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The Weight of Obesity in Evaluating Others: A Mere Proximity Effect


Abstract and Figures

Previous research demonstrates that we tend to derogate individuals who are perceived to be in a social relationship with stigmatized persons. Two experiments examined whether this phenomenon also occurs for individuals seen in the presence of an obese person and whether a social relationship is necessary for stigmatization to spread. The results from both experiments revealed that a male job applicant was rated more negatively when seen with an overweight compared to a normal weight female and that just being in the mere proximity of an overweight woman was enough to trigger stigmatization toward the male applicant. Experiment 2 examined possible moderating effects of the proximity finding. Applicants seated next to heavy (vs. average weight) individuals were denigrated consistently regardless of the perceived depth of the relationship, the participant's anti-fat attitudes or gender, and whether or not positive information was presented concerning the woman. The profound nature of the obesity stigma and implications for impression formation processes are discussed.
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10.1177/0146167202238369 ARTICLE
The Weight of Obesity in Evaluating Others:
A Mere Proximity Effect
Michelle R. Hebl
Laura M. Mannix
Rice University
Previous research demonstrates that we tend to derogate individ
uals who are perceived to be in a social relationship with stigma
tized persons. Two experiments examined whether this phenome
non also occurs for individuals seen in the presence of an obese
person and whether a social relationship is necessary for stigma
tization to spread. The results from both experiments revealed
that a male job applicant was rated more negatively when seen
with an overweight compared to a normal weight female and
that just being in the mere proximity of an overweight woman
was enough to trigger stigmatization toward the male applicant.
Experiment 2 examined possible moderating effects of the prox-
imity finding. Applicants seated next to heavy (vs. average-
weight) individuals were denigrated consistently regardless of
the perceived depth of the relationship, the participant’s anti-fat
attitudes or gender, and whether or not positive information was
presented concerning the woman. The profound nature of the
obesity stigma and implications for impression formation pro
cesses are discussed.
Tell me the company you keep and I’ll tell you who you
—Cervantes (1607)
In his influential book titled Stigma: Notes on the Man
agement of Spoiled Identity, Goffman (1963) defined “cour
tesy stigma” as the tendency for individuals who associate
with stigmatized individuals to face negative interper
sonal and professional outcomes. Goffman proposed
that this threat leads many nonstigmatized individuals to
avoid those who are stigmatized. Although a body of
research has shown that people do avoid and terminate
interactions sooner with stigmatized than nonstigmatized
individuals (e.g., Snyder, Kleck, Strenta, & Mentzer,
1979; Swim, Ferguson, & Hyers, 1999; Word, Zanna, &
Cooper, 1974), only a handful of studies have examined
the phenomenon of stigma spreading and virtually none
has tested its potential presence with respect to obesity, a
stigma that is particularly pernicious to its bearers (e.g.,
Miller & Downey, 1999; Roehling, 1999). The current
study fills this void by examining whether the presence of
an obese individual taints impressions of those who
appear in close proximity to the obese person.
The few empirical studies conducted on courtesy stig-
mas consistently reveal that relatives of stigmatized indi-
viduals are negatively affected. For example, individuals
are more likely to experience social rejection, get teased,
and be judged as having their own set of problems if they
are perceived to be related to stigmatized individuals
than if they are not (e.g., Birenbaum, 1992; Levinson &
Starling, 1981; Mehta & Farina, 1988). Roommates of
individuals who are gay and lesbian are also negatively
evaluated (Sigelman, Howell, Cornell, Cutright, &
Dewey, 1990), and Neuberg, Smith, Hoffman, and Rus
sell (1994) found that friends of gay men experience
denigration, or a “stigma by association.” Underlying all
of these past studies is the implicit assumption that a rela
tionship (e.g., family member, roommate, friendship) is
necessary for the person perception effects of a stigma to
spread to associates. The validity of this assumption has
never, to our knowledge, been directly tested. Is it possi
ble that a person merely seen in the presence of an indi
vidual known to be gay would experience stigmatization
simply as a function of his or her mere proximity to the
Authors’ Note: We thank Robert Dipboye, Jack Dovidio, Bob Kleck, Da
vid Lane, David Schneider, and Paul Davies for their feedback on ear
lier versions of this article. We also thank Eden King, Jenessa Shapiro,
Morela Hernandez, Genetha Gray, Lisa Rosen, Dan DeHanas, Sabina
Dugal, Chuck Baker, Ingrid Berglund, and Blake Barker for their assis
tance in completing these studies. All correspondence should be di
rected to Michelle Hebl, Rice University, Department of Psychology-
MS25, 6100 S. Main Street, Houston, TX 77005; e-mail:
PSPB, Vol. 29 No. 1, January 2003 28-38
DOI: 10.1177/0146167202238369
© 2003 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.
stigmatized individual? The current study varies the
nature of the social relationship perceived to exist with
an obese individual and examines the implications of
the nature of this association on person perception out
comes. In Experiment 2, potential moderators of the
stigma-by-association effect are explored.
This research assesses the importance of appearance
cues in impression formation processes. Certainly, a
body of research has revealed that people use appear
ance cues of targets to judge targets (e.g., Esses & Web
ster, 1988; Rothblum, Miller, & Garbutt, 1988), but the
possibility that such cues might influence those in prox
imity to the target has not been researched (cf. Sigall &
Landy, 1973). If the physical characteristics of one indi
vidual do alter impressions of another, a number of ques
tions emerge. For instance, how closely must the two
individuals be associated with each other before the
traits of one “spread” to the other? Does the spreading
occur across all person perception domains equally? Is
the perceiver aware that the impressions of one individ
ual are tainting his or her impressions of another individ
ual? The current research addresses such questions.
The present research also addresses the social
interactional nature and interpersonal consequences of
stigma, which is an understudied phenomenon in
stigma research (see Hebl & Dovidio, 2002; cf. Heather-
ton, Kleck, Hebl, & Hull, 2000; Hebl & Kleck, 2002; Swim
& Stangor, 1998). For a number of reasons (e.g., laws,
ordinances, building codes, organizational structures
rewarding diversity), stigmatized individuals are choos-
ing to enter (rather than remain hidden from) society at
unprecedented rates (see Hebl & Kleck, 2000). This
increased prevalence of stigmatized individuals necessi
tates a better understanding of mixed interactions so
that we can fully capitalize on the diversity and resources
of those who may possess what are perceived to be unde
sirable characteristics. One such characteristic is that of
Obesity Stigma
Obesity continues to remain one of the most devastat
ing stigmas to possess, particularly for women (see
Crocker, Cornwell, & Major, 1993; DeJong & Kleck,
1986; Fallon, 1990; Miller & Downey, 1999; Roehling,
1999). This is despite the fact that almost one in every
two Americans adults are overweight and one quarter of
Americans are obese (Flegal, Carroll, Kuczmarksi, &
Johnson, 1998).
Those who are heavy are perceived as
less active, intelligent, hardworking, attractive, popular,
successful, and athletic than people of average weight
(Harris, Harris, & Bochner, 1982; Hebl & Heatherton,
1997). Heavy individuals also are viewed as weak willed,
self-indulgent, and immoral—attributions that may
result because most people in our society view obesity as
a condition that is controllable (Weiner, 1995). In inter
personal relationships, heavy people are trusted less and
are less likely to be chosen as friends and romantic part
ners (DeJong & Kleck, 1986; Harris, 1990). There is also
uniformity in the negative social reactions that they
incur from diverse populations, including thin people,
college students, health care workers, peers, parents,
and even heavy people themselves (see Crandall, 1994;
Friedman & Brownell, 1995; Hebl & Xu, 2001; Rothblum
et al., 1988). In professional contexts, Roehling (1999)
reviewed 29 studies and found evidence of discrimina
tion at every stage in the employment cycle, from selec
tion and placement to wages, benefits, and compensa
tion to discipline and discharge. Furthermore, he
suggested that the actual extent of discrimination may
be much greater, given the fact that so few obese job
applicants are likely to be hired at all (Larkin & Pines,
1979; Pingitore, Dugoni, Tindale, & Spring, 1994).
The first goal of the present research is to investigate
whether impressions of an individual are influenced by
the perceived weight of an associate. If impressions are
indeed influenced, we will assess whether they influence
different evaluative domains in the same manner and
degree. That is, do stigmatized individuals solely influ-
ence associated others on interpersonal dimensions or
does the influence also spread to hiring and professional
competence dimensions? A second goal is to examine
factors that may clarify the potential stigma-by-
association effect. For instance, we manipulate the depth
of the perceived relationship between the stigmatized
and nonstigmatized individuals. We propose that just
being proximally connected may be a sufficient condi
tion to create a stigma spreading effect. Further devalua
tion may result from choosing to maintain, strengthen,
or sever a relationship with a stigmatized individual (see
Ruscher & Hammer, 1996); however, we do not believe
the relationship element is always necessary for spread
ing to occur. Similarly, we explore additional factors that
may clarify the extent to which the obesity stigma might
spread across individuals. For instance, one factor may
include gender, because research shows that weight is of
differential concern to men and women (for a review,
see Jackson, 1992). Another factor may be the extent to
which people possess anti-fat attitudes (see Crandall,
1994), a set of beliefs that may differentiate those who
use obesity as a rating cue more than others. Our third
goal is to assess whether compensating information
about an obese individual might offset the negative influ
ence of the stigma in evaluating others. We particularly
focus on potential moderators in Experiment 2.
As a whole, then, the first experiment assesses how
impressions of obese individuals may taint the company
they keep. Such an associative analysis is important given
the high frequency of obese individuals in American
society and the severely negative personal and profes
sional ramifications that they face. In the first experi
ment, we simply show participants photographs depict
ing a male target who appears with an average weight or
heavy woman. We predict that the male applicants
depicted in a photograph with a heavy woman will be
denigrated significantly more than if they are depicted
with an average-weight woman.
Participants. A total of 40 (20 men, 20 women) adult
took part in the experiment. None of these
participants were suspicious of the cover story, and only 1
female participant’s data were removed because she did
not complete all of the dependent measures. Thus, the
data analyses are based on the responses of 39
Procedure. Four (2 men, 2 women) experimenters
each approached 10 (5 men, 5 women) individuals at a
local airport terminal and asked them to participate in “a
research study examining the factors that influence a
prospective employer in the final stages of the hiring
process.” If participants gave their informed consent,
they randomly received one of two sets of application
materials. If any person refused, the experimenter
approached another individual of the same sex until
each experimenter had recruited five participants of
each sex.
Materials. In each job application set, participants
read a brief cover story, which led them to believe that
they would be reviewing materials from an actual hiring
decision made recently by a consulting firm. It was
explained that the personnel office of the consulting
firm had made its final hiring decisions following a small
social reception at the firm, where the company person
nel mingled, socialized, and obtained a more informal,
personal impression of the applicants. This bogus infor
mation was provided to reinforce the cover story and
provided a rationale as to why a photograph (ostensibly
taken at the social reception) was included in the appli
cation packet. Participants were randomly assigned one
of the job applicant’s folders and completed a follow-up
evaluation as soon as they had finished examining the
materials in the folder. These materials were described
as belonging to a job applicant who had made it past the
initial steps of the hiring process. They included the
applicant’s resume, depicting a well-qualified individual,
and a photograph of the applicant at the reception.
Photographs of the applicant. One of two photographs
was used to establish the weight manipulation: A photo
of the applicant seated with an average-weight woman or
one of the applicant seated next to a heavy woman. To
create and standardize these stimuli, pictures were taken
of two pairs of 21-year-old male and female targets, all of
whom had been rated as average in attractiveness in a
pretest and were dressed in “business casual” attire
(dress slacks and a blazer). Two female volunteers, both
of whom were an actual Size 8, were photographed first
without and then with the addition of both an obesity
prosthesis and comparable Women’s Size 22 business
casual attire. Across these different photographs, the
same pose, facial expressions, and camera distance were
maintained. Pretesting on 15 naïve respondents ensured
us that the obese women were viewed as authentic. Simi
larly, all 40 of the study’s participants reported believing
that the overweight female targets looked natural (albeit
heavy) and none of them reported any suspicions
regarding the manipulation of apparent weight.
Measures. Participants completed a 12-item question
naire, with items drawn from previous stigma-by-
association and/or obesity research (i.e., Harris et al.,
1982; Neuberg et al., 1994; Sigall & Landy, 1973). The
first five items asked participants to indicate the extent to
which they found the applicant likable, sociable, inter-
personally skilled, enthusiastic, and driven.
We also asked participants to indicate the extent to
which they would recommend hiring the individual to
see if the hiring bias against those who are heavy (see
Roehling, 1999) would generalize to persons seen in the
presence of obese individuals. In addition, we asked par-
ticipants to rate the applicant on professional qualifica-
tions, match with the corporation, corporate image, like-
lihood of job perseverance, and professional ethics.
These ratings scales were derived from actual organiza
tional interview materials. Finally, we had participants
estimate the applicants’ earning potential so that we
could examine whether the socioeconomic handicaps
faced by overweight individuals (e.g., Crandall, 1995;
Sobal, 1991) would similarly affect associates. All 12 of
these interpersonal, hiring, and professional measures
were presented to participants on scales anchored by (1)
not at all and (9) extremely.
Reduction of dependent measures. A principal compo
nents factor analysis with a varimax rotation was con
ducted on the 12 measures previously described. Two
factors emerged from this analysis, together accounting
for 72% of the variance. The first factor, which we call
Professional Qualities, had an eigenvalue of 6.85 and
included the measures of corporate image (.87), profes
sional ethics (.75), endurance and perseverance (.74),
applicant/corporation match (.72), earning potential
(.72), and qualification (.66). A reliability for these items
revealed a Cronbach’s alpha of .91 and so were averaged
into a composite measure. The second factor, labeled
Interpersonal Skills, had an eigenvalue of 1.05 and
included the measures of interpersonal skills (.92),
sociable (.84), likability (.69), enthusiasm and energy
(.65), and personal drive (.65). A reliability for these
measures revealed a Cronbach’s alpha of .89; therefore,
these items were averaged into a composite. Finally, the
single item that assessed participants’ willingness to hire
applicants had relatively low loadings on both the Profes
sional Qualities and Interpersonal Skills factors (.52 and
.50, respectively). Because the study’s ostensible purpose
was to make hiring recommendations and evaluate the
applicants, and because the loadings on both factors
were low, we decided to retain Hiring as an individual
item (see also Roehling, 1999). Correlations between
the composite scores were as follows: Professional Qual
ities and Interpersonal Skills (r = .79), Professional Qual
ities and Hiring (r = .83), and Interpersonal Skills and
Hiring (r = .76), all significant at the p < .05 level.
Confederate-pair effects. We used two sets of photo
graphic stimuli so that the results could not be attributed
to any idiosyncrasies regarding one particular male
applicant and female companion. As predicted, no sig-
nificant effects emerged across the different pairs of con-
federates (all ps ns).
Major analyses. The data were analyzed using a
repeated measures two-way analysis of variance with
Weight (Heavy, Average) as a between-subjects factor
and Dimension Rated (Hiring, Professional Qualities,
Interpersonal Skills) as a within-subjects factor. An alter-
nate analysis with three dependent variables is also possi
ble but this would not have allowed us to specifically
assess the Weight × Dimensions Rated interaction.
As shown in the top portion of Table 1, participants
were influenced by the weight of the woman in the pho
tograph in making judgments about the qualities of the
male applicant. Participants were less likely to recom
mend hiring applicants depicted with a heavy woman
(M = 5.95, SD = 1.50) than those pictured with an aver
age-weight woman (M = 6.90, SD = 1.41). Similarly, par
ticipants rated applicants pictured with a heavy woman
(M = 6.03, SD = 1.29) lower on Professional Qualities
than applicants pictured with an average-weight woman
(M = 6.94, SD = 1.20). Finally, participants rated appli
cants depicted with a heavy woman (M = 6.33, SD = 1.31)
lower on Interpersonal Skills than those with an average-
weight woman (M = 6.99, SD = 0.96). Supporting these
differences, the main effect of Weight was significant,
F(1, 37) = 4.96, p = .03, η
= .12. There was no evidence
that the Weight effect was different across the three
dimensions rated in that the Weight × Dimension Rated
interaction did not approach significance, F(2, 74) =
0.52, p = .57, η
= .015.
The results provide evidence of a stigma-by-
association effect with respect to obesity. Using standard
ized stimuli that differed solely in the perceived weight
of a woman seated next to the job applicant, participants
consistently used this weight information to make judg
ments about the male associate. Across the domains of
Hiring, Professional Qualities, and Interpersonal Skills,
the male associate was denigrated substantially more if
he appeared with a heavy woman than an average-sized
woman. The strength and consistency of these results are
striking and provide evidence that obesity appears to
affect people beyond just those who bear the obesity
It is not clear from this experiment, however, if an
assumed relationship between the two individuals
(applicant and heavy individual) existed in the minds of
participants and to what extent this presumed relation-
ship was a necessary ingredient of the spreading effect.
That is, the results could be attributable to either this
presumption of a relationship dynamic or they could be
the function of a mere proximity effect. The latter expla
nation suggests that negative person perception conse
quences will accrue for job applicants merely seen in the
presence of an overweight individual.
Experiment 2 directly manipulates the perceived rela
tionship between applicant and stigmatized individual
such that in one case they are portrayed as relationship
partners and in the other case they are portrayed as having
no association (see Sigall & Landy, 1973). A relationship-
based explanation would predict a significant interaction
between weight and relationship, such that applicants
appearing with the heavy woman would be denigrated
more than when appearing with the average-weight tar
get, but primarily when the relationship is defined as
intimate. A mere proximity effect, however, would pre
dict a significant main effect for weight and the absence
of a significant interaction. The strength of the relation
ship would be incidental. One of the goals of Experi
TABLE 1: Applicant Ratings (means and standard deviations) Bro
ken Down by Weight of the Proximal Woman
Hiring Professional Interpersonal
Study 1
Average 6.90 (1.41) 6.94 (1.20) 6.99 (0.96)
Heavy 5.95 (1.50) 6.03 (1.29) 6.33 (1.31)
Study 2
Average 6.25 (1.18) 5.73 (1.03) 6.05 (1.00)
Heavy 5.71 (1.45) 5.32 (1.19) 5.52 (1.31)
ment 2, then, is to ascertain the impact of relationship
strength on the stigma-by-association effect.
A second goal of Experiment 2 is to test the possibility
that an inferential attribution process of evaluating the
associate in light of the stigmatized target might explain
a stigma-by-association effect. In essence, participants
might adopt a “below market value” heuristic to judge
the women, and thereby the man. That is, if the woman is
obese, she is judged to have undesirable qualities (Allon,
1982; Roehling, 1999; but for subcultural variation, see
Crandall & Martinez, 1996; Hebl & Heatherton, 1997). If
a man chooses this woman as a dating partner, then he
may be viewed as possessing less desirable traits as well
(see Goode & Preissler, 1983). Such a “below market
value” inferential attribution process shares commonali
ties with a rationale based on equity theory (see Fiske &
Neuberg, 1990; Kunda & Sherman-Williams, 1993).
Accordingly, if individuals are not matched on some
characteristic (e.g., attractiveness), the one with a deficit
must have a compensating strength in another sphere
(e.g., intelligence, outgoing personality, financial
resources, athleticism or a special talent; see Berscheid,
Dion, Walster, & Walster, 1971; Kernis & Wheeler, 1981).
In the current study, then, if the woman has something
below market value (e.g., she is obese), then she must
have something else above market value to compensate
or else the associated man must have deficits as well.
One of the ways that we can test the possibility of this
attributional process is to increase the market value of
the woman by offering some compensating information
for her obesity. In Experiment 2, we sometimes present
positive information about the obese individual’s special
talent (e.g., it is revealed that she has won a prestigious
award) and hypothesize that such information might
cancel or compensate for the negativity associated with
the obesity.
A third goal of Experiment 2 is to assess whether atti
tudes toward obesity in general (as measured through
Crandall’s [1994] Anti-Fat Attitudes [AFA] question
naire) might influence the relation between viewing
applicants depicted with differentially sized individuals
and rating them on evaluation measures. Specifically, we
predict that attitudes toward obesity will moderate the
relationship between weight condition and ratings of the
associate. This prediction arises from a number of stud
ies conducted by Crandall and his colleagues (Crandall,
1994, 1995; Crandall & Martinez, 1996), showing that
AFA is an individual difference that has predictive utility
under some conditions.
Finally, it remains unclear whether the results found
in Experiment 1 are limited to a paper-and-pencil meth
odology, in which participants have little else to go on
other than two basic pieces of information (i.e., a resume
and a photograph). In an actual face-to-face mixed inter
action, the impact of the obesity stigma may be attenu
ated; evaluators may disassociate an applicant from a
negative association more readily (see Fiske & Neuberg,
1990; Kunda & Sherman-Williams, 1993). Alternatively,
the obesity stigma—a stigma that is so devastatingly
strong—might actually have a more robust negative
influence on associates if the visual cue of obesity is actu
ally present. Experiment 2 will manipulate the obesity of
individuals by using real-life participants who, with the
use of prostheses, appear to be heavy. Thus, a final goal
of Experiment 2 will be to examine the generalizability
of the results of Experiment 1 as the paradigm moves
from paper-and-pencil methodology to a real-life
Overview. Participants came individually to a labora
tory experiment called “structured interviews,” in which
they believed they would be making hiring recommen
dations. When they arrived, they found another person,
ostensibly also a participant but actually a male confeder
ate, in the waiting room. In all conditions other than the
control condition, a third person (a female confederate
appearing either average in size or heavy through the
use of an obesity prosthesis) was present as well. The
female confederate presented herself as either a girl-
friend or as having no relationship with the male confed-
erate, and favorable information was mentioned about
her in half of the conditions. Thus, eight conditions
involving weight (heavy, average), relation (girlfriend,
no relationship), and compensatory information (posi-
tive, none) were created and an extra control (applicant
alone) condition was added. Following an introduction,
participants were escorted to another room, where in a
pre-interview stage of the study they were asked to rate
the male candidate on personal and professional mea
sures and reported their pre-interview hiring opinions.
Finally, after completing the rating task, participants
were debriefed and the actual interview never took
Participants. A total of 196 (79 men, 115 women, and 2
who did not indicate their gender) undergraduate stu
dents participated in this experiment in exchange for
partial course credit in their psychology classes. None
were suspicious concerning the actual nature of the
Confederates. Three pairs of male and female under
graduate students served as experimental confederates.
As in Experiment 1, we again used multiple confederates
so that the results could not be attributed to particular
idiosyncratic appearances of any one confederate or
pairing. Pairs of confederates were trained thoroughly
on their roles and instructed to remain consistent across
experimental sessions. Women wearing the obesity pros
theses were pretested to ensure that they looked credible
and were given ample time to adapt to wearing the pros
thesis. No significant differences emerged across the dif
ferent pairs on any of the study variables (all ps > .10).
Procedure. Prior to arriving for a study titled “struc
tured interviews,” participants were assigned randomly
to the control condition (no female confederate pres
ent) or to one of eight experimental conditions. In all
conditions, a participant individually arrived at the wait
ing room of a laboratory and sat down in a chair opposite
from a male confederate playing the role of another
naïve participant. The male confederate was always
there prior to the participant’s arrival and never spoke to
the participant. After approximately 1 min of having the
participants wait together, the experimenter emerged
from a back room of the laboratory, introduced herself,
asked the participants for their names, and then began
describing the procedures of the experiment. The 1-min
lag time was used to ensure that the participant took
notice of anyone seated in the waiting room. The female
experimenter told the participant and male confederate
that they would be engaging in an interview and would
be randomly assigned to play the role of either an inter-
viewer or an applicant. By having the participant first
draw lots from a “rigged” hat, it was predetermined that
the participant always was assigned the role of the inter-
viewer and the male confederate to the role of job
The experimenter explained that the first part of the
study involved the completion of some questionnaires so
that a baseline rating could be obtained on the depend
ent measures of interest before the formal part of the
interview commenced. For ostensible reasons of confi
dentiality and privacy in completing these forms, the
participant and confederate were shown to separate
rooms. In reality, these instructions allowed us to isolate
the participant to conduct the study: The experimenter
entered the room with the participant and told him or
her that a second purpose of the study was to examine
how accurately first impressions of applicants (before
the interview) matched the ratings of the applicants
after an interview. Congruent with this mission, it was
described as necessary to obtain the participant’s first
impressions of the applicant. To reduce the influence of
social desirability and kindness norms, the participant
was told that in the past, other participants had been
extremely successful in discriminating between excel
lent and poor applicants and it was assumed that he or
she could do the same. Following a final set of instruc
tions asking the participant to be as honest as possible in
their ratings, the experimenter left the participant to
ostensibly meet with the other “waiting participant” and
deliver similar instructions. The participant completed a
questionnaire assessing the male confederate on a num
ber of dimensions, and afterward, the participant never
actually engaged in the interview. Rather, after complet
ing the questionnaire and a suspicion and manipulation
check, the participant was fully debriefed, thanked, and
given partial psychology course credit.
Experimental manipulations. In the control condition,
the procedure did not deviate from that which was
described previously. However, in the experimental con
ditions, a second confederate (female) was present and
there were three sets of manipulations. The first manipu
lation involved the appearance of the female confeder
ate. In half of the conditions, female confederates
appeared as they normally did, wearing Women’s Size 8
clothing (average condition). In the other half of the
conditions, confederates wore a professionally con
structed obesity prosthesis and clothing of a Women’s
Size 22 (heavy condition). In both size conditions,
female confederates wore comparable black slacks, a
white turtle neck, and a blue pullover jacket; male con
federates always wore jeans and a long-sleeved, button-
down shirt. To ensure that confederates’ behaviors were
standardized across conditions, they followed memo-
rized and rehearsed behavioral scripts that kept their
speech to a minimum and maintained eye contact with
the experimenter.
The second manipulation involved the apparent asso-
ciation between the female and male confederates,
which was manipulated to reveal either that they were in
a romantic relationship or that they were strangers. Dur-
ing the introductions, the experimenter asked the
woman (who was seated in the chair next to the appli
cant) who she was. In the Relationship Association con
dition, she explained that she was waiting for her boy
friend (pointing to the male confederate) to finish the
experiment so that they could go somewhere together
afterward. To further underscore the relationship condi
tion, she was holding hands with the male confederate
when the participant arrived. In the No Association con
dition, she explained that she was waiting for another
experimenter to arrive for a separate research study.
The third manipulation involved information pre
sented about the female confederate. In half of the
experimental sessions, positive information about the
female confederate was revealed during the introduc
tions. Specifically, following the response that the female
confederate gave to the experimenter (either that she
was waiting for her boyfriend or that she was a stranger
waiting for another experiment), the experimenter gave
a puzzled look of vague recognition to the female con
federate and asked her if she was the same person who
was recently featured in the school newspaper, having
won a very prestigious campus award. She answered affir
matively and humbly. The experimenter continued by
congratulating her on such a noteworthy, exceptional
accomplishment (“Didn’t you win the Baker Award? ...I
thought so....Don’t you also speak four lan
guages? . . . That’s really awesome, congratulations!”).
This exchange and the award manipulation were
intended to enhance the positivity and desirability of the
woman. Pretest data had revealed that both men and
women rated a college woman who had won the award
and had multilingual abilities more favorably (M = 8.28,
SD = 0.79) than they rated the average college woman
(M = 6.64, SD = 1.41), t(24) = 5.70, p < .001.
Measures. The same questionnaire used in Experi
ment 1 was also used in Experiment 2. Following the
completion of this instrument, participants also com
pleted manipulation checks. On an open-ended item,
they were asked to indicate what they believed to be the
true purpose of the study. To test the weight manipula
tion, participants (other than those in the control condi
tion) rated the female confederate’s weight on a 9-point
scale anchored by 1 (not at all fat),5(somewhat fat), and 9
(very fat). To test the relationship manipulation, these
participants also were asked to answer a multiple-choice
question about the two people in the waiting room, indi-
cating whether they were in a relationship.
Furthermore, in the experimental conditions, partici-
pants were asked to rate, using the same scales, the
female associate in terms of her (a) attractiveness, (b)
wealth, (c) intelligence, and (d) kindness. These ratings
of the female confederate were included to test the possi-
bility that a destigmatization (see Neuberg et al., 1994)
of the heavy woman might occur as a function of being
identified as the relationship partner of a well-qualified
male job candidate. Finally, the AFA (Crandall, 1994)
was included to test whether participants with a strong
bias against obesity might be more likely to stigmatize
the associate of a heavy woman.
Manipulation checks. The results revealed that all
manipulations were successful. First, those who partici
pated in the experiment in the presence of an obese
female confederate rated her to be significantly heavier
(M = 5.68, SD = 1.88)
than did those participating in the
presence of a thin female confederate (M = 1.66, SD =
0.92), t(173) = 18.36, p < .001.
Second, of the partici
pants in the experimental conditions, 161 accurately
recalled the relationship between the two confederates
precisely, whereas the 16 others did not.
Third, partici
pants were asked to indicate the award that the woman
won. All 84 participants in this condition indicated that
the woman received some award, although only 62 were
able to specifically cite the exact name of the award. On
the major study variables, no differences emerged
between those who did and did not recall the
relationship precisely or between the two confederates
who did and did not recall the award by name (ps > .10).
To ensure that the confederates with positive informa
tion revealed about them were rated more favorably rela
tive to the ones for whom no information was given, we
conducted a series of t tests on all four items assessed
about the confederates in this condition. No differences
emerged in ratings of kindness, t(173) = 1.26, p > .20, or
attractiveness, t(173) = 1.15, p > .20. However, women
with the positive information attached to them were
rated as more intelligent, t(172) = 3.37, p = .001, and
more financially advantaged, t(172) = 3.83, p < .001, than
those without any compensating information provided
(Intelligence: M
pos info
= 7.02, SD = 1.45; M
no info
= 6.30, SD =
1.37; Wealthy: M
pos info
= 6.13, SD = 1.45; M
no info
= 5.28, SD =
1.48). Thus, evidence suggests that positive information
is not changing the evaluations of women’s appearance.
Congruent with previous findings (e.g., Sobal, 1991),
we also found evidence of a stereotypic bias against heavy
women on the ratings of attractiveness and financial
advantage, such that women who were of average weight
were rated to be more attractive, t(173) = 3.37, p < .001,
and marginally more financially advantaged than the
heavy women, t(172) = 3.37, p < .06 (Attractive: M
6.17, SD = 1.46; M
= 4.58, SD = 1.57; Wealthy: M
5.88, SD = 1.39; M
= 5.44, SD = 1.64). No differences
emerged on ratings of kindness, t(173) = –0.07, p > .90,
or intelligence t(172) = –1.03, p > .30. Although we also
investigated the possibility of interactions between size,
information, and relationship in rating the women on
these four factors, no higher order interactions emerged.
Reduction of the dependent measures. Consistent with
Experiment 1, we again retained the individual item
Hirability. A principal components factor analysis with a
varimax rotation on the 11 remaining individual items
revealed two factors accounting for 68% of the variance.
The first factor, Professional Qualities, had an
eigenvalue of 6.17 and included professional ethics
(.83), endurance (.80), comfort with applicant/corpo
ration match (.77), qualifications (.74), corporate image
(.66), and earning potential (.64). A reliability analysis
conducted on these items revealed Cronbach’s alpha of
.88; therefore, a composite was created by averaging
across these items. The second factor, Interpersonal
Skills, had an eigenvalue of 1.31 and included the follow
ing dependent measures: interpersonal skills (.88),
sociable (.89), enthusiasm (.78), likable (.64), and will to
succeed (.58). A reliability analysis conducted on these
items revealed Cronbach’s alpha of .89 and an averaged
composite was created. Correlations between the three
composite scores were as follows: Professional Qualities
and Interpersonal Skills (r = .69), Professional Qualities
and Hiring (r = .73), and Interpersonal Skills and Hiring
(r = .72).
Major analyses. As in the previous experiment, we
again conducted a repeated measures analysis to test
whether the findings that emerged interacted with the
particular dimension being rated. Thus, we specifically
conducted a repeated-measures five-way analysis of vari
ance with between-subjects factors of Weight (Heavy,
Average), Relationship Strength (Romantic Partner,
Stranger), Compensating Information (Positive, None),
Anti-Fat Attitudes (High, Low),
and Participant Gender
(Male, Female). Rated Dimension (Hirability, Profes
sional Qualities, Interpersonal Skills) was a within-
subjects factor.
As shown in the bottom portion of Table 1, the key
result of Experiment 1 that participants are influenced
by the size of the woman seated next to the applicant was
replicated. Participants were less willing to hire appli
cants seated next to a heavy woman (M = 5.71, SD = 1.45)
than applicants seated next to the average-sized woman
(M = 6.25, SD = 1.18); rated applicants lower on Profes
sional Qualities when they were seated next to a heavy
woman (M = 5.32, SD = 1.19) than an average-sized
woman (M = 5.73, SD = 1.02); and rated applicants lower
in Interpersonal Skills when they were seated next to a
heavy woman (M = 5.52, SD = 1.30) than an average-
weight woman (M = 6.05, SD = 1.00). The main effect of
Weight was significant, F(1, 142) = 5.47, p = .02, η
= .04.
There was no evidence that the Weight effect was differ-
ent across the three dimensions rated. The Weight ×
Dimension Rated interaction did not approach signifi-
cance, F(2, 284) = 0.44, p = .65, η
= .003.
In conducting the five-way analysis, we found no evi-
dence to suggest that Relationship Strength, Compen
sating Information, Anti-Fat Attitude scores, or Partici
pant Gender moderated the spread of stigma effect.
That is, no two-way or higher order interactions involv
ing Weight emerged. The only other significant effect
besides the main effect for Weight was a Relationship
Strength × Participant Gender interaction, F(1, 142) =
3.86, p = .05, η
= .03. Male and female participants
viewed applicants similarly when they were seated next
to strangers. However, when the applicants were seated
next to girlfriends, male participants denigrated the
applicants much more than did female participants.
Given the large number of tests conducted and the fact
that this pattern of results was not anticipated, we feel
that this effect should not be given much credence
unless replicated in future studies.
We also conducted Dunnett’s tests to compare the
experimental conditions with that in which the appli
cant was depicted alone (Control Condition, N = 19).
The results revealed that those coming to the interview
alone were perceived similarly to those who sat next to an
average-sized woman, all ps > .19. However, those seated
with an obese woman were recommended for hire less
(M = 5.77, SD = 1.45) than those who came alone (M =
6.68, SD = 1.00), t(97) = 2.76, p < .01, and were perceived
to be less professional (M = 5.32, SD = 1.19) than those
who came alone (M = 5.95, SD = 0.88), t(97) = 2.15, p <
.04. No differences emerged on the perceptions of Inter
personal Skills between any of the experimental condi
tions (p > .46).
The results replicate those found in the first study,
again revealing that persons in the proximity of an over
weight individual are judged more negatively than those
seen with average-weight individuals. However, the cur
rent findings do not support a traditional stigma-by-
association effect because the applicant with the obese
girlfriend was not viewed significantly differently from
the applicant depicted with the obese stranger. That is,
no significant Relationship × Size interaction emerged
(all ps > .10). Rather, the main effect of the obesity
manipulation reveals that discrimination against job
applicants occurs when they are seated with heavy
women regardless of whether they have a relationship
with her.
The current results also reveal no evidence to suggest
that presenting positive information about the woman
alters participant’s perceptions of the male job appli-
cant. The manipulation checks revealed that these
women were indeed rated more positively and desirably
but this did not help the applicant overcome the ill
effects of being seated next to her when she was heavy.
This lack of compensatory effect suggests the extreme
disadvantages that accrue to persons seen in the pres
ence of obese women. Perhaps the positive information
presented about the heavy woman simply was not posi
tive or dramatic enough to compensate for the strength
of the obesity stigma. Similarly, neither Crandall’s
(1994) AFA nor participant gender clarified this
Across two experiments, we found consistency in how
the presence of obesity in one person can negatively
influence individuals who are proximally connected to
the obese person. Furthermore, no variations emerge
across rating dimensions—associates are denigrated on
hiring, professional, and interpersonal domains consis
tently. Of importance, these findings clarify the stigma-
by-association phenomenon by suggesting that a rela
tionship is not always necessary for spreading of a stigma
to occur. Rather, the current results suggest that a mini
mal connection—even one simply linking two people
together by mere proximity—is robust enough to invoke
a spreading phenomenon.
Such results suggest the profound influence that fea
tures of our interpersonal environment may have on
impression formation processes. That is, when we form
impressions of an individual, we may be relying on all
sorts of information that lie beyond the specific stimulus
qualities of that person. If being seated next to a person
who has undesirable characteristics has such a negative
influence on how they are perceived by others, what
effects do other negative environmental cues (e.g.,
undesirable architectural features, poor choice of cloth
ing) have on the impressions that are formed of us? Cer
tainly, there is a large body of research on the effects of
priming and impression formation (e.g., Higgins,
Rholes, & Jones, 1977; Zhong & Yang, 1998), but the cur
rent research suggests that even seemingly unconnected
features can strongly influence impressions.
The current studies also support the need to conduct
studies across varying stigmas before generalizing about
stigma-related phenomenon (see Hebl & Dovidio,
2002). A consistent body of research suggests that the
obesity stigma works differently from other stigmas (e.g.,
Crandall, 1994; Crocker et al., 1993; Miller & Downey,
1999). The current results partially support this in that
the few past stigma-by-association studies (which have
utilized other stigmatizing features) have found evi-
dence to suggest that a relationship was necessary to trig-
ger the stigma-by-association phenomenon (e.g., Mehta
& Farina, 1988; Sigall & Landy, 1973). The current
research now questions whether that relationship is
really necessary and suggests that at least in the case of
the obesity stigma, a proximal connection is sufficient.
Future Research
Given the absence of significant moderating effects in
the present study, future research is needed to under
stand the mechanisms underlying the effect that we have
consistently and robustly demonstrated. A number of
possible explanations might account for the fact that the
mere proximity effect is sufficient to produce the spread
ing effects of stigmatization. First, the phenomenon
might be affect-driven. Perceivers may notice the obesity
stigma and feel negative affect, which may transfer to
others who are close in proximity. In line with this expla
nation, research conducted by Griffitt (1970) found that
participants who were placed in an uncomfortably warm
climate were particularly likely to feel negative affect
toward an interactant expressing dissimilar attitudes.
However, in an in-depth test of the affect explanation
that we conducted, not reported in this article, we found
no support for the possibility that participants experi
enced heightened negative affect or disgust as a function
of seeing the overweight woman. Second, the mecha
nism may involve cognitive priming. Perceivers who
notice the negative physical feature may be cognitively
primed to focus on other negative features both within
that target and in others who may be near the target.
This “reverse” halo effect explanation receives some sup
port if we focus on the ratings that participants made of
the woman who was obese or average. If she was obese,
she was also rated to be less attractive and financially
advantaged. It is possible that obesity might impact not
only the target’s halo but also the halos of those in prox
imity. Third, the mechanism may be one involving
attributional processes. Such a rationale would suggest
that a person who associates or even appears in close
proximity to a stigmatized individual also must have
undesirable qualities. We hoped to test this possibility by
presenting positive information that could overshadow
the negative obesity feature, but we did not observe com
pensatory reactions. Our positive information manipu
lation may not have been strong enough. In sum, we
hope that future research will address the mechanism(s)
underlying this effect and more clearly identify the role
of affect, priming, attributions, and other potential
Future research also might address the extent to
which people recognize that they are engaging in this
behavior. Past research has shown that sometimes indi-
viduals actively distance themselves from stigmatized
individuals by engaging in subtle prejudice (e.g.,
Birenbaum, 1992; Swim et al., 1999). This prejudice,
which may or may not be under people’s cognitive aware-
ness, often leads to avoidance and further stigmatization
of the target. However, if this is occurring without much
recognition on the part of the perceivers, future
research might manipulate the level of awareness of the
obesity stigma and awareness of the extent to which judg
ments about associates can be influenced by the mere
presence of stigmatized individuals. Research by Gilbert
and Hixon (1991), for instance, suggests that when peo
ple are aware that they might be stereotyping, they are
less likely to rely on their suppositions. So, too, research
ers have shown that although many people hold stereo
types, individuals who are aware of these stereotypes can
consciously override their displays of prejudice and dis
crimination (e.g., Devine, Monteith, Zuwerink, & Elliot,
1991; Dovidio, Evans, & Tyler, 1986). Moreover, if stigma
tized individuals possess the knowledge that they might
face discrimination, they can engage in coping and com
pensatory strategies (e.g., Crocker & Major, 1989; Miller,
Rothblum, Felicio, & Brand, 1995).
Finally, future research might further address the
impact of gender on the stigma-by-association phenome
non, particularly with respect to the obesity stigma. We
found no effects of participant gender in the current
study and to reduce the complexity of design, we exam
ined only the effects of heavy women on nonheavy men.
Future research also might examine whether the effects
of heavy men on nonheavy women converge with the
current results. There is some evidence to suggest that
men may not suffer from the ill effects of obesity as much
as do women; future research might examine if such an
attenuated stigmatizing feature in men similarly has
attenuated effects in their associates.
The current study demonstrated that impression for
mation processes are influenced strongly by, what seems
to clearly be at times, background information. Further
more, this information cannot be easily undermined by
the presentation of positive, compensating information
or clarified by relationship strength or anti-fat attitudes.
Returning to the quote with which we began this article,
the current results suggest that the company that people
keep does indeed influence how they will be evaluated. We
hope future research will clarify precisely how stigmas
spread and attempt to identify mechanisms that might
disengage associates from experiencing the effects of
1. Although we clearly recognize the medical distinction between
obesity and overweight, we use the terms interchangeably along with
“heavy.” The distinction between these terms has not been made clear
in manipulations used in past psychological studies, so it is not possible
to parse out the differences in a review of the findings (see also Fried-
man & Brownell, 1995). Applying the medical definitions in the strict-
est sense to our review of past findings, however, it is fair to interpret all
of the findings as being accurate for overweight individuals and some-
times accurate for obese individuals.
2. We did not ask participants to indicate their age and gender.
However, all four experimenters approached five males and five
females each. All of the participants were traveling in the middle of the
week during business hours, appeared professional, and appeared to
be middle age.
3. The mean rating of heavy confederates (5.68 out of 9) was lower
than we had anticipated. The scale was anchored from (1) not at all fat
to (9) extremely fat, so 5.68 does indicate more than (5) fat, but our
manipulation may be relatively conservative for testing the effects of
extreme obesity.
4. Shifts in degrees of freedom reflect the fact that occasionally a
participant left an item blank.
5. Of the 16 individuals who did not answer the manipulation check
precisely, 5 were in the “Relationship” condition and 11 participants
were in the “No Relationship” condition. However, it was not that par
ticipants answered incorrectly about the relationship; rather, they
tended to leave the item blank. We believe that the No Relationship
condition failures are due to the fact that participants believed the
woman was there (as she said) waiting for another experiment and so
they did not consciously link the two together in a meaningful way. In
line with this reasoning, 6 participants in this condition wrote in the
margins “no woman was mentioned” but then correctly answered the
check for the information manipulation. Similarly, 1 of the partici
pants wrote “that woman was not part of the experiment.” Because in
these cases most participants were able to distinguish between some
level of relationship from none, we left them in the data set. In addition
and of importance, there were no changes in the pattern of data or sig
nificance of results on major variables when all 16 of these cases were
6. Although we report Anti-Fat Attitudes Scale (AFA)analyses based
on median splits to test for potential interactions, our analysis of AFA as
a covariate also yielded no effects.
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Received November 15, 2001
Revision accepted May 16, 2002
... Fat stigma is so salient that mere proximity to a fat person can have detrimental effects for nonfat others. For example, merely sitting next to or being in a photograph with a fat person leads to more negative interpersonal evaluations of a thin person (Hebl & Mannix, 2003;Pryor et al., 2012). If mere proximity to a fat person can have such detrimental effects, being in a close (i.e., romantic or sexual) relationship with a fat person surely conveys similar or worse outcomes. ...
... Close relationships with fat partners may lead others to make derogatory assumptions about the thin partner in order to cognitively "balance" the relationship; that is, observers may stigmatize the non-stigmatized (thin) partner to restore an interpretation of the couple as a logical match, as they otherwise could not interpret why a thin person would partner with a fat person (see Neuberg et al., 1994). Little is known about how thin partners of fat people experience or navigate this stigmatization; though other literature demonstrates stigma by mere association with fat people (Hebl & Mannix, 2003;Pryor et al., 2012), the relationship context is particularly important given its ongoing, intimate, and bidirectional nature. ...
... We also examined relationship type, comparing associative stigma for thin people in both sexual only relationships and in romantic relationships with fat people. Thin people in sexual only relationships with fat partners may be stigmatized less than those in romantic relationships with fat people, given the decreased degree of closeness to the stigmatized partner (e.g., Gailey & Prohaska, 2006;Nieweglowski & Sheehan, 2017; though see Hebl & Mannix, 2003). However, a sexual only relationship may also signal a fetishistic relationship, which is likely to be heavily stigmatized (Goode & Preissler, 1983). ...
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Fatness and fat people are pervasively stigmatized in Western cultures, with significant negative implications for fat people's well-being. Negative evaluations of those in sexual and romantic relationships with fat people (i.e. associative stigma) may have harmful implications for shared relational well-being. Here, we examined whether non-fat (i.e. thin) sexual and romantic relationship partners of fat people experience associative stigma. First, we conducted a mixed-methods study with thin partners of fat people to elucidate their experiences of associative stigmatization and impacts on relational and sexual well-being. Many participants reported experiencing associative stigma, which, in tandem with relationship stigma, predicted lower relationship satisfaction but not sexual satisfaction. The most commonly reported experiences of associative stigma included others' assumptions that the fat partner is inferior, weight-based microaggressions, and negative attention in public. In a second, experimental study, we randomly assigned a second sample of participants to read one of 16 vignettes about mixed-weight (one fat and one thin partner; experimental condition) or same-weight (both thin; control) couples. Stimulus couples varied by target (thin partner) gender (male vs. female), relationship orientation (same-gender vs. other-gender), and relationship type (sexual vs. romantic). We found mixed support for our hypotheses that thin partners of fat people, relative to thin people in same-weight relationships, would be stigmatized. We conclude by calling for greater attention to the potential for associative stigma to influence sexual and romantic relationship outcomes.
... However, in other cases, such input is not available, and people nonetheless arrive at certain assumptions. For instance, people more readily assign positive traits and qualities to attractive than unattractive persons (e.g., halo effects; Gräf & Unkelbach, 2016;Nisbett & Wilson, 1977), stigmatize individuals based on their mere proximity to others (e.g., Hebl & Mannix, 2003), and ascribe attributes to people based on their mere contiguity to other stimuli (evaluative conditioning; Hughes et al., 2019;attribute conditioning;Unkelbach & Förderer, 2018) Here, we introduce the shared features principle as a new way for people to generate assumptions about other people's attributes . First, we introduce the principle and discuss its potential to unify various effects in the person perception literature. ...
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We apply the shared features principle to the domain of person perception: When one person (target) shares a feature with another person (source), people will make assumptions about various other features of the target. We tested this prediction by conducting three pre-registered studies (N = 695). Participants completed a training task wherein one target shared a bridge feature with a physically tall source person while another target shared a feature with a physically short source person. We then measured target perceptions along multiple dimensions (e.g., dominance, strength) using self-reported ratings and an indirect measure (Semantic Misattribution Procedure). We found evidence for feature transfer: participants’ perceptions of a target person’s height changed in accordance with the height of the source it shared a feature with. We also found evidence for feature transformation: participants perceived a target person who shared a feature with a tall source person as stronger, more masculine, a better leader, and more dominant relative to a target person who shared a feature with a short source person. We consider the conceptual implications of our findings, their relevance for different areas of psychological science, and future research directions.
... For example, a job applicant pictured talking with a Black employee was rated as less hirable than the identical applicant seen with a White employee (Pryor et al., 2011), and men who support gender egalitarianism encounter stigma-by-association by virtue of their perceived affiliation with women (Rudman et al., 2012). Stigmaby-association effects have been observed across many contexts, targeting otherwise non-stigmatized people affiliated with atheists (Franks et al., 2019), overweight individuals (Hebl & Mannix, 2003;Pryor et al., 2011), and those with mental illness (van de Sanden et al., 2013). Further, people affiliated with those from sexual minority groups appear to encounter stigma-by-association. ...
The current research investigated whether mothers of transgender youth experience stigma‐by‐association. Mturk participants ( N = 489) were randomly assigned to read a vignette about a family in which the social identity (transgender, gay/lesbian, cisgender/heterosexual control) and gender (girl, boy) of a child was manipulated, while all other information was held constant. Results revealed stigma targeting mothers as a function of children's social identity (but not gender), such that mothers of transgender girls and boys were viewed substantially more negatively than identical mothers of cisgender/heterosexual youth. Moreover, this stigma was particularly robust among politically conservative participants. In contrast, mothers of gay/lesbian youth did not encounter systematic stigma, though they were sometimes perceived more negatively than mothers of cisgender/heterosexual youth. Results provide novel experimental evidence of stigma‐by‐association targeting mothers of transgender youth and raise serious concerns about the treatment of parents who seek to affirm their transgender children.
Perceivers recognize pain less readily on Black (vs. White) faces in the United States. The present work investigated whether this perceptual bias is moderated by target weight and gender across three experiments. Anti-Black bias in pain perception was mitigated within heavier-weight (vs. average-weight) male-appearing targets (Experiment 1) but was independent of female-appearing targets’ weight (Experiment 2). A well-powered, pre-registered Experiment 3 replicated these findings, confirming that target weight and gender interactively shaped anti-Black bias in pain perception: target weight moderated perceptual bias within male-appearing (but not female-appearing) faces. These findings help illuminate factors that interact to shape racial bias in pain perception and demonstrate the importance of intersectionality when studying social perceptual biases.
Across three studies, we explore the workplace implications of “obesity proximity effects,” where a proximal person working with an obese individual suffers the same negative perceptions and outcomes as the obese individual. Specifically, we investigate why working with an obese coworker would affect a proximal employee’s job performance. We use this context to propose new theory-driven mechanisms to challenge the understanding of stigma-by-association processes more broadly. Studies 1–2 extend theory on stigma-by-association effects by introducing a novel self-stigmatization perspective. Results from two time-lagged, multisource field studies reveal that obesity proximity effects emerge most consistently from the proximal employee taking on the emotions associated with obese people when working with an obese coworker. Study 3 dives deeper into this self-stigmatization path through a between-person, experimental coworker simulation. Results again show that a proximal employee, when working with an obese coworker, will take on emotions associated with people who are obese, independently of their own obesity status. These studies show it is important to study the broader impact of obesity, exploring its influence on other organizational members. Implications for the obesity literature, stigma theory, and other stigmatized characteristics are discussed.
Why do firms take positions on divisive social issues? In this article, I draw on theories of stigma by association to explain why firms’ mere proximity to controversial political actors may lead stakeholders to presume that firms silent on social issues are misaligned with the stakeholders’ sociopolitical preferences. Firms, in turn, countervail these presumptions of misalignment by eschewing silence and claiming sociopolitical positions. Substantiating this theory in the context of employee recruitment following the 2017 Unite the Right White supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, I show that Charlottesville’s employers combated presumptions that they shared demonstrators’ anti-diversity positions by making countervailing pro-diversity claims in their online job postings. In supplementary analysis, I show that the rally was associated with a newfound wage premium in job postings by Charlottesville’s employers but that this premium was lower when employers made pro-diversity claims. This study advances understanding of strategic sociopolitical positioning whereby firms make calculated appeals to stakeholders. It contrasts with related research showing that firms use social claims to combat negative evaluations resulting from their own actions or to differentiate from competitors. In doing so, it suggests opportunities for further research investigating, for example, additional motivations for firms’ sociopolitical positioning, how positioning might evolve in the context of growing political polarization, and how positioning might relate to workplace inequality and diversity.
This study contributes to the diversity literature by probing whether diversity papers are cited as frequently as nondiversity papers in management and industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology journals. Based on the stigma‐by‐association theory, I argue that as a result of their association with minority groups, diversity papers may be devalued and thus “othered” by scholars. Using a citation analysis of 46,930 papers published in 29 peer‐reviewed management and I/O psychology journals, I present empirical evidence in Study 1 that diversity papers were cited significantly less frequently than nondiversity papers. The authors' gender and institutional prestige, journal tier and domain, and year of publication were not moderators. In Study 2, I used a scenario experiment to demonstrate the stigma‐by‐association effect. The authors' gender demonstrated a significant moderating effect in this experiment.
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Conducted 2 experiments with a total of 64 undergraduates to demonstrate a general strategy for detecting motives that people wish to conceal. The strategy involves having people choose between 2 alternatives, one of which happens to satisfy the motive. By counterbalancing which one does so, it is possible to distill the motive by examining the pattern of choice that people make. The motive employed was the desire to avoid the physically handicapped. It was predicted that because most people would not wish to reveal this desire, they would be more likely to act on it if they could appear to be choosing on some other basis. Results show that Ss avoided the handicapped more often if the decision to do so was also a decision between 2 movies and avoidance of the handicapped could masquerade as a movie preference. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
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Attributing negative outcomes to prejudice and discrimination may protect the mood and self-esteem of some stigmatized groups. Thus, the overweight may be low in self-esteem because they blame their weight, but not the attitudes of others, for negative outcomes based on their weight. In an experiment, 27 overweight and 31 normal weight college women received either positive or negative social feedback from a male evaluator. Relative to other groups, overweight women who received negative feedback attributed the feedback to their weight but did not blame the evaluator for his reaction. This attributional pattern resulted in more negative mood for these overweight women in comparison with other groups. Dimensions of stigma that may account for differences in the tendency to attribute negative outcomes to prejudice, and implications of these findings for weight loss programs and psychotherapy for the overweight, are discussed.
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In this study 120 male and female subjects made judgments about a hypothetical roommate of the same gender whose father is described as being marked by one of five possible problems. For a sixth group, intended as a control, the father was described as having a job that took him away from home 2 weeks of every month. Using a Likert-type scale, the functioning of the hypothetical roommate was judged in four areas of life: school, friends, career, and family. The results indicate that school and family were the two areas of life judged to be most affected by the father's problem. People who have a depressed, alcoholic, or incarcerated father were perceived as having more difficulty than those who have a father who is old, frequently absent, or who has only one leg, with the area of life most affected differing as a function of the father's problem. These findings support the associative stigma construct and suggest that stigma may be passed on from stigmatized people to members of their social network.
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This study examined whether there is subcultural variation in the stigma of obesity. Black and White women rated photographs of thin, average, and large Black and White women on a number of evaluative dimensions. The photographs depicted professional models dressed in fashionable clothing. Results showed that White women rated large women, especially large White women, lower on attractiveness, intelligence, job success, relationship success, happiness, and popularity than they did average or thin women. By contrast, Black women did not show the same denigration of large women, and this was especially true when they were rating large Black women. A number of possible explanations are offered for these results, such as the difference in Black and White women's social role models, weight salience, subcultural beliefs concerning obesity, and disidentification from mainstream values.
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This experiment was conducted(1) to examine stereotypes about obese and non- obese female job applicants, and (2) to isolate the effects of obesity from the effects of physical attractiveness in these judgments. College students (n = 104) rated applicants for two different positions. The applicants' resumes either were accom- panied by pictures of obese and nonobese targets who were matched in attractive- ness or by written descriptions of obses and nonobese targets whose attractiveness was not described.A pretest confirmed that students who read these descriptions perceived nonobese targets as significantly more attractive than obese targets. Re- sults showedthat when attractiveness was controlled (i.e., the students saw pic- tures), students exhibited little negative stereotyping of obese applicants. In contrast, students who hadto infer the target's attractiveness from a written descrip- tion rated obsese applicants more negatively than nonobese applicants. These re- sults, which occurred on one of the two resumes used, suggest that obese individualssometimes are evaluated negatively, and that this is due to the physical unattractiveness associated with increased weight.
This chapter presents an integrated understanding of various impression formation processes. The chapter introduces a model of impression formation that integrates social cognition research on stereotyping with traditional research on person perception. According to this model, people form impressions of others through a variety of processes that lie on a continuum reflecting the extent to that the perceiver utilizes a target's particular attributes. The continuum implies that the distinctions among these processes are matters of degree, rather than discrete shifts. The chapter examines the evidence for the five main premises of the model, it is helpful to discuss some related models that raise issues for additional consideration. The chapter discusses the research that supports each of the five basic premises, competing models, and hypotheses for further research. The chapter concludes that one of the model's fundamental purposes is to integrate diverse perspectives on impression formation, as indicated by the opening quotation. It is also designed to generate predictions about basic impression formation processes and to help generate interventions that can reduce the impact of stereotypes on impression formation.
Two studies explored reactions to the overweight by isolating the effects of weight from other characteristics of the job applicant. The first study, which established the existence of a stereotype, shows that the overweight are viewed consistently more negatively than others on variables considered important for successful job performance. The second study experimentally investigated occupational discrimination in a simulated hiring setting. Overweight applicants were less highly recommended than average-weight persons despite objectively identical performances. The findings are discussed m the context of current research on cognitive processes.