts in the short term. It is recom-
mended that both methods of dissection be tested as part of the
matrix including media modifi cations when protocols are being
developed or improved for conifer species. Optimization of culture
medium should benefi t from using software tools for experimental
design, computation, and graphic visualization of multifactor
interactions that together infl uence the culture productivity from
its onset in vitro to the plants in a greenhouse/nursery as demon-
strated for herbaceous species by Halloran et al. [
139 ] and Adelberg
et al. [
140 ].
We expect to see increased integration of somatic embryo gen-
esis within current nursery practices. In the laboratory, methods to
reduce plant production costs will continue to develop; these
include liquid culture and sorting mechanisms for mature somatic
embryos. Somatic embryo s of a number of conifer species are
amenable to organogenesis, and this step will be used to provide
Conifer Somatic Embryogenesis
plants for stool bed and subsequent cutting regeneration. Where
physiological age constraints limit the life of stool beds, liquid
nitrogen storage will ensure a continuous supply of juvenile stock
plants. Soft tissue manipulation robotics for medical procedures is
improving as well as visual multidimensional graphics, and this may
create new opportunities for automation of the SE process.
We thank Dr. J. Bonga (Natural Resources Canada-Canadian
Forest Service) for comments on the early draft of the manuscript
and Mrs. I. Lamarre (NRCan-CFS) for English editing. J.F.T. and
M.A.L.W. were supported by the French “Région Aquitaine”
(EMBRYO2011: 09012579-045) project and by Conseil Régional
de la “Région Centre” (EMBRYOME project, contract 33639),
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Krystyna Klimaszewska et al.
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_8, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 8
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Zygotic and Somatic
Embryo Development: A Review of Genome-Wide
Approaches and Recent Insights
Jean-François Trontin , Krystyna Klimaszewska , Alexandre Morel ,
Catherine Hargreaves , and Marie-Anne Lelu-Walter
Genome-wide profi ling (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics) is providing unprecedented opportu-
nities to unravel the complexity of coordinated gene expression during embryo development in trees, espe-
cially conifer species harboring “giga-genome.” This knowledge should be critical for the effi cient delivery
of improved varieties through seeds and/or somatic embryos in fl uctuating markets and to cope with climate
change. We reviewed “omics” as well as targeted gene expression studies during both somatic and zygotic
embryo development in conifers and tentatively puzzled over the critical processes and genes involved at the
specifi c developmental and transition stages. Current limitations to the interpretation of these large datasets
are going to be lifted through the ongoing development of comprehensive genome resources in conifers.
Nevertheless omics already confi rmed that master regulators (e.g., transcription and epigenetic factors) play
central roles. As in model angiosperms, the molecular regulation from early to late embryogenesis may
mainly arise from spatiotemporal modulation of auxin-, gibberellin-, and abscisic acid- mediated responses.
Omics also showed the potential for the development of tools to assess the progress of embryo development
or to build genotype-independent, predictive models of embryogenesis-specifi c characteristics.
Key words Developmental regulator , Embryo patterning , Gymnosperm , Metabolome , Proteome ,
Somatic embryo genesis , Transcriptome , Stress
1 Introduction
Compared with herbaceous angiosperms such as Arabidopsis thali-
ana , elucidation of the molecular events regulating embryo devel-
opment in trees, and particularly in conifers (the primary source
for wood production worldwide), has been hindered by their large
physical size, slow growth, long generation time, and very large
genome. A number of powerful genetic approaches whose effi -
ciency does not require the availability of large genomic resources
or full genome sequence (e.g., embryo defective mutants, T-DNA
insertional mutagenesis) are therefore impracticable with conifers
[ 1 , 2 ]. The recent implementation of qualitative and quantitative
methods for the genome-wide profi ling of genes [
3 ] (transcrip-
tomics), proteins [
4 ] (proteomics), and metabolites [ 5 , 6 ] (metab-
olomics) provided unprecedented opportunities to unravel the
complexity of coordinated gene expression during conifer embryo
development. Analysis of the “omic” data now benefi ts from the
extensive cDNA resources and proteome databases established in
several spruce and pine species of commercial and ecological inter-
est [
7 10 ]. It is also anticipated that the identifi cation rate of mul-
tiple transcripts and proteins in genome-wide data sets will
considerably increase as decoding the conifer “giga-genome” is
ongoing in Picea glauca [
11 ], Picea abies [ 12 ], Pinus taeda [ 13 ],
and other pine species such as Pinus radiata (Scion-led project,
New Zealand, Scion Annual Report 2013, p. 15,
), Pinus pinaster and
Pinus sylvestris (ProCoGen European project 2012–2015,
). Even if annotation of this enormous genomic
resource is still challenging [
9 , 14 ], “omic” approaches to eluci-
date embryo development are rapidly developing. The resulting
knowledge might ultimately provide (epi)genomic tools for the
effi cient production of improved and better adapted varieties
through seedlings and/or emblings ( somatic embryo genesis) to
cope with both market evolution and the changing environment.
It is also of particular interest to complement the tedious “trial and
error” strategy currently in use, to refi ne somatic embryogenesis
protocols (reviewed by Klimaszewska et al., Chapter
7 ) and achieve
commercial application in conifer species, especially through mul-
tivarietal forestry [
15 , 16 ].
In this chapter we review the recent advances in transcrip-
tomics (and targeted gene expression studies), proteomics and
metabolomics of both somatic (SE) and zygotic embryo (ZE)
development in conifers. The review is mostly focused on SE, as
somatic embryo genesis has become a model in vitro system in
conifers to study the molecular biology of embryo development
2 , 17 ], including epigenetic aspects as background genetic load
can be ruled out from clonal material [
18 ]. It is comparatively dif-
cult to sample manageable quantities of embryonal mass ( EM )
during early zygotic embryogenesis [
19 , 20 ]. Our aims were (1) to
emphasize the critical processes and genes at specifi c embryo devel-
opmental and transition stages, and (2) to highlight practical appli-
cation for somatic embryogenesis in conifers.
2 Transcriptomics of Conifer Embryo Development
The development of cDNA or oligonucleotide-based microarray
technologies, and more recently, of next generation sequencing
RNA methods has provided critical advances for genome-wide
Jean-François Trontin et al.
screening of quantitative gene expression in forest trees [ 3 ].
Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) also pro-
vides an accurate tool for analyzing the expression of individual can-
didate genes selected from microarray and sequencing-based data.
The increasing use of absolute quantifi cation may raise the possibil-
ity for universal comparison of gene expression [
21 ]. There are still
limitations at both technical [
22 ] and data interpretation levels [ 9 ].
However, microarrays developed in major conifers were found suit-
able for transcriptome profi ling in other species [
9 , 23 ]. Both
microarrays and RNA sequencing methods are now increasingly
used to obtain either initial insights into embryogenesis- related
transcriptomes when public resources are limited, e.g., Larix
kaempferi [
24 ], or to perform comprehensive transcriptome analy-
ses of somatic [
2 , 18 , 25 ], and/or zygotic material [ 19 , 26 , 27 ].
Despite various spatiotemporal differences between gymnosperms
and angiosperms embryogenesis [
28 ], it is increasingly debated
how to effi ciently translate the molecular information gained in A.
thaliana to domesticated species [
29 ]. The information delivered
from the completed genome sequence in A. thaliana resulted in a
deeper understanding of complex, regulated gene network (300–
450 genes) involved in embryo patterning [
20 , 29 31 ].
Interestingly, most embryogenesis-related genes identifi ed in A.
thaliana have homologous sequences with strong congruity in
conifers [
28 ] such as in P. taeda (83 %) [ 32 ] and L. kaempferi (78
%) [
24 ]. Differences in molecular regulation of embryogenesis
between A. thaliana and conifers may therefore mainly arise from
variation in gene expression [
2 , 28 ], especially temporal differences
at the transition between embryo development al stages [
33 ].
Regulation of gene expression is thought to result partly from epi-
genetic modifi cations as a possible adaptive mechanism in long-
lived trees [
18 ]. A large transcriptomic study further indicated that
ZE transcript profi les are highly correlated between P. pinaster and
A. thaliana [
19 , 34 ], with gymnosperm -specifi c transcripts esti-
mated to be only 3 %. There is thus some evidence that conifers
will benefi t from angiosperms reference data [
20 , 35 , 36 ]. Because
transcripts abundance is not always predictive of effector molecules
underpinning the physiological process involved in embryo devel-
opment, one more challenge is to integrate transcriptomic with
proteomic and metabolomic datasets. This promising systems biol-
ogy approach to modeling the genetic regulation of plant embryo-
genesis is ongoing in A. thaliana [
20 ], with expected similarity in
conifers [
26 , 31 , 37 , 38 ].
Only a few available reviews [
28 , 39 43 ] aimed at unraveling the
complex regulatory gene network expressed in conifers, from
embryogenesis induction to early embryogenesis (embryonic
phase), late embryogenesis (up to the cotyledonary embryo stage)
2.1 Conifer
Analyses Benefi t
from Advances
in Model Plants
2.2 The Growing
Bulk of Information
About Coordinated
Gene Expression
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
and the subsequent maturation steps from the acquisition of desic-
cation tolerance to the establishment of dormancy and accumula-
tion of storage reserves needed for germination . The range of
genes transcribed in conifer EM is apparently 30–40 % larger than
in any other tissue [
18 , 28 ]. Our knowledge is currently highly
fragmented because most studies performed during the last decade
were targeting few genes (Table
1 ). Little could be learnt until
recently about the expression of gene cohorts with similar tran-
script signatures during embryo development . For this purpose,
the comparative analysis of favorable and unfavorable SE matura-
tion conditions, as well as embryogenic and non-embryogenic
material, appeared critical to identify differentially expressed genes
among developmental stages [
1 , 21 , 23 , 46 , 89 , 90 ]. Most avail-
able transcriptomic data (Table
2 ) are from P. abies because SE
development is tightly controlled in this species with clear,
synchronized transition between developmental stages promoted
by specifi c plant growth regulator ( PGR ) treatments. Transcript
profi les were described from early embryogeny at the time of EM
proliferation to the cotyledonary stage using macroarrays [
23 , 90 ],
microarrays [
2 ], or sequencing methods [ 18 ]. The latter study spe-
cifi cally reported on temperature-dependent differential transcrip-
tomes in proliferating EMs that may be associated with the
formation of an epigenetic memory with a delayed impact on seed-
ling development. In the closely related species P. glauca , Rutledge
et al. [
21 ] provided the fi rst results of transcriptome analysis
(microarray) of early molecular events involved in the induction of
somatic embryo genesis in conifers. Stasolla et al. [
92 ] performed a
macroarray analysis of the effect of polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) dur-
ing SE maturation in P. glauca . Several macroarray studies also
investigated gene expression during early cotyledonary SE devel-
opment in P. radiata [
1 , 89 ], and from early embryogenesis to
cotyledonary SE and/or ZE development in P. taeda [
26 , 27 ]. In
P. pinaster , Morel et al. [
25 ] described differences in both gene
expression (sequencing) and proteome during early cotyledonary
SE development in favorable (high gellan gum concentration) and
unfavorable (low gellan gum) maturation conditions, whereas de
Vega-Bartol et al. [
19 ] performed the fi rst microarray-based tran-
scriptomic profi ling of ZE in a conifer, from early embryo to the
cotyledonary stage. Such transcriptomic studies excluded most
small RNAs for technical considerations. However, both microR-
NAs (miRNAs) and other small noncoding RNAs are part of the
epigenetic regulation complex of gene expression, which has a cru-
cial role in regulating development, including embryogenesis [
85 ,
106 ]. A high-throughput sequencing strategy was used in
L. kaempferi [
50 ] to identify miRNAs involved in regulation of
target genes at specifi c SE stages. More than 100 predicted genes
were found to be putative targets of 60 miRNAs.
Jean-François Trontin et al.
Table 1
Recent targeted gene expression studies of embryo development in conifer species
Species Embryogenesis step Gene investigated Reference
angustifolia Early embryogenesis (SE) SERK 1 ( AaSERK1 ) [ 44 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE) Argonaute ( AaAGO ), CUC 1 ( AaCUC ), WOX ( AaWOX ), LEC1-like
( AaLEC ), vicilin 7S ( AaVIC ), S-locus lectin protein kinase ( AaLecK ),
reversible glycosylated polypeptide ( AaRGP ), scarecrow-like ( AaSCR )
45 ]
kaempferi Early embryogenesis (SE) miRNA ( miR159 , 169 , 171 , 172 ) [
46 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE) MYB-like ( MYB33 ), miR159 [
47 ]
Scarecrow-like ( SCL6 ), miR171 [
48 ]
Superoxide dismutase ( SOD ), catalase ( CAT ), ascorbate peroxidase ( APX ) [
49 ]
Trans-acting small interfering RNA TAS3/miR390 , dicer-like 1 DCL1/
miR162 , laccase/miR317 , plastocyanin/miR398 , ARF/miR160 , 167 ,
class III HD-ZIP/miR166 , miR156 , 159 , 168 , 171 , 397
50 ]
Larix x
marschlinsii Early to late embryogenesis, germination (SE) Germin-like protein 1 ( LmGER1 ) [
51 ]
Apetala 2-like ( LmAP2L1 , 2 ) [ 52 ]
Picea abies Early to late embryogenesis (SE) Type II plant metacaspase subfamily ( mcII-Pa ) [
53 ]
Actin isoformes ( Pa1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) [
54 ]
KNOX1 ( HBK3 ), argonaute ( PgAGO ) [
55 ]
KNOX1 ( HBK1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) [ 56 ]
Aquaglyceroporin ( PtNIP1;1 ) [
57 ]
HD-GL2 homeobox ( PaHB1 ) [
58 ]
CUC ( PaNAC01/02 ) [
59 ]
ABI3/viviparous 1 ( PaVP1 ) [
60 ]
ABI3/viviparous ( PaVP1 ), LEC1-like ( PaHAP3A ) [
61 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE/ZE) WOX ( PaWOX2 , PaWOX8/9 ) [
17 ]
Early to late embryogenesis, germination (SE) Lipid- transfer protein ( Pa18 ) [ 62 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE), germination (seeds) Class IV chitinase ( Chia4-Pa1 ) [
63 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE), vegetative tissue
(seedlings and/or older trees)
Lipid- transfer protein ( Pa18 ) [
64 ]
HD-GL2 homeobox ( PaHB2 ) [ 65 ]
WOX ( PaWOX2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 8A , 8B , 8/9 , 13 ) [
66 ]
WOX ( PaWOX2 ) [
67 ]
PIN family of auxin effl ux transporter ( PaPIN1 ) [ 68 ]
PIN1-like auxin transport protein ( PIN1-like ) [
69 ]
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
Species Embryogenesis step Gene investigated Reference
Picea glauca Initiation and early embryogenesis (SE) Apetala 2-like ( AP2-L2 ), LEC1-like ( CHAP3A ), IAA2-like , babyboom
( SAP2C ), SERK1-like , KNOX ( SKN1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ), ABI3/viviparous ( VP1 ),
WOX ( WOX2 )
[ 70 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE) Argonaute ( PgAGO ) [
71 ]
HD-ZIP ( PgHZ1 ) [ 72 ]
SABATH methyltransferase ( PgIAMT1 ) [
73 ]
Late embryogenesis ACS ( ACS1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) [
74 ]
Early to late embryogenesis, germination (SE) Wuschel homeobox ( WUS ), LEC1-like ( CHAP3A ) [
75 ]
Pinus contorta Early embryogenesis (SE), vegetative tissue (somatic
seedlings, mature tree) WOX ( PcWOX2 ), LEC ( PcHAP3A ) [ 76 ]
Pinus oocarpa Early to late embryogenesis (SE) 26S proteasome subunit S2 ( RPN1 ), HD-ZIP ( HD-Zip1 ), receptor
protein kinase clavata- like ( CLV ), LEA, legumin- and vicilin-like
77 ]
Pinus pinaster Early to late embryogenesis (SE/ZE) Glutamine synthetase ( GS1a , GS1b ) [
78 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE), adventitious
caulogenesis (ZE) Receptor protein kinase clavata 1-like ( PipsCLV1L ) [
79 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (ZE) Nonspecifi c lipid- transfer protein ( PpAAI-LTSS1 ) [
80 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (ZE), germination
(seedlings) Rab-related small GTP-binding protein ( PpRab1 ) [
81 ]
Pinus pinea Early to late embryogenesis (SE), adventitious
caulogenesis (ZE) Receptor protein kinase clavata 1-like ( PipiCLV1L ) [
79 ]
Pinus radiata Early embryogenesis (SE/seedlings) Otubain-like cysteine protease ( PrOTUBAIN ) [
82 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE) GRAS family ( PrSHR , PrSCL1 , and 13 other GRAS genes) [
83 ]
Pinus sylvestris Early to late embryogenesis (SE/ZE) Glutamine synthetase ( GS1a , GS1b ) [ 78 ]
ACS ( PsACS1 , 2 ) [ 84 ]
LEC1-like ( PsHAP3A ), ABI3/viviparous ( VP1 ) [
61 ]
Table 1
Jean-François Trontin et al.
Species Embryogenesis step Gene investigated Reference
Pinus taeda Early to late embryogenesis (SE) Class III HD-ZIP ( HB15L ), ARF ( ARF8L ), argonaute-like ( AGO9L ),
MYB factor ( MYB33 ), scarecrow ( SCRL ), apetala 2-like ( AP2L ),
miR159 , 166 , 167 , 171 , 172
[ 85 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (ZE) LEA ( LPZ202 , 216 , LSP094 ), dehydrin [
86 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE/ZE) 26S proteasome regulatory subunit S2 ( RPN1 ), HD-ZIP ( HD-Zip 1 ),
receptor protein kinase clavata-like ( CLV ), LEA, legumin- and vicilin-
like proteins
77 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE/ZE), vegetative tissue
(seedlings) Aquaglyceroporin ( PtNIP1;1 ) [
87 ]
Late embryogenesis (ZE) ABA responsive ( ABI3 , 4 , 5 ), root development ( woodenleg , short root ,
scarecrow , hobbit , bodenlos , monopteros ) [
88 ]
Late embryogenesis (SE/ZE) Starch synthase ( LPZ049 ), small HSP ( LPZ091 ), HSP70 ( LPZ270 ), LEA
( LPZ202 , 216 ), XETG-like ( LPZ060 ), cyclic phosphodiesterase
( LPZ016 ), 40S ribosomal protein ( LPZ206 )
86 ]
SE somatic embryo , ZE zygotic embryo , ABA abscisic acid, ABI ABA-induced, ACS 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase, ARF auxin response factor, CUC cup-shaped
cotyledon, GTP guanosine triphosphate, HD-GL2 homeodomain- glabra2, HD-ZIP homeodomain-leucine zipper, HSP heat shock protein, IAA indole-3-acetic acid, KNOX knotted-
like homeobox, LEA late embryogenesis abundant protein, LEC leafy cotyledon, miRNA microRNA, SERK somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase , WOX wuschel-related homeobox,
XETG xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
Table 2
Genome-wide molecular profi ling of embryo development in conifer species
Species Embryogenesis step Method Reference
angustifolia Early to late embryogenesis (SE/ZE) NGS (Illumina) [
91 ]
Larix kaempferi Early embryogenesis (SE) NGS (454 sequencing) [
24 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE) NGS (Illumina), sRNA library [
50 ]
Picea abies Early embryogenesis (SE) cDNA array (373 cDNAs) [
90 ]
17 K cDNA microarray [
2 ]
NGS (Illumina) [
18 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE) 2 K cDNA array (2178 cDNAs) [
23 ]
Picea glauca Initiation and early embryogenesis
(SE) 32 K oligo-probe microarray [
21 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (SE) 2 K cDNA array (2178 ESTs) [
92 ]
Pinus pinaster Early embryogenesis (SE) NGS (Illumina) [
25 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (ZE) 25 K cDNA microarray [ 19 ]
Pinus radiata Early to late embryogenesis (SE) cDNA-AFLP [
1 ]
Screening of cDNA library [
89 ]
Pinus taeda Early to late embryogenesis (SE/ZE) cDNA array (326 cDNAs) [
26 ]
cDNA microarray (326 cDNA) [ 27 ]
Picea abies Early to late embryogenesis (SE) GC/MS [
93 , 94 ]
Picea glauca Early and late embryogenesis (SE) NMR spectroscopy [
5 ]
Pinus taeda Early embryogenesis (SE) GC/MS [
6 ]
angustifolia Early embryogenesis (ZE) 2D-PAGE + LC-MS/MS [
95 ]
Early embryogenesis (SE) 2D-PAGE + MS [
96 ]
Early to late embryogenesis (ZE) 2D-PAGE + MS [
97 ]
Late embryogenesis, germination
98 ]
lanceolata Early to late embryogenesis (ZE) 2D-DIGE + LC-MS/MS [
99 ]
sempervirens Early to late embryogenesis (SE) 2D-PAGE [
100 ]
Larix x eurolepsis Early to late embryogenesis (SE) 2D-PAGE + LC-MS/MS [
101 ]
Late embryogenesis (SE) 2D-PAGE + LC-MS/MS [
102 ]
Early embryogenesis (SE) 1D SDS-PAGE + iTRAQ protein
labeling + LC-MS/MS [
103 ]
Picea abies Late embryogenesis, germination
(SE) 2D-PAGE + GC-MS [
93 ]
Picea glauca Early to late embryogenesis (SE) 2D-PAGE + LC-MS/MS [
4 ]
massoniana Early embryogenesis (ZE) 2D-DIGE + ESI-MS/MS [
104 ]
Pinus pinaster Early embryogenesis (SE) 2D-PAGE + LC-MS/MS [
25 ]
Late embryogenesis (SE/ZE) 2D-PAGE + LC-MS/MS [
105 ]
SE somatic embryo , ZE zygotic embryo , AFLP amplifi ed fragment length polymorphism, cDNA complementary DNA,
DIGE difference gel electrophoresis, 2D-PAGE two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , ESI-MS/MS elec-
trospray ionization coupled with tandem mass spectrometry , GC-MS gas chromatography coupled with MS, iTRAQ
isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation, LC-MS/MS liquid chromatography coupled with MS/MS, NGS
next generation sequencing, NMR nuclear magnetic resonance, SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate, sRNA small RNA
Jean-François Trontin et al.
In both conifers and angiosperms , little is known about gene
expression during the early stages of embryogenesis, which is rec-
ognized to be critical for subsequent embryo development [
1 , 18 ].
The embryonic phase is described as the dedifferentiation process
of mature, totipotent cells from competent explant (i.e., respond-
ing to stress or PGRs) to embryogenic cells (embryogenesis induc-
tion), giving rise to rapidly proliferating new early SE resulting in
the establishment of embryo-generating culture [
20 , 42 ]. In coni-
fers, the competent explants are restricted to ZE with limited prog-
ress from seedlings and from juvenile or adult trees (Klimaszewska
et al., Chapter 7). SE initiation may apparently proceed through
cell dedifferentiation within a competent explant. When cleavage
polyembryony occurs within seed (e.g., in Pinus ), “initiation” may
be merely the prolongation of this process in vitro [
42 ].
It is a particularly diffi cult task to identify genes underlying
somatic embryo genesis induction as the resulting initiated early
SEs may rapidly express additional confusing genes involved in
proliferation, maintenance of embryogenic potential [
20 , 21 , 48 ,
50 ], and early embryo development [ 24 ]. Recently, Elhiti et al.
20 ] reviewed the “omic” data available in plants and provided a
short list of 12 genes that are most likely to be involved in embryo-
genesis induction, from cell dedifferentiation ( ARF19/auxin
response factor19 , PRC1/ polycomb repressive complex 1 , RGP-1/
reverse glycosylating protein 1 , HSP17/heat shock protein 17 ), expres-
sion of totipotency ( SERK1/somatic embryogenesis receptor-like
kinase 1 , LEC1/leafy cotyledon 1 , GLB1/plant hemoglobin , WUS/
wuschel , a member of the WOX gene family, CLF/curly leaf ), and
commitment to embryogenesis ( CDKA/cyclin-dependent kinase A ,
PRZ1/ adaptor protein involved in CDK regulation, and STM/
shoot meristemless, a gene encoding KNOX1/ homeodomain pro-
tein of the KNOTTED1-like class). Homologous genes were found
in conifers but it is still unknown if they have similar expression
patterns and functions [
28 ]. Using the A. thaliana protein inter-
actome database, Elhiti et al. [
20 ] further identifi ed 51 proteins
that may be functionally associated with the expression of these
12 genes.
Strikingly, there is currently no molecular study in conifers
dedicated to the early steps of somatic embryo genesis initiation
from juvenile explants (ZE). Only the identifi cation of P. glauca
somatic trees which shoot buds have been responsive to initiation
treatment has provided a unique opportunity to gain insights into
the molecular aspects of embryogenesis induction in conifers [
21 ,
70 ]. In addition to conifer homologs of important genes for
embryogenesis induction discussed above, i.e., SERK1 , LEC1 ,
WOX2 , and SKN1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ( KNOTTED genes), Klimaszewska et al.
70 ] studied the expression of genes with a recognized function
during early embryogenesis, including AP2-L2 ( apetala ),
Auxin/ IAA2 ( indole-3-acetic acid-like 2 ), SAP2C ( babyboom ), and
2.3 Putative
Regulated Genes
During Embryogenesis
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
ABI3/VP1 ( viviparous ). After 3–6 days of induction, competent
bud explants were downregulated for AP2-L2 , SERK1 , and SKN1-
4 and upregulated for IAA2 and SAP2C . After initiation, most of
these genes were expressed ( SAP2C , SERK1 , SKN1 , 2 , and 4 ) or
upregulated in early SEs ( LEC1 , WOX2 , and VP1 ). SERK1 , LEC1 ,
and WOX gene s were similarly found expressed in early SE of other
conifers [
2 , 17 , 44 , 45 , 61 , 66 , 67 , 76 ]. WOX2 has been suggested
as a possible marker of effective initiation in conifers [
67 , 70 ].
Further transcriptomic comparison of responsive and nonrespon-
sive genotypes could be performed during somatic embryogenesis
induction in P. glauca [
21 ]. Surprisingly, only a few of the 12 can-
didate genes described by Elhiti et al. [
20 ] for cell dedifferentia-
tion, totipotency , and commitment to embryogenesis were found
to be regulated, i.e., several ARF genes (including ARF19 ), HSP17
and various CDK genes. It is suggested that effective SE initiation
requires not only the activation of embryogenesis-related genes,
but also a moderate activation of genes typical of adaptive stress
response of explant to induction treatment. Some of the most
highly expressed genes during SE induction in nonresponsive gen-
otype encoded proteins (apoplastic class III peroxidase, cell wall
invertase, serine protease inhibitors) possibly involved in biotic
defense activation. Interestingly, the jasmonic acid pathway
involved in biotic defense elicitation seems to be activated during
both cell dedifferentiation and totipotency acquisition in plants
20 ]. Gene activation in bud explants from the responsive geno-
type was comparatively lower in magnitude and/or only transient.
Among the most upregulated genes, such an expression pattern
was observed for a gene ( DHN1 ) encoding a conifer-specifi c group
2 of late embryogenesis abundant proteins (group 2 LEA), in
accordance with a well-supported role for dehydrins in adaptation
to environmental stress. An apoplastic class III peroxidase gene was
also activated following a similar transient pattern, suggesting that,
in contrast to nonresponsive genotype, cellular redox homeostasis
was rapidly restored after the initial oxidative burst promoted by
the induction treatment. Peroxidases are also involved in various
physiological processes associated with cell dedifferentiation and
totipotency (e.g., auxin metabolism, cell wall modifi cation). They
were shown to accumulate early during the induction phase of
somatic embryogenesis in Picea species [
107 ]. Two unknown
genes encoding proteins containing repetitive segments rich in
threonine– glutamine (QT-repeat) or proline (Proline-rich) were
also persistently upregulated in responsive genotypes. As these
genes appeared to be conifer-specifi c, no general conclusion could
be drawn as to their putative role in somatic embryogenesis induc-
tion. Additional transcriptomic studies are therefore required to
increase our understanding of the basic mechanisms governing the
highly complex embryonic phase in conifers.
Jean-François Trontin et al.
As previously observed in A. thaliana , transcriptomic profi ling of
both SE [
1 , 2 , 23 , 50 , 90 , 92 ], and/or ZE [ 19 , 26 , 27 ] in conifers
has revealed global characteristic changes in gene expression dur-
ing transition to successive developmental stages. In P. abies , com-
parative studies of normal and developmentally arrested
embryogenic lines [
23 , 90 ], revealed a transcriptional repressive
state during EM proliferation in the presence of PGRs, followed by
more active gene expression at the onset of embryo trans-
differentiation from EM, and again a repression state at the time of
embryo development . The number of differentially expressed
genes increased as embryos were developing [
2 ]. Most transcripts
(92 %) were unique, suggesting that different sets of genes are
regulated at the proliferation/early embryo development and
early/late embryo transitions. Important changes in gene expres-
sion between consecutive SE stages were similarly detected in P.
radiata [
1 ] and P. glauca [ 92 ]. Considering ZE, general variations
over multiple embryo stages were revealed in P. taeda [
26 , 27 ].
Both similarities and differences were observed between somatic
and zygotic patterns, suggesting that transcriptomics could be a
useful tool to check SE quality [
26 , 27 , 77 ]. In P. pinaster , de
Vega-Bartol et al. [
19 ] revealed a large set of differentially expressed
sequences from early to cotyledonary embryo stages. Functional
categories associated with these genes clustered into nine different
profi les, each suggesting a high level of gene co-expression at the
same developmental stage. As in P. abies , there is an apparent gen-
eral trend during P. pinaster embryogenesis towards massive gene
regulation at the transitions from early to pre-cotyledonary
embryos and from cotyledonary to fully mature embryos. Such a
pattern may originate from both transcriptional (especially tran-
scription factor s, TFs) and posttranscriptional regulation through
various epigenetic mechanisms, including transposable element-
mediated DNA methylation and heterochromatin maintenance
(histone deacetylase genes) at early stages, large chromatin-
remodeling events during late embryo development, and ubiqui-
tous small RNA-mediated regulation (especially miRNAs) ac ross
all developmental stages.
Below we review major processes that have been highlighted in
transcriptomic studies for their crucial roles in the developmental
switch from early to mature embryo, including programmed cell
death ( PCD ), megagametophyte function and signaling, cell wall
modifi cation, auxin signaling and other developmental regulator s,
abscisic acid ( ABA )-mediated processes, changes in metabolisms
(especially carbohydrates and proteins) and stress-related genes.
This is in close agreement with embryogenesis-related functions
supported by proteomic studies ( see Subheading
3 ).
As part of initial embryo polarization, suspensor cells and EM dif-
ferentiate very early in P. abies . Expression of a transmembrane
protein C gene ( TMP-C ) encoding an aquaglyceroporin, known to
2.4 Developmental
from Embryonic
to Vegetative Growth
2.4.1 Developmentally
Regulated PCD During
Somatic Embryogenesis
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
be predominantly localized in suspensor cells in both P. taeda [ 87 ]
and P. abies [
57 ], had already increased 24 h after early somatic
embryo s were stimulated to develop [
2 ] . TMP-C expression con-
tinued to increase with concomitant enlargement of suspensor size
up to the onset of exposure to ABA . Two waves of overlapping,
apoptotic and autophagic types of PCD are required for the appro-
priate development of SE, including degradation of proliferating
early SEs at the time of EM-to-SE transition and elimination of
terminally differentiated suspensor cells during early embryo mat-
uration [
108 110 ]. PCD is also activated during germination
108 , 111 ]. Upregulation of a cyclin-dependent kinase gene
( cdc2Pa ) involved in the progression of cell division was associated
with these periods of PCD. Kinase activity may initiate apoptosis
by phosphorylation of pro-apoptotic pr oteins [ 111 ]. Reorganization
of cytoskeletal structures also has an important role in PCD [
112 ],
and both actin and tubulin genes are regulated during conifer
embryogenesis [
23 25 ]. The actin cytoskeleton was reported to
differ between EM and suspensor cells with specifi c expression in
suspensors of different actin isoforms [
54 ]. Application of low
doses of latrunculin B (an actin depolymerizing drug) during SE
maturation predominantly degraded suspensor cells, which in turn
accelerated and synchronized the development of high-quality
embryos [
54 ]. Actin depolymerisation has been shown to induce
PCD associated with caspase-like activities in plants [
113 ]. A gene
encoding a putative actin depolymerizing factor is upregulated in
P. abies at the early stage of embryo development [
23 ]. PCD was
found to be activated as soon as PCD-related genes encoding tran-
sient VEIDase/caspase-like activity, such as cathepsin B-like cyste-
ine protease or metacaspase , were signifi cantly upregulated at the
EM-to-SE transition. Aquea and Arce-Johnson [
1 ] similarly found
an uridylate kinase gene and a type-II metascaspase gene upregu-
lated during early embryo development in P. radiata . Metacaspase
genes are recognized candidates for performing the role of cysteine
protease genes [
53 ], whereas specifi c alterations in the balance of
pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis, involving uridylate kinase, may
represent an early signal for PCD [
1 ]. Endochitinase genes have
also been associated with PCD in plants [
63 ] and were found to be
upregulated in L. kaempferi embryogenic cultures [
24 ], during
embryo development in P. abies ( Chia4-Pa ) [
63 ], and at the onset
of embryo development in P. pinaster [
25 ]. Chia4-Pa expression
was found to be restricted to the EM (embryo proper) base, and
chitinase accumulated to form a covering fi lm on the whole EM
surface. As observed in Pinus caribaea [
114 ], chitinases apparently
target specifi c arabinogalactan protein s located in the epidermal
cell wall [
63 ]. In maturing EMs of P. pinaster , regulation of PCD
was also suggested by the increased expression of a disulfi de isom-
erase gene encoding a protein known to interact with specifi c cys-
teine proteases [
25 ].
Jean-François Trontin et al.
Large suspensors are formed by conifer embryos [ 26 ]. Although it
remains a transient organ, the suspensor is central to embryo devel-
opment , which includes physical support, and the translocation
and synthesis of nutrients and signaling molecules. Transcriptomic
analysis of pre-cotyledonary ZEs in P. taeda revealed that various
genes, encoding proteins normally associated with late embryo
development (e.g., storage proteins , LEAs), are upregulated in
suspensor tissue when compared to EM . This expression pattern
has signifi cant similarities with that of the megagametophyte , sug-
gesting that the suspensor may be involved in the production of
storage and other compounds to be mobilized during embryo
development [
26 ]. Various homologous genes of putative signal-
ing factors, normally expressed in the female gametophyte, were
found to be upregulated ( ATHB22/MEE68 , MEE49 ) or down-
regulated ( MEE66 ) from early-embryo to late-embryo develop-
ment in P. abies [
2 ]. These genes are known to affect both
endosperm and early embryo patterning in A. thaliana , suggesting
that some somatic cells in proliferating EMs may have a megaga-
metophyte signaling function in conifers. Endosperm properties
are similarly recognized for both class IV chitinase ( Chia4-Pa )
63 ] and NARS2 [ 2 ] genes upregulated during early embryogen-
esis ( see Subheadings
2.4.1 and 2.4.4 ), as well as for genes highly
expressed at the onset of late embryo development in P. pinaster
and involved in posttranscriptional regulation of gene transcription
(small ubiquitin-related modifi er/SUMO- or ubiquitin-
conjugating enzyme) [
25 ]. From in situ observations indicating
that Chia4-Pa genes are expressed in subpopulations of cells in
both proliferating EMs and early embryos [
63 ], it is speculated
that “nurse” cells expressing developmental regulator s with mega-
gametophyte signaling functions are required in conifers [
2 , 63 ].
The auxin-mediated effect on reorganization of cell wall architec-
ture, possibly through alterations in cytoskeleton structure, is well
established and has implications in cell fate and differentiation
23 ]. Many developmental regulator s involved in embryo pattern-
ing proceed through cell wall modifi cations. Most transcriptomic
studies have revealed that these modifi cations are developmentally
regulated from embryogenesis induction to early and late embryo-
genesis, thus supporting their role in proper embryo development .
In P. abies , several genes encoding enzymes involved in the synthe-
sis of hemicellulose and pectin (UDP-glucose dehydrogenase), low
molecular weight galactosides and cell wall polymers (UDP-
galactose 4-epimerase like) were downregulated, especially at the
time of effective early embryo development. A laccase gene involved
in lignifi cation and thickening of the cell wall was also downregu-
lated during the transition from pre-cotyledonary to cotyledonary
embryo [
23 ]. A similar expression pattern was observed in L.
kaempferi [
50 ] and correlated with expression of miR397 ,
2.4.2 Genes
with Megagametophyte
Function and/or Signaling
2.4.3 Genes Related
to Cell Wall Modifi cation
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
supporting a posttranscriptional regulation of laccase during
somatic embryo genesis. Additional genes involved in cell wall loos-
ening and reorganization are regulated at early stages in P. radiata
1 ] and P. abies [ 2 ], such as genes encoding α- d -galactosidase and
myo-inositol oxygenase, expansin, and pectinesterase. Moreover, a
β-expansin gene was found specifi cally expressed in EM [
89 ], as
well as genes encoding cellulase and apoplastic germin-like protein
(GLP). At the switch from early- to late-embryo stages in P. abies ,
different expansin and pectinesterase genes, as well as a
xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase gene, signifi cantly changed their
expression level [
2 ]. Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses at the
onset of late embryogenesis in P. pinaster [
25 ] similarly revealed
overexpression of cell wall-related expansin genes and also a drastic
upregulation of a putative gene encoding extensin-like protein.
Auxin biosynthesis and relocalization by polar auxin transport has
a crucial function in the activation of the auxin response machinery
during plant embryogenesis that results in setting up (1) apical–
basal patterning (meristematic poles) and (2) radial embryo pat-
terning (adaxial/abaxial organization). Various reports suggested
that auxin-mediated events are of similar high importance in both
angiosperms and gymnosperms to establish a roughly similar basic
body organization. A recent transcriptome comparison of early SE
and ZE performed in A. angustifolia suggested that incomplete SE
development resulted from an auxin signaling failure in embryo-
genic cultures [
91 ]. Endogenous auxin biosynthesis (especially
IAA) is activated early during SE development in P. abies [
69 ],
whereas putative auxin transport proteins are upregulated [
23 ].
Concomitantly, auxin starts to be relocalized by polar transport as
observed in both P. abies [
115 ] and P. sylvestris [ 116 ]. Disruption
of polar auxin transport by N -1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA)
affected early embryo polarization, promoted aberrant develop-
ment, such as no or poor shoot apical meristem (SAM) and fused/
aborted cotyledons, and resulted in abnormal germination [
69 ,
115 , 116 ]. Upregulation of auxin-responsive gene ( SAUR ) and
downregulation of auxin biosynthesis competition gene ( SUR1 ,
involved in glucosinolate synthesis, a sister branch of IAA biosyn-
thesis) were indicative of increased auxin synthesis during develop-
ment of early stage embryos in P. abies [
2 ]. IAA homeostasis may
be modulated by additional mechanisms such as methylation of the
free carboxyl group by methyltransferases of the plant SABATH
family. Such a gene showing high catabolic activity with IAA was
expressed in P. glauca during early embryo development , and then
downregulated towards later stages [
73 ]. Expression of LEC1 dur-
ing early embryogenesis in P. abies and P. sylvestris , followed by a
strong decrease at the switch to late embryogenesis, was also
observed [
2 , 61 ]. The activation of genes involved in localized
auxin biosynthesis has been linked with expression of both LEC1
2.4.4 Auxin Response
Machinery and Embryo
Jean-François Trontin et al.
and LEC2 [ 20 , 75 ]. In P. pinaster ZE, a TF gene orthologue to the
auxin response factor ( ARF16 ) involved in regulation of auxin-
modulated genes (e.g., WOX5 : maintenance of pluripotent cells in
root quiescent center) was drastically downregulated at the transi-
tion to pre-cotyledonary embryos [
19 ]. In L. kaempferi , expres-
sion of different ARF genes, possibly regulated by miR160 or
miR167 , increased up to the early SE cotyledonary stage and then
signifi cantly decreased [
50 ]. In the same species a putative trans-
acting small interfering RNA (siRNA) gene ( TAS3 ), regulated by
miR390 and known to target several ARF genes, was differentially
expressed from early to late embryogenesis. TAS3 has been involved
in the juvenile-to-adult phase transition through the negative reg-
ulation of ARF genes [
117 ]. Zhang et al. [ 50 ] similarly observed
the upregulation at the cotyledonary stage of miR156 , targeting a
crucial gene for the juvenile-to-adult transition ( SPL3 ). It is
strongly suggested that auxin-mediated, early cell fate decisions,
such as root apical meristem (RAM) delineation, are contributing
to apical-basal embryo polarization. During the same transition,
upregulation of a putative TF gene from the KANADI family
( KAN2 ) involved in the regulation of polar expression of auxin
effl ux-facilitating proteins genes from the PIN-FORMED family
(PIN), as well as concomitant regulation of PIN3 and a gene
involved in the recycling of PIN proteins ( GNOM ), indicated
active modulation of auxin fl ow. Interaction of KAN genes and
class III HD-Zip (class III homeodomain leucin zipper) TFs with
auxin has been involved in abaxial pattern formation, especially
during emergence of cotyledon primordia. Accordingly, a HD-Zip
III gene target of miR166 was found to be upregulated at the early
cotyledonary stage in L. kaempferi [
24 ]. Furthermore, TF genes
known as primary coordinators of polar auxin transport (auxin
infl ux carrier, AUX1 ) and modulation of auxin transport ( NDL1 ),
possibly through regulation of AUX1 and other PIN protein genes
( PIN2 ), were also upregulated at early stages [
19 ]. If such impor-
tant TFs have conserved functions in plants, they may contribute
to auxin-related spatiotemporal regulation of genes that are
involved in the establishment of early embryo patterning, as well as
activation of the auxin response machinery later during develop-
ment. In conifers, most TF genes are probably regulated by miRNA
themselves [
24 ].
Expression of auxin-induced genes signifi cantly increased
from early cotyledonary to cotyledonary embryos in P. glauca
92 ], as was ARF16 in P. pinaster [ 19 ]. Vestman et al. [ 2 ] found
that the putative conifer SUR1 is upregulated at the onset of late
embryo development , while expression of SAUR was maintained
at high levels, suggesting an increase in glucosinolate biosynthe-
sis together with maintenance of a high IAA level. Upregulation
of genes encoding the auxin-induced protein (IAA11), auxin
receptor (TIR1), TF regulator of auxin-responsive gene
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
(MYB77) and a positive regulator of brassinosteroid signaling
suggested that auxin-responsive gene expression is being acti-
vated. At the transition from pre-cotyledonary to early cotyle-
donary embryos in P. pinaster ZE, a putative TF gene regulated
by auxin and involved in SAM function ( ANT ) was signifi cantly
overexpressed. At later stages, upregulation of a putative TF
gene from the YABBY family ( YABBY2 ) with polar expression
resulting from interplay with KAN and phabulosa genes is con-
sistent with determination of adaxial–abaxial cell fate [
19 ].
Similarly, downregulation in cotyledonary embryos of a putative
TF gene, required for the establishment of leaf primordia adax-
ial–abaxial polarity ( AS2/LOB ) and repression of meristem-
related homeobox genes of the KNOTTED1-like class ( KNOX1 ),
indicated that the formation of SAM and organ boundaries had
started. Expression of some KNOX1 genes in P. abies ( HBK2 ,
HBK4 ) is specifi c of competent EM to form cotyledonary
embryos [
56 ]. Delayed expression of HBK2 and HBK4 in NPA-
treated lines resulted in embryos lacking SAM. Similarly,
KNOTTED-like genes upregulated during early embryogenesis
are downregulated at later stages in P. glauca [
92 ].
Upregulation of a putative member of the NAC domain (spe-
cifi c DNA-binding domain in the N-terminal region) TF family,
which is involved in downstream auxin signaling ( NAM/NARS2 ),
further suggested that SAM formation was initiated. NARS2 is
also upregulated in P. abies from early embryo development to the
onset of late embryogenesis [
2 ], indicating that delineation of
important tissue might be ongoing as embryos start to develop.
NAM and also other members of the large NAC domain TF family
regulated by PIN1 (auxin carrier proteins), such as CUC (cup-
shaped cotyledon) genes 1 and 2, are crucial for the initiation of
SAM, as well as the formation and separation of aerial organs. A
member of the polycomb group (Pc-G) protein (curly leaf, CLF ),
a part of the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) involved in
chromatin remodeling , was increasingly upregulated towards the
mature ZE stage in P. pinaster [
19 ]. Both CUC2 and PIN1 genes
have been described as target genes for Pc-G proteins. Expression
of a NAC homologue of CUC1 and CUC2 in P. abies ( PaNAC01 )
was regulated by polar auxin transport and was associated with
SAM differentiation and formation of separated cotyledons [
59 ]. A
CUC1 -like gene was similarly regulated during maturation of SE
in Araucaria angustifolia [
45 ], as was a PIN1 -like gene from pre-
cotyledonary to cotyledonary SE stages in P. abies [
68 , 69 ]. The
embryo apical parts accumulated more IAA, especially in the pro-
todermal cell layer where PIN1 -like expression was high. NPA
treatment of embryos before cotyledon initiation disrupted this
pattern and resulted in deregulation of both PIN1 -like [
69 ] and
WOX2 [
118 ], one of the WUS/WOX TF family members acti-
vated during embryo development [
17 , 67 ]. It is suggested that
Jean-François Trontin et al.
correct auxin transport is crucial at the transition from early to pre-
cotyledonary embryos and is involved in the coordinated regula-
tion of WOX2 and PIN1 . Polar auxin transport may proceed
through actin-dependent PIN proteins cycling between cytoplas-
mic membrane and the endosomal compartment. A putative gene
encoding a small Rab-related GTP-binding protein ( PpRab1 )
involved in ER-to-Golgi vesicle transport was differentially
expressed throughout embryo development in P. pinaster [
81 ].
Differential expression of WOX members, as a function of auxin
ow and through a regulatory loop with CLAVATA1 ( CLV1 ), has
been proposed as one mechanism contributing to delineation of
different embryo domains [
2 , 17 , 68 ]. CLV1-like genes are
apparently expressed from early to late SE development in P. glauca
92 ], and P. pinaster and Pinus pinea [ 79 ].
Several genes known as important developmental regulator s dur-
ing early somatic embryo genesis, such as SERK1 ( cell reprogram-
ming ) and WOX2 ( cell fate decision, domain delineation), were
found continually expressed during SE development in P. abies [
2 ].
A similar pattern was observed with genes involved in the organi-
zation of cell division ( FK / fackel , RBR1/retinoblastoma-related1 )
and SAM formation ( PNH / pinhead ), suggesting that embryo pat-
terning is to some extent organized from the early embryo stages.
PNH is a member of the Piwi Argonaute ZWILLE family known
to act together with AGO1 , a member of the argonaute family tak-
ing part in the RNA-induced silencing complex. In conifers, AGO
gene s are required for embryo development [
19 , 71 , 85 ] and are
themselves regulated by miRNA (e.g., miR168 ) [
50 ]. In P. pinas-
ter ZE, AGO genes were highly represented in late embryos and
may be mediators of either 24-nt-long siRNA ( AGO9 , silencing of
transposable/repetitive elements) or miRNA and other siRNAs
( AGO1 ). Several other genes were regulated towards late stages,
such as upregulated dawdle ( DDL ) and hyponastic leaves1 ( HYL )
or downregulated dicer-like1 ( DCL1 ) and fl owering locus CA
( FCA ) [
19 ]. A decrease of DCL1 expression was similarly observed
in L. kaempferi with feedback regulation by miR162 [
50 ]. High
expression of DCL1 at early stages may prevent precocious expres-
sion of important TFs through TAS-derived, siRNA-triggered
DNA methylation [
19 ]. AGO-like genes were upregulated at early
embryo stages in both P. glauca [
92 ] and A. angustifolia [ 45 ]. In
P. glauca AGO genes were preferentially expressed in SAM and
RAM and deregulation resulted in severe embryo abnormalities
71 ]. Overexpression of a KNOX1 gene ( HBK3 ) in P. abies prolif-
erating EMs resulted in the upregulation of AGO and accelerated
SE development with enlarged SAM areas [
55 ]. Proper SAM for-
mation in P. glauca SE was also suggested by overexpression of
related ZWILLE (stem cell maintenance within SAM along with
WUS/WOX ), KNOTTED -like ( see Subheading
2.4.4 ) and
2.4.5 Other Important
Regulators for Early
Establishment of Embryo
Body Plan
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
FIDDLEHEAD genes ( FDH , cell division and differentiation).
Developmental regulator s differentially expressed in P. abies [
2 ],
and supporting that embryo pattern formation starts very early,
include homologues of PDF2 and LUG , LBD12/ASL5 , LBD15 ,
and LBD40 . Expression of a PDF2-like gene (protodermal factor 2,
an HD-GL2 homeobox gene) in P. abies protodermal cells ( PaHB1
gene) is an indicator that SE protoderm will be formed [
58 ]. The
expression pattern of a lipid transfer protein (LTP) gene ( Pa18 )
was also associated with differentiation of protoderm and adjacent
outer cell layers [
64 ]. A similar nonspecifi c LTP gene ( PpAAI-
LTSS1 ) was upregulated from pre- to early-cotyledonary ZE in P.
pinaster [
80 ]. Deregulation of Pa18 in proliferating EM negatively
impacted SE morphology and growth [
62 ]. A different HD-GL2
gene ( PaHB2 ) is also expressed in proliferating EMs and early SE
but its pattern becomes restricted to the subepidermal cell layer in
the mature embryo [
65 ]. This gene could be involved in specifi ca-
tion and maintenance of the cortex identity. Both PaHB1 and
PaHB2 are suggested markers to monitor radial pattern formation
in P. abies . Another important gene in early delineation of radial
patterning (embryonic root) is SCR from the GRAS TF family
( scarecrow ). SCR expression was upregulated in P. glauca EMs
shortly after transfer to maturation conditions [
92 ], as well as in
cotyledonary embryos from P. taeda (ZE) [
88 ] and P. radiata
(SE) [
83 ]. SCR-like members appeared to be regulated by miR171
in L. kaempferi [
46 , 48 , 50 ]. Genes encoding LOB domain-
containing (LBD) and/or asymmetric leaves-like (ASL) proteins
(LBD12/ASL5, LBD15, LBD40) are identifi ed as regulators of
the formation of lateral shoot boundary regions ([
2 ], and refer-
ences therein). LUG may have an early role in the specifi cation of
EM cells by contributing to prevent ectopic expression of homeo-
tic AGAMOUS gene. ROXY1 is another negative regulator of
AGAMOUS , downregulated at the switch from the early to late
embryo stages [
2 ]. Expression of LEC gene s can directly induce
AGAMOUS during early embryogenesis, which in turn upregu-
lates gibberellin 2-oxidase ( GA2OX gene) and decreases gibberel-
lic acid (GA) synthesis [
20 ]. Downregulation of LEC1-like genes
was observed at the transition from early to late embryo [
2 ].
Increased GA biosynthesis was concomitantly supported by down-
regulation of GA2OX , one gene involved in GA catabolic process
and upregulation of negative regulators of GA signaling ( SPINDLY ,
cotyledon formation) and response pathways ( RGL1 ). As LEC
genes are also associated with auxin biosynthesis [
20 , 75 ], it
became apparent that expression of LEC and other regulators of
AGAMOUS are involved in spatiotemporal modulation of auxin-
and GA-mediated responses. The temporal and organ-specifi c
expression of homeotic genes such as the coordinated AGAMOUS
and APETALA2 [
52 ] therefore appeared to have direct implica-
tion in embryo patterning. Both genes are likely to be controlled
Jean-François Trontin et al.
by epigenetic regulator s, such as MSI1 encoding a core protein of
the PRC2 complex similarly regulated in A. thaliana and P. pinas-
ter [
19 ]. Part of the complex machinery involved in embryo pat-
terning is therefore conserved between angiosperms and
gymnosperms [
2 , 19 ].
Global alteration in gene expression was observed in EM matured
on ABA -containing medium in conifers [
1 , 25 , 27 , 92 ]. In combi-
nation with other triggers (e.g., sucrose , PEG , gellan gum), ABA
stimulates the development of late stage embryos. ABA may alter
EM responsiveness to PGRs (auxin, GA) and may promote estab-
lishment of the embryo body plan [
92 ]. An exogenous supply of
ABA is needed in vitro as it is essentially provided by the megaga-
metophyte [
77 ].
As previously discussed, the key TF developmental regulator-
LEC1 is expressed during early embryogenesis [
2 , 45 , 61 , 70 , 75 ,
76 ], and then becomes signifi cantly downregulated at the onset of
late embryo development promoted by exogenous ABA [
2 , 61 ].
The resulting putative modulation of both auxin- and GA-mediated
signaling pathways could be involved in the developmental switch
from embryonic to vegetative growth. LEC1 (HAP3 subunit) and
LEC2 (B3-domain) TF genes are part of a complex regulatory net-
work with additional B3-domain genes, such as ABI3 (ABA insen-
sitive 3) and FUSCA/FUS3 (fused cotyledon 3), resulting in direct
or indirect ABA-dependent regulation of genes [
2 , 28 , 119 ]. These
four genes are known as the master regulators of late embryogen-
esis in A. thaliana [
120 ]. They act synergistically to regulate the
expression of important downstream pathways, e.g., carbohydrate
metabolism, biosynthesis of storage proteins , LEAs or fatty acids.
FUS3 is a central regulator promoting increased endogenous ABA
synthesis while decreasing GA levels. The ABA signal transduction
cascade involved inactivation of ABA-insensitive (ABI) protein
phosphatases 2C (PP2C), promoting phosphorylation of serine/
threonine residues and activation of Sucrose non-fermenting 1
(Snf1)-related protein kinases 2 (SnRK2) and other calcium-
dependent kinases. SnRK2 subsequently activates downstream tar-
gets, especially ABA-response elements binding the HD leucine
zipper (B-ZIP) TF from the ABF/AREB/ABI5 clade [
120 , 121 ].
Expression of ABI3 and FUS3 is further triggered by exogenous
sugar [
120 ]. A FUSCA/FUS3 homologue was differentially
expressed in P. glauca during late SE development [
92 ]. Several
PP2C and SnRK2 transcripts were signifi cantly expressed in P. pin-
aster and endogenous ABA level increased after 4 weeks of matura-
tion, suggesting an ontogenetic signal for SE development [
25 ].
ABI3 was upregulated at the transition to late SE development in
P. abies [
2 ] as well as ABI4 (sugar signaling), a B-ZIP TF, several
genes encoding LEAs, and a heat shock TFs. Homologues of
ABI3 , 4 , and 5 were similarly regulated in P. taeda [
88 ].
2.4.6 ABA -Mediated
Developmental Switch
from Embryonic
to Vegetative Growth
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
Upregulation of LEA and HSP genes was also observed at late SE
stages in P. abies [
23 ] and P. glauca [ 92 ] during SE and ZE devel-
opment in P. taeda and during SE maturation in Pinus oocarpa
77 , 86 ]. Both LEAs and HSPs have been associated with the
acquisition of embryo desiccation tolerance [
92 ] ( see Subheading
3 ). The fatty acid elongase gene FDH (epidermal cell differentia-
tion) and an extracellular dermal glycoprotein ( EDGP ) were also
downregulated [
2 ], as was a B-ZIP gene at the transition to early
ZE in P. pinaster [
19 ]. Similarly, one HD-ZIP I gene gradually
decreased with maturation of late SEs and ZEs in P. taeda [
77 ] and
P. glauca [
72 ]. In contrast, a lower but sustained HD-ZIP I expres-
sion was observed in maturing P. oocarpa SEs [
77 ]. Upregulation
of an ABI3 homologue ( PaVP1 ) was similarly reported in P. abies
and P. sylvestris [
60 , 61 , 111 ]. In P. abies , PaVP1 expression was
specifi c to EM and was maintained at a high level in productive
lines until the cotyledonary stage [
60 ]. Both LEC1 and PaVP1
expression are affected by the histone deacetylase inhibitor tricho-
statin A, suggesting possible control by chromatin remodeling
61 ]. Several histone deacetylase genes were revealed as important
epigenetic regulator s regulated from early ( HD2C , HDA2 ) to late
embryogenesis ( HDA8/9 ) in P. pinaster [
19 ]. Other differentially
expressed genes involved in H3K9 methylation ( SUVH1 ) or
encoding chromatin-remodeling ATPases may have a similar role
in the organization of transcriptionally repressive chromatin. In P.
abies , Vestman et al. [
2 ] also revealed the downregulation of a gene
from the WRKY TF family, known to act downstream of the PP2C-
ABA receptor complex and to target ABA-responsive genes (e.g.,
ABF2-4 , ABI4-5 , MYB2 , DREB1a-2a , RAB18 ) [ 122 ]. Accordingly,
several genes activated by ABA are upregulated in P. abies [
2 ],
including putative DREB TFs (response to dehydration),
Angustifolia 3 ( AN3 ) and its target growth regulating factor 1
( GRF1 ), both involved in initial leaf morphogenesis, and a NAC
domain-containing protein gene ( ANAC009 ) expressed in grow-
ing tissues. Expression of the TF gene encoding MYB33 homo-
logue was shown to decrease during late embryo development
47 ]. MYB33 and other GAMYB-like genes are positive regulators
of ABA response and are essential for the temporal regulation of
development. Interestingly, MYB33 was found to be regulated by
miR159 in L. kaempferi as in A. thaliana . Expression of this
miRNA is induced by ABA in an ABI3-dependent mode ([
47 ],
and references therein).
During the transition from early to late SE development in P. abies ,
Vestman et al. [
2 ] observed an increase in carbohydrate metabolism
as revealed by the upregulation of phosphofructokinase 2 ( PFK2 )
involved in glycolysis and sucrose synthase 3 ( SuSy3 ) genes. In P.
glauca , many genes involved in sucrose catabolism (glycolytic and
tricarboxylic acid pathways) were downregulated at the SE
2.4.7 Changes
in Metabolisms
and the Link
with Important Processes
Jean-François Trontin et al.
cotyledonary stage [ 92 ]. Conversely SuSy was upregulated from
pre- to early-cotyledonary embryos. Activation of the glycolytic
pathway in unfavorable conditions for P. pinaster SE maturation
was revealed by transcriptomic, proteomic, and carbohydrate analy-
ses [
25 ]. Active carbohydrate catabolism at the onset of SE matura-
tion may preclude embryo development . In favorable maturation
conditions, various ubiquitine protein ligases genes were overex-
pressed, as well as ubiquitin-/small ubiquitin-related modifi er
(SUMO)-conjugating genes [
25 ]. Ubiquitine protein ligases are
associated with SUMO activation (a chromatin modifi er), suggest-
ing that maturing early SEs were subjected to global modifi cations
of gene expression. Ubiquitin protein ligases are also activators of
the PGR -regulated ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway resulting in
controlled proteolysis with increased supply of amino acids.
Accordingly, upregulation of a 26S proteasome subunit gene
( RPN1 ) was observed early in P. taeda [
77 ], suggesting that con-
trolled proteolysis is active at the developmental switch from early
to late embryo. This pathway is also activated in P. radiata early SE
and later embryo stages, as revealed by the expression of a gene
from the OTUBAIN family of cysteine proteases involved in remov-
ing the ubiquitin chain of protein destined for degradation [
82 ].
Transcripts, as well as corresponding storage proteins of the
legumin- and vicilin-like classes, were shown to increase with a
similar pattern in developing SE and ZE in P. taeda [
77 , 123 ] ( see
also Subheading
3 ). Interestingly, suboptimal conditions for SE
maturation in P. oocarpa and A. angustifolia resulted in lower
expression of genes encoding legumin- and/or vicilin-like storage
proteins [
45 , 77 ]. In P. glauca , deposition of storage proteins was
increased in cotyledonary SEs obtained on PEG -containing matu-
ration medium [
92 ], in accordance with the upregulation of two
genes encoding glutamine or glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT
cycle). Activation of nitrogen assimilation through the GS/
GOGAT cycle may result in increased available glutamine for stor-
age proteins synthesis. Expression of the two glutamine synthase
genes, associated with green ( GS1a ) or vascular tissues ( GS1b ), was
studied in P. pinaster and P. sylvestris embryos. GS1a was expressed
in SE but not in ZE cotyledons, suggesting precocious SE germi-
nation [
78 ]. Expression of GS1b was detected in proliferating early
SE and in procambial cells of both cotyledonary SE and ZE, sug-
gesting that glutamine biosynthesis is effective a long time before
differentiation of mature vascular elements. GS1b expression was
proposed as a marker of SE quality [
78 ]. An increase in endoge-
nous polyamines levels (spermine, spermidine), another important
class of nitrogen compounds, was observed during SE maturation
in P. glauca ([
92 ], and references therein). Polyamines synthesis
requires decarboxyl-SAMet ( S -adenosyl-methionine). SAMet orig-
inates from methionine (SAMet synthase activity) and is also a
direct precursor of ethylene (ACC synthase/oxidase activities) and
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
a methyl donor in transmethylation mechanisms resulting in DNA
or histone methylation. Methyl residue transfer from SAMet results
in the production of S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), which is
recycled into methionine through production of adenosine (SAH
hydrolase). AMP is further produced from adenosine by adenosine
kinase (AK). Stasolla et al. [
92 ] found that an ACC oxidase gene
was upregulated at the SE cotyledonary stage in P. glauca whereas
several AK genes were downregulated, indicating active ethylene
synthesis. High expression of ACC synthase genes was also observed
in this species ( PgACS1 ) [
74 ] and in P. sylvestris ( PsACS2 ) [ 84 ],
especially at the early cotyledonary stage. PsACS2 expression was
proposed as a marker of competent embryo development in P. syl-
vestris since it was positively correlated with both ethylene produc-
tion and embryogenic potential . Vestman et al. [
2 ] similarly
reported a strong increase in ACC oxidase expression in P. abies at
the developmental switch to late embryogenesis. Upregulation of
SAH hydrolase and methionine synthase and expression of SAMet
synthase genes were also observed after induction of embryo devel-
opment [
23 , 90 ]. Expression of these genes supported active trans-
methylation events resulting in DNA or histone methylation that
may contribute to the global transcriptional repression state
observed at specifi c embryo stages [
23 ]. In P. pinaster , both DNA
methylation and heterochromatin maintenance were important
processes at the onset of embryo maturation through transposable
element-specifi c DNA methylation resulting in heterochromatin
formation ( DDM1 ), RNA-directed methylation of various trans-
posable elements ( FCA ), and regulation of DNA methylation
involved in regulation of chromatin structure ( ORTH2/VIM1 )
19 ]. In accordance with the increased level of SAMet synthase
proteins from early to late embryo stages in conifers ( see Subheading
3 ), normal embryo development appeared associated with the
modulation of polyamine and ethylene synthesis, as well as with
epigenetic regulation of gene expression.
As also revealed from proteomic and metabolomic studies ( see
3 and 4 , respectively), a general trend towards regula-
tion of genes involved in response to stress was observed at the
transition to early embryo development and also during late devel-
opment. The modulation of gene response to stress is required for
proper embryo development and could be of practical interest to
improve maturation protocols [
2 , 21 ]. In addition to genes encod-
ing proteins related to embryo tolerance to desiccation (LEA,
HSP) ( see Subheading
2.4.6 ), various genes involved in defense
and maintenance of redox homeostasis (oxidative stress) were dif-
ferentially expressed [
2 , 19 , 23 , 25 , 42 , 92 ]. Defense genes were
activated in suboptimal maturation conditions promoted by abi-
otic stresses, such as anoxia. Both alcohol dehydrogenase and pyru-
vate decarboxylase genes were upregulated in P. pinaster EMs
during maturation in unfavorable conditions [
25 ]. Regulation of
2.4.8 Defense Genes
and Maintenance of Redox
Jean-François Trontin et al.
these genes was in agreement with activation of the glycolytic path-
way, but they might also be involved in anoxia tolerance through
alcoholic fermentation as suggested by increased expression of
SuSy3 gene. SuSy genes are responsive to low oxygen level and
promote adequate sugar supply under anaerobic conditions. A
bifunctional enolase 2 gene related to stress-regulated transcrip-
tional networks was concomitantly upregulated, as also observed
during early embryogenesis in unproductive P. abies lines [
23 ]. In
contrast, enolase genes were upregulated in productive lines of P.
radiata [
1 ]. Enolase gene expression may reveal suboptimal matu-
ration conditions (oxygen or other abiotic stress) or, alternatively,
enhanced carbon metabolism as enolase is also involved in glycoly-
sis/gluconeogenesis. Additional regulated genes with a likely
defense function to overcome culture constraints include a puta-
tive cytochrome P450 gene and genes related to biosynthesis of sec-
ondary metabolites. Cytochrome P450 was expressed during early
embryo development in P. radiata [
89 ] and downregulated in P.
abies cotyledonary SE [
23 ]. This gene encodes monooxigenases
involved in plant responses to PGRs (e.g., ABA , IAA) and environ-
mental stresses such as osmotic stress. Pathways related to second-
ary metabolism such as phenylpropanoids or fl avonoids were
overrepresented in the transcriptome of L. kaempferi proliferating
EMs [
24 ]. Flavanone 3-hydroxylase gene ( F3H ) involved in fl avo-
noid biosynthesis was downregulated in P. abies during EM prolif-
eration [
23 ], whereas F3H and several genes related to fl avonol
metabolism were strongly upregulated at the onset of SE matura-
tion in P. pinaster [
25 ]. Activation of fl avanone hydroxylation and
the subsequent production of condensed tannins have been associ-
ated with stress resistance in plants. Surprisingly, genes involved in
response to pathogens are also regulated during embryo develop-
ment in P. abies , particularly during transition from early to late
embryogenesis [
2 ]. A positive regulator ( SN1I ) of the systemic
acquired resistance (SAR) response was expressed during early
somatic embryo genesis in P. radiata [
1 ]. This gene contributes to
the regulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) protein genes and sali-
cylic acid-mediated transduction of the SAR signal.
The maintenance of an effi cient cellular homeostasis by redox
antioxidant metabolites, such as glutathione, is critical to regulate
oxidative stress and the associated production of reactive oxygen
species ( ROS ), free radicals and hydrogen peroxides resulting from
aerobic metabolism [
2 , 19 , 23 , 42 , 92 ]. Redox homeostasis may
represent a generic sensor for controlling embryo development
23 ] through PCD activation by ROS [ 49 ] or interplay of glutathi-
one with NADP-linked thioredoxin in the frame of auxin transport
and signaling. Both SE yield and quality are affected by deregula-
tion of glutathione metabolism [
124 ]. Expression of cytosolic ascor-
bate peroxidase and thioredoxin H genes, involved in both
detoxifi cation and control of the cellular redox state, were down-
regulated during EM proliferation in P. abies productive lines [
23 ].
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
It was suggested that high oxidative stress could alter the activity
of ascorbate peroxidase in unproductive lines and preclude embryo
development [
125 ]. Metabolic activity in developing P. pinaster
ZE was refl ected by a general overrepresentation of oxidation–
reduction processes with a prevalence of glutathione metabolism
(glutathione thiolesterase activity, expression of glutathione trans-
ferases ), especially during early development [
19 ]. Related genes
were regulated in P. glauca [
92 ] during early SE development
( glutathione-S-transferase , glutathione peroxidase ) at the transition
from pre- to early-cotyledonary embryo ( glutathione reductase )
and at the cotyledonary stage ( glutathione peroxidase , ascorbate
peroxidase ). Genes encoding another well-known antioxidant
enzyme ( superoxide dismutase , SOD ) were similarly upregulated at
the cotyledonary stage. In L. kaempferi expression of a Cu/Zn
SOD gene (plastocyanin) putatively regulated by miR398 increased
at the pre-cotyledonary stage [
24 ]. SOD genes were not differen-
tially expressed at the onset of late SE development in P. pinaster ,
but resulted in enhanced SOD protein production ( see Subheading
3 ). Differential expression of SOD proteins may relate with the
concomitant upregulation of GLP genes. Germins and GLPs are
usually located in the extracellular matrix where they can have both
enzymatic (oxalate oxidase, SOD) and nonenzymatic activities
(auxin-binding protein, serine protease inhibitor), associated with
either response to stress or developmental regulation ([
51 ], and
references therein). Germin and GLP enzymatic activities result in
the production of hydrogen peroxide that may be involved in cell
wall remodeling during stress response s and/or development. Two
GLP genes most similar to a germin with putative oxalate oxidase
activity were specifi cally expressed in proliferating EMs of P. radi-
ata [
89 ]. In L. x marschlinsii , expression of a GLP gene in prolif-
erating EMs ( LmGER1 ) was associated with SOD activity in
apoplastic proteins extracted from early SE [
51 ]. LmGER1 expres-
sion was located in suspensor cells and at the junction with EM
during proliferation and persisted at the embryonal root cap after
transfer to maturation medium. Interestingly, LmGER1 expression
corresponded to the pattern of active PCD during embryo devel-
opment in conifers. Downregulation of LmGER1 in proliferating
EM resulted in reduced SE yield, asynchronous development, and
precluded plantlet regeneration.
3 Proteomics of Conifer Somatic and Zygotic Embryo Development
The development of high-resolution, two-dimensional polyacryl-
amide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE), coupled with chromato-
graphic separation and identifi cation through mass spectrometry
(MS), has allowed increased and untargeted qualitative proteome
coverage, together with quantitative measurements of proteins
Jean-François Trontin et al.
involved in plant development [ 126 , 127 ]. Various proteome
variations can be expressed by the same or different genomes
according to ontogenetic programs or as a major component of
phenotype plasticity . Many fundamental activities performed by
proteins (especially enzymes) are involved in most metabolic and
signaling pathways. Proteomics therefore aims to identify and
assign physiological functions to “candidate proteins,” contribut-
ing to developmental processes and valuable traits.
Despite signifi cant inputs of quantitative proteomics to molec-
ular identifi cation and functional characterization of embr yogenesis-
related genes in model and crop plants [
20 , 36 ], there are relatively
few recent contributions in conifers (Table
2 ) focused on somatic
4 , 25 , 93 , 96 , 100 103 ] and/or zygotic embryo genesis [ 95 , 97
99 , 104 , 105 ]. First-generation approaches are effi cient, but have
high experimental and technical requirements [
126 , 127 ] and can
be biased towards hydrophilic proteins [
103 ]. New methods such
as 2D difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and unbiased 1D
SDS-PAGE combined with isobaric tags for relative and absolute
quantitation (iTRAQ) will considerably facilitate the identifi cation
of differentially expressed proteins and will offer a more global
view of the proteome dynamics [
103 , 104 ]. Moreover, the identi-
cation rate of multiple proteins in large proteomic datasets is still
challenging because it largely depends upon the availability of
exhaustive genome resources [
4 , 7 , 101 , 127 ]. This information is
expected to substantially expand according to completed, publicly
available genome sequences [
11 13 ].
Published proteomics studies of embryo development in coni-
fers are currently restricted to nine species from the Araucaria ,
Cunninghamia , Cupressus , Larix , Picea , and Pinus genera (Table
2 ) and are mainly focused on late SE or ZE development.
Proteomics considerably enhanced the sensitivity and scale (up to
1000 spots detected per gel) of protein expression studies during
embryo development [
4 , 100 , 102 ]. Previous qualitative or semi-
quantitative methods were often restricted to a few major proteins,
especially storage proteins [
123 , 128 ]. Pioneering investigations of
temporal protein changes in P. abies [
129 ] and Cupressus sempervi-
rens [
100 ] revealed the large sets of protein expression patterns
that can be associated with embryo developmental stages. The
paradigm shift in technology resulting from proteomics was fur-
ther illustrated in P. glauca [
4 ]. Most differentially expressed pro-
teins (79 %) identifi ed in this work were indeed new proteins not
previously associated with embryo development. Biological and
functional relevance of new candidate proteins may be elucidated
and ultimately provide opportunities for refi ning the somatic
embryo genesis process.
Here, we briefl y review the importance of specifi c protein
functional classes that were either validated ( storage proteins ) or
reinforced (metabolic/cellular processes, stress-response proteins)
by proteomics studies of embryo development .
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
Developing SEs and ZEs in conifers have been shown to accumu-
late major storage proteins of the globulin (legumin, vicilin) and
albumin families based on electrophoretic mobility patterns. These
assumptions were validated by MS approaches in P. strobus [
128 ],
P. pinaster [
105 ], P. glauca [ 4 ], P. abies [ 93 ], and L. x eurolepis
102 ]. Expression pattern of storage proteins was similar in SE and
ZE [
4 , 102 , 105 , 128 ], reaching a maximum at the cotyledonary
stage. Storage proteins were already detected at the late stage of
early embryogenesis ( P. glauca ) or at the pre-cotyledonary stage
( L. x eurolepis ). Protein accumulation and SE growth are affected
by maturation duration and cultural conditions [
93 , 128 ]. Routine
tracking of the main storage proteins may be valuable for assessing
the quality of matured embryos. The most dominant vicilin-like
storage proteins have been proposed as markers of SE develop-
ment in P. glauca [
4 ] and L. x eurolepis [ 102 ]. Similarly, three
vicilin- and legumin-like proteins as well as two cupin domain-
containing storage proteins were identifi ed in P. pinaster as candi-
date biomarkers for the late cotyledonary SE/ZE stage [
105 ].
The activation of various metabolic and cellular processes during
SE development could be emphasized by proteomic data. A com-
parison of immature and mature embryos in L. x eurolepis showed
an increase in proteins involved in primary metabolism (glucose,
pentose, starch), suggesting active glycolysis, nucleotide metabo-
lism, and accumulation of storage carbohydrates [
102 ]. However,
in both L. x eurolepis [
101 ] and P. pinaster [ 25 ], the glycolytic
pathway appeared to be reduced under favorable maturation con-
ditions (high gellan gum concentration). Reduced water availabil-
ity induced by high gellan gum may promote a decrease in carbon
catabolism through downregulation of key proteins involved in
glucose or pentose metabolisms. The decreased level of glycolysis
in EM cultivated on favorable maturation medium has been associ-
ated with increased embryo dry weight ( L. x eurolepis , P. pinaster )
and enhanced starch accumulation ( P. pinaster ) at both cytological
and proteomic levels (e.g., upregulation of glucose-1-phosphate
adenylyltransferase). Upregulation of proteins involved in amino-
acid metabolism was also highlighted in Larix [
102 ] at the mature
embryo stage, and is indicative of active protein synthesis as
observed during zygotic embryo genesis in other conifers [
95 , 98 ,
99 , 104 ]. Accordingly, the maturation treatment was reported to
induce changes in nitrogen metabolism in mature embryos of P.
abies [
93 ] through differential expression of key enzymes for
glutamine , glutamate and arginine synthesis. In accordance with
gene expression studies ( see Subheading
2.4.7 ), differential expres-
sion of various proteasome subunits in P. pinaster [
25 ] and P. abies
4 ] as well as elongation factor II protein during EM proliferation
in A. angustifolia [
96 ] supported the importance of controlled
proteolysis and protein synthesis when embryos are stimulated to
3.1 Storage Proteins
3.2 Proteins Involved
in Metabolism
and Cellular Processes
Jean-François Trontin et al.
develop. Lippert et al. [ 4 ] proposed the proteasome complex as a
source of protein markers to evaluate embryo development .
Teyssier et al. [
102 ] also suggested that various differentially
expressed proteins from the primary and amino-acid metabolisms
are suitable targets for marker validation.
Other metabolic pathways with important roles in embryogen-
esis were also suggested to be activated as a result of enhanced
amino-acid metabolism, especially methionine and SAMet synthe-
sis. A SAMet synthetase was found to be upregulated in L. x euro-
lepis mature SE [
102 ], expressed at various developmental stages
of P. glauca SE [
4 ] and expressed from proembryogeny to late ZE
stages in A. angustifolia [
95 ]. This protein is involved in DNA
methylation, polyamines and ethylene biosynthesis. Proteome
analysis in A. angustifolia revealed a set of ten proteins unique to
eight responsive or two recalcitrant lines to maturation treatment
96 ]. It is suggested that embryogenic potential could be associ-
ated with upregulation of SAMet synthetase during EM prolifera-
tion. Interestingly, Jo et al. [
96 ] provided data showing increased
ethylene release and lower putrescine content in responsive lines.
Other important cellular processes upregulated during normal
embryo development included cell wall deposition and cell expan-
sion in P. pinaster (e.g., expansin S2/B14) [
25 ], L. principis-
rupprechtii (e.g., α-1,4-glucan protein synthase) [
103 ], and P. abies
(e.g., reverse glycosylating protein RGP-1) [
4 ], nucleocytoplasmic
transport (e.g., tubulin beta-2 chain, GTP-binding nuclear proteins
Ran-A1) in P. pinaster [
25 ], regulation of membrane traffi cking
(e.g., ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase-activating proteins) in L.
principis-rupprechtii [
103 ], or energy metabolism in A. angustifolia
(e.g., mitochondrial ATPase beta subunit) [
96 , 97 ] and P. abies
(e.g., ATP synthase, H+ transportin) [
4 ]. ATP production and
catabolism have been associated to competent embryo maturation
and structural reorganization via PCD . In P. pinaster , active PCD
was revealed by combined analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic
datasets, showing upregulation of both chitinases and disulfi de
isomerase [
25 ]. A nondefensive role of chitinase IV in early SE
development was also supported in L. principis-rupprechtii [
103 ].
Available proteomics studies emphasized the omnipresent
“background” expression of stress-related protein s during SE
development and maturation. This is in accordance with the data-
sets provided by transcriptomic and metabolomic studies ( see
2 and 4 , respectively). Such proteins represented up
to 6.7 % of differentially expressed proteins in P. abies [
93 ] and are
mainly involved in response to oxidative stress, anoxia, prevention
of apoptosis, and tolerance to cellular dehydration. Oxidative stress
may be induced by water and/or osmotic stress and it results in
production of ROS , ATP depletion and, ultimately, in apoptosis
130 ]. The SOD enzyme involved in detoxifi cation processes
3.3 Stress-Related
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
through regulation of oxidative stress was found overexpressed in
early developing SE in P. pinaster [
25 ] and in mature SE in L. x
eurolepis [
102 ]. A similar pattern was observed during ZE develop-
ment in P. massoniana [
104 ]. A GLP was also overexpressed in P.
pinaster [
25 ], suggesting active antioxidant protein production.
The interest of GLPs as predictive markers of embryo development
is well supported by proteomics ([
25 ], and references therein).
Accordingly, suboptimal conditions for embryo maturation in L. x
eurolepis resulted in upregulation of SOD and activation of second-
ary metabolism enzymes, possibly to cope with increased produc-
tion of free radicals [
101 ]. Similarly, Jo et al. [ 96 ] revealed that
NADH dehydrogenase in A. angustifolia was upregulated in one
recalcitrant line to a maturation treatment, thus suggesting a dis-
turbed cell redox system. NADH dehydrogenase is a component
of the plant energy-dissipating mitochondrial system preventing
excessive ROS production. ROS were recently revealed as impor-
tant signaling molecules for activation of PCD and normal SE
development in L. leptolepis [
49 ]. Overexpression of catalase (anti-
oxidative enzyme) in non-embryogenic callus compared to EMs
provided indirect evidence in L. principis-rupprechtii for excessive
ROS generation in response to culture conditions [
103 ].
Abiotic stress may also result from anaerobic conditions during
in vitro culture. As previously discussed, enolase is involved in gly-
colysis/gluconeogenesis pathways but can also be induced by abi-
otic stresses such as oxygen levels. Enolase accumulates in P. glauca
mature embryos and has been proposed as a putative protein
marker of normal embryo development [
4 ]. In L. x eurolepis , two
enolase isoforms were found overexpressed after a suboptimal mat-
uration treatment [
101 ]. Overexpression in P. glauca of a
submergence- induced protein at the early SE stages was inter-
preted as a possible response to oxygen stress promoting cell elon-
gation in developing embryos. Several enzymes involved in the
glycolytic pathway (e.g., alcohol dehydrogenase, pyruvate decar-
boxylase) were similarly activated under unfavorable SE matura-
tion conditions in P. pinaster [
25 ]. Interestingly, both alcohol
dehydrogenase and pyruvate decarboxylase expressions were
recently reported to be involved in tolerance to anoxia [
131 ].
Various protein families with important protective roles during
abiotic stresses resulting in cellular dehydration were confi rmed to
accumulate in mature embryos, including LEAs and group 2 LEAs
(dehydrins), HSPs and small HSPs. Members of these protein fam-
ilies were upregulated in P. abies embryos matured with sucrose as
a carbon source [
93 ]. The presence of 3 % sucrose signifi cantly
improved SE germination rate by promoting the acquisition of
desiccation tolerance. LEA and dehydrins were reportedly shown
to accumulate in plants during late embryogenesis. In L. x eurolepis
102 ], a set of 21 proteins annotated as belonging to HSPs or
related to protein folding were found differentially expressed in
Jean-François Trontin et al.
developing versus mature embryos. Most were upregulated at the
mature stage in accordance with the proposed role of HSPs in cel-
lular protection (protein stabilization and refolding). HSPs and
small HSPs were similarly detected in mature SE of P. abies [
93 ]
and were overexpressed in both cotyledonary SE and maturing ZE
in P. pinaster , together with various LEAs [
105 ]. HSPs were also
found to accumulate at early SE stage in L. principis-rupprechtii
103 ], from early to mature SE stages in L. x eurolepis [ 102 ] and P.
glauca [
4 ], as well as during ZE development in Cunninghamia
lanceolata [
99 ]. HSP expression is known to be induced by ABA
and there is strong evidence that these proteins are required
throughout embryogenesis from initiation to early seedling growth
102 ], and references therein). HSPs and other stress-related pro-
tein s are also overexpressed during maturation in suboptimal con-
ditions [
101 ]. Proteomics therefore strengthened both the
protective function of HSPs in response to abiotic stress and their
ubiquitous role in protein folding, assembly translocation and deg-
radation during embryo development .
4 Metabolomics of Conifer Somatic and Zygotic Embryo Development
Metabolite profi ling can be achieved in plants with high resolution
and good sensitivity by using gas chromatography coupled with
mass spectrometry (GC/MS) or nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) spectroscopy. Both GC/MS and NMR spectroscopy are
high-throughput techniques for unbiased acquisition of quantita-
tive and qualitative data on multiple metabolites. These technolo-
gies are also suitable for time-series studies. Among all “omics,”
metabolomics is considered to provide the most functional infor-
mation since metabolites are the end products of the cellular
machinery. Multivariate data analyses are required to determine
whether combined abundances of a set of metabolites can be asso-
ciated with a specifi c physiological state. Metabolomics is an effec-
tive and increasingly popular approach in conifers for monitoring
physiological responses to environmental variation [
132 ].
Applications to embryo development are currently scarce (Table
2 )
because of the technical requirements involved and the integrated
proteomics information (identifi cation of enzyme substrates)
needed to fully interpret the data [
133 ].
Interestingly, metabolic profi ling already provided relevant
information in Picea species about the biochemical status of EMs
at, or during, transition between different embryo development al
stages and in response to different maturation conditions [
5 , 93 ,
94 ]. The metabolic signature has also been demonstrated in P.
taeda to accurately predict the ability of proliferating EMs to
regenerate SE [
6 ]. Therefore, it is expected that these studies will
provide not only a better understanding of SE development, but
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
also tools for monitoring early metabolic events determining SE
physiology. Metabolite profi ling can be used to analyze intracellu-
lar metabolites ( metabolic fi ngerprinting ) or, alternatively, the
metabolite composition of fresh and spent culture medium ( meta-
bolic footprinting ). The latter noninvasive method is not affected
by rapid turnover of intracellular metabolites and is likely to yield
valuable information about critical metabolites, especially for the
complementation and interpretation of metabolic fi ngerprints [
6 ,
37 ]. Metabolic footprinting was performed in P. glauca (NMR
spectroscopy) to identify signifi cant metabolites (35 compounds
detected) involved in SE proliferation and maturation [
5 ]. Strong
evidence for divergent metabolic processes and different EM phys-
iological state in proliferation and maturation media was obtained
within 48–72 h. Major sources of metabolic variation in culture
media over time included carbohydrates , amino acids (consump-
tion of medium compounds), and also processed metabolites
excreted by the cultured cells. Early sucrose hydrolysis and prefer-
ential use of glucose over fructose by embryogenic cells was appar-
ent in both conditions. Most other discriminating metabolites
were overrepresented in the proliferation medium and were indica-
tive of storage protein synthesis and regulation, nitrogen transport
and ammonium assimilation (5-oxoproline, glutamine , BCAA/
branched chain amino acids), response to various stresses and
intracellular/inter-organ signaling (GABA/γ-aminobutyric acid),
biosynthesis of phenylpropanoid compounds (phenylalanine) and
cell expansion (malate). BCAA and GABA profi les are particularly
suggestive of a metabolic imbalance as a result of altered coenzyme
A biosynthesis during maturation. Such a metabolomic-generated
hypothesis paves the way for expression studies of specifi c genes
involved in this pathway in conifers.
In P. abies , metabolic fi ngerprinting (GC/MS) was used to
study metabolic events involved in normal SE development [
94 ].
Three different embryogenic lines with blocked, aberrant, or nor-
mal phenotype were investigated. Signifi cant metabolites were
identifi ed from EM in proliferation through to cotyledonary
embryos. Sucrose was revealed as the main carbohydrate in prolif-
erating EM, whereas maltose was signifi cant during late embryo-
genesis in the normal line. In contrast, a preponderance of fructose
was observed in lines with abnormal phenotypes. Metabolite pro-
ling therefore confi rmed previous data showing that supplemen-
tation of maturation medium with maltose to promote nutritional
stress (cellular carbon restriction) could improve embryo develop-
ment ([
134 ], and references therein). This hypothesis could be
partially verifi ed in P. abies as maturation yield increased when
sucrose was replaced by a combination of maltose and PEG [
93 ].
However, the latter formulation was detrimental to SE germina-
tion . Metabolic fi ngerprinting could separate samples according to
maturation condition (45 compounds detected) and revealed that
Jean-François Trontin et al.
SE treated with maltose and PEG accumulated less raffi nose. The
metabolite signature therefore suggested that poor germination
rate results from reduced content in raffi nose family oligosaccha-
rides (RFOs) that are involved in the acquisition of desiccation
tolerance together with sucrose and LEA.
Evidence suggesting that metabolic response to osmotic stress
may be a key factor involved in normal embryo development was
gained through metabolic fi ngerprinting of P. taeda proliferating
EMs [
6 ]. In this large study that detected 208 metabolites,
embryogenic culture’s regenerative capacity was not only infl u-
enced by the genetic background and maturation conditions, but
also by the metabolic status of the proliferating culture at the time
of sampling. It appeared that a culture containing developmentally
advanced immature embryos is more likely to produce cotyledon-
ary SE, as previously observed in other pine species [
134 ]. Among
the 47 identifi able metabolites selected to build a descriptive model
of cell line ability to regenerate SE, several were related to osmo-
protectants. Proline, serine and arabitol contents may be indicative
of biological stress during proliferation as a negative relationship
with culture productivity was observed. In contrast, a positive cor-
relation was found with sorbitol accumulation, suggesting that
some osmoprotective compounds may also play a role in prevent-
ing biological stress and preserving culture responsiveness to mat-
uration treatments. The method was therefore highly effi cient at
identifying both informative metabolites and their relationships to
gain insights into the transition from immature to mature SE. It is
based on the multivariate analysis of a metabolite subset selected
through a stepwise modeling procedure following the Bayesian
information criterion. In addition, the model was demonstrated to
accurately predict the regenerative capacity of proliferating EM in
a genotype-independent manner. A robust assay based on multiple
predictor metabolites accounting for genetic variability could
prove invaluable in pine as the regenerative capacity is invariably,
although erratically, decreasing as a function of line aging [
15 ].
5 Conclusion and Future Directions
The molecular biology of conifer embryo development has begun
to benefi t from genome-wide approaches. Technical requirements
are still high [
22 , 132 , 135 ] and there are also strong limitations to
the interpretation of these large datasets. The development of
comprehensive genome resources [
10 13 ] is expected to consider-
ably increase the identifi cation rate of differentially expressed
genes. The “holy grail” will then be to characterize the function
and molecular regulation of important genes in metabolic net-
works to model embryo development through integration of tran-
scriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic data [
20 , 37 , 38 , 133 ].
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
Such a systems biology approach is likely to provide tested clues for
the development of somatic embryo genesis in plants, including
“Omics” has started to improve our knowledge of conifer
embryo development . Transcriptome profi ling of embryogenesis-
related genes in conifers has shown high homology with model
angiosperms . It is suggested that differences in the molecular regu-
lation of embryogenesis may mainly arise from spatiotemporal
variation in gene expression. Several important processes are appar-
ently conserved in plants [
2 , 19 ], in particular early organization of
apical-basal embryo patterning driven by polar auxin transport and
activation of the auxin-mediated response machinery during late
embryogenesis (radial embryo patterning). Conserved expression
profi les were also revealed for important epigenetic regulator s
( chromatin remodeling ) involved in temporal and organ-specifi c
expression of homeotic genes [
19 ]. Transcriptomic studies have
highlighted the complexity of processes and genes involved in the
spatiotemporal development of embryos, from embryogenesis
induction [
20 , 21 ] to the switch from embryonic to vegetative
growth [
2 , 23 , 25 , 92 ]. A reference gene regulation network has
been proposed for embryogenesis induction in plants [
20 ], but
there is a need for dedicated studies in conifers to further elucidate
these pathways [
21 , 70 , 76 ]. Transcriptome profi ling and, to a
lesser extent, proteomics have revealed multiple genes associated
with early embryo and late embryo development. An impressive
picture of coordinated functions and genes has been obtained dur-
ing development of SE in P. abies [
2 , 23 , 92 ], and of ZE in P.
pinaster [
19 ]. TFs genes appeared to have central roles in spatio-
temporal modulation of both auxin- and GA-mediated responses,
especially during early embryogenesis (e.g., LEC and AGAMOUS ).
Later during development, LEC gene s and other master regulators
revealed in A. thaliana ( ABI3 and FUS3 ) are likely to have similar
roles in conifers, i.e., induction of ABA -dependent response that
may modify EM responsiveness to auxin and GA, but also to other
signaling molecules ( polyamines , ethylene ). Regulation of these
pathways could be involved in the developmental switch from
embryonic to vegetative growth. Various additional processes have
been suggested to have general functions in development stages
such as PCD , megagametophyte signaling, cell wall modifi cation,
epigenetic regulation (DNA methylation, small RNAs), carbohy-
drate, protein or energy metabolisms, and response to stress.
Opportunity for modulation of any of these pathways could be of
practical interest to refi ne specifi c steps of seed production or
somatic embryo genesis in conifers.
Genome-wide profi ling offers the possibility to check the qual-
ity of proliferating EMs and developing SE at the molecular level
with unprecedented accuracy and throughput, showing that omics
is already providing some important clues to improve conifer
Jean-François Trontin et al.
embryo development . Early molecular screening can help prevent-
ing unnecessary expenses associated with EMs cultivated in unfa-
vorable conditions and/or with low ability to be converted into
high quality plantlets. There is a choice of proposed marker genes
revealing specifi c processes and adaptation at each developmental
stage or transition, from embryogenesis induction and initial dem-
onstration of embryogenecity [
21 , 26 , 70 , 76 , 89 ], to early embryo
patterning [
1 , 2 , 58 , 65 , 90 ] and late embryo development [ 19 ,
23 , 25 , 52 , 77 , 78 , 84 , 89 ]. Substantial support has been obtained
for a few proteins proposed as robust markers of embryo develop-
ment in P. glauca (vicilin, enolase, proteasome subunit) [
4 ], L. x
eurolepis (vicilin) [
102 ] and P. pinaster (GLP, ubiquitin-protein
ligase) [
105 ]. More pragmatically, a selected subset of metabolites
has been demonstrated in P. taeda [
6 ] to accurately predict in a
genotype-independent way the ability of proliferating embryo-
genic lines to regenerate cotyledonary SE.
There is also a large set of genes involved in epigenetic regula-
tion that were repeatedly highlighted in transcriptomic studies
with high relevance for proper embryo development [
1 , 19 , 23 ,
50 , 92 ]. In particular, expression of various miRNAs with stage-
specifi c modulation was associated with the regulation of impor-
tant genes during somatic embryo genesis in L. kaempferi [
50 ],
including genes involved in the regulation of auxin-mediated
response, cell wall modifi cation, embryo pattern formation, ABA
response, oxidative stress and miRNA biogenesis. Some miRNA
appeared to have functions in maintaining the embryogenic
potential ( miR159 , miR171 ). It would therefore be interesting to
infer the general signifi cance of embryogenesis-related miRNAs in
Although SEs develop without true megagametophyte [
2 ],
there is a consensual trend toward approaching “substantial equiv-
alence” of SEs with ZEs [
26 , 42 , 77 , 78 , 91 , 92 ]. Comparative
“omics” of SE and ZE is a promising tool to elaborate new
strategies to reach the performance standard of seedlings.
Transcriptomic profi ling in P. taeda [
27 ] and proteomic analysis
in P. pinaster [
105 ] gave strong evidence that gene expression in
cotyledonary SE obtained after “appropriate” culture time in
“refi ned” maturation conditions did not conform to that of fully
mature ZE, but to that of earlier, immature cotyledonary stages.
Similar conclusions were made in P. pinaster after a study of genes
involved in nitrogen metabolism and chloroplast development
78 ]. Data analysis suggested specifi c protocol refi nements at
either the maturation or post-maturation step. Optimization of
SE maturation in P. taeda resulted in similar expression patterns of
genes involved in controlled proteolysis and synthesis of storage
proteins compared with ZE [
77 ]. In A. angustifolia , comparative
transcriptomics of SE and ZE revealed auxin signaling failure dur-
ing SE development [
91 ].
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
Another way to estimate if embryo quality could be enhanced
is to compare different maturation conditions. In P. glauca , the
benefi cial effect of PEG in the maturation medium (improved SE
yield and quality) could be demonstrated using a cDNA array strat-
egy [
92 ]. This study provided the fi rst evidence that transcriptome
profi ling could predict embryo quality, as many regulated genes
between PEG-treated and control lines were identifi ed in early
developing embryos. A similar approach integrating both tran-
scriptomic and proteomic profi ling was implemented in P. pinaster
to study the early molecular events involved in SE development
promoted by high gellan gum [
25 ]. Differential expression of
genes associated with embryo development or culture adaptive
responses, as early as 1 week after exogenous ABA treatments, sup-
ported integrated genome-wide profi ling as a robust diagnostic
and predictive tool for detecting disruption of critical pathways for
normal SE development. Interestingly, gene expression studies in
P. abies have already infl uenced protocol improvement (accelerated
and synchronized SE development) through either modifi cation of
maturation conditions (latrunculin B treatment affecting actin
gene expression) [
54 ] or genetic engineering of proliferating EM
( HBK3 overexpression promoting AGO upregulation) [
55 ].
It is foreseeable that genome-wide profi ling will be further
implemented in both important species (to achieve cost-effective SE
variety deployment) and orphan species (to save labor and associated
cost of development). Integrating transcriptomic and proteomic
approaches may inherently offer robust tools to assess embryo devel-
opment [
25 ]. Metabolomics may also provide unique opportunities
for constructing genotype-independent, predictive models of
embryogenesis-related traits. Interpretation of “omic” data may
help identify new directions for gene expression profi ling of selected
metabolic pathways underpinning embryo development.
The preparation of this chapter was supported through various
projects funded by (1) the French National Research Agency
KBBE-007, XYLOFOREST: ANR-10- EQPX-16), (2) the
European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013, Grant Agreement n° 289841-PROCOGEN),
and (3) the French Regional Councils of “Région Centre”
(EMBRYOME: 33639, IMTEMPERIES: 2014- 00094511) and
“Région Aquitaine” (EMBRYO2011: 09012579- 045). K.K. was
supported by Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service.
Mrs. Isabelle Lamarre (NRCan, CFS) is thanked for English
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Phytochemistry 72:1219–1242
Molecular Aspects of Conifer Embryo Development
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_9, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 9
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
The Solanaceae is one of the most important families for global agriculture. Among the different solana-
ceous species, tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ), potato ( Solanum tuberosum ), tomato ( Solanum lycopersi-
cum ), eggplant ( Solanum melongena ), and pepper ( Capsicum annuum ) are fi ve crops of outstanding
importance worldwide. In these crops, maximum yields are produced by hybrid plants created by crossing
pure (homozygous) lines with the desired traits. Pure lines may be produced by conventional breeding
methods, which is time consuming and costly. Alternatively, it is possible to accelerate the production of
pure lines by creating doubled haploid (DH) plants derived from (haploid) male gametophytes or their
precursors (androgenesis). In this way, the different steps for the production of pure lines can be reduced
to only one generation, which implies important time and cost savings. This and other advantages make
androgenic DHs the choice in a number of important crops where any of the different experimental
in vitro techniques (anther culture or isolated microspore culture) is well set up. The Solanaceae family is
an excellent example of heterogeneity in terms of response to these techniques, including highly respond-
ing species such as tobacco, considered a model system, and tomato, one of the most recalcitrant species,
where no reliable and reproducible methods are yet available. Interestingly, the fi rst evidence of androgen-
esis, particularly through in vitro anther culture, was demonstrated in a solanaceous species, Datura
innoxia . In this chapter, we report the state of the art of the research about androgenic DHs in Solanaceae,
paying special attention to datura, tobacco, potato, tomato, eggplant, and pepper.
Key words Anther culture , Datura , Doubled haploid s , Eggplant , Microspore culture , Microspore
embryogenesis , Pepper , Potato , Tobacco , Tomato
1 Introduction
It is well known that crop productivity can be increased through
the use of hybrids, made by crossing homozygous (pure) lines with
defi ned traits. These lines are traditionally generated by techniques
based on classical breeding, through successive rounds of selfi ng
and selection. This requires a considerable amount of time and
resources. However, in recent years alternative techniques, by far
more advantageous than traditional methods, are being used in
some species. These techniques, based on androgenesis , produce
pure, doubled haploid (DH) lines through in vitro regeneration of
plants from microspore / pollen -derived embryos or callus.
This experimental pathway, alternative to normal pollen devel-
opment, was discovered 45 years ago by Guha and Maheshwari
1 ]. In this route, the pollen grain precursors deviate from the
gametophytic pathway and are in vitro induced to form haploid
embryos or calli [
2 ]. Then, plants can be directly regenerated by
microspore -derived, haploid embryogenesis, or indirectly from an
intermediate haploid callus phase. These plants will be DH if they
duplicate their original haploid genome, or just haploid as the orig-
inal microspore. In the latter case, additional treatments to pro-
mote genome doubling are needed [
3 ]. In both cases, the resulting
plants will have a genetic background exclusively coming from
donor (male) plant, and 100 % homozygous . In other words, they
will be pure lines. From the standpoint of plant breeding, this
alternative reduces the typical 7–9 inbreeding generations neces-
sary to stabilize a hybrid genotype to only one. It is therefore much
faster and cheaper, and obviously this is the main advantage of DH
technology in the context of plant breeding. Within this same con-
text of plant breeding, DHs (homozygous for all of their loci) con-
stitute a valuable tool for the study of the genetic basis of
quantitative traits, including the genetic mapping of complex char-
acters such as production or quality, the most agronomically inter-
esting, and diffi cult to be addressed by other approaches. In fact,
they have been successfully used in several crops for breeding plants
with useful agronomic traits such as high yield, earliness, abiotic
stress tolerance, and disease resistance, among others. DHs are also
a powerful tool in transgenesis, to avoid hemizygotes and save time
and resources in the production of plants transformed with the
transgene in both homologous chromosomes. Moreover, from a
scientifi c point of view, these lines are also very useful for basic
studies of linkage and estimation of recombination fractions. They
are also an extremely useful tool for genetic selection and screening
of recessive mutants, because the phenotype of the resulting plants
is not affected by the effects of dominance, and recessive pheno-
types can be unmasked. For example, recessive embryo-lethal
genes would be expressed in haploid embryos, and thereby elimi-
nated for future generations.
Microspore -derived embryos (MDEs) or calli can be obtained
using two main technical approaches based on in vitro culture:
anther culture and isolated microspore culture . Anther culture is
the easiest option. It consists on the excision of anthers from the
ower bud, followed by their in vitro culture in a generally semi-
solid, agar -based culture medium. After few weeks, microspores in
the pollen sac transform into MDEs or calli and emerge out of the
anther, which becomes necrotic. This approach is relatively fast and
inexpensive, compared to the other option. This is why anther
culture is the most adopted method to produce androgenic DHs.
However, this method does not exclude the occasional appearance
of somatic embryo s from anther tissues, or the uncontrollable
secretory effect of the tapetal layer surrounding the pollen sac,
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
which prevents us from having a strict control of the culture condi-
tions. In addition, anther cultures need weeks-months to produce
MDEs, and have a limited effi ciency, generally producing only a
few embryos per cultivated anther. All these limitations can be
overcome by the direct isolation and culture of microspores, which
is a more technically demanding method, but it is faster and more
effi cient. In some herbaceous species, where isolated microspore
cultures are well set up, in 1–3 weeks it is possible to get hundreds
or even thousands of embryos from the microspores contained in
a single anther. It is evident that, where possible, microspore cul-
tures are largely preferred over anther cultures. Using either anther
or microspore cultures, at present there are systems for DH pro-
duction in few hundreds of species of agronomic interest, from
herbaceous crops such as wheat , barley , rice, rapeseed ( canola ),
tobacco , or corn to trees such as clementine , mandarin, or cork,
among others (reviewed in refs. [
4 7 ]). However, except for model
species such as rapeseed, barley, or tobacco, the effi ciency is still
very low. This is even more critical in horticultural crops of high
agronomic interest, like those belonging to the Solanaceae family.
The Solanaceae family of fl owering plants comprises between
3000 and 4000 species in about 90 genera [
8 ]. Among these gen-
era, the largest is Solanum L., estimated to contain 1500 species
9 ], and nearly 50 % of the diversity of the Solanaceae family. This
family is one of the most important in terms of agricultural inter-
est, and includes fi ve major cultivated crop plants [
10 ], namely
potato ( Solanum tuberosum ), pepper ( Capsicum annuum ), egg-
plant ( Solanum melongena ), tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) and
tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ). This family also includes the wild
relatives of these fi ve species, as well as many other plants belong-
ing to the genus Datura , ornamentals such as those of the genus
Petunia , or toxic, poisonous plants such as mandrake ( Mandragora
offi cinarum ), henbane ( Hyoscyamus niger ), or deadly nightshade
( Atropa belladonna ). In Solanaceae, fl owers are typically conical or
funnel-shaped, with fi ve petals, usually fused, persistent sepals, and
a general fl oral formula of K(5)[C(5)A5]G(2). Stamens are bithe-
cate and usually longitudinally or poricidally dehiscent. The ovaries
are superior and biloculate. Seeds are usually small, round and fl at.
Fruits are in general berries, as in tomato or wolfberry, or drupes
or dehiscent capsules, as in the genus Datura . Most Solanaceae
have a basic chromosome number of x = 12, being most of them
diploid (2 n = 2 x = 24). Examples of this include tomato, eggplant,
and pepper. However, there are some cases where this number has
increased due to polyploidy. For example, some wild potato
relatives range from diploid to hexaploid (3 n = 6 x = 72), while the
cultivated species of S. tuberosum is allotetraploid (2 n = 4 x = 48),
and the cultivated species of N. tabacum is autotetraploid. The
Solanaceae are a typical example of an ethnobotanical family, mean-
ing that it is extensively exploited and utilized by humans since the
beginning of the agricultural age. It is an important source of food
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
and spices, mostly from the agricultural crops, but it is also a source
of medicines and bioactive compounds of pharmaceutical interest,
due to the presence of alkaloids in most plants of this genus. For
example, nicotine in tobacco, or scopolamine, atropine, and hyo-
scyamine in species of the genus Hyoscyamus , Datura , and Atropa .
From a nutritional point of view, the most important crop of this
family is the potato ( S. tuberosum ), where the carbohydrate-rich
tubers are used as food for human and animal nutrition, and as a
source of starch for industrial purposes. In many other Solanaceae,
the fruits are the interesting, edible part of the plant (for example
tomatoes, tomatillos, eggplants, uchuva, sweet and hot peppers).
In view of this, it is not surprising that from an agronomical point
of view, the solanaceous crops are among the most important in
the world.
Despite the tremendous importance of this family for world’s
agriculture, DH technology is not yet effi ciently implemented in
some of these interesting crops. Curiously, the fi rst observation of
in vitro, microspore -derived androgenesis was reported in a solana-
ceous plant by Guha and Maheshwari [
1 ], who described the for-
mation of microspore-derived plants within in vitro-cultured
anthers of Datura innoxia . However, of the fi ve major solanaceous
crops ( pepper , tobacco , potato , eggplant , and tomato ), at present
only in tobacco enough progress has been made to consider this
species as a model system for the study of microspore embryogen-
esis . The rest of interesting solanaceous crops (potato, tomato,
eggplant, and pepper) are still far from the effi ciency achieved in
tobacco or in rapeseed, another model dicot species. In potato,
eggplant, and pepper, only anther culture s seem to work effi ciently
in certain cultivars, but, up to now in tomato, not a single method
has been demonstrated to work effi ciently. Despite of the genetic
proximity of these fi ve species, they seem to respond to induction
very differently. In this chapter we revise the most relevant work
performed in the last four decades pertaining to the study of the
experimental induction of androgenesis through anther cultures
and isolated microspore culture s and the development of the DHs
embryos, calli and plants in datura , the “pioneer” of microspore
embryogenesis, and in the fi ve most important solanaceous crops,
tobacco, potato, tomato, eggplant, and pepper, illustrating when
needed with examples of the practical applications of this technol-
ogy in genetic breeding.
2 Datura
Within the family Solanaceae , the genus Datura comprises several
species (commonly daturas ), widely distributed throughout the
globe, and characterized by their erect or spreading, trumpet-
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
shaped fl owers, and by their spiny capsular fruits that open at
maturity to release numerous seeds. Datura species are herba-
ceous, leafy annuals and short-lived perennials which can reach up
to 2 m in height. Daturas belong to the classic “witches’ weeds”,
along with deadly nightshade, henbane, and mandrake, because
they all contain, primarily in their seeds and fl owers, toxic and hal-
lucinogenic tropane alkaloids such as scopolamine, hyoscyamine,
and atropine. Because of the presence of these substances, Datura
has been used for centuries in some cultures as a poison and as a
key ingredient of love potions and brews. Nowadays, the con-
trolled use of some of these alkaloids at low doses has been adopted
by medicine as treatments for a wide range of diseases. Aside of
their traditional and medical uses, datura plants deserve a honorifi c
position in the fi eld of haploid research for two main reasons. First,
Datura stramonium was the fi rst owering plant for which cyto-
logical proof of the discovery of a haploid individual was obtained
11 ]. Second, and most importantly, Datura innoxia was the fi rst
plant producing embryos from the microspores contained in their
anthers, when inoculated in a culture dish [
1 ]. Sipra Guha and
Satish C. Maheshwari, two Indian researchers, at that time work-
ing at the University of Delhi (India), fi rst performed such culture
and now they are considered as the founding fathers of haploid and
DH technology [
12 ] ( see Note 1 ).
Since D. innoxia was the fi rst species to produce haploid
MDEs, it is easy to conceive that this experimental system was one
of the fi rst used to investigate such an emerging experimental pro-
cess. Thus, some researchers focused on improving culture condi-
tions in order to increase the “embryogenic power” of pollen in
Datura innoxia [
13 15 ]. Other groups focused on the study of the
changes undergone by the microspore within the anther as a con-
sequence of the induction [
16 20 ]. Later on, an established proto-
col for microspore embryogenesis in this species permitted the
combination of this technique with others, such as Agrobacterium -
mediated genetic transformation [
21 ], or plant regeneration
through embryogenesis from cultured cells coming from andro-
genic calli [
22 ]. Aside of D. innoxia , other members of the Datura
genus have been used to successfully induce microspore embryo-
genesis, or to study the changes associated to the induction. These
species include D. ferox [
23 ], D. metel [ 24 29 , 20 , 30 ] and D.
meteloides [
20 , 31 ]. However, daturas are far from the economic
importance for global agriculture that other Solanaceae have
( tomato , potato , pepper , etc.). This is the reason why the number
of articles and discoveries produced in the last decades using daturas
as experimental system is limited. At present, the trend in DH
research is to use model species (rapeseed, barley , tobacco , etc.) to
study fundamental aspects of the process, and to use recalcitrant
crops to try to make them responsive.
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
3 Tobacco
After more than 500 years of cultivation, tobacco ( Nicotiana taba-
cum ) is considered the most valuable non-food crop in the world.
Among the 178 primary crops listed in the 2012 FAOSTAT data-
base [
32 ], tobacco ranks 49th in area harvested (4,291,014 Ha)
and 82nd in production, with 7,490,661 t. Its main utility is the
production of cigars, cigarettes and other derivatives used by the
tobacco industry. Nowadays, the health problems associated to the
habit of smoking are causing a decrease in the traditional uses of
tobacco. However, tobacco is especially suitable for genetic trans-
formation, which makes this crop a good candidate to be exploited
as a biofactory. Indeed, tobacco can be used to produce starch for
bioethanol or for industrial purposes [
33 , 34 ], to produce vaccines
35 37 ], and a large list of other pharmaceuticals [ 38 41 ].
Few years after Guha and Maheshwari milestone report, sev-
eral groups published in a time range of 2 years the production of
haploid plants from tobacco anthers [
42 45 ]. A representative
example was the work of Nitsch and Nitsch [
42 ], who published
on Science a paper presenting a method by which hundreds of
haploid plants of various species of Nicotiana can be raised from
pollen grains . Soon after them, several researchers studied this
phenomenon in tobacco from different experimental approaches
46 53 ]. In addition to N. tabacum , pioneering researchers also
explored and successfully achieved the induction of haploidy in
other Nicotiana species, including N. sylvestris , N. affi nis , N. rus-
tica , N. attenuata , N. knightiana , and N. raimondii [
42 , 54 ].
Since then, tobacco has been considered for long as a model spe-
cies where to induce microspore embryogenesis effi ciently. Indeed,
there are different well set up protocols currently available to
obtain DHs from anther and isolated microspore culture s with an
acceptable effi ciency [
55 58 ]. For anther culture , most of the pro-
tocols include a cold treatment of excised fl ower buds prior to
anther excision and culture on a charcoal-containing medium
55 ]. However, its relative simplicity makes isolated microspore
culture the method of choice. For microspore culture, the most
common way to stress the microspores is to starve them from car-
bon and nitrogen sources while applying a inductive, mild heat
shock [
55 , 56 , 59 ]. After induction, embryogenic microspores are
transferred to a carbon and nitrogen-containing medium where
they continue dividing and grow into haploid embryos. These
embryos are transferred to a low- sucrose , agar -based solid medium
for germination , and are fi nally treated with colchicine solutions
for genome doubling [
55 ]. Aside of these standard methods, the
exibility of tobacco microspores allowed the application of differ-
ent types of stresses to induce the androgenic switch. Although
these are not the most effi cient ways to induce tobacco micro-
spores, successful induction to embryogenesis has been achieved,
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
for example, by the application of basic pH (8–8.5), lithium (5 mM
3 ), abscissic acid (0.01 mM), reduced atmospheric pressure
(12 mmHg) or centrifugation at 10,000–11,000 g (reviewed in
ref. [
60 ]). As in other model species like rapeseed, tobacco micro-
spores also offer the possibility to reproduce microgametogenesis
in vitro, provided that microspores are cultured in a rich, non-
starving medium, with no stress sources [
61 , 62 ]. In this way,
mature and fertile tobacco pollen can also be obtained in a petri
dish. Thanks to these well- established protocols, tobacco embryo-
genic cultures and microspore- derived DH plants can now be rou-
tinely generated, and serve as excellent tools for the study of many
different basic and applied aspects of the process of microspore
induction and embryo development . In the last 15 years, the
majority of the studies published on tobacco microspore embryo-
genesis used this species as a model system where to study the
changes undergone by the induced microspore at the physiologic,
transcriptional, metabolic, or ultrastructural levels, among others.
In particular, tobacco microspore embryogenesis was used to deci-
pher the cellular and ultrastructural changes undergone by the
induced microspore [
20 , 48 , 49 , 51 , 63 , 64 ] and specifi cally by
plastids [
20 ], as well as to discover specifi c mRNAs [ 65 , 66 ], MAP
kinases [
67 ], phosphorylated proteins [ 68 70 ], metabolites [ 66 ],
and heat shock gene expression [
71 ] associated with the induction.
These studies have contributed signifi cant insights in the under-
standing of how and why microspores are reprogrammed towards
Aside from basic studies, tobacco has also been used to explore
the advantages of DH technology in plant breeding. In addition to
the production of pure lines for hybrid seed production, another
advantage of DH technology is the avoidance of hemizygous trans-
formants when combined with genetic transformation. Such a
combination of both technologies was used in 2007 to produce an
innovative breeding technology. Ribarits et al. [
72 ] produced
reversible male-sterile tobacco plants by fi rstly introducing mutated
tobacco glutamine synthetase genes fused to the tapetum-specifi c
TA29 and the microspore -specifi c NTM19 promoters, and sec-
ondly producing a non-segregant, male-sterile DH population
through microspore culture . In this population, male sterility could
be overcome at will by the exogenous addition of glutamine to
plants or to in vitro maturing pollen . This is an interesting example
of how this technology can help in plant breeding beyond the mere
production of DH pure lines.
In conclusion, tobacco has served during many years as a useful
model system to advance in the knowledge of microspore embryo-
genesis . In the last years, it appears that its role as a prominent dicot
model has been taken by rapeseed ( Brassica napus ), which is the
dicot model species used for most of the recent studies at the cel-
lular, molecular and genetic levels. From the applied point of view,
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
the decrease in tobacco consumption worldwide may have an
impact on tobacco breeding programs and therefore on the use of
tobacco DHs in such programs. However, the suitability of tobacco
for both genetic transformation and microspore embryogenesis
could open the door for a promising future of doubled haploid y in
this crop as a tool to be combined with transformation.
4 Potato
Potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) is a solanaceous crop originally from
South America. It is believed that the fi rst places where potato was
cultivated were the region of the Titicaca Lake, in the north of
Bolivia, and the highlands of the Andes [
73 ]. Andian populations
of the north of Peru and the south of Bolivia were the fi rst to eat
wild potatoes around 3000–4000 years bc . It was introduced to
Europe by Spanish expeditions through Seville in 1570, and later
on it was extended to the rest of Europe [
73 ]. The edible part of
potato plants are their tubers, which are nowadays extended world-
wide as an essential part of many cuisines, as well as of a wealth of
processed foods. Indeed, potato ranked eighth in production
(365,365,367 t) and 18th in area harvested (19,278,549 Ha)
among the 178 different crops analyzed in the 2012 FAOSTAT
database [
32 ]. These data illustrate to what extent potato is impor-
tant in the current world’s economy.
The major cultivated species of potato ( S. tuberosum ssp.
tuberosum ) is an autotetraploid. Other interesting potatoes include
cultivated species like the tetraploid S. tuberosum ssp. andigena , the
diploid S. stenotomum and S. phureja , and the diploid wild potato
relative S. chacoense . These species are principally used for genetic
studies and for plant breeding, for example as sources of resistance
for certain diseases. Despite that potato is a sexual species, it is often
diffi cult to have it sexually reproduced. Sexual crosses are usually
restricted to breeding centers which use them to generate new vari-
eties, taking advantage of their germplasm collections from differ-
ent potatoes and related species [
73 ]. However, cultivated potatoes
are vegetatively propagated, using the adventitious buds formed on
the tubers. In this way, propagation is easier and the populations
obtained are homogeneous. However, this has generated a very low
level of genetic variability among the different potato cultivars. This
is why it is highly desirable to obtain reduced, dihaploid and even
monohaploid plants for potato breeding at the haploid level and for
genetic analysis [
74 76 ]. For example, genetically heterozygous
potato dihaploids may be used as parents to hybridize with other
Solanum species in order to obtain diploid, tetraploid, or even
higher ploidy individuals with new genetic combinations.
Sometimes, these hybrids are sterile and haploidization is employed
as a possible strategy to overcome reproductive barriers, as recently
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
reported in hybrids between Solanum bulbocastanum and S.
tuberosum [
77 ]. Examples on the use of androgenic approaches in
potato breeding also include S. chacoense x S. phureja clones [
78 ]
and S. brevidens x S. tuberosum somatic hybrid s [
79 ]. Other exam-
ples of this and other approaches to obtain potatoes with new
genetic backgrounds can be found in a review by Tai [
80 ].
Different techniques for dihaploidization have been described
in the literature. These include interspecifi c hybridization of culti-
vated potato and related Solanum species with certain haploid
inducer clones of S. phureja , and microspore embryogenesis
(reviewed in refs. [
81 , 82 ]). With respect to the latter, potato can-
not be considered as a model system, but at present there are sev-
eral methods capable to induce androgenesis from anther culture s
80 , 83 , 84 ]. The main difference between them consists on the
use of different culture media, either liquid [
85 87 ] or semisolid
79 ]. In a technical review of 2003, Rokka [ 84 ] described a method
for potato anther culture based on the Murashige and Skoog (MS)
basal medium [
88 ], capable of inducing microspore embryogene-
sis in a wide range of genetically diverse potato species, including
interspecifi c and intergeneric hybrids between them. Aside of S.
tuberosum , other papers have reported induction of androgenesis
by anther cultures of S. phureja [
89 93 ], and other potato relatives
such as S. acaule [
94 ], or S. chacoense [ 95 98 ].
The effect of colchicine in anther culture s was also evaluated
89 ], concluding that it did not affected neither the effi ciency of
induction nor the percentage of monoploid plants obtained.
Anther culture s have been described to produce microspore-
derived embryos and calli. Direct embryogenesis is preferred over
callus formation due to the lower occurrence of somaclonal varia-
tion [
82 ]. However, a RAPD analysis of the plants obtained from
S. phureja anther cultures revealed the occurrence of genetic
clones, possible originated by secondary embryogenesis during
anther culture [
89 ]. Other studies, also based on molecular mark-
ers, have revealed interesting results. For example, Sharma et al.
99 ] used SSRs to demonstrate that anther culture-mediated
dihaploidization of S. tuberosum tetraploids involves extensive
changes and genetic rearrangements. In addition, they demon-
strated the occurrence of somatic embryo genesis from anther
walls, and of somaclonal variation in the tetraploid somatic regen-
erants. Birhman et al. [
97 ] studied by means of RFLPs the genetic
architecture and the origin of S. chacoense plants produced through
anther culture. They showed that some of the plants obtained had
different ploidy levels but their genetic constitution was identical,
which suggested the occurrence of microspore-derived, mixoploid
calli developing clonal plants from their ploidy-different cells. They
also showed that some of their plants, although regenerated from
the same callus, had different genetic constitutions, which led
them to conclude that they might come from two microcalli
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
derived from two different microspores, but proliferating together
within the anther.
Although not abundant, reports exist on potato isolated micro-
spore culture s, too [
100 103 ]. Through the application of cold and
starvation treatments, one of these reports [
103 ] described a per-
formance better than anther culture s and, as expected, a depen-
dence on the genotype of the donor plant. They also observed that
microspores of a dihaploid genotype divided symmetrically after 3
days from isolation, giving rise to suspensorless embryos. Symmetric
divisions and suspensorless MDEs have also been observed in the
rest of reports dealing with potato microspore cultures. However,
microspores of “Albina,” a tetraploid potato, divided later (8 days
after isolation) and asymmetrically, giving rise to a large and a small
cell, which led to the formation of a zygotic-like suspensor and an
embryo proper, respectively [
103 ]. This observation is interesting,
since the number of inducible species that develop suspensor-
bearing MDEs is very limited, being Brassica napus the most prom-
inent example. However, none of the above mentioned reports
have demonstrated the successful production of viable potato plants
from isolated microspore cultures. Therefore, there is still work to
do in order to provide a reliable and complete protocol.
5 Tomato
Within the genus Solanum , the section Lycopersicon includes toma-
to es and their wild relative species. The native distribution of this
section ranges ac ross the west-central part of South America, from
the high Andes to coastal Ecuador, Peru and the north of Chile,
although it seems that it was in Mexico where tomato was domes-
ticated, and then introduced to Europe and Asia by the Spanish
and Portuguese [
73 ]. Although the taxonomy of the section
Lycopersicon has been subjected to a long-lasting discussion that
has not yet reached a widely accepted consensus, the most recent
classifi cation [
104 ] divided the section into four groups: the
Lycopersicon group ( S. lycopersicum , S. pimpinellifolium , S. chees-
maniae , and S. galapagense ), the Neolycopersicon group ( S. pen-
nellii ), the Eriopersicon group ( S. peruvianum , S. corneliomulleri ,
S. huaylasense , S. habrochaites , and S. chilense ), and the Arcanum
group ( S. arcanum , S. chmielewskii , and S. neorickii ). From an
economic point of view, cultivated tomato ( S. lycopersicum ) is by
far the most important of the section. Tomato is the fi rst vegetable
crop worldwide, both in terms of production (161,793,834 t in
2012) and cultivated area (4,803,680 Ha in 2012). Among the
178 different crops analyzed in the 2012 FAOSTAT database [
32 ],
tomato ranks 16th in production and 47th in area harvested. These
data give an idea of the tremendous importance that tomato has
for global agriculture.
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
However, and despite of its importance, little is known in the
tomato DH fi eld, with no reliable and standardized methods avail-
able so far. Over the past 40 years, a signifi cant number of media
types and conditions, as well as combinations of nutrients, vita-
mins, growth factors and supplements, have been assessed
(reviewed in ref. [
105 ]). During these years most of the published
papers reported just on induction of calli [
106 , 107 ] or multicel-
lular structures [
108 ], or regeneration of roots [ 109 ] or apical
shoots [
110 ]. Only two laboratories have published the complete
regeneration of entire tomato plants with a demonstrated haploid
or DH origin [
111 115 ], although with different levels of mor-
phological variability ranging from high [
116 ] to low [ 114 ]. In all
of these published studies, mixoploidy in a percentage of individu-
als and a low general effi ciency were common features [
114 , 115 ].
Aside of these reports, a third group reported in 2001 the produc-
tion of androgenic plants, but not in tomato. Gavrilenko et al.
117 ] obtained plants by culturing anthers of a somatic hybrid
between S. lycopersicum and S. etuberosum , a wild non-tuberous
Solanum species with several desirable agronomic traits. Again, the
androgenic effi ciency obtained from this intergeneric hybrid was
extremely low, with 3.4 % of responding anthers and fi ve plants
from one of the hybrid donor plants, and 1.2 % of responding
anthers and only one plant from the other hybrid donor plant
used. The embryogenic response of anther culture s of S. lycopersi-
cum x S. peruvianum hybrids was tested by Cappadocia and
Ramulu [
118 ]. Although they reported the observation of the fi rst
stages of embryogenesis, the plants obtained derived from anther
tissues. Out of the S. lycopersicum species, anther cultures have also
been performed in S. peruvianum [
119 , 120 ]. Reynolds [ 121 ]
reported the production of callus, embryoids and regenerated
plants from cultured anthers of wild tomato ( S. carolinense ), a pas-
ture weed from North America. In this work, the occurrence of
microspore- derived callus or embryoids depended on the hor-
monal composition of the culture medium. Other reports on S.
carolinense anther culture can be found in refs. [
122 126 ]. It can
be deduced from all these works results that the state of the art on
DH research in tomato is far from being considered minimally
useful to be applied for DH production on a routine basis. Indeed,
tomato can be regarded as one of the major examples of species
recalcitrant to androgenesis induction. More efforts are needed to
obtain successful results.
As in other in vitro morphogenic processes, the most critical
factors to obtain androgenic DHs from tomato are the genotype
and the developmental stage. As for the genotype, male-sterile
mutant lines have been shown to be especially sensitive to being
induced [
112 , 114 , 115 , 127 , 128 ]. Usually, male-sterility is asso-
ciated to defects at the late meiocyte stage, which ends up degen-
erating and dying. This was demonstrated for the ms10
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
male-sterile genotype, where most of the work on tomato DHs has
been developed [
115 ]. Aside of male-sterile mutants, all of the
works published to date on the evaluation of androgenic compe-
tence in commercial tomato cultivars have reported null or very
few positive results. It is important to highlight that this informa-
tion comes from published papers, but it might not be the only
one. Considering the extraordinary importance of this crop for
breeding companies, some of them have set up specifi c research
programs and collaborations to fi nd the key switch for this species.
Indeed, some methods claiming the development of protocols to
obtain haploids in tomato have been patented [
5 , 129 , 130 ]. Thus,
it might be possible that some companies would have found a way
to obtain androgenic DHs in their particular tomato cultivars, but
it is unlikely that this proprietary information will see the public
light in the short-mid-term. The second key factor is the identifi ca-
tion of the right stage for the tomato gametophyte (or its precur-
sor) to be reprogrammed. This has been a matter of debate along
40 years of research on tomato DHs. A number of works have
been sporadically published [
109 , 111 , 127 , 131 135 ], but a clear
consensus could not be obtained from them. Perhaps, the most
suggestive work of the fi rst years of tomato haploidy research was
by Dao and Shamina [
135 ]. They induced the formation of callus-
like structures from anthers with meiocytes at the tetrad stage, just
after walling. On the other hand, they also obtained embryoids
directly from anthers containing late, vacuolate microspores or
young, bicellular pollen grains. This work, not further continued,
pointed to the notion that, as also suggested by Chlyah et al. [
136 ],
tomato could follow the trend observed in other species, where
different stages may be responsive under different treatments
137 139 ]. In the last decade, several studies have reinforced this
idea. On the one hand, the optimal stage for anther culture was
narrowed to the meiocyte just before compartmentalization of the
tetrad [
111 , 113 ], which is a quite infrequent feature of tomato,
together with some species of the genus Vitis [
140 ]. This develop-
mental window implies that recombination must be successfully
nished without disruption, but microspore formation (tetrad
compartmentalization) has to be prevented. On the other hand,
the formation of few-celled structures from isolated microspore
culture s was described upon exposure to a combined treatment
of starvation, cold and colchicine [
108 ]. In 2007, it was fi nally
demonstrated that in tomato, gametophyte precursors can be
induced to divide at two different stages: meiocytes and vacuolated
microspores [
114 ]. However, both possibilities still have a great
number of limitations, as explained in the next paragraphs.
Haploid and DH plants can be obtained from in vitro cultured
anthers containing meiocytes (Fig.
1 ), but they are not the only
products of this process. Plants originate from meiocyte-derived
calli, which may in turn come from two different origins: (1) from
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
haploid meiotic products still enclosed within the tetrad (the future
microspore ), that stop their gametophytic program and start pro-
liferation, or (2) from proliferating diploid cells, produced from
the fusion of two different meiotic products. As for the fi rst origin,
it was demonstrated that stress-induced meiocytes (Fig.
1a )
undergo a series of defects in tetrad compartmentalization (forma-
tion of defective, incomplete, or absent cell wall s) that facilitate the
fusion of nuclei between adjacent, not well separated cells [
114 ,
115 ], in a way similar to that described for the tomato mutant
Fig. 1 Tomato anther and microspore culture . ( a ) Meiocytes within a cultured
anther. Arrowheads point to two nuclei coalescing in the same cytoplasm. ( b )
Callus ( arrowhead ) emerging from a cultured anther. ( c ) Cultured callus with
shoot- forming organogenic buds. ( d ) Plantlet regenerating from a callus. ( e )
Haploid and doubled haploid tomato plants. ( f , f ) Isolated microspore culture
( arrowheads point to the nuclei of a dividing microspore). ex exine. Bars: a , 20
μm; b , 2 mm; c , d , 1 cm; f , f , 15 μm Images adapted from [ 114 ] .
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
pmcd1 ( pre-meiotic cytokinesis defect 1 ), which generates diploid
gametes due to the fusion of two haploid meiotic products before
microspore release [
141 ]. When callus proliferation starts fi rst and
nuclear fusion occurs later on, the new cell formed will have a dip-
loid nuclear content, formed by two identical haploid genomes. In
other words, it will be a DH cell that can potentially give rise to a
DH callus (Fig.
1b–d ) and a DH plant (Fig. 1e ). Alternatively,
nuclear fusion may occur late in callus proliferation, giving rise to
mixoploid calli where some cells remain haploid, and others,
derived from those undergoing nuclear fusion, will be DH [
114 ,
115 ]. A similar mechanism for mixoploid (haploid + DH) callus
formation was proposed to explain the occurrence of genetically
identical (clonal) plants with different ploidy levels from
microspore- derived calli of S. chacoense [
97 ]. However, nuclear
fusion of haploid tetrad cells may occur fi rst, followed by prolifera-
tion. This will lead to the second of the two possible origins men-
tioned above. In this case, the two fusing nuclei will also be haploid,
but genetically different. Since they come from meiotic recombi-
nation at prophase I, fusion of two reduced meiotic products
would generate new allele combinations not necessarily homozy-
gous . Therefore, the callus and plant coming from this cell would
not be DH. Interestingly, Birhman et al. [
97 ] demonstrated by
RFLP genetic analysis in S. chacoense that plants regenerated from
the same callus may be genetically different. As explained in the
section devoted to potato , they explained this result as the coupled
proliferation of two calli originated from two different microspores.
However, in light of what occurs in tomato, their results might be
alternatively interpreted as the proliferation of a single callus com-
ing from a diploid microspore, whose single diploid nucleus comes
from the fusion, during meiosis, of two different haploid nuclei of
a non-well compartmentalized tetrad. In addition to these two
possible origins, callus and plants may also come from the prolif-
eration of somatic, anther tissues. Indeed, fi lament tissues typically
exhibit a high proliferative response when cultured in vitro [
142 ],
and it is believed that tomato anther tissues at meiotic stages are
more sensitive to tissue culture than those of older stages [
105 ].
All this considered, it seems that DHs are not the only individuals
that can arise from tomato anther culture s. So the question is: how
frequently do anther-derived tomato DHs arise? In a recent study,
it was shown that the fi rst possibility (proliferation and then fusion)
accounts for only 7 % of the plants regenerated, which would be
haploid or DH [
115 ]. This study also revealed that the second pos-
sibility (fusion fi rst and then proliferation) accounted for 10 % of
the plants, and the third possibility (somatic origin) accounted for
83 % of the plants. In other words, more than 90 % of the plants
obtained have a non-haploid origin, and only 7 % would be useful
to obtain DH plants. It is evident that non-DH plants represent
the vast majority of plants produced. It is also evident that this
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
method requires the genetic evaluation of each single regenerant
to determine their origin and ploidy, and that most of them are
useless and should be discarded. In other words, this technology,
at its current state of the art, has few chances to be implemented by
breeding companies to produce DHs at large scale.
Microspore culture is the second option to explore to obtain
androgenic DHs in tomato . When microspores at the vacuolated
stage are isolated and grown in liquid medium, it is possible to
induce proliferative divisions in these microspores (Fig.
1f, f ), gen-
erating callus-like [
108 ] and embryo-like structures [ 114 ]. This
alternative would prevent all the problems mentioned above as
derived from using anthers and meiocytes. However, this approach
is still at its infancy. Up to now very few genotypes have been
assessed using this method, and in the very few positive results
obtained, it has not been possible to go beyond the fi rst divisions
of the developing MDEs [
114 ]. After these divisions, embryos
arrest and never progress beyond the early globular stage [
114 ].
Perhaps, culture conditions were not well optimized to allow for
in vitro embryo development , with no zygotic endosperm to pro-
vide nutrients and developmental cues to ensure proper embryo
development. It could also be possible that haploidy would unmask
embryo-lethal genes in the dividing haploid cells, which would
preclude further development.
As seen in this section, current research in tomato haploidy is
still far from providing a reliable and effi cient protocol to produce
androgenic DHs. After more than 40 years of tomato DH research,
little is still known about the origin of the recalcitrance shown by
cultivated tomato. In this respect, one interesting hypothesis was
that suggested by Sangwan and Sangwan-Norreel [
20 ], who
related recalcitrance with plastid differentiation. These researchers
studied the ultrastructure of plastids in an extensive number of spe-
cies that, according to their own results, they divided into
androgenic and recalcitrant . They found that in the androgenic
group, proplastids do not differentiate into amyloplasts until the
mid or late bicellular pollen stage of microgametogenesis, whereas
in the recalcitrant group, such a differentiation occurs soon, during
microspore development, or even sooner, before tetrad formation.
In other words, they suggested that the differentiation of proplas-
tids into amyloplasts marks the end of a favorable period for andro-
genesis induction. This has been widely acknowledged later on,
accepting that starch accumulation is indicative of commitment
towards gametogenesis (reviewed in refs. [
143 145 ]). Interestingly,
their investigations showed that, as opposed to the rest of the
Solanaceae studied, tomato plastids soon differentiated into amy-
loplast, being present in microspores before the fi rst pollen mitosis.
Thus, the diffi culty of induction shown by tomato microspores
might be related to the fact that their plastids accumulate starch
unusually soon, as compared with other, more sensitive species like
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
rapeseed, or even within their same genus, tobacco or Datura .
This possibility is also consistent with the wide consensus about
the diffi culty of inducing in vitro redifferentiation or organogene-
sis from starch-rich somatic tissues, compared to tissues where
plastids are still in the form of proplastids or chloroplasts. As an
alternative to the androgenic approach, a limited number of works
have been published on the development of ways to haploidy such
as gynogenesis [
117 , 146 ], ovary culture, pollen irradiation [ 147 ],
or wide hybridization, and little positive results have been pub-
lished (reviewed in ref. [
105 ]). Perhaps, the future of tomato DH
research should focus on exploring the possibilities of microspore
culture , and in parallel, of new, alternative pathways to doubled
haploid y not related to androgenesis. An example of alternative
ways to approach tomato DHs might possibly be the one demon-
strated by Ravi and Chan [
148 ] in Arabidopsis : the production of
haploid plants produced by uniparental centromere-mediated
genome elimination. By manipulating a single centromere-specifi c
histone (CENH3), it is possible to produce cenh3 null mutants
expressing altered CENH3 proteins. When crossed to wild type
plants, chromosomes from the mutant are eliminated, thereby pro-
ducing haploid and DH progenies. However, this approach has
still a number of technical challenges still to be overcome in order
to make it possible in tomato.
6 Eggplant
Eggplant ( Solanum melongena L.), also known as aubergine, brin-
jal, or Guinea squash [
149 ], is another of the most important veg-
etables worldwide. In 2012, eggplant ranked the sixth and eighth
among all the vegetable crops for production and area harvested,
respectively [
32 ]. In 2012, 1,853,023 Ha of eggplant fi elds were
cultivated, and a total of 48,424,295 t were produced in the world
32 ]. From these, nearly 85 % were produced in China (59.5 %)
and India (25.2 %), the two main producers worldwide. Eggplant
is thought to have its origins in Asian tropical and subtropical
regions, where it extended to Africa and then to the Mediterranean
area of Europe [
73 ]. Eggplant has a remarkable importance in eco-
nomic terms in China, India, Africa, and some subtropical, Central
American countries. It is also grown in some warm, temperate
regions of the south of the USA, and in the Mediterranean basin,
in countries such as Italy, Greece, or Spain, where eggplant consti-
tutes a classic ingredient in the renowned “Mediterranean diet.”
With respect to haploidy induction, eggplant appears to be
between tomato and tobacco in terms of recalcitrance. It is possi-
ble to induce the deviation of the eggplant microspore within the
anther towards an embryogenic route, thus generating a haploid
or DH embryo that will eventually germinate into a haploid or DH
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
plant. However, we still are far away from the effi ciency shown by
tobacco. The fi rst report of plant regeneration from anther cul-
ture s dates from 1973 [
150 ]. Here, authors were able to induce
callus proliferation and emergence from anthers, and plant regen-
eration upon treatment with colchicine . However, according to
the authors’ own interpretation, it is likely that the generated calli
were produced from the connective tissue of the anther, having
therefore a non haploid origin. Few years later, other articles
reported the production of eggplant haploid individuals [
151 ,
152 ], or the induction of callus derived from microsporogenous
tissue within the eggplant anthers [
153 ]. From these calli, they
were able to regenerate shoots and roots. Then, Robert Dumas de
Vaulx and Daniel Chambonnet established the basis for a general,
reliable and reproducible protocol for haploid embryo and DH
production from eggplant anther cultures [
154 , 155 ]. This
method, in its original formulation, consisted on the incubation of
anthers in a medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
(2,4-D) and kinetin, at 35 °C in darkness during 8 days to induce
embryogenesis. Then, cultures are moved to 25 °C and exposed to
light in order to promote the development of MDEs within the
cultured anthers. At day 12th, anthers are moved to a second
medium with a reduced level of 2,4-D and kinetin. This has been
the basis of many protocols, now routine methods, adapted to par-
ticular eggplant varieties that have been, or are currently, used in
breeding programs. At present, pure DH lines of some varieties
and hybrids have already been developed [
156 159 ], based on
modifi ed versions of this protocol. As it happens in all other induc-
ible species, the effi ciency of the embryogenic response of the
microspores in eggplant is greatly infl uenced by the genotype of
the donor plant [
159 ] and by the stage of microspore development
when anthers are excised. Related to the latter, a recent report
highlighted two particular features of eggplant that may have a
signifi cant impact on the effi ciency of induction. The fi rst is the
particular thickness of eggplant anther walls, which seems to delay
the access of inductive factors to the anther locule, thus reducing
their effect over inducible microspores [
158 ]. Therefore, the cul-
ture of anthers with younger microspores was proposed to allow
for younger microspores to grow up to the inducible stages while
factors are entering the locule. The second is the heterostyly, pres-
ent in certain eggplant cultivars, which might have an infl uence in
the embryogenic response. Salas et al. [
158 ] studied the embryo-
genic response of short and long-styled buds present in a hetero-
stylic cultivar, and demonstrated that each fl oral morph produced
buds and anthers of different lengths, but equally useful for anther
culture, since both morphs produced similar embryogenic
responses. Microspore embryogenesis depends on culture
conditions, too, including temperature, type, and concentration of
growth regulators [
156 , 157 , 160 , 161 ]. Genetic variability was
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
also observed in plants regenerated from anther cultures [ 162 ].
These results confi rmed that in general, eggplant microspore
embryogenesis in cultured anthers behaves as in other better-
studied species, although with some particularities inherent to this
species. Overall, eggplant anther cultures can be and are being
used to obtain DHs for breeding purposes [
156 159 , 163 165 ].
Two examples can illustrate the potential of this technology in egg-
plant. First, in 2002 Rizza et al. [
166 ] generated a population of
androgenic dihaploid plants, derived from somatic hybrid s between
S. melongena and a wild eggplant relative, S. aethiopicum , and
demonstrated that they constitute a useful source for the introduc-
tion into cultivated eggplant varieties of the Fusarium oxysporum
resistance typical of S. aethiopicum group Gilo. Second, a similar
approach was used to reduce to the dihaploid status the ploidy of
eggplant somatic hybrids between S. melongena and other wild
relative, S. integrifolium , in order to facilitate their crossability with
cultivated eggplant varieties for the introgression of Fusarium
resistance [
167 ].
Despite that eggplant embryos can be successfully induced
from microspores cultured within the anther, the development of
a method for embryogenesis induction from isolated eggplant
microspores would be highly desirable. Although the occurrence
of somatic regenerants derived from anther walls seems not to be a
big issue in eggplant [
159 ], isolated microspore culture would
avoid the other problems mentioned in the introduction: the
uncontrolled contribution of tapetal cells to culture conditions and
the low effi ciency. Related to this, it is striking that very few papers
have been published on the successful production of DH plants
from isolated microspores [
168 170 ]. Miyoshi described the pro-
liferation of eggplant microspores to form calli, from which he
obtained DHs through organogenesis. He obtained 20–65 calli
per anther, and 0.001–0.02 plantlets were regenerated from each
callus. As mentioned by Miyoshi, this effi ciency was clearly beyond
that of anther culture s. In the last 2 years, two papers have contrib-
uted to the progress in this fi eld, confi rming the applicability of the
studies mentioned above to different eggplant genotypes, and
developing a protocol that further enhances the effi ciency of micro-
spore induction [
169 , 170 ], well above that previously published
by Miyoshi [
168 ]. Like in the above mentioned paper, the plants
apparently did not come from embryos, but were regenerated
through a callus phase instead. However, a careful study of the
process of microspore proliferation showed that, actually, micro-
spore embryogenesis seems to initiate as in other inducible species
2a–c ), but arrests at the globular embryo stage (Fig. 2d ).
Instead of experiencing the radial-to-bilateral symmetry transition
typical of zygotic embryo s, eggplant MDEs enter a proliferative
phase of undifferentiated growth and become callus-like structures
2e ) [ 169 ]. Haploid and DH plants regenerate from these calli
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
Fig. 2 Microspore culture s in eggplant . ( a , a ) Two-celled, induced microspore ( arrow ) together with unicellular,
non-induced microspores ( arrowheads ). Note the blue , DAPI -stained nuclei in a . ( b , b ) Four-celled, dividing micro-
spore ( arrow ). ( c , c ) Multicellular microspore. ( d , d ) Globular embryo. ( e ) Embryo-derived calli ( ad are phase
contrast images, ad are fl uorescence images of DAPI-stained samples). Bars: ad , ad , 50 μm; e , 1 mm
through organogenesis, as fi rst described by Miyoshi. In order to
further increase the effi ciency of induction, but principally to avoid
the transformation of MDEs into calli, a number of experimental
factors were tested, including polyethylene glycol ( PEG ), manni-
tol , abscisic acid, epibrassinolide, naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA),
6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), arabinogalactan protein s ( AGPs ),
and different combinations of them [
169 , 170 ]. It was found that
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
certain combinations of these factors increased the effi ciency of
microspore induction towards embryogenesis, but only one
(AGPs) permitted the development of bipolar embryos [
170 ].
These embryos exhibited anatomically normal hypocotyls and
radicular poles. However, their shoot apical meristems and cotyle-
dons were either absent or severely distorted, which precluded a
normal germination . Together, these results extended the knowl-
edge, still scarce, regarding microspore culture in eggplant. In
addition, they clearly pointed to defi ciencies in the composition of
the culture medium where the post-inductive phases take place, as
the responsible of this abnormal pattern of embryogenesis. Thus,
further studies to optimize eggplant microspore cultures should
focus principally on the elimination of the bottleneck by which
eggplant MDEs are not capable of progressing beyond the globu-
lar stage to produce mature, well-formed embryos ready for germi-
nation. In this way, the phase of plant regeneration from calli
through organogenesis would be eliminated, and the method
would be considerably faster, cheaper, and, therefore, effi cient.
7 Pepper
Peppers (genus Capsicum ) are plants native of America, where they
were cultivated for thousands of years by the people of the tropical
regions of South America [
73 , 171 ]. At present, they are cultivated
worldwide. The genus Capsicum consists of approximately 20–27
species, fi ve of which are domesticated: C. annuum , C. baccatum ,
C. chinense , C. frutescens , and C. pubescens [
171 ]. The fruit of
Capsicum plants has a variety of names, depending on the region
and the type of pepper , including chili pepper, red or green pepper,
bell pepper, sweet pepper, just “ capsicum ” in Australian and Indian
English, or paprika in Hungary. Some of the members of Capsicum
are used in fresh as vegetables, and others are dried and used as
spices. With a total world production in 2012 of 31,171,567 t in
1,914,685 Ha, peppers ranked 44nd in terms of production and
69th in terms of area harvested among the 178 primary crops listed
in the FAOSTAT 2012 database [
32 ]. China was by far the leader
in production of freshly edible peppers with 16,000,000 t, around
51 % of the total production [
32 ]. In dry pepper, India was the
world leader with 1,299,940 t, almost 39 % of the total world
Pepper is the third solanaceous crop that could be defi ned as
diffi cult with respect to the induction of androgenesis . In this spe-
cies, the production of haploids and DHs has been assessed by dif-
ferent means including the use of both the male and the female
gametophyte and their precursors (reviewed in ref. [
172 ]). Apart
from the spontaneous occurrence of some cases of in vivo andro-
genesis of no practical relevance [
173 ], haploids in pepper were
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
rstly obtained through parthenogenesis (reviewed in refs. [ 172 ,
174 ]). However, after the discovery of in vitro anther culture as a
way to induce androgenesis [
1 ], this has been the most successful
technique so far. The fi rst reports on the production of haploid-
Capsicum plants by anther culture involved the use of Asian variet-
ies [
175 177 ]. A year after, anther culture of European varieties
was reported [
178 , 179 ]. Thereafter, many C. annuum cultivars
and interspecifi c crosses have been tested for responsiveness to
anther culture [
180 190 ]. To our knowledge, the most extensive
of this type of studies was that of Gémes-Juhász et al. [
191 ], who
tested over 2000 genotypes, including Hungarian sweet, Hungarian
spice, Dutch blocky, Spanish, and Turkish pepper types. Anther cul-
ture s have been used as a tool for genetic- [
192 ] and cell biology-
based studies [
193 201 ], as well as for dissecting the genetic basis
of resistance to pests [
202 ] and diseases [ 203 ]. However, the most
important application of anther-derived, androgenic cultures in
pepper has been their use in breeding programs, fi nally aimed to
produce commercial hybrids with maximum heterosis and new or
improved traits [
172 , 204 216 ]. Although the vast majority of the
studies mentioned above have been conducted in C. annuum ,
anther culture has also been explored in other domesticated species,
such as C. frutescens [
217 , 218 ].
As for many other androgenic systems, microspore embryo-
genesis in pepper strongly depends on three critical factors. The
rst relates to the donor plants, their endogenous and exogenous
conditions, their growth environment (photoperiod, temperature,
fertilization , irrigation, use of pesticides, age, season), and princi-
pally the genotype, as it occurs in all other responsive species.
However, it must be mentioned that for the particular case of some
pepper cultivars, it is necessary to use antibiotics to prevent con-
tamination due to the presence of endogenous bacteria in fl ower
buds, extremely diffi cult to eradicate by the conventional bud sur-
face sterilization. This has also been observed by other researchers
in pepper [
219 ] as well as in other species [ 220 ], which led to the
routine addition of cefotaxime to prevent bacterial growth. The
second critical factor is the optimal microspore stage to apply the
inductive treatment. In pepper, the discrepancies about the optimal
stage have never been as remarkable as in tomato . The literature
shows examples of papers claiming that, for certain genotypes, the
most inducible stage is the vacuolated microspore [
199 ], whereas
others support the early bicellular pollen as the best stage [
193 ]. In
general, the most accepted notion is that the inducible stages
revolve around the fi rst pollen mitosis, as usual for other species.
Perhaps, the fact of defi ning one stage as the most suitable largely
relies on the precision and correctness of the method used to select
anthers with microspores at the right stage. A recent paper describes
a comparison of four of these methods, including morphological
markers such as bud length, anther length, anther pigmentation,
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
and calyx/bud ratio [ 221 ]. This work proposes a combination of
calyx/bud ratio and anther pigmentation (once the bud is open
under the fl ow hood), as the most convenient, fast and accurate
way to identify anthers containing vacuolated microspores and
young bicellular pollen. The third critical factor is the culture envi-
ronment, including the stress used for induction (reviewed in ref.
174 ]). As for many other androgenic systems, the fi rst protocols
used to culture pepper anthers generated callus, from which plants
were regenerated through organogenesis [
175 177 ]. However,
further refi nement of the experimental procedures allowed the
group of Dumas de Vaulx to obtain the direct induction of embryo-
genesis without an intervening callus phase. This, in turn, permit-
ted a signifi cant improvement in the effi ciency of the process of
DH production [
180 , 222 ]. The improvements introduced by this
method were principally based on the use of a high temperature
treatment (35 °C) to induce microspore divisions, and two differ-
ent medium compositions and growth conditions for induction
and embryo development , in a way similar to that developed by the
same group for eggplant . Thus, a general, reliable method for
anther culture in pepper was established. Thereafter, this general
protocol has been applied, with slight modifi cations, to many dif-
ferent pepper varieties. For example, it was recently shown that
different durations (4, 8, 12, and 16 days) of the 35 °C heat shock
applied to different commercial F1 hybrids of the Lamuyo and
California types had signifi cant effects in embryo production, but
also in callus generation, which increased with prolonged expo-
sures in a genotype-dependent manner [
190 ]. Nowadays, these
and other particular adaptations of the general protocol are still
being used to generate DHs for breeding purposes in a number of
varieties [
174 , 184 , 189 , 194 , 196 , 206 , 217 , 223 225 ]. Similarly,
several hybrid seed companies use this technique to obtain pure
lines worldwide.
Few years after the Dumas de Vaulx method was developed,
the addition to the culture medium of activated charcoal was pro-
posed to adsorb toxic, metabolism-derived compounds [
223 ,
226 ]. Based on the work of Morrison et al. [ 182 ], Dolcet-Sanjuan
et al. [
227 ] proposed a biphasic medium consisting of a liquid
medium phase poured over a semisolid, agar -based phase with acti-
vated charcoal, and added a signifi cant improvement with the
implementation of a carbon dioxide environment. This method
allowed for the production of embryos of varieties that did not
respond to the method of Dumas de Vaulx, and increased the effi -
ciency of other, poorly responding peppers. However, the techni-
cal diffi culty of having a growth chamber with a carbon dioxide
supply has precluded many laboratories from adopting this method
on a routine basis. At present, the simplicity of the Dumas de Vaulx
method makes it the most popular and routinely used.
Notwithstanding this, the anther culture technique also carries the
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
drawbacks described in the introduction, affecting other Solanaceae
such as eggplant or tomato . Thus, in the case of pepper it would be
equally desirable to have a protocol for isolated microspore cul-
ture . This method, although technically much more complex than
anther culture, would provide signifi cant advantages: a higher effi -
ciency, the avoidance of the uncontrollable secretory effect of the
tapetum surrounding the pollen sac of the anther, and especially
the possibility of occurrence of calli/embryos derived from sporo-
phytic tissues. In the last decades, several research groups have
explored the isolated microspore culture pathway. Although many
of them described the formation of MDEs [
174 , 195 , 196 , 199 ],
in most cases embryo development beyond the globular embryo
stage could not be promoted. One exception to this rule was the
work of Supena et al. [
187 , 188 ], who were able to regenerate
haploid plants from microspores isolated from the anther by non-
mechanical means. The technique described by Supena et al. con-
sisted of the preparation of a biphasic medium, different from that
of Dolcet-Sanjuan et al. [
227 ], and the inoculation of anthers
oating on the surface of the liquid phase. Under the right condi-
tions, a few days after inoculation the anthers enter into dehis-
cence, open and pour their microspore contents into the liquid
medium. Embryogenic microspores sink and accumulate at the
bottom of the plate, over the semisolid phase. Thus, microspores
are isolated from the anther and allowed to form embryos out of
the infl uence of anther tissues. The main problem of this method,
as admitted by the authors, was the low percentage (20 %) of
normal- looking embryos. However, in 2011 they published a
refi nement of their own protocol whereby the modifi cation of
several physical and chemical parameters raised the percentage of
normal- looking embryos beyond 50 % [
228 ]. The shed-
microspore method has been tested in many different varieties of
Indonesian hot pepper and worked in all of them with different
effi ciencies, much higher to those obtained by other culture tech-
niques. Indeed, the shed-microspore method was tested against
the most popular methods for anther culture, including that of
Dumas de Vaulx and of Dolcet-Sanjuan [
188 ]. The shed micro-
spore method proved to be better that the other two. Recently, it
was applied to some sweet pepper types. More exactly, the perfor-
mances in terms of callus and MDE production of the shed-
microspore method and of the Dumas de Vaulx method were
evaluated in four sweet pepper cultivars [
190 ]. For all genotypes
tested, the protocol of Dumas de Vaulx promoted the induction
and development of MDEs, but also the growth of callus derived
from anther walls. Instead, the shed-microspore method pro-
duced no callus but only embryos. However, the embryo responses
of the cultivars to each treatment was strikingly different, indicat-
ing that there seems not to be a universally useful method to
induce androgenesis in pepper.
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
Aside of the shed microspore culture for microspore isolation,
the mechanical isolation of microspores has also been assessed.
Supena et al. [
187 ] reported a high rate of microspore induction in
the same Indonesian hot types evaluated for the shed microspore
method. However, a very low percentage of microspores trans-
formed into MDEs, yielding a maximum of 0.1 regenerated plants
per bud. Higher effi ciencies were obtained in hot pepper types by
Kim et al. [
229 ], using a different protocol defi ned by a pretreat-
ment of microspores at 32 °C in sucrose -free medium, the use of
sucrose as a carbon source for embryo growth, and the use of an
optimal microspore plating density. However, the quality of the
embryos obtained still needed to be improved. Very recently, the
same group published a refi nement of their previous protocol,
whereby high-quality embryos could be obtained. Based on a two-
step culture system, they produced MDEs that germinated into
haploid or DH plants at a rate higher than 95 % [
230 ]. With respect
to sweet pepper types, in the last years several reports showed that
it is also possible to produce DHs through microspore culture,
although not as easy as it seems to be in hot types ([
191 , 219 , 231 ]
and our unpublished results). However, the problem of embryo
quality and ability to germinate still appears as a major bottleneck
to be overcome.
In summary, at present there are four main types of protocols
shown to experimentally induce microspore embryogenesis with
an acceptable, although variable effi ciency: (1) the Dumas de Vaulx
method, (2) the biphasic method of Dolcet-Sanjuan, (3) the shed
microspore method of Supena, and (
4 ) the isolated microspore
method. The four have proven useful in obtaining DH pepper
plants. However, not all of them are in principle applicable to all
genotypes. In fact, the genotype of the donor plant is one of the
most decisive factors in the induction of pepper androgenesis [
180 ,
182 186 , 189 , 224 , 227 ]. In some cases, the optimization of
growth conditions for a given genotype is not suffi cient to over-
come the barriers imposed by the genotype itself [
186 ]. However,
the possibility of applying different types of inductive protocols
allows for the choice of the most convenient for each variety. For
example, the cultivars “Quito” and “Piquillo” show a null/very
low response, respectively, to the method of Dumas de Vaulx [
189 ,
190 ], but “Quito” shows a fairly acceptable response to the shed-
microspore method [
190 ] and “Piquillo” shows a positive response
to the biphasic method of Dolcet-Sanjuan [
227 ]. Therefore,
before starting a breeding program based on DH production it is
advisable to assess the response of each variety to the different
types of induction protocol available. The development of the hap-
loid embryo is a second major drawback for an effi cient DH produc-
tion in pepper. It seems that for most of the published methods, a
signifi cant amount of MDEs are lost during the transition of a pro-
liferating, yet undifferentiated globular embryo into a heart-shaped
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
bilateral one. Problems in the formation of the shoot apical meristem
and the cotyledons sometimes constrain a proper germination of
the embryo. It would be advisable to devote more efforts to the
knowledge of the particular developmental requirements of these
embryos, in order to facilitate their transition towards a mature
8 Other Solanaceae
Aside of Datura and the fi ve main solanaceous crops, attempts
have been made in other Solanaceae to obtain haploids and DHs
via anther or microspore culture . The following list illustrates some
representative examples: Atropa belladonna [ 232 234 ], Hyoscyamus
niger [
235 241 ], Hyoscyamus muticus [ 242 ], Petunia sp . [ 233 ,
243 251 ], Physalis ixocarpa [ 252 , 253 ], Solanum bulbocastanum
254 ], Solanum dulcamara [ 255 , 256 ], Solanum iopetalum [ 257 ],
Solanum surattense [
258 ], Solanum torvum [ 259 ], and Solanum
viarum [
260 ]. Although more studies will surely be published in
the future in these and other solanaceous species, the lower impor-
tance of them, compared to the fi ve major solanaceous crops,
makes it unlikely to expect major achievements related to these
other Solanaceae.
9 Notes
1. Due to the signifi cance of their fi nding, both in fundamental
and applied terms, it is interesting to add some bits of history to
this review about the “making off” of this discovery. According
to a recent e-mail exchange that the author had with Dr.
Maheshwari, his discovery, as many others in experimental sci-
ences, came quite by an accident. The story starts with the
father of Satish Maheshwari, named Panchanan Maheshwari. In
his young days at Harvard in 1945, Panchanan Maheshwari
came into contact with A.F. Blakeslee, who inspired him to
investigate on haploid production. At that time it made no
sense to think of pollen as a source of haploid embryos, so all
efforts were directed to ovule culture. Indeed, Dr. Maheshwari’s
wife, Nirmala, was a former Ph.D. student at the lab of his
father (Panchanan Maheshwari), where they established a tech-
nique for ovule culture. In 1960, Satish Maheshwari and his
wife were working as postdoctoral researchers at the California
Institute of Technology (USA). In the James Bonner labora-
tory, they participated in the discovery of the existence of RNA
polymerases in plant nuclei and chloroplasts. Then, he returned
to India, to the Botany Department at Delhi University, headed
at that time by his father. Satish Maheshwari did not know
Androgenesis in Solanaceae
exactly what to do, since the continuation of his previous work
on nucleic acids was very diffi cult in a Department which by
that time had only microscopes, microtomes, and tissue culture
facilities. Following the advice of his former mentor (James
Bonner), he wanted to focus on fundamental research. In an
attempt to combine his research interests with the available
equipment, he decided to investigate the control of meiosis in
anther culture s. The idea was to culture anthers, then isolate
young microspore mother cells and see whether hormonal or
physical treatments were able to turn meiosis into mitosis or
vice versa. At this point Sipra Guha joined his group as a post-
doctoral researcher. They chose Datura innoxia for two very
simple reasons: by the time he started this project, there were
Datura plants fl owering in the Botanical Garden of his univer-
sity, and due to the large size of the anthers, this seemed to be
the right material for his research. When they started the proj-
ect, accidentally, they discovered microspore embryogenesis ,
publishing their results in Nature in 1964. In words of Dr.
Maheshwari, we were naïve to try to study molecular biology
of meiosis this way, but then it led to the happy accident of
embryos popping out of anthers . After the discovery, it was
very diffi cult for Dr. Maheshwari to believe that the embryos
were originated from pollen grains, and that they were haploid.
Sipra Guha had to convince him providing the scientifi c
evidences that led to the publication of their second Nature
paper in 1966 [
12 ].
Thanks are due to Dr. Satish C. Maheshwari for sharing with the
author some bits of the history of Datura anther culture s, and to
Mr. Edgar García for the acquisition of some of the pictures shown
in this review. This work was supported by grant AGL2014-55177
from Spanish MINECO to J.M.S.S.
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cultivars of Mexican husk tomato ( Physalis
ixocarpa Brot.). Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult
254. Lysenko EG, Sidorov VA (1985) The obtain-
ing of S. bulbocastanum androgenic haploids
and mesophyll protoplast culture. Tsitol
Genet 19:433–436
255. Binding H, Mordhorst G (1984) Haploid
Solanum dulcamara L.: shoot culture and
plant regeneration from isolated protoplasts.
Plant Sci Lett 35:77–79
256. Zenkteler M (1973) In vitro development of
embryos and seedlings from pollen grains of
Solanum dulcamara . Z Pfl anzenphysiol
257. Pacheco-Sanchez M, Lozoya-Saldana H,
Colinas-Leon MT (2003) Growth regulators
and cold pretreatment on in vitro androgen-
esis of Solanum iopetalum L. Agrociencia
258. Sinha S, Roy RP, Jha KK (1979) Callus for-
mation and shoot bud differentiation in
anther culture of Solanum surattense . Can
J Bot 57:2524–2527
259. Jaiswal VS, Narayan P (1981) Induction of
pollen embryoids in Solanum torvum Swartz.
Curr Sci 50:998–999
260. Debata BK, Patnaik SN (1988) Induction of
androgenesis in anther cultures of Solanum
viarum Dunal. J Plant Physiol 133:
Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_10, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 10
Bioreactors for Plant Embryogenesis and Beyond
Liwen Fei and Pamela Weathers
A variety of different bioreactors have been developed for use in initiating and cultivating somatic embryos.
The various designs for embryogenesis and culture are critically evaluated here. Bioreactor optimization and
operation methods are also described along with recommendations for use based on desired outcome.
Key words Balloon-type bubble reactor , Mist reactor , RITA
® , Temporary immersion system , TIS ,
Wave reactor
1 Bioreactor Types for Initiating and Cultivating Somatic Embryos
and Resulting Plantlets
There are many types of bioreactors that have been designed and
used for cultivating plant cell, tissue and organ cultures as illus-
trated schematically in Fig.
1 . These include: (a) classic stirred tank
(STR); (b) bubble column reactor ( BCR ); (c) balloon-type bubble
reactor ( BTBR ); (d) airlift reactor; (e) temporary immersion system
( TIS ) reactor; (f) RITA
® (a variation of TIS); (g) rotating drum; (h)
life reactor; (i) bag lined BCR; (j) bag lined STR; (k) wave reactor ;
(l) undertow reactor; (m) box-in-a-bag; and (n) mist reactor . A
number of these reactors also have disposable culture bags whereby
both contamination risk and initial capital cost are reduced. In Fig.
1 ,
reactors with disposable culture bags include: (h) life reactor; (i)
bag lined BCR; (j) bag lined STR; (k) wave reactor; (l) undertow
reactor; (m) box-in-a-bag; and (n) mist reactor. Bioreactors are
generally divided into two main groups, liquid phase and gas phase,
and have been used with varying success. For a more in depth
description of the utility of these different types of reactors for
in vitro cultivation of a variety of different plant species, see recent
reviews by Paek et al. [
1 ] and Weathers et al. [ 2 , 3 ]. Here we focus
on the key conditions of concern to embryo culture and character-
istics of these different types of reactors, as they have been used
specifi cally for somatic embryo (SE) initiation and cultivation.
2 Conditions Critical to Formation and Culture of SEs in Reactors
All plant cell cultures require media selection and optimization per
species, and embryogenic cultures are no different. Bioreactors
offer some distinct advantages in the larger volume cultivation of
in vitro cells, tissues, or organs in that gases and nutrients can be
added or removed at various stages of cultivation. However, the
type of reactor will also dictate how such environmental factors are
controlled. For example, a liquid-based system like a BCR is usu-
ally run in a batch mode and the nutrient medium is not externally
altered. On the other hand, gas composition and delivery rate in a
BCR are critical and must be optimized to maximize SE generation
and development. Operating parameters, beyond nutrient medium
constituents, that are of considerable concern and that can be most
fully controlled in bioreactors are: gases and gas exchange, shear
stress , and light.
vent vent vent
air air
rocking unit
Magnetic stirrer
gas/media exit
bc d e
Fig. 1 Various bioreactors used for plant cell, tissue, organ and somatic cell embryogenesis
Liwen Fei and Pamela Weathers
There are three main gases of concern for any plant culture: O
2 ,
2 , and ethylene (C
2 H
4 ). In liquid cultures, gases have limited
solubility, so effi cient gas transfer is challenging. Gas solubility is a
function of temperature, pressure and solutes such as salts and sug-
ars [
4 , 5 ]. For the gases most important to plant cultures, solubility
decreases as temperature and solutes increase. At 25 °C the water
solubility of CO
2 and C
2 H
4 is about 25 and 4 times higher, respec-
tively, than O
2 , so in liquid phase reactors the amount of gas avail-
able to a growing tissue culture is quite restricted. Oxygen affects
differentiation of embryogenic cells. Although callus formation
and explant viability is not affected, anoxia almost completely
inhibits embryogenesis [
6 ], suggesting oxygen is required for
embryogenesis. Low O
2 concentration may enhance embryo for-
mation by simulating the in ovule environment normally encoun-
tered during zygotic embryo development [
7 ]. The overall demand
on O
2 then increases during subsequent maturation to the cotyle-
don stage [
8 10 ].
Elevating CO
2 level in the culture container often improves
somatic embryo genesis [
11 , 12 ] and effective concentration varies
from 0.3 to 5 % with species and cultivars [
11 16 ]. An extremely
high CO
2 concentration (10 %), however, is toxic to embryo prolif-
eration [
17 ]. Of course O
2 and CO
2 are not present, nor do they
affect, plant cells in isolation. They function in combinations that
may fl uctuate at different optimal concentration, depending on the
developmental stage. Thus, while the early stage of embryogenesis
may prefer relatively low O
2 and high CO
2 levels [ 6 , 18 20 ], there
is considerable species and cultivar variation. For example, embryo
initiation of celery is favored under 30 % dissolved oxygen (DO,
about 5 mL/L) plus 3 % CO
2 [ 15 ]. On the other hand one cultivar
of Cyclamen persicum had signifi cantly more embryos formed at 40
% DO (about 7 mL/L) than another cultivar where there was better
embryo formation at lower oxygen levels [
21 ]. Embryo differentia-
tion is also affected as shown in Coffea arabica where a DO of 80 %
(about 14 mL/L) generated more total embryos, but many fewer
at the torpedo stage than at 50 % DO (about 8.4 mL/L) [
19 ].
Ethylene also seems to be required for early differentiation
during somatic embryo genesis [
15 , 22 28 ]. However, there are
some confl icting reports on the effect of headspace C
2 H
4 on
somatic embryogenesis [
29 , 30 ]. It is thus likely that species and
cultivars vary in their endogenous production of C
2 H
4 and opti-
mal C
2 H
4 concentration for embryo development . Sub-optimal-
producers may need an exogenous supply of C
2 H
4 , while
over- producers may require removal of C
2 H
4 [ 18 , 31 , 32 ]. In
sealed containers C
2 H
4 generally accumulates to toxic levels for
subsequent embryo maturation [
33 ]. Embryo development can
be improved, however, by increasing ventilation, using a C
2 H
trap (e.g., potassium permanganate), adding inhibitors of C
2 H
biosynthesis (e.g., aminooxyacetic acid, aminoethoxyvinylgly-
cine), or action (e.g., silver nitrate, CO
2 ) [ 34 39 ].
2.1 Gases
Bioreactors for Plant Embryogenesis
Although O
2 , CO
2 , and C
2 H
4 are the key metabolic gases of
concern for plant and SE culture, other gases may also be impor-
tant. For example, ozone (O
3 ) is a strong oxidant used to disinfect
water. O
3 readily decomposes to O
2 with no toxic by-product, so it
could conceivably be used in reactors as a periodic in situ disinfec-
tant to help maintain SE or other plant tissues in axenic culture.
Indeed, Aloe barbadensis grown in a 4 L BTBR with 1–15 min
daily treatment of O
3 over 4 weeks of culture responded quite
favorably [
40 ]. Although O
3 can be toxic to plants, limited inter-
mittent use may be a reasonable process option.
The gas environment inside a culture container, as well as in a bio-
reactor , is highly dependent on the gas exchange rate (ventilation)
of the headspace gas. Increasing gas exchange benefi ts growth by
increasing CO
2 level and reducing relative humidity, as well as toxic
volatiles (i.e., C
2 H
4 ) in the headspace of a culture container [ 41
43 ]. In practice, the gas exchange rate can be increased by increas-
ing passive ventilation in culture containers or integrating a system
of forced ventilation. In passive ventilated culture containers, gas
exchange rate is increased by using porous closures or gas perme-
able membranes on the closure [
44 47 ]. By using these strategies,
the gas exchange rate can be elevated from 0.04 times/h (0.00066
vvm) under non-ventilated conditions to around 5 times/h (0.083
vvm) [
43 , 48 , 49 ]. Forced ventilation is best described as vvm,
which is defi ned as the number of volumetric exchanges of head-
space gas per unit time (e.g., per minute) within the culture vessel.
Use of vvm allows for comparison between differently ventilated
culture systems. Except for small culture containers, the gas
exchange rate under passive ventilation may still be limited, so even
in spite of CO
2 enrichment, CO
2 concentration inside the con-
tainer is challenging to maintain at ambient levels (0.039 %) [
42 ].
Increasing ventilation in gelled medium is also limited by water
potential, as the medium can desiccate when gas exchange is
increased even via passive ventilation, and in vitro growth may
therefore become limited [
50 , 51 ]. Forced ventilation, on the
other hand, is more effective than passive ventilation in terms of
gas exchange rate for promoting photosynthesis of cotyledonary
stage embryos and their subsequent germination , as well as the
conversion to plantlets, in bioreactors [
52 54 ]. It is also a more
reliable means for controlling the gas environment inside culture
container than passive ventilation [
55 ]. Forced ventilation is essen-
tial for maintaining effi cient gas exchange for photoautotrophic
growth in large culture containers, i.e., bioreactors [
56 ]. Forced
ventilation is achieved by fl ushing humidifi ed air via an air pump,
connected to a sterile air fi lter, into the culture container [
57 ]. The
gas exchange rate under forced ventilation can be adjusted to more
than 10 times/h (0.16 vvm), which effi ciently replenishes CO
2 for
photosynthesis in bioreactors [
42 , 58 60 ] and provides more uni-
2.2 Gas
Exchange Rate
Liwen Fei and Pamela Weathers
form gas distribution in the headspace and, therefore, in the culture
medium. In forced ventilation, the greater the ventilation rate, the
more the gaseous environment in vitro is similar to that of the ex
vitro environment and, as a consequence, the more closely in vitro
plantlets resemble ex vitro plants in their morphophysiological
traits [
60 ].
To obtain adequate mass transfer of gases into large volumes of
liquid, usually requires signifi cant agitation of the culture medium,
and this can induce hydrodynamic shear stress on the growing cells
or tissues. SEs are subject to shear stress and, to reduce shear forces,
a slow-speed “string bioreactor ” with bubble-free aeration, deliv-
ered by thin silicone tubing hanging inside the periphery of the
reactor, has been developed. This modifi ed stirred tank reactor
1a ) has been used to propagate somatic embryo s of carrot ,
Norway spruce , birch, cyclamen, as well as shoots of Christmas
begonia with minimum or no damage from shear [
61 ]. There are
other stirred reactors similar to the stirred tank (Fig
1a ), but they
use a spinning fi lter or cell lift impeller and aeration tubes to pro-
vide low shear and bubble free aeration culture of somatic embryos
62 64 ]. Low-shear mixing and aeration in reactors can also be
achieved by bubbling and these bioreactors include bubble column
( BCR ; Fig.
1b ), balloon type bubble ( BTBR ; Fig. 1c ) and air-lift
1d ) reactors. These reactors use air sparged into the bottom
of the reactor to create rising bubbles for mixing and gas diffusion.
Compared to bubble reactor s, the air-lift reactor has an additional
draft tube. However, the major disadvantage of air-lift and bubble
column reactors is foaming induced by large volumes of air bub-
bling, growth of plant tissue in the head space and loss of culture
medium volume. To overcome the foaming problem, various reac-
tor designs with a larger top-section diameter have been devel-
oped, and the BTBR appears to yield the best biomass due to its
high oxygen transfer coeffi cient [
65 ]. Volume loss is minimized
through humidifi cation of the incoming gas by use, for example, of
Nafi on tubing (Perma Pure, Toms River, NJ, USA).
Although seemingly sparsely studied, light quality can also play a
role in embryogenesis. For example, compared to darkness, far-
red, or red-far-red exposure, red light induced a fourfold increase
in SEs of quince ( Cydonia oblonga ) [
66 ]. In contrast, initiation of
SEs from Agave tequilana showed no dependency on light quality,
but later development into the cotyledon stage was maximized
after exposure to either red or white light [
67 ]. In carrot cell sus-
pension s, darkness produced the most SEs, and did not differ from
cells exposed to red or green light [
68 ]. On the other hand, both
white and blue light inhibited SE formation [
68 ]. Michler and
Lineberger also showed that, in carrot, red light enhanced heart
stage SEs [
68 ]. Although light quality may have benefi cial effects
2.3 Shear Stress
2.4 Light Effects
Bioreactors for Plant Embryogenesis
on embryogenesis, once the cell density in a liquid-phase reactor
increases, light penetration into reactors becomes a nontrivial task,
so darkness would certainly be the preferred condition for cultiva-
tion [
68 ]. Indeed, the box-in-a-bag reactor (Fig. 1m ) was devel-
oped because of the challenge in getting adequate light into
cylindrical TIS reactors [
53 , 54 , 69 ].
3 Liquid Phase Bioreactors for Embryos
Most bioreactors used for SE formation are liquid phase wherein
the embryos are immersed in liquid medium all the time or inter-
mittently. Here we describe those that have been used successfully
for somatic embryo genesis and are also commercially available
1 ). Although shake fl asks can be used as small-scale bioreac-
tors, the ability to control gas delivery and shear can enhance pro-
ductivity of SEs. These reactors range in size from 15 mL to
20,000 L. Similar to a stirred tank (Fig.
1a ), the miniPerm
® is a
small-volume mechanically driven modular reactor that offers mul-
tiple, tiny culture systems, each of which can be fed a stream of gas.
Modularity provides the fl exibility of testing multiple cell lineages
under simultaneous conditions but with small volumes and inocu-
lum. The wave reactor (Fig.
1k ) is basically a horizontal, transpar-
ent plastic bag, residing on a slowly rocking platform that provides
agitation of the liquid medium. As a result of the large surface area
of the liquid in the bag, there is relatively good gas exchange
potential; gases are provided either passively or actively via sterile
permeable fi lters or membranes. Unfortunately the wave reactor
scales laterally, requiring a considerable footprint, instead of less
costly vertical space. To our knowledge there are few, if any, reports
of either the miniPerm
® or the wave reactor being used for SE
Table 1
Commercial bioreactors currently available for embryo cultivation
Reactor type Current manufacturer Max. vol (L)
Mechanically driven membrane
bioreactor— miniPerm
® Sartorius AG, GDR and USA 0.015
Wave Bioreactor GE Healthcare Life Sciences, USA 0.3–500
BIOSTAT (wave type) Sartorius AG 1–600
Balloon-type bubble reactor Samsung Science Co., Seoul, So. Korea 4–20,000
® , Plantima, Plantform) Vitropic, France; Plantima A-tech; Toronado,
Netherlands; Plantform, Sweden 1–4
TIS temporary immersion system
Liwen Fei and Pamela Weathers
Although not commercially available, the bubble column reactor
( BCR ; Fig.
1b ) is easy to construct in-house. It is comprised of a
cylinder of glass or plastic (autoclavable) with a bottom frit attached
via tubing to a gas supply, e.g., air, which passes through the frit,
subsequently forming small bubbles that rise through the column
of liquid medium, thereby aerating and mixing the culture. Gas
vents via a sterile fi lter at the top. Many different species of
SE-forming plants have been grown in BCRs, with some examples
reported in Table
2 . Unfortunately one of the problems with BCRs
is foaming, and because of it the balloon-type bubble reactor
( BTBR ) was developed (Fig.
1c ). The broad surface area of the
culture liquid alleviates foaming and provides even better gas
exchange than the BCR. A variety of different plant species have
produced SEs in the BTBR at a variety of volumes (Table
2 ; Fig. 2 ).
Although the BTBR has been scaled to 500 L, it is constructed of
glass and at large scale must be provided with a stainless steel
superstructure, which adds to capital costs. Smaller scale versions
(e.g., 4 L) of the BTBR are, however, quite competitive with other
smaller bioreactors.
The TIS (Fig.
1e ) allows for periodic wetting of the inoculum
with nutrient medium. Liquid is pressure fed via tubing from the
bottom chamber into the top growth chamber to the level of the
inoculum that is located on a porous platform. Gas vents with ster-
ile fi lters are used to equalize pressure. The liquid is held in the top
chamber for a short period of time and then drained back to the
bottom chamber until the next fi lling. This can occur at any regu-
larly set interval, which is often species-specifi c. TIS can easily be
built in-house using Nalgene bottles or other small vessels. A simi-
lar version is the “twin fl asks” system (not shown) where liquid is
passed between two fl asks horizontally, instead of vertically; this
system is also easy to build in-house. A commercially available
example of a TIS is the RITA
® system (about 1 L of total volume).
To initiate an immersion cycle, pressure is applied to the lower
chamber, pushing the medium into the upper chamber. This way
plant material is immersed in the bubbling medium, so providing
gentle mixing and headspace gas renewal. When the pressure is
released, the medium drains back to the lower chamber to com-
plete the immersion cycle. There is a diffusive aeration outlet on
the top of the apparatus to balance pressure.
As SEs mature and become chlorophyllous in the cotyledon-
ary stage, light transmittance becomes important for germination
of SEs and their subsequent plantlet development [
70 ]. However,
the cylindrically shaped vessels in most TIS restrict light penetra-
tion into their center, thus also restricting SE development in the
center of the culture vessel [
54 ]. To obtain uniform light transmit-
tance and, therefore, more or less synchronized SE maturation,
the box-in- a-bag TIS was developed for production of pre-germi-
nated embryos using torpedo stage embryos as inoculum [
53 , 71 ].
Bioreactors for Plant Embryogenesis
The growth chamber of this bioreactor is made of a transparent
disposable plastic bag, fi tted outside a box with a lateral screen on
which SEs reside and grow. Despite the high light transmittance,
this bioreactor has a large footprint; it also has a problem in medium
mixing and the sterile vent connector parts on the bag are too costly
to be disposable [
69 ]. RITA
® and other types of TIS have been
used to culture SEs of many plant species, as noted in Table
2 .
4 Gas Phase Bioreactors for Embryos
The mist reactor is, to our knowledge, the only gas-phase reactor.
In this system, nutrient medium is provided to cells, explants tis-
sues or organs via an ultrasonic nozzle that yields a fi ne mist,
coalescing and dripping back into the medium reservoir. Although
not commercially available, the mist reactor can readily be con-
structed in-house and used for experiments [
72 ]. It has a dispos-
able transparent plastic bag that is used as a culture chamber.
Recently, the mist reactor was used to generate carrot SEs [
73 ].
Cells were manually inoculated onto poly- l -lysine (PLL)-coated
nylon mesh that was then hung inside the reactor bag and grown
in misted medium for several weeks. Carrot cells were attached to
the PLL strips and formed SEs that developed into small rooted
Table 2
Some examples of SEs successfully cultivated in bioreactors.
Bioreactor type Species Volume (L) Ref.
BTBR Eleutherococcus senticosus 500 [ 65 ]
Transgenic E. senticosus SEs 130 [
77 ]
Panax notoginseng 3 [
78 ]
Musa acuminata cv Berangan (AAA) 5 [
79 ]
Santalum album 10 [
80 ]
TIS Coffea arabica 1
1–10 [
76 ]
54 ]
Saccharum spp. cv Q165 1 [
81 ]
Hevea brasiliensis 1 [
82 ]
Theobroma cacao 1 [
83 ]
Bactris gasipaes Kunth 1 [
84 ]
BCR Castenea dentate x mollisima 0.1–1.0 [
85 ]
Eleutherococcus senticosus 10 [
86 ]
Lilium x formolongi (5 cvs) 2 [
87 ]
Picea sitchensis 2 [
88 ]
Mist Daucus carota 4 [ 73 ]
Shake fl asks Quercus suber L. 0.1–0.25 [ 75 ]
BCR bubble column reactor, BTBR balloon type bubble reactor , SE somatic embryo s, TIS temporary immersion
Liwen Fei and Pamela Weathers
plantlets, while still hanging on the strips inside the reactor.
Subsequently, inoculation was attempted by spraying the cells
through the ultrasonic nozzle such that they landed on the hang-
ing PLL-coated nylon mesh. Cells attached, remaining for several
weeks while they developed into rooted plantlets. This method
suggested that fully developed plantlets, ready for planting into
soil, can be obtained in a single step in a bioreactor from cells that
underwent somatic embryo genesis.
Fig. 2 Large scale cultivation of Siberian ginseng in a balloon type bubble column reactor. Suspension cultures
of somatic embryo s of Eleutherococcus senticosus . ( a ) Embryogenic cells in MS liquid medium supplemented
with 30 g/L sucrose and 1 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. ( b ) Embryogenic suspension in 3-L capacity
balloon- type airlift bioreactor containing 2-L MS medium with 30 g/L sucrose. ( c ) Embryogenic suspension in
500 L balloon-type airlift bioreactor. ( d ) Biomass harvested from 500 L balloon bioreactor after 30 days of
culture (reproduced from [ 65 ] with permission from Springer Science + Business Media)
Bioreactors for Plant Embryogenesis
5 Scaling Up Somatic Embryogenesis and Somatic Embryo Cultivation
Before scaling up, all conditions, especially soluble components
like nutrients and plant growth regulators, should fi rst be opti-
mized in small scale shake fl asks. The move to larger scale reactors
should be made with the following important caveat: not all
responses can be directly scaled from shake fl asks to any reactor
system, mainly because fl asks and reactors usually differ signifi -
cantly in design and operation. There are several reports that docu-
ment simple, yet effective, approaches for optimizing inoculum,
DO, and shear for scaling up SEs. For example, shake fl asks were
used to optimize inoculum for SE formation in Coffea sp. [
54 ].
Inoculum densities of 0.1–3.0 g FW/L of suspension cells were
grown in 25 mL of medium in 250 mL Erlenmeyer fl asks. If the
medium was refreshed with new medium each week, maximum
SEs were obtained at the 1.5 g inoculum level, with 25 % reaching
the torpedo stage; when medium was not refreshed the number of
SEs was much less. Although fewer SEs were obtained at 1.0 and
0.5 g FW/L inoculum, conversion rate to the torpedo stage was
considerably greater than at the higher inoculum density. At 3.0 g
FW/L, only a few SEs appeared, suggesting that high inoculum
density was inhibitory. In another study using cell suspension inoc-
ulum in 25 mL of medium in 250 mL Erlenmeyer fl asks, banana
(hybrid FHIA-18 AAAB) also had an optimum inoculation den-
sity. Both inoculum density and culture medium were optimized
for somatic embryo production [
74 ].
In another instance, in Quercus suber three different shake
asks were used to determine the optimum DO and shear condi-
tions for SE formation [
75 ]. The three types of shake fl asks were: a
100 mL Erlenmeyer (EF100), a baffl ed 150 mL Erlenmeyer
(BEF150), and a 250 mL Erlenmeyer (EF250). In conjunction
with three orbiting speeds of 60, 110, and 160 rpm, they were able
to vary the oxygen volumetric mass transfer coeffi cient ( K
L a /h)
more than tenfold, from 0.11 in the EF100 at 60 rpm to 1.47 in
the BEF150 at 160 rpm with an oxygen transfer rate that increased
sixfold at the higher orbit speed. Similarly the shear force index
(SFI, cm/min) was altered from 1.4 × 10
3 in the EF100 at 60 rpm
to 8.8 × 10 3 in the BEF150 at 160 rpm. These simple shake fl ask
studies provided statistically signifi cant differences that enabled
relatively easy optimization of Q. suber for embryogenesis, with the
largest number of embryogenic cell clumps obtained in the BEF150
at 160 rpm.
In contrast to the production of plantlets, hairy roots or pro-
duction of secondary metabolites, scaling up embryogenesis for
cells has the end goal of working with smaller volume reactors. A
considerable number of viable embryos can be produced within a
relatively small reactor volume, even in a shake fl ask. For example,
1,600 Coffea embryos were obtained in the 1 L volume of one
Liwen Fei and Pamela Weathers
® container [ 76 ]. However, for large plantations of elite
genotypes, larger volumes may be required, and thus far the
balloon- type bubble reactor has shown considerable promise.
Recently, in South Korea, Shohael et al. [
65 ] scaled up produc-
tion of Siberian ginseng SEs ( Eleutherococcus senticosus ) to 500 L in
a balloon-type reactor (Fig.
2 ). They inoculated somatic embryo s
grown fi rst in shake fl asks into a 3 L balloon feeder reactor that
then was fed into the fi nal 500 L reactor. Using four different 3 L
scale (2 L working volume) reactor designs, the balloon reactor
that performed best, in terms of biomass and eleutheroside yield,
was determined, showing that a stepped aeration protocol of 0.05–
0.3 vvm and 5 g cells/L of inoculum density was optimal. Finally,
they compared large scale production in 500 L rotating drum and
balloon reactors, and the balloon outperformed the rotating drum.
6 Conclusions
There are a number of different reactor types that can be used
for the cultivation of embryogenic cell lines. Some involve use
of a disposable culture bag, while several are simple and easy to
construct in-house. However, only a few are commercially avail-
able. Thus, although large scale production of somatic embryo s in
bioreactors is certainly possible, the possibility of commercial
exploitation will clearly be the driving force in the further develop-
ment of the technology. Furthermore, each plant species needs to
be separately optimized for reactor design and production operat-
ing parameters.
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Bioreactors for Plant Embryogenesis
Part II
Protocols of Somatic Embryogenesis in Selected
Important Horticultural Plants
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_11, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 11
Somatic Embryogenesis and Genetic Modifi cation of Vitis
Sadanand A. Dhekney , Zhijian T. Li , Trudi N. L. Grant , and Dennis J. Gray
Grapevine embryogenic cultures are ideal target tissues for inserting desired traits of interest and improving
existing cultivars via precision breeding (PB). PB is a new approach that, like conventional breeding, utilizes
only DNA fragments obtained from sexually compatible grapevine plants. Embryogenic culture induction
occurs by placing leaves or stamens and pistils on induction medium with a dark/light photoperiod cycle
for 12–16 weeks. Resulting cultures produce sectors of embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus, which
can be identifi ed on the basis of callus morphology and color. Somatic embryo development occurs follow-
ing transfer of embryogenic callus to development medium and cultures can be maintained for extended
periods of time by transfer of the proliferating proembryonic masses to fresh medium at 4–6- week intervals.
To demonstrate plant recovery via PB, somatic embryos at the mid-cotyledonary stage are cocultivated with
Agrobacterium containing the desired gene of interest along with a, non-PB, enhanced green fl uorescent
protein/neomycin phosphotransferase II (e gfp/nptII ) fusion gene. Modifi ed cultures are grown on prolif-
eration and development medium to produce uniformly modifi ed somatic embryos via secondary embryo-
genesis. Modifi ed embryos identifi ed on the basis of green fl uorescence and kanamycin resistance are
transferred to germination medium for plant development. The resulting plants are considered to prototype
examples of the PB approach, since they contain egfp/nptII , a non-grapevine-derived fusion gene. Uniform
green fl uorescent protein (GFP) fl uorescence can be observed in all tissues of regenerated plants.
Key words Agrobacterium , Culture medium , Embryogenic cultures , Growth regulators , Plant tissue
culture , Precision breeding , Vitis
1 Introduction
Grapevine is highly prized and grown worldwide for consumption
as fresh fruit and processed products, including jam, jelly, juice, raisin,
and, particularly, wine. Grape and its products contain a number of
avonoid and non-fl avonoid phenols that act as antioxidants and
impart health-benefi cial properties. Resveratrol and proanthocy-
anidins present at high levels in wine possess anti-infl ammatory
activities and are responsible for cardioprotection [
1 ]. A number of
grapevine cultivars have been cultivated for centuries and are greatly
valued for their specifi c fruit/enological characteristics. Only 35
elite, mostly ancient, grapevine cultivars account for 66 % of acreage
worldwide, as consumers continually seek out the wines produced
from them [
2 ]. However, the elite cultivars, having been selected in
antiquity with no directed genetic improvement possible since, are
susceptible to a number of fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases; they
require substantial chemical control in traditional production areas
and cannot be grown at all in regions with extreme climatic condi-
tions. Improving abiotic and biotic stress tolerance of these elite
cultivars by conventional breeding is impossible because their key
sensory attributes are invariably lost. For example, a prized strain of
“Pinot Noir” cannot be improved by conventional breeding to cre-
ate a disease resistant “Pinot Noir.” This is because grapevine, like
many woody- perennial crops, are out-crossers, exhibiting self-
incompatibility and inbreeding depression. New conventionally
bred varieties, despite being resistant and even producing accept-
able wine, never correspond to their elite counterparts, since exist-
ing enological characteristics are disrupted, thereby meeting
consumer recalcitrance [
3 5 ]. Inserting desired traits via precision
breeding technology is a viable alternative for improving elite
grapevine cultivars without altering their highly prized enological
characteristics [
6 , 7 ].
Recent advances in grapevine genome sequencing have fos-
tered discovery of desirable traits to instill into elite cultivars, while
still maintaining their unique varietal characteristics. Grapevine
improvement via precision breeding (PB) involves using DNA
sequences found solely in the grapevine genome and it is a logical
refi nement of conventional breeding, only recently made possible
by advances in cell culture, gene insertion, and computational
technology [
7 9 ]. Grapevine embryogenic cultures have long been
the targets of choice for inserting genes encoding desired traits,
since single cells on their surface can be prompted to develop into
complete plants. Hence gene insertion into such totipotent cells
results in plants that stably express the desired trait [
10 , 11 ]. An
embryogenic response in a grapevine cultivar involves a complex
interaction of the genotype with explant, culture medium and cul-
ture conditions [
4 , 12 ]. This necessitates protocol optimization for
each grapevine cultivar grown in specifi c regions of the world. We
have studied the embryogenic response of leaf and fl oral explants
at various developmental stages, various media compositions, and
culture conditions for a large number of cultivars over the last three
decades [
13 , 14 ]. Embryogenic cultures are maintained on devel-
opment medium for extended periods of time by careful selection
and transfer of proliferating embryonic masses. Following somatic
embryo development and germination , regenerated plants are
hardened in a growth room and transferred to a greenhouse.
We also continue to optimize our previous protocols for gene
insertion by improving culture development, cocultivation proce-
dures, reducing culture necrosis, and increasing plant recovery.
Sadanand A. Dhekney et al.
Genetically modifi ed plants have been recovered from a wide array
of Vitis species, cultivars, and interspecifi c hybrids [
15 19 ].
This chapter describes specifi c methods for the induction,
maintenance, and genetic modifi cation of grapevine embryogenic
cultures to insert desired traits of interest in order to produce
precision- bred versions of elite cultivars (Fig.
1 ). Cultures are initi-
ated from leaves and/or fl oral explants on a wide array of culture
media. Rapid proliferation of embryogenic cultures is obtained by
growing them in liquid medium [
20 ] and long term maintenance
is achieved by culture on specialized X6 medium [
12 ]. Somatic
embryo s at the mid-cotyledonary stage of development are cocul-
tivated with disarmed (non-disease causing) Agrobacterium har-
boring the desired genes of interest. For this demonstration,
modifi ed cultures are identifi ed on the basis of non-precision-bred
green fl uorescence and kanamycin resistance. Plants obtained fol-
lowing germination of embryos are hardened in a growth room
and transferred to a greenhouse. The genetically modifi ed status of
regenerated plants is confi rmed by the uniform expression of the
green fl uorescence protein gene in various plant tissues.
Fig. 1 Somatic embryo genic culture and genetic modifi cation system for grapevine (reproduced from Ref. 26
with permission from Nature Publishing Group)
Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis
2 Materials
1. Autoclave.
2. Bead sterilizer.
3. Stereomicroscope.
4. Fiber-optic illuminator.
5. Forceps.
6. Scalpels.
7. Clorox
® bleach or equivalent.
8. Sterile Whatman 3MM fi lter paper.
9. Tween 20.
10. Sterile distilled water.
11. 100 × 15 mm plastic Petri dishes.
12. GA7 Magenta culture vessels.
13. Laminar airfl ow sterile culture hood.
14. Growth chamber.
15. pH meter.
16. Micropipettes and micropipette tips.
17. Spray bottles.
18. 125 mL Erlenmeyer fl asks.
19. 960 μM sieves.
20. Rotary shaker.
21. Leica MZFLIII stereomicroscope or equivalent equipped for
epi-fl uorescence with an HBO 100 W Mercury lamp illumina-
tor and a green fl uorescent protein ( GFP ) fi lter set composed
of an excitation fi lter (470/40 nm), a dichromatic beam split-
ter (485 nm), and a barrier fi lter (525/50 nm) (Leica
Microscopy System Ltd., Heerbrugg, Switzerland).
1. One-year-old, dormant grapevine cuttings ( see Note 1 ).
2. Established micropropagation cultures.
1. Embryogenic culture induction from leaf explants (NB2
medium): Nitsch and Nitsch [
21 ] macro-, micronutrients and
vitamins, 0.1 g/L myoinositol , 20 g/L sucrose , 1.0 μM ben-
zyl amino purine (BAP), 5.0 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2,4-D), 7.0 g/L Tissue culture (TC) grade Agar
(Phytotechnology labs), pH 6.0 ( see Note 2 ).
2. Embryogenic culture induction from stamen and pistil
explants (MSI medium): Murashige and Skoog [
22 ], macro-,
micro- nutrients and vitamins, 0.1 g/L myo-inositol , 20 g/L
2.1 Supplies
and Equipment
2.2 Explant Sources
2.3 Culture Medium
Sadanand A. Dhekney et al.
sucrose , 4.5 μM BAP, 5.0 μM 2,4-D, 7 g/L TC agar, pH 6.0
( see Note 3 ) [
13 ].
3. The following media may variously be used for embryogenic
culture induction from anther and pistil explants:
(a) PIV medium: Nitsch and Nitsch macro- and micronutri-
ents, B5 vitamins, 60 g/L sucrose , 8.9 μM BAP, 4.5 μM
2,4- D, 3.0 g/L Phytagel , pH 5.7 [
23 ].
(b) X1 medium: Modifi ed MS macro-, micronutrients and
vitamins, which lack glycine and consisting of modifi ed
MS nitrate (X nitrate) consisting of 3.033 g/L KNO
3 and
0.364 g/L NH
4 Cl, 0.1 g/L myoinositol , 20 g/L sucrose ,
5.0 μM BAP, 2.5 μM 2,4-D and 2.5 μM beta-naphthoxy-
acetic acid ( NOA ), 7 g/L TC agar, pH 5.8 [
13 ].
(c) X2 medium: Modifi ed MS macro-, micronutrients and
vitamins, which lacks glycine and MS nitrate being
replaced with X nitrate consisting of 3.033 g/L KNO
and 0.364 g/L NH
4 Cl, 0.1 g/L myoinositol , 20 g/L
sucrose , 5.0 μM BAP, 15.0 μM 2,4-D and 2.5 μM NOA ,
7 g/L TC agar, pH 5.8 [
13 ].
(d) NI medium: Nitsch and Nitsch macro-, micronutrients
and vitamins, 0.1 g/L myoinositol , 20 g/L sucrose ,
5.0 μM BAP, 2.5 μM 2,4-D and 2.5 μM NOA , 7 g/L TC
agar, pH 5.8 [
13 ].
(e) NII medium: Nitsch and Nitsch macro-, micronutrients
and vitamins, 0.1 g/L myoinositol , 20 g/L sucrose ,
5.0 μM BAP, 15.0 μM 2,4-D and 2.5 μM NOA , 7 g/L
TC agar, pH 5.8 [
13 ].
4. Embryogenic culture maintenance in liquid medium (B5/ MS
medium ): B5 macro-nutrients, MS micronutrients and vita-
mins, 0.4 g/L glutamine , 60 g/L sucrose , 4.5 μM 2,4-D,
pH 5.8 [
19 ].
5. Embryo development and maintenance medium (X6 medium):
Modifi ed MS macro-, micronutrients and vitamins, which
lacks glycine and MS nitrate being replaced with X nitrate con-
sisting of 3.033 g/L KNO
3 and 0.364 g/L NH
4 Cl, 60.0 g/L
sucrose , 1.0 g/L myoinositol , 7.0 g/L TC agar , 0.5 g/L
activated charcoal , pH 5.8 ( see Note 4 ).
6. Agrobacterium solid culture medium (YEP medium): 10 g/L
yeast extract, 10 g/L peptone, 5.0 g/L NaCl, 20 g/L agar ,
pH 7.0.
7. Agrobacterium liquid culture medium (MG/L medium):
5.0 g/L mannitol , 1.0 g/L
L -Glutamate, 5.0 g/L tryptone ,
2.5 g/L yeast extract, 5.0 g/L NaCl, 150.0 mg/L KH
2 PO
4 ,
100.0 mg/L MgSO
4 ·7H
2 O, 2.5 mL/L Fe–EDTA, pH 7.0
( see Note 5 ).
Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis
8. Agrobacterium liquid transfer medium (X2 medium): X6
medium modifi ed to contain 20.0 g/L sucrose without TC
agar and activated charcoal , pH 5.8.
9. Liquid cocultivation medium (DM medium): DKW basal salts
24 ], 0.3 g/L KNO
3 , 1.0 g/L myo -inositol , 2.0 mg/L each of
thiamine –HCl and glycine , 1.0 mg/L nicotinic acid , 30 g/L
sucrose , 5.0 μM BAP, 2.5 μM each NOA and 2,4-D, pH 5.7.
10. Callus induction medium (DM medium): DKW basal salts,
0.3 g/L KNO
3 , 1.0 g/L myo -inositol , 2.0 mg/L each of thia-
mine –HCl and glycine , 1.0 mg/L nicotinic acid , 30 g/L
sucrose , 5.0 μM BAP, 2.5 μM each NOA and 2,4-D, 7.0 g/L
TC agar , 200 mg/L each of carbenicillin and cefotaxime , and
100 mg/L kanamycin, pH 5.7.
11. Embryo germination medium (MS1B): MS macro-, micronu-
trients and vitamins, 0.1 g/L myoinositol , 30.0 g/L sucrose ,
1.0 μM BAP, 7.0 g/L TC agar , pH 5.8.
1. Rifampicin : Filter-sterilized stock solutions containing rifam-
picin at 20 mg/mL ( see Note 6 ).
2. Kanamycin sulfate: Filter-sterilized stock solutions containing
kanamycin sulfate at 100 mg/mL.
3. Carbenicillin and cefotaxime : Filter-sterilized stock solutions
containing either carbenicillin or cefotaxime at 200 mg/mL.
1. Binary vector containing the gene of interest and an egfp/
nptII fusion gene (reporter marker fusion) under the control
of a constitutive promoter.
2. Agrobacterium stock (containing the binary vector) stored in
glycerol at −70 °C.
3 Methods
Carry out all surface sterilization, explant isolation, and transfer
procedures using established aseptic techniques in a laminar airfl ow
hood. Clorox
® . Wrap all dishes with Parafi lm
® .
1. Initiate in vitro micropropagation cultures from fi eld- or
greenhouse- grown grapevine shoot tips ( see Note 7 ).
2. Excise unopened leaves, 1.5–5.0 mm in size, from in vitro-
grown micropropagation cultures and transfer them to Petri
dishes containing NB2 medium ( see Note 8 ).
3. Incubate cultures in darkness at 26 °C for 5–7 weeks for the
induction of embryogenic callus.
2.4 Antibiotic Stock
2.5 Agrobacterium
3.1 Embryogenic
Culture Induction
from Leaf Explants
Sadanand A. Dhekney et al.
4. After 5–7 weeks, transfer cultures to light (65 μM m
−2 s
−1 and
16 h photoperiod) at 26 °C for 5 weeks. Screen callus cultures
for growth and possible contamination at weekly intervals.
5. Explants will produce callus cultures, which can be distin-
guished into cream-colored embryogenic callus and dark
brown non-embryogenic callus.
6. Carefully transfer the cream colored embryogenic callus to X6
medium for proliferation of proembryonic masses ( PEM ) and
development of somatic embryo s (SE).
1. Obtain grapevine infl orescences from fi eld-grown grapevines
or one year old dormant cuttings.
2. Surface-sterilize dormant cuttings in 25 % Clorox
® solution
with constant agitation for 5 min, followed by two washes
with sterile distilled water.
3. Make fresh cuts at the top and base of the cuttings and transfer
30 cm long cuttings to 500 mL conical fl asks containing
250 mL sterile distilled water.
4. Transfer fl asks under light (65 μM m
−2 s
−1 and 16-h photope-
riod) at 26 °C for 3–5 weeks for infl orescence growth and
5. Determine development stages of stamens and pistils using a
stereomicroscope to identify the optimum stage for the spe-
cifi c cultivar ( see Note 9 ) (Fig.
2 ).
6. Surface-sterilize infl orescences by rinsing briefl y in 70 % etha-
nol followed by washing them in 25 % Clorox
® solution con-
taining a small drop Triton X-100 for 5 min with a periodic
manual high degree of agitation. Following washing with
® solution, treat explants with three 5-min washes in
sterile distilled water.
7. Using a stereomicroscope, carefully excise intact stamens by
separating them from the calyptra and pistil. Place stamens
from fi ve infl orescences as a clump in the center of the Petri
dish containing induction medium and corresponding pistils
with the fi lament stubs at the perimeter. Seal Petri dishes and
place in the dark at 26 °C for 5 weeks ( see Note 10 ).
8. After 5 weeks of incubation in the dark, transfer Petri dishes to
light (65 μM m
−2 s
−1 and 16-h photoperiod) at 26 °C. Screen
developing cultures using a dissecting microscope for the pres-
ence of embryogenic callus at weekly intervals for 12–16 weeks
( see Note 11 ).
9. Induction of embryogenic callus is observed either from the fi la-
ment tip, connective tissue or in some cases from pistil explants.
10. Transfer the embryogenic callus to X6 medium for SE devel-
opment and proliferation.
3.2 Embryogenic
Culture Induction
from Stamen and Pistil
Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis
1. Transfer 1.0 g rapidly growing embryogenic culture to sterile
125 mL Erlenmeyer fl asks containing 40 mL autoclaved liquid
medium. Cover the fl asks with aluminum foil and seal the neck
with Parafi lm. Transfer the fl asks to a rotary shaker and incu-
bate in diffused light (15 μM m
−2 s
−1 and 16-h photoperiod) at
120 rpm.
2. After 2 weeks, separate differentiated somatic embryo s by fi l-
tering cultures through a sterile 960 μM stainless steel and
collecting the fi ne fraction. Transfer the fi ne fraction to fresh
liquid medium and differentiated SE to X6 medium for
embryo development .
3. Maintain suspension cultures by transfer to fresh liquid
medium at 2–3-week intervals ( see Note 12 ).
1. Transfer embryogenic cultures obtained from induction
medium to X6 medium for development and proliferation of
SE (Fig.
3a ).
3.3 Embryogenic
Culture Proliferation
in Liquid Medium
3.4 Embryogenic
Culture Maintenance
Fig. 2 Stamen and pistil explant developmental stages in Vitis . Four stages, I ( a , b ), II ( c , d ), III ( e , f ), and IV ( g ,
h ) can be identifi ed on the basis of infl orescence size, stamen color and size, and microspore development
stage. Stage I fl ower clusters are about 2.5–3.0 cm long, individual fl ower buds 0.5–0.7 mm in diameter,
anthers 0.1–0.2 mm in length, white in color and clear in appearance. Stage II fl ower clusters are about
6–8 cm long with individual fl ower buds being approximately 1.5 mm in diameter. Anthers are 0.8–1.0 mm
long, yellowish in color, and appear translucent with clear walls. Stage III fl ower clusters are 9–10 cm long and
individual fl ower buds 1.5–2.0 mm in diameter. Anthers are 1.0 mm in length, yellowish in color, and cloudy in
appearance with clear walls. The locule appears cloudy and yellowish in color. Microspore walls are thicker
and well developed. Stage IV fl ower clusters are greater than 10 cm in length and individual fl ower diameter
similar to Stage III. Anthers are 1.0 mm long and yellowish in color with completely opaque walls. The locule
appears yellow in color and opaque. Microspore walls are thicker and pores in the cell wall are evident (repro-
duced from Ref. 13 with permission from American Society of Horticultural Sciences)
Sadanand A. Dhekney et al.
2. Maintain embryogenic cultures by precisely separating PEM
from differentiated SE using a stereomicroscope as described
below (Fig.
3b, c ) and selectively transfer only PEM to fresh
X6 medium at 4–6-week intervals ( see Note 13 ) (Fig
3d, e ).
1. Streak Agrobacterium culture stock containing the binary
plasmid onto a Petri dish containing solid YEP medium with
20 mg/L rifampicin and 100 mg/L kanamycin. Incubate
dishes in the dark at 26 °C for 2–3 days until single bacterial
colonies are visible.
2. Transfer a single bacterial colony to a 125 mL conical fl ask
containing 30 mL MG/L medium with 20 mg/L rifampicin
and 100 mg/L kanamycin. Seal the fl ask with Parafi lm and
incubate on a rotary shaker at 180 rpm and room temperature
for 16–20 h.
3.5 Agrobacterium
Culture Initiation
for Plant Genetic
Modifi cation
Fig. 3 Embryogenic culture maintenance in Vitis . Actively proliferating proembryonic masses contained within
embryogenic culture masses grown on X6 medium ( a ) are identifi ed, sub-cultured, and manipulated using a
stereomicroscope placed in a laminar fl ow culture hood and illuminated with a fi ber optic light source ( b , c ).
Only microscopic proembryonic tissue masses are selected ( d ) and these are accumulated so as to create fi ve
cultures in each Petri dish containing 30 mL ( thick ) of freshly made X6 medium ( e ) and the cycle is repeated
at 4–6-week intervals. Proembryonic masses are uniformly composed of small, densely cytoplasmic embryo-
genic cells ( f ). It is important to keep a uniform subculture time and a stable incubation temperature to avoid
precocious germination
Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis
3. Transfer the overnight culture to a 50 mL centrifuge tube and
spin at 4200 × g for 8 min at room temperature. Discard the
supernatant and resuspend the pellet in 20 mL liquid X2
medium. Transfer the culture to a 125 mL conical fl ask and
incubate for an additional 3 h under the same conditions as
above. Use this culture for cocultivation .
1. Carefully transfer cotyledonary-stage SE to sterile Petri dishes.
Avoid wounding of embryos during transfer to prevent
culture browning ( see Note 14 ).
2. Add 5.0 mL Agrobacterium culture to the SE and mix thor-
oughly by swirling. Incubate for 7–10 min and then remove
the bacterial solution completely using a micropipette.
3. Transfer SE to a Petri dish containing two layers of fi lter paper
soaked in liquid DM medium. Seal the Petri dish with Parafi lm
and cocultivate in darkness at 26 °C for 72 h ( see Note 15 ).
4. Following cocultivation for 72 h, observe SE for transient
GFP expression using a stereomicroscope equipped for
epi-fl uorescence.
5. Transfer cocultivated cultures to a 125 mL conical fl ask con-
taining liquid DM medium with 200 mg/L each of carbenicil-
lin and cefotaxime , and 15 mg/L kanamycin.
6. Transfer the fl ask to a rotary shaker at 110 rpm and wash SE
for 3 days to inhibit remnant bacterial growth.
7. Transfer washed cultures to each 100 × 15 mm Petri dish con-
taining 25 mL solid DM medium with 200 mg/L each of car-
benicillin and cefotaxime and 100 mg/L kanamycin.
8. Place Petri dishes in dark at 26 °C for 4 weeks to permit callus
development and proliferation.
9. After 4 weeks, transfer callus cultures to 100 × 15 mm Petri
dishes containing 30 mL X6 medium with 200 mg/L each of
carbenicillin and cefotaxime and 70 mg/L kanamycin for
secondary embryo development . Place Petri dishes in dark
and screen at weekly intervals for the presence of modifi ed
SE lines.
10. Independent SE lines are identifi ed by bright GFP uores-
cence and kanamycin resistance ( see Note 16 ).
11. Transfer independent genetically modifi ed embryo lines
to individual Petri dishes containing X6 medium with
200 mg/L each of carbenicillin and cefotaxime
and 70 mg/L
12. Screen cultures for the development of modifi ed embryo
development and proliferation.
3.6 Gene Insertion
into Embryogenic Cells
Sadanand A. Dhekney et al.
1. Transfer cotyledonary-stage SE to MS1B medium and culture
under light (65 μM m
−2 s
−1 and 16 h photoperiod) at 26 °C for
embryo germination ( see Note 17 ).
2. After 3 weeks, transfer well-developed plants with a robust
shoot and root system to plastic pots containing sterile Pro-
Mix BX potting mix (Premier Horticulture Inc., Red Hill, PA)
and acclimate in a growth room in light (65 μM m
−2 s
−1 and
16-h photoperiod) at 26 °C.
3. After 4 weeks, transfer well acclimated, vigorously growing
plants to a greenhouse.
4. Confi rm gene expression in regenerated plants by observing
various plant tissues using a stereomicroscope equipped for
epi- uorescence ( see Note 18 ).
4 Notes
1. Dormant cuttings are obtained by pruning annual wood from
grapevines during the winter season. Alternatively, certifi ed
cuttings can be obtained from grapevine germplasm reposito-
ries such as the University of California, Davis, or the USDA
cold-hardy grapevine repository in Geneva, NY.
2. An embryogenic response from unopened leaf explants on
NB2 medium is observed from all seedless cultivars tested,
whereas a majority of seeded cultivars will only respond using
the stamen/pistil procedure. This factor must be considered
prior to embryogenic culture initiation from leaf explants.
3. Production of embryogenic responses from stamen and pistil
explants varies widely with Vitis species and cultivar. Hence
untested individual cultivars must be evaluated on each induc-
tion medium listed above to obtain an embryogenic response.
A list of responsive varieties and their optimum induction
media can be found in our reference publication [
13 ].
4. The use of TC agar (Phytotechnology Laboratories, LLC,
Shawnee Mission, KS, USA, Catalog No. A 175) or an agar
brand of equivalent purity, is paramount for successful induc-
tion and maintenance of embryogenic cultures. Use of other
gelling agents in X6 medium results in a rapid decline in
embryogenic potential and eventual culture death. A simple
observation to judge agar purity is the relative translucence of
poured dishes: the more translucent, the better.
5. To make a stock solution of Fe–EDTA, dissolve 7.44 g of
2 O and 1.86 g FeSO
4 ·7H
2 O in sterile distilled
water and make fi nal volume to 1 L. Although a number of
bacterial media were used for Agrobacterium culture, MG/L
medium provides better cell quality by avoiding overgrowth
and assists in maintaining bacterial virulence.
3.7 Somatic Embryo
Germination and Plant
Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis
6. Rifampicin is dissolved in methanol or DMSO for making
stock solutions. Carbenicillin , cefotaxime and kanamycin sul-
fate are dissolved in distilled water and then fi lter sterilized. All
antibiotic solutions are stored at −20 °C and thawed just prior
to use. Antibiotics are added to culture medium after auto-
claving and cooling the medium to 55 °C. Rifampicin is light
labile; preparation of stock solutions must be accomplished in
very dim light with storage in the dark.
7. Micropropagation cultures are initiated from the earliest
sprouting shoots of previously dormant fi eld-grown plants
when they reach approximately 10 cm in length. Micro-
dissected shoot apical meristems are used as explants. We pre-
viously determined that shoot apical meristems taken at this
stage and from the fi eld consistently yield the most sterile and
vigorous micropropagation cultures. Cultures are initiated on
C2D4B medium, with fi ve meristems per dish [
25 ] and are
ultimately used for obtaining unopened leaf explants.
8. It is critical to use only unopened leaves of specifi c size. Use of
larger leaf explants will produce solely non-embryogenic cul-
tures with no regeneration ability.
9. Stamen and pistil explants can be divided into 4 developmen-
tal stages based on size of infl orescences and individual fl ow-
ers, anther size and anther color. Stage II and III explants are
known to produce an embryogenic cultures in a large percent-
age of cultivars tested [
12 ].
10. It is critical to carefully excise intact stamens (anther with
attached fi lament) and place all stamens from fi ve fl owers in a
clump/group to obtain an optimal embryogenic response. No
embryogenic response will be obtained with damaged or
detached fi laments.
11. Embryogenic response from stamen and pistil explants is gen-
otype dependent. In general, a greater number of cultivars
produce an embryogenic response from stamen explants [
13 ].
12. A difference in culture proliferation rates and persistence is
observed among various cultivars in both solid and liquid
medium. This factor must be considered to ensure transfer
to fresh medium at the right interval and avoid culture
13. The use of a stereomicroscope in order to select proper tissue
for transfer is an absolute requirement to accomplish this pro-
cedure (Fig.
3b ) and cannot be stressed enough. It is impor-
tant to selectively transfer rapidly proliferating PEM to fresh
X6 medium using a microscope at 4–6-week interval (Fig.
e ). Failure to do so will lead to asynchrony of cultures, preco-
cious SE germination , decrease in embryogenic competence
and eventual termination of cultures.
Sadanand A. Dhekney et al.
14. It is important to use rapidly growing embryogenic cultures
for gene insertion. Use of older cultures can result in signifi -
cantly lower-to-none insertion frequency and poor plant
15. Cocultivation of SE on fi lter paper dramatically improves gene
insertion effi ciency while preventing bacterial overgrowth and
culture necrosis [
19 ].
16. Proliferation of grapevine embryogenic cultures occurs by
direct secondary embryogenesis with new embryos arising
from the surface cells of existing SE or pre-existing embryo-
genic calli (Fig.
3f ). Thus, surface cells of cotyledonary-stage
SE are ideal targets for gene insertion and plant regeneration.
17. Plant recovery from germinated somatic embryo s can be
enhanced by trimming enlarged, fl eshy cotyledons. This
response is species and cultivar dependent and needs to be
tested for specifi c cultivars [
16 ]. A newly published two-step
culture procedure dramatically improves plant recovery [
26 ].
This includes culturing embryos on C2D4B medium for a
3-week period followed by transferring the germinated
embryos to MSN medium.
18. Uniform GFP expression is observed in plant tissues including
leaves, roots, fl owers, stamens, and pistils (Fig.
4 ). Gene insertion
effi ciency varies widely with Vitis species and cultivars [
16 ].
Fig. 4 GFP expression in a genetically modifi ed grapevine . Uniform expression is observed in somatic embryo s
( a ), leaves and tendrils ( b ), roots ( c ), infl orescences ( d ), stamens, and pistils ( e ). Note that the central glowing
spot in ( e ) represents the stigma (reproduced from Refs. 18 and 15 with permission from Springer)
Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis
1. Bertelli A, Das D (2009) Grapes, wines, resve-
ratrol and heart health. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol
2. Anderson K, Aryal N (2014) Database of
regional, national and global winegrape bear-
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3. Gray DJ, Jayasankar S, Li Z (2005) Vitis spp.
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Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops. CAB
International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire,
pp 672–706
4. Einset J, Pratt C (1975) Grapes. In: Moore
JN, Janick J (eds) Advances in fruit breeding.
Purdue University Press, Lafayette, IN,
pp 130–153
5. Winkler AJ, Cook JA, Kliewer WM, Lider LA
(1974) General viticulture. University of
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6. Vivier MA, Pretorius IS (2000) Genetic
improvement of grapevine: tailoring grape
varieties for the third millennium – a review. S
Afr J Enol Vitic 21:5–26
7. Gray DJ, Li ZT, Dhekney SA (2014) Precision
breeding of grapevine for improved traits.
Plant Sci. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2014.03.023 ,
Online First
8. Li ZT, Dhekney SA, Gray DJ (2011) Use
of the VvMybA1 gene for non-destructive
quantifi cation of promoter activity via
color histogram analysis in grapevine ( Vitis
vinifera ) and tobacco. Transgenic Res 20:
9. Li ZT, Kim KH, Jasinski JR, Creech MR, Gray
DJ (2012) Large-scale characterization of pro-
moters from grapevine ( Vitis spp.) using quan-
titative anthocyanin and GUS assay. Plant Sci
10. Kikkert JR, Vidal MJ, Reisch BI (2004)
Stable transformation of plant cells by parti-
cle bombardment/biolistics. In: Pena L (ed)
Transgenic plants: methods and proto-
cols, 286th edn. Humana, Totowa, NJ,
pp 61–78
11. Gray DJ, Dhekney SA, Li ZT, Cordts JM
(2012) Genetic engineering of grapevine and
progress towards commercial deployment. In:
Scorza R, Mou B (eds) Transgenic horticul-
tural crops: challenges and opportunities –
essays by experts. CRC, Taylor and Francis,
Boca Raton, FL, pp 317–331
12. Gray DJ (1995) Somatic embryogenesis in
grape. In: Jain SM, Gupta PK, Newton RJ
(eds) Somatic embryogenesis in woody
plants, vol 2. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht,
pp 191–217
Among the various species and cultivars tested, “Thompson
Seedless” (syn. “Sultania”) will initiate embryogenic cultures
from leaves, stamens and pistils at very high effi ciencies and
produces the highest number of modifi ed embryo and plant
lines [
16 ]. Cultures are readily initiated from both leaves and
oral organs. Thus, it is an ideal model with which to learn the
S.A. Dhekney holds the E.A. Whitney Endowed Professorship in
the UW Department of Plant Sciences. The research that enabled
the Precision Breeding approach for grapevine was fostered by
long-term support from the Florida Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services Viticulture Trust Fund, the USDA
Specialty Crops Research Initiative Grant Program, and the Florida
Agricultural Experiment Station, UF/IFAS.
Sadanand A. Dhekney et al.
13. Dhekney SA, Li ZT, Compton ME, Gray DJ
(2009) Optimizing initiation and maintenance
of Vitis embryogenic cultures. HortSci 44:
14. Dhekney SA, Li ZT, Gray DJ (2011) Factors
infl uencing induction and maintenance of
Vitis rotundifolia Michx. embryogenic cul-
tures. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 105:
15. Dhekney SA, Li ZT, Dutt M, Gray DJ (2008)
Agrobacterium -mediated transformation of
embryogenic cultures and regeneration of
transgenic plants in Vitis routundifolia Michx.
(muscadine grape). Plant Cell Rep 27:
16. Dhekney SA, Li ZT, Zimmerman TW, Gray
DJ (2009) Factors infl uencing genetic trans-
formation and plant regeneration of Vitis . Am
J Enol Vitic 60:285–292
17. Dhekney SA, Li ZT, Gray DJ (2011)
Grapevines engineered to express cisgenic Vitis
vinifera thaumatin-like protein exhibit fungal
disease resistance. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant
18. Li ZT, Dhekney S, Dutt M, Van Aman M,
Tattersall J, Kelley KT, Gray DJ (2006)
Optimizing Agrobacterium -mediated transfor-
mation of grapevine. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol
Plant 42:220–227
19. Li ZT, Dhekney SA, Dutt M, Gray DJ (2008) An
improved protocol for Agrobacterium -mediated
transformation of grapevine. Plant Cell Tissue
Organ Cult 93:311–321
20. Jayasankar S, Gray DJ, Litz RE (1999) High
frequency somatic embryogenesis and plant
regeneration from suspension cultures of
grapevine. Plant Cell Rep 18:533–537
21. Nitsch JP, Nitsch C (1969) Haploid plants
from pollen grains. Science 163:85–87
22. Murashige T, Skoog F (1962) A revised medium
for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco
tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 15:473–497
23. Franks T, He DG, Thomas M (1998)
Regeneration of transgenic Vitis vinifera
L. Sultana plants: genotypic and phenotypic
analysis. Mol Breed 4:321–333
24. Driver JA, Kuniyuki AH (1984) In vitro prop-
agation of paradox walnut rootstock. HortSci
25. Gray DJ, Benton CM (1991) In vitro micro-
propagation and plant establishment of musca-
dine grape cultivars ( Vitis rotundifolia ). Plant
Cell Tissue Organ Cult 27:7–14
26. Li ZT, Kim KH, Dhekney SA, Jasinski JR,
Creech MR, Gray DJ (2014) An optimized
procedure for plant recovery from somatic
embryos signifi cantly facilitates the genetic
improvement of Vitis . Hort Res 1:1–7
Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_12, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 12
Somatic Embryogenesis in Peach-Palm ( Bactris gasipaes )
Using Different Explant Sources
Douglas A. Steinmacher , Angelo Schuabb Heringer , Víctor M. Jiménez ,
Marguerite G. G. Quoirin , and Miguel P. Guerra
Peach palm ( Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a member of the family Arecaceae and is a multipurpose but
underutilized species. Nowadays, fruit production for subsistence and local markets, and heart-of-palm
production for local, national, and international markets are the most important uses of this plant.
Conventional breeding programs in peach palm are long-term efforts due to the prolonged generation
time, large plant size, diffi culties with controlled pollination and other factors. Although it is a caespitose
palm, its propagation is currently based on seeds, as off-shoots are diffi cult to root. Hence, tissue culture
techniques are considered to be the most likely strategy for effi cient clonal plantlet regeneration of this
species. Among various techniques, somatic embryogenesis offers the advantages of potential automated
large-scale production and putative genetic stability of the regenerated plantlets. The induction of somatic
embryogenesis in peach palm can be achieved by using different explant sources including zygotic embryos,
immature infl orescences and thin cell layers from the young leaves and shoot meristems. The choice of
a particular explant depends on whether clonal propagation is desired or not, as well as on the plant
conditions and availability of explants. Protocols to induce and express somatic embryogenesis from
different peach palm explants, up to acclimatization of plantlets, are described in this chapter.
Key words Clonal propagation , Conservation programs , Heart-of-palm , Large-scale production ,
Pejibaye palm , Somatic embryo
1 Introduction
The peach palm ( Bactris gasipaes Kunth, Arecaceae) is a Neotropical
palm whose origin is still uncertain. Authors hypothesizing a sin-
gle origin point out to the western Amazon Basin, while those
supporting a multiple origin suggest the western and northwest-
ern sides of the Andes and lower Central America, in addition to
the western Amazon Basin, to be the centers of origin [
1 ]. It is
considered a multipurpose tree and plays an important role in
agroforestry in several Latin American countries [
2 ]. The produc-
tion of fruits and heart-of-palm for the national markets is one of
its most important uses, becoming peach palm the main source for
cultivated heart-of-palm [ 3 ]. Historically, this species has been
considered recalcitrant to in vitro culture. During the last few
years, however, several advances have been achieved with the suc-
cessful application of these techniques in this species; nevertheless,
a commercial protocol does not exist yet [
4 ].
Conventional breeding programs of peach palm are long-term
efforts due to long generation times of at least 6 years, large plant
size, diffi culties with controlled pollination, and other factors.
Therefore, in vitro clonal propagation has the potential to reduce
the time necessary for establishing elite plant orchards by capturing
and fi xing the genetic gain expressed by selected plants for breeding
purposes. Peach palm conservation programs may also profi t from
the use of in vitro regeneration protocols since germplasm banks
could be cloned and backups kept in other institutions for safekeep-
ing. Furthermore, somatic embryo genesis has the possibility to be
coupled to conservation programs through, for instance, the cryo-
preservation of somatic embryos [
5 ], as well as the production of
synthetic seeds for plantlet exchange. Hence, a reliable in vitro
regeneration protocol for peach palm is important and the develop-
ment of effi cient methodologies is considered a necessity to support
use, conservation and breeding programs of this species [
1 ]. Among
the available techniques for in vitro plant generation, somatic
embryogenesis offers advantages such as large scale automated pro-
duction, cycling cultures through secondary embryogenesis [
6 ] and
genetic stability of the regenerated plantlets [
4 ]. For palm species,
somatic embryogenesis has been considered the preferred in vitro
regenerative pathway because of the larger number of regenerated
plantlets that can be produced compared to organogenesis [
7 9 ].
Tissue culture of palms is generally time consuming and the
biological events in each step of the process progress very slowly [
4 ,
10 ]. In peach palm, our experience shows that in vitro regeneration
of a reasonable number of plantlets takes about 2 years and one of
the critical aspects regarding the protocol is the choice of the
explants. Successful induction of somatic embryo genesis has already
been reported from different tissues, such as leaf primordia from
adult plants [
11 ], shoots and leaf primordia from in vitro- grown
plantlets [
9 ], immature infl orescences [ 4 ], mature zygotic embryo s
12 ] and immature zygotic embryos [ 13 ]. The choice of the explant
source in this species depends also upon the aim pursued and
explant availability. For instance, the use of zygotic embryos as
explants might have limited applications in conservation programs;
however, they may serve as an interesting model to study peach
palm somatic embryogenesis because a relatively high induction
rate has been observed within few months of culture [
12 ] and the
morpho-histological responses from zygotic embryos were very
similar to those observed from shoot meristems and leaf sheaths
9 , 12 ]. However, for the clonal propagation and conservation of
selected genotypes, the development of protocols that allow regen-
eration from explants obtained from adult plants is necessary.
Douglas A. Steinmacher et al.
2 Materials
1. Zygotic embryo s as explants: Seeds from mature fruits, about
4 months after pollination, from one selected open pollinated
palm (Fig.
1 ) ( see Note 1 ).
2. Infl orescences as explants: Immature infl orescences from open
pollinated plants ( see Note 2 ).
3. 70 % (v/v) ethanol.
4. 40 % bleach solution containing at least 5 % of available chlo-
rine with one drop of the surfactant Tween 20
® for each
100 mL.
5. Sterile distilled water
6. Culture tubes (10 × 25 mm).
7. Disposal Petri dishes (90 × 15 mm).
8. Basal culture medium containing MS salts [
14 ], Morel vita-
mins [
15 ], 3 % (w/v) sucrose , 500 mg/L glutamine , with pH
adjusted to 5.8 prior to adding the gelling agent and auto-
claved for 15 min at 1 kgf cm
−2 .
9. Pretreatment liquid culture medium based on basal culture
medium supplemented with 1.5 g/L activated charcoal and
200 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).
10. Induction culture medium I based on basal culture medium
gelled with 2.5 g/L Gelrite and enriched with 1 μM AgNO
3 and
10 μM Picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) [
12 ].
11. Induction culture medium II based on basal culture medium
supplemented with 1.5 g/L activated charcoal and 300 μM
Picloram gelled with 2.5 g/L Gelrite .
12. Growth culture medium based on basal culture medium sup-
plemented with 1.5 g/L activated charcoal and gelled with
7 g/L Agar .
Fig. 1 Fruits collected during ripening used as explant source. ( left ) Ripening fruits, showing characteristic
color. ( middle ) Seeds inside the fruits. ( right ) Mature and well-developed zygotic embryo used as explant for
induction of somatic embryo genesis
Somatic Embryogenesis in Peach-Palm
13. Maturation culture medium based on basal medium
supplemented with 2,4-D (40 μM), 2-isopentenyl adenine
(2-iP, 10 μM), activated charcoal (1.5 g/L), and increased
glutamine (1 g/L) plus hydrolyzed casein (0.5 g/L) as organic
nitrogen source and gelled with 2.5 g/L Gelrite .
14. Conversion culture medium constituted by basal media con-
taining 24.6 μM of 2-iP plus 0.44 μM of naphthalene acetic
acid and gelled with with 2.5 g/L Gelrite .
15. Expanded polystyrene trays, containing 5 × 5-cm cells.
16. Commercial substrate (e.g., PlantMax
® Paulinia, SP, Brazil,
electrical conductivity 1.5–2.0 dS/m) and carbonized rice
straw (1:1)
3 Methods
1. Remove the hard endocarp of the seeds to obtain the kernels
(i.e., zygotic embryo s enclosed in the endosperm ). Endocarp
can be easily removed without damaging the embryo by allow-
ing the former to dry slightly. Afterwards, let the seeds to
rehydrate in distilled water for further use.
2. Wash the kernels with running tap water and surface-sterilize
the hard endosperm with enclosed embryo by 1 min immer-
sion in 70 % ethanol, followed by 40-min soaking in the 40 %
bleach [
12 ].
3. Rinse the kernels with distilled-autoclaved water for at least
three times in the transfer hood.
4. Remove the zygotic embryo s (Fig.
2a ) from the endosperm in
the transfer hood with the help of a stereoscope.
5. Transfer the embryos to the induction culture medium I in
Petri dish.
6. After 1–2 weeks in culture, a swelling in the mesocotyl region
of the zygotic embryo will be observed. Histological analysis
has indicated that mitotic events occur in the subepidermic
tissue, mainly in cells adjacent to vascular bundles in the meso-
cotyl of the zygotic embryo [
12 ]. After 4 weeks, intense cel-
lular proliferation occurs in the cotyledonary blade showing
the fi rst globular structures onto the primary callus (Fig.
2b ).
These initial globular structures will further develop into small
clusters of somatic embryo s (Fig.
2c ).
7. After 3 months in culture, up to 27 % of primary calli develop
embryogenic callus using this method [
12 ] (Fig. 2d ).
8. All steps of induction and expression of somatic embryo gen-
esis are to be undertaken in the dark in a growth chamber at
25 ± 2 °C.
3.1 Somatic
from Zygotic Embryos
Douglas A. Steinmacher et al.
1. Collect infl orescences in the stage described above
2 ) from adult plants. Care should be taken to
avoid damaging the mother plant or the infl orescence. The
infl orescences must be promptly transported to the laboratory.
2. Remove the external spathes. Surface-sterilize the infl ores-
cences when they are still surrounded by the internal spathes
by immersion in 70 % ethanol for 5 min, following by air-
drying in aseptic conditions.
3. Remove the internal spathes (with a size of approximately
5–8 cm) obtaining the explant that is going to be dissected
3a ). Separate the isolated infl orescences in individual
rachillae and use them as explants ( see Note 3 ).
4. Place the dissected rachillae in culture tubes containing 25 mL
of pre-treatment liquid culture medium for 4 weeks with occa-
sional agitation.
3.2 Somatic
from Infl orescences
Fig. 2 Induction of somatic embryo genesis from peach palm zygotic embryo s. ( a ) Zygotic embryo s used as
primary explant source. ( b ) Initial development of callus showing the initial development of globular structures
( arrow ). ( c ) Further development of the globular structures into small clusters after 6-week culture. ( d )
Development of a cluster of somatic embryos ( arrows ) on the callus after 12 weeks of culture (reproduced
from Ref. 17 with permission from Oxford University Press)
Somatic Embryogenesis in Peach-Palm
5. Afterwards dissect the rachillae into slices 1–2 mm thick and
inoculate them into Petri dishes containing induction culture
medium II.
6. Distinct in vitro responses might be observed, including oxi-
dation of the explants, development of fl ower buds (Fig.
3b ),
dedifferentiation into actively growing tissue (Fig.
3c ), and
development of clusters of somatic embryo s (Fig.
3d ).
7. Up to 8 % of the explants can develop embryogenic callus after
32 weeks without subculturing [
4 ].
8. All steps of induction and expression of somatic embryo gen-
esis are to be undertaken in the dark in a growth chamber at
25 ± 2 °C.
Fig. 3 Somatic embryo genesis and plantlet regeneration from immature infl orescences of peach palm. ( a )
Immature infl orescences utilized as explant source (bar, 1 cm). ( b ) In vitro development of fl ower bud ( arrow )
(bar, 1 mm). ( c ) Non-organized cellular proliferation of explants (bar, 2.5 mm). ( d ) Somatic embryogenic induc-
tion: note the development of globular somatic embryo s ( thin arrow ) and nodular tissue ( thick arrow ) (bar,
2.5 mm) (reproduced from Ref. 4 with permission from Springer Science and Business Media)
Douglas A. Steinmacher et al.
1. Remove the zygotic embryo s as indicated in Subheading 3.1
and transfer them to culture tubes containing 10 mL growth
culture medium. Keep cultures at 26 ± 1 °C in a 16-h photo-
period, with 50–60 μmol m
−2 s
−1 provided by cool-white fl uo-
rescent lamps, until the plantlets reach 5–8 cm in height.
2. Remove the leaves, roots, any haustorial tissue and the most
external green leaf sheath of the plantlets. Section the remain-
ing embryo axis transversely in 0.7–1.0 mm slices to obtain
different histogenic layers (Fig.
4a ) ( see Note 4 ).
3. Inoculate the thin cell layer s in Petri dishes containing induc-
tion culture medium II.
4. Subculture to the same culture medium only after develop-
ment of callus is evident. Using this procedure, up to 43 % of
the explants can develop embryogenic callus [
10 ].
5. All steps for induction and expression of somatic embryo genesis
are to be undertaken in the dark in a growth chamber at 25 ± 2 °C.
3.3 Use of Thin Cell
Layers as Explants
to Induce Somatic
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram showing the origin of the explants utilized for the thin cell layer method ( dark scale
bar , 1.75 cm; white scale bar , 3 mm)
Somatic Embryogenesis in Peach-Palm
1. Embryogenic calli developed from any of the protocols
described above are similar and result in the development of
clusters of somatic embryo s; therefore, all might be further
cultured following the next steps.
2. Subdivide embryo clusters into smaller clusters of 5–8 somatic
embryo s before transferring to maturation conditions.
3. Transfer the embryo clusters to maturation culture medium
and incubate under dark conditions.
4. These cultures are subculture every 4 weeks in new fresh cul-
ture medium.
5. To convert mature somatic embryo s into plantlets, transfer them
to conversion culture medium in Petri dishes. Keep the cultures
at 25 ± 2 °C under a 16-h photoperiod (50–60 μmol m
−2 s
−1 pro-
vided by cool-white fl uorescent lamps) for 4 weeks.
6. Subsequently, transfer the plantlets to growth culture medium
until they are 6 cm tall, when they can be acclimatized.
7. For acclimatization remove plantlets from the culture vessel,
wash all culture medium remnants thoughtfully and prune the
root system to approximately 2 cm (Fig.
5a ). Transfer the plant-
lets to a commercial substrate in expanded polystyrene trays.
8. Allocate the trays inside a plastic box covered with glass
5b ) to allow the entry of light and reduce water loss.
Keep these plantlets under 16-h photoperiods with 100–
130 μmol m
−2 s
−1 light intensity provided by fl uorescent and
sodium vapor lamps in a growth chamber.
9. After 4 weeks start gradually opening the glass cover to increase
gas exchange and reduce relative humidity.
10. Transfer the plantlets to plastic bags containing the same sub-
strate and move them to the greenhouse with shading.
11. This acclimatization system presented high survival
(84.2 ± 6.4 %) after 16 week (Fig.
5c ) [ 13 ] .
3.4 Conversion
of Somatic Embryos
and Plantlet
Fig. 5 Acclimatization of peach palm plantlets. ( a ) Plantlets used for acclimatization and with pruned roots
(bar, 2.5 cm). ( b ) Apparatus utilized for acclimatization (bar, 12.5 cm). ( c ) Acclimatized plantlets (bar, 5 cm)
(reproduced from Ref. 12 with permission from Springer Science and Business Media)
Douglas A. Steinmacher et al.
4 Notes
1. Our practical experience suggests that most appropriate stage
is when fruits are changing from green color to its characteris-
tic ripe color (yellow to red). During this stage, low contami-
nation rate are observed and the explants respond promptly to
the in vitro conditions.
2. The infl orescences’ developmental stage on SE, these were
classifi ed as Infl 1, Infl 2, and Infl 3, according to the external
spathes’ size from 5 to 8, 8 to 12, and 12 to 16 cm, respec-
tively. According to [
16 ], these infl orescences are formed in
the axils of leaves 2–5, 6–9, and 10–15, respectively, where leaf
1 is the newest expanded leaf in the crown.
3. The rachis is naturally sterile inside when the internal spate is
intact and healthy. If the rachis appears to be oxidized or con-
taminated, low success rate is observed.
4. This explant source might also be obtained from off-shoots of
adult selected palm trees.
The authors thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior—CAPES, Ministry of Education
(Brasília, Brazil), the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científi co e Tecnológico—CNPq (Brasília, Brazil), Fundação
Araucária, (Curitiba, PR, Brazil), Parque Tecnológico da Itaipu- PTI
(Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil), and Consejo Nacional para
Investigaciones Científi cas y Tecnológicas (San José, Costa Rica),
for their support.
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13. Maciel SA, Fermino Junior PCP, da Silva RA,
Scherwinski-Pereira JE (2010) Morpho-
anatomical characterization of embryogenic
calluses from immature zygotic embryo of
peach palm during somatic embryogenesis.
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15. Morel G, Wetmore RH (1951) Fern callus tis-
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Douglas A. Steinmacher et al.
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_13, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 13
Somatic Embryogenesis: Still a Relevant Technique
in Citrus Improvement
Ahmad A. Omar , Manjul Dutt , Frederick G. Gmitter , and Jude W. Grosser
The genus Citrus contains numerous fresh and processed fruit cultivars that are economically important
worldwide. New cultivars are needed to battle industry threatening diseases and to create new marketing
opportunities. Citrus improvement by conventional methods alone has many limitations that can be over-
come by applications of emerging biotechnologies, generally requiring cell to plant regeneration. Many
citrus genotypes are amenable to somatic embryogenesis, which became a key regeneration pathway in
many experimental approaches to cultivar improvement. This chapter provides a brief history of plant
somatic embryogenesis with focus on citrus, followed by a discussion of proven applications in
biotechnology- facilitated citrus improvement techniques, such as somatic hybridization, somatic cybrid-
ization, genetic transformation, and the exploitation of somaclonal variation. Finally, two important new
protocols that feature plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis are provided: protoplast transforma-
tion and Agrobacterium -mediated transformation of embryogenic cell suspension cultures.
Key words Agrobacterium -mediated transformation , Cell suspension , Cybridization , Polyethylene
glycol ( PEG ) , Protoplast fusion , Protoplast transformation , Somaclonal variation , Somatic hybrid
1 Introduction
Citrus spp., native of South East Asia and China, are cultivated in
more than 100 countries, between approximately 40° N and 40° S
around the world. The genus Citrus has been recognized as one of
the most economically important fruit tree crops in the world. The
most commercially important Citrus species are oranges ( Citrus
sinensis L. Osbeck), tangerines ( Citrus unshiu Marc., Citrus nobilis
Lour., Citrus deliciosa Ten., Citrus reticulata Blanco and their
hybrids), lemons ( Citrus limon L. Burm. f.), limes ( Citrus auran-
tifolia Christm. Swing. and Citrus latifolia Tan.), and grapefruits
( Citrus paradisi Macf.). Fortunella , Poncirus , Microcitrus ,
Clymenia , and Eremocitrus are other genera of the family Rutaceae ,
related to Citrus . The importance of Citrus spp. is linked to their
economic value and to the nutritional proprieties of their fruits.
Moreover, Citrus spp. are connected to the social background of
the countries where they are grown, because many traditions, also
those related to the cookery, involve the use of Citrus fruits. Citrus
fruits are mostly eaten fresh, but a large part of the production,
mainly of grapefruits and oranges, is also used for juice extraction.
Furthermore, Citrus spp. are utilized in several fi elds, not only in
the food industry, such as the production of marmalades, candies,
etc., but also, due to their richness in essential oils and polyphe-
nols, in the cosmetic, fl avor, and pharmacy industries.
Although a high genetic variability is present in the genus
Citrus and its wild relatives, improvement by conventional breed-
ing is diffi cult because of various biological factors including ste-
rility [
1 ] self- and cross-incompatibility [ 2 ], widespread nucellar
embryony [
1 , 3 ], and long juvenile periods resulting in large plant
size at maturity. A consequence of these factors is the dearth of
information on genetic control of economically important traits
and rapid and effective screening procedures [
4 ]. Sweet orange
and grapefruit are important citrus species, and they are believed
to be interspecifi c hybrids, not true biological species [
5 , 6 ]. All
cultivars within these species have arisen via somatic mutation,
either bud-sport or nucellar-seedling variants [
7 ], and not sexual
hybridization; intraspecifi c hybridization results in weak or invia-
ble hybrid progeny (indicative of inbreeding depression) that gen-
erally produces fruit unlike those of the parents. The hybrid
orange cultivar Ambersweet, which originated by hybridization of
a mandarin × tangelo hybrid with sweet orange [
8 ], may be the
only exception.
Advances in in vitro tissue culture and improvements in molec-
ular techniques offer new opportunities for developing novel citrus
cultivars as some of these technologies can overcome the limita-
tions of sexual hybridization. For example, somatic hybrid ization
can create new combinations that were previously impossible
because of sterility or sexual incompatibility. By using this tech-
nique, improved varieties of citrus and unique new breeding par-
ents, for scion as well as for rootstocks, can be produced. This
technique consists of combining complementary parents with the
purpose of transferring desired traits to new plants such as resis-
tance to Phytophthora , citrus canker, citrus greening (HLB), citrus
variegated chlorosis, blight, and drought [
9 , 10 ]. Selecting somatic
mutations or genetic transformation allow the modifi cation of very
few traits while retaining the essential characterization that typifi es
specifi c cultivar or cultivars groups. These techniques often require
somatic embryo genesis for effi cient plant recovery. This chapter
will review somatic embryogenesis, and discuss applications of
in vitro biotechnologies and their protocols by utilizing somatic
embryogenesis in plant recovery, that can be used to obtain useful
new genetic combinations for citrus improvement.
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
Somatic embryo genesis is defi ned as the differentiation of somatic
cells into somatic embryo s which show several distinct characteris-
tics [
11 ], including similarity to the developmental stages of
zygotic embryo genesis : bipolar structure presenting shoot and
root meristems, a closed tracheal system separated from the mater-
nal tissue, and frequently single-cell origin with production of spe-
cifi c proteins. Somatic embryos play an important role in many
elds, particularly for large-scale vegetative propagation. This mor-
phogenic process, that can occur with the formation of embryos
emerging directly from explants (direct somatic embryogenesis,
DSE), or after the formation of callus (indirect somatic embryo-
genesis, ISE), has been reported in several species [
12 , 13 ]. Somatic
embryos developing via DSE are formed from competent explant
cells which, contrary to ISE, are able to undergo embryogenesis
without dedifferentiation, i.e., callus formation. It is believed that
both processes are extremes of one continuous developmental
pathway [
14 ]. Distinguishing between DSE and ISE can be diffi -
cult [
15 ], and both processes have been observed to occur simul-
taneously under the same tissue culture conditions [
16 ]. Secondary
somatic embryos can arise cyclically from the surface of primary
somatic embryos, often at a much higher effi ciency for many plant
species [
17 , 18 ]. Some cultures are able to retain their competence
for secondary embryogenesis for many years and thus provide use-
ful material for various studies, as described for Vitis ruperis [
19 ].
It is possible to induce somatic embryogenesis using different types
of culture media, environmental conditions and explants including
seedlings and their fragments, petioles, leaves, roots, shoot meri-
stems, seeds, cotyledons, anthers, pistils, and zygotic embryos.
Immature zygotic embryos present the most frequently applied
source of embryogenic cells which have been employed in most of
the established protocols. Immature zygotic embryos made possible
the induction of SE in plant species which, for many years, had been
considered to be recalcitrant, viz grasses [
20 ] and conifers [ 21 ].
By 1995 tissue culture conditions for SE induction had been
described for over 200 plant species [
17 ]; increasing numbers of
protocols were published after that. The most frequent mode of
embryogenesis is via callus formation, which is an indirect type of
The interest in somatic embryo genesis is due to several factors
such as high regeneration effi ciency and the infrequent appearance
of somaclonal variation [
22 ]. Somatic embryo genesis has a key role
in in vitro clonal propagation for plant mass propagation, as well as
for germplasm conservation and exchange, cryopreservation to
establish gene banks, sanitation, metabolite production, and syn-
thetic seed production. The application of synthetic seed technol-
ogy to Citrus has been reported for somatic embryos of Citrus
reshni , Citrus reticulata Blanco (cv Avana and cv Mandarino
Tardivo di Ciaculli), Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. (cv Monreal
1.1 Somatic
in Plants
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
and cv Nules), a lemon hybrid [ 23 , 24 ], and Kinnow mandarin [ 25 ].
Moreover, in vitro conservation of several Citrus species using
encapsulation –dehydration technology of cryopreservation has
also been reported [
26 , 27 ].
Plant regeneration systems that limit or avoid genetic chime-
rism in regenerants are of special value for biotechnologies that
combine tissue culture with genetic transformation or mutant
induction and selection. Genetic modifi cation is a unicellular event,
and hence regeneration from multicellular centers frequently
results in the formation of genetic chimeras. A high probability for
the single cell origin of regenerants is what provides for ideal
SE. The classical conception of SE is based on the unicellular ori-
gin of somatic embryo s [
28 ], and this mode of somatic embryo
development was the most frequently noticed in embryogenic cell
suspension s of D. carota [
29 ]. However, single-cell origin of
somatic embryos is not the rule, and even in a model system such
as embryonic cell suspension of Daucus carota , development of
embryos from a group of cells cannot be excluded [
30 ].
Development of somatic embryos from more than one cell has in
fact been reported in several plant systems. Moreover, both a mul-
ticellular and a unicellular origin of somatic embryos in the same
regeneration system is quite a common phenomenon, as was
observed in several species including Musa spp. [
31 ], Cocos nucifera
32 ], Santalum album and S. spicatum [ 33 ], and H. vulgare [ 34 ].
It is believed that somatic embryos originated from a single cell
displayed normal morphology of “single embryo” while aberrant,
multiple embryos are derived from a group of cells [
35 37 ].
Numerous published protocols on successful SE induction and
plant regeneration in different plant species, suggest that SE could
be achieved for additional plant species provided that appropriate
explant and culture conditions are employed, although progress
will probably remain slow with the more recalcitrant woody
The establishment of effi cient embryogenic cultures has become
an integral part of plant biotechnology as regeneration of trans-
genic plants in most of the important crops (such as canola , cas-
sava, cereals, cotton, soybean, and various woody tree species) is
dependent on the formation of somatic embryo s. One of the most
attractive features of embryogenic cultures is that plants derived
from them are predominantly normal and devoid of any pheno-
typic or genotypic variation, possibly because they are often derived
from single cells and there is stringent selection during embryo-
genesis in favor of normal cells [
38 ]. Embryogenic cultures were
rst described in callus and suspension cultures of carrot by Reinert
39 ] and Steward et al. [ 40 ], respectively. In the following decades
with increasing understanding of the physiological and genetic
regulation of zygotic as well as somatic embryogenesis, embryogenic
1.1.1 Somatic
Embryogenesis Protocol
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
cultures had been obtained on chemically defi ned media in a wide
variety of species [
38 ]. In most instances the herbicidal synthetic
auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was required for the
initiation of embryogenic cultures; somatic embryos develop when
such cultures are transferred to media containing very low amounts
of 2,4-D or no 2,4-D at all.
During the 1950s a number of attempts were made to demon-
strate the totipotency of plant cells. The fi rst evidence of the pos-
sibility that single cells of higher plants could be cultured in
isolation was provided by Muir et al. [
41 ], who obtained sustained
cell divisions in single cells of tobacco placed on a small square of
lter paper resting on an actively growing callus, which served as a
nurse tissue. Similar results were obtained by Bergmann [
42 ] who
plated single cells and cell groups suspended in an agar medium.
Further progress was made by Jones et al. [
43 ], who were able to
culture single isolated cells in a conditioned medium in specially
designed microculture chambers. Direct and unequivocal evidence
of the totipotency of plant cells was fi nally provided by Vasil and
Hildebrandt [
44 , 45 ], who regenerated fl owering plants of tobacco
from isolated single cells cultured in microchambers, without the
aid of nurse cells or conditioned media. Up to date, in vitro culture
techniques have enabled plant regeneration from over 1000 differ-
ent species [
46 ], following two alternative morphogenetic path-
ways, shoot organogenesis (SO) or SE. Both morphogenic
pathways, SE and SO, may be induced simultaneously in the same
tissue culture conditions [
47 ]. Thus, differentiation between SE
and SO can sometimes be diffi cult, and even a detailed comparative
histological analysis of the morphogenic process can only suggest
an embryo-like origin of developing structures [
48 ]. However, SE
and SO can be separated in space and time [
49 , 50 ] with the use of
appropriate medium composition, mainly type or concentration of
plant growth regulator s (PGRs).
The application of in vitro systems based on SE for plant regen-
eration is determined not only by a high effi ciency of somatic
embryo formation, but frequently depends on capacity of the
embryos for complete plant development. The process of develop-
mental changes, which a somatic embryo undergoes, is called
conversion ”, and it involves the formation of primary roots, a
shoot meristem with a leaf primordium and greening of hypocotyls
and cotyledons [
51 ]. In numerous systems, in spite of the high
number of somatic embryos produced, problems with a lack or a
low frequency of embryo conversion into plants has occurred. To
stimulate embryo conversion, and to improve the effi ciency of
plant regeneration, a number of different strategies have been
tested. Gibberellic acid ( GA
3 ) is frequently employed in media
used for somatic embryo conversion. It should be stressed that in
some systems, abnormal morphology of somatic embryos did not
decrease the chances of development into normal plants [
52 54 ].
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
In a plant seed the embryo is generally formed following the fusion
of gametes from two parents during fertilization . However, some
species form embryos in the seed without fertilization. This kind of
reproduction is termed apomixis by which somatic cell-derived
embryos develop in a seed. Apomixis is a fairly uncommon trait in
plants, but approximately 400 species exhibit this type of propaga-
tion in nature [
55 ]. Apomixis is classifi ed into apospory, diplo-
spory, and adventitious embryony according to the developmental
process of somatic embryo(s). In apospory and diplospory, apo-
mictic embryo(s) develop megagametophytic structure without
meiotic reduction, which is widely observed in grass species. On
the other hand, in adventitious embryony as observed in citrus and
mango ( Mangifera indica L.), somatic embryos are directly initi-
ated from nucellar cells in ovule tissue [
56 ]. In citrus, polyembry-
ony, specifi cally adventitious embryony, is a common reproductive
phenomenon. Some cultivars develop many embryos in a seed,
such as Satsuma mandarin ( Citrus unshiu ) and Ponkan ( Citrus
reticulata ) which form 20 or more embryos in a seed. In contrast,
monoembryonic cultivars (e.g., Clementine , Citrus clementina ,
and Kinokuni mandarin, Citrus kinokuni ) form only a single,
zygotically derived embryo in each seed [
57 ]. Apomixis has great
potential as a breeding technology because introduction of apo-
mixis into non-apomictic plants enables clonal propagation with
genetically true seeds from hybrids. The potential economic ben-
efi t of incorporation of apomixis in rice was estimated to exceed
US $2.5 billion per annum [
58 ]. Because of its economic potential
as a breeding technology, genomics-based approaches have been
applied to identify the gene responsible for apomixes [
59 , 60 ].
Somatic embryo genesis is particularly attractive in citrus because
many cultivars and accessions have the capacity for nucellar embry-
ony [
61 ]. Somatic embryogenesis has been induced directly in cul-
tured nucelli [
62 ] and undeveloped ovules [ 63 , 64 ] or indirectly
via callus formation [
65 69 ]. Embryogenesis has also been induced
from endosperm -derived callus [
70 ], juice vesicles [ 71 ], anthers
72 , 73 ], and styles [ 74 77 ].
In order to apply the techniques of modern plant biotechnology
to citrus breeding, it is necessary to develop reliable and effi cient
plant tissue culture procedures for plant regeneration (Fig.
1 ).
In citrus, the production of embryogenic callus lines have been
reported from the culture of excised nucelli [
78 ], abortive ovules
79 ], unfertilized ovules [ 80 ], undeveloped ovules [ 64 ], isolated
nucellar embryos [
81 ], Satsuma juice vesicles [ 71 ], anthers [ 82 ],
styles and stigmas of different species of citrus [
75 , 83 ], as well as
from leaves, epicotyls, cotyledons and root segments of in vitro
grown nucellar seedling of C. reticulata Blanco [
84 ]. The embryo-
genic potential of citrus varies with genotype and type of explant.
One important application of this technique is the production of
1.1.2 Somatic
Embryogenesis in Citrus
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
virus-free citrus plants through somatic embryo genesis from
undeveloped ovules of some citrus species [
79 , 85 ]. Somatic
embryo s, embryogenic callus and cell cultures recovered from
in vitro cultured ovules have also been used to develop cryopreser-
vation strategies for germplasm conservation [
86 ], to generate
somaclonal variation [
87 ], and for protoplast fusion technologies
to generate somatic hybrid s and cybrids [
4 , 9 , 88 , 89 ]. Many citrus
species are found responsive to culture on a basal medium supple-
mented with malt extract , but embryogenesis has been enhanced
by the addition of other growth substances.
Fig. 1 Somatic embryo genesis in citrus. ( a ) Citrus ovules, ( b ) ovule derived embryogenic callus, ( c ) embryogenic
callus, ( d ) embryogenic cell suspension cultures, ( e ) protoplast derived micro-calli, ( f ) callus derived somatic
embryo s, ( g , h ) small-medium somatic embryos on cellulose acetate fi lter papers, ( i ) enlarged embryos on
EME- maltose medium, ( j ) enlarged embryos and shoots on 1500 medium, ( k ) small plantlet on B+ medium,
( l ) plantlets on rooting medium
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
Anther culture is a commonly used method to produce
haploids and doubled-haploids in Citrus , as well as in other fruit
crops [
90 92 ]. Citrus anther culture produced also somatic
embryo - derived regenerants in C. aurantium [
82 , 93 ], C. sinensis ,
C. aurantifolia [
94 ], C. madurensis [ 95 ], C. reticulata [ 93 , 96 ],
Poncirus trifoliata , the hybrid No. 14 of C. ichangensis × C. reticulata
97 ] and C. paradisi . While the somatic embryogenesis capacity of
Citrus has been found to vary with the cultivar and type of explant,
regeneration methods that involve the use of embryogenic callus
of nucellar origin (polyembryonic types) generally provide the
best results. Unfortunately, these systems either fail or provide
only poor results with monoembryonic species that produce only
zygotic embryo s. Kobayashi et al. [
98 ] cultured the ovules of 23
monoembryonic cultivars and never obtained nucellar embryos.
The selection of elite citrus plants is essential for the development
of effi cient systems of somatic embryo genesis. For these purposes,
explants should be collected from selected elite specimens that are
visibly free from any symptoms of disease, stress or spontaneous
mutations (i.e., variegated fruits and leaves, variation in color, size
and shape of fruits, and various other plant abnormalities). Carimi
99 ] addressed several points to bear in mind when deciding upon
the choice of explant, i.e., (1) callus formation appears to depend
on the status of the tissue, (2) callus initiation occurs more readily
in tissues that are still juvenile, and (3) explants must contain liv-
ing cells. When fl oral tissues and fruits are old, chances of callus
and embryo formation from undeveloped ovules, stigma, or style
explants decrease. Stigma and styles derived from immature fl ow-
ers and undeveloped ovules from unripe fruits have higher
embryogenic potential s, although embryogenic callus lines have
been successfully initiated also from the undeveloped ovules of
mature fruits.
The composition of the media used for in vitro regeneration of
citrus somatic embryo s is based on the inorganic salts recom-
mended by Murashige and Skoog [
100 ] and on the organic com-
pounds suggested by Murashige and Tucker [
101 ]. Sucrose
(50 g/L) is usually used as the carbon source. When needed,
growth regulators can be added directly to the medium before or
after autoclaving. The pH of the medium is generally adjusted to
5.8. Normally, 8 g/L agar is used to solidify media for citrus tissue
culture. After preparing the media, it could be stored at room tem-
perature for several weeks before use. Starrantino and Russo [
64 ]
rst reported somatic embryogenesis from undeveloped ovule cul-
ture. The percentage of embryogenic explants ranges from 0 % to
70 %, depending on the genotype. As mentioned, this regeneration
procedure does not work with monoembryonic genotypes [
102 ]
(for more details about how to initiate somatic embryogenesis
including embryogenic callus and suspension lines from undeveloped
1.1.3 Source of Explants
to Initiate Somatic
Embryos in Citrus
1.1.4 Somatic Embryo
Induction and Growth
Media in Citrus
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
ovule culture, see [ 9 , 10 , 103 ]). EBA (MT basal medium plus
0.01 mg/L 2,4-D and 0.1 mg/L 6-BAP) and DOG (MT basal
medium plus 5 mg/L kinetin) media are often used for embryo-
genic callus induction [
103 ].
Somaclonal variation , first defined and reviewed by Larkin and
Scowcroft [
104 ], is a commonly observed phenomenon in cell and
tissue cultures of different species regardless of the regeneration
system used [
105 ]. This variation involves changes in both nuclear
and cytoplasmic genomes, and their character can be of genetic or
epigenetic nature [
22 ]. Mechanisms which determine somaclonal
variation [
106 108 ], as well as the advantages and drawbacks of
in vitro produced plant variants [
109 111 ], have been widely dis-
cussed. The identification of valuable somaclonal variants holds
great promise for cultivar improvement, especially for the citrus
species that are difficult to manipulate by sexual hybridization [
4 ].
Somaclonal variation has been observed in citrus plants regener-
ated from nucellar callus of monoembryonic “ Clementine ” man-
darin [
85 ]. Callus lines have been selected for salt tolerance [ 112 ,
113 ] and regenerated into plantlets; however, regenerated plantlets
lacked internodes and hence could not be propagated further [
114 ].
C. limon embryogenic culture lines resistant to “mal secco” toxin
were selected. These lines produced somatic embryo s, which
retained resistance to the toxin [
115 ]. “Femminello” lemon
somaclones have also been evaluated for tolerance to mal secco by
artificial inoculation [
116 ]. Somaclones of “Hamlin,” “Valencia,”
“Vernia,” and “OLL” (Orie Lee Late) sweet oranges have been
obtained via regeneration from callus, suspension cultures, and/or
protoplasts, obtained via somatic embryogenesis, in efforts to
improve processing and fresh market sweet oranges [
87 , 117 ].
Significant variation has been observed in fruit maturity date, juice
quality, seed content and clonal stability. The University of Florida,
Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (UF/IFAS), through
Florida Foundation Seed Producers (FFSP), has released several
improved sweet oranges regenerated using the somatic embryo-
genesis pathway, such as “Valencia protoclone SF14W-62”
® -U.S. Patent PP21,535, selected for 6–8 weeks early
maturity date), “Valencia protoclones N7-3” (U.S. Patent
PP21,224 and T2-21, seedlessness and late maturity), “Hamlin
protoclone N13-32” (improved juice color), and somaclones
“OLL-4” and “OLL-8” (high yield and juice quality, clonal stability).
We are also evaluating several hundred lemon somaclones (derived
from multiple commercial lemon cultivars) for fruit rind oil con-
tent and seed content. We have identified several seedless soma-
clones and somaclones that consistently yield more oil per unit of
rind surface area (Gmitter, Grosser and Castle, unpublished data).
It is clear that useful genetic variation can be obtained from
large enough populations of somatic embryogenesis-regenerated
1.2 Applications
of SE in Cultivar
Improvement of Citrus
1.2.1 Generation
of Somaclonal Variation
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
As mentioned above, new cultivars of sweet orange have been
developed from populations of plants regenerated from proto-
plasts via somatic embryo genesis (protoclones) (Fig.
1 ). In plant
tissue culture history, embryogenic cell culture and the develop-
ment of protoplast technologies that require plant recovery are
closely linked. Although progress in the development of proto-
plast technologies has been made in other woody tree species,
including the regeneration of somatic embryos from protoplasts
isolated from embryogenic cells of Pinus taeda and Picea glauca
118 120 ], citrus has been the true model system in this regard
primarily due to its robust ability for somatic embryogenesis.
The limited range of the explant source from which morphoge-
netically competent tissues can be obtained has limited success
with protoplast culture in other tree species. Methods for the iso-
lation and culture of Citrus protoplasts from embryogenic callus
and suspension cultures, and subsequent plant regeneration are
well developed [
9 , 10 , 89 , 103 , 121 123 ]. Protoplast fusion tech-
niques have been used to generate somatic hybrid plants from
more than 500 parental combinations, including more than 300
from our laboratory (for reviews, see ref. [
4 , 9 , 10 , 88 , 124 ]).
As a by-product of protoplast fusion , hundreds of diploid cybrid
citrus plants have also been regenerated via somatic embryogene-
sis [
125 , 126 ]. Protoplasts have also been proven to be very useful
in the genetic transformation of plants [
127 130 ], including eco-
nomically important cereals [
131 ]. Once again, citrus has led the
way with genetic transformation of protoplasts among woody
fruit trees, with transformed plant recovery due to robust somatic
embryogenesis [
129 , 132 ].
The complex 8P protoplast culture medium of Kao and Michayluk
133 ] has been used for successful protoplast culture and plant
regeneration from embryogenic cultures of several plant species.
The success of this complex medium is probably due to the appro-
priate concentrations of the multivitamin, organic acid, and sugar/
alcohol additives that are combined with the basal medium formu-
lation. These additives seem to provide additional buffering capac-
ity and reduce the environmental stress on protoplasts by providing
required metabolic intermediates needed to sustain adequate cell
viability and totipotency . However, optimal basal tissue culture
media have been developed for most plant genera, and an effi cient
protoplast culture medium may be developed for a particular genus
by simply supplementing the optimal basal medium with 8P mul-
tivitamin, organic acid, and sugar/alcohol additives. This approach
has been successful for Trifolium [
134 , 135 ] and Citrus [ 9 ].
Reducing or eliminating the ammonia content of the basal medium
has also been useful. Most basal media contain high levels of
4 NO
3 that can often be toxic to protoplasts. Glutamine or
3 )
2 have been found to be good alternative sources of N in
1.2.2 Protoplast
Regeneration via Somatic
1.2.3 Protoplast Isolation
and Culture
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
embryogenic suspension culture and protoplast culture media, as
demonstrated in H+H suspension culture medium and BH3
protoplast medium of citrus [
9 ], as well as in Populus protoplast
media [
136 ]. Vardi et al. [ 137 ] reported the fi rst example of suc-
cessful citrus protoplast isolation and culture, followed by callus
formation and embryo differentiation. Subsequently, numerous
Citrus species have been regenerated from protoplasts via somatic
embryo genesis [
124 ]. Ohgawara et al. [ 138 ] obtained for the fi rst
time somatic hybrid s of citrus regenerated via somatic embryogen-
esis, involving Citrus ( C. sinensis and Poncirus trifoliata ). Citrus
protoplasts can be isolated from different sources including
embryogenic cells (cultured on either solid or liquid media), non-
embryogenic callus, and leaves. Embryogenic cell cultures (on
solid or liquid media) yield protoplasts with the best potential for
proliferation and embryo regeneration. Leaves are another often
utilized source for protoplast isolation in Citrus , because leaf
protoplasts are generally easy to isolate and large amounts of pro-
toplasts are produced; however, they are not totipotent and do not
develop into somatic embryos. In vitro cultured nucellar seedlings
are becoming more commonly used as a source of leaf material for
protoplast isolation, as this source eliminates the need for harsh
decontamination. Leaf protoplasts are often used in somatic fusions
with embryogenic culture protoplasts, where the latter provides
the capacity for somatic embryogenesis and plant recovery in
somatic hybrids and cybrids . Embryogenic callus or suspension
cultures used for protoplast isolation should be in the log phase of
growth at the time of isolation. Friable tissue with low starch con-
tent generally gives the best results. Citrus embryogenic cultures
often require continual subculturing for long periods before they
reach adequate friability and appropriate starch levels for proto-
plast manipulation. Transferring Citrus callus to glutamine -
containing media can sometimes reduce the starch content of cells
to appropriate levels for protoplast isolation [
9 , 10 , 103 ]. A proce-
dure for the induction of suspension cultures from embryogenic
calli has been previously described [
9 , 10 , 103 , 139 ]. Suspension
cultures offer several distinct advantages over stationary cultures,
especially when conducting multiple experiments requiring large
volumes of explant. Suspension cultures quickly generated needed
volumes of explant for multiple experiments, and rapidly growing
suspension cells have thinner cell wall s that are more amenable to
enzyme digestion. Combining an enzyme solution (generally con-
taining cellulose and macerase) with a complex protoplast culture
medium may reduce stress on protoplasts during isolation and
thereby increase viability. We prefer maintaining suspension cul-
tures on a 2-week subculture cycle, with optimum protoplast isola-
tions occurring at days 4–12, when suspension cultures are in the
log phase of growth.
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
Somatic hybrid ization allows production of somatic hybrid s that
incorporate genomes of the two parents with little or no recombi-
nation, but with increased heterozygosity in the resulting poly-
ploidy hybrids [
140 ]. Somatic hybridization in citrus relies on the
process of somatic embryo genesis for plant regeneration. In citrus,
this technology has been extensively used and has important appli-
cations in both scion and rootstock improvement [
124 ]. The first
successful protoplast isolations were reported as early as 1982
123 ], and the first citrus somatic hybrid was obtained between
C. sinensis and P. trifoliata [
138 ]. These results encouraged the
development and incorporation of somatic hybridization tech-
niques into the citrus breeding programs in several countries [
9 ].
Somatic hybridization has made it possible to hybridize commercial
citrus with citrus relatives that possess valuable attributes, thus
broadening the germplasm base available for rootstock improve-
ment [
141 ]. Somatic hybrids have been developed and established
at the Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida,
USA for three decades to improve citrus scions and rootstocks [
9 ,
10 , 124 ]. The most important contribution somatic hybridization
can make to citrus breeding programs is the creation of unique
tetraploid breeding parents.
We have used somatic hybrid ization to create new tetraploid
somatic hybrids that combine elite diploid scion material as tetra-
ploid breeding parents being used in interploid hybridization
schemes to develop seedless and easy-to-peel new mandarin vari-
eties [
142 ], and in grapefruit/pummelo and acid fruit improve-
ment (lemons/limes) [
10 , 143 ]. The fi rst seedless triploid mandarin
from this program (C4-15-19, from a cross of “LB8-9” with a
somatic hybrid of “Nova” mandarin hybrid + “Succari” sweet
orange), was recently released by UF/IFAS for commercialization.
This is the fi rst released triploid citrus cultivar fathered by a
somatic hybrid. The majority of somatic hybrid breeding parents
produced for scion improvement have been from fusions of two
polyembryonic parents. In this case, the somatic hybrid can only
be effi ciently used as a pollen parent in interploid crosses. Using
this approach, we have produced several thousand triploid hybrids
fathered by somatic hybrids. Interploid crosses utilizing a mono-
embryonic diploid female parent and a tetraploid male parent
require embryo rescue for triploid plant recovery because embryos
do not complete normal development, presumably as a conse-
quence of endosperm :embryo ploidy level balance. By contrast,
interploid crosses utilizing a monoembryonic tetraploid females
do not require embryo rescue [
10 ]. Somatic hybrid s produced
by the fusion of a polyembryonic embryogenic parent with a
monoembryonic leaf parent are frequently monoembryonic.
We have recently effi ciently recovered triploid progeny by simply
planting fully developed seeds from interploid crosses involving the
1.2.4 Somatic
Scion Improvement
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
following monoembryonic somatic hybrid females in our breeding
program: “Succari” sweet orange + “Hirado Buntan” pummelo,
“Murcott” + “Chandler” sdlg.#80, “Murcott” + “Chandler” sdlg.
A-1-11 (grapefruit/pummelo improvement), “Santa Teresa”
lemon + “Lakeland Limequat” (lemon improvement), and
“W. Murcott” + UF03-B (“For tune” × “Murcott”) (mandarin
improvement) (J.W. Grosser, unpublished information). Thus, our
future somatic hybridization work will focus more on production
of monoembryonic somatic hybrids. Creation of triploid citrus
hybrids directly by electrofusion of haploid and diploid protoplasts
is also promising [
144 ].
Numerous allotetraploid somatic hybrid s via protoplast fusion
with plant recovery by somatic embryo genesis, which combine
complementary diploid rootstocks, have been produced [
9 ]. These
hybrids have direct rootstock potential [
145 ], but their most
important contribution may be their use as breeding parents in
rootstock crosses at the tetraploid level. We initiated tetraploid
rootstock breeding around the year 2000, and since this time hun-
dreds of zygotic allotetraploids (“tetrazygs”) have been obtained.
This approach is quite powerful genetically, because the alleles
from four rootstock genotypes can be recombined simultaneously,
creating a wealth of genetic diversity in progeny. Resulting allotet-
raploid rootstock candidates have been screened for tolerance to
the Diaprepes / Phytophthora complex [
117 , 87 ], salinity [ 145 ], and
now HLB (Huanglongbing or citrus greening), all with promising
results. With the cost of citrus production and harvesting increas-
ing over time, there has been greater emphasis on developing root-
stocks to facilitate Advanced Citrus Production Systems (ACPS),
that reduce tree size to make orchard management and crop har-
vesting more effi cient and also to bring young trees into economi-
cally valuable production earlier. We learned early on that tetraploid
rootstocks, especially allotetraploid somatic hybrids, always have
some capacity to reduce tree size, even from somatic hybrids pro-
duced between two vigorous parents [
10 , 145 ]. Through multiple
eld trials, we have identifi ed some somatic hybrid and “tetrazyg”
rootstock hybrids that have combined desirable horticultural attri-
butes, disease resistance and stress tolerance traits, and confer vary-
ing degrees of tree size control [
10 ]. UF/IFAS has recently “fast
track” released 17 new rootstock selections to the Florida industry
for large scale evaluation that include one somatic hybrid and six
“tetrazyg” allotetraploid hybrids. The release additional improved
allotetraploid rootstocks can be expected in the near future.
Cybrids combine the nucleus of a species with alien cytoplas-
mic organelles [
126 , 146 ]. Cybridization could be a valuable
method for improvement of various crops that would be in the
non-regulated category of genetically modified organisms.
Rootstock Improvement
1.2.5 Somatic
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
The first cybrids in citrus were created by the “donor–recipient”
method [
147 ]. The phenomenon of cybridization in citrus
also occurs as an accidental by-product of somatic hybrid iza-
tion via protoplast fusion [
125 , 148 ]. The general somatic
hybridization model of fusing embryogenic culture cell proto-
plasts with leaf protoplasts often yields diploid plants with the
morphology of the leaf parent. These plants have always, with-
out exception, been validated as cybrids, as citrus leaf proto-
plasts are not capable of plant regeneration. Such cybrids
always have the mitochondrial (mt) genome of the embryo-
genic suspension/callus parent, whereas the chloroplast (cp)
genome is randomly inherited. Thus, recovered cybrid plants
are regenerated via somatic embryo genesis. Moreira et al.
148 ] found that embryogenic suspension culture cells gener-
ally have four times more mt per cell than do leaf cells and
hypothesized that the extra mt acquired by the cybrid cells is
necessary to satisfy the high energy demand of the somatic
embryogenesis pathway of regeneration. This phenomenon
has been exploited to produce targeted cybrids. One approach
for cultivar improvement has been to transfer of cytoplasmic
male sterility (CMS) from “Satsuma” mandarin to other elite
but seedy scions via cybridization. This approach has the
potential to make existing popular cultivars less seedy, without
altering the cultivar integrity in any other way [
126 , 146 ].
This technique has only been partially successful in our experi-
ence; for example, we have produced cybrid “Sunburst” man-
darin clones that have less than half the normal seed content of
“Sunburst”, but still too many seeds to label them as seedless
(JW Grosser, unpublished information). However, these cybrid
“Sunburst” trees produce a fruit that is easier to peel and with
better flavor than traditional “Sunburst.” Accidental cybrids of
“Ruby Red” and “Duncan” grapefruit, both containing the mt
genome from “Dancy” mandarin, have also been produced
from separate experiments. In both cases, the fruit from cybrid
trees has improved characteristics, including significantly
higher brix and brix/acid ratios, and an extended harvesting
season that extends well into the summer with no vivipary or
fruit drying (Satpute et al., submitted). UF/IFAS has released
the first cybrid citrus cultivar, namely the N2-28 cybrid “Ruby
Red” grapefruit, from this work. We are also attempting to
utilize cybrid technology for improving disease resistance in
existing cultivars. The mt genome of kumquat ( Fortunella
crassifolia Swingle) is purported to contain a gene for citrus
canker resistance. Citrus canker disease has caused significant
damage to the Florida grapefruit industry. We have initiated an
embryogenic suspension culture of “Meiwa” kumquat and
performed fusions with leaf protoplasts of grapefruit cultivars
“White Marsh,” “Flame” (red) and a dark red somaclone N11-11.
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
Multiple diploid plants from each fusion combination exhibiting
grapefruit morphology have been regenerated and their cybrid
nature confirmed by mitochondrial intron marker analysis [
149 ].
Cp genome inheritance analysis in these plants is currently under-
way. These cybrid grapefruit plants are being propagated for a can-
ker challenge assay to determine if the transfer of the kumquat mt
genome can indeed improve their resistance to citrus canker.
Genetic transformation has become an attractive alternative
method for improving plant species including citrus, because it is
possible to maintain cultivar integrity while adding a single trait.
Exploiting the process of somatic embryo genesis, citrus can be
transformed either directly from embryogenic cell suspension
cultures or indirectly from isolated protoplasts. Embryogenic cells
are usually treated with an Agrobacterium culture followed by
selection and regeneration of transgenic plants. Plant protoplasts
are commonly transformed using the polyethylene glycol ( PEG )-
mediated DNA uptake process, and less frequently using electro-
poration. The PEG-mediated DNA transfer can be readily adapted
to a wide range of plant species and tissue sources. In this chapter
we describe an effi cient, protoplast-based citrus-transformation
system that could be routinely used to transform several important
polyembryonic citrus cultivars that feature robust somatic embryo-
genesis, including important processing sweet oranges and the
popular mandarin cultivar W. Murcott.
The fi rst reports of citrus transformation began to appear more
than two and half decades ago [
150 152 ]. Over time, citrus trans-
formation effi ciency has been increased due to continual
improvements in Agrobacterium -mediated methodology and pro-
toplast transformation system, as well as the selection techniques of
the transgenic events. In citrus, the common method of transfor-
mation is Agrobacterium -mediated transformation of stem pieces
(mostly nucellar seedling internodes). This method works best
with seedy polyembryonic cultivars and uses adventitious shoot
induction (organogenesis) as the regeneration pathway. However,
many important citrus cultivars are commercially seedless (zero to
ve seeds per fruit) or totally seedless, which makes it diffi cult or
impossible to obtain adequate nucellar seedling explants for
Agrobacterium -mediated transformation. Other limitations of
Agrobacterium -mediated citrus transformation include inadequate
susceptibility to Agrobacterium infection and ineffi cient plant
regeneration via adventitious shoot-bud induction in certain com-
mercially important cultivars, particularly mandarins. Finally, there
are signifi cant Intellectual Property issues with the use of the com-
mon Agrobacterium -mediated method.
Direct delivery of free DNA molecules into plant protoplasts
has been well documented [
153 ]. Several factors could affect
the effi ciency of free DNA delivery systems, including plasmid
1.3 Citrus
Involving Somatic
1.3.1 Protoplast
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
DNA concentration and form, carrier DNA, and treatment and
pretreatment buffers. The delivery of foreign genes into proto-
plasts is usually carried out by electroporation [
154 ] or treatment
with polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) [
130 , 155 ] (Fig. 2 ). The PEG-
mediated transformation is simple and effi cient, allowing a
Fig. 2 GFP selection in protoplast/GFP transformation system. ( a ) protoplasts expressing GFP 24 h after
transformation, ( b ) protoplast derived micro-calli (transformed and non-transformed) under blue light ,
( c ) protoplast derived micro-calli (transformed and non-transformed) under white light , ( d ) transgenic ( green )
and non- transgenic ( red ) somatic embryo s under blue light , ( e ) transgenic ( green ) and non-transgenic ( yel-
low ) somatic embryos under white light , ( f ) transgenic ( green ) and non-transgenic ( red ) somatic embryos
under blue light , ( g ) enlarged transgenic embryo expressing GFP, ( h , i ) transgenic somatic embryo derived
shoots, ( j ) non- transformed shoot, ( k ) micrografting of transgenic shoot onto non-transgenic rootstock, ( l ) GFP
expression in root
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
simultaneous processing of many samples, and yields a transformed
cell population with high survival and division rates [
156 ]. The
method utilizes inexpensive supplies and equipment, and helps to
overcome an obstacle of host range limitations of Agrobacterium -
mediated transformation , since DNA uptake by protoplasts is pro-
moted by chemical treatment with PEG. Plant recovery is usually
through the somatic embryo genesis pathway rather than through
organogenesis. Moreover, the transformation method of choice for
plant protoplasts is dependent on a number of factors, including
effi ciency of DNA delivery, toxicity to the cells, ease of use, and
cost and availability of materials. In protoplast transformation sys-
tems, plating and selection methods are important considerations
in the development of stable transgenic plants. The ideal system
should permit easy identifi cation of transformants without the
complications of multiple recovery of single transformation events
or recovery of “false-positives” due to inadequate selection pres-
sure. Therefore using the GFP gene ( green fl uorescent protein ) as
a selectable marker essentially eliminates the problem of multiple
recoveries of single events. Under optimal conditions, up to 50
transformed embryos can be recovered per million input of proto-
plasts (transformation frequency = 0.005 %). The low toxicity,
simplicity, high effi ciency, and low cost of the PEG transformation
method make it an attractive alternative to electroporation as the
method of choice for stable transformation of plant protoplasts.
PEG -mediated gene transfer to citrus protoplasts has proven
to be effi cient, reliable, inexpensive, and a simple method that
works well when using relatively young embryogenic cultures with
good totipotency [
129 , 132 , 157 ]. In this system, large popula-
tions of protoplasts are isolated from embryogenic suspension cul-
tures to increase the likelihood of obtaining an adequate number
of stable independent transformation events. Regeneration of
transgenic plants via somatic embryo genesis is possible under suit-
able in vitro conditions through selection at an early stage of devel-
opment (usually the pro-embryo stage) using GFP gene as a
reporter gene. However, the tissue-culture response may vary
depending on the plant genotype, handling and the condition of
the suspension cells. A major requirement for protoplast transfor-
mation system is the preparation of viable protoplasts. We have
successfully used the procedure described below for gene transfer
to citrus for several cultivars, including “Hamlin” and “Valencia”
sweet oranges, and “W. Murcott” tangor [
9 , 10 , 129 , 132 ]. Cell
suspension s provide an unlimited source of rapidly dividing pro-
toplasts that can be obtained after 12–18 h incubation in enzyme
solution and show a transient expression of introduced genes
within 24 h after transformation. This protocol can be adapted to
a wide range of plant species and tissue sources used for protoplast
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
Genetic transformation using embryogenic cell suspension cultures
offers a practical alternative to the transformation of epicotyl
explants obtained from germinating seedlings, since almost all
polyembryonic cultivars can be introduced in vitro as embryogenic
cell suspension cultures [
158 ]. Amenability of cell suspension cul-
tures to transformation using Agrobacterium would allow the
transformation of any cultivar that can be introduced as embryo-
genic cell mass es , including specialty seedless sweet oranges or
“Satsuma” mandarins and other diffi cult-to-transform cultivars of
the mandarin or lemon group. Our protocol is based on a hygro-
mycin selection regime, as it was observed that kanamycin selec-
tion resulted in erratic and low transgenic embryo production.
Ineffi cient kanamycin selection was either due to cells overcoming
the effects of the antibiotic or to the protection of cells from
kanamycin by the surrounding cells [
159 , 160 ]. Successful callus
transformation of sweet oranges and mandarins can be accom-
plished in a selected medium containing 25 mg/L of hygromycin
B. Most material, stocks, and medium are similar to the protoplast
transformation process. Agrobacterium mediated transformation
relies on an active Agrobacterium culture instead of plasmid
DNA as in the protoplast transformation process. Additional mate-
rials required in this protocol are indicated in the protocol section.
A description of the transformation process can also be found in
Dutt and Grosser [
158 ].
2 Materials
1. Fluorescence microscope with FITC fi lters: Zeiss SV11 epifl u-
orescence stereomicroscope equipped with a 100 W mercury
bulb light and a fl uorescein-5-isothiocyanate/ GFP (FITC/
GFP) fi lter set with a 480 nm excitation fi lter and a 515 nm
long-pass emission fi lter (Chroma Technology Corp.,
Brattleboro, VT, USA).
2. Temperature-controlled rotary shaker at 28 ± 2 °C.
3. Laminar fl ow cabinet.
4. pH meter.
5. Autoclave.
6. Sterilized paper plates.
7. Syringe fi lter units, 0.2 μm pore size.
8. Centrifuge with 100–400 × g capability.
9. 40 mL Pyrex tubes.
10. 15 mL Pyrex capped tube.
11. 15-mL round-bottom screw-cap centrifuge tubes.
1.3.2 Agrobacterium -
Mediated Transformation
of Embryogenic Cell
Suspension Cultures
2.1 Equipment
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
12. 60 × 15 mm petri dishes.
13. 100 × 20 mm petri dishes.
14. 100 × 15 mm petri dishes.
1. Sterilization solution: 20 % (v/v) commercial bleach solution.
2. BH3 macronutrient stock: 150 g/L KCl, 37 g/L MgSO 4 ·7H
2 O,
15 g/L KH
2 PO
4 , 2 g/L K
4 ; dissolve in H
2 O and store
at 4 °C.
3. Murashige and Tucker (MT) macronutrient stock [
101 ]:
95 g/L KNO
3 , 82.5 g/L NH
4 NO
3 , 18.5 g/L MgSO
4 ·7H
2 O,
7.5 g/L KH
2 PO
4 , 1 g/L K
4 ; dissolve in H
2 O and store
at 4 °C.
4. MT micronutrient stock: 0.62 g/L H
3 BO
3 , 1.68 g/L
4 ·H
2 O, 0.86 g/L ZnSO
4 ·7H
2 O, 0.083 g/L KI,
0.025 g/L Na
2 MoO
4 ·2H
2 O, 0.0025 g/L CuSO
4 ·5H
2 O,
0.0025 g/L CoCl
2 ·6H
2 O; dissolve in H
2 O and store at 4 °C.
5. MT vitamin stock: 10 g/L myoinositol, 1 g/L thiamine -HCl,
1 g/L pyridoxine-HCl, 0.5 g/L nicotinic acid , 0.2 g/L gly-
cine ; dissolve in H
2 O and store at 4 °C.
6. MT calcium stock: 29.33 g/L CaCl
2 · 2H
2 O; dissolve in H
2 O
and store at 4 °C.
7. MT iron stock: 7.45 g/L Na
2 EDTA, 5.57 g/L FeSO
4 · 7H
2 O;
dissolve in H
2 O and store at 4 °C.
8. Kinetin (KIN) stock solution: 1 mg/mL; dissolve the powder
in a few drops of 1 N HCl; bring to fi nal volume with H
2 O and
store at 4 °C.
9. BH3 multivitamin stock A: 1 g/L ascorbic acid , 0.5 g/L cal-
cium pantothenate, 0.5 g/L choline chloride, 0.2 g/L folic
acid, 0.1 g/L ribofl avin, 0.01 g/L p-aminobenzoic acid,
0.01 g/L biotin; dissolve in H
2 O and store at −20 °C.
10. BH3 multivitamin stock B: 0.01 g/L retinol dissolved in a few
drops of alcohol, 0.01 g/L cholecalciferol dissolved in a few
drops of ethanol, 0.02 g/L vitamin B12; dissolve in H
2 O and
store at −20 °C.
11. BH3 KI stock: 0.83 g/L KI; dissolve in H
2 O and store at 4 °C.
12. BH3 sugar and sugar alcohol stock: 25 g/L fructose, 25 g/L
ribose, 25 g/L xylose, 25 g/L mannose, 25 g/L rhamnose,
25 g/L cellobiose, 25 g/L galactose, 25 g/L mannitol ; dis-
solve in H
2 O and store at −20 °C.
13. BH3 organic acid stock: 2 g/L fumaric acid, 2 g/L citric acid,
2 g/L malic acid, 1 g/L pyruvic acid; dissolve in H
2 O and
store at −20 °C.
2.2 Medium Stock
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
1. Coumarin (stock solution, 1.46 mg/mL): Dissolve the powder
in warm H
2 O; store at 4 °C.
2. α-Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA; stock solution, 1 mg/10 mL):
Dissolve the powder in a few drops of 5 M NaOH, bring to
nal volume with H
2 O and store at 4 °C.
3. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D; stock solution,
1 mg/10 mL): Dissolve the powder in a few drops of 95 %
(v/v) ethanol, bring to fi nal volume with H
2 O; store at 4 °C.
4. 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP; stock solution, 1 mg/mL):
Dissolve the powder in a few drops of 5 M NaOH, bring to
nal volume with H
2 O; store at 4 °C.
5. Gibberellic acid ( GA
3 ; stock solution, 1 mg/mL): Dissolve the
powder in a few drops of 95 % (v/v) ethanol, bring to fi nal
volume with H
2 O, fi lter-sterilize; store in small aliquots at
4 °C; add to the medium after autoclaving and cooling the
medium to 55 °C in a water bath.
The enzyme solution is fi lter sterilized.
1. Calcium chloride (CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O stock solution, 0.98 M):
Dissolve 14.4 g in 100 mL H
2 O and store at −20 °C.
2. Monosodium phosphate (NaH
2 PO
4 stock solution, 37 mM):
Dissolve 0.44 g in 100 mL H
2 O and store at −20 °C.
3. 2 (N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid (MES stock solution,
0.246 M): Dissolve 4.8 g in 100 mL H
2 O and store at −20 °C.
4. Enzyme solution: 0.7 M mannitol , 24 mM CaCl
2 , 6.15 mM
MES buffer, 0.92 mM NaH
2 PO
4 , 2 % (w/v) Cellulase
Onozuka RS (Yakult Honsha), 2 % (w/v) Macerozyme R-10
(Yakult Honsha), pH 5.6. To prepare 40 mL of enzyme solu-
tion, dissolve 0.8 g Cellulase Onozuka RS, 0.8 g Macerozyme
R-10 and 5.12 g mannitol in 20 mL H
2 O and add 1 mL of
2 · 2H
2 O, NaH
2 PO4 and MES stock solutions; bring vol-
ume to 40 mL with H
2 O, pH to 5.6 using KOH, fi lter-steril-
ize; store at 4 °C for up to 3 weeks.
1. CPW salts stock solution 1: 25 g/L MgSO
4 ·7H
2 O, 10 g/L
3 , 2.72 g/L KH
2 PO
4 , 0.016 g/L KI, 0.025 ng/L
4 ·5H
2 O; dissolve in H
2 O and store at −20 °C.
2. CPW salts stock solution 2: 15 g/L CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O; dissolve in
2 O and store at −20 °C.
3. 13 % CPW (13 %, w/v, mannitol solution with CPW salts):
Dissolve 13 g mannitol in 80 mL H
2 O, add 1 mL each of CPW
salts stock solutions 1 and 2; bring volume to 100 mL with
2 O, pH to 5.8, fi lter-sterilize; store at room temperature.
2.3 Plant Growth
Regulator Stocks
2.4 Enzyme Stock
2.5 CPW Solution
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
4. 25 % CPW (25 %, w/v, sucrose solution with CPW salts):
Dissolve 25 g sucrose in 80 mL H
2 O, add 1 mL each of CPW
salts stock solutions 1 and 2; bring to 100 mL with H
2 O, pH
to 5.8, fi lter-sterilize and store at room temperature.
1. PEG 8000 MW (stock solution, 50 %): Place the bottle of PEG
in a water bath at 80 °C until it melts completely, take 250 mL
and mix it with 250 mL H
2 O, add 4 g of resin AG501-X8
(Bio- Rad), stir for 30 min, fi lter out the resin through a layer
of cotton and allow to stand for several hours before use; store
at 4 °C.
2. Polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) working solution: 40 % (w/v) PEG,
0.3 M glucose, 66 mM CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O, pH 6.0. To prepare
100 mL of PEG solution, dissolve 0.97 g CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O and
5.41 g glucose in 10 mL H
2 O, add 80 mL of PEG stock solu-
tion (50 %) and adjust the volume to 100 mL with H
2 O, pH 6;
lter-sterilize and store at 4 °C . Check the pH every 2–3
weeks, since this solution acidifi es with time.
3. Elution solutions for PEG removal. Solution A: 0.4 M glucose,
66 mM CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O, 10 % dimethyl sulfoxide ( DMSO ),
pH 6.0. Solution B: 0.3 M glycine adjusted with NaOH pellets
to pH 10.5. Filter-sterilize both solutions; store at room
temperature and mix together (9:1, v:v) immediately prior to
use to avoid precipitation.
1. Any suitable binary vector containing the hygromycin select-
able marker gene for selection in plants. We have had good
success with the pCAMBIA 1300 series of plant transforma-
tion vectors ( ).
2. Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 stock containing the
appropriate binary vector plasmid (stored in 20 % glycerol
at −80 °C).
3. Solid bacterial growth medium: Yeast Extract Peptone (YEP)
medium (10 g/L peptone, 10 g/L yeast extract, 5 g/L NaCl,
pH 7.0) supplemented with 15 g/L TC agar , 20 mg/L rifam-
picin , and 100 mg/L kanamycin.
4. Liquid bacterial growth medium: YEP medium supplemented
with 20 mg/L rifampicin and 100 mg/L kanamycin.
1. Rifampicin : 20 mg of antibiotic dissolved in 1 mL of DMSO .
2. Acetosyringone: 0.196 mg dissolved in 1 mL of DMSO to
prepare a 100 mM concentration stock solution.
3. Hygromycin sulfate: 50 mg of antibiotic dissolved in 1 mL of
water. The solution sterilized by fi ltration using a 0.2 μm
2.6 Protoplast
2.7 Agrobacterium
Culture Medium
2.8 Suspension Cell
Transformation Stock
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
4. Timentin and cefotaxime : 400 mg of each antibiotic dissolved
in 1 mL of water. The solution sterilized by fi ltration using a
0.2 μm membrane.
1. EME 0.15 M semisolid medium: 20 mL/L MT macronutrient
stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT vita-
min stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron
stock, 50 g/L sucrose , 0.5 g/L malt extract , 8 g/L agar ,
pH 5.8; autoclave medium and pour into 100 × 20 mm petri
dishes, 35 mL per dish.
2. DOG semisolid medium: Same as EME 0.15 M semisolid
medium plus 5 mg/L kinetin (5 mL kinetin stock solution);
autoclave medium and pour into 100 × 20 mm petri dishes,
35 mL per dish.
3. H+H semisolid medium: 10 mL/L MT macronutrient stock,
5 mL/L BH3 macronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT micronu-
trient stock, 10 mL/L MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT cal-
cium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron stock, 50 g/L sucrose , 0.5 g/L
malt extract , 1.55 g/L glutamine , 8 g/L agar , pH 5.8; auto-
clave medium and pour into 100 × 20 mm petri dishes, 35 mL
per dish.
1. H+H liquid medium: 10 mL/L MT macronutrient stock,
5 mL/L BH3 macronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutri-
ent stock, 10 mL/L MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium
stock, 5 mL/L MT iron stock, 35 g/L sucrose , 0.5 g/L malt
extract , 1.55 g/L glutamine , pH 5.8; pour 500 mL aliquots
into 1000 mL glass Erlenmeyer fl asks, autoclave and store at
room temperature.
All protoplast liquid media are fi lter sterilized.
1. BH3 0.6 M liquid medium: 10 mL/L BH3 macronutrient
stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT vita-
min stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron
stock, 2 mL/L BH3 multivitamin stock A, 1 mL/L BH3 mul-
tivitamin stock B, 1 mL/L BH3 KI stock, 10 mL/L BH3
sugar and sugar alcohol stock, 20 mL/L BH3 organic acid
stock, 20 mL/L coconut water , 82 g/L mannitol , 51.3 g/L
sucrose , 3.1 g/L glutamine , 1 g/L malt extract , 0.25 g/L
casein enzyme hydrolysate, pH 5.8; fi lter-sterilize and store at
room temperature.
EME 0.6 M liquid medium: 20 mL/L MT macronutrient
stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT vita-
min stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron
stock, 205.4 g/L sucrose , 0.5 g/L malt extract
, pH 5.8; fi lter-
sterilize and store at room temperature.
2.9 Callus-
Induction Media
2.10 Cell Suspension
Maintenance Medium
2.11 Protoplast
Isolation and Culture
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
1. EME 0.15 M liquid medium: 20 mL/L MT macronutrient
stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT vita-
min stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron
stock, 50 g/L sucrose , 0.5 g/L malt extract , pH 5.8; fi lter-
sterilize and store at room temperature.
2. EME–malt 0.15 M liquid medium: 20 mL/L MT macronutri-
ent stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT
vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron
stock, 50 g/L maltose , 0.5 g/L malt extract , pH 5.8; fi lter-
sterilize and store at room temperature.
3. EME–malt 0.15 M semisolid medium: 20 mL/L MT macro-
nutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L
MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT
iron stock, 50 g/L maltose , 0.5 g/L malt extract , 8 g/L agar ,
pH 5.8; autoclave medium and pour into 100 × 20 mm petri
dishes, 35 mL per dish.
4. EME 1500 semisolid medium: 20 mL/L MT macronutrient
stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT
vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron
stock, 50 g/L sucrose , 1.5 g/L malt extract , 8 g/L agar ,
pH 5.8; autoclave medium and pour into 100 × 20 mm petri
dishes, 35 mL per dish.
5. B+ semisolid medium: 20 mL/L MT macronutrient stock,
10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT vitamin
stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron stock,
25 g/L sucrose , 20 mL/L coconut water , 14.6 mg/L couma-
rin (10 mL coumarin stock), 0.02 mg/L NAA (200 μl NAA
stock), 1 mg/L GA
3 (add 1 mL GA
3 stock after medium is
autoclaved and cooled to 55 °C in water bath), 8 g/L agar ,
pH 5.8; autoclave medium and pour into 100 × 20 mm petri
dishes, 35 mL per dish.
6. DBA3 semisolid medium: 20 mL/L MT macronutrient stock,
10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT vitamin
stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron stock,
25 g/L sucrose , 1.5 g/L malt extract , 20 mL/L coconut
water , 0.01 mg/L 2,4-D (100 μl 2,4-D stock), 3 mg/L BAP
(3 mL BAP stock); 8 g/L agar , pH 5.8; autoclave medium and
pour into 100 × 20 mm petri dishes, 35 mL per dish.
7. RMAN medium (Root induction and propagation): 10 mL/L
MT macronutrient stock, 5 mL/L MT micronutrient stock,
5 mL/L MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock,
5 mL/L MT iron stock, 25 g/L sucrose , 0.5 g/L activated
charcoal , 8 g/L agar , 0.02 mg/L NAA (200 μl NAA stock
solution), pH 5.8; autoclave medium and pour into sterile
Magenta GA-7 boxes, 80 mL per box.
2.12 Protoplast
Culture and Plant
Regeneration Media
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
1. EME– sucrose 0.15 M semisolid medium supplemented with
Acetosyringone: 20 mL/L MT macronutrient stock, 10 mL/L
MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT vitamin stock,
15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron stock, 50 g/L
sucrose, 0.5 g/L malt extract , 8 g/L agar , pH 5.8; autoclave
medium, add 1 mL/L acetosyringone stock solution to par-
tially cooled medium and pour into 100 × 20 mm petri dishes,
35 mL per dish.
2. EME– sucrose 0.15 M liquid medium: 20 mL/L MT macro-
nutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L
MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT
iron stock, 50 g/L sucrose, 0.5 g/L malt extract . Pour into
250 mL bottles before autoclaving.
3. EME– maltose 0.15 M semisolid medium supplemented with
antibiotics: 20 mL/L MT macronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT
micronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L
MT calcium stock, 5 mL/L MT iron stock, 50 g/L maltose,
0.5 g/L malt extract , 8 g/L agar , pH 5.8; autoclave medium,
add 1 mL/L timentin, 1 mL/L cefotaxime and 500 mg/L
hygromycin stock solutions to partially cooled medium, and
pour into 100 × 20 mm petri dishes, 35 mL per dish.
4. EME 1500 semisolid medium supplemented with antibiotics:
20 mL/L MT macronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutri-
ent stock, 10 mL/L MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium
stock, 5 mL/L MT iron stock, 50 g/L sucrose , 1.5 g/L malt
extract , 8 g/L agar , pH 5.8; autoclave medium, add 0.5 mL/L
timentin, 0.5 mL/L cefotaxime and 500 mg/L hygromycin
stock solutions to partially cooled medium, and pour into
100 × 20 mm Petri dishes, 35 mL per dish.
5. B+ semisolid medium supplemented with antibiotics: 20 mL/L
MT macronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutrient stock,
10 mL/L MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock,
5 mL/L MT iron stock, 25 g/L sucrose , 20 mL/L coconut
water , 14.6 mg/L coumarin (10 mL coumarin stock),
0.02 mg/L NAA (200 μl NAA stock), 1 mg/L GA
3 (add 1 mL
3 stock solution after medium is autoclaved and cooled to
55 °C in water bath), 8 g/L agar , pH 5.8; autoclave medium,
add 0.5 mL/L timentin stock solution to partially cooled
medium and pour into 100 × 20 mm petri dishes, 35 mL per
6. DBA3 semisolid medium supplemented with antibiotics:
20 mL/L MT macronutrient stock, 10 mL/L MT micronutri-
ent stock, 10 mL/L MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium
stock, 5 mL/L MT iron stock, 25 g/L sucrose , 1.5 g/L malt
extract , 20 mL/L coconut water , 0.01 mg/L 2,4-D (100 μl
2,4-D stock solution), 3 mg/L BAP (3 mL BAP stock solu-
2.13 Suspension
and Plant
Regeneration Media
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
tion); 8 g/L agar , pH 5.8; autoclave medium, add 0.5 mL/L
timentin stock solution to partially cooled medium and pour
into 100 × 20 mm petri dishes, 35 mL per dish.
7. RMAN medium supplemented with antibiotics: 10 mL/L MT
macronutrient stock, 5 mL/L MT micronutrient stock,
5 mL/L MT vitamin stock, 15 mL/L MT calcium stock,
5 mL/L MT iron stock, 25 g/L sucrose , 0.5 g/L activated
charcoal , 8 g/L agar , 0.02 mg/L NAA (200 μl NAA stock
solution), pH 5.8; autoclave medium, add 0.5 mL/L timentin
stock solution to partially cooled medium and pour into sterile
Magenta GA-7 boxes, 80 mL per box.
3 Methods
1. Immerse harvested immature fruit in sterilization solution in a
beaker for 30 min.
2. Using sterile tongs, place fruit on sterilized paper plates in a
laminar fl ow hood.
3. Using a sterile surgical blade, make an equatorial cut, 1–2 cm
deep, and open the fruit.
4. With sterile forceps, extract ovules and place them onto callus-
induction medium (EME 0.15 M, H+H or DOG).
5. Incubate extracted ovules in the dark at 28 ± 2 °C and transfer
them every 3–4 weeks to new callus-induction medium until
embryogenic (yellow and friable) callus emerges from the
6. To maintain long-term cultures, transfer embryogenic undif-
ferentiated calli ( see Note 1 ) onto new medium every 4–6
weeks and incubate under the same conditions.
7. To initiate cell suspension s from embryogenic undifferentiated
nucellus -derived callus, take approx. 2 g of calli from callus-
induction medium and transfer to 125 mL Erlenmeyer fl asks,
each containing 20 mL of H+H liquid medium.
8. Shake the cell suspension cultures on a rotary shaker at 125 rpm
under a 16 h photoperiod (70 μmol m
−2 s
−1 ) at 28 ± 2 °C.
9. After 1 week, add 10 mL of new H+H liquid medium to
Erlenmeyer fl asks and return back to the shaker.
10. After one more week, add 20 mL of new H+H liquid medium
to Erlenmeyer fl asks and return back to the shaker.
11. Subculture established embryogenic cell suspension cultures
every 2 weeks by removing 20 mL from the culture and replac-
ing with 20 mL fresh aliquots of H+H liquid medium; shake at
125 rpm and incubate under the same conditions.
3.1 Protoplast
Transformation [ 9 ,
129 ]: Initiation
and Maintenance
of Embryogenic
(Callus and Cell
Suspension) Cultures
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
1. Transfer 1–2 g of friable callus into a 60 × 15 mm petri dish. If
using a suspension as a source for embryogenic cells (s ee Note 2 )
transfer approx. 2 mL of suspension ( see Note 3 ) with a wide-
mouth pipette.
2. Drain off the liquid medium using a Pasteur pipette.
3. Resuspend the cells in a mixture of 2.5 mL 0.6 M BH3 liquid
medium and 1.5 mL enzyme solution ( see Note 4 ).
4. Seal petri dishes with Parafi lm and incubate overnight (15–20 h)
at 28 °C on a rotary shaker at 25–30 rpm in the dark.
1. Following overnight incubation, pass enzymatic preparations
through a sterile 45 μm nylon mesh sieve ( see Note 5 ) to
remove undigested tissues and other cellular debris; collect the
ltrate in 40 mL Pyrex tubes.
2. Transfer the protoplast-containing fi ltrate ( see Note 6 ) to a
15 mL calibrated screw-cap centrifuge tube.
3. Centrifuge at 900 rpm for 10 min.
4. Remove the supernatant with a Pasteur pipette and gently
resuspend the protoplast pellet in 5 mL of 25 % CPW
5. Slowly pipette 2 mL of 13 % CPW solution directly on top of
the sucrose layer. Avoid mixing the two layers.
6. Centrifuge at 900 rpm for 10 min.
7. Only viable protoplasts ( see Note 7 ) form a band at the inter-
face between the sucrose and the mannitol layers.
8. Remove the protoplasts ( see Note 8 ) from this interface with a
Pasteur pipette and resuspend them in 10 mL of BH3 0.6 M
liquid medium (using a new screw-cap centrifuge tube).
9. Centrifuge at 900 rpm for 10 min.
10. Remove the supernatant and gently resuspend the pellet in
10 mL of BH3 0.6 M medium ( see Note 9 ).
11. Centrifuge at 900 rpm for 10 min.
12. Remove the supernatant and gently resuspend the pellet in
10 mL of BH3 0.6 M medium.
13. Centrifuge at 900 rpm for 10 min.
14. Remove the supernatant and resuspend the pellet into 5 mL
BH3 0.6 M.
15. Determine protoplast density using a hemocytometer
( see Note 10 ).
16. Centrifuge at 900 rpm for 10 min.
17. Remove the supernatant and resuspend the pellet into BH3
0.6 M to reach 4 × 10
6 protoplasts/mL.
3.2 Protoplast
and Enzymatic
Incubation of Cultures
from Embryogenic
3.3 Protoplast
Protoplast Isolation
and Purifi cation
9 , 129 ]
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
1. In a 15 mL round-bottom screw- cap centrifuge tubes
( see Note 12 ) add 0.5 mL of protoplast suspension (2 × 10
2. Add 30–40 μg plasmid DNA ( see Note 13 ) and gently mix
well by gentle agitation.
3. Immediately add 0.5 mL of PEG solution directly into the
center of the tube to give the desired fi nal PEG concentration
(20 %) ( see Note 14 ), allowing the PEG to mix with the pro-
toplast suspension by gentle agitation ( see Note 15 ).
4. After 25–30 min, add 0.5 mL of A + B solution (9:1, v:v) into
each transformation tube, but this time gently and slowly onto
the inside edge of the tube, trying not to agitate the fragile
transforming protoplasts.
5. After another incubation period of 25–30 min, gently add
1 mL of BH3 0.6 M medium onto the inside edge of the tube,
again trying not to disturb the protoplasts.
6. After incubating for an additional 10 min, dilute the protoplast
suspension with four 1-mL aliquots of BH3 0.6 M at 5 min
intervals onto the inside edge of the tube, again trying not to
disturb the protoplasts.
7. Cap and seal the tube with Parafi lm.
8. Centrifuge at 700 rpm for 5 min.
9. Carefully, remove supernatant, add 2 mL BH3 0.6 M medium
and gently resuspend the protoplast.
10. Centrifuge at 700 rpm for 5 min.
11. Carefully, remove supernatant, add 2 mL BH3 0.6 M medium
and gently resuspend the protoplast ( see Note 16 ).
12. Repeat steps 10
and 11 one more time, carefully avoiding the
loss of protoplasts.
13. Finally, add 1–1.5 mL of a 1:1 (v:v) mixture of BH3 0.6 M and
EME 0.6 M liquid media to each tube, gently resuspend the
14. Transfer the suspended protoplast into 60 × 15 mm petri dishes
and spread into a thin layer by gently swirling the petri dishes
( see Note 17 ).
15. Seal the dishes with Parafi lm and culture in the dark at 28 ± 2 °C
for 4–6 weeks ( see Note 18 ).
16. Check GFP expression 48 h after transformation ( see Note 19 )
using Zeiss SV11 epifl uorescence stereomicroscope and return
the dishes back in the dark at 28 ± 2 °C (Fig.
2 ).
3.4 Protoplast
Polyethylene Glycol
( PEG )-Induced
Transformation [
129 ]
( see Note 11 )
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
1. After 4–6 weeks of incubation ( see Note 20 ), supplement
cultures of transformed protoplasts with new medium con-
taining reduced osmoticum. Accomplish this by adding 10–12
drops of 1:1:1 (by volume) mixture of BH3 0.6 M, EME
0.6 M, and EME 0.15 M liquid media.
2. Incubate cultures for another 2 weeks in low light
(20 μmol m
−2 s
−1 intensity) with a 16 h photoperiod at 28 ± 2 °C.
3. Accomplish another reduction of osmoticum in the cultures by
the following steps: add 2 mL of 1:2 (v:v) mixture of BH3
0.6 M and EME-malt 0.15 M liquid media to each dish of
transformed-treated protoplasts.
4. Immediately pour the entire contents onto petri dishes with
agar -solidifi ed EME-malt 0.15 M medium and swirl gently
each dish in order to spread the liquid containing protoplast-
derived colonies evenly over the entire semisolid agar surface.
5. Incubate cultures with a 16 h photoperiod (70 μmol m
−2 s
intensity) at 28 ± 2 °C and, from this point until somatic
hybrid s are planted in compost, keep the cultures under the
same growth conditions.
6. Transfer regenerated somatic embryo s as soon as they appear
from callus colonies to new agar -solidifi ed EME-malt 0.15 M
medium ( see Note 21 ).
7. After 3–4 weeks, move small somatic embryo s to semis solid
EME 1500 medium for enlargement and germination .
8. Move the germinated embryos to semisolid B+ medium for
axis elongation.
9. Dissect abnormal embryos that fail to germinate into large sec-
tions and place on DBA3 medium for shoot induction.
10. Transfer all resulting GFP positive shoots into RMAN medium
to induce rooting ( see Note 22 ) (Fig.
2 ).
11. Transfer rooted plants into peat based potting mixture in the
greenhouse and cover with rigid clear plastic for 3–4 weeks
maintaining high humidity.
12. Remove the plastic covers following this period of
13. After having an established plant with 3–4 leaves start molecu-
lar analysis ( see Note 23 ).
1. Obtain Agrobacterium cultures kept in a −80 °C freezer and
2. Remove a loopful of bacteria from each thawed culture, and
streak it on an individual YEP plate.
3. Incubate plates at 28 °C for 2 days.
4. Use a single bacterial colony and inoculate a fl ask of 25 mL
liquid YEP medium containing appropriate antibiotics.
3.5 Protoplast
Protoplast Culture
and Plant
3.6 Suspension Cell
Transformation [
158 ]:
and Culture
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
5. Culture for 24 h at 28 °C.
6. Transfer a 3–5 mL overnight aliquot into fresh 25 mL liquid
YEP medium containing appropriate antibiotics.
7. Culture for 3–4 h at 26 °C.
8. Centrifuge cells at 6000 rpm for 8 min at 25 °C.
9. Resuspend cells in 25 mL liquid EME- sucrose medium.
10. Prior to use in transformation, measure the optical density
(OD) of cultures and adjust to 0.3.
11. Transfer 20 mL of cell suspension cultures into a 100 × 15 mm
petri dish. Drain off the liquid medium using a Pasteur pipette.
12. Transfer bacterial solution into the suspension cells for 20 min
with frequent and gentle agitation.
13. Blot cell suspension cultures on sterile paper towels and trans-
fer onto semisolid EME- sucrose medium supplemented with
14. Incubate in the dark at 25 °C for 5 days.
1. Transfer putative transgenic cells onto EME + maltose
embryo production medium supplemented with appropri-
ate antibiotics.
2. Maintain cultures either in the dark or under low light
(20 μmol m
−2 s
−1 intensity) condition.
3. After 4–6 weeks in this medium, transfer cells into fresh
medium. At this stage add 2 mL of 1:2 (v:v) mixture of BH3
0.6 M and EME-malt 0.15 M liquid media to each dish of
transformed-suspension cells. Supplement the 1:2 mixture
with 200 mg/L timentin and 25 mg/L hygromycin.
4. Transfer regenerated somatic embryo s as soon as they appear
from callus colonies to new agar -solidifi ed antibiotic supple-
mented EME- maltose medium.
5. After 3–4 weeks, move small somatic embryo s to semi solid
EME 1500 antibiotic supplemented medium for enlargement
and germination .
6. Move the germinated embryos to semisolid antibiotic supple-
mented B+ medium for axis elongation.
7. Dissect abnormal embryos that fail to germinate into large sec-
tions and place on antibiotic supplemented DBA3 medium for
shoot induction.
8. Transfer all resulting shoots into RMAN medium to induce
9. Transfer rooted plants into a peat based potting mixture in the
greenhouse and cover with rigid clear plastic for 3–4 weeks
maintaining high humidity.
3.7 Suspension Cell
Selection of Putative
Transformed Embryos
and Regeneration
of Transformed Plants
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
10. Remove the plastic covers following this period of
11. Established plants with 3–4 leaves can then be subjected to
appropriate molecular analysis to determine gene insertion.
4 Notes
1. Since the nucellar callus has high embryogenic capacity, the
best way to maintain the long-term callus in an undifferenti-
ated state is to visually select and subculture only white/yellow
friable callus. Differentiated callus types and organized tissues
should be discarded.
2. Cultured embryogenic cells used for protoplast isolation
should be in the log phase of growth. For consistent results,
maintain uniform growth conditions for the cell suspension ,
because the physiological state of the suspension cells is an
important factor infl uencing protoplast yield, quality and
transformation effi ciency. Use 5–12 day-old suspensions from
a 2 week subculture cycle, or 7–21 day-old callus from a 4
week subculture cycle.
3. Cell suspension morphology differs from one genotype to
another, thus we recommend using a volume of suspension
that approximates 1 g fresh weight of callus.
4. Best release of protoplasts is obtained with freshly prepared
digestion enzymes, do not store enzyme solution more than
2 weeks.
5. Nylon mesh is sealed to a 4 cm long plastic cylindrical tube
made from a plastic syringe. In order to make a similar piece of
equipment, take a 30 mL plastic syringe, cut it at the 25 mL
mark and keep the upper part with wings. Place a nylon mem-
brane on a preheated hot plate beneath the cylindrical tube
and seal the two parts.
6. Protoplasts are fragile, thus take extra care when fi ltering the
protoplast/enzyme solution and later when centrifuging and
resuspending protoplasts. When being transferred from one
tube to another it is important that the protoplasts are drawn
gently into the Pasteur pipette and dispensed slowly down the
inside wall of the receiving centrifuge tube. Also, when resus-
pending pellets of protoplasts with different solutions, ensure
a gentle technique of breaking clumps by introducing small
bubbles of air with a Pasteur pipette, instead of sucking sus-
pensions in and out of the pipette. Mishandling of the proto-
plasts can affect their integrity and thereby affect the effi ciency
of the procedure.
7. If, after isolation and purifi cation, a good yield of protoplasts
(5–10 × 10 6 protoplasts/incubation plate) is not obtained, it
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
may be necessary to vary both the enzyme concentration and
length of incubation time to optimize digestion effi ciency.
8. When recovering protoplasts from the sucrose - mannitol gradi-
ent take as little of the sucrose as possible with the protoplasts.
Retention of too much sucrose makes it diffi cult to pellet the
protoplasts at later steps.
9. The washing step that removes the enzymes seems to have a
greater bearing on the transformation effi ciency, because pro-
toplast samples that have not been washed very well always
yield lower transformation, division, and survival rates. It is
recommended to repeat steps 10 and 11 in method
3.3 until
a tight clean pellet is obtained.
10. Determine the protoplast density using a hemocytometer. If
the number of protoplasts exceeds 100 cells/square in the
hemocytometer, dilute the protoplast suspension to obtain
accurate counting.
11. Perform protoplast transformation ( PEG -induced method)
within 1–2 h (preferably immediately) after protoplast isola-
tion, since protoplasts start to regenerate cell wall s as soon as
they are rinsed from the enzyme solution. Cell wall regenera-
tion may hinder transformation.
12. The number of tubes is determined by the total volume of
mixed protoplasts at 4 × 10
6 protoplasts/mL.
13. The DNA should be sterile (ethanol-precipitated and dissolved
in sterile water). Do not incubate DNA for too long with the
protoplasts because it may result in lower transformation effi -
ciency due to nuclease digestion. The DNA concentration
should be at least 1 μg/μl, to minimize the added volume.
In the co-transformation you will add two DNA plasmids one
for the gene of interest and the other for the reporter gene.
In the direct transformation you will add one DNA plasmid
which contain both the gene of interest and the reporter gene
in one construct.
14. Using high PEG concentration could reduce the transforma-
tion frequency due to either PEG toxicity, lower fi nal DNA
concentration, or a combination of these two factors. Use only
freshly prepared and fi lter-sterilized PEG solution (do not
autoclave). Check the pH periodically. The PEG should be
added immediately after DNA addition as protoplasts are a rich
source of nucleases (secretion and release by breakage) that
may hydrolyze the DNA.
15. The protoplast/ PEG solution may be agitated gently every
5 min for 30 min. A certain proportion of protoplasts will
invariably break during and following the PEG treatment. The
debris of dead cells is detrimental for a continued liquid culture
of surviving protoplasts, thus try to handle the protoplast/
PEG culture very gently to reduce this phenomena.
Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
16. Washing the protoplasts three times is very important to
remove all the PEG and A:B solution.
17. In each transforming dish, protoplasts are plated at a density of
approx. 1–1.5 × 10
6 protoplasts/mL of culture medium. In
order to retain viability and induce cell division, transformed
protoplasts have to be plated in thin-layer culture at high cell
density. In the case of citrus protoplasts, the best results are
obtained when the cell density exceeds 1 × 10
6 protoplasts/mL
of medium. If necessary, determine and adjust protoplast den-
sity using a hemocytometer.
18. Check the cultures every week to evaluate the rate of colony
development. In the event of fast colony development feeding
can begin as early as 10–14 days after transformation as fol-
lows: add 6–8 drops of liquid 1:1:1 of BH3 0.6 M–EME
0.6 M–EME 0.146 M medium to reduce the osmotic pressure
and incubate the cultures again in the dark at 28 °C without
agitation. Ten to 14 days later add another 6–8 drops of liquid
1:1:1 of BH3 0.6 M–EME 0.6 M–EME 0.146 M medium.
Depending on the quality of protoplast preparations, up to
75 % of the protoplasts survive and 20–40 % of cells will
undergo divisions during the fi rst 7–10 days of culture. After
14 days of culture, the dividing cells should form colonies of
2–16 cells.
19. Optimal fl uorescence is observable only after 48 h, although
some transformed protoplasts start exhibiting GFP uores-
cence 24 h after transformation.
20. In the case of slow developing colonies, begin feeding 4–6
weeks after transformation.
21. Take care of those GFP positive embryos developing faster and
separate them from the rest. Transfer them earlier for regenera-
tion to plants. Faster-developing embryos can rapidly produce
healthy (normal) plants. It is recommended to place a few
(6–8) embryos together onto cellulose acetate fi lter paper for
rapid and normal development.
22. In certain leaf pieces, the green fl uorescence can be entirely
masked by the chlorophyll pigment. In case of doubts about
the transgenic nature of regenerated plants, a small portion of
leaves may be used to make protoplasts in 1 mL of enzyme
solution and the protoplasts may directly be observed as they
are released. To accelerate the propagation of the transgenic
shoots, you can use any available grafting technique, either
shoot tip grafting onto a greenhouse growing rootstock or
in vitro micro-grafting on seedling rootstock [
129 ].
23. Molecular analysis (PCR, Southern and Western analysis)
should confi rm the integration and expression of the transgene
in the citrus genome.
Ahmad A. Omar et al.
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Somatic Embryogenesis in Citrus
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_14, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 14
Somatic Embryogenesis Induction and Plant Regeneration
in Strawberry Tree ( Arbutus unedo L.)
João F. Martins , Sandra I. Correia , and Jorge M. Canhoto
Somatic embryogenesis is a powerful tool both for cloning and studies of genetic transformation and
embryo development. Most protocols for somatic embryogenesis induction start from zygotic embryos or
embryonic-derived tissues which do not allow the propagation of elite trees. In the present study, a reliable
protocol for somatic embryogenesis induction from adult trees of strawberry tree is described. Leaves from
in vitro proliferating shoots were used to induce somatic embryo formation on a medium containing an
auxin and a cytokinin. Somatic embryos germinated in a plant growth regulator-free medium.
Key words Epicormic shoot s , Ericaceae , Fruit , Germination , In vitro , Neglected crops , Shoot prolif-
eration , Somatic embryo
1 Introduction
Arbutus unedo L. is an Ericaceae species commonly known as
strawberry tree . It grows on acidic, rocky, and well-drained soils
1 , 2 ] and can withstand low (until −12 °C) temperatures [ 1 ] as
well as dry conditions [
1 ]. A. unedo individuals grow spontane-
ously (Fig.
1a ) in several countries of the Mediterranean Basin,
from Spain to Turkey, as well as in North Africa, Mediterranean
Islands, and Atlantic Coast, including Ireland and Portugal [
1 , 2 ].
Strawberry tree is a small perennial shrub or tree (Fig.
1b ) that
usually grows up to 3 m [
3 ] with a spreading habit and gray-brown
bark. The edible fruit (Fig.
1c ) is a spherical berry, with about 2 cm
diameter, covered with conical papillae and enclosing 10–50 small
seed whereas the fl owers are hermaphrodite, bell shaped, whitish
to slightly pink, and organized in hanging panicles (Fig.
1d ), [ 4 ].
The reproductive cycle is long with fruits taking a year to ripe, and,
during several months of the year, both fl owers and fruits are pres-
ent in the same tree, making the species a very attractive ornamen-
tal plant. From an ecological perspective, strawberry tree is a very
important species in Mediterranean ecosystems avoiding erosion,
Fig. 1 Aspects of strawberry tree. ( a ) Field-growing trees in the North of Portugal, on the slopes of a hill near a
dam (Google Earth information: 41°4555N, 8°1189, altitude 639 m). Adult tree ( b ), the fruits ( c ), and the
owers ( d ). Fruits in fermentation for the production of the spirit “medronheira” ( e )
providing food for fauna and helping recover marginal lands [ 1 , 4 ].
Its ability to regenerate after fi res is a feature that makes the species
interesting for reforestation programs, especially in southern
Europe countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece, where
forest fi res are common [
5 ]. Once considered a “Neglected or
Underutilized Crop” ( ), the impor-
João F. Martins et al.
tance of strawberry tree is growing [ 3 , 4 ]. In a context where some
of the most important forest species in southern Europe, such as
pine and eucalyptus, are suffering from several diseases, the demand
for strawberry tree by producers and stakeholders is increasing,
particularly in Portugal [
3 , 4 ]. The fruits are commonly used in the
manufacture of traditional products such as jam and jelly [
5 ].
However, its main application is for the production of an alcoholic
distillate [
6 ], known in Portugal as medronheira (Fig. 1e ).
The propagation of strawberry tree can be achieved through
the use of conventional methods of vegetative propagation such as
cuttings [
7 ] or by seeds [ 8 , 9 ]. Seeds do not assure true-to-type
propagation and particular characteristics can be lost. Assays of
vegetative propagation can be made by conventional vegetative
propagation methods such as rooting or grafting. However, the
frequencies of rooting are quite low, especially when mature cut-
tings are used [
10 , 11 ], and elite genotypes are unavailable for
grafting. In vitro tissue culture techniques have been applied to the
propagation of strawberry tree, in particular axillary shoot prolif-
eration [
11 , 12 ]. However, somatic embryo genesis has much more
potential for cloning than other micropropagation techniques
since somatic embryos are easier to handle than other propagules
and can be obtained in large amounts from a single explant [
13 ,
14 ]. Somatic embryo genesis has great potential for genetic trans-
formation and cryopreservation of desirable selected lines [
15 ,
16 ]. Moreover, somatic embryo induction and development serve
as a model to understand the physiological and genetic factors con-
trolling the different steps of embryo development [
17 , 18 ].
Previous works on A. unedo have shown that somatic embryogen-
esis can be achieved from adult material [
19 , 20 ].
Here, a protocol for somatic embryo genesis induction and
plant regeneration from A. unedo trees is described. To overcome
the lack of potential of adult tissues for somatic embryogenesis,
an indirect approach was attempted in which shoots from selected
adult trees were fi rst established in vitro through axillary shoot
proliferation and then somatic embryogenesis was induced in
leaves from these shoots. This protocol of somatic embryogenesis
induction and plant regeneration can also be applied to the prop-
agation of Arbutus canariensis Duham, a species quite similar to
A. unedo .
2 Materials
Somatic embryo genesis in A. unedo can be induced from leaves of
in vitro propagated shoots, established from adult or juvenile (i.e.,
not yet in the reproductive phase) plants or from seedlings. The
methodology is the same but shoots from adult trees are of known
genotypes allowing the propagation of selected trees. Hence, the
Somatic Embryogenesis in Strawberry Tree
following methodology is based on experiments with leaves from
in vitro developing shoots established from adult plants.
1. Selected adult trees (Fig.
1a ).
2. Semi-woody branches ( see Note 1 ), collected from the selected
plants (30–40 cm length).
3. Epicormic shoot s (Fig.
2a ) of 2–4 cm, collected from these
4. Proliferating shoots (Fig.
2b ).
5. Leaves from proliferating shoots (Fig.
2c ).
1. Semisolid medium for culture establishment (SP medium):
Major salts from the Anderson medium [
21 ], micronutrients
from the Murashige and Skoog [
22 ] medium (without KI),
and organic compounds of the De Fossard medium [
23 ]. Add
0.087 M sucrose and 8.8 μM BA (6-benzyladenine, Sigma
Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO, USA).
2. Induction medium (IM): This medium contains the same
components of the SP medium and the following growth reg-
ulators: 8.8 μM BA and 26.8 μM NAA (1-naphthaleneacetic
acid, Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO, USA).
3. Somatic embryo germination medium (GM): Knop [
24 ] major
salts, micronutrients of the Murashige and Skoog medium [
22 ],
vitamins (without ribofl avin) of the De Fossard medium [
23 ],
0.044 M sucrose and 1 % (w/v) activated charcoal ( Merck
KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany).
4. Add 0.6 % (w/v) agar (Panreac, Spain, or equivalent) to all
media before autoclaving at 121 °C for 20 min (800–1100 g/
cm gel strength after autoclaving). Adjust the pH of all media
to 5.7 using KOH or HCl diluted solutions (0.01–1 M) before
autoclaving and agar addition ( see Note 2 ).
3 Methods
1. Remove the leaves from semi-woody branch segments and
wash them in running water to remove major detritus. Spray
washed branches with a fungicide solution (Benlate or equiva-
lent, 6 % w/v), and set upright in jars containing water to allow
the development of axillary shoots in a growth cabinet at 20 °C
and 80–90 % relative humidity, under a 16 h daily illumination
regime of 15–20 μmol/m
2 /s photosynthetically active radia-
tion (PAR, cool-white fl uorescent lamps) ( see Note 3 ). Change
the water every 2 days to avoid fungi growth ( see Note 4 ).
2.1 Plant Material
2.2 Culture Media
João F. Martins et al.
Fig. 2 Formation of epicormic shoot s and shoot proliferation. ( a ) Epicormic shoot s
(ep) developing from a branch after 1.5 month. ( b ) Shoot proliferation on medium SP.
( c ) Wounded ( arrows ) leaves at the time of the culture for somatic embryo genesis
Somatic Embryogenesis in Strawberry Tree
2. Isolate the shoot apex (0.5 cm) and nodal segments ( see Note 5 )
from the epicormic shoot s (3–4 cm length). Remove the leaves
and wash with detergent (2–3 drops of Tween 20) in a volume
of 100 mL of water.
3. Transfer the explants to an ethanol ( see Note 6 ) solution (70 %
v/v) during 30 s.
4. Wash three times with sterilized water, and transfer to a 5 %
(w/v) calcium hypochlorite solution containing 2–3 drops of
Tween 20 under stirring, during 15 min ( see Note 7 ).
5. Wash three times with sterilized water to remove the excess of
6. In a laminar fl ow chamber, transfer shoot apices and nodal seg-
ments of epicormic shoot s to test tubes (15 × 2.2 cm) containing
15 mL/tube of SP medium ( see Note 8 ). Place one apex or nodal
segment per test tube for culture establishment ( see Note 9 ).
7. Keep the cultures in a growth chamber under a 16 h photope-
riod of 15–20 μmol/m
2 /s (cool-white fl uorescent lamps) at
25 °C ( see Note 10 ).
8. Following establishment, shoots can be subcultured to obtain
large amounts of leaves for further assays. Subcultures must be
carried in the same conditions than in vitro establishment.
9. Leaves (0.4–0.8 cm length) from proliferating shoots (3–4 cm)
are used for somatic embryo genesis induction. Remove the
most apical expanding leaves (8–12 mm) from proliferating
shoots and place them (abaxial side down) in test tubes ( see
Note 8 ) containing the IM medium. With a scalpel make 4–6
transverse cuts in the central part of the leaves ( see Note 11 ).
10. Transfer the cultures to a growth chamber, in the dark, at
25 °C. Somatic embryo s start to appear after 6–8 weeks of
culture (Fig. 3a ). About 2 weeks later, globular somatic
embryo s are formed (Fig. 3b ) ( see Note 12 ).
11. Transfer 2–4 mature cotyledonary somatic embryo s (Fig. 3c )
per test tube containing 15 mL of GM and keep the cultures
under a 16 h photoperiod of 15–20 μmol/m
2 /s (cool-white
uorescent lamps) at 25 °C ( see Note 13 ). Germination can be
seen after 10–15 days (Fig. 3d ) of culture on GM medium.
12. Remove from the test tubes well-rooted ( see Note 14 ) plant-
lets (Fig. 3e ), measuring 3–4 cm in the aerial part, and wash
the roots with tepid tap water to get rid of agar ( see Note 15 ).
13. For acclimatization, transfer the plantlets to pots (250 mL vol-
ume) containing a mixture of sand and perlite (1:1), previously
sterilized by autoclaving.
14. Place the containers in a greenhouse under 18–20 °C until
plantlets reach 8–10 cm ( see Note 4 ).
João F. Martins et al.
Fig. 3 Somatic embryo formation and plant regeneration. ( a ) Early stages of somatic embryo development. ( b )
Somatic embryos mostly at the globular stage. ( c ) Cotyledonary embryo. ( d ) Germinated somatic embryos
after 12 days on GM medium. ( e ) Well-developed plantlets of somatic embryo origin just before to be potted.
( f ) Several plantlets obtained by somatic embryogenesis
Somatic Embryogenesis in Strawberry Tree
15. Transfer the plantlets (Fig. 3f ) to larger containers (1 L volume)
containing a mixture of autoclaved substrate, composed of
sand and peat (1:1).
16. When the plants reach 30–40 cm, transfer them to fi eld condi-
tions. Figure 4 summarizes the different steps of the methodol-
ogy used to achieve plant regeneration through this protocol.
4 Notes
1. Branches must be healthy and from the upper part of the plant.
Avoid using older woody branches. These branches sprout as
well as younger branches, but the in vitro response of the
explants is lower. Spring is the best time to initiate the cultures,
but it was found that branches collected during other periods
of the year can also be used without signifi cant behavioral
2. Recent data (unpublished) showed that the pH of the culture
media strongly infl uences the in vitro response and that this
effect is genotype dependent. Thus, it may be necessary to use
different pH values for different trees but this has to be estab-
lished experimentally.
3. Spraying (three times a week) the branches with a 9.0 μM solu-
tion of BA stimulates epicormic shoot development ( see ref.
11 ) but is not absolutely necessary to induce it. Furthermore,
it can affect further response of the apices and nodal segments
in culture by reducing shot growth.
4. Covering the branches with polypropylene plastic bags main-
tains a higher humidity and may help to stimulate epicormic
shoot development.
5. Although both shoot apices and nodal segments can be used
for axillary shoot proliferation, the fi rst gave better rates of
6. Strawberry tree tissues are very sensitive to ethanol. Do not keep
the explants in contact with this alcohol longer than suggested.
7. As a general procedure, we submit the explants to calcium
hypochlorite for 15 min. The effect of this treatment can be
genotype dependent, e.g., leaves of some trees are more sensi-
tive than others. If the tissues start to bleach before the indi-
cated time, immediately remove the explants and wash them.
8. Other containers such as Magenta boxes or glass boxes can be
used instead of test tubes. From the different containers tested,
it was found that test tubes covered with plastic caps are the
most effective for shoot proliferation. For somatic embryo gen-
esis induction, leaves can also be cultured in Petri dishes or
other plastic or glass containers.
João F. Martins et al.
Fig. 4 General overview of the process of plant regeneration of Arbutus unedo through somatic
embryo genesis
Somatic Embryogenesis in Strawberry Tree
9. More than one explant can be placed per test tube; however,
this way the probability of contamination is higher.
10. In general, using this protocol, A. unedo tissues do not release
phenolics to the culture medium. However, we have found
phenol exudation and oxidation when working with some gen-
otypes. In this case tissue cultures must be placed in a growth
chamber at 25 ± 1 °C under dark conditions for a week and
then transferred to light conditions. The inclusion of 100 mg/L
ascorbic acid in the medium also helps to reduce phenol oxida-
tion and necrosis of the explants.
11. Somatic embryo genesis can be achieved even without wound-
ing the leaves. However, this procedure increases the rates of
somatic embryo genesis induction.
12. Somatic embryo formation is asynchronous and embryos at
different developmental stages, from globular to cotyledonar
stage, can be seen in the same explant. The rates of somatic
embryo genesis induction are quite variable among different
trees. In the tested conditions, recalcitrant genotypes as well as
high responsive genotypes (i.e., with over 50 % of induction
rates) were found. The number of somatic embryos per
embryogenic explants is also variable, with some explants giv-
ing rise to only a few embryos, whereas others produce over
13. Do not transfer to the germination medium the non-
cotyledonar embryos. They will not germinate or will undergo
precocious germination. Try to select morphologically normal
embryos since off-type embryos usually give rise to abnormal
14. Plantlets are considered well-rooted when showing at least two
well-developed roots. In some cases, only the stem part of the
plantlets develops after somatic embryo germination . In these
cases, the shoots can be rooted following an IBA (indole-3-
butyric acid) treatment followed by transfer to an auxin-free
medium, as described in ref.
9 .
15. Roots must be washed carefully not to break them, thus pre-
venting hindrance of the success of the next steps.
This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
(Portugal), research contract PTDC/AGR-FOR/3746/2012,
and by a postdoctoral research fellowship (SFRH/
BPD/91461/2012) awarded to Sandra Correia.
João F. Martins et al.
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Somatic Embryogenesis in Strawberry Tree
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_15, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 15
Somatic Embryogenesis in Olive ( Olea europaea
L. subsp. europaea var. sativa and var. sylvestris )
Eddo Rugini and Cristian Silvestri
Protocols for olive somatic embryogenesis from zygotic embryos and mature tissues have been described
for both Olea europaea sub. europaea var. sativa and var. sylvestris . Immature zygotic embryos (no more
than 75 days old), used after fruit collection or stored at 12–14 °C for 2–3 months, are the best responsive
explants and very slightly genotype dependent, and one single protocol can be effective for a wide range
of genotypes. On the contrary, protocols for mature zygotic embryos and for mature tissue of cultivars are
often genotype specifi c, so that they may require many adjustments according to genotypes. The use of
thidiazuron and cefotaxime seems to be an important trigger for induction phase particularly for tissues
derived from cultivars. Up to now, however, the application of this technique for large-scale propagation
is hampered also by the low rate of embryo germination; it proves nonetheless very useful for genetic
Key words Double regeneration technique , Immature and mature zygotic embryos , Mature tissues ,
Olea europaea L. var. sativa , Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris , Somatic embryogenesis
1 Introduction
Until recent years, olive breeding was limited, mainly due to the
long juvenile phase of the seedlings and to the scarce knowledge
related to genetic aspects, which discouraged breeders and public
researchers. For this reason, biotechnology-mediated genetic
improvement, which still requires effi cient in vitro regeneration
protocols from cells or tissues, is a precious tool in support of con-
ventional breeding. Actually, it is possible to easily regenerate
somatic embryos or adventitious shoots from juvenile material,
such as zygotic embryos, due to the high morphogenetic ability of
tissues collected from immature or mature seeds [
1 10 ] in both
Olea europaea var. sativa and Olea europaea var. sylvestris. However,
these structures cannot be employed either for plant cloning or
for breeding as, due to the high heterozygosis of the Olea spp.,
they produce plants genetically different from the mother plant.
On the other hand, somatic embryogenesis is very diffi cult to
obtain from mature tissues of cultivars; moreover, this phenome-
non is strongly genotype dependent. In corroboration of that, up
to now somatic embryogenesis has been successfully reported only
in the cultivars Canino, Moraiolo [
11 ], and Dahbia [ 12 , 13 ] of O.
europaea L. var. sativa and in one genotype of O. europaea L. var.
sylvestris [
14 ]. The var. sylvestris has been taken into account in this
chapter because it may contribute to improve the cultivated variet-
ies of O. europaea L. var. sativa , since it belongs to the primary
gene pool [
15 ] of the genus. In our experience [ 11 ], regeneration
of adventitious buds, which normally provokes rejuvenation of the
regenerants, seems to be one of the key factors to obtain somatic
embryogenesis from mature tissues of cultivars, together with the
employment of a proper combination of basal medium and plant
growth regulators (PGRs). However, the results obtained in the cv.
Dahbia demonstrated that rejuvenation through adventitious
shoot organogenesis is not essential for the induction of embryo-
genic response [
13 ]. Regarding the PGRs, thidiazuron (TDZ)
seems to be an important trigger for the induction phase, since it
was used successfully for somatic embryogenesis induction.
Recently, the development of early stages of embryogenic cell sus-
pension culture from mature olive leaf-derived calli of the cv.
Chetoui has also been reported, but the development of well-
formed embryos was not achieved [
16 ].
The ability of somatic embryos to form secondary embryos
and, consequently, a cyclic embryogenesis can both be useful in the
unconventional breeding of olive, although the derived plants
acquire juvenility over time and, hence, delay their adult phase
17 ]. Concerning somaclonal variation, in our experience, an evi-
dent phenotypic variability was not observed yet, after many years
of in-fi eld observation of plants of cv. Canino derived from somatic
embryogenesis (Fig.
1f–i ). This fact was confi rmed by Lopes et al.
18 ] in Olea spp., where the genome integrities have been main-
tained throughout the embryogenesis process. On the contrary, a
report described a different vegetative behavior (bushy and colum-
nar phenotype) in plants derived from somatic embryos, originated
from one cotyledon of the cv. Frangivento [
19 ]. These confl icting
results suggest to pay attention to the use of somatic embryogen-
esis for propagating true-to-type olive plants. On the other hand,
the high multiplication potential of cyclic somatic embryogenesis,
originated from mature tissues of elite cultivars, makes it a very
suitable technique to induce somaclonal variation under selective
pressure of biotic and abiotic stresses, as well as to be applied in
genetic transformation for the introduction of some agronomical
useful genes, as reviewed by Rugini et al. [
17 ].
Eddo Rugini and Cristian Silvestri
2 Materials
1. Material used to induce embryogenic callus: (1) Immature
olive fruits harvested between 30 and 75 days after blooming,
to be used both at harvest time or after storage at 12–15 °C
for 2–3 months, before extracting the embryos; (2) mature
olive fruits of O. europaea L. var. sativa and of O. europaea L.
var. sylvestris ; (3) in vitro shoots from mature trees of the cv.
Canino, Moraiolo, or Dahbia, micropropagated on OM
medium (Table
1 ; see Note 1 ) supplemented with 2190 mg/L
L - glutamine, 1 mg/L zeatin riboside (ZR), 3.6 % mannitol (or
3 % sucrose), and 0.6 % agar; (4) adventitious buds regener-
ated from leaf petioles of the cv. Canino or Moraiolo; and (5)
young plants of O. europaea L. var. sylvestris (about 2-year-old
plants, grown in greenhouse and derived from fi eld plants of
over 30 years of age) used to collect young leaves.
Fig 1 Somatic embryogenesis by using a double regeneration system from in vitro growing shoot (cv. Canino).
( a ) Adventitious bud petioles from in vitro growing shoots. ( b ) Somatic embryogenesis from leafl ets of a small
adventitious bud that was previously regenerated from the petiole. ( c ) Secondary somatic embryogenesis from
epidermal cell layer of somatic embryos and teratoma (cyclic somatic embryogenesis). ( d ) Histology of sec-
ondary somatic embryogenesis from epidermal cell layer of somatic embryos. ( e ) Embryo conversion. ( f )
14-year- old olive from somatic embryogenesis. ( g ) View of 7-year-old in-fi eld plants derived from somatic
embryos. ( h ) Comparison of young branches with leaves and drupes collected from somatic embryo-derived
plants and the donor plant. ( i ) Detail of leaves and fruits from previous photos. Up to now, no evident variation
has been observed in vegetative and reproductive habits
Somatic Embryogenesis in Olive
2. Deionized water and sterile water.
3. Commercial bleaching solution.
4. 70 % ethanol.
5. MS medium [
20 ], OM medium [ 21 ], zeatin riboside (ZR),
benzylaminopurine (BAP), 3-indolbutyric acid (IBA),
α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 6-γ-γ-(dimethylallylamino)-
purine (2-iP), TDZ, Difco Bacto agar, plant agar, Tween 20.
6. Equipment: Laminar fl ow hood, growth chamber, dissecting
microscope, pH meter, and autoclave.
Table 1
Rugini olive medium composition (as reported by Duchefa, the Netherlands)
Micro elements ( mg/L )
2 · 6H 2 O 0.025
4 · 5H 2 O 0.250
FeNaEDTA 36.700
3 BO
3 12.400
KI 0.830
4 · H 2 O 16.900
2 MoO
4 · 2H 2 O 0.250
4 · 7H 2 O 14.300
Macroelements ( mg/L )
2 332.16
3 )
2 416.92
KCl 500.00
2 PO
4 340.00
3 1100.00
4 732.60
4 NO
3 412.00
Vitamins ( mg/L )
Biotin 0.05
Folic Acid 0.50
Glycine 2.00
Myoinositol 100.00
Nicotinic acid 5.00
Pyridoxine HCl 0.50
Thiamine HCl 0.50
Eddo Rugini and Cristian Silvestri
7. Disposables: Petri dishes (25 mm × 90 mm), 25-well multiwell
plates, pipettes, Whatman 3 mm fi lter paper, 0.22 μm Millipore
lters, forceps, scalpels, Parafi lm, and Jiffy pots.
3 Methods
1. Adjust the pH of the media at 5.8 with 0.1 N KOH or 0.1 N
HCl and solidify with plant agar (unless otherwise stated).
2. Sterilize all the culture media by autoclaving at 121 °C for
20 min.
3. Add the fi lter-sterilized hormones after autoclaving.
1. Break the stones and remove the seeds from the stony
2. Surface sterilize the seeds with 10 % commercial bleaching
solution for 10–15 min.
3. Rinse three times the seeds with sterile water.
4. Soak the seeds for at least 24 h in sterile water at room
5. With a scalpel, remove the zygotic embryos by either a longi-
tudinal or transversal cut across the seed teguments and
6. Place the embryos [
10 15 ] horizontally in each Petri dish,
containing 20 mL of half-strength MS medium [
20 ] supple-
mented with 0.1–0.5 mg/L BAP, 2 % sucrose, and 0.6 % Difco
Bacto agar; seal the dishes with Parafi lm.
7. Keep the cultures in the dark at 23 ± 1 °C and subculture them
in fresh medium every 30 days.
8. Subculture the embryogenic calli ( see Note 2 ) in the same
medium reducing BAP concentration at 0.05 mg/L or in
hormone- free medium.
1. Break the stones and remove the seeds from the stony
2. Sterilize the seeds for 1 min with 70 % ethanol, and then soak
them for 20 min in 10 % commercial bleaching solution plus
20 drops/L of Tween 20.
3. Rinse three times with sterile distilled water, and soak for 24 h
in sterile distilled water in the dark, at 24 ± 1 °C.
4. Extract the embryos and dissect them in three parts: proximal
and distal half of cotyledons and radicle ( see Note 3 ).
5. Transfer the explants to Petri dishes containing a modifi ed
OM medium (OMc, see Note 4 ) with 0.5 mg/L 2-iP, 5 mg/L
IBA, and 0.6 % Difco Bacto agar.
3.1 Somatic
from Immature Zygotic
3.2 Somatic
from Mature Zygotic
Embryo of Olea
europaea var. sativa
and var. sylvestris
Somatic Embryogenesis in Olive
6. Maintain the Petri dishes in 16 h photoperiod, under
40 μmol/m
2 /s of light intensity, at 24 ± 1 °C, for 21 days.
7. Transfer 25 callusing explants after 14–21 days to Petri dishes
containing gelled 20 mL hormone-free OMc medium, at the
abovementioned environmental conditions, to induce somatic
embryogenesis ( see Notes 5 and 6 ).
1. Collect leaf petioles from shoots, micropropagated on OM
medium supplemented with 1 mg/L ZR, 3.6 % mannitol (or
3 % sucrose), and 0.6 % agar.
2. Place the leaf petioles in Petri dishes containing 20 mL MS
medium supplemented with TDZ, at concentration ranging
between 2 and 10 mg/L, 2 % sucrose, 0.6 % Difco Bacto agar
( see Note 7 ), and seal with Parafi lm with the aim of regenerat-
ing adventitious buds (Fig.
1a ).
3. Dissect the leafl ets from the neo-formed adventitious buds
when they are no longer than 1–3 mm. Place them individu-
ally in a 25 multiwell plate (Sterilin) with 3 mL of OMc
medium supplemented with 1 mg/L hydrolyzed casein, 3 %
sucrose, 200 mg/L cefotaxime, 0.1 mg/L BAP, 0.1 mg/L
2-iP, 0.5 mg/L IBA, and 0.6 % Difco Bacto agar.
4. Store then the cultures in the dark at 24 ± 1 °C.
5. After about 1 month, when morphogenetic masses are pro-
duced from petioles, transfer them to a fi lter paper (Whatman
no. 3) of the same diameter of the Petri dishes, with 5 mL
OMc liquid medium.
6. Every 3 weeks, remove the exhausted medium by pipetting and
replace it with an equivalent volume of fresh liquid medium,
until masses with pro-embryonic structures appear (they are
recognizable by a small spherical callus, with diameter of
1–2 mm and a smoothly yellowish surface; the masses continue
to enlarge in size and start to differentiate somatic embryos).
7. Place the neo-formed embryos (Fig.
1b ) on hormone-free
OMc medium with an agar content reduced to a value of 0.3 %
( see Note 8 ).
1. Collect the young leafl ets and petioles from in vitro micro-
propagated shoots, growing on OM medium supplemented
with 1 mg/L ZR, 3.0 % sucrose, and 0.6 % agar.
2. Place the explants in Petri dishes on a shaker (regulated at
60 rpm), fi lled with liquid induction medium, consisting of
half-strength MS medium supplemented with 6.60 mg/L
TDZ and 0.1 mg/L NAA, for 4 days.
3. Transfer the explants to hormone-free half-strength MS
medium, solidifi ed with 0.6 % Difco Bacto agar for 8 weeks.
3.3 Somatic
from Mature Tissue
Explants of In Vitro
Grown Shoots
3.3.1 Cv. Canino
and Moraiolo
3.3.2 Cv. Dahbia
Eddo Rugini and Cristian Silvestri
4. Transfer the explants to the expression ECO medium
( see Note 9 ), supplemented with 0.1 mg/L BAP, 0.1 mg/L
2-iP, 0.05 IBA, and 0.6 % Difco Bacto agar.
1. Collect young leaves formed on 2-year-old potted plants
grown in greenhouse.
2. Sterilize the leaves for 1 min in 70 % ethanol, followed by
10 min immersion in 25 % commercial bleaching solution.
3. Rinse three times with sterile distilled water.
4. Dissect the leaves and place 10 explants (petioles, median, and
distal portion of leaf blades) in Petri dishes, containing MS
medium supplemented with 3 % sucrose, 1 mg/L ZR,
2.5 mg/L IBA, and 0.7 % Difco Bacto agar ( see Note 10 ).
5. Store the cultures in the dark at 22 ± 1 °C for 3 months.
6. Transfer the cultures on hormone-free MS medium in order
to achieve somatic embryogenesis expression.
7. Subculture the tissue explants every 4 weeks in the same
medium to maintain somatic embryogenesis expression.
1. Separate embryos from calli or from original tissues.
2. Place 5–6 embryos in 6-well multiwells (Sterilin) with 2 mL
OMc liquid medium, supplemented with 0.3 mg/L ZR; place
the multiwells on a gyratory shaker at 80 rpm.
3. Place the cultures in a growth chamber at 16 h light photope-
riod (40 μmol/m
2 /s).
4. Transplant the young plantlets with 2–3 pairs of leaves to Jiffy
pots for the acclimatization.
5. Transfer them to the greenhouse under high relative humidity
(80 %), at a temperature of about 23 °C and gradually reduce
the humidity.
4 Notes
1. Olive medium [ 21 ], commercialized in powder form by the
company DUCHEFA, is normally used for long-term prolif-
eration of olive shoots with 35-day subcultures. Olive medium
is characterized by a high content of Ca, Mg, S, Cu, and Zn
1 ). This medium usually induces tender shoots, with less
basal callus, when subcultures are done regularly every month.
2. The embryos will be visible after 5–6 weeks in culture.
Usually, the percentage of zygotic embryos forming somatic
embryos directly from the tissues (direct somatic embryogen-
esis) is considerably higher than embryos originated from the
neo-formed calli (indirect somatic embryogenesis), which
lose their embryogenic ability after one to two subcultures.
3.4 Somatic
from Mature Tissue
Explants of In Vivo
Grown Plants of Olea
europaea var. sylvestris
3.5 Embryo
and Conversion
to Plantlets
Somatic Embryogenesis in Olive
Secondary embryogenesis normally takes place from epidermal
tissues of neo-formed embryos or teratoma, which can be
maintained for several subcultures in the same medium,
allowing cyclic somatic embryogenesis.
3. The radicles show a somatic embryogenesis ability higher than
that of cotyledon explants.
4. Modifi ed OMc medium is a medium in which OM macroele-
ments are replaced with those of BN [
22 ], and the organic
compounds (myoinositol, glycine, thiamine HCl, pyridoxine
HCl, nicotinic acid, biotin, folic acid) are ten times higher
than the ones of OM medium.
5. Embryo formation, although in lower percentage than in
hormone- free medium, can be achieved also in modifi ed OMc
medium, supplemented with 0.5 mg/L IBA [
23 ].
6. For Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris , transfer the explants to hor-
mone-free OMc medium or supplemented with 0.1–1 mg/L
IBA after 21 days, in order to get somatic embryos.
7. Rugini and Mencuccini [
24 ] obtained shoot organogenesis by
using both TDZ alone (at concentrations ranging between 2
and 10 mg/L) and in combination with auxin (2 mg/L TDZ
plus 0.5 mg/L NAA).
8. Secondary somatic embryos (Fig.
1c ) originate from the epi-
dermis, or rarely from the fi rst subepidermal layer, of the
embryos (Fig.
1d ) [ 25 ]. A limited number of cells of the pri-
mary explant are apparently involved in the formation of
somatic embryos [
26 ]. Embryogenic masses and normal
embryos produce various embryo types, consisting of single
embryos of normal shape, single embryos with developed cot-
yledons, single embryos with more than two cotyledons, and
double or multiple embryos fused together [
9 ]. Activated
charcoal at 0.1 % can help the production of cyclic secondary
embryogenesis, originating from normal and abnormal
embryos or embryogenic masses.
9. ECO medium [
8 ] consists of ¼ OM macroelements, ¼ MS
microelements, and ½ OM vitamins supplemented with
550 mg/L
L -glutamine. Embryo “germination” (i.e., the
conversion of embryos to plantlets, Fig.
1e ) is diffi cult,
although the hypocotyl elongation is usually successful, while
epicotyl development does not always occur, due to the abnor-
mal embryo structure. However, 1 week at cold treatment
(4 °C) often increases embryo germination.
10. Somatic embryogenesis from petioles collected from in vivo
grown plants has also been achieved, although in low effi -
ciency [
14 ], in the medium proposed by Rugini and Caricato
11 ], consisting of OM medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L
BAP, 0.05 mg/L IBA, and 0.1 mg/L 2iP.
Eddo Rugini and Cristian Silvestri
1. Mazri MA, Belkoura I, Pliego-Alfaro F,
Belkoura M (2012) Embryogenic capacity of
embryo-derived explants from different olive
cultivars. Acta Hortic 929:397–403
2. Rugini E, Tarini P (1986) Somatic embryo-
genesis in olive ( Olea europaea L.). In:
MoetHennessy (ed) Proceedings of the
Conference in Fruit Tree Biotechnology,
Paris. p 62
3. Shibli RA, Shatnawi M, Abu E, Al-Juboory
KH (2001) Somatic embryogenesis and plant
recovery from callus of “Nabali” olive ( Olea
europaea L.). Sci Hortic 88:243–256
4. Maalej M, Drira N, Chaari-Rkhis A, Trigui A
(2002) Preliminary results of somatic embryo-
genesis from young zygotic embryos of olive
tree. Acta Hortic 586:899–902
5. Cerezo S, Mercado JA, Pliego-Alfaro F (2011)
An effi cient regeneration system via somatic
embryogenesis in olive. Plant Cell Tiss Org
6. Maalej M, Chaari-Rkhiss A, Drira N (2006)
Contribution to the improvement of olive tree
somatic embryogenesis by mineral and organic
analysis of zygotic embryos. Euphytica
7. Rugini E (1988) Somatic embryogenesis and
plant regeneration in olive ( Olea europaea L.).
Plant Cell Tiss Org 14:207–214
8. Cañas LA, Benbadis A (1988) Plant regenera-
tion from cotyledon fragments of the olive tree
( Olea europaea L.). Plant Sci 54:65–74
9. Peyvandi M, Ebnrahimzadeh H, Majd A
(2008) Somatic embryos at different maturity
stages in two olive cultivars. Acta Hortic
10. Orinos T, Mitrakos K (1991) Rhizogenesis
and somatic embryogenesis in calli from wild
olive ( Olea europaea var. sylvestri s (Miller)
Lehr) mature zygotic embryos. Plant Cell Tiss
Org 27:183–187
11. Rugini E, Caricato G (1995) Somatic embryo-
genesis and plant recovery from mature tissues
of olive cultivars ( Olea europaea L.) “Canino”
and “Moraiolo”. Plant Cell Rep 14(4):
Mazri MA, Elbakkali A, Belkoura M, Belkoura I
(2011) Embryogenic competence of calli and
embryos regeneration from various explants of
Dahbia cv, a moroccan olive tree ( Olea europaea
L.). Afr J Biotechnol 10(82):19089–19095
13. Mazri MA, Belkoura I, Pliego-Alfaro F,
Belkoura M (2013) Somatic embryogenesis
from leaf and petiole explants of the moroccan
olive cultivar Dahbia. Sci Hortic 159:88–95
14. Capelo AM, Silva S, Brito G, Santos C (2010)
Somatic embryogenesis induction in leaves
and petioles of a mature wild olive. Plant Cell
Tiss Org 103(2):237–242
15. Rugini E, De Pace C, Gutierrez-Pesce P,
Muleo R (2011) Olea. In: Kole C (ed) Wild
crop relatives: genomic and breeding resources
in temperate fruits. Springer, Berlin,
Heidelberg, pp 79–117
16. Trabelsi EB, Naija S, Elloumi N, Belfeleh Z,
Msellem M, Ghezel R, Bouzid S (2011)
Somatic embryogenesis in cell suspension cul-
tures of olive Olea europaea L. ‘Chetoui’. Acta
Physiol Plant 33(2):319–324
17. Rugini E, Gutiérrez-Pesce P, Muleo R (2008)
Olive. In: Kole C, Hall TC (eds) Compendium
of transgenic crop plants: transgenic temperate
fruits and nuts. Blackwell, Oxford,
pp 233–258
18. Lopes T, Capelo A, Brito G, Loureiro J, Santos
C (2009) Genetic variability analyses of the
somatic embryogenesis induction process in
Olea spp. using nuclear microsatellites. Trees
19. Leva AR, Petruccelli R (2007) Field perfor-
mance of olive somaclones derived from
somatic embryos. Acta Hortic 748:181–189
20. Murashige T, Skoog F (1962) A revised
medium for rapid growth and bioassays with
tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 15:
21. Rugini E (1984) In vitro propagation of some
olive ( Olea europaea sativa L.) cultivars with
different root-ability, and medium develop-
ment using analytical data from developing
shoots and embryos. Sci Hortic 24:123–134
22. Bourgin JP, Nitsch JP (1967) Obtention de
Nicotiana haploïdes à partir d’étamines cul-
tivées in vitro (Production of haploid Nicotiana
from excised stamen). Ann Physio Veg
23. Mitrakos K, Alexaki A, Papadimitriou P (1992)
Dependence of olive morphogenesis on callus
origin and age. J Plant Physiol 139:269–273
24. Mencuccini M, Rugini E (1993) In vitro shoot
regeneration from olive cultivar tissues. Plant
Cell Tiss Org 32(3):283–288
25. Lambardi M, Caccavale A, Rugini E, Caricato
G (1999) Histological observations on somatic
embryos of olive ( Olea europaea L.). Acta
Hortic 474:505–509
26. Benelli C, Fabbri A, Grassi S, Lambardi M,
Rugini E (2001) Histology of somatic embryo-
genesis in mature tissues of olive ( Olea euro-
paea L.). J Hortic Sci Biotec 76(1):112–119
Somatic Embryogenesis in Olive
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_16, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 16
Somatic Embryogenesis in Crocus sativus L.
Basar Sevindik and Yesim Yalcin Mendi
Saffron ( Crocus sativus L.) is one of the most important species in Crocus genus because of its effective
usage. It is not only a very expensive spice, but it has also a big ornamental plant potential. Crocus species
are propagated by corm and seed, and male sterility is the most important problem of this species. Hence,
somatic embryogenesis can be regarded as a strategic tool for the multiplication of saffron plants. In this
chapter, the production of saffron corms via somatic embryogenesis is described.
Key words Crocus sativus L , Ornamental saffron , Somatic embryo genesis , Tissue culture
1 Introduction
The Iridaceae family contains 65 genus and 2025 species. It has a
big ornamental potential because of its leaf and fl ower characteris-
tics [
1 ] . Generally, this family includes geophytes and monocotyle-
don [
2 ]. Crocus is the most important genus of the Iridaceae family.
It includes plants with rhizomes, corms, and bulbs . This genus
expands in tropical and subtropical regions of the Northern
Hemisphere, particularly in Southeastern Europe, North Africa,
and temperate Asia (Western and Central Asia) [
3 5 ] . Many coun-
tries, such as Iran, India, Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey, France,
Switzerland, Israel, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, the United
Arab Emirates, Japan, Afghanistan, and Iraq (and, recently, also
Australia in the Southern Hemisphere), produce saffron [
4 ].
Crocus has invariably been cultivated by means of traditional labor-
intensive methods which contribute to its very high price.
Crocus belongs to subfamily Crocoideae , one of the most
crowded subfamily of the Iridaceae family [
6 ]. The genus includes
nearly 100 species which are commonly used as popular orna-
mental plants [
7 ]. All the members of the genus are geophytes
and perennial plant species with an underground storage organ
and renewable buds. They are generally propagated not only by
seeds but also by specialized underground storage organs, such as
bulbs , corms, tubers, or rhizomes [
8 ]. Crocus is highly prized as
garden plants for their colorful fl owers and as horticultural variet-
ies for industrial applications. Crocus genus includes native spe-
cies, especially in Greece, Turkey, Iran, and India, while other
countries (Italy, Hungary, and Spain) have representatives of
Crocus species [
6 ]. This genus presents a wide variety of chromo-
some numbers (2 n = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26,
28, 30, 32, 34, 44, 48) [
9 ].
Crocus sativus L., commonly known as saffron , is the most
common cultivated plant, used for different purposes (ornamen-
tal, medicinal, and as spice). It is unknown as a wild plant, repre-
senting a sterile triploid derived from the naturally occurring
diploid C. cartwrightianus Herbert. Some archaeological and his-
torical studies indicate that domestication of saffron dates back to
2000–1500 years B.C. [
4 ]. Presently, saffron is commonly culti-
vated for its stigmas (used dried to produce the spice), while other
parts of the plant (such as leaves or petals) are useless; moreover,
a toxic effect of the bulbs on animals has been described [
10 ].
Because of its autotriploidy, saffron is multiplicated through the
formation of daughter corms from the mother corm, and its
breeding is very diffi cult. The saffron plant produces about 160
compounds, and crocin, safanal, picrocrocin, and crocetin are the
most valuable. Crocin, typically deep red in color, quickly dis-
solves in water to form an orange-colored solution, thereby mak-
ing crocin widely used as a natural food colorant. The second
most abundant component is picrocrocin that gives the taste of
saffron [
11 ]. These components provide different usage both in
medicine industry and in alternative medicine. Recently, several
studies showed the anticarcinogenic and antitumor activity of saf-
fron. As ornamentals, although Crocus species have fl owers with
different shapes and colors and different plant morphology, as
well, they are still not exploited in gardening as it is in their
Tissue culture is an effective method for producing plants from
species with propagation problems. Tissue culture provides many
benefi ts for rapid multiplication, and somatic embryo genesis is one
of the most useful technique, as it can produce high numbers of
plants from embryos originating from somatic cells of various tis-
sues and organs. Somatic embryo s can be also used for the produc-
tion of synthetic seeds, for genetic transformation and other
biotechnological applications. This chapter deals with the induc-
tion of somatic embryogenesis from C. sativus L. corms. It lists the
required equipment and describes a stepwise protocol useful to
sterilize explants and equipments, prepare somatic embryogenesis
medium, and induce somatic embryo maturation and conversion
to plantlets.
Basar Sevindik and Yesim Yalcin Mendi
2 Material
C. sativus L. is a perennial herb, and the plants used in this study
were collected in a small area in the Northwest of Turkey
(Safranbolu district, in the province of Karabük). Here, blooming
of saffron starts in October and goes on up to the middle of
November. Plants should be collected early in the morning in the
middle of October, during the fl owering period. Plant material is
kept in pots until the use of explants for in vitro culture.
1. Vertical fume hood, laminar fl ow cabinet.
2. Autoclave for sterilization.
3. pH meter.
4. Tissue culture facilities: magnetic stirrers, magnetic bars, for-
ceps, scalpels, and micropipettes.
1. Salts and vitamins from MS medium ([
12 ]; Table 1 ).
2. Sucrose .
3. Gelrite (Duchefa, NL).
4. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).
5. N
6 -(2-isopentenyl)adenine (2iP).
(a) 1 N KOH solution.
(b) 1 N HCl solution.
6. 250 and 500 mL glass fl asks.
7. 500 mL beakers.
8. 1000 and 500 mL cylinders.
9. Sterile Petri dishes (9 cm in diameter).
10. Magenta boxes (77 mm × 77 mm × 97 mm).
1. Tap water.
2. 0.1 % HgCl
2 solution.
3. 70 % ethyl alcohol (ETOH).
4. Distilled water.
5. 500 mL beakers.
6. 250 and 500 mL cylinders.
7. 20 % sodium hypochlorite (Domestos
® , commercial bleach
solution at 4.5 % NaOCl ).
1. Turf.
2. Perlite.
3. Vials (3.5 cm × 3.5 cm).
4. Fungicide (Captan 50 %).
2.1 Plant Material
2.2 Laboratory
2.3 Preparation
of Culture Media
2.4 Explant
2.5 Acclimatization
of Plantlets
Embryogenesis in Saffron
3 Methods
1. To prepare the SEI medium, prepare the stock solutions of
macro- and microelements from MS medium . Alternatively,
use ready-to-use MS powder preparation (4.4 g/L) by Sigma-
Aldrich (M5519).
2. Prepare 2,4-D and 2iP stock solutions at 100 mg/100 mL
concentration by dissolving 2,4-D in 2–3 mL ETOH and 2iP
in 1 N NaOH.
3. Add 2 mL of 2,4-D stock solution to 1 L of MS medium to
have a fi nal concentration of 2 mg/L, and 1 mL 2iP stock
solution to have a fi nal concentration of 1 mg/L.
4. Add 30 g/L sucrose , add distilled water up to 1 L, optimize
the pH between 5.6 and 5.8 with 1 N KOH and 1 N HCl, and
add 4 g/L Gelrite (Duchefa, NL) ( see Note 1 ).
3.1 Preparation
of Somatic
Induction (SEI)
and Somatic Embryo
Maturation (SEM)
Table 1
MS formulation [ 12 ]
Macronutrients mg/L
4 NO
3 1650
3 1900
2 × 2H 2 O 440
4 × 7H 2 O 370
2 PO
4 170
Micronutrients mg/L
3 BO
3 6.2
4 × 1H 2 O 16.9
4 × 7H 2 O 10.6
KI 0.830
2 MoO
4 × 2H 2 O 0.25
4 × 5H 2 O 0.025
2 × 6H 2 O 0.025
Amino acid and Vitamins mg/L
Glycine 2
Nicotinic acid 0.1
Thiamine HCl 0.5
Pyridoxine HCl 0.5
Basar Sevindik and Yesim Yalcin Mendi
5. For media sterilization, autoclave MS medium at 121 °C for
15 min and 1.05 atm pressure.
6. Pour the medium into the Petri dishes (diameter, 90 mm) in
the laminar fl ow cabinet.
7. To prepare the SEM hormone-free medium, follow the same
procedure reported above, with the exception of steps 2 and 3 .
1. Before surface sterilization, tunics are separated from the
corms. Wash tunic-removed corms under tap water for 30 min
to eliminate soil traces from corm surface (Fig.
1a ).
2. Treat the corms with 0.1 % HgCl
2 for 30 min under the verti-
cal fume hood ( see Note 2 ), and then wash the corms with
sterile distilled water for 6–7 times.
3. Treat the explants with 70 % ETOH ( see Note 3 ) under the
laminar fl ow cabinet for 1 min. Wash the explants for three or
four times with sterile distilled water.
4. Treat the explants with 20 % NaOCl solution in the laminar
ow cabinet for 20 min ( see Note 4 ), and then wash them with
sterile distilled water for six or seven times (Fig.
1b ).
1. Under the laminar fl ow cabinet, cut the explants into small
pieces of 4 mm, on average (Fig.
1c ).
2. Plate them on the SEI medium (four explants per Petri dish).
3. Culture the explants in the climate chamber, at 25 °C in dark-
ness (Fig.
1d–f ).
4. After 6 weeks, somatic embryo s are observed from both direct
and indirect somatic embryogenesis.
5. For maturation, transfer the somatic embryo s on the SIM
medium to get germination of embryos (Fig.
1g, h ).
1. Autoclave the 1:1 turf/perlite mix at 121 °C, 1.05 atm of
pressure, for 15 min; put the mix into vials (5.3 cm in
2. Separate the microcorms from the hormone-free MS medium
and wash them under tap water.
3. Solubilize 1 g fungicide (Captan 50 %) in 1 L of distilled water.
4. Dip microcorms with emblings into the fungicide and put
them into the vials.
5. Put the vials into the climate chamber at 25 °C, photoperiod
16 h and about 38 μmol m
−2 s
−1 of light intensity; close the
vials with transparent nylon tarpaulin. Two weeks later, trans-
fer the plantlets in 500 cc pots, inside a greenhouse.
3.2 Explant
3.3 Induction
of Somatic
and Somatic Embryo
3.4 Plantlet
Embryogenesis in Saffron
4 Notes
1. Optimize the pH using 1 N KOH and 1 N HCl.
2. Be careful when managing HgCl
2 , a carcinogenic compound.
Work in the vertical fume hood, use the safety mask, and do not
Fig. 1 Different stages of somatic embryo genesis in saffron . ( a ) Removal of tunics from the corms. ( b ) Surface
sterilization of the corms. ( c ) Culture of the explants containing apical buds on MS medium . ( d ) Callus stage
(CP) in indirect somatic embryogenesis. ( e ) Differentiation of callus into somatic embryos from apical buds
(AB). ( f ) Different stages of somatic embryos (HF, heart stage; GF, globular stage). ( g and h ) Embling elongation
from somatic embryos
Basar Sevindik and Yesim Yalcin Mendi
breathe the solution. Weigh 1 g HgCl
2 , put in 1 L of distilled
water, and mix until dissolved.
3. Put 700 mL of ETOH into the cylinder measure and supple-
ment with 300 mL of distilled water.
4. Put 200 mL of commercial bleach solution (Domestos
® , con-
taining 4.5 % NaOCl ) into a cylinder measure and supplement
with 2–3 drops of Tween20 (nonionic detergent, Sigma-
Aldrich, USA) and add distilled water up to 1 L.
1. Ascough GD, Erwin EJ, Staden JV (2009)
Micropropagation of Iridaceae. Plant Cell Tiss
Organ Cult 97:1–19
2. Adamson RS (1925) On the anatomy of some
shrubby Iridaceae. Trans Roy Soc S Afr 13(2):
3. Wani BA, Mohiddin FA (2009) Micro-
propagation of Genus Crocus—a review. Afr
J Agric Res 4(13):1545–1548
4. Sharafzadeh S (2011) Saffron: a concise review of
researches. Adv Environ Biol 5(7):1617–1621
5. Unal M, Cavusoglu A (2005) The effect of
various nitrogen fertilizers on saffron ( Crocus
sativus L.) yield. Akdeniz Univ J Agric Faculty
6. Fernandez JA, Sanatana O, Guzardiola JL,
Molina RV, Harrison PH, Borbely G, Branca F,
Argento S, Maloupa E, Talou T, Thiercelin JM,
Gasimov K, Vurdu H, Roldan M, Santaella M,
Sanchis E, Garcia Luis A, Suranyi G, Molnar A,
Sramko G, Gulyas G, Balazas L, Horvat O,
Rodriguez MF, Vioque RS, Escolano MA,
Reina JV, Krigas N, Pastor T, Renau Morata B,
Raynaud C, Ibadli O, Polissiou M, Tsimidou
MZ, Tsaftaris A, Sharaf EM, Medina J,
Constandinidis T, Karamplianis T, Pasqual
MDLM (2011) The World Saffron and Crocus
collection: strategies for establishment, man-
agement, characterisation and utilisation.
Genet Resour Crop Evol 58:125–137
7. Harpke D, Meng S, Rutten T, Kerndorf H,
Blatnerr FR (2013) Phylogeny of Crocus
(Iridaceae) based on one chloroplast and two
nuclear loci: ancient hybridization and chro-
mosome number evolution. Mol Phylogenet
Evol 66:617–627
8. Ziv M, Naor V (2006) Flowering of geophytes
in vitro. Propag Ornam Plants 6(1):3–16
9. Brighton CA (1977) Cytology of Crocus sati-
vus and its allies (Iridaceae). Plant Syst Evol
10. Rios JL, Recio MC, Giner RM, Manez S (1996)
An update review of saffron and its active con-
stituents. Phytother Res 10:189–193
11. Melenky JP, Wang S, Marcone MF (2010)
Chemical and biological properties of the
world’s most expensive spice: saffron. Food
Res Int 43:1981–1989
Murashige T, Skoog FA (1962) A revised
medium for rapid growth and bioassays with
tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 15:
Embryogenesis in Saffron
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_17, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 17
Somatic Embryogenesis in Lisianthus ( Eustoma
russellianum Griseb.)
Barbara Ruffoni and Laura Bassolino
Somatic embryogenesis is, for the main fl oricultural crops, a promising system for commercial scale-up,
providing cloned material to be traded as seedlings.
Somatic embryos, having the contemporary presence of root apical meristem and shoot apical meri-
stem, can be readily acclimatized. For Lisianthus it is possible to induce embryogenic callus from leaf frag-
ments of selected genotypes and to obtain embryos either in agarized substrate or in liquid suspension
culture. The production of somatic embryos in liquid medium is high and can be modulated in order to
synchronize the cycle and the size of the neoformed structures. The possibility to use the liquid substrate
with high propagation rates reduces labor costs and could support the costs of eventual automation. In this
paper we report a stepwise protocol for somatic embryogenesis in the species Eustoma russellianum.
Key words Cell suspension , Conversion , 2,4-D , Lisianthus , Somatic embryo s , Somatic embryo
1 Introduction
Lisianthus ( Eustoma russellianum Griseb. or Eustoma grandifl o-
rum (Raf.) Shinn.) belongs to Gentianaceae family and is a moder-
ately cold-tolerant annual or biennial plant native to the southern
part of the United States and Mexico [
1 ]. It is commonly known
as “Texas bluebell” and “prairie gentian.” Lisianthus gained popu-
larity in the international fl ower market due to its roselike fl owers,
excellent postharvest life (the cut infl orescences typically have a
vase life of 3–6 weeks) [
2 ], and its attractive range of colors. In
nature, the phenology of the species provides for the initial devel-
opment of a rosette that grows very slowly during winter, stems
elongation in spring, and blooms in summer [
3 ]. The domesti-
cated varieties can be adapted for the production of fl owers
throughout the year in protected cultivation. In recent decades,
breeders have developed a variety of cultivars with respect to many
traits such as uniform fl owering (it can produce up to 20–40 fl ow-
ers per plant), lack of rosetting, heat tolerance, fl ower color, and
size and form, including double fl owers [
4 ]. Currently, it is among
the top ten cut fl owers in the international Holland market.
Eustoma is commonly propagated by seed or cutting. A large
number of seedlings can be produced by seed propagation, but the
quality is not uniform due to variations in fl owering time, plant
height, and the number of fl owers. In some cultivars with marginal
variegation, or doubled petals, the seedlings show a wide range of
variation because of their heterozygous character [
5 ]. Methods for
micropropagation of Eustoma have been developed by several
authors and shoots can be easily regenerated from stem and leaf.
The shoot regeneration from petals was studied by Ruffoni et al.
6 ] in relationship to the stage of the fl ower maturation. Large-
scale multiplication of selected plants with superior characters is
possible for all the cultivars showing for this trait poor genotype
variation [
7 ]. The effective multiplication rates depend on several
factors like genotype, culture media, plant growth regulator s
( PGR ), and type of explants [
8 10 ]. Somatic embryo genesis was
rst reported in agarized substrate [
11 ] and, afterwards, in liquid
substrate [
12 ]. Attempts to obtain artifi cial seed s after encapsula-
tion in alginate were also performed [
13 ], as well as the use of the
somatic embryo genesis protocol for genetic transformation [
14 ,
15 ]. Data about the productivity of several Lisianthus genotypes
were presented in 2006 [
16 ]; in the same year, somatic embryo-
genesis protocols were also reported by various authors [
16 , 17 ].
2 Materials
1. 70 % ethanol prepared with 70 mL 99.8 % ethanol and 29 mL
distilled water.
2. Aqueous NaOCl solutions of active chlorine (e.g., commercial
bleach ACE, Procter & Gamble, USA) plus two drops of sur-
face active agent Tween 20
® .
3. Autoclaved reverse osmosis water, 200 mL aliquots in 500-mL
culture vessels.
4. Magnetic stirrer, 1000-mL fl ask or beaker.
5. Tissue culture facilities: Instruments (scalpel, forceps, spirit
burner to fl ame sterilize instruments), laminar fl ow hood, cul-
ture room.
6. Lisianthus potted plants as explant source.
1. Media based on the formulation of Murashige and Skoog (MS;
18 ]) for shoot propagation from apical and axillary buds of
young branches and root induction (Table
1 ).
2. Glass culture vessels (500 mL) with transparent caps.
2.1 Surface
Sterilization of In Vivo
Grown Source Material
2.2 Culture Media for
Micro propagation and
Callus Development
Barbara Ruffoni and Laura Bassolino
3. Petri dishes (9-cm diameter, 2-cm height Bibby Sterilin, Stone,
4. Parafi lm (Parafi lm
® M Barrier Film, SPI Supplies, West Chester,
5. Duran glass fl asks or beakers, 1000-mL capacity (Schott AG,
Mainz, Germany).
1. 100, 250, 500 mL Erlenmeyer vessels with screw caps steril-
ized in autoclave at 121 °C, 1 atm (1.01325 bar) for 20 min.
2. Steel 500-μm mesh sieve (Fig.
1b ), combined with a beaker
having the same diameter (Fig.
1d ), enveloped together with
autoclavable plastic bag or paper, sterilized in autoclave as in
step 1 .
3. Sterile disposable pipette (5, 10, 25, 50 mL).
4. Fresh weight determination: Sterile fi lter paper dishes, vacuum
pump, sterile fi ltration device (all glass fi lter holder, Millipore
® ).
5. Fluorescein diacetate test ( FDA [
19 ]): Non-sterile tubes,
Pasteur pipettes, inverse microscope with fl uorescence equip-
ment (fi lter set 09 ZEISS Co., l ex = 450–490 nm, l em = 520
6. Settled cell volume ( SCV ) determination: 100- and 250-mL
cylinders sterilized by autoclaving ( see step 1 ).
1. Plastic alveolary pots.
2. Potting medium consisting of peat (Trysubstrate Klasmann-
Deilmann) and sterilized sand (1:1, v/v).
2.3 Cell Suspension
2.4 Acclimatization
of Emblings to Ex Vitro
Table 1
Chemical composition of the substrates for somatic embryo genesis in Lisianthus in agarized or
liquid medium (f.s., full strength)
A) Callus establishment
B) Cell
C) Somatic embryos
D) Somatic
MS salts f.s. f.s. f.s. f.s.
MS vitamins f.s. f.s. f.s. f.s.
2,4-D 9.05 μM 9.05 μM
Kin 1.5 μM
Sucrose 30 g/L 30 g/L 30 g/L 30 g/L
Technical agar 8 g/L 8 g/L 8 g/L
pH 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7
P.P.F.D. 35 μmol/m
2 /s 25 μmol/m
2 /s 35 μmol/m
2 /s 35 μmol/m
2 /s
Lisianthus Embryogenesis
Fig. 1 ( a ) Lisianthus ower branches; ( b ) leaf fragments washed and fi ltered; ( c ) leaf debris and chlorophyll in
the washing medium; ( d ) fi ltering apparatus, embryogenic cells synchronized for suspension culture; ( e )
somatic embryo s developed in agarized medium lacking in 2,4-D; ( f ) somatic embryo developed in liquid
hormone-free medium; ( g ) mature somatic embryo; ( h ) particular of the SAM of the somatic embryo (120×);
( i ) converted somatic embryos; ( l ) embling with true leaves ready for transfer to pot
Barbara Ruffoni and Laura Bassolino
3 Methods
1. Prepare 10 L of a 10× stock solution by dissolving 43 g of MS
(Duchefa Biochemie B.V., The Netherlands; cod M 0221.0010)
powder, containing a micro- and macro-element complex, in
9 L of deionized water. While stirring the water, add the pow-
der and stir until complete dissolution; bring the solution to a
nal volume (10 L) by adding water; use 1 L of this solution
(4302.09 mg) for each liter of culture medium.
2. Prepare 250 mL of 1000x stock solution by dissolving MS
vitamins (Duchefa Biochemie B.V., The Netherlands; cod M
0409.0250) powder, containing 25.8 g mixed vitamins, in
deionized water, and stir until completely dissolved, eventually
warming the solution up to 30 °C. Use 1 mL vitamin stock
solution (103.1 mg) for each liter of culture medium.
3. Add any desired suitable supplement (commercial sucrose ,
usually 30 g/L) weighing the powder and dissolve by stirring.
4. PGR stocks: To prepare the two stock solutions at 1 mg/mL
of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and kinetin (Kin),
or gibberellic acid (GA3), weigh 100 mg and add in a volu-
metric fl ask 20–30 mL ethanol (99.8 %). Gently stir until com-
pletely dissolved and bring slowly the volume to 100 mL with
distilled water at room temperature. Store the stock solutions
as recommended (4 °C in light for 2,4-D and Kin). Add the
PGR as requested for each culture phase.
5. After adding all the components, while stirring, adjust the pH
of the medium to 5.7 by using NaOH 1 N or HCl 1 M.
6. Add 8 g/L technical agar (e.g., Duchefa Biochemie B.V., The
Netherlands); heat until clarity of the solution, stirring the
medium on an electric plate or heating in a microwave.
7. Dispense 62.5 mL medium each into 16 culture vessels (500 cc).
8. Sterilize the medium in autoclave at 121 °C, 1 atm (1.01325
bar) for 20 min. Allow medium to cool and solidify prior to
plant inoculation.
9. To pour culture medium in Petri dishes (9-cm diameter):
Follow instructions from point 1 to 5, add 8 g/L technical
agar , sterilize the medium in autoclave at 121 °C, 1 atm
(1.01325 bar) for 20 min, move the fl ask (when cooled below
100 °C) under the laminar fl ow hood, and dispense 25 mL
medium in each Petri dish to prepare 40 Petri dishes.
10. For liquid medium: Prepare the solution as previous step ( 1
5 ) without adding agar ; sterilize the medium in autoclave at
121 °C, 1 atm (1.01325 bar) for 20 min; move the fl ask (when
cooled below 100 °C) under the laminar fl ow hood. The liquid
media can be stored at 5 °C in the dark up to 30 days. Warm
the medium at room temperature (20 °C) before use.
3.1 Preparation
and Sterilization
of Culture Media
Lisianthus Embryogenesis
11. For FDA stock solution: Dissolve 5 mg of fl uorescein diacetate
in 1 mL acetone, and store it at −18 °C. The stock solution can
be used for several months.
1. Excise young leaves of Lisianthus - selected genotypes from
mature greenhouse-grown plants (Fig.
1a ), maintained at 20
°C in 14-cm diameter pots, under natural light conditions.
2. Rinse explants in a detergent warm aqueous solution with a
few drops of liquid dish soap. Then, sterilize with 70 % ethanol
for 30 s, treat with NaOCl solution (1.75 % active chlorine) for
15 min, and rinse twice with sterilized distilled water.
3. Chop accurately the leaf tissue, wash the material and collect
the fragments over the steel fi lter (Fig.
1b ), discard the liquid
with chlorophyll and debris (Fig.
1c ), and transfer the material
onto the medium for in vitro callus induction (Table
1, A ) for
30 days.
1. Transfer the callus formed after 30 days, observe with a bin-
ocular microscope, accurately cut off the brown leaf tissue, and
select the undifferentiated tissue. Then subculture the green
callus every 30 days.
2. Grow callus in growth chamber at the following conditions:
23 ± 1 °C and 16 h photoperiod (light intensity 35 μmol/m
2 /s
photosynthetic photon fl ux density (PPFD)).
3. Transfer 1 g of the green friable callus, at 28–30-day intervals,
in fresh medium in Petri dish ( see Note 1 ).
1. Transfer 1 g of friable callus in 100-mL sterile Erlenmeyer fl ask
and insert with a sterile pipette 25 mL of liquid embryogenic
medium (Table
1, B ).
2. Put the fl ask in a gyratory shaker at 110 rpm in 16 h light pho-
toperiod at 35 μmol/m
2 /s PPFD ( see Note 2 ).
3. Every 15 days renew the medium: Transfer the fl ask in the
sterile bench, let settle the cells for 15 min, gently aspire with
a sterile pipette the old liquid medium over the plant material
and discard, and then add the same amount of new liquid
medium previously stored for 1 h at room temperature.
4. Monitoring the growth by settled cell volume ( SCV ) ( see Note
3 ): Pour the cell suspension in a graduated cylinder of ade-
quate volume and allow the suspension to settle for 30 min
and record the volume of fraction occupied by the cells. Take
a second reading 30 min later; if the variation is higher than 5
%, take a third reading 30 min later.
5. Assessment of the cell viability, fl uorescein diacetate test [
19 ]:
Dilute 1 mL of FDA stock solution with 2 mL of distilled
water in a test tube (it turns white milky). Then, mix 1 mL of
3.2 Callus
3.3 Embryogenic
Callus Biomass
3.4 Embryogenic
Cell Suspension
Barbara Ruffoni and Laura Bassolino
the diluted FDA solution with 1 mL cell suspension and
incubated for 5 min at room temperature. Put onto a slide a
small amount of the solution containing FDA stained cells
(one or two drops) and observe it under a fl uorescence
microscope by visualizing the greenish fl uorescence of the
cells at 100–400× magnifi cation to calculate the percentage
of viable cells ( see Note 4 ).
6. Synchronization : After four subcultures pour out the suspen-
sion culture in the sieve (Fig.
1d ), the fraction that remains
over the sieve can be used for a second mother suspension cul-
ture; the fraction that pass through the grid contains cell
aggregates <500 μm; gently aspire this material and re-suspend
2 mL of it in a 100-mL Erlenmeyer fl ask fi lled with 30 mL of
fresh medium and put in agitation (Subheading
3.4 , step 2 )
( see Note 5 ).
7. Evaluation of the growth curve: Prepare 30 Erlenmeyer fl asks
(100 mL) containing the same proportion of embryogenic
synchronized cell culture (2 mL) and fresh liquid medium (30
mL); put in agitation as described and evaluate fresh weight,
dry weight, and the pH of three samples separately every 2 days
( see Note 6 ).
1. In agarized medium: Transfer 500 mg of embryogenic callus
from medium A (Table
1 ) in Petri with medium C (Table 1 ) in
growth chamber at normal conditions ( see Subheading
3.3 ,
step 2 ); verify the somatic embryo development with binocu-
lar 25–30 days after transfer (Fig.
1e ).
2. In liquid phase: Transfer 1 mL of embryogenic synchronized
cell culture in medium C (Table
1 ) in Petri dishes ( see
3.1 , step 9 ); store in light, in stationary phase at
23 ± 1 °C for 4 weeks ( see Note 7 ).
1. In agarized medium: 28–30 days after transfer in medium C
1 ), accurately select the neoformed structures from the
remaining callus and transfer them separately onto fresh
agarized medium D (Table
1 ) ( see Notes 8 and 9 ). Let them
grow for additional 30 days and then transfer to the green-
house (Subheading
3.7 , step 1 ).
2. In liquid medium: Filter the neoformed structures with a 500-
μm mesh sieve, gently collect the structures that remain in the
lter (Fig.
1f–h ), and transfer them onto fresh agarized medium
D (Table
1 ). Let them grow for additional 30 days (Fig. 1i )
and then transfer to the greenhouse (Subheading
3.7 , step 1 ).
1. Transfer the plantlets with root and several true leaves (Fig.
1l ),
3.5-cm high, in alveolary pots prepared (Subheading
2.4 );
place for 21 days in the glasshouse with 70 % relative humidity,
3.5 Somatic Embryo
3.6 Somatic Embryo
and Growth
3.7 Embling
Lisianthus Embryogenesis
maintained by mist system (10 s every 30 min); and then
decrease the humidity up to 60 %
2. The mean temperature can vary between 20 and 25 °C, and
for lighting, use natural light with 50 % shade provided by
polyester- aluminum net.
3. After 2 months transfer the acclimatized plants to 11-cm diam-
eter pots fi lled with the same substrate.
4 Notes
1. Experiments were carried out in order to determine the best
2,4-D concentration to use for embryogenic callus produc-
tion. The primary callus was grown in the presence of 4.5,
9.05, or 18.10 μM 2,4-D for 30 days, in light ( see
3.4 , step 2 ) or in dark at the same temperature.
The fresh weight of ten replications per each condition was
evaluated in grams and compared (Fig.
2 ). The fi rst two con-
centrations gave similar results while the higher 2,4-D concen-
tration induced less amount of callus. Light conditions allowed
a better development of green and friable callus.
2. The presence of light during the cell culture increases the
embryogenic cell parameters as shown in Table
2 : Both viabil-
ity and SCV are low in darkness. The presence of a higher
amount of small clusters is also remarkable.
4.5 9.05 18.1
Callus growth (g)
2,4-D (μM)
light intensity 35 μmol m-2 s-1 P.P.F.D
Fig. 2 Evaluation of the growth of embryogenic callus (fresh weight), depending
on the presence or absence of light (16 h photoperiod at 35 μmol/m
2 /s PPFD). In
each light condition, different letters indicate means differing at p 0.05 by the
Student-Newman-Keuls test
Barbara Ruffoni and Laura Bassolino
3. The SCV value differs from packed cell volume ( PCV ) for the
sedimentation system; SCV uses gravity to sediment cells; PCV
is determined using a centrifuge, but in the case of embryo-
genic cells, the centrifugation increases the risk of bacterial
contamination without giving further evaluation elements on
the cell growth.
4. The milky solution of FDA is active for 15–20 min; after this
time the molecules crystallize and loose activity.
5. The mesh size is important to increase the cells and the cell
aggregates of a similar diameter; it was established that 500 μm
is a suitable grade that does not reduce the further somatic
embryo development (Table
3 ); in the same table, it is possible
to note that, at grade 200 μm, the number of somatic embryo
per mL signifi cantly decreases in light conditions.
6. Growth curve of embryogenic cell culture: Starting from the
ltered material ( see Subheading
3.4 , step 6 ), 30 Erlenmeyer
asks were prepared with 3 mL of cells and 25 mL of medium B
Table 2
General features of the embryogenic cell cultures grown in dark or in the light (16 h photoperiod,
light intensity 35 μmol/m
2 /s PPFD). SCV , FDA test
Dark Light
Average viability ( FDA test) 85 % 92.5 %
Shape of single cells 80 % isodiametric <30 μm
20 % elongated Isodiametric <60 μm
Cell clusters (amount/type) ++/small +++/small and medium
Average SCV 15.38 % 18.3 %
Table 3
Mean number of somatic embryo s per milliliter of embryogenic cell
culture after transfer in 10 mL of liquid medium C (Table 1 ), in stationary
phase, in the dark, or in the light per 30 days, related to the cell size.
Filtration made by a steel sieve (clone LT3; 12 replications ± standard
error; mean separation by the Student-Newman-Keuls test; *, signifi cant
at p 0.05, n.s., not signifi cant)
Sieve mesh size
>500 μm <500 μm <200 μm p ( 0.05)
Light 16.7 ± 7.3b 13 ± 3.9ab 3.4 ± 1a *
Dark 8.5 ± 1.4 4.4 ± 1.6 11.7 ± 3.9 n.s.
Lisianthus Embryogenesis
(Table 1 ); at day 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, and 16, three samples were
ltered, the pH was detected, and the plant material was fi rst
weighted (fresh weight) and then dried in oven at 80 °C for
36–48 h (dry weight). The growth curve (Fig.
3 ) shows a loga-
rithmic increase of both fresh and dry weight from day 6 to day
13, after which the growth decreases. The pH curve shows a
little variation and increasing values from day 8. A continuous
growth could be obtained by adding the fresh medium at day
10 during the log phase.
7. In Table
4 data are shown about the productivity of embryo-
genic cell cultures related to the 2,4-D concentration, demon-
strating that the concentration of 9 μM is the best to induce
somatic embryo s, and it also confi rmed that in darkness the
embryogenic process is inhibited.
fresh weight and pH
fresh weight (g)
dry weight (g)
Fig. 3 Embryogenic suspension culture: growth curves of pH, fresh and dry
weight during culture in batch. Starting point (T0): synchronized cells fi ltered at
500 μm
Table 4
Mean number of somatic embryo developed from suspension cultures
grown in the light (16 h photoperiod, light intensity 35 μmol/m
2 /s PPFD) or
in the dark and at different levels of 2,4-D after transfer in medium C
(Table 1 ) (clone LT3; 12 replications ± standard error; mean separation by
the Student-Newman–Keuls test;*, signifi cant at p 0.05; n.s., not
signifi cant)
2,4-D concentration (μM)
4.5 9.0 18.0 p
Light 0.83 ± 0.30c 27.00 ± 7.00a 7.00 ± 1.60b *
Dark 8.27 ± 2.25 10.00 ± 3.20 6.00 ± 1.70 n.s.
Barbara Ruffoni and Laura Bassolino
8. The somatic embryo productivity of cell suspension cultures of
several genotypes of Lisianthus from different origin has been
described by Ruffoni and Savona [16]. Interestingly, geno-
types suitable for pot plant production (from 3 to 22 somatic
embryos/mL of suspension culture) showed the lowest pro-
duction, while the clones suitable for cut fl ower production
(up to 361 somatic embryos/mL of suspension) induced the
highest number of somatic embryos per milliliter, thus result-
ing in a possible development of 180,000 somatic embryos per
liter of culture.
9. Conversion ” is the term used for the germination of somatic
embryo s, the development of the cotyledonous leaves, and the
elongation of the root apex, occurring better in agarized
medium when Kin is added in a small amount (Table
5 ); the
liquid medium without hormones increases somatic embryo
hyperhydration , affecting the further development of the
structures in the greenhouse.
Table 5
Conversion percentage of the somatic embryo s developed in light
conditions after 35 days of culture in several germination substrates
(+ = presence; − = absence)
Conversion (%)
Liquid medium Agarized medium
2 O MS base MS base MS + GA
3 MS + Kin
SE converted into plant 32.0 39.0 5.6 29.5 51.5
Hyperhydration +
1. Roh SM, Lawson RH (1988) Tissue culture in
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2. Dennis DJ, Ohteki T, Doreen J (1989)
Responses of three cut fl ower selections of
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4. Harbaugh BK (2006) Lisianthus, Eustoma
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breeding and genetics. Springer, Netherlands,
pp 645–663
5. Furukawa H (1993) Some characteristics of
regenerated plants from leaf and root explants
of Eustoma grandifl orum . Plant Tiss Cult Lett
6. Ruffoni B, Giovannini A, Allavena A (1996)
Shoot regeneration from petals of Eustoma
grandifl orum is related to the maturation stage
of the fl ower. Plant Phys and Biochem Special
issue FESSP Congress: 56
7. Semeniuk P, Griesbach RJ (1987) In vitro
propagation of prairie gentian. Plant Cell Tiss
Org Cult 8:249–253
Fukai S, Miyata H, Goi M (1996) Factors
affecting adventitious shoot regeneration from
leaf explants of prairie gentian ( Eustoma gran-
difl orum (Raf.) Shinners). Tech Bull Fac Agric
Kagawa Univ 48(2):103–109
9. Paek KY, Hahn EJ (2000) Cytokinins, auxins
and activated charcoal affect organogenesis and
Lisianthus Embryogenesis
anatomical characteristics of shoot-tip cultures
of lisianthus [ Eustoma grandifl orum (Raf.)
Shinn.]. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental
Biology–Plant 36:118–124
10. Ordogh M‚ Jambor-Benczur E, Tilly-Mandy A
(2006) Micropropagation of Echo cultivars of
Eustoma grandifl orum (ISHS) Acta horticul-
ture: 5th international symposium on in vitro
culture and horticultural breeding
11. Ruffoni B, Damiano C, Massabo F, Esposito P
(1990) Organogenesis and embryogenesis in
Lisianthus russellianus hook. Acta Hortic
12. Massabò F, Ruffoni B (1996) Plant production
by somatic embryogenesis in cell suspension
cultures of Lisianthus russellianus hook. Plant
Tissue Cult Biotechnol 2(4):194–198
13. Ruffoni B, Massabò F, Giovannini A (1993)
Artifi cial seeds technology in the ornamental
species Lisianthus and Genista . Acta Hortic
14. Semeria L, Vaira AM, Accotto GP, Allavena A
(1995) Genetic transformation of Eustoma
grandifl orum Griseb. by microprojectile bom-
bardment. Euphytica 85:125–130
15. Semeria L, Ruffoni B, Rabaglio M, Genga A,
Vaira AM, Accotto GP, Allavena A (1996)
Genetic transformation of Eustoma grandifl o-
rum by Agrobacterium tumefaciens . Plant Cell
Tiss Org 47:67–72
16. Ruffoni B, Savona M (2006) Somatic embryo-
genesis in fl oricultural crops: experiences of
massive propagation of Lisianthus , Genista and
Cyclamen . In: Teixeira da Silva JA (ed)
Floriculture, ornamental and plant biotechnol-
ogy, vol 2. Global Science Books, Isleworth,
pp 305–313
17. Duong TN, Nguyen ST, Ngoc HM, Uyen PN,
Don NT, Mai NT, Teixeira da Silva JA (2006)
Somatic embryogenesis induction from in vitro
leaf cultures of Lisianthus ( Eustoma grandifl
rum (raf.) Shinn.). Propag Ornam Plants
18. Murashige T, Skoog F (1962) A revised
medium for rapid growth and bioassays with
tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol Plant
19. Widholm JM (1972) The use of fl uorescein
diacetate and phenosafranine for determining
viability of cultured plant cells. Stain Technol
Barbara Ruffoni and Laura Bassolino
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_18, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 18
Somatic Embryogenesis in Two Orchid Genera
( Cymbidium , Dendrobium )
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
The protocorm-like body (PLB) is the de facto somatic embryo in orchids. Here we describe detailed
protocols for two orchid genera (hybrid Cymbidium Twilight Moon ‘Day Light’ and Dendrobium
‘Jayakarta’, D . ‘Gradita 31’, and D. ‘Zahra FR 62’) for generating PLBs. These protocols will most likely
have to be tweaked for different cultivars as the response of orchids in vitro tends to be dependent on
genotype. In addition to primary somatic embryogenesis, secondary (or repetitive) somatic embryogenesis
is also described for both genera. The use of thin cell layers as a sensitive tissue assay is outlined for hybrid
Cymbidium while the protocol outlined is suitable for bioreactor culture of D. ‘Zahra FR 62’.
Key words Culture system , Dendrobium , Hybrid Cymbidium , In vitro propagation , Plant growth
regulator s , Protocorm-like body , Somatic embryo , Thin cell layer , Tissue culture
1 Introduction
Orchids are most likely the most important and interesting group
of ornamentals. Their complex fl owers and pollination systems,
and the sheer size of the Orchidaceae, the largest family of the
plant kingdom, make members of this family fascinating sub-
jects to study. Recent reviews on the biotechnological aspects of
orchids show how important this group of plants in fact is [
1 , 2 ].
In conventional seed germination , orchids form a protocorm that
then develops into a plantlet [
3 ]. In vitro, in response to various
abiotic or biotic cues, orchids may also form structures, the pro-
tocorm-like body or PLB , which is the accepted de facto somatic
embryo of an orchid ( see , for example, [
4 ]). It is a structure that
resembles the true seed- and zygotic embryo -derived protocorm,
but it is derived from somatic tissue, hence the “like” term in PLB.
Nonetheless, the PLB forms a shoot and root, independent of any
surrounding tissues, and as an independent structure, making it a
valid case of somatic embryogenesis (SE). Thus, the term PLB
will be used throughout this chapter to synonymously represent a
somatic embryo. In addition, the initial development of a PLB
will be referred to as primary SE and the structures as primary (1°)
PLBs; then, subsequent PLBs, derived from the subculture of 1°
PLBs, will be referred to as 2° PLBs, forming within a process of
secondary SE, hereafter as 2° SE, so as to be consistent with
previous publications that defi ned, and used, these terms [
5 , 6 ].
A tertiary (3°) PLB (or third- generation PLB, also derived from 2°
SE) is identical to a 2° PLB (in terms of its origin), but it is strictly
clonal, having an almost identical size, shape and dimensions, mak-
ing it the ideal explant for controlled tissue culture experiments.
Unlike 2° PLBs, which are useful starter material for establishing
repeated cycles of SE, 3° PLBs could be used in commercial
Most likely the fi rst orchid to have been cultured in vitro was
of the genus Cymbidium , making this an important genus to cover
within this protocol. The other genus covered by this protocol
chapter, Dendrobium , is a commercially important orchid genus
with wide-ranging medicinal properties [
7 ]. Hybrid Cymbidium
Twilight Moon ‘Day Light’ (and other cultivars) can be cultured
in vitro through three main routes, one of them being through the
use of thin cell layer s (TCLs) [
8 10 ]. The quantitative outcome
(i.e., PLBs) from TCLs is lower than when half-PLBs—conven-
tional explants—are used. Thus, the protocol in this chapter will
use half-PLBs. For Dendrobium , recently published protocols for
D. ‘Jayakarta’, D. ‘Gradita 31’ and D. ‘Zahra FR 62’ [
11 ], D.
‘Zahra FR 62’ [
12 , 13 ], and D. ‘Gradita 31’ [ 14 ] serve as the basis
for the protocol described herein.
2 Materials
All water used in the Cymbidium protocol is double-deionized,
ultrapure water (18 MΩ cm at 25 °C), using a Millipore
® purifi er,
and is prepared fresh each time. In the Dendrobium protocols, all
water used is distilled water using a GFL Mono Water Still 2002
(Gesellschaft für Labortechnik mbH, Burgwedel, Germany) and
it is prepared fresh each time. All reagents for Cymbidium are of
tissue culture (TC) grade but the maker will differ, usually
selected on the basis of the lowest price (only three choices:
Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, USA; Wako Chemical Industries,
Osaka, Japan; Nacalai Tesque, Osaka, Japan). Sigma-Aldrich
products are listed below. All reagents for Dendrobium are TC
grade from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany; Sigma-Aldrich
International GmbH, St. Gallen, Switzerland; Duchefa Biochemie
B.V., Haarlem, the Netherlands.
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
The following equipment and reagents are required for the
Cymbidium protocol:
1. Petri dishes (100 mm diameter, 15 mm high) (As One, Osaka,
2. Kinetin (Kin; Sigma-Aldrich).
3. α-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA; Sigma-Aldrich).
4. Tryptone (Sigma-Aldrich).
5. Bacto agar (Difco Labs, Sparks, Maryland, USA).
6. Gelrite
® (Duchefa-Biochemie).
7. Surgical blades (Hi stainless platinum or carbon steel; Feather
Safety Razor Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan).
8. Whatman
® No. 1 fi lter paper (9 cm diameter; Whatman,
Vienna, Austria).
9. Parafi lm
® (SPI Supplies/Structure Probe Inc., West Chester,
10. Coconut water (CW) from fresh, undamaged, green coconuts
( see Note 1 ).
11. Cool white fl uorescent tubes (CWFTs): 40 W, Panasonic or
NEC, Tokyo, Japan.
The following equipment and reagents are required for the
Dendrobium protocols:
1. Vertical Pressure Steam Sterilizer Model LS-B50L-I (Huanyu
Pharmaceutical Equipment Co. Ltd., Zhangjiagang City,
Jiangzu, China).
2. Labconco Purifi er™ Clean Bench (Labconco, Kansas City,
3. Brand bottles (Kedaung Group Indonesia, Ungaran, Central
Java, Indonesia).
4. Erlenmeyer fl asks (100 mL; Pyrex, IWAKI TE-32, Asahi Glass
License, PT. Anugerah Niaga Mandiri, Jakarta, Indonesia).
5. Petri dishes (9 cm in diameter; Normax, Rua Formigosa,
6. Forceps and scalpels (stainless steel; Meiden™, Tokyo, Japan).
7. Blades (BB510, Aesculap AG & Co. KG AM, Tutlingen,
8. Mercury chloride ( HgCl
2 , Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
9. Tween 20 (Sigma-Aldrich).
10. Thidiazuron (TDZ) (Sigma-Aldrich).
11. N
6 -benzyladenine (BA) (Sigma-Aldrich).
12. NAA (Sigma-Aldrich).
13. Gelrite
® (Duchefa-Biochemie).
2.1 Equipment
and Reagents
( Cymbidium )
2.2 Equipment
and Reagents
( Dendrobium )
Somatic Embryogenesis in Cymbidium and Dendrobium
14. CW (as for Cymbidium ).
15. CWFTs: SL-Shinyoku, PT, Ningbo Global Lamp, Jakarta,
1. MS medium [
15 ] (Merck).
2. Growmore (32N:10P:10K, 20N:20P:20K, 6N:30P:30K; New
Century Drive, Gardena, CA, USA).
3. Rosasol medium (1.5 g/L 18N:18P:18K + 1.5 g/L
25N:10P:10K + TE) (SA Engrais, Rosier, Belgium).
4. PLB induction medium (PIM): Half-strength MS medium
containing 1.0 mg/L TDZ and 0.5 mg/L BA.
5. PLB proliferation medium 1 (PPM-1): Half-strength MS
medium containing 0.3 mg/L TDZ and 0.1 mg/L NAA
12 , 14 ].
6. PPM-2: Half-strength MS medium containing 0.05 mg/L
BA [
12 ].
7. PPM-3: Rosasol medium containing 150 mL/L CW [
11 ].
8. PPM-4: Growmore medium containing 100 mL/L CW [
14 ].
9. Somatic embryo proliferation medium (SEPM): Half-strength
MS medium with 0.5 mg/L TDZ and 0.5 mg/L BA ([
13 ];
Winarto et al. unpublished).
10. Shoot initiation medium (SIM): Half-strength MS medium con-
taining 1.5 mg/L TDZ, 0.5 mg/L BA, and 0.02 mg/L NAA).
3 Methods
In hybrid Cymbidium , PLBs can form spontaneously from the base
of in vitro shoot cultures that have rooted on an organically-rich
medium such as that containing banana extract. Once a single PLB
has formed, it can be extracted for the induction of new PLBs, i.e.,
neo -PLB induction [
5 ] ( see Note 2 ). In this chapter, the term neo -
PLB will not be used to avoid confusion, since neo-PLB can be a
2° PLB (formed from a 1° PLB) or 3° PLB (formed from a 2°
PLB). In Dendrobium , small shoots (±0.4 cm) that are derived
from greenhouse-grown plants will form the basal explants of the
protocol. The reader is advised to culture donor mother plants in
the greenhouse, according to the culture and environmental con-
ditions stipulated in [
12 ].
1. Excise young shoots from 3-year-old mature plants, growing
in a greenhouse, without any visible symptoms of bacterial,
fungal, or viral infection.
2. Place shoots under running tap water for 30 min. Surface ster-
ilize in 1.5 % (v/v) sodium hypochloride ( NaOCl ; 5 % active
chlorine) for 15 min. Transfer shoots to fresh sterilizing
2.3 Culture Media
3.1 General
( Cymbidium
and Dendrobium )
3.2 From
Greenhouse to In Vitro:
Sterilization and
Preparation of
Cymbidium Shoot Tips
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
solution for another 15 min. Rinse shoots off three times with
sterile distilled water (SDW; ×5 min each time).
3. In a sterile Petri dish, with a sharp sterilized surgical blade,
isolate apical meristems (0.5–1.0 mm end of terminal tips).
4. Culture on plant growth regulator ( PGR )-free half-strength
MS basal salt medium to induce shoots. 1° PLBs will form
spontaneously from the base about 1 % of rooted shoots in 4–6
months ( see Note 3 ).
5. Culture these 1° PLBs in PIM, as described next.
1. As described in [
12 ] and [ 14 ], wash axillary or apical shoots
(0.5–1.0 cm long) under running tap water for 30–60 min.
2. Immerse shoots in 1 % Tween-20 for 30 min and rinse with
sterile distilled water (SDW) fi ve times (×5 min each rinse).
Surface sterilize shoots as follows: immerse in 0.05 % mercury
chloride ( HgCl
2 ) + 2–3 drops of Tween-20 for 10 min, rinse
5–6 times in SDW (×5 min each rinse). Slice off the damaged
surface of rinsed explants with a tissue culture blade (BB510,
Aesculap AG & Co. KG AM, Tutlingen, Germany).
3. Reduce shoot size by removing several leaves until ~0.4 cm
long. Culture explants in PIM. Culture dormant lateral shoot
tips (5–10 mm long) on SIM for 15–20 days. Then subculture
shoot tips in half-strength, PGR -free MS medium until healthy
shoots (approx. 0.5 cm long) form after 2–2.5 months of cul-
ture. After incubation, these shoots can be used as the explant
source for PLB initiation ( see Notes 4 and 5 ).
There are three methods to form 2° PLBs, possible by culturing ten
1° PLBs on 40 mL/100 mL fl ask of PIM ( see Note 6 ). For each
1. Use either Vacin and Went (VW) medium [
16 ] or Teixeira
Cymbidium (TC) medium [
17 ] supplemented with Nitsch
microelements [
18 ], 2 mg/L tryptone ; NAA and Kin are
added, each at 0.1 mg/L.
2. Add 2 % sucrose (w/w) to PIM. Adjust pH to 5.8 ± 0.1. Add
8 g/L Bacto agar .
3. Autoclave PIM at 121 °C for 21 min.
4. Incubate all cultures at 25 ± 0.5 °C in a 16-h photoperiod pro-
vided by CWFTs with a low photosynthetic photon fl ux den-
sity (PPFD) of 30–40 μmol/m
2 /s ( see Note 7 ).
This method involves the natural development of clusters of 2°
PLBs using initial 1° PLB clusters without any cutting or process-
ing ( see Note 8 ).
3.3 From
Greenhouse to In Vitro:
Sterilization and
Preparation of
Dendrobium Shoot
3.4 Cymbidium :
SE and Formation
of 2° PLBs from 1°
PLBs; 2° SE
and Formation of 3°
PLBs from 2° PLBs
3.4.1 Method 1
Somatic Embryogenesis in Cymbidium and Dendrobium
1. This method involves the use of TCLs. TCLs can be useful
when the effect of some in vitro culture factors need to be
examined on a very small explant such as a transverse TCL or
tTCL (usually 5 mm long, 5 mm wide and 0.5–1.0 mm thick)
or a longitudinal TCL or lTCL (usually 5 mm long, 1–2 mm
wide and 0.5–1.0 mm thick; occasionally an epidermal strip)
( see Note 9 ).
2. When the 1° PLB grows, 2° PLBs form on the 1° PLB, usually
at the base. Select only ideal size and uniformly shaped 2° PLBs.
3. Use a new feather blade for every 6–8 PLBs. Make a 0.5–1 mm
deep incision in the shape of a square, 3–5 × 3–5 mm in area.
Slice this area to separate the epidermal 0.5–1.0 mm in one
continuous move, thus creating an lTCL ( see Note 10 ).
4. Using a new feather blade for every 6–8 PLBs, and only using
the central 5 mm girth of the 1° PLB , make a 0.5–1 mm trans-
verse slice throughout the whole PLB, thus creating a tTCL
( see Note 10 ).
1. Method 3 is the most recommended and can be performed in
VW or TC basal medium or PIM ( see Note 11 ). 2° PLBs form
on a 45- to 60-day-old 1° PLB [
19 ], usually at the base.
2. Separated out 1° PLBs and place them in an autoclaved glass
Petri dish with a double sheet of Whatman No. 1 fi lter paper
laid at the base ( see Note 12 ).
3. Slice off the top 1 mm of the 1° PLB , which contains the apical
meristem, with a feather blade. Also slice off the brown or
yellow base in contact with medium and discard it ( see Notes 12
and 13 ).
4. Slice the trimmed 1° PLB (i.e. without an apical meristem and
base) symmetrically in half to yield two half-PLBs. Place half-
PLBs cut-surface down on PIM, embedded about 1 mm into
the medium ( see Notes 14 17 ). After 45–60 days, 2° PLBs
form on the outer, epidermal surface of the 1° PLB. 2° PLBs
are used for 2° PLB mass production or micropropagation
( see Note 18 ).
There are two methods to form 2° and 3° PLBs.
1. To form 2° PLBs, culture small shoots on PIM in the initiation
stage. Culture 1° PLBs on any one of the two PPM (PPM-1
and PPM-2; see Note 19 ), all of which give equally successful
results. 2 % sucrose (w/w) is added to all four PPM media.
2. Adjust pH to 5.8 ± 0.1. Add 2 g/L Gelrite
® only to PIM-1.
Autoclave for 20 min at 121 °C and at 15 kPa atm. Incubate
all cultures at 24 ± 1 °C in a 12-h photoperiod provided by
CWFTs with a low PPFD of ~30 μmol/m
2 /s.
3.4.2 Method 2
3.4.3 Method 3
3.5 Dendrobium :
SE and Formation
of 2° PLBs from 1°
PLBs; 2° SE
and Formation of 3°
PLBs from 2° PLBs
3.5.1 Method 1
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
3. Initiate PLBs by culturing small shoots (±0.4 cm) of D. ‘Zahra
FR 62’ and D. ‘Gradita 31’ on semisolid PIM. Periodically sub-
culture shoots every 15 days for ± 2.0 months ( see Note 20 ).
4. The method to produce 3° PLBs (Fig.
1 ) involves the natural
development of clusters of 2° PLBs using initial 1° PLB clusters
without any cutting or processing. Monthly subculture is rec-
ommended to produce vigorous PLBs ( see Notes 21 and 22 ).
1. Use PPM-2 at the initiation stage and SEPM for the prolifera-
tion stage. Add 2 % sucrose (w/w) to all media. Adjust pH to
5.8 ± 0.1. Add 2 g/L Gelrite
® . Autoclave for 20 min at 121 °C
and at 15 kPa atm.
2. Incubate all cultures are at 24 ± 1 °C in a 12-h photoperiod
provided by CWFTs with a low PPFD of ~30 μmol/m
2 /s for
initiation and multiplication of somatic embryo genic callus
(SEC) and ~10 μmol/m
2 /s for somatic embryo proliferation.
3.5.2 Method 2
Fig. 1 Method 1: Initiation and proliferation of Dendrobium ‘Zahra FR 62’ and D. ‘Gradita 31’ PLBs (i.e., somatic
embryo s). ( a ) Shoot tip as the explant source. ( b ) Shoot tip with several initial PLBs in the basal part, 3.5 months
after culture. ( c ) Initial proliferation of PLBs in half-strength MS medium containing 0.3 mg/L TDZ. The concen-
tration of TDZ is reduced to 0.1 mg/L TDZ in the third subculture. ( d ) Vigorous and green PLBs form in half-
strength MS medium with 0.3 mg/L TDZ and 0.1 mg/L NAA after the sixth subculture. ( e ) Light green PLBs in
1.6 g/L Growmore medium (32N:10P:10K) supplemented with 100 mL/L coconut water (CW) after the sixth
subculture. ( f ) PLBs harvested from half-strength MS although they can form equally well on two alternative
generic media: (1) 1.5 g/L Rosasol medium (18N:18P:18K) + 1.5 g/L Rosasol medium (25N:10P:10K + TE) con-
taining 150 mL/L CW; (2) 1.6 g/L Growmore medium (32N:10P:10K) supplemented with 100 mL/L CW ( a , c , f
reproduced from [ 12 ] with permission from Elsevier BV; b reproduced from [ 14 ] with permission from TIJSAT;
d , e are originals by Budi Winarto)
Somatic Embryogenesis in Cymbidium and Dendrobium
3. Initiate SEC by culturing small shoot tips (±2.0 mm in length
and 1.0–2.0 mm in diameter) on semi-solid PPM-2 medium in
9 cm Petri dishes incubated in the light for 1.5–3.0 months.
This step is genotype dependent: D. ‘Sonia Ersakul’ and
D. ‘Indonesia Raya-Ina’ = 1.5–2.0 months; D. ‘Gradita 10’ =
2.5–3.0 months (Winarto et al. unpublished data).
4. SEC derived from shoot tips is used as the explant for the next
step in the form of somatic embryo genic callus slices (SECS;
equivalent to TCLs).
5. Method 2 (Fig.
2 ) proper involves the use of SECS. Callus
forms at the base of shoots cultured in PIM-2.
6. Culture SECS (3–10 mm in diameter; 1.0–1.5 mm thick) ( see
Note 23 ) on PPM-2 and incubate for 1 month in the light.
7. Subculture SECS three times to proliferate SEC ( see Note 24 ).
8. In the fourth subculture, culture SECS on SEPM to regener-
ate 2° SEs. Cultures are placed in the light after incubation for
approx. 2.0 months ( see Note 25 ).
9. To produce a high number of 3° SEs, subculture 2–3 equally
sized and healthy 2° SEs in the same medium and incubate for
approx. 2 months in the light, but never exceed six subcultures
( see Note 26 ).
4 Notes
1. Always penetrate the coconut with a sterilized borer or drill,
pour out the CW into a sterilized container, and use fresh if pos-
sible. We never store CW at −20 °C for longer than 6 months.
2. 1° PLBs are not guaranteed to form on this medium. A ripe
banana-based medium, rich in carbohydrates and sometimes
supplemented with CW (10 %, v/v), will yield more 1° PLBs.
When shoots begin to elongate (i.e., before roots elongate),
cut off roots and transfer shoots to 0.5 % (w/v) Gelrite
® -
supplemented medium with 2 % (w/v) ripe banana and 10 %
(v/v) CW. This results in more robust plantlet growth (shoots
and roots).
3. This process/medium combination usually yields 100 % sur-
vival with this cultivar.
Fig. 2 (continued) callus resulting from the fourth subculture of SECS. ( k ) 2° somatic embryos regenerated
from two standardized 1° somatic embryos, subcultured in half-strength MS medium supplemented with
0.5 mg/L TDZ and 0.5 mg/L BA (SEPM), 1 month after culture. ( l ) Profusion of 2° somatic embryos, regenerated
from 2 to 3 standardized 1° somatic embryos subcultured on SEPM, approx. 2.0 months after culture (all
photos are originals by B. Winarto, F. Rachmawat, and N.A. Wiendi)
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
Fig. 2 Method 2: Somatic embryo genic callus slices (SECS) of several Dendrobium cultivars are used for
initiation and multiplication of SEC and somatic embryo proliferation. ( a ) Shoot tip size and position used in
initiation of somatic embryogenic callus. ( b ) Shoot tip cultured in half-strength MS medium containing 1.5 mg/L
TDZ and 0.5 mg/L BA in initial culture. ( c ) SEC regenerated in the basal part of the shoot tip, 1.5 months after
culture. ( d ) SECS, 1.0–1.5 mm thick. ( e ) A SECS initially cultured in medium indicated in ( b ). ( f ) Embryogenic
callus growth in one SECS, 10 days after culture. ( g ) Embryogenic callus regenerated from one SECS, cultured
on medium indicated in ( b ) 1 month after culture. ( h ) SECS, 1.0–1.5 mm in thickness, in the third subculture.
( i ) Embryogenic callus produced from the third subculture of one SECS, 1 month after culture. ( j ) Embryogenic
Somatic Embryogenesis in Cymbidium and Dendrobium
4. Initial PLB formation via callus formation or direct SE, in
terms of number, quality, and speed of initiation, is genotype
5. SIM applied continually in semisolid or liquid medium for
approx. 2.5 months is sometimes necessary for Dendrobium
varieties that demonstrate a weak shoot initiation response.
If using this method, PLBs form more easily in the next step.
6. Always use at least 40 replicates per treatment and repeat
experiments three times for robust statistical analyses. Wherever
possible, use more than one cultivar for comparison.
7. High PPFD (>80 μmol/m
2 /s) or darkness can inhibit 2° PLB
formation. If for the experimental treatment high PPFD or
darkness are required, substitute 0.1 mg/L Kin with 1 mg/L
6-benzyladenine (BA; Sigma-Aldrich) and add 1 g/L activated
charcoal ( AC ) [
20 ]. With BA and AC, 2° PLBs form, but these
are white and not numerous; however, once transferred to
light, they regain their photosynthetic capacity. AC may mirror
a darkened natural environment of the Cymbidium in tree tops
or may absorb negative compounds, such as polyphenols,
released into the medium as a consequence of wounding [
21 ].
8. This is not a good method for testing the effect on growth of
medium factors, since it is diffi cult to count the number of 2°
PLBs that form per 1° PLB . In addition, these initial 1° PLB
clusters have PLBs of different sizes, developmental stages
and/or number. This method is good when one wishes to sim-
ply allow PLBs to proliferate neo -PLBs, without any experi-
mental hypothesis in mind or whenever one wishes to allow
shoots to form [
22 ].
9. This method is useful for assessing the effects of several in vitro
factors, such as ethylene inhibitors and aeration [
23 ], smoke-
saturated water [
24 ], fungal elicitors [ 25 ], jasmonates and sali-
cylic acid [
26 , 27 ], magnetic fi elds [ 28 ], gelling agent and
medium additives [
29 , 30 ], and culture vessel [ 31 ] or use in
studies related to genetic engineering and transformation [
32 ,
33 ], cryopreservation and synthetic seed technology [ 34 37 ].
In this method, survival tends to be lower, and mortality is
higher under extreme treatments, perhaps due to smaller size,
tissue wounding, and dependence on the medium. Hence, for
propagation purposes, the TCL method is not recommended.
10. Prepare the lTCL in a single stroke. If prepared in several
strokes then the explant becomes excessively damaged and
regeneration is low. The inner tissue (sub-epidermal layers
and below) of a PLB never forms 2° PLBs [
38 ]; thus tTCLs
and lTCLs only contain epidermal tissue with 2–3 layers.
tTCLs and lTCLs dry and oxidize rapidly (within the space of
a few minutes) due to their size; thus any further damage to
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
this tissue caused during explant preparation results in rapid
browning (within a few days) and, eventually, necrosis (within
1–2 weeks) of the TCL . The feather blade should thus be
changed regularly and the cut lTCLs/tTCLs should be con-
stantly submerged in sterile, double-distilled water (SDDW).
Researchers that are new to TCL technology are advised to
spend time practicing repeatedly the preparation of such
small explants before applying them to an experimental
protocol [
39 ]. By not experimenting enough may result in
very large errors in data.
11. The basal medium (abiotic factors) [
40 ] is not as important as
the explant (biotic factors) [
41 ]. Nonetheless, the choice of
medium salts and basal medium is important [
42 , 43 ]. The use
of a half- PLB is the essentially important aspect of the method
which allows for most stable propagation of 2° PLBs.
12. The level of macro- and micronutrients, as well as the ammo-
nium/nitrate ratio, can have a profound impact on 2° PLB
production [
44 ].
13. Use one new autoclaved Petri dish for each 10–20 1° PLBs
that need to be prepared. For a total of 1000 1° PLBs, 1000 mL
of SDDW is suffi cient. Pour 10–20 mL of SDDW into each
Petri dish, so that the fi lter paper is always soaked with a thin
layer of SDDW and the cut surface of PLBs are always sub-
merged to avoid oxidation. The use of antioxidants in PIM can
also help [
20 ]. Never allow the PLBs to dry out (always almost
completely cover the Petri dish so that the airfl ow from the
clean bench does not desiccate the PLBs). Never completely
submerge the PLBs in sterile SDW as an apparent hyperhydric
response occurs to PLBs, which are extremely sensitive to
stress caused by injury, water, light, carbon source [
45 ], or
temperature. Discard any 1° PLBs that have been left standing
for more than 30 min, as an apparent hyperhydric response
occurs in SDDW.
14. In the passage from the 1°–2° PLB formation, the basal part of
the PLB is callus-like or opaque in appearance due to direct
contact with PIM. 1° PLBs should never be used for 3° PLB
production, but only 2° PLBs that form on the outer layer of
1° PLBs. Indeed, 2° PLBs are almost perfectly round, have a
more consistent shape and size, and do not have a cytologically
or morphologically distorted base.
15. Explants (1° half-PLBs) should never be placed with the intact
surface down on the medium, but simply placed on top of the
medium or slightly (0.5–1.0 mm) embedded in medium; they
should never be totally embedded into the medium, as well, as
in this case, PLBs will rarely form. This aspect needs to be
conducted uniformly ac ross experiments to avoid the distor-
tion of data.
Somatic Embryogenesis in Cymbidium and Dendrobium
16. Usually the “mother” PLB (i.e., the 1° PLB) will gradually die
away and turn brown (i.e., oxidize). This will take about 60–90
days to occur, depending on the cultivar. At that time, ideal
sized 2° PLBs will have formed. Following one more subcul-
tures, 2° PLBs form 3° PLBs, which can be used for experi-
mental purposes, or for micropropagation. In principle, 2°
PLBs of different sizes should never be used for experiments,
since initial PLB size strongly affects the outcome of tissue
culture experiments (Teixeira da Silva, unpublished data).
17. The sharpness of the blade is one of the most important factors
that determines the success of all three methods, especially for
the preparation of TCLs. Use sharp, feather, and robust blades
that can be autoclaved, sterilized, boiled, sterilized in 98 %
ethanol and still remain sharp for explant preparation.
18. The quantitative outcome of all three methods differs.
Quantifi cation is not easy to perform with method 1, and this
method should never be used in experiments because the size,
shape and developmental stages of PLBs differ so widely in
PLB clusters. Very unfortunately, what is commonly observed
in the literature for several orchid genera is precisely the erro-
neous use of method 1 rather than methods 2 or 3. As described
in [
6 , 8 ], method 2 results in an average of about 14.5 2°
PLBs per 1° PLB lTCL and of 6 2° PLBs per 1° PLB tTCL .
The reason is the lower total surface area of tTCL than lTCL,
explained by the plant growth correction factor (PGCF) [
19 ,
46 , 47 ]. The PGCF takes into account the size of the explant,
its shape, and thus its area and thus allows hypothetical output
to be calculated based on actual data for explants of a known
size or area. In Cymbidium , two lTCLs can be prepared from
an ideal-sized 1° PLB, while five tTCLs can be prepared
from the same mother 1° PLB. Hypothetically, each sub-
culture can yield a 24,280× multiplication rate after three
consecutive subcultures (3 months each) for lTCLs. In other
words, with two initial 1° PLB lTCLs, a total of about 351,700
3° PLBs can be obtained after a 9-month period, assuming
that every single 1° and 2° PLB is used, that every single 1°
and 2° PLB survives and that every single 1° and 2° PLB is
able to differentiate. For tTCLs, these values are lower.
Hypothetically, each subculture would yield a 4620× multipli-
cation rate after three consecutive sub-cultures (3 months
each). In other words, from fi ve initial 1° PLB tTCLs, a total
of about 28,100 3° PLBs can be obtained after a 9-month
period, assuming that every single 1° and 2° PLB is used, that
every single 1° and 2° PLB survives and that every single 1°
and 2° PLB is able to differentiate. Method 3 results in an
average of 8.21 2° PLBs per 1° half-PLB. Hypothetically, each
subculture can yield a 4000× multiplication rate after four
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
consecutive sub-cultures (3 months each). In other words,
with an initial two 1° half-PLBs, a total of about 36,350 3°
PLBs can be obtained after a 12-month period, assuming that
every single 1° and 2° PLB is used, that every single 1° and 2°
PLB survives and that every single 1° and 2° PLB is able to
19. Subculturing PLB clusters in PPM-1 and in PPM-2 allows for
the multiplication of PLBs without PLB browning [
11 , 12 ].
However, the use of PPM-3 and PPM-4 stimulates browning
in 7 % and 20 % of PLBs, respectively [
11 , 14 ].
20. A 15-day periodic subculture in the initiation stage allows
shoots to remain green and vigorous. In this state, when used
as the explant source, they easily produce SEC at the base of
shoots. After 1 month of incubation, new PLBs formed, on
average, 2.4 PLBs from one PLB in D. ‘Gradita 31’, and 2.2 in
D. ‘Zahra FR 62’ [
12 , 14 ].
21. PLB multiplication by monthly subcultures is possible for a
maximum of 8–9 subcultures, after which proliferation capacity
22. The productivity (i.e., number of PLBs formed) of method 1
using PPM-1 and PPM-2 is higher than when PPM-3 and
PPM-4 are used. If one shoot tip (initially 0.4 mm in size)
regenerates fi ve new PLBs in the initiation stage and each 2°
PLB produces fi ve new PLBs (3° PLBs) in each subculture in
the multiplication stage, then 1,953,125 PLBs of D. ‘Jayakarta’
are easily produced after nine subcultures, as well as 5504 PLBs
for D. ‘Gradita 31’ and 2744 PLBs for D. ‘Zahra FR 62’.
23. The diameter of SECS in each subculture period is 3–10 mm.
In initial culture, shoot tips are about 2 mm in diameter, then
they grow up to 3 mm at the end of initiation and become
5 mm in the fi rst subculture, 7 mm in the second subculture
and 10 mm in the third subculture.
24. Application of SECS can successfully produce large amounts of
SEC on PPM-2 by subculturing the SECS monthly up to three
times. SECS were used for D. ‘Sonia-Ersakul’, D. ‘Indonesia
Raya’, and D. ‘Gradita 10’ with the highest somatic embryo-
genic response (i.e., formation of SEC) and subsequent somatic
embryo formation exhibited by D. ‘Indonesia Raya’, followed
by D. ‘Sonia-Ersakul’ and D. ‘Gradita 10’ ([
13 ]; Winarto et al.
25. Culturing SECS on SEPM results easily in a high number of 1°
somatic embryo s (15–30/slice), derived from the fourth sub-
culture of the SECS after incubation for approx. 2.0 months
13 ]; Winarto et al. unpublished).
26. Production of 2° somatic embryo s (5–15/1° somatic embryo)
can be continued by culturing 2–3 uniform 1° somatic embryos
Somatic Embryogenesis in Cymbidium and Dendrobium
in the same medium and incubation conditions up to six
subcultures. Using this method, approximately one million
D. ‘Indonesia Raya-Ina’ and D. ‘Sonia-Ersakul’ somatic
embryos can be produced by the sixth subculture, with 10 2°
somatic embryos derived from one somatic embryo produced
in each subculture. In D. ‘Gradita 10’, 30–50 % fewer somatic
embryos are produced in the same subculture in comparison
to D. ‘Indonesia Raya-Ina’ and D. ‘Sonia-Ersakul’ ([
13 ];
Winarto et al. unpublished). Subculturing early is essential to
avoid browning, which can begin to form as early as the fi rst
month after callus induction (evidenced in closely related
Pigeon orchid, Dendrobium crumenatum Swartz; [
48 ]).
The authors wish to thank Elsevier Ltd. for copyright permission
to re-use photos in Fig.
1a, c, and f from [ 12 ]. The authors also
thank Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology
for copyright permission to reuse the photo in Fig.
1b from [ 14 ].
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Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Budi Winarto
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_19, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 19
Somatic Embryogenesis of Lilium from Microbulb
Transverse Thin Cell Layers
Pablo Marinangeli
A reliable somatic embryogenesis protocol is a prerequisite for application of other plant biotechniques.
Several protocols were reported for genus Lilium , with variable success. Between them, transverse Thin
Cell Layers (tTCL) were used effi ciently to induce indirect somatic embryogenesis of Lilium . Somatic
embryogenesis potential is dependent on the genotype, explant, and culture medium composition, espe-
cially as for plant growth regulators and environmental conditions. Usually, the process comprises three
phases: embryogenic callus induction, embryogenic callus proliferation and somatic embryo germination.
Somatic embryo germination can be achieved in light or dark. In the fi rst case, complete plantlets are
formed, with green leaves and pseudobulb in the base. In darkness, microbulbs are formed from single
somatic embryos or clusters. A last phase of microbulb enlargement allows plantlets or microbulbs to
increase their biomass. These enlarged microbulbs do not need special acclimatization conditions when
transferred to soil and quickly produce sturdy plants. This chapter describes a protocol for somatic embryo-
genesis of Lilium using tTCL from microbulbs.
Key words Lilium , Plant tissue culture , Somatic embryo s , Transverse thin cell layer s , tTCL
1 Introduction
Lilium is a very popular cut fl ower and pot plant and one of the
most important ornamental bulb worldwide. According to the
Flower Bulb Inspection Service of the Netherlands (Bloembollen-
keuringsdienst; BKD), 2.21 billion lily bulbs were produced on
3681 ha in 2010, whereas in 2014 the planted area was 3898 ha .
Other relevant lily bulb producer countries are France (401 ha),
Chile (205 ha), the USA (200 ha), Japan (189 ha), New Zealand
(110 ha), China (100 ha), and Israel (100 ha) [
1 ]. Besides its orna-
mental attributes, the increasing popularity of lilies is due to the
constant onset of novelties in terms of cultivars with superior and
distinctive features. Actually, during the last 50 years, thousands of
cultivars were developed and can be classifi ed in different hybrids
groups. This dramatic change in the assortment of lilies was possi-
ble due to the innovative new hybrid breeding strategies that
include biotechnological tools, such as in vitro pollination and
embryo rescue, polyploidization, molecular cytogenetics and
molecular assisted breeding. Other biotechniques are not included
as breeding tools, yet. This is the case of genetic transformation,
but in the near future it is hypotesizable its key role in the incorpo-
ration of new traits to the Lilium genome [
2 ] .
Besides biotechniques directly related to breeding, there are
others assisting breeders and growers to offer an assortment of qual-
ity and quantity. These are the techniques for virus eradication,
propagation and conservation including, among others, somatic
embryo genesis. Indeed, somatic embryos are structures that allow
cloning elite material effectively in automated systems, synthetic
seed production and cryopreservation, as well as the use of them or
the embryogenic tissue as target for genetic transformation [
3 ]. So,
a reliable somatic embryogenesis (SE) protocol of Lilium is a pre-
requisite for application of other plant biotechniques. Several proto-
cols were reported for genus Lilium (Table
1 ), with variable success.
In all cases, somatic embryos were produced via indirect SE. Usually,
the process comprises three phases: embryogenic callus induction,
embryogenic callus proliferation, and somatic embryo germination
4 ]. SE potential is dependent on the genotype, explant, and culture
medium composition, especially as for plant growth regulator s
( PGR ), and environmental conditions [
4 , 5 ]. Most of the SE proto-
cols for Lilium makes use of the MS medium [
6 ], supplemented
with sucrose as carbon source and agar for gelifi cation (Table
2 ).
PGRs commonly used for inducing embryogenic calli and for prolif-
eration are auxins, as α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) [
4 , 5 , 7 ],
2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid [
7 ], picloram [ 8 , 9 ] and dicamba [ 8 ,
9 ], and cytokinins like thidiazuron (TDZ) [ 4 ], kinetin (Kin) [ 5 ] and
6 -benzyladenine [ 7 , 10 , 11 ]. Somatic embryo germination can be
achieved in light or darkness. In the fi rst case, complete plantlets are
formed, with green leaves and pseudobulbs at the base. In darkness,
microbulbs are formed from single somatic embryos or clusters, cul-
tured in hormone-free MS medium [
4 ]. A last phase of microbulb
enlargement in PGR-free MS medium, containing 90 g/L sucrose,
allows plantlets or microbulbs to increase their biomass. These
enlarged microbulbs do not need special acclimatization conditions
when transferred to soil and quickly produce sturdy plants [
12 ].
Thin cell layer s ( TCL ) technology consists on the in vitro cul-
ture of thin slices of tissue from different organs, and allows to
induce fl owers, vegetative buds, roots, and somatic embryo s in a
very controlled pattern of organogenesis [
13 ]. About 1 mm thick
transverse slices of tissue are termed transverse TCL ( tTCL ) and
are effi ciently used to induce somatic embryogenesis in Lilium
4 , 5 , 10 , 11 ]. This chapter describes a protocol for somatic
embryogenesis of Lilium using tTCL from microbulbs .
Pablo Marinangeli
Table 1
State of the art in somatic embryo genesis of Lilium
Explant Lilium species and hybrids Reference
Microbulbs, bulblets, and
bulb scales L. regale [ 7 ]
L. longifl orum [
14 ]
L. formosanum [
15 ]
L. martagon [
16 ]
L. michiganense [
17 ]
L. ledebourii [
10 , 11 ]
L. davidii [
5 ]
L. longifl orum [
5 ]
Longifl orum x
Oriental hybrid
Oriental hybrid
Asiatic hybrid
5 ]
Leaves L. regale [
7 ]
Seedling roots L. martagon [ 16 ]
L. x formolongi [
18 ]
L. ledebourii [
10 , 11 ]
Hypocotyls L. martagon [ 16 ]
Floral pedicels L. longifl orum
Oriental hybrid [ 8 ]
Oriental hybrid [
9 ]
Styles L. longifl orum
Oriental hybrid [ 8 ]
Anthers L. longifl orum [
19 ]
Table 2
Composition of media used in the different steps of Lilium somatic embryo genesis by tTCL
Salts and
vitamins NAA (mg/L) TDZ (mg/L) Kin (mg/L) Sucrose (%) Agar
Bulbifi cation [ 20 ] MS 0.03 3 0.8
Enlargement [ 12 ] MS 0.1 0.1 9 0.8
Embryogenic callus
induction [
4 ] MS 1 0.2 3 0.8
Embryogenic callus
proliferation [
4 ] MS 1 0.1 3 0.8
Regeneration [
14 ] ½ MS 3 0.8
MS Murashige and Skoog medium [ 6 ], NAA α-naphthaleneacetic acid, TDZ thidiazuron, Kin kinetin
Somatic Embryogenesis of Lilium
2 Materials
1. Different Lilium hybrids can be used for SE through this pro-
tocol. Originally it was developed for Lilium longifl orum [
4 ],
but SE was achieved for other genotypes through slightly dif-
ferent protocols [
5 , 10 , 11 ]. In our laboratory, this methodol-
ogy has been successfully applied to Lilium longifl orum , cv
White Heaven, Asiatic Hybrid ‘Nello’, Longifl orum x Asiatic
Hybrid ‘Royal Respect’, and Longifl orum x Oriental Hybrid
‘Triumphator’ ( see Note 1 ).
2. Lily bulbs can be taken from the soil after the aerial shoots die
out during autumn and winter and used directly, or they can be
harvested in autumn, stored for 1 year at −1.5 °C (after a cold
treatment during 45–60 days) and used year round.
Alternatively, bulbs can be purchased to retailers or cut fl ower
growers and used directly ( see Note 2 ).
1. Laminar fl ow cabinet.
2. Bunsen burner.
3. Dissecting forceps and scalpel.
4. Sterile Petri dishes 15 × 100 mm.
5. Beakers.
6. Sterile tissue paper.
7. 100–1000 mL bottles.
8. Capped test tubes (25 × 150 or 10 × 15 mm).
9. Aluminum foil.
10. Parafi lm.
11. Autoclave.
Stereomicroscope (if necessary, depending on the skills of the
13. pH meter.
14. Analytical balance.
15. Stirrer with hot plate.
16. Growth chamber with temperature control (25 ± 2 °C) and
light control (dark and 16-h photoperiod, at a light intensity of
40 μmol/m
2 /s provided by cool-white fl uorescent tubes).
17. Greenhouse with climatic control.
1. Sterile distilled water.
2. 70 % ethanol.
3. Sodium hypochlorite or commercial bleach (e.g., Clorox
® )
with 6–8 % of active chlorine.
2.1 Plant Source
2.2 Laboratory
and Equipment
2.3 Reagents,
Solutions, and
Culture Media
Pablo Marinangeli
4. Tween-20.
5. Culture media: Specifi c media used for all the steps, from
microbulb differentiation from scale sections to shoot regen-
eration and bulb enlargement, are described in Table
2 .
3 Methods
Prepare media from the formulations in Table 2 ( see Note 1 ).
1. In an appropriate sized beaker, add distilled or deionized water
up to ½ the fi nal medium volume (i.e., 500 mL for 1000 mL
2. Add mineral salts from stocks, vitamins, sucrose , and growth
regulators, stirring after each addition until the compound is
3. Bring to fi nal volume with distilled or deionized water, mix
well, and adjust pH to 5.8 with 0.1 N NaOH or HCl.
4. Add agar , heat until gelling agent is fully dissolved, and dis-
pense into autoclavable containers. Dispense 15 mL medium
in each 25 × 150 mm tube or 5 mL medium in each 10 × 15 mm
tube. Cap tubes and place in autoclavable racks or in high-
density autoclavable polyethylene bags ( see Note 3 ).
5. Autoclave at 121 °C for 20 min (118 kPa steam pressure).
6. Store the medium in a clean area and use within 2 weeks.
1. Detach external and middle scales of healthy bulbs . Discard
external scales showing evident signs of contamination or
2. Wash carefully the scales with tap water and disinfect them by
immersion in 70 % ethanol during 1 min, followed by 20 min
in an aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite (1.6 % active
chlorine) plus 0.1 % Tween 20.
3. Under a laminar fl ow hood, rinses explants tree times with
sterile water for 2 min each, and leave them in fi nal rinse water.
4. Cut scales transversally in 2–3 mm sections on a sterile tissue
paper or Petri dish. Place sections slightly embedded in the jel-
lifi ed bulbifi cation medium, maintaining the polarity .
5. Cultivate explants in growth chamber at 25 °C in the dark dur-
ing 30–45 days until bulblets
, 3–5 mm in diameter, differenti-
ate from the base of sections.
6. Microbulbs can be used to prepare tTCL , from which to
induce SE, or they can be micropropagated in order to provide
microbulbs continuously ( see Note 4 ).
3.1 Preparation
and Sterilization
of Culture Media
3.2 Surface
Sterilization of Bulb
Scales and Culture
Somatic Embryogenesis of Lilium
1. In order to provide cyclic micropropagation, microbulbs
developed from scale cuttings are separated and cultivated in
enlargement medium for 45–60 days at 25 °C in the dark.
2. Enlarged microbulbs , about 5–8 mm in diameter, can be used
to obtain tTCL for SE, or used as source of microscales for
cyclic micropropagation.
1. Detach microscales from enlarged microbulbs and cultivate
them slightly embedded in bulbifi cation medium.
2. Cultivate in growth chamber at 25 °C in darkness during
30–45 days until bulblets , 3–5 mm in diameter, differentiate
from the base of microscales .
3. Microbulbs can be used to obtain tTCL to induce SE or to
continue cyclic micropropagation.
1. Remove microbulbs from tubes or Petri dishes. Cut roots and
etiolated leaves, while microscales should remain.
2. Excise 0.8–1.0 mm thick tTCL from the base of microbulbs
and place them with the inverted polarity on embryogenic cal-
lus induction medium.
3. Cultivate in growth chamber at 25 °C in the dark with 30-day
4. Remove embryogenic callus from the explants and cultivate them
in embryogenic callus proliferation medium, in growth chamber
at 25 °C in the dark with 30-day subcultures ( see Note 5 ).
1. Transfer proliferating embryogenic callus to regeneration
2. Cultivate in growth chamber at 25 °C with a 16-h photoperiod
at a light intensity of 40 μmol/m
2 /s.
3. Transfer to fresh medium every 30 days until microshoot
1. Transfer microshoots to enlargement medium and cultivate
them in a growth chamber at 25 °C in darkness.
2. Cultivate during 60 days with one subculture.
3. Remove microbulbs from culture containers, wash under tap
water to remove medium and plant directly in soil or substrate
( see Note 6 ).
4 Notes
1. SE depends on the genetic background of the donor plant. The
response of different species and cultivars of Lilium to embryo-
genic callus induction and proliferation is variable and it is pos-
3.3 Enlargement
of Microbulbs
3.4 Bulbifi cation
3.5 Embryogenic
Callus Induction
and Proliferation
3.6 Germination
of Somatic Embryos
and Plant
3.7 Bulbifi cation
and Soil Transfer
Pablo Marinangeli
sible that would be necessary an adjustment of the culture
conditions. The main factors affecting SE are the type and con-
centration of PGR . So, it is recommended an adjustment of the
concentrations of NAA (0.1–1 mg/L) and TDZ (0.1 –0.4 mg/L)
when working with novel material [
4 , 5 , 10 , 11 ].
2. When lily bulbs are damaged or dehydrated, high frequency of
contamination appears during in vitro culture because disinfec-
tion is not effi cient, reaching even 100 % of loss. In this situa-
tion, it is possible to carry out an ex vitro propagation of bulbs
through scaling technique [
13 ], during which a strong disin-
fection of scales is done with disinfectants, fungicides, and
acaricides. Furthermore, the production of new healthy organs
allows obtaining a material suitable for establishment in vitro,
the explants being the microscales from bulblets differentiated
at the base of the scales.
3. During the introduction in vitro it is absolutely necessary to
use single culture tubes because the contamination is usually
high. During the step of embryogenic callus proliferation and
the embryos germination , it is possible to use Petri dishes to
cultivate explants, due to the possibility to save space and cul-
ture medium. This requires preparing and sterilizing the cul-
ture medium in fl asks with plastic cap, and then pouring it into
sterile disposable Petri dishes while still melted.
4. Microbulbs , differentiated from scale sections of the original
bulb , can be used for SE, but if year-round work is necessary, a
continuous source of microbulbs is necessary. So, it is recom-
mended following the cyclic micropropagation of Lilium in
the dark, as mentioned in Subheadings 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.
5. Embryogenic callus proliferation can be done both in solid and
in liquid medium by cultivating embryogenic calli in either
agar -solidifi ed or liquid MS media, containing 1.0 mg/L NAA
and 0.2 mg/L TDZ. However, the number of somatic embryo s
derived from embryogenic calli cultured in liquid medium
often shows to be more than in solidifi ed medium [
14 ].
6. In some cultivars, microbulbs develop dormancy during
enlargement. In this case, break of dormancy is possible by
storing microbulbs at 4–7 °C from 45 days ( L. longifl orum ,
Longifl orum x Asiatic, and Asiatic hybrids) to 60 days
(‘Oriental’ and ‘Oriental x Trumpet’ hybrids). Dormancy
release can be done in the same culture container or in humid
peat moss within plastic bags, or in plastic containers covered
with fi lm.
Somatic Embryogenesis of Lilium
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Vinh DN (2006) Liquid culture as a positive
condition to induce and enhance quality and
quantity of somatic embryogenesis of Lilium
longifl orum . Sci Hortic 110:93–97
15. Nakano M, Sakakibara T, Suzuki S, Saito H
(2000) Decrease in the regeneration potential
of long-term cell suspension cultures of Lilium
formosanum Wallace and its restoration by the
auxin transport inhibitor, 2, 3, 5- triiodobenzoic
acid. Plant Sci 158:129–137
16. Kedra M, Bach A (2005) Morphogenesis of
Lilium martagon L. explants in callus culture.
Acta Biol Cracov Bot 47:65–73
17. Ault JR, Siqueira SS (2008) Morphogenetic
response of Lilium michiganense to four auxin-
type plant growth regulators in vitro.
HortScience 43:1922–1924
18. Ho CW, Jian WT, Lai HC (2006) Plant regen-
eration via somatic embryogenesis from sus-
pension cell cultures of Lilium × formolongi
Hort. using a bioreactor system. In Vitro Cell
Dev Biol Plant 42:240–246
19. Arzate-Fernandez AM, Nakazaki T, Okumoto
Y, Tanisaka T (1997) Effi cient callus induction
and plant regeneration from fi laments with
anther in lily ( Lilium longifl orum Thunb.).
Plant Cell Rep 16:836–840
Curvetto NR, Marinangeli PA, Mockel G
(2006) Hydrogen peroxide in the micropropa-
gation of Lilium longifl orum. A comparison
with a traditional methodology. Biocell
Pablo Marinangeli
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_20, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 20
Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration
of Brachiaria brizantha
Glaucia B. Cabral , Vera T. C. Carneiro , Diva M. A. Dusi ,
and Adriana P. Martinelli
The genus Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. belongs to the family Poaceae, order Poales, class Monocotyledonae.
In Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf., embryogenic callus can be induced from seeds from
apomictic plants, which results in high frequency somatic embryo development and plant regeneration. We
report here a detailed protocol for callus induction from apomictic seed; followed by in vitro morphogen-
esis (somatic embryo and bud differentiation), plant regeneration, and acclimatization in the greenhouse.
Important details regarding the positioning of seeds for callus induction and precautions to avoid endo-
phytic contamination and the occurrence of albino plants are presented.
Key words Albino plants , Apomixis , Caryopses , Endophyte contamination , Forage grass , In vitro
culture , Monocot
1 Introduction
The Brachiaria genus belongs to the family Poaceae, order Poales
of the class Monocotyledonae. This genus shows a hundred species
of grasses [
1 ], and is cultivated as forage in tropical and subtropical
countries. Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu is a key forage in beef
cattle production in Brazil, the world’s largest beef exporter. B.
brizantha shows aposporic apomixis , an asexual mode of reproduc-
tion by seeds. The apomictic plants are thus clones of the mother
plant, reducing the possibility of their use in classical breeding [
2 ].
Furthermore, similarly to many apomicts [
3 ], apomixis is related to
polyploidy, with sexual plants being diploid and apomictic plants
tetraploids. These characteristics hinder breeding of apomictic
plants [
4 ].
Alternatives to conventional breeding of B. brizantha would
involve the introduction of genes of interest by genetic transforma-
tion, which relies on the availability of in vitro plant regeneration
protocols. In monocots , in vitro plant regeneration has been
primarily achieved through somatic embryo genesis [ 5 , 6 ]. Evidences
of different morphogenic responses from the same explant, under
induction by different concentrations and ratios of auxin:cytokinin,
have been reported in species of the Poaceae family such as sor-
ghum ( Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.), minor millet ( Paspalum
scrobiculatum L.), sugarcane ( Saccharum offi cinarum L.), and baby
bamboo ( Pogonatherum paniceum Lam. Hack.) [
7 ]. The occur-
rence of monopolar and bipolar embryos in sugarcane cultures,
which has been earlier described as two pathways [
8 ], was later
defi ned as organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis [
9 ]. In B. bri-
zantha cv. Marandu, high in vitro morphogenetic effi ciency was
observed from seeds, with 73 % of isolated apomictic embryos
forming embryogenic cultures, and 67 % of the calli regenerating
plants [
10 ]. The anatomy of somatic embryos, induced from in vitro
cultivated seeds, confi rmed this morphogenetic route [
11 ]. Multiple
shoot formation was also reported in basal segments obtained from
micropropagated plantlets of cv. Marandu [
12 ], a system that was
used for Brachiaria plant recovery after colchicine treatment for in
vitro chromosome duplication. Somatic embryo genesis and organ-
ogenesis in B. brizantha is infl uenced by several factors such as
genotype, explant type, and culture conditions [
13 ].
In this chapter, an effi cient protocol of somatic embryo genesis
induction from apomictic mature seeds is reported.
2 Materials
1. Mature seeds of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu.
2. 70 % ethanol solution (v/v) in water.
3. 2.5 % sodium hypochlorite ( NaOCl ) solution (v/v) in water.
4. Tween 20™.
5. Distilled water, sterilized by autoclaving at 121 °C for 20 min.
6. Conic plastic tubes, sterile, 50 mL.
7. Laminar fl ow hood.
8. Filter paper placed in Petri dishes, sterilized by autoclaving at
121 °C for 20 min.
9. Petri dishes, 100 × 20 mm.
10. Scalpel blades, scalpel handles, and tissue forceps.
11. Plastic fi lm, Parafi lm
® M type.
12. Stock solution of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D);
benzylaminopurine (BAP); kinetin (KIN); naphthaleneacetic
acid (NAA), and gibberellic acid ( GA
3 ), each one at 1 mg/mL.
13. Vessels for plant tissue culture (e.g., Magenta™ or babyfood jars).
2.1 Plant Material
and Equipment
Glaucia B. Cabral et al.
14. Incubator or growth chamber with controlled temperature
and photoperiod.
15. Mixture of sand:soil:vermiculite (1:1:1, v/v), sterilized by
autoclaving at 121 °C for 40 min.
16. Soil fertilized with superphosphate and organic matter.
1. Induction medium ( M1.3 ): Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal
medium [
14 ], 3 % sucrose , 300 mg/L casein hydrolysate , 3
mg/L 2,4-D, 0.2 mg/L BAP, 14 g/L agar , pH 4.2 ( see Note
1 ), poured in Petri dishes [
13 ].
2. Differentiation medium ( DM ): MS basal medium with ½
strength of major salts, 2 % sucrose , 300 mg/L casein hydroly-
sate , 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.05 mg/L BAP, 14 g/L agar , pH 4.2
( see Note 1 ), poured in Petri dishes.
3. Regeneration medium ( MS3 ): MS basal medium with 3 %
sucrose , 300 mg/L casein hydrolysate , 0.5 mg/L NAA, 1
mg/L BAP, 2.5 mg/L KIN, 14 g/L agar , pH 4.2 ( see Note
1 ), poured in Petri dishes [
13 ].
4. Elongation and rooting medium ( MMP ): MS basal medium
with ½ strength major salts, 2 % sucrose , 100 mg/L casein
hydrolysate , 0.5 mg/L KIN, 0.2 mg/L NAA, 0.2 mg/L GA
3 ,
0.7 % agar , pH 5.8, poured in Magenta™ boxes (30 mL in
each box), or other vessels for plant tissue culture [
13 ].
The pH of media is adjusted to 5.8 with 1 N KOH or to 4.2
with 1 N HCl prior to autoclaving. Medium is autoclaved at
121 °C, for 20 min. GA
3 is fi lter sterilized and added to media
after autoclaving.
3 Methods
1. The seeds of B. brizantha should be dehusked manually with
the aid of a forceps (Fig.
1a ) or a seed stripper. Select the well-
formed and unblemished seeds with the aid of a stereomicro-
scope to avoid contamination. Use around 300 seeds per
treatment ( see Note 2 ).
2. Decontamination of the selected and dehusked seeds (Fig.
1b )
should be carried out in a laminar fl ow hood, using a previ-
ously autoclaved beaker, with 100 mL of 70 % ethanol for 5
min, followed by 100 mL of a 2.5 % sodium hypochlorite solu-
tion with two drops of Tween 20 for 30 min; stir the solution
with seeds repeated times.
3. Rinse the seeds thoroughly, six times, with distilled autoclaved
4. Dry the seeds on autoclaved fi lter paper.
2.2 Culture Media
for Brachiaria
brizantha Somatic
via Callus Formation
Somatic Embryogenesis of Brachiaria Brizantha
5. Inoculate the seeds onto induction medium (M1.3) poured in
Petri dishes (100 × 20 mm), 10–12 seeds per plate. To avoid
condensation, leave the Petri dishes open in the hood for
15 min to remove excess of moisture. Seal the plates with
Parafi lm
® and incubate them upside down, in the dark, at
25 ± 2 °C for 3–4 weeks ( see Note 3 ).
6. After 5 days, mature seeds cultured in M1.3 induction medium
present a swollen scutellum and embryo axis (Fig.
1c ). The
swelling is followed by proliferation of friable callus, after 2
weeks of induction, on the upper surface of the scutellum, and
an opaque white structure is generally observed (Fig.
1d ),
Fig. 1 Selection of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu mature seeds and somatic embryo genesis induction: ( a )
selection of mature seeds for manually dehusking; ( b ) peeled mature seeds showing in one side the apomictic
embryo ( arrow head ) and in the opposite side the hilum ( arrow ); ( c ) 5-day-old mature seed cultivated in callus
induction medium, showing the swollen scutellum ( asterisk ) and embryo axis ( arrow ) of the apomictic seed
embryo; ( d ) friable callus grown on the scutellum surface of the seed ( arrow ); ( e ) multiplication of embryo-
genic callus. Bars: a = 6 mm, b = 3 mm, c = 1 mm, d = 2 mm, e = 1 mm
Glaucia B. Cabral et al.
which is the scutellum of a somatic embryo which, in turn,
repetitively produces new scutelli if the calli are subcultured to
induction medium M1.3 (Fig.
1e ) ( see Note 4 ).
7. To obtain well-differentiated somatic embryo s, transfer the
3- to 4-week-old induced calli from induction medium (M13)
to differentiation medium (DM), following step 7 ; however,
to obtain plant regeneration skip step 7 and go directly to
step 8 . Seal the Petri dishes with Parafi lm
® and incubate them
upside down, in the dark, at 27 ± 2 °C for 3–4 weeks. In this
step visible differentiation of the somatic embryos is observed.
Add this step for a better visualization of somatic embryo
8. To obtain plant regeneration, transfer the 3- to 4-week-old
induced calli from induction medium (M1.3) to regeneration
medium (MS3), spreading them well on the medium, approxi-
mately 8–10 calli per Petri dish ( see Note 5 ).
9. Incubate the Petri dishes upside down in a culture room or
incubator, at 35 μmol/m
2 /s, 14 h photoperiod and 27 ± 2 °C
for 3 days, then move the plates to a higher light intensity con-
dition (70 μmol/m
2 /s) for 4 weeks ( see Note 6 ).
10. Germinating somatic embryo s, 2–3 cm long, with developing
leaves, are transferred to elongation and rooting medium
(MMP), in Magenta™ boxes (30 mL in each box) and kept in
a culture room at 25 ± 2 °C at 70 μmol/m
2 /s and 14 h photo-
period, for 3–4 weeks.
11. For acclimatization, in vitro-rooted shoots are carefully washed
to remove the agar , and then transferred fi rst to plastic pots,
containing vermiculite, and covered with a plastic bag to main-
tain high humidity (4–5 days), and afterwards to pots contain-
ing a mixture of sand:soil:vermiculite (1:1:1, v/v) in the
greenhouse with natural light and temperature ( see Note 7 ).
4 Notes
1. Endophytes are very common in Brachiaria spp. The acidic
pH of the induction and regeneration medium (4.2) favors the
reduction of endophytic bacteria contamination, enabling lon-
ger term B. brizantha in vitro culture, compared to culture at
pH 5.8. However, at pH 4.2 agar solidifi cation can be diffi cult
and, to avoid this problem, we suggest the use of type A agar
at twice the usual concentration (1.4 %).
2. Selection of well-formed and non-damaged seeds with the aid
of a stereomicroscope is very important to prevent contamina-
tion, considering that B. brizantha seeds show a high unviable
rate (30 %), and the viable seeds usually present fungi in the
Somatic Embryogenesis of Brachiaria Brizantha
endosperm if the storage conditions are not adequate. Seeds
should be stored under refrigeration, in a desiccator.
3. Use 100 × 20 mm Petri dishes for better aeration. It is highly
recommended to prepare and pour M1.3 medium in Petri
dishes a day or two before inoculating the seeds, to reduce
condensation and contamination. Condensation in plates
should also be avoided when sowing the seeds. If there is any
condensation, open the Petri dishes with medium in the hood
and leave them open for 15 min. Brachiaria seeds should be
positioned preferably with the embryo axis side up, i.e., the
hilum side, which is visible (Fig.
1b ), should be in contact with
the culture medium. Place the seeds, one by one, applying a
slight pressure in the culture medium without submerging
them, so that they do not detach from the medium due to the
growth of callus and/or germination of the embryo. If the
seed is not in a close contact with the medium, instead of form-
ing callus, the embryo germinates or root formation is
observed; thus, the seed needs to be slightly pressed into the
medium. The quality of the primary callus depends entirely on
the seed quality and the induction process.
4. M1.3 medium produces a high percentage of embryogenic
calli in a 2,4-D concentration ranging from 2 to 4 mg/L. We
suggest avoiding a long-term maintenance of Brachiaria bri-
zantha embryogenic calli in the presence of 2,4-D, due to a
high probability of subsequent formation of 100 % albino
plants in 4-month-old embryogenic calli [
13 ] (Fig. 2a, b ).
Moreover, recently, it was shown that, in ruzigrass ( Brachiaria
ruziziensis ), 4-month-old embryogenic callus generated poly-
ploids, while all regenerants derived from 2-month-old
embryogenic calli were diploid, suggesting that 2,4-D pro-
moted not only the formation of somatic embryo genesis, but
also duplication of chromosomes at early stages of embryo-
genic callus formation [
15 ]. These outcomes indicate that
2-month-old or younger embryogenic calli are best suited for
Brachiaria spp. When the supplementation of auxin decreases,
there is a rapid differentiation into embryos and different pat-
terns of distribution in the same explant may occur due to local
accumulations of auxin. Auxin transport and accumulation
may also have an infl uence in somatic embryo differentiation in
Brachiaria . Therefore, to obtain well differentiated somatic
embryos, we highly suggest transferring the induced calli to
differentiation medium (DM), and after 3–4 weeks, embryos
have a cream-colored embryo axis with coleoptile surrounding
the shoot apical meristem of the somatic embryos, each cole-
optile containing one shoot meristem (Fig.
2c ). The embryo
proper or embryo axis is enveloped with an opaque white-col-
ored, isolated, well- differentiated scutellum, and in some cases
show fused scutelli (Fig.
2c ).
Glaucia B. Cabral et al.
5. In MS3 medium plant regeneration is obtained from up to 54
% of the seeds and around 90 % of induced calli. Detailed
observations of calli show that two regeneration patterns are
observed after transferring the calli to regeneration medium:
(1) complete plantlets originating from isolated somatic
embryo s (Fig.
2d ), and (2) multiple buds formed from the api-
cal meristem of somatic embryos in the presence of cytokinins
in the MS3 regeneration medium (Fig.
2e, f ), producing mul-
tiple shoots (Fig.
2g ). The purple pigmentation observed in
buds and shoots indicates a stress-induced anthocyanin pro-
duction in the leaf tips of B. brizantha cultivated in vitro under
light conditions. For reducing this stress the explant should
initially be cultured for 3 days at a reduced light intensity,
around 30 μmol/m
2 /s, returning to a higher light intensity
(70 μmol/m
2 /s), for plantlet development.
6. If two light intensity conditions are not available, as an alterna-
tive pile up the Petri dishes at 70 μmol/m
2 /s
1 for the initial
period of 3 days at reduced light intensity, then spread the
plates side by side at the same light intensity of the climatic
chamber. The initial lower light intensity helps to prevent
anthocyanin accumulation.
7. Regenerated plantlets from this protocol show a morphologi-
cal pattern of growth, fl owering, and seed production, similar
to naturally propagated plants (Fig.
2h ).
Fig. 2 Plant regeneration of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu: ( a ) albino shoots regenerating from embryogenic
callus; ( b ) elongating albino shoots; ( c ) differentiated scutellum and embryo axis of somatic embryo ( arrow );
( d ) plantlet originated from an isolated somatic embryo; ( e ) multiple buds formed in an embryogenic callus
( arrow ); ( f ) multiple buds; ( g ) multiple shoots elongating from clumps of buds; ( h ) tiller plant ( left ) and in vitro
plant after acclimatization ( right ). Bars: a = 1 mm, c = 0.5 mm, d = 2 mm, e = 2 mm, f = 1 mm
Somatic Embryogenesis of Brachiaria Brizantha
G.B.C. thanks Embrapa for a doctoral fellowship. A.P.M. acknowl-
edges CNPq for a research fellowship (310.612/2011-0).
1. Do Valle CB, Savidan Y (1996) Genetics, cyto-
genetic and reproductive biology of Brachiaria.
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Embrapa, Cali-Colombia, pp 147–163, 288
2. Lutts S, Ndikumana J, Louant B (1994) Male
and female sporogenesis and gametogenesis in
apomictic Brachiaria brizantha , Brachiaria
decumbens and F1 hybrids with sexual colchi-
cine induced tetraploid Brachiaria ruziziensis .
Euphytica 78:19–25
3. Asker SE, Jerling L (1992) Apomixis in plants.
CRC Press, Boca-Raton, 298p
4. Do Valle CB, Bonato ALV, Pagliarini MS,
Resende RMS, Jank L (2004) Apomixia e sua
utilização no melhoramento de Brachiaria . In:
Carneiro VTC, Dusi DMA (eds) Clonagem de
plantas por sementes: estratégias de estudo da
apomixia. Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e
Biotecnologia, Brasília, pp 47–65, 126p
5. Vasil V, Vasil IK (1980) Isolation and culture of
cereal protoplasts. Theor Appl Genet 56:97–99
6. Vasil IK (2005) The story of transgenic cereals:
the challenge, the debate, and the solution – a
historical perspective. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol
Plant 41:577–583
7. Wang W, Zhao X, Zhuang G, Wang S, Chen F
(2008) Simple hormonal regulation of somatic
embryogenesis and/or shoot organogenesis in
caryopsis cultures of Pogonatherum paniceum
(Poaceae). Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 95:57–67
8. Burrieza HP, Lopez-Fernandez MP, Chiquieri
TB, Silveira V, Maldonado S (2012)
Accumulation pattern of dehydrins during
sugarcane (var. SP80.3280) somatic embryo-
genesis. Plant Cell Rep 31:2139–2149
9. Falco MC, Mendes BMJ, Tulmann Neto A,
Appezatto-da-Glória B (1996) Histological
characterization of in vitro regeneration of
Saccharum sp. R Bras Fisiol Veg 8:93–97
10. Silveira ED, Rodrigues JCM, Cabral GB, Leite
JA, Costa SS, Carneiro VTC (2003) Evaluation
of exogenous promoters for use in Brachiaria
brizantha transformation. J Plant Biotechnol
Lenis-Manzano SJ, Araujo ACG, Valle CB,
Santana EF, Carneiro VTC (2010) Histologia
da embriogênese somática induzida em embriões
de sementes maduras de Urochloa brizantha
apomítica. Pesq Agropec Bras 45:435–441
12. Pinheiro AA, Pozzobon MT, Do Valle CB,
Penteado MIO, Carneiro VTC (2000)
Duplication of the chromosome number of
diploid Brachiaria brizantha plants using col-
chicine. Plant Cell Rep 19:274–278
13. Cabral GB, Carneiro VTC, Lacerda AL, Do
Valle CB, Martinelli AP, Dusi DMA (2011)
Somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in
apomictic and sexual Brachiaria brizantha .
Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 107:271–282
14. Murashige T, Skoog F (1962) A revised medium
for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tis-
sue cultures. Physiol Plant 15:473–497
15. Ishigaki G, Gondo T, Rahman MM, Umami N,
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polyploids in plants regenerated from embryo-
genic calli derived from seedling- meristems of
ruzigrass ( Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain et
Everard). J Jpn Grassl Sci 60:24–30
Glaucia B. Cabral et al.
Part III
Protocols of Somatic Embryogenesis
in Selected Forest Trees
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_21, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 21
Somatic Embryogenesis in Pinus spp.
Itziar Aurora Montalbán , Olatz García-Mendiguren ,
and Paloma Moncaleán
Somatic embryogenesis (SE) has been the most important development for plant tissue culture, not only
for mass propagation but also for enabling the implementation of biotechnological tools that can be used
to increase the productivity and wood quality of plantation forestry. Development of SE in forest trees
started in 1985 and nowadays many studies are focused on the optimization of conifer SE system. However,
these advances for many Pinus spp. are not suffi ciently refi ned to be implemented commercially. In this
chapter, a summary of the main systems used to achieve SE in Pinus spp. is reported.
Key words Conifer , Forest biotechnology , In vitro , Plant tissue culture , Propagation , Somatic
embryo s
1 Introduction
During the last years, one of the main objectives of conifer genetic
improvement programs has been the development and application
of biotechnological tools, able to achieve production systems of
elite plants adapted to different environmental conditions in the
future scenery of climate change. In vitro propagation systems
have been one of the most studied aspects worldwide in programs
of genetic improvement. In this sense, although the utility of
in vitro organogenesis using juvenile material has been developed
and optimized in some Pinus species [
1 5 ], the high cost of the
process is still a limitation for mass production on a commercial
scale. Other systems to achieve in vitro propagation of Pinus spp.
adult trees have been developed [
6 10 ], but changes in the attri-
butes of resulting plants have sometimes been observed and reju-
venation of the material has been transitory in in vitro conditions.
For the abovementioned reasons, propagation via somatic embryo-
genesis (SE) has many advantages:
It captures all specifi c gene combinations of selected individu-
als, giving high genetic gain [
11 ];
Combined with cryopreservation of the embryonal masses
( EM ) and the selection of elite clones in fi eld tests, it enables
implementing multivarietal forestry [
11 ];
It is an ideal system for genetic transformation, through initia-
tion of somatic embryo s from single cells [
12 ];
It offers the capability to produce unlimited numbers of plant-
lets from somatic embryo s [
13 , 14 ] and artifi cial seed s [ 15 ].
Although EM initiation protocols are now fairly well estab-
lished, maturation of EM into cotyledonary normal somatic
embryo s is not always successful in Pinus spp. Problems such as
low or asynchronous embryo production [
16 , 17 ], abnormal mor-
phology, or poor root development have also been reported for P.
pinea [
18 ] and P. kesiya [ 19 ]. In conifer SE, physical and chemical
conditions are factors that should be studied carefully. In this sense,
culture medium composition takes on special importance in SE,
being a substitute of the megagametophyte , supplying adequate
amounts of nitrogen and carbon [
20 ]. For this reason, studies were
carried out to analyse the effect of culture conditions in SE of
Pinus spp. [
21 24 ]. Thanks to these studies, a considerable increase
of the number and quality of the produced Pinus somatic plantlets
has been achieved [
23 ].
In this chapter, recent studies focused on the development and
optimization of successful protocols of SE in various Pinus species
are described.
2 Materials
One-year-old green female cones, enclosing immature zygotic
embryo s of Pinus spp. at the precotyledonary stage [
21 ], are col-
lected from open or control pollinated trees ( see Note 1 ). The
cones are stored at 4 °C until processing ( see Note 2 ). Cones are
usually processed within a week, although they can be stored for
more than one month with no detriment in SE initiation rates
13 ]. Recently, it has also been possible to initiate EM from dif-
ferentiated cells in epicotyledonary region of post-cotyledonary
zygotic embryos [
25 ].
1. Initiation, proliferation, and maturation phases of SE are usu-
ally carried out in the same basal medium. As for macroele-
ments, microelements and vitamins, different media
formulation and their modifi cations are used depending on the
species [
24 , 28 ], i.e.:
2.1 Plant Material
2.2 Media
Itziar Aurora Montalbán et al.
DCR [ 26 ] with P. nigra [ 27 ], P. sylvestris [ 28 ], P. palustris
29 ], P. patula [ 30 ], and P. brutia [ 16 ];
31 ], LP [ 32 ] and Glitz [ 33 ] for P. radiata [ 15 ,
23 , 33 ];
505 [
34 ] for P. taeda [ 35 ];
LV [
36 ] for P. pinaster [ 37 ], P. monticola [ 38 ], P. pinea
18 ], P. strobus [ 39 ], and the hybrid P. rigida x P. taeda
40 ]. Moreover, different modifi cations of culture media
described are used, depending on the species [
41 ].
2. As a carbon source, sucrose in P. halepensis [
22 ], P. pinaster
37 ], P. pinea [ 18 ] and P. strobus [ 39 ], and/or maltose in P.
densifl ora [
42 ], P. kesiya [ 43 ], P. patula [ 30 ] and P. taeda [ 34 ]
are used in concentrations ranging: (i) from 10 g/L in P.
armandii [
44 ] and P. luchuensis [ 45 ] to 30 g/L in P. bun-
geana [
12 ], P. pinaster [ 37 ], and P. radiata [ 21 , 33 ] for initia-
tion and proliferation, and (ii) from 30 g/L in P. monticola, [
38 ]
and P. luchuensis [
45 ] to 60 g/L in P. pinea [ 18 ], P. radiata
23 ], and P. strobus [ 39 ] for maturation ( see Note 3 ).
3. Gellan gum ( Gelrite
® or Phytagel
® ) is added to the medium.
The concentration of gellan gum varies, depending on the spe-
cifi c phase of SE process from 2 g/L in P. brutia [
16 ] to 4 g/L
in P. pinea [
18 ] and P. monticola [ 38 ] for the initiation stage,
from 3 g/L in P. oocarpa [
46 ] to 5.5 g/L in P. radiata [ 21 ] for
the proliferation stage, and from 4 g/L in P. nigra [
47 ] to 10
g/L in P. pinaster [
37 ], P. rigida x P. taeda [ 40 ], and P. sylves-
tris [
48 ] for the maturation stage ( see Note 3 ). Moreover,
polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) is used in the maturation stage of
species such as P. armandii [
44 ], P. brutia [ 16 ], P. densifl ora
42 ] and P. patula [ 30 ] to increase the osmolarity of culture
media and ensure the success of the process ( see Note 4 ).
Germination stage (i.e., the conversion of somatic embryo s to
emblings) can be carried out at a broader range of concentra-
tions of Gelrite
® or other gellan gum brands.
4. Once medium is sterilized, it is supplemented with a source of
organic nitrogen that varies among Pinus species, being casein
hydrolysate plus l -glutamine in P. nigra [
47 ], P. strobus [ 39 ],
and P. sylvestris [
48 ], or EDM amino acid mixture [ 31 ] in P.
armandii [
44 ], P. densifl ora [ 42 ], P. radiata [ 21 ], the most
commonly used ( see Note 5 ).
5. Plant growth regulator s ( PGR ) added to medium are as fol-
lows: (i) at initiation and proliferation stages, a cytokinin (ben-
zyladenine, BA) and an auxin (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic,
2,4-D) both at the concentration of 2.2 μM for P. strobus [
39 ],
2.7 and 4.5 μM, respectively, for P. radiata [
21 ], 4.4 and 13.6
μM for P. pinaster [
49 ] or the hybrid P. rigida x P. taeda [ 50 ],
2.2 and 9 μM for P. nigra [
27 ] ( see Note 6 ). Other hormones
Somatic Embryogenesis in Pine
can also be used for initiation and proliferation of EM , i.e.,
kinetin instead of BA (at 2.7 μM in P. halepensis [
22 ]) or in
combination with BA (both at 2.0 μM in P. taeda [
34 ]), and
auxins such as 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) instead of
2,4-D (at 10.7 μM in P. taeda [
34 ]) or in combination with
2,4-D (both at 4.5 μM in P. halepensis [
22 ]); (ii) at maturation
stage I (initial procedure of tissue resuspension), liquid medium
lacks PGR and organic nitrogen [
23 ]. For improving P. pinas-
ter [
37 ] and P. densifl ora [ 42 ] maturation process, activated
charcoal (5 to 10 g/L) can be added to the liquid medium
used to resuspend EM ( see Note 7 ); at maturation stage II (tis-
sue culture on the fi lter paper), abscisic acid ( ABA ) at a con-
centration ranging from 40 μM (in P. oocarpa [
46 ]) to 120 μM
(in P. strobus [
39 ]) is used.
6. The basal medium for germination phase is the same used for
the previous stages of the process, except in some species such
as P. radiata in which somatic embryo s are germinated in LP
medium [
51 ]. Germination medium lacks PGR and is usually
supplemented with sucrose . Sucrose concentration varies
depending on the species, e.g., at 10 g/L in P. densifl ora [
42 ],
15 g/L in P. taeda [
52 ] and 30 g/L in P. radiata [ 23 ] and P.
halepensis [
22 ]. P. nigra germination culture medium contains
maltose (20 g/L), instead of sucrose [
47 ]. In species such as P.
armandii [
44 ], P. halepensis [ 22 ], P. nigra [ 47 ], or P. radiata
23 ], culture medium is supplemented with activated charcoal
to germinate the somatic embryos ( see Note 8 ).
7. The pH of culture media for all Pinus spp. is adjusted to
8. For initiation, proliferation and germination , explants can be
cultured into 90 × 15 mm Petri dishes (20–25 mL of semisolid
medium), while for maturation the use of 90 × 20 mm Petri
dishes is recommended (40 mL of semisolid medium) ( see
Note 9 ).
3 Methods
1. Spray intact cones with 70 % (v/v) ethanol, split into quarters
and remove immature seeds. Use 10 % (v/v) H
2 O
2 plus two
drops of Tween 20
® for 8 min for sterilizing immature seeds,
then rinse three times with sterile distilled H
2 O under the ster-
ile conditions of a laminar airfl ow cabinet.
2. Excise out aseptically ( see Note 10 ) whole megagametophytes
containing immature embryos and place them horizontally
onto initiation medium ( see Note 11 ). Then, lay out cultures
in the growth chamber (Fig.
1a ) ( see Note 12 ).
3.1 Initiation
and Proliferation
Itziar Aurora Montalbán et al.
Fig. 1 ( a ) Initiation of EM in P. radiata megagametophytes cultured on EDM medium , bar 10 mm. ( b ) Proliferation
of EM of P. halepensis cultured on DCR medium , bar 6 mm. ( c ) P. radiata somatic embryo s obtained from
100 mg of EM cultured on EDM supplemented with 60 g/L sucrose and 60 μM ABA , bar 6 mm. ( d ) Tissue
overgrowth obtained from 150 mg of EM cultured on EDM supplemented with 60 g/L sucrose and 60 μM ABA,
bar 10 mm. ( e ) P. radiata somatic plantlets after 14 weeks germinating on half strength LP supplemented with
2 g/L activated charcoal , bar 12 mm. ( f ) Somatic P. halepensis plant growing in the greenhouse, bar 25 mm.
Somatic Embryogenesis in Pine
3. In most of the Pinus species tested, after 4–10 weeks on initia-
tion medium, proliferating EM with a size around 3–5 mm in
diameter is separated from megagametophytes. EM is subcul-
tured to proliferation medium every 2 weeks (Fig.
1b ). In
P. sylvestris [
28 ] and P. pinaster [ 37 ], in order to attain a high
amount of EM in a short period of time, weight 300 mg of EM
and resuspend it in liquid medium. Then pour it onto fi lter-
paper disc and drain it using a Büchner funnel. Thereafter,
transfer the fi lter paper with attached EM to proliferation
medium and subculture it to fresh medium each 2 weeks
( see Note 13 ).
4. During initiation and proliferation, keep cultures in darkness
21 ] or under low light intensity (5 μmol/m
2 /s [ 33 ]) at
21–24 °C [
41 ].
1. Maturation process is divided in two stages. For maturation
stage I, resuspend EM in liquid medium in 50 mL centrifuge
tubes ( see Note 14 ). Then, shake EM suspension vigorously by
hand for a few seconds.
2. 4–5 mL aliquot of the suspension, containing 300–500 mg of
EM , is used in P. brutia [
16 ] and P. strobus [ 53 ] and is poured
onto a fi lter paper disc (Whatman no. 2, 70 mm) in a Büchner
funnel. For P. sylvestris [
48 ], EM amount can be decreased to
200 mg and, in species such as P. halepensis [
22 ], P. pinaster
37 ], or P. radiata [ 23 ], a low amount of EM (60–100 mg
fresh weight) is used to obtain the best results (Fig.
1c ) and
avoid overgrowth (Fig.
1d ) ( see Note 15 ).
3. Apply a vacuum pulse for 10 s. For maturation stage II, transfer
the fi lter paper disc with attached EM to maturation medium
( see Note 16 ), such as in P. monticola [
38 ], P. nigra [ 47 ], or
P. taeda [
54 ]. On the contrary, in P radiata [ 23 ], P. pinaster
37 ], and P. sylvestris [ 48 ], the fi lter paper discs with attached
EM are not subcultured through all maturation process.
4. During maturation, cultures are kept in darkness or under low
light intensity (5 μmol/m
2 /s), at 16-h photoperiod and
21–24 °C.
1. After 6–15 weeks, collect mature somatic embryo s, i.e., white
to yellowish, non-germinating somatic embryos with a distinct
hypocotyl region and at least three cotyledons (Fig.
1c ). A par-
tial desiccation pre- germination treatment has been described
in P. thunberghii , P. densifl ora , P. armandii [
55 ], P. patula
30 ], P. nigra [ 47 ], and P. oocarpa [ 46 ]. Partial desiccation can
be carried out at 25 °C in a laminar airfl ow cabinet for 0–4 h
(fast method) or at high relative humidity, placing embryos
over 30 mm diameter fi lter paper disks into a multiplate in
3.2 Maturation
3.3 Germination and
Itziar Aurora Montalbán et al.
which some wells are fi lled with 5–6 mL of sterile water, sealed
tightly and placed in darkness at 25 °C for 0–3 weeks (slow
method) [
55 ]. P. elliotii [ 56 ] somatic embryos can also be
stratifi ed in order to increase somatic embryo conversion to
emblings ( see Note 17 ).
2. Culture somatic embryo s on Petri dishes with embryonal root
caps pointing downwards and tilt the Petri dishes vertically at
an angle of approximately 45–60°. In P. radiata [
23 ], P.
halepensis [
22 ] and P. nigra [ 47 ], the cultures are maintained
at 21–24 °C under a 16-h photoperiod at 40 μmol/m
2 /s for
1–2 weeks, and then at 120 μmol/m
2 /s provided by cool
white fl uorescent tubes. In P. densifl ora [
55 ], P. taeda , P. elliot-
tii , and P. palustris [
57 ], red wavelengths provided by light-
emitting diode (LED) improve somatic embryo germination .
3. After 6–8 weeks on germination medium, subculture the
plantlets once onto fresh germination medium. After another
6–8 weeks on germination medium, transfer the somatic plants
to trays with a sterile potting mix (Fig.
1e ). As potting mix, use
a peat:perlite, ratio 3:1 and 7:3 in P. radiata [
23 ] and P.
halepensis [
22 ], respectively, pine bark in P. patula [ 30 ], ver-
miculite in P. kesiya [
19 ], peat:vermiculite (3:1) in P. pinaster
37 ], and perlite:peat:vermiculite (1:1:1) in P. taeda [ 52 ] and
P. rigida x taeda [
50 ] ( see Note 18 ).
4. Acclimatize the plantlets in a greenhouse under controlled
conditions, decreasing humidity progressively [
8 ] ( see Note
19 ) (Fig.
1f ).
4 Notes
1. Ten megagametophytes per seed family or control cross should
be destructively sampled; the megagametophyte is carefully cut
longitudinally under an inverted microscope. Sometimes the
use of acetocarmine can help to see the zygotic embryo , espe-
cially at early stages of development [
21 ]. If the stage of most
zygotic embryos is not between early cleavage polyembryony
and fi rst “bullet” stages with a dominant embryo [
33 ], initia-
tion rates of SE will be very low or zero.
2. To minimize high humidity and contamination, cones are
wrapped in fi lter paper and stored in expanded polystyrene boxes.
3. For the development of somatic embryo s, it is necessary to
restrict water availability by physical or chemical means, such as
increasing osmotic agents (e.g., gellan gum or sugars)
4. In this sense, some authors also add polyethylene glycol to
maturation medium [
16 , 30 , 42 , 44 , 46 ].
Somatic Embryogenesis in Pine
5. It is important to adjust the pH of thermolabile organic nitro-
gen solution (i.e., l -glutamine ) to 5.7–5.8.
6. The most commonly used PGR sources and concentrations are
those presented in Subheading
2.2 , but some authors use dif-
ferent plant growth regulator s for initiation such as N -(2-
chloro- 4-pyridyl)- N -phenylurea ( CPPU ) in P. pinaster [
58 ],
or PGR concentration is reduced to improve proliferation (in
P. densifl ora [
42 ]).
7. When using a high concentration of activated charcoal in liq-
uid medium, it is important to adjust carefully pH of the
medium to 5.7–5.8. It is also important to shake liquid medium
before resuspending the EM , in order to avoid sedimentation
of activated charcoal.
8. Activated charcoal can be a critic factor for conversion of
somatic embryo s into plantlets, as proved in P. radiata [
23 ].
Thus, when trying to achieve conversion into plantlets of
somatic embryos in a specifi c Pinus species for the fi rst time, it
is suggested to test germination media with and without acti-
vated charcoal .
9. Semisolid media are prepared at least one week before being
used, while liquid medium is prepared the day before and
totally used within a week.
10. For this purpose we use Gerald forceps and scalpels (scalpel
blades number 11 or 20, depending on the size of the seeds).
11. Although some authors [
33 ] have increased initiation rates by
excising out immature zygotic embryo s from megagameto-
phytes (using a dissecting microscope), this procedure is time
consuming and requires sophisticated technical skills to avoid
damages or contamination of zygotic embryos.
12. It is advisable not to put more than ten explants per Petri dish,
in order to avoid later overlapping of extruding EM . Petri
dishes in all stages of the process are sealed with cling fi lm.
13. Only peripheral parts of EM must be taken for proliferation,
and particularly for maturation of EM (it is recommended the
use of forceps). It is also important to be careful with the
amount of EM per aliquot; otherwise overgrowth of tissue on
the fi lter paper would hinder development of somatic embryos
1d ). For this purpose, if SE has not been previously stud-
ied in a given species, it is convenient to test different amounts
of EM per aliquot.
14. Maturation is carried out once a suffi cient amount of tissue is
achieved, usually after 4–8 subculture periods.
15. Sterilize fi lter papers prior to use them for maturation process.
In order to avoid cross contaminations, use a different Büchner
funnel for each embryogenic cell line maturated; the use of
autoclavable plastic funnels makes this procedure easier.
Itziar Aurora Montalbán et al.
16. In some Pinus spp., such as P. sylvestris [ 48 ] and P. pinaster
37 ], the fi lter paper with attached EM is subcultured fort-
nightly to fresh proliferation medium.
17. In P. radiata [
23 ], P. monticola [ 38 ], or P. halepensis [ 22 ] it is
not necessary to perform any pre- germination treatment if
somatic embryo s show a normal morphology.
18. These mixes can be supplemented with slow release osmocote
(at 750 g m
3 [ 38 ]). As suggested by several authors [ 41 ], fer-
tilization and pesticide treatments are the same as used for
seedlings, except that somatic seedlings are fertilized immedi-
ately after transplanting [
41 ].
19. The fi rst 2 weeks after transplanting the plantlets, an acclimati-
zation tunnel is recommendable to maintain the humidity at
90–95 %.
This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología-
Spain (AGL2005-08214- CO2 -02) and Departamento de
Agricultura y Pesca-Basque Government (VEC2004021 and
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Somatic Embryogenesis in Pine
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_22, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 22
Somatic Embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica Loud.
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
Greek fi r ( Abies cephalonica Loudon) belongs to the Mediterranean fi r species and is widely distributed in
the mountains of Central and Southern Greece. Considering a climatic scenario, infestation by pathogens
or insects and fi re episodes, it has been proposed that Mediterranean fi rs could be in danger in some parts
of their present range but, on the other hand, could also replace other species in more northern zones with
temperate humid climates (e.g., silver fi r, Abies alba Mill.). As fi r species are generally highly productive
and therefore important for commercial forestry, they have traditionally been involved in conventional tree
improvement programs. A lot of effort has been put into the development of vegetative propagation meth-
ods for fi rs, in order to rapidly gain the benefi ts of traditional breeding to be utilized in reforestation. The
present paper provides up to date information on protocols for somatic embryogenesis (i.e., the most
promising in vitro method for vegetative propagation) of Greek fi r. Moreover, the protocols for cryo-
preservation and long-term storage of embryogenic material are described as well.
Key words Cryopreservation , Ectomycorrhizal fungi , Fulvic acid s , Greek fi r , Initiation , Maturation ,
1 Introduction
Greek fi r ( Abies cephalonica Loudon) is a medium-sized tree,
widely distributed in mountains of Central and Southern Greece,
mainly at altitudes of 800–1700 m, covering an area of 200,000 ha
of productive and conservation forests [
1 ]. Most stands are rather
degraded and the present distribution is just a fraction of its poten-
tial natural area [
2 ]. The decrease has been attributed to various
reasons such as air pollution [
3 ], drought-related extreme periods,
infestation by mistletoe, pathogens or insects, root damage [
1 , 4 ,
5 ], fi re episodes spreading over high altitudes [ 6 ], as well as the
effects of climate change [
7 ]. Considering a climatic scenario, it
has been proposed that Mediterranean fi rs could be in danger in
some parts of their present range, but, on the other hand, could
also replace other species in more northern zones with temperate
humid climates (e.g. silver fi r, Abies alba Mill) [
8 ]. As fi r species are
generally highly productive and therefore important for
commercial forestry, they have traditionally been involved in con-
ventional tree improvement programs. A lot of effort has been put
into the development of vegetative propagation methods for fi rs,
in order to rapidly gain the benefi ts of traditional breeding to be
utilized in reforestation [
9 ]. Somatic embryo genesis (SE), i.e., the
development of embryos from somatic cells, with its potential for
mass multiplication has become a useful technique for large-scale
propagation of many coniferous species [
10 ]. In combination with
cryopreservation somatic embryo genesis makes it possible to pre-
serve important genotypes during fi eld tests (reviewed in [
10 ]).
In Greek fi r , like in other conifers, the multi-step regeneration
process of SE starts with induction of pro-embryogenic masses ,
followed by somatic embryo formation, maturation, desiccation
and plant regeneration (Fig.
1 ). Abies species were among the fi rst
coniferous species where the induction of SE was reported [
11 ,
12 ]. However, a standard protocol for propagation by SE on a
large scale is still lacking, the only exception is SE of A. nordma-
nniana in which case the technology has already been tested in
large scale (Jens Find, personal communication). A. cephalonica
was regenerated by Krajňáková et al. [
13 ] and hybrid A. alba × A.
cephalonica was regenerated by Salajová et al. [
14 ]. Embryogenic
cultures of A. cephalonica and hybrid A. alba × A. cephalonica [
13 ,
14 ] have been derived from immature zygotic embryo s. In case of
hybrid ( A. alba × A. cephalonica ), initiation of embryogenic cul-
tures was achieved when using also mature embryos [
15 ] and coty-
ledons derived either from seedlings or somatic embryos (secondar y
or repetitive SE) [
16 ].
Somatic embryo genesis of several Abies species, including A.
cephalonica , differs from most of the other genera of the Pinaceae ,
because only cytokinin is needed for induction and proliferation
13 , 17 ]. Maturation of Greek fi r and hybrid A. alba × A. cepha-
lonica somatic embryo s is promoted by abscisic acid and maltose is
the preferable carbohydrate. The addition of polyethylene glycol
promoted the development of somatic embryos [
15 , 18 ]. For ger-
mination , well-developed cotyledonary somatic embryos are
selected and subjected to a partial desiccation treatment for 3
weeks [
13 , 18 ]. Despite positive achievements, the bottlenecks in
A. cephalonica , like in most conifers, are the low initiation rate,
uneven maturation of embryos, problems in rooting and germina-
tion phases. This is due to poor understanding of embryo develop-
ment and therefore inability to develop proper SE methods for
Fig. 1 (continued) embryogenic cell mass and detail of proembryogenic cell masses after staining with aceto-
carmine and Evan’s blue ( f ). ( g ) Option for cryopreservation of the germplasm. ( h ) Maturation of somatic
embryos with embryogenic cell masses spread on fi lter paper or ( i ) as clumps over solid medium (a cotyledon-
ary somatic embryo is showed in a small box ). ( j ) Plants prepared for experimental fi eld trail
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
Fig. 1 Somatic embryo genesis of Abies cephalonica . ( a ) Elite tree of A. cephalonica . ( b ) Developing green cone,
shortly after meiosis. ( c ) Initiation of somatic embryo genesis using immature embryos and proliferation of
embryogenic cell mass , protruding from both sides of megagametophyte . ( d ) Initiation of somatic embryogen-
esis and proliferation of embryogenic cell masses ( arrow is pointing on the resin residuals). ( e ) Proliferating
practical purposes. Recently, the use of fulvic acid s, for improving
the proliferation abilities of Greek fi r was studied [
19 ], as well as
the technique of cocultivation of ectomycorrhizal fungi with
embryogenic cell mass es which have led to improvements during
maturation [
20 ].
The aim of present paper is to provide up-to-date information
on protocols for Greek fi r somatic embryo genesis, cryopreservation
of embryogenic cell mass es , and their long-term storage.
2 Materials
General equipment for tissue culture:
1. Laminar fl ow hood.
2. Scalpels.
3. Forceps.
4. Growth chamber or cultivation room.
5. Autoclave.
6. pH-meter.
1. Seed cones containing immature seeds.
2. 70 % ethanol.
3. 4 % (w/v) CaOCl (Ca-hypochlorite).
4. Sterile distilled water.
5. 9 cm sterile Petri dishes.
6. 100 mL sterile beaker.
7. Initiation medium (Tables
1 and 2 ): Initiate either on solid
MS- based medium [
21 ] or SH [ 22 ] medium. Media are modi-
ed as follows: Half-strength macroelement MS medium sup-
plemented with 20 g/L (58 mmol/L) sucrose , 1 mg/L (4.44
μmol/L) benzyl adenine (BA), 500 mg/L (3.4 mM) L -
GLUTAMINE , and solidifi ed with 0.3 % (w/v) gellan gum
Phytagel ™ (Sigma) [
13 ]; SH medium , containing 20 g/L (58
mmol/L) sucrose, 1 mg/L (4.44 μmol/L) BA, 500 mg/L
(3.4 mM)
L - glutamine , and solidifi ed with 0.3 % (w/v) gellan
gum Phytagel™ (Sigma) [
13 ].
8. Proliferation medium: MS-based initiation medium with addi-
tion of 0.1 % (w/v) casein hydrolysate [
13 ].
1. Sterile fi lter paper discs.
2. Falcon tubes.
3. 9 cm Petri dishes.
2.1 In Vitro Protocols
for Somatic
2.1.1 Initiation, Induction,
and Proliferation
2.1.2 Maturation
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
Table 1
Concentrations of basic ingredients in half-strength macroelement MS medium [
21 ], SH medium
[ 22 ], and DCR medium [ 23 ] used for somatic embryo genesis of Greek fi r
Component Half-strength macroelement MS SH DCR
Ingredient [mg/L] mM [mg/L] mM [mg/L] mM
Inorganic macro
4 NO
3 825 10.3 400 5
3 800 9.4 2500 25 334 3.3
3 )
2 ·4H
2 O 543 2.3
2 ·2H
2 O 220 1.5 200 1.4 84 0.57
4 ·7H
2 O 185 0.75 400 1.6 370 1.5
2 PO
4 85 0.625 163 1.2
4 H
2 PO
4 300 2.6
Inorganic micro
KI 0.83 0.005 1.0 0.006 0.8 0.005
3 BO
3 6.2 0.1 5.0 0.08 6.2 0.1
4 ·4H
2 O 22.3 0.1
4 ·H
2 O 10 0.06 22 0.13
4 ·7H
2 O 8.6 0.030 1.0 0.0035 8.6 0.03
2 MoO
4 ·2H
2 O 0.25 0.001 0.1 0.0004 0.24 0.001
4 ·5H
2 O 0.025 0.0001 0.2 0.0008 0.25 0.001
2 ·6H
2 O 0.025 0.0001 0.1 0.0004 0.024 0.0001
2 ·6H2O 0.024 0.0001
2 -EDTA 37.25 0.1 20 0.055 34 0.1
4 ·7H
2 O 27.85 0.1 15 0.055 27.8 0.1
Myoinositol 100 0.555 1000 5.55 198 1.1
Nicotinic acid 1.0 0.0812 5.0 0.41 0.5 0.0041
Pyridoxine-HCl 1.0 0.0048 0.5 0.0024 0.5 0.0024
Thiamine- HCl 1.0 0.003 5.0 0.015 1 0.003
Glycine 2.0 0.0266 2.0 0.0266
L-glutamine 500 3.42 500 3.42 248 1.7
Somatic Embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica
Table 2
Composition of the initiation, proliferation, maturation, and conversion media during cultivation of Greek fi r embryogenic cultures [ 13 , 18 , 24 ]
Medium composition Initiation [ 13 ]
[ 13 , 24 ]
Liquid medium for
suspension [ 24 ] Maturation Conversion
Inorganics and organics
Half- strength
[ 13 ]
MS [ 24 ]
MS [ 24 ]
Half- strength
DCR [ 13 , 18 ]
Casein hydrolysate (g/L) 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
L - Glutamine 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25
Sucrose (g/L) 20 20 20 20
Maltose (g/L) 30 30 30 20
BA (mg/L) 1 1
ABA (mg/L) 8.5 17 8.5
Phytagel (g/L) 3 3 3 2.5 2.5 2.5
Agar (g/L) 10
PEG 4000 (g/L) 10
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
4. Liquid proliferation media without plant growth regulator s
2 ) for making suspension with embryogenic cell mass es
( ECMs ) [
24 ].
5. Perform maturation either on solid DCR medium : DCR with
8.5 mg/L (32 μM) abscisic acid ( ABA ), 10 % (w/v) polyethyl-
ene glycol ( PEG ) 4000, 0.05 % (w/v) casein hydrolysate , 250
mg/L, 1.7 nmol/L
L -glutamine , 30 g/L (83.3 mM) maltose
13 ] ( see Note 1 ) or solid MS media: (a) half-strength
macronutrient MS medium with 17 mg/L (64 μM) ABA, 10
% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000, 0.05 % (w/v) casein
hydrolysate, 250 mg/L (1.7 nmol/L)
L - glutamine , 30 g/L
(83.3 mM maltose) [
24 ]; (b) half-strength macronutrient MS
medium with 8.5 mg/L (32 μM) ABA, 0.05 % (w/v) casein
hydrolysate, 250 mg/L (1.7 nmol/L)
L -glutamine, 30 g/L
(87.6 mM) maltose [
24 ] (Tables 1 and 2 ).
1. 150 mL tissue culture jars.
2. Solid DCR medium for conversion : Half-strength DCR
hormone- free medium with 20 g/L (58 nmol/L) maltose
13 , 18 ] (Tables 1 and 2 ).
3. Non-fertilized horticultural peat and perlite.
4. Plastic containers, commercial fertilized peat (VAPO, Finland)
with 1 kg/L basic fertilizer: 9.7 % N, 7.5 % P, 14.4 % K, 5.0 %
Ca, 6.6 % S, 3.8 % Mg, 0.27 % Fe, 0.13 % Mn, 0.04 % B, 0.05
% Zn, 0.25 % Cu, and 0.09 % Mo and 3 kg/L limestone dust
with Mg, commercial 0.2 % 5-Superex fertilizer (Kekkilä,
2.1.3 Conversion
and Acclimatization to Ex
Table 3
Composition of proliferation and pretreatment media for cryopreservation of Greek fi r embryogenic
cell mass es [ 13 , 24 , 25 ]
composition Proliferation Pretreatment Cryo-treatment
Inorganics and
macroelement MS
macroelement MS
macroelement MS
macroelement MS
Casein hydrolysate
(g/L) 1 0.5 0.5 1
L - Glutamine 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5
Sucrose (g/L) 20 68.5 137 137
BA (mg/L) 1 1 1
Phytagel (g/L) 3 3 3
Somatic Embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica
1. Cryovials and markers.
2. Cryobox or cryocanes for immersion of the cryovials in liquid
nitrogen ( LN ).
3. Sterile tips for pipets of different volumes (0.2 μL to 1 mL).
4. Programmable controlled-temperature chamber or Nalgene™
freezing container and isopropanol.
5. Ice.
6. Dewar for the conservation of samples in LN .
7. Actively proliferating embryogenic cell mass es (10- to 12-day
old, after the last regular transfer).
8. Solid MS based medium for cryopreservation: (a) half-strength
macroelement MS medium , hormone-free, containing 68.5
g/L (0.2 M) sucrose ; (b) half-strength macroelement MS
medium, hormone-free, containing 137 g/L (0.4 M sucrose)
24 , 25 ] (Tables 1 and 3 ).
9. Liquid MS-based medium for cryopreservation: Half-strength
macroelement MS medium , hormone-free, containing 137
g/L (0.4 M) sucrose [
24 , 25 ] (Tables 1 and 3 ).
10. Solid MS-based proliferation medium: Half-strength macroel-
ement MS medium with 20 g/L (58.4 mM) sucrose , 1 mg/L
(4.44 μmol/L) BA, 500 mg/L (3.4 mM)
L -glutamine , 0.1 %
(W/v) casein hydrolysate [
13 , 24 , 25 ] (Tables 1 and 3 ).
11. PGD cryoprotectant solution: 10 % PEG 6000, 10 % glucose,
10 % dimethyl sulfoxide ( DMSO ) in H
2 O, fi lter sterilized.
3 Methods
1. Solid MS, SH, and DCR culture media (Tables 1 and 2 ) for
initiation, proliferation, and maturation are prepared in 9 cm
Petri dishes and liquid media to arrest proliferation in 250 mL
Erlenmeyer fl asks. The pH of medium is adjusted to 5.7 prior
adding the solidifying agent. Media for conversion are pre-
pared in tissue culture jars (Magenta vessels). Aqueous stock
solutions of
L -glutamine and ABA are fi lter sterilized and added
to the medium after autoclaving. Separately autoclaved poly-
ethylene glycol is mixed with the rest of the maturation medium
in laminar fl ow hood to get the fi nal volume.
2. Immature zygotic embryo s surrounded by the megagameto-
phyte (called immature zygotic embryos) and isolated from
immature seed cone are most favorable material for initiating
SE of Greek fi r . The optimum developmental stage of imma-
ture zygotic embryos for initiation is the precotyledonary stage
(i.e., 1 month after fertilization but before the formation of
cotyledons) [
13 ] ( see Note 2 ) (Fig. 1a, b ). However, in case of
2.2 Cryopreservation
3.1 Somatic
3.1.1 Culture Media
Preparation, Explant
Excision and Sterilization,
and Culture Initiation
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
hybrid A. alba × A. cephalonica , also mature zygotic embryos
are used [
15 ] as well as cotyledons from seedlings and emblings
16 ] ( see Notes 3 and 4 ).
3. Immature seed cones are rinsed with 70 % ethanol for 2 min,
after which immature seeds are removed from the cones using
scalpels and forceps and placed in sterile beaker with sterile
distilled water.
4. Seeds are surfaced sterilized for 20 min in 4 % (w/v) CaOCl,
and rinsed three times for 5 min with sterile distilled water ( see
Note 5 ).
5. Seed coats are opened and removed with forceps and imma-
ture zygotic embryo s surrounded by megagametophytes are
excised and placed onto MS or SH medium for initiation ( see
Note 6 ) (Fig.
1c ).
6. Immature zygotic embryo s are fi rst cultured for 4 weeks, and
thereafter transferred onto new media for an additional 4
weeks. However, it is recommended to control the contamination
problems within the fi rst week of cultivation. The contaminated
immature embryos should be discarded and not contaminated
transferred to a fresh medium ( see Note 7 ) (Fig.
1d ).
7. Initiation and induction is performed in the dark at 22 ± 2 °C.
1. Embryogenic cell masses start to protrude from different parts
(micropylar end being the most frequent) of the responsive
explants (immature zygotic embryo s, surrounded by megaga-
metophytes) 4–6 weeks after initiation (Fig.
1c ). Embryogenic
tissues are excised from each explant separately (each one rep-
resenting one genotype) and transferred to a new Petri dish
with proliferation medium (MS or SH) to form a new cell line.
2. To maintain the proliferation of ECMs , they are transferred to
fresh medium every 3 weeks. ECMs can be subcultured for sev-
eral months ( see Note 8 ) (Fig.
1e–g ) in the dark at 22 ± 2 °C.
3. ECMs can be used as such for maturation.
1. Clumps of ECMs (or fi lter paper covered by a thin layer of
ECM suspension) are transferred to maturation medium 1
2 ; see Notes 9 and 10 ) for the fi rst 6 weeks, followed by
regular transfers to fresh media at 2-week intervals (Fig.
1h , i ).
For further development of somatic embryo s, ABA concentra-
tion is decreased and PEG -4000 is omitted from the medium
2 ).
2. For preparing the suspension, 4 g of fresh ECM is transferred
to sterile Falcon fl asks with 20 mL of liquid hormone-free pro-
liferation medium (Table
2 ). Suspension is gently mixed by
3.1.2 Proliferation
of Embryogenic Cultures
3.1.3 Maturation
of Embryogenic Cultures
Somatic Embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica
vortex and allowed to settle. After the removal of supernatant,
1 mL of suspension, containing approximately 250 mg ECM
(fresh weight), is plated onto sterile Whatman fi lter paper
placed on maturation medium [
24 ].
3. Maturation is performed in the dark at 22 ± 2 °C.
1. Mature healthy cotyledonary somatic embryo s are carefully
detached from the embryogenic cell mass es (Fig.
1I , small
box) and transferred on empty Petri plates (diameter ca. 4 cm)
which are placed into bigger Petri plates (diameter ca. 9 cm)
with sterile distilled water for 3 weeks desiccation period.
2. During the desiccation period, somatic embryo s are stored in
the dark, at the temperature of 4 °C.
3. Afterwards, desiccated embryos are placed onto the hormone-
free half-strength DCR medium with 20 g/L (58 mM) malt-
ose , solidifi ed with 1 % (w/v) agar [
13 , 18 ] (Tables 1 and 2 ).
4. The base of somatic embryo s is gently inserted into the
5. Somatic embryo s are germinated at the temperature of 22 ± 2
°C and the light intensity is kept for the fi rst 2 weeks at 30 μE/
2 /s (16 h photoperiod), and then gradually augmented up to
75 μE/m
2 /s.
6. Somatic embryo -derived plantlets are carefully detached from
the medium and roots are washed. Thereafter plantlets are
planted into small plastic greenhouses containing non-fertil-
ized horticultural peat and perlite ( v:v ) (2:1). For the fi rst 2
weeks the plantlets are kept under mist in order to keep relative
humidity at approximately 90 %, after which the humidity is
gradually decreased.
7. After 1 month the plantlets are transferred into bigger contain-
ers (diameter ca. 5–6 cm) containing commercial fertilized
peat (VAPO, Finland) in a greenhouse. During the growing
season, plantlets are fertilized monthly with commercial 0.2 %
5-Superex fertilizer (Kekkilä, Finland) (Fig.
1j ).
1. Transfer actively proliferating ECMs , size 300 ± 50 mg, on
MS- based proliferation medium and cultivate at 5 °C in the
dark for 14 days ( see Note 11 ).
2. After cold hardening, transfer the culture onto proliferation
medium supplemented with 0.2 M sucrose for 24 h, and after-
wards onto 0.4 M sucrose medium for another 24 h.
3. Transfer about 3–4 ECM clumps into 400 μL of hormone-free
proliferation medium ( item 9 , Subheading
2.2 ) which is added
into 2 mL cryotubes on ice.
4. Add PGD cryoprotective solution dropwise over a period of
30 min to give a fi nal concentration of 5 %.
3.1.4 Desiccation-
Conversion of Somatic
and Acclimatization
to Ex Vitro
3.2 Cryopreservation
by Controlled- Rate
3.2.1 Cold Hardening,
and Cryostorage
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
5. Leave the cryotubes to stand for 2 h on ice before freezing.
6. After fi nishing the cryoprotection phase, freeze the samples at
a rate of 10 °C/h (0.17 °C/min) to the prefreezing tempera-
ture of −38 °C, using a programmable controlled-rate freezer
( see Note 12 ).
7. After reaching the terminal temperature, immerse the cryo-
tubes containing samples in LN and store.
1. Thaw the cryovials in a 37 °C water bath and then transfer
them on ice.
2. Rinse the surfaces of cryovials with 70 % ethanol. Pay attention
to labeling.
3. Plate (dispense) the contents of the cryovials on an autoclaved
lter paper disc, placed on proliferation medium in a 90 mm
Petri dish with 0.4 M sucrose . Incubate cultures for 1 h.
4. After 1 h, transfer fi lter papers with suspensions onto fresh pro-
liferation medium with 0.2 M sucrose and incubate for 24 h in
the dark at 22 ± 2 °C.
5. After 24 h, transfer fi lter papers with suspensions on the prolif-
eration medium (Tables
1 and 2 ).
6. Examine the viability of cells by staining the suspension culture
with 0.5 % FDA (fl uorescein diacetate) and observe at the
microscope under UV light.
7. Monitor cultures regularly and transfer them onto fresh prolif-
eration medium at 2-week intervals ( see Note 13 ).
8. After observing the recovery (i.e., new proliferation growth),
transfer the embryogenic cell masses on fresh proliferation
medium without fi lter paper disc.
9. Embryo maturation is established when proliferation of cryo-
preserved ECMs is comparable to non-cryopreserved cultures
( see Note 14 ).
4 Notes
1. DCR medium was originally used for tissue cultures of Douglas
r [ Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] [
23 ] and have been
used for cultivation of other coniferous species, such as Pinus
26 ] and Abies species [ 13 , 14 ].
2. The cones with immature zygotic embryo s can be collected
and stored at 4 °C for at least 2 months without losing the abil-
ity to induce somatic embryo genesis [
13 , 27 ].
3. Mature embryos, used for initiation of SE, were excised from
hybrid seeds of A. alba × A. cephalonica , stored from 6 months
3.2.2 Thawing
and Recovery
Somatic Embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica
to 4 years [ 15 ]. Embryos isolated from seeds stored for 6
months showed 27 % initiation frequencies, and those isolated
from 1-year stored seeds 29 %. Embryos from seeds stored for
4 years did not response.
4. Embryogenic cultures have been initiated on cotyledon
explants dissected from seedlings or emblings of the hybrid A.
alba × A. cephalonica [
16 ]. Cotyledons of seedling origin gave
relatively low initiation frequencies (about 2 %). In embling-
derived cotyledons, the initiation was cell-line dependent and
reached values between 1 and 24 %.
5. Due to the toxic nature of HgCl
2 (0.1 %, w/v, solution used),
this sterilizing agent was omitted from tissue culture protocols.
However, it was successfully used when applied to immature
and mature seeds of A. cephalonica [
13 ] and A. alba × A. cepha-
lonica hybrid [
15 ]. Positive results were also obtained with
15 % H
2 O
2 [ 14 ].
6. There were no signifi cant differences in initiation frequencies
when half-strength MS and SH media were compared [
13 ].
DCR and LM media have also been used for induction of
somatic embryo genesis from hybrid immature zygotic embryo s
of A. alba × A. cephalonica . However, these media turned out
to be impropriate for initiation of embryogenic cell masses
14 ]. On the other hand, ECMs were induced on cotyledon
explants isolated from emblings and seedlings of A. alba × A.
cephalonica hybrid on DCR-based medium [
16 ].
7. Seeds of A. cephalonica , like other Abies species, are full of res-
ins. Sometimes these resins are transferred during isolation of
embryos onto initiation medium and they create white plaques
similar to bacterial contamination. When observing this phe-
nomenon it is recommended to cultivate “suspicious” Petri
plates overnight at higher temperature (37 °C), as well as to
transfer the culture on a bacterial cultivation medium. If the
plaques remain of the same size, they are resins; if they grow,
then it is bacterial contamination.
8. During prolonged proliferation, the regeneration ability of
ECMs decreases. It is therefore very important to start with
cryopreservation when stable proliferation is achieved.
9. A suspension made with embryogenic cell mass es can also be
used for maturation [
19 , 24 , 27 , 28 ].
10. Arrest of proliferation can be achieved either on solid or liquid
hormone-free half-strength macroelement MS medium [
24 ,
27 , 29 ].
11. Step of cold-hardening has been omitted from cryo-
preservation protocol without noticing the decrease in viability
of cultures after thawing, however only two cell lines were
tested [
30 ].
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
12. Nalgene Freezing Container, Mr. Frosty, fi lled with isopropa-
nol alcohol, was successfully used for cooling down the cryovi-
als, instead of using a programmable controlled-rate freezer
30 ].
13. The most precise way of monitoring the new proliferation is
determination of proliferation ratio ( w
/ w
) in which w
is the
initial fresh weight of sample after thawing and w
is the weight
at the time of subculturing, generally 2, 4, or 6 weeks after
thawing [
24 , 30 ].
14. Successful cryopreservation was published also for the ECMs
of fi r hybrids ( A. alba × A. cephalonica , A. alba × A. numidica )
with pre-culturing on media with 0.4 or 0.8 M sorbitol for 24,
48, or 72 h and addition of 5 % (v/v) DMSO as a cryoprotec-
tant [
31 ].
The authors are grateful for the working facilities provided by
University of Oulu, Genetics and Physiology Department.
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(eds) Biotechnology and biodiversity sustain-
able development and biodiversity, vol 14.
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10. Park YS (2013) Conifer somatic embryogene-
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(ed) Challenges and opportunities for the
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Forestry Sciences, Vol. Springer, Science +
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Erdelský K, Barančok P (1986) Cultivating
embryos of the silver fi
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in vitro. Acta F R N Univ Comen Physiol Plant
12. Erdelský K, Barančok P (1986) Growth induc-
tion of callus and organ cultures of the fi r
Somatic Embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica
( Abies alba Mill.). Acta F R N Univ Comen
Physiol Plant 22:41–49
13. Krajňáková J, Gömöry D, Häggman H (2008)
Somatic embryogenesis in Greek fi r. Can
J Forest Res 38:760–769
14. Salajová T, Jásik J, Kormuťák A, Salaj J,
Hakman I (1996) Embryogenic culture initia-
tion and somatic embryo development in
hybrid fi rs ( Abies alba × Abies cephalonica , and
Abies alba × Abies numidica ). Plant Cell Rep
15. Salaj T, Salaj J (2003) Somatic embryo forma-
tion on mature Abies alba × Abies cephalonica
zygotic embryo explants. Biol Plant 47:7–11
16. Salajová T, Salaj J (2001) Somatic embryogen-
esis and plantlet regeneration from cotyledon
explants isolated from emblings and seedlings
of hybrid fi rs. J Plant Physiol 158:747–755
17. Nørgaard JV, Krogstrup P (1995) Somatic
embryogenesis in Abies spp. In: Jain SM, Gupta
PK, Newton RJ (eds) Somatic embryogenesis
in woody plants, vol 3, Gymnosperms. Kluwer,
Dordrecht, pp 341–355
18. Krajňáková J, Häggman H, Gömöry D (2009)
Effect of sucrose concentration, polyethylene
glycol and activated charcoal on maturation and
regeneration of Abies cephalonica somatic
embryos. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 96:251–262
19. Zancani M, Bertolini A, Petrussa E, Krajňáková
J, Piccolo A, Spaccini R, Vianello A (2011)
Fulvic acid affects proliferation and maturation
phases in Abies cephalonica embryogenic cells.
J Plant Physiol 168:1226–1233
20. Krajňáková J, Niemi K, Gömöry D, Häggman H
(2012) Effects of different ectomycorrhizal fungi
on somatic embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica
Loud. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 109:353–361
21. Murashige T, Skoog F (1962) A revised medium
for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tis-
sue cultures. Plant Physiol 15:493–497
22. Schenk RV, Hildebrandt AC (1972) Medium
and techniques for induction and growth of
monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant
cell cultures. Can J Bot 50:199–204
23. Gupta PK, Durzan DJ (1985) Shoot multipli-
cation from mature trees of Douglas-fi r
( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) and sugar pine ( Pinus
lambertiana ). Plant Cell Rep 4:177–179
24. Krajňáková J, Sutela S, Aronen T, Gömöry D,
Vianello A, Häggman H (2011) Long-term
cryopreservation of Greek fi r embryogenic cell
lines: recovery, maturation and genetic fi delity.
Cryobiology 63:17–25
25. Aronen TS, Krajňáková J, Häggman HM,
Ryynanen LA (1999) Genetic fi delity of cryo-
preserved embryogenic cultures of
open- pollinated Abies cephalonica . Plant Sci
26. Park S-Y, Klimaszewska K, Park J-Y, Mansfi eld
S (2010) Lodgepole pine: the fi rst evidence of
seed-based somatic embryogenesis and the
expression of embryogenesis marker genes in
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27. Krajňáková J, Bertolini A, Gömöry D, Vianello
A, Häggman H (2013) Initiation, long-term
cryopreservation, and recovery of Abies alba
Mill. embryogenic cell lines. In Vitro Cell Dev
Biol Plants 49:560–571
28. Krajňáková J, Bertolini A, Zoratti L, Gömöry
D, Häggman H, Vianello A (2013) Changes in
ATP, glucose-6-phosphate and NAD(P)H cel-
lular levels during the proliferation and matura-
tion phases of Abies alba Mill. embryogenic
cultures. Tree Physiol 33:1099–1110
Vooková B, Machava J, Šalgovičová A,
Kormuťák A (2010) Optimization of Algerian
r somatic embryos maturation. Biol Plant
30. Krajňáková J, Sutela S, Gömöry D, Vianello A,
Häggman H (2011) Bioenergetic parameters
during cryopreservation of two Abies cepha-
lonica embryogenic cell lines. In: Grapin A,
Keller ERJ, Lynch PT, Panis B, Bahillo AR,
Engelmann F (eds) Cryopreservation of crop
species in Europe. Proceedings of the fi nal
meeting Agrocampus Ouest INHP, Angres,
France, 8–11 Feb 2011, pp 44–47
31. Salaj T, Matušíková I, Panis B, Swennen R,
Salaj J (2010) Recovery and characterisation of
hybrid fi rs ( Abies alba x A. cephalonica , Abies
alba × A. numidica ) embryogenic tissues after
cryopreservation. Cryo Letters 31:206–217
Jana Krajňáková and Hely Häggman
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_23, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 23
Somatic Embryogenesis in Horse Chestnut
( Aesculus hippocastanum L.)
Maurizio Capuana
Embryogenic cultures of horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum L.) can be obtained from different
organs and tissues. We describe here the induction from stamen fi laments and the procedures applied for
the successive phases of somatic embryo development and maturation. Embryogenic tissues are obtained
on Murashige and Skoog medium containing 9.0 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Somatic embryos
develop after transfer to hormone-free medium enriched with glutamine. Maturation and germination of
isolated embryos are achieved by transfer to medium containing polyethylene glycol 4000 and activated
charcoal, successive desiccation treatment, and cold storage at 4 °C for 8 weeks.
Key words Anther fi lament , Conversion , Desiccation , Maturation , Plant growth regulator s
1 Introduction
Common horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum L.) is one of the
12 species of the genus Aesculus , family Hippocastanaceae, that
comprises deciduous trees and shrubs distributed in the Northern
Hemisphere. There are two Eurasian species, A. hippocastanum
and A. chinensis , var. chinensis , both commonly used in medicine.
From A. hippocastanum , bark, leaves, and seed extract (HCSE)
have been used for several medical treatments [
1 ]; among its natu-
ral compounds, aescin, a saponin mixture extracted from this spe-
cies, displays diverse activities, including anti-infl ammatory,
antiviral, and antioxidative properties [
2 ]. Since the beginning of
this century, the number of horse chestnuts with bleeding cankers
has increased in Europe [
3 ], highlighting the need to accelerate
the release of tolerant genotypes. Vegetative propagation of
selected superior trees is, thus, important for both environmental
and industrial purposes [
4 ]. Ornamental forms of horse chestnut
are generally multiplied by grafting or cuttings [
5 ]. In vitro propa-
gation methods have the advantage of speeding up the multiplication
process and embryogenesis, in particular, has a huge productive
potential to be exploited.
Somatic and gametic embryogenesis have been obtained from
different primary explants of horse chestnut , such as microspores
6 ], anther fi lament s [ 7 ], zygotic embryo s [ 8 ], leaf segments [ 9 ],
and stem explants [
10 ]. Embryogenic tissues may also be used for
long-term conservation by cryopreservation [
11 ]. In this chapter,
a protocol for the induction and development of somatic embryo s
from fl ower laments is described. Compared to other kinds of
explants, this material offers the advantage of a lower presence
of contaminants and, consequently, an easier in vitro establish-
ment of culture.
2 Materials
1. Collect fl ower buds before their opening and preferably from
the outer part of the crown of the selected plant(s), where the
lower humidity conditions promote the collection of healthier
explants; store them at 4 °C until use ( see Note 1 ).
1. Murashige and Skoog salts and vitamins (MS) [
12 ]; Woody
Plant Medium salts and vitamins (WPM) [
13 ] (Table 1 ).
D -Sucrose pure.
3. Agar (B&V, Italy).
4. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).
5. N
6 -benzyladenine (BA).
6. Indole-butyric acid (IBA).
7. 0.1 and 1.0 M KOH solutions.
8. 0.1 and 1.0 M HCl solutions.
9. Glutamine .
10. Polyethylene glycol 4000 ( PEG ).
11. Activated charcoal ( AC ).
12. 125, 500 mL glass fl asks.
13. 500, 1000 mL beakers.
14. 500, 1000 mL cylinders.
15. Sterile Petri dishes (90 mm in diameter).
16. Tissue culture facilities: Precision balance, magnetic stirrer,
magnetic bars, microwave cooker, pH meter, autoclave for
sterilization, forceps, scalpels, sterilizer, laminar fl ow bench,
growth chamber, refrigerator.
1. Tap water.
2. Ethanol (70 %).
2.1 Plant Material
2.2 Preparation
of Culture Media
2.3 Explant
Maurizio Capuana
3. Sodium hypochlorite solution (bleach solution at 7 g/L active
4. Distilled water (autoclaved reverse-osmosis water).
5. 125, 250 mL sterilized glass fl asks.
6. 50, 100, 250 mL cylinders.
7. Tissue culture facilities: Forceps, sterilizer, laminar fl ow bench,
growth chamber, refrigerator.
Table 1
Plant culture media: formulations of Murashige and Skoog (MS, [ 12 ]) and
Lloyd and McCown (WPM, [ 13 ])
MS (mg/L) WPM (mg/L)
3 1900
4 NO
3 1650 400
4 ·7H
2 O 370 370
2 PO
4 170 170
2 ·2H
2 O 440 96
3 )
2 ·4H
2 O 556
2 SO
4 990
2 BO
3 6.2 6.2
4 ·4H
2 O 22.3 22.3
4 ·7H
2 O 8.6 8.6
2 MoO
4 ·2H
2 O 0.25 0.25
4 ·5H
2 O 0.025 0.25
2 ·6H
2 O 0.025
KI 0.83
4 ·7H
2 O 27.8 27.8
2 O 37.3 37.3
Sucrose 20,000 20,000
Glycine 2.0 2.0
Pyridoxine·HCl 0.5 0.5
Nicotinic acid 0.5 0.5
Thiamine· HCl 0.1 1.0
Myo-inositol 100 100
Horse Chestnut Somatic Embryogenesis
1. Precision balance.
2. Magnetic stirrers, magnetic bars.
3. Microwave cooker.
4. pH meter.
5. Autoclave for sterilization.
6. Laminar fl ow bench.
7. Refrigerator.
1. Plastic trays (with 3.5 cm diameter holes).
2. 6–8 cm diameter plastic pots.
3. Potting medium (garden soil, peat, sand, 3:1:1 by volume).
4. Greenhouse equipped with “mist” system.
3 Methods
It is possible to induce somatic embryo genesis on different kinds
of explants, such as mature or immature zygotic embryo s, portions
of leaves, and fl ower parts. In this chapter we describe the induc-
tion of somatic embryogenesis from anther fi lament s. Using these
explants we can start a clonal propagation cycle from a material of
identifi able genetic origin, allowing the mass propagation of plants
selected for superior traits (shape, vigor, pest and insect resistance,
stress adaptability, etc.).
The following protocol, based on the experiences of different
authors [
14 17 ], comprises the following stages: (1) culture
media preparation; (2) plant material collection and sterilization;
(3) somatic embryo genesis induction; (4) somatic embryo devel-
opment ; (5) somatic embryo maturation ; (6) somatic embryo
conversion ; and (7) plantlet acclimatization.
1. Prepare MS and WPM media (Table
1 ) in double- distilled
water, supplemented with 2 % sucrose . Store at 4 °C.
2. Prepare 2,4-D, BA, and IBA stock solution: 2,4-D must be
dissolved in a few drops of absolute ethanol. For BA, use 1.0 M
KOH. Store at 4 °C.
3. Induction medium: Use MS supplemented with 9 μM 2,4-D.
4. Embryo development medium: Use plant growth regulator
( PGR )-free MS medium , containing 400 mg/L glutamine
(fi lter-sterilized).
5. Maturation medium: Use PGR -free MS medium , containing
50 mg/L PEG and 1 g/L AC .
2.4 Laboratory
2.5 Acclimatization
of Plantlets
3.1 Culture Media
and Conditions
Maurizio Capuana
6. For conversion , apply a slow- desiccation procedure by placing
the mature somatic embryo s, contained in empty and non- sealed
Petri dishes, on the laminar fl ow bench and leave the material
under the air fl ow for 48 h. Then, transfer somatic embryos to
conversion medium: WPM supplemented with 2 % sucrose ,
0.7 % agar , 0.2 mg/L BA and 0.02 mg/L IBA.
7. Adjust the pH of the media to 5.6 using HCl or KOH (1.0 and
0.1 M).
8. Add agar (0.7 %).
9. Sterilize the media by autoclaving at 121 °C and 108 kPa for
20 min.
10. Store the autoclaved media at 4 °C for a maximum of 60 days.
1. Cut the laments and rinse them under slow running tap water
for 1 h.
2. Sterilize the laminar fl ow surface by 70 % ethanol before use.
3. Disinfect the fi laments by soaking in 70 % ethanol solution for
2 min, followed by two 2-min rinses in sterile distilled water;
disinfect again by soaking in 20 % sodium hypochlorite (1.4 %
active chlorine) solution for 20 min, with three fi nal rinses in
sterile distilled water, under the laminar air fl ow and using ster-
ilized glass fl asks.
1. Under the laminar fl ow bench, pick up the laments and place
them horizontally on the induction medium (20–25 fi laments
per Petri dish).
2. Incubate the cultures in the growth room (or cabinet) in
3. After 1 month, transfer the explants onto fresh induction
1. After 1 month, transfer explants with emerging embryogenic
tissues from the induction medium to a PGR -free MS medium
containing 400 mg/L of fi lter-sterilized glutamine ( embryo
development medium).
2. Incubate cultures at 16-h photoperiod light condition, 60.0
2 /s photosynthetically active radiation, for 1 month.
3. Subculture the material at 4-week interval ( see Note 2 ).
1. From clusters of maturing somatic embryo s (at stage from
globular to torpedo, before the developmental phase showed
in Fig.
1b ), isolate globular embryos (“singularization”) and
culture them for 4 weeks on MS medium containing 50 g/L
PEG and 1 g/L AC (maturation medium) ( see Note 3 ).
3.2 Explant Surface
3.3 Somatic
3.4 Somatic Embryo
Development and
Embryogenic Tissue
3.5 Somatic Embryo
and Conversion
Horse Chestnut Somatic Embryogenesis
Fig. 1 ( a ) Embryogenic tissues protruding from the anther fi lament of horse chestnut . ( b ) Cluster of maturing
somatic embryo s: most embryos are at cotyledonal stage, many others are at stages from globular to torpedo.
( c ) Converting somatic embryos. ( d ) Plantlet ready for transplant to pot and acclimatization
Maurizio Capuana
2. For conversion , apply a slow- desiccation procedure, by placing
the mature somatic embryo s, contained in empty and non-
sealed Petri dishes, on the laminar fl ow bench and leave the
material under the airfl ow for 48 h (Fig.
1c ; see Note 4 ).
3. Transfer somatic embryo to PGR -free MS medium and store
cultures at 4 °C in darkness for 8 weeks.
4. Transfer somatic embryo s to conversion medium for a 4-week
1. Select the converted somatic embryo s (i.e., with developing
apical pole and roots) and wash the roots under running tap
water to remove the adhering solidifi ed culture medium.
2. Insert the plantlets in 35 mm diameter trays, fi lled with potting
mixture and place the trays on a greenhouse bench equipped
with a mist system for 3–4 weeks.
3. Move the trays to a non-misted bench under a tunnel covered
with plastic foil, where they remain for about 3 weeks to allow
a gradual transition to ambient atmosphere.
4. Transplant the plantlets to larger pots (60–80 mm diameter)
and place the pots in a shaded area of the nursery fur further
4 Notes
1. Following the indication of Radojevic [ 5 ], fl ower buds must be
collected at stage 3–4, when the buds (2–3 mm in length) are
completely closed.
2. Generally, embryogenic tissues continue to proliferate after
transfer to PGR -free medium This material can be sub-cul-
tured for years showing a very slow decline of proliferation
capacity; it is advisable, however, to transfer the cultures onto
a BA- containing medium (4.4 μM) after some months of sub-
culturing on PGR-free medium.
3. An asynchronous development of somatic embryo s may be
observed in every phase of maturation (Fig.
1b ). It is frequent
the development of irregular embryos showing hypertrophy,
absence of a well-organized shoot meristem, abnormal cotyle-
don shapes, or more than two cotyledons.
4. Somatic embryo conversion in horse chestnut can be
problematic. Better results can be achieved if, before applying
the desiccation procedure, somatic embryo s, as illustrated
above, are cultured for 4 weeks on medium containing PEG
(50 g/L) in combination with AC (1 g/L).
3.6 Acclimatization
Horse Chestnut Somatic Embryogenesis
1. Sirtori CR (2001) Aescin: pharmacology,
pharmacokinetics and therapeutic profi le.
Pharmacol Res 44:183–193
2. Pittler MH, Ernst E (2012) Horse chestnut
seed extract for chronic venous insuffi ciency.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 11:CD003230
3. Schmidt O, Dujesiefken D, Stobbe H, Moreth
U, Kehr R, Schröder T (2008) Pseudomonas
syringae pv. aesculi associated with horse chest-
nut bleeding canker in Germany. For Pathol
4. Oleksyn J, Kloeppel BD, Lukasiewicz S,
Karolewski P, Reich PB (2007) Ecophysiology
of horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum L.)
in degraded and restored urban sites. Pol J Ecol
5. Radojevic L (1991) Horse chestnut ( Aesculus
spp.). In: Bajaj YPS (ed) Biotechnology in agri-
culture and forestry, Tree III, vol 16. Springer,
Heidelberg, pp 111–141
6. Radojevic L (1978) In vitro induction of
androgenic plantlets in Aesculus hippocastanum
L. Protoplasma 96:369–374
7. Jörgensen J (1989) Somatic embryogenesis in
Aesculus hippocastanum L. by culture of fi la-
ment callus. J Plant Physiol 135:240–241
8. Profumo P, Gastaldo P, Bevilacqua L, Carli S
(1991) Plant regeneration from cotyledonary
explants of Aesculus hippocastanum L. Plant Sci
9. Dameri RM, Caffaro I, Gastaldo P, Profumo P
(1986) Callus formation and embryogenesis
with leaf explants of Aesculus hippocastanum
L. J Plant Physiol 126:93–96
10. Gastaldo P, Carli S, Profumo P (1994) Somatic
embryogenesis from stem explants of Aesculus
hippocastanum . Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 39:
11. Lambardi M, De Carlo A, Capuana M (2005)
Cryopreservation of embryogenic callus of
Aesculus hippocastanum L. by vitrifi cation/
one-step freezing. Cryo Letters 26(3):
12. Murashige T, Skoog FA (1962) A revised
medium for rapid growth and bioassays with
tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 15:
13. Lloyd G, McCown BH (1980) Commercially-
feasible micropropagation of mountain laurel,
Kalmia latifolia , by use of shoot tip culture.
Proc Int Plant Prop Soc 30:421–427
14. Radojevic L (1988) Plant regeneration of
Aesculus hippocastanum L. (Horse Chestnut)
through somatic embryogenesis. J Plant
Physiol 132:322–326
15. Chalupa V (1990) Somatic embryogenesis and
plant regeneration in Quercus petraea (Matt.)
Liebl., Tilia platyphyllos Scop., and Aesculus hip-
pocastanum L. Lestnictvi. Forestry 36:599–604
16. Capuana M, Debergh PC (1997) Improvement
of the maturation and germination of horse
chestnut somatic embryos. Plant Cell Tiss Org
Cult 48:23–29
17. Troch V, Werbrouck S, Geelen D, Van Labeke
M-C (2009) Optimization of horse chestnut
( Aesculus hippocastanum L.) somatic embryo
conversion. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 98:
Maurizio Capuana
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_24, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 24
Somatic Embryogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia
(Bertol.) Kuntze (Araucariaceae)
Miguel P. Guerra , Neusa Steiner , Francine L. Farias-Soares ,
Leila do N. Vieira , Hugo P.F. Fraga , Gladys D. Rogge-Renner ,
and Sara B. Maldonado
This chapter deals with the features of somatic embryogenesis (SE) in Araucaria angustifolia , an
endangered and native conifer from south Brazil. In this species SE includes the induction and proliferation
of embryogenic cultures composed of pro-embryogenic masses (PEMs), which precede somatic embryos
development. A. angustifolia SE model encompasses induction, proliferation, pre-maturation, and
maturation steps. Double-staining with acetocarmine and Evan’s blue is useful to evaluate the embryonic
somatic structures. In this chapter we describe A. angustifolia SE protocols and analyzes morphological
features in the different SE developmental stages.
Key words Conifers , Forest biotechnology , Germplasm conservation , Plant cell culture , Plant
physiology , Somatic embryo genesis
1 Introduction
The Brazilian pine Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze
( Araucariaceae ) is a native conifer with relevant economic impor-
tance in Brazil, representing the most exploited timber source until
the 1970s [
1 ]. Uncontrolled exploitation of the high-quality wood
has led to the species classifi cation as critically endangered in the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources Red Book [
2 ]. In the last years, it has been suggested
for A. angustifolia conservation integrated ex situ and in situ strat-
egies to conserve genetic resources [
3 ]. In addition, the mainte-
nance of ex situ seed banks is not feasible for recalcitrant seeds,
such as A. angustifolia requiring the use of in vitro techniques to
germplasm conservation [
4 ].
Biotechnological tools have a large potential in breeding
and biodiversity conservation programs for woody species [
5 ].
In this sense, somatic embryo genesis (SE) has been successfully
applied for somatic cells and viable embryos obtaining, in a
morphogenetic process closely related to the natural process of
zygotic embryo genesis (ZE) [
6 ]. SE in A. angustifolia is a com-
plex and multifactorial pathway that includes induction and
proliferation of embryogenic cultures (EC), composed of pro-
embryogenic masses ( PEMs ) preceding somatic embryo forma-
tion [
1 , 5 , 7 ]. A. angustifolia SE model encompasses two cycles.
The cycle A consists in induction, proliferation and pre-matura-
tion steps. Induction is characterized by EC formation in zygotic
embryo apex (Fig.
1a ), which is retrieved and in vitro cultivated
in both auxin and cytokinin presence (Fig.
1b ) or in plant
growth regulator ( PGR )-free culture medium [
8 10 ]. Through
double-staining analysis with acetocarmine and Evan’s blue, it
is possible to identify in the PEMs the presence of two typical
conifer cells: embryogenic cells and suspensor -like cell s ( SCs )
11 13 ]. During proliferation step, PEMs evolve through
three specific developmental stages, PEM I, II, and III, evalu-
ated by the abundance of embryogenic cells and SCs [
10 12 ].
Fig. 1 Morphological aspects of Araucaria angustifolia embryogenic cultures. ( a ) Embryogenic callus 30 days after
somatic embryo genesis induction. ( b ) Embryogenic callus during multiplication cycles in gelled culture
medium. ( c ) Callus with globular-staged somatic embryos during maturation cycle. ( d ) Torpedo-staged somatic
embryo after 90 days in maturation culture medium ( arrows indicate globular-staged somatic embryos). Bar, 2 mm
Miguel P. Guerra et al.
PEMs-to-early somatic embryo transition is a central event in
conifers SE [
6 ]. In A. angustifolia SE, pre-maturation step is
the starting point of the early SE polarization and individualiza-
tion from PEM III [
7 ]. The trigger for this process is the PGR
removal of culture medium, followed by maltose and PEG sup-
plementation [
11 , 14 ]. Early somatic embryos arise when com-
pact clusters of embryogenic cells grow from PEM III with two
regions, the dense globular embryonal mass ( EM ) in the apical
part, and suspensor (S) in the basal part [
5 ]. After pre-matura-
tion step, in the cycle B, starts the maturation phase, where
early somatic embryos (Fig.
1c ) are able to develop in late
somatic embryos (Fig.
1d ). Late somatic embryos formation
can be achieved when the early embryos are capable to respond
to the new specifi c signals with osmotic and hormonal adjust-
ment during maturation step [
3 , 7 , 11 ]. The initiation of early
somatic embryo formation can be observed with the embryonic
cell group increase, while the elongated suspensor cells undergo
programmed cell death [
9 , 13 15 ]. The early somatic embryo
development marks the beginning of structural differentiation
with the protoderm formation around the early somatic embryo
followed by the meristem determination (root and shoot apical
meristems). After that, the somatic embryos obtained can be
converted into plantlets. Thus, the approach of this chapter is to
describe SE protocols and describe morphological features of
SE developmental stages in A. angustifolia .
2 Materials
Prepare all solutions using distilled water and analytical grade
reagents. Prepare all stock solutions at room temperature. All stock
solutions can be autoclaved excepting solutions containing vita-
mins and amino acids.
1. Immature zygotic embryo s of A. angustifolia excised of seeds
collected from female cones in December.
2. 70 % (v/v) ethanol.
3. 2 % sodium hypochlorite.
4. Sterile distilled water.
5. Glass fl asks.
1. BM-macrosalt solution [
16 ], 20×: Add about 500 mL of
distilled water to a 1000 mL glass beaker. Weigh 12.07 g
4 NO
3 , 18.20 g KNO
3 , 2.72 g KH
2 PO
4 , 4.93 g
4 ·7H
2 O, 5.13 g Mg(NO
3 )
2 ·4H
2 O, 1 g MgCl
2 ·6H
2 O,
and 4.72 g Ca(NO
3 )
2 ·4H
2 O, transfer to the beaker, and solu-
bilize. Make up to 1000 mL with water. Store at 4 °C.
2.1 Plant Material
and Surface
2.2 Stock Solutions
of the Induction
and Proliferation
Culture Medium
Somatic Embyogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia
2. BM-microsalt solution 200× [ 16 ]: Add about 500 mL of dis-
tilled water to a 1000 mL glass beaker. Weigh 1.59 g
4 ·H
2 O, 2.82 g ZnSO
4 ·7H
2 O, 3.1 g H
3 BO
3 , 0.83 g Kl,
25 mg CuSO
4 ·H
2 O, 25 mg Na2MoO
4 ·5H2O, and 25 mg
2 ·6H
2 O. Transfer to glass beaker, and solubilize. Make up
to 1000 mL with water. Store at 4 °C.
3. BM-amino acid solution 100×: Add 5 mL of distilled water to
a 10 mL glass beaker. Weigh 1 g
L -glutamine , 0.5 g casein, 1 g
myoinositol , transfer to beaker and solubilize. Make up to
10 mL with water. Prepare just before use, do not stock.
4. Fe-EDTA solution 20×: Add about 500 mL of distilled water
to a 1000 mL glass beaker. Weigh 187.2 mg Na
2 EDTA × 2H 2 O
and 139 mg FeSO
4 × 7H 2 O, transfer to beaker and solubilize.
Make up to 1000 mL with water. Store at 4 °C.
5. Vitamins and glycine solution 500×: Add about 500 mL of
distilled water to a 1000 mL glass beaker. Weigh 500 mg thia-
mine HCl, 250 mg pyridoxine HCl, 250 mg nicotinic acid , 1 g
glycine, add to the beaker and solubilize. Make up to 1000 mL
with water. Store aliquots of 2 mL microtubes at −20 °C.
1. MSG-macrosalt solution [
17 ], 20×: Add about 500 mL of dis-
tilled water to a 1000 mL glass beaker. Weigh 29 g NH
4 NO
3 ,
38 g KNO
3 , 8.8 g CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O, 3.4 g KH
2 PO
4 , 7.4 g
4 ·7H
2 O, and 14.9 g KCl. Transfer to the beaker and
solubilize. Make up to 1000 mL with water. Store at 4 °C.
2. MSG-microsalt solution [
17 ], 200×: Add about 500 mL of
distilled water to a 1000 mL glass beaker. Weigh 3.38 g
4 ·H
2 O, 1.72 g ZnSO
4 ·7H
2 O, 1.24 g H
3 BO
3 , 0.16 g Kl,
5 mg CuSO
4 ·H
2 O, 50 mg Na
2 MoO
4 ·5H
2 O, and 5 mg
2 × 6H 2 O, transfer to the beaker, and solubilize. Make up
to 1000 mL with water. Store at 4 °C.
3. MSG-amino acid solution 100×: Add about 5 mL of distilled
water to a 10 mL glass beaker. Weigh 1.46 g
L -glutamine ,
0.1 g myoinositol , and transfer to the beaker and solubilize.
Make up to 10 mL with water. Prepare just before use, do not
4. Fe-EDTA solution 20×: Use the same solution described in
2.2 .
5. Vitamins and glycine solution 500×: Use the same solution
described in Subheading
2.2 .
1. 1000 μM 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D): Weigh
22.10 mg of 2,4-D and transfer to a 100 mL glass beaker. Add
1 mL of NaOH 1 M to dissolve 2,4-D. Make up to 100 mL
with water. Store at 4 °C ( see Note 1 ).
2.3 Stock Solutions
of the Pre- maturation
and Maturation
Culture Medium
2.4 Other Stock
Miguel P. Guerra et al.
2. 1000 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP): Weigh 22.50 mg of
BAP and transfer to a 100 mL glass beaker. Add 1 mL of
NaOH 1 M to dissolve BAP. Make up to 100 mL with water.
Store at 4 °C ( see Note 1 ).
3. 1000 μM kinetin (KIN): Weigh 21.50 mg of KIN and transfer to
a 100 mL glass beaker. Add 1 mL of NaOH 1 M to dissolve
KIN. Make up to 100 mL with water. Store at 4 °C ( see Note 1 ).
1. Sucrose .
2. Maltose .
3. Phytagel
® .
4. Gelrite
® .
5. Polyethylene glycol 3350.
6. Polyethylene glycol 4000.
7. Reduced
L -glutathione.
8. Abscisic acid ( ABA ).
9. Activated charcoal .
1. To prepare 1 L of BMi add 30 g of sucrose to 400 mL of water
in a 1000 mL glass beaker and stir on a magnetic stirrer. Add
50 mL of BM-macrosalt stock solution, 5 mL of BM-microsalt
stock solution, 5 mL of Fe-EDTA stock solution, 5 mL of
2,4-D stock solution, 2 mL of BAP stock solution, and 2 mL
of KIN stock solution.
2. At this step, PGR -free culture medium is also used for SE
3. Add water to just under the fi nal volume of 988 mL. While
stirring, adjust the pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M HCl
solution to reach a pH of 5.8 and add 2 g of Phytagel
® .
Autoclave for 15 min at 121 °C.
4. Wait the autoclaved mixture temperature to reach 40 °C. In
the laminar air fl ow cabinet, add the fi lter-sterilized ( see Note 3 )
solution containing 10 mL of BM-amino acid stock solution
and 2 mL of vitamins and glycine stock solution. Adjust pH by
adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M HCl solution to reach a pH of
5.8 before fi lter-sterilization.
1. To prepare 1 L of BMp add 30 g of sucrose to 400 mL of water
in a 1000 mL glass beaker and stir on a magnetic stirrer. Add
50 mL of BM-macrosalt stock solution, 5 mL of BM-microsalt
stock solution, 5 mL of Fe-EDTA stock solution, 2 mL of
2,4-D stock solution, 0.5 mL of BAP stock solution, and
0.5 mL of KIN stock solution.
2.5 Culture Medium
2.6 Culture
Medium Preparation
( See Note 2 )
2.6.1 Induction Culture
Medium (BMi)
2.6.2 Proliferation
Culture Medium (BMp)
Somatic Embyogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia
2. Cultures induced in PGR -free culture medium can be multiplied
either in the culture medium described in 1, or in PGR- free
culture medium.
3. Add water to just under the fi nal volume of 988 mL. While
stirring, adjust the pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M HCl
solution to reach a pH of 5.8 and add 2 g of Phytagel
® .
Alternatively the EC can be multiplied in liquid medium.
Autoclave for 15 min at 121 °C.
4. Wait the autoclaved mixture temperature to reach 40 °C. In
the laminar airfl ow cabinet, add the fi lter-sterilized ( see Note
3 ) solution containing 10 mL of BM-amino acid stock solu-
tion and 2 mL of vitamin and glycine stock solution. Adjust
pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M HCl solution to reach a
pH of 5.8 before fi lter-sterilization.
5. For gelled culture medium, shake the solution to homogenize
the mixture while warming. Distribute the mixture by pouring
into sterile 15 mm × 90 mm Petri dishes (1 L of culture medium
provides ~40 dishes). Leave the dishes to cool and solidify.
Close and seal the dishes with Parafi lm
® .
6. For liquid culture medium, shake the solution to homogenize
the mixture. Distribute 50 mL of the mixture into a sterile
250 mL Erlenmeyer fl ask. Close and seal with Parafi lm
® .
Recently, two pre-maturation protocols have been described for
A. angustifolia SE and both of them can be successfully applied
14 , 18 ].
1. To prepare 500 mL of pre-maturation culture medium
(MSGpm1), add 45 g of maltose and 35 g of PEG 3350–
200 mL of water in a 500 mL glass beaker and stir on a mag-
netic stirrer. Add 25 mL of MSG-macrosalt stock solution,
2.5 mL of MSG-microsalt stock solution, 2.5 mL of Fe-EDTA
stock solution.
2. Add water to just under the fi nal volume of 494 mL. While
stirring, adjust the pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M HCl
solution to reach a pH of 5.8. Autoclave for 15 min at 121 °C
in a 750–1000 mL Erlenmeyer fl ask.
3. Wait the temperature to reach 40 °C and add the fi lter-steril-
ized ( see Note 3 ) solution containing 5 mL of MSG-amino
acid stock solution, 1 mL of vitamin and glycine stock solu-
tion, and 1.53 g of reduced
L -glutathione in the laminar air-
ow cabinet. Adjust pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M
HCl solution to reach a pH of 5.8 before fi lter-sterilization.
This procedure should be done preferably in the dark to pre-
vent reduced
L - glutathione degradation.
2.6.3 Pre-maturation
Culture Medium 1 [ 14 ]
Miguel P. Guerra et al.
4. Shake the solution to homogenize the mixture. Distribute
2 mL of the mixture by pipetting into sterile 12-well culture
plate (500 mL of culture medium provides ~20 multiwell cul-
ture plates). Close and seal with Parafi lm
® .
1. To prepare 500 mL of pre-maturation culture medium
(MSGpm2), add 15 g of sucrose , 35 g of maltose , 45 g of PEG
4000, and 1.5 g of activated charcoal to 200 mL of water in a
500 mL glass beaker and stir on a magnetic stirrer. Add 25 mL
of MSG-macrosalt stock solution, 2.5 mL of MSG-microsalt
stock solution, and 2.5 mL of Fe-EDTA stock solution.
2. Add water to just under the fi nal volume of 494 mL. While
stirring, adjust the pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M
HCl solution to reach a pH of 5.7. Add 1.5 g of Gelrite
and autoclave for 15 min at 121 °C in a 750–1000 mL
Erlenmeyer fl ask.
3. In the laminar airfl ow cabinet, wait the temperature to reach
40 °C and add the fi lter–sterilized ( see Note 3 ) solution con-
taining 0.73 g of
L -glutamine , and 1 mL of vitamin and glycine
stock solution. Adjust pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M
HCl solution to reach a pH of 5.7 before fi lter-sterilization.
4. Shake the solution to homogenize the mixture while warm.
Distribute the mixture by pouring into sterile 15 mm × 90 mm
Petri dishes (500 mL of culture medium provides ~20 dishes).
Leave the dishes to cool and solidify. Close and seal the dishes
with Parafi lm
® .
1. To prepare 1 L of maturation culture medium (BMm), add
90 g of maltose , 70 g of PEG 3350 and 1.5 g of activated char-
coal to 400 mL of water in a 1000 mL glass beaker and stir on
a magnetic stirrer. Add 50 mL of BM-macrosalt stock solution,
5 mL of BM-microsalt stock solution, and 5 mL of Fe-EDTA
stock solution.
2. Add water to just under the fi nal volume of 988 mL. While
stirring, adjust the pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M HCl
solution to reach a pH of 5.8 and add 2 g of Phytagel
® .
Autoclave for 15 min at 121 °C.
3. Wait the temperature to reach 40 °C and add the fi lter-steril-
ized ( see Note 3 ) solution containing 31.7 mg of ABA ( see
Note 4 ), 10 mL of BM-amino acid stock solution, and 2 mL
of vitamin and glycine stock solution in the laminar fl ow cabi-
net. Adjust the solution pH by adding 0.5 M NaOH or 0.5 M
HCl solution to reach a pH of 5.8 before fi lter-sterilization.
4. Shake the solution to homogenize the mixture while warm.
Distribute the mixture by pouring into sterile 15 mm × 90 mm
Petri dishes (1 L of culture medium provides ~40 dishes).
Leave the dishes to cool and solidify. Close and seal the dishes
with Parafi lm
® .
2.6.4 Pre-maturation
Culture Medium 2 [ 18 ]
2.6.5 Maturation
Culture Medium
Somatic Embyogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia
1. 2 % carmine: Dissolve 2 g carmine in 100 mL acetic acid 45 %
(v/v). Boil in refl ux condenser for 3 h. Cool at room tempera-
ture and fi lter with fi lter paper.
2. 0.05 % (w/v) Evan’s blue: Dissolve 1 g Evan’s blue in 100 mL
distilled water.
3. Slides and cover glass.
4. Light microscope.
1. Scalpel, forceps.
2. Spirit burner.
3. Magnetic stirrer.
4. pH meter, autoclave.
5. Bottles, Petri dishes, Erlenmeyer fl asks, glass beaker, 12-well
culture plate.
6. Parafi lm
® .
7. Syringe, sterile syringe fi lters Chromafi l
® , fi lter paper.
8. Analytical balance.
9. 0.5 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 0.5 N hydrochloric acid
10. Incubator chamber, laminar fl ow cabinet, stereomicroscope.
3 Methods
All the procedures described below must be performed in laminar
ow cabinet, with sterilized instruments.
1. Only immature seeds of A. angustifolia with globular-staged
zygotic embryo s are used, in order to induce SE. Surface steril-
ize seeds in a glass beaker with 70 % ethanol for 5 min. Remove
ethanol and add 2 % sodium hypochlorite for 20 min. Remove
sodium hypochlorite and wash seeds three times with auto-
claved distilled water. All solutions must be added in enough
volume to cover the seeds into the beaker.
2. With the aid of a stereomicroscope, scalpel, and forceps on a
sterilized Petri dish, excise the immature zygotic embryo and
inoculate into the induction culture medium. Cultures are
maintained in BOD incubator chamber at 24 ± 2 °C.
After 30-day culture in BMi culture medium, EC is generally
obtained. During proliferation step, EC are composed by PEMs ,
maintained in repetitive multiplication cycles for an undetermined
period of time. At this point, EC proliferation can be achieved with
or without PGR supplementation. Proliferation can also be per-
formed in gelled or liquid culture medium.
2.7 Cytochemical
2.8 Other Useful
3.1 SE Induction
3.2 EC Proliferation
Miguel P. Guerra et al.
1. To perform the subculture for gelled BMp culture medium,
friable and translucent EC should be removed from the BMi
medium with the aid of a forceps and transferred to fresh gelled
BMp culture medium. Colonies of cells should be mixed dur-
ing the process of subculture to promote uniform distribution
of nutrients contained in culture medium. The subculture pro-
cedure must be performed every 21 days to fresh gelled BMp
culture medium and can be done indefi nitely. Cultures are
maintained in BOD incubator chamber at 24 ± 2 °C.
2. For liquid BMp culture medium, about 500 mg of friable and
translucent EC should be removed from the BMi medium
with the aid of a forceps and transferred to a fresh liquid BMp
medium. The subculture procedure must be performed every
15 days to a fresh liquid BMp culture medium and can be
done indefi nitely. This procedure is realized with the aid of
“Cell Dissociation Sieve” (Sigma-Aldrich), 80 mesh screens.
Capture the EC by pouring the culture medium with EC in
proliferation in the “Cell Dissociation Sieve.” With the aid of
a forceps, take 500 mg of EC and transfer to a new fl ask.
Cultures are maintained in an orbital shaker at 90 rpm, at
24 ± 2 °C in the dark.
Pre-maturation is an important step in conifers SE, and it was
recently applied to A. angustifolia protocol [
14 , 18 ]. In this step,
the transition of PEMs to early somatic embryo s is observed.
1. After proliferation step, repeat the same procedure described
above ( see Subheading
3.2 ) to capture the EC. Transfer about
50 mg of EC with the aid of a forceps to a 12-well culture plate
containing 2 mL MSGpm1 per well.
2. The plates should be incubated in an orbital shaker at 90 rpm
in the dark. Cultures are maintained in a growth room at
24 ± 2 °C for 15 days.
1. After proliferation step, repeat the same procedure described
above (Subheading
3.2 , step 2 ) to capture the EC. Transfer
100 mg of EC with the aid of a forceps to a sterile fi lter paper
disc (Ø 80 mm). Transfer the fi lter paper with the cultures to
Petri dish containing MSGpm2 culture medium.
2. Cultures are maintained in a growth room at 24 ± 2 °C for 30
1. For somatic embryo s maturation, about 500 mg of EC con-
taining early somatic embryos is transferred with the aid of a
forceps to BMm culture medium.
2. Petri dishes are maintained in BOD incubator chamber at
24 ± 2 °C for 60 days. One subculture should be performed at
day 30 in culture to a fresh BMm culture medium.
3.3 EC Pre-
maturation 1
3.4 EC Pre-
maturation 2 [ 18 ]
3.5 Early Somatic
Embryo Maturation
Somatic Embyogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia
The quality of cultures is evaluated by double staining under light
microscope based on acetocarmine and Evan’s blue staining [
19 ].
This double-staining analysis reveals the presence of the two typical
embryonic conifer structures: the embryogenic cells, which are iso-
diametric and densely cytoplasmic, reacting in red with acetocar-
mine, and the suspensor -like cell s , which are vacuolated and reacts
in blue to Evan’s blue [
20 ].
1. Take an aliquot of 50 mg of EC and transfer to a watch glass.
2. Add a drop of 1 % acetocarmine (w/v) to the sample, gently
mix, and wait for 1 min.
3. Carefully remove the acetocarmine with the aid of toilet paper.
4. Drop 0.05 % Evan’s blue (w/v) to the sample, gently mix and
wait 1 min.
5. Carefully remove the Evan’s blue with the aid of toilet paper.
6. Drop 1 mL of sterile distilled water.
3.6 Morphological
and Cytochemical
Analysis Procedure
Fig. 2 Araucaria angustifolia embryogenic cultures morphological and cytochemical analysis with acetocar-
mine and Evan’s blue. ( ac ) Proembryogenic masses at PEM I stage ( a ), PEM II stage ( b ) and PEM III stage ( c ).
( d ) PEM III-staged embryogenic cells starting polarization and individualization process. ( e ) Early somatic
embryo s (ESE) individualized and polarized. ( f ) Globular-staged ESE. EC, embryogenic cells stained with ace-
tocarmine; SC , suspensor -like cell s stained with Evan’s blue
Miguel P. Guerra et al.
7. Drop with a pipette an aliquot on a slide glass, and then visual-
ize in the light microscope.
8. Analyze and quantify the presence of PEM I (Fig.
2a ), PEM II
2b ), PEM III (Fig. 2c ), and early somatic embryo s
2e, f ) as well as the presence of SCs (Fig. 2a ) and embryo-
genic cells (Fig.
2a, b ).
4 Notes
1. The PGR stock solutions can be autoclaved for 15 min to
decrease bacterial and fungal contamination, and improve the
2. Culture medium should be prepared at least 3 days before the
inoculation procedure. This is the required period to ensure that
there was no fungal or bacterial contamination during the cul-
ture medium preparation.
3. Filter-sterilization is made with the aid of a syringe and ster-
ile Syringe fi lters Chromafi l
® (Macherey-Nagel), with PTFE
membrane, 0.20 μm pore size into the laminar fl ow
4. Abscisic acid cannot be maintained in stock solution. Weigh
the abscisic acid with the aid of a analytical balance, add
200 μL of NaOH 1 M to dissolve ABA , and then add the
vitamins, amino acids, or other stock solutions you need to
1. Guerra MP, Steiner N, Mantovani A, Nodari
RO, Reis MS, Santos KL (2008) Araucária:
Evolução, ontogênese e diversidade genética.
In: Barbieri RL, Stumpf ERT (eds) Origem e
evolução de plantas cultivadas, 1st edn.
Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, Brasília,
pp 149–184
2. IUCN, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species,
Version 2011.2. ,
Downloaded on 4.04.2012
3. Stefenon VM, Steiner N, Guerra MP, Nodari
RO (2009) Integrating approaches towards
the conservation of forest genetic resources: a
case study of Araucaria angustifolia . Biodivers
Conserv 18:2433–2448
4. Farias-Soares FL, Burrieza HP, Steiner N,
Maldonado S, Guerra MP (2013) Immunoanalysis
of dehydrins in Araucaria angustifolia embryos.
Protoplasma 250:911–918
5. Steiner N, Santa-Catarina C, Andrade JBR,
Balbuena TS, Guerra MP, Handro W, Floh
EIS, Silveira V (2008) Araucaria angustifolia
biotechnology-review. Funct Plant Sci
Biotechnol 2:20–28
6. von Arnold S, Sabala I, Bozkov P, Dyachok J,
Filonova L (2002) Developmental pathways of
somatic embryogenesis. Plant Cell Tiss Organ
Cult 69:233–249
7. Steiner N, Vieira FN, Maldonado S, Guerra
MP (2005) Carbon source affects morphogen-
esis and histodifferentiation of A. angustifolia
embryogenic cultures. Braz Arch Biol Technol
8. Astarita LV, Guerra MP (1998) Early somatic
embryogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia -
induction and maintenance of embryonal-
suspensor mass cultures. Braz J Plant Physiol
Somatic Embyogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia
9. Santos ALW, Silveira V, Steiner N, Vidor M,
Guerra MP (2002) Somatic embryogenesis in
Paraná Pine ( Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)
O. Kuntze). Braz Arch Biol Technol
10. Silveira V, Steiner N, Santos ALW, Nodari RO,
Guerra MP (2002) Biotechnology tools in
Araucaria angustifolia conservation and
improvement: inductive factors affecting
somatic embryogenesis. Crop Breed Appl
Biotechnol 2:463–470
11. Santos ALW, Steiner N, Guerra MP, Zoglauer
K, Moerschbacher BM (2008) Somatic
embryogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia . Biol
Plant 52:95–99
12. Santos ALW, Silveira V, Steiner N, Maraschin
M, Guerra MP (2010) Biochemical and mor-
phological changes during the growth kinetics
of Araucaria angustifolia suspension cultures.
Braz Arch Biol Technol 53:497–504
13. Dutra NT, Silveira V, de Azevedo IG, Gomes-
Neto LR, Façanha AR, Steiner N, Guerra MP,
Floh EIS, Santa-Catarina C (2013) Polyamines
affect the cellular growth and structure of pro-
embryogenic masses in Araucaria angustifolia
embryogenic cultures through the modulation
of proton pump activities and endogenous lev-
els of polyamines. Physiol Plant 148:121–132
14. Vieira LN, Santa-Catarina C, Fraga HPF, dos
Santos ALW, Steinmacher DA, Schlogl PS,
Silveira V, Steiner N, Floh EIS, Guerra MP
(2012) Glutathione improves early somatic
embryogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia
(Bert) O. Kuntze by alteration in nitric oxide
emission. Plant Sci 195:80–87
15. Silveira V, Santa-Catarina C, Tun NN, Scherer
GFE, Handro W, Guerra MP, Floh EIS (2006)
Polyamine effects on the endogenous poly-
amine contents, nitric oxide release, growth
and differentiation of embryogenic suspension
cultures of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)
O. Kuntze. Plant Sci 171:91–98
16. Gupta PK, Pullman GS (1991) Method for
reproducing coniferous plants by somatic
embryogenesis using abscisic acid and osmotic
potential variation, US patent 5, 36–37
17. Becwar MR, Wann SR, Johnson MA, Verhagen
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18. Jo L, dos Santos ALW, Bueno CA, Barbosa HR,
Floh EIS (2013) Proteomic analysis and poly-
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embryogenic cultures with different embryo-
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Gupta PK, Durzan DJ (1987) Biotechnology
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20. Filonova LH, Bozhkov PV, von Arnold S
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Miguel P. Guerra et al.
Part IV
Protocols of Gametic Embryogenesis
in Selected Higher Plants
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_25, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 25
Anther Culture in Eggplant ( Solanum melongena L.)
Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
The technique of in vitro anther culture is the most favorite to incite the production of plants from micro-
spore through direct embryogenesis or regeneration from callus. Anther culture has been employed since
1980s in eggplant to obtain double-haploid plants from microspore derived embryos. From that time it
has been refi ned and widely applied both at commercial level for a fast generation double-haploid parental
lines of F1 hybrids, as well as for experimental studies as the complete homozygosis of the microspore-
derived plants make more simply the genetic analysis. In this chapter, a step-by-step procedure is reported,
taking into consideration all the aspects of the technique, including the growth condition of the anther
donor plant, the in vitro regeneration of the androgenetic plantlets, their ploidy analysis, and the colchi-
cine treatment to double the chromosome number of the haploids.
Key words Androgenesis , Double- haploid , Haploid , Tissue culture , Microspore
1 Introduction
Haploidy through natural parthenogenesis has never been obser ved
in eggplant . The fi rst haploids in eggplant were obtained by the
“Chinese Research Group of Haploid Breeding” [
1 ] and by
Isouard et al. [
2 ]. Then, Dumas de Vaulx and Chambonnet [ 3 ]
and Chambonnet [
4 ] greatly improved the yield of in vitro anther
derived plantlets by using a method similar to the one applied to
pepper [
5 ]. This protocol is based on a high temperature (35 °C)
treatment during the fi rst period of anther culture . Studies on egg-
plant isolated- microspore culture have been carried out and plant-
lets were regenerated from microspore-derived callus following
either anther pre-culture [
6 ] or direct culture of microspores [ 7 ,
8 ]. However, no consistent technique has been so far published
about a direct regeneration of plantlets at a satisfactory rate through
embryogenesis from isolated microspore culture.
Dumas de Vaulx and Chambonnet method [ 3 ] resulted in a
reliable protocol to produce pollen -derived plants, enabling a
successful integration of doubled haploid lines in eggplant breed-
ing programs. Subsequent minor modifi cations of this method
allowed to further enlarge the usefulness of in vitro androgenesis
for the production of modern eggplant varieties [
9 ]. According to
this method, excised anthers are cultured in the induction medium
(C), supplemented with appropriate plant growth regulator s
( PGR ), and placed in the darkness at 35 °C for 8 days of culture.
In the following days, Petri dishes are kept in the growth chamber
at 25 °C under a 16-h illumination (50 μmol/m
2 /s, fl uorescent
light). On the 13th day, anthers are transferred to the differentia-
tion medium (R). Generally, embryos become visible from the
anthers after 1 month from the beginning of culture and the
embryo production lasts for 3–4 months. Well-formed embryos of
4–6 mm are transferred to the PGR-free medium (V3) for further
development. Complete plantlets can easily be propagated in vitro
by cuttings, using the apical bud with 3–4 nodes, and transferred
to soil. Hereafter, a slightly modifi ed Dumas de Vaulx protocol
3 ], regarding the PGR composition of the culture media, is
described, together with advices on the various steps of the proce-
dure. Pluriannual observations about the response of different
genotypes evidenced that some of them were able to regenerate
androgenetic plants only in a medium containing specifi c PGR
combinations. For this reason, it is suggested to try simultaneously
alternative induction and regeneration media, especially for novel
donor material or segregating progenies (Table
1 ).
Table 1
Sucrose content and PGR composition of the induction (C3, C6, C9, and
C13) and regeneration media (R1K and R1Z) media for anther culture of
eggplant (plus 8 g/L agar ; pH 5.9 before autoclaving. KIN, kinetin; 2,4-D,
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; IAA, indole-3-acetic acid; NAA,
1-naphthaleneacetic acid; ZEA, zeatin)
Induction (C) Regeneration (R)
C3 C6 C9 C13 R1K R1Z
Sucrose (g/L) 30 30 30 120 30 30
KIN (mg/L) 3 5 5 0.1
2,4-D (mg/L) 5
IAA (mg/L) 1
NAA (mg/L) 5 3
ZEA (mg/L) 1 0.1
Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
2 Materials
The highly responsive cv Dourga can be employed to start practic-
ing the protocol, with plants preferably grown in greenhouse.
However, also donor plants from the open fi eld can be used.
1. Laminar fl ow hood.
2. Sterile Whatman or blotting paper.
3. Forceps, scalpels and spatulas.
4. Petri dishes, 60 mm diameter.
5. Glass or plastic jars (e.g., 250 and 500 mL, Magenta box).
6. Autoclave.
7. Plastic wrap fi lm.
8. Stereo and optical fl uorescence microscopes.
9. Microscope slides and cover slips.
10. Incubator at 35 °C.
11. Stainless steel tea mesh infuser spoon.
12. Growth chambers.
13. Flow cytometer.
1. Tween 20 and dish soap.
2. 80 % ethanol.
Sodium hypochlorite.
4. Sterile deionized water.
5. TRIS.
6. Triton X-100.
7. Induction (C), regeneration (R), and multiplication (V3)
media (Tables
1 and 2 ).
8. Acetocarmine [1 g carmine, 100 mL glacial acetic acid (45 %),
5 mL FeCl · 6H
2 O].
9. Lysis solution for leaf mesophyll nuclei extraction.
10. Staining solution for nuclear DNA (Partec).
11. FDA stock solution: Fluorescein-diacetate dissolved into ace-
tone (5 mg/mL).
12. Colchicine .
13. Lanoline.
2.1 Plant Materials
2.2 Equipment
2.3 Solutions
and Media
Anther Culture in Eggplant
Table 2
Macronutrients, micronutrients, and vitamins of the three basal media
utilized for eggplant anther culture (mg/L)
Macroelements a Media
C R V3
3 2150 2150 1900
4 NO
3 1238 1238 1650
4 · 7H 2 O 412 412 370
2 · 2H 2 O 313 313 440
2 PO
4 142 142 170
3 )
2 · 4H 2 O 50 50
2 PO
4 · H 2 O 38 38
4 )
2 SO
4 34 34
KCl 7 7
4 · H 2 O 22.130 20.130 0.076
4 · 7H 2 O 3.625 3.225 1.000
3 BO
3 3.150 1.550 1.000
KI 0.695 0.330 0.010
2 MoO
4 · 2H 2 O 0.188 0.138
4 · 5H 2 O 0.016 0.011 0.030
2 · 6H 2 O 0.016 0.011
3 · 6H 2 O 0.050
2 · 6H 2 O 0.030
Vitamins and amino acids
Myoinositol 100.00 100.00 100.00
Pyridoxine HCl 5.500 5.500 5.500
Nicotinic acid 0.700 0.700 0.700
Thiamine HCl 0.600 0.600 0.600
Calcium pantothenate 0.500 0.500 0.500
Vitamin B12 0.030
Biotin 0.005 0.005 0.005
Glycin 0.100 0.100 0.200
Chelated iron
2 EDTA 18.65 18.65 37.30
4 · 7H 2 O 13.90 13.90 27.80
a As reported in [ 4 ]
3 Methods
1. Generally, healthy and vigorous eggplants provide anthers with
the highest androgenetic potential. It is important to prevent
seed-setting and plant aging by removing open fl owers and
small fruits. It is important to control insect and mite attacks;
however anthers should be collected several days after spraying
pesticide ( see Note 1 ).
2. Detach from the donor plants the fl ower buds with, roughly,
the upper fused edge of the sepal, almost of the same height of
the petals (Fig.
1 , see Note 2 ). This stage of bud development
ensures that a large part of the microspores is at the uninucle-
ate or the very early binucleate stage of development which,
generally, gives better results. Such evidences have been
recently confi rmed by Salas et al. [
10 ] , which demonstrated
that vacuolate microspores and young bicellular pollen are the
most responsive stages when microspores are directly cultured
in liquid medium, whereas cultured anthers, mostly containing
microspores at these stages, displayed a reduced or even null
androgenetic response. The authors ascribed such discrepancy
to a delayed contact of the media components with the micro-
spores which became too old and lose their androgenic induc-
ible state because of the time needed by the active substances
to reach the anther locule.
1. Collected fl ower buds are briefl y immersed and gently stirred
into a solution of demineralised water with a few drops of Tween
20 or dish soap, followed by 30 s in a solution of 80 % ethanol.
3.1 Anther Donor
Plants and Choice
of Floral Buds
3.2 Sterilization
and In Vitro Culture
Fig. 1 Flower buds at different developmental stages. The six buds in the middle are suitable for anther culture ,
whereas the two buds on the right and the two buds on the left are, respectively, too young and too old
Anther Culture in Eggplant
Then, in the laminar fl ow hood, the fl oral buds are immersed
for 20 min in a solution of 30 % commercial bleach (1 % active
chlorine), and fi nally rinsed three times with sterile demineral-
ized water (3–4 min for each washing) (Fig.
2 , see Note 3 ).
2. The fl ower buds are placed over a sterile paper to excise the
anthers by using a scalpel and a forceps (Figs.
3 and 4 ). Plate,
in a 60 mm Petri dish, 10–12 anthers with their concave (exter-
nal) zone onto medium C (Fig.
4d ). The Petri dishes are sealed
using household plastic wrap. Keep plated anthers at 35 °C in
the darkness for 8 days ( see Note 4 ).
Fig. 2 Buds sterilization. ( a ) Buds inside the steel tea mesh infusers. ( b ) Tea mesh containing the buds
immersed in the chlorine sterilization solution next to a Magenta box fi lled with water for the fi rst washing
Fig. 3 Extraction of the petal cone containing the anthers from the buds. ( a ) Transversal cut of bud below the
anther. ( b ) Longitudinal cut of the sepal. ( c ) Extraction of the petal cone containing the anthers
Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
3. Transport and keep the anthers at 25 °C, 16-h photoperiod
(50 μmol/m
2 /s).
4. After 4 days transfer the anthers to R medium ( see Note 5 ).
5. Every 5–6 weeks transfer anthers to fresh R medium ( see Note 5 ).
6. Move the embryos sprouting out from the anthers to a 60 mm
Petri dish, containing either the V3 medium, if they have a well
formed principal root, or the R medium in the case the embryos
are younger (3–4 mm) ( see Note 6 ).
7. Well formed in vitro plantlets, with good root system and foli-
age, are acclimatized under growth chamber condition (16-h
light at 22 °C, 8-h dark at 18 °C, light intensity ~200 μmol/
2 /s) by transplanting into pots (Fig. 5 , see Note 7 ).
Fig. 4 Extraction and plating of the anthers. ( a ) Petal cone cut and opened. ( b ) Excision of anther by pushing to
its fi lament. ( c ) Anther stuck with forceps. ( d ) Anthers plated in the C medium
Anther Culture in Eggplant
8. After 1–2 weeks, acclimatized plants can be moved to the
greenhouse, keeping them under shadow if the temperature
and light intensity are high.
Analysis of ploidy determination can be performed through direct
quantifi cation of nuclear DNA content by fl ow cytometer, or indi-
3.3 Ploidy
Fig. 5 From androgenetic embryos to plantlets. ( a ) An anther culture d in the R medium giving rise to several
microspore -derived embryos at different developmental stages. ( b ) Cultured anthers producing embryos or
callus. ( c ) From left to right : rooted androgenetic plants in the V3 medium ready to be transferred to soil, freshly
plantlet in ex vitro condition, and acclimatized plantlets, ready to be transferred to the greenhouse
Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
rectly by counting the number of chloroplasts in the stomata guard
cells (Fig.
6a ). Leaves from in vitro rooted plantlets are the best
material for both the analyses ( see Note 8 ).
1. About 0.5 cm
2 of a young leaf of an in vitro grown plant is
chopped in the extraction buffer in a small Petri dish.
2. Filter (30 μm mesh) to enrich the solution with the nuclei; add
the staining buffer containing the fl uorophore ( DAPI ,
Fluorescein, etc.) and keep at 4 °C for 1 h.
3. Start the analysis.
3.3.1 Flow Cytometry
Analysis According to the
Manufacturer Protocol
(E.g., Partec CyFlow, SL)
( see Note 9 )
Fig. 6 Ploidy determination and colchicine treatment. ( a ) Flow cytometric determination of DNA content in the
nuclei and number of chloroplasts in the stomata guard cells of a diploid and haploid androgenetic plant,
obtained from the same anther donor. ( b ) Lanoline paste containing 0.5 % colchicine, applied to the secondary
axillary buds of a haploid plant
Anther Culture in Eggplant
1. Cut a piece of 0.3–0.5 cm
2 of leaf and put it on the microscope
slide with the lower leaf lamina upward.
2. Wet the lower epidermal with 1–2 drops of FDA stock solution
diluted in water, add the cover slip, and wait for a maximum of
20–30 s.
3. Observe under a fl uorescent light. The chloroplast will appear
green-colored in the stomata cells ( see Note 10 ).
Haploid plants, apart specific employment (e.g., basic research),
need to be treated to restore their diploid status, so that selfed
seeds can be obtained and the double- haploid lines established.
Chromosome doubling may be performed in several ways. Here it
is described the treatment of the secondary axillary buds with col-
chicine in the already acclimatized plantlets which, generally, ensure
that 50–70 % of the treated plants will produce seeds after selfing.
1. Use preferably fast growing plantlets with 4–8 leaves. Trim the
apical bud (to suppress apical dominance) and remove the axil-
lary buds with a scalpel.
2. Dissolve colchicine (0.5 %) in lanoline paste.
3. Apply with the aid of a spatula the lanoline-containing colchi-
cine to the secondary axillary buds.
4. Keep the treated plantlets in the dark for 48 h and then transfer
them back to greenhouse conditions.
5. Remove the shoots produced by the untreated buds (e.g.,
those below the soil level) (Fig.
6b , see Note 11 ).
4 Notes
1. Avoid excessive fruit setting, especially the presence of mature
and overripe fruits. Unfortunately, it is not known the environ-
mental conditions that allow to maximize the androgenetic
response of the anther donor eggplant . Seasonal variation has
been observed in the yield of eggplant androgenetic embryos.
It has been reported [
11 ] that during the period July–October
(in the Northern Hemisphere), the highest number of respond-
ing anthers were found from the middle of September until the
middle of October. These results are in accordance with our
observations that, in the Mediterranean climate, higher andro-
genetic frequencies are obtained during cooler months, and
the best periods are spring and autumn (unpublished). Most
likely, the photoperiod, as well as the day/night temperature,
affects anther response. More precise information could be
obtained by growing donor plants in a phytotron.
2. For beginners, it is suggested to check the exact stage of micro-
spore development during the various step of the fl ower bud
3.3.2 Chloroplast
Counting in Stomata Guard
Cells ( See Note 10 )
3.4 Diploidization of
the Haploid Plants
Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
growth. This is important because the sepal coverage of the
petal strongly varies among the different eggplant genotypes; it
is infl uenced by plant ageing and is also affected by the environ-
ment. Anyway, due to this appreciable variation, it is suggested
to collect also fl ower buds either slightly larger, or slightly
smaller than the ones considered of optimal size. For the cyto-
logical analysis of the microspore stage: squash one anther on
freshly prepared DAPI -TRIS buffer (TRIS buffer: 0.05 M
Tris–HCl, 0.5 % Triton X-100, 5 % sucrose , pH 7) and observe
under UV light. Alternatively, the anther can be squashed in
acetocarmine and observed under optical microscope.
3. The use of stainless steel spoons (like the ones used as tea mesh
infuser) makes very easy the sterilization of fl ower buds, as it is
only necessary to move the spoon from one jar to the next
2 ). This ensures that the whole fl owers are completely
immersed in the sterilization and washing solutions. After
washing, the buds are kept into a Petri dish, or left in the in tea
mesh infuser within the empty jar.
4. Extract the anthers by cutting transversally the fl ower bud at its
base, in correspondence of the anther fi lament or slightly
below (Fig.
3a ). Then, cut longitudinally only the sepal and
extract the petal cone with inside the anthers still joined
together (Fig.
3b, c ). Cut and open the petal cone and excise
the anthers by pushing with the tip of the forceps to the anther
lament (Fig.
4a, b ), so avoiding to touch the anther. To place
the anthers onto the medium C, it is advisable to immerse one
tip of the forceps into the medium as the small amount of agar -
medium remaining on the tip allows to stick the anther (Fig.
4c ). The anther is placed in the 60 mm Petri dish containing
medium C (Fig.
4d ). It is extremely important to manipulate
very gently the fl oral buds and, especially, the anther, avoiding
squeezing or excessive pressure, because the wounds stimulate
proliferation of somatic callus which, in turn, reduces the
androgenetic response. Detaching the whole fi lament it is also
important; however, it is better to leave the fi lament rather
than to risk damaging the anther, as the fi lament can be easily
removed when the anther will be subcultured from medium C
to medium R.
5. Use the R medium which contains the same cytokinin of the C
medium (i.e., use R1Z for the anthers plated onto C9 medium
and R1K for C3, C6, and C13 media; see Table
1 ). Remove the
portion of the fi lament which remains attached to the anther,
as well as the somatic callus developed from the anther tissue.
6. The well-formed embryos obtained in the R medium are then
transferred to V3 medium in Petri dishes as soon as they are
germinated. Plantlets are moved to a bigger container (jars or
Anther Culture in Eggplant
Magenta box). It is also advisable to make a backup (cuttings)
of each androgenetic plantlet by subculturing the apical shoot
with 2–3 nodes in V3 medium.
7. Gently wash out the roots from the agar and transplant the
plantlets in pots (maximum 6 cm diameter) fi lled with a mix-
ture of peat (65 %), perlite (25 %), and sand (10 %). To ensure
the acclimatization of plantlets to the ex vitro conditions, the
freshly potted plantlets are maintained under high humidity
condition by covering each potted plantlet with a plastic cup
5c ), having 3–4 holes; the cup is then progressively
removed from the pot to reduce gradually the humidity to the
one of the growth chamber. Otherwise the freshly potted
plantlets are put in a case sealed with a transparent plastic sheet,
with holes in the top, which will be progressively removed in
10–14 days.
8. A certain percentage of plantlets will be diploid, and they can
be promptly employed in the breeding program, without the
need to double their ploidy. Diploidization is generally caused
by spontaneous chromosome doubling during the fi rst micro-
spore division. Molecular analyses, using polymorphic hetero-
zygous loci markers (SSR, SNP) in the anther donor, may be
performed to confi rm their gametophytic origin (i.e., having
all the loci at the homozygous state, see Fig.
7 ). It is advisable
to make this analysis if you are not completely sure that the
plantlets originated from a well-formed embryo. In fact, the
media employed for anther culture are not suitable to trigger
embryogenesis from the somatic anther tissue.
9. Use preferably young leaf for cytofl uorimetric analysis.
10. Use mature and healthy leaves, cut a piece of leaf missing of
primary, secondary and tertiary veins that ensures a better
adherence of the cover slip. Observe quickly under fl uorescent
microscope, after keeping the leaf in the FDA solution for a
maximum of 3–5 min. In fact, the stomata cells are the fi rst
reacting to FDA, as a strong green background coloration will
hamper the chloroplast counting as soon as the FDA will pen-
etrate into the other leaf cells. In diploid and haploid plants,
the average number of chloroplasts in the stomata is about 12
and 7, respectively [
9 ].
11. Cloning of haploids by in vitro cutting increases the probabil-
ity of their conversion into the diploid status. Dissolve colchi-
cine in the lanoline by manual stirring with the aid of a spatula.
Check daily the plantlets to eliminate the young shoots com-
ing from the untreated buds, as this will further stimulate the
development of shoots from the secondary/adventitious buds
whose meristems have been exposed to the colchicine.
Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
Fig. 7 Molecular analysis confi rming the pollen origin of double- haploid plants (DHs), as they resulted homo-
zygous using a bi-allelic polymorphic SSR marker which is heterozygous in the anther donor (Hybrid); the DH
plants displayed the one or the other of the single marker present in the parental lines (A, B)
1. Research Group of Haploid Breeding (1978)
Induction of haploid plants of Solanum melon-
gena L. Proceedings of the “symposium on
plant tissue culture”, Sci. Press, Peking, p 227–
232, May 25–30
2. Isouard G, Raquin C, Demarly Y (1979)
Obtention de plantes haploides et diploides par
culture in vitro d’anthères d’aubergine ( Solanum
melongena L.). C R Acad Sci Paris 288:
3. Dumas De Vaulx R, Chambonnet D (1982)
Culture in vitro d’anthères d’aubergine
( Solanum melongena L.): stimulation de la pro-
duction de plantes au moyen de traitments à
+35°C associés à de faibles teneurs en sub-
stances de croissance. Agronomie 2:983–988
4. Chambonnet D (1985) Culture d’anthères in
vitro chez trois Solanacées maraichères: Le
piment ( Capsicum annuum L.), l’aubergine
( Solanum melongena L.), la tomate
( Lycopersicon esculentum L.) et obtention de
plantes haploides. Thèse de Docteur
d’Université, Academie de Montpellier
5. Dumas De Vaulx R, Chambonnet D, Pochard
E (1981) Culture in vitro d’anthères de piment
( Capsicum annuum L.): amélioration des taux
d’obtention de plantes chez différents géno-
types par des traitments à +35°C. Agronomie
6. Gu SR (1979) Plantlets from isolated pollen
culture of eggplant ( Solanum melongena L.).
Acta Bot Sin 21:30–36
7. Miyoshi K (1996) Callus induction and plant-
let formation through culture of isolated
microspores of eggplant ( Solanum melongena
L). Plant Cell Rep 15:391–395
Anther Culture in Eggplant
8. Corral-Martinez P, Seguì-Simarro JM (2012)
Effi cient production of callus-derived doubled
haploids through isolated microspore culture
in eggplant ( Solanum melongena L.). Euphytica
9. Rotino GL (1996) Haploidy in eggplant. In:
Jain SM, Sopory SK, Veilleux RE (eds) In vitro
haploid production in higher plants. Kluwer
Academic, Dordrecht, pp 115–141
10. Salas P, Rivas-Sendra A, Prohens J, Seguí-
Simarro JM (2012) Infl uence of the stage for
anther excision and heterostyly in embryogen-
esis induction from eggplant anther cultures.
Euphytica 184:235–250
11. Tuberosa R, Sanguineti MC, Conti S (1987)
Anther culture of egg-plant ( Solanum melon-
gena L.) lines and hybrids. Genet Agr 41:
Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_26, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 26
Anther Culture in Pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.)
Verónica Parra-Vega and Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
Anther culture is the most popular of the techniques used to induce microspore embryogenesis. This tech-
nique is well set up in a wide range of crops, including pepper. In this chapter, a protocol for anther culture
in pepper is described. The protocol presented hereby includes the steps from the selection of buds from
donor plants to the regeneration and acclimatization of doubled haploid plants derived from the embryos,
as well as a description of how to analyze the ploidy level of the regenerated plants.
Key words Androgenesis , Doubled haploid , Embryogenesis , Haploid , Microspores , Pollen , Tissue
1 Introduction
Androgenesis can be defi ned as the generation of an individual
derived from a nucleus of male origin, usually a haploid microspore
or young pollen grain [
1 ]. Haploid embryos or calli are produced
through the deviation of the microspore from its original gameto-
phytic pathway towards a new sporophytic pathway. Haploid
embryos may become doubled haploid individuals by themselves
or through the application of treatments for genome doubling [
2 ].
Doubled haploid individuals can be used as pure lines to produce
hybrid seeds, which reduces considerably the time and resources
needed to obtain pure lines when compared with conventional
breeding methods [
3 ].
For most of the studied species the optimal stage of male
gametophyte development to induce embryogenesis is the transi-
tion between vacuolate microspores and young bicellular pollen
1 , 4 ]. Technically, microspore embryogenesis can be induced
through anther culture or isolated microspore culture . Isolated
microspore culture is based on the isolation of the microspores in
liquid medium. Since the maternal tissue is removed, microspores
are directly in contact with the medium components. Therefore,
the possible formation of somatic embryo s coming from the anther
walls is avoided. Despite these advantages, isolated microspore
culture is more complex than anther culture and therefore it is well
set up just in a few species. Just tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ),
rapeseed ( Brassica napus ), wheat ( Triticum aestivum ), and barley
( Hordeum vulgare ) can be considered as model systems for micro-
spore culture [
5 ]. For most crops of agronomic interest, the most
used technique is still anther culture. Anther culture consists on
the cultivation of the anthers in a solid or semisolid medium. It can
be applied to a wide range of crops and it is the preferred technique
used to produce doubled haploid s due to its simplicity [
6 ], and to
the possibility of culturing large amounts of anthers per isolation.
In some species, the presence of the anther walls in the culture
medium seems to provide a proper environment for microspore
development, allowing for the induction of the microspores
towards embryogenesis [
7 ]. Anther culture in pepper ( Capsicum
annuum L.) has been used to produce doubled haploid plants for
breeding programs since the mid-1980s ( see Chapter
9 , this
In this chapter, a protocol for anther culture of sweet pepper is
explained according to Dumas de Vaulx et al. [
8 ] with some modi-
cations. The protocol was adapted for commercial F1 hybrids of
sweet pepper [
9 ] and the selection of donor fl ower buds was made
according to Parra-Vega et al. [
10 ]. In this protocol, the combina-
tion of two morphological markers (calix-bud length ratio and
anther pigmentation) is used to select the optimal fl ower buds.
2 Materials
This stepwise protocol was developed with the following commer-
cial F1 hybrids of pepper ( C. annuum L.): ‘Herminio’ (Lamuyo
type, from Syngenta Seeds), ‘Coyote’, ‘Quito’ (California type,
both from Syngenta Seeds), and ‘Vélez’ (California type, from
Enza Zaden).
1. Plastic tubes of 50 mL.
2. Box with melting ice.
3. Laminar fl ow hood.
4. Sterile Whatman paper.
5. Sterile forceps and scalpel.
6. Sterile Petri dishes 90 × 25 mm (Ø × height).
7. Parafi lm.
8. Inverted or light microscope.
2.1 Plant Material
2.2 Equipment
Verónica Parra-Vega and Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
9. Microscope slides and cover slips.
10. Aluminum paper.
11. Incubator at 35 and 25 °C.
12. Sterile baby food jars with plastic caps.
13. Plastic plant pots 90 × 100 mm (width × height).
14. Composite soil.
15. Transparent plastic glass.
16. Growth chamber at 25 °C.
17. Pasteur pipettes, 3 mL.
18. Razor blades.
19. Filters of 30 μm pore (CellTricks, Partec).
20. Plastic tubes 3.5 mL, 55 × 12 mm (Ø × height).
21. Flow cytometer Partec Ploidy Analyzer I.
1. 70 % ethanol (v/v).
2. 4 g/L sodium hypochlorite with 0.05 % Tween (v/v).
3. Sterile distilled water (three glass jars) autoclaved at 121 °C for
20 min.
4. Induction medium: C medium (Table 1 ) supplemented with
0.01 mg/L kinetin and 0.01 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyace-
tic acid (2,4-D).
5. Regeneration medium: R medium (Table
1 ), supplemented
with 0.1 mg/L kinetin. Adjust the pH of media C and R to
5.9. Autoclave media at 121 °C for 20 min, and then pour it in
90 × 25 mm sterile Petri dishes.
6. Rooting medium: V3 medium (Table
1 ). Adjust the pH to
5.9. Autoclave medium at 121 °C for 20 min and pour it in
90 × 25 mm sterile Petri dishes and sterile baby food jars
(200 mL).
7. Lysis buffer (LB01) [
11 ]: 5 mM Tris(hydroxymethyl)amino-
methane, 2 mM Na
2 EDTA, 0.5 mM espermine, 80 mM KCl,
20 mM NaCl, 15 mM β-mercaptoethanol, and 0.1 % (v/v)
Triton X-100. The pH is adjusted at 7.5.
8. Staining buffer: 4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole ( DAPI )
(Partec CyStain UV precise P, PARTEC GmbH).
3 Methods
Donor plants are grown in a growth chamber at 25 °C, light inten-
sity of 200 μmol/m
2 /s with a 16 h photoperiod and 60–65 % rela-
tive humidity.
2.3 Solutions and
Culture Media
3.1 Donor Plant
Growth Conditions
Anther Culture in Pepper
Table 1
Macroelements, microelements, and vitamins used in the three basal
media for pepper anther culture (mg/L). C and R media from Dumas de
Vaulx et al. [
9 ]. V3 medium from Chambonnet [ 12 ]
Medium C Medium R Medium V3
3 2150 2150 1900
4 NO
3 1238 1238 1650
4 · 7H 2 O 412 412 370
2 · 2H 2 O 313 313 440
2 PO
4 142 142 170
3 )
2 · 4H 2 O 50 50
2 PO
4 · H 2 O 38 38
4 )
2 SO
4 34 34
KCl 7 7
4 · H 2 O 22.130 20.130 0.076
4 · 7H 2 O 3.625 3.225 1.000
3 BO
3 3.150 1.550 1.000
KI 0.695 0.330 0.010
2 MoO
4 · 2H 2 O 0.188 0.138
4 · 5H 2 O 0.016 0.011 0.030
2 · 6H 2 O 0.016 0.011
3 · 6H 2 O 0.050
2 · 6H 2 O 0.030
Vitamins and amino acids
Myo-Inositol 100.00 100.00 100.00
Pyridoxine HCl 5.500 5.500 5.500
Nicotinic acid 0.700 0.700 0.700
Thiamine HCl 0.600 0.600 0.600
Calcium pantothenate 0.500 0.500 0.500
Vitamin B12 0.030
Biotin 0.005 0.005 0.005
Glycine 0.100 0.100 0.200
Chelated iron
2 EDTA 18.65 18.65 37.30
4 · 7H 2 O 13.90 13.90 27.28
Sucrose 30,000 30,000 30,000
Bacto- agar 8000 8000 8000
1. Select by eye the optimal buds for anther culture . In our geno-
types, they are covered approximately the 80 % of them by the
sepals (Fig.
1a ), according to Parra-Vega et al. [ 10 ] ( see Note
1 ). Excise the buds from the plant. Bring them to the lab in
plastic tubes immersed on melting ice ( see Note 2 ).
2. Take the buds to the laminar fl ow hood.
3.2 In Vitro Culture
of Anthers
Verónica Parra-Vega and Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
3. Surface sterilize the buds with 70 % ethanol for 30 s, and then
with sodium hypochlorite 4 g/L for 5 min, and fi nally three
washes of 4 min each with sterile distilled water ( see Note 3 ).
4. Place the buds over sterile Whatman paper and excise them to
extract the anthers ( see Note 4 ). At this step, make a second
selection of the buds. Culture only buds containing anthers
with purple distal tips (Fig.
1e ), according to Parra-Vega et al.
10 ]. In case the optimal stage of anther development has not
been well set up in advance for the genotype used, it is highly
recommended, at this point, to check the microspores/ pollen
stage of every bud before culturing them ( see Note 5 ).
5. Place the selected anthers in Petri dishes with C medium. Place
them with their concave part in contact with the medium. Seal
the dishes with Parafi lm and introduce them in the incubator
at 35 °C in darkness for 4 days ( see Note 6 ).
6. At day 4, place the dishes in the incubator at 25 °C with a 12-h
photoperiod for 4 days more.
7. At day 8, transfer the anthers to R medium and incubate them
at 25 °C, light intensity of 32 μmol/m
2 /s and a 12 h photope-
riod. Every 2 months, change the anthers to fresh R medium.
8. As soon as the embryos pop out of the anthers, pick them with
forceps and transfer them to V3 medium in 90 × 25 mm Petri
Fig. 1 Process of anther culture in pepper . ( a ) Flower bud at the right stage for anther isolation. ( bd ) Anther
extraction out of the bud: transversal cut of the fl ower bud ( b ), longitudinal cut of the fl ower bud surface ( c ),
and opening of the fl ower bud with scalpel and forceps to extract the anthers ( d ). ( e ) Anthers at the right stage
for isolation. White arrow points the right position to culture the anthers in medium ( concave part ). ( f ) Anther
culture d in vitro producing two microspore -derived embryos ( white arrows ) in c medium. ( g ) Microspore -
derived embryo germinated in V3 medium. ( h ) Microspore-derived seedling cultured in vitro in V3 medium. ( i )
Acclimated seedling cultured ex vitro in a plastic plant pot. Bars: ae , 2 mm; f and g , 5 mm; h , 1 cm; i , 2 c m
Anther Culture in Pepper
dishes, incubate them at 25 °C, light intensity of 32 μmol/
2 /s and a 12 h photoperiod. Transfer the embryos that ger-
minate correctly to sterile baby food jars with V3 medium ( see
Note 7 ).
9. When seedlings develop a proper root system (one or two pri-
mary roots and some secondary roots), transfer them to plastic
plant pots with wet soil.
10. Acclimate the seedlings in the growth chamber at 25 °C and a
16 h photoperiod ( see Note 8 ).
1. Analyze the nuclear DNA content with a fl ow cytometer
(Partec Ploidy Analyzer I) according to its commercial specifi -
cations. Use DAPI as the fl uorescent stain.
2. Use donor plants as control for 2C DNA content. Plants
derived from embryos will be analyzed in order to know the
ploidy level ( see Note 9 ).
3. Excise young leafs from the plant and place them in a box with
ice ( see Note 10 ).
4. Chop with a razor blade a piece of 1 cm
2 of a young leaf in a
plastic Petri dish containing 0.5 mL of lysis buffer ( see Note
11 ).
5. Filter the extracted nuclei with a 30 μm pore fi lter into a
3.5 mL plastic tube.
6. Add 1.5 mL of DAPI staining buffer with a 3 mL Pasteur
7. Keep the tubes on ice for 2 min prior to analyze the samples
using the fl ow cytometer. Count a minimum of 10,000 cells
per sample.
4 Notes
1. The selection of anthers is one of the critical steps of anther
culture . The anthers must contain vacuolate microspores and
young bicellular pollen grains to effi ciently induce embryogen-
esis. As this parameter determination is highly genotype depen-
dent, it is recommended to study previously, in each genotype,
the right size and appearance of anthers containing the appro-
priate stage of microspore /pollen development to be induced
towards embryogenesis.
2. Once the buds are excised from the plant, keep them on ice in
order to slow down the development of the microspores/ pollen .
Also, keep the sterilized solutions at 4 °C before using them to
reduce the degradation process of anthers.
3.3 Analysis of
the Ploidy Level
Verónica Parra-Vega and Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
3. Pour the sterilized solutions into the plastic tube, close the lid
and shake the solutions during the corresponding time for
each solution. After that, open the lid and remove the liquid
keeping the buds. Pour the next solution into the tube and
repeat the process. An alternative to the plastic tubes is to use
tea fi lter sieves.
4. Excise the anthers with a scalpel avoiding breaking them. First,
make a transversal cut at the basal part of the bud (near to the
pedicel), removing the basal part of the fl oral bud (Fig.
1b ).
Second, make a longitudinal cut, only at the surface of the bud
1c ), to open the sepals. Later, take away the sepals and
petals with forceps, and extract the anthers (Fig.
1d ). It is
important to remove the anther fi lament as much as possible,
just to avoid callus formation from this tissue, which is espe-
cially prone to proliferate.
5. After extracting the anthers from the bud, take one anther to
observe it under the microscope and keep the remaining
anthers waiting in the laminar fl ow hood. Place the anther
onto a microscope slide with a drop of water, chop the anther
with a razor blade in order to extract the microspores/ pollen
and cover it with a standard cover slip. Observe the prepara-
tion under a light or inverted microscope checking the stages
of microspores contained. If the anther contains mostly vacu-
olate microspores and young bicellular pollen, the rest of
anthers from the same bud will be used for anther culture .
6. Cover the Petri dishes with aluminum paper to create a dark-
ness environment inside the incubator.
7. Transfer the germinated embryos to baby jars in order to
increase the space to develop the roots and aerial parts of the
new plant.
8. In order to avoid drastic change in humidity conditions, use a
transparent plastic cup to protect the seedlings. Pinch holes in
the cup every 2 days, to gradually reduce the humidity inside
the cup down to the levels of the growth chamber. Then
remove the glass.
9. The fl ow cytometer is used to analyze the ploidy level, but
when a 2C individual appears, molecular analysis marker (pref-
erentially SSRs) has to be performed in order to clarify whether
this individual has a somatic or an embryogenic origin. For
donor plants polymorphic for the SSR used, if the regenerated
samples analyzed are homozygous for the used molecular
markers, the origin of these plants will be gametophytic.
However, if the samples are heterozygous for the SSRs used,
their origin will likely be somatic (most likely coming from
anther wall tissues).
Anther Culture in Pepper
10. Young tissues are used to analyze the ploidy level because these
tissues present more cells in G2 phase; therefore the second
peak of the histogram appears clearer.
11. The nucleic extraction buffer from Partec (CyStain UV precise
P, PARTEC GmbH) may be used at this step. However, with
pepper is recommended to use the lysis buffer in order to slow
down the oxidizing process of pepper samples.
This work was supported by the grant AGL2014-55177 from
Spanish MINECO to J.M.S.S.
1. Seguí-Simarro JM (2010) Androgenesis revis-
ited. Bot Rev 76:377–404
2. Seguí-Simarro JM, Nuez F (2008) Pathways to
doubled haploidy: chromosome doubling dur-
ing androgenesis. Cytogenet Genome Res
3. Wedzony M, Forster BP, Zur I, Golemiec E,
Szechynska-Hebda M, Dubas E, Gotebiowska
G (2009) Progress in doubled haploid technol-
ogy in higher plants. In: Touraev A, Forster BP,
Jain SM (eds) Advances in haploid production
in higher plants. Springer, Dordrecht,
Netherlands, pp 1–33
4. Soriano M, Li H, Boutilier K (2013)
Microspore embryogenesis: establishment of
embryo identity and pattern in culture. Plant
Reprod 26:181–196
5. Forster BP, Heberle-Bors E, Kasha KJ, Touraev
A (2007) The resurgence of haploids in higher
plants. Trends Plant Sci 12:368–375
6. Germanà MA (2011) Anther culture for hap-
loid and doubled haploid production. Plant
Cell Tissue Organ Cult 104:283–300
7. Seguí-Simarro JM, Nuez F (2008) How micro-
spores transform into haploid embryos:
changes associated with embryogenesis
induction and microspore-derived embryogen-
esis. Physiol Plant 134:1–12
8. Dumas de Vaulx R, Chambonnet D, Pochard E
(1981) Culture in vitro d’anthères de piment
( Capsicum annuum L.): amèlioration des taux
d'obtenction de plantes chez différents géno-
types par des traitments à +35°C. Agronomie
9. Parra-Vega V, Renau-Morata B, Sifres A, Seguí-
Simarro JM (2013) Stress treatments and
in vitro culture conditions infl uence micro-
spore embryogenesis and growth of callus from
anther walls of sweet pepper ( Capsicum ann-
uum L.). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult
10. Parra-Vega V, González-García B, Seguí-
Simarro JM (2013) Morphological markers to
correlate bud and anther development with
microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in
pepper ( Capsicum annuum L. ). Acta Physiol
Plant 35:627–633
11. Dolezel J, Binarova P, Lucretti S (1989)
Analysis of nuclear DNA content in plant
cells by flow cytometry. Biol Plant
12. Chambonnet D (1988) Production of hap-
loid eggplant plants. Bulletin interne de la
Station d'Amelioration des Plantes
Maraicheres d'Avignon-Montfavet, France,
Verónica Parra-Vega and Jose M. Seguí-Simarro
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_27, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 27
Microspore Embryogenesis Through Anther Culture
in Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.
Benedetta Chiancone and Maria Antonietta Germanà
Anther culture is a biotechnological method that allows to obtain, in one step, homozygous plants, very
important to plant breeding, due to their numerous applications in mutation research, selection, genome
sequencing, genetic analysis, and transformation. To induce the microspores, i.e., the immature male gam-
etes, to switch from the normal gametophytic pathway to the sporophytic one, it is necessary to submit
them to a type of stress, such as high or low temperature, starvation, or magnetic fi eld. Stress can be
applied to the donor plants and/or the fl oral buds or the anthers or the isolated microspores, before or
during the culture. In this chapter, the protocol to induce gametic embryogenesis from anther culture of
several cultivars of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. is reported.
Key words Anther culture , Citrus , Clementine , Doubled haploid s , Gametic embryogenesis , Isolated
microspore culture , Microspore embryogenesis , Somatic embryo genesis
1 Introduction
The conventional methods applied to Citrus breeding are time-
consuming and limited by many factors. Biotechnological meth-
ods, and, among them, haploidy technology, are a valuable support
to increase the effi ciency and to speed up the breeding programs.
The interest of breeders in haploids and doubled haploid s relies
mainly in the possibility of obtaining homozygosity in one step,
particularly in woody plants, generally characterized by a long
reproductive cycle, a high degree of heterozygosity, large size, and,
sometimes, by self-incompatibility [
1 3 ]. Haploid technology is
important for its potential use in mutation research, selection,
genetic analysis, transformation, and the production of homozy-
gous cultivars. Moreover, in Citrus , where somatic hybrid ization is
a well-established protocol, haploid protoplasts can be fused with
diploid ones in order to obtain triploids, which are particularly
important since they are seedless [
2 4 ].
In Citrus , the fi rst haploid seedlings were obtained by the
application of gamma rays in Citrus natsudaidai [
5 ]. After that,
many studies have been carried out on gametic embryogenesis to
obtain haploid and doubled haploid plants, through anther cul-
ture , but not much of them have been successful. For example,
only heterozygous plantlets have been obtained by anther culture
in C. aurantium [
6 , 7 ], C. aurantifolia [ 8 ], C. madurensis [ 9 ],
C. reticulata [
10 ], Poncirus trifoliata [ 11 , 12 ], and C. sinensis [ 13 ,
14 ]. Haploid plantlets have been recovered from Poncirus trifoli-
ata [
15 ] and C. madurensis [ 16 ]; one doubled haploid plantlet has
been obtained from the hybrid No. 14 of C. ichangensis × C. retic-
ulata [
12 ]; haploid but albino embryoids of Mapo tangelo C. deli-
ciosa × C. paradisi [
17 ], haploid and diploid calli, embryoids and
leafy structures but no green plants of C. limon [
18 ], and haploid
embryoids of Clausena excavata [
19 ] have been also achieved.
Furthermore, haploid, doubled haploid and triploid plantlets, and
highly embryogenic calli of C. clementina Hort. ex Tan. were
recovered [
10 , 14 , 20 23 ].
To induce gametic embryogenesis , it is necessary to switch
microspore development from the gametophytic to the sporo-
phytic pathway, usually subjecting microspores to a stress treat-
ment [
2 , 6 , 24 , 25 , 26 ]. Stress can be provided through the
growing conditions of the donor plants and/or as treatments
applied to the fl oral buds or to the anther or to the isolated micro-
spores, before or during the culture. Actually, all aspects of the in
vitro culture protocol could be classifi ed as stresses [
27 ]. The stress
seems to act by altering the polarity of the division at the fi rst hap-
loid mitosis, involving reorganization of the cytoskeleton [
28 ],
delaying and modifying pollen mitosis, blocking starch produc-
tion, or dissolving microtubules [
29 ].
Also in Citrus , numerous studies were conducted to obtain
regeneration through anther and isolated microspore culture
techniques, testing the microspore response to different stress
treatments applied before and after the culture [
4 , 10 , 17 , 18 , 23 ,
24 , 30 , 31 ]. In particular, in Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.,
several stress treatments have been tested to induce microspore
embryogenesis , both by isolated microspore and by anther cul-
ture , particularly low- and high-temperature pretreatments and
magnetic fi eld treatments (
10 , 13 , 14 , 20 23 , 32 , 33 , and unpub-
lished results).
In this chapter, the protocol successfully used to induce micro-
spore embryogenesis through anther culture in several Citrus cle-
mentina Hort. ex Tan. cultivars is reported [
13 , 14 , 22 , 23 ].
Benedetta Chiancone and Maria Antonietta Germanà
2 Anther Culture
Immature fl ower buds of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan., cvs.
Nules, SRA 63, Monreal, Corsica, and Hernandina, with anthers
containing microspores at the vacuolated stage of development,
collected from fi eld growing trees.
1. Stereo microscope, light microscope, fl uorescent microscope,
2. Laminar fl ow hood, forceps, scalpels, glass bead sterilizer or
3. Plastic/glass 1000 mL beakers, 1000 mL graduated cylinders,
Petri dishes (60 mm diameter tissue culture Petri dishes),
Magenta boxes (Sigma V8505), test tubes, 1000 mL screw-
capped Pyrex bottles, Parafi lm, magnetic stirrers, spin bars,
100 and 1000 μL micropipettes, and micropipette tips.
4. pH meter.
5. Autoclave.
6. Jiffypots, peat moss, sand, soil, polythene bags.
1. Sterile distilled water, 70 % (v/v) ethyl alcohol, 20 % (v/v)
commercial bleach.
2. 1 mg/mL of 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride
( DAPI ).
3. In Table
1 , media used for inducing gametic embryogenesis
(IM), for embryogenic calli proliferation (PM), and for embryo
germination (GM) are reported ( see Note 1 ).
1. Collect unopened owers 3.5–5.0 mm long, from plants in
February to April, depending on the season and on the geno-
type (Fig.
1a ).
2. Store fl ower buds at the immature stage at 4 °C for about
1 week ( see Note 2 ).
1. Determine the pollen development stage, staining one or more
anthers per fl oral bud size with DAPI .
2. Squash anthers in few drops of DAPI solution (1 mg/mL) and
observe slides under a fl uorescent microscope to identify the
pollen development stage ( see Note 3 ).
1. To prepare a fi nale volume of 1 L, start with 500 mL of dis-
tilled water containing a magnetic stirrer ( see Note 4 ).
2. Start adding salts and vitamin mixture, then the carbon source
and the growth regulators, mixing properly.
2.1 Materials
2.1.1 Plant Material
2.1.2 Equipment
2.1.3 Solutions
and Culture Media
2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Flower Bud
2.2.2 DAPI Staining
and Developmental Stage
2.2.3 Culture Medium
and Sterilization
Anther Culture in Citrus clementina
Table 1
Media composition used for Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. anther culture
Per liter
N6 Chu basal salts
MS basal salts
N&N vitamins
MS vitamins
Galactose 18 g
Lactose 36 g
Sucrose 50 g 30 g
Ascorbic acid 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg
Myo-Inositol 5 g
Biotin 500 mg
Thiamine 5 mg
Pyridoxine 5 mg
Casein 500 mg
Glycine 2 mg
Glutamine 800 mg
Serine 100 mg
Malt extract 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg
Coconut water 100 mL
6-Benzylaminopurine 0.5 mg
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 0.5 mg
Gibberellic acid 0.5 mg 1 mg
Kinetin 0.5 mg
1-Naphthaleneacetic acid 0.02 mg 0.01 mg
Thidiazuron 0.5 mg
Zeatin 0.5 mg
Agar 8.5 g 8.0 g 7.5 g
pH 5.8 5.8 5.8
Abbreviations : MS = [ 41 ]; N&N = [ 42 ]; N6 = [ 43 ]; IM = induction medium; PM = prolif-
eration medium; GM = germination medium
Benedetta Chiancone and Maria Antonietta Germanà
3. Adjust the pH of media to 5.8, with 1 N KOH or 1 N HCl,
and then bring to volume adding distilled water till 1 L.
4. Add agar directly in the bottle before the medium, without
mixing ( see Note 5 ).
5. Put the bottle, without closing completely the cap, in the auto-
clave and sterilize it at 110 kPa, 121 °C for 20 min.
6. Under the laminar fl ow hood, pour in 60 mm Petri dishes the
medium, only when its temperature is lower than 60 °C.
1. Under the laminar fl ow hood, to sterilize ower buds, immerse
them, fi rstly for 3 min in 70 % (v/v) ethyl alcohol and then in
25 % commercial bleach solution (about 1.5 % active chlorine
in water) with few drops of Tween 20, for 15–20 min. Finally,
rinse them three times with sterile distilled water.
2. Isolate anthers, fi rst by removing the petals and then separat-
ing them from stamens (Fig.
1b ).
3. Put 60–80 anthers per each Petri dish containing 10 mL of
induction medium (IM) (Table
1 ).
4. Use Parafi lm to seal Petri dishes, before the incubation at
27 ± 1 °C, in the dark, for the fi rst month and then under cool
white fl uorescent lamps (Philips TLM 30W/84) with a photo-
synthetic photon fl ux density of 35 μmol m
-2 s
-1 and a 16 h
light photoperiod.
5. Observe the cultures for 10 months, every 2 weeks.
1. Once embryos and embryogenic calli start to appear (after 2–3
months), transfer them to proliferation medium (PM) ( see
Note 6 ) (Fig.
2a, b ).
2. Subculture the stock culture lines every 45 days, keeping them
at the same light and temperature conditions.
2.2.4 Flower Bud
Sterilization, Anther
Isolation, and Culture
2.2.5 Embryogenic
Callus Maintenance
Fig. 1 Plant material. ( a ) Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan., cv SRA 63 fl ower bud (5 mm) at the suitable develop-
mental stage. ( b ) Anther of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan., cv Nules containing microspores at the vacuolate
developmental stage ( c ) Bar = 10 μm
Anther Culture in Citrus clementina
1. Isolate the well- developed embryos and culture in 100 mm
Petri dishes containing the germination medium (GM) (Fig.
2c ) (Table 1 ) ( see Note 7 ).
2. Keep the culture in the light at 27 ± 1 °C (with a 16 h
3. Move germinated embryos in Magenta boxes or in test tubes
containing the same medium, with 5–6 week subcultures
( see Note 8 ) (Fig.
2d ).
1. Wash the rooting apparatus of well-developed plantlets with
sterile distilled water to remove the medium residues.
2. Transplant plantlets, 4–5 cm high, in Jiffypots or in pots con-
taining sterile peat moss, sand, and soil, in the ratio of 1:1:1,
and grow them in the greenhouse.
3. To avoid dehydration, cover the plantlets with polythene bags
for the fi rst 40–50 days ( see Note 9 ).
2.2.6 Embryo
2.2.7 Plant Development
and Acclimatization
Fig. 2 Microspore embryogenesis through anther culture . ( a ) Direct embryogenesis from an anther of Citrus
clementina Hort. ex Tan., cv Monreal. ( b ) Embryogenic callus production from an anther of Citrus clementina
Hort. ex Tan., cv Nules, after 3 months of culture. ( c ) Microspore-derived embryos of Citrus clementina Hort. ex
Tan., cv Hernandina. ( d ) Plantlet of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan., cv Corsica, regenerated from anther culture
and transferred to test tube
Benedetta Chiancone and Maria Antonietta Germanà
3 Regenerant Characterization
1. A portion of 0.5 cm
2 leaf tissue collected from a regenerated
plantlet (or the equivalent part of a regenerated embryo) and
the same amount of a mother plant young leaf.
2. Razor blade, nylon gauze fi lter (Partec CellTrics
® ).
3. Extraction buffer (Partec CyStain
® UV Precise); staining buffer
(Partec CyStain
® UV Precise).
4. Flow cytometer (Partec, Münster, Germany).
1. Cut by a razor blade a portion of 0.5 cm
2 leaf tissue collected
from a regenerated plantlet (or the equivalent part of a regen-
erated embryo) and the same amount of a mother plant young
leaf. Chop them together in 1 mL of extraction buffer (Partec
® UV Precise), to release the nuclei from the cells.
2. Use 30 μm nylon gauze fi lter (Partec CellTrics
® ) to remove debris.
3. Add the staining buffer (Partec CyStain
® UV Precise) to the
4. Inject the suspension in the fl ow cytometer (Partec, Münster,
Germany) to determine relative DNA content of the samples
3a ) ( see Note 10 ).
3.1 Ploidy Analysis
of Regenerants
by Flow Cytometer:
Materials and Method
3.1.1 Materials
3.1.2 Methods
Peak Index Mean Area Area% CV% ChiSqu
1 1.000 100.15 1186 36.46 4.28 1.11
2 1.507
0 100 200 300
400 500
150.93 2058 63.54 3.72 1.11
Fig. 3 Characterization of anther culture regenerants. ( a ) Cytofl uorimetric analysis: histograms of fl uorescence
intensity of a diploid control ( C. clementina Hort. ex Tan. mother plant) and of a triploid regenerant of C. clem-
entina Hort. ex Tan., cv Corsica, obtained by anther culture. ( b ) Microsatellite analysis: polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis of microsatellites TAA15 showing the homozygosity of a regenerant from anther culture of C.
clementina Hort. ex Tan., cv Nules. DNA was extracted from leaves of mother plants (P) and of one anther
culture regenerant (R)
Anther Culture in Citrus clementina
Microsatellite analysis has several applications in Citrus breeding.
For example, in the case of anther culture , because it is possible to
regenerate from the somatic anther tissue, as well as from the
microspores, microsatellites , being codominant markers, allow to
discriminate heterozygous and homozygous regenerants (Fig.
3b )
( see Note 11 ).
DNA extraction
1. Sterile Eppendorf tubes, sterile 100 and 1000 μL tips, 100 and
1000 μL micropipettes, centrifuge, vortex, timer, liquid nitro-
gen container, gloves, sterile pestles, biosafety cabinet, water
2. Ethyl alcohol, liquid nitrogen , phenol, ammonium acetate,
3. Extraction buffer (EB) (stocks 100 mM Tris–HCl pH 8, 50 mM
2 EDTA pH 8, 500 mM NaCl, 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol,
3 % sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS).
4. TE buffer [10 mL of 1 M Tris–HCl (pH 8.0), 2 mL EDTA
(0.5 M), Milli-Q water to 1000 mL].
DNA amplifi cation
1. PT 100 thermal cycler (MJ Research, USA).
2. 0.5 mL Eppendorf tubes, micropipettes (1–20 and 20–200
μL), gloves, crushed ice.
3. Primers (such as TAA1, TAA15, TAA41, TAA 45, [
34 ]),
dNTPs, template DNA, Taq DNA polymerase.
4. 10× PCR buffer (500 mM KCl, 15 mM mgCl
2 , 100 mM Tris–
HCl, pH 8.3).
Polyacrylamide ( PA ) gel electrophoresis
1. Gloves and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system.
2. PA mixture: 6 % acrylamide solution, 50 μL N , N , N , N -
tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED), 600 μL 10 % ammo-
nium persulphate (APS).
Silver staining
1. Polyacrylamide gel, tray.
2. Fixer (10 % acetic acid): 50 mL glacial acetic acid in 450 mL
distilled water.
3. Silver stain: 3 mL 1 N silver nitrate solution; 500 mL distilled
water; sodium thiosulphate solution (0.1 N), formamide.
4. Developer: 15 g sodium carbonate; 500 mL distilled water and
put it at 4 °C, 75 mL of sodium thiosulphate solution (0.1 N),
and 0.75 mL of formamide.
3.2 Molecular
Microsatellite Analysis
3.2.1 Materials
Benedetta Chiancone and Maria Antonietta Germanà
DNA extraction
1. Isolate a young leafl et or 150 mg of callus from each regenerant
and from the mother plant; process each sample separately.
2. Warm up the EB on the 37 °C water bath, under sterile bio-
safety cabinet.
3. Cool the centrifuge to 4 °C.
4. Put the sample in the Eppendorf tube and reduce it in powder,
adding liquid nitrogen .
5. Add 700 μL of EB, vortex, incubate at 65 °C for 10 min, and
centrifuge for 5 min at 13,000 rpm (16,060 RCF).
6. Transfer the supernatant in a clean Eppendorf tube, add 700
μL of phenol, and vortex for few seconds.
7. After centrifuging for 5 min at 13,000 rpm, transfer the super-
natant in a clean Eppendorf tube.
8. Add 65 μL of ammonium acetate (NH
+ Ac) and 450 μL of
cold isopropanol and mix lightly.
9. Centrifuge for 10 min at 13,000 rpm, eliminate the superna-
tant, and add 700 μL of 70–75 % of cold ethyl alcohol.
10. Centrifuge for 10 min at 13,000 rpm and eliminate the ethyl
alcohol, leaving uncovered the Eppendorf tubes.
11. Resuspend DNA in 100 μL of TE buffer and store at 4 °C for
one night.
12. Quantify or store at −20 °C.
DNA amplifi cation
1. In a 0.5 mL Eppendorf tube on ice, add all the reagents in the
following order: 30 μL sterile distilled H
2 O, 5 μL 10× PCR
buffer, 4 μL dNTP Mix (1.25 mM), 2.5 μL per each primer, 4
μL MgCl
2 (25 mM), and just before the reaction starts, add
the Taq DNA polymerase (Amersham Biosciences, USA) ( see
Note 12 ).
2. Add 15 μL of cocktail to the genomic DNA.
3. Place the Eppendorf tubes in the thermocycler. Use the PCR
thermal profi le: 94 °C for 5 min for 1 cycle; 94 °C for 60 s, 55
°C for 30 s, 72 °C for 60 s for 32 cycles, 72 °C for 5 min [
21 ].
Polyacrylamide ( PA ) gel electrophoresis
1. Place 0.4 mm spacers on glass plates and pour the acrylamide
mixture between the plates using a syringe, until solution fi lls
the space between the plates ( see Note 13 ), and then lay the
plates fl at.
2. Insert comb teeth up and clamp, and then leave it to polymer-
ize for 30–45 min.
3.2.2 Methods
Anther Culture in Citrus clementina
3. Put the plates in the apparatus. Add in the chambers warm
0.5× TBE (±1 cm over the shorter glass), and pre-run the gel
at low wattage for 10 min (40 °C).
4. Load the samples and connect the apparatus: 40 °C, 40 W
constant ± 2 h.
5. Stop the running, open the circuit, and eliminate TBE from
upper chamber.
6. Open the glass plates, remove the spacers, and stain gel with
silver staining.
Silver staining
1. Leave the gel in the fi xer for 30 min, and then wash the gel two
times, 10–15 min each time.
2. Immerse the gel in the silver stain for 30 min.
3. Just before the gel developing, add the cold developer
4. Agitate the silver stain for 10 s, before eliminating it, and then
add the developer.
5. Wait the band development, and then add the fi xer.
6. Wash the gel with water for 20 min, and then put it vertically
to dry.
7. Photograph or scan the gel for observations.
4 Notes
1. Culture medium composition is one of the crucial factors
affecting the gametic embryogenesis induction. In the last 20
years, several culture media have been used in Citrus clemen-
tina Hort. ex Tan. in vitro anther culture . In particular, experi-
ments were carried out testing the effect of the addition of
different carbon sources [
10 ] and gelifying agents (data not
published) or of different growth regulator combinations,
including thidiazuron [
21 ] and polyamines [ 36 ].
2. Storage at 4 °C has the double function of preserving the
ower buds from senescence and of stressing the microspores
before the culture.
3. Several studies report that in Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.,
ower buds of 3.5–5.0 mm size contain the highest ratio of
uninucleated/vacuolated microspores (Fig.
1c ) [ 1 4 ].
4. Starting with a lower volume guarantees to not overcome the
nal 1 L volume.
5. Agar is not dissolvable at room temperature.
Benedetta Chiancone and Maria Antonietta Germanà
6. Anthers require 2–3 months to initiate callus and embryo pro-
duction. Many investigations report that most of the calli
obtained in Citrus anther culture are non-morphogenic, but
some of them appear friable and white and differentiate into a
clump of embryos. This type of callus is highly embryogenic,
and its embryogenic potential is maintained for several years.
From only one anther, it is possible to obtain a high amount of
embryogenic callus and more than 100 embryos after several
subcultures [
22 ].
7. In the germination medium (GM), the microspore -derived
embryos follow the same developmental steps of the zygotic
ones: globular, heart, torpedo, and cotyledonary stages.
Furthermore, secondary embryogenesis can be observed, more
frequently in the root region of the embryos. Sometimes, tera-
tomatal structures and morphological anomalies, cotyledonary-
fused, pluricotyledonary, or fascinated and thickened embryos,
are observed [
35 ].
8. It is expected that 80–89 % of the cultured embryos will ger-
minate in vitro [
36 ].
9. In order to reduce the humidity level, it is recommended to
make some holes in the plastic bag and gradually increase their
10. In Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan., through anther culture ,
regeneration of calli and plantlets of different ploidy levels,
haploid , doubled haploid , triploid, tetraploid, aneuploid,
and mixoploid, have been reported, with a preponderance of
triploids (around 80 %) [
22 ]. The obtaining of non-haploids
may be due to the regeneration from the anther walls to the
fusion of several nuclei, to the endomitosis within the pollen
grain, and to meiotic irregularities in the microspores
37 40 ].
11. In Citrus , several microsatellites , such as TAA 1, TAA 15,
TAA27, TAA 33, TAA 41, TAA 45, TAA 52, CAGG 9, and
CAC23, were used [
34 ]. It is needed to individuate which
microsatellites are heterozygous in the mother plant. The pres-
ence of one band in the regenerant and two bands in the
mother plant is considered the confi rmation of the gametic
origin of the regenerant.
12. To have enough solution, the dose of each component has to
be multiplied for the number of samples plus 1; Taq DNA
polymerase has to be kept on ice.
13. It is important to avoid the bubble formation in the gel; for
this reason, it is worth to invert the syringe to expel any
trapped air.
Anther Culture in Citrus clementina
1. Germanà MA (2006) Doubled haploid pro-
duction in fruit crops. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult
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of several doubled haploids of Citrus clemen-
tina cv. Nules. Acta Hort 535:183–190
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derived embryoid induction and regeneration.
Plant Cell Rep 22:181–187
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Anther Culture in Citrus clementina
Part V
Stepwise Protocols on Pivotal Topics
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_28, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 28
Detection of Epigenetic Modifi cations During Microspore
Embryogenesis: Analysis of DNA Methylation Patterns
Pilar S. Testillano and María Carmen Risueño
Methylation of 5-deoxy-cytidines of DNA constitutes a prominent epigenetic modifi cation of the chromatin
ber which is locked in a transcriptionally inactive conformation. Changes in global DNA methylation are
involved in many plant developmental processes during proliferation and differentiation events. The analy-
sis of the changes of global DNA methylation distribution patterns during microspore embryogenesis
induction and progression will inform on the regulatory mechanisms of the process, helping in the design
of protocols to improve its effi ciency in different species. To investigate the DNA methylation dynamics
during microspore embryogenesis in the different cell types present in the cultures, the analysis of spatial
and temporal pattern of nuclear distribution of 5-methyl-deoxy-cytidine (5mdC) constitutes a potent
approach. The immunolocalization of 5mdC on sections and subsequent confocal laser microscopy
analysis have been developed for in situ cellular analysis of a variety of plant samples, including embryo-
genic microspore and anther cultures. Quantifi cation of 5mdC immunofl uorescence intensity by image
analysis software also permits to estimate differences in global DNA methylation levels among different cell
types during development.
Key words Anther culture , Confocal laser scanning microscopy , Embryo , Epigenetics ,
Immunofl uorescence , 5-Methyl-deoxy-cytidine , Microspore culture , Pollen
1 Introduction
Plant developmental processes, as differentiation and proliferation,
are accompanied by chromatin remodeling and epigenetic repro-
gramming. DNA methylation constitutes a prominent epigenetic
modifi cation of the chromatin fi ber which is locked in a transcrip-
tionally inactive conformation [
1 ]. Microspore embryogenesis can
be induced either in anther or isolated microspore culture s [
2 , 3 ];
in these in vitro systems, after a stress treatment, microspores are
reprogrammed and change their gametophytic developmental
pathway toward embryogenesis. Nevertheless, this process presents
a low effi ciency in many species because its regulatory mechanisms
are not well known. Stress-induced plant cell reprogramming
involves changes in global genome organization, being the epigen-
etic modifi cations, DNA methylation and histone modifi cations ,
key factors in the regulation of genome fl exibility. Therefore, the
analysis of the epigenetics modifi cations involved in microspore
embryogenesis induction will inform on its regulatory mechanisms
and open the door to exploit the process more effi ciently for plant
breeding and biotechnology purposes in agriculture, selection and
propagation of forest resources, and environment control.
Research in the past years has revealed exciting fi ndings with
regard to epigenetic mechanisms controlling plant developmental
processes [
4 ]. However, the knowledge of the DNA methylation
and histone modifi cation regulation during relevant developmen-
tal programs in fl owering plants, such as gametogenesis or embryo-
genesis, is limited [
4 8 ]. Diffi cultly in accessing specifi c cell types
inside the very young embryo or endosperm inside the maternal
tissues or the developing microspores inside the anthers has made
biochemical and molecular analysis sometime problematic.
Although partially overcome by the use of in vitro systems, in situ
localization approaches using modern bioimaging technology have
become essential tools [
9 11 ]. To investigate the global DNA
methylation dynamics during plant embryogenesis, the analysis of
spatial and temporal pattern of nuclear distribution of 5-methyl-
deoxy-cytidine (5mdC) constitutes a potent approach, which per-
mitted to distinguish among cell types in the same embryo, in
comparison with the electrophoretic and ELISA assays used to
quantify the percentage of methylated cytidines in genomic DNA.
Immunolocalization of 5mdC and confocal analysis have been
developed to several plant cell types, tissues, and organs [
5 7 , 12 ,
13 ], and the results demonstrate the versatility and feasibility of the
approach for different plant samples, revealing defi ned DNA meth-
ylation nuclear patterns associated with differentiation and prolif-
eration events of various plant cell types and developmental
programs. Quantifi cation of 5mdC immunofl uorescence intensity
by appropriate confocal image software also permits to estimate
differences in global DNA methylation levels among different cell
types of the same organ during development and under different
physiological conditions. During microspore embryogenesis , the
analysis of the dynamics of DNA methylation distribution patterns
by the 5mdC immunolocalization approach presented here
revealed that a decrease in the DNA methylation and its nuclear
redistribution is associated with microspore reprogramming and
embryogenesis initiation, whereas a progressive increase in DNA
methylation accompanies the progression of microspore embryo-
genesis and embryo differentiation [
5 , 7 , 13 ].
The processing of the plant culture sample previous to the
5mdC immunolocalization constitutes a key step which should fi t
with the compromise of preserving the antigenicity together with
the good structural preservation. The processing methods are
Pilar S. Testillano and María Carmen Risueño
different for different culture samples due to the different charac-
teristics for in situ cellular analysis on section of the samples, e.g.,
hardness, heterogeneity, cell accessibility, tissue compactness, etc.
At advanced stages of microspore embryogenesis , the individual
developing embryos that can be separated from the microspore or
anther culture s constitute samples with low/mild hardness and
relatively homogeneous structure. Therefore, it could be sectioned
without embedding media by the cryostat, providing thick sections
with good structural preservation. At early stages of the anther
culture, the embryogenic anther is a heterogeneous organ, com-
posed by very different cell types with different wall hardness and
vacuoles. Moreover, the anthers contain microspores and very
early embryos inside the pollen sac which would be lost in non-
embedded sections. Therefore, anthers have to be processed and
embedded in acrylic resins at low temperature, to maintain their
structural integrity and to preserve their antigenic properties as
much as possible. The resins of choice are Technovit 8100 (Heraeus
Kulzer, Wehrheim, Germany) and Lowicryl K4M (Polysciences
Inc, Eppelheim, Germany). In isolated microspore culture s, the
samples of the fi rst stages containing isolated microspores and
small embryos are previously embedded in gelatin in order to
manipulate them as tissue pieces. After that, they are processed like
anthers and embedded in acrylic resins.
The 5mdC immunofl uorescence protocol involves several per-
meabilization steps for thick cryostat sections, including freezing-
thawing, dehydration-rehydration, and mild cell wall enzymatic
digestion. After permeabilization, cryostat sections are treated with
the same protocol than resin sections. Denaturation of the DNA in
sections with HCl is essential to expose the 5mdC antigen to the
antibodies. Further steps included the blocking and the incuba-
tions with the fi rst (anti-5mdC) and secondary (fl uorochrome
Alexa-conjugated) antibodies. The microscopical analysis of the
immunofl uorescence preparations is performed in a confocal laser
scanning microscope (CLSM) which permitted to obtain optical
sections and avoided the out-of-focus fl uorescence of the thick
(30–50 μm) cryostat sections. 1–2 μm semithin resin sections can
be analyzed by both CLSM and epifl uorescence microscopes, even
though the CLSM provided fl uorescent images of higher resolu-
tion and quality (Figs.
1 and 2 ). Controls are performed by elimi-
nating the DNA denaturation by HCl and by immunodepletion
assay s in which the antibody is pre-blocked with the antigen
(5mdC) in vitro, and this pre-blocked antibody is used for immu-
nofl uorescence experiments. Negative results of the fi rst control
indicate that the antibody does not cross-react with double-
stranded DNA or other nuclear antigens. Absence of signal in the
immunodepletion experiments indicate that the antibody only rec-
ognized the 5mdC as antigen and did not cross-react with other
antigens, since it was completely blocked in vitro with the 5mdC
1b, c ).
DNA Methylation in Microspore Embryogenesis
The method presented here provides unique information on
the DNA methylation nuclear patterns of different plant cell types,
like microspores, pollen grains, anther and embryo cells, and their
dynamics in relation to chromatin organization during prolifera-
tion and differentiation processes that occur during microspore
embryogenesis in different in vitro systems (isolated microspore
Fig. 1 5mdC immunofl uorescence in anthers developed in vivo . Tobacco anthers at the developmental
stage of vacuolated microspore -young bicellular pollen , the most responsive for embryogenesis in vitro induc-
tion. Confocal images of 1 μm semithin Technovit 8100 sections. Same sections of anthers showing micro-
spores (mic) and anther wall (aw) observed with differential interference contrast ( A, B, C ), DAPI staining for
nuclei, cyan fl uorescence ( Aʹ, Bʹ, Cʹ ), and 5mdC immunofl uorescence, green fl uorescence ( Aʺ, Bʺ, Cʺ ). ( A, Aʹ, Aʺ )
5mdC immunofl uorescence. ( B, Bʹ, Bʺ ) Control by immunodepletion of the antibody by in vitro pre-blocking
with 5mdC. ( C, Cʹ, C ʺ) Control by eliminating the DNA denaturation step. The microspore wall, the exine,
showed unspecifi c autofl uorescence of different intensities in cyan and green channels. Bars, 30 μm
Pilar S. Testillano and María Carmen Risueño
Fig. 2 5mdC immunofl uorescence during different stages of microspore embryogenesis in different
systems . ( A, Aʹ ) Barley vacuolated microspore before embryogenesis induction. ( B, Bʹ ) Multicellular embryo
still surrounded by the exine (Ex) from an isolated microspore culture of barley . ( C, Cʹ ) Multicellular embryo at
the exine breakdown from an isolated microspore culture of rapeseed. ( D ) Advanced microspore-derived
embryo developed from anther culture of cork oak. ( E ) Advanced microspore-derived embryo developed from
isolated microspore culture of barley. Confocal images of 1 μm semithin Technovit 8100 sections. ( A, B, C )
Differential interference contrast (DIC) images of the same sections than in Aʹ, Bʹ and C ʹ. ( Aʹ, Bʹ, Cʹ, D , E )
Merged images of DAPI staining for nuclei ( blue ) and 5mdC immunofl uorescence ( green ). ( Insets in D , E )
Individual nuclei of advanced microspore embryos of cork oak and barley, respectively. In A ʹ, B ʹ, C ʹ the micro-
spore wall, the exine (Ex), showed unspecifi c autofl uorescence of different intensities in blue and green chan-
nels. Bars in A , A ʹ, 10 μm; in B , B ʹ, C , C ʹ, 20 μm; in D , E , 25 μm
DNA Methylation in Microspore Embryogenesis
culture s and anther culture s) and in various plant species, based on
the versatility of the immunolocalization protocol and the good
resolution and quality provided by the CLSM analysis. The infor-
mation raised will give new insights into the mechanisms regulat-
ing epigenetic patterns and chromatin remodeling during in vitro
microspore embryogenesis.
2 Materials
1. Fixative: 4 % paraformaldehyde in PBS. Prepare a solution of 4
% formaldehyde (from paraformaldehyde powder) in PBS, pH
7.0. Heat in a hot bath (no more than 80 °C) until the solu-
tion is transparent. If necessary, a small drop of sodium hydrox-
ide can be added, but pH should be checked afterward. Then
put it on melting ice. Aliquots of freshly prepared 4 % formal-
dehyde solution can be stored at −20 °C and thawed just
before use.
2. Dehydration solutions: Prepare an acetone series of 30, 50, 70,
90, and 100 % in volume of acetone in water, and keep at 4 °C
until use.
3. Resin: Commercial acrylic resin Technovit 8100 (Heraeus
Kulzer, Germany). Prepare the infi ltration solution and embed-
ding solution following the manufacturer instructions, just
before use, and keep them at 4 °C ( see Note 1 ).
1. Cryoprotectant: Prepare a series of sucrose in increasing con-
centrations in PBS, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.3 M. Aliquots of
them can be stored at −20 °C and thawed just before use.
2. Commercial OCT (optimal cutting temperature) compound is
kept in liquid-viscous form at room temperature and used to
embed samples during freezing over carbonic ice.
1. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).
2. Blocking agents: 5 % BSA and bovine serum albumin (w/v), in
PBS. Dilute 0.5 g BSA in 10 mL PBS with a magnetic stirrer
(without heating or the BSA will coagulate), and prepare
aliquots of 1 mL that can be stored at −20 °C and thawed just
before use.
3. Permeabilization agents: Prepare a methanol series of 30, 50,
70, 90, and 100 % in volume of methanol in water and keep at
room temperature until use. Prepare a mixture of enzymes for
partial cell wall degradation with the following composition:
2.5 % pectinase, 2.5 % cellulase, and 2.5 % pectoliase in
PBS. Prepare aliquots which can be stored at −20 °C and
thawed just before use.
2.1 Fixative,
and Resin Solutions
2.2 Components
for Processing
in Cryostat
2.3 Solutions for
Immuno fl uorescence
Pilar S. Testillano and María Carmen Risueño
4. DNA denaturation agent: Prepare a solution of 2 N HCl (chlor-
hydric acid) in water, and keep it at room temperature until use.
5. Commercial mouse monoclonal anti-5-methyl-deoxy-cytidine
(anti-5mdC) antibody (Eurogentec, Belgium, Cat. Number:
6. Commercial goat anti-mouse IgG conjugated to Alexa Fluor
466 secondary antibody (Molecular Probes, Leiden, The
7. DNA staining agent: Prepare a 1 mg/mL DAPI
(4,6- diamidino-2-phenylindole) solution in PBS and keep at
4 °C until use.
3 Methods
Two types of sections can be used for in situ analysis of DNA meth-
ylation patterns by 5mdC immunofl uorescence : cryostat sections
and resin sections.
1. Anther and microspore culture samples collected at different
culture times are fi xed overnight with 4 % paraformaldehyde in
PBS at 4 °C. Samples immersed in the fi xative are subjected to
a short vacuum step (1–5 min) for proper penetration of the
xative into the cells.
2. After fi xation, samples are washed three times in PBS for 5 min
each washing step.
3. Culture samples of the fi rst developmental stages containing
isolated vacuolated microspores and early multicellular
embryos have to be previously embedded in 15 % gelatin in
PBS and gel solidifi ed on ice for further manipulation, like
embryo or anther samples.
4. Fixed samples can be either dehydrated and resin embedded,
or processed for freezing and cryostat sectioning. The samples
of early stages, which were embedded in gelatin, are dehy-
drated and resin embedded. Larger samples that were not
embedded in gelatin, like anthers, globular, torpedo, and coty-
ledonary embryos, can be processed either for cryostat or resin
1. To obtain cryostat sections, xed samples are washed in PBS,
and cryoprotected through a gradual infi ltration in sucrose
solutions: 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 M for 1 h each and 2.3 M
overnight, at 4 °C, embedded in Tissue-Tek optimal cutting
temperature (OCT) compound and frozen on dry ice forming
small pieces of solidifi ed frozen OCT containing the samples at
their interior that should be kept at −20 °C until use.
3.1 Sample
Processing, Section
and Storage
3.1.1 Cryostat Sections
DNA Methylation in Microspore Embryogenesis
2. Frozen samples are placed in the cryostat and sectioned at
20–30 μM thickness under −20 °C/−30 °C working
3. Cryostat sections are collected on glass slides, washed with
water to eliminate the OCT, and transferred to a water drop
over silanized slides, air-dried and stored at −20 °C until use
for immunofl uorescence ( see Note 2 ).
4. Cryostat sections are then subjected to permeabilization before
their use for immunofl uorescence assays.
1. Fixed samples are dehydrated in an acetone series of 30, 50,
70, 90, and 100 % and then immersed in the Technovit 8100
resin infi ltration solution overnight at 4 °C.
2. After infi ltration, individual samples are embedded in resin
embedding solution ( see Note 3 ) in gelatin capsules which are
covered by a gelatin cap to avoid oxygen that interferes with
the polymerization.
3. Resin capsules are polymerized at 4 °C overnight, and sections
of 1–2 μm thickness are obtained in an ultramicrotome, placed
in a water drop on silanized slides, dried, and stored at 4 °C
until use for immunofl uorescence .
4. Semithin resin sections do not require permeabilization and
are subjected directly to the immunodetection, after incuba-
tion in PBS for a few minutes.
For cryostat sections, permeabilization is required prior to
immunofl uorescence .
1. After thawing the sections at room temperature, they are dehy-
drated and rehydrated in a methanol series (30, 50, 70, 90,
100, 90, 70, 50, 30 %, 5 min each) and PBS.
2. Sections are subsequently subjected to enzymatic digestion of
cell wall
s for additional permeabilization by treatment with an
enzymatic mixture (2.5 % pectinase, 2.5 % cellulase, and 2.5 %
pectoliase) in PBS for 45 min ( see Note 4 ), then washed in
PBS, and subjected to immunofl uorescence (IF) procedure
without drying of the section in any step.
At this step, both section types, cryostat and resin sections, follow
the same protocol.
1. Sections are denatured with 2 N HCl for 45 min, washed in
PB S two times, 5 min each, and then blocked with 5 % (w/v)
bovine serum albumin (BSA) in PBS for 10 min.
2. Sections are then directly incubated for 1 h with the mouse
monoclonal anti-5mdC antibody diluted 1:50 in 1 % BSA in
PBS. After three rinsing steps in PBS, 5 min each, sections are
3.1.2 Resin Sections
3.2 Permeabilization
of Cryostat Sections
3.3 5mdC Immuno-
on Cryostat and Resin
Pilar S. Testillano and María Carmen Risueño
incubated for 45 min in darkness with the secondary antibody,
an anti-mouse IgG conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488 diluted
1:25 in 1 % BSA.
3. After washing in PBS three times, 5 min each, nuclei are stained
with DAPI (4,6--diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining solution
for 5 min ( see Note 5 ), washed in sterile water, and mounted
in Mowiol.
4. Immunofl uorescence preparations are then examined under
either an epifl uorescence or a confocal laser scanning micro-
scope (CLSM). CLSM permits to obtain optical sections and
avoid the out-of-focus fl uorescence of the thick (20–30 μm)
cryostat sections. 1–2 μm semithin resin sections can be ana-
lyzed by both CLSM and epifl uorescence microscopes, even
though the CLSM provides fl uorescent images of higher reso-
lution and quality. The results obtained are similar in both
cryostat and resin sections, intense immunofl uorescence sig-
nals on defi ned regions of the nuclei, which are clearly identi-
ed by DAPI staining. Confocal optical sections are collected
either at 0.5 or 0.1 μm length intervals in the z axis (section
thickness) for cryostat or resin sections, respectively, and
images of maximum projections can be obtained with software
running in conjunction with the confocal microscope.
Apart from the general control experiments in immunofl uores-
cence assays by eliminating the fi rst and secondary antibodies, two
main controls should be performed to assess the specifi city of the
5mdC immunofl uorescence signal, a control by the elimination of
the DNA denaturation step and another by the immunodepletion
of the 5mdC antibody with the antigen.
This control is performed in samples by applying the whole immu-
nofl uorescence protocol and eliminating the DNA denaturation
step by avoiding the HCl treatment before the antibody incuba-
tion. Instead of it, a washing step with PBS during the same time
than the HCl treatment is carried out. The results of this control
should be negative, showing a complete absence of signal which
indicates that the antibody do not cross-react with double- stranded
DNA or other nucleic acid antigens.
1. The anti-5mdC antibodies are pre-blocked with its corre-
sponding immunogen, the 5mdC, by incubating the antibody
in an Eppendorf tube with a 5mdC solution (5 μg/μL in
water) in a proportion of 1:2, v/v, at 4 °C, overnight. During
this time, the immunoglobulins contained in the antibody
solution that specifi cally bind to 5mdC are blocked by the
excess of immunogen in the immunodepletion solution and
cannot bind to any antigen present in the section, providing
negative immunofl uorescence results.
3.4 Controls
for 5mdC Immunofl uo-
rescence Experiments
3.4.1 Control
by Eliminating the DNA
Denaturation Step
3.4.2 Control by
of the 5mdC Antibody
with the Antigen
DNA Methylation in Microspore Embryogenesis
2. After the above reaction, the pre-blocked antibody solution is
used as primary antibody for immunofl uorescence on the sec-
tions, following the same protocol and conditions as described
above. Negative results of the immunodepletion control exper-
iment indicate that the antibody only recognizes the 5mdC as
antigen and does not cross-react with other antigens in the
sections, since it was completely blocked in vitro with the
5mdC molecules.
The analysis of the immunofl uorescence assays by confocal micros-
copy using the same laser excitation and sample emission capture
settings for image acquisition in all immunofl uorescence prepara-
tions allows the accurate comparison among signals from cells at
different developmental stages and the further quantifi cation of
the signal intensities.
1. For each immunofl uorescence microscopy preparation, confo-
cal optical sections are collected at the same z-intervals, e.g.,
0.5 μm for cryostat sections and 0.1 μm for resin sections, with
the same total number of optical sections (15–20). Then,
images of maximum projections are obtained and used for rela-
tive fl uorescence intensity quantifi cation with software run-
ning in conjunction with the confocal microscope.
2. Fluorescence intensity quantifi cation is performed on random
nuclei of each sample, in a minimum number of nuclei statisti-
cally signifi cant, around 30–50 nuclei per sample (e.g., the
minimum sample size can be estimated by the progressive
mean method).
3. Signifi cant differences among the mean values of relative
5mdC fl uorescence intensities of microspore embryogenesis
developmental stages are compared by appropriate statistical
tests like Student’s t test or one-way variance analysis.
4 Notes
1. Once the infi ltration solution is freshly prepared by mixing the
components of the commercial kit and stored at 4 °C, it can be
used for 1 month either for infi ltration of new samples or to
prepare the embedding solution.
2. In general, for immunofl uorescence of sections, the use of
Tefl on- printed multi-well slides (Immuno-Cell Int. Mechelen
Belgium) is very convenient; on one hand, they help to mini-
mize the volumes of antibodies required since the drops of
solutions are confi ned by the well (10 μL, even less in critical
cases, for 7 mm well is enough to cover the section, when
placed in a humid chamber to avoid drying during antibody
3.5 Quantifi cation of
Fluorescence Intensity
in 5mdC Immuno-
localization Confocal
Pilar S. Testillano and María Carmen Risueño
incubation). Secondly, they permit to perform individual exper-
iments in each section/well and therefore several assays with
different antibodies, dilutions, or samples in one unique slide.
3. The embedding solution mixture starts its polymerization rap-
idly after its preparation; therefore, it should be prepared in
small quantities to avoid the risk of its polymerization along
the procedure of embedding in capsules. When there are
numerous samples to embed, they can be infi ltrated together,
but the embedding should be performed in consecutive time
steps. For example, prepare only 3 mL of embedding solution
in a tube, proceed with the transfer of the samples to capsules
and fi lling with embedding solution until fi nishing the embed-
ding solution, then prepare another tube with 3 mL, and
repeat with other infi ltrated samples. With this sequential pro-
cedure, the time of manipulation of the embedding solution is
short and it will keep liquid.
4. In case of samples with thick or differentiated cell wall s, or in
the case of thicker sections, the permeabilization should be
more effi cient. In this case, the activity of the enzymes can be
optimized by performing the incubation at higher temperature
(e.g., 37 °C) in a humid chamber or prolonging the time.
5. For thick sections, to facilitate DAPI to penetrate into the
nuclei, add to the staining solution 0.1 % Triton X-100.
This work is supported by projects funded by the Spanish Ministry
of Economy and Competitiveness, MINECO, and the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) of the European
Commission (BFU2008-00203, BFU2011-23752, AGL2014-
52028- R) and Spanish National Research Council, CSIC (PIE
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temperature which mimics zygotic embryogen-
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DNA Methylation in Microspore Embryogenesis
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7. El-Tantawy AA, Solís MT, Risueño MC,
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8. Rodríguez-Sanz H, Moreno-Romero J, Solís
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(2014) Dynamics of epigenetic histone modifi -
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(2012) NO, ROS, and cell death associated
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12. Testillano PS, Solís MT, Risueño MC (2013)
The 5-methyl-deoxy-cytidine localization to
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tion chromatin pattern in a variety of plant
organ and tissue cells during development.
Physiol Plant 149:104–114
13. Rodríguez-Sanz H, Manzanera JA, Solís MT,
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Pilar S. Testillano and María Carmen Risueño
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_29, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 29
Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Isolated
Wheat Zygotes
Jochen Kumlehn
Wheat zygotes can be mechanically isolated and cultivated to continue their development in vitro. Since
each zygote needs to be individually isolated, only relatively few of these cells are available per experiment.
To facilitate embryonic growth despite of this limitation, the zygotes are kept within a culture insert placed
in a larger dish which itself contains embryogenic pollen cocultivated for continuous medium condition-
ing. This setup ensures that the two cultures, while being physically separated from one another, can
exchange essential intercellular signal molecules passing through the bottom of the insert which is made
of a permeable membrane. Thanks to the natural fate of zygotes, which is to form an embryo followed by
the generation of a plant, embryogenesis and plant regeneration are achieved at much higher effi ciency as
compared to other single-cell systems. While the method is largely independent of the genotype, it allows
for the nondestructive observation, manipulation, and individual analysis of zygotes and very young
Key words Cocultivation , Embryonic development , Fertilized egg cell , Single-cell culture
1 Introduction
The commencement of ontogenesis is a fundamental process in
plant development. However, zygotes and young embryos are
hardly accessible to observation over time, manipulation, and cell-
specifi c analyses, because they are hidden under several layers of
tissue within the pistil. In vitro embryogenesis and plant regenera-
tion via culture of isolated zygotes have been preferentially
achieved in Poaceae species such as barley , maize, wheat , and rice
1 4 ]. Historically, however, zygotes of maize and wheat were
rst cultivated following isolation of gametes (egg and sperm
cells) and in vitro fertilization [
5 , 6 ], which was later achieved in
rice as well [
7 ].
The isolation of zygotes and their further embryonic develop-
ment in vitro have been an important technical advance toward the
elucidation of structural patterns and molecular mechanisms in the
context of fertilization and early embryogenesis [ 8 , 9 ]. Live-cell
imaging of cultivated wheat and rice zygotes has resulted in valu-
able descriptive information on early embryonic development [
8 ,
10 ]. Isolated zygotes or bicellular proembryos also proved to be
very useful for precise transcriptomic analyses as was shown in
maize [
11 ], wheat [ 9 , 12 ], tobacco , and rice [ 13 , 14 ]. In addition,
isolated barley zygotes were used for stable transgenesis by means
of microinjection of plasmid DNA [
15 ].
Survival and development of plant cells are dependent upon
intercellular exchange of signals, which is typically provided in cell
and tissue culture systems by a suitable cell population density or
suffi cient explant size. To cope with the limited cell number avail-
able per experiment, Kumlehn and coworkers [
16 ] transplanted
isolated wheat zygotes into cultivated wheat or barley ovules,
which succeeded in effi cient embryonic development and plant
regeneration. The cocultivation of heterologous cell types proved
to be a viable alternative approach to effective medium condition-
ing. In the method described here, barley microspores previously
treated to undergo pollen embryogenesis were used for cocultiva-
tion to facilitate embryonic growth of isolated wheat zygotes. To
prevent the zygotes and zygotic embryo s from getting lost in the
comparatively huge population of pollen-derived embryogenic
structures, culture inserts featuring a permeable membrane instead
of a solid bottom are used. Such insert harboring some zygotes is
placed in a larger dish that itself contains the embryogenic pollen
culture so that extracellular signal molecules are allowed to diffuse
from the outer medium portion through the membrane into the
insert, while the zygote- and pollen-derived structures are kept
separated from one another.
2 Materials
All solutions and media are prepared using doubled-distilled water
or equivalent quality and analytical grade chemicals, unless speci-
ed otherwise.
1. The German wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Florida
(winter type), Ralle and Remus (spring type) as well as the
Mexican breeding line Veery #5 (spring type) were used to
isolate and cultivate zygotes.
2. Embryogenic pollen cultures used for co-culture with isolated
zygotes were produced in the German barley ( Hordeum vul-
gare L.) cv Igri (winter type).
2.1 Plant Material
Jochen Kumlehn
1. Filter paper disks, 7 cm diameter, ash-free, autoclaved.
2. Refrigerated centrifuge equipped with swing-out baskets.
3. Waring blender (Eberbach, MI, USA), sterilizable by heat,
with drive unit.
4. Sterile screw-cap polypropylene centrifuge tubes, 50 mL.
5. Sterile screw-cap round-bottomed polycarbonate cell culture
tubes, 12 mL.
6. Clear-transparent (e.g., Magenta) boxes, ca. 250 mL,
7. Nylon mesh, 100 μm grid, autoclavable.
8. Hemocytometer, type Rosenthal.
1. Inverted microscope equipped with long-distance condenser
lens, allowing to conduct preparations in culture dishes placed
on the microscope stage.
2. Fine-tipped glass needles, custom- or self-made by a pulling
3. Glass capillary, 100 μM interior diameter, custom- or self-made
by a pulling device.
4. Cell Tram Vario (Eppendorf, Germany) equipped with poly-
propylene tubing.
5. Millicell inserts, 0.4 μm pore size membrane (Millipore,
6. 4-well plates, 1.9 cm
2 culture area per well (Nunc, Denmark).
1. K macro minerals [
17 ] (×20): 40.4 g/L KNO
3 , 1.6 g/L
4 NO
3 , 6.8 g/L KH
2 PO
4 , 8.8 g/L CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O, 4.9 g/L
4 ·7H
2 O ( see Note 1 ); fi lter-sterilized, stored at room
2. K micro minerals [
17 ] (×1000): 8.4 g/L MnSO
4 ·H
2 O, 7.2 g/L
4 ·7H
2 O, 3.1 g/L H
3 BO
3 , 120 mg/L Na
2 MoO
4 ·2H
2 O,
24 mg/L CoCl
2 ·6H
2 O, 25 mg/L CuSO
4 ·5H
2 O, 170 mg/L KI
( see Note 1 ); fi lter-sterilized, stored at 4 °C.
3. Chu N6 macro minerals [
18 ] (×10): 28.3 g/L KNO
3 , 4.62
g/L (NH
4 )
2 SO
4 , 4 g/L KH
2 PO
4 , 1.86 g/L MgSO
4 ·7H
2 O,
1.66 g/L CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O ( see Note 1 ); fi lter-sterilized, stored at
room temperature.
4. Chu N6 micro minerals (×1000): 4 g/L MnSO
4 ·4H
2 O, 500
mg/L H
3 BO
3 , 500 mg/L ZnSO
4 ·7H
2 O, 25 mg/L
2 MoO
4 ·2H
2 O, 25 mg/L CuSO
4 ·5H
2 O, 25 mg/L
2 ·6H
2 O ( see Note 1 ); fi lter-sterilized, stored at room
2.2 Specifi c
Laboratory Equipment
2.2.1 For the Production
of Barley Embryogenic
Pollen Cultures
2.2.2 For Isolation
and Culture of Wheat
2.3 Stock Solutions
Wheat Zygote Culture
5. NaFeEDTA (Ferric sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate;
75 mM): 2.75 g dissolved in 100 mL; fi lter-sterilized, stored
at 4 °C.
6. CaCl
2 (1 M): 14.7 g CaCl
2 ·2H
2 O dissolved in 100 mL; fi lter-
sterilized, stored at room temperature.
7. KM organics [
19 ] (×100, Sigma K-3129): 2 mg/L
p- aminobenzoic acid, 200 mg/L
L - ascorbic acid , 1 mg/L
D-BIOTIN , 100 mg/L D -calcium pantothenate, 2 mg/L cyano-
cobalamin, 40 mg/L folic acid, 10 g/L myo-inositol , 100
mg/L nicotinamide, 100 mg/L pyridoxine·HCl, 1 mg/L reti-
nol, 20 mg/L ribofl avin, 100 mg/L thiamine ·HCl; stored at
−20 °C.
8. Gamborg B5 organics [
20 ] (×1000): 100 mg/L myo-inositol ,
1 mg/L nicotinic acid , 1 mg/L pyridoxine·HCl, 10 mg/L
thiamine ·HCl; fi lter-sterilized, stored at −20 °C.
9. L-glutamine (0.25 M): 1.83 g dissolved in 50 mL with a few
drops of 0.1 M KOH by heating in a water bath; fi lter- sterilized,
stored at −20 °C.
10. Casein hydrolysate (0.1 g/mL, Sigma A-2427): 1 g dissolved
in 10 mL; fi lter-sterilized, stored at −20 °C.
11. Maltose (1 M, 99 %): 360 g maltose ·H
2 O dissolved in 1 L;
lter-sterilized, stored at room temperature.
12. Maltose (1 M, 95 %): 360 g maltose ·H
2 O dissolved in 1 L;
lter-sterilized, stored at room temperature.
13. Maltose (0.55 M, 95 %): 198 g maltose ·H
2 O dissolved in
1 L; fi lter-sterilized, stored at 4 °C.
14. Glucose (1 M): 180 g dissolved in 1 L; autoclaved, stored at
4 °C.
15. Mannitol (0.4 M): 72.9 g dissolved in 1 L; autoclaved, stored
at 4 °C.
16. Mannitol (0.55 M): 100.2 g dissolved in 1 L; autoclaved,
stored at 4 °C.
17. Xylose (×1000): 1.5 g dissolved in 10 mL; fi lter-sterilized,
stored at 4 °C.
18. IBA (3-indolbutyric acid, 1 mM): 2 mg dissolved in a few
drops of 50 % ethanol, made up to fi nal volume of 10 mL with
hot water ( see Note 2 ); fi lter-sterilized, stored at 4 °C.
19. 2,4-D (2,4-dicholophenoxyacetic acid, 1 mM): 2.2 mg dis-
solved in a few drops of 50 % ethanol, made up to fi nal volume
of 10 mL with hot water ( see Note 2 ); fi lter-sterilized, stored
at 4 °C.
20. BAP (6-benzylaminopurine, 1 mM): 224 mg/L dissolved in a
few drops of 1 M NaOH, made up to fi nal volume of 50 mL
with hot water ( see Note 2 ); fi lter-sterilized, stored at 4 °C.
Jochen Kumlehn
21. Kinetin (1 mM): 10.8 mg/L diluted in a few drops of 1 M
NaOH, made up to fi nal volume of 50 mL with hot water ( see
Note 2 ); fi lter-sterilized, stored at 4 °C.
22. Phytagel (×2): 3.5 g suspended in 250 mL cold water; auto-
claved, stored at room temperature.
23. NaOCl (sodium hypochlorite, 2.5 %): 10 mL concentrated
NaOCl (25 %, containing 12 % Cl) diluted in 90 mL water
with three drops of Tween 20; freshly prepared before use.
24. Double distilled water: autoclaved, stored at room
25. Tap water: autoclaved, stored at room temperature.
1. Barley pollen culture (KBP,
17 ) medium: 50 mL/L K macro
minerals, 1 mL/L K micro minerals, 1 mL/L NaFeEDTA,
12 mL/L
L -glutamine stock, 10 mL/L KM organics, 4 mL/L
BAP stock, 250 mL/L maltose (1 M, 99 %), pH adjusted to
5.9; stored at 4 °C.
2. Zygote culture (N6Z) medium [
3 ]: 50 mL/L Chu N6 macro
minerals ( see Note 3 ), 1 mL/L Chu N6 micro minerals,
10 mL/L KM organics, 27 mL/L
L -glutamine stock,
2.5 mL/L casein hydrolysate stock, 472 mL/L glucose (1 M;
see Note 4 ), 1 mL/L xylose stock, 0.9 mL/L 2,4-D stock, pH
adjusted to 5.7; stored at 4 °C ( see Note 5 ).
3. Regeneration (N6D) medium [
3 ]: 100 mL/L Chu N6 macro
minerals, 2.44 mL/L CaCl
2 stock ( see Note 6 ), 1 mL/L Chu
N6 micro minerals, 10 mL/L KM organics, 20.3 mL/L
L - glutamine stock, 2.5 mL/L casein hydrolysate stock, 1 mL/L
xylose stock, 150 mL/L maltose (1 M, 95 %), 2.5 mL/L
IBA stock, 2.3 mL/L kinetin stock, all components mixed in
half of the fi nal medium volume, pH adjusted to 5.7, heated to
about 40 °C, then mixed 1:1 with Phytagel stock previously
melted by heating ( see Note 5 ).
3 Methods
All procedures are carried out at room temperature unless specifi ed
1. Barley or wheat grain is germinated in trays fi lled with 3:1:2
substrate of garden mulch, sand and peat (Substrate 2,
Klasmann, Germany) and placed for 2 weeks in a chamber
providing a 12 h photoperiod (136 μmol/m
2 /s photon fl ux
density) and 14/12 °C (day/night).
2. Seedlings of cvs. Igri ( barley ) and Florida ( wheat ) need to be
vernalized at 4 °C under an 8 h photoperiod for 8 weeks ( see
Note 7 ).
2.4 Nutrient Media
3.1 Growth
of Donor Plants
Wheat Zygote Culture
3. Seedlings are transferred to 18 cm diameter pots, fi lled with
2:2:1 substrate formulation of compost, substrate 2 (Klasmann,
Germany), and sand, fertilized by providing 15 g Osmocote
(Scotts Celafl or, Germany; 19 % N, 6 % P, and 12 % K) per pot,
and further held in a chamber providing a 12 h photoperiod
(136 μmol/m
2 /s photon fl ux density) and 14/12 °C (day/
4. As of the tiller elongation stage, the plants are held in a glass-
house at 18/14 °C (day/night) with a minimum of 16 h pho-
toperiod (170 μmol/m
2 /s photon fl ux density) provided by
SON-T-Agro lamps (Philips, Netherlands, ca. 200 W/m
2 )
used in addition to natural daylight if required.
1. Barley spikes are harvested when the tips of the awns have
emerged from the boot. The anthers of these spikes predomi-
nantly contain highly vacuolated, pre-mitotic microspores.
2. The boots are cut and surface-sterilized by spraying with 70 %
ethanol ( see Note 8 ). The fl ag leaf sheath is removed and fi ve
dissected spikes placed onto a moistened, 7 cm fi lter paper disk
per 10 cm Petri dish. After sealing, the plates are held in the
dark at 4 °C for 3–5 weeks.
3. Fifteen pretreated spikes are chopped into ca. 1 cm fragments
and macerated in a Waring blender in the presence of 20 mL
0.4 M mannitol ( see Note 9 ). The blender drive unit is set on
“low” speed and run twice for 15 s.
4. The macerate is fi ltered through a 100 μm mesh into a trans-
parent box. The blender is fl ushed with 10 mL of 0.4 M man-
nitol , which is then also passed through the mesh.
5. The debris remaining on the mesh is squeezed gently to release
further suspension into the box, then returned to the blender
for re-maceration (twice for 10 s) in another 10 mL of 0.4 M
mannitol and the macerate passed through the mesh, which is
again followed by fl ushing the blender.
6. The suspension collected in the box is transferred into a 50 mL
tube, and the box fl ushed with 5 mL 0.4 M mannitol , which is
then added to the tube. The suspension is centrifuged (100 × g ,
10 min, 4 °C).
7. The pellet is re-suspended in 3 mL 0.55 M maltose in a round-
bottomed 12 mL tube with a screw cap. The centrifuge tube is
ushed with 2 mL 0.4 M mannitol , which is poured carefully
over the top of the 0.55 M maltose suspension, thereby form-
ing two distinct liquid layers with different density.
The suspension is subjected to density gradient centrifugation
in swing-out baskets (100 × g , 10 min, 4 °C) with the centri-
fuge set to give slow acceleration and deceleration to prevent
the two established layers with different density from becoming
3.2 Production
of Embryogenic Pollen
Cultures of Barley
Used for Cocultivation
Jochen Kumlehn
mixed. The interphase, where viable immature, highly
vacuolated pollen have accumulated, is withdrawn by pipet-
ting, transferred to a fresh 50 mL tube to which 10 mL 0.4 M
mannitol is added.
9. The pollen is gently suspended evenly, and a representative
100 μL aliquot is removed to a hemocytometer cell in order to
estimate the population density. Meanwhile the remaining
microspores are pelleted by centrifugation (100 × g , 10 min, 4
°C). Before the supernatant is withdrawn, the tube is left stand
for ca. 5 min to allow still fl oating pollen to settle down.
10. The pellet is re-suspended in an appropriate volume of KBP
medium to deliver a density of 100,000 immature pollen per
1-mL aliquots that are transferred to 35-cm Petri dishes which
are then sealed and incubated until use for cocultivation at 24
°C in the dark ( see Note 10 ).
1. Spikes are manually emasculated 1–3 days before anthesis,
using only the spikelets of the central third of the rachis and
the two major (outer) fl orets per spikelet. All other spikelets
and fl orets are removed from the rachis before detaching the
anthers from the fl orets using fi ne-tipped forceps. To avoid any
unwanted pollination, the spikes are covered by polyethylene
2. During the period of pistil receptivity, one or two freshly
dehisced anthers taken from non-emasculated spikes are trans-
ferred into each fl oret, so that fresh pollen is released onto the
1. 1–9 h after manual pollination, the spikes are cut, and, after
removal of bracts and lemmas, surface-sterilized in 2.5 %
NaOCl solution for 10 min, then rinsed four times using auto-
claved tap water. All following steps are conducted under asep-
tic conditions using surface-sterile materials.
2. The preparation of tissue is conducted using sterile, fi ne-tipped
forceps and a scalpel ( see Note 11 ). The pistils are carefully
detached from the fl orets and collected in a 35-cm Petri dish,
containing 2 mL of 0.55 M mannitol .
Using a binocular, the lodicules and fi laments are removed
from the pistils, the basal tips are cut without squashing the
tissue (Fig.
1a ) and transferred to another dish, containing 2
mL of 0.55 M mannitol .
4. After having collected some pistil tips with their cut side facing
the liquid surface, the explants are submerged into the solution
to allow them to settle at the bottom of the dish.
5. Using an inverted microscope, the ovule tips are isolated from
the pistil tips, and the remaining outer integument and peri-
carp tissue is discarded (Fig.
1b , see Note 12 ).
3.3 Emasculation
and Manual Pollination
of Florets Used
for Zygote Isolation
3.4 Isolation
of Zygotes
Wheat Zygote Culture
Fig. 1 Isolation and culture of wheat zygotes. ( a ) Cut side of a pistil tip showing pericarp (pc), vascular bundle
(vb), chlorophyll layer (cl), outer integument (oi), and inner integument (ii) (binocular); ( b ) ovule tip consisting of
6. Using two fi ne-tipped glass needles, the zygotes can be
gently pushed to be released from the ovule tips (Fig.
1b , see
Note 13 ).
7. Isolated zygotes are collected close to one another at the bot-
tom of the dish (Fig.
1c ) using a glass capillary connected by
polypropylene tubing, fi lled with 0.55 M mannitol solution, to
a manually controlled cell tram. This equipment facilitates to
take up and release single cells in a few nanoliters of liquid.
Before fi lling the system with mannitol solution, the interior of
cell tram, tubing, and glass capillary is to be surface-sterilized
using 70 % ethanol, followed by fl ushing with water.
1. Using the glass capillary, as many as ten zygotes are transferred
onto the membrane of a culture insert containing 100 μL of
N6Z medium and placed in a well of a 4-well plate with the
well containing another 0.35 mL of the same medium.
2. Per well, 0.15 mL of 1–2 weeks old embryogenic pollen culture
is added to the medium outside the culture inserts (Fig.
1d, e ).
After being sealed, the 4-well plates are incubated in a larger
plastic box at 26 °C in the dark for 4 weeks ( see Note 14 ).
3. Macroscopically visible zygote-derived embryos are transferred
to plates containing N6D medium and grown until plantlet
formation (Fig.
1e, f ). Embryos and small plantlets are subcul-
tivated to plates or containers with fresh N6D medium after 3
weeks ( see Note 15 ).
1. Regenerants are transferred to 6 cm diameter pots, lled with
Petuniensubstrat (Klasmann, Germany), and placed in a tray
covered by a transparent hood to maintain a high humidity
environment. The tray is placed in a chamber providing a 12 h
photoperiod (136 μmol/m
2 /s photon fl ux density) and
14/12 °C (day/night).
2. After 2 weeks, the hood is removed and the tray left uncovered
for another week.
3. Plantlets are further grown as described above for the donor
3.5 Zygotic
and In Vitro Plant
3.6 Establishment
of Plantlets in Soil
Fig. 1 (continued) inner integument (ii) and displaying degenerated synergid (sy) and zygote (zg) (inverted
microscope); ( c ) Freshly isolated zygotes collected at the bottom of the Petri dish used for dissection (inverted
microscope); ( d ) globular zygotic embryo with suspensor (sp) and embryo proper (ep) residing on the mem-
brane (mb) of a culture insert (ci) after 2 weeks of culture; embryogenic structures (es) derived from coculti-
vated barley pollen are visible behind the membrane (inverted microscope); ( e ) zygotic embryos in a culture
insert (ci) after 4 weeks of culture, embryogenic structures (es) derived from cocultivated barley pollen are
visible in the outer medium portion between insert and culture well (cw) (binocular); ( f ) zygotic embryo on
regeneration medium with primary root (pr), degenerated suspensor (sp), scutellum (sc), and coleoptile (co)
Wheat Zygote Culture
4 Notes
1. Components of mineral stocks are dissolved separately before
mixing, and then the whole solution is made up to the required
2. The use of hot water is to prevent the dissolved molecules from
re-precipitating when being exposed to reduced solvent con-
centration. As soon as the fi nal concentration of the stock is
established, precipitation will no longer appear to happen even
after the solution is cooled down.
3. N6Z contains only half the concentration of macro minerals as
compared to the original N6 medium according to Chu and
coworkers [
18 ].
4. The reason for the use of glucose as major osmoticum and
carbohydrate source in N6Z medium is that a disaccharide,
such as sucrose or maltose , would effect a higher specifi c den-
sity which entails freshly isolated zygotes to fl oat to the medium
surface where most of them would burst.
5. Since the addition of some organic acids formerly used in N6Z
and N6D media [
3 ] proved to be unnecessary, these can be
6. N6 minerals [
18 ] need to be supplemented with additional
2 to obtain a fi nal concentration of 3 mM, so making sure
that the medium will solidify using Phytagel .
7. The vernalization treatment is not required in the spring-type
8. All steps following the surface-sterilization of the boots are to
be conducted under aseptic conditions, using surface-sterile
equipment and solutions.
9. All equipment and solutions used to process the pretreated
spikes and immature pollen need to be precooled to 4 °C and
should be kept on ice.
10. 1–2 week-old embryogenic pollen cultures are used for cocul-
tivation with isolated zygotes, whereas cultures older than 2
weeks showed a reduced capability of supporting zygotic
embryo genesis in vitro.
11. To keep the scalpel blade and forceps clean, it is advisable to
remove tissue debris after each preparation step using a piece
of household viscose foam, autoclaved and moistened with dis-
tilled water.
12. While the zygote is visible through the inner integument that
forms the isolated ovule tip, the removal of the outer integu-
ment is essential to facilitate zygote isolation.
Jochen Kumlehn
13. Wheat zygotes are shaped pear-like as long as being embedded
in ovular tissue. Owing to the step-wise release from the stabi-
lizing embryo sac and the use of hypotonic solution for the
isolation procedure, the zygotes take on a spherical form before
they can be recognized within the ovule tips (Fig.
1b ). Since
the zygote is protoplast-like and not interconnected with
neighbor cells via plasmodesmata, it can be mechanically iso-
lated without the use of cell wall -degrading enzymes. The
diameter of isolated wheat zygotes is 60–80 μm.
14. In vitro zygotic embryo genesis f ollows fairly the same pattern
formation as the one of embryos growing in planta . While the
rst zygotic cell division appears to be symmetrical with regard
to the volume of daughter cells and is generally completed
within 24 h after pollination, the following period of 1–2 weeks
of bisymmetric pro embryo development includes the differen-
tiation of suspensor and embryo proper (Fig.
1d ). This is fol-
lowed by dorsoventral embryo development, characterized by
the formation of scutellum, shoot apical meristem, coleoptile,
primary root primordium, and coleorhiza.
15. The effi ciency of embryo formation and plant regeneration
proved to be genotype independent. However, a drop in isola-
tion effi ciency was observed when exotic accessions with
smaller grains were used [
21 ]. Using the described procedure,
80–90 % of the isolated zygotes form embryos, most of which
are capable of plant regeneration. The plants obtained show
phenotypically normal development and grain set.
I would like to thank my colleague Dr. Maia Gurushidze for criti-
cally reading the manuscript.
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Jochen Kumlehn
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_30, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 30
From Somatic Embryo to Synthetic Seed in Citrus
spp. Through the Encapsulation Technology
Maurizio Micheli and Alvaro Standardi
In vitro propagation by somatic embryogenesis represents an effi cient alternative method to produce
high- quality and healthy plants in Citrus species. The regenerated somatic embryos need protection from
mechanical damages during manipulation and transport, as well as nutritive support for their evolution in
plantlets after sowing. The encapsulation technology allows to obtain synthetic seeds by covering somatic
embryos with a gel of calcium alginate enriched by nutrients. This chapter describes the procedure for
producing synthetic seeds containing somatic embryos from different Citrus genotypes.
Key words Artifi cial seed , Calcium alginate matrix , Plant tissue culture , Somatic embryo genesis ,
1 Introduction
The increasing world’s demand for new and promising Citrus gen-
otypes requires effective and innovative technologies for high-
quality plant production. Consequently, research is looking for an
innovative procedure able to join the advantages of micropropaga-
tion (high productive effi ciency, sanitary plant conditions, and
reduced space requirements) with the technologic characteristics
of the zygotic seed, as handling, storability, and transportability
1 ], actually represented by the synthetic seed technology. The
original concept of synthetic seed ( artifi cial seed or synseed ) was
applied to desiccated or hydrated somatic embryo s (SEs) and did
not involve the encapsulation [
2 , 3 ]. Later Murashige [ 4 ] gave the
rst defi nition of synthetic seed as “an encapsulated single SE
inside a covering matrix.”
The large use of sodium alginate as encapsulating agent is due
to its moderate viscosity , low spin ability of solution, low toxicity,
quick gellation, low cost, and biocompatibility characteristics [
5 7 ].
The encapsulation technology was proposed to safeguard the SEs
from mechanical damages during handling in the nursery and
transportation in the farms, as well as to provide nutrients ( artifi cial
endosperm ) during their evolution in plantlets under in vivo or
in vitro conditions ( conversion ). In fact, SEs are structurally similar
to gamic or zygotic embryo s, but lack nutritive and tegument struc-
tures [
5 ]. Nevertheless, the fi rst experiments on the encapsulation
were conducted employing SEs, as their bipolar nature, able to con-
vert in plantlets in a single step, made them suitable for synthetic
seed production [
2 , 8 ]. SEs develop from somatic cells, and this
regenerative pathway allows the clonal propagation. Their use as
encapsulated explants for synthetic seed preparation is however lim-
ited because of the involved diffi culties, due to asynchronism dur-
ing SEs formation and development, somaclonal variation , recurrent
embryogenesis [
8 ], and embryo dormancy [ 9 ]. Moreover in vitro
SE production requires expensive manual labor, even though they
could be obtained by bioreactors [
10 ]. Therefore, different propa-
gules were tested to produce synthetic seeds. New perspectives
emerged with the use of non-embryogenic unipolar plant propa-
gules. In fact, the most recent concept involves every meristematic
tissues (in vitro or in vivo derived), as long as able to convert in a
whole plantlet after encapsulation and possible storage [
5 , 7 , 8 ,
11 14 ]. However, the abovementioned limitations of SEs for syn-
thetic seeds production seem to be infrequent in Citrus spp., and
several studies are focused on the application of the encapsulation
technology to citrus [
7 , 15 21 ].
2 Materials
Since some researchers found that the SE size affects the con-
version in different plant species [
22 25 ], we carried out pre-
liminary experiments using different sized SEs of Citrus
genotypes for encapsulation (unpublished data). The results
indicated that the largest SEs (5–6 mm) showed the highest
values in terms of viability (green appearance of explants, with
no necrosis or yellowing), regrowth (increasing in size of the
explants with consequent breakage of the involucre and extru-
sion of at least one visible shoot or root after the sowing ), and
conversion [
16 , 17 ]. Nevertheless their encapsulation involves
the formation of an irregular alginate layer around the propa-
gule, reducing the protective and nutritive functions. So, in our
experiments, we used only medium-sized SEs (3–4 mm) dis-
carding the larger and the smaller ones (Fig.
1 ), hence limiting
the negative effects of asynchronism ( see Note 1 ) and recurrent
embryogenesis ( see Note 2 ).
Usually our experiments were carried out using hydrated SEs of
Citrus reticulata Blanco cv Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli, Citrus
limonimedica Lushington, and Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. cvs
Nules and Monreal, obtained according the procedures described
2.1 Plant Material
Maurizio Micheli and Alvaro Standardi
by Germanà and co-workers [ 26 30 ]. The synthetic seeds of these
genotypes were sown and maintained in aseptic conditions. In addi-
tion, synthetic seeds of Citrus reticulata Blanco cv Mandarino
Tardivo di Ciaculli were sown also in non sterile conditions.
1. Tissue culture facilities: Graduate cylinders, pipettes, lab pipet-
tor, glass beakers, magnetic stirrer, spin bar, analytical balance,
lab spoons, weighing boats, pH meter, NaOH and HCl solu-
tion (0.1 N), 100 mL screw capped Pyrex glass jars, autoclave,
horizontal fl ow cabinet, forceps, scalpels, blades, and electric
2a. Aseptic conditions: Distilled water, half strength MS basal
medium [
31 ], 0.25 g/L malt extract , 0.25 g/L ascorbic acid ,
1 mg/L gibberellic acid , ( GA
3 ), 0.02 mg/L a-naphthalene
acetic acid (NAA), and 68 g/L sucrose ( artifi cial endosperm ).
b. Nonsterile conditions: Artifi cial endosperm and 100 mg/L
Thiophanate-methyl TM
® (Pestanal, Riedel-de-Haen).
3. Alginate sodium salt, medium viscosity (2.5 % w/v).
4. Calcium chloride anhydrous (1.1 % w/v).
1. Tissue culture facilities: Graduate cylinders, pipettes, lab
pipettor, glass beakers, magnetic stirrer, spin bar, analytical
balance, lab spoons, weighing boats, pH meter, NaOH and
HCl solution (0.1 N), Magenta
® jars (7 × 7 × 7 cm), autoclave,
horizontal fl ow cabinet, forceps, scalpels, blades, electric
2.2 Encapsulation
2.3 Sowing Media
and Culture Conditions
Fig. 1 Synthetic seeds obtained from different sized SEs of Citrus
Synthetic Seed in Citrus spp.
incinerator, and growth chamber (temperature of 21 ± 2 °C,
photosynthetic photon fl ux density of 40 μmol/m
2 /s, and
photoperiod 16 h).
2a. Aseptic conditions: Distilled water, full strength MS basal
medium [
31 ], 0.5 g/L malt extract , 0.5 g/L ascorbic acid , 68
g/L sucrose and 7 g/L agar , and fi lter paper bridges.
2b. Nonsterile conditions: Filter paper bridges, perlite, soil
® ), or Jiffy-7 Pellets (J7).
3 Methods
Three solutions are required to encapsulate SEs: coating , complex-
ing , and rinsing solutions (Fig.
2 ). The common component is
represented by the artifi cial endosperm ( see Subheading
2.2 ) added
of 2.5 g/L sodium alginate ( coating matrix ) and 1.1 g/L calcium
chloride ( complexing solution ). The rinsing solution is composed
only by the artifi cial endosperm . All solutions and media are
adjusted to pH 5.5 and autoclaved at 115 °C for 20 min just after
their transferring into the containers. During the autoclaving cycle,
the sodium alginate is completely dissolved forming a dense dark
yellow solution. The artifi cial endosperm of the synthetic seeds
sown in nonsterile conditions is enriched by Thiophanate-methyl
® ( see Note 3 ).
Fig. 2 Coating, complexing, and rinsing solutions employed for encapsulation of
Citrus SEs ( from left to right )
Maurizio Micheli and Alvaro Standardi
1. Single SEs are immersed in alginate solution for a few seconds
( see Note 4 ).
2. The alginate-coated SEs are then dropped into the complexing
solution for 25–30 min ( see Note 5 ).
3. The encapsulated SEs are washed 2–3 times in the rinsing solu-
tion for 10–15 min in order to remove the toxic residual ions
of chloride and sodium ( see Note 6 ). The whole procedure is
carried out in aseptic conditions under a horizontal fl ow
1a. Aseptic conditions: After washing, the synthetic seeds are asep-
tically transferred into closed Magenta
® jars, containing steril-
ized agar sowing medium or fi lter paper bridge, moistened
with 10 mL of artifi cial endosperm ( see Note 7 ).
b. Non-sterile conditions: After washing the synthetic seeds are
aseptically transferred into Magenta
® jars containing sterilized
lter paper bridge, perlite, soil (Compo-Cactea
® ), or “Jiffy-7
Pellets” (J7) moistened with appropriate amount of artifi cial
endosperm ( see Note 7 ).
2a. Aseptic conditions: The Magenta
® jars are hermetically closed,
and the cultures are transferred into the growth chamber.
b. Nonsterile conditions: The cultures are then transferred into
the growth chamber, and the Magenta
® jars are not hermeti-
cally closed, allowing the gas exchanges and the water evapora-
tion. To prevent the synthetic seeds dehydration, the substrates
moisture is periodically monitored and restored with distilled
3. After 1 week, fungal or bacterial contamination is monitored.
4. After 45 days, viability, regrowth and conversion (Fig.
3 ) are
4 Notes
1. The asynchronism involves the simultaneous presence of dif-
ferent sized SEs at the end of regenerative cultures. Their
encapsulation determines the formation of heterogenous syn-
thetic seeds with different ability and energy of conversion . So,
the synchronism is a crucial step in taking advantage of somatic
embryo genesis for the commercial production of plants by
synthetic seeds.
2. Recurrent or secondary somatic embryo genesis in the produc-
tion of new SEs from the mature ones.
3. The application of synthetic seeds in the nurseries should imply
their conversion in non-sterile conditions using substrates as
perlite, sand, paper, or peat. In this case, the protection of the
3.1 Encapsulation
3.2 Sowing
and Evaluation
Synthetic Seed in Citrus spp.
synthetic seeds from fungal and bacterial contaminations dur-
ing conversion is essential. The benefi cial effect of Thiophanate-
methyl fungicide on the Citrus synthetic seeds conversion has
been showed [
17 ].
4. In substitution to sodium alginate , several substances were
tested, like mixture of sodium alginate with gelatin, potassium
alginate, polyco 2133, carboxymethyl cellulose, carrageenan,
Gelrite , guar gum, sodium pectate, and tragacanth gum
5 7 ].
5. During the complexation step, ion exchange occurs through
the replacement of Na
+ by Ca
2+ , forming calcium alginate by
ionic cross-linking among the carboxylic acid groups and the
polysaccharide molecules and producing a polymeric structure
called “egg box” [
13 , 32 , 33 ]. Hardening of calcium alginate
bead is affected by the concentration of sodium alginate and
calcium chloride , as well as the complexing time. Usually, at
higher consistence corresponds good protection during trans-
port and manipulation but higher diffi culty of explants in
breaking the alginate coat [
8 ].
Fig. 3 Extrusion of shoot and root apex ( black arrows ) from the alginate matrix at
the beginning of conversion
Maurizio Micheli and Alvaro Standardi
6. Automation systems have been proposed, as somatic
embryo genesis and encapsulation are expensive techniques
due to the high manual labor requirement. The use of bioreac-
tors for temporary immersion system has shown to be effective
for the production of Citrus deliciosa SEs [
34 ]. Concerning
automation, several devices are available for the encapsulation of
SEs or other in vitro-derived vegetative propagules, using systems
based on concentric tube nozzle, multiple wire loops, rotating
disks, perforated plates, or precision dripping [
10 , 35 , 36 ].
7. Before sowing , the synthetic seeds can be stored at 4–6 °C in
darkness, using closed sterile dishes or vials containing some
drops of artifi cial endosperm solution to avoid dehydration.
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Maurizio Micheli and Alvaro Standardi
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_31, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 31
From Stress to Embryos: Some of the Problems
for Induction and Maturation of Somatic Embryos
Sergio J. Ochatt and Maria Angeles Revilla
Although somatic embryogenesis has been successfully achieved in numerous plant species, little is known
about the mechanism(s) underlying this process. Changes in the balance of growth regulators of the cul-
ture medium, osmolarity, or amino acids as well as the genotype and developmental stage of the tissue used
as initial explant may have a pivotal infl uence on the induction of somatic embryogenic cultures. Moreover,
different stress agents (ethylene, activated charcoal, cold or heat or electrical shocks), as well as abscisic
acid, can also foster the induction or further development of somatic embryos. In the process, cells fi rst
return to a stem cell-like status and then either enter their new program or dye when the stress level
exceeds cell tolerance. Recalcitrance to differentiation of somatic cells into embryos is frequently observed,
and problems such as secondary or recurrent embryogenesis, embryo growth arrest (at the globular stage
or during the transition from torpedo to cotyledonary stage), and development of only the aerial part of
somatic embryos can appear, interfering with normal germination and conversion of embryos to plants.
Some solutions to solve these problems associated to embryogenesis are proposed and two very effi cient
somatic embryogenesis protocols for two model plant species are detailed.
Key words Arabidopsis thaliana , Embryogenesis recalcitrance , Medicago truncatula , Stress agents
1 Introduction
Somatic embryo genesis is in many species the predominant plant
regeneration pathway, during which dedifferentiated somatic plant
cells become totipotent and develop into embryos which, subse-
quently, convert into plants [
1 3 ]. Surprisingly, although somatic
embryo genesis is widely used for propagation and has in recent
years become one of the preferred regeneration methods for com-
mercially cultivated biotech crops, little is known about the mecha-
nisms underlying this process. One of the main interesting features
of somatic embryogenesis is that it may sidestep aging limitations
of cultures to yield large numbers of embryos from elite genotypes
including for woody species [
4 ], where somatic embryogenesis is
likely the only way of producing juvenile tissues of recalcitrant
species [ 5 ]. In addition, as somatic embryo development resembles
that of zygotic embryo s [
2 , 6 ], they are also an interesting model
system to understand the physiological, biochemical, and molecu-
lar mechanisms taking place during embryo development [
6 9 ].
The use of somatic embryogenesis has been reviewed in a large
number of species [
10 12 ]. The ability of cells to retain totipo-
tency and developmental plasticity in a differentiated stage makes
them unique and renders them capable to dedifferentiate, prolifer-
ate, and subsequently regenerate into mature plants, provided that
optimum culture conditions are developed [
3 , 13 , 14 ].
Embryogenic cultures are initiated from primary explants on a
medium containing mainly an auxin alone but often also a cytoki-
nin [
1 , 6 , 15 , 16 ] and, sometimes, even only a cytokinin [ 16 ]. The
most commonly used auxin is 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
(2,4-D) [
1 , 12 , 15 , 17 ], which has been suggested to downregu-
late gene expression through changes in the level of DNA methyla-
tion [
14 , 18 ]. In addition, various culture conditions and treatments
have an impact on the induction of somatic embryo genesis, includ-
ing balance of plant growth regulator s [
15 , 17 ], medium osmolar-
ity [
19 , 20 ], pH [ 1 ], amino acid, or salt concentration [ 21 ], while
the most infl uential traits identifi ed so far remain the particular
genotype studied and the developmental stage of the tissue used as
initial explant [
22 ].
Somatic embryo genesis may be initiated either directly by
inducing embryos to develop on the surface of the initial explant,
or indirectly, via an intermediary step of callus formation from
which the embryos subsequently regenerate [
6 , 21 ]. Once embryo-
genic cells are initiated, they undergo a continuous, unlimited
cycle producing further pro-embryogenic or embryogenic masses
23 ], resulting in multiplication of the original plant. A special case
of somatic embryo genesis is secondary or recurrent embryogene-
sis, which occurs when the fi rst somatic embryo formed fails to
germinate and, instead, gives rise to new successive cycles of
embryogenesis [
17 ]. In some species, this has been sought as a
means of cloning embryogenic lines as the process can be main-
tained indefi nitely [
5 , 24 , 25 ]. However, secondary embryos
develop directly from epidermal and subepidermal cells of embryos
26 ], mostly at their root pole or on the main axis and cotyledons
27 29 ], whereby they interfere with normal germination of the
original embryo and, in fi ne being repetitive, with the conversion
to plants. For somatic embryos, to reach the cotyledonary stage
and then accumulate the storage products needed for conversion
to plants [
6 ], the medium and culture conditions have to be
changed. One of the main growth regulators in embryo matura-
tion in vivo is abscisic acid ( ABA ), and treating embryogenic cul-
tures in vitro with this hormone has been benefi cial in some species
6 , 23 , 29 , 30 ], particularly because of its involvement in the
acquisition of partial desiccation [
5 , 25 ] or cold tolerance of mature
Sergio J. Ochatt and Maria Angeles Revilla
somatic embryos that precedes their competence to germinate
17 , 23 ]. Likewise, ethylene , activated charcoal [ 31 ], pH [ 1 ], cold
20 , 32 ] or heat [ 1 ] shocks, osmotic stress [ 19 , 20 , 33 , 34 ], elec-
tricity [
35 ], and even centrifugation [ 36 , 37 ], and sonication
37 39 ] have been reported to foster somatic embryo induction
but also maturation in different species. No such clear effect can be
ascertained for light conditions. Dark culture has been benefi cial
for embryogenesis, reducing the activity of enzymes responsible
for release of phenols that induce callus and early embryo brown-
ing in species prone to suffering from such phenomena [
3 , 4 , 15 ,
17 ]. On the other hand, photoperiodic light regimes have been
preferred and even required for other species [
37 , 40 ]. Other stress
agents such as heavy metals, starvation, and wounding have also
been reported to promote responses in several models [
41 , 42 ],
and they are moreover an integrating part of dedifferentiation. In
this respect, several studies have shown that, prior to redifferentiat-
ing, cells fi rst return to a stem cell-like status and then either enter
their new program or dye when the stress level exceeds cell toler-
ance or when a mediation of cell responses to stress is hampered by
their physiological status [
3 , 6 , 43 , 44 ]. Indeed, stress-induced
morphogenetic response has been ascribed to the redirection of
growth to better acclimate to an exposure to stress [
13 , 42 , 45 ].
Only those mature somatic embryo s with a normal morphol-
ogy having accumulated enough storage products will be able to
convert into normal plants [
6 , 7 , 29 ]. Following transfer to a ger-
mination medium, somatic embryos develop similarly to zygotic
embryo s, yielding plants that should be true to type [
6 , 16 , 33 ,
46 ]. The hormonal composition needed for germination of the
somatic embryos will mostly depend on the species (and some-
times genotype) studied and there is no generally applicable rule.
Hormone-free media have been reported for both herbaceous [
1 ,
29 ] and woody [ 47 ] species, but media with various auxin/cytoki-
nin contents have been employed with species as wide apart as
legumes [
16 ] and forest trees [ 17 ]. Besides a number of publica-
tions referred the need to add extra miscellaneous compounds to
the medium such as glutamine , casein hydrolysate , etc. [
1 , 17 ],
conversely, there is consensus in the literature on the conditions
required to acclimatize the somatic embryo-derived plantlets to
in vivo conditions which is similar to that usually employed for
micropropagated plants [
1 ].
The most frequent applications of somatic embryo genesis are
the mass propagation of selected material, obtained after in vitro
selection or genetic transformation [
5 , 6 , 17 , 48 , 49 ], and there
are several examples of its commercial exploitation, in particular for
gymnosperms [
23 ], while this is generally still to be done for most
angiosperms with the exception of several ornamentals. It is also
employed for a better understanding of various fundamental mech-
anisms and processes, including those dealing with the acquisition
From Stress to Embryos
and eventual loss of regeneration competence, as well as for the
recovery of novel genotypes following in vitro selection for stress
tolerance, somatic hybrid ization, or gene transfer. These aspects
have already been reviewed and discussed in the past. Here, we
shall focus on the problems that may arise during somatic embryo-
genesis and we shall also discuss some possible solutions for them.
2 Development of Somatic Embryos Formed In Vitro
Somatic embryo genesis is one of the two major pathways for plant
regeneration in vitro, and it may take place from undifferentiated
tissues (protoplasts, cell suspension s, callus) but also from highly
differentiated cells (immature gametes), leading respectively to
regeneration of normal plants (that should resemble the mother
plants) or to haploids that will thereafter have to undergo chromo-
some doubling for genome fi xation. Since somatic embryo s can
arise from a single cell, it is a way of choice to regenerate transgenic
plants. The process includes a sequence of developmental stages,
the fi rst of which is often the induction of callus from explants
1a ), followed by the induction of somatic embryos from such
callus tissues that will thereafter follow a common developmental
path from globular- to heart-shaped embryos (Fig.
1b ), then tor-
pedo-shaped embryos (Fig.
1c ), and fi nally mature cotyledonary
embryos (Fig.
1d ) which are capable of “germinating” (Fig. 1e ),
i.e., of converting into whole viable plantlets. To date, these general
Fig. 1 A typical sequence of somatic embryo genesis from root- or leaf-derived callus of Arabidopsis . ( a ) Leaf
explant starting to produce callus. ( b ) A highly embryogenic callus with many somatic embryos at early stages
of development, i.e., from globular to heart. ( c ) A cluster of torpedo stage embryos showing new globular
embryos developing on one of the torpedo embryos ( arrow ). ( d ) A highly embryogenic cluster with mostly
torpedo to cotyledonary stage embryos. ( e ) Liquid culture of embryogenic clusters whereby, with time, only
embryos and plantlets proliferate in culture
Sergio J. Ochatt and Maria Angeles Revilla
steps have been successfully applied to many species [ 50 ]. In this
context, auxin is required to induce and maintain a high rate of
proliferation of unorganized plant cells, but low-auxin or simply a
hormone- free medium is needed to induce those developmental
responses that are normally dependent on endogenous hormonal
factors [
43 , 51 ]. Embryos of a unicellular origin are similar to
globular zygotic embryo s and they are sometimes connected to the
maternal tissue by a suspensor like structure, while those derived
from multiple cells initially look like a smooth and bright nodule
where the embryos at its base are usually connected to the mater-
nal tissue through their epidermis [
52 ]
Not all plant cells are capable of expressing totipotency in vitro, a
process that strongly depends on the genetic background, the
physiological status of the donor plant, the type of explant, and its
physiological/developmental status, the culture medium and con-
ditions, and any possible interactions among all these factors
15 , 53 ]. Activation of key regulators of somatic embryo genesis is
preceded by a reprogramming of cellular metabolism which is
often induced by some kind of physiological stress and will not be
expressed by somatic cells although it already potentially exists in
the plant genome [
13 , 41 , 42 , 51 ]. Thus, the developmental switch
from a somatic to an embryogenic status in cells occurs under the
infl uence of both physical and chemical inductors but also requires
a major and dynamic reprogramming in gene expression [
7 , 41 ,
42 , 54 ], entailing the activation of a number of signal cascades
leading to a differential (released) gene expression which, in turn,
renders the undifferentiated cells capable to acquire an embryo-
genic capacity [
6 , 13 , 43 ].
As opposed to the highly effi cient embryogenesis sequence
shown in Fig.
1 , there are many species where attaining this is still
diffi cult and sometimes even impossible. Indeed, there are three
key stages in this process where a blockage may occur, two of them
2.1 Some of the
Problems Arising
During Somatic
and Possible Solutions
Fig. 2 Some problems that may be found during early stages of somatic embryo genesis in pea ( Pisum sativum
L.). ( a ) Browning of globular and heart somatic embryos ( arrows ) and of the callus supporting them. ( b ) Callus
overgrowth and secondary somatic embryogenesis on developing embryos that will fail to convert into plants.
( c ) A cluster of abnormal somatic embryos showing browned roots ( solid arrows ) and fused cotyledons ( dotted
arrow ). ( d ) Pale embryos that have not accumulated storage products are blocked at the late cotyledonary
stage and are unable to germinate
From Stress to Embryos
during early development of embryos (Fig. 2 ) and the third one at
the latest stages leading to rooting (Fig.
3 ), as follows:
1. The earlier stages of somatic embryo development, with
embryo growth arrested at the globular stage, whereby mito-
ses stop and embryos start to brown or are covered by de novo
callus overgrowth (Fig.
2a ), which may also sometimes be
associated with secondary embryogenesis (repetitive or not)
2b ).
2. During the transition from torpedo to cotyledonary embryos,
where abnormal (i.e., “trumpet” (Fig.
2c )) fused cotyledons
are formed and/or embryos become pale in color (Fig.
2d ),
due to a lack of accumulation of the storage compounds needed
for the somatic embryo to mature and eventually germinate.
3. At the end of embryo development where, as may happen also
with organogenesis-derived regenerants, only the aerial part of
the somatic embryo s develops (Fig.
3a ) and they have to be
transferred to a different medium for rooting. Then, while the
root pole should grow fast, in an unsuitable medium callus
starts to proliferate instead (Fig.
3b ), mostly at the junction
between the aerial part and the root of the somatic embryo-
derived plantlet (Fig.
3c ). Such plantlets often lack vascular
connection between the root and shoot portions and die upon
transfer in vivo.
Species with a tendency to undergo any one or all of these
processes are regarded as recalcitrant to somatic embryo genesis
and thus to biotechnology approaches based on it for the recov-
ery of novel genotypes, as in haplo-diploidization and various
genetic transformation protocols, e.g., with legumes [
16 , 55 ]
and cereals [
13 ].
As the developmental blockages above tend to concern differ-
ent processes, they require different solutions. It is diffi cult to sug-
gest general strategies that will successfully resolve these problems
Fig. 3 Problems with rhizogenesis from somatic embryo s of Medicago truncatula . ( a ) By 9 days on an unsuit-
able medium with root primordia browned and recallusing. ( b ) Embryos of the same age on the right medium.
( c ) Senescent seedling due to the lack of vascular connection between the roots and the aerial part. ( d )
Close-up of hypocotyl/root section of the plantlet in ( c ) showing the interfering callus proliferation
Sergio J. Ochatt and Maria Angeles Revilla
but some simple measures can often be applied to at least palliate
or delay their occurrence and thereby permit the recovery of
somatic embryo -derived normal and fertile plants. Thus, for block-
ages occurring at the earliest stages above, shortening the periodic-
ity between subcultures restrains callus development and allows
very immature embryos to develop better. This operation, how-
ever, is not without risks as early globular somatic embryos must be
excised and transferred individually for subsequent development
on a medium that, generally, will have to be enriched in cytokinins
and, sometimes, also in gibberellic acid . This problem is frequently
observed among protoplast-derived callus of pea [
29 ], and several
early cytological predictors of the acquisition of somatic embryo-
genesis competence [
19 ] may help to monitor the evolution of
callus tissues during their culture, in order to act before the shift
from embryogenic back to a sporophytic path is onset. Also at this
stage, increasing the agar concentration of the medium or, like-
wise, increasing its osmolarity either by replacing, at least partially,
the sucrose or glucose with a polyalcohol such as mannitol , or by
adding polyethylene glycol (MW 6000), may also be helpful to
slow down the callus proliferation while having little deleterious
effect on the developing somatic embryos [
15 , 20 , 34 ]. On the
other hand, when the problem encountered is secondary
embryogenesis, a distinction should be made between situations
where this process is repetitive and those where the fi rst secondary
embryos formed will normally convert into plants. Thus, in the
latter case the best solution is probably to simply disregard the
problem and try to enhance secondary embryogenesis instead, so
as to increase the potential for regeneration. Conversely, when the
process is constant and no embryos ever germinate, little informa-
tion about possible solutions is available in the literature. One pos-
sibility that has worked to date with several genotypes of legumes
15 ] is to add abscisic acid to the medium for at least one passage
and in combination with an auxin.
For situations when embryo development stops at the transi-
tion from torpedo to cotyledonary stage, modifi cations to the
nutrient composition of the medium may prove appropriate to
warrant a suffi cient accumulation of storage compounds as needed
for embryo maturation . In this respect, it has been shown that
nitrogen, sulfur [
6 ], and also sugar (type and concentration, 7 ) in
the medium play a major role in embryo maturation. Likewise,
some studies have shown that introducing a mild ionic stress (Na
or K
+ ) at this transition stage might favor embryo maturation [ 34 ].
Finally, when the main blockage found is for the rooting of shoots
derived from somatic embryo s (whose root pole would not develop
easily on the embryogenic media), this is likely due to the use of an
unsuitable combination of medium salt-strength and hormone
(auxin) content. Such cultures should be treated as for convention-
ally propagated diffi cult-to-root shoots, i.e., by testing a reduction
From Stress to Embryos
of the salt-strength to half (or even less in very recalcitrant species
such as some cereals and various neglected crops ), by replacing a
strong auxin by a weaker one (i.e., if NAA was used, replacing it
with IBA or IAA), or by totally deleting auxin from the medium.
In extremely diffi cult species, a last resort would be the micro-
grafting of the somatic embryo-derived shoots on suitable in vitro
germinated seedlings of the same species (and ideally also
3 Two Example Protocols of Somatic Embryogenesis
As an example, optimized protocols for the induction of somatic
embryo genesis in Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula
are reported here.
All stock solutions are prepared using ultrapure water (Milli-Q,
prepared by purifying deionized water to attain a sensitivity of 18
MΩ cm at 25 °C) and, unless stated otherwise, analytical grade
reagents. All reagents were purchased from Kalys (
or Sigma-Aldrich ( ) and disposable plastic
ware (culture dishes, multiwall plates, pipettes, etc.) from
Dutscher ( ). When dealing with GMO mate-
rial, all needed precautions in terms of biosecurity are respected.
Reagents and stock solutions are generally stored in the fridge or
frozen until use, while media are kept at room temperature in the
dark until use.
For studies with Arabidopsis thaliana , seeds of wild-types C24 and
Col but also of the cytokinin-overproducing mutants hoc [
56 ] and
amp1 [
57 ] are used. These seeds are stored in a cold chamber (4
°C, in darkness) until used. For experiments with Medicago trun-
catula , R108-1 genotype seeds are generally used as the source of
1 details the composition of basal media and stock solu-
tions used to prepare them. For Arabidopsis thaliana , MPic
medium is based on MS medium [
58 ] and contains 0.2 mg/L
picloram and benzylaminopurine (BAP) at 0.5 mg/L (for leaves)
29 ] or 1.0 mg/L (for roots). The sequence of SH-based media
used for Medicago truncatula is based on N6 major salt formula
61 ], SH microelements and vitamins [ 62 ], 0.38 mM FeEDTA,
0.55 mM myoinositol , and having the pH adjusted to 5.8 prior
to autoclaving. They differ in their sucrose content, mineral
strength, and hormonal composition. SH3 contains 4 mg/L
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) plus 0.5 mg/L BAP and
30 g/L sucrose, while media SH9 and ½ SH9 are both hormone-
free and only differ in the salt strength which is reduced by half
3.1 Materials
3.1.1 Plant Materials
3.1.2 Composition
of Media Used
Sergio J. Ochatt and Maria Angeles Revilla
for ½ SH9. For preparation of semisolid media, SH3 medium is
further supplemented with 3 g/L Phytagel , while media SH9 and
½ SH9 are gelled with 7 g/L HP696 agar (Kalys).
A very straightforward protocol will permit the establishment of
the highly embryogenic culture in Arabidopsis , detailed in Fig.
1 ,
as follows:
1. Seeds of Arabidopsis wild-types C24 and Col but also the
cytokinin- overproducing mutants hoc [
56 ] and amp1 [ 57 ] are
sterilized during 10 min with a calcium hypochlorite solution
(2.5 %, w/v) and imbibed at 4 °C for 3 days before germina-
tion in constant light at 22 °C.
2. Germinated plants are placed in MS [
58 ] and grown in a
growth chamber at 22 °C with a 16/8 h day/night photope-
riod of a light intensity of 90 μmol/m
2 /s.
3. Plant age is calculated from the fi rst day at 22 °C; 27 days after
germination , plants are harvested and individual leaves are
wounded with a scalpel, and roots cut to 1–2 cm length.
4. Leaf/root explants are kept stationary in liquid MS and MPic
media (pH 5.6), respectively, to regenerate embryos.
3.2 Methods
3.2.1 Arabidopsis
Table 1
Composition of media and stock solutions
N6 Macro-salts (58)
(for 1 L of 10¥ stock soluon)
Medium SH9 (for 1 L); if
solidified add 7 g/L agar
Medium SH3 (for 1 L); if solidified
add 3 g/L Phytagel
Medium 0.5¥ SH9 (for 1 L);
if solidified add 7 g/L agar
Medium SHb10 (for 1 L);
if solidified add 6 g/L agar
(for 100 mL of 1000¥ soluon)
Stock soluons for SH Medium (59)
(for 100 mL of 1000¥ soluon)
(for 500 mL of 20¥ soluon)
From Stress to Embryos
5. Cultures are observed weekly during 6 weeks, and the medium
is not renovated until the end of the experiments, i.e., until
63 days.
6. By 6 weeks from culture initiation, cultures are transferred for
3 weeks onto hormone-free MS medium for expression of
7. After 9 weeks from culture initiation, cultures exhibit large
numbers of globular somatic embryo s and are transferred to
liquid medium of the same composition as used to induce
embryogenesis, cultured with shaking (80 rpm) under the
same conditions as above, and subcultured every 4 weeks
8. By the fi rst passage with shaken conditions, the tissues from
both explant sources are completely covered with somatic
embryo s at different stages of development. The somatic
embryos start to detach from the explants, and 1 month later
the fl asks will mostly contain germinating embryos only.
The barrel medic, Medicago truncatula , is considered as a model
legume species in terms of biotechnology approaches, and R108 is
one of the genotypes that can be regenerated by somatic embryo-
genesis and genetically transformed [
59 ], even if gene transfer is
effi cient only for a few genotypes.
1. Use seeds of the R108-1 genotype of M. truncatula that have
been stratifi ed (48–72 h in the dark at 4 °C), as described in
Trinh et al. [
60 ] and Ochatt et al. [ 16 ].
2. Scarify seeds (1 M H
2 SO
4 for 2 min or grated with sand paper)
for effi cient germination .
3. Germinate seeds on humid fi lter paper at 24 °C in the dark for
48–72 h.
4. Transfer germinated seeds to hormone-free MS medium [
16 ]
or SHb10 medium (Table
1 ; 60 ), at 22 ± 2 °C under a 16 h
light photoperiod at 90 μmol/m
2 /s from warm white fl uores-
cent tubes, for 4–6 weeks.
5. Use individual folioles from trifoliate leaves (i.e., the cotyle-
donary leaves were discarded), harvested from the 4–6-week-
old plantlets grown in vitro ( see step 4 ). Alternatively, folioles
from trifoliate leaves on in vivo seedlings of the same age, but
grown in the glasshouse (19–22 °C, 60–70 % relative humid-
ity, 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod at 200 μmol/m
2 /s) may
also be used.
6. For the initiation of callus followed by somatic embryo induc-
tion, folioles are cut 3–4 times with the blade of a scalpel (per-
pendicularly to the main vein) and transferred to SH3 medium,
which contains 3 % (w/v) sucrose (commercial sugar can be
3.2.2 Medicago
truncatula (Table 1 )
Sergio J. Ochatt and Maria Angeles Revilla
used) and is also supplemented with 16 μM (4 mg/L) 2,4-D
and 2 μM (0.5 mg/L) BAP. Cultures are kept at 25 °C in the
dark, and explants transferred to fresh medium every 2 weeks.
7. During 8–10 weeks of culture, callus develops and some early
globular pro-embryonic structures appear on the callus
8. After 8–10 weeks, callusing explants are transferred to
hormone- free medium SH9, which contains only 2 % (w/v)
sucrose , and cultures are transferred to the photoperiodic light
and temperature regime as reported above for expression of
somatic embryo genesis. On this medium, somatic embryos
develop up to the cotyledonary stage and start to germinate.
9. Transfer germinating somatic embryo s to half-strength SH9
medium for complete rooting of plantlets, which are thereafter
acclimatized and transferred to the glasshouse until maturity
and seed set.
It is important to note that if this protocol is used for gene
transfer or in vitro selection for stress tolerance, once a given callus
produces a shoot from embryos, this is harvested and the callus is
discarded to prevent multiplication of several plants derived from
the same transformation or selection event.
4 Conclusions
The FAO [ 63 ] has been ringing the alert about the ever-increasing
demand for food and feed resulting from the constant demo-
graphic increase, while most quality arable land is already under
exploitation, which pushes cultivation to more marginal areas and
soils so that crops are confronted with novel or increased stress
agents [
64 ]. The need for developing new more stress-resistant
genotypes to ensure food supply is becoming urgent, and one of
the ways to producing them is by exploiting biotechnology
approaches in vitro, such as somatic embryo genesis. Against this
background, integration of conventional breeding programs and
molecular and cell biology approaches based on somatic embryo-
genesis proves invaluable to fasten the generation of genetically
improved commercial crop species [
10 , 13 , 49 , 64 ].
Despite all the knowledge about the requirements for in vitro
regeneration accumulated in the literature over the last decades, it
is still a matter of controversy why certain genotypes, cells, or
explants are embryogenic, while others are not [
13 , 15 , 19 ]. Thus,
the optimization of culture conditions remains mainly an empirical
exercise driven by experience and intuition of researchers to assess
a range of combinations of potentially effective parameters.
However, various recent advances would permit to better defi ne
From Stress to Embryos
and measure the totipotent status and hence the degree of cell
specifi city toward regeneration competence. In this context, it is
most likely that the reason for this gap in knowledge comes from
the complex interactions in place between the environmental con-
ditions (including the composition of the used culture medium)
and the physiological status of the cells at the time of culture which
are under the tight control of genes whose expression also depends
on many factors and conditions [
6 , 13 , 19 , 45 ].
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our-failing-food-system/genetic- engineering/
Sergio J. Ochatt and Maria Angeles Revilla
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6_32, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Chapter 32
Cryotechniques for the Long-Term Conservation
of Embryogenic Cultures from Woody Plants
Elif Aylin Ozudogru and Maurizio Lambardi
Since its development in the 1960s, plant cryopreservation is considered an extraordinary method of safe
long-term conservation of biological material, as it does not induce genetic alterations and preserve the
regeneration potential of the stored material. It is based on the storage of explants at cryogenic temperatures,
such as the one of liquid nitrogen (−196 °C), where the metabolism within the cells is suspended; thus, the
time for these cells is theoretically “stopped”. Cryopreservation is particularly important for embryogenic
cultures, as they require periodic subculturing for their maintenance, and this, in turn, increases the risk of
losing the material, as well as its embryogenic potential. Periodic re-initiation of embryogenic cultures is pos-
sible; however, it is labor intensive, expensive, and particularly diffi cult when working with species for which
embryogenic explants are available only during a limited period of the year. Among various methods of
cryopreservation available for embryogenic cultures, slow cooling is still the most common approach, espe-
cially in callus cultures from softwood species. This chapter briefl y reviews the cryopreservation of embryo-
genic cultures in conifers and broadleaf trees, and describes as well a complete protocol of embryogenic callus
cryopreservation from common ash tree ( Fraxinus excelsior L.) by slow cooling.
Key words Cryopreservation , Embryogenic cultures , Fraxinus excelsior L. , Slow cooling , Somatic
embryo s , Two-step freezing , Woody trees
1 Introduction
Cryopreservation refers to the storage of biological material (such
as seeds, somatic/ zygotic embryo s, embryogenic and organogenic
callus cultures, shoot tips, axillary buds) in liquid gases, at ultra-
low temperatures. Among various gases available, liquid nitrogen
( LN ), which is in such a physical state at −196 °C, is usually pre-
ferred due to its numerous advantages, such as low cost, ease in
handling, ease in delivery, and no toxicity for preserved plant speci-
mens. When a biological material is subjected to such a low tem-
perature, almost all of the biological reactions within its cells are
hampered. Suspension of the metabolism in such way ensures the
storage of the material for theoretically unlimited time, without
inducing any genetic alteration. Hence, the technique is considered
the only valuable approach to the ex situ long-term conservation of
plant biodiversity that can be regarded as complementary to the
traditional storage in seed banks and in in-fi eld collections [
1 ].
Water content of the cells during the immersion in LN is the key
factor affecting the success of cryopreservation. It should be low
enough to prevent the formation of lethal intracellular ice crystals
and yet high enough to enable recovery of viable explants after
storage in LN. This is induced by triggering the “vitrifi cation” of
cytosol, which is a physical state of water solutions, in which the
solidifi cation of water molecules at ultra-low temperature is
obtained through their transition to an amorphous (“glassy”)
state, instead of crystallization [
2 ]. Cell vitrifi cation can be induced
in several ways: (1) by imposing “ cryodehydration ” of explants,
i.e., by a gradual decrease of their temperature (usually at a rate of
−0.5/−1 °C/min) up to −40 °C before the immersion in LN
(“ slow cooling ”), (2) by the use of highly concentrated vitrifi ca-
tion solutions (“ chemical dehydration ”), or (3) by exposing the
explants to sterile air fl ow or silica gel (“ physical dehydration ”).
The latter two techniques allow the direct immersion of the
explants in LN and thus are referred as “ one-step freezing ” [
3 ].
Cryopreservation is particularly important for embryogenic
cultures because, once a cell culture is established, it requires peri-
odic subculturing for the maintenance, and this is not only labor
intensive but also increases the risk of losing either the material
through contamination, human errors or technical failures, or its
embryogenic potential through the frequent long-term subcultur-
ing [
4 , 5 ]. Periodic re-initiation of embryogenic cultures can pro-
vide a solution to this drawback. However, this is labor intensive
and expensive, too, and is particularly diffi cult when working with
species for which suitable explants for embryogenic callus induc-
tion are available only during a limited period of the year [
6 8 ].
Nevertheless, development and optimization of effi cient cryo-
preservation protocols for embryogenic cultures allow the safe,
low-cost, and long-term conservation of this unique material [
9 ].
Cryopreservation of embryogenic cultures is a relatively recent
application of the cryogenic technology, fi rst examples of detailed
and successful protocols being available only in the early 1990s
10 , 11 ]. Sakai’s work on Citrus sinensis also reported the develop-
ment of Plant Vitrifi cation Solution no. 2 ( PVS2 ), a mixture of
cryoprotectants which instantly became a milestone to induce cell
vitrifi cation . It was soon evident that the possibility of storing valu-
able embryogenic culture lines in LN could allow the long-term
maintenance of their embryogenic potential, making them avail-
able only when necessary and avoiding the above-mentioned draw-
backs induced by repeated subculturing [
9 ].
Slow cooling is the most common approach for embryogenic
callus cultures. In recent years, this approach allowed the develop-
ment of effective protocols for various conifer (Table
1 ) and broad-
leaf (Table
2 ) trees. One disadvantage of slow cooling is the
Elif Aylin Ozudogru and Maurizio Lambardi
Table 1
Cryopreservation of embryogenic cultures of conifers ( LN liquid nitrogen , NR not reported, RT room temperature)
Species Explant a Preculture Pre-freezing treatments Cooling rate Thawing
recovery (%) Reference
Slow cooling
Abies cephalonica CC 5 °C (14 days)+,
darkness + sucrose, 0.2 M
(1 day) + 0.4 M (1 day)
10 % PEG6000+ 10 %
glucose + 10 % DMSO
30 min, 0 °C
−10 °C/h to −38 °C 37 °C 75 [
16 ]
Abies hybrids CC Sorbitol, 0.4 or 0.8 M
(2 or 3 days) 0.4 or 0.8 M sorbitol +
5 % DMSO, 1 h, 0 °C −80 °C (~100 min)
to −40 °Cc
40 °C, 3 min 37–100 [ 17 ]
Picea abies SC Sorbitol, 0.4 M (2 days) 5 % DMSO, 30 min −0.3 °C/min to
−35 °C 37 °C, 2–3 min NR [
18 ]
Picea abies SC Sorbitol, 0.2 M (1 day) +
0.4 M (1 day), darkness 5 % DMSO, 0 °C −0.5 °C/min to
−40 °C 45 °C, 90 s NR [
19 ]
Picea abies CC Sorbitol, 0.4 M (2 days) 5 % DMSO, 30 min −0.3 °C/min to
−35 °C 37 °C, 2–3 min NR [
20 ]
Picea glauca
engelmannii SC 0.4 M sorbitol + 5 % DMSO Multistep cooling
b 37 °C, 1–2 s 100 [ 21 ]
Picea glauca SC Sorbitol, 0.4 M (1 day) 0.4 M sorbitol + 5 % DMSO,
30 min −0.3 °C/min to
−35 °C 37 °C, 90 s 94 [
22 ]
Picea sitchensis SC Sorbitol, 0.2 M (1 day) +
0.4 M (1 day) 5 % DMSO, 0 °C −0.5 °C/min to
−40 °C 45 °C NR [
23 ]
Picea sitchensis SC Sorbitol, 0.2 M (1 day) +
0.4 M (1 day), darkness 5 % DMSO, 0 °C −0.5 °C/min to
−40 °C 45 °C, 90 s NR [
19 ]
Pinus caribaea
‘Hondurensis’ SC Sucrose, 0.4 M 0.4 M sucrose + 5 % DMSO −0.5 °C/min to
−35 °C 40 °C, 2 min 100 [
24 ]
Pinus nigra CC Sucrose or maltose, 0.5 M
(1 day) 0.5 M sucrose or maltose +
7.5 % DMSO, 1 h −80 °C (~100 min)
to -40 °C 40 °C, 3–4 min 87 [
25 ]
Pinus patula SC Sorbitol, 0.3 M (1 day) 0.3 M sorbitol + 5 % DMSO,
20 min, 0 °C −70 °C, 2 h
c 42 °C, 2–3 min 60 [ 26 ]
Pinus pinaster SC Maltose, 0.2 M (1 day) +
0.4 M (1 day), darkness 10 % PEG4000 + 10 %
sucrose + 10 % DMSO 0 °C −80 °C, 1 day
c 45 °C 97 [ 27 ]
Table 1
Species Explant a Preculture Pre-freezing treatments Cooling rate Thawing
recovery (%) Reference
Pinus pinaster SC Sucrose, 0.22 M (1 day) +
0.4 M (2 h) 5 % PSD solution (20 g/L
PEG4000 + 20 g/L
sucrose + 20 % (v/v)
DMSO) , 1 h at 0 °C
−70 °C, 80 min
c 40 °C 100 [ 28 ]
Pinus radiata SC Sorbitol, 0.4 M (1 day) 20 °C 0.4 M sorbitol +10 %
DMSO −80 °C, 75–90 min
c RT, 30 s + 40–45
°C, 2 min 100 [ 29 ]
Pinus roxburghii SC Sorbitol, 0.3 M (1 day) 0.3 M sorbitol +5 % DMSO Multistepcooling
d 45 °C, 2–3 min 70 [ 30 ]
Pinus sylvestris CC 5 °C (14 days) + sucrose,
0.2 M (1 day) + 0.4 M (1 day) 10 % PEG6000+ 10 %
glucose + 10 % DMSO, 30
min, 0 °C
−10 °C/h to −38 °C 37 °C 78 [
31 ]
Pinus sylvestris CC Sucrose, 0.2 M (1 day) +
0.4 M (1 day) 10 % PEG6000 + 10 %
glucose + 10 % DMSO,
1 h, 0 °C
−10 °C/h to −38 °C 37 °C, 1–3 min 80–93 [
32 ]
Direct immersion in LN
Picea mariana CC Sorbitol, 0.8 M (2 days) PVS2, 30 min, 0 °C 40 °C 67 [
33 ]
Updated from [ 9 ]
a CC clumps of embryogenic callus (developmental stage not reported), SC cells from suspension cultures
b Slow cooling was achieved as follows: −0.3 °C/min to −3 °C −15 °C/min to −8 °C −25 °C/min to −32 °C −0.3 °C/min to −35 °C
c Slow cooling was achieved by incubating the samples in a freezer at −70 or −80 °C before plunging them into LN
d Slow cooling was achieved as follows: −0.3 °C/min to −35 °C −25 °C/min to −50 °C
Table 2
Cryopreservation of embryogenic cultures of broadleaf trees ( LF laminar ow, LN liquid nitrogen , MC moisture content, NR not reported, RT room temperature, SG
silica gel)
Species Explant a Preculture Pre-freezing treatments Cooling rate Thawing
recovery (%) Reference
Slow cooling
Citrus deliciosa SC 10 % DMSO, 30 min, 4 °C −0.5 °C/min 37 °C, 5 min NR [ 34 ]
Citrus sinensis SE −0.5 °C/min to −42 °C RT, 15 min 5 [ 35 ]
Citrus sinensis HSE 10 % DMSO −0.5 °C/min to −42 °C 37 °C, 5 min 31 [ 36 ]
Citrus ssp. CC 10 % DMSO, 30 min, 0 °C −0.5 °C/min to −40 °C 37 °C, 5 min 100 [ 37 ]
Fraxinus excelsior CC 0.61 M sucrose +7.5 %
DMSO, 1 h, 0 °C −1 °C/min to −40 °C 40 °C, 2-3 min 100 [ 12 ]
Hevea brasiliensis CC 1 M sucrose + 10 % DMSO,
1 h, 0 °C −0.2 °C/min to −40 °C 40 °C 49 [
38 ]
Hevea brasiliensis CC 1 M sucrose + 10 % DMSO,
1 h, 0 °C −0.2 °C/min to −40 °C 40 °C 70 [
39 ]
Persea americana CC 5 % DMSO + 5 %
glycerol + 0.13 or 1 M
sucrose, 30 min, 0 °C
−1 °C/min to −80 °C 40 °C, 5 min NR [
40 ]
Species Explant a Preculture Pre-freezing treatments Thawing
recovery (%) Reference
Direct immersion in LN
hippocastanum TSE 4 °C (5 days), darkness 2 M glycerol + 0.4 M sucrose, 30 min,
25 °C+ PVS2, 90 min, 0 °C 45 °C, 50 s 94 [
41 ]
Citrus sinensis SC 60 % PVS2, 5 min, 25 °C+ PVS2,
3 min, 0 °C 25 °C 84 [
11 ]
Citrus ssp. SE Sucrose, 0.7 M (1 day) Encapsulation + dehydration, 5 h, LF RT, 2–3 min 100 [
42 ]
angustifolia CSE 4 °C (10 h) sucrose,
0.5 M (1 day) Encapsulation + dehydration, 1 h, SG 40 °C, 3 min 31 [
43 ]
Litchi chinensis CC PVS2, 30 min, 0 °C 38–40 °C, 2 min 100 [
44 ]
Mangifera indica
‘Zihua’ SC Sucrose, 0.5 M (1 day)
25 °C PVS3
b , 20 min, 25 °C 25 °C, 2–3 min 94 [ 45 ]
Olea europaea
‘Canino’ CC 4 °C (4 days), darkness 2 M glycerol + 0.4 M sucrose, 30 min,
25 °C+ PVS2, 90 min, 0 °C RT, 10 s + 40 °C, 50 s 38 [
46 ]
Olea europea
‘Nabali’ CC 30 °C (1 day) Encapsulation + 0.4 M sucrose +
2 M glycerol, 60 min + PVS2, 3 h, 0 °C 38 °C, 2 min 64 [
47 ]
Olea europea
‘Picual’ CC Sucrose, 0.4 M
(7–8 weeks) PVS2, 60 min, 0 °C, droplet vitrifi cation 1.2 M sucrose, RT 100 [
48 ]
Persea americana CC PVS2, 60 min 40 °C, 5 min NR [
40 ]
Prunus avium CC Multistep sucrose
c Dehydration, LF (until 20 % MC) 1.2 M sucrose at 40 °C 89 [
49 ]
Quercus robur GSE- HSE Sucrose, 0.3 M (3 days) PVS2, 60 min, 25 °C 40 °C, 2 min 70 [
50 ]
Quercus robur CC Multistep sucrose
c Dehydration, 4–5 h, LF 1.2 M sucrose at 40 °C NR [
51 ]
Quercus suber GSE Sucrose, 0.3 M (3 days) PVS2, 60 min, 0 °C 40 °C, 2 min 93 [
52 ]
Quercus suber GSE Sucrose, 0.7 M (3 days) Dehydration, LF (until 25–35 % MC) 38 °C, 2 min 90 [
53 ]
Theobroma cacao SSE Sucrose, 0.5 M (5 days) PVS2, 60 min, 0 °C 42 °C, 3 min 74.5 [
54 ]
Updated from [ 9 ]
a CC clumps of embryogenic callus (developmental stage not reported), CSE clumps or isolated somatic embryo s at the cotyledonary stage, GSE clumps or isolated somatic embryos at the
globular stage, HSE clumps or isolated somatic embryos at the heart stage, SC cells from suspension cultures, SSE secondary somatic embryos, SE isolated somatic embryos, TSE clumps or
isolated somatic embryos at the torpedo stage
b PVS3: 50 % sucrose (w/v) + 50 % glycerol (w/v) in standard culture medium
c Multistep sucrose preculture was performed as follows: sucrose, 0.25 M (1 day) + 0.5 M (1 day) + 0.75 M (2 days) + 1.0 M (3 days)
Table 2
requirement of an expensive equipment, the controlled-rate
freezer. The Nalgene freezing container “Mr. Frosty”
® (Sigma-
Aldrich) is a cheaper alternative approach to slow cooling; how-
ever, it should be noted that “Mr. Frosty”
® provides only a rate of
−1 °C/min gradual temperature decrease and thus is useful only
when this cooling rate is suitable for the plant material [
9 ].
Vitrifi cation- based protocols have also been developed for embryo-
genic cultures from various important plant species, such as Citrus
spp., Olea europaea , Fraxinus spp., and Quercus spp. (Tables
1 and
2 ). A sample protocol on cryopreservation of Fraxinus excelsior
embryogenic callus cultures by slow cooling approach is included
to the chapter, providing a detailed information of the procedure
to the reader.
2 Materials
Slow cooling of Fraxinus excelsior is presented as a sample proto-
col [
12 ], where embryogenic callus cultures at the proliferation
phase (Fig.
1a ) are used as a plant material ( see Notes 1 and 2 ).
For embryogenic callus induction, following seed collection and
their decontamination, zygotic embryo s are isolated, and embry-
onic axes are excised aseptically and cultured on ½-strength MS
13 ] medium supplemented with 8.8 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-
acetic acid (2,4-D) and 4.4 μM benzyladenine (BA) ( see Note 3 )
for 2 months in the dark, followed by an additional 1-month incu-
bation period on plant growth regulator ( PGR )-free medium
(MS0) under standard culture conditions, i.e., 23 ± 1 °C under a
16-h photoperiod and low light intensity (20 μmol/m
2 /s). The
de novo formed embryogenic callus is then transferred to Woody
Plant Medium (WPM,
[14] ) ( see Note 4 ), supplemented with 4.4
μM BA, and maintained by subculturing at 2-week intervals (see
[15] ).
1. Sucrose -rich liquid medium: Liquid WPM, containing 0.61 M
(210 g/L) sucrose ( see Note 5 ).
2. Dimethyl sulfoxide ( DMSO ) and sucrose-rich liquid medium:
Liquid WPM, containing 0.62 M (210 g/L) sucrose and 15 %
DMSO (w/v) ( see Note 6 ).
3. Post-thaw recovery and plantlet development medium: Semi-
solid WPM supplemented with 4.4 μM BA.
4. Somatic embryo maturation medium: PGR -free semi-solid
1. Graduate cylinders (100, 500, 1000 mL).
2. Glass beakers (250, 500, 1000 mL).
2.1 Plant Material
2.2 Cryoprotective
and Semi- solid Media
2.3 Laboratory
Cryostorage of Embryogenic Cultures
3. Magnetic stirrer and spin bar.
4. Analytical balance, weighting containers, and lab spoons.
5. pH meter.
6. Autoclave.
7. Horizontal fl ow cabinet.
8. Automatic pipettor.
9. Nalgene benchtop cooler.
10. Nalgene freezing container (“Mr. Frosty”
® , Sigma-Aldrich).
11. Nalgene box.
12. LN dewar.
13. Appropriate gloves and masks for protection from LN .
14. Growth chamber (temperature of 23 ± 1 °C, photosynthetic
photon fl ux density of 20 μmol/m
2 /s and 16-h photoperiod).
1. Distilled water.
2. LN .
3. NaOH and HCl solution (1.0 and 0.1 N).
2.4 Consumables
Fig. 1 Slow cooling of embryogenic callus cultures of Fraxinus excelsior . ( a ) Embryogenic callus cultures at the
proliferation phase used in the cryopreservation trials. ( b ) Callus samples (~2 g) transferred to sterile 10-mL
glass tubes for the treatment with cryoprotective solutions. ( c ) Distribution of the mixture into sterile 2-mL
cryovials. ( d ) “Mr. Frosty”
® containing cryovials to be cooled in a −80 °C freezer. ( e ) Immersion of the samples
in LN . ( f ) Cryopreserved callus samples immediately after thawing and placing on post-thaw recovery medium.
( g ) Proliferation of the callus samples 42 days after thawing and recovery. ( h ) Somatic embryo maturation on the
cryopreserved callus samples ( arrows ) (Figg. g and h reproduced from [ 12 ] with permission from CryoLetters)
Elif Aylin Ozudogru and Maurizio Lambardi
4. Stock solutions of macro- and microelements, organics, and
iron of MS and WPM media .
5. Stock solutions of growth regulators (2,4-D and BA).
6. Sucrose .
7. Gelrite .
8. Schott bottles (250, 500, 1000 mL).
9. Petri dishes (Ø 90 mm).
10. 50-mm Whatman fi lter paper.
11. Forceps, scalpels, and blades.
12. Sterile medical gloves.
13. Sterile tubes (10 mL).
14. Sterile cryovials (2 mL).
15. Pipettes.
16. Trays (35 mm Ø).
3 Methods
Cryopreservation of embryogenic callus cultures (as it is for cryo-
preservation of almost all kinds of plant material) is a multistep
process. It involves several consecutive preconditioning (to enhance
the cold tolerance of plant material before the immersion in LN )
and promotive steps (to help the plant material recovering after
storage). Although some of these steps can be skipped, depending
on the cryopreservation approach applied, a complete cryopreser-
vation protocol is composed of (1) cold hardening, (2) preculture,
(3) osmoprotection, (4) cryoprotection , (5) immersion and stor-
age in LN, (6) thawing, (7) rinsing, and (8) plating on regenera-
tion medium.
Cryopreservation approach proved to be suitable for the
embryogenic callus cultures of Fraxinus excelsior is based on slow
cooling , inducing “ cryodehydration ” ( see Note 7 ) of the samples.
Here, the main step is the gradual decrease of the temperature at a
rate of −0.5/−1 °C/min to an intermediate temperature of −40 °C
before the immersion in LN , while some of the steps preceeding
immersion in LN (i.e., cold hardening, preculture, and osmopro-
tection) can be skipped. Gradual decrease of the temperature of
the samples, inducing cryodehydration, can be achieved by using a
controlled-rate freezer or the Nalgene freezing container “Mr
® , a specially designed plastic box containing 250 mL iso-
propyl alcohol, which cools the samples at a rate of about −1 °C/
min [
3 , 9 ].
Cryostorage of Embryogenic Cultures
1. Embryogenic callus samples (~2 g) are placed in sterile 10-mL
glass tubes (Fig.
1b ) and incubated with 5 mL sucrose -rich
liquid medium, i.e., liquid WPM, containing 210 g/L (0.61
M) sucrose.
2. Five mL DMSO and sucrose -rich liquid medium, added of 15
% DMSO, is then gradually added in three steps (1 mL, 2 mL,
and 2 mL, respectively) over a total period of 60 min (15 min,
15 min, and 30 min, respectively), to reach a fi nal DMSO con-
centration of 7.5 % in a fi nal volume of 10 mL.
3. Following DMSO treatment, suspension cultures are mixed
thoroughly and transferred into sterile 2-mL cryovials (each
cryovial containing 1 mL of the mixture, Fig.
1c ) ( see Note 8 ).
4. Slow cooling of the samples is achieved by placing the cryovials
in the cells of “Mr. Frosty”
® (Fig. 1d , see Note 9 ) and transfer-
ring the device in a −80 °C freezer, where it is kept (for about
1 h) until the temperature reaches −40 °C.
5. Afterward, the cryovials are rapidly transferred to Nalgene
boxes that are then plunged into LN (Fig.
1e ) where they are
stored for at least 1 h.
6. Callus samples that are treated with DMSO (control 1), or
treated with DMSO and cooled to −40 °C, but not frozen in
LN (control 2) serve as control.
1. The embryogenic callus samples are thawed in a 40 °C water
bath until the DMSO solution is totally melted.
2. They are then poured onto a 50-mm Whatman fi lter paper,
placed on post-thaw recovery medium, i.e., WPM supple-
mented with 4.4 μM BA (Fig.
1f ), and cultured at 23 ± 1 °C in
the dark for 2 days.
3. Subsequently, embryogenic callus samples are subcultured
under standard culture conditions (i.e., 23 ± 1 °C, 16-h photo-
period, with a light intensity of 20 μmol/m
2 /s) in every
2 weeks by transferring the fi lter paper onto semi-solid fresh
post-thaw recovery medium until the 42nd day (Fig.
1g ).
4. The callus clumps are then put in direct contact with fresh
semi- solid medium.
1. In order to stimulate somatic embryo maturation and conver-
sion into plantlets, cryopreserved callus samples are transferred
onto PGR -free, semi-solid WPM ( embryo maturation medium)
and subcultured at 2-week intervals (Fig.
1h ).
2. Somatic embryo s at the cotyledonary stage are then isolated
and subcultured on the same medium at 4 °C, in darkness for
4 weeks, followed by transfer to WPM containing 4.4 μM BA
under the above-mentioned standard culture conditions.
3. The plantlets developed are then transferred to trays (35 mm
Ø) and acclimatized under greenhouse conditions.
3.1 Cryopreservation
of Fraxinus excelsior
3.2 Thawing
and Post-Thaw
3.3 Embryo
Elif Aylin Ozudogru and Maurizio Lambardi
4 Notes
1. For cryopreservation trials, only established embryogenic cal-
lus cultures (i.e., coming from cultures maintained for at least
1 year) are used.
2. Cultures were initiated from immature zygotic embryo s of
selected ash trees in Florence, Italy [
15 ].
3. In our laboratory, stock solutions of PGR are prepared in 10
M concentration and are stored at 4 °C. 2,4-D and BA are
sterilized by autoclaving; thus, they are included in the medium
before sterilization.
4. MS and WPM media , supplemented or not with PGR , con-
tained 20 g/L sucrose and 3.6 g/L Gelrite (pH 5.8).
5. During the course of the study, sucrose concentration, as well
as the application time of the solution, should be optimized
carefully for each species. Accordingly, depending on the plant
species used in the study, the solution can be prepared using
different basal medium formulations.
6. As stated in Note 5 , also here sucrose concentration, as well as
DMSO concentration, should be optimized carefully accord-
ing to the sensitivity of the specifi c embryogenic callus line.
The solution can be prepared in any kind of basal medium
formulation. However, what is crucial is that the sucrose con-
centrations and basal medium formulations of these two solu-
tions should be identical.
7. Cryodehydration ” refers to a state of losing moderate amount
of potentially freezing water molecules from the cell cytosol, in
response to gradual decrease of the temperature. If tempera-
ture decrease is performed too fast, cells do not lose suffi cient
amount of water, and thus they risk the cryo-damages induced
by ice crystals formed in the intra cellular spaces during immer-
sion in LN . On the contrary, if temperature decrease is per-
formed too slowly, cells lose extreme amount of water, which
results in dehydration injuries due to cell plasmolysis. Moderate
water loss is proved to be induced by decreasing the tempera-
ture at a rate of −0.5/−1 °C/min.
8. This application is rather “tricky” while working with compact
callus samples, as it is diffi cult to have homogeneous distribu-
tion of callus samples in the solution and thus is diffi cult to
transfer equal amount of callus sample from the 10-mL glass
tubes into each 2-mL cryovial. Alternatively, callus samples of
equal amount can be directly transferred to cryovials and can
be treated with the cryoprotective solutions in that container.
If this is the case, it should be recalled that the fi nal volume of
the solutions will be 1 mL, in total.
Cryostorage of Embryogenic Cultures
9. “Mr. Frosty”
® has a plate of 18 cells. Thus, it should be consid-
ered that, using one “Mr. Frosty”
® container, only 18 cryovials
can be managed for each trial.
The “Ente Cassa di Risparmio of Florence” is gratefully acknowl-
edged for a 36-month grant to Elif Aylin Ozudogru (project
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Elif Aylin Ozudogru and Maurizio Lambardi
Abies alba ...........................................70, 72, 89, 90, 417, 429
Abies cephalonica (methods)
cryopreservation by controlled-rate cooling ................426
somatic embryogenesis ...............................................424
Abscissic acid (ABA) .............................. 11, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36,
38, 39, 41, 42, 58, 62, 68, 70, 74, 75, 132, 136–138,
141, 142, 144–146, 150, 155, 158, 173, 177, 178,
185, 189, 195, 198–200, 215, 408, 409, 422–425,
443, 445, 449, 524
Acca sellowiana ....................................................34, 122, 125
Acrylic resin sections ........................................................493
Activated charcoal (AC) ........................... 5, 74, 94, 119, 133,
135, 136, 138, 145, 146, 156, 158, 177, 218, 230,
267, 268, 281, 282, 311, 313, 332, 348, 380, 381,
408, 409, 412, 432, 434, 435, 437, 443, 445, 525
Adventitious embryony ........................................... 4, 5, 8, 9,
15, 16, 294
Aesculus hippocastanum (methods)
acclimatization ............................................................437
culture media and conditions ......................................434
explant surface sterilization .........................................435
somatic embryo development and embryogenic tissue
proliferation ....................................................435
somatic embryo maturation and conversion ...............435
somatic embryogenesis induction ...............................435
Agar .......................................... 158, 210, 214, 230, 266–268,
273, 281, 293, 296, 309–313, 316, 317, 332, 334,
343–345, 347, 361, 363, 373, 375, 388, 389, 391,
393, 397, 399, 422, 426, 432, 435, 454, 463, 464,
470, 478, 479, 485, 518, 519, 529, 531, 545
Agrobacterium .............................. 25, 265, 267, 268, 271–273,
303, 305, 306, 309, 316–317
Agrobacterium mediated transformation ............ 303, 305, 306
Air-lift ...................................................................... 158, 249
Albino plants ....................................................................400
Alternative oxidase enzyme (AOX) ........................ 90, 93–95
Anderson medium ............................................................332
Androgenesis .......................... 7, 69, 104, 209, 212, 217, 219,
223, 228, 231, 232, 454, 467
Angiosperms .............................................6, 9, 26, 53, 68, 70,
72, 75, 89, 103, 104, 122, 167, 169, 175, 180, 185,
198, 525
Anther culture ..........................210, 212, 214, 217–220, 222,
225, 226, 229, 230, 234, 296, 453, 454, 456, 457,
460, 464, 467, 468, 470–473, 476, 478, 480–482,
484, 485, 493, 495, 496
Anther filament .................................432, 434, 436, 463, 473
Antigenicity ......................................................................492
Apomixis ............4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 63, 294, 395
Arabidopsis thaliana .......................... 26, 47, 74, 167, 530–532
Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) ............ 41, 91, 124, 178, 227
Araucaria angustifolia (methods)
early somatic embryos maturation ..............................447
embryogenic callus pre-maturation 1..........................447
embryogenic callus pre-maturation 2..........................447
embryogenic callus proliferation .................................446
morphological and cytochemical analysis
procedure ........................................................448
somatic embryogenesis induction ...............................446
Araucariaceae ..................................................... 131, 146, 439
Arbutus unedo ............................................................ 329, 337
ARGONAUTE (AGO) genes ..................................53, 183
Artificial endosperm ......................................... 516–519, 521
Artificial seed See Synthetic seed
Aascorbic acid............................307, 338, 478, 506, 517, 518
Asexual seed .........................................................................4
2,4-dichlorophenoxi acetic acid
(2,4-D)...................................51, 58, 69, 524, 530
3-indolbutyric acid (IBA) ...........................................530
1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) ................................530
BABY BOOM (BBM) gene .................................................14
Bactris gasipaes (methods)
conversion of somatic embryos and plantlet
acclimatization ................................................286
somatic embryogenesis from inflorescences ................283
somatic embryogenesis from zygotic
embryos ..........................................................282
use of thin cell layers as explants to induce somatic
embryogenesis .................................................285
Ballon column reactor (BCR) .........................245, 246, 249,
251, 252
Balloon-type bubble reactor (BTBR) ............ 245, 248–252, 255
Maria Antonietta Germanà and Maurizio Lambardi (eds.), In Vitro Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1359, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3061-6, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Barley ..........................74, 108, 109, 211, 213, 468, 495, 503,
504, 507, 508, 510–511, see also Hordeum vulgare
Bax-inhibitor 1 (BI-1) .............................................. 109, 110
Beta-naphthoxyacetic acid (NOA) ................................... 267
Betula pendula ...................................................................123
Bioreactor ................................158, –159, 248–250, 252, 253
Bipolar propagules ............................................................ 516
Brachiaria brizantha ..................................................395–401
Brachiaria ruziziensis .........................................................400
Brassica napus ............................. 13, 32, 54, 62, 215, 218, 468
Bubble reactor ..........................................................249, 252
Bulblets ............................................................. 389, 391–393
Bulbs .................................. 306, 351, 352, 387, 389–391, 393
Calcium alginate matrix ...................................................520
Calcium chloride ...................................... 308, 517, 518, 520
Calcium ions .................................................................68, 70
Canola ...................................................................... 211, 292
Capsicum ................................................... 211, 228, 229, 468
Capsicum annum (methods)
analysis of the ploidy level ..........................................472
donor plant growth conditions ...................................469
in vitro culture of anthers ............................................470
Carbenicillin ..................................................... 268, 272, 274
Carbohydrates .............. 31–34, 38, 119, 124, 177, 192, 196, 378
Carbon dioxide (CO2) .......................158, 230, 247, 248, 413
Carrot ............................... 13, 17, 25, 29, 41, 51, 53, 58, 62, 63,
67–70, 89, 91, 93, 94, 118, 122, 123, 249, 252, 292,
see also Daucus carota
Casein hydrolysate ....................................135, 397, 407, 420,
422–424, 506, 507, 525
Cefotaxime ........................229, 268, 272, 274, 310, 312, 346
Cell fate .....................................19, 54–56, 93, 179, 181–183
Cell reprogramming ................................... 87, 107, 183, 492
Cell suspension ................................... 11, 122, 138, 150, 249,
254, 292, 295, 303, 305, 306, 313, 317, 318, 361,
364, 365, 369, 526
Cell vitrification................................................................538
Cell wall ..................................... 9, 28, 31, 68, 71–70, 72, 73,
91, 103, 119, 154, 176–179, 190, 193, 198, 199,
221, 270, 299, 319, 493, 496, 498, 501, 513
Cephalotaxaceae ....................................................... 131, 146
Chemical dehydration ......................................................538
Chromatin remodeling ...........................17, 48, 49, 182, 186,
198, 491, 496
Citrus (methods)
protoplast transformation
initiation and maintenance of embryogenic (callus
and cell suspension) cultures ...........................313
polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced protoplast
transformation ................................................315
preparation and enzymatic incubation of cultures
from embryogenic callus .................................314
protoplast culture and plant regeneration .............316
protoplast isolation and purification .....................314
suspension cell culture transformation
agrobacterium preparation and culture
transformation ................................................316
selection of putative transformed embryos and
regeneration of transformed plants .....................317
Citrus clementina (anther culture, methods)
culture medium preparation and sterilization ................477
DAPI staining and developmental stage
determination .................................................477
embryogenic callus maintenance ................................479
embryo germination ...................................................480
flower bud sterilization, anther isolation
and culture ......................................................479
flower bud collection...................................................477
molecular characterization, microsatellite
analysis ............................................................482
plant development and acclimatization ......................480
ploidy analysis of regenerants
by flow cytometer............................................481
Clementine ....................................................... 211, 294, 297
Coating matrix .................................................................518
Coconut water ...................................310–312, 373, 377, 478
Co-cultivation ............264, 268, 272, 275, 420, 504, 509, 512
Coffea .................................................124, 125, 247, 252, 254
Coffee ......................................31, 32, 124, 125 see also Coffea
Colchicine ....................................7, 214, 217, 220, 225, 396,
455, 461, 462, 464
Complexing solution ................................................518, 519
Confocal laser scanning microscopy
Conversion ........................... 32, 33, 125, 145, 146, 151, 248,
254, 282, 286, 293, 343, 347, 348, 352, 361, 369,
407, 411, 412, 422–424, 434, 435, 437, 464, 516,
519, 520, 524, 546
Crocus sativus (methods)
explant sterilization .....................................................355
induction of somatic embryogenesis and somatic embryo
maturation ......................................................355
plantlet acclimatization ...............................................355
preparation of somatic embryogenesis induction and somatic
embryo maturation media .............................354–355
Cryodehydration............................................... 538, 545, 547
Cryopreservation (methods)
cryopreservation of Fraxinus excelsior ..........................546
embryo maturation .....................................................546
thawing and post-thaw recovery .................................546
Cryoprotection ................................................. 149, 427, 545
Cryostat sections .............................................. 439, 497–500
Cryptomeria japonica ......................................... 137, 145, 148
Culture bags .....................................................................245
Cupressaceae ............................................ 131, 137, 145–146
Cybridization ............................................................301–303
Cybrids ..................................................... 295, 299, 301, 302
Cyclamen persicum .................................26, 37, 56, 58, 59, 63,
64, 66–67, 247
Cymbidium (methods)
general (Cymbidium and Dendrobium) ........................374
from greenhouse to in vitro: sterilization and
preparation of Cymbidium shoot tips ......374–375
1° SE and formation of 2° PLBs from 1° PLBs;
2° SE and formation of 3° PLBs
from 2° PLBs ..........................................375–376
benzyladenine (BA) ....................................................332
6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) see Benzyladenine
6-γ-γ-(dimethylallylamino)-purine see 2-isopentenyl
kinetin (Kin, KIN) ......................................................363
2-isopentenyl adenine (2-iP) ......................................353
thidiazuron (TDZ) .....................................................342
zeatin (ZEA) ..............................................................344
zeatin riboside (ZR) ...................................................343
Datura ...............................................211–213, 224, 233, 234
Daucus carota ......................................................... 29, 89, 292
DCR medium....................................409, 421, 423, 426, 427
De Fossard medium ..........................................................332
Dehydration injury
2D electrophoresis .................................................... 119, 126
Dendrobium (methods)
general (Cymbidium and Dendrobium) ........................374
from greenhouse to in vitro: sterilization and preparation
of Dendrobium shoot tips ................................375
1° SE and formation of 2° PLBs from 1° PLBs;
2° SE and formation of 3° PLBs
from 2° PLBs ..................................................376
Desiccation ..................................... 11, 26, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36,
124, 139, 140, 144, 146, 148–152, 170, 186, 188,
194, 197, 410, 418, 426, 435, 437, 524
Developmental regulator .......................... 177, 179, 183–185
4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) .................. 227, 461,
463, 469, 472, 477, 494, 495, 497, 499, 501
Dicamba ...........................................................................388
Difco Bacto agar ....................................................... 344–347
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) .......................... 150, 274, 309,
424, 429, 539–541, 543, 546, 547
DKW medium .................................................................268
DNA hypermethylation..........................................17, 50, 58
DNA methylation (methods)
controls for 5mdC immunofluorescence
experiments .....................................................499
5mdC immunofluorescence on cryostate and resin
sections ...........................................................498
permeabilization of cryostate sections.........................498
quantification of fluorescence intensity in 5mdC
immunolocalization confocal images ..............500
sample processing, section preparation and
storage .............................................................497
Doubled haploid ............................... 209, 216, 221, 224, 454,
467, 468, 475, 476, 485
Double regeneration technique ........................................343
Ectomycorrhizal fungi ......................................................420
Egg cell ................................................4–9, 12, 15, 17, 26, 27
Eggplant ........................... 211, 212, 224–228, 230, 231, 453,
454, 456, 462, 463, see also Solanum melongena
Eleutherococcus senticosus ....................................................255
Embryo development .............................6, 14, 15, 18, 29, 36,
40, 41, 57, 58, 60, 62, 72, 89, 93, 104, 106, 107,
109, 118, 124, 125, 137–139, 141–143, 145, 147,
148, 167–175, 177–183, 185, 187–189, 191,
193–200, 215, 223, 230, 231, 247, 267, 270, 272,
292, 331, 418, 434, 435, 441, 513, 524, 528, 529
Embryo development medium (EDM) ............ 409, 434, 435
Embryo initiation ............................................. 9, 15, 18, 247
Embryo maturation ..............................33, 73, 138, 178, 188,
193, 194, 247, 427, 524, 529, 546
Embryo patterning ...............................8, 143, 169, 179, 180,
183, 198, 199
Embryogenesis recalcitrance .............................................528
Embryogenic cell masses (ECMs) ............306, 419–418, 420,
Embryogenic competence ......................9, 18, 28, 48, 63, 75,
119, 122, 123, 148, 274
Embryogenic potential .........................26, 65, 124, 137, 148,
175, 188, 193, 199, 273, 294, 296, 485, 538
Embryonal masses (EMs) .......................... 16, 132, 135–137,
140, 142, 143, 145–150, 153–152, 158, 168, 170,
177, 179, 180, 182, 184–186, 189, 192, 193,
196–198, 200, 406, 408–410, 412, 441
Encapsulation ...................................150, 292, 515, 516, 518,
519, 521, 542
Endophytes ........................................................... 88, 95, 399
Endosperm ................................... 4, 6, 12, 16, 17, 26, 29, 31,
32, 38, 40–41, 73, 104, 179, 223, 282, 294, 300,
345, 400, 492, 518
Ensete superbum ...................................................................30
Epicormic shoots .............................................. 332–334, 336
Epifluorescence microscopy ...................................... 493, 499
Epigenetic regulator .........................................185, 186, 198
Epigenetics .....................................17–19, 42, 49–51, 76, 88,
91, 92, 147, 148, 168–170, 177, 185, 186, 188,
198, 199, 297, 491, 492, 496
Ericaceae ..........................................................................329
Ethylene ...................................................57, 60, 68, 74, 136,
141–142, 187, 193, 198, 247, 380, 525
Eustoma grandiflorum. See Eustoma russellianum
Eustoma russellianum (methods)
callus establishment ....................................................364
embling acclimatization .............................................. 365
embryogenic callus biomass proliferation ...................364
embryogenic cell suspension culture ...........................364
preparation and sterilization of culture media ..............363
somatic embryo conversion and growth ......................365
somatic embryo development .....................................365
Feeder culture ................................................................... 255
Fertilization .............................. 4–6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 26,
103, 122, 159, 229, 294, 413, 424, 503, 504
Fertilization-independent ................................4, 6, 12, 16, 18
Flow cytometry.................................................................461
Fluoresceine diacetate test (FDA) ................... 361, 364, 367,
427, 455, 462, 464
Fraxinus excelsior ............................................... 541, 543–545
Fulvic acid.........................................................................420
Gametic embryogenesis ............................ 4, 7, 8, 13, 19, 432,
476, 477, 484
Gas exchange rate ..................................................... 155, 248
Gelrite ..............................281, 282, 353, 354, 373, 376–378,
407, 443, 445, 520
Gene expression .............................. 13–15, 17, 18, 27, 35, 36,
49–51, 54, 58, 60, 62, 67, 70, 134, 148, 189, 192,
198–200, 215, 273, 524, 527
Genetic stability ............................................... 147, 156, 280
Genotype selection .............................................................89
Germination ............................... 6, 18, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35,
38, 40, 42, 55, 93, 103, 119, 124, 125, 132, 139,
144, 146, 148, 151, 153–152, 157, 158, 170–172,
174, 178, 180, 187, 194, 196, 214, 228, 233, 248,
251, 264, 265, 268, 271, 273, 274, 316, 317, 332,
334, 338, 348, 355, 369, 371, 388, 393, 400, 407,
408, 410–413, 418, 477, 478, 480, 485, 524, 525,
531, 532
Germplasm conservation .................................. 291, 295, 439
Gibberellic acid (GA3) ..........................55, 61, 184, 293, 308,
311, 312, 369, 396, 397, 478, 517, 529
Gibberellins .............................................................. 146, 184
Glitz medium ...................................................................135
Glutamine ..................................33, 125, 135–137, 145, 172,
176, 187, 192, 196, 215, 267, 281, 282, 298, 310,
420–423, 432, 434, 435, 478, 525
Glycerol .................................................... 268, 309, 541, 542
Glycine ..................................... 267, 268, 307, 309, 344, 348,
354, 421, 433, 442–445, 470, 478
Grapevine ............................. 60, 63, 263–266, 268, 269, 273,
275, 276, see also Vitis
Greek fir ................................................... 417, 418, 420–424
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) ............................266, 272,
275, 304–306, 315, 316, 320
Gymnosperms ......................................26, 29, 30, 38, 40, 53,
68, 70, 72, 75, 89, 103, 105, 106, 122, 169, 180,
185, 525
Haploid .......................4, 7, 40, 108, 210, 213, 214, 216, 217,
219–221, 223, 224, 226, 229, 231–233, 301, 453,
461, 462, 464, 465, 467, 468, 475, 476, 485
Heart-of-palm ..................................................................279
Heat-shock proteins .........................................................123
Hemoglobins (Hbs) .................................................... 74, 111
Hevea brasiliensis ................................................. 31, 252, 541
Hieracium ........................................................ 6, 9–13, 16, 18
Histone demethylation .......................................................51
Histone modifications ....................................42, 49, 76, 492
Homozygous ........................................7, 209, 210, 222, 464,
465, 473, 475, 482
Hordeum vulgare .......................................... 74, 292, 468, 504
Horse chestnut See Aesculus hippocastanum
Hydrolyzed casein ....................................................282, 346
Hyperhydration ................................................................369
Immature embryos ...................................110, 145, 197, 408,
419–418, 425, 529
Immunodepletion assay ....................................................493
Immunofluorescence ................................ 492–495, 497–500
Juniperus communis ............................................................146
Kalanchoë .........................................................5, 7, 10, 11, 14
Kanamicin ................................................ 265, 268, 272, 306
Knop medium...................................................................332
Larix kaempferi .................................148, 169–171, 174, 178,
179, 181, 183, 186, 189, 190, 199
Larix laricina ....................................................................143
Larix x leptoeuropaea ................................................. 136, 138
Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins ...................38
LEAFY COTYLEDON (LEC) genes ..........................14, 18,
56, 184, 198
L-glutamine See Glutamine
Lilium (methods)
bulbification ................................................................392
bulbification and soil transfer .....................................392
embryogenic callus induction and proliferation ..........392
enlargement of microbulbs .........................................392
germination of somatic embryos and plant
regeneration ....................................................392
preparation and sterilization
of culture media ..................................................391
surface sterilization of bulb scales and culture .................391
Lily .............................................387, 390, 393 see also Lilium
Lipids ..................................... 32, 33, 35, 36, 41, 57, 74, 124,
138, 171, 172, 184
Liquid nitrogen (LN) ...............................149–151, 160, 424,
427, 482, 483, 537–542, 544–547
Lisianthus .................................................359–362, 364, 369,
see also Eustoma russellianum
Litvay (LV) medium ................................................135, 137
Loblolly pine (LP) medium ..............................................408
Malformations .............................................................. 26, 30
Malt extract ............................... 295, 310–312, 478, 517, 518
Maltose ............................... 40, 136, 137, 139, 144–146, 149,
196, 295, 311, 312, 317, 407, 408, 418, 422, 423,
426, 441, 443–445, 506–508, 512, 539
Mannitol........................... 108, 139, 227, 267, 307, 308, 310,
314, 319, 343, 346, 506, 508, 509, 511, 529
Mass spectrometry ................. 37, 38, 121, 123, 174, 190, 195
5-mdC immunofluorescence ............ 492–495, 497, 499–500
Medicago truncatula .....................................58, 60, 61, 63, 67,
68, 528, 530, 532
Medium osmolarity ..........................................................524
Megagametophyte ..............................40, 106, 131, 136, 159,
177, 179, 185, 198, 199, 406, 411, 419–418, 424
Mercury chloride (HgCl2) .............353, 355, 356, 373, 375, 428
Metabolic fingerprinting ..........................................196, 197
Metabolic footprinting .....................................................196
Metabolism-related proteins ............................................123
Metabolome .....................................................................126
Metacaspases ............................................ 110, 111, 171, 178
Microbulbs ............................................... 388, 389, 391–393
Microsatellites .......................................... 147, 481, 482, 485
Microscales ............................................................... 392, 393
Microspore ....................7, 11, 54, 62, 74, 104, 106–109, 111,
209, 210, 212–215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 223–227,
229, 231–234, 270, 453, 460, 462, 464, 467, 471,
472, 476, 480, 485, 491–495, 497, 500
Microspore culture........................................... 210, 212, 214,
215, 218, 220, 221, 223, 224, 226, 227, 231–233,
453, 467, 476, 491, 493–497
Microspore embryogenesis ...........................7, 11, 54, 62, 74,
104, 212–215, 217, 225, 226, 229, 232, 234, 467,
476, 480, 491–495, 500
Mist reactor .............................................................. 245, 252
Mitochondria ................ 36, 87, 89–90, 92–95, 103, 109, 111
Monocots ............................................................. 10, 63, 395
Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium ...................... 253, 267,
344–347, 353–356, 374, 375, 377, 379–378, 388,
420, 421, 423, 424, 428, 434, 435, 437, 530, 532,
545, 547
Myo-inositol ....................... 34, 136, 180, 266–268, 421, 433,
442, 456, 506, 530
N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N´-phenylurea (CPPU) .............412
Neglected crops ................................................................530
Nicotiana tabacum .............................................211, 214, 468
Nicotinic acid ...........................268, 307, 348, 354, 421, 433,
442, 456, 470, 506
Nitric oxide (NO) .................................3, 9, 10, 13, 70, 72–74,
76, 94, 104, 106, 108, 110, 111, 133, 139, 147, 151,
152, 155, 157, 175, 180, 215, 219, 223, 228, 231,
233, 248, 249
N6 medium ......................................................................512
Nucellus ................................................................ 6, 104, 313
Olea europaea (methods)
embryo maturation and conversion to plantlets ..............347
somatic embryogenesis from immature zygotic
embryos ..........................................................345
somatic embryogenesis from mature tissue explants of
in vitro grown shoots ......................................346
somatic embryogenesis from mature tissue explants
of in vivo grown plants of Olea europaea
var. sylvestris..................................................... 347
somatic embryogenesis from mature zygotic
embryo of Olea europaea var. sativa and var.
sylvestris ..........................................................345
Olive .................71–70, 73, 93, 341–348 see also Olea europaea
Olive medium (OM) ................................................ 344, 347
One-step freezing .............................................................538
Orchids .................. 104, 371 see also Cymbidium, Dendrobium
Osmotin .......................................................................38, 74
Oxygen (O2) .............................................42, 68, 90, 93, 102,
103, 158, 189, 194, 247–249, 254, 498
Packed cell volume (PCV) ...............................................367
Paraformaldehyde fixation ................................................496
Parthenogenesis ..................4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 229, 453
Peach-palm. See Bactris gasipaes
Pepper ................211–213, 228–233, 453, 468, 470, 471, 474,
see also Capsicum annum
Peroxidases ................................................... 36, 40, 123, 176
Persea americana ................................................ 124, 541, 542
Phenotype plasticity ....................................... 88, 90, 94, 191
Phenotyping tool ................................................................95
Physical dehydration.........................................................538
Physiological disorder .......................................................292
Physiological stress ...........................................................527
Phytagel ............................................ 267, 407, 420, 422, 423,
443–445, 507, 512, 531
Picea abies ...........................38, 70, 72, 89, 105, 131, 134, 137,
168, 171, 174, 539
Picea glauca .......................................134, 138, 139, 141, 142,
150, 151, 153–152, 155, 156, 168, 170, 172, 174,
175, 177, 180, 181, 183, 185–187, 190–196, 199,
200, 298, 539
Picea mariana .................................................... 134, 151, 540
Picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic
acid) ................................................ 281, 388, 530
Pinus (methods)
germination and acclimatization.................................410
initiation and proliferation ..........................................408
maturation ..................................................................410
Pinus pinaster ....................... 31, 134, 168, 172, 174, 539, 540
Pinus radiata .............................. 134, 157, 168, 172, 174, 540
Pinus strobus ................................................................ 33, 134
Pinus sylvestris ....................................... 33, 61, 133, 134, 137,
168, 172, 540
Pinus taeda .........................................134, 168, 173, 174, 298
Plant agar .................................................................344, 345
Plant growth regulator (PGR) ............................. 7, 8, 30, 42,
56–58, 64, 90–92, 107, 131, 145, 170, 187, 293,
342, 360, 363, 375, 388, 393, 407, 408, 412, 423,
434, 435, 437, 440, 443, 444, 446, 449, 454, 524,
543, 546, 547
Plant vitrification solution no. 2 (PVS2) ................. 150, 538,
540, 542
Plantation forestry ............................................................134
Polarity .......................26, 29, 30, 55, 143, 182, 391, 392, 476
Pollen ...................................... 4, 69, 104, 134, 157, 209, 210,
213–215, 220, 223, 229, 231, 233, 300, 454, 457,
465, 467, 471–473, 476, 477, 485, 493, 494, 504,
507, 509–512
Polyacrylamide (PA) gel electrophoresis .................... 36, 119,
174, 190, 481
Polyamines ................... 35, 141, 149, 187, 188, 193, 198, 484
Polycomb ...................................................... 17, 49, 175, 182
Polyembryony ................................................... 106, 175, 411
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) .................................... 29, 31, 34,
132, 138, 139, 144, 145, 150, 158, 170, 185, 187,
196, 200, 227, 303–305, 309, 315, 319, 320, 407,
411, 418, 422–425, 432, 434, 435, 437, 441,
443–445, 529
Potato ........................... 63, 68, 108, 211–213, 216–218, 222,
see also Solanum tuberosum
Precision breeding ............................................................264
Pro-embryogenic masses (PEMs) .........................65–67, 69,
71–70, 72, 74, 75, 88, 89, 107, 110, 124, 269, 271,
274, 418, 440, 446–449
Programmed cell death (PCD) ........................ 26, 29–31, 41,
60, 65, 71–70, 72–74, 76, 89, 101–112, 143, 177,
178, 189, 193, 194, 198, 441
Proteome .............................. 36–38, 117, 119, 122, 123, 126,
168, 170, 190, 191, 193
Protocorm-like body (PLB) ............. 371, 374–377, 380–383
Protoplast fusion ....................................... 295, 298, 301, 302
Protoplast transformation ......................... 303, 305, 306, 319
Pseudotsuga menziesii .................................................134, 427
Quercus suber ............................................. 122, 252, 254, 542
Quoirin and Lepoivre medium .........................................135
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) .........................35, 41, 68, 75,
90, 91, 102, 111–112, 123, 124, 189, 193
Receptor-kinase See Somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase
Redox homeostasis ..................................... 93, 176, 188, 189
Rifampicin ................................................ 268, 271, 274, 309
RITA® ................................................245, 250, 251, 254–255
Saffron .............................................................. 351–353, 356
Salt stress ..........................................................................144
Scale-up ............................................................................154
Settled cell volume (SCV) ........................ 361, 364, 366, 367
Shear stress ............................................................... 246, 249
SH medium ...................................................... 420, 421, 425
Single cell culture .............................................................511
Slow cooling ......................................538, 539, 541, 543–546
Small RNAs .......................................................53, 170, 198
Sodium alginate ................................................ 515, 518, 520
Sodium hypochloride (NaOCl) ....................... 353, 355, 357,
360, 364, 374, 396, 507, 509
Solanaceae .........................................211–213, 223, 231, 233
Solanum lycopersicum .........................................................211
Solanum melongena (methods)
anther donor plants and choice of floral buds ............. 457
diploidization of the haploid plants ............................462
ploidy determination ..................................................460
sterilization and in vitro culture ..................................457
Solanum tuberosum ............................................211, 216, 217
Somaclonal variation ........... 89, 217, 291, 295, 297, 342, 516
Somatic cybridization ...............................................301–303
Somatic embryo .................... 4, 5, 7–9, 11, 13–15, 17, 25, 26,
28–42, 48–51, 54–56, 58–60, 62, 64–69, 71–70,
72, 73, 75, 76, 88–91, 105, 107, 110, 118–120,
122–126, 131, 132, 134, 136–151, 153–152,
154–156, 158, 159, 168, 170, 173–175, 178, 180,
183, 189, 191, 198, 199, 210, 217, 245, 247, 249,
250, 252–255, 264, 265, 269, 270, 275, 280–286,
290–305, 316, 317, 331–338, 341–348, 352, 355,
356, 360–362, 365, 367–369, 371, 374, 377,
379–378, 383, 388, 389, 393, 396, 398–401,
405–413, 419–418, 420, 421, 425–428, 432,
434–437, 440, 447–449, 467, 515, 519, 521,
523–530, 532, 533, 542–544, 546
Somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase
(SERK) ...................... 13, 15, 63, 65, 68, 171, 173
Somatic embryo maturation ............................ 119, 155, 352,
434, 543, 544, 546
Somatic embryo quality ....................................................138
Somatic hybrid .................................217, 219, 226, 290, 295,
298–302, 316, 475, 526
Sowing ...............................................151, 400, 516, 519, 521
Spruce ................................... 33, 35, 38, 40, 53, 70, 105, 107,
110, 132, 168, 249
Stem cells ................................... 5, 10, 15, 47, 49, 54, 55, 58,
60, 63, 75, 76, 94
Storage proteins .................................... 11, 32, 33, 38, 41, 57,
138–140, 179, 185, 187, 191, 192, 199
Storage reserves .........................................28, 29, 32, 42, 170
Strawberry tree See Arbutus unedo
Stress agents .............................................................525, 533
Stress response .......................8, 35, 36, 38, 41, 54, 60, 68, 70,
87, 88, 91–94, 110, 125, 126, 140, 154, 176, 190
Stress-related proteins ................................ 40, 123, 193, 195
Stress signaling ............................................................. 9, 123
Sucrose ............................... 32–34, 38, 67, 91, 132, 136, 137,
139, 140, 145, 149, 151, 158, 185, 186, 194, 196,
214, 232, 253, 266–268, 281, 296, 309–314, 317,
319, 332, 343–347, 353, 354, 361, 363, 375–377,
388, 389, 391, 397, 407–409, 420, 422–424, 426,
427, 433–435, 443, 445, 454, 463, 470, 478, 496,
497, 512, 517, 518, 529, 530, 532, 533, 539–543,
Suspensor ..........................5, 7, 10, 11, 26, 27, 29, 30, 71–70,
72, 75, 89, 104, 105, 107, 110–112, 136, 137, 142,
177, 179, 190, 218, 440, 448, 510–511, 513, 527
Suspensor-like cell (SCs) ...............107, 440, 448, 449, 539–542
Synseed See Synthetic seed
Synthetic seed (Citrus, methods)
encapsulation ..............................................................519
sowing and evaluation .................................................519
Taxaceae ...................................................................131, 146
Temporary immersion system (TIS) ............. 245, 250–252, 521
Thiamine .................................. 268, 307, 344, 354, 421, 433,
442, 456, 470, 478, 506
Thin cell layer (TCL) .... 69, 73, 285, 372, 376, 380, 381, 388
Thiophanate-methyl ......................................... 517, 518, 520
Tobacco ................................................53, 57, 59, 60, 67, 69,
73, 108, 109, 211–216, 224, 293, 468, 494, 504,
see also Nicotiana tabacum
Tomato ..................... 211–213, 218, 219, 221–224, 229, 231,
see also Solanum lycopersicum
Totipotency............................. 28, 48, 54–57, 65, 76, 88, 118,
122, 123, 175, 176, 293, 298, 305, 524, 527
Transcription factor .............................. 13–15, 17, 27, 36, 53,
91, 126, 148, 177
Transcriptome ................................36, 54, 92, 108, 126, 169,
170, 180, 189, 198, 200
Transverse thin cell layer (tTCL) .................... 376, 382, 388,
389, 391, 392
Triticum aestivum ...................................................... 468, 504
Tryptone ........................................................... 267, 373, 375
Viscosity ................................................................... 515, 517
Vitis (methods)
Agrobacterium culture initiation for plant genetic
modification ....................................................271
embryogenic culture induction from leaf
explants ...........................................................268
embryogenic culture induction from stamen and pistil
explants ...........................................................269
embryogenic culture maintenance ..............................270
embryogenic culture proliferation in liquid
medium ...........................................................270
gene insertion into embryogenic cell ..........................272
somatic embryo germination and plant
regeneration ....................................................273
Water stress ...............................................7, 91, 92, 103, 140
Wave reactor .............................................................245, 250
Wheat ......................................... 6, 15, 17, 26, 40, 42, 58, 63,
67–69, 211, 468, 503, 504, 507, 510–511, 513,
see also Triticum aestivum
Wheat zygote culture (methods)
emasculation and manual pollination of florets used for
zygote isolation ...............................................509
establishment of plantlets in soil .................................511
growth of donor plants ...............................................507
isolation of zygotes .....................................................509
production of embryogenic pollen cultures of barley used
for co-cultivation ............................................508
zygotic embryogenesis and in vitro plant
regeneration ....................................................511
Woody plant medium (WPM) ................................. 543, 546
WUSCHEL (WUS) gene .................................................55
gene .................................................. 56, 175, 176
YUC genes .........................................................................60
Zygotic embryo ................................8–11, 14, 25, 26, 28–36,
38–40, 42, 48, 51–53, 55–60, 62, 63, 69, 70, 73,
76, 88, 89, 107, 118, 122, 124, 125, 133–135, 139,
140, 144, 146, 147, 168, 173, 174, 191, 192, 226,
247, 280–283, 285, 291, 296, 371, 406, 411, 412,
418, 424, 425, 427, 428, 432, 434, 440, 441, 446,
504, 510–513, 516, 524, 525, 527, 537, 543, 547
Zygotic embryogenesis ...........................8–11, 14, 26, 28, 29,
33, 36, 42, 48, 51, 55–57, 60, 63, 70, 73, 76, 88,
89, 118, 122, 126, 168, 191, 192, 291, 341, 345,
347, 440, 512, 513
... In this regard, full-strength MS is capable to cause a one-week delay in germination compared to half-strength MS in some species like Pilosocereus robinii and Astrophytum asterias (Quiala et al., 2009;Lema-Ruminska and Kulus, 2012). Even in the case of inmature embryos from other species grown in vitro, like Capsella and Capsicum, it has been reported that full-strenght MS level could be slightly toxic for them and decrease their efficiency rates (Monnier, 1995;Manzur et al., 2013). ...
... Probably their high osmotic gradient, due to high sucrose and agar levels, is the main reason for the poor performance observed in these formulations (Pérez- Molphe-Balch et al., 1998). In this respect, many authors have reported in a broad range of species that isolated mature embryos cultivated in vitro had better response and good growth in media at low sugar contents (Fischer and Neuhaus, 1995;Monnier, 1995;Bhojwani and Razdan, 1996;Manzur et al., 2013). Finally, we found that from 35 to 42 DAS on, the percentage of plants with areoles did not increase significantly in most of the media, reaching their highest values at this stage (Table 2). ...
... Many studies have reported that 1/2 × MS, or even 1/4 × MS, provides a better effect not only in germination but also in subsequent early development than full MS (Gland-Zwerger, 1995;Xu et al., 2007;Manzur et al., 2013;Koné et al., 2015). This is probably due to a deleterious effect of some of the salts present in the MS formulation (Monnier, 1995). By contrast, full strength MS is advised for more advanced seedling stages as, once seedlings increase their size and become photosynthetically active, their requirements in micro and macronutrients are higher (Stewart and Kane, 2006;Paul et al., 2012). ...
Lophophora williamsii is an ornamental slow growth cactus highly appreciated by cacti growers and hobbyists. Its demand is often satisfied through illegal collection of wild plants and many populations are threatened with extinction. Thus, an efficient in vitro protocol without plant growth regulators will be of great interest for conservation purposes of this cactus. Eight different germination media, combining Murashige and Skoog medium (MS, full and half-strength), sucrose (20 and 30 g L⁻¹) and agar (8 and 10 g L⁻¹), were used to study germination rate, number of seedlings with areoles and initial seedling development. Germination rates among culture media only differed significantly in the first 14 days after sowing (DAS), reaching 67–75% at the end of the assay (49 DAS). Remarkable interactions among media components were detected, and 20 g L⁻¹ sucrose and 8 g L⁻¹ agar combination gave the highest performance for both size and number of areoles. Following germination assay, a growth assay was conducted during 105 days using three growth media (GrM) at different sucrose concentration (15, 30 and 45 g L⁻¹) to evaluate the increase in seedling size and number of areoles. Regardless of their initial size, 15 g L⁻¹ sucrose provided the best results for both traits. Size increase was higher in the 4–5 mm seedling group, while increase in areoles was greater in 2-3 mm seedlings. It was possible to develop an in vitro protocol, in absence of plant growth regulators, which allows maximizing L. williamsii germination and growth during its first stages of development, which may increase the availability of plants in the market and avoid exhaustion of wild populations. Furthermore, plants grown ex situ could be reintroduced in endangered natural populations.
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