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Introduction of the agent based fishery management model of Hawaii's longline fisheries


Abstract and Figures

Fishery Management Model of Hawaii's Longline Fisheries (FMMHLF) is an agent-based simulation model designed for assessing the potential impacts of alternative fisheries regulatory policies on Hawaii's longline fisheries (HLF). By HLF we refer to Hawaii's fleet of longline fishing vessels and their owners and operators; and the regulatory agencies and markets the fleet interacts with. The model is specifically designed to represent the state's largest fleet, which uses Honolulu as its home port. The primary regulatory policies of interest in FMMHLF are those to protect sea turtles. Sea turtles can be disturbed or harmed when they become entangled or hooked on fishing lines, an event termed a "turtle interaction". Currently, turtles are protected by an annual quota (or "cap") on turtle interactions: under this policy, if the number of turtle interactions in the current calendar year reaches the cap, then longline swordfish fishing is prohibited until the end of the year. FMMHLF intends to capture the key elements that influence fishing decisions of individual vessels that make up HLF and thus predict and assess the possible responses of HLF to regulatory policies. Policy assessment focuses on four aspects of HLF: the allocation of fishing effort between tuna and swordfish fisheries, the spatiotemporal distribution of fishing effort, total catch of the two fisheries, and interaction with protected sea turtles. Additionally, FMMHLF was designed to test how alternative decision rules(e.g., profit-maximizing versus revenue-targeting by vessel operators) and social networks affect the performance of HLF. The poster reported the enhancements that have been made to the prototype FMMHLF (Yu et al., 2009). It introduces how the pattern-oriented modeling (POM) strategy is successfully adopted in refining and validating the prototype model. The refined model emphasizes the model's capability of reproducing spatiotemporal patterns that characterized Hawaii's longline fisheries. Specifically, this version of the model is designed to predict how changes in kinds of regulation affect: 1) allocation of fishing efforts between Tuna fisheries and Swordfish fisheries, 2) the spatiotemporal distribution of fishing efforts (sets). As for policy assessment, the new version of the model focuses on four aspects of the HLF, including the allocation of fishing efforts between Tuna fisheries and Swordfish fisheries, the spatiotemporal distribution of fishing efforts (sets), total fish catch (of 4 fish species groups, including bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, swordfish and others), and interaction with protected sea turtles (2 sea turtle species - loggerhead turtle and leatherback turtle). We believe that the experience we learned from employing POM in developing the refined model is invaluable for advancing ABM and POM in studying socioeconomic systems such as fishery.
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18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13-17 July 2009
A Prototype Agent Based Fishery Management Model of
Hawaii’s Longline Fishery
Run Yu1, Minling Pan2, Steven F. Railsback3, and PingSun Leung1
1 College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96822
2 Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Honolulu 96822
3 Lang, Railsback & Associates, Arcata, CA 95521
Abstract: The recent advent of agent-based modeling (ABM) and the availability of software platforms
for its implementation offer a powerful alternative to model the spatio-temporal behaviors of a fishery with
the consideration of heterogeneity and interactivity. This paper describes a prototype agent-based fishery
management model of Hawaii’s longline fishery. The model simulates the daily fishing activities of 120
Hawaii longline vessels of diverse characteristics. Following the strategy of pattern oriented modeling
(POM), we use the spatio-temporal distribution pattern of fishing efforts to calibrate the model. While POM
has a record of success in ecology, the present application to socioeconomic systems such as fishing and
fishery management is almost unprecedented.
We also use the calibrated model to evaluate three alternative fishery regulatory policies in Hawaii’s longline
fishery: 1) no regulation; 2) annual cap of 17 turtle interactions; and 3) close the north central area year
round, with respect to their impacts on fishing productivity and by-catch of protected sea turtle. The
prototype model, constructed using 1999 data, appears to be able to capture the responses of the fishery to
these alternative regulations reasonably well, suggesting its potential as a management tool for policy
evaluation in Hawaii’s longline fishery.
Keywords: Agent based modeling, fishery management, endangered marine species protection, policy
Yu et al., A Prototype Agent Based Fishery Model of Hawaii’s Longline Fishery
Incorporation of the spatio-temporal and behavioral aspects of a fishery into fishery models and fishery
management is an on-going research endeavor (Shomura et al., 1995, Smith and Wilen 2003, Soulié and
Thébaud 2006, Daw 2008). To incorporate the behavioral aspect of a fishery, existing empirical fishery
models typically treat the behaviors of the entire fishery as a simple multiple of the behaviors of a
representative fisher and neglect the interactive dynamics among the diverse fishers (Dreyfus-León 2006). In
other words, these models neglect the behavioral heterogeneities and interactivities of the individual fishers,
while both are deemed essential to fishery management (Moustakas et al., 2006, Gilman et al., 2006, Wilson
et al., 2007). It is not surprising that these fishery models are oftentimes found having limited capacity in
understanding the socioeconomic aspects of fisheries and evaluating comprehensively some of the
contemporary fishery policies (Barton 2006, Marshall 2007), especially in predicting the responses of a
fishery to change in regulations (Allen and Gough 2006). The shortcomings of these fishery models are
primarily due to the inherent limitations of the mathematical programming and econometric techniques as
their basic constructs, as these computational methodologies are very limited in their ability to derive the
mathematical relations among interactive and diverse individuals (Tesfatsion 2001), not to mention the
additional spatio-temporal aspect of the relations.
The recent advent of agent-based modeling (ABM) and the availability of software platforms for its
implementation offer a powerful alternative to model the spatio-temporal behaviors of a fishery with the
consideration of heterogeneity and interactivity. Typically, an agent-based fishery model will treat each
individual fisher in the fishery as a unique entity, i.e., an agent; and the agents—fishers will be assumed to
continuously perform fishing activities/decisions in a coordinate space according to certain behavioral rules
and objectives. Most importantly, the results of individual fishers’ behaviors/decisions generally will be
assumed to be contingent on other fishers’ behaviors/decisions. Due to this interactivity, the entire fishery as
a whole might exhibit properties/phenomena that individual fisher does not possess, for example, the tragedy
of common property. In this case, the fishery sector can be considered a complex system, i.e., a system whose
aggregate activity cannot simply be derived from summation of the behaviors of individual components
(Richards et al., 1998).
ABM is a powerful tool, but developing a good agent-based model is not trivial. Two problems have
particularly contributed to the failure of many ABM-based studies (Grimm et al., 2005). First, agent-based
models often fail by being too complex to understand and use, or by lacking processes essential for the
problem they address. It is challenging for the modeler to set a limit to the model's complexity: how do we
know what variables and processes must be in a model and which should be left out? Second, many agent-
based models use the untested, ad hoc rules for individual decisions. They lack credibility and contribute
nothing to theoretical science. The challenge in this regard relates to validating the most important part of
ABM—the rules (and theories) used to represent individuals’ behaviors. To avoid these problems in the
current research, we will adopt the strategy of pattern-oriented modeling (POM) (Grimm et al., 2005). POM
is a newly emerging strategy for systematically optimizing the desirable level of model complexity and
validating the model structure (behavioral rules) of agent-based models.
POM starts by identifying a set of patterns that have been observed in the study system and seem to
characterize its behavior with respect to the issues being addressed. The patterns, which are believed
important for the issues addressed by the study, should emerge from the individual behaviors, environmental
processes, etc. A variety of diverse, simple, often qualitative, patterns is most useful. One should be confident
that a model is useful only if it can reproduce these patterns. The patterns are then used to design the agent-
based model. The model includes only the variables and processes necessary to allow the patterns to emerge,
and uses spatial and temporal scales at which the patterns were observed. The patterns are also used to test or
develop theory for individual behavior: alternative rules for individual behavior are hypothesized, and the
ones that cause the model to best reproduce the observed patterns are accepted as useful theory. After these
POM steps establish the model's internal structure, model development can proceed in a more traditional way
with calibration and testing of system-level results against data.
While POM has a record of success in ecology, the present application to socioeconomic systems such as
fishing and fishery management is almost unprecedented (Grimm et al., 2005). Meanwhile, we use Hawaii’s
longline fishery (HLF) as a case study to illustrate the potential of ABM in realistically capturing the
behaviors of diverse fishers and better predict the responses of fishery to changes in regulatory policies.
Yu et al., A Prototype Agent Based Fishery Model of Hawaii’s Longline Fishery
Longline fishing uses hundreds of baited hooks hanging from a single line to catch fishes. Since its
introduction to Hawaii in 1917, Hawaii's longline fishery has developed into a multimillion-dollar sector
(approximately $50 million), harvesting mainly swordfish (Xiphius gladius) and tuna (Thunnus albacares and
Thunnus obesus) for local, mainland U.S., and foreign markets. The continuing existence of Hawaii’s
longline fishery, however, has been questioned as it poses a potential danger to accidentally catching
protected marine animals such as sea turtles, especially in the longline swordfish fishery.
A series of environmental lawsuits have been filed, seeking substantial restrictions on Hawaii’s longline
fishery (e.g. Center of Marine Conservation versus National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Civ. No. 99-
00152 DAE). As a result, Hawaii’s longline swordfish fishery was completely closed on March 15, 2001.
Based on newly designed fishing gear and techniques, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) reopened
the swordfish fishery in April 2004, but with a cap on fishing efforts (2120 sets per year) and sea turtle
interactions (17 interactions for loggerhead turtle and 16 interactions for leatherback turtle). Under this new
regulatory regime, if the hard cap of loggerhead turtle or leatherback turtle is reached, the entire swordfish
fishery will be closed for the remaining of the calendar year. There is no doubt that this dramatic policy shift
in Hawaii’s longline fishery has caused profound socioeconomic impacts (Allen 2007). In 2005, the cap on
sea turtle interactions was not reached while most of available fishing sets have been used. In 2006, the
annual cap on sea turtle interactions was reached on March 17, and led to the closure of the entire swordfish
fishery for the remaining of the year, incurring at least $1.6 million loss in revenue. In 2007, the fishery
lasted for the entire year and interacted with 15 loggerhead turtles and 5 leatherback turtles.
Despite the successful reduction in sea turtle by-catch, Hawaii’s longline fishery is expected to face further
restriction for increasing concerns on the conservation of other marine animals (such as sharks) and
overfishing of targeted species (bigeye and yellowfin) in the Pacific Ocean. Developing a fishery
management regime that facilitates the formulation of an ecologically sustainable and responsible fishery
therefore is of vital importance for Hawaii’s longline fishery.
Following Manson (2000, 2005), the conceptual framework of Hawaii’s longline fishery (HLF) and fishery
management can be illustrated as Figure 1.
Figure 1.The conceptual framework of Hawaii’s longline fishery
Yu et al., A Prototype Agent Based Fishery Model of Hawaii’s Longline Fishery
Following the strategy of POM, the prototype model must be capable of reproducing the key patterns and
characteristics of HLF. In this exploratory study, we used the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of fishing
efforts as the essential “pattern”. The fishing grounds for the HLF can be divided into five areas (Figure 2)
based on empirical observation of fleet operating patterns.
The spatio-temporal distribution of fishing efforts in HLF has been well documented in the literature
(Pradhan and Leung 2004a, 2004b, Nemoto 2005). Most importantly, existing and intended fishery policies
in HLF clearly affect, directly or indirectly, the spatio-temporal distribution of fishing efforts. For example,
the closure of certain fishing grounds could directly change the spatial allocation of fishing efforts. The
implementation of turtle cap in the swordfish fishery has driven more fishing efforts allocated to the first
Figure 2. The fishing ground of Hawaii longline fishery
Figure 3 shows the annual fishing efforts distribution (% of total fishing sets) by area in 1999, indicating that
one half of the total tuna sets were allocated to the main Hawaiian island (MHI) area (K1) and nearly 80% of
the total swordfish sets were allocated to the North central and Northwest areas (K3 and K4). The spatial
allocation of fishing efforts indeed varies slightly for each specific year. The general concentration patterns
are persistent.
Figure 3. Fishing effort distribution by area, Y1999 Figure 4. Fishing effort distribution by quarter, Y1999
Previous studies (Chakravorty and Nemoto 2001, Pan et al., 2001) also suggested that the seasonal variation
in fish price/weight and abundance (CPUE) affected effort allocation by the HLF. Figure 4 shows the annual
fishing efforts distribution by season (quarterly) in 1999, indicating that nearly 70% of the total swordfish
sets were executed in the first two quarters and the tuna fishing efforts declined gradually from the last
quarter to the third quarter. It should be noted that such spatio-temporal patterns are much less prominent at
individual vessel levels. The prototype model so far has successfully reproduced a fishing effort distribution
patterns close to the actual situations.
The prototype model of Hawaii’s longline fishery simulates 120 vessels and one fishery management entity.
Each artificial vessel (i.e., agent) represents one actual vessel in Hawaii’s longline fishery. Attributes that are
deemed essential for fishing decision-making such as the size of the boat, the ethnicity of the vessel-owner
Yu et al., A Prototype Agent Based Fishery Model of Hawaii’s Longline Fishery
and captain, the targeting fishes and gear types, fishing holding capacity and fuel holding capacity are
assigned according to the previous research results and logbook data. The daily CPUEs of tuna (bigeye and
yellowfin), swordfish, and other pelagic species, loggerhead turtles, leatherback turtles, and other turtle
species at the 1 degree grid level are configured in accordance with the 1999 logbook data. The fish
catchability and turtle interaction probability vary by area, season, and other oceanographic conditions such
as sea surface temperature.
The fishing trip decision making procedure can be illustrated by Figure 5. Basically, the vessel captain/owner
needs to decide which set type to take, deep set for catching tuna and shallow set for catching swordfish, and
where to go. In the prototype model, it is assumed that the vessel captain/owner will choose the most
profitable trip/area based on the expected fish catch and operating costs. Then, if the expected fishing trip is
not profitable (e.g., revenue from fish catch is less than operating costs) or the fishery is closed, the vessel has
to stay in the homeport. Once a trip is planned, the vessel will first travel to the target area and then start
searching for fish roughly within a 200 miles distance. This searching pattern is well supported by the
logbook data. The fishermen will cast the set in the location where the expected fish catch (CPUE) is the
highest. Depending on the fishery management regimes, they might also take into account the possible turtle
interactions. The vessel will keep fishing until one of the returning conditions is met. The first returning
condition is fish quality control. Fish quality degrades as time goes by. Hence, swordfish trip usually only
last for 20 days, and tuna trip usually only last for 12 days, after the first set with fish harvested. The second
returning condition is fish holding capacity. The vessel usually has to return to the homeport when the boat is
full. The third returning condition is the fuel holding capacity. The vessel has to return to the homeport
before it runs out of fuel. Of course, fishing activities are restricted by fishery regulations. For example, if
turtle cap is implemented, the vessel has to return to the homeport whenever the cap is reached.
Figure 5. Fishing trip decision making
The main line of the longline fishing set typically ranges from 30 to 50 miles in length; and usually could
float within 10-30 miles distance, according to our preliminary analysis of the logbook data. Thus, we
specified that each grid (at 1 degree longitude and latitude resolution) could accommodate at most one vessel
at one time. In this way, individual vessels actually interact, or more accurately, compete with each other. At
this stage, we are only considering the competition aspect of the autonomous vessels. We plan to include
other social interactions in the next phase of our work.
The prototype model is programmed in AnyLogic 6. We specified a 10 year “burn-in” period for the
simulation to reach the steady state, and then collected 5 years of data for analysis. The simulated results
actually converged rapidly, after a few years. A Flash video is available at, showing the main functionality of the prototype
Yu et al., A Prototype Agent Based Fishery Model of Hawaii’s Longline Fishery
We evaluated three alternative fishery policies: 1) no regulation; 2) a cap of 17 interactions with loggerhead
turtle; and 3) close the north central area year round, using the developed prototype model. The simulated
spatio-temporal patterns of fishing efforts distribution are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
4.1. Policy Scenario 1-No Regulation
This scenario reflects the management regime where there is no fishing effort limit and turtle interaction
limit. The model successfully reproduced the main characteristics of HLF in 1999. The simulated annual fish
catch amounted to approximately 16 million pounds, and $44 million in value. The swordfish fishing efforts
(shallow sets) would concentrate on the north central and northwestern areas; and in the first two quarters.
The tuna fishing efforts (deep sets) would concentrate on the Main Hawaiian Island area and in the last and
first quarters.
4.2. Policy Scenario 2-Turtle Cap
This scenario reflects the management regime where there is no fishing effort limit and turtle interaction
limit. The model successfully reproduced the main characteristics of HLF in 1999. The simulated annual fish
catch amounted to approximately 16 million pounds, and $44 million in value. The swordfish fishing efforts
(shallow sets) would concentrate on the north central and northwestern areas; and in the first two quarters.
The tuna fishing efforts (deep sets) would concentrate on the Main Hawaiian Island area and in the last and
first quarters.
4.3. Policy Scenario3-Area Closure
This scenario assumes that the north central area (K3 in Figure 1) is closed for fishing year around. The
simulation indicates that it would reduce the fish catch by approximately 6%. Meanwhile, it could also
reduce the turtle interactions by approximately 40%. Reductions in total fishing efforts and turtle interactions
from our ABM model are consistent with the results from the nonlinear programming model of Nemoto
(2005). The predicted reallocation of fishing efforts caused by the closure is also consistent with the observed
data in 2000 when the north central area was temporally closed for a few months, i.e., fishermen reallocated
their fishing efforts to the northeast (K2 in Figure 1) area after the north central area (K3 in Figure 1) is
Table 1. Simulated fishing effort distribution by area
PS1: No Regulation PS2: Turtle Cap PS3: Area Closure
Swordfish Sets Tuna Sets Swordfish Sets Tuna Sets Swordfish Sets Tuna Sets
K1 23% 49% 13% 49% 25% 52%
K2 5% 11% 25% 7% 5% 12%
K3 25% 4% 0% 3% 0% 0%
K4 48% 21% 63% 13% 70% 24%
K5 0% 15% 0% 28% 0% 12%
Table 2. Simulated fishing effort distribution by quarter
Quarter PS1: No Regulation PS2: Turtle Cap PS3: Area Closure
Swordfish Sets Tuna Sets Swordfish Sets Tuna Sets Swordfish Sets Tuna Sets
Q1 24% 15% 100% 17% 23% 14%
Q2 43% 22% 0% 23% 28% 27%
Q3 24% 19% 0% 27% 33% 25%
Q4 10% 44% 0% 33% 18% 33%
It should be noted that in the past few years there are significant changes in the fishing technology and
equipments in HLF, along with the change in fishery regulatory policies. For example, the adoption of J hook
has reduced the turtle interaction rate by more than 90% (Gilmore and Kobayashi 2007). The simulation of
the above three policy scenarios, however, does not take into consideration the effects of the changes in the
technology and equipments. Hence, it would be inappropriate to draw any conclusions or policy implications
toward the management of the present HLF from the simulation results presented in this exploratory study.
Yu et al., A Prototype Agent Based Fishery Model of Hawaii’s Longline Fishery
The prototype model will be modified to reflect the current technological and operational situations of fishing
vessels in HLF as soon as relevant data becomes available.
Table 3. Simulated results under alternative fishery management regimes*
Alternative Policies PS1: No Regulation PS2:Turtle Cap PS3: Area Closure
Swordfish (1,000 lb) 5,010 2,561 4779
Bigeye Tuna (1,000 lb) 7,233 9,465 5,012
Yellowfin Tuna (1,000 lb) 4,015 5,799 4,709
Swordfish ($1,000 ) $12,579 $5,892 $9,595
Bigeye Tuna ($1,000 ) $23,799 $20,123 $21,930
Yellowfin Tuna ($1,000 ) $9,012 $11,005 $9,677
Turtle Interactions 232 17 145
*The current model is constructed using information in 1999 and may not reflect the present fishing
technology of HLF. Thus, the simulation results should be viewed in that light.
This paper presents a prototype agent-based fishery management model for the purpose of simulating the
fishing activities of Hawaii’s longline vessels, using the strategy of pattern oriented modeling (POM). The
model simulates the daily fishing activities of 120 Hawaii longline vessels of diverse characteristics. The
prototype model successfully reproduced the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of fishing efforts in HLF,
indicating the potential of ABM in realistically capture the performance of HLF through simulating the
behaviors of individual fishermen/vessels. To further test the performance of the prototype model, we use it
to evaluate three alternative fishery regulatory policies: 1) no regulation; 2) annual cap of 17 turtle
interactions; and 3) close the north central area year round, with respect to their impacts on fishing
productivity and by-catch of protected sea turtle. The simulated results are either close to the actual situation
or consistent to the previous study results in the literature, indicating that the agent-based fishery
management model could realistically capture the diverse behaviors of Hawaii’s longline fishermen and
predict the responses of the fishery to changes in management regimes.
The present study is an ongoing research effort; and the prototype model is currently under further calibration
and testing.
We would like to thank Toby Wood (NOAA, Sustainable Fisheries) for his many constructive comments and
suggestions. This study is partly funded by the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, National Marine
Fisheries Service (NOAA). The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of NOAA or any of its subdivisions. The authors are responsible for any remaining errors in the
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... Despite these advantages ABMs have not often been applied to economic aspects of fisheries, and this represents a significant area for development. Previous applications in fisheries have often centred around the topic of understanding fleet dynamics and fishing strategies (Bastardie et al., 2010;Boschetti and Brede, 2009;Cabral et al., 2010;Little et al., 2004;Schafer, 2007;Soulié and Thébaud, 2006;Wilson et al., 2007;Yu et al., 2009), where they have provided some useful insights into fleet behaviour and the way that resources are used. Little et al. (2009), for example, has taken the fleet effort allocation scenario a step further and examined how individual transferable quotas affect a multispecies, multi-sector fishery in terms of fishing fleet behaviour, discarding, catch-levels, profitability and so forth (Little et al., 2009). ...
... ABMs have previously been applied in a variety of fishing applications, for example, to model information flow between vessels and spatial vessel behaviour (Little et al., 2004), multiple, competing coastal zone uses and management choice scenarios (McDonald et al., 2008) or to consider fishing vessel behaviours and spatial choices (Bastardie et al., 2010;Beecham and Engelhard, 2007;Yu et al., 2009). HakeSim differs from these in that it is aspatial and instead considers the interactions between companies, the vessels they own and the markets that they supply. ...
The most valuable component in South Africa's fishing industry is its hake fishery, which targets two species, the shallow-water (Merluccius capensis) and deep-water (M. paradoxus) Cape hakes. Modelling provides a means to assist in understanding the dynamics of the economic system of this fishery and identify potential links to the ecological system in future, which can inform management. This study develops and describes a novel agent-based model of the South African offshore hake trawl industry, HakeSim, which captures drivers such as fuel price, catch per unit effort, export markets, exchange rate, industrial organization and uncertainty in catches as a proxy for environmental uncertainty. It allows identification of key drivers and their relative importance to the industry to be assessed. It has desirable and realistic sensitivities and it can successfully reproduce profitability scenarios for the industry under different fuel prices. Fuel prices above ZAR18.783 per litre, which could result from increased prices or reduced subsidies, are demonstrated to push the modelled fishing companies to making losses, which could potentially reduce employment. This model represents a strategic tool for management and significant advancements over existing bio-economic and agent-based models of fisheries.
... Although The Network for Computational Modeling in Social and Ecological Sciences 3 provides a library of ABMs of social-ecological systems that are open source and reusable, few fisheries models have been published there. At the code hosting platform GitHub 4 the agent-based model POSEIDON is freely available for fisheries research (Bailey et al., 2019), other examples include the DISPLACE model for spatial fishing planning and effort displacement (Bastardie et al., 2013), and more case-specific models (e.g., Yu et al., 2009;Cenek and Franklin, 2017). However, using such extant models still requires coding and there is no standard software or module library for fisheries ABMs to date. ...
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The sustainable governance and management of small-scale fisheries (SSF) is challenging, largely due to their dynamic and complex nature. Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a computational modeling approach that can account for the dynamism and complexity in SSF by modeling entities as individual agents with different characteristics and behavior, and simulate how their interactions can give rise to emergent phenomena, such as over-fishing and social inequalities. The structurally realistic design of agent- based models allow stakeholders, experts, and scientists across disciplines and sectors to reconcile different knowledge bases, assumptions, and goals. ABMs can also be designed using any combination of theory, quantitative data, or qualitative data. In this publication we elaborate on the untapped potential of ABM to tackle governance and management challenges in SSF, discuss the limitations of ABM, and review its application in published SSF models. Our review shows that, although few models exist to date, ABM has been used for diverse purposes, including as a research tool for understanding cooperation and over-harvesting, and as a decision-support tool, or participatory tool, in case-specific fisheries. Even though the development of ABMs is often time- and resource intensive, it is the only dynamic modeling approach that can represent entities of different types, their heterogeneity, actions, and interactions, thus doing justice to the complex and dynamic nature of SSF which, if ignored can lead to unintended policy outcomes and less sustainable SSF.
... Dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa fungsi biaya penangkapan ditentukan oleh bahan bakar, serta sediaan stok multi species (Cenek et al. 2017). Namun bukan berarti model ABM hanya untuk perikanan skala kecil, bisa juga untuk skala besar seperti longline (Yu et al. 2009) serta recreational fishing (Shafer, 2007 Kondisi ini juga berdampak pada penurunan tingkat produktivitas usaha perikanan (Yonvitner et al. 2019). Begitu juga luasan daerah penangkapan mengalami perubahan akibat perubahan harga solar. ...
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Prediksi musim dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan di perairan Selat Sunda sangat penting untuk mengontrol eksploitasi yang berlebih. Untuk itu pendekatan berbasis agen (agent based approach) dari perubahan musim dan faktor input lainnya terhadap perilaku nelayan perlu dikaji. Penelitian dilakukan di Lempasing dari nelayan yang menangkap di Selat Sunda dengan teknik purposive sampling terhadap nelayan agen (purse seine) dan nelayan nonagen (non purse seine) dengan software Poseidon 1.0. Pola musim penangkapan ikan pada musim timur, daerah penangkapan nelayan agen semakin lama akan semakin mengecil dikarenakan faktor alam dan juga kenaikan harga solar. Nilai produksi dari nelayan agen mengalami penurunan diakibatkan adanya ketidakseimbangan harga yang jual ikan. Pengaruh produksi terhadap pembentukan harga tidak terlalu berpengaruh dan relative linier. Analisis agent based model memberikan gambaran strategi berupa pengaturan upaya penangkapan, konsumsi bahan bakar, dan pendapatan terhadap nelayan agen kaitannya dengan perubahan harga solar.
... Although The Network for Computational Modeling in Social and Ecological Sciences 3 provides a library of ABMs of social-ecological systems that are open source and reusable, few fisheries models have been published there. At the code hosting platform GitHub 4 the agent-based model POSEIDON is freely available for fisheries research (Bailey et al., 2019), other examples include the DISPLACE model for spatial fishing planning and effort displacement (Bastardie et al., 2013), and more case-specific models (e.g., Yu et al., 2009;Cenek and Franklin, 2017). However, using such extant models still requires coding and there is no standard software or module library for fisheries ABMs to date. ...
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The sustainable governance and management of small-scale fisheries (SSF) is challenging, largely due to their dynamic and complex nature. Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a computational modeling approach that can account for the dynamism and complexity in SSF by modeling entities as individual agents with different characteristics and behavior, and simulate how their interactions can give rise to emergent phenomena, such as over-fishing and social inequalities. The structurally realistic design of agent-based models allow stakeholders, experts, and scientists across disciplines and sectors to reconcile different knowledge bases, assumptions, and goals. ABMs can also be designed using any combination of theory, quantitative data, or qualitative data. In this publication we elaborate on the untapped potential of ABM to tackle governance and management challenges in SSF, discuss the limitations of ABM, and review its application in published SSF models. Our review shows that, although few models exist to date, ABM has been used for diverse purposes, including as a research tool for understanding cooperation and over-harvesting, and as a decision-support tool, or participatory tool, in case-specific fisheries. Even though the development of ABMs is often time- and resource intensive, it is the only dynamic modeling approach that can represent entities of different types, their heterogeneity, actions, and interactions, thus doing justice to the complex and dynamic nature of SSF which, if ignored can lead to unintended policy outcomes and less sustainable SSF.
... For example, Beecham and Engelhard (2007) developed an economic-ecological ABM to illustrate the effect of the strategy trawlers used to choose fishing location on the profit made on catches for each unit of time spent fishing. Yu et al. (2009b) produced an ABM of fishing vessel behaviour to explore the effects of area closures on a line-fishery. Bastardie et al. (2010) also modelled fishing vessel movements, but considered the effects of fuel-consumption, efficiency and profitability and compared past vessel movements with model predictions under different scenarios in Danish marine fisheries. ...
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Management of Hawaii's fisheries faces great challenges due to rapid growth that has intensified competition among fisheries and users with different interests. This study develops and applies a multilevel and multiobjective programming model to assist decision making in Hawaii's fisheries. The multilevel aspect of the model incorporates objectives of both policy makers and fishermen. The use of a multiobjective model is essential in fisheries management because the typical fishery policy problem is characterized by more than one objective or goal that decision makers want to optimize. The model covers 9 fleet categories, 5 fishing areas, 4 seasons, and 14 species, of which 10 are targeted species. Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) includes targeted and incidental catch species. A nonlinear relationship between CPUE and effort is incorporated into the model. By use of the various objectives or policy options of fisheries management, the current model provides optimum solutions in fishing effort and its spatial and temporal distribution, as well as the optimal harvest level. The current model has been applied to evaluate several management issues facing Hawaii's fisheries. Application of the model indicates that the trade-offs between recreational and commercial fishing vary by effort level. At the current fishing effort level, an increase of one recreational trip reduces commercial profit by US$12.14. Moreover, the study concludes that the area closure regime designed to reduce conflict between commercial and recreational fishing can cause profit loss to the commercial fisheries in the range of $0.44 million to $0.70 million.
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Spatial distribution of fishing effort is increasingly recognised as an important consideration for fisheries management, as it can affect trends in catch rates, and be incorporated into planning of spatial management tools like marine protected areas (MPAs). One hundred and ninety-eight household questionnaires provided a coarse indication of effort distribution of artisanal lobster fishers around the Corn Islands, and 32 semi-structured interviews with skippers were used to map individual fishing sites and describe the operating costs and revenues of typical dive and trap-fishing operations. Artisanal fisheries had ranges of up to 50 km, and had moved significantly offshore within the previous 10 years. At the scale of a 5 × 5 min latitude/longitude grid, trap fishing effort was highly aggregated (dispersion coefficient = 3.5), while diving had a regular dispersion (d.c. = 0.1). Descriptions of catch composition at each site showed a clear spatial pattern in the distribution of two locally recognised types of lobster, potentially indicating local stock structures. Economic information was summarised into balance sheets for typical fishers and suggested that fuel accounted for about 52 and 37% of the operating costs of dive and trap fishing captains, respectively. Qualitative questions highlighted trap theft, adoption of geographical positioning system (GPS) technology and fuel costs as major factors affecting spatial behaviour.
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Fisheries models usually characterise the concentrations of fish and the distribution of the fishing fleet by spatial averages over large areas assuming homogeneous spatial characteristics. Many important management questions, such as those related to the spatial effects of closed areas, cannot be addressed by such models. This paper presents a model which describes the spatial movement of individual fish schools and the spatial response of individual fishing boats, and which can be applied on a much finer scale and thus can be used to analyse the scale-dependent development of the fishery. The motion of the fish is based on assumptions about time-dependent gradients in the relative attractiveness of nearby grid cells which motivate migrations based on feeding and spawning factors. The motion of fishing boats is modelled in a similar fashion, with the attractiveness of neighbouring cells based on historical catch records as a function of position and time of year, as well as whether current catch rates are high enough to justify staying in the same cell. Our model showed that marine reserves increase fish biomass but decrease fish catches. It is also indicated that marine reserves are of limited use when not combined with quotas of catches. Our findings also point that transfer rates of fish increase the benefits of marine reserves in terms of fish biomass but decrease fish catches.
The Hawaii-based longline fishery, which lands the vast majority of the Hawaii commercial catch of pelagic fish, is a limited entry fishery capped at 164 permits. Of the 120 active vessels, roughly 1/3 are owned by Vietnamese-Americans. Since the late 1980s, nearly all of the Vietnamese-American longline fishermen targeted swordfish. This changed dramatically in 2001 when the National Marine Fisheries Service prohibited targeting of swordfish due to interactions with threatened and endangered sea turtles. The final environmental impact statement predicted that the closure and related actions would disproportionately and negatively affect Vietnamese-American fishermen. To monitor actual social impacts, researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 40 Vietnamese-American owners, captains, and wives from June - November 2003. Changes in household income, family cohesion, and community cohesion, coupled with the cumulative impact from other actions, created a dramatic change in the quality of life of affected individuals and families, with effects rippling through the Vietnamese-American fishing community and the broader longline community. The impact assessment had identified some types of impacts, but missed substantial components of others, demonstrating the necessity of monitoring social impacts.
This paper addresses the question of whether policy perception can erode or enhance the ability of commercial fishers to be resilient to changes in fisheries policy. An understanding of the way that fishers perceive resource policies provides fisheries managers with the opportunity to refine policy design and delivery so as to better protect system resilience. Policy perception is assessed by asking commercial fishers how they perceive their level of involvement in the policy decision-making process and interpret equity, the likely socio-economic impacts, conservation effectiveness and the rate of implementation (of generic policies). Social resilience to policy change is examined by assessing a fisher's (i) perception of risk associated with change, (ii) ability to plan, learn and reorganise, (iii) ability to cope, and (iv) level of interest in change. One hundred commercial fishers in five coastal communities were quantitatively and qualitatively surveyed. A negative perception of policy was found to significantly and adversely influence the behaviour and emotional response of commercial fishers, which, as described here, influences their resilience. For policy perception to be positive and resilience to be enhanced, fishers need to be meaningfully involved in the decision-making process, change needs to be implemented at an appropriate rate, and effort is required to ensure that equity, anticipated impacts and conservation effectiveness are positively interpreted. This knowledge can assist in the development of fisheries management strategies aimed at maintaining and enhancing socio-ecological resilience.
Land-use and land-cover change research increasingly takes the form of integrated land-change science, the explicit joining of ecological, social and information sciences. Traditional interdisciplinary methods are buttressed by new ones stemming from computational intelligence research and the complexity sciences. Several of these – genetic programming, cellular modeling and agent-based modeling – are applied to land change in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region (SYPR) of Mexico through the SYPR Integrated Assessment (SYPRIA). This work illustrates how computational intelligence techniques, such as genetic programming, can be used to model decision making in the context of human–environment relationships. This application also contributes to methodological innovations in multicriteria evaluation and modeling of coupled human–environment systems. This effort also demonstrates the importance of considering both social and environmental drivers of land change, particularly with respect to the decision making of change agents within the context of key socioeconomic and political drivers, particularly as channelled through market institutions and land tenure, and ecological factors, especially characteristics of land-use and land-cover such as state, history and fragmentation. SYPRIA demonstrates the utility of modeling methods based in computational intelligence and the complexity sciences in helping understand the decision making of land-change agents as a function of both social and environment drivers.
Understanding the dynamics of fishing effort plays a key role in predicting the impacts of regulatory measures on fisheries. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of bio-economic models to represent and analyze the short-term dynamics of fishing effort in response to regulation in the fisheries management literature. In this literature, fishing firms are usually modeled as autonomous decision-making units determining their harvest strategies so as to maximize profit, given technical and institutional constraints. The overall dynamics of a fishery is modeled as the result of these individual choices, and of interactions between individual choices due to the impacts of harvesting on the fish stock and/or problems of congestion. Applications have, for example, been related to the discussion of closed areas as fisheries management tools. A multi-agent model of a fishery targeting different species in different areas was developed to analyze the implications of taking into account the response of fishing fleets to such regulatory controls. The model is based on the Cormas platform developed for the simulation of the dynamics of common resource systems. An advantage of the multi-agent approach is that it allows a greater degree of complexity than standard bio-economic modeling tools, by focusing on local, rather than global, interactions. Simulation results are presented to illustrate how the model can be used to analyze the consequences of regulatory measures such as temporary fishing bans on the allocation of fishing effort between target species and areas, and the ensuing economic impacts of these measures.
Marine biologists have shown virtually unqualified support for managing fisheries with marine reserves, signifying a new resource management paradigm that recognizes the importance of spatial processes in exploited systems. Most modeling of reserves employs simplifying assumptions about the behavior of fishermen in response to spatial closures. We show that a realistic depiction of fishermen behavior dramatically alters the conclusions about reserves. We develop, estimate, and calibrate an integrated bioeconomic model of the sea urchin fishery in northern California and use it to simulate reserve policies. Our behavioral model shows how economic incentives determine both participation and location choices of fishermen. We compare simulations with behavioral response to biological modeling that presumes that effort is spatially uniform and unresponsive to economic incentives. We demonstrate that optimistic conclusions about reserves may be an artifact of simplifying assumptions that ignore economic behavior.
Fishers’ trip choice behavior in Hawaii’s longline fishery was analyzed by applying a utility theoretic mixed model (a combination of the conditional and multinomial logit (unordered) models) which accounts for both choice- and individual-specific attributes. The results indicate that fishers demonstrated utility maximizing and risk-averse behavior. They exhibited ‘inertia’ in switching to alternate trip choices. The stock level of major species, vessel age and size also significantly influenced fisher’s trip choice behavior. There was a high proportion of concord between the actual choice and model’s in-sample prediction of choices. Trip choice behavior was also simulated under different fleet structure and stock conditions.