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Mercury, lead, and cadmium in tissues of the Caspian Pond Turtle (Mauremys caspica) from the southern basin of Caspian Sea

  • Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI)
  • Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center, Sari (CSERC), Iran
  • Barcelonatech

Abstract and Figures

Concentrations of cadmium, lead, and mercury were measured in different tissues (liver, muscle, and shell) of 60 Caspian Pond Turtles collected from Tajan and Shiroud Rivers, southern basin of the Caspian Sea. Based on the results, different tissues showed different capacities for accumulating trace elements. The general trend of metals accumulation was: liver > shell > muscle. Results also showed that accumulation of these elements was not significantly different between sex and river in turtles (p > 0.05). Based on the results, Hg and Pb concentrations recorded in the present study were higher than some of the maximum concentration permissible. To our knowledge, this is the first report into heavy metal accumulation in tissues and organs of Caspian Pond Turtle from the southern basin of Caspian Sea. Further studies are needed to measure different heavy metals and trace metals in this valuable species.
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Mercury, lead, and cadmium in tissues of the Caspian Pond Turtle
(Mauremys caspica) from the southern basin of Caspian Sea
Milad Adel
&Hasan Nasrollahzadeh Saravi
&Maryam Dadar
&Leila Niyazi
Cesar P. Ley-Quinonez
Received: 7 June 2015 /Accepted: 30 November 2015
#Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract Concentrations of cadmium, lead, and mercury
were measured in different tissues (liver, muscle, and shell)
of 60 Caspian Pond Turtles collected from Tajan and Shiroud
Rivers, southern basin of the Caspian Sea. Based on the re-
sults, different tissues showed different capacities for accumu-
lating trace elements. The general trend of metals accumula-
tion was: liver> shell>muscle. Results also showed that accu-
mulation of these elements was not significantly different be-
tween sex and river in turtles (p> 0.05). Based on the results,
Hg and Pb concentrations recorded in the present study were
higher than some of the maximum concentration permissible.
To our knowledge, this is the first report into heavy metal
accumulation in tissues and organs of Caspian Pond Turtle
from the southern basin of Caspian Sea. Further studies are
needed to measure different heavy metals and trace metals in
this valuable species.
Keyword Caspian Pond Turtle .Mauremys caspica .Heavy
metal .Tissues .Sex .Caspian Sea
Heavy metals are accumulated in environment by different
ways, e.g., extraction, diffusion, combustion, and industrial
activities, and then enter in the aquatic environment by dis-
charge of domestic, industrial, agricultural waste water, acci-
dental leakage, Ballast water discharges by ships and soil ero-
sion (Bahnasawy et al. 2009;Javed2005). These metals can
be strongly accumulated along water and aquatic food chains,
thus resulting in sub lethal effects or death in local fish popu-
lations and finally in human (Perez-Lopez et al. 2008). Study
of some heavy metals, such as cadmium, mercury, and lead
are so important due to their toxicity and bio accumulative
behavior in aquatic organisms and even in human food chains
(Kalantzi et al. 2013). Aquatic species diversity and equilibri-
um of ecological consumers can be modified by the effects of
heavy metals. Aquatic organisms such as fish and turtles cause
biomagnification by accumulate metals as Hg to high concen-
trations than those in water and prey organisms. Selection of
biological components such as sea turtles or birds for wide
distribution and high position in the food chain can be useful
as bioindicator in health monitoring and predict future chang-
es in the environment (Kim et al. 2007).
The Caspian turtle (Mauremys caspica) is a species of tur-
tles in the family Geoemydidae, living in the eastern
Mediterranean region from northwestern of Saudi Arabia,
Iraq, Bahrain, Turkey, Caucasus, Tbilisi to northern, central,
and south western part of Iran (Vamberger et al. 2013). This
species is widely dispersed in different provinces of Iran, e.g.,
Mazandaran, Golestan, Guilan, Ardabil, Azerbaijan,
Kurdistan, Fars, and Khuzestan (Iverson 1994). There have
been many reports of this species in Tajan and Shiroud Rivers.
The effects of heavy metals and other contaminants in Caspian
Sea fishes have been previously documented (Nasrollahzadeh
Saravi et al. 2013), but with the given available data, only one
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues
*Milad Adel
Department of Aquatic Animal Health and Diseases, Iranian
Fisheries Research Center, Tehran, Iran
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Caspian Sea
Ecology Research Center, Sari, Iran
Center of Biotechnology and Biology Research, Shahid Chamran
University, Ahvaz, Iran
Department of Marine Chemistry, Mazandaran University,
Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran
Servicios de Salud de Sinaloa, Culiacán, Mexico
Environ Sci Pollut Res
DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5905-5
study was done by Yadollahvand et al. (2014) on different
tissues of Caspian turtle in Golestan province. On the other
hand, Tajan and Shiroud were selected as locations which had
agriculture and industrial activity and pesticides such as or-
ganophosphates (cinosulfuron, triadimenol, phosphamidon,
and tricyclazole). However, despite the importance of biodi-
versity and high frequency of this valuable species, few stud-
this study is not only to measure and compare lead (Pb), mer-
cury (Hg), and cadmium (Cd) in different tissues of both sexes
Caspian turtle in Tajan and Shiroud Rivers but also is a com-
plementary study on this species in other rivers of the Caspian
Sea basin.
Material and methods
Sixty adult Caspian Pond Turtles were collected from Tajan
and Shiroud River in Mazandaran province (Fig. 1), during
September and October 2014 in the rainy season. Their feed-
ing habit includes water plants, mollusks, crustaceans, small
amphibians, and small fish. Permission to collect of Caspian
Pond Turtle was authorized by the Iran Department of
Environment (Permission Number: 1184-N/14/2; 2014; 22th
September). The Tajan River is one of the most important
river, has a watershed of 1.80 million km
(36° 4336N
and 53° 736E). Shiroud River is located in the distance of
8 km from Tonekabon and 15 km from west part of Ramsar at
Mazandaran province (44° 5036Nand45°236E).
The turtles were transported alive to the central laboratory
of Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center, and their size in
curved carapace length (CCL in cm) and weight (g) were
measured. They were euthanasia by 200 mg/kg of ketamine
hydrochloride (5 %) and 3 mg/kg of diazepam (5 %) before
analysis and were dissected with laboratory set, and different
tissues of liver, muscle, and shell were quickly removed,
washed with distilled water, and refrigerated at 20 °C until
chemical analysis (Yadollahvand et al. 2014). All the labora-
tory materials used were completely acid-washed to prevent
contamination of samples (Paez-Osuna et al. 2010).
The procedure used for measuring trace elements concen-
trations in turtle samples has been described previously
(Yadollahvand et al. 2014) with minor modifications. All sam-
ples were dried by oven and homogenized using blender.
Approximately 0.3 g of the homogenized powder of dried
sample was added to 4 ml of concentrated (%65) ultra pure
(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) in a closed cell,
polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) lined digestion vessel and
incubated for 1 h at 40 °C, followed by heating at 140 °C for
3 h. For mercury digestion, the sample was added to 45 mg
. Then, they were diluted to 50 ml with 20 ml distilled
water and K
(%2). Samples were filtered through
Whatman No. 1 filter paper and then analyzed.
Concentrations of Cd and Pb by graphite furnace and Hg
using vapor generation were measured using an atomic ab-
sorption spectrometer (Thermo M5, Japan). Quality assurance
was assessed for each batch of 20 digested samples by inclu-
sion of two blanks and reference materials (RM) TORT-2.
Calibration curves were made for the spectrophotometer using
SIGMA 3000 (Perkin Elmer). The limit of detection (LOD)
for Pb, Cd, and Hg were 0.70, 0.33, and 0.39 ppb, respective-
ly. To rule out possible contamination, weight samples were
used with deionized water. To determine the percentage of
recovery and evaporation during the digestion process, repli-
cates were used of the reference material (RM) TORT-2.
Recovery of RM (TORT-2) and standard repetition added with
Fig. 1 Sampling sites of Tajan
(a)andShiroud(b) Rivers (north
of Iran), Mazandaran Province
(Caspian Sea basin)
Environ Sci Pollut Res
SIGMA 3000, and the percentage of recovery was between 87
and 95 %. The coefficient of variation on replicate, spiked
samples ranged up to 10 %. Concentrations of trace elements
are expressed as mg kg
of tissue on dry weight basis.
Reported statistics are arithmetic means and standard devi-
ation (SD). All data obtained from the two sampling sites were
used for statistical analyses using SPSS 18.0 Software. One-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) along with Duncans
method was carried out to examine mean differences among
the tissues. In this study, pvalues of 0.05 were used to de-
termine significant differences. The correlations among the
different heavy metals in tissues were determined using a sim-
ple regression model R
<50 % used as a statistical indicator.
Arithmetic means is given to facilitate comparisons with other
The turtles biometric characteristics captured are shown in
Table 1. No statistical differences were observed in size or
weight by sex or among rivers specimens. The specimens
captured can be considered sub-adult by the size.
The heavy metals concentration in various tissues of
Caspian Pond Turtle from the Tajan and Shiroud Rivers are
presented in Table 2. The results showed that metals concen-
trations were statistically different among tissues of Caspian
Pond Turtles (Pb: F
(2, 57)
=68.1, p=0.001; Cd: F
(2, 57)
p=0.001; Hg: F
(2, 57)
=116.4, p= 0.001). Pb concentrations
were highest among the trace elements examined, while con-
centrations of Hg were generally lowest in analyzed tissues
(Table 2). The trend of metals accumulation was liver>shell>
muscle (Table 2). Metal concentrations were generally low in
muscle, except for Hg which exhibited the highest mean level
than shell. The Duncans results showed three different groups
for all tissues (Table 2). In the present study, mean Pb concen-
trations in different tissues varied from 21.88±1.27 to 35.46±
1.90 mg kg
dry weight in Caspian Pond Turtle, and the
distribution patterns of Pb concentration follows the order:
(pvalue=0.008). Statistical differ-
ences were observed in Pb concentration between the three
tissues. Mean concentration of Cd and Hg varied from 4.82±
2.82 to 2.10±0.10 and 2.79± 0.19 to 0.95±0.04 mg kg
weight, respectively. The accumulation patterns of Cd and Hg
following these sequences: Cd
ue=0.003) and Hg
(Table 2). Results showed that accumulation of these elements
was not statistically different among sex or river population in
turtles (p>0.05). Pearson correlation shows that Pb, Cd, and
Table 1 Biometry data of Caspian pond Turtle from the Tajan and
Shiroud Rivers in Mazandaran province Iran
River Sex CCL (cm) Weight (g) Age (year)
Shiroud Male 11.3±3.8 277.3±14.2 1
Female 10.84±2.6 271.8±10.6 1
Statistical test p=0.126 p=0.108 p=0.324
Tajan Male 11.5±4.1 285.3±13.9 1
Female 10.9±3.5 276.8± 10.4 1
Statistical test p=0.365 p=0.282 p=0.337
The statistical test used is the analysis of variance (ANOVA); statistical
test data as mean±SD followed by Duncans test in parentheses, if sig-
nificant differences were found. Data are presented as mean±SD. Values
in each row with different superscripts show significant difference
Table 2 Mean concentration
(±SD) of heavy metals (mg/kg
dry weight) in liver, shell, and
muscle of Caspian Pond Turtle
from the southern basin of
Caspian Sea
River Sex Tissues Pb Cd Hg
Shiroud Male Liver 35.46±1.90 (a) 4.29±0.19 (a) 2.70± 0.13 (a)
Shell 29.32±0.66 (b) 3.3±0.11 (b) 1.04±0.06 (b)
Muscle 23.82±1.12 (c) 2.10± 0.10 (c) 1.63± .0.11 (c)
Statistical test p=0.006 p=0.009 p=0.032
Female Liver 35.34± 2.05 (a) 4.82± 2.82 (a) 2.78± 0.18 (a)
Shell 29.7±1.35 (b) 3.4±0.16 (b) 1.05±0.08 (b)
Muscle 22.12±1.57 (c) 2.29± 0.19 (c) 1.66± 0.14 (c)
Statistical test p=0.005 p=0.003 p=0.021
Tajan Male Liver 32.96±1.42 (a) 4.00±0.29 (a) 2.68± 0.17 (a)
Shell 28.8±1.32 (b) 3.43± 0.12 (b) 0.95± 0.04 (b)
Muscle 24.28±1.17 (c) 2.13± 0.11 (c) 1.57± 0.07 (c)
Statistical test p=0.008 p=0.024 p=0.018
Female Liver 35.34± 1.34 (a) 3.87± 0.13 (a) 2.79± 0.19 (a)
Shell 28.1±1.02 (b) 3.36± 0.13 (b) 1.08± 0.09 (b)
Muscle 21.88±1.27 (c) 2.19± 0.15 (c) 1.61± 0.08 (c)
Statistical test p=0.003 p=0.043 p=0.006
Environ Sci Pollut Res
Hg were not significantly correlated with by sex and rivers in
length and weight (Table 3)(R
<0.50; p>0.05). No correla-
tions were found in metals concentrations with size or weight
<0.50; p>0.05).
Pb concentrations reported in Caspian Pond Turtle tissues in
this study present high concentrations that other metals, par-
ticularly in liver and previously reports for fresh water turtles
(Overmann and Krajicek 1995;Bishopetal.2010;Yuetal.
2011; Yadollahvand et al. 2014). Yadollahvand et al. (2014)
mention that elevated Pb levels in the Caspian Pond Turtle are
worrying, especially considering the fact that this toxic metal
could produce serious damage to species health, including
infertile eggs, and changes in behavior, growth, and survival
of turtles (Zavala-Norzagaray et al. 2014).
The Hg concentrations in liver were 1.43.6 times higher
than those reported in the Kemps ridley turtles, Lepidochelys
kempii (Innis et al. 2008), Chelonia mydas (Bezerra et al.
2014) Leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea
(Davenport and Wrench 1990;Perraultetal.2013)and
Loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta (Caurant et al. 1999).
High contamination levels of Hg may be related to the high
frequency of fish-based diets (Zavala-Norzagaray et al. 2014).
Hopkins et al. (2013) observed a negative correlation among
Hg levels with reproduction season in the common snapping
turtle (Chelydra serpentina) and increased the egg infertility
and embryonic mortality. Also, Matson et al. (2005) mention
that high level of Hg causes chromosomal damage in Emys
orbicularis and M. caspica inhabiting contaminated sites in
Azerbaijan (west of Caspian Sea). The Hg concentration
found in the muscle tissue of Caspian Pond Turtle (1.65±
0.12) was 1.84.2 time higher than those measured in the
other sea turtles such as: Dermochelys coriacea (Perrault
et al. 2013), Caretta caretta (Storelli et al. 1998)and
Stenella coeruleoalba (Storelli et al. 1998). High Hg concen-
tration in muscle found in this study could be accumulated in
human brain, liver, and kidney and cause nose irritation, skin
burns, irritation of respiratory system, rashes, muscle coordi-
nation, and severe diseases such as acrodynia, Hunter-Russell
syndrome, and Minamata disease (Tan et al. 2009; Rajeswari
and Sailaja 2014).
Highest Cd levels were observed in of Caspian Pond Turtle
liver; these results are similar than previously observed by
Yadollahvand et al. (2014) and higher than those previously
reported in liver of green and olive ridley turtles (Gardner et al.
2006) and Lepidochelys olivacea (Paez-Osuna et al. 2010)
(Table 4). Kitana and Callard (2008) mentioned that high level
of Cd reduced proliferation and delay migration of germ cells
to genital ridge, finally affect on gonadal developmental pro-
cesses, and threat the reproductive success of freshwater tur-
tles (Trachemys s cripta,Chrysemys picta).
Certain factors such as body requirements of marine organ-
isms for copper and zinc, excretion of cadmium, lead and
mercury, and the other changes could play an important role
in heavy metals accumulation in the living organisms (Filazi
et al. 2003). Yadollahvand et al. (2014) published that accu-
mulation of these elements was not statistically different
among sex, which was confirmed in this study. This shows
that the metal accumulation is similar in the whole Caspian
Pond Turtle populations in our study area; however, more
studies about the relation among heavy metal concentrations
and the turtlesage are necessary and have all essential infor-
mation about whether factors such as age, weight, and size
influence on processes of turtle pollution.
Our results indicated that the highest concentration of all
metals is found in liver, which is a major tissue of short-term
storage in turtles (Thomas et al. 1994; Rie et al. 2001). This is
in accordance with previous publications on heavy metals
accumulation in Caspian Pond Turtle (Yadollahvand et al.
2014), Chelonia mydas (Lam et al. 2004)andCaretta caretta
(Sakai et al. 2000). Storelli et al. (2008) studied some heavy
metals in Chelonia mydas; the results showed that Cd concen-
trations in muscle were about two fold higher than those in the
liver. In this study, Cd had the higher concentration in the liver
than muscle, suggesting the liver as the center of their accu-
mulation (Torrent et al. 2004; García-Fernández et al. 2009).
The difference in accumulation potential between tissues can
be justified by the activity of metallothioneins, proteins that
are created in liver and present in the muscle and other tissues,
Table 3 Pearson correlation of heavy metals at different sex and rivers
in Caspian Pond Turtle from the southern basin of Caspian Sea
Heavy metals Rivers/sex Pb Cd Hg
Pb Male 1 r=0.755
Cd 1
Hg 1
Pb Female 1 r=0.783
Cd 1 r=0.442
Hg 1
Pb Tajan 1 r=0.792
Cd 1 r=0.526
Hg 1
Pb Shiroud 1 r=0.721
Cd 1
Hg 1
Pb Total 1 r=0.764
Cd 1 r=0.386
Hg 1
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Environ Sci Pollut Res
which have the ability to bind certain trace elements and thus
allow the tissue to accumulate them at a high degree (Barbieri
2009; Mashroofeh et al. 2013). Moreover, the differences in
levels are the results of polluted water, sediments and foods,
age, weight, body width and length, sex, and differences in
physiological functions of different tissues and organs and
physicochemical characteristics of water (temperature, hard-
ness, and salinity) (Mashroofeh et al. 2013). This result of this
study showed that there were no statistical differences in metal
levels as a function of gender, rivers, size, and weight (R
0.50; p>0.05). Therefore, gender, rivers, size, and weight do
not play an important role to accumulation of these three toxic
heavy metals in Caspian Pond Turtle. On the other hand, other
aforementioned factors are most important to accumulate of
Pb, Cd, and Hg.
In our study, Hg had the lowest concentration among other
heavy metals which is in line with findings of Ley-Quinoez
et al. (2011) on loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta)and
Bezerra et al. (2012) on green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Low
accumulation of Hg in the tissues is directly related to nour-
ishment and bioaccumulation capacity of this precious speci-
men (Malik et al. 2013). The Cd emission in rivers are mainly
due to the production and use of artificialphosphate fertilizers,
mineral phosphate, zinc production processes, and manure
manufacturing industries are the most significant emission of
cadmium sources (Bonomelli et al. 2003). In the current study,
the accumulation of Cd in different tissues followed this pat-
tern: liver>shell >muscle, which was in accordance with find-
ings of Yadollahvand et al. (2014). but which differs from
findings of Malik et al. (2013) on soft-shell turtle
(Aspideretes gangeticus).Some of these activities are carried
out in the river of our study area, and these factors could
increase the Cd accumulation in Caspian Pond Turtles.
Hg and Pb concentrations recorded in the present study
were higher than the acceptable values for designated by stan-
dards which is the consequence of Mazandaran wood and
paper industry, Antibiotic Company, Municipal and village
sewage, Cattle and Poultry Industries, Pasteurized milk facto-
ry, MDF Factories, Fisheries Farms, and agricultural activities
(Hosseini et al. 2011).
The heavy metal concentrations present in Caspian Pond
Turtle could be considered a risk, not only for this species but
also for others organisms that develop in the region, including
humans. Aguirre and Tabor (2004)establishedtheusesenti-
nelsspecies, are species that serve as indicators of their en-
vironment. In this case, like the sea turtle, maybe our turtle
species can serve as sentinels for the quality of health of
aquatics ecosystems, and make contributions to the environ-
mental authorities, who should also monitor the health of hu-
man society and make good solutions to reduce the disposal of
industrial and toxic waste water to watershed of Caspian Sea
and prevent the accumulation of heavy metals in coastal areas.
To our knowledge, this is the first report about heavy metal
accumulation in tissues and organs of Caspian Pond Turtle
from two rivers of southern basin of Caspian Sea. Further
studies are needed to measure different heavy metal concen-
trations and blood parameter to establish the health risk in the
populations of this species.
Table 4 Concentrations (μgg
dry weight) of heavy metals in
liver, shell, and muscle of sea
River Author Tissues Pb Cd Hg
Mauremys caspica Current study Liver 35.46±1.90 4.55±1.32 2.74±0.15
Shell 29.5±1.82 3.35±0.12 1.04 ±0.08
Muscle 23.06±1.06 2.2±0.14 1.65±.0.12
M. caspica Yadollahvand et al. (2014) Liver 32.41±6.22 4.29± 0.19 NA
Shell 21.54±7.15 3.54±1.06 NA
Muscle 27.45±3.69 2.51± 0.24 NA
Perrault et al. (2013) Liver NA NA 2.11 ±0.38
Shell NA NA 0.45±0.06
Muscle NA NA 0.83±.0.18
Malik et al. (2013) Liver 1.93± 0.32 1.93±0.32 NA
Shell 0.98±0.19 0.85±0.03 NA
Muscle 1.23±1.40 0.23±0.03 NA
Caretta caretta García-Fernández et al.
Liver 0.69±0.08 5.85±0.14 NA
Shell NA NA NA
Muscle 0.06±0.02 0.04±0.01 NA
Lepidochelys olivacea Gardner et al. (2006) Liver 3.32± 0.30 3.28±0.22 NA
Shell NA NA NA
Muscle 0.01±0.001 3.1± 2.4 NA
Environ Sci Pollut Res
Acknowledgments This study was supported by Caspian Sea Ecology
Research Center and Chamran University. The authors wish to thank Mr.
Ahmad Nosrati Movafagh for his kind assistance.
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Environ Sci Pollut Res
... Heavy metals become stable after entering the aquatic system and may undergo bioaccumulation in an ecological community (Yipel et al. 2017;Smith et al. 2016). Contamination of aquatic ecosystems with heavy metals has irreversible negative effects on organisms; hence, the study of these metals in the organs and tissues of aquatic organisms is of utmost importance due to the toxic effects and high potential of bioaccumulation in many aquatic species (Yadollahvand et al. 2014;Adel et al. 2015Adel et al. , 2017. ...
... However, according to Adel et al. (2017), the cadmium concentration was lower in larger turtles. Yadollahvand et al. (2014) and Adel et al. (2015) reported that the accumulation of heavy metals was not statistically different in gender, which is consistent with our results, indicating that the heavy metal accumulation in the entire population of Caspian pond turtles in the study area is similar. However, more studies are needed on the relationship between heavy metal concentrations and the age and sex of Caspian pond turtle; moreover, it is essential to examine whether factors such as age, weight, and size affect the turtle contamination. ...
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In the present study, the cadmium, lead, and zinc levels in the blood and shell of Caspian pond turtles (Mauremys caspica) were investigated at five stations in Zarivar International Wetland in Kurdistan Province. All specimens were released at their capture locations within 2 h of capture. Water samples were collected at each station. Heavy metal concentrations were determined using an atomic absorption spectrometer. The mean cadmium, lead, and zinc concentrations were 0.04, 32.10, and 11.45 mg/l in blood samples; 1.82, 16.91, and 89.22 mg/l in shell samples; 0.005, 1.30, and 0.07 mg/l in water samples, respectively. In this study, the highest metal adsorption was zinc and was observed in shell. According to the results of this study, the shell of the Caspian Pond Turtle can be used to estimate the concentration of heavy metals. Our results suggest that Caspian pond turtle can be used as a biological indicator to estimate heavy metals.
... In particular, the release of excess concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus can result in coastal eutrophication (Howarth and Marino 2006;Paerl et al. 2014), and consequent algal blooms, hypoxia, and fish kills (Diaz and Rosenberg 2008;Paerl et al. 2016). In parallel, metals can directly and indirectly affect the Responsible Editor: Vedula VSS Sarma aquatic biota (Adel et al. 2017) and, through biomagnification along food chains (Goher et al. 2014;Saghali et al. 2014), can reach humans with consequent risks for health (Agah et al. 2011;Dadar et al. 2016;Hosseini et al. 2013). ...
... In this research, we considered metals with well-known anthropic origins and metals that are naturally found in the Iranian Caspian Sea sediments (for further details, see Agah et al. 2011) and can limit the algal growth and blooms (e.g., Fe; Bruland et al. 2001;Facey et al. 2019;Sunda 2006). High concentrations of these metals in sediments and macroalgae can indicate metal pollution due to anthropic activities (Caccia et al. 2003;Caliceti et al. 2002;Chakraborty et al. 2014;Ghosh et al. 2019), and by biomagnification, they can become potentially toxic (Adel et al. 2017;Dadar et al. 2016). ...
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The Caspian Sea hosts areas of high ecological value as well as industrial, leisure, and agricultural activities that dump into the water body different kinds of pollutants. In this complex context, a proper description of the origin and potential sources of pollution is necessary to address management and mitigation actions aimed at preserving the quality of the water resource and the integrity of the ecosystems. Here, we aimed at detecting sources of both nitrogen inputs, by N stable isotope analysis of macroalgae, and metals in macroalgae and sediments in two highly anthropized coastal stretches at the Iranian side of the Caspian Sea. Sampling was done near the mouth of rivers and canals draining agricultural and urbanized areas. In the westernmost waters, facing a port city, low macroalgal δ¹⁵N signatures indicated industrial fertilizers as the principal source of pollution. By contrast, in the central coastal waters, facing touristic areas, the high macroalgal δ¹⁵N indicated N inputs from wastewaters. Here the lowest dissolved oxygen concentrations in waters were associated with excess dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Metal concentrations varied largely in the study areas and were lower in macroalgae than in sediments. Localized peaks of Pb and Zn in sediments were observed in the central coastal sites as probable byproducts of mining activity transported downstream. By contrast, Cr and Ni concentrations were high in all sampling sites, thus potentially representing hazardous elements for marine biota. Overall, macroalgal δ¹⁵N coupled with metal analysis in macroalgae and sediments was useful for identifying the main sources of pollution in these highly anthropized coastal areas. This double approach in comprehensive monitoring programs could thus effectively inform stakeholders on major environmental threats, allowing targeted management measures.
... Animals that have a long life and, consequently, a longer exposure time to contaminated places, are used as bioindicators of pollution. Thus, aquatic reptiles have proven to be particularly useful for monitoring heavy metal contamination in fresh and seawater habitats, being considered good bioindicators (Adel et al. 2017; Lettoof et al. 2021; Zapata et al. 2016). Biomonitoring through biological samples is a good method for toxicity tracking, evaluating toxicological effects of metals and determining deleterious actions in organisms (da Cruz et al. 2007). ...
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The pollution by metals and metalloids represents a significant environmental threat, due to the adverse repercussions they can have on aquatic organisms and on the health of human populations. Aquatic reptiles can be used as bioindicators of the presence of contaminants in watercourses. In the present study, water, carapace and blood samples from Trachemys dorbigni tortoises were collected in rural and urbanized areas, in order to identify the presence and consequences of exposure to metal(loid)s. The elements Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were measured in water, blood and carapace, and erythrocitary changes were also analyzed by flow cytometry and micronucleus evaluation. In the assessment of water in the urban area, the metals evaluated exceeded all established national parameters, while in the rural area, only Cd, Hg and Ni were elevated. In the carapace evaluation, the samples collected in the urban area showed higher levels of all measured metals, when compared to animals from the rural area. In blood samples only Al, Cr, Ni and Zn showed higher values in this area. Animals from the urban area also showed a higher incidence of necrotic cells, a greater number of micronucleated cells and a high rate of DNA fragmentation, resulting in cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic damage. The results highlight the importance of using bioindicators to measure metallic contaminants in urban watercourses, thus estimating their impacts on the health of animals and humans, in the short and long term.
... Cadmium is also a contaminant of continuing research interest and general environmental concern in the Caspian Sea (de Mora and Turner 2004;Adel et al. 2017;Madani et al. 2022), with its endemic species of sturgeon including A. gueldenstaedtii, within the Family Acipenseridae. This is one of the most endangered families of fishes with 23 out of its 27 species threatened with extinction according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, with Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) being the most recent member being classified as extinct in the wild (www. ...
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Cadmium-109 whole-body and internal biokinetics were experimentally investigated in critically endangered diamond sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii after uptake from water or food, in fresh (FW) and brackish (BW; 9‰) salinities typical of the Caspian Sea. Whole-body rates of uptake of ¹⁰⁹Cd from water and subsequent depuration were quantified over 14 and 28 days, respectively. Uptake was greater in FW than BW by a factor of 2.4, but depuration rates were similar in both salinities. In contrast, for the dietary (chironomid) exposure pathway ¹⁰⁹Cd assimilation efficiencies (AEs) were higher in BW (13%) compared to FW (9.5%). Head (including gills) or digestive tract were major repositories of ¹⁰⁹Cd following aqueous and dietary exposures, respectively, including both uptake and depuration phases. The point-of-entry of ¹⁰⁹Cd into the body was also a major and persistent determiner of its subsequent internal distribution. For aqueous exposures, the internal distributions of ¹⁰⁹Cd changed appreciably during depuration with increased activity concentrations in some body components, which again varied with salinity. Increased salinity appreciably enhanced the percentage distributions and activity concentrations of ¹⁰⁹Cd in the liver, kidney and digestive tract, which are typically most pathologically altered by elevated Cd exposure. For dietary exposure, increased salinity also enhanced ¹⁰⁹Cd activity concentrations in most body components. The results repeatedly indicate the important role of salinity in the whole-body and internal biokinetics of ¹⁰⁹Cd in A. gueldenstaedtii, a representative of both a phylogenetically distinct and most endangered family of fishes.
... The contamination of soil with wastewater has become a global problem over the last few decades, along with increases in the demands on the food and water supply [1]. Natural processes such as weathering and volcanic eruptions are the main source of heavy metal accumulation in the environment [2]. However, exposure to synthetic fertilizers and heavy metal discharge via anthropogenic activities have become a major threat to the environment [3]. ...
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Wastewater from tanneries may ruin agricultural fields by polluting them with trace metals. The synthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) from algal sources and their application could help in decreasing hazardous materials, for environmental safety. The potential of zinc oxide nanoparticles made from Oedogonium sp. was evaluated for removal of heavy metals from leather industrial wastewater. Synthesized algal nanoparticles (0 (control), 0.1, 0.5, and 1 mg) were applied to treat wastewater by using different concentrations of leather industrial effluents (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 100%) for 15, 30, and 45 d. The wastewater collected was dark brown to black in color with very high pH (8.21), EC (23.08 μs/cm), and TDS, (11.54 mg/L), while the chloride content was 6750 mg/L. The values of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) ranged between 420 mg/L and 1123 mg/L in the current study. Prior to the application of nanoparticles, Cr (310.1), Cd (210.5), and Pb (75.5 mg/L) contents were higher in the leather effluents. The removal efficiency of TDS, chlorides, Cr, Cd, and Pb was improved by 46.5%, 43.5%, 54%, 57.6%, and 59.3%, respectively, following treatment with 1 mg of nanoparticles after 45 d. Our results suggested that the green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles is a useful and ecofriendly biotechnological tool for treating tannery effluents, before they are discharged into water bodies, thus making the soil environment clean.
... No relationship was observed between the concentration of contaminants and sex, size (CCL), and developmental stage of sea turtles, as also reported by previous studies (Adel et al. 2017b;Febrer-Serra et al. 2020;Franzellitti et al. 2004;Maffucci et al. 2005). ...
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Toxic trace elements from both, natural and anthropogenic origin, pose a threat to aquatic environments and marine wildlife due to their long-range transport, bioaccumulative nature, and biomagnification through the food chain. Being long-lived and migratory animals, sea turtles can be exposed to elevated levels of toxic elements, and are therefore considered sentinel species for chemical pollution. In this study, concentrations of trace elements (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury) were determined in tissues of 46 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) stranded along Tyrrhenian and Ionian coasts of Calabria, in Southern Italy, between 2014 and 2020. Curved carapace length (CCL), curved carapace width (CCW), body mass (BM), and sex were determined and the correlations of these parameters with toxic elements concentrations were investigated. During necropsy, kidney, liver, and muscle tissues were collected and the concentration and distribution of metals determined. Muscle tissues showed the lowest toxic element burdens, except for As that showed the highest mean concentrations in this tissue. The kidney was the main accumulation organ for Cd, while similar levels of Hg and Pb were measured in kidney, liver, and muscle tissues. The risk assessment performed for Cd, Hg, and Pb in sea turtles’ liver highlighted possible negative effects on sea turtles’ health and the need for marine turtle toxicology researches. This is the first study reporting levels and distribution of toxic elements in tissues of Caretta caretta turtles from the Tyrrhenian and Ionian coasts of Calabria.
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Pollution contributes to the degraded state of continental aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. Some species appear to be tolerant to aquatic pollution, yet little is known about the effects of such pollution on population structure and dynamics. Here, we investigated how wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents of the Cabestany City, in southern France, contribute to the pollution levels of the Fosseille River, and we tested how they could affect population structure and medium-term dynamics of the native freshwater turtle, the Mediterranean Pond Turtle Mauremys leprosa (Schweigger, 1812). Amongst the 68 pesticides surveyed from water samples collected along the river in 2018 and 2021, a total of 16 pesticides were detected, among which eight were found in the upstream section of the river, 15 in the river section located downstream of the WWTP, and 14 in the outfall of the WWTP, exhibiting the contribution of effluents to the river pollution. From 2013 to 2018 and in 2021, capture-mark-recapture protocols were carried out on the freshwater turtle population living in the river. Using robust design and multi-state models, we showed a stable population throughout the study period, with high year-dependent seniority, and a bidirectional transition occurring primarily from the upstream to the downstream river sections of the WWTP. The freshwater turtle population consisted mostly of adults, with a male biased sex ratio detected downstream of the WWTP neither related to sex-dependent survival, recruitment, nor transition, suggesting a male bias in the hatchlings or primary sex ratio. Also, the largest immatures and females were captured downstream of the WWTP, with females having the highest body condition, whereas no such differences were observed in males. This study highlights that population functioning of M. leprosa is driven primarily by effluents induced resources, at least over the medium-term.
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The effects of environmental pollution on three populations of the Balkan terrapin [Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 1833)] from the Bozcaada, Gökçeada and Dardanos regions were evaluated. The morphological parameters of Balkan terrapins collected on each site were measured and blood samples were taken for haematological analysis and micronucleus detection. The physicochemical, microbiological and microelement analyses of the water samples from each region were conducted by standard methods. The highest red blood cell, white blood cell and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration values were seen in the samples from Gökçeada. The highest haemoglobin value was found in the samples originating from Bozcaada, whereas the highest haematocrit and mean corpuscular volume values were found in the animals from Dardanos. Based on the microbiological analysis of the water samples, the most polluted site was Gökçeada. The microelement contents of the water and blood samples were different at the three sites, the lowest being in the Gökçeada area. It was revealed that the percentage of red blood cell micronuclei and other nucleus abnormalities in the M. rivulata blood samples was the lowest also in the animals living in the region of Gökçeada.
Industrial, agricultural, and recreational activities dump several pollutants into the Caspian Sea, which is one of the main water bodies of Iran. Therefore, performing risk assessments would be required as part of the monitoring programs. Herein, non-cancer health risk assessment of the consumption of macroalgae was performed and the ecological risk assessment of metal pollution in sediments of the southern Caspian Sea was presented using sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), enrichment factors (EF), contamination factors (CF), contamination degrees (CD), pollution load indices (PLI), geo accumulation indices (Igeo), and potential ecological risk indices (RI). Next, machine-learning approaches were used to predict the stable isotope value of nitrogen in macroalgae, in which physicochemical information of water and heavy metal levels in macroalgae were used separately and together as predictor variables. Results indicated that simultaneous use of physicochemical properties of water and heavy metal levels resulted in the best prediction of isotopic nitrogen content.
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Despite the general lack of studies that use reptiles as bioindicators, the value of freshwater turtles and crocodilians in ecotoxicology has been proven, due to their importance as sentinel species. The aim of this study was to compile information on the use of freshwater turtles and crocodilians as environmental biomonitors of inorganic element contamination. We searched for articles in databases using specific keywords. A total of 104 studies published between the years 1970 and 2020 were collected. We noted a general increase in the number of studies involving turtles and crocodilians during the study time period. The Order Testudines were the subjects of 46% of the analysed publications, and the Order Crocodylia accounted for 54%. Within these studies, we counted 39 species (turtles n=29 and crocodilians n=10). Forty chemical elements were evaluated in the analysed articles, of which the majority represented non-essential elements (Hg, Cd, Pb). Although internal organs constituted the main biological matrix chosen for each group (37%), we observed an increase in the use of non-destructive matrices in both groups (scale, blood, tail muscle, carapace). The majority of analysed studies used HNO3 for the sample decomposition, with the majority of analyses being per- formed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (53%). Mainly blank controls (19%), analyte recovery (18%) and replicates (18%) were used as methods of validating analytical procedures. Furthermore, the studies used certified reference materials, which measure the accuracy of the methods used. We conclude that the increase in the use of aquatic reptiles in environmental monitoring research is mainly due to their ability to reveal integrated changes in ecosystems, aiding in environmental public policy decision-making and effective management plans.
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Heavy metals, in particular mercury, are important for the public health due to their toxicity and endurance in the environment. In the present study, the distribution of mercury was surveyed along the coast of the Caspian Sea (Mazandaran province). Twelve stations were selected and from each station 5 samples were randomly collected followed by chemical analyses. An inverse weight-distance method was used to interpolate the distribution of mercury. The correlation among physicochemical characteristics of sediments, organic matter, electrical conductivity, acidity, and the distribution of mercury was investigated using the distribution map of all these parameters. Overlaying the distribution maps of mercury concentration and the measured sediment parameters indicated that the mercury concentration was accordance with organic content and electrical conductivity. Generally, the total amount of mercury in the investigated stations was lower than the maximum levels recommended by NOAA. The findings of the present study provide useful information about distribution of heavy metals along the coast of the Caspian Sea that can help monitoring and assessment of sediments in the region.
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Mercury concentrations in carapace fragments of the green turtle Chelonia mydas from the Ceará coast in NE Brazil are reported. Concentrations varied from <0.34 to 856.6 ng.g -1 d.w., and were highest (average of 154.8 ng.g -1 d.w.) in juveniles (n = 22), whereas lowest concentrations (average of 2.5 ng.g -1 d.w.) were observed in adult/sub-adult animals (n = 3). There was a significant negative correlation between animal size and Hg concentration probably due to different diets between juveniles and sub-adults/adults. Carapace fragments, which are non-invasive, non-lethal substrates, may be of importance for monitoring purposes of these generally endangered species.
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Thirty specimens (15 adults and 15 juveniles) of Chelonia mydas found in the Cananeia estuary in the state of Sao Paulo on the southeastern Brazilian coast between January 2005 and September 2006, were analyzed The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn and Ni in liver and kidney samples of adult and juvenile green turtles were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The average Cd concentration found in adult livers (0.57 mu g.g(-1)) was significantly higher than that in juveniles (0.279 mu g.g(-1)). Cu concentrations were significantly higher in the liver than in the kidney, and significantly higher in adults (39.9 mu g.g-1) than in juveniles (20.7 mu g.g(-1)). Average Mn concentrations in liver and kidney did not differ between adults (4.32 and 4.17 mu g.g(-1)) and juveniles (4.81 and 3.82 mu.g(-1)), whereas Ni concentrations in adults (0.28 and 0.19 mu g.g(-1), respectively) were significantly higher than in juveniles (0.13 and 0.089 mu g.g(-1), respectively). Pb concentrations in liver were significantly higher in adults (0.37 mg.g-1) than in juveniles (0.06 mu g.g(-1)). The concentrations of essential trace elements in Chelonia mydas were generally comparable to values reported in other, similar studies. With respect to non-essential metals (Cd, Pb and Ni), Chelonia mydas presented lower values than those reported for their northern Atlantic counterparts.
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Background and purpose: Heavy metals are non-degradable pollutants that could accumulate in marine animals including fish. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of six heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd and Hg) in edible tissue of Caspian carp (Cyprinus Carpio). We also studied the bioaccumulation factor (BFA) and target hazard quotients (THQ) of this fish in the southern Iranian Caspian Sea coast. Materials and methods: Twenty eight samples of fish were collected from seine and trawl during winter and spring 2010. Heavy metals were prepared (using Freeze dryer) by digestion and extraction process and then analyzed using atomic absorption equipped with flame, graphite and cold vapor system. Results: Results showed that Zinc (185±57) and Cu (3.68±0.30) μg/g.dw were seen more amongst the contaminants in the edible tissue of the Caspian carp. Concentration of Hg was 0.50±0.17 μg/g.dw and levels of Cd and Pb were below the limit of detection. BAF of metals were Zn> Cu> Hg. Conclusion: Ni, Cd and Pb in the Caspian carp muscle were lower that standard levels, but concentration of Hg was higher than the standard levels recommended by WHO, and ERL and ERM limits. Also, THQ revealed low levels of all metals and hazard index (HI) was found lower than critical level. It is believed that consumption of 142 gram of Caspian carp muscle per week does not have any prohibition for adults.
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This study investigated the subcellular distribution of Cd, Cu and Zn in liver and kidney of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) stranded along the Italian coast of the South Adriatic Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Cd and Zn mean concentrations did not differ significantly between liver (4.26 lg g À1 and 34.53 lg g À1 , respectively) and kidney (5.06 lg g À1 and 26.39 lg g À1 , respectively), whereas the levels of Cu were significantly higher in liver (32.75 lg g À1) than in kidney (8.20 lg g À1) (p < 0.009). Most of Cd, Cu and Zn was present in hepatic and renal cytosol, and their concentrations increased with total levels in both organs, indicating that cytosol has a crucial role in metal accumulation. Cd and Cu in hepatic and renal cytosol were present mostly in metallothionein fractions (MTs), whereas Zn was fraction-ated into MTs and high-molecular-weight-substances (HMWS). The comparison with the results of other investigations on individuals of the same species collected in different marine areas shows good agreement relatively to essential metals. For Cd our data are comparable with those encountered in specimens from the Mediterranean Sea (Cyprus) confirming the homogeneity of the area comprising the southeastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea from an ecological point of view.
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Morphometric variation in populations of East Asian Mauremys was evaluated with discriminant function and cluster analysis. M. iversoni is the most distinctive member of the group, although specimens from Guizhou Prov., China originally assigned to that taxon may represent an undescribed species. Mauremys (formerly Annamemys) annamensis is a morphometrically distinct species. Annamemys grochovskiae is a synonym of M. mutica (not M. annamensis). Mauremys guangxiensis is apparently a composite species; the holotype is apparently M. iversoni and the paratype is M. mutica.
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Seasonal variations in the concentrations of four heavy metals (zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd)) were determined in gills, skin and muscles of two fish species (M ugil cephalus and Liza ramada) from five locations in Lake Manzala. The average concentrations of the metals in fish tissues exhibited the following order: Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd. The statistical analysis revealed a significant effect of seasons, locations and fish tissues for all metals measured. The highest values of the metals were recorded in hot seasons (summer and spring). Fish samples from location V (Bahr El-Bakar) displayed the highest metal concentrations in their tissues. The highest concentrations of heavy metals were found in gills tissue of both fish species, while the lowest concentrations were recorded in muscles tissue. The values of the metals detected in the fish muscles(the edible part) were within the permissible limits.
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This study determined the concentrations of heavy metals in blood collected from Pacific Ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) inhabiting the coast of Guasave, Mexico, in the Gulf of California. The highest reported metal concentration in blood was Zn, followed by Se. Of nonessential toxic metals, As was reported in higher percentage compared to Cd. The concentrations of metals detected were present as follows: Zn > Se > Mn > As > Ni > Cd > Cu. Cd concentration in blood is higher in our population in comparison with other populations of L. olivacea, and even higher in other species of sea turtles. Our study reinforces the usefulness of blood for the monitoring of the levels of contaminating elements, and is easily accessible and nonlethal for sea turtles.
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Phosphate fertilizers may contain cadmiun (Cd) which may become part of the trophic chains. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of phosphate fertilizer on available Cd content in four Chilean soil types, belonging to orders Alfisol, Inceptisol, Ultisol and Andisol. Treatments consisted of control without P fertilizer and P application with commercial triple superphosphate containing 53.2mg Cd perkg of fertilizer. The dose of phosphate fertilizer applied was enough to reach the level of 30mgkg-1 POlsen. The soils were incubated up to 90days, at 25oC and field capacity. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replications, and the experimental unit was a container with 250g of soil (drymatter). Available Cd was measured at 1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 36, 49, 63, 77, and 90days after incubation. Application of P at agronomic rate using fertilizer with a high Cd content produced significant effects on available Cd content in the soil types studied, however, incubation time period did not present such effect.