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Multicasting over Overlay Networks - A Critical Review

  • University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Abstract and Figures

Multicasting technology uses the minimum network resources to serve multiple clients by duplicating the data packets at the closest possible point to the clients. This way at most only one data packets travels down a network link at any one time irrespective of how many clients receive this packet. Traditionally multicasting has been implemented over a specialized network built using multicast routers. This kind of network has the drawback of requiring the deployment of special routers that are more expensive than ordinary routers. Recently there is new interest in delivering multicast traffic over application layer overlay networks. Application layer overlay networks though built on top of the physical network, behave like an independent virtual network made up of only logical links between the nodes. Several authors have proposed systems, mechanisms and protocols for the implementation of multicast media streaming over overlay networks. In this paper, the author takes a critical look at these systems and mechanism with special reference to their strengths and weaknesses.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2011
54 | P a g e
Multicasting over Overlay Networks A Critical
M.F.M Firdhous
Faculty of Information Technology,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.
Abstract Multicasting technology uses the minimum network
resources to serve multiple clients by duplicating the data packets
at the closest possible point to the clients. This way at most only
one data packets travels down a network link at any one time
irrespective of how many clients receive this packet. Traditionally
multicasting has been implemented over a specialized network
built using multicast routers. This kind of network has the
drawback of requiring the deployment of special routers that are
more expensive than ordinary routers. Recently there is new
interest in delivering multicast traffic over application layer
overlay networks. Application layer overlay networks though
built on top of the physical network, behave like an independent
virtual network made up of only logical links between the nodes.
Several authors have proposed systems, mechanisms and
protocols for the implementation of multicast media streaming
over overlay networks. In this paper, the author takes a critical
look at these systems and mechanism with special reference to
their strengths and weaknesses.
Keywords Multicasting; overlay networks; streaming media;
Media multicasting is one of the most attractive
applications that can exploit the network resources least while
delivering the most to the clients. Multicast is a very efficient
technology that can be used to deliver the same content to
multiple clients simultaneously with minimum bandwidth and
server loading. The use of this technology is many and web
TV, IP TV, web radio, online delivery of teaching are few of
them [1-4]. In all these applications, the server continues to
deliver the content while clients can join and leave the
network any time to receive the content, but they would
receive it only from where they joined the stream.
Traditionally multicasting was tied to the underlying
network with special multicast routers making the necessary
backbone. Multicast routers are special type of routers with the
capability of duplicating and delivering the same data packet
to many outgoing links depending on which links clients
reside downstream. Traditional IP based routers are unicast
that receive data packets on one link and either forward that
packet only to one outgoing link or drop it depending on the
routing table entries. Broadcasting is totally disabled in the
internet due to the unnecessary congestion caused by
broadcast traffic that may bring the entire internet down in a
short time.
Using the network layer multicast routers to create the
backbone of the internet is not that attractive as these routers
are more expensive compared to unicast routers. Also, the
absence of a multicast router at any point in the internet would
defeat the objective of multicasting throughout the internet
downstream from that point. Chu et al., have proposed to
replace the multicast routers with peer to peer clients for
duplicating and forwarding the packets to downstream clients
[5]. In this arrangement, the duplicating and forwarding
operation that makes multicasting attractive compared to
unicast and broadcast would be carried out at the application
layer. The multimedia application installed in end nodes
would carry out the duplicating and forwarding operation in
addition to the display of the content to the downstream nodes
that request the stream from an upstream node.
A peer to peer network is formed by nodes of equal
capability and act both as client and server at the same time
depending on the function performed. Peer to peer networks
and applications have advantages over traditional client server,
such as the elimination of single point of failure, balance the
network load uniformly and to provide alternate path routing
easily in case of link failures [6]. A peer to peer network forms
an overlay network on top of the existing network
infrastructure. The formation of this overlay network by the
peer to peer nodes make the resulting network resilient to
changes in the underlying network such as router and link
failures and congestion.
An overlay network is a computer network which is built
on top of another network. Nodes in the overlay can be
thought of as being connected by virtual or logical links, each
of which corresponds to a path, perhaps through many
physical links, in the underlying network. Usually overlay
network run at the application layer of the TCP/IP stack
making use of the underlying layer and independent of them
[7]. Figure 1 shows the basic architecture of an overlay
network. The nodes in an overlay network will form a network
architecture of their own that may be totally different and
independent of the underlying network.
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Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2011
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Figure 1: An Overlay Network
Several authors have proposed protocols and services how
to implement overlay based multicast over the internet. In this
section, an in depth analysis would be carried out on the some
of the most recent protocols and application in terms of their
architecture, advantages and disadvantages.
Chen et al., have proposed ACOM Any-source Capacity-
constrained Overlay Multicast system. This system is made up
of three multicast algorithms namely Random Walk, Limited
Flooding, and Probabilistic Flooding on top of a non-DHT
(Distributed Hash table) overlay network with simple
structures [8]. ACOM divides the receiving nodes into
multicast groups based on the upload bandwidth of a node as
the upload bandwidth is determining factor as a node may be
required to transfer multiple copies of the same packet over
the uplink. The number of nodes in a multicast group hence
depends on the capacity of the uplink making the nodes with
higher capacity to support large number of neighbors. An
overlay network is established for each multicast group that
transforms the multicast stream to a broadcast stream with the
scope of the overlay.
The overlay network is made up of two components,
namely an unrestricted ring that is fundamentally different
from the location specific DHT based ring and the random
graph among the nodes. The ring maintenance is carried out
by requiring the nodes to the next node as a successor and a
few other nodes in order to avoid the problem of ring breakage
due to node leaving the network.
Packet delivery with the overlay network is carried out
using a two phase process. In Phase 1, packets are forwarded
to a random number of neighbors within a specific number (k
a system parameter) of hops. This follows a tree structure of
delivery in Phase 1. For the purpose of delivery in Phase 2, the
ring is partitioned into segments and each Phase 1 node is
made responsible for a segment and required to deliver the
packet to its successor which in turn forwards to its successor
until the packet reaches a node that has already received the
In practice what ACOM does is to forward the packet in
Phase 1 using a tree structure to a number of random nodes
and then in Phase 2 the packet is forwarded in a unicast
fashion down the network until all the nodes within the
multicast subgroup receives the packet.
Even though ACOM presents several advantages such as
maintenance of virtual tree in place of multicast tree bound to
the physical networks, it has certain disadvantages too. The
main disadvantage is the total disregard of the physical
distances when setting up of the virtual tree. ACOM also has
certain other disadvantages in the formation and maintenance
of the ring network.
Liu and Ma have proposed a framework called Hierarchy
Overlay Multicast Network based on Transport Layer Multi-
homing (HOMN-SCTP) [9]. This framework uses transport
layer multi-homing techniques. HOMN-SCTP can be shared
by a variety of applications, and provide scalable, efficient,
and practical multicast support for a variety of group
communication applications. The main component of the
framework is the Service Broker (SvB) that is made up of the
cores of of HOMN-SCTP and Bandwidth- Satisfied Overlay
Multicast (BSOM). The BSOM searches for multicast paths
to form overlay networks for upper layer QoS-sensitive
applications, and balance overlay traffic load on SvBs and
overlay links.
HOMN-SCTP is capable of supporting multiple
applications on it and helps these applications meet the
required QoS requirements. Since it is built on top of TCP,
error control is totally delegated to the underlying layer.
Nevertheless HOMN-SCTP is not suitable for applications
such as streaming media that run on top of UDP.
Fair Load Sharing Scheme proposed by Makishi et al.,
concentrates on improving throughput instead of reducing the
delay on multisource multimedia delivery such as video
conferencing using Application Layer Multicasting (ALM)
[10]. This scheme is based on tree structure and tries to find
the tree with the highest possible throughput. The main
objective of the protocol is to improve the receiving bit rate of
the node that is having lowest bit rate out of all receivers. The
proposed scheme is an autonomous distributed protocol that
constructs the ALM where each node refines its own subtree.
The end result of this refinement of subtrees is the automatic
refinement of the entire tree structure.
This scheme assumes that there is backbone ring network
that has unlimited bandwidth and all the receiving nodes can
connect to this ring. The links from the backbone to the end
nodes make the tree network which this protocol tries to
improve for the receiver bandwidth. The end nodes initially
make a basic (ad-hoc) tree network that would be improved
iteratively over time until the all the nodes receive an optimum
bandwidth in terms of bit rate. Once the basic tree structure
has been established using unicast links, the nodes
communicate with each other exchanging estimation queries
with communication quality in terms of bandwidth to be
allocated and the delay. When a better path than that is
currently being used is found, the tree readjusts itself moving
to the node with the better quality. This process is continued
until the optimum link allocation is achieved.
Peng and Zhang have discussed the problem associated
with the intranet based multimedia education platform [4].
They mainly analyze the principles of this education platform,
but in the process they introduce Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI) multicasting network as the backbone of the
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Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2011
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network. The CAI multicasting network is based on the IPv4
special class D multicasting ( ~
address block. The multicasting network has been
implemented using the Winsock2 mechanism. Once the server
node (teacher) has initiated the stream the user (students) can
join the multicast network and receive the multicast stream on
their computers. This system is suitable only for in class
teaching or within limited distance where high networking
resources are available.
Reduced delay and delay jitter are very important to
viewing quality of any video from the viewers’ point. In
traditional IP multicasting RSVP and DiffServ algorithms
were used to reserve resources prior to starting the streaming.
Each router on the path from the server to the client uses a
dynamic scheduling algorithm to deliver the packet based on
the QoS requirements. Szymanski and Gilbert have proposed a
Guaranteed Rate (GR) scheduling algorithm for computing the
transmission schedules for each IQ packet-switched IP router
in a multicast tree. The simulation results have shown that this
algorithm manages on average two packets in a queue
resulting in very low delay and jitter which can practically
ignored as zero jitter [11].
Even though this algorithm virtually eliminates delay jitter,
it is bound to the underlying layers as it needs to be
implemented on routers.
Lua et al., have proposed a Network Aware Geometric
Overlay Multicast Streaming Network. This network exploits
the locality of the nodes in the underlay for the purpose of
node placement, routing and multicasting. This protocol
divides the nodes into two groups called SuperPeers and Peers.
SuperPeers form the low latency, high bandwidth backbone
and the Peer connect to the nearest SuperPeer to receive the
content [12].
SuperPeers have been elected based on two criteria,
namely: the SuperPeer should have sufficient resources to
serve other SuperPeers and Peers and they must be reliable in
terms of stability not join and leave the network very
frequently. Network embedding algorithm computes node
coordinates and geometric distances between nodes to
estimate the performance metrics of the underlying network
such as latency. Peers joining the overlay network calculate
the total Round Trip Time (RTT) to the SuperPeers and join
the SuperPeer that has the lowest RTT. A SuperPeer joining
the network calculates the RTT to all the existing SuperPeers
and joins the ones with the lowest RTT and then creates
connection with other six SuperPeers around it.
When a SuperPeer leaves the network, the other
SuperPeers would detect this by the loss of heartbeat signal
from the node that has left and will reorganize themselves by
sending discovery broadcast messages to all the SuperPeers.
The Peers who are affected by the leaving of a SuperPeer need
to reconnect to the overlay network by selecting the nearest
The main strengths of this scheme can be summarized as it
has good performance in terms of latency and efficient
transmission of packets via the high speed backbone network
whereas the weaknesses include the heavy dependence on the
geographical locality, election of SuperPeers.
Pompili et al., have presented two algorithms called
DIfferentiated service Multicast algorithm for Internet
Resource Optimization (DIMRO) and DIfferentiated service
Multicast algorithm for Internet Resource Optimization in
Groupshared applications (DIMRO-GS) to build virtual
multicast trees on an overlay network [13].
DIMRO constructs virtual source-rooted multicast trees for
source-specific applications taking the virtual link available
bandwidth into account. This avoids traffic congestion and
fluctuation on the underlay network. Traffic congestion in the
underlay would cause low performance. This keeps the
average link utilization low by distributing data flows among
the least loaded links. (DIMRO-GS) builds a virtual shared
tree for group-shared applications by connecting each member
node to all the other member nodes with a source-rooted tree
computed using DIMRO.
Both these algorithms support service differentiation
without the support of the underlying layers. Applications with
less stringent QoS requirements reuse resources already
exploited by members with more stringent requirements.
Better utilization of network bandwidth and improved QoS are
achieved due to this service differentiation.
System built using these algorithms would result in better
performance due to differentiation of applications based on
QoS requirements, but node dynamic may bring the quality of
the system down.
Wang et al., have proposed an adapted routing scheme that
minimizes delay and bandwidth consumption [14]. This
routing algorithm creates an optimum balanced tree where the
classical Dijkstra's algorithm is used to compute the shortest
path between two nodes. In this scheme the Optimal Balance
of Delay and Bandwidth consumption (OBDB) is formulated
OBDB = (1−α )D +αB
Where D is the minimal delay criteria and B is the minimal
bandwidth consumption criteria.
From the above formula, it can be seen that one routing
method may lead to another bad performance. The value of α
is calculated based on the nature of the application. As the
delay and bandwidth can be tuned to suit application
requirements, applications performance can be controlled. But
these algorithms will have performance issues in the face of
node dynamics.
Kaafar et al., have proposed an overlay multicast tree
construction scheme called LCC: Locate, Cluster and
Conquer. The objective of this algorithm is to address
scalability and efficiency issues [15]. The scheme is made up
of two phases. One is a selective locating phase and the other
one is the overlay construction phase. The selective locating
phase algorithm locates the closest existing set of nodes
(cluster) in the overlay for a newcomer. The algorithm does
not need full knowledge of the network to carry out this
operation, partial knowledge of location-information of
participating nodes is sufficient for this operation. It then
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Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2011
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allows avoiding initially randomly-connected structures with
neither virtual coordinates system embedding nor fixed
landmarks measurements. Then, on the basis of this locating
process, the overlay construction phase consists in building
and managing a topology-aware clustered hierarchical overlay.
This algorithm builds an efficient initial tree architecture
with partial knowledge of the network but node dynamics may
result in poor performance with time.
Walters et al., have studied the effect of the attack by
adversaries after they become members of the overlay network
[16]. Most of the overlay protocol can handle benign node
failures and recover from those failures with relative ease, but
they all fail when adversaries in the network start attacking the
nodes. In this study, they have identified, demonstrated and
mitigated insider attacks against measurement-based
adaptation mechanisms in unstructured multicast overlay
Attacks usually target the overlay network construction,
maintenance, and availability and allow malicious nodes to
control significant traffic in the network, facilitating selective
forwarding, traffic analysis, and overlay partitioning. The
techniques proposed in this work decrease the number of
incorrect or unnecessary adaptations by using outlier
detection. The proposed solution is based on the performance
of spatial and temporal outlier analysis on measured and
probed metrics to allow an honest node to make better use of
available information before making an adaptation decision.
This algorithm creates a resilient overlay network in the
both structured and unstructured overlay network in the
presence of malicious attacks. But the strict nature of the
algorithm may delay the adaptation of the network in the event
of node dynamics disrupting the flow of information.
Alipour et al., have proposed an overlay protocol known as
Multicast Tree Protocol (OMTP) [17]. This protocol can be
used to build an overlay tree that reduces the latency between
any two pair of nodes. The delay between the nodes has been
reduced by adding a shortcut link by calculating the utility link
between two groups.
The main advantage of this algorithm is the efficient data
transfer but the efficiency may be affected by node dynamics
in the overlay network.
Bista has proposed a protocol where the nodes informs the
other nodes its leaving time when it joins the network [18].
Using this leaving time information new nodes are joined at
the tree in such a manner early leaving nodes would make the
leaf nodes down the line and the nodes that would stay longer
would be at the higher levels. It has also been proposed a
proactive recovery mechanism so that even if an upstream
node leaves the tree, the downstream nodes can rejoin at
predetermined nodes immediately, so that the recovery time of
the disrupted nodes is the minimum.
These algorithms have several drawbacks including, the
prior notice of the duration of stay in the network,
arrangement of nodes based on the time of stay and central
control to manage the node information.
Gao et al., have proposed a hybrid network combining the
IP multicast network and the mesh overlay network [19]. The
main objectives of the design were to build a network with
high performance (low end-to-end transmission latency, high
bandwidth mesh overlay links), low end-to-end hop count and
high reliability.
This algorithm results in a good structure combining
multicast and overlay, but the resulting network is still
dependant on the physical network and managing the mesh
network is expensive in terms of network resources.
Wang et al., have proposed hybrid overlay network
combining a tree and mesh networks called mTreebone [20].
In the mTreebone, the tree forms the backbone and local nodes
make a mesh to share content. The backbone tree network has
been constructed by identifying the stable nodes as the churn
of the backbone would be more expensive in terms of service
disruption than the leaf node churn. On top of the tree based
overlay network a mesh network has been created in order to
handle the effect of node dynamics. Since the mesh network
has been updated regularly using keep alive packets, any
change in the mesh network immediately notified to all the
other mesh nodes. In this design heuristics have been used to
predict the stability of the nodes assuming the age of the in the
network to be directly proportional to the probability of it
staying longer in the network. That is longer a node stays in
the network, larger the probability it would stay even further
and more stable.
This algorithm results in a resilient overlay network but the
network may carry duplicate packets in some part of the
network. Also, the maintenance of the mesh network requires
large network resources.
Guo and Jha have shown that the main problem in overlay
based multicast networks is to optimize routing among CDN
servers in the multicast overlay backbone in such a manner
that it reduces the maximal end-to-end latency from the origin
server to all end hosts is minimized [21]. They have identified
this as the Host-Aware Routing Problem (HARP) in the
multicast overlay backbone. The main reason for HARP is the
last mile latency between end hosts and their corresponding
proxy servers. The author of this paper have framed HARP as
a constrained spanning tree problem and shown that it is NP-
hard. As a solution they have presented a distributed algorithm
for HARP. They also have provided a genetic algorithm (GA)
to validate the quality of the distributed algorithm.
This structure results in a low latency routing path
improving QoS but the non-consideration of node dynamics
will affect the overall quality of the network.
Table I summarize the systems, algorithms and mechanism
discussed above with special reference to their advantages and
disadvantages. hows the comparison of these works with
special reference to their advantages and disadvantages.
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Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2011
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System/Protocol Proposed
Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI)
Multicasting Network
This system is suitable for in class
teaching or teaching within a limited
area using the high technology to larger
This system uses the existing technologies to build a
platform and hence no new technology has been introduced
in terms of multicasting.
This technique may work well on an intranet but cannot
be ported to the internet as the internet lacks support for
class D multicast addresses.
Any-source Capacity-
constrained Overlay
Multicast System
Only maintenance of virtual tree is
necessary, no strict multicast trees are
Resilient to node dynamics as node
maintain multiple neighbors in its
neighbor table.
Simple maintenance of unrestricted
The random nature of the tree formation in Phase 1 totally
ignores the physical distance from the source to that node.
The researchers have considered this as an advantage, but
this will make unnecessary delay in delivering a packet to a
node that may be physically closer to the source but not
selected as a Phase 1 node.
Even though, the unrestricted ring is better than location
specific DHT ring in terms of node creation and
maintenance, the unrestricted node is inefficient in
forwarding packets and the logical neighbors may not
always be neighbors physically.
Phase 2 forwarding is essentially unicast and cascaded in
ACOM which may create a lot of delay in the ultimate
delivery to the last node. The problem will be more severe in
case of a high capacity Phase 1 node as it will have a large
number of neighbors.
Converting any portion of the multicast network to a
broadcast network is inherently in efficient as broadcast is an
inefficient protocol in terms of network utilization.
Hierarchy Overlay
Multicast Network
This framework builds an
infrastructure on which multiple
applications can be built.
The framework helps application to
meet the required QoS.
The framework makes use of the
facilities of the underlying layer for the
error control as it is built on top of
The framework has been built on top of TCP and hence is
not suitable for best effort services running on UDP
especially streaming media applications.
TCP is a high overhead protocol compared to UDP and
hence, this protocol would inherently have high overhead.
This framework will not meet the QoS requirement in
terms of delay and delay jitter on high loss links as TCP
would create delay and delay jitter on high loss networks and
hence not suitable for real time applications like media
Fair Load Sharing Scheme
This scheme works purely on the
application layer without directly
depending on the lower layers.
The protocol results in the optimum
receiving tree structure for a given
This protocol is only suitable for network with stable
receiving nodes.
Dynamic nature of the nodes joining and leaving the
network will make the tree fail as there is no mechanism in
the protocol to handle node dynamics.
The dynamic nature of the internet would make the tree
structure oscillating as the communication quality heavily
depends on the dynamics of the underlying network.
Tree management is costly in terms of information
exchanged between the nodes as the continuous information
exchange is needed.
Guaranteed Rate (GR)
Scheduling Algorithm
This algorithm virtually eliminates
delay jitter in received video stream
resulting in high quality reception.
The algorithm is simple enough to
implement on any IP router.
This algorithm needs to be implemented on IP routers and
hence bound to the underlay network.
This does not provide a solution to the existing problem of
how to use the existing network as it is to transport
multimedia streaming without depending on the underlay
Network Aware Geometric
Overlay Multicast
Streaming Network
This algorithm has good performance
in terms of latency as the physical
location of the node has been computed
and used as a parameter in forming the
overlay network.
Breaking the network into two layers
result in efficient transmission of
Since the algorithm heavily depends on the geographical
location, an efficient geographical location computing
algorithm is vital in addition to managing the overlay
Since the election of SuperPeers depends on the condition
that the SuperPeer should have high dependability in terms
of churn frequency, past historical data may be necessary to
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Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2011
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packets as the SuperPeers are connected
to each other via a high speed backbone
determine the reliability of a node accurately.
SuperPeers should also have sufficient resources to
support other SuperPeers and Peers in the network, if the
resource availability information is obtained from the node
itself, this would be an invitation to rogue nodes to highjack
the entire backbone network using false information.
The Peers that are affected by a SuperPeer leaving the
network do not have automatic transfer to another
SuperPeer, this drastically affect the reliability of the entire
multicast operation.
DIfferentiated service
Multicast algorithm for
Internet Resource
Optimization (DIMRO)
DIfferentiated service
Multicast algorithm for
Internet Resource
Optimization in
Groupshared applications
These algorithms result in good
performance for both QoS stringent
applications and non QoS stringent
applications due to service
The node dynamics has not been considered when
designing these protocols, hence node dynamics would
drastically bring the quality of the network down.
Adapted Routing Scheme
These algorithms results in better
performance for any kind of application
as delay and bandwidth can be tuned to
meet the application requirements.
The node dynamics has not been considered in this
routing scheme and hence node dynamics would drastically
bring the quality of the network down.
LCC : Locate, Cluster and
Conquer multicast tree
This algorithm creates the initial tree
architecture very efficiently with partial
knowledge of the overlay network.
The node dynamics has not been considered in this
routing scheme and hence node dynamics would drastically
bring the quality of the network down.
This algorithm creates a resilient
overlay network in the face of attacks
by malicious nodes.
The algorithm works on unstructured
overlays and hence can be easily
adapted to structured overlay networks
The strict nature of the algorithm delays the adaptation of
the network to genuine node dynamics.
The delay in network adaptation may result in
unnecessary disruptions to the streaming and affect the
quality of service of the application.
Multicast Tree Protocol
This algorithm results in efficient
data transfer between the source to
destination in terms of reduced delay.
The node dynamics has not been considered in
constructing the tree and hence node churn would result in
broken trees affecting the downstream nodes.
Proactive Fault Resilient
Overlay Multicast Network
A proactive mechanism has been
proposed that keeps the downstream
nodes informed when to expect an
upstream node leaving for the purpose
of reconnection.
The setup shown in this algorithm is very artificial as the
nodes need to inform the other nodes their duration of stay at
the beginning itself. This against the basic spirit of the
overlay network where nodes can join and leave the network
at their choice.
Arranging the nodes in the in the reverse order of the
duration of the stay is very impractical as it may result in an
inefficient structure if the longest staying node is very far
away from the source.
Node dynamics has not been properly considered in this
design as the affected nodes need to rejoin the network
A central control would be needed to keep the information
about the nodes joining time and duration of stay for proper
operation of these protocols.
Hybrid IP multicast mesh
overlay network
Results in a good structure
combining both IP multicast and mesh
This network is not totally independent of the underlying
network as it depends on the IP multicast protocol.
Establishing a full mesh network is not efficient as it
would need a large memory maintain information about each
and every node. This problem would become more acute as
the network size grows to very large. This would result in
scalability problems.
Maintaining the full mesh information also has the
problem of updating the mesh information table as all the
nodes need to update the information table every time a node
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joins or leaves the network. This would result in instability
in the network as the network grows.
This structure show better resilience
to node dynamics compared to pure tree
structured overlay networks.
Also this structure would have lesser
load on the backbone tree as it would
carry only one data packet at any one
This structure has the shortcoming of data duplicates of
content and unnecessary congestion in the local network in
managing the mesh network at the local level.
The maintenance of the mesh network is also more
expensive as it needs constant updates about the node
structure and availability and requires large memory to
maintain the mesh information on each and every mesh
Distributed Algorithm for
This structure optimizes the routing
between the source node and the
receiving nodes in such a manner that
the total latency is reduced. This results
in the better QoS in terms of reducing
the maximum delay between the source
and the clients.
The node dynamics has not been considered in
constructing the tree and hence node churn would result in
broken trees affecting the downstream nodes.
In this work, the author has taken a critical look at the
literature on multicasting over overlay networks. Multicasting
is one of the most promising applications over the Internet as it
requires relatively lower overhead to serve a large number of
clients compared to the traditional unicast or broadcast
applications. Under the most optimum conditions, multicast
systems will have only one data packet in any part of the
network irrespective of how many clients are served
downstream. Also, the multicast server will transmit only one
data packet irrespective of how many clients receive the copies
of such packets. In traditional multicast networks, multicast
routers placed at strategic locations duplicate the packets
depending on the requests they receive. Deploying multicast
routers throughout the Internet is not practical due to the
amount of investment required for such an operation. Hence
researchers have recently focused their attention on using
overlay networks to realize the goal of implementing multicast
applications in the Internet. By implementing multicasting over
application layer overlay networks, the function of duplicating
packets has been moved from the network layer (Internet
Protocol layer) to application layer.
One of the most challenging tasks in overlay networks in
the management of node dynamics. In overlay networks, nodes
can join and leave the network at their will. In traditional
multicast networks deployed using multicast routers, node
dynamics is not a major concern as the infrastructure is
considered to be stable and only the leaf or end nodes join and
leave the network. The churn of end nodes will not affect any
other client node as they are not dependant on each other.
Using overlay networks for multicasting presents a new
challenge as the end nodes are required to play a dual role of
clients as well as forwarding agents to other client nodes
downstream. Node dynamics will have different effects on the
end user applications depending on the type of application.
Real time applications will be more affected by node dynamics
than non-real time applications due to the disruptions resulting
from such dynamics.
In this work, media streaming has been selected as the
application to be run over the overlay network for the purpose
of testing the quality of the overlay networks. Media streaming
has been selected as the application due to its popularity and
the stringent QoS requirements that are required to be met for
successful deployment of such applications in the Internet.
Media streaming requires non disrupted flow of packets from
the source to destination. Hence managing node dynamics is
very important for successful implementation of these
applications on the overlay networks.
In this paper, the author presents a critical review of
systems, algorithms and mechanism proposed in the recent
literature. Special attention has been paid to the advantages and
disadvantages of these proposed systems with respect to
managing node dynamics. The paper looks at each proposal
critically on the mechanism proposed, their strengths and
weaknesses. Finally, the results of the analysis have been
presented in a table for easy reference.
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Mohamed Fazil Mohamed Firdhous is a senior lecturer
attached to the Faculty of Information Technology of the
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. He received his BSc
Eng., MSc and MBA degrees from the University of
Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore and University of Colombo Sri Lanka respectively.
In addition to his academic qualifications, he is a Chartered
Engineer and a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka,
the Institution of Engineering and Technology, United Kingdom and the
International Association of Engineers. Mohamed Firdhous has several years of
industry, academic and research experience in Sri Lanka, Singapore and the
United States of America.
... Overlay network plays a vital role in QoS improvement techniques; it is a layer of virtual network topology placed on the top of the physical network. A connection between nodes in overlay network is being considered as a logical link or virtual link, which may be connected by many physical links in the underlying network [2]. ...
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The Multimedia based application services have been getting attention in recent years in various fields. These services require a stringent delay resistant protocol in order to provide the best Quality of Service to end users. Existing protocols are predominantly designed using load balancing, tree, multi-tree and mesh based mechanisms. These mechanisms suffer in the presence of channel noise and incur more delay due to improper multicasting techniques adopted. Overlay network using hybrid (tree over mesh) structure along with multicasting strategies are used to address this issue. In this paper, an Improved Delay Resistant Adaptive Multicasting (IDRAM) model which adopts hybrid overlay creation, sub-packet based multi path transmission technique and error correction based on Forward Error Correction along with arbitrary IDRAM-A and selective IDRAM-S multicasting techniques are proposed and evaluated. Simulation is conducted to calculate frame success ratio, throughput, number of packet retransmission and transmission delay. The results obtained prove that IDRAM-S outperforms better than IDRAM-A and existing sub packet based multi path techniques. The number of retransmission requests made by IDRAM-S is reduced compared to the existing model. This reduction in the number of retransmission enables in minimizing end to end delay and thereby achieve stringent delay constraints associated with multimedia data delivery.
... Overlay networks are logical networks that are built on top of another physical network [9] [10]. The nodes on an overlay network are assumed to be connected using virtual links that correspond to a path between any two physical devices on the network. ...
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Information Centric Networking (ICN) is the emerging technology that addresses the needs and demands of the Future Internet. In order for the ICN to become the foundation of the Future Internet, it needs to address several fundamental issues. One of the issues that needs immediate attention is the name resolution that can map the logical name of an object in Internet to its physical location. Chord and Pastry are two popular overlay network protocols employing distributed hash table for managing the object name mapping. In this paper, we take an in depth look at these two protocols in terms of their strengths and weaknesses for implementing a name resolution system for ICN.
... The overlay network is a layer of a virtual network topology placed on the top of an underlying physical network. Nodes of the overlay network can be considered as being connected by virtual or logical links, each of which corresponds to a path, possibly through many physical links, in the underlying physical network [4]. Additionally, due to growing popularity of various streaming services offered in the Internet, the idea of multicasting is gaining much attention. ...
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In this paper, we focus on the topic of construction of multicast trees in overlay networks. Moreover, we address our problem with the survivability assumptions and propose several scenarios that can be applied to provide the required protection. We perform numerical experiments to compare proposed survivability scenarios and investigate the problem of providing survivability to both static and dynamic types of overlay network. Our studies show that the additional survivability requirements related to the proposed tree construction strategies do not have a substantial impact on the overlay multicasting system expressed as the overall delay.
... Overlay multicast is achieved through message forwarding among the members of the multicast group at the overlay network using unicast across the underlying network or Internet. So the hosts in overlay multicast handle group management, routing, and tree construction, without any support from the conventional Internet routers, which makes overlay multicasting much easier to deploy than IP multicasting [16]. As Pastry and CAN have been selected as first two P2P overlays in the PeCoCC framework, two overlay multicast protocols built on the top of these overlays have been investigated. ...
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Computer-supported collaborative learning is an important domain of e-learning dealing with researching efficient methods to encourage people to learn together with the help of their computers. Many learning environments support this kind of collaboration and provide several applications to fulfill the needs for efficient learning. These learning environments are usually client-server based solutions, where the users have to access the responsible server to get the services and data they need. This fact leads to two main problems of scalability and single point of failure. Because of its structure, which is similar to the collaborative learning network, the peer-to-peer technology is suggested as a solution for these problems. This paper introduces a framework for using Peer-to-Peer communications, protocols and services in the area of computer-supported collaborative learning. It consists of four layers and includes different Peer-to-Peer modules, which will be selected according to the application requirements. It also provides a messaging system, which uses the overlay-multicasting protocols of the supported Peer-to-Peer modules. This paper shows the advantage of the proposed framework.
... Other proposals and interesting aspects of overlay multicast might be found in [22]- [27]. A comprehensive comparison comprising advantages and disadvantages of overlay multicast systems features is widely described in [28]. ...
Multicast realises the data delivering to a group of destinations simultaneously while using the minimum network resources. The first implementation of multicasting has been built using specialized multicast routers and is well known as IP Multicast. Such a network comprises some drawback including complex addressing and routing scheme, it requires the deployment of special routers that are rather expensive and finally, there has not been proposed a reasonable business model regarding cross-providers multicast realization. Thereby, for the past few years, a new interest in delivering multicast traffic has arisen and some multicast systems defined for end-hosts overlay network have been successfully proposed. Overlay multicast implements a multicast technique at the top of computer networks and creates a virtual topology of clients which duplicate packets and maintain a multicast structure. This overlay structure forms an independent layer with logical links between the nodes without the knowledge about the underlaying topology. In the work we take a look at flow cost minimization of multicast stream in a system which combines the advantages of overlays and underlaying network awareness. This papers presents three independent linear-based models aimed at optimization of multicast tree topology and its network level unicast realization. The proposed formulations can be applied for deriving either lower bound of flows costs in existing systems or for designing new cooperative multilayer protocols for effective multicast transmission.
... The overlay network is a virtual network, realized in the application layer, on top of an underlying physical network, which, in our case, corresponds to the optical network. Nodes of the overlay network can be considered as being connected by virtual or logical links, each of which corresponds to a path, possibly through many physical links, in the underlying physical network [5]. Thanks to that independence from the physical layer, overlay networks are flexible, scalable and robust. ...
Elastic optical network (EON) architectures are considered as a very promising approach for future optical transport networks, since they efficiently use the spectrum resources and provide high bandwidth scalability and granularity. At the same time, the multicast transmission technique is widely used to provide increasingly popular streaming services in computer networks. In this paper, we focus on optimization of lightpath connections in EONs supporting bandwidth-demanding multicast-capable applications. Since multicasting in the optical layer is still not deployed in most of real-world backbone networks, we propose to provision the application-layer multicasting in an overlay network. To this end, we study a two-layer optimization problem that combines the optimization of multicasting in the overlay network (application layer) and the optimization of lightpaths in the EON. What is more, we address our problem with the survivability assumptions and we propose several survivability scenarios that can be applied in the network (in both the overlay network and the optical layer) to provide the required protection against failures. In the overlay network, we propose to protect the data stream by a dual homing scheme, wherein in the optical layer, we apply a dedicated path protection scheme. Moreover, in both layers we consider a scenario with no protection. We perform numerical experiments to compare different protection scenarios and to evaluate potential benefits of using multicasting instead of a typical unicast transmission. We use several comparison criteria (metrics) that affect the considered elastic optical network, namely, network deployment cost, power consumption and spectrum usage. The obtained results show that the values of these metrics significantly depend on the applied protection scenario. Eventually, we can see that multicasting brings significant savings in terms of all defined metrics when compared to unicast transmission.
... The above-mentioned overlay network is a virtual network, realized in the application layer, on the top of an underlying physical network, which, in our case, corresponds to the WDM optical network. Nodes of the overlay network can be considered as being connected by virtual or logical links, each of which corresponds to a path, possibly through many physical links, in the underlying physical network [4]. Thanks to that independence from the physical layer, overlay networks are flexible, scalable and robust. ...
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In this paper, we focus on the topic of dynamic routing of multicast sessions in WDM networks. We consider a multilayer optimization problem that combines two approaches -optimization of an overlay (application) multicasting and next provisioning of created overlay multicasting tree as a set of unicast demands in the underlying WDM network. Moreover, we address our problem with the survivability assumptions and propose several scenarios that can be applied in the network (in both application and optical layers) to provide the required protection. We perform numerical experiments to compare different protection scenarios and routing algorithms for both overlay and optical layers. The obtained results show that proper selection of a routing algorithm has a significant impact on the network performance in terms of the blocking probability. Furthermore, our studies indicate that the additional survivability requirements also strongly influence the blocking probability. Finally, we show that overlay multicasting brings significant resources savings than when using unicast transmission in the overlay layer.
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Due to recent developments in cloud computing and constantly increasing demand for high bitrate content, both overlay networks and multicasting providing new data-sensitive applications and services have been gaining more and more attention in the last years. In this paper, we assume that the overlay network is deployed to provide multicasting of so-called Deadline-Driven Requests (DDRs), that require to transmit given amount of data (e.g. tens of Gigabytes) before data-transfer deadline is up. As long as this requirement is fulfilled, we can flexibly select bandwidth in order to transmit given demand. We consider a multilayer optimization problem that combines two approaches — optimization of an overlay (application) dynamic multicasting sessions and next provisioning of created overlay multicasting trees as a sets of unicast demands in the underlying Elastic Optical Network (EON). We perform numerical experiments to compare different routing algorithms (cost metrics) for both overlay and optical layers. The obtained results show that proper selection of a routing algorithm has a significant impact on the network performance in terms of the blocking probability. Moreover, we show that our approach to overlay multicasting brings significant resources savings in comparison to using unicast transmission in the optical layer.
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Recent proposals in multicast overlay construction have demonstrated the importance of exploiting underlying network topology. However, these topology-aware proposals often rely on incremental and periodic refinements to improve the system performance. These approaches are therefore neither scalable, as they induce high communication cost due to refinement overhead, nor efficient because long convergence time is necessary to obtain a stabilized structure. In this paper, we propose a highly scalable locating algorithm that gradually directs newcomers to their a set of their closest nodes without inducing high overhead. On the basis of this locating process, we build a robust and scalable topology-aware clustered hierarchical overlay scheme, called LCC. We conducted both simulations and PlanetLab experiments to evaluate the performance of LCC. Results show that the locating process entails modest resources in terms of time and bandwidth. Moreover, LCC demonstrates promising performance to support large scale multicast applications
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A technology for multicasting packetized multimedia streams such as IPTV over the Internet backbone is proposed and explored through extensive simulations. An RSVP or DiffServ algorithm is used to reserve resources (i.e., bandwidth and buffer space) in each packet-switched IP router in an IP multicast tree. Each IP router uses an Input-Queued (IQ) switch architecture with unity speedup. A recently proposed low-jitter scheduling algorithm is used to pre-compute a deterministic transmission schedule for each IP router. The IPTV traffic will be delivered through the multicast tree in a deterministic manner, with bounds on the maximum delay and jitter of each packet (or cell). A playback buffer is used at each destination to filter out residual network jitter and deliver a very low-jitter video stream to each end-user. Detailed simulations of an IPTV distribution network, multicasting 75 high-definition video streams over a fully-saturated IP backbone are presented. The simulations represent the transmission of 129 billion cells of real video data and where performed on a 160-node cluster computing system. In the steady-state, each IP router buffers approx. 2 cells (128 bytes) of video data per multicast output-port. The observed delay jitter is zero when a playback buffer of 15 milliseconds is used. All simulation parameters are presented.
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To support large-scale Internet-based broadcast of live streaming video efficiently in content delivery networks (CDNs), it is essential to implement a cost-effective overlay multicast mechanism by exploiting peer-to-peer distribution capabilities among end hosts. This way, the access bandwidth demand on CDN servers in the multicast overlay backbone can be largely reduced. Such a streaming infrastructure gives rise to an interesting host-aware routing problem (HARP). For a live streaming video broadcast event, each participating CDN server is made aware of the largest delay from it to end hosts within its service area. The problem is to optimize routing among CDN servers in the multicast overlay backbone such that the de facto maximal end-to-end latency from the origin server to all end hosts is minimized subject to access bandwidth constraints on CDN servers. In this paper, we frame HARP as a constrained spanning tree problem which is shown to be NP-hard. We present a distributed algorithm for HARP. Simulation experiments confirm that our proposed algorithm converges to good quality solutions that are close to the optimum.
The popular education usually emphasizes the function of teaching in school and belittles the importance of practicing and experimenting in today's education. This paper discusses some problems of a new intranet-based multimedia education platform, analyzes the principle of intranet-based multimedia education platform, and discusses the educational style based on the intranet-based multimedia education platform and so on. The paper mainly proposes and studies some problems, such as structure of platform, design of base communication module, design of control commands and implement of CAI multicasting, etc. The infrastructure of platform is proposed and implemented at last.
Recently scalable streaming applications have been developed by the new emerging networking technologies. One interesting challenge is how to build an efficient and reliable network topology over heterogeneous network systems. In this paper, we argue that hybrid network overlay, via both IP multicast and overlay mesh multicast, is an important technology for group communications. In this paper, we propose a hybrid network overlay construction with three performance goals: high performance (low end-to-end transmission latency, high bandwidth mesh overlay links), low end-to-end hop count and high reliability. This paper compares the performance penalties from IP multicast, overlay multicast and hybrid overlay multicast via various topology simulations.
Efforts to take service of multicast IP is very slow and is facing problems such as lack of address polling places, lack of reliable data transfer, crowd control, etc. To implement multi-broadcast in the network, new access router mechanisms are needed to send forward the data in addition to the existing methods of broadcast. In recent years, the overlay multicast has been put forward as a practical solution to resolve these problems. We present a systematic approach to reducing host multicast group. Latency reduction is achieved by adding links to an existing overlay network. To reduce latency in the overlay tree, adding some links to the tree is an effective method, but how a group decides to add the middle links to the overlay tree? It is an important question in this regard. For this purpose we try to find out a dependence on the characteristics of a considerable measurement site and a delay reduction calculations to any middle link between the pair nodes. A protocol based on these heuristics called Overlay Multicast Tree Protocol (OMTP) has been developed. The OMTP protocol can be used to make the overlay tree, and our tests show that the OMTP can reduce the latency between pair nodes with selected shortcuts by using the new useful function that makes use of the standard deviation.
Despite much talk about the fusion of broadcasting and the Internet, no technology has been established for fusing web and TV program content. In this paper, we report our research activities of the research on fusion of the Web and TV broadcasting under Kyoto University 21st century Center of Excellence (COE) program entitled Informatics Research Center for Development of Knowledge Society Infrastructure. We propose several ways to acquire information from diverse information sources of different media types, especially from Web and TV broadcasting. A notable difference between Web contents and TV program contents is that the former is a document-based information media and the latter is a time-based continuous information media, which leads to the difference of information accessing methods. Conventional "Web browsing" is an active manner of accessing information. On the other hand, conventional "TV watching" is a passive way of accessing information. In order to search, integrate and view the information of Web and TV, we explored (1) media conversion between Web and TV contents, (2) watching TV with live chats, (3) dynamic TV-content augmentation by Web, and (4) searching for TV contents with Web.
Many multicast overlay networks maintain application-specific performance goals by dynamically adapting the overlay structure when the monitored performance becomes inadequate. This adaptation results in an unstructured overlay where no neighbor selection constraints are imposed. Although such networks provide resilience to benign failures, they are susceptible to attacks conducted by adversaries that compromise overlay nodes. Previous defense solutions proposed to address attacks against overlay networks rely on strong organizational constraints and are not effective for unstructured overlays. In this work, we identify, demonstrate and mitigate insider attacks against measurement-based adaptation mechanisms in unstructured multicast overlay networks. We propose techniques to decrease the number of incorrect adaptations by using outlier detection and limit the impact of malicious nodes by aggregating local information to derive global reputation for each node. We demonstrate the attacks and mitigation techniques through real-life deployments of a mature overlay multicast system.
Conference Paper
With the rapid growth of multimedia applications, Internet has been becoming crowded. IP multicast was proposed to help this situation, but not widely deployed for its scalability and fundamental network requirement problem. application-layer multicast (also called overlay multicast) is an attractive alternative solution. In this paper, we developed an adapted routing algorithm of overlay networks to provide scalable multicast services on the Internet. The algorithm defines an optimal balance tree to optimize the trade-off between delay and bandwidth consumption with a new metrics: OBDB . Our experimental results demonstrate the scalability, efficiency and performance of our approach.
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Previously, we studied the performance of transport layer multihoming (e.g., STCP). Using the emulated application of the bulk data transfer, we investigate existing overlay multicast schemes and find that all of them have a inherit performance limitation caused by tansport layer singlehoming (e.g., TCP). Based on this, we design a new overlay multicast architucture named the Hierarchy Overlay Multicast Network based on SCTP (HOMN-SCTP) and present the relevant scheme named Bandwidth-Satisfied Overlay Multicast (BSOM) to reduce the limitation of existing overlay multicast scheme with tansport layer singlehoming and to further improve the performance of overlay multicast. We also show application performance in terms of QoS-satisfied ratio, multicast tree total cost, average link stress and average path length using the HOMN-SCTP and BSOM is better than performance when applications operate using singlehoming as originally designed.