Michele Licata

Michele Licata
Università degli Studi di Torino | UNITO

Master of Applied Geology
PhD in Geomorphology


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I believe that everyone can be the change they would like to see. Following this principle, in 2015 I started my Bachelor degree in Geology, and Master's degree in Applied Geological Sciences with a thesis that merged my geological and elctronical skills. Now I'm still following this path, that proceeds tortuous and uncertain, but full of possibilities and discoveries. Glad to share this journey with other travelers and to bring solid principles into my present and future research.
November 2018 - June 2021
Università degli Studi di Torino
Field of study
  • Applied Geological Science
September 2015 - November 2018
Università degli Studi di Torino
Field of study
  • Geological Science


Publications (8)
Geo-hydrological phenomena forecasting and early warning are essential components of civil protection activities on the territory. The Italian Civil Protection authorities inform citizens about local natural risks through daily forecasting reports on the critical issue level. The critical issue level evaluation is a highly complex process, always b...
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Landslides triggered by heavy rainfall pose significant threats to human settlements and infrastructure in temperate and equatorial climate regions. This study focuses on the development of the Open Landslide Project (OLP), an open source landslide inventory aimed at facilitating geostatistical analyses and landslide risk management. Using a multid...
On large landslide areas, two-dimensional and three-dimensional geological-technical model realization require several numbers of subsurface data. We investigated a complex landslide system located in the urban area of San Vito Romano, Central Italy, 40 km east from Rome where a large number of boreholes, piezometers and geophysical surveys are ava...
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1] Cartografia Numerica: Manuale Pratico per l'utilizzo Dei GIS; Dainelli, N., Ed.; 1. ed.; Dario Flaccovio: Palermo, Italy, 2008; ISBN 978-88-7758-789-3. [2] Guzzetti, F.; Mondini, A.C.; Cardinali, M.; Fiorucci, F.; Santangelo, M.; Chang, K.-T. Landslide Inventory Maps: New Tools for an Old Problem.
The geomorphological and geotechnical assessment of a large landslide should be always carried out to plan the best solution for monitoring and risk mitigation works. Too many times monitoring and works were realised following standard procedures without preventively comprehending the morphoevolution of the landslide system. This work aims to offer...
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Landslide mapping techniques have had many improvements in recent decades, the main field of development has been on traditional cartographic techniques and to a lesser extent on indirect numerical cartography. As for Direct Numerical Cartography (DNC), only a few improvements have been made due to the complexity and economic cost of the new techno...
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Flood risk in Italy is a key aspect for the administrative authorities, from the national to the local level. This is especially true in Northern Italy, where the Po River, the most important river of the peninsula, and its river basin are located. In North-Western Italy, the Po Basin is described by numerous sub-basins, among which is the Tanaro R...


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