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Operational carbon transition in the megalopolises' commercial buildings

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Building and Environment 226 (2022) 109705
Available online 14 October 2022
0360-1323/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Operational carbon transition in the megalopolises commercial buildings
Minda Ma
, Wei Feng
, Jingwen Huo
, Xiwang Xiang
Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, PR China
Building Technology & Urban Systems Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, United States
School of Management Science and Real Estate, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400045, PR China
Operational carbon emissions
Commercial buildings decarbonization
Carbon neutrality goal
Generalized divisia index method
Megalopolises are important political and economic centers and offer the best opportunities for decarbonizing
commercial building operations. This study estimates the decarbonization level of commercial buildings from
Chinas ve major megalopolises (Jing-Jin-Ji, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Middle
Reach, and Cheng-Yu) through the generalized Divisia index method, considering the impacts of socio-economy,
technology evolution, and climate. Results found the following: First, economic growth effects [service industry
added value (42.2%) and gross domestic product (36.5%)] and energy consumption (23.8%) were the main
drivers of the spike in operational carbon emissions of the megalopolises from 2000 to 2018. Second, except for
Cheng-Yu, operational carbon emissions were decoupled from economic growth effects since 2009, with the most
signicant decoupling status occurring in Jing-Jin-Ji, and technical effects being the main factor leading to the
decoupling. Third, the ve megalopolises cumulatively decarbonized 233.1 mega-tons of carbon dioxide
), offsetting 4.4% of the operational carbon of commercial buildings, with the highest decarbonization
level in Jing-Jin-Ji (5.7 MtCO
per yr, 7.8 kg of carbon dioxide per square meter per yr, and 55.6 kg of carbon
dioxide per capita per yr). Furthermore, current decarbonization strategies for megalopolises are reviewed to
plan for future low-carbon developments. Overall, this study assesses the operational decarbonization change of
commercial buildings in Chinese megalopolises. The ndings help inform building of sector pathways toward
Chinas carbon peaking and neutral goals and develop global low-carbon cities.
1. Introduction
Buildings, the largest energy-consuming and emitting sector in
China, are the last mile toward the carbon neutral century [1]. The latest
evidence shows that Chinas building sector consumed 1.6 giga-ton of
standard oil equivalent (Gtoe) and emitted nearly ve giga-ton of carbon
dioxide (GtCO
) in 2019, which accounts for 50.0% of the anthropo-
genic emissions [2]. Meanwhile, the service industrys rapid urbaniza-
tion and economic growth have led to a surge in commercial building
(see the denition in Appendix A) energy demand, resulting in a 3.7-fold
increase in operational carbon emissions over almost two decades [3].
Notably, an increasing number of studies have conrmed that the
decarbonization potential of commercial buildings exceeds the previ-
ously believed values [4,5]. Hence, net-zero emissions from the building
sector are signicant to Chinas carbon peaking and neutral actions,
with the decarbonization of commercial building operations playing a
crucial role.
Megalopolises are the most densely populated areas for economic
development [6] and core contributors to building energy consumption
and emissions (especially for commercial buildings) [7]. For example,
the Yangtze River Delta produced 19.8% of Chinas total GDP with
11.0% of the population on 2.2% of the land area in 2018 [8], and
released nearly 12.4% of operational carbon emissions from Chinas
commercial buildings [9]. Moreover, since megalopolises are usually
located in the same climate zones and share similar building energy
structures [10,11]; they are often regarded as the best units for energy
and climate policy implementation [12]. Currently, most countries have
wisely tilted policies toward megalopolises [13]. For China, deep
decarbonization of the operational carbon emissions of megalopolises is
a necessary way of achieving low-carbon development of the building
sector and a step toward achieving carbon peaking and neutral goals.
Nevertheless, few studies have assessed the operational decarbon-
ization levels of commercial buildings, especially among megalopolises
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (M. Ma), (X. Xiang).
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Received 16 August 2022; Received in revised form 23 September 2022; Accepted 11 October 2022
Building and Environment 226 (2022) 109705
in China. Therefore, three questions have been raised regarding com-
mercial buildings in Chinas megalopolises.
What drives the decarbonization of commercial buildings in Chinas
How has the decoupling state of carbon emissions from economic
growth changed?
What is the level of decarbonization of commercial buildings, and
how can it be facilitated?
To answer the above questions, this study estimates the historical
decarbonization level of commercial building operations in the top ve
emitting megalopolisesJing-Jin-Ji, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River
Delta, Yangtze River Middle Reach, and Cheng-Yu (see the denition in
Appendix B)considering socio-economic, technological evolution, and
climate factors using the generalized Divisia index method (GDIM).
Specically, the GDIM decomposition technique is rst used to identify
the drivers of commercial building decarbonization. Based on the
decomposition results, the decoupling status of decarbonization from
economic growth is further evaluated. Finally, the historical decarbon-
ization levels are evaluated from three emission scales, and the decar-
bonization efciency is compared among megalopolises. In addition,
deep decarbonization strategies are proposed to seek the best practice
pathways by combining historical decarbonization levels with a review
of current decarbonization efforts.
Regarding the most necessary contribution, this study is the rst
to estimate the historical decarbonization of commercial buildings from
the megalopolises perspective to respond to the call for carbon peak and
neutrality in China. For this purpose, this study examines the effects of
socio-economic, technological evolution, and climate on the decarbon-
ization and decoupling from the economic growth of commercial
building operations and assesses and compares the historical decar-
bonization levels of ve megalopolises at three levels: total, per oor
space, and per capita.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents a
literature review. Section 3 describes the methods and materials,
covering the emission model, GDIM, the GDIM-based decoupling efforts
index model, and the datasets. Section 4 provides the results of the
drivers and the decoupling effect of operational carbon emissions. Sec-
tion 5 includes three aspects: Section 5.1 shows the operational decar-
bonization estimation of commercial buildings. Section 5.2 compares
the decarbonization efciencies of the ve megalopolises. Section 5.3
discusses the strategies of deep decarbonization toward net-zero emis-
sions. Finally, Section 6 concludes the core ndings and proposes future
2. Literature review
In recent decades, megalopolises have gradually emerged worldwide
and offer the best chance but also the greatest challenge for decarbon-
ization [14,15]. According to the latest statistics, the operational carbon
emissions from commercial buildings in the ve selected megalopolises
have soared more than 3-fold since 2000 and as a whole contribute
approximately half of the total energy consumption and operational
carbon emissions in Chinas commercial buildings in 2018 [9] (see
Fig. 1). Many studies on major Chinese emitting cities have highlighted
the importance of megalopolises for decarbonizing commercial build-
ings [16], for instance, Jing-Jin-Ji [17,18], Yangtze River Delta [19],
Pearl River Delta [20], Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
[21], and other important pilot cities [22,23]. However, to our knowl-
edge, existing studies only cover specic megalopolises or regions and
lack comprehensive analysis and comparison. More importantly, most of
these efforts have neglected the assessment of the historical operational
decarbonization levels of commercial buildings.
Regarding operational carbon emissions of buildings, index decom-
position analysis (IDA), especially the log-mean decomposition index
(LMDI) [24], is a key tool for measuring the driving forces of economic
variables over time based on the Kaya identity [25]. Because of its ad-
vantages of simple operation and perfect decomposition, IDA has been
widely used to analyze the inuence of socioeconomic factors on oper-
ational carbon emissions and to further assess the decarbonization po-
tential of the buildings sector [26,27], including commercial buildings
[28,29], urban residential buildings [30], and rural residential buildings
[31]. Moreover, with the continuous development of decomposition
methods, increasing evidence suggests that the decomposition method
based on Kaya identity is too dependent on the relationship between
factors to output stable decomposition results [32]. This has led to better
alternatives being proposed, such as the GDIM [33], decomposing
structure decomposition [34] and Marshall-Edgeworth with structural
effects decomposition [35].
Considering the existing research on carbon emissions released by
commercial buildings described above, two gaps should be noted.
Regarding decarbonization assessment, although a large number
of studies on decarbonization have been reported in the classical liter-
ature, they have mainly focused on the international or national level
[36,37]. For instance, Zhang et al. [38] compared the carbon mitigation
of commercial buildings in China and the United States and concluded
that the mitigation efciency in China was 1.5 times that in the United
States. Lin et al. [39] rst used the LMDI to investigate the drivers of
carbon change in the commercial buildings sector of China and provided
corresponding policies to reduce emissions. Zhou et al. [40] and Tang
et al. [41] further analyzed the low-carbon development trajectory of
commercial buildings by the mid-century. Recently, Li et al. [2]
reviewed the provincial decarbonization levels of commercial buildings
in China and compared them with those at the national level. However,
megalopolises, as major carriers of operational carbon released by
commercial buildings, have not received the necessary attention to date.
Regarding the analytical approach to assessing building
Abbreviation notation
GDIM Generalized Divisia Index Method
GDP Gross Domestic Product
IBED International Building Emission Dataset
IDA Index decomposition analysis
LMDI Log-Mean Divisia Index
C Carbon emissions
E Energy consumption
F Gross oor space
G Gross Domestic Product
Gross Domestic Product of service industry
Gtoe Giga-ton of standard oil equivalent
Giga-ton of carbon dioxide
Kilograms of carbon dioxide
Megatons of carbon dioxide
P Population
φ Decarbonization effort index
ΔC Change in operational carbon emissions
ΔD Decarbonization effort
ΔDC Total decarbonization
ΔDF Decarbonization per oor space
ΔDP Decarbonization per capita
M. Ma et al.
Building and Environment 226 (2022) 109705
decarbonization, GDIM is the preferred decomposition method for
assessing historical decarbonization. Compared with other conventional
decomposition techniques, GDIM not only overcomes the inherent aws
in the traditional index decomposition analysis framework but also en-
ables a multi-perspective analysis of the nonlinear interrelationships
among potential driving forces [42,43]. Namely, the GDIM can identify
both absolute and relative indicators [44]. In addition, a large number of
empirical analyses from the energy and emission sectors conrm the
validity of this method [45,46]. Therefore, GDIM has been used to reveal
the main contributors and decarbonization processes in major emission
sectors [47,48], including industry [49], transportation [50], and elec-
tricity [51,52]. However, to our knowledge, no studies on GDIM in the
area of building operation emissions have yet been conducted.
Therefore, to ll these gaps, the historical evolution of carbon
emissions of commercial buildings in ve Chinese megalopolises is
investigated using the GDIM decomposition method. The contributions
cover two aspects.
This is the rst time the operational carbon change of com-
mercial buildings is reviewed via GDIM. As mentioned earlier, the
existing literature is mainly based on the classical index decompo-
sition method, and analysis via GDIM in the building sector has not
been reported. Therefore, this study rst uses an advanced GDIM to
identify the factors affecting operational carbon, then reviews the
decoupling effect based on the decomposition results, and nally
evaluates the historical decarbonization levels of commercial
The historical decarbonization levels of the top ve mega-
lopolisescommercial buildings are assessed across three scales
for the rst time. Currently, only a few studies have conducted
decarbonization assessments for commercial building operations,
and none have emerged at the megalopolis level. This study allows
for the vital role of Chinas megalopolises buildings in carbon
neutral actions. Operational decarbonization levels of commercial
buildings are assessed on different scales: total decarbonization,
decarbonization per oor space, and decarbonization per capita.
Furthermore, the decarbonization efciency of the ve mega-
lopolises is compared to explore the operational decarbonization
potential of commercial buildings.
3. Methods and materials
The GDIM was adopted to explore the driving factors, decoupling
effects, and mitigation of operational carbon emissions from commercial
buildings in ve megalopolises in China. The emission model for com-
mercial building operations is described in Section 3.1. The GDIM
approach used to determine the drivers of operational decarbonization
of commercial buildings is presented in Section 3.2, and the GDIM-based
decoupling effort index model is described in Section 3.3. Finally, data
collection is presented in Section 3.4.
3.1. Operational carbon emission model
Ehrlich and Holden [53] developed an environmental impact model
with population, afuence, and technology (IPAT) in 1971, which pro-
vides an important analytical framework for exploring the effects of
environmental change [54]. The classical IPAT model is expressed as
where I on the left-hand side of Eq. (1) represents the environmental
impact caused by the inuencing factors, and P, A, and T on the right-
hand side of Eq. (1) represent population size, afuence level, and
technology level, respectively. Correspondingly, the impact of carbon
emissions can be described by the IPAT model as follows:
For the building sector, based on the emission characteristics and
inherent properties of the commercial building sector, the emissions
model [55] in Eq. (2) is redened as:
In previous studies, Eq. (3) was generally decomposed according to
the index decomposition analysis method (e.g., LMDI [56]) as follows:
ΔC|0→T=C|TC|0=ΔC[P] + ΔCG
where ΔC|0T denotes the change in the total carbon emissions over the
period [0,T]. The terms on the right-hand side (e.g., ΔC[P]) of Eq. (4)
represent the contribution level of population size to the operational
carbon in buildings.
However, as stated in the literature review, the decomposition re-
sults (Eq. (4)) calculated using the conventional method have many
drawbacks compared to the GDIM. Hence, a new emission model was
proposed in this study to quantify the drivers of carbon emissions from
Fig. 1. (a) Operational carbon change of commercial buildings in ve megalopolises (20002018) and (b) energy and emission levels from commercial buildings
in 2018.
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Building and Environment 226 (2022) 109705
commercial building operations based on the classical IPAT model,
which is expressed as follows:
The GDIM was then applied to decompose the emission model pro-
posed in this study.
3.2. Generalized divisia index method (GDIM)
Following the theory and content of the GDIM, a commercial
building operation emission model (Eq. (5)) proposed in this study can
be rewritten as follows:
C=x1x2=x3x4=x5x6=x7x8=x9x10 (6)
where x1,x3,x5,x7,x9 are absolute factors and x2,x4,x6,x8,x10 are
relative factors. Then, the other four relative indicators can be further
derived by
x11 =x6
x12 =x6
x13 =x2
x14 =x8
Let the vector x= [x1,x2,x3,,x14], which represents the inuencing
factors that determine the carbon emissions of commercial building
operations. The denitions and explanations of the inuencing factors in
vector x are summarized and tabulated in Table 1.
Simultaneous Eqs. (6) and (7) are obtained as follows:
θ4=x5x6x9x10 =0
θ5=x9x5×x11 =0
θ6=x5x3×x12 =0
θ7=x3x1×x13 =0
θ8=x9x7×x14 =0
Eq. (8) can be expressed in matrix form as:
Θ(x) = 0
C=f(x) = f(x1,x2,,x14)(9)
According to [33], the change in carbon emissions from commercial
buildings can be decomposed as
where L is the time interval, I is the identity matrix, C=
(x5,x6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)T is the gradient of the function f(x)
with respect to the inuence factor, Θx is the Jacobi matrix of the matrix
function Θ(x)and satises (Θx)ij =
xi. In this study, Θx reects the
marginal impact of different drivers on carbon emissions from com-
mercial building operations and is dened as follows:
In addition, superscript +in Eq. (10) represents the generalized in-
verse matrix operator, and Θ+
x= (ΘT
x is satised when the Ja-
cobian matrix column is full-rank. At this time, Eq. (10) can be further
transformed into
The Simpson integral rule was used to integrate Eq. (12), and the
change in commercial building emissions can be perfectly decomposed
into the sum of the contributions of the 14 factors:
Furthermore, the decarbonization (ΔDC|0T) of commercial building
operations during period ΔT can be calculated using the emission
drivers with negative contributions from 0 to T, which is dened as
follows [57]:
where ΔC[xj] = {ΔC[xi],i=1,2,,14 |ΔC[xi] 0}. Accordingly, the
Table 1
The denition and explanation of driving factors in GDIM.
Driving factors Denition Explanation
x1 P Population size
x2 C
Carbon emission per capita
x3 G GDP
x4 C
Carbon emission per GDP
x5 Gs Service industry added value
x6 C
Economic efciency of emissions
x7 F Floor space
x8 C
Carbon intensity
x9 E Energy consumption
x10 C
Emission factor
x11 E
Economic efciency of energy
x12 Gs
Industrial structure
x13 G
GDP per capita
x14 E
Energy intensity
x2x10 0 x6x50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 x4x3x6x50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 x6x5x8x70 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 x6x50 0 x10 x90 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 x11 0 0 0 1 0 x50 0 0
0 0 x12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 x30 0
x13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x10
0 0 0 0 0 0 x14 0 1 0 0 0 0 x7
M. Ma et al.
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decarbonization per oor space (ΔDF|0T) and decarbonization per
capita (ΔDP|0T) can also be dened according to Eq. (14), as follows:
3.3. The GDIM-based decoupling efforts index model
According to the decomposition results obtained through the GDIM,
the change in operational carbon due to the change in GDP (ΔG) and
GDP per capita change (ΔG
P) can be regarded as economic growth effects
[58,59]. In general, decarbonization efforts are the sum of the factors
(excluding economic growth effects) that lead to the reduction of
operational carbon emissions from commercial buildings, and represent
all efforts that directly or indirectly lead to operational decarbonization.
Thus, the operational decarbonization effort from the base year to year T
is characterized as [60]
ΔD|0→T=ΔC|0→T (ΔG+ΔGS) = ΔC|0→T (Δx3+Δx13)(16)
Furthermore, the decarbonization effort offset by the economic
growth effect was used to assess the coupling effect between economic
growth and the decarbonization of commercial buildings [61]. As
illustrated in Eq. (17):
where φ|0T denotes the degree of decoupling of commercial buildings
decarbonized during period [0, T]. The denitions of the different
decoupling states are summarized in Table 2.
Evidently, a decoupling indicator can be determined for each
decomposition factor based on the additivity and comparability of the
decomposition factors. To reveal the inuencing factors driving the
change in decoupling status, the decoupling indexes related to energy
intensity and emission intensity are attributed to technical effects in this
study, while the remaining decoupling indexes that do not directly
reect technological progress are identied as non-technical effects [62,
63]. Thus, the decoupling index for the decarbonization of commercial
building operations can be decomposed as
For convenience, Eq. (18) is rewritten as follows:
where φxi denotes the relative contribution level of the ith inuencing
factor to the overall decoupling effort index φ|0T, and φNontech and
φTech reect the inuence of technical and non-technical effects,
respectively, on the decoupling of carbon emissions from commercial
building operations.
3.4. Datasets
In this study, historical data from ve megalopolises in China from
2000 to 2018 were selected as the research sample for use in a com-
mercial building emission model. Fig. 2 and Tables C1-C5 (see Appendix
C) show the descriptive statistics of all raw data, including population,
GDP, service industry added value, building stock, and energy and
emissions of commercial buildings. Building-related data were sourced
from the IBED database (
uilding-Emission-Dataset-IBED), which is a multi-regional dataset that
mainly serves the building sector. Indicators related to population and
economy were collected from
4. Results
4.1. Drivers of operational decarbonization in commercial buildings
Based on the emission model established in Eq. (6), the change in
carbon emissions from building operations was decomposed by the
GDIM into the contributions of 14 driving factors, including ve abso-
lute drivers and nine relative drivers. The heat maps in Fig. 3 present the
changes in the operational carbon emissions of commercial buildings
and the decomposition results for the ve megalopolises in China from
2000 to 2018.
Fig. 3 shows the total effect of the drivers. Operational carbon of
commercial buildings in megalopolises continued to rise from 106.5
in 2000 to 444.9 MtCO
in 2018, with an average annual growth
rate of 17.7%. The most signicant rise occurred in the Yangtze River
Delta (ΔCYRD|20002018 =94.7 MtCO
), followed by the Yangtze River
Middle Reach (ΔCYRMR|20002018 =80.1 MtCO
). The carbon
Table 2
The denition of decoupling state.
Decoupling state Δx3+Δx13 ΔD|0T φ|0T
Strong decoupling >0 <0 φ|0T<1
Weak decoupling >0 <0 1<φ|0T<0
Expansive negative decoupling >0 >0 φ|0T>0
Strong negative decoupling <0 >0 φ|0T<1
Weak negative decoupling <0 >0 1<φ|0T<0
Recessive decoupling <0 <0 φ|0T>0
+Δx2+Δx4+Δx6+Δx8+Δx10 +Δx11 +Δx14
Nontechnical effect
Technical effect
Nontechnical effect
+φx2+ +φx4+φx6+φx8+φx10 +φx11 +φx14
Technical effect
=φNontech +φTech (19)
M. Ma et al.
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emissions of all megalopolises had a brief peak around 2014, and most
megalopolises started to rebound strongly after peaking. Notably, in
Jing-Jin-Ji, the operational carbon emissions of commercial buildings
maintained a steady decline after peaking at 134.2 MtCO
in 2016. In
addition, the effect of climate on changes in operational carbon is
striking. Following the building climate zones provided by standard GB
503522019 (see Fig. 1 b) [64], the operational carbon emissions in hot
summer/cold winter zones (Yangtze River Middle Reach: 55.6%,
Cheng-Yu: 30.9%, Yangtze River Delta: 21.7%) had substantially higher
average increase rates than those in hot summer/warm winter zones
Fig. 2. Descriptive statistics of historical data for ve megalopolises in China (20002018). Notes: the short vertical lines under the density plot indicate the sample,
and the dots and diamonds in the density plot indicate the sample mean and 25th (75th) percentile, respectively.
Fig. 3. Contribution of drivers to change in operational carbon emissions in ve Chinese megalopolises.
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(Pearl River Delta: 19.6%) and cold zones (Jing-Jin-Ji: 7.5%).
As shown in the heat map in Fig. 3, the impact of drivers on the
operational carbon emissions of commercial buildings from different
megalopolises is similar. For the drivers that contribute to operational
carbon emissions, the two largest contributors were the service industry
added value (42.2%) and GDP (36.5%), both of which contributed
consistently to the operational carbon of commercial buildings, espe-
cially for commercial buildings in Jing-Jin-Ji (59.4% and 68.9%).
Another key factor driving carbon emissions was energy consumption
(23.8%), which contributed to increases of 28.0% (Jing-Jin-Ji), 23.0%
(Cheng-Yu), 22.7% (Pearl River Delta), 22.9% (Yangtze River Delta),
and 22.4% (Yangtze River Middle Reach) in the ve megalopolises. In
addition, oor space (14.1%) also had a small positive impact on the
carbon emissions of commercial buildings. For drivers that contribute to
decarbonization, the economic efciency of emissions (20.4%) and
carbon emissions per GDP (15.1%) played a critical role in driving the
Fig. 4. (a) The decoupling state of operational carbon in commercial buildings and (b) the drivers of changes in the decoupling state.
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decarbonization of commercial building operations. In addition, the
emission factor (3.5%) was also an important driver of the decarbon-
ization of commercial buildings, especially after 2014 (before 2014:
1.2%, after 2014: 4.2%). In contrast, the contribution of carbon
emissions per capita and carbon intensity to decarbonization was not
stable. For instance, carbon intensity had a positive contribution in Jing-
Jin-Ji and Yangtze River Delta, whereas it was negative in the rest of the
megalopolises. Additionally, the effect of carbon emission per capita on
carbon emissions varied greatly from one period to another and shows
large uctuations. The remaining drivers had insignicant effects on
carbon emissions and were, therefore, ignored.
Overall, the above decomposition results portray the major drivers
driving the operational decarbonization of commercial buildings in
megalopolises in China and respond to the rst question raised in
Fig. 5. Operational decarbonization change of commercial buildings in megalopolises and share of decarbonization at different stages (20002018). Note: the
bubbles on the map indicate the total cumulative decarbonization from 2000 to 2018; the error bands in the line graph indicate one standard deviation.
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Section 1.
4.2. Decoupling effect of operational carbon in commercial buildings
After identifying the drivers of commercial building decarbon-
ization, based on the decomposition results from the GDIM, the decou-
pling effort index model was used to investigate the decoupling effect of
operational carbon of commercial buildings, and the results are illus-
trated in Fig. 4. For ease of analysis and comparison, the study period
was divided into four phases: 20002005, 20062009, 20102014, and
20152018. Since the 21st century, Chinas service economy has always
maintained rapid development, resulting in the economic growth of the
ve megalopolises showing an increasing trend. Therefore, the decou-
pling results (see the map in Fig. 4 a) only cover three decoupling states:
expansion negative decoupling, weak decoupling, and strong decou-
pling (see Fig. 5).
Fig. 4 a presents the evolution of the decoupling of operational
carbon emissions from 2000 to 2018, and the results show that the
average decoupling indexes of the ve megalopolises from 2000 to 2018
were: 1.96 (20002005), 0.63 (20062009), 0.02 (20102014), and
0.08 (20152018). This indicates that the decoupling efforts of carbon
emissions from commercial building operations have been increasing,
from the initial expansion negative decoupling to weak decoupling.
Specically, before 2009, the decoupling effort index of the decarbon-
ization of commercial buildings in the ve megalopolises was greater
than zero, showing an expansion negative decoupling state, indicating
that the carbon emissions of commercial building operations and eco-
nomic growth effects in these regions have not been decoupling, that is,
Fig. 6. (a) Operational decarbonization per oor space and (b) per capita of commercial buildings in the ve Chinese megalopolises.
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the decarbonization efforts during this period could not offset the in-
crease in carbon emissions driven by economic effects. Since 2009,
except for the Cheng-Yu region, which still maintains the negative
decoupling state, the rest of the megalopolises started to show a state of
less than zero or even less than 1, indicating that these regions have
entered a deep decoupling state, and the decarbonization effect caused
by the constraints has been gradually offset or even exceed the driving
effect brought by the economic growth effect. In other words, the
operational carbon in these regions decreased with the growth of eco-
nomic effects, including GDP and the service industry added value. To
be more specic, from 2009 to 2014, operational carbon in the Jing-Jin-
Ji region (φJJJ|20092014 = 0.48), the Pearl River Delta
(φPRD|20092014 = 0.15)and the Yangtze River Middle Reach
(φYRMR|20092014 = 0.04)were the rst to show a weak decoupling
state. During 20152018, the Yangtze River Delta
(φYRD|20152018 = 0.08)also entered a weak decoupling state, and
the Pearl River Delta (φPRD|20152018 =0.18)and Yangtze River Delta
(φYRD|20152018 =0.57)returned to the expansion negative decou-
pling state, and the Jing-Jin-Ji region entered a strong decoupling state.
Fig. 4b further provides the drivers of change in the decoupling of
carbon emissions from commercial buildings. For all megalopolises, the
decoupling efforts index of technology effects decreased continuously
throughout the study period (φTech|20002005 =0.84,φTech |20062009 =
0.12,φTech|20102014 = 0.35,φTech|20152018 = 0.43), while non-
technology effects changed insignicantly and always led to an in-
crease in the decoupling efforts index (φNonTech|20002005 =0.78,
φNonTech|20062009 =0.46,φNonTech |20102014 =0.50,
φNonTech|20152018 =0.52), indicating that changes in decoupling of
operational carbon in megalopolises were mainly driven by technolog-
ical effects. From the decoupling efforts index of the drivers, emission
factor and carbon emission per GDP were key technical factors that led
to the decoupling of operational carbon emissions from economic
growth effects. Additionally, although some of the remaining technical
factors (such as carbon emission per capita and economic efciency of
energy) had a dampening effect on the decoupling of operational carbon
emissions, this effect gradually diminished or even reversed. Energy
consumption and population size determined the non-technical effects.
Overall, the above results present the change in decoupling effect of
operational carbon from economic growth in megalopolises and the
reason behind this transformation, answering the second question posed
in Section 1.
5. Discussion
The deep decarbonization of megalopolises is an important prereq-
uisite for China to accomplish its ambitious blueprint for net-zero
emissions. Therefore, to close the gap between the current carbon
mitigation progress of commercial buildings and the existing targets,
megalopolises should make more prominent contributions. In this sec-
tion, the historical decarbonization levels from 2000 to 2018 are dis-
cussed. Section 5.1 traces the dynamic evolution of the operational
decarbonization of commercial buildings in three aspects (including
total decarbonization, decarbonization per oor space, and decarbon-
ization per capita), and Section 5.2 compares the decarbonization ef-
ciency of megalopolises at different stages. Finally, Section 5.3 reviews
the energy efciency and emission reduction policies of commercial
buildings in Chinas megalopolises, and the corresponding policy in-
sights are stated based on historical decarbonization levels.
5.1. Operational decarbonization assessment of commercial buildings
As described in Section 3.2, based on the GDIM decomposition re-
sults, the historical decarbonization level of commercial buildings can
be evaluated using Eqs. 1315, and the results are presented in Fig. 6.
The size of the bubbles on the map reects the total cumulative
decarbonization in the Chinese megalopolises commercial buildings.
From 2000 to 2018, the ve megalopolises have decarbonized a total of
233.1 MtCO
, which is equivalent to 4.4% of the total operational car-
bon emissions; the megalopolis with the highest level of total decar-
bonization was the Jing-Jin-Ji region with 102.0 MtCO
(equivalent to
the total emissions of the ve megalopolises in 2000 or the sum of the
cumulative decarbonization in Cheng-Yu, Yangtze River Delta, and
Yangtze River Middle Reach), followed by the Yangtze River Delta (55.4
), the Yangtze River Middle Reach (29.9 MtCO
), and the Pearl
River Delta (29.5 MtCO
), whereas the megalopolis with the lowest total
decarbonization was the Cheng-Yu region, with 16.3 MtCO
(less than
1/6 of Jing-Jin-Jis decarbonization).
From the perspective of the specic historical trajectory of decar-
bonization, during the entire study period, the decarbonization trajec-
tory of commercial building operations in Chinas megalopolises
generally showed an upward trend. Specically, as the top two mega-
lopolises with the largest emissions, the decarbonization in the Jing-Jin-
Ji and the Yangtze River Delta regions was always signicantly higher
than that of the other three megalopolises during the same period and
uctuated more signicantly, with annual average decarbonization of
5.7 MtCO
/yr and 3.1 MtCO
/yr respectively, peaking in 2004 (22.7
) and 2014 (10.8 MtCO
), respectively. In contrast, the changes in
the decarbonization of commercial buildings located in the remaining
three megalopolises were relatively stable and very similar. From 2000
to 2012, the total decarbonization in these regions was relatively low,
and the total decarbonization between 2012 and 2018 showed an M-
shape with all peaks around 2014. The total annual average decarbon-
ization of Yangtze River Middle Reach, Pearl River Delta, and Cheng-Yu
was 1.7 MtCO
/yr, 1.6 MtCO
/yr, and 0.9 MtCO
/yr, respectively. With
respect to the change in stage decarbonization, from 2000 to 2018, the
share of total decarbonization in the ve megalopolises across the four
stages was 15.8%, 18.6%, 32.6%, and 33.0%, respectively, indicating
that the operational decarbonization process of commercial buildings
was gradually accelerating.
Fig. 6 further depicts the change of decarbonization per oor space
and per capita in Chinas megalopolises. From 2001 to 2018, the average
annual decarbonization per oor space of the ve megalopolises is
ranked as follows: Jing-Jin-Ji (7.8 kgCO
/yr) >Pearl River Delta
(2.3 kgCO
/yr) >Yangtze River Delta (2.0 kgCO
/yr) >Yangtze
River Middle-Reach (1.5 kgCO
/yr) >Cheng-Yu (1.3 kgCO
yr). Further, the ranking of average annual decarbonization per capita
is: Jing-Jin-Ji (55.6 kgCO
per capita/yr) >Yangtze River Delta (19.5
per capita/yr) >Pearl River Delta (15.3 kgCO
per capita/yr) >
Yangtze River Middle Reach (9.8 kgCO
per capita/yr) >Cheng-Yu (8.1
per capita/yr). In general, the megalopolis with the highest level
of decarbonization from the three scales was Jing-Jin-Ji (especially in
terms of per oor space and per capita, which both exceed the combined
total of the remaining megalopolises), while the lowest was Cheng-Yu.
Although there is a huge gap between the total amount of decarbon-
ization in Cheng-Yu and the other megalopolises, the decarbonization
per oor space and decarbonization per capita in Cheng-Yu are close to
other megalopolises, especially the Yangtze River Middle Reach. In
addition, the decarbonization per oor space and decarbonization per
capita in the Pearl River Delta and in the Yangtze River Delta are very
similar, but the total amount of decarbonization in the Yangtze River
Delta is almost twice that of the Pearl River Delta.
Overall, the above discussion estimates the operational decarbon-
ization of commercial buildings in ve megalopolises at three scales
over the last decade, tentatively answering the third question posed in
Section 1.
5.2. Comparison of decarbonization efciency of the ve megalopolises
Although Section 5.1 assesses the operational decarbonization level
of commercial buildings in China from three emission scales, this
assessment framework, which relies only on absolute indicators, is
M. Ma et al.
Building and Environment 226 (2022) 109705
incomplete. To gain insight into the decarbonization potential and thus
allocate future emission shares for each megalopolis [65]. In this sec-
tion, decarbonization efciency is introduced into the assessment
framework of this study, which is dened as the ratio of total decar-
bonization to carbon emissions. Similarly, the intensity-based decar-
bonization efciency can also be calculated. Fig. 7 ac shows the
decarbonization efciency of Chinas megalopolises at three emission
scales: total amount, per capita, and per oor space, respectively.
Meanwhile, the decarbonization efciency is very close at different
scales, which is caused by insignicant changes in population size and
oor space within each period. Therefore, the following discussion takes
the total amount of decarbonization as an example to compare the
decarbonization efciency between megalopolises.
As shown in Fig. 7, the decarbonization efciency in Jing-Jin-Ji and
Yangtze River Delta was consistently higher than that of the other
megalopolises between 2000 and 2018. From 2000 to 2005, the com-
mercial building operations in Jing-Jin-Ji reduced carbon emissions by
29.2 MtCO
, accounting for 28.7% of the total decarbonization, which is
equivalent to 8.4% of the operational carbon emissions of Jing-Jin-Ji
during the same period. The decarbonization efciency during this
time period was the highest of all megalopolises during the entire study
period. After 2005, the decarbonization efciency in Jing-Jin-Ji steadily
increased (3.9%, 4.5%, and 6.1%), whereas the opposite was true for the
Yangtze River Delta (4.8%, 4.1%, 3.7%). For commercial building op-
erations in Cheng-Yu, Pearl River Delta, and Yangtze River Middle
Reach, decarbonization efciency increased steadily during 20002014
and then decreased. Although total decarbonization in the Yangtze River
Middle Reach and Pearl River Delta were very close and had similar
trends, the decarbonization efciency in the Pearl River Delta was
higher than that in the Yangtze River Middle Reach (except for the
period 20062018). In addition, although the total decarbonization of
Cheng-Yu was much smaller than that of the Pearl River Delta region,
the decarbonization efciencies of both were very similar from 2000 to
2018. The overall decarbonization efciency of commercial buildings in
the ve megalopolises from to 20002018 was Jing-Jin-Ji (5.6%) >
Yangtze River Delta (4.0%) >Cheng-Yu (3.8%) >Yangtze River Middle
Reach (3.5%) =Pearl River Delta (3.5%).
In summary, the above discussion compares the decarbonization
efciency of different megalopolises, further answering the third ques-
tion posed in Section 1.
Fig. 7. Operational decarbonization efciency of commercial buildings at different scales: (a1-a5) total, (b1-b5) per oor space, and (c1-c5) per capita.
M. Ma et al.
Building and Environment 226 (2022) 109705
5.3. Deep decarbonization strategies toward net-zero emissions
Sections 5.1 and 5.2 report the operational decarbonization levels of
commercial buildings in megalopolises. Although the results show that
the pace of decarbonization in megalopolises is accelerating, the overall
decarbonization efciency is still relatively low (ranging from 3.5% to
5.6%). The deep decarbonization of building operations is closely
related to improvements in energy conservation levels. Since 1980, the
Chinese government has proposed a series of energy conservation
standards to improve the energy efciency of commercial building op-
erations and thus reduce operational carbon emissions, as well as the
concepts of ultralow, near-zero, and zero energy buildings. Following
these policies, the regions in which megalopolises are located have
proposed corresponding policies that consider climatic conditions and
specic situations. Fig. 8 outlines the roadmap of decarbonization
strategies for commercial buildings over the last few decades.
Combining the proposed ndings and existing energy conversion
policies, future decarbonization strategies for Chinas megalopolises can
be implemented in two ways.
From the perspective of megalopolises, the agglomeration effect of
megalopolises should be maximized, thereby promoting the develop-
ment of emerging industries and industrial structure upgrading [66].
The Chinese government has already launched three batches of
low-carbon pilot cities in seven provinces and 80 cities since 2010 and
accomplished initial achievements [67,68], and more attention needs to
be paid simultaneously to resource allocation and the spatial layout of
megalopolises to combat environmental threats caused by rapid ur-
banization (e.g., urban heat island effect [69]). In addition, unied and
more advanced energy efciency standards and evaluation systems for
buildings can help improve the energy efciency of the construction
industry within megalopolises; for example, the Jing-Jin-Ji region
jointly promulgated the Design Standard Of Green Buildings in 2021 [70].
In addition, some advanced experiences from abroad are worth learning
from, such as the vertical greening system implemented in Singapore
[71,72] and the net-zero energy building goal proposed in California
From the perspective of building operations, end-use electrication
should be promoted, and the proportion of renewable energy in building
operations should be signicantly increased [74,75], especially for
megalopolises located in cold northern regions (e.g., the Jing-Jin-Ji re-
gion). Meanwhile, strengthening the supervision and management of
energy consumption monitoring and auditing in commercial buildings is
recommended (e.g., Shanghai [76] and Shenzhen [77]), where the
provision of large amounts of online monitoring data will effectively
constrain the energy intensity of the end-use equipment [78,79]. In
addition to these, the government should guide the development of
low-carbon technologies by improving the scal incentive system or
using economic instruments (e.g., carbon taxes [80] and carbon markets
[81]) and digital nancial inclusion [82].
Overall, the policy recommendations for the deep decarbonization of
commercial buildings address the third question posed in Section 1.
6. Conclusion
This study investigated the progress of decarbonization of commer-
cial building operations in Chinas megalopolises using the GDIM. First,
the GDIM was applied to identify the driving forces of operational car-
bon emissions from 2000 to 2018. Based on the decomposition results,
the decoupling state of operational carbon emissions was characterized
by the decoupling efforts index. Second, the study assessed the historical
decarbonization level on the three emission scales. Third, decarbon-
ization efciency was investigated to determine the potential for deep
decarbonization. Finally, policies to decarbonize commercial building
operations in megalopolises were reviewed to identify potential path-
ways to net-zero emissions. The ndings are summarized as follows:
6.1. Main ndings
Operational carbon emissions from commercial buildings
continued to rise at an annual level of 17.7%, with economic
growth effects and energy use being the key drivers contrib-
uting to the rise. Carbon emissions from commercial building op-
erations in ve megalopolises continued to rise from 106.5 MtCO
2000 to 444.9 MtCO
in 2018. In addition, the economic growth
effect [service industry added value (42.2%) and GDP (36.5%)] was
the largest contributor promoting operational carbon emissions
(especially for commercial buildings in the Jing-Jin-Ji region), fol-
lowed by energy consumption (23.8%). In contrast, the economic
efciency of emissions (20.4%), carbon emissions per GDP
(15.1%), and emission factor (3.5%) were the key drivers for
decarbonizing building operations.
Since 2009, operational carbon emissions were decoupled from
economic growth effects in most megalopolises (except the
Cheng-Yu). From 2000 to 2009, there was a clear coupling effect
between operational carbon emissions and economic growth in
commercial buildings. After 2009, operational carbon in Jing-Jin-Ji,
Fig. 8. The roadmap of decarbonization strategies for the commercial buildings in China.
M. Ma et al.
Building and Environment 226 (2022) 109705
Pearl River Delta, and Yangtze River Middle Reach decoupled from
economic growth effects and displayed a weak decoupling in
20102014. During 20152018, the Yangtze River Delta also dis-
played a weak decoupling state, and Jing-Jin-Ji presented a strong
decoupling state. Following the decoupling effort index of drivers,
technical effects were key contributors to the decoupling of opera-
tional carbon from economic growth, whereas non-technical effects
had always prevented it.
The operational decarbonization of commercial buildings of
megalopolises was gradually accelerating, with cumulative
decarbonization of 233.1 MtCO
from 2000 to 2018, with the
highest decarbonization level in the Jing-Jin-Ji region (5.7
/yr, 7.8 kgCO
/yr, 55.6 kgCO
per capita per yr). This
study assessed and compared the decarbonization level and ef-
ciency of commercial building operations in megalopolises on three
scales. From 2000 to 2018, the total decarbonization of the ve
megalopolises of Jing-Jin-Ji, Yangtze River Delta, Yangtze River
Middle Reach, Pearl River Delta, and Cheng-Yu was 5.7, 3.1, 1.7, 1.6,
and 0.9 MtCO
/yr, which corresponds to 5.6%, 4.0%, 3.5%, 3.5%,
and 3.8% of their respective total carbon emissions. Moreover, the
decarbonization per oor space for these regions was 7.8, 2.0, 1.5,
2.3 and 1.3 kgCO
/yr, and the decarbonization per capita for
these regions was 55.6, 19.5, 9.8, 15.3 and 8.1 kgCO
per capita per
yr respectively.
6.2. Future direction
To further deepen the theme of decarbonization and accelerate the
process of moving commercial buildings toward net-zero emissions,
several other issues deserve future investigation. Because commercial
buildings rely heavily on fossil energy for their energy consumption and
serve end-use activities such as space heating and water heating, the
inuence of end-use behavior and energy structure on carbon emissions
from commercial buildings should be further investigated in detail in
future studies. Although the decarbonization assessment in this work
provides a baseline level of historical emissions for commercial build-
ings, the projected decarbonization potential of commercial buildings is
still unclear. Therefore, an assessment framework for evaluating future
decarbonization of building operations should be developed to clarify
the roadmap for deep decarbonization. In addition, the remaining
budget and allocation of carbon emissions from commercial buildings at
the megalopolis level should also be addressed as a priority in future
studies, which would help control the total amount of carbon emissions
from commercial building operations to ease the pressure on China to
achieve its carbon peak by 2030.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Minda Ma: Writing review & editing, Writing original draft,
Validation, Supervision, Resources, Project administration, Methodol-
ogy, Funding acquisition, Data curation, Conceptualization. Wei Feng:
Validation, Supervision, Resources, Writing review & editing. Jing-
wen Huo: Validation. Xiwang Xiang: Writing original draft, Visual-
ization, Validation, Software, Investigation.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
This study was supported by the Graduate Research and Innovation
Foundation of Chongqing, China (CYS22071), the National Planning
Ofce of Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China
(21CJY030), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (8224085), the
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M680020), and the
Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program of Tsinghua University
Appendix A-C. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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Water scarcity is increasingly perceived as a great challenge to the sustainable development of human society. The economic output loss due to water scarcity is defined as water scarcity risk (WSR), which constitutes local water scarcity risk (LWSR, local economic output loss in water-using sectors due to water scarcity) and virtual water scarcity risk (VWSR, the spread of LWSR through trade systems). However, the traditional water stress index used in the existing WSR assessment research is limited in its accuracy and descriptiveness. Here we address these limitations by quantifying the LWSR with the consideration of environmental flow requirement, water intensity, economic output, and further assessing the VWSR. Results show that the WSR of the world is around 2.7 trillion US dollars in 2016. We also identify the hotspots of WSR at the national and sectoral levels. Our findings help lay the foundation for nations to develop strategies for mitigating WSR.
Demand side energy flexibility is increasingly being viewed as an essential enabler for the swift transition to a low-carbon energy system that displaces conventional fossil fuels with renewable energy sources while maintaining, if not improving, the operation of the energy system. Building energy flexibility may address several challenges facing energy systems and electricity consumers as society transitions to a low-carbon energy system characterized by distributed and intermittent energy resources. For example, by changing the timing and amount of building energy consumption through advanced building technologies, electricity demand and supply balance can be improved to enable greater integration of variable renewable energy. Although the benefits of utilizing energy flexibility from the built environment are generally recognized, solutions that reflect diversity in building stocks, customer behavior, and market rules and regulations need to be developed for successful implementation. In this paper, we pose and answer ten questions covering technological, social, commercial, and regulatory aspects to enable the utilization of energy flexibility of buildings in practice. In particular, we provide a critical overview of techniques and methods for quantifying and harnessing energy flexibility. We discuss the concepts of resilience and multi-carrier energy systems and their relation to energy flexibility. We argue the importance of balancing stakeholder engagement and technology deployment. Finally, we highlight the crucial roles of standardization, regulation, and policy in advancing the deployment of energy flexible buildings.
Continuous urbanization and future climate change will bring serious urban heat island effects (UHIs) in cities, resulting in more intensive urban heat risks. It has attracted more attentions to mitigate UHIs, and urban parks have been regarded as one promising measurement, due to their cooling effects. However, present studies have not comprehensively explored urban park cooling effects (PCEs) at the regional scale, especially considering park landscapes and climate zones. In order to better present PCEs and their driving factors, 12,780 urban parks in 276 Chinese cities were crawled, and they were across seven Köppen-Geiger climate zones. All these urban parks were clustered into four categories of the Green Park, the Blue Park, the Mixed Park and the Grey Park, according to their landscapes. Our studies presented that PCEs increased a little with the latitude in China, and limited differences of PCEs existed between megacities and other cities. The Green Park and the Blue Park presented better cooling effects in all climate zones, but there existed great differences among different climate zones. The cold desert climate zone (BWk) had better PCEs than other climate zones, due to its higher potential evaporation. For most climate zones, park landscape factors presented larger contributions to PCEs than other factors of park surrounding conditions and local climate, and thus park landscapes played the dominant role in PCEs. Although the Blue Park with less park area (0.27–0.68 ha) could have better cooling efficiency than the Green Park (0.30–0.55 ha) in most climate zones, local water resources and economic costs should be considered for urban park planning. Climate change could have great impacts on PCEs, and 42% of all urban parks will present less PCEs in future. Considering multiple services, it is of high importance to tradeoff between their PCEs and recreation services for future urban planning and urban parks structure.
China’s large residential building stocks lead to the serious effect of operational carbon lock-in, which becomes a major challenge in hitting the carbon peak by 2030. This work is the first to develop the Generalized Divisia Index Method with a matrix of 8×14 to identify fourteen factors and analyze the provincial carbon change (especially the decarbonization progress) in residential building operations from 2000 to 2018. It shows that: (1) The operational carbon emissions released by residential buildings increased during 2000-2018, with an average rate of 4.53% per yr in 30 samples. Behind this, the most positive contributor is residential floor areas, while the most negative contributor is the share of household consumption expenditure in the gross domestic product. (2) The annual decarbonization of most provinces in northern China peaked before 2008, accounting for 4.70 mega-tons of carbon dioxide (MtCO2) per province per yr, and in central and eastern China mainly peaked in approximately 2014, accounting for 7.21 MtCO2 per province per yr, and the annual decarbonization in southern China generally continued to grow. (3) High levels of decarbonization and decarbonization efficiency have been observed in northern and southwestern China, with 35.06 MtCO2 per province of decarbonization and 7.05% per province of efficiency in 2001-2018. Overall, this study improves the analytical method to assess the decarbonization of building operations, and it helps the governments investigate the building decarbonization potential to promote the schemes of carbon peak.
Net-zero carbon building (NZCB) has been recognized as a viable solution for reducing carbon emissions in the building sector. However, its uptake within the industry has been limited, and the inherent barriers remain not fully explored. This study aims to identify and prioritize the barriers to NZCB and suggest strategies to overcome those barriers to promote wider uptake of NZCB. A systematic review was adopted to comprehensively identify the barriers using the Scopus and WoS databases. Based on experts’ opinions, the best worst multi-criteria decision-making method was used to prioritize the barriers. The ‘legislative barriers’ category was the top prioritized, followed by ‘economic’ and ‘professional/technical barriers.’ The top-ranked specific barriers were insufficient regulations, policy, and implementation efforts (legislative) and uncertain long-term economic returns/payback periods (economic). Strategies to overcome the barriers were proposed. The study recommends an integrated collaborative approach from governments, demand-side (building sector), supply-side (e.g., energy sector), and end-users (e.g., building owners) towards achieving the net-zero target by 2050. The barriers identified and strategies offered in this study could guide policymakers in formulating and improving existing roadmaps to promote NZCB. The research community could use the findings to identify barriers peculiar to their scenario and serve as a starting point for devising case-specific strategies to overcome them.
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed severe threats to global sustainable development. However, a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the impacts of COVID-19 on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is still lacking. This research quantified the post-COVID-19 SDG progress from 2020 to 2024 using projected GDP growth and population and machine learning models including support vector machine, random forest, and extreme gradient boosting. The results show that the overall SDG performance declined by 7.7% in 2020 at the global scale, with 12 socioeconomic SDG performance decreasing by 3.0-22.3% and 4 environmental SDG performance increasing by 1.6-9.2%. By 2024, the progress of 12 SDGs will lag behind for one to eight years compared to their pre-COVID-19 trajectories, while extra time will be gained for 4 environment-related SDGs. Furthermore, the pandemic will cause more impacts on countries in emerging markets and developing economies than those on advanced economies, and the latter will recover more quickly to be closer to their pre-COVID-19 trajectories by 2024. Post-COVID-19 economic recovery should emphasize in areas that can help decouple economic growth from negative environmental impacts. The results can help government and non-state stakeholders identify critical areas for targeted policy to resume and speed up the progress to achieve SDGs by 2030.
[] Building operations are the last steps to achieve global carbon neutrality, especially commercial building operations with high emission abatement potential. Taking China and the United States (U.S.) as cases, this study is the first to illustrate a stepwise decarbonization potential to carbon neutrality in regard to global commercial building operations. The results indicate that the historical annual carbon abatement intensity in China's commercial building operations in 2001-2018 was 9.8 kg of carbon dioxide per square meter (kgCO 2 /m 2) or 59.9 kgCO 2 /person, while the annual carbon abatement intensity in the U.S. during the same time was 17.7 kgCO 2 /m 2 or 353.7 kgCO 2 /person. In the moderate decarbonization scenario, China's commercial building operations will reach the carbon peak at 1365 (± 255) megatons of carbon dioxide (MtCO 2) in 2039 (± 5), while the carbon lock-in status in the U.S. will stabilize at 664 (± 155) MtCO 2 after 2030. To further conduct deep decarbonization and realize carbon neutrality, strategies of building-integrated power generation, building electricity decar-bonization, and building energy efficiency can achieve 34.3%, 29.7%, and 22.5% of carbon abatement in China and 31.0%, 45.4%, and 10.2% of carbon abatement in the U.S., respectively, by 2060. Moreover, the current mode of improving the energy efficiency level of commercial building operations was reviewed to seek the best practical way to decarbonize operations. Overall, this study provides a reference of a stepwise data analysis for decarbonization potential on commercial building operations across different emitters.
[] Building operations will be the most critical step in completing the "last mile" of global carbon neutrality. To seek the best practical path to decarbonize commercial building operations, this study assesses the decarboniza-tion progress of commercial building operations in 16 countries over the last two decades considering socioeconomic , technical, climatic and end-use factors through the decomposing structural decomposition method. The results reveal that (1) the average carbon intensity of commercial building operations in 16 countries has maintained an annual decline of 1.94% throughout the period 2000-2019, and emission factors and industrial structures were generally the key to decarbonizing commercial building operations; (2) energy intensity effects have started to promote global decarbonization in commercial building operations since 2010, with contributions from space heating [-14.33 kg of carbon dioxide per square meter per year (kgCO 2 /m 2 /yr)], service lighting (-5.29 kgCO 2 /m 2 /yr), appliances and others (-2.85 kgCO 2 /m 2 /yr), and space cooling (-1.24 kgCO 2 /m 2 /yr); and (3) the total decarbonization of commercial building operations worldwide was 230.28 megatons of carbon dioxide per yr, with a decarbonization efficiency of 10.05% in 2001-2019. Moreover, the robustness of this decarboniza-tion assessment is tested using the typical index decomposition analysis and the decarbonization strategies of global commercial building operations are reviewed. Overall, this study assesses the global historical progress in decarbonizing commercial building operations and closes the relevant gap, and it helps plan the stepwise carbon neutral pathway of future global buildings by the mid-century.
Resource-based cities (RBCs) have made outstanding contributions to China's social and economic development over recent decades. Nevertheless, with the worsening climate change and the exhausted resources, how to curb carbon emissions of RBCs to deliver their low-carbon transformation is becoming a problem plaguing the world. To facilitate the low-carbon transformation of RBCs, the Chinese government has formulated many policies, including the Sustainable Development Policy of National Resource-based Cities, 2013–2020 (SDPRC). However, the implementation of SDPRC has not yielded a clear environmental influence. Therefore, this study employs the Propensity Score Matching-Difference in Difference to investigate this influence based on the panel data of 285 prefecture-level cities from 2006 to 2017 while exploring the related heterogeneity and impact mechanisms. It is found that: (1) the implementation of SDPRC has significantly reduced carbon emissions and intensities of RBCs, with this effect becoming more conspicuous with the advancement of the policy. A robust test also verifies these findings. (2) Results from the heterogeneity test demonstrate that the implementation of SDPRC has imposed a suppressive effect on CO2 emissions in eastern, central, and western Chinese regions, especially pronounced in the latter two regions. Except for the growing cities, which are not significantly affected by the policy, the other three types of cities have seen a catalytic effect on CO2 emission reduction from the implementation of the policy, with the most significant impact observed in the declining cities. (3) Analyses of related mechanisms reveal that thanks to the implementation of SDPRC, RBCs suppress CO2 emissions mainly by optimizing their industrial structures and relieving their energy intensities. Finally, some policy recommendations are proposed based on the findings of this study to facilitate the low-carbon transformation of RBCs.
Global climate change has become one of the greatest challenges to human development, the study of the dynamic evolution of carbon emissions at the building operation stage and its driving mechanism is of great significance for the reasonable control of carbon emissions, and helpful to provide more scientific and reasonable decision support for proposing an implementable carbon neutral pathway. According to the geospatial differences of carbon emissions at the building operation stage, this paper constructs a research framework on the influencing factors and driving mechanisms of carbon emissions at the building operation stage based on CV, kernel density, Geodetector and other methods. The study shows that first, that the carbon emissions at the building operation stage are unequally distributed in space in provinces of China, and the building carbon emissions vary greatly in structure among different regions. Second, different factors vary greatly in influence. Third, there are great differences in the driving mechanisms of carbon emissions over time, but factors such as urban population and refrigerator ownership are both key influencing factors that have a comprehensive influence on the spatio-temporal changes of carbon emissions. Fourth, all the factor pairs are bifactor-enhanced or non-linearly enhanced, and they can be classified into three types of high, medium, and low levels. Fifth, a carbon neutral pathway map for the building sector is proposed based on the spatial distribution of carbon emissions and its driving mechanism, to provide reference for foreign regions with similar conditions.