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Bringing Blockchain Technology in Innovating Industries: A Systematic Review


Abstract and Figures

The mainstream digital technology uses significantly changes how industry protect their records due to new security and vulnerability challenges. Leveraging cryptography, blockchain technology enables large agile value chains, transaction transparency, and flexible integration with many digital technologies like Internet-of-Things and cloud computing. The capabilities of blockchain technology further empower secure transferable wide-range collaboration between industry allies and public sectors. Recognized by its potentials in driving innovation in industries, blockchain is expected to play significant roles in industrial transformation. This paper reviews the significant developments of blockchain applications in information systems of many industries. The review aims to provide insights on the advances of blockchain industrial applications including use cases, classifications, and emerging trends. We conducted a systematic review on published blockchain works from high-quality sources using formulated review questions, selection criteria, and processes. Summarizations of blockchain applications across many industries are presented including use cases, objectives, and application examples. Moreover, we classified and characterized the innovative features of presented blockchain applications based on the application’s distinct characteristics. Subsequently, summarization of emerging trends in blockchain applications based on recent industry use cases and implemented features are discussed. This paper highlights the consequential advances of blockchain in industries that eventually lead to research opportunities for future undertaking.
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Bringing Blockchain Technology in Innovating
Industries: A Systematic Review
Daimler Benz1, Muzaffar Hamzah1[0000-0002-9362-7771], Mohd Fahmi Ghazali2[0000-0002-0959-
7208], and Mohammad Fadhli Asli1[0000-0001-6941-9625]
1 Faculty of Computing & Informatics, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Economics and Management, The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia,,,
Abstract. The mainstream digital technology uses significantly changes how
industry protect their records due to new security and vulnerability challenges.
Leveraging cryptography, blockchain technology enables large agile value
chains, transaction transparency, and flexible integration with many digital
technologies like Internet-of-Things and cloud computing. The capabilities of
blockchain technology further empower secure transferable wide-range collabo-
ration between industry allies and public sectors. Recognized by its potentials in
driving innovation in industries, blockchain is expected to play significant roles
in industrial transformation. This paper reviews the significant developments of
blockchain applications in information systems of many industries. The review
aims to provide insights on the advances of blockchain industrial applications
including use cases, classifications, and emerging trends. We conducted a sys-
tematic review on published blockchain works from high-quality sources using
formulated review questions, selection criteria, and processes. Summarizations
of blockchain applications across many industries are presented including use
cases, objectives, and application examples. Moreover, we classified and char-
acterized the innovative features of presented blockchain applications based on
the application’s distinct characteristics. Subsequently, summarization of
emerging trends in blockchain applications based on recent industry use cases
and implemented features are discussed. This paper highlights the consequential
advances of blockchain in industries that eventually lead to research opportuni-
ties for future undertaking.
Keywords: Blockchain, Industry 4.0, Distributed Ledger, Use Cases.
1 Introduction
As we move into the new era of technological advances, most of our daily activities
are digitalized or mechanized for better convenience. This majorly differs from previ-
ous advances from our predecessors in the 90s to early 2000, where most of our daily
tasks are carried out manually. These tasks include monitoring, recording, managing,
organizing and other repetitive tasks such as buying a ticket to watch a movie or to
watch a baseball game. Recent literature show that many systems have been imple-
mented in a digital format, from the automated toll system to the attendance system
implemented in the workplace and higher learning institutions [1], [2]. Blockchain
technology gained attraction in the light of rising popularity of cryptocurrency. Over
the years, blockchain has gained popularity due to popularity of cryptocurrency. The
application of blockchain has developed since then and has been incorporated in sev-
eral real business cases within industries. Current blockchain applications are ob-
served in the financial sector, food supply chain, international documentation, and
music distribution.
Blockchain technology can bring forth tremendous innovation in industrial trans-
formation to industry 4.0 [3]. There is yet to be a systematic review on the trend of
blockchain development in various industry enclose with use cases and classification.
And by the year goes, new use cases and emerging industry is expected as their im-
plementation scale is large and need to be observe so that blockchain matters can be
understood in depth to enhance the mainstream adoption of its technological envi-
The aim of this paper is to report the overview of significant developments in
blockchain usage within information systems in various industrial sectors. Insights
gained via this overview help profound understanding about the blockchain develop-
ment and identify innovative factors that blockchain brought to the industries. In this
study, we carried out a systematic review of recent blockchain literature to gain in-
sights on industrial innovations brought by blockchain technology development. First,
we examined each industry and compose it throughout relevant blockchain use cases.
Next, we observed and classified blockchain features that were set as distinctive char-
acteristics in these industries. Besides, this review examined the recent trends on
blockchain use cases and blockchain features that are frequently used in industrial
works. To summarize, the contributions of this paper are:
1. Summarization of overviews on blockchain technology use cases including type of
use cases, development context, and tangible benefit of blockchain for each use
cases at any form of innovation in many industries.
2. Classifications of blockchain concatenation according to recent industry operation-
al. For each of the classification, we discuss the performance that generally has
provide a solution onto industry flaw.
3. Summarization of emerging trends covering blockchain use cases and its classifica-
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the underly-
ing concept and background works of blockchain implementation. Section 3 describes
the methods used in conducting this systematic review including research questions,
review workflow, and selection process. Section 4 then presents the results of our
systematic review based on each formulated research question. Section 5 then pro-
vides detailed discussions and summarizations of findings based on review results.
Finally, the conclusion of this review paper is presented in Section 6.
2 Background
Securing communications and transactions is a crucial aspect of information security
especially with the mainstream adaptation of digital information technologies. Lever-
aging cryptography, the concept of blockchain was introduced to help to secure secur-
ing public transaction records with manipulative-resistant design. Blockchain is relat-
ed to a database technology called distributed ledger that catalog a digital event record
and interlinked by each data collection on every device that integrates with the trans-
actions over the database. This data is protected as private property in blockchain, no
computing or person and even the admin can change this protected data after the ap-
proval transaction takes place for the data to be recorded [4]. Blockchain essentially
provides a public network for everyone to use by adding their data into the system,
besides there are also includes private blockchain to be applied [5]. The data within
the chain itself use ‘distributed concurrence’ which the data cannot be stored into the
blockchain database if and only the agreement has been verified, whether a new data
is inserted into specific blocks that are placed according to blockchain transactions
and it is lawful or illegitimate to be recorded to the chain. Nowadays, massive amount
of data is interconnected globally, and it is a valuable asset in various industry to be
protected [6]. Researcher in academia and industry realize the benefits of blockchain
through strengthened security, better traceability, and accountability. For example, an
investigation on integrating blockchain technology and supply chain discovered that
the food industry needs blockchain to ease their customer for checking the origin of
product details [7]. Another study found that the educational system can be integrated
with blockchain to record a permanent credential for students achievement in the
academia area [8].
We found 6 studies that reviewed the leading edge of the blockchain in various in-
dustries. One of the papers is focused on blockchain application and use cases that
affect blockchain design, while another is focused on blockchain implementation for
various industry applications. One paper discussed the emerging management of sup-
ply chain, logistics, and transportation using blockchain application, another one pa-
pers elaborate the vital factors on blockchain implementation in supply chain man-
agement (SCM). Two papers focused on the blockchain aspect, which is industry 4.0
in blockchain and blockchain on security and privacy. The paper mentioned above is
divided into four categories like use cases, industry application, industry 4.0, security,
and supply chain as lists in Table 1.
Table 1. Categorization of existing reviews on blockchain implementation.
Use cases
Industry application
Industry 4.0
Supply chain
[13], [14]
A survey [9] reviewed the influencing factors brought from blockchain application
and lay claim that the features of blockchain application offer endless new, while its
use cases bring a solution for real-world problems. Meanwhile, a survey [10] high-
lighted the obtainable opportunity, benefits, and challenges in various industries for
utilizing blockchain. The emerging of blockchain applications in industry and services
(e.g. supply chain, logistics, and transportation) is discussed in a study [13], by lever-
aging the framework of technology, traceability, trust, and trade. Another review [14]
elaborated the vital factors towards industry and put into words that the factors found
in their study could be applied for SCM development, indicating that latest technolo-
gy can be implemented to enhance performance, lowering costs, improve safety, and
strengthen productivity by adopting blockchain in SCM. A study [11] focused on the
capability and solution of blockchain when integrating with industry 4.0 based appli-
cations, and they found blockchain solved much current security that failed to cope
with traceability, network inactivity, information processing, and more. Besides, a
systematic review [12] presents summarizations of the aspect of security and cyber-
attack within the blockchain, and their analysis results indicate blockchain is under
imminent threat. These surveys and reviews discussed many of the related aspects of
our review focus. Nevertheless, these papers did not discuss the blockchain leading
edge based on trends within use cases and its utilization in various industries.
The premise offered by blockchain technology is the elimination of unnecessary
third parties. Blockchain significantly reduces transaction fees and time, clearing, and
settlement systems. Blockchain turns every transaction to be open, direct, and conven-
ient, thus re-establishing trust among purchasers and providers. Moreover, blockchain
features the elements of security, trustworthiness, and transparency. Awareness in
making collaboration between industry allies, competitors, and customers contribute
to the quality of values, including capital, intellectual, and technology investment.
The transparency and security of blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, lower
costs for many programs and projects. These instances do occur for countries with
weak or underdeveloped legacies of telecommunication and financial infrastructures.
3 Methodology
In this section, we describe our methodology in conducting the systematic review
including research questions, review process, eligibility criteria, search strategy, and
data collection. Referring to PRISMA [15] and reference models [16], [17], we con-
ducted a systematic review to deliver an overview of the blockchain development.
Additionally, we refer to the existing model concept [18] for conducting this study,
which consists of the review process, the following paragraphs and sections process
illustrated in Fig. 1.
3.1 Review’s Research Question
A systematic review begins with the formulation of guiding research questions [16].
Therefore, the following research questions by this study are as follows:
RQ1: What are the recent developments of blockchain that innovate produc-
tivity in various industries?
RQ2: What are the classifications of improvement brought by blockchain
technology in industries?
RQ3: What are the emerging trends of blockchain utilization in industries?
RQ1 aims to identify the classification of blockchain adoption and operations in the
various industrial sector. Although not all the industrial sector implemented block-
chain, there are several industries still uses traditional transactions. Hence, it is useful
for classifying blockchain capability relation to all industries, include the early stage
to get used blockchain. By highlighting the blockchain classification might help to
inform the improvement directions that blockchain brings in various industries, as
well to increase blockchain adoption.
RQ2 aims to gather the existing development brought from blockchain features for
selected industrial sector. Classifying the outcome of use cases enable other research-
ers and experts to interpret for a better understanding on the main research area, that
could contribute towards more investigation on blockchain use cases in future re-
RQ3 aims to examine recent works to offer insights on the recent trends of block-
chain. New technology, use cases, and development might be introduced in the future.
Determining recent trends of blockchain uses by various industries eventually sup-
ports other researchers and experts to obtain insights on blockchain development over
the half decades.
3.2 Review Protocol and Phases
This analysis applies the developed standard guidelines [19] to assess planning for
review, to analyzing the review by interpreting selected studies through e-databases,
and to outcome the final review. This protocol process is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Review workflow of this systematic review.
3.3 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
This review selected peer-reviewed papers that fulfill the predefined eligibility criteria
to be included in the review. The descriptions and justifications of the selection crite-
ria are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria in review selection.
IC-1: The paper describes the use of
blockchain in different industries.
IC-2: The paper clearly illustrates the
improvements that have emerged due
to blockchain in various industries.
EC-1: Papers describe the implemen-
tation of blockchain in today’s tech-
EC-2: Duplicates or identical re-
search regarding the usage of block-
chain and their advantages to the
various industries.
3.4 Information Search Strategy and Sources
The papers were extracted from online electronic databases as demonstrated in Table
3. Two main search keywords were used: “blockchain” and “industry”. Since not all
papers have similar topics, the related papers in which the point are relevant to the
topic were manually searched to identify any additional relevant work to be included
in the review.
Table 3. Distribution of papers by sources throughout screening process.
Selected for
IEEE Xplore
Google Scholar
4 Results
This section presents the results of data collection with regards to each formulated
research questions.
4.1 Results for RQ1
What existing development of blockchain innovates productivity in various in-
dustries? Out of 38 studies, two studies [20], [21] are discussing blockchain-based
use cases practical in the emerging industry, followed by the use cases of supply chain
[22][24], and financial [25][27] as well music industry [28][30] with three studies
each. One study is focusing the document management [31] while another gaming
industries [32], and another one is conducting humanity resources management [33].
With some of the studies we got above, we analyzed it together with an innovation-
based paper [34].
The application of blockchain allows for a decentralized and distributed environ-
ment that does not require central authorities [4], [35]. Most of the blockchain appli-
cation is associated to data management and authentication [36]. All data transactions
are trustworthy and secure because of cryptographic principles in the blockchain [5],
[37]. Nowadays, blockchain technology has penetrated different domains gaining
recognition for wider audiences leading to an increase in the proposed services and
software application [38]. These industries are labeled based on their category sectors
as shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Classifications of blockchain use cases.
Use cases
Usage of blockchain
Industrial sector
Traceability for Products.
Quality Assurance.
Walmart: Tracking food safety and supply
DNV GL MyStory: Track provenance of wine
from grape to bottle.
International Trade.
Retail Lease Guarantees.
Twiga Foods: Small Business Microloans in
ANZ and Westpac: Retail lease guarantees.
HSBC: Improve efficiencies and reduce time.
Document Distribution.
Digital Documentation.
Digital Certificate.
AB InBev, Accenture, APL, Kuehne+ Nagel:
Eliminate printed shipping documents.
Accredible: Digital educational certificates
North and South Korea: Recording the Peace
Music Distribution.
Track and Store Digital.
Spotify: Validate and register transaction with-
out a need for a central authority.
Musicoin: Streaming catalog of music from
independent musicians.
Welfare Distribution.
UN World Food Programme: Refugee relief.
Digital Collectible As-
CryptoKitties: Digital collectibles assets.
a. Supply Chain
Problem and challenges might happen at anytime and this leads to postponement ac-
tivity in supply chain management. Universal and global practicalities in the context
of supply chains are incompatible, resulting difficulties in monitoring or organizing
manpower and technology. Moreover, human workers are prone to technical mistakes
either intentionally or unintentionally on global logistics service. Blockchain technol-
ogy transforms the workflows for logistics in the supply chain to be more efficient
and optimized. A study [39] explained that this optimization is designed to facilitate
accurate inventory tracking, which allowing for further service licensing, improves
accountability from source to production point of consumer satisfaction.
As the food supply chain management is important in addressing current limita-
tions on the blockchain, a recent work [40] investigated the effect of blockchain on
food supply and found that blockchain is used by Walmart and DNV GL as a digital
assurance solution by providing traceability to its products mainly for food supply in
their supply chain. In addition, a study [41] critically examined the supply chain man-
agement relationships and stated that blockchain featuring traceability that can be
integrated to every secure transaction entity in the domain supply chain. The transac-
tion is validated and provided in the blockchain by immutability functions, only mu-
tually accepted participants are involved in it [42]. Overall, the adoption of block-
chain to supply chain or logistic process strengthens the performance, reduces cost,
augments risk measures, and improves productivity dramatically [14].
b. Financial
From the financial perspective, some aspects can be achieved by using blockchain
such as linking banks around the world without middlemen. A recent work pointed
that financial services are struggling to cope with outdated and obsolete financial
operations, and also gaps in security systems slow payment transactions and limited
transparency [43]. These financial problems can be solved using blockchain to trans-
form significant financial markets into operations with faster accountability processes,
transparent technology [44], as well as efficient and secure industrial systems and
infrastructure systems [45].
Blockchain is used by Twiga Foods to enable Small Business Microloans in Africa
which has growing financial services to overcome the common issues in least devel-
oped countries. Microfinance is one of the critical service tools that stand against
poverty as an important behalf of IFC’s to make a quality transformation of a vibrant
private sector in the country. Within the microloans itself, it is focused on the peer-to-
peer approach. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending, knowing as "social lending," the function-
ality is to make transactions among individual-to-individual to lend money.
HSBC bank also uses blockchain for international trade with Corda or known as
R3. A study [46] claimed that Corda is third wave blockchain which promises securi-
ty and efficiency, especially in the way it operates. By using Corda, an issue letter of
credit can be made especially for US for an agreement of food, agriculture film, and
Cargill. Since it normally takes the range of 10 days to complete the agreement,
blockchain reduces the time for consensus, which takes only 24 hours to complete the
ANZ and Westpac use blockchain technology to retail lease guarantees because it
is an open source, secure in transmitting information, and esteem. Blockchain able to
make the banks to be more productive, where the expenses of instalment be prepared
immediately, produce new items and administrations aware of producing new income
streams. Banks were using blockchain to identify each individual and their authoriza-
tion as it plays a vital part both in the banking business and the customers [47].
c. Document Management
A study [48] examined the digital learning credential assessment and management on
blockchain and found that the everyday activity in documents management are pro-
cessed either by people or automation machine such as digital certificate digital learn-
ing credential. Also, a study [49] investigated the applicability of blockchain-based
electronic transfer bills and found a long heterogeneous alignments document like
bills sometimes are difficult to index in a current traditional database. A recent work
[50] explained the emerging research and opportunity of smart contract management
in which document management is one of the blockchain most incontestable features,
integrating and implementing these technologies not only has improved document
management but it also enabled standard audibility as most other of its activities are
provable and data distribution. To address the data distribution issues, decentralized
blockchain features for metadata are suggested [51] that supports the key features and
examine consequences for digital documents management and infor-
mation conservation.
Blockchain is used by AB InBev, Accenture, APL and Kuehne + Nagel to elimi-
nate printed shipping documents and transition to digital copy. Throughout this re-
search of documentation review processes, AB InBev, Accenture, APL and Kuehne +
Nagel determine and re-allocate of accountability, forecast risk and ownership infor-
mation with blockchain technology trust. A recent study [52] discussed the block-
chain capabilities in which able to make the process management faster for the entire
flow of transport documents, making data entry requirements more productive. More-
over, blockchain capabilities make easy for data amendments during shipping, align
monitor and overcome unpredictable cargo processes of penalties conflict or cases
complaint from most customer that are not satisfying for the services [53].
Blockchain is also used for international documents North and South Korea use
blockchain to record the peace treaty. International documents are records pertaining
government policies, thus extremely crucial to secure via safe platforms to ensure
longevity and integrity of the documents. A smart contract is one of the blockchain
applications that execute as a program by consensus protocol [54][55]. And there are
many blockchain technologies that can store smart contracts such as Stellar, EOS,
Cardano, NEO, Tron, and Ethereum. Smart contracts are recorded on their platform to
have some form of transparency, security, and no possibilities of bias, manipulation,
and error [56][57].
d. Music Streaming
The digital world has revamped the music industry, and the implementation of
streaming platforms has accelerated the speed of the value chain. However digital
duplication, fake cloning, infringement of property rights of production companies is
causing disruptions that causes losses in revenue production. A study found that
blockchain-based media corporations enhance the effectiveness of rights, which offer
an innovative platform to redeem attraction to the ecosystem [58]. One of the biggest
issues throughout the music industry today is the inexistence of worldwide registry of
creative music. As blockchain developing to be more mature, it facilitates the entities
that are involved in making or engaging with music with a faster and more stream-
lined system. Blockchain can transform both the database as well as the network in-
frastructure, thus reduces the issue of intellectual property piracy, property rights
Blockchain is used by Spotify to unlock hardware limitations for music streaming.
Besides, a study [59] investigated the impact of blockchain in the music industry and
found that the uptime is also almost 100%, the transfer rate is the highest, data integri-
ty is always confirmed, service availability is now for everyone, the storage size is
almost unlimited, and all the limitations are enabled to achieve freedom transaction
from a centralized authority. With the rise of blockchain, latency is decreasing signif-
icantly, uptime 100% is achievable and high transfer rate data and transaction is pos-
sible. Musicoin uses blockchain for streaming catalogs of music from independent
musicians by tracking and saving analytics broadcast, with distribution to pay the
artist in real-time. Blockchain allowing its distribution database to record digital in-
formation without enabling the modification mode toward its goal. Musicoin uses
blockchain to power a decentralized peer-to-peer platform, hosting music available to
everyone and transactions become transparent and secure.
e. Humanity Welfare
Blockchain is useful to the UN for its world food program to refugee relief, a study
[60] reported that blockchain application can expand outside of business and govern-
ment use cases and be applied to the social realm of improving the lives of individu-
als. The blockchain laboratory posts that 15 UN agencies undertake the blockchain
initiative. Several campaigns have chosen to use blockchain technology for various
humanitarian disasters, especially to the crisis of refugees. For example, in a recent
review [61], the blockchain initiative program aims at over 100,000 refugees in Jor-
dan living with their own camp known as the Azraq refugee camp. Moreover, most
assume that these refugee issues can be resolved by an approach to self-sovereign
identity (SSI). This method seeks to assign control to individuals by enabling them to
register their own identity data. This registration can be performed appropriately with
blockchain [62], that SSI platform may also permit refugees that unable to acquire
government identification to create a composite ID through multiple assertions.
f. Gaming
A study [63] found that blockchain technology have a great impact on digital games,
particularly people with really large multi-player scenarios. Additionally, over recent
years the game industry has expanded rapidly, mainly because the computer game
world has managed to keep up and is attempting to address the new technical advanc-
es [64]. However, traditional game technologies are implemented in enclosed loops,
preventing external creation of another version and access for the core concept or use
the current data (domain). A study [65] claimed that the most core concept and cur-
rent data (domain) are managed by smart agreements, which may be extracted and
replicated. Blockchain game domain is circulated between 'players' rather than con-
trolled within a central server. Blockchain games either generate by using their own
token or a current token [66]. Additionally, blockchain is used by CryptoKitties as
digital collectible assets. Gamifying features like CryptoKitties leverage on block-
chain’s unique applications. A crypto collectible is a digital piece of non-fungible data
that is specific to cryptography. Therefore, the overall tokens in circulation are the
same when it comes to a regular cryptocurrency [67]. While CryptoKitties itself is not
a digital currency, yet it does offer the same security. CryptoKitties is an online game
built over the Ethereum platform where players buy images of cats with specific traits
and ‘breed’ them to produce new cats that can have rare traits.
4.2 Results for RQ2
What classification of improvement is brought by blockchain technology in vari-
ous industries? Some industries are hesitant in transforming their conventional trans-
actions practice due limited blockchain knowledge and risks consideration. The clas-
sifications of blockchain features are explained as shown in Table 5.
5 of the studies focus on the capability of blockchain security [68][72]. Besides 4
studies classification focusing the blockchain traceability in the supply chain [73]
[75] and its issue challenges along with solution [76], [77]. Besides, another 3 studies
are discussing blockchain trust [78][80], and as well efficiency [81][84]. Another 2
studies are discussing reliability for blockchain [85], [86].
Table 5. Classifications of blockchain features.
Every one of the blocks of information, for example block or hash (#), are
secured and bound to one another by utilizing the cryptographic standards.
Blockchain overcomes the issue of trust by eliminating human intervention
from the equation.
The inviolability of blockchain gives traceability chain an even more convinc-
ing value.
Efficiency concerns the level of performance of using blockchain, particularly
how efficient blockchain application is in bitcoin if used based on time and
energy. Fundamentally, blockchain reduces the number of wasted resources
used to produce a given number of goods or services.
The hallmark of the blockchain system is reliability, which concerns how
much the data are retrievable when there is still somehow connection that
exists somewhere. Blockchain secures the data and allows us to access even if
there is a problem occurring in network mesh.
a. Secure
Blockchain functions as a distributed database where all information is stored through
each partition chain named “Hash” or “Node”. Also, it is called a "Decentralized Sys-
tem" [4] where there is no central administration, no modification to existing data,
and no deletion of data. The information can be retrieved by the user to display or
show a record. [87] interpret that there is no secrecy in the blockchain implementa-
tion, and it is called the "Open Ledger System". Unlike centralized systems, such as
banks, the system is controlled by them that is certainly easy to manipulate. There-
fore, it is extremely crucial to secure the documents on a safe platform by using
Ethereum [88], which is proven to be secure yet to allow developers to develop de-
centralized applications and deploy them. Ethereum is an application that utilizes
blockchain security, it has the capability to maintain and storing transaction, so the
apps have no authority to steal data. There are some vulnerabilities in the existing
Ethereum [55] with 8,833 out of 19,366 and this may lead to losses. Besides, a study
[89] highlighted that it promises a protected centralized platform to make things easi-
er with all consumers and third parties to communicate, exchange, and sharing infor-
b. Trust
A study [90] reported that blockchain incorporates ‘trustworthiness through a dis-
tributed computer network that seeks to achieve a common set of goals, by eliminat-
ing third parties, reduce costs and generate more profit for various industries. Fur-
thermore, trust in blockchain becomes a central factor and important to emerging
technology [91], many researchers require thorough research to verify the heuristic
relation in both trust feature and technological background. This relation significantly
aligns the verification process data, allowing for cheap and fast deals. More im-
portantly, blockchain has tremendous potential to confirm the transition without re-
quiring any central authorities. It is suggested by concerning trust, industries need to
create a confidentiality platform for participants by improving features standards [80].
In addition, the rise of blockchain technology allows for the creation of digitized,
shared, and trackable sets of data. Trustworthiness’ in blockchain transparent fea-
tures enable the information sharing to publicly accessible through its network infra-
structure and ensure the credibility of data sets transaction [92].
c. Traceability
Monitoring and verifying the production chain is critical to take certainty on ensuring
how sources of contamination throughout the entire supply chain are processed. The
innovation of blockchain has numerous points of interest to solving traceability is-
sues. Blockchain is programmable, dependable, and provides constant real-time oper-
ations throughout its traceability feature. The aim of traceability in the blockchain is
for user to respond as fast as conceivable in any situation [93], as well as curbing
unethical activity; improved services of sustainable practices; increased operational
efficiency; increased coordination of the supply chain; and sensed market growth. The
traceability feature makes blockchain a quality certification for industry, by local
server and central management communication technologies. In addition, a study [94]
reported that powerhouse retailers in Walmart cases, which have worked with IBM
Food Trust to implement blockchain technology for their food chains for safety prov-
enance. Such provenance is crucial to be emphasized to provide consumers, suppliers,
retailers, manufacturers, and with more transparency on their goods and regulators to
achieve the increase of ability to meet the pressure of the new custom for key partici-
pants. Blockchains help make the process more transparent by confirming each step
with a block entry.
d. Efficiency
Blockchain technology has attracted the attention of industry leaders with the poten-
tial to improve the efficiency and transparency of existing systems, particularly in
system transactions and management data [95]. As a result, numerous industries in-
clude the government sector and early adopters made efforts to acquire blockchain
capability and they explored blockchain as one of the important qualities necessary to
generate innovative business models and evolve services significantly [96]. Countries
around the world are seen committing to blockchain technology deployment, especial-
ly for the banking industry. For instance, HSBC implements the third wave of block-
chain called Corda [97]. In terms of utilization, HSBC uses international trade that
involves Malaysia and the United States. Corda offers security and efficiency in
transactions. For example, Corda reduces the time for consensus financial transactions
with bulk shipment to Malaysia of soya beans. This process normally takes about 5-
10 days to organize and complete with numerous paper records. Since it is paperless,
blockchain application resolves the issue in less than 24 hours. Paper reconciliation is
no longer relevant because every party is linked to the platform together and updates
are available instantly.
f. Reliability
Blockchain is more reliable traditional centralized due to improvement in the areas of
incentive and sanction strategies, the process of manufacturing technology, restoration
of the consensus network, and data restoration. As blockchain continues to be trend-
ing, many parties start to invest in the ecosystem, which makes the incentive for
blockchain platforms massive by its nature. This popularity occurs due to blockchain
decentralized nodes [98], in which there is no way for the government to find and tax
the money stored in the blockchain, which means the sanction of business could be
helpful. Proofs of retrievability technology of the blockchain store the core files in
fragments, which to ensure reliability after the record has been modified or added. As
result, industries that rely on high reliability and security can attract more customers
through the implementation of blockchain [10]. Indeed, blockchain technology is a
distributed layer that prevents a single stage of malfunction situation.
Fig. 2. Distribution of blockchain features adopted by industries.
In Fig. 2, it is shown that the highest percentage used in 12 industries in various con-
texts is “secure” with a total of 7 over 12 of 46%. AB InBev, Accenture, APL, and
Kuehne + Nagel, Accredible, Spotify, North, and South Korea-international docu-
ments, Musicoin, CryptoKitties-visual arts, ANZ. and Westpac-commercial property
are part of the industries that adopt blockchain due to the nature of transparency,
payment bills, while transparency in document storage creating convenience for users
to control their energy consumption. Besides, “traceability” is the second classifica-
tion after “secure” with a total of 4 over 12 by having 27%. Industries such as
Walmart, DNV GL, MyStory, AB InBev, Accenture, APL and Kuehne + Nagel and
ANZ and Westpac use the supply chain platform to consolidate their statistics on the
timeliness and quality of transactions provided to other participants of the chain. In
addition, “efficiency” takes a total of 2 over 12 with 13%. HSBC in the banking sec-
tor and UN World Food Programme in Food and Agriculture Organization use block-
chain to achieve efficient and accurate operations in a secured environment that ena-
bles them to deliver meaningful results in a safe and risk-free environment. Further-
more, “trust” and “reliability” classifications take a total of 1 over 12 with a percent-
age of 7%. Twiga Foods implement blockchain in terms of “trust” classification by
helping reduce fraud as no party can add blockchain without the approval of the entire
network that can be implemented in real-time. In a “reliability” classification, dredi-
ble-digital educational certificates ensure that the information is reliable and assures
the representation of credentials with a record of qualitatively cryptographic creden-
4.3 Results for RQ3
What are the recent trends of blockchain utilization in various industries? Based
on the results for RQ1 and RQ2, valuable insights of use cases and classification have
been identified. The insights help in establishing the annual trends of blockchain uti-
lize in the industrial sector. Answering RQ3 supports other researchers and experts to
concentrate further investigation in which such research is expected. Also, defining
the current trends as shown in Fig. 3 allows us to understand the blockchain adoption
evolution over the years.
We examined the research paper extracted from the data collection process to de-
termine the emerging trends in blockchain advances. Four studies were found that
support our analysis of blockchain use cases and feature classifications towards inno-
vation [99][102]. In addition, all these research activities are becoming increasingly
relevant in the current era of digitalization.
Fig. 3. Recent trends of blockchain use cases in industrial sectors.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Use Cases
Supply Chain
Document Management
Music Streaming
Humanity Welfare
Fig.3 illustrates the trends of blockchain use cases, this use cases trend is in the form
of graphs where it illustrates the percentage frequency adopted in the industrial sector.
Within the year range, unstable agreement or encouragement can be observed for each
use case in terms of percentage followed by the year. The most discussed and usage
use cases in the review paper are financial with 80%, wherein a study [103] clarify
that financial technology is offering a comprehensive range of services as such fees,
exchange of local and foreign currency via P2P, investments, and fundraising. The
lowest use cases in 2015 are humanity welfare, and this comes into an issue when a
study [104] found that the cause is because of the coercion challenges that the prob-
lem regarding socioeconomic political systems is not being solved by the blockchain-
based government. The changes in supply chain apparent spike can be seen rapidly
increasing from 2015 to 2016, there's been a proof when a study [105] found that a
developed series of logistics, methodologies, and principles to identify the supply
chain with differ businesses strategy. Besides, a surge of increase in music streaming
shows a change of percentage since for 2 years it just remains constant, where this
investigation highlights [30] findings for the blockchain enhances the patterns to ad-
dress and obtaining the music producer easier. In the year 2018, the use cases of gam-
ing decreases, and the same goes to the remaining percentage in 2015 in constant
horizontal from 2016 to 2017. In 2019 only human welfare use cases increase signifi-
cantly, while documentation management is decreasing slightly as well financial, and
the others remain constant as such gaming and supply chain. We can determine that
the blockchain use cases could be continued to expand by evolving the momentum
platform of blockchain, new developments build an innovation industrial strategies
and solution conventional blockchain-based networks.
Fig. 4. Recent trends of implemented blockchain features in industrial sectors.
Fig. 4 illustrates the improvement that the blockchain brings that can be classified into
5 main categories: security, trust, traceability, efficiency, and reliability. The infor-
mation in the graph is based on the 50 selected review papers, where a discussion of
the author is reviewed to capture a frequent usage of blockchain classification. The
highest classification discussed in 2015 is trust with 9 studies. One study [106] found
that e-commerce websites are explicitly associated mostly with malicious third parties
that control any purchases in the websites. Besides, the lowest classification in 2015 is
traceability. A study [107] discovered that traceability of operations has become an
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Frequency of
Secure Trust Traceability Efficiency Reliability
important issue with the electronic currency world, this is why a domain controller
with any payment method is formally instructed to increase exponentially in difficulty
attack. In the year 2016, trust, and security increases usage in industry application.
Blockchain technology is expected to revolutionize the industry via driving interna-
tional trade transformation in the upcoming years [108]. There are decrease for most
of the classification in 2017 excluding the classification of efficiency remain constant
since 2016. Although, in 2018 all the 5 classifications increase slightly especially for
the reliability feature. In the year 2018, and as reported by a study [109], reliable data
becomes a tool required to maintain management plan as well as to establish a poten-
tial resource distribution management, industries thereby focus on building and up-
grade the existing data system that ensures secure access controls. In 2019, only the
efficiency decreases significantly, yet we can conclude that the trends show an im-
provement for the industrial sector because there is no significant fall in late 2018 and
2019. Blockchain research derives from multiple subject areas, which including sci-
ence, businesses, and information system procedures for blockchain applications.
Therefore, research and innovation started to focus on the solution for the biggest
security threats in global, which include major potential threats that involve anony-
mous attackers who manipulated most of the network as such scam, denial-of-service
attack, phishing. Initially, blockchain study started on industrial problems, thus more
fields are expected to be associated as an effect of blockchain would reach improve-
ment for the industrial, economic, and government.
5 Discussions
This section discusses the results and findings obtained from the review based on the
formulated research questions. The discussions on each research question are present-
ed as follows.
5.1 Overview of Blockchain Use Cases
In a total of 12 industries that this review observed, these industries adopted block-
chain as the reliable mechanism for storing and processing their records securely. The
aspect of trust seems to get attention significantly at the most outstanding factor
throughout all use cases. A considerable part of the research of blockchain in industry
emphasizes matters of privacy and security as well. In the use cases reviewed, block-
chain is hugely useful for a transaction in various industries because of its competi-
tiveness to numerous relations of stakeholders, customers, vendors, investors, and
third parties. Such relations have significantly improved business processes, financial
services, quality of service processes, expand the capability of overall use cases men-
tioned, and the reliability of data between businesses, services, and data exchange.
Based on findings for RQ1, we learn that blockchain is not limited to improving pro-
cesses in industries but also in the public sectors. Public sectors can leverage block-
chain as a medium for social interaction exchange in improving the lives of citizens in
the country.
5.2 Classifications of Blockchain Features
Based on the review results, five classifications of blockchain features are identified:
security, trust, traceability, efficiency, and reliability. With this brief description, we
also present issues and solutions to various industries as an understanding of block-
chain's ability to overcome constraints. Therefore, we show that blockchain technolo-
gy is not limited to any industry that wants to implement cryptocurrency into its sys-
tems. Instead, the ledger concept is distributed but not decentralized with trust and
security features in the systems that can be customized with so many other techniques
in the current business or industry sector. In addition, we have identified that securi-
ty is one of the key classifications for industry improvement. We also discovered that
the industry adopts blockchain because the technology behind it promises secure
transactions, where the industry processes a huge amount of data with the intention of
implementing transparent storage through private transactions. This type of classifica-
tion is expected to increase significantly, and it also remains to be a concern for vari-
ous sectors in the long term because privacy and security are key aspects of establish-
ing a decentralized transaction relationship with the industry.
5.3 Summarization of Blockchain Implementation Trends
Our findings on RQ3 indicates the blockchain capabilities in addressing industry is-
sues with several interesting trends emerging. Our discussion shows that blockchain
technology plays an important part in a growing industry by ensuring that its classifi-
cation is maintained between use cases, and as well in future integration of newer
implementation technologies such as cloud computing and IoT. The use of blockchain
changes the performance of traditional data processes across various industries, also
for the use of governments and other industries that have not yet used blockchain. At
the same time, blockchain can be used by governments to improve efficiency in ad-
ministration, as there are still public services that hesitate to adopt blockchain. With
all the key classifications, the industry has recognized its strengths in using block-
chain, this is due to many beneficial classifications adopted and more solutions to
issues. Although blockchain has become more implemented, not all sectors use block-
chain especially to the government when it does not improve the whole process be-
cause there are still shortcomings in terms of regulation. Nevertheless, there are sev-
eral nations that are still amid integrating blockchain technology, while developed
nations have consistently implemented blockchain into their operations and conducted
high-level research.
6 Conclusions
Evidently, blockchain is a revolutionary technology that significantly transform the
processes or approaches of many industries with innovative security features. In this
paper, we provided the insights on significant blockchain advances and usage within
information systems of many industries. Recent blockchain advances were analyzed
to elicit notable applications, classifications, and emerging trends in blockchain tech-
nology. The presented classifications and characterizations of blockchain technology
offer future researchers with fundamental comprehension to further support their in-
Our findings indicate that blockchain is becoming mainstream with various appli-
cations including securing supply chains, document management, entertainments, and
public services. We learn that many notable enterprises have solidified the integration
of blockchain unto their information systems or infrastructures. The concerns of pri-
vacy and security remain to be the utmost important aspects in integrating the block-
chain in their systems. Based on the review, blockchain application features are clas-
sified into five categories based on their objectives: security, trust, traceability, effi-
ciency, and reliability. Reinforcing security is the most sought-after feature in most of
the blockchain applications and use cases presented in this review. Security is ex-
pected to remain the most important feature of blockchain integration, especially for
future decentralized transactions. Our results presented broad applications of block-
chain technology across many industry domains, indicating growing interest and de-
mand for blockchain integration. Despite the observed mainstream integration of
blockchain, we found that the public sector has yet to fully leverage this technology.
We infer that integrating blockchain into the public sector’s existing systems or infra-
structure also raises concern on policies and regulations.
Based on the findings, many new features are expected in future blockchain appli-
cations and innovations especially its adaptation in the public sectors. The existing
works evidently emphasized the persistent transparency and conflict of interest issues
in many public record transactions. Future studies can investigate the public’s percep-
tion and acceptance of blockchain integration in public service information systems
and infrastructures. The classifications of innovations brought by blockchain applica-
tions discussed in this paper are based on reported works in recent years. However,
the advances of blockchain applications in the industry are realistically expeditious
compared to reported works in literature. Therefore, future reviews can gather infor-
mation from external sources like corporate reports, media, whitepapers, and patents
to complement their findings. In addition, the presented discussions on use cases in
this paper are based on notable blockchain applications recently reported in academic
literature. Future studies can further enrich the blockchain use case discussions by
gathering additional insights from industry experts via collaboration.
This work is a part of a project submitted to Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
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... A study on the role of blockchain in the gambling industry also stood out in this regard (Gainsbury and Blaszczynski, 2017a). The other relevant path for the development of the scripts as foundational basis for generating pertinent and well-informed questions that align with the research objectives surrounding the nexus of online gambling and blockchain technology was grounded on the impact of technology on business and innovative business models Zott, 2001, 2012;Baden-Fuller and Haefliger, 2013;Benz et al., 2022;Bharadwaj et al., 2013;Chesbrough, 2010;Foss and Saebi, 2017;Kamal and Tayyab, 2017;Klang et al., 2014;Mitchell and Coles, 2003;Neves and Prata, 2018;Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010;Reis et al., 2022;Š alehar, 2017;Seppälä, 2016;Soumitra and Segev, 1999;Tapscott and Tapscott, 2016;Teece, 2010;Timmers, 1998;Wirtz et al., 2010;Zott et al., 2011). ...
The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of blockchain implementation on the business model of online gambling operators and define the attributes that may underpin the creation of a new value proposition in the online gaming industry. This study used a qualitative approach (the Delphi method) to assess the potential relevance of incorporating blockchain into the online gambling business model. Two research questions were formulated: (i) Is blockchain technology applicable to the online gaming industry, and (ii) What are the expected benefits or contributions for players and operators? To address these research questions, eight blockchain and online gambling experts were interviewed. The interviews proceeded in three rounds until a final consensus was reached. The results reveal the main challenges in implementing blockchain technology for online gambling. The primary challenges are regulation, investment, and the embryonic state of technology. Transparency was identified as the main advantage of applying blockchain to the business model of operators. The study also found that managers and other professionals still had some difficulty perceiving the potential of this technology and its attributes, as was observed in other sectors.
In the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the adoption and recognition of blockchain technology. The increasing demand for blockchain technology has led to its swift development and widespread adoption across various sectors, including the gaming industry. The potential implications of this nascent technology in the realm of digital games are considerable, yet it is crucial to acknowledge the absence of scholarly investigations regarding blockchain games. To bridge the current research gap, this study's objective is to conduct an in-depth review of the potential uses of blockchain technology in gaming.
Conference Paper
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Матеріали X-ої міжнародної науково-технічної інтернет- конференції «Проблеми і перспективи розвитку автомобільного транспорту», 14-15 квітня 2022 року: збірник наукових праць [Електронний ресурс] / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Вінницький національний технічний університет [та інш.]. – Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2022. – (PDF 331 с.) ISBN 978-966-641-910-4 (PDF) Збірник містить Матеріали Х-ої міжнародної науково-технічної інтернет-конференції за такими основними напрямками: проблеми та перспективи розвитку автомобільного транспорту та транспортних засобів; сучасні технології на автомобільному транспорті; транспортні технології, логістика, організація і безпека руху; сучасні технології організації та управління на транспорті; системотехніка і діагностика транспортних машин; стратегії, зміст та нові технології підготовки спеціалістів з вищою технічною освітою в галузі автомобільного транспорту.
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Due to the proliferation of ICT during the last few decades, there is an exponential increase in the usage of various smart applications such as smart farming, smart healthcare, supply-chain & logistics, business, tourism and hospitality, energy management, etc. However, for all the aforementioned applications, security and privacy are major concerns keeping in view of the usage of the open channel, i.e., the Internet for data transfer. Although many security solutions and standards have been proposed over the years to enhance the security levels of the aforementioned smart applications, the existing solutions are either based upon centralized architecture (having a single point of failure) or having high computation and communication costs. Moreover, most of the existing security solutions have focussed only on a few aspects and fail to address scalability, robustness, data storage, network latency, auditability, immutability, and traceability. To handle the aforementioned issues, blockchain technology can be one of the solutions. Motivated from these facts, in this paper, we present a systematic review of various blockchain-based solutions and their applicability in various Industry 4.0-based applications. Our contributions in this paper are four fold. Firstly, we explored the current state-of-the-art solutions in the blockchain technology for smart applications. Then, we illustrated the reference architecture used for the blockchain applicability in various Industry 4.0 applications. Then, the merits and demerits of the traditional security solutions are also discussed in comparison to their countermeasures. Finally, we provided a comparison of existing blockchain-based security solutions using various parameters to provide deep insights to the readers about its applicability in various applications.
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Blockchain has become one of the core technologies in Industry 4.0. To help decision-makers establish action plans based on blockchain, it is an urgent task to analyze trends in blockchain technology. However, most of existing studies on blockchain trend analysis are based on effort demanding full-text investigation or traditional bibliometric methods whose study scope is limited to a frequency-based statistical analysis. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new topic modeling method called Word2vec-based Latent Semantic Analysis (W2V-LSA), which is based on Word2vec and Spherical k-means clustering to better capture and represent the context of a corpus. We then used W2V-LSA to perform an annual trend analysis of blockchain research by country and time for 231 abstracts of blockchain-related papers published over the past five years. The performance of the proposed algorithm was compared to Probabilistic LSA, one of the common topic modeling techniques. The experimental results confirmed the usefulness of W2V-LSA in terms of the accuracy and diversity of topics by quantitative and qualitative evaluation. The proposed method can be a competitive alternative for better topic modeling to provide direction for future research in technology trend analysis and it is applicable to various expert systems related to text mining.
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Blockchain, a decentralized validation protocol in which no one individual entity completely controls the process or information, is labeled both a “techno tour de force” and a “fraud.” Austrian School researchers view the blockchain application Bitcoin as an ideal example of currency decentralization while ethics scholars fret about this very lack of control. Given the significant importance of the future of blockchain technology to a range of disciplines and the fragmented knowledge base with little cross-disciplinary integration to fields such as computer science and law, we begin by offering a nontechnical explanation of the basics of blockchain and its applications such as smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, tokens, and initial coin offerings. We systematically review 152 articles in the burgeoning academic literature on blockchain and its applications and synthesize the findings from five parallel lines of enquiry for scholars: computer science, economics, entrepreneurship, and law and governance. Finally, we outline a comprehensive research agenda for scholars of regulation policy and governance, entrepreneurship and sustainability, organization design and theory, and consumer behavior, highlighting promising phenomenon, methodologies, data, and theories. We aim to simplify and explain blockchain for what it is—a valuable tool that is revolutionary, transformational, and critical for scholars to understand and investigate.
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Since Bitcoin’s debut in 2008, blockchain, the technology behind the cryptocurrency, has been gaining increasing scientific and industrial interest. Due to the technology’s innate distributed and immutable features, the adoption of blockchains on supply chains is one of the most promising recent applications. In this survey, we review academic researches and implementations of distributed ledgers on supply chains. We present the current state of research on the subject and summarize the benefits and the challenges of the distributed organization and management of supply chains. Focusing on industrial practices and use cases, we discuss the technical characteristics and maturity of the various industrial projects. Our goal is to assess the applicability of blockchains in the supply chain domain and to provide a foundation for practitioners and researchers to direct their future projects towards improving the technology and its applications.
Trust in individual relationships with blockchain has become an increasingly prominent issue. This study introduces a key heuristic used to assess trust in blockchain by analyzing how privacy and security concerns about blockchains have an impact on the user's attitude and behavior. It proposes a blockchain user model by integrating security and privacy as primary influencing factors of trust and behavioral intent. The results from a user experience model of blockchain users confirm that the model explains user experience and predicts behavioral intent of blockchain. The results establish users' cognitive role in embedding privacy and security in blockchain. The research contributes to the ongoing research by clarifying the role and dimension of trust in relation to security and privacy in blockchains and provides heuristic implications for academia and industry.
Blockchain, a Distributed Ledger Technology, is a disruptive and revolutionary technology that enables transacting data in a decentralized structure without the need for trusted central authorities. Many industries have taken steps to unleash the potential of blockchain technology, including the government sector, and early adopters are exploring the use of blockchain as one of the critical capabilities needed to create new business models and to radically transform government services and functions. However, despite this interest in adopting Blockchain technology, there is a lack of Blockchain frameworks or reference models/architecture that addresses government services in literature. In this paper, we propose a novel blockchain model that can be adopted by governments to establish government-led blockchain ecosystem for government services. The blockchain model is proposed based on the outcomes of our analysis of permissioned blockchain platform, and analysis of blockchain powered housing rentals use case that is being implemented by the Dubai Government. The proposed blockchain model outcomes includes a blockchain governance structure, participants and roles definition, and network architecture design which explains the deployment options and components. We also explain the model lifecycle and blockchain services, and we shed the light on the security and performance of the model. The study also includes exploring many blockchain use cases used by governments through proofs of concept or prototypes. Our analysis of Hyperledger Fabric design features shows the platform’s relevance to government services and use cases. The Hyperledger Fabric analysis also identifies the platform’s actors, services, processes and data structure of Hyperledger Fabric.
The research is directed to the design of the theoretical bases. They prove the application relevance of smart approaches in transport logistics. The article explains the advantages of using blockchain technology during products transportation according to Industry 4.0 Strategy. The analysis of application history of various systems at cryptocurrencies transaction allowed to mark out main risks at the launch of the described network. The space of relations for participants of transport logistics was constructed. It is regulated by the principles of a blockchain. The main results of blockchain functioning were included in the table according to the offered smart principles for the regulation of financial and business relations. The main implementation conditions of a similar project are defined. The criterion for finding the best option of a blockchain network is presented in mathematical form. The principles of the constant exchange of information between databases are established and schematically described. They will allow supporting a system in the working state and increase efficiency. The main condition of blockchain technology development is mathematically formalized at its realization in the transportation process of goods according to Industry 4.0 Strategy. The best option must be chosen according to the submitted recommendatory table. The offered criteria are the first step for the definition of blockchain network which will meet completely all requirements for a successful project start.
This article analyzes specific characteristics of value created through digital scarcity and blockchain-proven ownership in cryptogames. Our object of study is CryptoKitties, the first instance of a blockchain-based game that has garnered media recognition and financial interest. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the limits of scarcity in value construction for owners of CryptoKitties tokens, manifested as breedable virtual cats. Our work extends the trends set out by earlier cryptocurrency studies from the perspective of cultural studies. For the purpose of this article, we rely on open blockchain analytics such as DappRadar and Etherscan, as well as player-created analytics, backed by a one-year-long participant observation period in the said game for research material. Combining theoretical cryptocurrency and Bitcoin studies, open data analysis, and virtual ethnography enables a grounded discussion on blockchain-based game design and play.