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Male Contraceptive Development: Update on Novel Hormonal and Nonhormonal Methods



Background: Development of new methods of male contraception would address an unmet need for men to control their fertility and could increase contraceptive options for women. Pharmaceutical research and development for male contraception was active in the 1990s but has been virtually abandoned. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) has supported a contraceptive development program since 1969 and supports the majority of hormonal male contraceptive development. Nonhormonal methods are also in development but are at earlier stages. Content: Several hormonal male contraceptive agents have entered clinical trials. Single-agent products being evaluated include dimethandrolone undecanoate, 11β-methyl-nortestosterone dodecyl carbonate, and 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone. A contraceptive efficacy trial of Nestorone® gel and testosterone gel in a single application will begin in 2018. Potential nonhormonal methods are at preclinical stages of development. Many nonhormonal male contraceptive targets that affect either sperm production or sperm function have been identified. Targeted pathways include the retinoic acid pathway, bromodomain and extraterminal proteins, and pathways for Sertoli cell-germ cell adhesion or sperm motility. Druggable targets include CatSper, the sperm Na+/K+-exchanger, TSSK, HIPK4, EPPIN, and ADAMs family proteins. Development of a procedure to reversibly block the vas deferens (initially developed in India in the 1980s) is undergoing early stage research in the US under the trade name Vasalgel™. Summary: NICHD has supported the development of reversible male contraceptive agents. Other organizations such as the World Health Organization and the Population Council are pursuing male contraceptive development, but industry involvement remains dormant.
Male Contraceptive Development:
Update on Novel Hormonal and
Nonhormonal Methods
Jill E. Long,
Min S. Lee,
and Diana L. Blithe
BACKGROUND:Development of new methods of male
contraception would address an unmet need for men to
control their fertility and could increase contraceptive
options for women. Pharmaceutical research and devel-
opment for male contraception was active in the 1990s
but has been virtually abandoned. The Eunice Kennedy
Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development (NICHD) has supported a contraceptive
development program since 1969 and supports the ma-
jority of hormonal male contraceptive development.
Nonhormonal methods are also in development but are
at earlier stages.
CONTENT:Several hormonal male contraceptive agents
have entered clinical trials. Single-agent products being
evaluated include dimethandrolone undecanoate, 11
methyl-nortestosterone dodecyl carbonate, and 7
methyl-19-nortestosterone. A contraceptive efficacy trial
of Nestorone
gel and testosterone gel in a single appli-
cation will begin in 2018. Potential nonhormonal meth-
ods are at preclinical stages of development. Many non-
hormonal male contraceptive targets that affect either
sperm production or sperm function have been identi-
fied. Targeted pathways include the retinoic acid path-
way, bromodomain and extraterminal proteins, and
pathways for Sertoli cell–germ cell adhesion or sperm
motility. Druggable targets include CatSper, the sperm
Na/K-exchanger, TSSK, HIPK4, EPPIN, and
ADAMs family proteins. Development of a procedure to
reversibly block the vas deferens (initially developed in
India in the 1980s) is undergoing early stage research in
the US under the trade name Vasalgel™.
SUMMARY:NICHD has supported the development of
reversible male contraceptive agents. Other organizations
such as the World Health Organization and the Popula-
tion Council are pursuing male contraceptive develop-
ment, but industry involvement remains dormant.
© 2018 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
The unintended pregnancy rate in the US is approxi-
mately 45% (1), despite a variety of contraceptive op-
tions available to women. Male condoms and withdrawal
are the only reversible contraceptive methods available to
men, with typical failure rates of 13% and 20%, respec-
tively (2). Studies indicate that 50% of men would be
interested in using a reversible method, if available (3),
and many women would be willing to rely on their part-
ner to use a contraceptive (4). Unplanned pregnancy
rates could improve if both partners used a contraceptive
method or if men had more options to control their own
Hormonal Male Contraception
Hormonal male contraceptive effectiveness has been es-
tablished (5). However, the search for the “male pill” has
been hindered by the lack of a safe, effective oral andro-
gen, which is a necessary component of the method. Hor-
monal methods in men use a feedback mechanism similar
to hormonal methods in women. In healthy men, testic-
ular testosterone concentrations are 40- to 100-fold
higher than serum testosterone concentrations. This high
intratesticular testosterone concentration is required for
spermatogenesis. Exogenous steroid hormone adminis-
tration, an androgen alone or in combination with a pro-
gestin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist or an-
tagonist, suppresses testicular testosterone production
through feedback inhibition of the hypothalamic–
pituitary axis. Below a threshold amount of testicular
testosterone, sperm production does not occur. How-
ever, other androgen-dependent functions such as libido,
erection, ejaculation, and maintenance of muscle mass
are dependent on sufficient serum testosterone concen-
trations. Therefore, exogenous androgens must be ad-
ministered to maintain sufficient serum concentrations
to support those functions while keeping testicular tes-
tosterone below the threshold to initiate sperm produc-
tion. Studies using this approach have shown high rates
of severe oligozoospermia (1 million/mL) or azoosper-
ContraceptiveDevelopmentProgram; Eunice KennedyShriverNational Institute ofChild
Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
* Address correspondence to this author at: 6710B Rockledge Drive, Room 3243,
Bethesda, MD 20892. E-mail
Received August 2, 2018; accepted September 20, 2018.
DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2018.295089
© 2018 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Clinical Chemistry 65:1
153–160 (2019) Reviews
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mia (no sperm), resulting in high contraceptive efficacy
with few reported side effects (5, 6).
The challenge for developing the “male pill” is that
oral testosterone is cleared too rapidly to be effective as a
single daily dose regimen even in combination with a
progestin. Multiple doses of oral testosterone per day
would be impractical for contraception. Although 17-
methyl-testosterone has better oral bioavailability, it has
been associated with hepatotoxicity when used long
term. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
supported the development of new androgens that also
bind to progesterone receptors and potentially may serve
as single-agent male contraceptive drugs (7). Two lead
candidates are in clinical development: dimethandrolone
undecanoate and 11
-methyl-nortestosterone dodecyl
carbonate (8, 9). These drugs are not susceptible to 5
reduction, a characteristic that may be beneficial to pros-
tate health and may lessen male pattern baldness. When
administered orally or intramuscularly, dimethandrolone
undecanoate is hydrolyzed to the active drug dimeth-
androlone, a novel derivative of 19-nortestosterone that
binds to both androgen and progesterone receptors. Di-
methandrolone undecanoate has been evaluated in early
phase I clinical trials in the NICHD’s Contraceptive
Clinical Trials Network and was well tolerated (10).A
first-in-man clinical trial of 11
dodecyl carbonate is underway in the Contraceptive
Clinical Trials Network. Longer term evaluation of pro-
gestagenic androgens is necessary to determine if the
drugs are safe and can effectively suppress sperm produc-
tion. These clinical evaluations will demonstrate if either
of these drugs can be used as a single-agent hormonal
contraceptive for men.
Another synthetic androgen, 7
nortestosterone (MENT), is currently being evaluated
as a possible male contraceptive (11). MENT is not a
substrate for 5
reduction and may provide selective
sparing of the prostate while supporting other androgen-
dependent functions. Initial evaluations of MENT im-
plants to suppress sperm production were comparable to
initial studies with testosterone, with about two-thirds of
men showing dose-dependent spermatogenesis suppres-
sion (12). Improvements of the MENT implant result-
ing in sustained concentrations of MENT release are in
development but require further validation in clinical
Although an effective oral testosterone product has
not yet been developed, transdermal testosterone gels or
an injectable androgen may provide an alternate dosing
regimen. Testosterone gels are widely used in the US to
treat hypoandrogenism. Combining testosterone gel and
injections of the progestin depomedroxyprogesterone ac-
etate, used for female contraception, resulted in effective
sperm suppression in 90% of participants in one trial
(13). Notably, this method involved 2 Food and Drug
Administration–approved products, albeit they were used
for off-label indications.
Of the few hormonal male contraceptive effective-
ness trials, the most recent was a phase II, multisite inter-
national clinical trial sponsored by the World Health
Organization and CONRAD. The study evaluated the
contraceptive efficacy and safety of separate intramuscu-
lar injections, at 8-week intervals, of a long-acting pro-
gesterone, norethisterone enanthate, and a long-acting
androgen, testosterone undecanoate (14). Couples (n
320) were enrolled, with 266 entering the efficacy phase.
Per the recommendation of an external safety review
committee, the study was terminated early because of the
frequency of reported mood changes, depression, pain at
the injection site, and increased libido. However, the
combined method failure rate, including sperm nonsup-
pression by the end of the suppression phase, sperm re-
bound during the efficacy phase, and pregnancy during
the efficacy phase, was 7.5%. Importantly, 75% said
they would be willing to use the method if it were
Taking advantage of the transdermal effectiveness of
testosterone, another regimen in development includes
daily applications of Nestorone gel and testosterone gel.
Use of Nestorone gel (8 mg) and testosterone gel (100
mg) suppressed sperm concentration to 1 million/mL
or to azoospermia in 89% of men compared to only 23%
of men using testosterone gel and a placebo gel (15).
Suppression of serum gonadotropins (luteinizing hor-
mone and follicle-stimulating hormone) occurred rap-
idly. Gonadotropin hormone concentrations that were
1 IU/L after 4 weeks of treatment predicted treatment
failure (sperm concentration 1 million/mL) with 97%
diagnostic sensitivity (16). Most failure was due to in-
consistent or nonuse of the products rather than to non-
response to the drug regimen. When asked about accept-
ability of the regimen, over half of participants reported
being satisfied or extremely satisfied with this method of
contraception (17). A contraceptive efficacy study to
evaluate combined Nestorone and testosterone in a single
gel preparation for use as a primary method of contracep-
tion in couples began enrollment in the Contraceptive
Clinical Trials Network in 2018.
Nonstandardabbreviations:NICHD, EuniceKennedyShriver NationalInstituteof ChildHealth
and Human Development; MENT, 7
-methyl-19-nortestosterone; RAR
, retinoic acid recep-
; RA, retinoic acid; BDAD, bisdichloroacetyldiamine analog; ALDH, aldehyde dehydroge-
nase; BRDT, bromodomain testis-specific protein; BET, bromodomain and extraterminal;
hydrolase domain-containing protein 2; sNHE, sperm Na+/H+-exchanger;
TSSK, testis-specific serine/threonine kinases; HIPK4, homeodomain-interacting protein ki-
nase4;EPPIN, epididymalpeptidase inhibitor; ADAMs,a disintegrin andmetalloproteinases;
ADAMTS, ADAMs with thrombospondin motifs.
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Hormonal male contraceptive methods have proven
effective. Long-term safety will need to be demonstrated
before any method would be considered for regulatory
approval. Because men do not face the medical risks as-
sociated with pregnancy and childbirth, any systemic
product for men must have a strong safety profile. The
goal of identifying additional health benefits for male
methods is especially attractive. Realistically, it will be
several years before a product could reach the market
because long-term trials with a sufficient numbers of cou-
ples are required. Additionally, pharmaceutical invest-
ment will be required to achieve that goal.
Nonhormonal Male Contraception
In contrast to hormonal male contraception, in which
the mechanism of action is to suppress testicular tes-
tosterone production through feedback inhibition of
the hypothalamic–pituitary axis to stop sperm produc-
tion, the rationale behind the nonhormonal contra-
ceptives is to avoid the hypothalamic–pituitary axis, po-
tentially avoiding some side effects associated with
hormones. Nonhormonal male contraceptive research
involves targeting proteins that affect either sperm pro-
duction or sperm function. Although nonhormonal con-
traceptive targets do not target the hypothalamic–pitu-
itary axis, off-target side effects should still be minimized.
This is largely contingent on specificity and potency of
inhibitors for the target protein. Nonhormonal male
contraceptive development is still in the preclinical
phase; however, within the past decade or so, increasing
efforts with iterative screening, structural biology, com-
putational modeling, and designer chemistry have been
employed to move forward several nonhormonal male
First studied and recognized in male rats, vitamin A
(retinol) deficiency and its physiologically active metab-
olite, all-transretinoic acid, have long been recognized for
their role in male sterility (18). Retinoic acid is required
for normal spermatogenesis. Additionally, retinoic acid
) mouse knockout models display phe-
notypic sterility in male mice. The retinoic acid (RA)
pathway, including conversion of retinol to retinal and
finally to RA, provides places where inhibitors or antag-
onists can be applied to stop RA synthesis and thereby
stop spermatogenesis. Suppression of spermatogenesis
involving the RA pathway was demonstrated with a bis-
dichloroacetyldiamine analog (BDAD) (19). In a clinical
study, one BDAD, known as WIN18,446, was used to
treat over 60 men for 1 year. The drug was well tolerated
and efficacious at inhibition of spermatogenesis. How-
ever, consumption of alcohol induced a severe disulfiram
reaction, causing termination of development of the
drug. The disulfiram reaction caused by BDADs is due
to off-target inhibition of a liver enzyme, aldehyde
dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2). This enzyme detoxifies al-
dehyde during alcohol metabolism and inhibition by
BDADs produced toxic aldehyde accumulation. A differ-
ent aldehyde dehydrogenase subfamily, ALDH1A, is in-
volved in the synthesis of RA, and a testis-specific mem-
ber includes ALDH1A2. Covalent and noncovalent
small-molecule inhibitors of ALDH1A2 have been devel-
oped recently. Ternary x-ray cocrystal structures of the
inhibitors provide the structural framework for design of
potent and selective inhibitors of ALDH1A2 (20).
An alternative approach in the RA synthetic path-
way is inhibition of RAR
variant is essential
for spermatogenesis, and mouse knock-outs show pheno-
typic infertility. A study with the pan-retinoic acid recep-
tor antagonist BMS-189453 demonstrated reversible
spermatogenesis inhibition in a mouse model (18).
Structure-based drug design, with iterative screening, is
being employed to develop potent specific antagonists to
inhibit RAR
activity in the RA synthetic pathway to
inhibit sperm production.
Another nonhormonal target is bromodomain
testis-specific protein (BRDT), a subfamily of bromodo-
main and extraterminal (BET) proteins, which consists
of 4 members: BRD2, BRD3, BRD4, and BRDT.
Testis-specific BRDT is critical for chromatin remodel-
ing during spermatogenesis (21). Mice with homozygous
BRDT null mutations are viable, but male animals are
sterile (22). Validation of BRDT as a nonhormonal male
contraceptive target was further strengthened by pharma-
cological inhibition of BRDT. A study showed that JQ1,
a small-molecule inhibitor of BRDT, was able to cross
the blood–testis barrier and cause complete, reversible
contraceptive activity in male mice (20). Although effec-
tive for contraception, JQ1 had off-target binding to
other BRD proteins. Efforts are underway with different
chemical scaffolds in discovery and optimization of new
inhibitors of BRDT. A study entailing virtual screening,
analytical testing, structure–activity relationship evalua-
tion, and compound optimization via x-ray cocrystal
have resulted in different chemical scaffolds with potent
BRDT activity (23). Each BET protein has 2 bromodo-
main modules, and the second module (BD2) may be a
target for enhancing specificity. Focused library screen-
ing and subsequent optimization has produced potent
BET inhibitor candidates selective for BD2 (24).
Mechanistically different drug candidates that target
Sertoli cell–germ cell adhesion and cause release of im-
mature spermatids from the seminiferous epithelium
have been identified. CDB-4022, an indenopyridine, has
been shown to effect inhibition of mature sperm produc-
tion in primates and stallions. Cessation of the drug treat-
ment brings about full reversibility of sperm production
with no apparent side effects (25, 26). Another series of
drug candidates targeting Sertoli cell–germ cell interac-
tion are the indazole carboxylic acid derivatives gamenda-
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zole, H2-gamendazole, and adjudin. These analogs have
shown to affect fertility in animal models. In particular,
rats treated with oral doses of H2-gamendazole showed
inhibition of fertility (27). Although at low doses the
drug effect was reversible, at higher doses the fertility
effect was irreversible. The challenge of inhibitors cross-
ing the blood–testis barrier is demonstrated by the diffi-
culty in targeting Sertoli cells. To enhance specificity,
adjudin was conjugated to a recombinant follicle-
stimulating, hormone-binding fragment to target the tes-
tis germ cell–Sertoli cell junction (28). The increase is
specificity was offset by the reduction of the oral bioavail-
ability caused by the peptide. In general, for this series of
molecules, safety and reversibility should be demon-
strated in higher mammals.
There are numerous ion channel and kinase protein
targets that affect sperm motility. Many of these proteins
are produced in the tail region of the sperm. Ion channels
such as CatSper (a calcium ion channel) and KSper (a
potassium ion channel) are sperm specific and they are
required in male fertility (29). Male infertility profile
without apparent systemic effects were displayed in gene
mutations and deletions in animal models. An in vitro
study with HC-056456, an inhibitor of the calcium ion
channel, demonstrated that the drug prevented hyperac-
tivation of sperm (30). A sperm-specific potassium chan-
nel, KCNU1, controls calcium entry through CatSper.
Genetic deletion of SLO3 causes male infertility in mice
CatSper is activated by progesterone and prostaglan-
dins through a nonclassical binding domain, causing
sperm tail hyperactivation. Under normal function,
CatSper is activated in an unconventional pathway in-
volving progesterone binding and activating
lase domain-containing protein 2 (ABHD2), causing the
depletion of endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol
from plasma membrane in spermatozoa. The 2-
arachidonoylglycerol inhibits CatSper, and the removal
by ABHD2 causes calcium influx leading to sperm acti-
vation (32). Physiologically, the cumulus–oocyte com-
plex likely provides the source of progesterone after it
leaves the ovary, enters the fallopian tube, and migrates
toward the ampulla. Sperm enters the tubal isthmus
through the uterotubal junction and forms a reservoir
(33). Each ejaculate contains millions of sperm, but only
a few hundred or less bind to the wall of the oviduct and
undergo capacitation (34). Sperm can remain viable in
the isthmus for several days until progesterone and other
triggers signal them to swim toward the tubal ampulla
where fertilization may occur. A recent study demon-
strated that the steroidal inhibitor RU1968 causes dys-
function of CatSper’s progesterone-mediated motility re-
sponse. The inhibitor is nontoxic to human sperm and
inhibits hSLO3 with approximately 15-fold lower po-
tency than CatSper (35). It is unclear if this approach
would be more appropriate for female use as it affects
progesterone function in the oviduct, but the targets
remain an area of nonhormonal contraceptive research
The soluble adenylyl cyclase and a sperm Na/H-
exchanger Slc9c1 form a complex critical for sperm mo-
tility (36). Mouse knockout of Slc9c1 displays infertility
phenotype, making the exchanger another potential
sperm-specific target for male contraception. In particu-
lar, Slc9a8
male mice are infertile owing to disruption
in acrosome formation (37). The NHE in human sperm
is mainly localized to the principal piece of the tail, and
the production pattern suggests implication in the regu-
lation of sperm motility (38). The Na/K-ATPase
(sodium pump) is important in sperm motility and ca-
pacitation (39). These ion channels are found in many
tissues, but the
4-subunit of the Na/K-ATPase is
sperm specific and appears to be necessary for sperm
function. The
4-subunit knockout male mice are com-
pletely infertile (40). One of the first known inhibitors
for Na/Kpumps are cardenolide analogs. They have
been used clinically to treat congestive heart failure.
Ouabain, a cardenolide analog, has higher affinity for the
4 isoform than the other somatic
2, and
3, in both mice and humans. Opti-
mization using the ouabain scaffold as a starting point
may yield derivatives with specificity for the
4 subunit
(41, 42). Ouabain derivatives modified at the glycone
(C3) and the lactone (C17) domains show picomolar
inhibition for the
4 isoform with an excellent selectivity
profile against
2, and
3. Additionally, decrease in
sperm motility in vitro and in vivo was demonstrated for
the new ouabain triazole analogs (43).
Several testis-specific serine/threonine kinases (TSSK)
are important for spermatogenesis and function. In the
human kinome, the TSSKs belong to a 5-member, testis-
specific serine/threonine kinase family: TSSK1, TSSK2,
TSSK3, TSSK4 (also known as TSSK5), and TSSK6.
Male infertility is the phenotype displayed for the double
TSSK1/TSSK2 knockout mice, indicating a critical role
for TSSK1 and TSSK2 in spermiogenesis (44, 45). Pro-
tein production of stable and enzymatically active recom-
binant human TSSK2 represents a key achievement in
progress toward targeting TSSKs as valid male contracep-
tive target proteins (46). Additionally, evidence from
mutation screening in 494 patients with azoospermia or
severe oligozoospermia in comparison with those in 357
fertile controls indicate single-nucleotide polymorphisms
of TSSK2, associated with idiopathic infertile men with
Genes: Slc9c1, solute carrier family 9, subfamily C (Na+-transporting carboxylic acid
decarboxylase), member 1; Slc9a8, solute acarrier family 9 sodium/hydrogen ex-
changer), member 8; TSSK2, testis specific serine kinase 2.
156 Clinical Chemistry 65:1 (2019)
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impairment of spermatogenesis (47). High-throughput
screening of TSSK2 assays have revealed sub-100 nano-
molar inhibitors that show promise for targeting the
TSSKs with small-molecule inhibitors (48).
The homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 4
(HIPK4) plays a role in later stages of sperm maturation
and is another potential nonhormonal target under de-
velopment (49). HIPK4 knockout mice have impaired
spermatogenesis but are otherwise healthy.
A sperm surface protein EPPIN (epididymal pepti-
dase inhibitor) is another potentially druggable contra-
ceptive target. A recent study has shown that intravenous
infusion of a small-molecule inhibitor of EPPIN, EP055,
resulted in dramatic reduction of sperm motility to ap-
proximately 20% of pretreatment levels in a monkey
model. EP055 is thought to cause a rapid decrease in
sperm internal pH and calcium level, affecting sperm
motility (50).
Numerous protein targets that affect sperm function
have been identified. The challenge remains for these
nonhormonal proteins targeting sperm function to be
developed into effective and reversible contraceptive
agents that can safely and permanently inhibit function
of the sperm in the female reproductive tract. Several
members of a disintegrin and metalloproteinases
(ADAMs) family of proteins are produced exclusively or
predominately in the testis or epididymis (51). Addition-
ally, related members of ADAMs with thrombospondin
motifs (ADAMTS) are also proposed to participate in
sperm–egg adhesion (52). An ADAMTS-like protein
from sea urchin is proposed to mediate species-specific
sperm–egg adhesion (53). A systematic study to identify
sperm membrane alloantigens found 20 potential
unique sperm membrane and 5 sperm raft proteins.
Among these, ADAM1, ADAM2, and ADAM3 were the
dominant sperm membrane alloantigens (54). Further,
in ADAM3 knockout mice, sperm were unable to enter
the oviduct (55). However, it is unclear if human sperm
have the same requirement for ADAM3. Numerous
ADAM proteins form complexes that are required for
sperm– egg binding (51). Additionally, ADAM family of
proteases are increasingly the targets for new therapies in
many areas of medicine (56). Sperm–egg binding is ex-
emplified by Izumo1, a sperm surface protein that binds
to JUNO (Izumo1R) on the egg, leading to sperm–egg
fusion (57).
Gossypol is a polyphenolic aldehyde-containing
compound isolated from the cotton plant (58, 59). The
infertility profile of gossypol was discovered in rural areas
of China when the farmers begin to press uncooked cot-
ton seeds for oil in the 1950s and 1960s. The eventual
outcome of consuming raw untreated oil resulted in
infertility for both women and men. Subsequently, a
gossypol-free diet resulted in eventual recovery for
women. However, some men did not recover from their
infertility and impotency. The findings indicated that the
rates of recovery and permanent infertility were associ-
ated with quantity and duration of cotton oil consump-
tion (58). This information led to the idea that gossypol
could be used as a male contraceptive. Thus, clinical stud-
ies for gossypol were initiated in China in the 1970s and
1980s as a male contraceptive. In total, 8000 volun-
teers participated in these studies. Gossypol, as male con-
traceptive, was highly efficacious; however, the narrow
therapeutic window, frequent association with hypokale-
mia, and irreversible sterility caused termination of fur-
ther clinical development (60, 61).
Extract from Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f., com-
monly called thunder god vine, has been used in Chinese
herbal medicine for many years. Further, for 50 years,
refined extract has been used to treat rheumatoid arthri-
tis, chronic nephritis, chronic hepatitis, and various skin
disorders (62, 63). Triptolide, a major component of the
extract, belongs to the class of chemicals called diterpene
epoxides (64). The first indication of the potential con-
traceptive effect of triptolide was gleaned from rheuma-
toid arthritis patients. The rheumatoid arthritis patients
treated with the extract showed necrospermia or azoo-
spermia characteristics (63, 65, 66). Subsequent studies
in rats showed that T. wilfordii extracts containing diter-
pene epoxides cause infertility in male rats, with a severe
decrease in epididymal sperm count and motility
(62, 63, 66–70). Similar to gossypol, prolonged expo-
sure was associated with irreversible infertility in rodents
(68, 70). However, triptolide’s immunosuppressive
properties likely would prevent its long-term use and its
development as a contraceptive.
A commonly used plant to prepare jamu, an Indo-
nesian traditional medicine, Justicia gendarussa has been
used as a male contraceptive in Papua. Additionally, this
plant is used as an antiinflammatory, antibacterial, and
antifungal agent and is used to treat a variety of ailments
including arthritis and cancer. Gendarussa is a com-
monly used term when referring to the extract of J. gen-
darussa for male contraception. In particular, gendarusin
A and B, flavonoid scaffold analogs, are thought to be the
active metabolites responsible for eliciting the contracep-
tive effect (71), possibly by decreasing human sperm hy-
aluronidase activity. An unpublished clinical trial per-
formed in Indonesia reported contraceptive efficacy of
Justicia gendarussa plant extract if ingested by the male part-
ner daily for at least 20 days before having intercourse during
the female’s ovulatory period. Fertility was restored within
30 days after last usage, and minimal side effects were re-
ported. Additional study on its mechanism of action and
evaluation of longer duration of use will be required before
any regulatory approval (unpublished observations).
Using a local vs systemic approach to male contra-
ception, development of a nonhormonal method to re-
versibly block the vas deferens was begun in the late
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1970s in India. The procedure is called RISUG (revers-
ible inhibition of sperm under guidance), in which the
polymer styrene maleic anhydride is mixed with the sol-
vent dimethyl sulfoxide and injected into the vas deferens
(72). The polymer was thought to damage sperm, mak-
ing them ineffective. The procedure was used in rats,
monkeys, and in the first human in 1989. By 2000,
RISUG was evaluated in a phase III clinical trial in India
with promising results. However, an inspection of the
Indian facilities by the World Health Organization pro-
duced concerns that studies were not done according to
international standards, and further development was
stymied. Intellectual property rights to RISUG were ac-
quired by the Parsemus Foundation, a nongovernmental
organization, in 2010, which then developed Vasalgel,
also a styrene maleic anhydride acid polymer dissolved in
dimethyl sulfoxide. Vasalgel does not claim any effect on
the sperm and is purported to act as a mechanical barrier
to sperm passage. It is thought that sperm flow can be
restored by flushing the vas with an injection of sodium
bicarbonate solution. The Parsemus Foundation has per-
formed preclinical studies in rabbits and monkeys
(73, 74 ) and intends to begin trials in humans in 2019 or
2020. A competitor to Parsemus, Contraline, is develop-
ing a hydrogel called Echo-V that can be injected into the
vas deferens to block the flow of sperm but not other
fluids (75). The gel ideally could be dissolved when the
man is ready to restore fertility.
Although some nonhormonal natural products have
gone into the clinic, nonhormonal male contraceptives
are in early stages of development. In addition to the
protein targets and small-molecule inhibitors described
above, active research is ongoing for nonhormonal con-
traceptive target discovery and validation. As exemplified
above, numerous laboratories are engaged in discovery
and optimization of small-molecule inhibitors. It is
hoped that some of these small-molecule contraceptive
agents would enter preclinical development and further
into clinical development in the near future.
A variety of new contraceptive methods are under
development for men. The introduction of an effective
reversible male contraceptive method has the potential to
dramatically reduce unplanned pregnancy rates. It would
likely represent a new market opportunity rather than
creating a significant reduction in the use of existing fe-
male contraceptive methods. How a possible risk to one
individual may be mitigated by prevention of potential
health consequences in another individual provides an
interesting regulatory consideration for the evaluation of
systemic male contraceptive agents. At the current pace
of drug development, regulatory approval for a new male
product in the US likely would not occur until at least
Author Contributions: All authors confirmed they have contributed to
the intellectual content of this paper and have met the following 4 require-
ments: (a)significant contributions to the conception and design, acquisi-
tion of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (b)drafting or revising
the article for intellectual content; (c)final approval of the published article;
and (d)agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the article thus
ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the
article are appropriately investigated and resolved.
J. Long, administrative support.
Authors’ Disclosures or Potential Conflicts of Interest:Upon man-
uscript submission, all authors completed the author disclosure form. Dis-
closures and/or potential conflicts of interest:
Employment or Leadership: D. Blithe, National Institutes of Health,
US Government.
Consultant or Advisory Role: None declared.
Stock Ownership: None declared.
Honoraria: None declared.
Research Funding: None declared.
Expert Testimony: None declared.
Patents: None declared.
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... [13] These devices and many hormonal formulations have shown contraceptive potential, but none have reached for mass scale application for one or other reason. [14] Reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance (RISUG ® ), a copolymer of styrene and maleic anhydride, delivered by no-scalpel injection, offers long-term contraception with safety and efficacy. [15,16] RISUG ® injection is a single intervention procedure in which the polymer is injected into vas deferens through a small incision made in the scrotum, thus avoiding surgery during the initial sterilization procedure. ...
... The ELISA kit from BIOSERV Diagnostics (BS- [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] was used for quantitative determination of ASA in serum obtained from all subjects before and after RISUG ® injection. The normal range for ASA was 0-60 U/mL. ...
... ANOVA was employed for statistical comparison. The difference between means was calculated by Hols-Sidak multiple comparison test to detect the difference using the statistical software (SigmaPlot version 14). The values are expressed as mean ± standard error (SE) and P < 0.05 level was considered significant. ...
Full-text available
Objectives An early contraceptive efficacy with reasonable assurance of reversibility has been a challenge in male contraception. With nearly four decades of research in reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance (RISUG ® ) as an intravasal male contraceptive, including pre-clinical trials in rats, rabbits, langur monkeys, and three phases of clinical trials, the present study aims to evaluate the additional parameters of a center of Phase III clinical trials. Material and Methods Subjects were recruited following ICMR guidelines of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Samples were analyzed for sperm functional tests, namely, hypo-osmotic swelling, acrosomal intactness, nuclear chromatin decondensation, and sperm mitochondrial activity index. Furthermore, seminal biochemistry and serum hormones such as follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, testosterone, cortisol, and prolactin were assessed along with levels of anti-sperm antibodies and prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Results The present study, on human subjects, emphasizes the efficacy of RISUG ® with early onset of contraception and indication of a greater possibility of reversal. A significant decrease in all sperm functional parameters was observed following RISUG ® injection along with increased sperm abnormalities. Semen biochemistry revealed no marked alterations in the concentration of fructose and acid phosphatase, while significantly decreased levels of glycerophosphorylcholine and neutral α-glucosidase were observed. No significant changes in the circulatory levels of hormones and the levels of PSA were observed. In addition, the development of anti-sperm antibodies, an adverse effect of other vas occlusive methods, was not indicated after RISUG ® administration, implying the potential of reversibility in humans as observed earlier in different animal models. Conclusion RISUG ® presenting deleterious effects on spermatozoa and marked alterations in epididymal markers provides early contraception with a greater possibility of reversal. Although the progress of RISUG ® toward development as an ideal male contraceptive is slow, the study implies a strong future possibility.
... Gonadotropin hormone concentrations of >1 IU/L after four weeks of treatment were sufficient to prevent treatment failure (sperm concentration > 1 million/mL) with 97% sensitivity. Most failures were due to inconsistent or non-response use of the products rather than non-response to drug use [28][29][30]. The same results were found in another study using the same concentration of SA (8.3 mg) with a lower concentration of T (62.5 mg) in the gel [31]. ...
... The same results were found in another study using the same concentration of SA (8.3 mg) with a lower concentration of T (62.5 mg) in the gel [31]. When asked about the acceptability of the T + SA method, more than 50% of the participants reported being satisfied or extremely satisfied with the treatment [28,29]. The secondary transfer of T and SA is a limitation of the method. ...
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Segesterone acetate (SA) or Nestorone, a fourth-generation progestogen, is a synthetic compound with high progestational activity and no androgenic, glucocorticoid, or anabolic effects. However, due to its oral inactivity, SA must be used by other routes, such as subcutaneous. Thus, considering its peculiar properties, the SA subdermal implant is successfully used in female contraception and postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In recent years, its potential uses in endometriosis, polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS), and a new therapeutic possibility for neuroprotection have made this treatment extremely interesting. However, the absence of a standardized dose and the long-term safety of SA implant therapy in women is still controversial. Here, we present the possible indications, doses, limitations, and side effects of SA implant therapy.
... Because of the role of RA in spermatogenesis, the development of non-hormone male contraceptives for the mechanism of RA has received extensive attention [112]. At present, the research and development strategies of contraceptives for RA mainly focus on two aspects: inhibitors of RA synthesis and antagonists of RAR [113]. More than 60 years ago, rats treated with RA inhibitors were found to be infertile. ...
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Spermatogenesis in mammalian testes is essential for male fertility, ensuring a continuous supply of mature sperm. The testicular microenvironment finely tunes this process, with retinoic acid, an active metabolite of vitamin A, serving a pivotal role. Retinoic acid is critical for various stages, including the differentiation of spermatogonia, meiosis in spermatogenic cells, and the production of mature spermatozoa. Vitamin A deficiency halts spermatogenesis, leading to the degeneration of numerous germ cells, a condition reversible with retinoic acid supplementation. Although retinoic acid can restore fertility in some males with reproductive disorders, it does not work universally. Furthermore, high doses may adversely affect reproduction. The inconsistent outcomes of retinoid treatments in addressing infertility are linked to the incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms through which retinoid signaling governs spermatogenesis. In addition to the treatment of male reproductive disorders, the role of retinoic acid in spermatogenesis also provides new ideas for the development of male non-hormone contraceptives. This paper will explore three facets: the synthesis and breakdown of retinoic acid in the testes, its role in spermatogenesis, and its application in male reproduction. Our discussion aims to provide a comprehensive reference for studying the regulatory effects of retinoic acid signaling on spermatogenesis and offer insights into its use in treating male reproductive issues.
... They have been reported to reversibly inhibit the activity of sperm hyaluronidase, an enzyme that promotes sperm penetration during in vitro fertilization. There are reports that fertility is restored within 30 days, but additional research on the mechanism of action and clinical trials are required [85]. ...
Many contraceptive methods have been developed over the years due to high demand. However, female contraceptive pills and devices do not work for all females due to health conditions and side effects. Also, the number of males who want to actively participate in family planning is gradually increasing. However, the only contraceptive options currently available to males are condoms and vasectomy. Therefore, many male contraceptive methods, including medication (hormonal and non-hormonal therapy) and mechanical methods, are under development. Reversibility, safety, persistence, degree of invasion, promptness, and the suppression of anti-sperm antibody formation are essential factors in the development of male contraceptive methods. In this paper, male contraceptive methods under development are reviewed according to those essential factors. Furthermore, the timeline for the availability of a new male contraception is discussed.
... The development of male contraception therapy has been a field of interest in the pharmaceutical industry for a very long time [107]. In this context, the use of CatSper as a target has been considered as an alternative to explore [100]. ...
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The main cation/calcium channel of spermatozoa (CatSper), first identified in 2001, has been thoroughly studied to elucidate its composition and function, while its distribution among species and sperm sources is yet incomplete. CatSper is composed of several subunits that build a pore-forming calcium channel, mainly activated in vivo in ejaculated sperm cells by intracellular alkalinization and progesterone, as suggested by the in vitro examinations. The CatSper channel relevance is dual: to maintain sperm homeostasis (alongside the plethora of membrane channels present) as well as being involved in pre-fertilization events, such as sperm capacitation, hyperactivation of sperm motility and the acrosome reaction, with remarkable species differences. Interestingly, the observed variations in CatSper localization in the plasma membrane seem to depend on the source of the sperm cells explored (i.e., epididymal or ejaculated, immature or mature, processed or not), the method used for examination and, particularly, on the specificity of the antibodies employed. In addition, despite multiple findings showing the relevance of CatSper in fertilization, few studies have studied CatSper as a biomarker to fine-tune diagnosis of sub-fertility in livestock or even consider its potential to control fertilization in plague animals, a more ethically defensible strategy than implicating CatSper to pharmacologically modify male-related fertility control in humans, pets or wild animals. This review describes inter- and intra-species differences in the localization, structure and function of the CatSper channel, calling for caution when considering its potential manipulation for fertility control or improvement.
... Given the drawbacks of currently available contraception, 16 it is necessary to develop new methods of male contraception. 17,18 A potential non-hormonal male contraceptive, the small molecule lonidamine, 19 has attracted much attention from investigators in the field. Lonidamine was found to have potent anti-spermatogenesis effects and was initially explored to serve as an anti-spermatogenic agent. ...
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There is a huge demand for safe and effective non-hormonal male contraceptives to prevent unintended pregnancy, but research on male contraceptive drugs lacks far behind the pills for women. Lonidamine and its analog adjudin are two of the best studied potential male contraceptives. However, the acute toxicity of lonidamine and the subchronic toxicity of adjudin had impeded their development for male contraception. Here, we designed and synthesized a whole new series of molecules derived from lonidamine according to a structure ligand-based design strategy and obtained a new effective and reversible contraceptive agent (BHD), and their efficacy was demonstrated in male mice and rats. Results showed that BHD had a 100% contraceptive effect on male mice after 2 weeks following a single oral dose of BHD at 100 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) or 500 mg/kg b.w. treatments. The fertility of mice was reduced to 90 and 50% after 6 weeks with a single oral dose of BHD-100 and BHD-500 mg/kg b.w. treatments, respectively. We also revealed that BHD induced the apoptosis of spermatogenic cells rapidly and disrupted the blood-testis barrier effectively. It appears to be a new potential male contraceptive candidate for future development.
... The place for non-hormonal, reversible male contraceptive agents was still the least explored part in the field of male contraceptive drug design. Most of the drugs such as dimethandrolone undecanoate, 11βmethyl-nortestosterone dodecyl carbonate, 17-methyl-testosterone androgen, and 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone are testosterone and androgen analogs (Anderson and Baird, 2002;Attardi et al., 2006;Attardi et al., 2011;JillLong et al., 2019). These drug leads are in the clinical trial stage but bear potential side effects on the hormonal mechanism of males. ...
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Introduction: Bioactive molecules from natural sources having contraceptive properties were excellent alternatives for modern hormonal contraceptives. Researchers around the world were working on identifying contraceptive leads targeting the male reproductive system rather than the usual female contraceptives. The lack of proper understanding on male contraceptive protein drug targets leads to insufficient evidence on activities of identified contraceptive compounds. The proteins specific to the male reproductive system and involved in sperm-egg fusion will be an excellent drug target to identify the male non-hormonal, reversible contraceptive leads. Inhibiting sperm hyaluronidase activity by natural non-hormonal compounds will lead to reversible and non-hormonal male contraception. The Aegle marmelos Linn. is one such important medicinal plant with valuable phytocompounds, used traditionally as a potential contraceptive measure. The in vivo experiments on leaf extracts of Aegle marmelos. Linn containing terpenes, sterols, and alkaloids shows prominent contraceptive activities. Moreover, this study explores the potential ability of the leaf extract on inhibiting the sperm hyaluronidase action with additional molecular details on the interaction between sperm hyaluronidases and three phytocompounds such as aegeline, marmin, and marminol. Material and methods: The in vitro hyaluronidase inhibition assay and Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) were used to evaluate the male contraceptive properties of the Aegle marmelos Linn. leaf extract. To identify the interaction profile of aegeline, marmin, and marmenol on sperm cell hyaluronidases the in-silico methods such as molecular docking, Non-Covalent Interaction analysis, Molecular dynamics, and Molecular Mechanics Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area were used. Results and discussion: The results of in vitro hyaluronidase inhibition assay and Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis shows the inhibition of hyaluronidase enzymatic activity and reduced sperm activities in the presence of leaf extracts. After incubation with leaf extracts for about 30 minutes time intervals show, the motility drops from progressive to non-progressive and ended up with complete immotile in 100 μg/ml concentration of leaf extract. The results of molecular docking, Non-Covalent Interaction analysis, Molecular dynamics, and Molecular mechanics Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area show that the phytocompounds marmin, and aegeline have the potential ability to inhibit sperm hyaluronidase.
Currently, the most advanced approach to male contraception is a hormonal method. In principle, the suppression of spermatogenesis required for effective male contraception—while maintaining androgen-dependent functions—can be achieved with androgens alone, androgens in combination with GnRH antagonists, and androgens in combination with progestins. The closest to actual availability of such a method is the combined administration of testosterone and a progestin.
Contraception, or the purposeful temporary inhibition of one’s own fertility, is a vital additional level of control over family planning. Though many potent and reversible contraceptives are on the market, most of these contraceptives are for women – leaving a disproportionate burden of the responsibility for contraception and family planning on women. Reversible forms of contraception available for men are limited to the use of condoms and withdrawal. The only other form of male contraception that approaches the same efficacy as some available options for women is vasectomy, which is not always reversible and often has lasting effects on fertility [1]. To meet the unmet need of potent and reversible male contraception, research and clinical trials for hormonal male contraceptives have been ongoing for nearly the past 50 years; yet roadblocks, such as unfavorable injections and undesirable side effects, have slowed the emergence of this option on the market [2, 3]. New research is now under way for optimized hormonal contraceptives and a myriad of nonhormonal contraceptive options. Early preclinical tests of nonhormonal contraceptive compounds in animal models and in small clinical studies have successfully demonstrated that pharmacological compounds targeting specific proteins can result in complete and reversible contraceptive efficacy. However, since many compounds used in early studies were not specifically tailored for their use as contraceptives in some cases, or due to the potential for off-target effects identified from preclinical testing, more work is needed to improve these compounds for selectivity and to identify novel protein targets [4–6]. Nonetheless, the plethora of research and clinical advances made in this field in recent years has done much to make a male contraceptive pill closer to reality. In this chapter, we discuss the history and recent advances in novel hormonal and nonhormonal contraceptive development and provide a brief overview of how contraceptive compounds modulate the dynamics of sperm production and transport.
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This article reviews the chemical constituents and bioactivities of several Indonesian plants typically used in Jamu prescriptions in Indonesia. Jamu is Indonesia traditional medicine: it consists of either a single ingredient or a mixture of several medicinal plants. One plant family always used in Jamu is Zingiberaceae (ginger), such as Curcuma domestica/C. longa, C. xanthorrhizae, C. heyneana, C. zedoaria, C. aeruginosa, Zingiber aromaticum, Alpinia galanga. We also report other commonly used plant families such as Justicia gendarussa and Cassia siamea, whose activities have been extensively explored by our department. Graphical Abstract Fullsize Image
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Men have two practical choices for contraception; the condom which has a high typical use failure rate or vasectomy. New male hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives are under development that target either the production of sperm (spermatogenesis) or the delivery of sperm. One particular target is the sperm protein EPPIN, which is present on the surface of human spermatozoa. EP055 is a small organic compound that targets EPPIN on the surface of sperm and inhibits motility. EP055 was tested in cynomolgus (Macaca fascicularis) males to determine its plasma half-life after intravenous (i.v.) infusion of a single dose and for binding to its target tissues. Our initial study demonstrated a plasma half-life for EP055 of 10.6 minutes. In a second study examination of macaque testis, epididymis, and plasma after i.v. infusion of a single dose of compound EP055 (63.25 mg/kg) demonstrated that EP055 was detected in testis and epididymis two hours and six hours post-infusion. We initiated a trial in rhesus (Macaca mulatta) males to assess the availability of EP055 in semen and its effect on sperm motility as a measure of the drug's efficacy. Four macaques were infused with a low dose (75–80 mg/kg) followed by a recovery period and a subsequent high dose (125–130 mg/kg) of EP055. After high dose administration, sperm motility fell to approximately 20% of pretreatment levels within 6 hours post-infusion; no normal motility was observed at 30 hours post-infusion. Recovery of sperm motility was obvious by 78 hours post-infusion; with full recovery in all animals by 18 days post-infusion. EP055 has the potential to be a male contraceptive that would provide a reversible, short-lived pharmacological alternative.
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Sperm competence in animal fertilization requires the collective activities of numerous sperm-specific proteins that are typically alloimmunogenic in females. Consequently, sperm membrane alloantigens are potential targets for contraceptives that act by blocking the proteins’ functions in gamete interactions. Here we used a targeted proteomics approach to identify the major alloantigens in swine sperm membranes and lipid rafts, and thereby systematically defined the repertoire of these sperm-specific proteins in a single species. Gilts with high alloantibody reactivity to proteins in sperm membranes or lipid rafts produced fewer offspring (73% decrease) than adjuvant-only or nonimmune control animals. Alloantisera recognized more than 20 potentially unique sperm membrane proteins and five sperm lipid raft proteins resolved on two-dimensional immunoblots with or without prior enrichment by anion exchange chromatography. Dominant sperm membrane alloantigens identified by mass spectrometry included the ADAMs fertilin α, fertilin ß, and cyritestin. Less abundant alloantigens included ATP synthase F1 β subunit, myo-inositol monophosphatase-1, and zymogen granule membrane glycoprotein-2. Immunodominant sperm lipid raft alloantigens included SAMP14, lymphocyte antigen 6K, and the epididymal sperm protein E12. Of the fifteen unique membrane alloantigens identified, eleven were known sperm-specific proteins with uncertain functions in fertilization, and four were not previously suspected to exist as sperm-specific isoforms. De novo sequences of tryptic peptides from sperm membrane alloantigen “M6” displayed no evident homology to known proteins, so is a newly discovered sperm-specific gene product in swine. We conclude that alloimmunizing gilts with sperm membranes or lipid rafts evokes formation of antibodies to a relatively small number of dominant alloantigens that include known and novel sperm-specific proteins with possible functions in fertilization and potential utility as targets for immunocontraception.
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Na,K-ATPase α4 is a testis specific plasma membrane Na+ and K+ transporter expressed in the sperm flagellum. Deletion of Na,K-ATPase α4 in male mice results in complete infertility, making it an attractive target for male contraception. Na,K-ATPase α4 is characterized by high affinity for the cardiac glycoside ouabain. With the goal of discovering selective inhibitors of the Na,K-ATPase α4 and of sperm function, ouabain derivatives were modified at the glycone (C3) and the lactone (C17) domains. Ouabagenin analog 25, carrying a benzyltriazole moiety at C17, is a picomolar inhibitor of Na,K-ATPase α4, with an outstanding α4 isoform selectivity profile. Moreover, compound 25 decreased sperm motility in vitro and in vivo, and affected sperm membrane potential, intracellular Ca2+, pH and hypermotility. These results proved that the new ouabagenin triazole analog is an effective and selective inhibitor of Na,K- ATPase α4 and sperm function.
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The ALDH1A subfamily of aldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes are crucial in regulating retinoic acid (RA) signaling and have received attention as potential drug targets. ALDH1A2 is the primary RA-synthesizing enzyme in mammalian spermatogenesis and is therefore considered a viable drug target for male contraceptive development. However, only a small number of ALDH1A2 inhibitors have been reported, and information on the structure of ALDH1A2 was limited to the NAD-liganded enzyme void of substrate or inhibitors. Herein, we describe the mechanism of action of structurally unrelated reversible and irreversible inhibitors of human ALDH1A2 using direct binding studies and X-ray crystallography. All inhibitors bind to the active sites of tetrameric ALDH1A2. Compound WIN18,446 covalently reacts with the side chain of the catalytic residue Cys320, resulting in a chiral adduct in (R) configuration. The covalent adduct directly affects the neighboring NAD molecule, which assumes a contracted conformation suboptimal for the dehydrogenase reaction. The reversible inhibitors interact predominantly through direct hydrogen bonding interactions with residues in the vicinity of Cys320 without affecting NAD. Upon interaction with inhibitors a large flexible loop assumes regular structure, thereby shielding the active site from solvent. The precise knowledge of the binding modes provides a new framework for the rational design of novel inhibitors of ALDH1A2 with improved potency and selectivity profiles.
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Testis-specific serine/threonine kinase 2 (TSSK2) is an important target for reversible male contraception. A high-throughput screen of ~17,000 compounds using a mobility shift assay identified two potent series of inhibitors having a pyrrolopyrimidine or pyrimidine core. The pyrrolopyrimidine 10 (IC50 22 nM) and the pyrimidine 17 (IC50 31 nM) are the most potent TSSK2 inhibitors in these series. Except for the broad kinase inhibitor staurosporine, these series contain the first sub-100 nanomolar inhibitors of any TSSK isoform reported. Compounds in these pyrrolopyrimidine and pyrimidine series are reported to have higher inhibitory potencies against kinases other than TSSK2. The novel, potent TSSK2 inhibitor compound 19 lacking the potential for metabolic activation was found to be a more potent inhibitor of ALK, FAK, IRR and FAK. Despite the sequence homology of TSSK family members, a wide range of inhibitory potencies was found for compound 19 with the rank order potency TSSK1 > TSSK2 > TSSK3 > TSSK6. These results indicate the possibility of identifying potent dual inhibitors of TSSK1 and TSSK2, which may be required for a complete contraceptive effect. The future availability of a TSSK2 crystal structure will facilitate structure-based discovery of selective TSSK inhibitors from these pyrrolopyrimidine and pyrimidine scaffolds.
Background and purpose: Sperm from many species share the sperm-specific Ca2+ channel CatSper (cation channel of sperm) that controls the intracellular Ca2+ concentration and, thereby, the swimming behaviour. A growing body of evidence suggests that the mechanisms controlling CatSper activity and the role of the channel during fertilization differ among species. However, a lack of suitable pharmacological tools has hampered the elucidation of the function of CatSper. Known CatSper inhibitors exhibit considerable side effects and inhibit also Slo3, the K+ channel in mammalian sperm. Experimental approach: The drug RU1968 was reported to suppress Ca2+ signaling in human sperm by an unknown mechanism. We resynthesized the drug and revisited its mechanism of action in sperm form humans, mice, and sea urchins. Key results: We show by Ca2+ fluorimetry, single-cell Ca2+ imaging, electrophysiology, opto-chemistry, and motility analysis that RU1968 inhibits CatSper in sperm from invertebrates and mammals. The drug lacks toxic side effects in human sperm, does not affect mouse Slo3, and inhibits human Slo3 with about 15-fold lower potency than CatSper. Moreover, in human sperm, the inhibitor mimics CatSper dysfunction and suppresses motility responses evoked by progesterone, an oviductal steroid that activates CatSper. Finally, we show that the drug abolishes CatSper-mediated chemotactic navigation in sea urchin sperm. Conclusion and implications: We propose RU1968 as a novel tool to elucidate the function of CatSper in sperm across species.
The bromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) family of proteins bind acetylated lysine residues on histone proteins. The four BET bromodomains, BRD2, BRD3, BRD4 and BRDT, each contain two bromodomain modules. BET bromodomain inhibition is a potential therapy for various cancers and immunoinflammatory diseases, but few reported inhibitors show selectivity within the BET family. Inhibitors with selectivity for the first or second bromodomain are desired to aid investigation of the biological function of these domains. Focused library screening identified a series of tetrahydroquinoxalines with selectivity for the second bromodomains of the BET family (BD2). Structure-guided optimization of the template improved potency, selectivity and physicochemical properties, culminating in potent BET inhibitors with BD2 selectivity.
The ADAMs, together with ADAMTSs and snake venom metalloproteases (SVMPs), are members of the Adamalysin family. Differences in structural organization, functions and localization are known and their domains, catalytic or non-catalytic, show key roles in the substrate recognition and protease activity. Some ADAMs, as membrane-bound enzymes, show sheddase activity. Sheddases are key to modulation of functional proteins such as the tumor necrosis factor, growth factors, cytokines and their receptors, adhesion proteins, signaling molecules and stress molecules involved in immunity. These activities take part in the regulation of several physiological and pathological processes including inflammation, tumor growth, metastatic progression and infectious diseases. On these bases, some ADAMs are currently investigated as drug targets to develop new alternative therapies in many fields of medicine. This review will be focused on these aspects.