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Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems: Research trends, algorithms, methods, datasets, and limitations

De Gruyter
Journal of Intelligent Systems
  • Aliraqia Universty

Abstract and Figures

Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques have demonstrated significant potential in the development of effective intrusion detection systems. This study presents a systematic review of the utilization of ML, DL, optimization algorithms, and datasets in intrusion detection research from 2018 to 2023. We devised a comprehensive search strategy to identify relevant studies from scientific databases. After screening 393 papers meeting the inclusion criteria, we extracted and analyzed key information using bibliometric analysis techniques. The findings reveal increasing publication trends in this research domain and identify frequently used algorithms, with convolutional neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, and genetic algorithms emerging as the top methods. The review also discusses the challenges and limitations of current techniques, providing a structured synthesis of the state-of-the-art to guide future intrusion detection research.
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Review Article
Melad Mohammed Issa, Mohammad Aljanabi*, and Hassan M. Muhialdeen
Systematic literature review on intrusion
detection systems: Research trends,
algorithms, methods, datasets, and
received November 11, 2023; accepted December 29, 2023
Abstract: Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques have demonstrated signicant potential
in the development of eective intrusion detection systems. This study presents a systematic review of the
utilization of ML, DL, optimization algorithms, and datasets in intrusion detection research from 2018 to2023. We
devised a comprehensive search strategy to identify relevant studies from scientic databases. After screening
393 papers meeting the inclusion criteria, we extracted and analyzed key information using bibliometric analysis
techniques. The ndings reveal increasing publication trends in this research domain and identify frequently
used algorithms, with convolutional neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, and genetic
algorithms emerging as the top methods. The review also discusses the challenges and limitations of current
techniques, providing a structured synthesis of the state-of-the-art to guide future intrusion detection research.
Keywords: SLR, IDS, cybersecurity
1 Introduction
Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques are transforming intrusion detection systems (IDS)
[13], enabling enhanced security, adaptability, and scalability. Network intrusions through malicious attacks
can disrupt services and operations, necessitating intelligent detection systems capable of identifying known
and unknown threats. This has motivated extensive research on applying advanced ML and DL algorithms for
IDS over the past decade. However, the rapid growth of studies presents challenges in synthesizing state-of-the-
art advancements in a structured manner. This study provides a systematic literature review of ML- and DL-
based intrusion detection techniques published between 2018 and 2023. A comprehensive search strategy is
devised to survey recent studies from major scientic databases. After screening and analyzing 393 qualied
papers, we extracted key information to understand publication trends, frequently adopted algorithms, data-
sets, limitations, and future challenges. Bibliometric analysis techniques help visualize research themes,
prominent authors, and frequently studied algorithms like convolutional neural networks (CNNs), support
vector machines (SVMs), XGBoost, and genetic algorithms (GAs) [15]. The structured taxonomy of the review
categorizes techniques into four broad categories: ML, DL, optimization algorithms and datasets. Detailed
Melad Mohammed Issa: Department of Computer Engineering, Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, 10053, Iraq,
* Corresponding author: Mohammad Aljanabi, Department of Computer, College of Education, Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, 10053,
Iraq; Department of Computer, Imam Jaafar Al-Sadiq University, Baghdad, 10052, Iraq, e-mail:
Hassan M. Muhialdeen: Department of Computer Engineering, Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, 10053, Iraq,
Journal of Intelligent Systems 2024; 33: 20230248
Open Access. © 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
sub-categorizations are presented to summarize advancements within each domain. The ndings reveal SVM,
CNN, decision trees (DTs), and GAs as leading techniques for attaining high classication performance [610].
Comparative analysis provides insights into the relative eectiveness and limitations of dierent algorithms
and datasets. This systematic review consolidates scattered developments into an organized synthesis to
benet researchers and practitioners working on ML/DL-driven IDS. By clarifying the state-of-the-art, it can
guide selection of appropriate algorithms and datasets while also highlighting open challenges for advancing
intelligent anomaly detection. The taxonomy of techniques provides a starting point for new researchers to
swiftly comprehend key concepts, methods, and terminology in this rapidly progressing eld. The systematic
literature review of IDS adds signicant value to the eld by addressing gaps, challenges, and establishing its
signicance in advancing the domain of cybersecurity. Here is how the research achieves these objectives: (1)
Addressing gaps: The review consolidates scattered developments into an organized synthesis, providing a
structured taxonomy of techniques and categorizations within the domain of IDS. By identifying key concepts,
methods, and terminology, the review serves as a starting point for new researchers to swiftly comprehend the
rapidly progressing eld of trustworthy ML. The study oers insights into the relative eectiveness and
limitations of dierent algorithms and datasets, addressing the need for comparative analysis in the eld
of IDS. (2) Adding value: The comprehensive science mapping analysis helps organize the outcomes of previous
investigations, summarizes key issues, and identies potential research gaps, contributing to the existing body
of knowledge. The review provides valuable insights into the conceptual framework of trustworthy ML,
beneting practitioners, policymakers, and academics, thus adding value to the understanding of the current
state of research in this area. By visualizing research themes, prominent authors, and frequently studied
algorithms, the review oers a comprehensive overview of the research landscape in IDS, thereby adding
value to researchers and practitioners working in this domain. (3) Establishing signicance: The study estab-
lishes signicance by oering insights into the annual scientic production and advancements in reliable ML
in intrusion detection over the past 10 years, highlighting the continuous evolution and signicance of the
eld. Through the utilization of bibliometric analysis techniques and the extraction of key information from a
large number of qualied papers, the review establishes the signicance of its ndings in understanding
publication trends, frequently adopted algorithms, datasets, limitations, and future challenges in the eld of
IDS. The identication of the most popular and crucial keywords from previous research using a word cloud
adds signicance by highlighting the broad and diverse nature of the eld of trustworthy ML, covering a wide
range of subjects and applications. In summary, the systematic literature review of IDS adds value by addres-
sing gaps, providing valuable insights, and establishing its signicance in advancing the eld of cybersecurity
through comprehensive analysis and synthesis of research ndings. The reviewed literature has identied
several challenges and limitations of current intrusion detection techniques. These include: (1) Limited avail-
ability of labeled datasets: The availability of labeled datasets is a signicant challenge in intrusion detection
research, as it limits the ability to train and evaluate ML models eectively. (2) Imbalanced datasets: Imbal-
anced datasets, where the number of samples in one class is signicantly higher than the other, can lead to
biased models and reduced performance. (3) Adversarial attacks: Adversarial attacks, where attackers inten-
tionally manipulate data to evade detection, pose a signicant challenge to IDS. (4) Interpretability and
explainability: The interpretability and explainability of ML models are crucial in intrusion detection, as it
is essential to understand how the models make decisions and identify potential vulnerabilities. (5) Scalability:
The scalability of IDS is a signicant challenge, particularly in large-scale networks, where the volume of data
can be overwhelming. These challenges and limitations can signicantly inuence the overall eectiveness
and reliability of IDS. For instance, limited availability of labeled datasets can lead to poorly trained models,
while imbalanced datasets can result in biased models that perform poorly on underrepresented classes.
Adversarial attacks can evade detection and compromise the security of the system, while the lack of inter-
pretability and explainability can limit the ability to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Finally,
scalability challenges can limit the ability to deploy IDS in large-scale networks, reducing their overall eec-
tiveness and reliability. Overall, addressing these challenges and limitations is crucial for enhancing the
eectiveness and reliability of IDS, and future research should focus on developing solutions to overcome
these obstacles.
2Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
2 Methodology
In this analytical section (Figure 1), we followed the recommended reporting guidelines for a systematic
review and meta-analysis technique. The procedure entailed the utilization of several bibliographic citation
databases encompassing a broad spectrum of medical, scientic, and social science periodicals across various
domains. Specically, we considered three prominent digital databases: Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and Web of
Science when searching for the target papers.
Scopus is renowned for its reliable resources across a wide array of disciplines, encompassing engi-
neering, technology, science, medicine, and health. IEEE is a comprehensive repository of technical and
scientic literature, oering full-text articles and abstracts across various publications in the elds of com-
puter science, electronics, and electrical engineering. On the other hand, the Web of Science (WoS) database is
a cross-disciplinary resource that incorporates research papers from diverse elds, including science, tech-
nology, art, and social science. These databases collectively oer extensive coverage of research in all scientic
and technological domains, delivering valuable insights to researchers.
2.1 Search strategy
The three databases under consideration (Scopus, IEEE, and WoS) each underwent a thorough bibliographic
search for academic papers written in English. All scientic articles production from 2018 to 2023 were
included in this search.
This search used a Boolean query to link the keywords trustworthy, using two operator (AND) and (OR) as
follows: Intrusion detection system OR IDS(AND) machine learning OR deep learning OR classication
algorithms(AND) optimisation algorithm OR optimization algorithm).
Figure 1: PRISMA protocol.
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 3
2.2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria
The most crucial aspect of this conducted systematic review of the literature is the criteria taken into con-
sideration for the inclusion/selection of studies (Figure 1). And for this, the following parameters were taken
into account:
The papers had to be written in English, published in a journal or conference proceedings, and they had to
take into account one or more reliable elements.
Each of the components required to be considerably connected to reliable ML or DL in order to be
integrated into various ML techniques/methods for the intrusion detection domain.
Highly relevant articles that were published from 2018 to 2023.
On the other hand, papers beyond the purview of this investigation were omitted based on the following
exclusion criteria:
Papers that were not from peer reviewed publication forums.
Papers that were not written in English.
2.3 Study selection
This study adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA)
statement for conducting a systematic literature review. The methodology involved several phases, with the
initial phase focusing on the removal of duplicate papers. To achieve this, the titles and abstracts of the
contributions were screened using the Mendeley program. All authors participated in this process, leading
to the exclusion of numerous unrelated works. Disagreements and discrepancies among the authors were
resolved by the corresponding author. The third step entailed a detailed examination of the full texts, during
which articles failing to meet the previously established inclusion criteria (as outlined in Section 2.2) were
eliminated. Only studies meeting the stipulated requirements were incorporated into this research. The initial
search yielded 696 entries, of which 261 originated from Scopus, 175 from IEEE, and 260 from WoS. After
removing approximately 217 duplicates and carefully scrutinizing the remaining entries, 393 studies remained.
According to the inclusion criteria, studies were deemed relevant and subsequently included in the nal
collection of publications. The analysis of these gathered articles is subject to various bibliometric techniques,
which are discussed in Section 3. The bibliometric analysis conducted in the systematic literature review
involved the extraction and analysis of key information from the 393 papers meeting the inclusion criteria. The
analysis aimed to understand publication trends, frequently adopted algorithms, datasets, limitations, and
future challenges in the eld of IDS. Key information extracted from the papers included: (1) Publication
trends in the eld of IDS from 2018 to 2023, indicating the number of published papers each year. (2)
Frequently adopted ML, DL, and optimization algorithms for intrusion detection. (3) Utilized benchmark
datasets for evaluating IDS. (4) Limitations and future challenges identied in the reviewed studies. To assess
the signicance and impact of the identied studies, bibliometric analysis techniques were used to visualize
research themes, prominent authors, and frequently studied algorithms like CNN, SVM, XGBoost, and GA.
Additionally, the structured taxonomy of the review techniques were categorized into four broad categories:
ML, DL, optimization algorithms, and datasets, with detailed sub-categorizations to summarize advancements
within each domain. The bibliometric analysis provided insights into the relative eectiveness and limitations
of dierent algorithms and datasets, consolidating scattered developments into an organized synthesis to
benet researchers and practitioners working on ML- and DL-driven IDS.
4Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
3 Comprehensive science mapping analysis
Finding crucial information in previous studies has become increasingly challenging due to the growing
volume of contributions and applied research. Keeping pace with this vast stream of theoretical and practical
input can be daunting. Managing the vast literature has posed a signicant challenge. To help organize
the outcomes of previous investigations, summarize key issues, and identify potential research gaps, some
academics recommend employing the PRISMA approach. Systematic reviews, in comparison, bolster the
study's framework, contribute to the existing body of knowledge, and amalgamate the literature's ndings.
Nonetheless, systematic reviews still contend with issues of impartiality and reliability, as they depend on the
authors' perspective to restructure the results of previous investigations. Various studies have proposed the
following measures to enhance transparency when summarizing the ndings of earlier studies.
3.1 Annual scientic production
In the previous 10 years, reliable ML in intrusion detection has advanced. In particular, the annual scientic
output depicted in Figure 2 provides an explanation for the emergence of earlier theoretical and practical
investigations on reliable ML. The annual scientic output for intrusion detection is depicted in Figure 2. The
number of papers published in 2018 and 2019 reached approximately 23 papers, it can be seen that the quantity
of publications has signicantly expanded in recent years. There was an increase in the number of articles
published in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, the number of articles grew even further, reaching a notable high of 138
papers. This pattern persisted in 2023, where 95 papers were published. The increase in research output
suggests a growing interest and emphasis on the development and improvement of IDS over the years.
Furthermore, specic authors have contributed signicantly to this eld, with some focusing on optimization
and feature selection based on intrusion detection, while others have concentrated on IDS for Internet of
Things (IoT) based on DL. These authors have achieved high accuracies in their research, indicating the
advancement and eectiveness of the techniques employed in IDS. Overall, the observed publication trends
demonstrate a substantial growth in research output in the eld of IDS from 2018 to 2023, reecting an
increasing focus on enhancing the reliability and eectiveness of intrusion detection techniques. Figure 3
shows authorsproduction over time, where Motwakel [410] published seven papers in 2022 and 2023 and he
focused in his research on optimization and feature selection based on intrusion detection. In his research, the
highest accuracy he reached was 99.87 using sand paper optimization. As for Al_Qaness [1115], he published
ve papers in 20212023) and he focused on IDS for IOT based on DL. In his research, he reached the highest
Figure 2: Annual scientic production.
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 5
accuracy of 99.997 using swarm intelligence optimization. Bacanin [1620] has published ve papers from 2020
to 2023 and he focused on optimization algorithms and feature selection based on intrusion detection in his
research, the highest accuracy he reached was 99.6878 using GOA and MPO. Chen [21,22] published ve papers
from 2020 to 2023 and he focused on intrusion detection using hybrid algorithms, the highest accuracy he
reached was 99.44 using COBYLA optimization. Dahou [1115] published ve papers, one paper in 2021, two
papers in 2022, and two papers in 2023 and he focused on IOT IDS using DL and optimization in his research,
the highest accuracy he reached was 99.997 using swarm intelligence optimization. Fang [2327] published ve
papers in 2018, 2020, and 2022 and he focused on optimization algorithm for feature selection of network
intrusion detection in his research, the highest accuracy he reached was 97.89 using WOA and OPS optimiza-
tion. Hilal [4,2831] published ve in 2022 and 2023, he focused on DL algorithms optimization based on
intrusion detection in his research, the highest accuracy he reached was 99.77 using optimization IFSO-FS.
Zivkovic [1620] published ve papers, three papers in 2022 and two papers in 2023, he focused on intrusion
detection for optimization algorithms and feature selection in his research, the highest accuracy he reached
was 99.6878 using GOA and MPO. Dahou [3235] published four papers in 2020, 2022, and 2023) and he focused
on IDS for optimization algorithms in his research, the highest accuracy he reached was 100 using Articial
organism algorithm (AOA) optimization. In addition to the mentioned authors, Al-Janabi [3639] has contrib-
uted signicantly by publishing four papers, with one in 2020 and three in 2021. His research was focused on
IDS, optimization algorithms, and feature selection. Remarkably, his work achieved the highest accuracy of
100% using NTLBO optimization. Table 1 presents a comprehensive overview of the most inuential authors in
the eld. Each of these authors has demonstrated exceptional achievements by reaching the highest accuracy
through the utilization of classication and optimization algorithms.
3.2 Three-eld chart
A three-eld chart is used to display data with three parameters. In this representation, the left eld corre-
sponds to the Research Title (RT), the middle eld represents the Journal in which the Research is published or
source (SO), and the right eld contains the Researcher's Name (RN). Figure 4, is utilized to examine the
Figure 3: Authorsproduction over time.
6Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
Table 1: Highest accuracy studies
Dataset Optimization
Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Motwakel
et al. [4]
99.87 IGAN-OKELM Sequential parameter
optimization (SPO)
CICIDS2015 Optimal
Binary and multi-class
During the upgrade phase, it is essential to
implement the SPO behavior to optimize the
location. This approach should be designed to
strike a balance between minimizing
computational complexity, maintaining
accuracy, and reducing the overall cost
2. Al-qaness
et al. [11]
99.997 Recurrent neural
network (RNN), ANN
Swarm intelligence CIC2017 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The developed method exhibits a high time
complexity, particularly during the feature
extraction phase, and also during the process
of selecting relevant features. This results in
extended processing times and may hinder
The Capuchin search algorithm (CSA) suers
from slow convergence, which ultimately
diminishes the quality of solutions it produces.
3. Bacanin
et al. [16]
99.6878 XGBoost GOA, MPO USNW-NB15 Hyper parameter Binary The framework was assessed using a single
dataset, underscoring the necessity for
additional evaluations on dierent datasets to
validate its overall eectiveness.
4. Chen [32] 99.44 XGBoost COBYLA NSL-KDD Feature selection Multi-class
Stronger defenses are consistently required to
address all types of adversarial scenarios, often
necessitating the retraining of models with
larger training datasets, both of which are
time-consuming processes. Despite these
challenges, classiers typically exhibit poor
5. Fang et al. [23] 97.89 SVM WOA, Particle swarm
optimization (PSO)
KDD CUP 99 Feature selection Binary The algorithm still faces challenges related to
delayed convergence and low accuracy.
One of the underlying issues is the
optimization process itself. The basic Elephant
Herding Optimization method lacks an ecient
mutation mechanism. This deciency often
leads individuals to get trapped in local
extreme values, resulting in premature
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 7
Table 1: Continued
Dataset Optimization
Classication type Limitation of the study
Furthermore, the position of the best individual
signicantly inuences how the algorithm
updates the positions of other individuals.
When a local extreme value attracts the
individual currently deemed the best, it can
impact the overall performance of the
6. Hilal et al. [4] 99.77 BiLSTM IFSO-FS AOEDBC-DL Feature selection Multi-class
Using a predetermined number of variables is
a required process. Optimization variables are
the same as FS characteristics.
7. Dahou [32] 100 XGB, DT, ET AOA NF-BOT-IOT-V2 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
An inappropriate balance between exploration
and exploitation throughout the search can
cause the AOA to become trapped in an early
state of convergence. An additional challenge
is the computational time, as we must perform
the ML approach at every AOA iteration, which
necessitates substantial processing resources.
8. Al-Janabi and
Ismail [36]
100 SVM, Extreme learning
machine (ELM), LR
NTLBO KDD CUP 99 Feature selection Binary The authors acknowledge that the proposed
method might not be well-suited for real-time
intrusion detection, primarily because of the
time required for feature selection and model
8Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
relationships between these three parameters. According to the study, the RT on the left side is most frequently
cited by Scopus, IEEE Xplore (IEEE), and WoS, as observed in the middle eld (SO) of Figure 4. Furthermore,
among the Research Titles (TI) that focus on the subject of reliable and understandable ML, the Scopus journal
stands out as the most prominent. Additionally, as indicated in the corresponding box (TI), when considering
all keywords, the journals listed in the middle eld (SO) most frequently match the most popular keywords,
which include IEEE Access,”“Sensors,”“Cluster Computing,”“Neural Computing and Application,and Soft
3.3 Word cloud
This study has eectively identied the most popular and crucial keywords from previous research using a
word cloud. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of these keywords and reorganize the information,
Figure 5 presents these essential keywords extracted from the results of previous studies. In Figure 5, the
keywords are displayed in dierent sizes, with the size indicating their frequency in the literature. Larger
keywords are more prevalent, while smaller keywords occur less frequently. Based on the term frequency
illustrated in Figure 5, ID,”“DL,and MLemerge as some of the most frequently discussed topics in the eld
of trustworthy ML, with DLhaving the highest frequency. The image also highlights the signicance of IDS
and Intrusion Detection Systemas critical topics in this area. Additionally, other related terms with relatively
high frequencies include classication,”“optimization,and feature selection,emphasizing the importance
Figure 4: Three-eld plot: left (TI), middle (SO), and right (AU).
Figure 5: Word cloud.
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 9
of considering these factors when designing and implementing ML systems. Figure 5 also showcases various
specic applications of ML across a range of algorithms, such as GA, SVM, and PSO. Furthermore, it includes
several methodologies related to ML, including Internet of Things,”“network security,and articial intelli-
gence.The word cloud of trustworthy ML articles reveals the broad and diverse nature of this eld, covering a
wide range of subjects.
3.4 Co-occurrence
Another method employed in bibliometric analysis is the co-occurrence network, which involves studying
common words in earlier research. This semantic network oers valuable insights into the conceptual frame-
work of a specialized eld, beneting practitioners, policymakers, and academics. Figure 6 presents informa-
tion specically related to a co-occurrence network based on the titles of reliable ML articles.
The network is composed of nodes, representing individual words in the titles, and edges connecting the
nodes indicate how frequently these words appear together in a title. Figure 6 displays various nodes,
including the clusters to which they belong and their proximity, a metric for gauging how well-connected a
node is to other nodes in the network. Evidently, the nodes are divided into eight distinct clusters, with each
cluster comprising words associated with a specic theme or idea related to trustworthy ML. For instance,
Cluster 1 features terms like support vector machine,”“DT,”“Extreme learning machine,”“cyber security,
genetic algorithm,and bat algorithm.These terms suggest a connection to the establishment of dependable
ML systems in optimization. Cluster 2, on the other hand, includes words like neural network,”“articial
intelligence,”“feature extraction,”“random forest,”“anomaly detection,and network security,signifying a
focus on IDS. Similarly, other clusters are linked to subjects such as clustering, the IoT, the NSL-KDD dataset,
ML, and IDS. The closeness of a node within the network measures its centrality, and nodes with higher
closeness values are more central to the topic of trustworthy ML, signifying their importance within the
network. This gure oers an overview of the relationships between dierent concepts and words associated
with trustworthy ML, as derived from the titles of papers in the eld. This information is valuable for under-
standing the current state of research in this area and for identifying areas where further investigation is
Figure 6: Co-occurrence network.
10 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
4 Findings and analysis: A taxonomy
The nal set of papers met both the considered inclusion and exclusion criteria, indicating that ML in intrusion
detection has been identied through the conducted procedure (see Section 2.2). Additionally, out of the 393
articles included, these were categorized into three broad categories. After analyzing each category, eorts
were made to identify or generate subcategories using a variety of reliable ML algorithms in the context of
intrusion detection. Within the rst major category of 393 papers, we found
1. ML, comprising 249 papers
2. DL, with 144 papers
3. Optimization algorithms, covering all 393 papers
4. Dataset.
We also have a section displaying the taxonomy of subdivisions in Figure 7, which includes ML, DL,
Optimization, and Dataset.
These categories are discussed here comprehensively, aiming to oer academics and practitioners valu-
able insights on trustworthy ML in intrusion detection. This endeavor is reported to enhance the reliability of
ML in intrusion detection. Consequently, 249 out of the 393 articles fall under this category within the context
of intrusion detection.
4.1 ML
Arthur Samuel originally described ML in 1959 as a branch of research that allows computers to learn without
requiring them to rst be programmed. This section describes network ID strategies with a focus on ML
algorithms used to create security tools. In recent years, ML has gained increasing importance in IDS for
computer networks [4042]. The foundation of this lies in the model for training and prediction, which has the
capability to quickly identify both attacks and typical cases [32]. The feature selection process can be con-
sidered as data preprocessing for ML algorithms. Intrusion detection can involve two types of classication:
two-class, where intrusions are detected based on class labels, and multi-class, which categorizes attacks into
dierent classes. ML techniques like Random forest (RF), SVM, ELM, and Naive Bayes classiers can be applied
in this eld, as well as methods such as Self-Organizing Maps, Fuzzy clustering, and K-Means clustering. Figure 8
show the classication of ML algorithms.
Figure 7: Taxonomy.
Figure 8: ML algorithms.
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 11
In the reviewed literature, several ML and DL algorithms have emerged as the most frequently used in
intrusion detection research. Specically, CNN, SVM, DTs, and GA have been prominently featured in the
analyzed studies. Comparatively, these algorithms have demonstrated varying levels of popularity and eec-
tiveness in the context of intrusion detection: (1) CNN: CNN has gained signicant popularity and has been
widely utilized in intrusion detection research due to its eectiveness in learning hierarchical representations
of data, particularly in image-based intrusion detection scenarios. (2) SVM: SVM has also been frequently used
and is known for its eectiveness in binary classication tasks, making it a popular choice for intrusion
detection applications. (3) DTs: DTs have been commonly employed for their interpretability and ease of
understanding, making them popular in certain intrusion detection contexts, especially when explainability
is a priority. (4) GA: While GAs have been utilized, they may not be as prevalent as CNN, SVM, and DT in
intrusion detection research. However, they oer the advantage of optimization and search capabilities, which
can be benecial in certain scenarios. In terms of eectiveness, the reviewed literature may provide insights
into the comparative performance of these algorithms in specic intrusion detection contexts, such as their
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores. Additionally, the specic datasets and features used in the studies
may inuence the relative eectiveness of these algorithms. Overall, while CNN, SVM, and DT have emerged as
popular and eective choices in intrusion detection research, the comparative eectiveness of these algo-
rithms may vary depending on the specic context, dataset, and evaluation metrics used in the reviewed
4.1.1 SVM
In 1998, Vapnik Chih-Fong Tsai introduced the SVM. The SVM begins by transforming the input vector into a
higher-dimensional feature space and subsequently identies the optimal separating hyperplane. What dis-
tinguishes the SVM is its creation of a decision boundary, or separation hyperplane, using support vectors
rather than the entire training sample. This property makes it highly robust against outliers. SVM classiers
are tailored for binary classication, meaning they are designed to divide a set of training vectors into two
distinct classes. It is worth noting that the support vectors represent the training samples at the decision
boundary. Additionally, the SVM incorporates a user-specied parameter known as the penalty factor,
allowing users to strike a balance between the number of incorrectly classied samples and the width of
the decision boundary [1,4,43,44].
Table 2 highlights the top ve authors globally, who utilized SVM algorithms in their research, each
achieving the highest accuracy using SVM classication and optimization algorithms. Alqarni [45] achieved
the highest accuracy of 100%, followed by Aljanabi and Ismail [36] at 100%. Lavanya and Kannan [46] reached
an accuracy of 99.98%, while Dwivedi et al. [47] achieved 99.89%, and Liu et al. [48] reached an accuracy
of 99.88%.
4.1.2 DT
Chih-Fong Tsai utilizes a sequence of decisions to categorize a sample, with each decision inuencing the
subsequent one. These decisions are represented in the form of a tree structure. When classifying a sample,
you start at the root node and traverse the tree until you reach an end leaf node, each of which represents a
distinct classication category. At each node, the sample's characteristics are considered, and the branch value
matches the attributes. Classication and Regression Tree (CART) is a well-known tool for creating DTs. A
classication tree employs discrete (symbolic) class labels, while a regression tree deals with continuous
(numeric) attributes [48].
Many researchers used DT algorithms in their research. Table 3 highlights the top ve authors worldwide,
each achieving the highest accuracy using DT classication and optimization algorithms. Dahou [32] achieved
the highest accuracy at 100%, followed by Injadat et al. [49] at 99.99%. Mousavi et al. [50] reached an accuracy
12 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
Table 2: Highest accuracy of SVM algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Alqarni [45] 100% SVM Ant colony
optimization (ACO)
KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
It took a long time to reach the highest accuracy
2. Aljanabi and
Ismail [36]
100% SVM GA, TLBO KDD Cup 99 Feature subset
Binary and multi-class
Greater parameter values result in increased
accuracy, albeit at the cost of longer computation
times. However, the extended time required for
researching a new person is considerable.
3. Lavanya and
Kannan [46]
99.98 SVM Krill herd NSL-
KDD 2015
Parameters Binary and multi-class
Installing non-traditional IDS like VANET-based IDS
in a VANET application requires caution to ensure
real-time performance is not compromised. The
survey explores solutions to VANET-related
challenges, including increased false positives,
reduced detection rates, higher network overhead,
longer detection times, and associated issues.
However, it may struggle to identify newer and
modied attacks.
4. Dwivedi
et al. [47]
99.89 SVM Grasshopper KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Binary Despite employing security measures like
cryptography and communication protocols,
preventing invasions entirely remains a challenge.
Detecting when a user's actions disrupt the
intended use of computer networks is crucial.
5. Liu et al. [48] 99.88 SVM, SSA Swarm intelligence KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Multi-class classication While Simulated Annealing has several advantages
for optimizing various problems, it still faces issues
with convergence accuracy and escaping local
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 13
Table 3: Highest accuracy of DT algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Dahou [32] 100% XGB, DT, ET AOA NF-BOT-
Feature selection Binary and multi-class
Enhancing and validating the suggested method
can be achieved through diverse datasets and
parallel execution to reduce computation time.
Furthermore, incorporating the proposed AOA
with other eective elements can bolster the
balance between exploration and exploitation,
ultimately improving the results.
2. Injadat et al. [49] 99.99 DT PSO and Genetic CICIDS 2017 Optimal parameter Multi-class classication Both datasets are initially skewed, containing far
fewer attack samples than standard samples.
Consequently, the model struggles to detect
attack patterns and behaviors.
3. Mousavi
et al. [50]
99.92 DT ACO KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Binary and multi class
The method used in this research to select a small
training subset for multiclass classication under
imbalanced conditions is currently challenging
but not optimal. It lacks exibility and eciency,
and there is a need for a better and more suitable
approach to address this issue.
4. Maza and
Touahria [51]
99.83 DT, MOEDAFS Multi-objective NSL-KDD Feature selection Multi-class classication Some crowd solutions that can restrict the
algorithm's capacity for exploration are ltered
away by MOEDAFS.
5. Mahmood
et al. [52]
99.36% DT, SVM, K-nearest
neighbors (KNN)
PSO and genetic NSL-KDD Feature selection Multi-class classication The experimental results suggest that reducing
the number of features to a minimum, even if
they are carefully chosen and relevant, does not
always lead to higher accuracy. Instead, it is
essential to select the right quantity of important
and relevant features, which may even be a large
number, to enhance the performance of ML
14 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
of 99.92, Maza and Touahria [51] reached an accuracy of 99.83%, and Mahmood et al. [52] reached an accuracy
of 99.36%.
4.1.3 ELM
The ELM approach, introduced by Huang et al., is known for its speed and simplicity as it does not require
iterative training. It consists of three layers: the input layer, a single hidden layer, and the output layer. ELM is
specically a single hidden layer feedforward neural network (SLFN) because it employs only one hidden
layer. It excels at solving complex nonlinear mapping problems, and its adaptive training sets random input
weights and biases for a number of nodes in the hidden layer utilized ELM algorithms in their research [36]. In
Table 4, we highlight the top ve authors globally, each achieving the highest accuracy using ELM classication
and optimization algorithms. Al-Janabi and Ismail [36] achieved the highest accuracy at 100%, ElDahshan et al.
[53] achieved the highest accuracy at 100%, followed by. Vaiyapuri et al. [54] reached an accuracy of 99.63%,
while Ghasemi et al. [55] achieved 98.73%, and Wang et al. [56] reached 89.1%.
4.1.4 Boosting (Light gradient boosting machine; LGBM, XGBOOST, Gradient boosting decision
tree; GBDT)
Boosting is a potent ensemble learning technique widely applied in IDS to enhance the performance of
individual weak classiers. It combines multiple weak classiers to construct a strong classier capable of
eectively identifying intrusions. Notable boosting algorithms include LGBM, GBDT, and XGBoost. XGBoost,
initially proposed by Tianqi Chen has gained widespread acceptance among researchers and developers. This
technique applies boosting to machines, utilizing numerous weak learners like shallow DTs (typically of depth
1 or 2). Each learner learns from the errors of the preceding one, and the combination of many weak learners
(often hundreds) forms a powerful nal model [57]. The authors employed boosting algorithms in their
research. Table 5 present the top ve authors globally, each achieving the highest accuracy using Boosting
classication and optimization algorithms. Dahou [32] reached the highest accuracy at 100%, Kilincer et al. [58]
attained the accuracy at 99.98%, followed by Xu and Fan [59] who achieved an accuracy of 99.92%. Bacanin
et al. [16] reached an accuracy of 99.65% and Zivkovic et al. [17] reached an accuracy of 99.68%.
4.1.5 KNN and RF KNN
KNN is a supervised classier where data are divided into K clusters based on the Euclidean distance between
data points. The data points with the smallest distance are grouped together due to their shared properties.
KNN is simple to use and eective for large datasets. RF
RF is an ensemble method that combines multiple DTs to enhance model eectiveness. Bagging is employed to
divide data into subsets, and DTs are built from these subgroups. RF is known for its low classication errors
and absence of overtting issues. Individual trees in the forest are constructed using bootstrap samples from
the dataset. The Gini impurity measurement is used to determine the optimal node for splitting, and the model
includes a maximum of 25 trees [67].
The authors utilized KNN and RF algorithms in their research. Table 6 presents the top ve authors
globally, each achieving the highest accuracy using KNN and RF classication and optimization algorithms.
Gaber et al. [60] achieved the highest accuracy at 99.99%, followed by Samawi et al. [61] at 99.98%. Mohi-ud-din
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 15
Table 4: Highest accuracy of ELM algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Al-Janabi and
Ismail [36]
100 SVM, ELM, LR NTLBO KDD CUP 99 Feature selection Binary The authors acknowledge that the proposed
method might not be well-suited for real-time
intrusion detection, primarily because of the
time required for feature selection and model
2. ElDahshan
et al. [53]
100 ELM Grey wolf
optimization (GWO)
CICIDS 2017 Parameter Binary and multi-class
Resolving these problems should prioritize a
focus on attack instances over normal instances,
as misclassifying attacks among attack instances
can cause more signicant harm than
misclassifying attacks among normal instances.
3. Vaiyapuri
et al. [54]
Feature selection Multi-class classication Due to the fact that this approach shares only
taught methods of opinions prior to viewing
specic local data, it reduces the transmission
overhead of devices.
4. Ghasemi
et al. [55]
98.73 ELM Genetic -KDD cup 99 Feature selection Multi-class classication This technique is unable to accurately identify
normal records. In KELM simulations, even
though all features are considered, the results
for attack labels are disappointing.
5. Wang et al. [56] 89.1 ELM LSA-ELM KDD 99 Parameter Multi-class classication Initial biases and weights are randomly selected
in this algorithm. The only parameter to
determine is the total number of hidden nodes
in the network. During its operation, the
algorithm does not modify the network's input
weights and the thresholds of the hidden
components, aiming to achieve a specic
optimization solution. This approach diers
from alternative feedforward neural networks.
16 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
Table 5: Highest accuracy of Boosting algorithm studies
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Dahou [32] 100 XGB, DT, ET AOA NF-BOT-
Feature selection Binary and multi-class
An inappropriate balance between exploration and
exploitation throughout the search can cause the
AOA to become trapped in an early state of
convergence. An additional challenge is the
computational time, as we must perform the ML
approach at every AOA iteration, which necessitates
substantial processing resources.
2. Kilincer
et al. [58]
99.98% Boosting Hyper-parameter CICIDS 2017 Optimal feature Multi-class classication The dataset has an excessive amount of variables
and observations, which causes the XGBoost training
time to increase.
3. Xu and Fan [59] 99.92% XGBoost PSO UNSW-NB15 Feature selection Multi class classication It signicantly underperforms in terms of runtime
compared to most IDS models.
4. Bacanin
et al. [16]
99.65% XGBoost Articial bee
colony (ABC)
UNSW-NB15 Feature selection Multi-class classication One of the upcoming challenges in this domain is to
validate the suggested hybrid model on additional
intrusion detection datasets. This step is crucial for
increasing condence in the results before applying
the model in real-world scenarios.
5. Zivkovic
et al. [17]
99.6878 XGBoost GOA, MPO USNW-NB15 Hyper parameter Binary The framework was assessed using a single dataset,
underscoring the necessity for additional
evaluations on dierent datasets to validate its
overall eectiveness.
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 17
Table 6: Highest accuracy of RF algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Gaber et al. [60] 99.99% RF PSO and Bat WUSTL-
Feature selection Multi-class
Limited availability of real-world data for
evaluating IIoT system eectiveness.
Use of unbalanced datasets in ML-based IDS,
potentially resulting in minority attack detection
Examination of the suggested feature selection
technique's performance using three ML
algorithms (RF, KNN, and MLP).
Lack of consideration for how dierent attack types
may impact the suggested intrusion detection
method's eectiveness.
2. Samawi et al. [61] 99.98% RF SMO NLS-KDD Feature selection Multi-class
Using the entire dataset for training, while
resulting in a high accuracy of (99.98), is not ideal.
Also, it is crucial to develop an IDS capable of
identifying new types of intrusions.
3. Mohi-ud-din
et al. [27]
99.95% RF CSA-PSO UNSW-NB15 Feature selection Multi-class
To reach high-quality results, the algorithm CSA
takes longer
4. Bangui and
Buhnova [62]
95.6% RF ACO CICIDS2017 Feature selection Multi class
It took a long time to analyze the comprehensive
data to enhance its security against various attacks
5. Mahmood
et al. [52]
99.36% DT, SVM, KNN PSO and Genetic NSL-KDD Feature selection Multi-class
The experimental results suggest that reducing the
number of features to a minimum, even if they are
carefully chosen and relevant, does not always lead
to higher accuracy. Instead, it is essential to select
the right quantity of important and relevant
features, which may even be a large number, to
enhance the performance of ML models.
18 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
Table 7: Highest accuracy of RF algorithm studies
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Shitharth
et al. [63]
99.99% NB PPGO NLS-KDD Feature selection Multi-class classication Large amounts of noisy data can impair system
performance by increasing false positives,
misclassifying outcomes, and requiring a lot of time
to train the model.
2. Devi and
Singh [64]
99.91% NB SMO KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Multi-class classication SMO achieves a high accuracy rate but is not
recommended due to the lengthy model-building
process. NB, while quick to build, has poor accuracy,
making it an unsuitable choice. Depending on our
criteria for both speed and accuracy in detection, we
can opt for either J48 or RF.
3. Kunhare
et al. [57]
99.32% NB PSO NLS-KDD Feature selection Multi-class classication Research on parameter optimization for the PSO
algorithm is in its early stages. Regarding accuracy, it
is observed that the detection accuracy varies slightly
between iterations, by about 0.5%, until the 27th
iteration. This small variation occurs as the search
particles alternate between their personal and
awareness states.
4. Samriya
et al. [65]
99.5% NB ACO NLS-KDD Feature selection Binary and multi-class
Detecting anomalies in IoT networks and identifying
malware in uncertain and overcast conditions can be
5. Iwendi
et al. [66]
98.81% NB Genetic NSL-KDD Feature selection Multi-class classication While the ROS algorithm produced overtting and
redundant data, the RUS algorithm resulted in the
loss of usable data. Data intersection and noise
trac were created via SMOTE interruption, and the
amount of complex samples in the training
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 19
et al. [27] reached an accuracy of 99.95%, Bangui and Buhnova [62] reached an accuracy of 95.6%, and
Mahmood et al. [52] reached an accuracy of 99.36%.
4.1.6 Naïve Bayes (NB)
NB employs a probabilistic approach based on Bayes theorem and conditional probability calculations. It is
referred to as naïvedue to the simplifying assumption of predictor variable independence, meaning it
assumes that all attributes are unrelated to each other. This class of methods includes those oering categor-
ization functions without explicitly producing a tree or set of rules [68]. Many researchers used the NB
algorithm in their research. Table 7 presents the top ve authors worldwide, each achieving the highest
accuracy using NB classication and optimization algorithms. Shitharth et al. [63] achieved the highest accu-
racy at 99.99%, followed by Devi and Singh [64] at 99.91%. Kunhare et al. [57] reached an accuracy of 99.32%,
while Samriya et al. [65] achieved and accuracy of 99.5%, and Iwendi et al. [66] achieved an accuracy of 98.81%.
4.2 DL
DL, a subcategory of ML, consists of multiple hidden layers and nds applications in various domains,
including image processing and natural language processing. It excels in understanding the meaning of
vast multidimensional data, performing feature selection, classication, and uncovering data correlations,
particularly in speech recognition and language processing [69] (Figure 9).
The utilization of ML and DL techniques has signicantly evolved in the development of IDS from 2018
to 2023. A systematic review of 393 studies revealed that ML and DL techniques have demonstrated signicant
potential in enhancing the reliability and eectiveness of IDS. The review identied frequently used
algorithms, with CNN, SVM, DTs, and GA emerging as the top methods. Tables 2 and 3 and and 4 in the
review indicate that SVM, DT, and ELM algorithms exhibit superior performance, particularly with the
KDD Cup 1999 and NF-Bot datasets, both for multi-class and binary classication, as assessed by accuracy.
In the realm of DL algorithms, Table 8 in the review showcases improved outcomes with the CNN algorithm
and the NLS-KDD L dataset compared to Table 9, which demonstrates lower results with the RNN algorithm
and the CICIDS2017 dataset, once again, gauged by accuracy. Overall, the utilization of ML and DL techniques
has evolved signicantly in the development of IDS, with CNN, SVM, DT, and GA emerging as the top
methods. These techniques have demonstrated signicant potential in enhancing the reliability and eective-
ness of IDS.
Figure 9: Deep learning algorithms.
20 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
Table 8: Highest accuracy of CNN algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization
Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Vijayalakshmi
et al. [70]
99.99% CNN Swarm intelligence KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The established method still has several
limitations, including AQO, which may be
addressed with further research. Moreover, the
IDS system to be employed in the IoT
environment will incorporate various swarm
intelligence approaches and DL designs.
2. Fatani et al. [11] 99.99% CNN PSO, WOA NLS-KDD Feature selection Multi-class
The developed method still exhibits several
shortcomings, including AQU.
3. Prabhakaran and
Kulandasamy [67]
99.98% CNN CMBA NLS-KDD Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The ndings show that, for varying le sizes, the
suggested approach marginally lengthens both
the encryption and decryption times.
4. Om Kumar et al. [71] 99.95% CNN MMBO CICIDS-2017 Feature selection Multi-class
The performance measurements are quite low
because of the constraints of the current
methodologies, which include poor
performance and time complexity.
5. Chen et al. [22] 99.84% CNN MOEA/D AWID and
parameters Binary and multi-class
When there is a signicant imbalance in the
training data, MECNN performs marginally
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 21
Table 9: Highest accuracy of RNN algorithm studies
Research Name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Al-qaness
et al. [11]
99.997% RNN, ANN Swarm intelligence CIC2017 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The developed method exhibits high time
complexity, particularly during feature extraction
and the selection of relevant features. Additionally,
the slow convergence of the CSA results in reduced
solution quality.
2. Murugesh and
Murugan [24]
99.72% RNN MSODL-ID Kaggle Feature selection Binary and multi-class
NN training becomes hard due to the requirement
of a low learning rate for the internal covariance
migration event.
3. Al Sawa
et al. [72]
99% RNN Adam, Adamax TON-IoT Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The suggested approach still exhibits several
drawbacks that should be addressed in future
studies. For instance, the suggested system heavily
relies on the ToN-IoT dataset, which may not
comprehensively represent the diverse threats
encountered in real-world scenarios.
4. Lateef et al. [73] 98.34% RNN CSO KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
To reach high-quality results, the algorithm CSO
takes longer time
5. Keserwani
et al. [74]
98.11% RNN Genetic UNSW-NB15 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
In a network this size, overtting lowers the
eectiveness of the classication methods.
22 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
4.2.1 CNN
The supervised learning algorithm CNN [47] is built upon the foundation of conventional articial neural
networks. CNN excels in strong feature extraction and eciently analyzes high-dimensional data using shared
convolutional kernels. While multilayer FNN has some drawbacks such as slow learning rates and suscept-
ibility to overtting, leveraging CNN features like local eld perception, weight sharing, and pooling can
enhance learning, expression, and neural network performance. Local eld perception signicantly reduces
the number of weight parameters required for training, while weight sharing further reduces the training
parameters. Additionally, pooling layers result in smaller-sized and dimension features.
Many researchers employed the CNN algorithm. Table 8 presents the top ve authors globally, each
achieving the highest accuracy using CNN classication and optimization algorithms. Vijayalakshmi et al.
[70] achieved a perfect accuracy of 99.99% followed by Fatani et al. [11] at 99.99%, Prabhakaran and Kulanda-
samy [67] at 99.98%, and Om Kumar et al. [71] at 99.95%. Chen et al. [22] achieved an accuracy of 99.84%.
4.2.2 RNN
Feedforward neural networks, the predecessors of RNNs [75], possess internal memory to handle input
sequences of varying length. An RNN typically comprises an input layer, an output layer, and multiple hidden
layers, often referred to as memory units. Each hidden layer depends on the output of preceding input layers
and its current input to identify patterns in data. RNNs have found applications in various domains, including
speech recognition, handwriting identication, sentiment analysis, and human activity recognition. They excel
in handling sequential data due to their eectiveness with contextual information. RNNs have also been
employed in intrusion detection and classication; however, they often face vanishing gradient problems
1. LSTM, a variant of RNN, was introduced to address the vanishing gradient issue. It consists of an input gate, an
output gate, and a forget gate, allowing it to manage both single and series of input data. LSTMs nd applications
inareassuchasspeechrecognition,handwriting recognition, and intrusion detection [69].
2. Another RNN variation, GRU, utilizes a gating mechanism to handle sequential data. Unlike LSTM, GRU
incorporates two gates, an update gate and a reset gate. Update gates capture long-term dependencies in
input sequences, while reset gates focus on short-term dependencies. GRU is suitable for handling input
sequences with substantial time steps and is applied in domains like signal processing, music modeling, and
natural language processing [69].
Table 9 presents the top ve authors globally, each achieving the highest accuracy using RNN classication and
optimization algorithms. Al-qaness et al. [11] achieved the highest accuracy at 99.997%, followed by Murugesh and
Murugan [24] at 99.72%, Khan [72] at 99%, and Lateef et al. [73] at 98.34%, Keserwani et al. [74] at 98.11%.
4.3 Optimization (OP) algorithms
OP algorithms [76] is often the most ecient and accurate method for solving problems, although its denition
can vary by context. In mathematics, it involves exploring the behavior of a problem by adjusting values
within a specied range to either minimize or maximize a function. Optimization processes hold a signicant
role in DL, where various optimization functions are employed to minimize or maximize error functions.
These functions have been developed in diverse environments. Figure 10 presents the most important OP
algorithms used in research.
OP algorithms have been extensively integrated into intrusion detection research, with several studies
focusing on OP algorithms for feature selection and DL algorithms based on intrusion detection. The review
identied GA, ACO, and GWO as signicant OP algorithms, consistently delivering high results across Tables 10,
12, and 14 . For instance, Fang published ve papers between 2018 and 2022, focusing on OP algorithms for
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 23
feature selection of network intrusion detection. The highest accuracy he reached is 97.89 using WOA and OPS
optimization. Similarly, Zivkovic published ve papers between 2018 and 2023, focusing on intrusion detection
for OP algorithms and feature selection. The highest he reached is 99.6878 using GOA, MPO optimization. The
integration of OP algorithms has contributed signicantly to the overall performance of IDS. For instance, the
KDD Cup 1999 dataset, which is one of the most widely utilized in the eld of intrusion detection, has been used
in comparison to the PSO algorithm, with Table 11 indicating a marginal dierence of 0.1. Overall, OP algo-
rithms have been extensively integrated into intrusion detection research, with GA, ACO, and GWO emerging
as signicant OP algorithms. These algorithms have contributed signicantly to the overall performance of
IDS, enhancing their reliability and eectiveness.
4.3.1 GAs
One of the most commonly used evolutionary metaheuristic algorithms for IDS design in the literature is GAs
[22]. Hogue utilized GAs to develop an IDS capable of eectively identifying various types of network intru-
sions, and his work has been published. This strategy incorporates an evolutionary information evolution
mechanism for processing trac data. The KDD Cup 99 standard dataset served as the foundation for devel-
oping and evaluating this IDS, with the results demonstrating a reasonable detection rate. To provide a
comprehensive perspective, this IDS was compared with numerous other techniques. In a similar vein, a
piece of work based on GA fuzzy-class association mining was presented by Dwivedi et al. [47]. Many of the
rules essential for creating an intrusion detection model are generated using GAs. Instead of generating every
possible rule that satises the criteria for misuse detection, an association rule mining technique is employed
to identify a sucient number of key rules aligned with the user's goals. In an experimental study using the
KDD Cup 99 intrusion detection dataset, Ibrahim Hayat Hassan proposed a method that exhibited a higher
detection rate compared to traditional data mining approaches.
Many researchers applied the GA to enhance the performance and achieve higher accuracy. Table 10
showcases the top ve authors in the eld, each achieving the highest accuracy using classication and GA.
Notably, Duo et al. [68] reached a remarkable accuracy of 100%, while Aljanabi and Ismail [36] also achieved a
100% accuracy rate. Additionally, Gorzałczany and Rudzinski [77] reached a perfect accuracy of 100%, and
Injadat et al. [49] achieved an accuracy rate of 99.99%. Finally, Mahmood et al. [52] reached an accuracy rate
of 99.36%.
4.3.2 PSO
Lavanya and Kannan introduced PSO [46], a technique inspired by the behavior of birds in a ock, which
guides particles to explore the optimal global solution. PSO is generally easier to implement than GA due to the
absence of evolutionary operators.
The authors employed a PSO algorithm. Table 11 highlights the top ve authors globally, each achieving
the highest accuracy using PSO for classication and to enhance their work's performance and achieve high
accuracy. Notably, Injadat et al. [49] stands out with an accuracy of 99.99%, followed closely by Gaber et al. [60]
Figure 10: Optimization algorithms.
24 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
Table 10: Highest accuracy of GA algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Duo et al. [68] 100% CART Genetic KDD 99 Hyper-parameter Multi-class classication Despite its strong performance on the training
dataset, it encountered challenges when applied
to the test dataset. This discrepancy suggests
that the IDS model may not be suitable for the
specic scenarios considered in this article. In
the context of real-time Ethernet scenarios on a
train, the model must possess the capability to
eectively recognize anomalous data.
Additionally, in the case of the CART model,
having either too many or too few nodes can
signicantly impact the accuracy of the DTs
2. Aljanabi and
Ismail [36]
100% SVM GA, TLBO KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
Increasing these parameters will result in a
more precise outcome, albeit at the cost of
longer computation times. Researching a new
population can be a time-consuming process.
3. Gorzałczany and
Rudzinski [77]
100% FRBC Genetic MQTT-IOT-
Feature selection Binary and multi-class
It took a long time to reach the highest accuracy.
4. Injadat et al. [49] 99.99 DT PSO AND Genetic CICIDS 2017 Optimal parameter Multi-class classication The model faces challenges in detecting attack
patterns and behaviors.
5. Mahmood et al. [52] 99.36% DT, SVM, KNN PSO and Genetic NSL-KDD Feature selection Multi-class classication The experimental results suggest that reducing
the number of features to a minimum, even if
they are carefully chosen and relevant, does not
always lead to higher accuracy. Instead, it is
essential to select the right quantity of
important and relevant features, which may
even be a large number, to enhance the
performance of ML models.
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 25
at 99.99%. Fatani et al. [11] reached a commendable 99.99% accuracy, while Al-qaness et al. [12] achieved
99.99% accuracy. Mohi-ud-din et al. [27] achieved an accuracy of 99.95%.
4.3.3 ACO
This algorithm is inspired by the real-world behavior of ants [51], which seek the shortest route between their
colony and food sources, and ACO has been developed. ACO emulates the way ants communicate through
pheromones within their population to discover the most optimal search space solution. It has been eectively
employed to tackle discrete optimization challenges. ACO also oers an intriguing approach to feature selec-
tion for IDS, although its current application is somewhat limited.
Many researchers utilized the ACO algorithm to enhance the performance and achieve high accuracy in
their work. Table 12 presents the top ve authors globally, each achieving the highest accuracy using ACO for
classication and OP algorithms. Notably, Alqarni et al. [45] attained a remarkable accuracy of 100%, followed
closely by Mousavi et al. [50] at 99.92%. Samriya et al. [21] achieved an accuracy of 99.5%, while Bangui and
Buhnova [62] reached 95.6% accuracy. Thakkar and Lohiya [69] reached 90.6% accuracy.
4.3.4 ABC
The inspiration for the ABC algorithm stems from the foraging behavior of bees [78]. Among the available
solutions, ABC aims to locate the optimal one. The beehive consists of three types: scout bees, employed bees,
and observer bees. These bees collaborate in various tasks, such as work distribution, food source selection,
reproduction, scouting for the best food sources, and performing waggle dances to communicate the location
of the optimal food sources. Initially, food sources are selected from the available options within the popula-
tion. Employed bees then undertake random searches to discover superior food sources compared to those
initially assigned to them.
Many researchers utilized the ABC algorithm to enhance the performance and achieve high accuracy.
Table 13 shows the top ve authors globally, each achieving the highest accuracy using ABC for classication
and OP algorithms. Notably, Bacanin et al. [18] achieved an impressive accuracy of 99.65%, while Soni et al. [78]
reached 97.42% accuracy. Mahboob et al. [79] achieved an accuracy of 97.23%, followed by Kalaivani et al. [80]
with 97% accuracy, and Thakkar and Lohiya [69] reached 90.6% accuracy.
4.3.5 GWO
ML models often utilize meta-heuristic algorithms inspired by nature [395950-34]. One such algorithm, GWO,
was introduced by Mirjalili et al. in 2014. GWO draws inspiration from the social structure and clever hunting
tactics of grey wolves. In the natural world, grey wolves typically travel in packs consisting of 512 individuals.
The GWO algorithm emulates the hunting behavior and leadership structure of these wolves [80].
Many researchers like Swarna Priya employed the GWO algorithm to enhance their work's performance
and achieve high accuracy. Table 14 showcases the top ve authors globally, each achieving the highest
accuracy using GWO for classication and OP algorithms. Notably, ElDahshan et al. [53] attained a remarkable
accuracy of 100%, while Alzubi et al. [33] reached an accuracy of 99.22%. Davahli et al. [81] achieved
an accuracy of 99.10% and Swarna Priya et al. [82] reached 99.9% accuracy. Kunhare et al. [83] achieved an
accuracy of 97.894%.
Many other researchers employed a range of OP algorithms in their research, including Firey, Harris
Hawk, Multi-verse optimizer, Whale OP algorithm, Cuckoo search, Bat algorithm, AOA, and more [8491]. The
systematic review provides a structured synthesis of the state-of-the-art in intrusion detection research by
consolidating and analyzing a comprehensive set of 393 papers meeting the inclusion criteria. Through
26 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
Table 11: Highest accuracy of PSO algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Injadat
et al. [49]
99.99 DT PSO AND Genetic CICIDS 2017 Optimal parameter Multi-class classication Both datasets are initially imbalanced, containing
signicantly fewer attack samples than standard
samples. Consequently, the model encounters
challenges in identifying attack patterns and
2. Gaber et al. [60] 99.99% RF PSO and Bat WUSTL-
Feature selection Multi-class classication The IoT system's inability to collect sucient real-
world data for evaluating existing solutions.
The unbalanced dataset used in developing ML-
based IDS, potentially resulting in the failure to
detect minority attacks.
The study solely assessed the performance of the
suggested feature selection technique with three
ML algorithms (RF, k-NN, and MLP).
The study did not consider the potential impact of
dierent attack types on the eectiveness of the
proposed intrusion detection method.
3. Fatani et al. [11] 99.99% CNN PSO, WOA NLS-KDD Feature selection Multi-class classication The developed method still exhibits several
shortcomings, including AQU.
4. Al-qaness
et al. [12]
99.99% RNN, ANN Swarm intelligence CIC2017 Feature selection Binary and multi class
The developed method exhibits high time
complexity, particularly during feature extraction
and the selection of relevant features.
The slow convergence of the CSA results in
diminished solution quality.
5. Mohi-ud-din
et al. [27]
99.95% RF CSA-PSO UNSW-NB15 Feature selection Multi-class classication To reach high-quality results, the algorithm CSA
takes a long time
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 27
Table 12: Highest accuracy of ACO algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Alqarni et al. [45] 100% SVM ACO KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
It took a long time to reach the highest accuracy
2. Mousavi
et al. [50]
99.92% DT ACO KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The method used in this research to select a small
training subset for multiclass classication under
imbalanced conditions is currently challenging and
suboptimal. It requires greater exibility,
compatibility, and eciency. Consequently, there is
a need to develop a better and more suitable
method to address this issue.
3. Samriya
et al. [65]
99.5% NB ACO NLS-KDD Feature selection Binary and multi-class
Detecting anomalies in IoT networks and identifying
malware in uncertain and overcast conditions can
be time-consuming.
4. Bangui and
Buhnova [62]
95.6% RF ACO CICIDS2017 Feature selection Multi-class classication It took a long time to analyze the comprehensive
data to enhance its security against various attacks
5. Thakkar and
Lohiya [69]
90.6% SVM ACO, ABC KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Multi-class classication The performance evaluation dataset exhibits class
imbalance, necessitating the development of
SWEVO-based methods.
28 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
Table 13: Highest accuracy of ABC algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. Bacanin
et al. [18]
99.65% XGBoost ABC UNSW-NB15 Feature selection Multi class classication One of the upcoming challenges in this domain is to
validate the suggested hybrid model on additional
intrusion detection datasets. This step is crucial for
increasing condence in the results before applying
the model in real-world scenarios.
2. Soni et al. [78] 97.42% CNN ABC NLS-KDD Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The ABC algorithm took a long time to reach the
required results and this may aect its performance
3. Mahboob
et al. [79]
97.23% KNN, ANN ABC NLS-KDD Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The exploration of the mentioned properties may
result in increased processing time and additional
hardware overhead. However, it is possible to
convert symbolic features into numerical ones.
4. Kalaivani
et al. [80]
97% ANN ABC CICIDS2017 Feature selection Multi-class classication The detection algorithm's error rate should be as
low as possible given the appropriate limit setting.
An ideal limit value was not found for the network's
unidentied distribution model.
5. Thakkar and
Lohiya [69]
90.6% SVM ABC, ACO KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Multi-class classication The performance evaluation dataset exhibits class
imbalance, necessitating the development of
SWEVO-based methods to address this issue.
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 29
Table 14: Highest accuracy of GWO algorithm studies
Research name Highest
Dataset Optimization eld Classication type Limitation of the study
1. ElDahshan
et al. [53]
100 ELM GWO CICIDS 2017 Parameter Binary and multi-class
Resolving these problems should prioritize a focus on
attack instances over normal instances, as misclassifying
attacks among attack instances can cause more
signicant harm than misclassifying attacks among
normal instances. (1) The need for accurate detection of
various attack instances. (2) The challenge of reducing
false alarm rates. (3) The diculty in eciently
identifying dierent types of attacks. (4) The issue of
dealing with large amounts of data and class imbalance
in datasets. (5) The challenge of selecting relevant
features for ML-based IDS. (6) The need for eective
hyperparameter optimization methods for ML models.
(7) The challenge of achieving high detection rates with
a small amount of data. (8) The issue of dealing with
constantly evolving attack methods and techniques
2. Alzubi et al. [33] 99.22 SVM GWO KDD Cup99 Feature selection Binary and multi-class
MBGWO and bGWO convergence.
Due to its limited ability to identify a small number of FS
with numerous aims, the bGWO has always been
inadequate in addressingideal solutions in a single run,
which entails making several runs to achieve a
predetermined number of features.
a. Davahli et al. [81] 99.10 SVM GWO AWID Feature selection Binary and multi-class
The computational costs, such as the time and memory
needed for intrusion detection, are very important in
wireless networks due to resource limitations. Some
initiatives or
attempts should be made to further shorten the GA-
GWO runtime, such as parallelizing tasks.
4. Swarna Priya
et al. [82]
99.9 SVM GWO KDD Cup 99 Feature selection Multi-class classication Expanded the amount of data that have to be categorized
and examined. High impact features should be chosen, while
undesirable elements should be removed.
5. Kunhare
et al. [83]
97.894 DT GWO NSL-KDD Feature selection Multi-class classication The proposed work has certain limitations. The
stochastic nature of GA results in longer convergence
times. Optimization based on biological evolution can
be computationally demanding. GWO exhibits a low
convergence rate, limited precision in solving, and a
limited ability for local searching.
30 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
bibliometric analysis and categorization, the review oers key insights and overarching themes derived from
the analysis of the reviewed literature:
1. Publication trends: The review identies increasing publication volumes in the eld of intrusion detection,
indicating a growing interest and research activity in this domain.
2. Frequently adopted algorithms: The review highlights the dominance of specic ML and DL algorithms,
such as SVM, CNN, DTs, and GA, as leading techniques for intrusion detection.
3. Utilized datasets: The review emphasizes the signicance of benchmark datasets, including KDD Cup 1999,
NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and CICIDS2017, as commonly used resources for evaluating intrusion detection
4. Challenges and limitations: The review identies challenges and limitations, such as limited availability of
labeled datasets, imbalanced datasets, adversarial attacks, interpretability, explainability, and scalability,
which inuence the overall eectiveness and reliability of IDS.
5. Future research directions: The review suggests future research directions, including the exploration of DL
methods, addressing computational complexity, enhancing model interpretability, and evaluating diverse
new datasets.
By synthesizing these key insights and overarching themes, the review provides a comprehensive over-
view of the current state-of-the-art in intrusion detection research. It oers valuable guidance for researchers
and practitioners, enabling them to understand the prominent trends, challenges, and potential areas for
further investigation in the eld of IDS.
4.4 Dataset
The datasets encompass elds containing both unprocessed and processed data extracted from underlying
network trac [90]. These data are typically generated through studies aimed at identifying network intru-
sions. An intentional eort is made to manipulate the data, creating adversarial examples capable of deceiving
classiers and detection systems. When creating adversarial instances that alter the source data in network
security applications, caution is essential, as highlighted by [90]. The most prominent datasets utilized in
research include KDD Cup99, NSL-KDD, CICIDS 2017, UNSW-NB15, AWID, Kaggle, and TON-IOT. Table 15
provides an overview of the most crucial datasets commonly used in the eld of intrusion detection
The most commonly used datasets in IDS are as follows:
1. KDD Cup 1999: This dataset stands as one of the most widely utilized in the eld of intrusion detection. It
comprises a substantial and diverse collection of network trac data, encompassing potential attacks.
2. NSL-KDD: An enhanced iteration of the KDD Cup 1999 dataset, it oers a more demanding and realistic
environment for testing intrusion detection models.
3. UNSW-NB15: This dataset consists of samples of network trac extracted from real-world internet envir-
onments, providing a formidable challenge for detecting advanced attacks.
4. CICIDS2017: This dataset encompasses a diverse range of data reecting dierent attack scenarios, serving
as an invaluable resource for evaluating the performance of intrusion detection models.
The reviewed studies have frequently utilized several benchmark datasets for evaluating IDS. The most
commonly used datasets include: (1) KDD Cup 1999: This dataset is one of the most widely utilized in the eld of
intrusion detection. It comprises a substantial and diverse collection of network trac data, encompassing
potential attacks. (2) NSL-KDD: An enhanced iteration of the KDD Cup 1999 dataset, it oers a more demanding
and realistic environment for testing intrusion detection models. (3) UNSW-NB15: This dataset consists of
samples of network trac extracted from real-world internet environments, providing a formidable challenge
for detecting advanced attacks. (4) CICIDS2017: This dataset encompasses a diverse range of data reecting
dierent attack scenarios, serving as an invaluable resource for evaluating the performance of intrusion
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 31
Table 15: Most commonly used datasets
Dataset Dataset description Dataset size Link of the dataset Public or
KDD Cup 99 The KDD Cup 99 dataset was developed by MIT
Lincoln Laboratories and encompasses four main
attack categories: Denial of Service , Remote to
Local, User to Root, and probing. The dataset
comprises 41 features and one label, which provides
information about the type of attack.
records ases/
kddcu p99/kddcu p99.html
Public While the KDD Cup 99 dataset remains the most
popular and widely used public dataset for IDS, it
requires data cleaning or preprocessing due to
roughly 78% redundant records. Record duplication
can introduce bias towards frequent chromosomes,
reducing the eectiveness of network intrusion
Om Kumar
et al. [71]
41 attributes
NSL-KDD The NSL-KDD dataset is an upgrade of the KDD Cup
99 dataset, designed to address some of its
underlying issues.
125,973 records
Public Due to the limited availability of publicly accessible
datasets for network-based IDS, this updated version
of the KDD dataset still has some issues and may not
fully represent the current real networks.
Li et al. [89] 41 attributes
UNSW-NB15 The UNSW-NB15 dataset combines raw network
packets to include a mixture of real, current normal
activity and synthetic attacks
2,450,044 records Public Before using this dataset for model development, it is
essential to address its two main issues: class
imbalance and class overlap. Failure to resolve these
problems could potentially hinder IDS in identifying
and detecting attacks.
Li et al. [89] 49 attributes
CICIDS 2017 The CIC-IDS-2017 dataset, created by the Faculty of
Computer Science, encompasses both regular and
various attack data within network trac.
25,00,000 records
Public The CICIDS 2017 dataset has a few shortcomings and
Large volume of data.
Yousef [75] The dataset exhibits class imbalance, with an
uneven distribution between the dominant and
minority classes in the database.
78 attributes Missing values.
AWID The AWID dataset is a newly developed Wi-Fi
network intrusion benchmark that is useful for
evaluating IDSs employed by network IDS research
communities. This dataset is particularly relevant for
research involving IoT wireless networks connected
to Wi-Fi networks.
162,385 records Private The AWID intrusion dataset encompasses various
data types, including discrete, continuous, and
symbolic (nominal) data with a wide range of values.
These data variations pose a challenge for classiers,
even for high-performing classiers like SVM, to
eectively train on normal and abnormal patterns.
et al. [81]
154 features
32 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
detection models. The utilization of these benchmark datasets has inuenced the comparability of research
outcomes by providing a standardized basis for evaluating the performance of IDS. Researchers can compare
the eectiveness of dierent algorithms and techniques using these commonly accepted benchmark datasets,
thereby facilitating the assessment of the reliability and generalizability of intrusion detection models.
5 Discussion
This section delves into the ndings derived from comparing various ML algorithms. Notably, Tables 24
indicate that ML models exhibit superior performance when using SVM, DT, and ELM algorithms, particularly
with the KDD Cup 1999 and NF-Bot datasets, both for multi-class and binary classication, as assessed by
accuracy. In contrast, Table 5 presents slightly lower results when employing the XGBoost algorithm, and the
CICIDS2017 dataset is utilized for multi-class classication. Tables 6 and 7 reveal results nearly identical to
Table 5 with the RF and NB algorithms. Therefore, SVM, DT, and ELM algorithms outperform RF, NB, and
XGBoost, though the margin is relatively small, typically within the range of 0.10.2 in terms of accuracy. In the
realm of DL algorithms, Table 8 showcases improved outcomes with the CNN algorithm and the NLS-KDD L
dataset compared to Table 9, which demonstrates lower results with the RNN algorithm and the CICIDS2017
dataset, once again, gauged by accuracy. Notably, GA, ACO, and GWO stand out as signicant OP algorithms,
consistently delivering high results across Tables 10 and 12 and and 14. For instance, the KDD CUP 99 and
CICIDS2017 datasets are used in comparison to the PSO algorithm. While Table 11 indicates a marginal
dierence of 0.1, Table 13 reveals a discrepancy of approximately 0.34 when the ABC algorithm is utilized
with the UNSW-NB15 dataset. The KDD CUP 99 dataset emerges as the most frequently employed in conjunction
with ML and DL algorithms, signifying that these algorithms exhibit great potential for enhancing intrusion
detection in both binary and multi-class classication scenarios.
6 Conclusion
This systematic review presents a structured synthesis of research on ML and DL techniques for intrusion
detection published over the past 5 years. An analysis of 393 studies reveals a noticeable increase in publica-
tion volumes, indicating a growing interest in this eld. The mapping of frequently used algorithms highlights
SVM, CNN, DTs, and GA as dominant techniques. The most commonly used public datasets include KDD Cup
1999, NSL-KDD, CICIDS2017, and UNSW-NB15. The review methodology integrates ndings from multiple
studies to provide a holistic overview of the current state-of-the-art. The results can inform future research
by identifying promising techniques and gaps for further investigation. For instance, DL methods show
potential but require ongoing exploration. Aspects such as computational complexity, model interpretability,
and evaluation on diverse new datasets require further attention. Overall, this review provides a valuable
reference that captures the current landscape of intelligent intrusion detection techniques and datasets,
helping researchers position their work in this evolving research domain and select appropriate methodol-
ogies for comparative evaluation. The conclusion of the systematic literature review on IDS presents key
ndings, insights, and implications derived from the research, emphasizing the signicance of the study's
outcomes in the broader context of the research area. The conclusion highlights the following key results,
insights, and implications: (1) Key Results: Increasing publication trends: The review reveals increasing pub-
lication trends in the research domain of IDS, indicating the growing interest and signicance of the eld.
Frequently used algorithms: The study identies CNN, SVM, DTs, and GA as the top methods frequently used in
intrusion detection research, providing insights into the prevalent algorithms in the eld. - Commonly used
datasets: The review identies widely utilized datasets such as KDD Cup 1999, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and
CICIDS 2017, emphasizing the importance of diverse and realistic datasets for evaluating intrusion detection
models. (2) Insights: ML and DL Techniques: The review underscores the signicant potential of ML and DL
Systematic literature review on intrusion detection systems 33
techniques in the development of eective IDS, highlighting their transformative impact on IDS in terms of
security, adaptability, and scalability. Challenges and limitations: The study discusses the challenges and
limitations of current techniques in intrusion detection, providing a structured synthesis of the state-of-the-
art to guide future research in the eld, thus oering valuable insights for researchers and practitioners. (3)
Implications: Future research directions: The ndings of the review have implications for guiding future
intrusion detection research, particularly in the selection of algorithms, utilization of datasets, and addressing
the challenges and limitations identied in the study. Advancements in cybersecurity: The study's outcomes
have broader implications for advancing the eld of cybersecurity by providing insights into the utilization of
ML, DL, OP algorithms, and datasets in intrusion detection research, thus contributing to the enhancement of
security measures against network intrusions. In summary, the systematic literature review provides valuable
insights into the publication trends, frequently used algorithms, commonly utilized datasets, challenges, and
implications for future research in the eld of IDS. The study's outcomes have signicant implications for
advancing the eld of cybersecurity and guiding future research endeavors in intrusion detection.
Based on the ndings of the systematic review, several areas and methodologies warrant further explora-
tion and improvement in future intrusion detection research. The review provides guidance for future
research in the following areas: (1) DL methods: The review suggests ongoing exploration of DL methods
for intrusion detection, indicating their potential for enhancing detection capabilities. Future research could
focus on leveraging advanced DL architectures and techniques to improve the accuracy and robustness of IDS.
(2) Computational complexity: Addressing the computational complexity of intrusion detection models is
highlighted as an area for improvement. Future research could explore methods to optimize the computa-
tional eciency of ML and DL algorithms, particularly in large-scale network environments. (3) Model
Interpretability: Enhancing the interpretability of intrusion detection models is identied as a crucial area
for improvement. Future research could focus on developing methods to improve the transparency and
explainability of ML and DL models, enabling better understanding of their decision-making processes. 4.
Evaluation on diverse new datasets: The review emphasizes the importance of evaluating intrusion detection
models on diverse new datasets. Future research could involve the creation and utilization of novel datasets
that capture a wide range of network trac scenarios, including emerging threats and attack patterns. (5)
Addressing adversarial attacks: Given the challenge of adversarial attacks, future research could focus on
developing robust intrusion detection techniques that are resilient to adversarial manipulation of data. (6)
Scalability: Addressing the scalability of IDS is highlighted as an important area for improvement. Future
research could explore methods to ensure the eective deployment of IDS in large-scale network environ-
ments. Overall, the review guides future intrusion detection research by identifying promising areas for
exploration and improvement, including the continued investigation of DL methods, addressing computa-
tional complexity, enhancing model interpretability, evaluating on diverse new datasets, addressing adver-
sarial attacks, and ensuring scalability in real-world.
Acknowledgments: The corresponding auhtor would like to thank Imam Jaafar Al-Sadiq University for their
Funding information: No funding received for this paper.
Author contributions: Melad: collect the data, analysis, and write the results; Mohammad: methodology
design, Rstudio results, and write the introduction and discussion section; Hassan: interpretation of results,
and conclusion.
Conict of interest: Authors declare no conict of interest.
Data availability statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or
analysed during the current study.
34 Melad Mohammed Issa et al.
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Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) environments introduce vast security exposures including vulnerabilities to data poisoning threats that undermine integrity of automated patient health analytics like diagnosis models. This research explores applying trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies including explainability, bias mitigation, and adversarial sample detection to substantially enhance resilience of medical intrusion detection systems. We architect an integrated anomaly detector featuring purpose-built modules for model interpretability, bias quantification, and advanced malicious input recognition alongside conventional classifier pipelines. Additional infrastructure provides full-lifecycle accountability via independent auditing. Our experimental intrusion detection system design embodying multiple trustworthy AI principles is rigorously evaluated against staged electronic record poisoning attacks emulating realistic threats to healthcare IoMT ecosystems spanning wearables, edge devices, and hospital information systems. Results demonstrate significantly strengthened threat response capabilities versus baseline detectors lacking safeguards. Explainability mechanisms build justified trust in model behaviors by surfacing rationale for each prediction to human operators. Continuous bias tracking enables preemptively identifying and mitigating unfair performance gaps before they widen into operational exposures over time. SafeML classifiers reliably detect even camouflaged data manipulation attempts with 97% accuracy. Together the integrated modules restore classification performance to baseline levels even when overwhelmed with 30% contaminated data across all samples. Findings strongly motivate prioritizing adoption of ethical ML practices to fulfill duty of care around patient safety and data integrity as algorithmic capabilities advance.
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This work presents a novel method for securing federated learning in healthcare applications, focusing on skin cancer classification. The suggested solution detects and mitigates data poisoning attacks using deep learning and CNN architecture, specifically VGG16. In a federated learning architecture with tenhealthcare institutions, the approach ensures collaborative model training while protecting sensitive medical data. Data is meticulously prepared and preprocessed using the Skin Cancer MNIST: HAM10000 dataset.The federated learning approach uses VGG16's powerful feature extraction to classify skin cancer. A robust strategy for spotting data poisoning threats in federated learning is presented in the study. Outlier detection techniques and strict criteria flag and evaluate problematic model modifications. Performance evaluation proves the model's accuracy, privacy, and data poisoning resilience.This research presents federated learning-based skin cancer categorization for healthcare applications that is secure and accurate. The suggested approach improves healthcare diagnostics and emphasizes data security and privacy in federated learning settings by tackling data poisoning attacks.Keywords:Federated Learning,Healthcare,Data Poisoning Attacks, Skin Cancer Detection, Deep Learning
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This work presents a novel method for securing federated learning in healthcare applications, focusing on skin cancer classification. The suggested solution detects and mitigates data poisoning attacks using deep learning and CNN architecture, specifically VGG16. In a federated learning architecture with ten healthcare institutions, the approach ensures collaborative model training while protecting sensitive medical data. Data is meticulously prepared and preprocessed using the Skin Cancer MNIST: HAM10000 dataset. The federated learning approach uses VGG16's powerful feature extraction to classify skin cancer. A robust strategy for spotting data poisoning threats in federated learning is presented in the study. Outlier detection techniques and strict criteria flag and evaluate problematic model modifications. Performance evaluation proves the model's accuracy, privacy, and data poisoning resilience. This research presents federated learning-based skin cancer categorization for healthcare applications that is secure and accurate. The suggested approach improves healthcare diagnostics and emphasizes data security and privacy in federated learning settings by tackling data poisoning attacks.
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Large language models (LLMs) have become prominent tools in various domains, such as natural language processing, machine translation, and the development of creative text. Nevertheless, in order to fully exploit the capabilities of Language Models, it is imperative to establish efficient communication channels between humans and machines. The discipline of engineering involves the creation of well-constructed and informative prompts, which act as a crucial link between human intention and the execution of tasks by machines. The present study examines the concept of rapid engineering, elucidating its underlying concepts, methodologies, and diverse range of practical applications.
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Healthcare experts have been employing machine learning more and more in recent years to enhance patient outcomes and reduce costs. In addition, machine learning has been applied in various areas, including disease diagnosis, patient risk classification, customized treatment suggestions, and drug development. Machine learning algorithms can scrutinize vast quantities of data from electronic health records, medical images, and other sources to identify patterns and make predictions, which can support healthcare professionals and experts in making better-informed decisions, enhancing patient care, and determining a patient's health status. In this regard, the author opted to compare the performance of three algorithms (logistic regression, Adaboost, and naïve bayes) through the correct classification rate for diabetes prediction in order to ensure the effectiveness of accurate diagnosis. The dataset applied in this work is obtained from the Vanderbilt university institutional repository and is publicly available data. The study determined that three algorithms are very effective at prediction. Mainly, logistic regression and Adaboost had a classification rate above 92%, and the naive bayes algorithm achieved a classification rate above 90%.
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To create a completely immersive, highly spatiotemporal, and self-sustaining virtual shared place for humans to play, work, and interact, the Metaverse is an emerging paradigm of the next-generation Internet. Metaverse is transitioning from science fiction to a near-future reality thanks to recent developments in new technologies like extended reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.In this study, we investigate the Metaverse, a shared, fully immersive virtual environment that could serve as a model for the Internet’s future generation. Safety, education, games, entertainment, social effects, the economy, ethics, and future issues are just few of the many areas covered. The Metaverse’s innovative tools for communication and collaboration may have a profound impact on people’s daily lives and the way society operates as a whole. However, there are obstacles that must be addressed before it can be implemented. If the Metaverse is accepted, a far different digital future is possible.
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Intrusion Detection (ID) is an essential task in the cyberattacks domain built to secure Internet applications and networks from malicious actors. The main shortcoming of the current Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) is their attack detection performance because the existing solutions fail to detect the threats efficiently. Therefore, improving the prediction model of the IDS can improve its performance. Several studies suggest improving the Machine Learning (ML)-based IDS prediction models by selecting the most informative features from the security data before utilizing it in the ML-IDS model. Thus, meta-heuristic algorithms such as White Shark Optimizer (WSO) are adapted to deal with such feature selection problems. For the IDS prediction model, in this paper, the WSO algorithm is improved to cope with the binary domain of the feature selection task as follows: Firstly, two transfer functions are used to map the continuous domain into binary. Secondly, the modified K-means algorithm is proposed to assess building the initial population with a high level of diversity. Finally, several crossover operators are utilized to improve the evolution process of the binary WSO. The three improved versions are BIWSO1 which is WSO with transfer functions, BIWSO2, which is BIWSO1 with a modified k-means algorithm, and BIWSO3, which is BIWSO2 with crossover operators. The proposed versions of BIWSO are tested using twelve public real-world IDS and IoT datasets. Comparative evaluations against well-established meta-heuristic algorithms are conducted where the BIWSO3 proves its efficiency in terms of classification accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 measurements. For further validation, statistical evidence using Friedman’s, Wilcoxon’s, and Mann–Whitney U tests has been conducted where BIWSO3 proves its performance at a remarkably significant level.
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A Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is a network of cyber and physical elements that interact with each other. In recent years, there has been a drastic increase in the utilization of CPSs, which makes their security a challenging problem to address. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have been used for the detection of intrusions in networks. Recent advancements in the fields of Deep Learning (DL) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have allowed the development of robust IDS models for the CPS environment. On the other hand, metaheuristic algorithms are used as feature selection models to mitigate the curse of dimensionality. In this background, the current study presents a Sine-Cosine-Adopted African Vultures Optimization with Ensemble Autoencoder-based Intrusion Detection (SCAVO-EAEID) technique to provide cybersecurity in CPS environments. The proposed SCAVO-EAEID algorithm focuses mainly on the identification of intrusions in the CPS platform via Feature Selection (FS) and DL modeling. At the primary level, the SCAVO-EAEID technique employs Z-score normalization as a preprocessing step. In addition, the SCAVO-based Feature Selection (SCAVO-FS) method is derived to elect the optimal feature subsets. An ensemble Deep-Learning-based Long Short-Term Memory–Auto Encoder (LSTM-AE) model is employed for the IDS. Finally, the Root Means Square Propagation (RMSProp) optimizer is used for hyperparameter tuning of the LSTM-AE technique. To demonstrate the remarkable performance of the proposed SCAVO-EAEID technique, the authors used benchmark datasets. The experimental outcomes confirmed the significant performance of the proposed SCAVO-EAEID technique over other approaches with a maximum accuracy of 99.20%.
This bibliometric analysis provides a comprehensive exploration of decision-making research within the field of civil engineering, utilizing exclusive data derived from authoritative sources. Scrutinizing influential authors, recurrent keywords, and trend topics, the study unravels the complexities underlying decision-making processes in this dynamic discipline. Prolific contributors, including E.K. Zavadskas and J. Wang, emerge as key influencers in shaping the discourse. Recurrent keywords such as "decision making," "project management," and "construction management" underscore the central themes dominating the literature. Examining temporal trends in research topics uncovers the dynamic evolution of interests within the field. The study delves into pivotal concepts such as "project management" and illuminates emerging themes like "human resource management" and "stochastic systems." A distinctive feature of this research is its ability to interconnect findings, weaving a cohesive narrative that links authors, keywords, and temporal patterns. The gleaned insights not only shape the trajectory of future research but also contribute to refining educational curricula and guiding industry practices, fostering a more knowledgeable and strategic approach to decision-making in the realm of civil engineering.