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Abstract and Figures

Introduction: The pandemic of COVID-19 created a psychological response. So, the psychological function of COVID-19 patients is an important subject that forces us to follow up with them. Aim: Assess the correlation between vitamin D serum concentrations and psychological functions such as insomnia, stress, and depression through the COVID-19 pandemic Methods: In this cross-sectional study, blood samples from 120 COVID-19 patients (61 males and 59 females) who had more than 30 years, were taken. Also, 25(OH)D Serum level of COVID-19 patients was analyzed. The Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Depression anxiety stress scales (DASS), and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) were used to analyze insomnia, anxiety, stress, quality of life, and depression. Results: The relationship between temperature (p=0.039), PCO2 (p=0.022), and serum vitamin D level was significant. Additionally, there was a significant correlation between stress (p=-0.023, OR=0.389, 95% CI for OR=0.047, 0.843), depression (p=0.012, OR=0.659, 95% CI for OR=0.476, 0.913), and the concentration of serum vitamin D. Conclusion:This study recommends that vitamin D supplementation improve psychological state in COVID-19 patients.
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Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences
(MUMS) Reviews in Clinical Medicine
Rev Clin Med 2023; Vol 10 (No 3)
Published by: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (
Clinical Research
Development Center
Ghaem Hospital
*Corresponding author: Majid Ghayour-Mobarhan,
International UNESCO Center for Health Related Basic Sciences and
Human Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad
University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Tel : +985138002288
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and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
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Psychological Function and Serum Vitamin D Concentration in
COVID19- Patients: A cross-sectional study
Zahra Khorasanchi (PhD)1,2#, Mohammad Vahedi Fard (BSc)3, Kimia Mohammadhasani (BSc)3#,
Yasamin Sharifan (MD)2, Zahra Dehnavi (PhD)1,2,Ramtin Naderian (MD)2,
Ali Jafarzadeh Esfehani (MD-PhD)4, Payam Sharifan (MD-PhD)1, Reza Zare-Feyzabadi (PhD)5,
Gordon Ferns (PhD)6, Majid Ghayour Mobarhan (MD-PhD)5*
1Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
2Student Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
3Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Clinical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Social Determinants of Health Research Center,
Gonabad University of Medical Science, Gonabad, Iran .
4Metabolic Syndrome Research Center. Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
5International UNESCO Center for Health Related Basic Sciences and Human Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine,
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
6Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Division of Medical Education, Brighton, United Kingdom.
#Equally contributed as first authors.
A cluster of previously unknown pneumonia was
reported, in Wuhan, China in December 2019 (1).
Since, COVID-19 has spread globally, infecting more
 
deaths as of December 2021 (2).
To hinder the fast propagation of COVID-19,
 
imposed worldwide, reducing outdoor activities
and interpersonal interactions (3). The extreme
changes caused by the pandemic have contributed
Article type
Original article
Article history
Received: 10 Jul 2023
Revised: 30 Jul 2023
Accepted: 15 Aug 2023
Vitamin D
Psychological function
Introduction: The pandemic of COVID-19 created a psychological response. So, the
psychological function of COVID-19 patients is an important subject that forces us to
follow up with them.
Aim: Assess the correlation between vitamin D serum concentrations and
psychological functions such as insomnia, stress, and depression through the
COVID-19 pandemic
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, blood samples from 120 COVID-19 patients
(61 males and 59 females) who had more than 30 years, were taken. Also, 25(OH)D
Serum level of COVID-19 patients was analyzed. The Insomnia Severity Index (ISI),
Depression anxiety stress scales (DASS), and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36)
were used to analyze insomnia, anxiety, stress, quality of life, and depression.
Results: The relationship between temperature (p=0.039), PCO2 (p=0.022), and
between stress (p=-0.023, OR=0.389, 95% CI for OR=0.047, 0.843), depression
(p=0.012, OR=0.659, 95% CI for OR=0.476, 0.913), and the concentration of serum
vitamin D.
Conclusion:This study recommends that vitamin D supplementation improve
psychological state in COVID-19 patients.
Please cite this paper as:
Khorasanchi Z, Vahedi Fard M,Mohammadhasani K, Sharifan Y, Dehnavi Z, Naderian R, Jafarzadeh Esfehani A, Sharifan P, Zare-Feyzabadi R,
Ferns G, Ghayour Mobarhan M. Psychological Function and Serum Vitamin D Concentration in COVID-19 Patients: A cross-sectional study.
Rev Clin Med. 2023;10 (3): 6-12.
Rev Clin Med 2023; Vol 10 (No 3)
Published by: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (
Khorasanchi Z et al
contributed to the emergence of a psychological
health crisis in many countries, as various studies
have demonstrated (4,5). Studies have shown an
association between economic stagnation and
massive lockdowns due to the pandemic and an
escalation in suicide rates, and the prevalence of
depressive traits has increased more than three
times since the pandemic’s beginning (6,7,8).
UNICEF has reported, social isolation as a
COVID-19 consequence impairs the psychological
health of Australian teenagers in terms of increasing
their levels of anxiety (9). Social isolation has also
contributed to loneliness, boredom, stress, and fear
(9, 10). People with psychological health situations
before, are even at higher risk for deterioration or
recurrence of their symptoms (11,12).
However, the degree of susceptibility to the
psychological distress imposed by the pandemic
depends on social support, exposure to mass media,
duration of isolation, infection conditions, and
lifestyle habits, including nutrition (13). Previously, a
relationship between neuropsychological situations
like depression and bipolar disorder and vitamin D
      
Vitamin D (25(OH)D) is a neuroactive substance
    
   
development in the central nervous system (16,
17). Vitamin D regulates mood via increasing brain
serotonin availability by increasing the expression of
tryptophan hydroxylase two enzymes. This enzyme
     
(18). Therefore, low levels of vitamin D causes
psychological disorder. Also, vitamin D inadequacy
interleukin-6 by increasing nuclear-factor kappa B
expression (19).
      
of mental disorders like depression and anxiety
(20). Furthermore, decreased vitamin D level is
connected with altered responses to stressors and
traumatic events (21,22). A meta-analysis revealed
     
vitamin D and the risk of depression. It recommends
that the supplementation of vitamin D could be
helpful in depressive patients with hypovitaminosis
(23). Additionally, vitamin D supplementation has
shown a considerable enhancement in symptoms
of individuals diagnosed with depression in
comparison to placebo, which could highlight a
causal association between reduced vitamin D
concentration and depressive traits (24,25).
However, vitamin D function in depression is still
debated and requires more study (23,26,27). As
  
the population, with more than a billion individuals
affected by it globally, the importance of investigating
its different effects cannot be stressed more at the
time of the pandemic (28).
Therefore, we aimed to estimate the correlation
between vitamin D serum concentrations and
mental function in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and Methods
Study design
In 2021, our cross-sectional study was administered
in Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad, on 120 patients
with COVID-19 who were aged >30 years. Without
anti-depressant drug treatment, hepatic or renal failure,
cancer, metabolic bone disease, and autoimmune
diseases throughout the previous six months were
the exclusion criteria. Informed written consent was
        
the Ethics Committee of MUMS (Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences), Mashhad, Iran.
All the participants in the main study who met the
inclusion criteria were included in this study based on
global sampling (29).
General and clinical characteristics
      
characteristics such as smoking status, age, and the
data of comorbidity from each subject by professional
Blood Collection and Biochemical Measurements
Blood samples were collected from all subjects
following a 12-hour fasting period in plain Vacutainer
tubes. All blood samples were centrifuged at 5000
     󰣋     
serum levels were evaluated by commercial ELISA kits
(Pishgaman Sanjesh- Iran) using an Awareness/Stat
Fax 2100 analyzer.
Depression anxiety stress scales (DASS)
To evaluate mood status, we used DASS (30). DASS
is a questionnaire that includes three subscales and
consists of 7 questions, generally consists 21 items.
Every question is on a four-point (0-3) Likert scale to
recognize the intensity of affective disorders like stress,
anxiety, and depression.
Every item score should be doubled, as DASS 21 is
a summarized version of DASS 42. In DASS, a higher
score reveals an increased in negative emotion, and a
lower score shows a decreased in negative mood status.
The validity and reliability of DASS have been reported
in the Iranian population before (31). The scores of
stress, anxiety, and depression were separated into
       
degree of affective disorders. The scores received from
         
     
       
Rev Clin Med 2023; Vol 10 (No 3)
Published by: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (
Khorasanchi Z et al.
Insomnia Severity Index (ISI)
The ISI is a self-report tool for determining insomnia
that has seven items. The dimensions evaluated are
the distress caused by sleep problems, noticeability of
sleep disorders by others, early morning waking up
problems, interference of sleep problems with daytime
functioning, sleep dissatisfaction, severity of sleep onset,
and sleep preservation (32).
According to the severity, every item scored on a
0–4 scale. The overall scale ranges from 0 to 28 and is
      
insomnia (8–14), mild insomnia (15–21), and severe
insomnia (22–28). The reliability and validity of the
Persian version of this questionnaire have been proved
in the Iranian population (Cronbach’s a>0.8 and intra-
    
Quality of Life Questionnaire
We used SF-36 validated questionnaire to assess the
general quality of life. SF-36 is categorized into eight
subscales, including Mental Health, Role Emotional,
Vitality, General Health, Physical Functioning, Role
Physical, and Bodily Pain Social Functioning. This
questionnaire’s scoring ranges from 0 to 100. The SF-
36 Persian version was evaluated in a prior study and
showed construct validity and good reliability (34).
Statistical analysis
We used the statistical package for social sciences
(SPSS) version 16 for analyzing data. The normality
distribution of continuous variables was estimated
using the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff and Shapiro-Wilk tests.
Normally and non-normally distributed variables were
presented using mean and standard deviation (SD);
were presented using mean and standard deviation
(SD); and median and interquartile range (IQR),
respectively. The data was double-checked to correct
errors regarding outliers and missing variables.
For the remaining missing variables, multiple
imputation was performed based on gender, age, and
other related variables to the missing variables using
the SPSS software. We compared usually distributed
and non-normally distributed variables between
groups using the independent t-test and Mann-Whitney
test, respectively. The chi-square test was performed
to compare the distribution pattern of categorical
variables between groups.
Also, we used Binary logistic regression to evaluate
the relationship between achieving serum vitamin D
>30 ng/mL after the intervention as the dependent
variable, and the scores of DASS-21 subscales, total
SF-36, ISI, and sleep quality scores, as independent
as p<0.05.
One hundred twenty patients (59, 49.1% females and
61, 50.9% males) cooperated in the current study. The
mean age of the patients was 60.38±13.61 years old. We
separated subjects into two groups;1) the level of serum
vitamin D 30 ng/mL or above, and 2) serum vitamin D
below 30 ng/mL. Comparison of the demographic and
medical history variables between subjects with levels
of serum vitamin D above 30 ng/mL and below 30 ng/
mL are presented in Table 1.
Variable Vitamin D < 30 ng/mL
Vitamin D > 30 ng/mL
n=52 p-value
Gender Male 35 (57.9%) 26 (42.1%) 0.870
Female 33 (56.4%) 26 (43.6%)
Residential status Male 64 (57.1%) 48 (42.9%) 0.395
Female 5 (62.5%) 3 (37.5%)
Hypertension 26 (55.3) 21 (44.7%) 0.721
Diabetes 24 (52.2%) 22 (47.8%) 0.359
CVD 14 (56.0%) 11 (44.0%) 0.884
Smoking 57 (60.0%) 38 (40.0%) 0.146
Table 1. Comparison of demographic and medical history variables between patients with serum vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL
and below 30 ng/mL
and In Our study the level of serum vitamin
D was 30 ng/mL or above in 52 (42.9%) of the
     
in demographic and medical history variables
between patients with levels of serum vitamin D
below above 30 ng/mL (p>0.05).
A comparison of the clinical variables, DASS-21
subscale, SF-36, and sleep quality scores with the
levels of serum vitamin D below and above 30 ng/
mL is presented in Table 2.
     
temperature (p=0.039) and PCO2 (p=0.022) of
The relationship between DASS-21 subscales, SF-36,
and ISI scores and improved serum vitamin D in the
study patients are presented in Table 3.
(p=-0.023, OR=0.389, 95% CI for OR=0.047, 0.843)
and depression (p=0.012, OR=0.659, 95% CI for
OR=0.476, 0.913) and Vitamin D levels.
Rev Clin Med 2023; Vol 10 (No 3)
Published by: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (
Khorasanchi Z et al
Variable Vitamin D < 30 ng/mL
Vitamin D > 30 ng/mL
n=48 p-value
Pulse rate (/min) 87.00 (14.50) 90.85±10.46 0.201†
Respiratory rate (/min) 21.96±3.65 27.00±5.63 0.326‡
Temperature 37.00 (0.63) 37.15±0.31 0.039*†
SBP (mmHg) 133.27±20.57 131.77±23.61 0.694‡
DBP (mmHg) 80.15±16.26 79.62±13.85 0.854‡
SPO2 (%) 83.50 (12.75) 89.00 (12.00) 0.320†
O2 saturation (%) 73.15 (6.45) 65.40 (37.25) 0.311†
PaO2 (mmHg) 41.65±13.54 33.10 (24.35) 0.418†
PCO2 (mmHg) 40.72±11.15 48.18±17.67 0.022*†
Depression 9.00 (9.25) 7.00 (3.50) 0.090†
Anxiety 13.00 (9.50) 11.92±3.90 0.491†
Stress 10.50 (9.50) 10.00 (6.50) 0.907†
Quality of life 53.77±18.04 59.32±20.25 0.864‡
Insomnia Severity Index 2.00 (10.00) 1.00 (5.50) 0.665†
Table 2. Comparison of clinical variables and scores in DASS21- subscales, SF36-, and insomnia between
patients with serum vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL and below 30 ng/mL
SBP: Systolic Blood Pressure, DBP: Diastolic Blood Pressure, SPO2: Blood Oxygen Saturation, PaO2: Arterial
Oxygen Pressure, PCO2: Arterial carbon Dioxide Pressure, min: Minute, mmHg: Millimeters Mercury, mEq:
Milli Equivalent, L: Liter,
Table 3. Relationship between depression, stress anxiety, quality of life and insomnia scores and improved
Variable B Wald p OR 95% CI for OR
Lower Upper
Depression -0.416 6.282 0.012* 0.659 0.476 0.913
Anxiety -0.105 0.689 0.407 0.901 0.704 1.153
Stress -0.329 5.191 0.023* 0.389 0.047 0.843
Insomnia -0.085 1.997 0.158 0.918 0.816 1.033
Quality of Life -0.009 0.246 0.620 0.991 0.955 1.028
Binary logistic regression was done.
These results revealed that with one point increase in
depression scores, the risk of achieving vitamin D levels
above 30 mg/mL decreases by 34.1%. Furthermore,
with one point increase in stress core, the risk of
achieving vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL decreases
by 38.9%. Although we obtained all these results, more
    
to determine all the mechanisms that vitamin D affects
psychological function.
In this cross-sectional study, the correlation between
vitamin D concentration and psychophysiological
factors among 120 COVID-19 patients was assessed.
      
levels of vitamin D and reduced depression and stress
in patients. The correlation between vitamin D and
mental disorders has been investigated in various
studies (35,36,37).
      
the reduced severity of mental effects caused by
COVID-19 and 25(OH) D concentrations (at least 30
ng/mL). In line with our study, some experimental
     
between increased major depression and vitamin
OH-D3 levels increase the severity of depression
(39). Murphy et al. found that a reduced level of
serum 25(OH) D is associated with depression (40).
Also, a meta-analysis of cohort and cross-sectional
studies suggested that depressive disorders are
related to reduced vitamin D concentrations (41).
It can be due to the extensive impact of
Vitamin D on modulating mental function,
including neurotransmitter release (42,43,44),
neuroprotection (45, 46), maintaining cognitive
ability (47, 48), and protection against adverse
outcomes of chronic stress (49,50).
Rev Clin Med 2023; Vol 10 (No 3)
Published by: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (
Khorasanchi Z et al.
    
        
neurotransmitters such as glutamate, serotonin,
and dopamine (51).
   
and oxidative stress. Selective Serotonin
Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) are used to reduce the
    
the brain. (52) Also, oxidative stress is associated
with depression by damaging DNA (53). The
supplementation of vitamin D increases the gene
expression that correlates with antioxidation
   
glutathione reductase) (54).
Therefore, vitamin D decreases oxidative
stress and improves depression. One of the
most COVID-19 outcomes is stress which affects
psychological stability (55). Our study revealed
that the levels of vitamin D are associated with
pressure in COVID-19 patients. Tehrani et al.
indicated that adults had higher priority and had
lower levels of vitamin D (56).
Another study revealed that higher vitamin
D levels reduce stress (57). Also, Trovato et al.
found that increased consumption of vitamin
D or sunlight exposure is related to lower
perceived stress among participants (58). In
    
between stress in another study and vitamin D
levels (59). Reducing stress may be related to the
improvement of depression (57).
So, it helps COVID-19 patient’s mental health
and decreases stress.
We have some limitations in our study. At
       
       
patients, which can limit the generalization of the
results to other populations. We included patients
who had recorded 25(OH) D concentrations. Some
confounding factors, like social, economic status
and smoking, did not register for all participants
and might have a reasonable effect on the severity
of COVID-19. Additionally, the RT-PCR test has not
been performed on all participants with COVID-19
clinical signs. Second, our study is cross-sectional.
        
depression or stress among COVID-19 patients.
In conclusion, this study revealed that vitamin
D concentrations are related to depression and
stress. A higher concentration of serum vitamin D
may decrease depression and stress risk among
COVID-19 patients. Additional longitudinal large-
       
   
the pathophysiology of COVID-19 symptoms.
       
some of the associated symptoms of COVID-19
may be prevented or improved through nutritional
interventions both at the community and
hospital levels. Furthermore, physicians might
better anticipate of the prognosis of symptoms
in COVID-19 patients who present degrees of
depression and stress.
Ethical statements
We sincerely thank all patients participating in
this study.
This study is supported by Mashhad University
of Medical Sciences (grant nu: 981873).
Availability of data and materials
The datasets collected and/or analyzed during
the present study are not publicly accessible due
to ethical concerns, but the corresponding author
may provide datasets upon reasonable request.
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... Dietary interventions with relatively moderate effect sizes can significantly reduce the mental and neurological disease burden through food and nutrient-based approaches [7,8]. ND is a "plant-based" dietary pattern that recommends protein intake from plant sources. ...
... According to severeness, each item scored on a 0-4 scale with a full scale ranging from 0 to 28. The scoring system reports as follows: severe insomnia [22][23][24][25][26][27][28], mild insomnia [15][16][17][18][19][20][21], subthreshold insomnia [8][9][10][11][12][13][14], and no insomnia (0-7). In the Iranian population the reliability and validity of the Persian version of this questionnaire have been confirmed (Cronbach's a > 0.8 and intra-class correlation coefficient > 0.7) [23]. ...
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Background Follow-up of COVID-19 recovered patients to discover important adverse effects on other organs is required. The psychological health of COVID-19 patients may be affected after recovery. Aim We aimed to evaluate the association between adherence to the Nordic diet (ND) and psychological symptoms caused by COVID-19 after recovery. Method Dietary data on 246 qualified adults (123 cases and 123 controls). The dietary intake in this case-control study was calculated by a reliable and valid food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) were used to analyze participant’s anxiety, stress, depression, sleep quality, insomnia, and quality of life of participants. Results There was a significant inverse relationship between total anxiety, stress, and depression scores and the intake of whole grains (P < 0.05). Furthermore, there was a significant inverse association between depression and fruit intake (P < 0.05). A significant negative correlation was found between insomnia and sleep quality and the intake of root vegetables (P < 0.05). In the multinomial-regression model, a significant association between the Nordic diet and anxiety, stress, and depression was found only in the case group (OR = 0.719, 95% CI 0.563–0.918, p-value = 0.008; OR = 0.755, 95% CI 0.609–0.934, P-value = 0.010, and, OR = 0.759, 95% CI 0.602–0.956, P-value = 0.019 respectively). Conclusion Adherence to the Nordic diet might reduce anxiety, stress, and depression in recovered COVID-19 patients.
... Previous studies have reported on the mental health of COVID-19 hospitalized patients during the epidemic, while preliminary research suggests a potential link between these symptoms and disorders and a more severe progression of COVID-19 (Dergaa et al., 2022;Varma et al., 2021). In this context, it is essential to investigate the prevalence and severity of anxiety and depression in COVID-19-infected patients (Khorasanchi et al., 2023;Reger et al., 2020). ...
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Mental health disorders are linked to systemic inflammation. Due to high inflammation and mental health disorders in COVID-19 patients, we aimed to investigate the relationship between blood inflammatory markers such as red cell distribution width to platelet ratio (RPR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), red cell distribution width (RDW), white blood cell (WBC), and psychological function in COVID-19 patients. In the current cross-sectional study, neuro-psychological function, and a complete blood count (CBC) were measured on 120 COVID-19 patients aged >30 years from the Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad, Iran. Our results showed that anxiety related to MCHC (mean ± SD: 32.71 ± 1.68, p < 0.05), WBC (mean ± SD: 12.23 ± 5.43, p < 0.05), and PLR (median (IQR): 28.72 (15.88-41.31), p < 0.05) significantly. In the stress subgroup, only RPR was associated with stress (p < 0.05). Linear regression between hematological parameters and psychological score indicated that RDW and PLR had a significantly positive association with depression (β = 0.086; p = 0.045 and β = 1.326; p = 0.016, respectively) and anxiety scores (β = 0.100;
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The last decades of global development have, due to rapid urbanization, pressuring entire populations to changes in lifestyle and dietary habits, led to an increase in the prevalence of mental disorders, including stress. This study explored how lifestyle and dietary factors, such as physical activity, sun exposure, and vitamin D intake are related to perceived stress in a Mediterranean-based population. Physical activity level was evaluated using the international physical activity questionnaires (IPAQ), sun exposure was evaluated using the sunlight exposure measurement questionnaire (SEM-Q), and validated food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were used to assess dietary intakes. The perceived stress of the study participants was evaluated using the perceived stress scale (PSS). Multivariate logistic regression models were used to test for potential associations. In the most adjusted model, an inverse association between physical activity level, sunlight exposure, vitamin D intake, and high perceived stress was found (OR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.51, 1.00, OR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.52, 0.99, OR = 0.69, 95% CI: 0.53, 0.89, respectively). However, when stratifying the population by level of physical activity, the retrieved associations with sunlight exposure and dietary vitamin D intake were significant only among those individuals reporting being moderately to highly physically active (OR = 0.16, 95% CI: 0.08, 0.33 and OR = 0.46, 95% CI: 0.28, 0.76, respectively), while results on low physically active participants were null. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that higher dietary intake of vitamin D and sunlight exposure are associated with a lower likelihood of having high perceived stress among physically active individuals.
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Introduction: Low serum vitamin D has been shown to be a risk factor for Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). The aim of this study was to assess the effects of high dose vitamin D supplementation on hs-CRP, ESR and clinical outcomes, including duration of hospitalization, quality of life and New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Classification, in adults with COVID-19. Methods: This double-blind, randomized control trial will be conducted on patients with RT-PCR and/or chest CT scan diagnosis of COVID-19 admitted in Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad, Iran. Participants will be randomized into control and intervention groups based on randomization sampling. The intervention group will receive soft gel containing 50,000 IU vitamin D on the first day followed by 10,000 IU/day through a supplement drop daily for 29 days. The control group will receive 1000 IU vitamin D daily through supplement drop and a placebo soft gel. All participants will undergo laboratory assessment including inflammatory markers, serum 25)OH)D, complete blood count (CBC), liver and renal profile, lipid profile and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) at baseline and at day 30. The mortality rate will be recorded in both groups. Results: Data will be presented using descriptive statistics. Comparison of changes in study parameters over the study period will be performed using analysis of covariance adjusting for possible confounders. Conclusions: The findings of this will provide evidence on the effects of high dose vitamin D supplementation on inflammatory markers in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of vitamin D deficiency on sleep quality, depression, anxiety, and physiological stress in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We screened for COPD patients with normal (NorVD) (n=24) and insufficient (InsVD) (n=7) vitamin D levels. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), the Beck anxiety inventory (BAI), the Beck depression inventory (BDI) and the Baevsky's stress index were used for the sleep and psychometric evaluation. The evaluation of sleep quality by PSQI showed that NorVD individuals had higher duration and quality of sleep when compared with the InsVD group. Additionally, the group InsVD presented higher risk of developing sleep quality (OR=6.20; 95% CI=1.334, 29.013; p=0.009). BDI was higher in the InsVD, and this group had a higher risk of developing moderate and severe depression (OR=3.37; 95% CI=0.895, 12.722; p=0.03). The stress index indicated higher values in the InsVD in relation to the NorVD group (InsVD=24±0.8 vs. NorVD=16±0.9), and the group InsVD showed higher risk of developing high and very high physiological stress (OR=7.70; 95% CI=1.351, 43.878; p=0.01). The stress and sleep quality effects were negatively correlated with vitamin D levels. Insufficient levels of vitamin D negatively affect sleep quality and psychometric variables.
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Background Chronic stress increases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress in the brain, which underlay cognitive and psychological problems. In addition to the anti-depressants, vitamin D is known to act as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative agent. This study investigates the specific effects of vitamin D in protecting hippocampus and pre-frontal cortex (PFC) against chronic mild stress (CMS)-induced activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α and decreasing the activation of anti-oxidative enzymes super oxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Methods and results Rats were exposed to CMS for 3 weeks. Two groups of rats received vitamin D (5 and 10 μg/kg) and another received fluoxetine (5 mg/kg) along with CMS. Control groups were not exposed to CMS, but received treatments similar to CMS groups. Serum corticosterone and IL-6, TNF-α and SOD and GPx levels in the hippocampus and PFC were measured at the end of three weeks. CMS significantly increased corticosterone, IL-6, TNF-α and decreased SOD and GPx levels (P < 0.0001) in hippocampus and PFC. Vitamin D treatment reduced corticosterone levels (P < 0.01), increased SOD (P < 0.0001) and GPx (P < 0.01) and decreased IL-6 and TNF-α (P < 0.0001) levels in the hippocampus and PFC compared to rats treated with vitamin D vehicle. Vitamin D-10 regulation of SOD and IL-6 levels was more effective than fluoxetine (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.01, respectively, in hippocampus). Conclusion This study suggests that vitamin D effectively protects the key regions of the brain related to cognition and affective behavior, against the inflammation and oxidative stress caused by the chronic stress.
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Background The adherence to a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet may have a bidirectional relationship with mental wellbeing. We aimed to evaluate the association between compliance with a DASH diet and neuro-psychological function in young women. Methods In this cross-sectional study, a total of 181 girls aged between 18 and 25 years were recruited. The dietary intakes of study participants were evaluated using a valid and reliable food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) containing 65 food items. Neuropsychological function of participants was evaluated using standard questionnaires. Results As may be expected, individuals in the highest tertile (T3) of adherence to DASH diet (highest adherence) were found to consume more folate, fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy, nuts, legume, and seed, less sweetened beverage and sodium, compared to the participants in the lowest tertile (T1, lowest adherence). There was a significant negative correlation between cognitive function and consumption of red and processed meat (r = − 0.168; p < 0.05); quality of life score with dietary sodium (r = − 0.151; p < 0.01) and depression score with dietary vegetables (r = − 0.174; p < 0.05). In multivariate multinomial logistic regression analyses adjusted for age, BMI and energy intake, adherence to a DASH-style diet was associated with a lower stress score (OR = 0.70; 95%CI: 0.34–1.47, P = 0.067; T3 vs. T1) and difficulty with sleep initiation (OR = 0.46; 95%CI: 0.21–1.00, P = 0.017; T3 vs. T1). Conclusion Adherence to a DASH diet may be associated with reduced stress and difficulty with initiating sleep.
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The objective of this study was to investigate the protective effects of vitamin D (Vit D) on anxiety and depression-like behaviors induced by unpredictable chronic mild stress and brain tissue oxidative damage criteria and neuroinflammation in rats. The rats were treated as follows: (1) control, (2) UCMS, (3–5) Vit D 100, 1000, and 10,000 iu + UCMS. Rats were subjected to UCMS for a total of 4 weeks. During week 4, they received seven training trials. The brains were then collected to examine inflammation and oxidative stress criteria. Pretreatment with Vit D enhanced performances of the rats in the elevated plus maze (EPM) and open field (OF) and forced swimming test (FST). UCMS also increased MDA and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels while decreased CAT, SOD, and thiol. Vit D reversed the effects of UCMS. The results of the current research revealed that Vit D improved UCMS-induced anxiety and depression via decreasing brain oxidative stress and inhibiting neuroinflammation.
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Vitamin D insufficiency is common in the healthy population. Recent insights addressed the role of vitamin D in serotonin and melatonin regulation, suggesting that increasing vitamin D status may be helpful for improving mood and sleep. This literature review covers the current state of evidence regarding potential effects of vitamin D on mood and sleep indicators in healthy people. In total, 11 observational studies were found for sleep, and 54 studies on mood (including ten RCTs). These studies revealed mixed results for both sleep and mood. The findings were interpreted based on the previously proposed serotonergic pathway of vitamin D. Implications and challenges for future research regarding the timing of blood sampling, timing and dosage of supplement intake and investigating the response dynamics are discussed.
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Importance: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the policies to contain it have been a near ubiquitous exposure in the US with unknown effects on depression symptoms. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of and risk factors associated with depression symptoms among US adults during vs before the COVID-19 pandemic. Design, setting, and participants: This nationally representative survey study used 2 population-based surveys of US adults aged 18 or older. During COVID-19, estimates were derived from the COVID-19 and Life Stressors Impact on Mental Health and Well-being study, conducted from March 31, 2020, to April 13, 2020. Before COVID-19 estimates were derived from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, conducted from 2017 to 2018. Data were analyzed from April 15 to 20, 2020. Exposures: The COVID-19 pandemic and outcomes associated with the measures to mitigate it. Main outcomes and measures: Depression symptoms, defined using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 cutoff of 10 or higher. Categories of depression symptoms were defined as none (score, 0-4), mild (score, 5-9), moderate (score, 10-14), moderately severe (score, 15-19), and severe (score, ≥20). Results: A total of 1470 participants completed the COVID-19 and Life Stressors Impact on Mental Health and Well-being survey (completion rate, 64.3%), and after removing those with missing data, the final during-COVID-19 sample included 1441 participants (619 participants [43.0%] aged 18-39 years; 723 [50.2%] men; 933 [64.7%] non-Hispanic White). The pre-COVID-19 sample included 5065 participants (1704 participants [37.8%] aged 18-39 years; 2588 [51.4%] women; 1790 [62.9%] non-Hispanic White). Depression symptom prevalence was higher in every category during COVID-19 compared with before (mild: 24.6% [95% CI, 21.8%-27.7%] vs 16.2% [95% CI, 15.1%-17.4%]; moderate: 14.8% [95% CI, 12.6%-17.4%] vs 5.7% [95% CI, 4.8%-6.9%]; moderately severe: 7.9% [95% CI, 6.3%-9.8%] vs 2.1% [95% CI, 1.6%-2.8%]; severe: 5.1% [95% CI, 3.8%-6.9%] vs 0.7% [95% CI, 0.5%-0.9%]). Higher risk of depression symptoms during COVID-19 was associated with having lower income (odds ratio, 2.37 [95% CI, 1.26-4.43]), having less than $5000 in savings (odds ratio, 1.52 [95% CI, 1.02-2.26]), and exposure to more stressors (odds ratio, 3.05 [95% CI, 1.95-4.77]). Conclusions and relevance: These findings suggest that prevalence of depression symptoms in the US was more than 3-fold higher during COVID-19 compared with before the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals with lower social resources, lower economic resources, and greater exposure to stressors (eg, job loss) reported a greater burden of depression symptoms. Post-COVID-19 plans should account for the probable increase in mental illness to come, particularly among at-risk populations.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to stress worldwide, especially in vulnerable people like those suffering from mental illness. This study aims to investigate the psychological distress perceived by a cohort of patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Bipolar Disorder (BD) after a seven-week period of lockdown measures, and to analyze serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels as a potential predictor of distress severity. Methods: Fifty-nine remitted MDD and fifty-three euthymic BD patients were enrolled. An online dedicated survey was administered to obtain lockdown-related information and to evaluate COVID-19 related distress by using the Kessler 10 Psychological Distress Scale (K10). Patients' medical records were reviewed to collect sociodemographic and clinical data, including serum 25(OH)D levels dosed in the three months preceding the outbreak. A multivariate general linear model was adopted to test the effect of factors of interest on psychological distress. Results: In our sample (n = 112), 29 subjects (25.9 %) reported no likelihood of psychological distress, whereas 35 (31.2 %) and 48 (42.9 %) displayed mild and moderate-to-severe likelihood of psychological distress, respectively. Low serum 25(OH)D levels (p = 0.005) and MDD diagnosis (p = 0.001) specifically predicted the severity of psychological distress. Living alone during the lockdown, a longer duration of illness, and smoking habits were more frequently detected in subjects with COVID-19 related distress. Conclusions: Low serum 25(OH)D levels and MDD diagnosis predicted an increased vulnerability to the stressful impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Our results suggest that vitamin D may represent a biological factor mediating the psychological response to stress in individuals with affective disorders and provide further insight into tailoring intervention strategies.