Mohamed Nedal

Mohamed Nedal
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies · Astronomy and Astrophysics

PhD in Heliophysics
Working on multi-wavelength remote-sensing observations from LOFAR and Solar Orbiter to probe SEPs in the solar corona.


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Mohamed is a PhD candidate in heliophysics at the Institute of Astronomy in Bulgaria and a former researcher in the group of solar physics at the Space Weather Monitoring Center in Egypt. Interests: solar radio observations; kinematics of coronal waves; acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles; machine learning applications in space weather.
Additional affiliations
September 2020 - February 2024
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Researcher
  • Developing deep learning models for SEP forecasting under the MOSAIICS project – Modeling and Observational Integrated Investigations of Coronal Solar Eruptions.
October 2018 - July 2019
Information Technology Institute
  • Editor
  • Designing 2D animations and video montage for e-content of the ITI MOOC Academy project. Supervising learners of the e-learning department.
July 2016 - August 2018
The American University in Cairo
  • Science Communicator
  • Facilitating science for school students through entertaining activities during the annual science summer camp.
January 2020 - June 2024
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Field of study
  • Heliophysics
September 2017 - June 2018
Information Technology Institute
Field of study
  • E-Learning Technologies
December 2016 - January 2019
Helwan University
Field of study
  • Space Physics


Publications (25)
Full-text available
This interdisciplinary thesis advances our understanding of solar transients by investigating the early dynamics of Coronal Bright Fronts (CBFs), diagnosing solar type III radio bursts, and forecasting Solar Energetic Proton (SEP) integral fluxes. Integrating these studies, we reveal the relationships among these phenomena and their implications fo...
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We present a comprehensive characterization of 26 Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)-driven compressive waves known as Coronal Bright Fronts (CBFs) observed in the low solar corona between 2010 and 2017. These CBFs have been found to be associated with Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events near Earth, indicating their importance in understanding space wea...
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Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) events are interesting from a scientific perspective as they are the product of a broad set of physical processes from the corona out through the extent of the heliosphere, and provide insight into processes of particle acceleration and transport that are widely applicable in astrophysics. From the operations perspec...
Conference Paper
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We present the bilateral collaboration between Bulgarian and Austrian solar and space weather researchers on the topic of chromospheric and coronal activity. This new project will focus, on one hand, on the technical setup and calibration of the new Rozhen chromospheric telescope at the National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) by means of establishi...
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Solar energetic particles are mainly protons and originate from the Sun during solar flares or coronal shock waves. Forecasting the Solar Energetic Protons (SEP) flux is critical for several operational sectors, such as communication and navigation systems, space exploration missions, and aviation flights, as the hazardous radiation may endanger as...
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Context. Solar type III radio bursts are common phenomena, recognized as the result of accelerated electron beams propagating through the solar corona. These bursts are of particular interest as they provide valuable information about the magnetic field and plasma conditions in the corona, which are difficult to measure directly. Aims. This study a...
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This study aims to investigate the ambiguous source and the underlying physical processes of the solar type III radio bursts that occurred on April 3, 2019, through the utilization of multiwavelength observations from the LOFAR radio telescope and the PSP space mission, as well as incorporating results from PFSS and MHD models. The primary goal is...
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In this work, we use the bi-directional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) neural network model architecture to train SEP forecasting models for 3 standard integral GOES channels (>10 MeV, >30MeV, >60MeV) with 3 forecast windows (1-day, 2-day, and 3-day ahead) based on daily data obtained from the OMNIWeb database from 1976 to 2019. We take the F10.7...
Conference Paper
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We present a list of 171 geomagnetic storms with Dst index ≤ −50 nT that occurred in the solar cycle 24 (2009−2019) as currently reported by the Kyoto database. Solar origin association is proposed in terms of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), together with the accompanying interplanetary CMEs and shocks close to Earth. Correlation between the strengt...
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In this study, we give correlations between the geomagnetic storm (GS) intensity and parameters of solar and interplanetary (IP) phenomena. We also perform 3D geometry reconstructions of geo-effective coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using the recently developed PyThea framework and compare on-sky and de-projected parameter values, focusing on the rel...
The collaboration between Bulgarian and Egyptian scientists on the topic of space weather is presented via selected results starting with the SCOSTEP initiative. At present, a new interacademy project between the Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IANAO-BAS) and the National Research Instit...
Full-text available
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) influence the interplanetary environment over vast distances in the solar system by injecting huge clouds of fast solar plasma and energetic particles (SEPs). A number of fundamental questions remain about how SEPs are produced, but current understanding points to CME-driven shocks and compressions in the solar corona....
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Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) influence the interplanetary environment over vast distances in the solar system by injecting huge clouds of fast solar plasma and energetic particles (SEPs). A number of fundamental questions remain about how SEPs are produced, but current understanding points to CME-driven shocks and compressions in the solar corona....
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Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) influence the interplanetary environment over vast distances in the solar system by injecting huge clouds of fast solar plasma and energetic particles (SEPs). A number of fundamental questions remain about how SEPs are produced, but current understanding points to CME-driven shocks and compressions in the solar corona....
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The solar corona between below 10 solar radii is an important region for early acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles (SEPs) by coronal mass ejection-driven shock waves. There, these waves propagate into a highly variable dynamic medium with steep gradients and rapidly expanding coronal magnetic fields, which modulates the particle...
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The solar corona below 10 solar radii is an important region for early acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles (SEPs) by coronal mass ejection-driven shock waves. There, these waves propagate into a highly variable dynamic medium with steep gradients and rapidly expanding coronal magnetic fields, which modulates the particle acceler...
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This work addresses the problem of CME-ICME matching by applying two methods. One is a novel proposed method for detecting the Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICME) at the Earth and links it to their counterpart CME near the Sun, and the other method is based on an offline change point detection algorithm.
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This study presents the first prediction results of a neural network model for the vertical total electron content of the topside ionosphere based on Swarm-A measurements. The model was trained on 5 years of Swarm-A data over the Euro-African sector spanning the period 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018. The Swarm-A data was combined with solar and...
Conference Paper
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Estimating space weather parameters for the solar cycle 25, which has already started, is essential to anticipate the behaviour of the near-Earth space environment. Artificial Neural Networks have in recent years become very widely used in several scientific fields owing to the advancement in computational power and the availability of big data. In...
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Type-II radio bursts have been extensively studied as it is considered as a means of inspecting the coronal shock speeds effectively. In this paper, we study the type-II radio burst that occurred on 2 May 2013 through combined observations from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), i...
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We studied a set of 74 CMEs, with shedding the light on the halo-CMEs (HCMEs), that are associated with decametric-hectometric (DH) type-II radio bursts (1-16 MHz) and solar flares during the period 2008-2014. The events were classified into 3 groups (disk, intermediate, and limb events) based on their longitudinal distribution. We found that the e...
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We studied the type-II radio burst event which occurred on 2 May 2013 through combined space observations from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), in parallel with the ground-based observation from the DARO-CALLISTO station in Germany. The frequency of the type-II burst ranged betw...
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In this work, we studied four of the most powerful events during the last and current solar cycles. The events were associated with two types of solar phenomena, Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) and Solar Flares. We used our data from SOHO/LASCO CME catalog and Richardson & Cane list of ICMEs, in addition to the database of GOES satellite for X-ray sol...


Questions (24)
In the Multivariate Multi-Step LSTM Models - Multiple Input Multi-Step Output,
How can we forecast future values if we don't have the new input features (because they're in the future)?
I was wondering if it is possible to find the brightness temperature by analyzing type-II radio bursts from CALLISTO spectrometer data.
From "Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy, Thompson, Swenson, & Moran", I found the following:
TB = I*C^2 / 2*K*f^2
where ..
TB: brightness temperature
I: intensity
C: light speed
K: Boltzmann const.
f: frequency
And, from "Radio emission of the quiet Sun, Arnold O. Benz" I found ..
flux = 1.94*10^4 * f^1.992
where ..
flux: radio flux density within freq range: 30 - 350 MHz
f: frequency
From the frequency obtained from the radio spectrograph images of the CALLISTO spectrometer, I could find the flux density. But how can I get the intensity and the temperature?
Thanks in advance,
I know that the Sun, unlike the Earth, is not a rigid body. It's composed of a hot rotating plasma.
And the equator sector has to cross the greatest distance to stay a part of the sphere, like what all spheres do.
And if it rotates as one, the angular speed is everywhere constant, but the linear speed is max. at the equator.
But all the above explanations are not the essence answer to the issue.
I've read that during solar minimum, the electron intensity decreases while proton intensity increases at the near-Earth orbit. In contrast, during solar maximum, electron intensity increases while proton intensity decreases. What's the physical mechanism behind that phenomena?
Hello, I have two matrices of different lengths and this is what the scenario looks like ..
x = [...];
y = [...];
size(x) = 5800 * 16
size(y) = 450 * 14
% X & Y have dates & times in the first six columns in this form:
% year, month, day, hour, minute, second
% Each column represents a variable
% Each row represents a data sample
% A model to predict a variable in (X) after some time
X_time + some_time = predicted_time; % in hours
% "X_time" is the time of (X)
% "Y_time" is the time of (Y)
% Match that predicted time with the time of (Y) within a range of +/- 11 hours
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(y)
if (predicted_time >= Y_time-11) && (Y_time+11 >= predicted_time) is True
MATCHED = [x(i,:) y(j,:) predicted_time];
Please, I want to know how to make this work.
Thank you!
I'm looking for large data of CME-ICME pairs to study the arrival time of CMEs. I found the Near-Earth Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Since January 1996
, but I need more data.
If you've worked on or know such list, please mention it.
I would appreciate that very much!
I've known that one of the unresolved problems is the Coronal heating problem and there are already many theories to explain the illogical temperature at the Corona. I need to know what are the other problems in the field of Solar Physics and what are the challenges to explain these problems?
Hello everyone,
I would like to combine two FITS files into a single one.
They represent data from CALLISTO spectrometer.
I would appreciate if there is a code in Matlab, Python, or IDL to do this job.
Thank you,


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