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Co-activation of VTA DA and GABA neurons mediates nicotine reinforcement

  • GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences
  • Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d'Aquitaine

Abstract and Figures

Smoking is the most important preventable cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. This nicotine addiction is mediated through the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), expressed on most neurons, and also many other organs in the body. Even within the ventral tegmental area (VTA), the key brain area responsible for the reinforcing properties of all drugs of abuse, nicotine acts on several different cell types and afferents. Identifying the precise action of nicotine on this microcircuit, in vivo, is important to understand reinforcement, and finally to develop efficient smoking cessation treatments. We used a novel lentiviral system to re-express exclusively high-affinity nAChRs on either dopaminergic (DAergic) or γ-aminobutyric acid-releasing (GABAergic) neurons, or both, in the VTA. Using in vivo electrophysiology, we show that, contrary to widely accepted models, the activation of GABA neurons in the VTA plays a crucial role in the control of nicotine-elicited DAergic activity. Our results demonstrate that both positive and negative motivational values are transmitted through the dopamine (DA) neuron, but that the concerted activity of DA and GABA systems is necessary for the reinforcing actions of nicotine through burst firing of DA neurons. This work identifies the GABAergic interneuron as a potential target for smoking cessation drug development.Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 3 July 2012; doi:10.1038/mp.2012.83.
In vivo response of ventral tegmental area (VTA) neurons to nicotine and modeling. The sketches to the left of all panels represent the dopamine (DA)/γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) microcircuit. The dopaminergic (DAergic) neuron is in green (DA) and the γ-aminobutyric acid-releasing (GABAergic) interneuron in blue (Gb). The β2*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in yellow indicate their differential expression between the two cell types, and the electrode marks the cell from which recordings were obtained. The traces obtained with in vivo electrophysiological recordings are in black and the standard error painted in gray. Green traces are from the model fitted to the experimental values for DA recordings and the blue trace corresponds to GABA cells. The time points of nicotine (Nic) injections are marked by red vertical dashed lines. (a) DA neuron identification and response to nicotine. (Left) Example of raw traces of DA cells (1 among n=43, mean firing rate=3.31±0.27). (Middle) Example of action potential (AP) waveform of a VTA DAergic neuron. (Right) Nicotine-elicited modifications of firing frequency (mean±s.e.m.) of VTA DAergic neurons (black, n=43, mean of basal firing rate 3.31±0.27 Hz, mean of the maximal variation +54.33±12.036%, P=1.55 × 10−7, Wilcoxon's signed-rank test). Green, model DA activity response to nicotine. (b) GABA neuron identification and response to nicotine. (Left) Example of raw traces of GABA neurons (1 among n=11, mean firing rate=20.06±3.74). (Middle) Example of non-filtered AP waveform of a VTA non-DAergic neuron. (Right) Nicotine-elicited modifications of firing frequency (mean±s.e.m.) of putative GABAergic neurons (n=11, mean of basal firing rate 20.06±3.74 Hz, mean of the maximal variation +49.32±6.39%, P=0.0009, Wilcoxon's signed-rank test). Blue, model GABA neuron activity response to nicotine. (c) DA neuron response to two repeated nicotine injections with an interval of 15 min (n=7, mean of basal firing rate 3.67±0.8 Hz). Inset shows corresponding GABA responses, in blue. (d) DA neuron response to three repeated nicotine injections at 5-min intervals (n=11, mean of basal firing rate 3.41±0.38 Hz). Inset shows corresponding GABA responses. Note that the model has been fitted to all four experimental recordings from panels a to d simultaneously. (e) Predicted DA neuron response to a single nicotine injection with β2*-nAChRs on DA neurons only, see sketch to the left. (f) Predicted DA neuron response to a single nicotine injection with β2*-nAChRs on GABA neurons only, see sketch to the left. All horizontal scale bars are 200 s and vertical scale bars show 20% relative changes in firing rate. Dashed curves show the control responses (that is, ß2 on both DA and GABA neurons) for comparison.Download Power Point slide (296 KB)
Generation and analysis of β2DA−VEC, β2GABA−VEC and β2DA+GABA−VEC mice. (a) Schematic representation of the lentiviral vectors used in this study, conditionally expressing the β2 subunit or eGFP. Cre recombinase recognizes the two loxP sites and removes the mCherry-Stop DNA sequence, activating β2 subunit expression. Restriction enzymes used in the DNA construct are indicated above the vector. (b) [125I]Epibatidine autoradiography on coronal brain slices of axon terminals in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) (top) and in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) (bottom), in β2DA−VEC mice (left) and β2GABA−VEC (right) mice. Arrowheads point to axonal label in the NAc and arrows to somatic label in the VTA (circled). (c) mCherry and eGFP expression in VTA sections of DAT-Cre and GAD67-Cre mice. eGFP expression (green) is restricted to tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons (blue) of DAT-Cre mice (left) and to TH-negative neurons of GAD67-Cre mice (right). mCherry expression (red) was only found in TH-negative neurons of DAT-Cre mice (left), and only in TH-positive neurons of GAD67-Cre mice (right). Scale bar, 20 μm. (d) Summary of the size of DAergic neuron populations used in this study and proportion of labeled cells. (Top, left) Example of labeling showing colocalization of neurobiotin (blue) and TH (red), allowing identification of the recorded neuron. (Top, right) Raster plot of raw traces from electrophysiological recordings; 50 s before and 50 s after nicotine injection (Nic) are shown. Colors correspond to β2DA−VEC (green), β2−/− (red) and β2GABA−VEC (blue). Scale bar, 10 s. (Bottom) Table summarizing the pool of DA neurons recorded and labeled in this study. (e) Nicotine-elicited modifications of firing frequency (mean±s.e.m.) in VTA DAergic neurons. Sketches to the left indicate the differential expression of the β2*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) (yellow) in DA (green) or GABA neurons (blue), and the recorded neuron (electrode, always the DA neuron). Vertical dashed line indicates the nicotine injection (blue). Horizontal dashed line indicates the baseline level (red). (Top) DAergic neurons in β2DA−VEC mice (green, n=20, mean of basal firing rate 2.62±0.24 Hz, mean of the maximal variation +22.54±7.03%, P=0.00032, Wilcoxon's signed-rank test). (Second row) DAergic neurons in β2−/− mice (red, n=27, mean of basal firing rate 2.28±0.17 Hz, mean of the maximal variation +2.62±0.24%, P=0.7, Wilcoxon's signed-rank test). (Third row) DAergic neurons in β2GABA−VEC mice (blue, n=30, mean of basal firing rate 3.48±0.33 Hz, mean of the maximal variation −22±3.7%, P=6 × 10−8, Wilcoxon's signed-rank test ). (Bottom) DAergic neurons in β2DA+GABA−VEC mice (purple, n=13, mean of basal firing rate 2.29±0.43 Hz, mean of maximal variation +53.16±25.81%, P=0.00012, paired Wilcoxon's test). Group comparison: wild-type (WT) vs ß2−/−, P=6 × 10−6; WT vs β2GABA−VEC, P=1.6 × 10−6; ß2−/− vs β2DA−VEC, P=0.006; ß2−/− vs β2GABA−VEC, P=1.56 × 10−6; β2−/− vs β2DA+GABA−VEC, P=0.00067 (Wilcoxon's signed-rank test with a sequential Bonferroni correction). WT was first compared to ß2−/−. If significant, a series of six comparisons were then performed (WT or ß2−/− vs β2DA−VEC, β2GABA−VEC or β2DA+GABA−VEC), only significant comparisons are indicated (see Supplementary Material). β2, mouse wild-type β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit cDNA; cPPT, central polypurine tract; CTS, central termination sequence; DA, dopamine; ΔU3, 400bp deletion in 3′-LTR; eGFP, enhanced green fluorescent protein cDNA; GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; loxP, recognition sites for Cre recombinase; LTR, long terminal repeats; mCherry, monomeric red Cherry fluorescent protein coding sequence; PDGF-β, platelet-derived growth factor β chain promoter; 3′-PPT, 3′-polypurine tract; RNA pack, genomic RNA packaging signal; RRE, rev response element; Stop, multiple STOP codons; VEC, vector.Download Power Point slide (372 KB)
2 Subunit re-expressed either on dopaminergic (DAergic) or γ-aminobutyric acid-releasing (GABAergic) neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) encodes, respectively, for positive or negative motivational value. (a) The mouse model of intracranial nicotine self-administration (ICSA). (Left) Detailed three-dimensional sketch of the Y-maze apparatus used to assess choice of the nicotine-reinforced vs non-reinforced arm. (Right, top) Example of mouse implanted with the injection guide. (Right, bottom) Micro-connector, guide cannula and cannula used for intracranial injection of nicotine. Scale bar, 5 mm. (b Intra-VTA nicotine self-administration in wild-type (WT) (*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; WT vs β2GFP−VEC (red; c). On the abscissa, the daily test sessions from days 1 to 7. On the left ordinate, the number of self-administration events per 10 daily trials, corresponding to the filled circles. On the right ordinate, self-injection latency in seconds. °°°P<0.001, session effect. (c) Intra-VTA nicotine self-administration in vectorized mice. Number of self-administrations in β2DA−VEC (green), β2−/− (red) and β2GABA−VEC (blue) mice per daily session (abscissa, 1–7) expressed as mean±s.e.m., with 100 ng nicotine (as salt) per self-administered dose (*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; β2DA−VEC or β2GABA−VEC vs β2−/−; two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); genotype effect: F(2,30)=6.292, P<0.01; session effect: F(6,180)=0.793, NS). (d) Self-injection latency in β2DA−VEC (blue), β2−/− (green) and β2GABA−VEC (red) mice. Ordinate, self-injection latency in seconds per daily session (abscissa, days 1–7) is expressed as mean±s.e.m., with 100 ng nicotine (as salt) per self-administered dose (*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; β2DA−VEC or β2GABA−VEC vs β2−/−). VEC, vectorized.Download Power Point slide (238 KB)
Bursting activity and pharmacological consequences. (a) Microdialysis measuring extracellular dopamine (DA) levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell, showing area under the curve values (AUC, mean±s.e.m. as % of baseline) during a 2 h post-treatment period. *P<0.05 and NS=not statistically significant (wild-type (WT), black, n=9; β2−/−, red, n=6; β2DA−VEC, green, n=7 mice per group). Open bars, injection of saline. Filled-in bars, response to nicotine. (b) Quantification of increase in the number of phosphorylated-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (P-ERK)-positive nuclei after acute nicotine injection in mice. (Top) Photomicrographs of the NAc showing P-ERK immunostained neurons after saline (upper row) and nicotine (bottom row) administration. Arrowheads point to several P-ERK-positive nuclei. (Bottom) Quantification of increase in the number of P-ERK-positive nuclei after acute nicotine injection in WT mice (black, n=4 for saline and nicotine, P<0.05, Wilcoxon's signed-rank test), β2−/− mice (red, n=3 for saline and nicotine, P>0.05, exact Wilcoxon's signed-rank test), β2DA−VEC mice (green, n=3 for saline and nicotine, P>0.05, Wilcoxon's signed-rank test). (c) Nicotine-elicited modifications of the percent of spikes within bursts (%SWB) (mean±s.e.m.) in VTA DAergic neurons of WT mice (black, n=43, mean of the maximal variation +15.42±3.68%, P=6.78 × 10−6, paired Wilcoxon's test), β2DA−VEC (green, n=20, mean of the maximal variation +0.97±1.03%, P=0.724, paired Wilcoxon's test), β2GFP−VEC (n=27, mean of the maximal variation +0.27±0.69%, P=0.16, paired Wilcoxon's test), β2GABA−VEC (blue, n=30, mean of the maximal variation −3.76±1.63%, P=0.0025, paired Wilcoxon's test) and β2DA+GABA−VEC mice (purple, n=13, mean of the maximal variation +6.49±1.67%, P=0.0028, paired Wilcoxon's test). Vertical dashed line indicates the nicotine injection (blue). Horizontal dashed lines indicate the baseline level (red, for value see d). Group comparison: WT vs ß2−/−, P=0.005; WT vs β2DA−VEC, P=0.005; WT vs β2GABA−VEC, P=8.4 × 10−7; ß2−/− vs β2GABA−VEC, P=3.7 × 10−5; β2−/− vs β2DA+GABA−VEC, P=0.0005 (Wilcoxon's signed rank test with a sequential Bonferroni correction, only significant comparisons are indicated, see Supplementary Material). (d) Quantification of spontaneous firing of DA cells. (Left) Bar-plot representation of the mean basal firing rate (Hz) represented as means±s.e.m. WT (black, n=43, mean=3.31±0.27 Hz), ß2−/− (red, n=27, mean=2.28±0.17 Hz), ß2DA−VEC (green, n=20, mean=2.62±0.24 Hz), ß2GABA−VEC (blue, n=30, mean=3.48±0.33 Hz) and β2DA+GABA−VEC mice (purple, n=30, mean=2.29±0.43 Hz). Group comparison: WT vs β2−/−, P=0.006; β2−/− vs ß2GABA−VEC, P=0.004 (Wilcoxon's signed-rank test with a sequential Bonferroni correction, **P<0.01; see e and Supplementary Material for statistical procedures). (Right) Bar-plot representation of the %SWB represented as means±s.e.m. WT (black, mean=11.19±2.75%), β2−/− (red, n=27, mean=1.38±0.64%), β2DA−VEC (green, n=20, mean=1.74±1.13%), β2GABA−VEC (blue, n=30, mean=15.08±5.09%) and β2DA+GABA−VEC mice (purple, n=13, mean=9.37±5.38%). Group comparison: WT vs β2−/−, P=0.001; WT vs ß2DA−VEC, P=0.0048; β2−/− vs ß2GABA−VEC, P=0.0073; β2−/− vs ß2DA+GABA−VEC, P=0.012 (Wilcoxon's signed-rank test with a sequential Bonferroni correction, only significant comparisons are indicated; see e and Supplementary Material for statistical procedures). (e) Number of self-administrations (circle, solid line) in β2DA+GABA−VEC (empty circle) and WT mice (full circle) per daily session (abscissa, 1–5) expressed as mean±s.e.m., with 100 ng nicotine (as salt) per self-administered dose (two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), genotype effect: F(1,10)=2.357, NS; session effect: F(4,40)=17.136, P<0.001; genotype × session effect: F(4,40)=1.717, NS. *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001 as compared to chance level). β2DA+GABA−VEC displayed a steady nicotine self-administration and earned significantly more self-injections than β2DA−VEC (F1,14=7.738, P<0.02) and β2−/− (F1,12=16.331, P<0.01). As typically observed during acquisition of intracranial self-administration (ICSA), the self-injection latency (triangle, dashed lines) decreased over sessions, this effect being similar in β2DA+GABA−VEC (empty triangle) and WT (full triangle) (genotype effect: F1,10=0.126, NS; Session effect: F4,40=3.247, P<0.05). β2DA+GABA−VEC also triggered nicotine injections faster than β2DA−VEC (F1,14=8.735, P<0.01) and tend to be even faster than β2−/−, which are known to exhibit a spontaneously active phenotype (F1,12=4.213, P<0.06). VEC, vectorized.Download Power Point slide (342 KB)
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Co-activation of VTA DA and GABA neurons mediates
nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu
, R Eddine
, F Marti
, V David
, M Graupner
, S Pons
, M Baudonnat
, M Husson
, M Besson
, C Reperant
, J Zemdegs
C Page`s
, YAH Hay
, B Lambolez
, J Caboche
, B Gutkin
, AM Gardier
, J-P Changeux
, P Faure
and U Maskos
Smoking is the most important preventable cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. This nicotine addiction is mediated
through the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), expressed on most neurons, and also many other organs in the body.
Even within the ventral tegmental area (VTA), the key brain area responsible for the reinforcing properties of all drugs of abuse,
nicotine acts on several different cell types and afferents. Identifying the precise action of nicotine on this microcircuit, in vivo,
is important to understand reinforcement, and finally to develop efficient smoking cessation treatments. We used a novel
lentiviral system to re-express exclusively high-affinity nAChRs on either dopaminergic (DAergic) or g-aminobutyric acid-
releasing (GABAergic) neurons, or both, in the VTA. Using in vivo electrophysiology, we show that, contrary to widely accepted
models, the activation of GABA neurons in the VTA plays a crucial role in the control of nicotine-elicited DAergic activity. Our
results demonstrate that both positive and negative motivational values are transmitted through the dopamine (DA) neuron,
but that the concerted activity of DA and GABA systems is necessary for the reinforcing actions of nicotine through burst firing
of DA neurons. This work identifies the GABAergic interneuron as a potential target for smoking cessation drug development.
Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 3 July 2012; doi:10.1038/mp.2012.83
Keywords: dopamine; GABAergic interneuron; lentiviral vector; nicotine addiction; nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
Tobacco abuse is the worldwide leading cause of preventable
morbidity and mortality. According to the World Health Organiza-
tion, more than five million smokers die every year from the
Dissecting the underlying neurobiological me-
chanisms of this disorder has recently made important progress
with the use of genetically modified mice,
but they remain far
from being understood in detail. The identification of novel drug
targets for the design of smoking cessation medication is
becoming a priority in pharmacological research.
Nicotine, the
principal, if not sole, addictive component of tobacco smoke,
exerts its reinforcing effects through its action on nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), a heterogeneous family of
pentameric, ligand-gated ion channels.
nAChRs situated in the
mesolimbic reward system mediate nicotine-induced dopamine
(DA) release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) from midbrain
dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons located in the ventral tegmental
area (VTA).
Among the different nAChRs expressed in this region,
b2-containing nAChRs (b2*-nAChRs) have been shown to play a
crucial role in the positive rewarding properties of nicotine, as
they are the essential partner to form high-affinity receptors.
nAChRs are expressed on both DAergic and g-aminobutyric acid-
releasing (GABAergic) interneurons present in the VTA,
nicotine modulates the activity of both neuronal populations.
Pharmacological studies have addressed the complex and often
opposing influences of the DA- and GABA-dependent neural
but none of them has yet elucidated the nature of their
interaction, that is, whether they cooperate to produce the
rewarding effect,
or mediate, respectively, the acute reward-
ing and aversive psychological effects of nicotine.
The complexity of nicotine’s action to result in enhanced DA
release has been reviewed recently.
Several independent
mechanisms have been identified, or postulated. These are
enhanced excitation of the DA cells,
or their disinhibition, or
modification of presynaptic terminals onto the soma of DA
neurons. Previous in vitro studies proposed that the desensitiza-
tion of b2*-nAChRs on GABA interneurons following nicotine
exposure, resulting in decreased GABAergic neuron activity,
produces a disinhibition of DA neurons, and hence increased
presynaptic excitation.
We have here comprehensively
addressed the respective role of b2*-nAChRs expressed on DA
or GABAergic VTA neurons in their response to nicotine, and the
behavioral consequences. The work presented is arranged
according to the following outline: using in vivo electrophysiology
of single neurons in the VTA, we found surprisingly that putative
GABAergic neurons do not desensitize following repeated nicotine
injections as postulated by current models. We then set out to
understand the physiological basis of their role in DA neuron
Received 5 December 2011; revised 2 May 2012; accepted 7 May 2012
partement de Neuroscience, Institut Pasteur, Unite
Neurobiologie inte
grative des syste
mes cholinergiques, Paris, France;
CNRS, URA2182, Paris, France;
P. et M.
Curie, CNRS UMR 7102, Neurobiologie des Processus Adaptatifs, Equipe Neurophysiologie et comportement, Paris, France;
de Bordeaux, Institut de Neurosciences
Cognitives et Inte
gratives d’Aquitaine, Talence, France;
Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York, NY, USA;
EA3544 Pharmacologie des troubles anxio-de
et Neurogene
se, Univ Paris-Sud, Fac Pharmacie, Cha
tenay-Malabry, France;
P. et M. Curie, INSERM UMRS 952, CNRS UMR 7224, Physiopathologie des Maladies du
me Nerveux Central, Equipe Signalisation Intracellulaire et Neuroadaptations, Paris, France;
P. et M. Curie, CNRS UMR 7102, Neurobiologie des Processus
Adaptatifs, Equipe Re
seau cortical et couplage neurovasculaire, Paris, France;
Group for Neural Theory, LNC INSERM U960, DEC ENS, Paris, France and
ge de France, Paris,
France. Correspondence: U Maskos or P Faure , De
partement de Neuroscience, Institut Pasteur, Unite
Neurobiologie inte
grative des syste
mes cholinergiques, Institut Pasteur, 25
rue du Dr Roux, Cedex 15, Paris 75724, France.
E-mail: or
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12
2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1359-4184/12
activity. This was achieved by the selective expression of high-
affinity nicotinic receptors on either DA or GABAergic interneur-
ons, or both, and the correlation of DA firing patterns with
intra-VTA self-administration behavior. We conclude that GABA-
dependent burst firing of DA neurons is a crucial element in the
reinforcing effect of nicotine.
Viral production and analysis of transduced VTA cells
Viral production
. Viral particles were generated by co-transfection of
HEK-293T cells by the vector plasmid, a packaging plasmid and an
envelope plasmid using Lipofectamine Plus (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA)
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. At 2 days after transfection,
viral particles were harvested in the supernatant, treated with DNaseI and
, filtered through 0.45 mm pores, concentrated by ultracentrifugation
and resuspended in a small volume of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).
Viral stocks were stored in small aliquots at 80 1C before use. Viral titers
were estimated by quantification of the p24 capsid protein using HIV-1 p24
antigen immunoassay (ZeptoMetrix Corporation, Buffalo, NY, USA) accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s instructions. Lentivectors were diluted in PBS
before stereotaxic injection to achieve a dose corresponding to 230 ng of
p24 protein in 2 ml.
Stereotaxic procedure. Mice aged 6--12 weeks were anesthetized using
ketamine/xylazine in PBS. A mouse was introduced into a stereotaxic frame
adapted for use with mice. Lentivectors (enhanced green fluorescent
protein (eGFP)-expressing vector: 2 ml at 50 ng p24 protein per ml; b2-
expressing vector: 2 ml at 115 ng p24 protein per ml) were injected
bilaterally at: antero-posterior 3.4 mm, lateral
0.5 mm from Bregma and
4.4 mm from the surface. All procedures were carried out in accordance
with European Commission directives 219/1990 and 220/1990, and
approved by Animalerie centrale and Me
decine du travail, Institut Pasteur.
The authors carrying out surgery hold an Animal Surgery Authorization
from the French Ministry of Agriculture.
Analysis of transduced VTA cells
. To analyze eGFP and mCherry transduction on DAergic
and GABAergic neurons, sections from vectorized DAT-Cre and GAD67-Cre
mice were stained for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) antibody. Fluorescence
immunohistochemistry was performed as follows: free-floating VTA brain
sections were incubated 1 h at 4 1C in a fixative solution of PBS containing
10% normal goat serum (Sigma, Lyon, France) and 0.2% Triton X-100, and
then overnight at 4 1C in PBS containing a mouse anti-TH (Sigma) at 1:200
dilution, 2% normal goat serum and 0.2% Triton X-100. The next day,
sections were rinsed with PBS and then incubated 3 h at room temperature
with secondary antibody (Cy5-coniugated anti-mouse, Jackson Immuno-
research, London, UK) at 1:200 dilution in a solution of 2% normal goat
serum in PBS. After three rinses in PBS, slices were wet-mounted using
Mowiol 4-88 (Calbiochem Corporation, La Jolla, CA, USA).
Cell counting by image analysis. Anti-TH-immunostained sections from
DAT-Cre mice were imaged at 25, 40 and 63 with a Zeiss LSM510
confocal laser scanning microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). A
quantitative analysis of transduced neurons was performed automatically
with the software identifying spot positions using a statistical analysis of
the multiscale decomposition of the image. The program (QUIA; http:// detects nuclei (Cre-positive cells) by first
filtering the image with an undecimated wavelet at different scales and
then thresholding it with a statistical procedure,
which takes into
account the noise level. To perform colocalization, we computed for each
pixel of each detection the number of corresponding pixels in the green
channel (eGFP-positive cells), considering a fixed threshold. The detection
is labeled as colocalized if the number of green pixels reaches 50% of the
area of the nuclei. For phosphorylated-extracellular signal-regulated kinase
(P-ERK) immunostaining, quantifications were performed using the image
analyzer software (Image-Pro Plus; Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD,
USA), taking into account the cells with nuclear immunofluorescence
above the background.
Determination of the efficiency of DA cell transduction
The percentage of transduced TH-positive neurons in vectorized DAT-Cre
mice was quantified on one of every three sections for each mouse. This
results in 73
12% of DA neurons being transduced.
Epibatidine binding studies
The b
, b2
DAT-Cre and b2
GAD-Cre mice aged 12--13
weeks were injected bilaterally in the VTA. After 4 weeks of viral expression,
brains were dissected, frozen in dry ice and stored at 80 1C until use.
Coronal sections, 20-mm thick, were cut at 20 1C and thaw mounted on
Menzel Glasser SuperFrost Plus microscope slides. Slides were incubated at
room temperature with 220 p
I-epibatidine (NEN Perkin-Elmer, Boston,
MA, USA; specific activity 2200 Ci/mmol) in 50 mM Tris (pH 7.4) for 1 h. After
incubation, sections were rinsed twice 5 min in the same buffer and briefly
in distilled water. Nonspecific binding was not distinguishable from
background. Sections were exposed for 36 h to Kodak Biomax films. As
reported previously,
I-epibatidine binding sites were
absent from the brain of b2 knockout (KO) mice, with the exception of
structures of the habenulo-peduncular system. The quantification of
lentiviral restoration of functional b2*-nAChRs in the VTA was carried out
by ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA) on eight
coronal sections for each brain. To obtain the mean value of the optical
density, the same ROI was reported on every section of each brain.
In vivo electrophysiological recording of VTA DAergic and
GABAergic neurons
Single unit extracellular recordings were performed in wild-type (WT), KO
and VEC (vectorized) mice as detailed in the Supplementary Information.
Animals were anesthetized with chloral hydrate (400 mg/kg, intraperito-
neally). Spontaneously active DA and GABA neurons were identified on the
basis of previously established electrophysiological criteria (see Supple-
mentary Material and Mameli-Engvall et al.
). Intravenous injection of
0.5 mM nicotine tartrate into the saphenous vein (30 mg/kg free base in a
final volume of 10 ml) was performed as described. Firing frequency was
quantified over 30 s periods, expressed as a percentage of average basal
firing, and means were calculated within each group.
In vitro electrophysiological recording of VTA DAergic and
GABAergic neurons
Slice recordings were performed in WT, KO and VEC mice as detailed in the
Supplementary Information.
In vivo microdialysis
In vivo microdialysis was carried out as described in the Supplementary
Information, with a probe placed unilaterally in the shell of the NAc,
coordinates from Bregma (in mm): anterior 1.34, lateral 0.7, ventral 5.4.
Probe placement was verified histologically.
Intracranial self-administration procedure
Intracranial self-administration (ICSA) behavior was investigated using a
procedure previously described for morphine
and cocaine,
then adapted to nicotine.
This model is based on choice behavior in a
Y-maze discrimination task between a nicotine-reinforced arm and a
neutral arm. Discrimination tasks relying on choice behavior provide a
more accurate assessment of reward than rate-dependent paradigms.
This task is particularly well adapted to detect reward-related deficits in
mutant mice.
ICSA allows excellent temporal and spatial, region-
specific delivery of nicotine for targeting specifically brain structures such
as the VTA.
The present experiments were conducted in a gray
Plexiglas Y-maze, see Figure 4a. Its arms were separated by an angle of 901.
The stem and the arms were 31 cm long and 12 cm high. The starting box
(14 8cm
) is separated from the stem by a sliding door. Each arm is
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
composed of a sliding door at its entrance and a photoelectric cell 6 cm
from its end. Mice are implanted unilaterally into the posterior VTA, using
the coordinates of lentiviral injections. Before each experimental session, a
stainless-steel injection cannula (outer diameter 0.229 mm, inner diameter
0.127 mm; Figure 4a) is inserted into the VTA and held in a fixed position
by means of a small connector. The tip of the injection cannula projects
beyond the guide cannula by 1.5 mm (Figure 4a). It is connected by flexible
polyethylene tubing to the microinjection system, which houses a 5-ml
Hamilton syringe containing a solution of nicotine in the artificial
cerebrospinal fluid (Microperfusion Fluid; Phymep, Paris, France), the pH
of which being adjusted to neutrality with NaOH 0.1
N. Mice were tested for
nine consecutive days, with each daily session composed of 10 successive
trials. The first session consisted in a 10-min free exploration of the Y-maze.
During a second session, mice were habituated to be connected to the
self-injection system, but no injection was available. In subsequent
sessions, interruption of photocell beams by entering the reinforced arm
of the Y-maze triggered an intra-VTA injection of nicotine that lasted 4 s
(100 ng nicotine tartrate in 50 nl of artificial cerebrospinal fluid, resulting in
a nicotine concentration of 4 m
M as referred to the base). As photobeams
are located only 6 cm from the end of each arm, mice had to enter
completely into an arm to end a trial. Therefore, partial entrance into the
arm did not count as a choice. Entering completely the non-reinforced arm
produces no injection, and entering either arm terminated the trial. The
animal’s movements are detected using an optical system and transmitted
to a computer, which rotated in turn the injector in the same
direction, thus avoiding twisting. The number of times mice trigger a
self-injection within the nicotine-reinforced arm (the number of self-
administrations) and the time between the opening of the starting box
door and triggering of self-injections (self-injection latency) were recorded
by a computer running a program specifically developed for ICSA
(YAA; Imetronic, Pessac, France). The mean of one daily session provided
one graph plot. Both WT and mutant mice exhibited a similar number of
intra-VTA injections of vehicle (artificial cerebrospinal fluid, data not
shown) that was not different from chance level (50%). All groups were
constituted of at least n ¼ 7 and up to n ¼ 10 subjects per group. Following
thionin-stained histological control of stereotaxic implantation, only
mice with a self-injection cannula located within the VTA were included
in the statistical analysis. For the ICSA, all data were analyzed by repeated
measures analysis of variance using StatView 5.0 (Abacus Concepts,
Piscataway, NJ, USA), followed by post-hoc Fisher’s test for which the level
of statistical significance was set at Po0.05.
In vivo electrophysiology of the nicotine response in the VTA
We wanted to obtain a comprehensive understanding of nicotine
responses in the microcircuits of the VTA. As most previous studies
were carried out in slice preparations, we decided to address the
nicotinic-cholinergic regulation of the VTA using in vivo electro-
There, all afferents to the VTA are preserved, and in
particular the cholinergic input from the tegmentum, a key player
in VTA physiology
(see Figure 1). Intravenous administration of
nicotine (30 mg/kg) in naive animals resulted in a rapid and
pronounced increase in the firing rate of DA cells (Figure 2a), and
also of putative GABAergic interneurons (Figure 2b). This latter
result is incompatible with a rapid, desensitization-dependent
decrease in GABA activity postulated by the disinhibition
hypothesis. We then performed paired injections of nicotine at
intervals of 5 or 15 min. If disinhibition were the main mechanism
underlying the DA cell response, subsequent nicotine injections
would further enhance receptor desensitization in GABA neurons,
resulting in an increase in the consecutive peak response of DA
cells to nicotine. At a 15-min interval, when no accumulation of
nicotine in blood and brain was possible due to nicotine
we observed no change in the amplitude of
the DA response to nicotine (Figure 2c). However, at the interval of
5 min, allowing accumulation of nicotine upon injections, DA
from Cortex, LDTg
VTA neuron
VTA neuron
From VP, NAc
from PPTg,
from PPTg, LDTg
Figure 1. A schematic representation of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and afferents. The focus of the work is on the shaded area of the VTA.
The dopaminergic (DAergic) output neuron (green) contains high-affinity b2-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) (red). It is
locally inhibited by g-aminobutyric acid-releasing (GABAergic) interneurons that also contain high-affinity b2*-nAChRs. Additional GABAergic
projections arrive from the ventral pallidum (VP), and glutamatergic projections from the cortex, the tegmental LDTg (laterodorsal tegmental
nucleus, in yellow) and locally from recently identified interneurons. The important feature of cholinergic control in the VTA is the ACh release
from afferents originating in the LDTg/PPTg pontine tegmental nuclei.
Dopamine (DA) is released in the striatum onto medium spiny
neurons (MSNs) in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), which show biochemical alterations after stimulation (see Figure 5).
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12& 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Non DA
200 sec
200 sec
200 sec
norm.DA activity
Figure 2. In vivo response of ventral tegmental area (VTA) neurons to nicotine and modeling. The sketches to the left of all panels represent
the dopamine (DA)/g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) microcircuit. The dopaminergic (DAergic) neuron is in green (DA) and the g-aminobutyric
acid-releasing (GABAergic) interneuron in blue (Gb). The b2*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in yellow indicate their differential
expression between the two cell types, and the electrode marks the cell from which recordings were obtained. The traces obtained with
in vivo electrophysiological recordings are in black and the standard error painted in gray. Green traces are from the model fitted to the
experimental values for DA recordings and the blue trace corresponds to GABA cells. The time points of nicotine (Nic) injections are marked
by red vertical dashed lines. (a) DA neuron identification and response to nicotine. (Left) Example of raw traces of DA cells (1 among n ¼ 43,
mean firing rate ¼ 3.31
0.27). (Middle) Example of action potential (AP) waveform of a VTA DAergic neuron. (Right) Nicotine-elicited mod-
ifications of firing frequency (mean
s.e.m.) of VTA DAergic neurons (black, n ¼ 43, mean of basal firing rate 3.31
0.27 Hz, mean of the
maximal variation þ 54.33
12.036%, P ¼ 1.55 10
, Wilcoxons signed-rank test). Green, model DA activity response to nicotine. (b) GABA
neuron identification and response to nicotine. (Left) Example of raw traces of GABA neurons (1 among n ¼ 11, mean firing
rate ¼ 20.06
3.74). (Middle) Example of non-filtered AP waveform of a VTA non-DAergic neuron. (Right) Nicotine-elicited modifications of
firing frequency (mean
s.e.m.) of putative GABAergic neurons (n ¼ 11, mean of basal firing rate 20.06
3.74 Hz, mean of the maximal
variation þ 49.32
6.39%, P ¼ 0.0009, Wilcoxons signed-rank test). Blue, model GABA neuron activity response to nicotine. (c) DA neuron
response to two repeated nicotine injections with an interval of 15 min (n ¼ 7, mean of basal firing rate 3.67
0.8 Hz). Inset shows corre-
sponding GABA responses, in blue. (d) DA neuron response to three repeated nicotine injec tions at 5-min intervals (n ¼ 11, mean of basal
firing rate 3.41
0.38 Hz). Inset shows corresponding GABA responses. Note that the model has been fitted to all four experimental recordings
from panels a to d simultaneously. (e) Predicted DA neuron response to a single nicotine injection with b2*-nAChRs on DA neurons only, see
sketch to the left. (f ) Predicted DA neuron response to a single nicotine injection with b2*-nAChRs on GABA neurons only, see sketch to the
left. All horizontal scale bars are 200 s and vertical scale bars show 20% relative changes in firing rate. Dashed curves show the control
responses (that is, ß2 on both DA and GABA neurons) for comparison.
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
neurons exhibited a decrease in the amplitude of nicotine
response (Figure 2d). Therefore, in vivo, the immediate firing rate
increase of DAergic cells in response to an acute injection of
nicotine entails DA excitation, and a competition with inhibition,
rather than desensitization of nAChRs on GABAergic interneurons.
Modeling the in vivo response to nicotine
To corroborate the proposed direct excitation mechanism of
nicotine action, we used a minimal model of the VTA microcircuit
to account quantitatively for the recorded responses of DA and
GABA neurons, a model modified from Graupner and Gutkin.
The model reflects the cholinergic (ACh) afferents to the DA and
GABA cells in the VTA, local inhibition of DA cells by GABA neurons
as well as the pharmacology of the nAChRs (Figure 1). In this
minimal model, we chose to leave aside a potential contribution
from local glutamatergic neurons as described very recently, as no
data exist as to their expression of nicotinic receptors.
evoked changes are thus exclusively mediated by b2*-nAChRs
expressed somatically on both DA and GABA neurons. This is in
line with experiments and modeling studies suggesting that the
ß2-containing subtype plays the dominant role in nicotinic
modulation of DA signaling.
The model, see Supplementary Information, fitted to the
recordings of DA and GABA firing rate responses (green and blue
traces in Figure 2), respectively, shows that nicotine drives both
b2*-nAChR activation and desensitization. The early response to
nicotine in DA and GABA neurons, for example, to a single nicotine
injection, is dominated by direct receptor activation that boosts
the firing rates in both neuron types (Figures 2a and b).
Subsequent nicotine injections further recruit receptor desensiti-
zation giving rise to an accommodation in the peak response of
DA cells to nicotine (Figures 2c and d). This accommodation is
stronger for shorter inter-injection intervals (compare Figure 2c for
15-min intervals and Figure 2d for 5 min). In addition, in our model
nicotine-dependent receptor desensitization in GABA neurons
decreases their firing rate below baseline after nicotine clearance,
thereby producing a prolonged elevated DA response in the
model (see Figures 2c and d).
Experimental and model data suggest that receptor desensiti-
zation does not govern the immediate DA response and confirms
the predominant role of early excitation due to acute nicotine. The
model results furthermore suggest that long-lasting disinhibition
might give rise to a secondary delayed and prolonged elevated
DA activity after nicotine clearance (Figures 2c and d). Finally,
these results also suggest that both DA and GABA pathways are
activated by nicotine. Dissociating the consequences of the
activation of the two pathways by acute nicotine on firing of
identified DA cells would confirm the respective role of b2*-
nAChRs on DA and GABA neurons. A simulation of two variants of
the model, that is, where we set b2*-nAChRs to be expressed only
on DA neurons, or only on the GABA neurons, illustrates the
potential benefit of this experiment. The first model gives rise to a
rapid DA activity boost through direct nicotine-evoked excitation
of DA neurons alone (Figure 2e). The second yields only a nicotine-
evoked immediate inhibition of the DA firing rate (Figure 2f). This
predicts that a differential expression of b2*-nAChRs on the DA or
on the GABA neuron would favor excitation versus inhibition of
the DA firing rates.
A novel system for the cell-type-specific expression of nicotinic
To test these respective in vivo roles of the DAergic and GABAergic
neurons in the microcircuits involved in nicotine reinforcement,
we used a Cre recombinase-activated lentiviral expression vector
(Figure 3a) to drive specific b2*-nAChR re-expression in DA or
GABAergic neurons of the VTA. We created two new mouse
lines expressing Cre recombinase only in DAergic neurons
DAT-Cre mice),
or only in GABAergic neurons
GAD67-Cre mice).
I]Epibatidine autoradiography
on coronal brain slices demonstrated the recovery of high-affinity
receptors at the injection site in the VTA and in axon terminals in
the NAc (Figure 3b) for vectorized b2
DAT-Cre mice (referred
to as b2
), but only in the VTA for b2
GAD67-Cre mice
) injected with the floxed lentivirus. Sections of these
mice labeled with epibatidine were quantified, and as shown in
Supplementary Figure S2, restoration of between 70 and 85% of
high-affinity binding sites compared to WT mice were obtained.
We injected mice with a GFP-expressing lentivector (Figure 3a)
to confirm that transgene expression was completely restricted
only to DAergic cells of DAT-Cre mice, and to GABAergic cells of
GAD67-Cre mice (Figure 3c), and to quantify the efficiency of the
re-expression. We found that 75% of DA neurons re-express the
gene with this approach, see Materials and methods. This
correlates well with the restoration observed in the binding
studies. We also established slice electrophysiology of vectorized
mice, see Supplementary Figure S3. We were thus able to
demonstrate in an independent set of experiments that vector-
ization of either the DA or GABA neurons fully restores
responsiveness of high-affinity nAChRs.
We then compared nicotine-evoked modification of firing
pattern in DAergic neurons of WT mice with those of ß2
Supplementary Material for ß2
group definition), b2
mice (Figures 3d and e). Selective re-expression of the
b2 subunit in DAergic neurons only resulted in an increased firing
frequency after systemic nicotine injection, whereas b2
mice exhibited a decrease (Figure 3e). The duration of the DA cell
inhibition in b2
tallies well with the duration of GABAergic
excitation observed in WT animals (Figure 2b). As with the WT
mice (Figures 2c and d), repeated nicotine injections were carried
out as shown in Supplementary Figure S4. Similar to WT mice,
exhibited a decrease in the peak response of DA neurons
to consecutive injections of nicotine (Supplementary Figure S4b).
This is in accordance with model data suggesting that successive
nicotine injections further recruit receptor desensitization and
give rise to an accommodation in the peak response of DA cells to
nicotine. Results suggesting a similar phenomenon were obtained
in b2
mice (Supplementary Figure S4c). Taken together,
these data indicate that ß2*-nAChRs are desensitized by nicotine
at the level of both the DA and GABA neurons. However, in WT
mice, the net effect of this desensitization, at a timescale on the
order of minutes, results in a reduction of the peak response of DA
cells, and not in a strong disinhibition.
These experiments dissociate the competitive effect of direct
nicotine excitation revealed in b2
and the indirect inhibition
through GABAergic nAChR excitation. We had previously shown
that the nicotine-elicited increase in the tonic activity of DA cells is
abolished in b2
mice, and is restored when the b2 subunit is re-
expressed in all neurons of the VTA.
To exclude any possible
contribution from other cell types in the VTA, for example, recently
described glutamatergic interneurons (see Figure 1), we created a
third mouse line crossing the DAT-Cre and GAD67-Cre lines
together onto a b2
background. Injecting theses double
transgenic lines with the floxed b2-expressing lentivirus, referred
to as b2
mice, leads to the targeted expression of the
b2 subunit on both DA and GABA neurons, but not any other cell
type. Injecting nicotine intravenously into these mice and
recording from the DA neurons resulted in a WT pattern of
responding (Figure 3e, bottom).
DA neuron transmits positive and negative motivational value
Midbrain DAergic neuron activity is associated with reward-related
behaviors and positive motivation.
Recent studies suggest that
they also transmit signals related to aversive and alerting events.
We investigated the behavioral effect of selective DA cell
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12& 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
excitation or inhibition by nicotine using an ICSA model based on
choice behavior in a Y-maze
(Figure 4a). In this paradigm, WT
mice actively self-administer nicotine at the dose of 100 ng per
injection (Figure 4b), whereas b2
mice do not acquire this
Here, we report that b2
mice exhibited no acquisition of
nicotine ICSA over the course of daily sessions, as evidenced by
both the number of injections and latency (Figures 4c and d).
However, b2
mice behaved differently from GFP-vectorized
subjects: they exhibited initially a transient approach behavior
toward the nicotine-reinforced arm, but did not develop a stable,
chronic nicotine self-administration over sessions (Supplementary
Figures S5a and b). In contrast, b2
exhibited a decreased
choice of the reinforced arm, which remained below chance level
(Figure 4c). Preferential choice of the non-reinforced arm is
typically associated with the aversive effects of drugs of abuse, as
previously demonstrated with cocaine.
To determine whether
decreasing the nicotine dose would extend ICSA responding, the
mice were tested further with lower concentrations of
nicotine (see Supplementary Figures S5c and d). The use of a 50 ng
dose led to an initial increase quickly followed by chance level
responding, whereas no response was observed with the 10 ng
dose. These results demonstrate that the b2 subunit
expressed selectively on DA or GABA neurons of the VTA encodes,
respectively, for positive or negative motivational value: direct
excitation of DA neurons enhances the incentive value of nicotine,
while inhibition of DA neurons through GABAergic excitation and/
or direct inhibition of GABAergic efferent decreases it. However, in
both cases nicotine effects were transient, as neither the positive
(in b2
mice) nor negative value (in b2
mice) were
followed by subsequent acquisition of steady, chronic ICSA or
A critical role for nicotine-evoked DA burst firing
To identify the mechanisms underlying stable ICSA acquisition, we
studied DA release in response to nicotine and subsequent
downstream signaling in DAergic target areas. In vivo microdialysis
in freely moving mice was carried out to measure DA release
after systemic injection of nicotine. Unlike WT mice, but similar
to KO animals, the DA vectorized group did not exhibit a
nicotine elicited increase in free DA (Figure 5a and Supplementary
labeled Labeled Total
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Figure S6). We then assessed the impact of this lack of DA release
on DA-dependent cellular modifications in the NAc. The mitogen-
activated protein kinase/ERK signaling pathway is activated by
most drugs of abuse, including nicotine, within neurons of the
Interestingly, ERK activation caused by nicotine in the NAc
critically depends on DA D1 receptor activation, as it is blocked by
SCH23390, a D1 receptor antagonist. Furthermore, the blockade of
ERK phosphorylation prevents immediate-early gene expression
and long-lasting behavioral changes associated with exposure to
drugs of abuse.
Quantifying the number of phospho-ERK-
positive nuclei in NAc revealed an abolition of ERK phosphoryla-
tion in response to nicotine in b2
mice (Figure 5b). This
indicates a critical role of b2*-nAChRs in nicotine-elicited ERK
activation in the NAc. It is of interest that we failed to restore ERK
activation caused by nicotine in b2
(Figure 5b). Therefore,
nicotine elicited firing rate increase in b2
is not sufficient to
elicit DA release within the NAc, nor to activate downstream
signaling pathways and maintain ICSA.
We then investigated the causes of transient ICSA. Because they
have distinct influences on learning and motivation, tonic to
phasic activity transitions are an essential component of the DA
reward response.
Indeed, bursts are more effective in
enhancing transmitter release,
and activating immediate-early
genes in DA target areas.
Optogenetic methods have recently
shown that the burst firing of DA neurons is a crucial property for
We have therefore analyzed the burst structures in all of
our groups by calculating the percentage of spikes within a burst
(%SWB ¼ number of spikes within burst divided by total number
of spikes in a 30 s time window, see Supplementary Material for
details). Our previous work had shown that lentiviral re-expression
of high-affinity nAChRs in the VTA using a ubiquitous PGK
promoter results in nicotine-elicited burst firing.
However, burst
analysis in b2
and b2
mice revealed that acute
systemic nicotine did not evoke bursting (Figure 5c). Only WT and
mice, vectorized specifically in DA and GABA
neurons of the VTA, exhibited a significant increase in burst firing.
The analysis of spontaneous, acetylcholine-dependent activity is
shown for firing rate in Figure 5d. This analysis is carried out as
described in our previous publication.
For each neuron,
spontaneous activity was quantified using firing rate (mean
number of spikes per second) in Hz (Figure 5d, left) and %SWB
(Figure 5d, right). These values are defined on the basis of at least
5 min of spontaneous activity before nicotine injection. It
confirmed the role of GABA neurons in burst generation. In
and b2
mice the spontaneous bursting
pattern observed in the WT were restored, which was not the case
in b2
. These results reveal that burst firing is a cooperative
effect resulting from the interplay between direct excitation and
We then tested a b2
group in ICSA to determine
whether habit-forming actions of nicotine could be observed in
the doubly re-expressed mice. We found their nicotine-induced
response to be strikingly similar to WT mice (Figure 5e). In contrast
to b2
mice, b2
displayed a rapid and steady
acquisition of nicotine ICSA. This means that burst firing can be
correlated with stable ICSA acquisition.
One of the critical steps in the transition from nicotine intake to
addiction is the development of nicotine-elicited habits that
contribute to stimulate and maintain chronic consumption. Self-
administration is a powerful behavioral paradigm to investigate
important aspects of these critical early steps toward nicotine
Identifying, in vivo, the neural circuitry underlying
the acquisition of nicotine self-administration provides essential
clues to our understanding of nicotine addiction, and its
Novel lentiviral vectors for the cell-type-specific expression of
nicotinic receptors
One of the major difficulties in analyzing the nicotinic system is
that almost every neuron in the brain, and cells in most other
expresses nAChRs. We have therefore developed a
general method for the neurotransmitter-specific expression of
Figure 3. Generation and analysis of b2
, b2
and b2
mice. (a ) Schematic representation of the lentiviral vectors used
in this study, conditionally expressing the b2 subunit or eGFP. Cre recombinase recognizes the two loxP sites and removes the mCherry-Stop
DNA sequence, activating b2 subunit expression. Restriction enzymes used in the DNA construct are indicated above the vector. (b)
I]Epibatidine autoradiography on coronal brain slices of axon terminals in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) (top) and in the ventral tegmental
area (VTA) (bottom), in b2
mice (left) and b2
(right) mice. Arrowheads point to axonal label in the NAc and arrows to somatic
label in the VTA (circled). (c) mCherry and eGFP expression in VTA sections of DAT-Cre and GAD67-Cre mice. eGFP expression (green) is
restricted to tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons (blue) of DAT-Cre mice (left) and to TH-negative neurons of GAD67-Cre mice (right).
mCherry expression (red) was only found in TH-negative neurons of DAT-Cre mice (left), and only in TH-positive neurons of GAD67-Cre mice
(right). Scale bar, 20 mm. (d) Summary of the size of DAergic neuron populations used in this study and proportion of labeled cells. (Top, left)
Example of labeling showing colocalization of neurobiotin (blue) and TH (red), allowing identification of the recorded neuron. (Top, right)
Raster plot of raw traces from electrophysiological recordings; 50 s before and 50 s after nicotine injection (Nic) are shown. Colors correspond
to b2
(green), b2
(red) and b2
(blue). Scale bar, 10 s. (Bottom) Table summarizing the pool of DA neurons recorded and
labeled in this study. (e) Nicotine-elicited modifications of firing frequency (mean
s.e.m.) in VTA DAergic neurons. Sketches to the left
indicate the differential expression of the b2*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) (yellow) in DA (green) or GABA neurons (blue), and
the recorded neuron (electrode, always the DA neuron). Vertical dashed line indicates the nicotine injection (blue). Horizontal dashed line
indicates the baseline level (red). (Top) DAergic neurons in b2
mice (green, n ¼ 20, mean of basal firing rate 2.62
0.24 Hz, mean of the
maximal variation þ 22.54
7.03%, P ¼ 0.00032, Wilcoxons signed-rank test). (Second row) DAergic neurons in b2
mice (red, n ¼ 27, mean
of basal firing rate 2.28
0.17 Hz, mean of the maximal variation þ 2.62
0.24%, P ¼ 0.7, Wilcoxons signed-rank test). (Third row) DAergic
neurons in b2
mice (blue, n ¼ 30, mean of basal firing rate 3.48
0.33 Hz, mean of the maximal variation 22
3.7%, P ¼ 6 10
Wilcoxons signed-rank test ). (Bottom) DAergic neurons in b2
mice (purple, n ¼ 13, mean of basal firing rate 2.29
0.43 Hz, mean
of maximal variation þ 53.16
25.81%, P ¼ 0.00012, paired Wilcoxon’s test). Group comparison: wild-type (WT) vs ß2
, P ¼ 6 10
, P ¼ 1.6 10
vs b2
, P ¼ 0.006; ß2
vs b2
, P ¼ 1.56 10
; b2
vs b2
, P ¼ 0.00067 (Wil-
coxons signed-rank test with a sequential Bonferroni correction). WT was first compared to ß2
. If significant, a series of six comparisons
were then performed (WT or ß2/ vs b 2
, b2
or b2
), only significant comparisons are indicated (see Supple-
mentary Material). b2, mouse wild-type b2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit cDNA; cPPT, central polypurine tract; CTS, central termi-
nation sequence; DA, dopamine; DU3, 400bp deletion in 3
-LTR; eGFP, enhanced green fluorescent protein cDNA; GABA, g-aminobutyric acid;
loxP, recognition sites for Cre recombinase; LTR, long terminal repeats; mCherry, monomeric red Cherry fluorescent protein coding sequence;
PDGF-b, platelet-derived growth factor b chain promoter; 3
-PPT, 3
-polypurine tract; RNA pack, genomic RNA packaging signal; RRE, rev
response element; Stop, multiple STOP codons; VEC, vector.
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12& 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
nAChRs through lentiviral vectors in the brain and applied it to the
VTA of mice, the principal target of all drugs of abuse.
In the
case of nicotine addiction, the cellular organization and relevant
pharmacology of the VTA is complex as different nAChRs are
present on a variety of cell types: DAergic projection neurons, local
GABAergic neurons and terminals from cortical, pallidal and
tegmental afferents (see Figure 1). Recently, also glutamatergic
neurons have been identified in the VTA, but no data exist as to
their expression of nicotinic receptors.
We have focused on
the contribution of nAChRs on GABAergic neurons, which has
been a challenging and little explored issue.
Our system
allowed us to re-express exclusively the b2 nAChR subunit,
responsible for high-affinity nAChRs, on either DAergic or
GABAergic cells, or both in b2
mice, in the VTA of
b2 KOs. We demonstrate that the increase or decrease of DA firing
frequency caused by nicotine acting exclusively on DA or GABA
cells, respectively, correlates with positive or negative incentive
value to drug-associated cues. However, only the concerted
activation of nAChRs on DAergic and GABAergic cells correlates
with the acquisition of a steady nicotine self-administration.
A crucial role for burst firing of DAergic neurons in nicotine
We show that a particular firing pattern of the DA neurons, burst
firing, is a critical physiological mechanism required for the long-
term acquisition of nicotine self-administration. Tonic to phasic
transition is an essential part of the functional role of the DAergic
DA cell bursts of action potentials are related to elevated
DA outflow and to the signaling of novel rewards or environ-
mental stimuli.
Disruption of NMDA receptor-dependent burst
firing impairs the acquisition of several conditioned behavioral
responses and learning about cues that predict salient events.
addition, optogenetic tools have been used recently to demon-
strate that DA bursting activity is sufficient to mediate reinforce-
Burst firing can be triggered by a number of events.
Among these are glutamatergic receptor activation,
activation of
voltage-gated ion channels following NMDA receptor activation,
alteration of SK conductance
and decrease of tonic GABAergic
inhibition. However, our results suggest that cholinergic input,
relying on the activation of a4a6b2*-nAChR expressed within the
play the role of a permissive gate that allows these
various stimuli to trigger burst firing.
In this paper we show, however, that b2*-nAChRs at the level of
VTA DA cells alone are not sufficient to restore bursts evoked by
nicotine. Accordingly, as a functional readout, we failed to restore
ERK activation induced in the NAc by nicotine in b2
and an increase in DA release. These data suggest, first, that an
increase in frequency due to b2*-nAChRs on DA cells can be
dissociated from enhancement of bursting, and second, that
cholinergic input from tegmental nuclei also has a key role on
GABA cells, and on burst control.
Redefining the role for VTA GABA neurons
The role we assign to GABAergic interneurons in the VTA differs
significantly from proposals formulated over the past decade on
the basis of data obtained with in vitro slice preparations.
Although Mansvelder and McGehee
did show some transient
activation of GABAergic neurons in slices, all subsequent models
describing the acute effect of nicotine on DA cell excitability were
centered on disinhibition following GABA cell desensitization, and
glutamatergic activation. Our results emphasize the role of ß2*-
nAChRs on DA cells to increase firing, and importantly, on the
interplay between DA and GABA activation to produce burst firing,
the key property of DA neurons. An increase in GABAergic activity,
and not a decrease, is thus necessary to shape DA cell bursting.
Our initial results on GABA neuron activation (Figure 2b) might
be seen difficult to interpret directly as a GABA-mediated
inhibition for two reasons. First, in these experiments we recorded
‘putative’ GABAergic neurons. Second, GABAergic neurons in the
VTA are not exclusively interneurons as some of them project to
the same forebrain targets as do the DA neurons.
dependent excitation could thus be an exclusive property of
GABAergic neurons that project outside the VTA. To circumvent
conclusively these issues, we focused our electrophysiological
analyses on DA cells, and on the effect of ß2*-nAChR activation on
GABAergic interneurons using cell-type-specific expression of
nicotinic receptors (Figure 3). Our results demonstrate that these
GABAergic interneurons are activated by nicotine, and conse-
quently inhibit DA cell firing (see Figure 3e). This major novel
finding is substantiated by unambiguous identification and
labeling of the recorded DA neurons (see Figure 3d and
Supplementary Information). Interestingly, the minimal computa-
tional model with nAChRs expressed only on the DA cells also
reproduces the shorter time courses of the DA response in
animals as compared to the WT (compare green and
grey lines in Figure 2e). And in the models with GABA-nAChRs, an
increase above baseline after inhibition is observed in b2
(compare Figure 2e to Figure 2f). This further supports the notion
Figure 4. b2 Subunit re-expressed either on dopaminergic (DAergic)
or g-aminobutyric acid-releasing (GABAergic) neurons of the ventral
tegmental area (VTA) encodes, respectively, for positive or negative
motivational value. (a) The mouse model of intracranial nicotine self-
administration (ICSA). (Left) Detailed three-dimensional sketch of the
Y-maze apparatus used to assess choice of the nicotine-reinforced vs
non-reinforced arm. (Right, top) Example of mouse implanted with
the injection guide. (Right, bottom) Micro-connector, guide cannula
and cannula used for intracranial injection of nicotine. Scale bar,
5mm. (b Intra-VTA nicotine self-administration in wild-type (WT)
(*Po0.05; **Po0.01; ***Po0.001; WT vs b2
(red; c). On the
abscissa, the daily test sessions from days 1 to 7. On the left ordinate,
the number of self-administration events per 10 daily trials, corre-
sponding to the filled circles. On the right ordinate, self-injection
latency in seconds. 111Po0.001, session effect. (c) Intra-VTA nicotine
self-administration in vectorized mice. Number of self-administra-
tions in b2
(green), b2
(red) and b2
(blue) mice per
daily session (abscissa, 1--7) expressed as mean
s.e.m., with 100 ng
nicotine (as salt) per self-administered dose (*Po0.05; **Po0.01;
***Po0.001; b2
or b2
vs b2
; two-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA); genotype effect: F(2,30) ¼ 6.292, Po0.01; session
effect: F(6,180) ¼ 0.793, NS). (d) Self-injection latency in b2
(blue), b2
(green) and b2
(red) mice. Ordinate, self-injec-
tion latency in seconds per daily session (abscissa, days 1--7) is ex-
pressed as mean
s.e.m., with 100 ng nicotine (as salt) per self-
administered dose (*Po0.05; **Po0.01; ***Po0.001; b2
vs b2
). VEC, vectorized.
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
that late, but not short-term, DA responses are governed by
receptor desensitization.
We also show that cholinergic modulation of GABAergic cells is
required for spontaneous DA neuron bursting. Recent data
suggest that GABAergic input can act through phasic disinhibition
as an excitatory drive, promoting rebound burst firing in DA
In line with this view, our results demonstrate
conclusively that re-expression of the b2 subunit in GABA neurons
allows spontaneous burst firing in DA neurons. In b2
mice, increased GABAergic input causes increased IPSPs in DA
neurons, which has been shown to produce irregular firing
allowing us to link the restoration of spontaneous
bursting in DA neurons with the cholinergic modulation of GABA
neuron activity.
Finally, burst firing and irregularity would require a balance
between excitation and inhibition. Strong and synchronous
activation of GABAergic cells, such as those caused by nicotine
in b2
DA neurons, cannot evoke bursting in DA cells if it is
not counterbalanced by excitation. We suggest that this balance is
endorsed by b2*-nAChRs expressed, respectively, at the DA and
GABA level within the VTA as suggested by our results on
Sal Nac Sal Nac Sal Nac
DA release (% of basal)
Number of PERK
positive cells
Nicotine Saline
Nb of Self-Administrations
Self-Injection latency (sec)
Sal Nac Sal Nac Sal Nac
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12& 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Towards a comprehensive understanding of the in vivo effects of
There are a number of conundrums in the study of the in vivo
effects of nicotine: we show that, in mice, nicotine modulates the
nAChRs in a few seconds, activation of DA neurons persists for
about 10 min, and nicotine-dependent axonal release of DA lasts
for 1--2 h. Finally, behavioral effects such as those observed in self-
administration protocols take several days to be established. We
have started to tackle the mechanisms of these different
timescales and their significance. In particular, our computational
modeling shows that a rapid phasic increase of DA activity, and
hence a DA output spike, is likely to be due to the direct excitation
of receptors on DA neurons, whereas the longer lasting increase of
DA firing rate by nicotine is due to desensitization of GABA neuron
nAChRs. The latter may also be a mechanism that shifts the DA cell
activity from tonic to bursting.
Further computational study has
suggested that receptor desensitization by nicotine may play an
important role in shaping DA responses to environmental
stimuli, notably reducing the impact of negative motivational
stimuli and rendering DA responding to previously learned stimuli
again labile.
It is generally admitted that tobacco and nicotine are repeatedly
used because they provide positive feelings, and that this is linked
with the increased activity in the mesocorticolimbic DA system.
There is some initial evidence that VTA DAergic cells encode
rewarding and aversive stimuli by increases and decreases of their
firing frequency, respectively.
We show here with our experi-
ments using b2
and b2
mice that this increase in
DA firing frequency caused by nicotine correlates with a positive
or negative incentive value to stimuli, whereas decreased DA
firing frequency and increased VTA GABA neuron activity
correlates with a negative incentive value. Indeed, we cannot
exclude that VTA GABA neurons may alter reward function not
only by their interaction with DA neurons and their burst patterns,
but also with their interaction with the downstream targets in the
mesolimbic and mesocortical DA terminal fields, or the tegmen-
However, this result suggests that nicotine can transmit
positive and negative value as a function of its action on
DAergic or GABAergic neurons in the VTA. A number of different
drugs, and in particular nicotine, have been postulated to act
through disinhibition of the DA system.
According to this view,
the GABAergic system acts to support and enhance excitatory
input to DA neurons via somatic or presynaptic activation.
Our results rather suggest that, while a predominant influence
of GABA would elicit mainly aversive effects,
the co-activation
of DA and GABA systems is required for the habit-forming action
of nicotine.
A novel mechanism, potentially defining a novel drug target
We elucidate, for the first time, microcircuits engaged in vivo in a
critical step of drug addiction and its regulation by endogenous
neurotransmitters. We propose that within the VTA, DA-GABA
neuron interplay is essential for the acquisition of persistent
nicotine-directed behavior. Now, we need to further establish the
role of GABAergic neurons in the chronic response to nicotine.
Future studies should investigate how GABAergic activity is
required for the long-term maintenance of nicotine dependence
and the relevant loss of control, thus identifying a potentially
novel drug target. Chronic nicotine exposure upregulates
specifically the amount of nAChRs containing the a4 subunit in
GABAergic neurons.
Our study thus could pave the way
for the development and pre-clinical testing of smoking cessation
agents, targeting the heteromeric a4b2-containing receptors on
Figure 5. Bursting activity and pharmacological consequences. (a) Microdialysis measuring extracellular dopamine (DA) levels in the nucleus
accumbens (NAc) shell, showing area under the curve values (AUC, mean
s.e.m. as % of baseline) during a 2 h post-treatment period.
*Po0.05 and NS ¼ not statistically significant (wild-type (WT), black, n ¼ 9; b2
, red, n ¼ 6; b2
, green, n ¼ 7 mice per group). Open bars,
injection of saline. Filled-in bars, response to nicotine. (b) Quantification of increase in the number of phosphorylated-extracellular signal-
regulated kinase (P-ERK)-positive nuclei after acute nicotine injection in mice. (Top) Photomicrographs of the NAc showing P-ERK im-
munostained neurons af ter saline (upper row) and nicotine (bottom row) administration. Arrowheads point to several P-ERK-positive nuclei.
(Bottom) Quantification of increase in the number of P-ERK-positive nuclei after acute nicotine injection in WT mice (black, n ¼ 4 for saline and
nicotine, Po0.05, Wilcoxons signed-rank test), b2
mice (red, n ¼ 3 for saline and nicotine, P40.05, exact Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test),
mice (green, n ¼ 3 for saline and nicotine, P40.05, Wilcoxons signed-rank test). (c) Nicotine-elicited modifications of the percent of
spikes within bursts (%SWB) (mean
s.e.m.) in VTA DAergic neurons of WT mice (black, n ¼ 43, mean of the maximal variation þ 15.42
P ¼ 6.78 10
, paired Wilcoxons test), b2
(green, n ¼ 20, mean of the maximal variation þ 0.97
1.03%, P ¼ 0.724, paired Wilcoxons
test), b2
(n ¼ 27, mean of the maximal variation þ 0.27
0.69%, P ¼ 0.16, paired Wilcoxon’s test), b2
(blue, n ¼ 30, mean of the
maximal variation 3.76
1.63%, P ¼ 0.0025, paired Wilcoxons test) and b2
mice (purple, n ¼ 13, mean of the maximal variation
þ 6.49
1.67%, P ¼ 0.0028, paired Wilcoxons test). Vertical dashed line indicates the nicotine injection (blue). Horizontal dashed lines indicate
the baseline level (red, for value see d). Group comparison: WT vs ß2
, P ¼ 0.005; WT vs b2
, P ¼ 0.005; WT vs b2
P ¼ 8.4 10
vs b2
, P ¼ 3.7 10
; b2
vs b2
, P ¼ 0.0005 (Wilcoxons signed rank test with a sequential
Bonferroni correction, only significant comparisons are indicated, see Supplementary Material). (d) Quantification of spontaneous firing of DA
cells. (Left) Bar-plot representation of the mean basal firing rate (Hz) represented as means
s.e.m. WT (black, n ¼ 43, mean ¼ 3.31
0.27 Hz),
(red, n ¼ 27, mean ¼ 2.28
0.17 Hz), ß2
(green, n ¼ 20, mean ¼ 2.62
0.24 Hz), ß2
(blue, n ¼ 30, mean ¼ 3.48
0.33 Hz)
and b2
mice (purple, n ¼ 30, mean ¼ 2.29
0.43 Hz). Group comparison: WT vs b2
, P ¼ 0.006; b2
vs ß2
, P ¼ 0.004
(Wilcoxons signed-rank test with a sequential Bonferroni correction, **Po0.01; see Figure 3e and Supplementary Material for statistical
procedures). (Right) Bar-plot representation of the %SWB represented as means
s.e.m. WT (black, mean ¼ 11.19
2.75%), b2
(red, n ¼ 27,
mean ¼ 1.38
0.64%), b2
(green, n ¼ 20, mean ¼ 1.74
1.13%), b2
(blue, n ¼ 30, mean ¼ 15.08
5.09%) and b2
mice (purple, n ¼ 13, mean ¼ 9.37
5.38%). Group comparison: WT vs b2
, P ¼ 0.001; WT vs ß2
, P ¼ 0.0048; b2
vs ß2
P ¼ 0.0073; b2
vs ß2
, P ¼ 0.012 (Wilcoxons signed-rank test with a sequential Bonferroni correction, only significant com-
parisons are indicated; see Figure 3e and Supplementary Material for statistical procedures). (e) Number of self-administrations (circle, solid
line) in b2
(empty circle) and WT mice (full circle) per daily session (abscissa, 1--5) expressed as mean
s.e.m., with 100 ng nicotine
(as salt) per self-administered dose (two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), genotype effect: F(1,10) ¼ 2.357, NS; session effect: F(4,40) ¼ 17.136,
Po0.001; genotype session effect: F(4,40) ¼ 1.717, NS. *Po0.05; **Po0.01; ***Po0.001 as compared to chance level). b2
displayed a steady nicotine self-administration and earned significantly more self-injections than b2
(F1,14 ¼ 7.738, Po0.02) and b2
(F1,12 ¼ 16.331, Po0.01). As typically observed during acquisition of intracranial self-administration (ICSA), the self-injection latency (triangle,
dashed lines) decreased over sessions, this effect being similar in b2
(empty triangle) and WT (full triangle) (genotype effect:
F1,10 ¼ 0.126, NS; Session effect: F4,40 ¼ 3.247, Po0.05). b2
also triggered nicotine injections faster than b2
(F1,14 ¼ 8.735,
Po0.01) and tend to be even faster than b2
, which are known to exhibit a spontaneously active phenotype (F1,12 ¼ 4.213, Po0.06). VEC,
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
GABAergic interneurons, and not DAergic receptors, as frequently
attempted by pharmaceutical companies.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
We thank Benoı
t Forget and Henri Korn for helpful comments on the manuscript, and
Jochen Roeper for help with slice electrophysiology. This work was supported by the
Institut Pasteur, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS URA 2182, UMR
7102, UMR 5287 and ATIP programme, the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR
Neuroscience, Neurologie et Psychiatrie 2005 and 2009, and ANR BLANC 2009),
le IdF, INSERM U960, the RTRA Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris and the
Bettencourt Schueller Foundation. The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under Grant no.
HEALTH-F2-2008-202088 (‘NeuroCypres’ project to U.M.). ST acknowledges financial
support from Fondation de la Recherche Me
dicale (FRM), and Pasteur-Weizmann.
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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on the Molecular Psychiatry website (
DA--GABA interactions in nicotine reinforcement
S Tolu et al
Molecular Psychiatry (2012), 1 -- 12 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited
... The capacity of nicotine to enhance memory consolidation arises via its direct interactions with the endogenous cholinergic system. The primary reinforcing effects of nicotine occur through its ability to increase neuronal activity in the reward circuitry of the brain (Tolu et al., 2013). By binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), nicotine permits ion exchange, triggering depolarization and facilitating the Ca 2+ -dependent release of many other neurotransmitters (Dajas-Bailador and Wonnacott, 2004). ...
... Acute alcohol drinking stimulates gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, dampening brain activity and reducing anxiety (40). However, chronic alcohol consumption can lead to tolerance to GABA-ergic effects, and adaptation puts the brain into a constant state of anxiety and depression (40,41); regional changes in nicotinic receptor function in the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area have also been reported (42). Such decreases in reward system function may persist in adverse long-term biochemical changes contributing to the clinical syndrome of acute withdrawal and prolonged abstinence (43,44). ...
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Objective Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a common mental disorder characterized by repeated withdrawal episodes. Negative emotions during withdrawal are the primary factors affecting successful abstinence. Oxytocin is a critical modulator of emotions. OXTR, the oxytocin receptor, may also be a promising candidate for treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Previous studies indicated that people with different genotypes of OXTR rs2254298 were reported to suffer from more significant depressive or heightened anxiety symptoms when experiencing early adversity. The present study aims to explore the modulatory role of the polymorphism OXTR rs2254298 on mood disorders during alcohol withdrawal and to help researchers better understand and develop effective relapse prevention and interventions for alcohol use disorders. Methods We recruited 265 adult Chinese Han men with AUD. Anxiety and depressive symptoms were measured using the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and Self-Rating Depression Scale. Alcohol dependence levels were measured using Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. Genomic DNA extraction and genotyping from participants’ peripheral blood samples. Result First, a multiple linear regression was used to set the alcohol dependence level, OXTR.rs2254298, interaction terms as the primary predictor variable, and depression or anxiety as an outcome; age and educational years were covariates. There was a significant interaction between OXTR rs2254298 and alcohol dependence level on anxiety (B = 0.23, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.01–0.45) but not on depression (B = −0.06, 95% CI: −0.30 – 0.18). The significance region test showed that alcohol-dependent men who are GG homozygous were more likely to experience anxiety symptoms than subjects with the A allele (A allele: β = 0.27, p < 0.001; GG homozygote: β = 0.50, p < 0.001). Finally, re-parameterized regression analysis demonstrated that this gene–environment interaction of OXTR rs2254298 and alcohol dependence on anxiety fits the weak differential susceptibility model (R² = 0.17, F (5,259) = 13.46, p < 0.001). Conclusion This study reveals a gene–environment interactive effect between OXTR rs2254298 and alcohol withdrawal on anxiety but not depression. From the perspective of gene–environment interactions, this interaction fits the differential susceptibility model; OXTR rs2254298 GG homozygote carriers are susceptible to the environment and are likely to experience anxiety symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.
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Nicotine intake is likely to result from a balance between the rewarding and aversive properties of the drug, yet the individual differences in neural activity that control aversion to nicotine and their adaptation during the addiction process remain largely unknown. Using a two-bottle choice experiment, we observed considerable heterogeneity in nicotine-drinking profiles in isogenic adult male mice, with about half of the mice persisting in nicotine consumption even at high concentrations, whereas the other half stopped consuming. We found that nicotine intake was negatively correlated with nicotine-evoked currents in the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN), and that prolonged exposure to nicotine, by weakening this response, decreased aversion to the drug, and hence boosted consumption. Lastly, using knock-out mice and local gene re-expression, we identified β4-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of IPN neurons as molecular and cellular correlates of nicotine aversion. Collectively, our results identify the IPN as a substrate for individual variabilities and adaptations in nicotine consumption.
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Nicotine intake is likely to result from a balance between the rewarding and aversive properties of the drug, yet the individual differences in neural activity that control aversion to nicotine and their adaptation during the addiction process remain largely unknown. Using a two-bottle choice experiment, we observed considerable heterogeneity in nicotine-drinking profiles in isogenic adult male mice, with about half of the mice persisting in nicotine consumption even at high concentrations, whereas the other half stopped consuming. We found that nicotine intake was negatively correlated with nicotine-evoked currents in the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN), and that prolonged exposure to nicotine, by weakening this response, decreased aversion to the drug, and hence boosted consumption. Lastly, using knock-out mice and local gene re-expression, we identified β4-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of IPN neurons as molecular and cellular correlates of nicotine aversion. Collectively, our results identify the IPN as a substrate for individual variabilities and adaptations in nicotine consumption.
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Nicotine intake is likely to result from a balance between the rewarding and aversive properties of the drug, yet the individual differences in neural activity that control aversion to nicotine and their adaptation during the addiction process remain largely unknown. Using a two-bottle choice experiment, we observed considerable heterogeneity in nicotine-drinking profiles in isogenic adult male mice, with about half of the mice persisting in nicotine consumption even at high concentrations, whereas the other half stopped consuming. We found that nicotine intake was negatively correlated with nicotine-evoked currents in the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN), and that prolonged exposure to nicotine, by weakening this response, decreased aversion to the drug, and hence boosted consumption. Lastly, using knock-out mice and local gene re-expression, we identified β4-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of IPN neurons as molecular and cellular correlates of nicotine aversion. Collectively, our results identify the IPN as a substrate for individual variabilities and adaptations in nicotine consumption.
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Nicotine intake is likely to result from a balance between the rewarding and aversive properties of the drug, yet the individual differences in neural activity that control aversion to nicotine and their adaptation during the addiction process remain largely unknown. Using a two-bottle choice experiment, we observed considerable heterogeneity in nicotine-drinking profiles in isogenic adult male mice, with about half of the mice persisting in nicotine consumption even at high concentrations, whereas the other half stopped consuming. We found that nicotine intake was negatively correlated with nicotine-evoked currents in the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN), and that prolonged exposure to nicotine, by weakening this response, decreased aversion to the drug, and hence boosted consumption. Lastly, using knock-out mice and local gene re-expression, we identified b4-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of IPN neurons as molecular and cellular correlates of nicotine aversion. Collectively, our results identify the IPN as a substrate for individual variabilities and adaptations in nicotine consumption.
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Mesolimbic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChRs) activation is necessary for nicotine reinforcement behavior, but it is unknown whether selective activation of nAChRs in the dopamine (DA) reward pathway is sufficient to support nicotine reinforcement. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that activation of β2-containing (β2*) nAChRs on VTA neurons is sufficient for intravenous nicotine self-administration (SA). We expressed β2 nAChR subunits with enhanced sensitivity to nicotine (referred to as β2Leu9′Ser) in the VTA of male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, enabling very low concentrations of nicotine to selectively activate β2* nAChRs on transduced neurons. Rats expressing β2Leu9′Ser subunits acquired nicotine SA at 1.5 μg/kg/infusion, a dose too low to support acquisition in control rats. Saline substitution extinguished responding for 1.5 μg/kg/inf, verifying that this dose was reinforcing. β2Leu9′Ser nAChRs also supported acquisition at the typical training dose in rats (30 μg/kg/inf) and reducing the dose to 1.5 μg/kg/inf caused a significant increase in the rate of nicotine SA. Viral expression of β2Leu9′Ser subunits only in VTA DA neurons (via TH-Cre rats) also enabled acquisition of nicotine SA at 1.5 μg/kg/inf, and saline substitution significantly attenuated responding. Next, we examined electrically-evoked DA release in slices from β2Leu9′Ser rats with a history of nicotine SA. Single-pulse evoked DA release and DA uptake rate were reduced in β2Leu9′Ser NAc slices, but relative increases in DA following a train of stimuli were preserved. These results are the first to report that β2* nAChR activation on VTA neurons is sufficient for nicotine reinforcement in rats.
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders is a book series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) and other nerve disorders. The scope of the book series covers a range of topics including the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and biochemistry of contemporary molecular targets involved in neurological and CNS disorders. Reviews presented in the series are mainly focused on clinical and therapeutic aspects of novel drugs intended for these targets. Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders is a valuable resource for pharmaceutical scientists and postgraduate students seeking updated and critical information for developing clinical trials and devising research plans in the field of neurology. The eleventh volume of this series features reviews that cover the following topics related to the treatment of a variety of CNS disorders, related diseases, and basic research: The Multi-target Directed Ligands candidate (MTDLs) prototypes for neurodegenerative diseases Drugs for relapse prevention in addiction Neuroprotective activities of cinnamic acids and their derivatives in neurodegenerative disorders Phytosome for targeted delivery of natural compounds in treating alzheimer's disease Physical activity as a non-pharmacologic method for treatment of alzheimer's disease
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Nicotine prominently mediates the behavioral effects of tobacco consumption, either through smoking or when taking tobacco by snuff or chew. However, many studies question the exclusive role of nicotine in these effects. The use of preparations containing all the components of tobacco, such as tobacco and smoke extracts, may be more suitable than nicotine alone to investigate the behavioral effects of smoking and tobacco intake. In the present study, the electrophysiological effects of tobacco and smoke on ventral tegmental area dopaminergic (DA) neurons were examined in vivo in anesthetized wild-type (WT), β2-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) knockout (β2-/-), α4-/-, and α6-/- mice and compared with those of nicotine alone. In WT mice, smoke and nicotine had similar potentiating effects on DA cell activity, but the action of tobacco on neuronal firing was weak and often inhibitory. In particular, nicotine triggered strong bursting activity, whereas no bursting activity was observed after tobacco extract (ToE) administration. In β2-/- mice, nicotine or extract elicited no modification of the firing patterns of DA cells, indicating that extract acts predominantly through nAChRs. The differences between DA cell activation profiles induced by tobacco and nicotine alone observed in WT persisted in α6-/- mice but not in α4-/- mice. These results would suggest that tobacco has lower addiction-generating properties compared with either nicotine alone or smoke. The weak activation and prominent inhibition obtained with ToEs suggest that tobacco contains compounds that counteract some of the activating effects of nicotine and promote inhibition on DA cell acting through α4β2*-nAChRs. The nature of these compounds remains to be elucidated. It nevertheless confirms that nicotine is the main substance involved in the tobacco addiction-related activation of mesolimbic DA neurons.
A major goal of research on addiction is to identify the molecular mechanisms of long-lasting behavioural alterations induced by drugs of abuse. Cocaine and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) activate extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in the striatum and blockade of the ERK pathway prevents establishment of conditioned place preference to these drugs. However, it is not known whether activation of ERK in the striatum is specific for these two drugs and/or this brain region. We studied the appearance of phospho-ERK immunoreactive neurons in CD-1 mouse brain following acute administration of drugs commonly abused by humans, cocaine, morphine, nicotine and THC, or of other psychoactive compounds including caffeine, scopolamine, antidepressants and antipsychotics. Each drug generated a distinct regional pattern of ERK activation. All drugs of abuse increased ERK phosphorylation in nucleus accumbens, lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, central amygdala and deep layers of prefrontal cortex, through a dopamine D1 receptor-dependent mechanism. Although some non-addictive drugs moderately activated ERK in a few of these areas, they never induced this combined pattern of strong activation. Antidepressants and caffeine activated ERK in hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Typical antipsychotics mildly activated ERK in dorsal striatum and superficial prefrontal cortex, whereas clozapine had no effect in the striatum, but more widespread effects in cortex and amygdala. Our results outline a subset of structures in which ERK activation might specifically contribute to the long-term effects of drugs of abuse, and suggest mapping ERK activation in brain as a way to identify potential sites of action of psychoactive drugs.
Nicotine exerts its reinforcing action by boosting dopamine output from the ventral tegmental area (VTA). This increase results from stimulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). However while much is known about the receptor mechanisms of nicotine actions several issues remain to be clarified. One is how the receptor-level action results in acquisition and maintenance of nicotine addiction. Another is what are the specific circuit level neural pathways of nicotine acute action on the dopamine system. In fact invivo and in vitro experiments reach contradictory conclusions about the key target of nicotine action: direct DA cell stimulation or indirect effects mediated through GABAergic interneurons. We address these issues through computational modeling first through a global framework taking into account multiple-time scales of nicotine effect and second modeling the VTA circuitry and nAChR function which allows to pinpoint the specific contributions of various nAChRs to the DA signal. We show that the GABA interneurons play a central role in mediating nicotine action. Our results propose mechanisms by which the VTA mediates the rewarding properties of nicotine.
We present a new method to detect and count bright spots in fluorescence images coming from biological immunomicroscopy experiments. It is based on the multiscale product of subband images resulting from the à trous wavelet transform decomposition of the original image, after thresholding of non-significant coefficients. The multiscale correlation of the filtered wavelet coefficients, which allows to enhance multiscale peaks due to spots while reducing noise, combines information coming from different levels of resolution and gives a clear and distinctive chacterization of the spots. Results are presented for the analysis of typical immunofluorescence images.
There are several brain regions that have been implicated in the control of motivated behavior and whose disruption leads to the pathophysiology observed in major psychiatric disorders. These systems include the ventral hippocampus, which is involved in context and focus on tasks, the amygdala, which mediates emotional behavior, and the prefrontal cortex, which modulates activity throughout the limbic system to enable behavioral flexibility. Each of these systems has overlapping projections to the nucleus accumbens, where these inputs are integrated under the modulatory influence of dopamine. Here, we provide a systems-oriented approach to interpreting the function of the dopamine system, its modulation of limbic-cortical interactions and how disruptions within this system might underlie the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and drug abuse.