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A Deep Autoencoder Trust Model for Mitigating Jamming Attack in IoT Assisted by Cognitive Radio



This article proposes deep learning (DL) framework constructed using deep autoencoder (DAE) to detect the malicious nodes in an Internet of Things (IoT) network assisted by the cognitive radio (CR) technology. In the IoT era, a plethora of nodes are connected to the network for the purpose of collecting and exchanging data. CR technology finds its role in IoT applications because of its ability to efficiently exploit the available spectrum. In this article, we consider IoT nodes as secondary users that perform cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS). Specifically, these IoT nodes sense the spectrum and send their reports to the fusion center (FC) to determine whether the spectrum is occupied by the primary user or not. In such a scenario, the existence of malicious IoT nodes might mislead the FC. To determine which of these IoT nodes are benevolent and which are malicious is crucial. We adopt a DAE-based DL framework, called DAE-TRUST, to detect malicious nodes in CR-assisted IoT. The proposed DAE-TRUST is able to identify the malicious nodes, whose reports can be excluded from the spectrum detection process. Simulation results, in six different real-world environments, show that our DAE-TRUST enhances the performance of CSS in IoT applications.
A Deep Autoencoder Trust Model for Mitigating
Jamming Attack in IoT Assisted by Cognitive Radio
Mohamed S. Abdalzaher , Member, IEEE, Mohamed Elwekeil , Taotao Wang , Member, IEEE,
and Shengli Zhang , Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—This article proposes deep learning (DL) framework
constructed using deep autoencoder (DAE) to detect the malicious
nodes in an Internet of Things (IoT) network assisted by the cogni-
tive radio (CR) technology. In the IoT era, a plethora of nodes
are connected to the network for the purpose of collecting and
exchanging data. CR technology finds its role in IoT applications
because of its ability to efficiently exploit the available spectrum.
In this article, we consider IoT nodes as secondary users that
perform cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS). Specifically, these
IoT nodes sense the spectrum and send their reports to the fusion
center (FC) to determine whether the spectrum is occupied by the
primary user or not. In such a scenario, the existence of malicious
IoT nodes might mislead the FC. To determine which of these
IoT nodes are benevolent and which are malicious is crucial. We
adopt a DAE-based DL framework, called DAE-TRUST, to detect
malicious nodes in CR-assisted IoT. The proposed DAE-TRUST is
able to identify the malicious nodes, whose reports can be excluded
from the spectrum detection process. Simulation results, in six
different real-world environments, show that our DAE-TRUST
enhances the performance of CSS in IoT applications.
Index Terms—Autoencoder (AE), cognitive radio (CR),
convolutional neural network, cooperative spectrum sensing
(CSS), Internet of Things (IoT) security, jamming attacks,
machine learning (ML).
THE INTERNET of Things (IoT) network is a fast boom-
ing technology that can be effectively utilized in many
applications. In an IoT network, the huge number of connected
nodes with the presence of day-to-day communication chal-
lenges may lead to open issues such as resource allocation,
Quality of Service (QoS) management, energy consumption, and
security. Accordingly, an adaptive and intellectual solution has
become desirable. Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) are among
Manuscript received January 3, 2021; revised June 8, 2021; accepted July
11, 2021. The work was supported in part by research grants from the Chi-
nese National Science Foundation Project under Grant 61771315 and in part
by Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation under Grant
2019B1515130003. (Mohamed S. Abdalzaher and Mohamed Elwekeil are co-
first authors.) (Corresponding author: Shengli Zhang.)
Mohamed S. Abdalzaher is with the Seismology Department, National
Research Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, Cairo 11421, Egypt (e-mail:
Mohamed Elwekeil is with the Department of Electronics, Electrical Commu-
nications Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University,
Menouf 32952, Egypt (e-mail:
Taotao Wang and Shengli Zhang are with the College of Electronics, Infor-
mation Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China (e-mail:;
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3099072
the most promising technologies that can contribute to solving
the aforementioned problems.
In the literature context, several CR techniques have been
studied concerning the QoS constraint relying on the role of
secondary users (SUs) [1]–[6]. In [7] and [8], other efforts
have been exerted to set up a primary user (PU) aware routing
scheme using compressive sensing to detect the PU sparsity
existence. Moreover, optimizing the packet size to prolong the
CRN lifetime has been considered in [9]. Many spectrum sensing
detectors have been proposed aiming at enhancing the spec-
trum utilization such as energy detection (ED), cyclostationary,
and matched filter [10]–[12]. Here, we focus on the ED as
the simplest detection mechanism employed in CR spectrum.
Nevertheless, the proposed approach is applicable to work with
different spectrum detection techniques. Due to the dramatic
growth of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based IoT in sev-
eral applications, it can be efficiently utilized in CR spectrum
sensing. In other words, the fusion center (FC) can rely on these
allotted nodes to determine the CR spectrum. On the contrary,
WSNs suffer from some weaknesses such as security and power
management. In fact, the security front is the most vulnerable as-
pect of WSNs; and, thus, it was considered by many researchers,
e.g., [8], [13]–[18]. However, the security aspect is still an open
issue that needs further investigations. In this trajectory, modern
technologies such as machine learning (ML) can be an intrinsic
ML has evolved over the last few years as an effective
methodology for handling complex data. In wireless commu-
nication systems, traditional methods are based on mathemat-
ical modeling where approximations are inevitable due to the
complexity of the considered system. On the other hand, ML
can learn directly from past observations without the need for
any approximations. Accordingly, it can tackle many research
problems [19], [20]. With the emergence of deep learning (DL),
it becomes convenient to build very complex relational models
that classical approaches might not be able to capture, given their
models’ restrictions [21], [22]. The applications of ML tools
have witnessed great success in addressing many challenging
research problems, ranging from recommendation systems to
autonomous driving cars [23], [24]. This success is attributed
to the flexibility of ML in learning complex systems and due
to the fact that all you need is a suitable ML model and good
datasets to train this ML model. Therefore, ML facilitates the
requirements of traditional methods, which are mainly based
on complex/approximated mathematical modeling. ML algo-
rithms can be even used to extract important features from the
underlying data, i.e., they can “learn” the features. Indeed, the
autoencoder (AE) is among the flourished ML techniques that
are merged into DL.
In the literature context, various approaches have been pro-
posed aiming to combat malicious attacks in CRN [25]–[29].
Game theory has taken a valuable role in mitigating security
threats. In [28], a Stackelberg game was used to treat the false in-
jected noise power in cognitive radio sensor networks (CRSNs)
due to the spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attack. The
attack’s aim was to deceive the FC by corrupting the delivered
report. More particularly, the attack attempts to deviate reports’
signal-to-noise ratio from their original values. The same attack
type has also been mitigated with the presence of hardware
failure [29]. Game theory was also employed to enhance the
security and data trustworthiness in IoT applications [30].
ML has been widely employed to foster wireless commu-
nication systems. Besides, CR technology has been employed
to improve the spectral efficiency of wireless communication
systems. Specifically, the applications of ML in CRNs have been
highlighted in [31]. Generally speaking, the ML/DL approaches
can be classified into supervised and unsupervised learning.
The authors in [32] proposed ML-based cooperative spectrum
sensing (CSS) techniques in the frameworks of both supervised
learning and unsupervised learning. Specifically, they employed
both support vector machines (SVMs) and K-nearest neighbors
(KNN) as supervised learning tools to perform CSS in CR net-
works. Furthermore, they utilized unsupervised learning tools
such as the Gaussian mixture model and K-means clustering to
solve the same problem. The authors concluded that the SVM
with a linear kernel can achieve the best CSS performance.
However, the authors in [32] depended on small datasets that
have less than 1000 samples. Furthermore, they did not consider
the existence of malicious nodes. The authors in [33] adopted a
fuzzy c-means based clustering algorithm for training a classifier
to perform sepctrum sensing (SS) in CR. The work in [34]
employed a naive Bayes classifier and trained it for SS in
orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing systems. Moreover,
DL has been utilized to relieve the complexity of the energy
efficiency optimization in SS. In [35], the authors have developed
a DL model to optimize the energy utilization in cognitive SS.
In [36], convolutional long short-term deep neural networks are
utilized for improving the performance of the SS in CRNs.
In the context of ML applications in CRNs, research works
have been done not only to investigate the defense strategies
but also the attack strategies. For instance, the work in [37]
presented an online learning mechanism for implementing an
optimal primary user emulation attack strategy. Furthermore,
the authors in [38] investigated an adversarial ML scheme for
performing jamming attacks on CRNs. Then, they introduced
the corresponding defense mechanism. The defense mechanism
presented in [38] is based on exploiting the reactiveness of DL
to training errors. Specifically, this can be done by allowing
nodes to intentionally take wrong actions sometimes. Thus, the
attacker cannot predict the transmitter’s behavior. Along with
the exerted efforts in the security front, DL has exploited the
relay selection to maximize the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio
in cognitive IoT networks [39].
Although the huge efforts exerted in the literature, more
research efforts are still required, especially, with the WSN
vulnerabilities such as low power consumption and limited pro-
cessing capabilities. To this end, ML/DL can effectively handle
these concerns as no extra hardware is needed to merge the
learned techniques into the existing infrastructure. To the best
of our knowledge, no similar work has been done before for
utilizing the AE-based trust model for ensuring security against
jamming attacks in CR-assisted IoT.
In this article, we focus on the automatic detection of ma-
licious attacks in CR-assisted IoT networks. Specifically, we
consider a WSN-based smart grid (SG), where the WSN nodes
are regarded as SUs which share the spectrum dedicated for
the PU, i.e., the licensed user. The SUs should cooperatively
sense the spectrum before using it, where each SU senses the
spectrum and sends a report to the FC, which determines whether
the spectrum is occupied by the PU or not based on the reports
received from the SUs. If the spectrum was used by the PU, the
FC informs the SUs to defer their transmissions. On the other
hand, if the PU was not transmitting on the spectrum, the SUs can
utilize the spectrum to do their transmissions. In such a scenario,
it is crucial to correctly identify whether the PU is utilizing the
spectrum or not. Furthermore, the existence of malicious nodes,
which falsify their reports sent to the FC, might mislead the FC
causing false decisions which would degrade the performance
of the CRNs. We employ a deep autoencoder (DAE) model
for malicious nodes’ detection, which we call “DAE-TRUST.”
We exploit the ability of DAE to identify abnormalities in its
input to detect the malicious nodes. Specifically, the DAE is
trained on the benevolent data, and, thus, when it is deployed in
real settings, it can identify anomalous nodes through the mean
square error (mse) between its input vector and the predicted
output vector. By identifying the malicious nodes, the FC can
exclude the reports of these malicious nodes; thus, the decision
taken will be more robust. In addition, the effectiveness of the
proposed DAE-TRUST model is verified in six different smart
grid environments. The main contributions of the article can
therefore be listed as follows.
1) The article proposes a DAE-based trust model, namely,
DAE-TRUST to detect jamming attacks in CR-assisted
IoT networks. The DAE is utilized to learn in an un-
supervised learning way, which can detect the disrupted
delivered reports at the FC. Based on the trained network,
the model is able to identify the malicious reports from
the expected benevolent ones.
2) The proposed DAE-TRUST approach is also used to
discard the malicious reports relying on the correlation
of encoder and decoder modules’ structure. Particularly,
the obtained results show the effectiveness of employing
the DAE-TRUST model in enhancing the CR spectrum
utilization and detecting the malicious reports received at
the FC. To the best of our knowledge, this work is a novel
approach that employs a DAE-based scheme to detect
jamming attacks in CR-assisted IoT networks. Besides,
the proposed DAE-TRUST model can be utilized to detect
other types of attacks without a change in the designed
network structure.
3) The proposed approach considers realistic conditions that
incorporate the shadow fading (log-normal distribution)
measurements on real experiments presented in [40] to
collect real datasets. Furthermore, the considered CR-
assisted IoT relies on the Tmote Sky nodes [41] with
the standard of IEEE 802.15.4. This node type is widely
employed in IoT applications because it guarantees both
scalability and accurateness of locations [42]. The DAE-
TRUST model effectiveness is verified over six different
environments: 1) outdoor line of sight (OL); 2) outdoor
nonline-of-sight (ON); 3) underground line of sight (UL);
4) underground nonline-of-sight (UN); 5) indoor line of
sight (IL); and 6) indoor nonline of sight (IN).
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. In
Section II, the system model is discussed. The proposed DAE-
TRUST approach is then presented in Section III. Section IV
shows the obtained results. Finally, the article is concluded in
Section V. Table I summarizes the list of acronym and Table II
presents the list of symbols used in the paper.
Fig. 1 shows the proposed CR-assisted IoT, in which the FC
relies on a set of Tmote Sky nodes [41], N, to capture the CR
spectrum, where the number of nodes is given by the cardinality
of the set N, which is represented by |N |. As figured out by
Fig. 1, the sensor nodes (SNs), i.e., SUs, transmit their own
observed reports to the FC. Our aim is to allow the SUs to access
the spectrum without any collisions to protect the PU rights
and, at the same time, to provide the FC with immunity against
jamming attacks. We assume that the jammer attempts to deviate
the observed SNs’ energy reports from their original levels to
higher ones. In other words, the attacker aims at disrupting the
links between the PU and the SUs so that the individual decisions
of the SNs are interrupted. This might lead the FC to take a wrong
decision about the spectrum. We adopt a scenario of a disk-
shaped network with the maximum radio transmission radius
Rmax, where the PU is located at the center of the disk and
SNs are either uniformly distributed within the radius or allotted
at the circumference of the disk. Specifically, the latter case
Fig. 1. CR-assisted IoT, where the malicious attackers may attack certain SUs
to mislead the FC.
Fig. 2. Energy detection process in the CR-assisted IoT with the existence of
represents the worst case of transmission capability to prove the
effectiveness of the proposed model.
Fig. 2 shows the process of ED relying on the observed signals
by the IoT nodes (Tmote Sky). The sensing stage represents
the four steps that the detected signal moves through. First, the
signal x(t)is filtered by band pass filter (BPF). The filtered
signal is then squared in the second step. In the third step,
the signal samples are integrated. Here, the role of jamming
attacks comes by injecting their false energy level to disrupt
the received reports before the fourth step (the thresholding
level) in which the report will represent either the channel is
occupied by PU (H1)oridle(H0). It is worth mentioning that
the jammer continually tries to mislead the FC by injecting false
energy level so as to disrupt the reports received by the FC.
Therefore, if the jammer managed to do this before the fourth
step, the attack will maliciously affect the decision of the FC.
However, if the jammer’s energy level injection is performed
after the fourth step, this will not impact the decision of the
FC. Hereafter, the FC starts the decision-making relying on
the proposed AE-based trust model. The trust model depends
on the gathered delivered reports by the SNs, i.e., SUs. In
other words, by increasing the number of the received benev-
olent reports, the decision taken by the FC will be more
This section illustrates the different aspects of the proposed
approach. On the one hand, we employ the ED mechanism to
determine the spectrum status. To build a realistic model, we
have taken into our consideration the shadow fading (log-normal
distribution) affecting the communications between the PU and
SUs throughout six different environments. On the other hand,
we have developed a DAE model to detect the jamming attacks
affecting the links between PU and SUs so that the delivered
reports at the FC are impacted; thus, wrong decisions can be
taken by the FC about the spectrum. Therefore, the proposed
model can identify the malicious reports received at the FC and
reach an adequate number of delivered trusted reports at the FC,
leading to accurate spectrum detections.
A. Energy Detection
In any spectrum sensing application, the ultimate decision can
be defined by a binary hypothesis testing problem. Assume that
the hypothesis (H0)represents the absence of the PU where the
noise only can be sensed by the SUs, and the hypothesis (H1)
represents the existence of the PU where the noise plus the PU’s
signal can be sensed by the SUs. These two hypotheses include
the impact of the interference power of the attack, where all SUs
are assumed to have the same noise floor. Thus, the spectrum
sensing problem for the ith SU can be formulated as follows:
H0:xi(t)=wi(t),PU absent
H1:xi(t)=γi.s(t)+wi(t),PU exist (1)
where xi(t)is the received signal at the ith SU, γis the channel
gain of the sensing channel from the PU to the ith SU, s(t)is
the PU transmitted signal, w(t)is the additive white Gaussian
noise with zero mean and variance σ2
i, and i∈{1,2,...,|N |}.
The output of the sampling and the integration stages of the
ED can be written as follows:
where n∈{1,2,...,L}, Lis the number of samples in the
sensing interval.
From the Neyman–Pearson (NP) detector, in order to distin-
guish between the two hypothesis (H1and H0), a test statistics
(αi) with threshold ξiis employed as follows [43]:
ξi,i=1,2,...,|N | .(3)
Accordingly, the probability of detection Pd,i and the proba-
bility of false alarm Pf,i at ith SU are already impacted by the
attack interference power and can be given by
where Q(·)is a function that represents the tail probability of
the standard normal distribution at ith SU. The threshold level
of every ith report depends on its corresponding received power
level. Eis the PU signal energy. The sensing threshold (ξ)isa
function of the PU’s signal energy and noise variance. Thus, ξi
can be given by
Here, we give more attention to the majority rule, which is
widely used as a hard decision rule (HDR) for CSS in CRNs.
1) Hard Decision Rule: In this method, the FC has to decide
the availability of the spectrum from the received uncorrelated
hard decisions from rSUs out of the available |N | SUs. This
can be defined mathematically by
|N |
m=r|N |
d,i(1 Pd,i )|N|−m.(7)
Various schemes can be derived from this general formula in
(7) for decision fusion at the FC, e.g., AND,OR, and Majority
combining rules. In this article, we concentrate only on the
Majority rule for HDRs.
Majority Combining: This rule applies the majority voting
concept to identify availability of the spectrum by setting r=
|N |/2. Here, the probability of detection is given by
Pd,MAJ =
|N |
m=|N |/2|N |
d,i(1 Pd,i )|N|−m.(8)
B. Path Loss Model
The employed path loss between the PU and the ith SU is
given by
where PL
0is the free space path loss at the reference distance
d0of the antenna far field, nrepresents the path loss exponent,
diis the distance between the PU and ith SU, and σdenotes the
standard deviation in dB of the shadow fading. Table III shows
the path loss parameters for the considered six smart grid (SG)
measurements presented in [44].
The received antenna signal power at the ith SU from the
transmitting PU can be obtained by
r,i [dBm]=PA
where PA
tis the transmission antenna signal power for the PU.
C. Autoencoder-Based Trust Model
Fig. 3 shows the framework of the proposed DAE-TRUST
approach. The proposed DAE-TRUST is employed to tackle
the problem of malicious nodes’ identification in a CR-assisted
IoT system. The DAE-TRUST is the binary individual SU
decisions, i.e., the input features are these binary decisions. The
proposed model adopts unsupervised learning strategy, where
there is no labeled output for every training sample. Instead, the
DAE-TRUST takes the input features and tries to replicate it
Fig. 3. AE process for malicious nodes detection.
on its output. The basic idea is that the DAE-TRUST model is
trained on clean data (i.e., the training samples where all SUs are
benevolent). Specifically, we can obtain the training data from
real field measurements or employing computer-aided simula-
tions. The training data incorporates the sensing decisions of a
multiplicity of benevolent SUs. Upon training the DAE-TRUST
on the benevolent SUs sensing decision, the DAE-TRUST can
be deployed on the FC to distinguish between benevolent and
malicious decision vectors based on a threshold on the mse
between the input vector and the predicted output vector. In other
words, based on this training step, we can determine a certain
mseth below which the input features can be considered clean
without any attacks. Later on, when the trained DAE-TRUST is
deployed for examining the receivedfeatures of new samples, the
actual mse value between the input of the DAE-TRUST model
and its predicted version in the output is determined. If this mse
is less than the mseth, there is no attack. On the other hand, if
this mse is larger than the mseth, attack is detected. Accordingly,
if the DAE-TRUST detected the existence of malicious SUs, the
received decisions of these SUs will be discarded and the FC will
take the spectrum availability decision based on the remaining
benevolent SUs’ decisions.
D. Proposed DAE Structure
The proposed DAE incorporates four convolutional layers,
two fully connected layers, two max-pooling layers, two flatten
layers, and two upsampling layers as depicted in Fig. 4. The
encoder part starts with the first convolutional layer that has
64 filters each with 3×1size. Then, a max-pooling layer with
pool size 2 is employed. After that, the second convolutional
layer that has 32 filters each with 3×1size is added. This is
followed by a max-pooling layer with pool size 2 and a flatten
layer, respectively. The last layer of the encoding part is a fully
connected layer with 32 neurons. Then, the decoder part begins
with the third convolutional layer that has 32 filters each with 3×
1size. This is followed by a 2:1upsampling layer. Afterward,
the fourth convolutional layer that has 64 filters each with 3×
1size is appended. Later on, a 2:1upsampling layer and a
flatten layer are added, respectively. Finally, the last layer of
the encoding part is a fully connected layer with 30 neurons
employed. The rectified linear unit activations are employed in
all convolutional layers and fully connected layers.
Fig. 4. Structure of the proposed DAE-TRUST for malicious nodes detection.
E. Evaluation Process
The main loss function metric used in the evaluation process
is the mse, which is denoted by
mse =1
where YTis the set of true values, .represents the Euclidean
norm, and YPdenotes the set of predicted values which can be
given by
where θis the parameters including the sets of weights (W)
and bias values (b). The following section discusses the AE
F. Autoencoder Formulations
Basically, the AE notion is to filter the added noise aiming
at matching the input to the output based on the concept of
unsupervised learning. The output of AE can be denoted by
YAE =FPθ(XAE),(13)
where Xrepresents the input dataset of the AE, FP represents
the full-forward propagation function, and NFis the number of
features. When the target values match the input ones, the FP
satisfies the following:
Relying on the backpropagation base, the output is gradually
enhanced with respect to the learning rate (r) by updating the
parameters as follows:
θi+1 =θi±mi(16)
where miis the ith parameter update, which is computed by
where LF
∂θiis the gradient of the ith parameter, and LF represents
the loss function represented by the mse, which given by
LF =1
where TS is the total number of samples representing the input
dataset matrix (X), Sis a vector sample, and XSand YS
represent the input and output of the AE’s sample S, respectively.
In this section, the obtained results for evaluating the proposed
DAE-TRUST model are presented. The utilized simulation pa-
rameters are summarized in Table IV. In our evaluations, we
employed the Tmote Sky nodes as SUs. The Tmote sky node,
which is usually used for IoT applications, is equipped by Texas
Instruments MSP430 microcontroller with Chipcon CC2420
radio [41] and follows the IEEE 802.15.4 standard [42]. We
assumed a 100% attack model and studied the impact of chang-
ing the number of malicious SUs. Specifically, we considered
the number of malicious SUs are 7, 5, or 3 SUs out of the total 30
SUs utilized in the spectrum detection. Furthermore, we studied
the impact of the attack model by adopting attack scenarios with
100%,70%, and 30% attack probability when the number of
malicious SUs is fixed to 5.
We have generated training dataset for every environment to
be employed for training the DAE-TRUST model to identify the
malicious SUs in the corresponding environment. Specifically,
we generated training samples for the Pfin the range from 0.01
to 1 with step 0.1. For every Pf, we generated 104samples.
The training features are the binary decisions taken by every
SU. It is noteworthy that in the training phase, we employ the
trustful samples to avoid training the DAE-TRUST on corrupted
samples. In fact, the mseth applied for a certain value of Pfis
calculated by
mseth =0.0001 ×1+10Pf
In this regard, we emphasize that the overhead in the pro-
posed scheme mostly lies in the training process which can be
done offline. After the training process, the DAE-TRUST model
will be deployed online where only simple operations such as
matrix multiplication, addition, and nonlinear activations are
performed. Then, the mse between the input and the output of
the DAE-TRUST model is calculated. This is the total overhead
that will be repeated for every decision vector received from
the SUs. It should be noted that this online repeated overhead
is more significant than the training overhead. Our experiments
Fig. 5. Accuracy and loss of the training and validation datasets for the proposed DAE-TRUST model when random distribution of SUs is assumed. (a)
Environment 1 (OL) random. (b) Environment 2 (ON) random. (c) Environment 3 (UL) random. (d) Environment 4 (UN) random. (e) Environment 5 (IL) random.
(f) Environment 6 (IN) random.
Fig. 6. Accuracy and loss of the training and validation datasets for the proposed DAE-TRUST model when static distribution of SUs is assumed. (a) Environment
1 (OL) static. (b) Environment 2 (ON) static. (c) Environment 3 (UL) static. (d) Environment 4 (UN) static. (e) Environment 5 (IL) static. (f) Environment 6 (IN)
Fig. 7. Majority rule ROC curve for the proposed DAE-TRUST based malicious SUs detection compared with both cases of reputation-based malicious SUs
detection and the scenario without any protection against malicious SUs over six environments OL, ON, UL, UN, IL, and IN when attack attempts are 100%, 70%,
and 30%, respectively. (a) Environment 1 (OL). (b) Environment 2 (ON). (c) Environment 3 (UL). (d) Environment 4 (UN). (e) Environment 5 (IL). (f) Environment
6 (IN).
Fig. 8. Majority rule ROC curve for the proposed DAE-TRUST based malicious SUs detection compared with both cases of reputation-based malicious SUs
detection and the scenario without any protection against malicious SUs over six environments OL, ON, UL, UN, IL, and IN when number of malicious nodes is 7,
5, and 3, respectively. (a) Environment 1 (OL). (b) Environment 2 (ON). (c) Environment 3 (UL). (d) Environment 4 (UN). (e) Environment 5 (IL). (f) Environment
6 (IN).
Fig. 9. DAE-TRUST model accuracy of detecting malicious SUs’ IDs over the six environments OL, ON, UL, UN, IL, and IN. (a) Environment 1 (OL). (b)
Environment 2 (ON). (c) Environment 3 (UL). (d) Environment 4 (UN). (e) Environment 5 (IL). (f) Environment 6 (IN).
show that the online repeated overhead is in the range of 48.3μs
per sample.
In the proposed approach, the SUs are assumed to be randomly
allotted around the PU within a circular disc of 100 m radius;
we refer to this scenario in the rest of the article as a random
distribution of SUs. By doing so, we can study the effect of
large-scale fading on the performance of the proposed DAE-
TRUST model. In this article, we specifically concentrate on
the jamming attack problem on the link between the PU and the
SUs. Thus, we assume that the links between the SUs and the
FC are error-free.
Besides, the received signal at the ith SU is affected by noise
power Pn(i.e., the variance of the noise signal wi(t)), path loss,
and the log-normal shadowing fading with standard deviation
σ. We considered six different environment scenarios, i.e., OL,
ON, UL, UN, IL, and IN, where their path loss parameters are
introduced in Table III [44]. Note that the Rayleigh fading has
not been considered in our model.
Generally speaking, the learning behavior of the proposed
DAE-TRUST model is depicted by the accuracy and loss on both
the training and the validation datasets as shown in Figs. 5 and 6.
Fig. 5 shows the learning behavior based on the random topology
between the SUs and the PU. On the other hand, Fig. 6 illustrates
the learning behavior using the static topology between the
SUs and the PU, where the SUs are equally allocated at the
maximum radio range from the PU. The accuracy and loss are
represented by the percentage and mse, respectively. It is clearly
denoted that the network structure of the proposed DAE-TRUST
model proves beneficial regardless of the environment type (i.e.,
OL, ON, UL, UN, IL, and IN) as the accuracy on the train-
ing/validation dataset and loss on the training/validation dataset
reach 100% and less than 0.02, respectively. Although, the ON
environment is the worst-case scenario and UL environment is
the best one due to the maximal and minimal path loss exponent,
respectively, as mentioned in Table III, the DAE-TRUST model
loss on both training and validation datasets are sufficiently
low. Accordingly, this reflects the effectiveness of the proposed
DAE-TRUST model structure.
Fig. 7 depicts the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
curves based on the majority rule for the proposed DAE-TRUST
based malicious SUs detection compared with both cases of
reputation-based malicious SUs detection and the traditional
ED scenario without any protection against malicious SUs over
six environments OL, ON, UL, UN, IL, and IN when the SUs
are randomly distributed taking into consideration three attack
models (100%, 70%, and 30% attack attempts). Specifically,
the performance of the proposed DAE-TRUST is the best com-
pared to the other cases when the reputation-based malicious
SUs detection or when there is no protection against malicious
SUs in all the considered environments, where DAE-TRUST
can achieve the highest detection probability Pdat a certain
probability of false alarm Pf. It is clear that the ROC perfor-
mance of our proposed DAE-TRUST model is always better
than other competing algorithms for both cases of the randomly
distributed SU regardless of the change of the attack model. This
affirms the effectiveness of the proposed DAE-TRUST model in
different scenarios. It is noted from the obtained results that the
reputation-based SS scheme shows performance degradation as
compared to without protection case when the probability of
false alarm Pfis increased. This is because the reputatuion-
based SS scheme relies on accumulated reputation score calcu-
lated for each SU, as the reputation is strictly negatively affected
by the increase of Pf. More concretely, the increase of Pfis
represented by more false reports that are depicted by those
SUs, and, hence, their reputation is deteriorated at the FC to be
wrongly considered malicious SUs besides the real malicious
SUs. Consequently, the reputation-based gets worse with the
increase of Pf.
Moreover, to make a strong consensus about whether the pro-
posed model can achieve an enhanced performance compared
to the other benchmarks (reputation-based and traditional ED
methodology), we have examined the proposed DAE-TRUST
to the benchmarks with the change of the number of malicious
SUs over the six environments. We have adopted three numbers
of malicious SUs 7, 5, and 3 in each environment. Fig. 8 clearly
shows that the proposed DAE-TRUST outperforms both the
reputation-based and the traditional ED technique regardless of
the number of malicious SUs and the environment type. This
assures the proposed DAE-TRUST model efficiency.
After the end of the training phase, the trained DAE-TRUST
model can be deployed on the FC to detect malicious SUs. The
accuracy of the proposed DAE-TRUST model in detecting the
malicious SUs over the considered six environments is depicted
in Fig. 9. In this figure, we show the obtained results based
on the random topology of the SUs around the PU along with
the change of Pf. We denote that, in the cases of line-of-sight
environments, the obtained results show a better performance of
detecting the malicious nodes compared to the performance of
the nonline-of-sight environments. It is noted that the proposed
approach achieves feasible accuracy of detection in the six
adopted environments. In the OL environment, about 100%
accuracy of detecting the malicious SUs is achieved till 40%
Pf, while a slight decrease of the accuracy occurs when ON is
utilized. The UL shows a better performance till 60% Pf. Finally,
the best performance is achieved with the IN environment in
which the detection accuracy covers most of the Pf.
This article proposes a novel DAE-based trust model for
CR-assisted IoT to achieve a confident decision about the spec-
trum status against the jamming attacks that affect the delivered
reports at the FC. The proposed model relied on the ED for
detecting the PU signal using the sensed reports of the distributed
SUs. To build a realistic model with the genuine dataset, the
FC relied on the Tmote Sky nodes, the most common SNs
with the standard of IEEE 802.15.4 for IoT applications, to
determine the spectrum status taking into account the shadow
fading effect. The model effectiveness has been verified over
six different environments (i.e., OL, ON, UL, UN, IL, and
IN). The simulation results demonstrate the robustness of the
proposed model regardless of the environment type and the SUs
distribution scenario attaining an efficient CR-assisted IoT.
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Mohamed S. Abdalzaher (Member, IEEE) received
the B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in electronics and commu-
nications engineering in 2008, from Obour High In-
stitute for Engineering and Technology, the M.Sc. de-
gree in electronics and communications engineering
from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2012,
and the Ph.D. degree in electronics and communi-
cations engineering from the Electronics and Com-
munications Engineering Department, Egypt-Japan
University of Science and Technology, Madinet Borg
Al Arab, Egypt, in 2016.
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the National Research Institute
of Astronomy and Geophysics, Cairo, Egypt. He was a special research student
with Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, from 2015 to 2016. In 2019, he joined
the Center for Japan-Egypt Cooperation in Science and Technology, Kyushu
University, where he was a Postdoctoral Researcher. His research interests
include earthquake engineering, data communication networks, wireless com-
munications, WSNs security, IoT, and deep learning.
Dr. Abdalzaher is a TPC Member with Vehicular Technology Conference
and International Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications
and Computers and a Reviewer for the IEEE Internet of Things Journal,IEEE
Systems Journal,IEEE Access,Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications
Technologies,Applied Soft Computing,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and
Humanized Computing,andIET Journals.
Mohamed Elwekeil received the B.Sc. degree in
electronics and electrical communications engineer-
ing from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering,
Menoufia University, Al Minufiyah, Egypt, in 2007,
and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics and
communications engineering from Egypt-Japan Uni-
versity of Science and Technology(E-JUST), Alexan-
dria, Egypt, in 2013 and 2016, respectively.
He was a Teaching Assistant with the Department
of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engi-
neering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia
University in the period from 2007 to 2016. In 2016, he was promoted to a
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) position in the same department. In the period
from 2014 till 2015, he was a Research Intern with Alcatel-Lucent Bell N.V.
(now NOKIA), Antwerp, Belgium, where he was working on WiFi optimization
project. In 2015, he joined Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, as a special
research student for a period of nine months. In the period from 2018 to 2020,
he was with the College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen, China, where he was working as a Postdoctoral Researcher. His
research interests include radio resource management for wireless networks,
spatial modulation, signal processing for communications, and earthquake
Taotao Wang received the B.S. degree in electrical
engineering from the University of Electronic Science
and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, in 2008,
the M.S. degree in information and signal processing
from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommu-
nications, Beijing, China, in 2011, and the Ph.D.
degree in information engineering from The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2015.
From 2015 to 2016, he was a Postdoctoral Research
Fellow with the Institute of Network Coding, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong. After that, he
joined the College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen,
China, as an Assistant Professor, and he was promoted as a tenured Associate
Professor in 2021. His main research interests include blockchain technology,
wireless communications and networking, statistical signal, and data processing.
Dr. Wang was a recipient of the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship.
Shengli Zhang (Senior Member, IEEE) received
the B.Eng. degree in electronic engineering and the
M.Eng. degree in communication and information
engineering from the University of Science and Tech-
nology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, in 2002 and
2005, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in
information engineering from the Department of In-
formation Engineering, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, in 2008.
After studies, he joined the Communication Engi-
neering Department, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen,
China, where he is currently a Full Professor. From 2014 to 2015, he was a Visit-
ing Associate Professor with Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. He is the
pioneer of physical-layer network coding (PNC). He has authored or coauthored
more than 20 IEEE top journal papers and ACM top conference papers, including
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
interests include blockchain, PNC, and wireless networks.
Dr. Zhang servedas an Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECH-
NOLOGY,IEEE WirelessCommunications Letters,andIET Communications.He
has also served as a TPC member in several IEEE conferences.
... It has been established that the use of machine learning (ML) is reliable for network intrusion detection [9,10]. In addition, ML has recently emerged as a promising method for handling intricate data [11,12]. Furthermore, its extensive utilization in identifying anomalous network activities may be attributed to its ease of use and effectiveness [13][14][15]. ...
... Note that the highest results are shown in boldface. 5,6,7,8,9,13,14,15,17] GA [3,5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15,17] SCA [2,3,5,8,9,11,14,17] BA [0, 4,5,6,8,9,13,14,15,17] Our GSWO [0, 5,6,8,9,13,14 The findings are illustrated in Figure 10, which emanate from a comparative analysis involving the proposed GSWO algorithm and other prominent algorithms. GSWO takes advantage of the good exploitation capabilities of the conventional WOA, boosts global search capabilities through the parallel use of extra genetic operators, and strikes a balance between exploratory and exploitative tendencies. ...
Full-text available
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) rely heavily on effective feature selection (FS) for enhanced efficacy. This study proposes a novel approach called Genetic Sacrificial Whale Optimization (GSWO) to address the limitations of conventional methods. GSWO combines a genetic algorithm (GA) and whale optimization algorithms (WOA) modified by applying a new three-population division strategy with a proposed conditional inherited choice (CIC) to overcome premature convergence in WOA. The proposed approach achieves a balance between exploration and exploitation and enhances global search abilities. Additionally, the CatBoost model is employed for classification, effectively handling categorical data with complex patterns. A new technique for fine-tuning CatBoost’s hyperparameters is introduced, using effective quantization and the GSWO strategy. Extensive experimentation on various datasets demonstrates the superiority of GSWO-CatBoost, achieving higher accuracy rates on the WSN-DS, WSNBFSF, NSL-KDD, and CICIDS2017 datasets than the existing approaches. The comprehensive evaluations highlight the real-time applicability and accuracy of the proposed method across diverse data sources, including specialized WSN datasets and established benchmarks. Specifically, our GSWO-CatBoost method has an inference time nearly 100 times faster than deep learning methods while achieving high accuracy rates of 99.65%, 99.99%, 99.76%, and 99.74% for WSN-DS, WSNBFSF, NSL-KDD, and CICIDS2017, respectively.
... Numerous papers in the literature focus on the challenge of jamming attacks in the broad context of IoT and WSNs, offering various approaches to detect and mitigate them [102][103][104][105][106][107]. Turning our attention to the more specific domain of IoT localization systems, in [108], the authors introduce AS-DILOC, a consensus-based iterative distributed algorithm featuring an abandonment strategy to mitigate packet loss in communication links during DoS attacks. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the world, connecting billions of devices that offer assistance in various aspects of users’ daily lives. Context-aware IoT applications exploit real-time environmental, user-specific, or situational data to dynamically adapt to users’ needs, offering tailored experiences. In particular, Location-Based Services (LBS) exploit geographical information to adapt to environmental settings or provide recommendations based on users’ and nodes’ positions, thus delivering efficient and personalized services. To this end, there is growing interest in developing IoT localization systems within the scientific community. In addition, due to the sensitivity and privacy inherent to precise location information, LBS introduce new security challenges. To ensure a more secure and trustworthy system, researchers are studying how to prevent vulnerabilities and mitigate risks from the early design stages of LBS-empowered IoT applications. The goal of this study is to carry out an in-depth examination of localization techniques for IoT, with an emphasis on both the signal-processing design and security aspects. The investigation focuses primarily on active radio localization techniques, classifying them into range-based and range-free algorithms, while also exploring hybrid approaches. Next, security considerations are explored in depth, examining the main attacks for each localization technique and linking them to the most interesting solutions proposed in the literature. By highlighting advances, analyzing challenges, and providing solutions, the survey aims to guide researchers in navigating the complex IoT localization landscape.
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Cybersecurity challenges pose a significant threat to Healthcare Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) because they heavily rely on wireless communication. Particularly, jamming attacks can severely disrupt the integrity of these CPS networks. This research introduces a decentralized system to address this issue. Therefore, this paper suggested a system that leverages trust and blockchain technology to detect jamming attacks in healthcare CPS effectively. It proposes a layered model to improve CPS networks’ lifetime and performance. In smart healthcare environments, it ensures secure and reliable communication between sensor nodes, wearable sensors, medical devices, and monitoring systems. Results show that the suggested approach outperforms the baseline model in identifying and minimizing jamming assaults, with an average percentage difference of 15.71% more detection rate, 20.21% less packet loss rates, 16.65% less node-level energy consumption, reduced network latency of 8.29%, and 9.63% more network throughput.
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Many research efforts have gone into upgrading antiquated communication network infrastructures with better ones to support contemporary services and applications. Smart networks can adapt to new technologies and traffic trends on their own. Software-defined networking (SDN) separates the control plane from the data plane and runs programs in one place, changing network management. New technologies like SDN and machine learning (ML) could improve network performance and QoS. This paper presents a comprehensive research study on integrating SDN with ML to improve network performance and quality-of-service (QoS). The study primarily investigates ML classification methods, highlighting their significance in the context of traffic classification (TC). Additionally, traditional methods are discussed to clarify the ML outperformance observed throughout our investigation, underscoring the superiority of ML algorithms in SDN TC. The study describes how labeled traffic data can be used to train ML models for appropriately classifying SDN TC flows. It examines the pros and downsides of dynamic and adaptive TC using ML algorithms. The research also examines how ML may improve SDN security. It explores using ML for anomaly detection, intrusion detection, and attack mitigation in SDN networks, stressing the proactive threat-detection and response benefits. Finally, we discuss the SDN-ML QoS integration problems and research gaps. Furthermore, scalability and performance issues in large-scale SDN implementations are identified as potential issues and areas for additional research.
Healthcare Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are vulnerable to cyber risks due to their dependency on wireless communication. Due to its centralized safety features and limited security capabilities, CPS networks need help maintaining network and storage security. This paper suggests a jamming attack detection system for healthcare CPS based on trust and blockchain technology. The CPS and device layer and the fog layer are the two layers that make up the framework. In smart healthcare environments, it ensures secure and reliable communication between sensor nodes, wearable sensors, medical devices, and monitoring systems. The system uses blockchain technology for decentralized consensus, trust evaluation, and secure data management. Results show that the suggested approach successfully identifies and minimizes jamming assaults, with higher detection rates (i.e., 6.50–22.20%) and lower baseline packet loss rates (i.e., 3.90–33.30%).
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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs)-based internet of things (IoT) are among the fast booming technologies that drastically contribute to different systems management and resilience data accessibility. Designing a robust IoT network imposes some challenges, such as data trustworthiness (DT) and power management. This paper presents a repeated game model to enhance clustered WSNs-based IoT security and DT against the selective forwarding (SF) attack. Besides, the model is capable of detecting the hardware (HW) failure of the cluster members (CMs), preserving the network stability, and conserving the power consumption due to packet retransmission. The model relies on TDMA protocol to facilitate the detection process and to avoid collision between the delivered packets at the cluster head (CH). The proposed model aims to keep packets transmitting, isotropic or non-isotropic transmission, from the CMs to the CH for maximizing the DT and aims to distinguish between the malicious CM and the one suffering from HW failure. Accordingly, it can manage the consequently lost power due to the malicious attack effect or HW malfunction. Simulation results indicate the proposed mechanism improved performance with TDMA over six different environments against the SF attack that achieves the Pareto optimal DT as compared to a non-cooperative defense mechanism.
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Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services. Achieving this ambitious goal requires new radio techniques for adaptive learning and intelligent decision making because of the complex heterogeneous nature of the network structures and wireless services. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have great success in supporting big data analytics, efficient parameter estimation and interactive decision making. Hence, in this article, we review the thirty-year history of ML by elaborating on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning. Furthermore, we investigate their employment in the compelling applications of wireless networks, including heterogeneous networks (HetNets), cognitive radios (CR), Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine networks (M2M), and so on. This article aims for assisting the readers in clarifying the motivation and methodology of the various ML algorithms, so as to invoke them for hitherto unexplored services as well as scenarios of future wireless networks.
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This paper addresses the spectrum sensing problem in an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) system based on machine learning. To adapt to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) variations, we first formulate the sensing problem into a novel SNR-related multi-class classification problem. Then, we train a naive Bayes classifier (NBC), and propose a class-reduction assisted prediction method to reduce spectrum sensing time. We derive the performance bounds by translating the Bayes error rate into spectrum sensing error rate. Compared with the conventional methods, the proposed method is shown by simulation to achieve higher spectrum sensing accuracy, in particular at critical areas of low SNRs. It offers a potential solution to the hidden node problem.
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The rapid development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a significant incentive to contribute to vulnerable applications such as cognitive radio (CR). This paper proposes a Stackelberg game approach to enhance the WSN-based CR security against the spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attack and conserve the consequently lost power consumption. The attack aims to corrupt the spectrum decision by imposing interference power to the delivered reports from the sensor nodes (SNs) to the fusion center (FC) to make a protection level below a specific threshold. The proposed model utilizes the intelligent Stackelberg game features along with the matched filter (MF) to maximize the number of protected reports sent by the SNs to the FC leading to an accurate decision of the spectrum status. Furthermore, the TDMA protocol is utilized to resolve the complexity of employing MF for the spectrum detection to avoid the collision between the delivered reports. The proposed model aims to enhance the number of correctly received reports at the FC, and hence manage the lost energy of reports retransmission due to the malicious attack effect. Moreover, the model can conserve the lost power of the failed communication attempts due to the SSDF attack impact. Simulation results indicate the improved performance of the proposed protection model along with the MF over six different environments against the SSDF attack as compared to two defense schemes, namely, random and equal weight defense strategies.
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In the era of internet-of-things (IoT), many applications utilise wireless sensor networks (WSNs) including smart grids (SGs). Designing WSNs to fulfill the SGs requirements imposes some challenges such as limited power and signal propagation impairments, especially, in harsh environments. Consequently, saving power consumption in WSNs-based SGs is among the most significant challenges. The total power required at a certain sensor depends on two main parameters: the packet length and inter-node distance. This paper investigates the optimal packet length and inter-node distance to be utilised in a SG over six different environments aiming at maximising the network lifetime. The investigation is based on a link-layer model using Tmote Sky nodes taking into consideration the six environments impact. A mixed-integer programming (MIP) model is utilised to determine the best packet length and number of nodes for maximising the network lifetime. This model analyses the performance of maximum SG network lifetime over those environments and addresses the inter-node distance effect on the network lifetime maximisation. Simulation results show that decreasing the number of nodes covering a certain area is preferable to prolonging the network lifetime. Furthermore, for the considered models, the longer the packet length is, the longer the network lifetime will be.
In this paper, we study short-packet communications in wireless-powered cognitive Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks with multiple primary receivers (PRs). The considered system can be applied for small factory automations, where a source and multiple relays harvest energy from a multi-antenna dedicated power beacon (PB) to send short packets to a robot destination for controlling purposes under cognitive radio constraint imposed by PRs. We propose an opportunistic relay selection (ORS) scheme to maximize the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio in cognitive IoT systems. Closed-form expressions for the average block error rate (BLER) of the proposed system are obtained, based on which the performance floor analysis, goodput, and energy efficiency (EE) are also carried out. Relying on analytical results, we develop a deep learning framework for the BLER prediction with high accuracy and short execution time. Simulation results show the BLER, goodput, and EE improvements of the ORS scheme over conventional relay selection schemes. Moreover, the developed deep learning-based evaluation model achieves the equivalent performance as the ORS scheme in terms of BLER, goodput, and EE, while remarkably reducing the execution time in cognitive IoT systems.
This paper proposes a deep learning approach for identifying the ambient environment of smart vehicles. Without deploying any dedicated sensors, we exploit the available wireless channel measurements at the wireless receivers of smart vehicles to identify the surrounding environment so that smart vehicles can behave accordingly. We treat the environment identification problem as a multi-class classification problem and employ a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) to tackle it. The past observations of the estimated channel state information are used as the input features to train the DCNN. Then, the trained DCNN is deployed on vehicles to perform environment identifications. Our numerical results show that the proposed DCNN approach accurately identifies the surrounding environment and achieves the best classification performance compared to other rival machine learning approaches.
In cognitive radio systems, the ability to accurately detect primary user’s signal is essential to secondary user in order to utilize idle licensed spectrum. Conventional energy detector is a good choice for blind signal detection, while it suffers from the well-known SNR-wall due to noise uncertainty. In this letter, we firstly propose a deep learning based signal detector which exploits the underlying structural information of the modulated signals, and is shown to achieve the state of the art detection performance, requiring no prior knowledge about channel state information or background noise. In addition, the impacts of modulation scheme and sample length on performance are investigated. Finally, a deep learning based cooperative detection system is proposed, which is shown to provide substantial performance gain over conventional cooperative sensing methods.
Deep learning has achieved remarkable breakthroughs in the past decade across a wide range of application domains, such as computer games, natural language processing, pattern recognition, and medical diagnosis, to name a few. In this article, we investigate the application of deep learning techniques for wireless communication systems with a focus on energy efficiency optimization for distributed cooperative spectrum sensing. With the continuous development of today's technologies and user demands, wireless communication systems have become larger and more complex than ever, which introduces many critical challenges that the traditional approaches can no longer handle. We envision that deep learning based approaches will play a pivotal role in addressing many such challenges in the next-generation wireless communication systems. In this article, we focus on cognitive radio, a promising technology to improve spectrum efficiency, and develop deep learning techniques to optimize its spectrum sensing process. Specifically, we investigate the energy efficiency of distributed cooperative sensing by formulating it as a combinatorial optimization problem. Based on this formulation, we develop a deep learning framework by integrating graph neural network and reinforcement learning to improve the overall system energy efficiency. Simulation studies under different network scales demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.