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FPGA implementation of an automatic wheezes detector based on MFCC and SVM


Abstract and Figures

The present paper proposes a new hardware implementation to categorize lung sounds into wheeze and normal groups. The suggested architecture employs the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) for feature extraction and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification. In the current study, the SVM parameters are obtained during the training phase using the LIBSVM library in MATLAB, while the testing phase is performed on FPGA. The used database is composed of 12 normal respiratory sounds and 12 respiratory sounds containing wheezes. The classification results obtained with FPGA are compared to those obtained with MATLAB.
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FPGA Implementation of an Automatic Wheezes
Detector based on MFCC and SVM
Ons Boujelben1
1Department of Engineering,
e du Qu´
ebec `
a Rimouski,
300, all´
ee des Ursulines, Rimouski, Canada
Mohammed Bahoura1,2
2Department of Electronics,
e Saad Dahlab de Blida,
Route de Soumˆ
aa, Blida, Algeria.
Abstract—The present paper proposes a new hardware im-
plementation to categorize lung sounds into wheeze and normal
groups. The suggested architecture employs the Mel-Frequency
Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) for feature extraction and the
Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification. In the current
study, the SVM parameters are obtained during the training
phase using the LIBSVM library in MATLAB, while the testing
phase is performed on FPGA. The used database is composed
of 12 normal respiratory sounds and 12 respiratory sounds
containing wheezes. The classification results obtained with FPGA
are compared to those obtained with MATLAB.
KeywordsRespiratory sounds, Wheezes, Classification, FPGA,
Asthma is a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
(COPD), where the number of the people affected is constantly
increasing. Computer-based lung sound analysis provides an
objective tool to diagnose the respiratory diseases. Many
researchers have been interested by the lung sounds recog-
nition problems, where different signal processing techniques
have been developed to classify lung sounds. Since 1980,
scientists try to identify automatically the presence of wheez-
ing [1]. To classify respiratory sounds, different combinations
of feature extraction and classification methods have been
proposed in the literature. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients
(MFCC) was combined with support vector machine (SVM),
k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN) [2] and Gaussian mixture models
(GMM) [3]. The wavelet transform was proposed with artificial
neural networks (ANN) [4], [5], and other combination can be
found in [5], [6]. Among these techniques, the combination
MFCC-SVM has been efficiently applied to detect wheezes
sounds, it can achieve a classification accuracy higher than
95% [1].
Despite its advantages, the respiratory sounds analysis has
not reach yet the step in which it can be used the clinical
environment. On the other hand, real-time implementation of
various signal processing of feature extraction and pattern
classification remains a great challenge. Therefore, we are
interested in this research to carry out a hardware implementa-
tion of an automatic system for detecting and classifying lung
sounds into normal and wheezes. The literature review shows
that MFCC-based feature extraction for respiratory sounds has
been implemented on FPGA [7], while the SVM classifier
was implemented on FPGA for Persian handwritten digits
recognition [8].
This paper proposes an FPGA-based real-time system to
detect wheezes episode at asthmatic patients using Xilinx
System Generator (XSG). The hardware design is generated
and verified in MATLAB/SIMULINK.
MFCC-based method is performed to describe lung sounds
in order to approximate the response of human auditory
system. The extracted feature describes firmly the sound that
can be heard over the stethoscope [1].
Sampled at 6000 Hz, the lung sound is first segmented
into frames of Nsamples, and then multiplied by Hamming
window. For the mth segment s(m, n), the Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT), S(m, k), is computed using the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) algorithm, the M-mel filter bank is applied
to the resulting energy spectrum. The logarithmic energy
output of the lth filter for the current frame mis defined as
e(m, l) = log(
|S(m, k)|2Hl(k)) (1)
where Hl(k)represent the frequency response of the given
filter, where l= 1, ..., M. The MFCC coefficients are obtained
by discrete cosine transform (DCT)
cm(n) =
e(m, l)cos(n(l0.5)π/M)(2)
where nrepresent the index of the cepstral coefficient. In this
case, 15 MFCC have been used: cm(3), ..., cm(17).
Support vector machine (SVM) technique was proposed for
regression and classification problems. It is based on a kernel
learning algorithm that classify binary or multiple data. The
SVM operates in both training and testing steps. During the
training step, SVM builds a predictive pattern using training
samples and the label values of the proper class, and then it
uses this model to classify the test set. Considering a linear
problem, the main purpose of SVM is to define an hyperplane
such that: the class labels of data 1}are located on each
side of the hyperplane and the distance of the nearest vector
of the hyperplane (both classes) is maximum.
Fig. 1. Principle of classification using the SVM techniques for two classes
The parameters wand bin Fig. 1 are obtained by solving
the following dual Lagrange problem
max(Ld(α)) =
based on (0αiC
i=1 αiyi= 0
The equation that determines the optimal hyperplane separat-
ing the two classes with the highest margin is defined by :
M(x) = wTx+b(4)
The decision function in the context of linear data is defined
by the sign of the hyperplane in (4):
d(x) = sign(wTx+b)(5)
In the case of data non-linearly separated, SVM maps data
into a richer feature space (H) including non-linear features,
then constructs an hyperplane in that space.
In this case the vector xis transformed into ϕ(x). The
kernel function is defined by the following inner product:
k(xi, xj) = ϕ(xi)×ϕ(xj)(8)
For non-linear data, the SVM make a decision satisfying the
following equation
d(x) = sign(wT×ϕ(x) + b(9)
The software tests show that the use of the linear kernel gives
the maximum classification accuracy. In this research, we pro-
pose to use the linear kernel function, because it demonstrates
a quite efficient for classifying respiratory sounds.
Resource utilization
Flip Flops (301,440) 13,398 (4.4%)
LUTs (150,720) 18,943 (12.6%)
Bonded IOBs (600) 561 (93.5%)
RAMB18E1s (832) 4 (0.5%)
DSP48E1s (768) 154 (20.0%)
Slice (37,680) 5,959 (15%)
Maximum Operating Frequency 30.361 MHz
Figure 2 shows the block diagram of hardware architecture
design for MFCC feature extraction and two-class SVM-based
classifier. The hardware implementation uses Xilinx System
Generator (XSG) tool and the Virtex-6 FPGA ML605 evalua-
tion board. Fig. 2 represents an optional subsystem designed
with SIMULINK blocks, which select one decision of classi-
fications for every frame. More details on the FPGA imple-
mentation of MFCC feature extraction technique and the SVM
classifier can be found in [7] and [8], respectively. The training
phase of the classifier is achieved offline with LIBSVM [9],
while the testing phase is done on hardware. Table I shows
the hardware resources used in Virtex-6XC6VLX240T device
and the maximum operating frequency of the implemented
architecture, as reported by Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4.
To evaluate the proposed architecture, two classes of respi-
ratory sound (normal and wheezing) are used for training and
testing samples. Database is constructed from 12 records of
each class (total of 24 records), some wheezes sounds include
monophonic and polyphonic wheezes. The used lung sounds
are sampled at 6000 Hz. Wheezing sounds are manually
labelled. We named class1 with label {+1}for normal frame,
class2 with label {−1}for wheezing frame. The 1}labels
represent the class of the tested frame.
The classification results of normal and pure wheezing
respiratory sounds, presented in Fig. 3(a,b), shows that both the
designed architectures with Xilinx System Generator (XSG)
and MATLAB software provide the same classification results.
The respiratory sound record presented in Fig. 3(c) contains
normal and wheezes sounds. In this case, both architectures
(XSG and MATLAB) can distinguish between the frame
containing normal lung sounds from those that containing
wheezes. The difference (one misclassified frame) can be
justified by the quantization errors in System Generator [8].
Finally, the designed architecture implemented with fixed-
point XSG gives equivalent performances than those obtained
with the floating-point MATLAB.
In this paper, FPGA architecture of an automatic wheezes
detector based on MFCC and SVM has been proposed. Based
on the tested records, the classification performances obtained
with hardware implementation are analogous to those obtained
with the floating-point MATLAB. The designed architecture
Fig. 2. MFCC-SVM system based on Xilinx System Generator (XSG) blockest for wheezes classification. The complete implemented system is presented on
the top, the subsystem details are presented. The green blocks are build using the XSG blocks (blue). The white blocks are the standard SIMULINK blocks.
The feature extraction MFCC is the same as described in [7].
Fig. 3. Classification of normal (a) and wheezing (b and c) respiratory sounds into of segments into normal {+1}and wheezing {−1}frames. Every subfigure
contains the spectrogram of the tested sample (top) and the classification results using fixed-point of XSG (middle) and floating-point of MATLAB (bottom).
can be generalized to other respiratory sound classes. As a
future work, the proposed architecture will be tested on a large
database. The implementation of others feature extraction is
recommended to improve the identification accuracy.
This research is supported by the NSERC of Canada.
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... It entails identification of an unknown number of intermittently appearing, temporally evolving frequency lines, embedded in respiratory noise [4]. Algorithm implementing this processing-intensive task most commonly combines spectrotemporal features drawn from the short-term Fourier transform (STFT) [10][11][12][13][14], Mel-frequency cepstral domain (MFC) [15,16], wavelet transform [17,18], empirical mode decomposition [19], and a variety of classification schemes, including decision trees [10,12], neural networks [18], and support vector machine [13][14][15]18]. Detailed reviews given in [12,18,20] report classification performance ranging on average from 90 to 95% of sensitivity and specificity. ...
... In recent years, some commercial products have appeared on the market, featuring the smartphone-based electronic asthma diary application, accompanied by the wheeze quantification sensor in the form-factor of a hand-held on-demand measurement device [27]. In order to allow continuous patient monitoring, current research efforts are aimed towards enabling construction of wearable (bodyworn) wheeze quantification sensors [12,13,16,17,28], consisting of the following subsystems: acoustic transducer (sensor), analog signal conditioning circuit, A/D converter, a power-efficient digital signal processing unit, and a low-power digital radio module for communication with the smartphone. ...
... In the third scenario, Nyquist rate signal acquisition and respiratory sound classification are performed onboard the wearable sensor, such as in [13,16]. Here, we compare the processing burden of the DSP implementations of robust frequency line tracking based on HMM [22,23] frequency-tracking algorithm mimicking the nearest neighbor association previously presented in [12], analogous to [10]. ...
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Long-term quantification of asthmatic wheezing envisions an m-Health sensor system consisting of a smartphone and a body-worn wireless acoustic sensor. As both devices are power constrained, the main criterion guiding the system design comes down to minimization of power consumption, while retaining sufficient respiratory sound classification accuracy (i.e., wheeze detection). Crucial for assessment of the system-level power consumption is the understanding of trade-off between power cost of computationally intensive local processing and communication. Therefore, we analyze power requirements of signal acquisition, processing, and communication in three typical operating scenarios: (1) streaming of uncompressed respiratory signal to a smartphone for classification, (2) signal streaming utilizing compressive sensing (CS) for reduction of data rate, and (3) respiratory sound classification onboard the wearable sensor. Study shows that the third scenario featuring the lowest communication cost enables the lowest total sensor system power consumption ranging from 328 to 428 μ W. In such scenario, 32-bit ARM Cortex M3/M4 cores typically embedded within Bluetooth 4 SoC modules feature the optimal trade-off between onboard classification performance and consumption. On the other hand, study confirms that CS enables the most power-efficient design of the wearable sensor (216 to 357 μ W) in the compressed signal streaming, the second scenario. In such case, a single low-power ARM Cortex-A53 core is sufficient for simultaneous real-time CS reconstruction and classification on the smartphone, while keeping the total system power within budget for uncompressed streaming.
... D. Oletic Most common approaches to wheeze detection feature short-term Fourier transform (STFT) time-frequency tracking of individual wheeze harmonics's frequency lines by heuristic rules mimicking nearest-neighbour association [9]- [12], or image processing techniques [13], [14]. Algorithms based on statistical pattern recognition typically report best results for combination of Mel-frequency cepstral (MFC) [15], [16] or empirical mode decomposition (EMD) [17] features, and support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Also, a number of computationally fast methods appeared, including STFT-based tonality tracking [18], and time-domain periodicity detection by topological signal analysis [8], [19]. ...
... support errors) [27]. This limits the performance of representative wheeze detection algorithms [11], [12], [14]- [16], and motivates us to construct a novel, robust respiratory sound classification algorithm, designed specifically to operate on the lossy CS reconstructed STFT. ...
... Number of CS-sampled components M CS per signal block (N = 256) was varied to yielding signal compression ratio CR = N/M CS of 2...8. Also, OMP and CoSaMP were preset with 3 different targeted number of reconstructed frequency components (K = 16,8,4). Signals for evaluation of algorithm's robustness were generated by mixing synthetic harmonics with noise. ...
Quantification of wheezing by a sensor system consisting of a wearable wireless acoustic sensor and smartphone performing respiratory sound classification, may contribute to the diagnosis, long-term control, and lowering treatment costs of asthma. In such battery-powered sensor system, compressive sensing (CS) was verified as a method for simultaneously cutting down power-cost of signal acquisition, compression, and communication on the wearable sensor. Matching real-time CS reconstruction algorithms, such as orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP), have been demonstrated on the smartphone. However, their lossy performance limits the accuracy of wheeze detection from CS-recovered short-term Fourier spectra (STFT), when using existing respiratory sound classification algorithms. Thus, here we present a novel, robust algorithm tailored specifically for wheeze detection from the CS-recovered STFT. Proposed algorithm identifies occurrence and tracks multiple individual wheeze frequency lines using hidden Markov model (HMM). Algorithm yields 89.34% of sensitivity, 96.28% specificity, and 94.91% of accuracy on Nyquist-rate sampled respiratory sounds STFT. It enables for less than 2% loss of classification accuracy when operating over STFT reconstructed by OMP, at the signal compression ratio of up to 4x (classification from only 25% signal samples). It features execution speed comparable to referent algorithms, and offers good prospects for parallelism.
... In [9], the authors presented a comparative study using an intelligent and fine wheeze detection approach implemented by the back-propagation method. In [10], wheeze sounds and their characteristics are analyzed by extracting Mel-frequency spectral coefficients and support vector machine (SVM) kernels. An efficient wheezing detection system is proposed in the research paper [11] which is implemented by using a field-programmable gate array. ...
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World Health Organization Statistics declares the pulmonic illness as the class of deadly illness. Wheezing is a key indicator for the diagnosis of pulmonic illnesses like Asthma and pneumonia. In this research article, the identification of wheeze sound in asthma and pneumonia subjects is done from breathing sound. The analysis is performed through signal processing and machine learning practices. Overall, data is acquired from 300 subjects. It includes 100 Asthma, 100 Pneumonia, and 100 Normal subjects This research work proposes a complete design for accurate classification of wheezing signals. It includes pre-processing by normalization, denoising by filtration, segmentation to remove the non-breathing and silent parts, feature extraction from the spectral domain, and classification by support vector machine (SVM) using Matlab 2019b. The system evidenced an accuracy greater than 96%. Further investigation can be done by analyzing the wheezing sound originates in other pulmonic diseases and exploring its role to identify the pulmonary illness.
... There are many FPGA based works done using ECG as the biosignal input to detect cardiac diseases such as arrhythmia [9], myocardial infarction [10], ischemic heart disease [11], and fetal heart abnormalities [12]. Other works include automatic wheezes detection from lung sound [13], differential diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases [14], statistical epistasis detection in GWAS [15], etc. Discussing all of these is beyond the scope of this report and mostly redundant in the technical sense. Here, two of the aforementioned research works will be briefly discussed to demonstrate the working principle and find out the advantages and limitations of FPGA based processing systems. ...
Health informatics connects biomedical engineering with information technology to devise a modern eHealth system which often requires precise biosignal processing. This “biosignal” is essentially an electrophysiological signal from a living organism. In practice, these signals are frequently used to assess patients’ health and to discover bio-physiological anonymities. However, as most of the biosignal processing units are multichannel systems with extensive datasets, conventional computation techniques often fail to offer immediate execution of data processing. Reconfigurable architecture offers a tangible solution to this problem by utilizing fast parallel computation based on the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). This computation technique ensures “Hardware Acceleration” which essentially means the exclusive utilization of hardware resources to expedite computational tasks. This is the technique of designing application-specific circuits rather than using the general-purpose processors to do the signal processing. Because of its low cost and fast computation property, reconfigurable architecture is characteristically suitable for Health Informatics and has become one of the fastest-growing research fields of recent years. In literature, several works are found focusing on the efficient use of FPGAs as the biomedical computation units. Some of these researches involve fundamental spatiotemporal signal analysis like Fourier transform, power spectrum density measurement, and identifying significant signal peaks. In other studies, hardware acceleration is used to compress and predict the signal for data storage, processing, and transmission. Some of the works include digital filter designing for denoising the acquired signal, while a few of the advanced research projects incorporated reconfigurable architectures to develop artificial bio-organs and high-level prosthesis as a part of rehabilitation. In this chapter, these works will be briefly reviewed to find out the state-of-the-art research trends in this research field.
... However, it is a challenging task to parallelize feature extraction for tens of thousands of audio slices. Currently, some researchers have implemented audio feature extraction algorithm on Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) [1]. For example, Michal Staworko [2], Mohammed Bahoura [3], and P Ehkan [4] implemented MFCC algorithm on FPGA. ...
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In the recent years, with the rapid development of China's national economy, people's living standards have been greatly improved. People's consumption demand is constantly increasing, and the consumption structure is constantly upgrading. In the automotive industry, which is increasingly related to residents' travel, consumers' demand for cars also presents a rising trend. The production and sales of domestic automobile market in China have increased greatly, and it has become the largest automobile consumer market in the world for eight consecutive years. In the information age, the speed of information interaction is faster and faster. Today, 5G technology has entered the commercial era, and the era of interconnection of everything has come. According to the work report of the Chinese government, the future city should be a smart city. In the background of Internet of things, smart city will greatly facilitate people's life in the way of ecosystem. As part of the future smart city ecosystem, intelligent cars must be self driving vehicles that meet the needs of smart city ecosystems. Therefore, the marketing strategy of smart cars is very important. Voice has always been one of the most concerned research contents in the field of human–computer communication and interaction. The main purpose of automatic speech recognition is to enable the computer to "understand" human speech and convert speech waveform signal into text. Speech recognition technology is one of the key technologies to realize intelligent human–computer interaction. The application of voice, the most natural way of interaction between human and machine, can effectively improve the input efficiency, error prone and other shortcomings of traditional interaction methods. This paper studies the intelligent vehicle marketing strategy based on speech recognition and artificial intelligence driven feature extraction technology. Through the modelling and the comparison simulations, the performance of the designed model is verified.
Conference Paper
Power-requirements of a wireless wearable sensor for quantification of asthmatic wheezing in respiratory sounds, a typical symptom of chronic asthma, are analysed. Two converse sensor architectures are compared. One featuring processing-intensive on-board respiratory sound classification, and the other performing communication-intensive signal streaming, employing compressive sensing (CS) encoding for data-rate reduction, with signal reconstruction and classification performed on the peer mobile device. It is shown that lower total sensor power, ranging from 216 to 357 µW, may be obtained on the sensor streaming the CS encoded signal, operating at the compression rate higher than 2x. Total power-budget of 328 to 428 µW is shown required in the architecture with on-board processing.
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Background Pulmonary acoustic parameters extracted from recorded respiratory sounds provide valuable information for the detection of respiratory pathologies. The automated analysis of pulmonary acoustic signals can serve as a differential diagnosis tool for medical professionals, a learning tool for medical students, and a self-management tool for patients. In this context, we intend to evaluate and compare the performance of the support vector machine (SVM) and K-nearest neighbour (K-nn) classifiers in diagnosis respiratory pathologies using respiratory sounds from R.A.L.E database. Results The pulmonary acoustic signals used in this study were obtained from the R.A.L.E lung sound database. The pulmonary acoustic signals were manually categorised into three different groups, namely normal, airway obstruction pathology, and parenchymal pathology. The mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) features were extracted from the pre-processed pulmonary acoustic signals. The MFCC features were analysed by one-way ANOVA and then fed separately into the SVM and K-nn classifiers. The performances of the classifiers were analysed using the confusion matrix technique. The statistical analysis of the MFCC features using one-way ANOVA showed that the extracted MFCC features are significantly different (p < 0.001). The classification accuracies of the SVM and K-nn classifiers were found to be 92.19% and 98.26%, respectively. Conclusion Although the data used to train and test the classifiers are limited, the classification accuracies found are satisfactory. The K-nn classifier was better than the SVM classifier for the discrimination of pulmonary acoustic signals from pathological and normal subjects obtained from the RALE database.
Conference Paper
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In this paper, an acoustic feature extraction method based on mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) was implemented on FPGA for real-time respiratory sound analysis. The proposed technique was implemented using Xilinx System Generator (XSG) in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The feature vectors obtained with fixed-point XSG implementation is compared to those obtained with on the floating-point MATLAB one using normal and wheezing respiratory sounds.
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Simple hardware architecture for implementation of pairwise Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers on FPGA is presented. Training phase of the SVM is performed offline, and the extracted parameters used to implement testing phase of the SVM on the hardware. In the architecture, vector multiplication operation and classification of pairwise classifiers is designed in parallel and simultaneously. In order to realization, a dataset of Persian handwritten digits in three different classes is used for training and testing of SVM. Graphically simulator, System Generator, has been used to simulate the desired hardware design. Implementation of linear and nonlinear SVM classifier using simple blocks and functions, no limitation in the number of samples, generalized to multiple simultaneous pairwise classifiers, no complexity in hardware design, and simplicity of blocks and functions used in the design are view of the obvious characteristics of this research. According to simulation results, maximum frequency of 202.840 MHz in linear classification , and classification accuracy of 98.67% in nonlinear one has been achieved, which shows outstanding performance of the hardware designed architecture.
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Electronic auscultation is an efficient technique to evaluate the condition of respiratory system using lung sounds. As lung sound signals are non-stationary, the conventional method of frequency analysis is not highly successful in diagnostic classification. This paper deals with a novel method of analysis of lung sound signals using wavelet transform, and classification using artificial neural network (ANN). Lung sound signals were decomposed into the frequency subbands using wavelet transform and a set of statistical features was extracted from the subbands to represent the distribution of wavelet coefficients. An ANN based system, trained using the resilient back propagation algorithm, was implemented to classify the lung sounds to one of the six categories: normal, wheeze, crackle, squawk, stridor, or rhonchus.
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The Cepstral analysis is proposed with Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) method to classify respiratory sounds in two categories: normal and wheezing. The sound signal is divided in overlapped segments, which are characterized by a reduced dimension feature vectors using Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) or subband based Cepstral parameters (SBC). The proposed schema is compared with other classifiers: Vector Quantization (VQ) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural networks. A post processing is proposed to improve the classification results.
The paper proposes a two-layer pattern recognition system architecture for asthma wheezing detection in recorded children's respiratory sounds. The first layer consists of two SVM classifiers specifically designed as a cascade stacked in parallel to emphasize the differences among signals with similar acoustic properties, such as wheezes and inspiratory stridors. The second layer is realized using a digital detection threshold, which further upgrades the proposed structure with the aim of improving the process of wheezing detection. The results were experimentally evaluated on the data acquired from the General Hospital of Dubrovnik, Croatia. Classification results obtained on the test data sets revealed that the central frequency of wheezes included in the training data is important for the success of classification.
Machine learning has proven to be an effective technique in recent years and machine learning algorithms have been successfully used in a large number of applications. The development of computerized lung sound analysis has attracted many researchers in recent years, which has led to the implementation of machine learning algorithms for the diagnosis of lung sound. This paper highlights the importance of machine learning in computer-based lung sound analysis. Articles on computer-based lung sound analysis using machine learning techniques were identified through searches of electronic resources, such as the IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, PubMed and ACM digital library databases. A brief description of the types of lung sounds and their characteristics is provided. In this review, we examined specific lung sounds/disorders, the number of subjects, the signal processing and classification methods and the outcome of the analyses of lung sounds using machine learning methods that have been performed by previous researchers. A brief description on the previous works is thus included. In conclusion, the review provides recommendations for further improvements.
LIBSVM is a library for support vector machines (SVM). Its goal is to help users to easily use SVM as a tool. In this document, we present all its imple-mentation details. For the use of LIBSVM, the README file included in the package and the LIBSVM FAQ provide the information.
In this paper, we present the pattern recognition methods proposed to classify respiratory sounds into normal and wheeze classes. We evaluate and compare the feature extraction techniques based on Fourier transform, linear predictive coding, wavelet transform and Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) in combination with the classification methods based on vector quantization, Gaussian mixture models (GMM) and artificial neural networks, using receiver operating characteristic curves. We propose the use of an optimized threshold to discriminate the wheezing class from the normal one. Also, post-processing filter is employed to considerably improve the classification accuracy. Experimental results show that our approach based on MFCC coefficients combined to GMM is well adapted to classify respiratory sounds in normal and wheeze classes. McNemar's test demonstrated significant difference between results obtained by the presented classifiers (p<0.05).