Mihaela Herciu

Mihaela Herciu
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu · Department of Finance and Accounting



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October 1999 - present
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
  • Professor


Publications (70)
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With the expansion and omnipresence of digital technologies in most aspects of human life, organizations have felt the need to implement changes. Thus, digital transformation has become imperative, with organizations having to adapt to the new standards imposed by a digitalized world. This paper analyses the digital transformation in Romanian SMEs...
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The purpose of the current paper is to study how customer loyalty varies in time according to customer segments and external factors. In the first part of the paper, the authors have reviewed in a funnel-like manner the relevant literature, starting with relationship marketing and customer relationship management theories, and ending with customer...
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In today’s globalized world understanding the relationship between “culture and competitiveness” has become a significant area of research. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the synergistic interplay between „culture and competitiveness” through a bibliometric study that systematically examines the literature review. The data is collected from...
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Built on the premise that a company’s competitiveness is given by its robust financial performance and the strength of its position on the market, but only under conditions of sustainability, this study aims to investigate the key factors of company competitiveness while considering sustainability issues. The two research objectives were: (1) to id...
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The main objective of this paper is to analyze if there is a link between financial performance and sustainability in the case of listed companies on stock markets, worldwide, and across all sectors of activity because sustainability has become an important part of the company’s strategy. The financial performance of the companies was calculated us...
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The rapid expansion of the electric vehicle (EV) markets over the last decade (due to the combined effect of technology advancement and rising sustainability concern) is part of bigger transformations – towards electric/net-zero mobility and sustainability – that got momentum and (both public and policy) validation. In this context, the companies i...
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Innovation has invariably been a precursor to development and competitiveness, while creating (at least temporary) barriers to differentiate between its leaders and its laggards. Although Europe is ranked the second most innovative region in the world, the EU faces a significant innovation divide, that is attenuating its footprint on the global com...
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Fully committed to a digital future and actively engaged in the transition to a digital economy, the European Union has issued (in March 2021) “2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade’. While setting the EU’s digital ambitions on Skills, Business, Infrastructures, and Public services, the Digital Compass also envisions an enha...
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The increasing interest for (the topic of) digital transformation – fueled by the synergies between technological developments (in terms of business-related applications of digital technologies) and businesses’ search for (new determinants of digital technology-based) competitive advantage, while accelerated by the covid-19 pandemic – is an undenia...
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European Commission’s six priorities for 2019-2024 are all in line with and leverage each other to support Europe’s twin transition to digitalization and sustainability; aiming to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, The Recovery Plan for Europe adds resilience as key dimension of EU’s progress, while reinforcing its commitment to...
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Competitiveness represents a never-ending moving target for any institution/entity, no matter the level of analysis (micro - companies /public administrations, mezzo - industries / national regions, or macro - countries / world regions); but its determinants (or key success factors) are changing, as ages go by, asking for continuous watch and strat...
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From just another buzzword a few decades ago, sustainability has become a hot topic on strategists’ agenda—and it is here to stay. The growing pressures on businesses to address the ever-complex sustainability challenges and to (consequently) assess their performance against a variety of sustainability-related goals are imperatively asking for a ne...
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Complexity is rapidly and inexorably leading the global economy towards new configurations and new dynamics; within this (ever fluid and unstable) framework, the strategic dualities that govern organizations and shape their strategic choices are not only multiplying but also interacting and generating unprecedented challenges: new pairs of (apparen...
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The utility of performance measurement and management system can be said to have been proven, but the problem faced by both the theoreticians and practitioners is to set the right performance indicators. Developed models are tools that managers can use to measure and manage performance, but they need to be tailored to the context. Also, the trend t...
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Business sustainable competitiveness is a very complex concept. This complexity generates a variety of possibilities to define, to measure and to test it. The purpose of the paper is to develop the concept of businessness (for business sustainable competitiveness) by leveraging productivity, profitability, effectiveness and sustainability, at firm...
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Firm performance is a very complex and exhaustive concept. It can be related to many factors: starting with variables from balance sheet, income statement or cash-flow statement, continuing with research and development expenses or IT competences, and last but not least with intangible assets like human capital, goodwill, or brand value. The purpos...
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During the last few decades, the search for sustainability has experienced a tremendous momentum, encompassing all the levels of the global system. Fuelled by complex (both proactive and reactive) motivators, the process has surpassed the characteristics of an intellectual endeavor – more preoccupied by idealist goals, and less focused on the actua...
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The main purpose of this paper is to identify the drivers of firm performance by exploring both quantitative indicators - based on accounting profitability, shareholder value and economic value – and qualitative approach – based on balanced scorecard and triple bottom line. A literature review will be provided in order to obtain an optimum mix of q...
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Startups and small businesses are facing many challenges in terms of financing their activities. These types of companies do not have the possibility to access capital market or to make IPO or to borrow money from banks like big, mature or well-known companies (who were at their beginnings startups or small businesses). They have to find different...
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Every company has a different structure of balance sheet. Some of the companies have more liabilities than equity. Considering the industry or debt-to-equity ratio, the balance sheet structure affects the company profitability measured by DuPont system. The main objective of the paper is to analyze the structure of balance sheet and to identify som...
The context of globalization and the growing pressures toward sustainable development are nowadays forcing firms to deal with a paradoxical situation: while undeniable engines and major beneficiaries of globalization, businesses are also sources for significant negative externalities that impact on the dynamics of the global system. In these circum...
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Premise: globalization represents both the fertile background and the accountable foreground that accompanies the evolution of TNCs/MNEs, within a self-enforcing spiral of co-evolution which gratifies the winners and discards the losers. Argument: UNCTAD’s Top 100 non-financial TNCs/MNEs gathers together, since 1993, some of the most prominent winn...
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The term “value” can be interpreted in a subjective way, depending about what we refer at. Usually the firm's value is related to the financial performance: profitability, cash flow, liquidity, solvability, etc. A corporation can create and in some cases reduce value for its stakeholders. Also, a corporation can create value for the stakeholders by...
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ISO 26000 represents a guidance on corporate social responsibility and it is, at the present time, one of the most important document on CSR in the world. Without being mandatory or regulated, ISO 26000 is focus on seven core subjects that have to be approached synergistic – governance, human right, labor, environment, business practices, consumer,...
The purpose of the chapter is to emphasize on the roles of businesses - as an effective (sustainable) development agent in emerging markets, on one hand, and of their CSR strategies - as an efficient sustainable development tool, on the other hand, in order to identify valuable business practices able to lead the emerging markets towards sustainabi...
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National wealth, national competitiveness and national intellectual capital were major objectives of a nation in the last century. By this paper we identify strong interrelations between national wealth, national competitiveness and national intellectual capital according to Pearson, R and R2 results. These interrelations demonstrate that national...
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The complex and networked economy arises a series of challenges for business competitiveness in order to develop or redefine business models and theories. This paper tries to capture a relevant part of our previous studies by emphasizing the challenges that business competitiveness has to cope and integrate, such as: behavioral model of management,...
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The main focus of (the two parts of) this article is on the emerging countries and their development paths. Particularly, it emphasizes on the role and contribution of innovation (of all kinds, in all its forms) for multinational companies from emerging economies (EMNC); the entire research endeavor is placed under the auspices of the knowledge-bas...
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The (two parts of the) paper aims to bring into discussion the case of CSR-based sustainable competitiveness of multinationals in emerging market economies, through an interdisciplinary approach (international business and strategic management) applied to a multilevel analysis (country and company). The main conclusion of the paper is that, despite...
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The last few years have emphasized a continuing concern of many institutions, nations, companies for sustainable development. The recent literature brings into attention the concept of sustainable competitiveness beyond sustainable development. The main idea of sustainable competitiveness is reflected by the searching of a model that could balance...
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The ongoing growth of international business brings with it increasing demands associated with managing culturally diverse workforces. The cultural challenges that multinational companies must cope involve the synergistic approach of national cultural dimensions and leadership style. The present paper aims to evaluate the impact of these cultural c...
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International competitiveness generate a number of challenges because creates profitability for companies, welfare for citizens, sustainable prosperity for the economy as long as it is perceived as a constructive concept. The aim of present paper is to identify the international competitiveness of Romania by analyze the competitive advantage and di...
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Multinational enterprises (MNEs) represent both cause and result of the new economic geography of globalization. Thus, the dynamics and trends of the world's most influential MNEs contribute decisively to the new global architecture and to the economic development, being influenced, at their turn, by these processes of continuous reconfiguration an...
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Multinational enterprises – as key determinants and results (in the same time) of the globalization process that characterize the economic world nowadays – know a lot of different approaches in the academic literature; this is a consequence of the refinement (in time) of the (firm's) internationalization strategies and practices – which is determin...
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Development represents a strategic goal for every country of the world. But it also is a "complicated issue", given the multitude of (micro and macro economic) approaches that academics and strategists have proposed for development. By this paper we consider competitiveness as measure and indicator of development – based on World Economic Forum res...
More and more, in order to achieve global competitiveness, firms need to develop and apply unique and dynamic competitiveness models. With this paper, we propose an index that measures firm competitiveness by taking into consideration some tangible and intangible assets. This index demonstrates the fact that a firm is highly competitive as long as...
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By this chapter we would like to emphasize on how some very complex and different concepts and processes influencing (directly and/or indirectly) firm management nowadays – globalization – strategic management – business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) – enhance and reinforce each other (in good and/or in bad), asking for a new str...
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The 21st century offered new challenges for the national economy. One of the most controversial aspects of globalization was the worldwide spread and dominance of the American culture. The cultural dimensions that characterize a nation had a major impact on national competitiveness, although in the globalization age the nations are tending to lose...
The purpose of the paper is to analyze foreign direct investment flows and international competitiveness in European Union countries. The result of the analyze shows that is a direct correlation between foreign direct investment flows (FDI flows quantify by UNCTAD) and international competitiveness (measured by World Economic Forum through global c...
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Economic Freedom, Knowledge Economy and Global Competitiveness are three of the many and very different dimensions which characterize the level of a country’s performance. This paper tries to present these three important directions, the specific indicators that measure them – IEF, KEI, GCI – and the relationship between them. Also, it will try to...
The academic literature (in the field of international business, but not exclusively), as well as (all kind of) global statistics agree and emphasize more and more on the role and contribution of the multinational enterprises (MNEs) within the global economic context – as key sources for development and competitiveness. The realities of nowadays an...
Interdependencies – in time and in space – between (the most) different phenomena and processes, as well as entities (at global – national – local/regional – firm level) – characterize all the domains and levels of the society and humankind. The main idea and the general purpose of the paper is to measure and to compare in terms of a unique, defini...
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Globalization and competitiveness are two of the most common presences in the public discourse. But, surprisingly (or not), both of them mean different things for different people (and the meanings of the concepts themselves evolved in time), they are analyzed and evaluated by specific methods and measures at the different levels, and they lead to...
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The world is (permanently) changing – and from time to time major shifts occur and redefine its patterns of evolution. The global economy within it gets new leading actors and defining features, new power balance and architecture. This is inevitable in order to develop. Sometime of these shifts seem to be the result of a scientifically grounded, we...
Managerial performance and firm performance are two concepts in a strong correlation. The more managerial performance is higher with both shareholders are pleased because managers leading firms such manner that they are able to increase their performance (financial, social and environmental). Achieving or maintaining a certain level of performance...
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The resource-based view of the firm (which was launched decades ago) betted on resources, capabilities and competencies in order to obtain sustainable competitive advantage. Firm management had to identify the core competencies that defined the entity and then to manage them efficiently and with efficiency. Recently, some major challenges occur, br...
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The idea that the value of the firm is given by its financial capital and its intellectual capital is generally accepted. But, what is changing nowadays is the importance/weight that each one of these two components claims to have regarding the value of the firm – based on the dynamics of the changes and the intensity of the competition within an i...
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The global business environment (at every of its levels and by any of its forms) is more and more competitive and challenging for firms nowadays. On the other hand, firms themselves exercise a growing pressure and influence over the society (by their economic, social and environmental – wanted or not – outputs/effects). There is no doubt about thos...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to emphasize that the growing of competitiveness at any level may be possible through more responsibility (business ethics) on the one hand and less corruption (as lack of business ethics) on the other. Design/methodology/approach The objective of the paper is to identify the double‐way relationships between co...
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The process of globalization is an undeniable reality of today's world. Yet, paradoxically, the cornerstone of this phenomenon, economic performance, varies widely across the world whatever indicator (for example, GDP/habitant, competitiveness) we choose to use to compare countries. Increasingly, studies tend to explain this apparently paradoxical...
The Global Competitiveness Report, the State of Responsible Competitiveness and the Global Corruption Barometer elaborate annually a countries ranking that emphasize the progress or regress of each country. Using this reports the paper try to make a clusters analysis of world country by responsible competitiveness, national competitiveness and corr...
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Finances represent the foundation of the enterprise system – a good financial management having a vital importance for the economic health of companies. Due to this importance, financial management has to be understood extensively and comprehensively, but this is easier said than dine. The field is relatively complex and undergoes constant changes...
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Organizations grow and develop continuosly and information volume grows in the same rythm, which makes from improvement or changing the old counting systems an imperative. More and more companies, instead of continuing to invest in small applications choose integrated informational solutions, which are adapted to the user’s daily needsfrom, all dec...
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Mankind is in a continuous movement process, and power moves from a country to another, each of these trying to maintain supremacy. The struggle for power is very tough because to counterbalance the main competitors, knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses is imperative. The remaking of world order, on the basis of clashes between cultures and...
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If we can see the knowledge society as an essential part of the “external environment” of the firm management, that brings with it some specific opportunities and threats, we have to consider the intellectual capital – that integrates the two basic resources: knowledge and human – a key ingredient for the “internal environment” of the firm manageme...
If we can see the knowledge society as an essential part of the “external environment” of the firm management, that brings with it some specific opportunities and threats, we have to consider the intellectual capital – that integrates the two basic resources: knowledge and human – a key ingredient for the “internal environment” of the firm manageme...
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Competitiveness and corruption are now - more than ever before - two real challenges for Romania on its way to the European integration. The theoretical approaches to those concepts did not get to a unanimous and happy end and the real figures that evaluate them are not at all pleasing for Romania. Our country registers low positions in the world a...
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The firms who decide to expand their business in an international environment must modify their management style through international management. Certainly, international management must adapt their on functions to the different framework of the business development. The culture is a cardinally factor, being an essential component in the success e...
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In the new context of European Integration, Romania has to improve some important macroeconomic indicators, such as: competitiveness, economic freedom and real exchange rate for a sustainable economic growth. Many authors emphasize that competitiveness and economic freedom affects economic growth through stimulating investment and business environm...
The must uncorrupted nations are the mast competitive nations. The corruption – a very important phenomenon – is the one who make a nation to try to be competitive. In the last years the Nordic Country’s leading the top of competitiveness and the top of the uncorrupted nation. This article emphasizes the role of corruption in economic and social li...
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The knowledge based society raises some new imperatives, challenges and opportunities for firms, generally speaking, because newer and better knowledge can lead to an estimate rising of 70- 80% in firm competitiveness under the circumstances characterized by the transformation of the older economy into the new economy - with the help of the global...
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Competitiveness and corruption are now - more than ever before - two real challenges for Romania on its way to the European integration. The theoretical approaches to those concepts did not get to a unanimous and happy end and the real figures that evaluate them are not at all pleasing for Romania. Our country registers low positions in the world a...
The idea that the value of the firm is given by its financial capital and its intellectual capital is generally accepted. But, what is changing nowadays is the importance/weight that each one of these two components claims to have regarding the value of the firm – based on the dynamics of the changes and the intensity of the competition within an i...
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This paper proposes a behavioral model of management by taking into consideration the triple bottom line components, like business (economic), society (social), and nature (environment), on the one hand, and knowledge management, which means to discover, develop, utilize, deliver, and absorb knowledge inside and outside the firm, on the other hand....
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The present paper aims to demonstrate that in most cases the most profitable companies are not the most attractive for investors – through Du Pont Analysis method. In order to do this, we take into account the top 20 most profitable companies in the world in 2009 (according to Fortune). By using Du Pont analysis we came to the results that the rank...


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