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Our Collaborative Future: Activities and Roles of Stakeholders in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation



While stakeholders have long been at the forefront of sustainable development debates, the emphases have tended to be on different stakeholder pressures, or managing stakeholder expectations about controversial issues. In this paper we bring a fresh direction to these debates and ask in what ways different stakeholders can contribute to sustainable innovation in firms. Based on 80 semi-structured interviews, we conduct a fine-grained qualitative analysis of stakeholder activities in sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) processes in thirteen different companies across Europe. Our analysis identifies eight roles that stakeholders play in SOI processes: stimulator, initiator, broker/mediator, concept refiner, legitimator, educator, context enabler and impact extender. More traditional roles such as legitimator and educator are less common in our cases. However, emerging roles like the stimulator, concept refiner, context enabler and impact extender are clearly identifiable and could be particularly valuable for SOI. We enhance a collaborative perspective of stakeholder theory finding that stakeholders can play highly collaborative and proactive roles, and argue that secondary stakeholders may actually be more relevant for SOI than primary stakeholders.
Our Collaborative Future: Activities and Roles of
Stakeholders in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Jennifer Goodman,*Angelina Korsunova and Minna Halme
Management Studies, Aalto University, Business School
While stakeholders have long been at the forefront of sustainable development debates, the
emphases have tended to be on different stakeholder pressures, or managing stakeholder
expectations about controversial issues. In this paper we bring a fresh direction to these de-
bates and ask in what ways different stakeholders can contribute to sustainable innovation in
rms. Based on 80 semi-structured interviews, we conduct a ne-grained qualitative analysis
of stakeholder activities in sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) processes in 13 different
companies across Europe. Our analysis identies eight roles that stakeholders play in SOI
processes: stimulator, initiator, broker/mediator, concept rener, legitimator, educator, con-
text enabler and impact extender. More traditional roles such as legitimator and educator are
less common in our cases. However, emerging roles such as stimulator, concept rener,
context enabler and impact extender are clearly identiable and could be particularly valuable
for SOI. We enhance a collaborative perspective of stakeholder theory, nding that stake-
holders can play highly collaborative and proactive roles, and argue that secondary stake-
holders may actually be more relevant for SOI than primary stakeholders. Copyright ©
2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment
Received 22 February 2016; revised 26 September 2016; accepted 4 October 2016
Keywords: stakeholder theory; innovation; sustainable development; stakeholder engagement; sustainable innovation;
challenges many contemporary business practices. From an organizational perspective, stakeholders and
innovation are at the heart of this challenge. This is because, rst, moving toward sustainable development
calls for innovation: minor adjustments in business as usual are not sufcient. Second, the content of sus-
tainabilitycannot be dened and decided upon by company managers alone: it is a multi-dimensional concept, the
content of which needs to be continuously negotiated between the multiple stakeholders concerned (Hall and
Vredenburg, 2003). In this paper we bring these essential aspects together by focusing on collaboration between
*Correspondence to: Goodman, Jennifer, Management Studies, Aalto University, Business School
E-mail jennifer.goodman@aalto.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment
Business Strategy and the Environment
Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/bse.1941
companies and their stakeholders in sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) processes, and asking in what ways
stakeholders can contribute to innovation aimed at creating new, more socially and/or environmentally sustainable
products or services.
Stakeholder engagement has a variety of different meanings and uses in the literature (Greenwood, 2007). A
common focus of stakeholder engagement is the differing interests between companies and a stakeholder group,
to the extent that stakeholder theory is assumed to be about managing potential conict stemming from divergent
interests(Frooman, 1999: 193). Stakeholder engagement research often focuses on multi-stakeholder initiatives,
partnerships and platforms (Mena and Palazzo, 2012; Rasche, 2012; Selsky and Parker, 2005) and on processes
where stakeholders are relatively distant from the strategic core of a company (Laplume et al., 2008). Our paper goes
beyond these typical foci to the heart of product and service innovation. Traditionally seen as a companys internal
remit, recent trends in innovation suggest that there is value in exploring wider partner networks (Baldwin and von
Hippel, 2011; Chesbrough et al., 2006; Kazadi et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2012; Schaltegger and Wagner, 2011). Under-
standing stakeholder engagement in a broad sense as the interaction with, and/or involvement of, stakeholders in a
positive way in the activities of an organization (Ayuso et al., 2011; Greenwood, 2007), we examine what deeper
forms of stakeholder engagement there are in SOI, and in what ways stakeholders can contribute to such innova-
tion. Thus, we respond to calls for research into the changing roles of different stakeholders in the transformation
to a sustainability-focused society (Hines and Marin, 2004), and for unusual and positive cases of stakeholder inclu-
sion, and opportunities for innovation through bringing together diverse stakeholders (Laplume et al., 2008).
Given that stakeholder engagement in new product development for sustainability is an understudied phenom-
enon (Driessen and Hillebrand, 2013), a qualitative approach is appropriate for exploring the different ways in which
stakeholders can contribute (Yin, 2009) to SOI. We follow a multiple case study approach and investigate 13 success-
ful SOI processes from nine European countries. The cases were identied through an extensive search for business
rms where stakeholders were actively involved in creative innovation activities (Piller et al., 2011). While this prac-
tice is still rare, collaboration with different stakeholders has been hailed as a new paradigm in innovation (Lee et al.,
2012), providing a valuable and untapped research setting particularly relevant to our common future.
While a unied denition of sustainable innovationdoes not yet exist (Perl-Vorbach et al., 2014), for the pur-
poses of this paper we dene sustainable innovation as a new or signicantly improved product or service whose
implementation in the market solves or alleviates an environmental or a social problem (Bos-Brouwers, 2010;
Halme and Korpela, 2014). Due to the newness of many of the innovations in the cases, it was too early to assess
their actual impact on sustainable development. Thus, a key qualier for including an innovation in the sample
was that the rm had the intention of developing a product or service that contributes to environmental and/or social
sustainability. We therefore use the term sustainability-oriented innovationor SOI.
Responding to the calls for bridging stakeholder theory with other organization theories and in new empirical
contexts (Freeman et al., 2010; Laplume et al., 2008; Steurer, 2006), we bring a fresh direction to stakeholder theory
by inspecting innovation practices through a stakeholder lens and identifying different stakeholder roles. Building
on the work of Mead (1934) and Biddle (1986), we dene roleas a pattern of actions that becomes apparent during
the process of innovation and that is affected by both the attributes of the stakeholder (e.g. whether it is primary or
secondary to the company) and the context, which in our study is SOI. We nd that stakeholders can have a multi-
tude of roles, some of which can be highly proactive, and we provide empirical support for previous claims (Hall and
Martin, 2005; Hall and Wagner, 2012; Hart and Sharma, 2004) that secondary stakeholders are potentially more
relevant than their primary counterparts in SOI.
Next we review stakeholder theory in the context of sustainability and explore the literature on open innovation
and more specically SOI. We then discuss our data and method, after which we present our ndings and propo-
sitions. The following section discusses the implications of our research and avenues for future research.
Stakeholders And Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Stakeholder theory represents a shift in worldview from managing the business rm for the benet of purely its
shareholders, to following a management strategy which creates value for a wider group of stakeholders (Freeman,
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
1984; Freeman and Reed, 1983). Stakeholder theory is therefore well placed as a theoretical lens for examining SOI,
which, by its very nature, affects other stakeholders through its inherent social and environmental impact (Bos-
Brouwers, 2010; Halme and Korpela, 2014).
One of the key themes in the stakeholder engagement literature is the focus on different types of stakeholder and
their attributes (Frooman, 1999). While several classications of stakeholder exist (Driessen and Hillebrand, 2013;
Laplume et al., 2008; Phillips, 2003), we follow the widely accepted division into primary and secondary stake-
holders, who can indirectly inuence or be inuenced by the rm (Clarkson, 1995; Eesley and Lenox, 2006;
Freeman, 1984; Hall and Martin, 2005). We use the term secondary stakeholders to refer to parties such as civil so-
ciety organizations (CSOs), public authorities and academic institutions. Particular attention has been given to pri-
mary stakeholders such as shareholders, employees and suppliers, while a large body of research has developed
around multi-stakeholder platforms and initiatives (Mena and Palazzo, 2012; Rasche, 2012) and cross-sector part-
nerships (Selsky and Parker, 2005) to engage secondary stakeholders. However, much of this work is outward
looking and tends to explore differing interests and how to resolve them rather than the interaction with, and in-
volvement of, stakeholders in a positive way in the core activities of organizations (Clarkson, 1995; Eesley and Lenox,
2006; Greenwood, 2007).
The innovation literature has also shown interest in a diverse range of stakeholders. Firms have been typ-
ically viewed as innovating in their laboratories and through formal, internal R&D processes. However, this
closed view of innovation has increasingly been challenged by alternative innovation paradigms such as open
innovation (Chesbrough, 2003; Gassmann et al., 2010), user innovation (von Hippel, 2009), co-creation
(Kazadi et al., 2016; Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004) and co-innovation (Lee et al., 2012). These new para-
digms require business rms to be more open to collaboration with both primary and secondary stakeholders,
because it is not always clear which stakeholders might possess the necessary knowledge. Primary stakeholders
have been acknowledged as potential sources of innovation, with knowledge providers ranging from suppliers
(Li and Vanhaverbeke, 2009; Schiele, 2010) to customers (Joshi and Sharma, 2004), to consultants
(Gemünden et al., 1996) and even to competitors (Lim et al., 2010). Research on innovation collaboration with
secondary stakeholders is scarce and is predominantly focused on universities and research institutes
(Cassiman et al., 2010).
Usually collaboration with stakeholders is understood as the collection of stakeholderssuggestions, which are
taken into account in decision-making (Luyet et al., 2012). By collaborative innovation we refer more specically
to more active involvement and creative activities of stakeholders, which need to be structured and facilitated by
companies (Piller et al., 2011). We also recognize that the idea of collaboration emphasizes its evolving nature, joint
decision-making approach and sustained dialogue to advance a shared vision (Gray, 1985; Selin and Chevez, 1995).
Still, the kinds of activity and role stakeholders take in collaboration with companies in SOI remains underexplored.
We respond by asking in what ways stakeholders can contribute to innovation aimed at creating new, more socially
and/or environmentally sustainable products or services.
The open innovation literature has shown some stakeholders to take brokering and intermediating roles (How-
ells, 2006), and developed the notion of an architector co-creator role (Agogué et al., 2013). From a network per-
spective, researchers have explored existing literature to detail the contributions of both primary and secondary
stakeholders to innovation at the commercialization stage of the innovation process (Aarikka-Stenroos et al.,
2014) or developed congurations of specic stakeholders for innovation (Gemünden et al., 1996). However, this
literature on open innovation in a collaborative context is still lacking an extensive understanding of the different
activities and roles a variety of stakeholders can play throughout the whole innovation process in multiple national
Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
The increasingly complex environment facing business rms, such as the constraints of the critical issues of climate
change and natural resource depletion, have led rms to look towards innovation for sustainability (Dangelico, 2015;
Perl-Vorbach et al., 2014). Recent literature on sustainable development has suggested that stakeholders have a key
role to play in helping business rms address social and environmental challenges and in driving innovation to-
wards the development of sustainable products, services and business models (Ayuso et al., 2011; Lee and Kim,
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
2011; Slotegraaf, 2012). Compared with regular innovation processes, innovating for sustainable development is
usually more complex and ambiguous due to the wide range of stakeholders it has to consider, and their often con-
tradictory demands (Driessen and Hillebrand, 2013; Hall and Vredenburg, 2003). Eco-innovations often reveal tech-
nological uncertainties, and require fundamental changes to raw materials and to the whole set of services being
provided (De Marchi, 2012).
Specic studies of stakeholders in sustainability innovation are rare, although the presence of stakeholders is
noted in the sustainability innovation literature (Hall and Wagner, 2012; Schaltegger and Wagner, 2011), and the
engagement of stakeholders is claimed to improve a rms sustainable innovation orientation (Ayuso et al., 2011).
To our knowledge this topic has been only addressed in a few empirical studies, which involve small samples of
a single or up to four cases (Driessen and Hillebrand, 2013; Hall and Martin, 2005; Holmes and Smart, 2009;
Lee and Kim, 2011). These studies indicate that there is potential for different stakeholders to play valuable roles
in the innovation process (Driessen and Hillebrand, 2013).
We adopt a commonly used representation of the innovation process with four main stages: ideation, develop-
ment, commercialization and post-launch (Hoyer et al., 2010). Although we recognize that the innovation process
may be cyclical as well as linear (Cooper, 2008), we utilize the aforementioned stages of innovation as a background
for analysing stakeholder involvement in the SOI process.
Existing studies have made some preliminary claims suggesting that secondary stakeholders contribute to innovation
in different ways: CSOs have potential for collaborating with business rms to innovate for social good (Holmes and
Smart, 2009) or to offer complementary resources, which can accelerate innovation and add legitimacy (Yaziji,
2004). The single case study by Hall and Martin (2005) focusing on the conictive role of secondary stakeholders and
their disruptive effect on a rms familiar innovation routines indicates that, despite the ambiguity and complexity of
dealing with secondary stakeholders, collaborating with salient secondary stakeholders leads to more radical innovations.
Data and Method
Given that previous studies have only scratched the surface of stakeholder engagement in new product development
for sustainability (Driessen and Hillebrand, 2013), a qualitative approach is ideal as it allows detailed analysis of col-
laboration between rms and their stakeholders (Denzin and Lincoln, 2000; Yin, 2009).
In order to build theory on the nascent phenomenon of stakeholder collaboration in SOI, we employ a multiple case
study design (Eisenhardt, 1989; Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007) using purposeful sampling to identify cases (Patton,
1990) where business rmshad engaged stakeholders inan innovation process aimed at a new or improved sustainable
product or service. We use collaborative innovation with end users as a proxy for openness in innovation and therefore
their inclusion was a prerequisite for case selection. Cases were required to have the intention of contributing to social
and/or environmental sustainability through four domains: energy, living, mobility and food, and to be occurring in
established business rms. Our sample primarily consists of SOI in large companies
across four regions of Europe
Nordics and Central, Eastern and Southern Europe to include contextual variation between countries.
An extensive desk-based search was necessary to identify the cases because the practice of engaging stakeholders
in SOI is still rare. This search included databases such as Forbes Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations and
Global 100 Most Innovative Companies, as well as examples solicited from experts in the eld such as local innova-
tion fund agencies in each country. This led to an initial sample group of 147 cases, which was then narrowed down
using the abovementioned criteria into SOI processes in 13 different rms from nine European countries (Table 1).
Data Collection
We used a variety of qualitative and quantitative sources to generate thick case descriptions and to triangulate re-
sponses. First, we developed interview protocols for companies and for stakeholders, which were developed with
Company size is dened according to the European Union categorization for companies based on the number of employees (micro, <10; small,
<50; medium, <250; large, >250).
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Company description Sustainability innovation Involved stakeholders Process in brief
A2A (Italy, large)
energy supplier
in Northern Italy:
heat and electricity
productservice innovation
energy management
application for new-
generation integrated
home appliances
(consumption managed
via integrated Wi-Fi
connection to home
university; home appliances
partnering company;
end users
Wanting to develop an energy management
application for integrated home appliances,
A2A contacts the technical university to
connect with the home appliances company,
which is already a close partner of the
university. The home appliances company
provides appliances for testing the new
application in local households, and runs
most of the testing with households. The
university designs written communication
with households simplifying technical
language, and develops hardware such as
a generator.
Big E* (UK, large)
energy supplier:
electricity and heat
productservice innovation municipality; university;
market research company;
technology specialists;
end users
Big E enters a partnership with the local
municipality to ensure trust from locals while
searching for households to test their newly
developed smart control system. Household
users provide feedback on the tested system
during in-home interviews and a focus group.
The Open University helps to deepen users
understanding during testing by applying
participatory methods in discussions.
smart control system for
solar power in households
*case anonymized
at company request
BMW (Germany, large) product and hybrid innovations
(related services and products)
municipalities; end users;
universities; innovation
agency; external experts
on megacity mobility
In order to develop an electric vehicle, BMW
co-operates with an open innovation agency
to set up a co-creation lab. This lab is the
focus point of a contest set up to capture
ideas on future mobility solutions from
outside BMW. Simultaneously, eld trials
are set up in several countries to explore
customersattitudes to such products, to
get feedback on usability and technical
issues, and in a third phase to explore
more specic cases such as long-distance
driving. These eld trials are conducted in
collaboration with municipalities, universities,
research institutes and other specialist
knowledge partners.
automobile manufacturer
the groupsrst mass-
produced electric vehicle
BMW i3
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Company description Sustainability innovation Involved stakeholders Process in brief
EcoVeritas (Spain, medium) production innovation, potential
for business model innovation
CSOs; end users; customer
insight agency
End users challenge EcoVeritas about food
wastage. Co-creation workshops are set up
after discussions between the CEO of the
company and a foundation specialized in
educating and promoting healthy eating.
These workshops help to develop recipes
and ideas for new products made of
seasonal food that was still good to eat but
that cannot be sold. A CSO also collaborates
to integrate mentally and physically
handicapped people into the production
process. In stores, staff help to educate and
get feedback from customers about new
retailer of organic food
Cuina Veritas is a project for
new products from
unattractive but high
quality fruit and vegetables
that consumers reject and
which are wasted
Fiskars (Finland, large) product innovation CSOs; end users; gardening
schools; consumer
insights agency
Fiskars R&D personnel study contemporary
gardening trends by observing users. They
come up with an idea for indoor gardening
and set out to develop a product, hiring an
agency to run user focus groups in early
and late stages of the product development.
Gardening schools help to test the
equipment and bloggers make the product
known among users.
indoor gardening device for
herbs with integrated
LED light
gardening and household
tool manufacturer
Frosta (Poland, large) product innovation universities; public health
institutions; end users;
Marine Stewardship
Council (MSC); consumer
The Polish branch of Frosta hires an agency
to conduct a survey of end user expectations
concerning additive-free frozen products.
Thanks to encouraging survey results they
develop additive-free recipes for frozen sh
meals and test them during workshops with
famous chefs and food bloggers. The local
public health institution publishes a
dictionary of common food additives to
educate the public. As part of internships,
university students organize events in the
local stores with support from MSC to
communicate with end users and explain
the benets of additive-free food.
producer of frozen
sh, seafood and
frozen meals
new additive-free recipes for
frozen sh and seafood
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Company description Sustainability innovation Involved stakeholders Process in brief
HSL (Finland, large) service innovation university; end users; local
trafc agency; spin-off
A university professor suggests the DRT
system to HSL. Development receives
funding through a municipal innovation
competition. HSL focuses on service
development, while researchers develop the
software. HSL collects end user ideas on
how they would utilize DRT service in their
everyday lives. The university mediates end
user integration to ne-tune the service.
demand-responsive mini-bus
transportation (DRT)
service, Kutsuplus,
that complements
other types of public transport
provider of public
IKEA (Poland, large) product innovation municipality; end users;
customer insight agency;
partnering rm
(waste sector)
Because of new legislation in Poland on
waste segregation, IKEA introduces
segregation kits for households. To better
understand the reality of typical Polish
households, IKEA practices home visits to
observe kitchens and under-sink spaces.
Customer insight agency helps to design
questions and agenda for home visits. IKEA
store customers propose to add stickers to
the kits to make sorting easier. To further
encourage waste recycling, IKEA builds a
rst recycling station in Poland near its
store in partnership with Warsaw
municipality and a recycling company, Stena.
a novel segregation kit for
household waste
separation adjusted
specically to the
conditions of typical
Polish homes with scarce
under-sink space
retailer that designs
and sells ready-to-
assemble furniture
JCDecauxVélib(France, large) productservice innovation municipality; end users;
start-up communications
company; cycling
JCDecaux enters into a partnership with the
City of Paris to develop a zero carbon cycle
share system for the city in return for
outdoor advertising rights. JCDecaux
builds on its experience with smaller systems
in other cities by observing the behaviour of
users. At the request of the municipality an
end user committee is set up with
volunteers who meet with JCDecaux and the
City of Paris to discuss new ideas and
service extensions and to trial new
innovations. Cycling associations are involved
by the municipality to improve the
infrastructure and facilitate cycle use. A
start-up focused on sustainability promotes
the use of Véliband helps to create a
sustainable community around it.
largest self-service bicycle
sharing system in the
outdoor advertising
and street furniture
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Company description Sustainability innovation Involved stakeholders Process in brief
Rockwool (Denmark, large) product innovation CSO; end users; universities Together with a CSOs innovation director the
prototype coordinator from Rockwool invents
an idea for refugee shelters made out of
stone wool. The CSO supports the innovation
process, and facilitates rapid prototyping and
testing of shelters with the guests of a local
rock music festival, organized by the CSO.
a stone wool housing shelter
for refugee camps:
protects from heat and
cold, reduces the noise
level when inside, re
manufacturer of innovative
products based on stone
Skanska (Finland, large) product innovation municipality; end users;
university; customer
insight agency;
partnering rms
Skanska hires an agency to run end user online
focus groups on affordable and comfortable
housing development. IKEA helps to design
optimal standardized solutions for kitchens
and storage to t compact-sized apartments.
University (Hanken) organizes a workshop
to increase the understanding of the
innovative project among involved
stakeholders. As a result, the City of Vantaa
helps to nd at plots for construction,
which allows a reduction in building costs.
affordable and comfortable
housing for low income
families who want to own
their home. Functional
(eco-efcient) layouts,
common spaces and
proximity to public
construction company,
builds residential homes
and blocks of ats
Unilever (Spain, large) business model innovation CSO; municipality; end
users; recruitment
Drawing on the success of Asian Unilever
micro-entrepreneurship initiatives for food
deliveries, Unilever decides to design an
innovative business model for mobile
vending of ice cream with low carbon
emission vehicles in Southern Europe to
tackle local unemployment problems.
Spanish municipalities help in negotiating
permits to deploy the initiative in their
towns. A CSO specializing in integration
of high risk exclusion groups (e.g.
immigrants) assists in identifying the
eventual participants for the initiative, who
later became the micro-entrepreneurs.
one of the worlds leading
fast-moving consumer
goods companies
reducing youth
unemployment through a
new retail business model:
the mobile vending ice
cream, using low carbon
emission vehicles and
providing micro-
opportunities to
unemployed; bulk ice
cream is sold by Unilever
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Company description Sustainability innovation Involved stakeholders Process in brief
Verbund (Austria, large) service and business model
end users; research
company; customer
insight agency;
partnering rms
Verbund enters into partnership with multiple
Austrian companies and institutions to
receive funding for e-mobility from the
Climate and Energy Fund. The innovation
agency collaborates with Verbund to
conduct a lead user study to benet the
development of an innovative business
model for e-vehicle services. Verbund and
the project partners implement a pilot run
to test hardware and software solutions
developed with real customers and analyse
their feedback on usability, customer offers
and use cases.
electricity company
specializing in
a nationwide network of
charging stations for
e-vehicles, a exible
system of related services
via mobile apps; all energy
for charging is 100%
Table 1. Case companies and sustainability innovation processes in brief
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
a prioriconsideration of theory (Eisenhardt, 1989). Questions for rms asked for details of the typical and specic
innovation process, the barriers and facilitators arising during the SOI process, the tools used and the different
stakeholders involved. Questions for stakeholders asked for details of their collaboration in the SOI process, the
motivators and barriers, the outcomes of their collaboration and any tensions that were faced. The protocols were
used to conduct a total of 80 semi-structured interviews. Each case included interviews with one to four company
representatives knowledgeable about, and involved in, the SOI process (e.g. project manager, head of R&D depart-
ment), and with up to eight stakeholders involved in the innovation process (e.g. public authority, CSO, end user).
Interviews lasted between 15 and 120 min with an average of 60 min and were conducted face to face or by video or
phone call; they were recorded and later transcribed and translated, when necessary, to English (Table 2)
Second, we utilized desk research to gather data such as press releases, news and blogs related to the innovation.
These different data sources enabled us to triangulate the interview responses with external documents and formed
the basis of the within-case reports that we developed for each innovation (Eisenhardt, 1989).
Data Analysis
The unit of analysis for our research was the product or service innovation process. Our case reports had 3050 pages
according to a standard reporting structure to facilitate comparability between cases (Eisenhardt, 1989). We took an
iterative approach to the data analysis, moving between theory and the case reports to identify emerging patterns in
the data. A coding process was then undertaken using NVivo 10. We began a rst order analysis (Gioia et al., 2013)
of the case reports by using an open coding technique (Strauss and Corbin, 1998) to identify all the different stake-
holders involved in the SOI process, the different activities these stakeholders undertook and the stage in the innova-
tion process where the activities occurred (ideation, product development, commercialization, post-launch). The
analysis was discussed on a regular basis between the three authors and all the authors were familiar with all the cases.
During the process of identifying the different activities, a number of more generic activity categories began to
emerge from the original codes, and the different activities were grouped under these broader activity categories.
The categories led to a second order analysis (Gioia et al., 2013) as stakeholder roles, or patterns of actions that became
apparent as the innovation process evolved, began to emerge from the data. We used a matrix analysis to compare the
emerging roles with the activity categories and found that there was a strong match between them. This enabled us to
extend the activity categories into stakeholder roles, which were discussed, dened and redened by the three authors
and triangulated with the original emerging roles until they became distinct, resulting in eight different roles.
Company name Interviews with company representatives Interviews with stakeholders Total
A2A 1 5 6
Big E 4 3 7
BMW 4 3 7
EcoVeritas 3 2 5
Fiskars 2 5 7
Frosta 2 1 3
HSL 1 2 3
IKEA 4 0 4
Rockwool 3 8 11
Skanska 3 7 10
Unilever 2 4 6
Verbund 2 4 6
Total 33 47 80
Table 2. Interview sources
The length of the case reports varied according to the complexity of the cases.
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Our analysis revealed eight stakeholder roles that emerged from the generic activity categories. Table 3 summarizes
the roles, the generic activity categories that inform the roles, and the individual activities from the rst order cod-
ing. Our cases demonstrated that stakeholders may have several roles at different stages of the innovation process
and that there are roles that bridge a number of different stages. The prevalence of each of the roles among the dif-
ferent stakeholders is shown in Table 4.
The stakeholder roles that emerged from our analysis are presented in the following subsections, focusing on
rst proactive stakeholder roles, then reactive roles and nally those that could be either of the two. We then go
on to specify which stakeholders take the different roles. Proactivity here refers to the initiative of the activity coming
from the stakeholder and is exemplied by the stimulator, initiator and impact extender roles. In contrast, the roles
of legitimator, educator and concept rener show how stakeholders can be reactive to a request for engagement by
the rm, whereby the rm continues to be more dominant. Thus we differentiate between the proactive and reactive
nature of the different stakeholder roles. We use examples from the cases to provide illustrative descriptions in each
Proactive Roles
The stimulator role refers to a stakeholder role involving a call for ideas or offer of initial funding to resolve a
social or environmental issue that sets the innovation in motion. Our ndings imply an important proactive role
for public authorities in stimulating sustainability innovation in companies. This role was identied in four dif-
ferent cases, and each time was played by the public authority. The specic activities involved a government or
municipality calling for ideas or proposals and/or offering funding to support the stated project. In the case of
Vélib, it was the project of the Mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoë, to greenthe city and his call for proposals
to provide a zero carbon, cycle share project in return for the outdoor advertising contract for the capital that
stimulated Vélib.
The Austrian government offered funding for developing electric powered mobility solutions: the call for appli-
cationswhich was very well funded with 12 million euros, has triggered us, and also other companies, to gain mo-
mentum to focus on the topic, simply because the situation was very attractive due to public funding(Project
Leader, Verbund). Kutsuplus was developed by HSL as a result of winning the prize of Helsinki Citys Innovation
Fund. Finally, in the A2A Smart Domo case, Italys Economic Development Ministry called for research into
innovative technology solutions in the electricity sector.
This role comprises initiating, inspiring and/or generating the idea for the innovation. A stakeholder assuming the
initiator role may also be actively involved at later stages of the innovation process. Here we stress the importance of
the stakeholder being known, rather than an anonymous suggestion, e.g. through an idea competition, because in
the cases it led to active collaboration in the ensuing innovation development. In Kutsuplus, a university professor
initiated a project around demand-responsive transport (DRT) due to his personal research interests. After the ini-
tiation, the professor, his team and the academic institution played an ongoing role in the innovation process as a
broker/mediator and concept rener.
In the Rockwool case, the ideation took place during personal discussions between Rockwools prototype co-
ordinator and the innovation director of Orange Innovation (OI), a CSO. Esben and I connected very well, we
have some crazy ideas both. We were standing by the coffee machine and just talking, and then suddenly we
had an idea(Prototype Coordinator, Rockwool). While drawing on Rockwools experience of making insulation
materials for buildings, the CSOs experience with societal issues steered the discussion towards sustainability.
The end result was a housing shelter innovation for refugee camps aimed at resolving issues such as re-safety,
comfort and the possibility of re-using shelter parts in the (re-) construction of permanent housing in disaster
relief areas. OI went on to play further roles in the innovation process as broker/mediator, concept rener
and impact extender.
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Role Activity category Activity Stakeholder Stage
Stimulator Initial funding or
call for proposals
city put out call for
public ideation
ideas competition for
public ideation
project funded by Austrian
public ideation
provided initial call and
public ideation
Initiator Inspiring and
generating ideas
informal conversation
around the coffee machine
CSO ideation
professor had the idea academic ideation
Broker/mediator Integrating other
initiative for implementing
lead user study
business development
enabled user integration for
product development
CSO development
facilitated participatory
data analysis
academic development
identied pool of recruits
and ran cocreation
CSO development
mediated between project
academic development
organized multi-stakeholder
academic commercialization
outreach to refugee
academic development
collaboration to develop
user integration
business development
set up and mediated user
public commercialization
tracking and analysis of
user experiences
business development
trained end users to
participate in testing
business development
Organizing testing,
pilots and trials
and collecting
conducted interviews with
1000 people
business ideation
planned and organized
focus group interviews
academic development
gathered consumer feedback business development
designed and implemented
eld trials
academic development
end user research through
interviews and focus
business development
implemented ideas contest business development
interviews with trial
business development
moderated and gathered
business development
organized and carried out
consumer research
business development
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Role Activity category Activity Stakeholder Stage
organized workshops and
collected feedback
CSO development
launched and ran technical pilot business development
qualitative interviews carried out business development
Concept rener Developing technical
architectural design business development
developed hardware solutions business development
developed smart appliances business development
developed apps end user development
developed software business development
product range development with
CSO development
contributed design expertise business development
on-going product and materials
academic development
produced pre-manufactured
business development
researched specialized areas academic development
designed usability test academic development
on-going design improvements CSO development
Participating in testing,
pilots, trials and giving
discussion and feedback on ideas CSO development
brainstorming and future
end user development
gave feedback through blogs,
focus groups and surveys
end user development
made suggestions for product
end user development
gave feedback on challenges and
end user development
discussions about ideas and
CSO development
concerns, information and
satisfaction given
end user development
shared needs and expectations end user development
gave feedback and ideas end user development
shared ideas in surveys and on
the website
end user commercialization
participation in lead user study end user development
gave input in pilot study end user development
feedback posted on blogs end user development
shared experiences in workshop end user development
participated in usability test end user development
tested and shared feedback end user development
participated in trial end user development
tested and provided feedback end user development
feedback on product appearance
and motivations for purchasing
end user development
gave feedback and commented
on product
end user development
Legitimator Assuring and promoting
the brand
well known chef conducted
workshop with bloggers
celebrity development
end user commercialization
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Role Activity category Activity Stakeholder Stage
shared knowledge on social
networks and acted as product
and service ambassadors
enhanced brand reputation CSO commercialization
partnered to gain trust CSO development
logo used on letter to gain
public development
presented the initiative to the
academic commercialization
Educator Providing information and
launched educational
consumer campaign
CSO commercialization
educational events academic commercialization
prepared and simplied
technical information
academic commercialization
prepared and published e-book
with advice on segregating
business commercialization
ran the blog and attended
user committee
business commercialization
nutrition and additives
academic commercialization
described food additives in a
professional way
public commercialization
Context enabler Dealing with infrastructure
and regulation
transport and infrastructure
public development
assisted with building
regulations and permits
public development
set up recycling collection
business and public commercialization
negotiated and obtained
public development
arranged regulatory issues
and permits
public development
installed facilities and
provided infrastructure
business development
Impact extender Extending and increasing
usage and impact
community management and
business post-launch
discussion to extend product
use into different sector
CSO commercialization
offered reward points for
other sustainable lifestyle
products and services
business post-launch
integrated mentally and
physically handicapped
business development
created platforms to have a
more transformational
public ideation
used brand image, marketing
and sales channel
business commercialization
Table 3. Coding outcomes for roles, activity categories, activities, stakeholders and stages
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Impact extender
Stakeholders in the impact extender role promote increased use of the product or service and may work to extend
impacts to other areas of sustainable lifestyles. An example of this extension would be moving the impact from a
focus on sustainable mobility to include healthier and more sustainable eating. This role emerged across the differ-
ent stages of innovation and was the only role to be observed at all four of the stages. Our ndings show that ve of
the six stakeholders who took this role, whether primary or secondary, had an orientation towards social and/or en-
vironmental sustainability.
At Rockwool, OI was proactive in suggesting an extension of the shelterssocial impact by using them as refugee
housing: We both had an interest in developing [the product] not only for the festival, but as a bigger product(Di-
rector of Innovation, OI). In the Unilever case, the public authority helped to move the innovation towards more
signicant social outcomes: Three types of platforms were created to gather input and insights on how the program
could further develop on the employability side, to achieve greater social and sustainable impact(Communications
and International Relations Director, Municipality). This role also clearly emerged in the case of the collaboration of
Vélibwith CitéGreen: Vélibwas already very good, we just wanted tocatalyse or accelerate adoption. Its not
thanks to CitéGreen that the service is working, its thanks to CitéGreen that the community has accelerated its
use(Co-Founder, CitéGreen).
Not only did CitéGreen encourage greater usage of Vélib, but it extended the impact from the domain of mobility
into other lifestyle areas. A reward points system enabled users to purchase other sustainable living products and
services such as organic food or cosmetics. This role also appears in the case of EcoVeritas, where the environmental
impact of reducing food wastage was extended to a social impact whereby handicapped people were integrated into
the production process.
The three roles identied above emerge at different stages of the SOI process. However, close analysis of the
cases and the stakeholdersactivities in these roles revealed that the initiative of each activity came from the stake-
holder rather than as a reaction to a request from the rm. The existence of a proactive stance taken by stakeholders
is clear in all three of these roles. On the other hand, the legitimator, educator and concept rener roles were fully
reactive to rm requests. The broker/mediator and context enabler roles contained some examples of stakeholder
proactivity and are discussed in more detail in the next sections. However, most of the activities within the two latter
roles were reactive. This leads us to our rst proposition.
Proposition 1. In SOI, stakeholder roles can range from reactive to highly proactive. Stimulator, initiator and impact
extender are intrinsically proactive roles.
Furthermore, within the three proactive roles, our analysis revealed an impact extender role for stakeholders with
the attribute of having a sustainability focus. This was clearly evident in the extension of impact into other areas of
sustainable lifestyles described above. The role is found across ve different cases, and is the only role to appear at
all four stages of the innovation process.
Proposition 2. The impact extender role is pertinent to SOI. This role is assumed by sustainability-focused stakeholders
that seek to widen the social or environmental benets of the innovation.
CSO Academic institution Public authority End users Business Celebrity Total Cases
Stimulator 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 4/13
Initiator 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2/13
Broker/mediator 3 6 1 0 13 0 23 13/13
Concept rener 4 3 0 19 6 0 32 13/13
Legitimator 2 1 1 1 0 1 6 4/13
Educator 1 3 1 0 2 0 7 4/13
Context enabler 0 0 5 0 2 0 7 5/13
Impact extender 1 0 1 0 4 0 6 5/13
Table 4. Prevalence of roles among different stakeholder groups
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Reactive Roles
Concept rener
Stakeholders in the concept rener role give feedback and technical expertise to make the product/service more at-
tractive to a wider range of end users. In contrast to the literature suggesting a highly collaborative role for end users
in innovation (Baldwin and von Hippel, 2011; von Hippel, 2009), we found a more limited role, where end user
stakeholders were mainly involved in participating in testing and giving feedback. Both secondary and other pri-
mary stakeholders frequently undertook activities related to developing technical aspects.
End users primarily offered incremental feedback. They lacked expert knowledge to be at the front end of more
novel innovation. Instead, their inputs were relevant for making the nal product more acceptable to other end
users. We would show the oor plansand people would suggest that OK, well the entrance was good but there
were too many doors and [the] walk-in closet shouldnt be there, it should be next to the bedroom”’ (Market and Con-
sumer Analyst, Skanska). Lack of expert knowledge was one of the main challenges to integrating end users in the
SOI processes reported in the cases. Expertise such as the CSOs in-depth knowledge about nutrition innovation in
the case of EcoVeritas, or the partnership with Green Wave Reality to develop smart home technologies in the case
of the Big E, were essential to the development of the innovations.
While incremental, the inputs of end users could still be crucial for the success of the innovation in the market.
This applies to providing early feedback on innovation concepts, as well as engaging end users at the commercial-
ization stage for shaping marketing communication. In the case of developing the DRT service Kutsuplus, HSL
reached out for end user ideas on how they would utilize such a mobility service for their everyday life activities.
The initiative resulted in almost 1000 responses with creative and relevant ideas that were later employed in mar-
keting. Our data suggest that getting end users involved during the SOI process helps to avoid some of the earlier
pitfalls of greenproducts by widening the range of potential clientele (Peattie and Crane, 2005).
Stakeholders in the legitimator role provide assistance in building credibility and trust in the innovating rm and
the innovation. The cases identied a need for building up credibility and trust either in the rms actions and
the genuineness of the SOI, or in the end product/service itself. The legitimator was evident in four of the analysed
cases, with six instances coded. Apart from one, the activities coded were by secondary stakeholders.
Our data show how partnering with secondary stakeholders (e.g. public authorities and universities) can help to
legitimize a rms use of end user inputs for new product development. In the case of the smart control system de-
velopment for solar power, the Big E quickly realized the need for long term testing with households. However, they
had serious concerns around possible scepticism when reaching out to involve the community. We were very con-
cerned, because people dont trust the Big E, that they would think it was some kind of scam or an attempt to trick
customers. So we partnered with the local council, the municipality, and also with a local charity, who were energy
efciency focused(Senior Project Manager, the Big E). Partnering with the local authority in the UK early on and
involving them in initial communication provided the Big E with the necessary trust among households, and formed
the basis for more insightful cooperation in the SOI process. The Frosta case also demonstrates how partnering
with academics, a student association and a celebrity chef helped to legitimize the product among end users and
the media. The legitimator role of secondary stakeholders has been previously explored in the literature
(e.g. Yaziji, 2004), but more from the perspective of potential conict resolution, in the spirit of heading off trouble.
Stakeholders fullling the educator role educate and prepare the public on social and environmental issues
pertaining to the innovation and a wider shift to sustainable lifestyles. For wider society, these sustainable lifestyle
issues might not yet represent the norm. This role emerged in four of our cases, in each case at the commerciali-
zation stage. Our data shows that this role was mainly played by secondary stakeholders, including CSOs, academic
institutions and public authorities.
The need to educate and re-orient public perceptions about certain sensitive issues is pertinent to SOI. Frosta re-
lied on the specialized knowledge of the university students’‘institute of abused chemistryto communicate with
Polish supermarket customers about the benets of additive-free food meals. The students helped us very much,
working, serving [at] the standthey were very knowledgeable, so they were [a] signicant support toothey were
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
the frontier while meeting the consumers(Marketing Manager, Frosta). The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
also took part in launching an educational consumer campaign to raise awareness of the MSC ecolabel. The local
hygiene institute, part of the public authority, developed and published a dictionaryof food additives.
Another case that included an educator role was A2A, where the professors from the academic institution helped
to coordinate the extensive innovation project, and prepared simple and understandable guidelines for the partici-
pating households. IKEA collaborated with a popular housing magazine to develop an e-book providing expert infor-
mation on recycling and sorting waste. Finally, the Vélibblog was set up at the request of the public authority to
provide information and insights into the cycle share service.
Mixed Roles
A stakeholder fulls a broker/mediator role when enabling and facilitating meaningful collaboration between the
rm and other groups of stakeholders (as well as between different stakeholders), and through organizing testing
and feedback, which are needed to further the innovation. This role was developed from two larger activity catego-
ries: integrating other stakeholders, and organizing testing and collecting feedback. The role refers to bridging the
gap between different stakeholders and was present in all cases, with a total of 23 occurrences across the 13 cases.
There was a visibly strong role for secondary stakeholders such as academic institutions or CSOs here: out of the
13 companies from our data set, nine relied on secondary stakeholders for brokering/mediation.
Two-thirds of the activities categorized as integrating other stakeholderswere undertaken by secondary stake-
holders. In these cases, CSOs and universities often had greater experience, networks, knowledge and skills to work
with different groups of citizens in a meaningful way, extracting the insights and organizing them into structured
ndings, than rms did. In the case of Rockwool, the partnering CSO provided the company with access to festival
grounds for carrying out shelter testing with festival guests. They also led the outreach to refugee organizations in
order to further develop the product. In this instance, OIs experience enabled it to be proactive as a broker/mediator
rather than the often reactive broker/mediator role in other cases. In the Vélibcase, the public authority insisted on
having a biannually selected user committee, which brought together members of the public, the rm and the mu-
nicipality, for continuous product and service development and idea testing: theres no direct relation between
JCDecaux and the user committee, theres really the town hall in the middle(End User, Vélib). Stakeholders also
possessed valuable contacts for potential innovation partners. Unilever cooperated with a CSO specializing in unem-
ployed youths in order to identify participants who would be interested in becoming ice-cream entrepreneur-
distributers using zero emission vehicles.
While integrating other stakeholders could be conducted on either a reactive or a proactive basis, i.e. from a re-
quest by the innovative rm or at the suggestion of the stakeholder, the other activity category, organizing testing
and collecting feedback, comprised activities requested by the rm. Thus this role can take both proactive and re-
active forms. The collaborating stakeholders were often consultancies specialized in consumer research or open in-
novation methods. Secondary stakeholders, both academic and CSOs, also took on this role. In the HSL and BMW
cases, the universities designed the method of user integration and implemented it.
Context enabler
Stakeholders in the context enabler role help in reformulating or changing infrastructure policies and the regulatory
context (e.g. permits and licenses) so as to enable the innovations development and its entrance into the market.
Similarly to the stimulator role, the context enabler role is played almost entirely by public authorities. The activities
included in this role are fundamental to the development or commercialization of the new product or service. The
role was reactive to rm requests in the cases of BMW, Skanska and Unilever, as well as proactive as described be-
low. The context enabler role was present in ve of the 13 cases in the study.
In the case of Vélib, the proactive role taken by the City of Paris in modifying and developing the transport and
infrastructure policies was essential. For example, the mayors mobility plan provided the impetus for doubling the
length of the cycle paths in Paris and reducing the number of private parking places to create Vélibstations.
Unilever and Skanska also required operating licenses and permits for buildings.
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
The public authority proactively partnered with a private recycling company to set up an eco-station at IKEA, the
rst recycling point in Warsaw to collect different kinds of material and waste. This created a context in which the
segregation of waste became highly visible to potential customers and enabled them to connect the new product de-
velopment with the new recycling services.
Roles and Stakeholder Types
The roles identied in the cases are unusual to the extent that they demonstrate a highly relevant and pronounced
role for secondary stakeholders throughout the SOI process. Table 5 shows the prevalence of collaboration with each
stakeholder type at each stage of the innovation process.
Proposition 3. Secondary stakeholders are often more prevalent throughout SOI than their primary counterparts.
In addition to secondary stakeholders being highly relevant to SOI, the data showed that some of these secondary
stakeholders held several different roles within one SOI process. In four of the cases a single secondary stakeholder
played three or more different roles at different stages of the SOI process, indicating an ongoing and deep form of
Proposition 3a. A single secondary stakeholder can take three or more different roles in one SOI process, indicating a
deep form of collaboration.
Our ndings also highlight that particular stages of the SOI process are dominated by secondary stakeholders.
Table 5 shows that seven of the eight stakeholders collaborating at the ideation stage were CSOs, academic institu-
tions or public authorities.
Proposition 3b. Collaboration at the ideation stage is dominated by secondary stakeholders.
Secondary stakeholders are also highly prevalent in particular roles in the SOI process. In the four different cases
where the stimulator role appeared, it was taken each time by the public authority (see Table 4). The context enabler
role was also taken on ve occasions by the public authorities and just twice by business partners, with no other
stakeholders taking this role.
Proposition 3c. The stimulator and context enabler roles are primarily taken by public authority stakeholders.
While businesses representing primary stakeholders are prevalent in the broker/mediator role, further explora-
tion of our ndings, shown in Table 4, reveals a difference in the types of stakeholder involved in the two activity
categories that make up the broker/mediator role.
Stakeholder Ideation Product development Commercialization Post-launch Total
CSO 1 8 3 0 12
Academic institution 1 8 5 0 14
Public authority 5 5 3 0 13
End users 0 18 2 0 20*
Business 1 20 4 2 27
Celebrity 0 1 0 0 1
Total 8 60 17 2 87
Table 5. Prevalence of collaboration of stakeholder type at each stage of the innovation process across 13 cases
Stages from Hoyer et al. (2010).
*This number is predictably high, as the participation of end users in the SOI process was used as a proxy for the collaborative
approach in innovation.
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
Proposition 3d. In the role of broker/mediator, CSOs and academic institutions are prominent in integrating other
stakeholders, while specialized rms are frequently used to gather and process customer feedback through testing, pi-
lots and trials.
Our ndings and propositions provide detailed insights into the ways in which stakeholders can contribute to in-
novation aimed at creating new, more socially and/or environmentally sustainable products and services. It is evi-
dent from the analysis that there are a variety of specic activities and roles played by different stakeholders
during the SOI process. These ndings have a number of theoretical and practical implications, which will be
discussed in the following sections.
The quest for sustainable development calls for innovating new solutions, which often require knowledge and con-
tacts beyond the boundaries of one organization. Business rms may be able to innovate sustainability-oriented
products and services not by themselves but rather in collaboration with stakeholders.
Our ndings highlight that collaborative innovation is actually a multi-stakeholder engagement effort, and we
therefore extend previous literature, which mostly addresses collaborative innovation in connection to specic
groups such as business partners, particularly suppliers (Song and Thieme, 2009), companyend user interactions
(Mahr et al., 2014; Ramaswamy and Gouillart, 2010; von Hippel, 2009) and internal employeesroles in innovation
(Ramaswamy, 2009). The results of our analysis imply that a broader approach is needed to better understand SOI.
In response to the lack of systematic knowledge about stakeholder collaboration in SOI (Driessen and Hillebrand,
2013), this paper provides a ne-grained qualitative analysis, and identies eight stakeholder roles in SOI processes:
stimulator, initiator, broker/mediator, concept rener, legitimator, educator, context enabler and impact extender.
We contribute to the stakeholder theory and sustainable innovation literature by specifying an extensive list of roles.
We go beyond the existing innovation literature to document new roles of stimulator, concept rener, context en-
abler and impact extender. We also provide empirical support for previously identied roles of legitimator, educator,
initiator and broker/mediator (Aarikka-Stenroos et al., 2014; Agogué et al., 2013; Howells, 2006; Yaziji, 2004).
Proactive Stakeholder Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Not only do our ndings corroborate recent research suggesting that multiple stakeholders are involved in co-
creation for innovation (Kazadi et al., 2016; Ramaswamy and Gouillart, 2010), but we go further to show how col-
laborative innovation can include a range of more, and less, proactive stakeholder roles. The stimulator, initiator
and impact extender roles, two of which are newly identied in this paper, demonstrate how stakeholders can have
a highly proactive role in collaboration. Rather than reacting to the requests of a rm in the innovation process, such
proactive stakeholders take the initiative themselves to contribute to the SOI process. A new collaborative innovation
paradigm could increasingly require such proactive stakeholder roles, as suggested by Lee et al. (2012). For compa-
nies, this implies the development of new capabilities in order to capture value and achieve a competitive advantage
(Ayuso et al., 2011; Driessen and Hillebrand, 2013).
Our ndings are highly relevant for understanding different patterns of activities that become apparent during
the innovation process in the sustainability context. In response to the fundamental question raised by both De
Marchi (2012) and Slotegraaf (2012) of whether there are differences between sustainability innovations and other
innovations, we claim that there is a key impact extender role, which can be played by stakeholders with a sustain-
ability focus. More traditional roles of legitimator and educator are present in less than a third of the cases. These
ndings suggest a step away from traditional stakeholder engagement in SOI towards a more proactive approach,
with a shared sustainability agenda offering new opportunities for co-creating value in a sustainability context.
We posit that the impact extender role could be strongly related to innovation in a sustainability context, whereby
all parties involved have an opportunity to advance a shared sustainability agenda. This moves beyond a simple
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
transaction relationship and could provide a more holistic sustainability approach, integrating social and environ-
mental impacts across different domains.
Secondary Stakeholders in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Our analysis of the three proactive roles reveals that the stimulator and initiator are dominated by secondary stake-
holders, while the impact extender is a mix of primary and secondary stakeholders with a strong focus on sustain-
ability. Secondary stakeholders can also be found to be proactive on some occasions in the roles of broker/mediator
(CSOs and academic institutions) and context enabler (public authorities). These ndings are novel given that pre-
vious research indicates that such proactivity can exist in one primary stakeholder group: customers (Howells,
2006). We also nd secondary stakeholders in more traditional roles as legitimator and educator, and in a number
of cases they were also found to play a deeply collaborative role, with a single stakeholder having three or more dif-
ferent roles in one SOI process.
Our empirical analysis therefore suggests that the groups of people found on the periphery of a rms stake-
holder network (e.g. academic institutions, CSOs and public authorities) may actually be more relevant for SOI than
their primary counterparts, providing much-needed empirical support for similar arguments developed conceptu-
ally (Hall and Martin, 2005; Hart and Sharma, 2004).
Primary stakeholders, such as suppliers, were limited to brokering and concept rener roles, particularly provid-
ing research, technical services or products, while the ideation stage was dominated by secondary stakeholders. This
is a surprising nding considering the extensive research that explores collaboration with primary stakeholders in
the innovation literature (Gassmann et al., 2010; Hall and Martin, 2005; Kazadi et al., 2016). One reason for this
may be our use of end user collaboration in the SOI process as a case selection criterion, which could lead to a focus
on market-facing, downstream innovations. Supplier innovations naturally tend to occur further upstream in the
supply chain. However, perhaps more importantly, the sustainability focus of the studied innovations may explain
this nding. The primary stakeholders along the supply chain have a stake in the current business model and con-
sequently little interest in innovation that may require major changes in their own operations as well. If sustainabil-
ity innovation disrupts the current business, which is relatively likely for a number of such innovations (Hart, 2005),
it negatively affects the current supply chain stakeholders. In contrast, stakeholders with divergent thinking may ex-
pand the rms boundaries (Gemünden et al., 1996; Hall and Vredenburg, 2003; Hart and Sharma, 2004), partic-
ularly on sustainability issues (Driessen and Hillebrand, 2013). We posit that secondary stakeholders with innate
concern for citizen wellbeing or environmental sustainability can help the rm to go beyond business as usual.
Enhancing a Collaborative Perspective of Stakeholder Theory
Our empirical evidence illustrates a deep, highly collaborative form of stakeholder engagement. This challenges the
common focus of stakeholder engagement as a means to address and resolve conict and divergent interests
(Frooman, 1999; Sharma and Henriques, 2005). In contrast to claims made previously that conict is an unstated
premiseof stakeholder theory (Frooman, 1999, p. 193), we demonstrate that there is a need for a stakeholder theory
even when the rm and its stakeholders are largely in agreement. This extends to secondary stakeholders, who are
often conceptualized as participating in disruptive activities to achieve changes in the innovation value chain (Hall
and Martin, 2005; Hart and Sharma, 2004). Our ndings suggest that the greater inclusion of disparate stake-
holders, and a recognition of the proactive nature of the roles they can take, is an opportunity for innovation, and
a potentially untapped source of value. This is in line with calls for further research into the development of theory
on stakeholder management (Laplume et al., 2008) and initiates a promising new area for future research, which
emphasizes a collaborative approach to stakeholder relationships.
Implications and Future Research
The identication of different stakeholder roles and differing degrees of proactivity of stakeholders has implications
for the future study of engagement and collaboration. A corporate-centric conceptualization of rmstakeholder re-
lations has become the convention from which stakeholder theory has developed(Frooman, 1999, p. 191; Kazadi
J. Goodman et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
et al., 2016). While we do not consider here a structural network approach to stakeholder engagement in SOI, such a
perspective (Aarikka-Stenroos et al., 2014; Gemünden et al., 1996) could be a valuable complement in order to map
the congurations of rmstakeholder collaboration in SOI. Relatedly, organizations will need to develop the capa-
bilities to capture competitive advantage from such collaborations, and further research into learning processes and
the capabilities needed by companies to achieve such advantage is needed.
Our cases enabled an extensive exploration of the collaborative aspects of SOI processes, and demonstrate that in
SOI stakeholders can have a multitude of collaborative roles. However, we do not claim that all SOI processes are
conict free. The fact that conict was not reported by the interviewees may be in part inuenced by the successful
nature of the SOI processes in our study. While the roles identied here provide a valuable contribution, further op-
portunities for research lie in exploring a comparative dataset of innovations that were less successful, to identify
additional roles that may emerge in such cases.
The ndings show that some roles easily t with certain stages of the SOI process, such as the stimulator or in-
novation initiator at the ideation stage, the concept rener at the development stage or the educator at the commer-
cialization stage. However, the data also demonstrate that stakeholders may have several roles at the same or at
different stages within an innovation process. In many cases the collaboration with stakeholders evolved throughout
the process and opportunities were identied for continuing collaboration with the same stakeholder in a different
role. While we have used the stage model of Hoyer et al. (2010) to structure our research, an in-depth analysis of
innovation at different stages is beyond the scope of our study. Further research and ne-grained analysis on differ-
ent innovation stages (see Aarikka-Stenroos et al., 2014, as an example) is needed as well as an exploration of tem-
porality and dynamism between the stages. More systematic research is required to address questions such as at
what stage of the innovation process collaboration is most effective and with which parties, and how to nd and se-
lect these parties (Huizingh, 2011).
Finally, this research implies that there is a sustainability agenda that is shared by a variety of different stake-
holders, including the rm, which appears to drive SOI. Future research opportunities lie in comparing SOI pro-
cesses with non-SOI, as well as exploring the newly identied impact extender role on a larger scale and in
relation to the sustainability context.
30 years ago Our Common Future (Brundtland et al., 1987) asserted that attaining a sustainable future would require
a collaborative future. Sustainable development calls for extensive collaboration between different stakeholders.
Through the comprehensive analysis of the activities and roles of stakeholders in SOI, this article provides detailed
insights into the deeply collaborative nature of the innovation process, which is at the strategic core of rms, and has
traditionally been protected from outsiders.
The ndings of this investigation imply that a broader approach to studying collaborative innovation, which in-
cludes a wide range of stakeholders, is needed. In particular, secondary stakeholders appear to play a vital role in
SOI processes of rms. The specication of a range of different roles played by both primary and secondary stake-
holders provides a valuable point of reference for future work on both innovation and stakeholder theory.
The identication of stakeholder roles of a more proactive nature contrasts with more modest roles to offer a
more nuanced understanding of stakeholder collaboration in SOI. Such roles align with the documented emergence
of new open innovation paradigms and challenge rm-centric assumptions in rmstakeholder relationships.
This research is part of a European research project Sustainable Lifestyles 2.0: End User Integration, Innovation and Entrepre-
neurship (EU-InnovatE). It has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme for research,
technological development, and demonstration under grant agreement number 61319.
The authors would like to acknowledge that the rst two authors contributed equally to the development of this paper.
Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
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Stakeholder Activities and Roles in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 2017
DOI: 10.1002/bse
... First, we introduce the concept of public inquisitiveness as a moderator in the relationship between public climate concern and greening activities. Prior work has differentiated between broad stakeholder types (e.g., primary vs. secondary; Madsen & Ulhøi, 2001) stakeholder roles (e.g., proactive vs. reactive roles; Goodman et al., 2017) and ...
... This stakeholder quality of being inquisitive relates to big five personality traits such as openness to experience (e.g., being reflective and curious) and conscientiousness (e.g., being methodical and dutiful) (Zhao & Seibert, 2006), which have been analyzed at the country level to profile national personalities and appear to correlate with environmental engagement indicators (Markowitz et al., 2012;Milfont & Sibley, 2012). Stakeholder inquisitiveness also relates to a proactive environmental stance, which has been shown to promote sustainable company behavior across a wider set of domains (Goodman et al., 2017). In brief, although the concept of stakeholder inquisitiveness constitutes a novel contribution to the institutional sustainability debate, it is tied to more established concepts which have been demonstrated to affect pro-environmental patterns (Goodman et al., 2017;Markowitz et al., 2012;Milfont & Sibley, 2012). ...
... Stakeholder inquisitiveness also relates to a proactive environmental stance, which has been shown to promote sustainable company behavior across a wider set of domains (Goodman et al., 2017). In brief, although the concept of stakeholder inquisitiveness constitutes a novel contribution to the institutional sustainability debate, it is tied to more established concepts which have been demonstrated to affect pro-environmental patterns (Goodman et al., 2017;Markowitz et al., 2012;Milfont & Sibley, 2012). ...
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We examine greening activities among European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the product and process domains, and argue that greater public climate concern in an SME's home country environment primarily associates with greening in the inherently more visible product domain. Moreover, we introduce the concept of public inquisitiveness and propose that greater inquisitiveness prompts SMEs to also pay attention to less visible process greening activities as a response to public climate pressures. We test our ideas using multilevel regression models on a large representative sample of SMEs from 18 European Union (EU) countries. The study's main ideas are supported by the findings, which point to possible trade-offs between product and process greening among resource-constrained SMEs, and suggest the general public's inquisitiveness indeed plays a key role in preventing under engagement in less outwardly visible greening strategies. We discuss our study's implications for discourse on how and under which conditions normative institutional forces shape firm-level sustainable behavior, as well as for SMEs' pro-environmental stakeholders.
... Intermediation is a concept that describes how different organisations can facilitate collaborative innovation processes by operating between other organisations (Howells, 2006). Previous research on innovation intermediaries has largely focused on two aspects: 1) the general functions of innovation intermediaries (Danse et al., 2017;Littlewood and Kiyumbu, 2018;Stadtler and Probst, 2012) and 2) the specific functions of innovation intermediaries at certain stages of the innovation process, such as commercialisation (Boon et al., 2011;Goodman et al., 2017;Katzy et al., 2013). The dynamics of intermediation during the entire innovation process remains an understudied phenomenon, especially in resource-constrained environments with a wide diversity of actors engaging in both innovation development and intermediation activities (Levänen et al., 2022b;Osabutey and Croucher, 2018). ...
... Innovation intermediaries are defined as 'organisations that act in any aspect of the innovation process between two or more parties' (Howells, 2006, p. 720) and perform a variety of roles and functions to create value for the involved parties (Colombo et al., 2015;De Silva et al., 2018;Goodman et al., 2017;Stadtler and Probst, 2012) as well as enhance companies' innovative performance (Lin et al., 2016). A large variety of intermediary organisations exists, including research institutions and universities, private firms, business and industry associations, membership organisations, innovation centres and cluster organisations, governmental and semi-governmental agencies, international development organisations, financial institutions, technology transfer offices and NGOs (Boon et al., 2011;Danse et al., 2017;Littlewood and Kiyumbu, 2018;Stadtler and Probst, 2012). ...
... Intermediaries are commonly defined and differentiated through the roles and functions they hold. Their identified roles include those of convener, broker, mediator, learning catalyst, co-creator, concept refiner, stimulator, legitimator, educator, context enabler, impact extender, context expert, performer and trainer (Goodman et al., 2017;Howells, 2006;Stadtler and Probst, 2012). In terms of functions, intermediaries enable, build and facilitate networks, relationships and partnerships; scan, generate, manage, process and transfer knowledge; articulate demands; provide legitimacy; engage in institutional development, policy formulation and capacity building; provide support for innovation management; and participate as co-developers (Boon et al., 2011;Klerkx and Leeuwis, 2009;Stadtler and Probst, 2012). ...
... The empirical analysis carried out in this study provides fascinating insights into the interplay among market orientations (both proactive and responsive), strategy orientations (effectuation and causality), and business model innovation BMI. The study aligns with previous research on innovation by highlighting the vital role of stakeholder interaction and experimentation to create and achieve value [27,30,150]. Additionally, utilizing theoretical approaches of Effectuation [80,151], this study contributes to the literature on BMI in understanding the dynamics of BMI in the context of MO. ...
This research investigates how two types of market orientation, proactive and responsive, affect the ability of technology-based companies to innovate their business models in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. It also examines how two different approaches to decision-making, effectuation and causation, influence these effects. We relied on the 333 valid responses collected from Chinese technology-based enterprises to analyze proactive and responsive market orientation for business model innovation (BMI) in configuration with effectuation and causation as moderators, using a configurational comparison method, “fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis” and a Necessary Condition Analysis. The study reveals that market orientations and effectuation causation positively contribute to BMI. However, the study also found that effectuation weakens the positive relation between RMO and BMI, while causation enhances the positive influence of RMO on BMI. On the other hand, in the case of PMO, effectuation strengthens the relationship between PMO and BMI, while causation weakens the relationship between PMO and BMI. This study also explains that effectuation and causation enhance firms' external capabilities in making or reconfiguring alliances.
... Detailed evidence on the role of fashion engineering companies is scant in both areas. Moreover, previous literature on SOIs mainly focuses on the characteristics of SOIs (Jarmai, 2020;Khurana et al., 2021), their drivers and outcomes (Kiron et al., 2013;Maletic et al., 2015), innovation capabilities (Inigo & Albareda, 2019) and the role of stakeholders in the innovation process (Goodman et al., 2017), leaving a significant gap regarding strategic management. ...
In this article, we study how a luxury fashion engineering company strategically introduced sustainability-oriented innovations (SOIs) over time through an in-depth longitudinal analysis of a leading Italian business-to-business (B2B) firm. We apply a strategic management perspective to this first-tier engineering manufacturer to bring new insights into how upstream firms deploy SOIs and to what effect, thus determining long-term technological choices in the industry. We observe that such innovations evolved dynamically from the process dimension to the supply chain and, lastly, to the product dimension, thereby spanning explorational, procedural and communi-cational practices. We find that the company sustained significant growth over a decade while implementing its sustainability transition, thanks to three elements: a broad and wide-ranging experimentation in all areas of the company, a continuous dynamic process of learning-by-doing and a commitment of the top management to prioritize new sustainable practices. The propositions developed from this case study can inform future strategic analysis and management of SOIs in other firms/industrial sectors.
... For example, according to Luo et al. (2022), ETs help to reduce environmental pollution. It has been argued that by positively impacting the economy and environment, ETs meet the requirements of economic actors with fewer negative consequences than traditional alternatives (Adams et al., 2016;Goodman et al., 2017). This perspective encourages ecologically friendly technologies and lowers the cost of environmental sustainability (Popp, 2012). ...
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Introduction: Understanding the heterogeneous impacts of environmental technologies (ETs), research and development (RD) spending and financial globalization (FG) on green economic growth (GEG) is worthwhile to promote progress toward GEG. Besides, exploring the moderating role of FG is essential to uncover the nuanced dynamics that shape the relationship between ET, RD, GEG, and the influence of global financial integration. Thus, this study examines the effects of ET, RD and FD on GEG in emerging market economies (EMEs). In addition, we investigate the moderating role of FG on the effects of ETs and RD on GEG. Methods: The method of moments quantile regression (MMQR) is applied using a fixed effects model that can capture distributional heterogeneity and nonnormality concerns for the panel of 25 EMEs from 2000 to 2019. In addition, other alternative models are applied to conduct robustness analysis. We use green total factor productivity (GP) to proxy for GEG using the Malmquist–Luenberger Productivity Index (MLPI) strategy based on the directional distance function (DDF). Results and discussion: The findings imply that ETs significantly impact GEG, revealing evidence that promoting environmental innovation positively contributes to GEG progress in EMEs. Likewise, RD promotes GEG progression in EMEs. Additionally, FG positively impacts GEG. FG also positively moderates the effects of ETs and RD on GEG, implying that countries open to FG can better harness the positive roles of investment in ETs and RD on GEG in EMEs. Therefore, policymakers should develop prudent policies to encourage ETs and RD to promote GEG in EMEs, which aligns with the goals of controlling climate variation (SDG-13) and fostering innovation (SDG-9) to promote GEG in EMEs.
... Furthermore, the speed of technological and societal change in the sustainability context, means the reconfiguration of firms' knowledge needs to be a continuous process (Ghassim & Foss, 2021). As such, it has been recognized that developing green innovation is a collaborative affair between diverse stakeholders as it requires knowledge that is beyond the capacity of individual firms (Goodman, Korsunova, & Halme, 2017). Accordingly, several researchers have explored the relevance of open innovation in facilitating green innovation and wider processes of green transition (Chaurasia et al., 2020). ...
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In this conceptual paper we explore the problem of how firms balance profit considerations against their contribution to society and the environmental. We theorize how firms build networks that support green transition, enabling them to reconfigure processes that match sustainability goals and maintain profitable. We explore how building networks for green transition supports firms' transition to more sustainable approaches that support the adoption of, and transition to, green strategies. We extend current theorization of how firms build multi-level B2B networks that support green transition that benefits society and the environment. We suggest three propositions that support the development of a multi-level, multi-value model for building green innovation networks. We identify four critical success factors - embedding technological diversity, developing knowledge sharing mechanisms, embracing open innovation strategies, overcoming resistance to change, − that support this process and help firms overcome value creation frictions and deliver multi-value benefits to society (people) and the environment (planet), whilst enabling firms to make a profit. Our conclusion outlines our contribution and highlights areas for future research.
Smart sustainable cities have been seen as catalysts for transforming the socio-economic environments of the city to be more knowledge-based and eco-friendly. By combining two buzzwords, ‘sustainability’ and ‘smart cities’, planners face the complex challenge of managing their definitional impreciseness, which often involves contrasting views and different expectations in delivering smart sustainable cities in real life. The stakeholders' perception study is critical because the attitudes of professionals and policymakers may impact the strategic directions of smart sustainable cities, especially when no clear consensus is built on this emerging issue. The research uses Q methodology to measure the different perspectives and subjective opinions to develop new ideas by capturing human practice, in this case, from smart city practitioners in China. The research assists planning practice that requires multiple implementation processes to deal with the complexity and dynamics of diverse issues involved in smart sustainable cities.
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This paper extends scholarship on multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) in the context of corporate social responsibility in three ways. First, I outline a framework to analyze the strength of couplings between actors participating in MSIs. Characterizing a MSI as consisting of numerous local networks that are embedded in a wider global network, I argue that tighter couplings (within local networks) and looser couplings (between local networks) coexist. Second, I suggest that this coexistence of couplings enables MSIs to generate policy outcomes which address the conditions of a transnational regulatory context. I argue that MSIs’ way of organizing enables them to cope with three challenges: the stability, flexibility, and legitimacy of governance. Reflecting on these challenges, the article identifies a number of problems related to MSIs’ role in transnational governance. Third, I discuss the UN Global Compact as an illustrative case and examine problems and opportunities related to its stability, flexibility, and legitimacy.
Open Innovation describes an emergent model of innovation in which firms draw on research and development that may lie outside their own boundaries. In some cases, such as open source software, this research and development can take place in a non-proprietary manner. Henry Chesbrough and his collaborators investigate this phenomenon, linking the practice of innovation to the established body of innovation research, showing what's new and what's familiar in the process. Offering theoretical explanations for the use (and limits) of open innovation, the book examines the applicability of the concept, implications for the boundaries of firms, the potential of open innovation to prove successful, and implications for intellectual property policies and practices. The book will be key reading for academics, researchers, and graduate students of innovation and technology management.
- This paper describes the process of inducting theory using case studies from specifying the research questions to reaching closure. Some features of the process, such as problem definition and construct validation, are similar to hypothesis-testing research. Others, such as within-case analysis and replication logic, are unique to the inductive, case-oriented process. Overall, the process described here is highly iterative and tightly linked to data. This research approach is especially appropriate in new topic areas. The resultant theory is often novel, testable, and empirically valid. Finally, framebreaking insights, the tests of good theory (e.g., parsimony, logical coherence), and convincing grounding in the evidence are the key criteria for evaluating this type of research.
Role theory concerns one of the most important features of social life, characteristic behavior patterns or roles. It explains roles by presuming that persons are members of social positions and hold expectations for their own behaviors and those of other persons. Its vocabulary and concerns are popular among social scientists and practitioners, and role concepts have generated a lot of research. At least five perspectives may be discriminated in recent work within the field: functional, symbolic interactionist, structural, organizational, and cognitive role theory. Much of role research reflects practical concerns and derived concepts, and research on four such concepts is reviewed: consensus, conformity, role conflict, and role taking. Recent developments suggest both centrifugal and integrative forces within the role field. The former reflect differing perspectival commitments of scholars, confusions and disagreements over use of role concepts, and the fact that role theory is used to analyze various forms of social system. The latter reflect the shared, basic concerns of the field and efforts by role theorists to seek a broad version of the field that will accommodate a wide range of interests.
Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach was first published in 1984 as a part of the Pitman series in Business and Public Policy. Its publication proved to be a landmark moment in the development of stakeholder theory. Widely acknowledged as a world leader in business ethics and strategic management, R. Edward Freeman’s foundational work continues to inspire scholars and students concerned with a more practical view of how business and capitalism actually work. Business can be understood as a system of how we create value for stakeholders. This worldview connects business and capitalism with ethics once and for all. On the 25th anniversary of publication, Cambridge University Press are delighted to be able to offer a new print-on-demand edition of his work to a new generation of readers.