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A global climatic risk assessment of pitch canker disease

  • Neiker-BRTA, Campus Agroalimentario de Arkaute, 01080,. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

Abstract and Figures

Pitch canker is a devastating disease of Pinus spp. and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. The pathogen responsible for this disease, Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O'Donnell, has spread to many countries within the last three decades. The susceptibility of the widely planted commercial species Pinus radiata D.Don to this pathogen has been of concern to pine forest industries worldwide. Using the process-based distribution program CLIMEX, the global risk of pitch canker establishment was predicted based on a number of climatic variables. The predicted risk of pitch canker establishment by CLIMEX fit well with regions known to have the disease, such as the southeastern United States and Spain. Conversely, the model predicted that the climate in California was not optimal for pitch canker, which fits with the observed lower frequency of natural infections and the strong association with insects in this region. Likewise, Chile, which is known to have F. circinatum in the nurseries but not in the plantation forests, was also predicted to have marginal to suitable climatic conditions for pitch canker establishment. Regions of China, Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand were predicted to have optimal climate conditions for disease establishment. Thus, continued strict quarantine regulations are recommended to prevent the establishment and spread of this pathogen in these countries.
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A global climatic risk assessment of pitch canker
Rebecca J. Ganley, Michael S. Watt, Lucy Manning, and Eugenia Iturritxa
Abstract: Pitch canker is a devastating disease of Pinus spp. and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. The pathogen re-
sponsible for this disease, Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O’Donnell, has spread to many countries within the last three
decades. The susceptibility of the widely planted commercial species Pinus radiata D.Don to this pathogen has been of
concern to pine forest industries worldwide. Using the process-based distribution program CLIMEX, the global risk of
pitch canker establishment was predicted based on a number of climatic variables. The predicted risk of pitch canker es-
tablishment by CLIMEX fit well with regions known to have the disease, such as the southeastern United States and
Spain. Conversely, the model predicted that the climate in California was not optimal for pitch canker, which fits with the
observed lower frequency of natural infections and the strong association with insects in this region. Likewise, Chile,
which is known to have F. circinatum in the nurseries but not in the plantation forests, was also predicted to have mar-
ginal to suitable climatic conditions for pitch canker establishment. Regions of China, Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand
were predicted to have optimal climate conditions for disease establishment. Thus, continued strict quarantine regulations
are recommended to prevent the establishment and spread of this pathogen in these countries.
´:Le chancre re
´sineux est une maladie de
´vastatrice chez les espe
`ces de Pinus et Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.)
Franco. L’agent pathoge
`ne responsable de cette maladie, Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O’Donnell, s’est propage
plusieurs pays au cours des trois dernie
`res de
´cennies. La susceptibilite
´de Pinus radiata D.Don, une espe
`ce commerciale
`grande e
´chelle, a
`cet agent pathoge
`ne pre
´occupe les industries forestie
`res qui utilisent le pin partout dans le
monde. Gra
ˆce au programme de distribution CLIMEX, base
´sur les processus, le risque d’e
´tablissement du chancre re
eux a
´chelle du globe a e
´dit a
`partir de plusieurs variables du climat. Le risque d’e
´tablissement du chancre re
eux pre
´dit par CLIMEX correspond bien aux re
´gions ou
`la maladie est pre
´sente, telles que le sud-est des E
´tats-Unis et
l’Espagne. A
`l’inverse, le mode
`le pre
´dit que le climat de la Californie n’est pas optimal pour le chancre re
´sineux, ce qui
correspond a
`la faible fre
´quence des infections naturelles et a
`l’association e
´troite a
`des insectes observe
´es dans cette re
gion. De la me
ˆme fac¸on, au Chili, ou
`F.circinatum est pre
´sent dans les pe
`res mais pas dans les plantations, le mode
´dit que les conditions climatiques vont de marginales a
`propices. Le mode
`le pre
´dit que les conditions climatiques sont
optimales pour l’e
´tablissement de la maladie dans certaines re
´gions de la Chine, du Bre
´sil, de l’Australie et de la Nouvelle-
´lande. Par conse
´quent, des mesures strictes et permanentes de quarantaine sont recommande
´es pour pre
´venir l’e
blissement et la propagation de cet agent pathoge
`ne dans ces pays.
[Traduit par la Re
Pitch canker is a destructive disease of Pinus spp. and
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Wingfield et al.
2008). The pathogen responsible for this disease, Fusarium
circinatum Nirenberg & O’Donnell (teleomorph = Gibber-
ella circinata), has been recorded in numerous countries
worldwide, and the disease has caused serious problems in
both native and nonnative forests in many of these countries
(Ganley 2007; Wingfield et al. 2008). Based on the wide
distribution and high level of genetic diversity of the patho-
gen populations in these regions, the pathogen is believed to
have originated from Mexico and the southern region of
Florida in the United States (Gordon 2006; Wingfield et al.
2008). Although F. circinatum has a global distribution, the
establishment and severity of pitch canker in these countries
has been variable. This is attributed to differences in vector
and wound agents and climatic conditions.
Fusarium circinatum can be disseminated vertically
through infested seed or horizontally by spores vectored by
wind, rain, animals, insects, or soil. However, infection will
only occur when spores are associated with wounds or open-
ings on the tree; intact tissue is not susceptible to the fungus
(Gordon et al. 1998). In general, pitch canker has been asso-
ciated with wounds created by insects (Gordon et al. 2001),
weather-related injuries (hail or wind damage) (Kelley and
Williams 1982), and mechanical damage (branch removal
or cone harvesters) (Dwinell et al. 1985). The importance of
Received 4 January 2009. Accepted 10 August 2009. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 18 November
R.J. Ganley1and L. Manning. Scion, New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua, New Zealand.
M.S. Watt. Scion, New Zealand Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 29237, Christchurch, New Zealand.
E. Iturritxa. Neiker, Granja Modelo de Arkaute, P.O. Box 46, E-01080, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:
Can. J. For. Res. 39: 2246–2256 (2009) doi:10.1139/X09-131 Published by NRC Research Press
specific vectors and wounding agents varies between loca-
tions that have pitch canker. For instance, the spread of
pitch canker in California is almost solely dependent on in-
sects. While infections do occur from weather-related inju-
ries, they occur so infrequently that they are considered
inconsequential (Gordon et al. 1998). Conversely, in the
southeastern United States the disease is mainly thought to
occur from weather and mechanical damage rather than
from insect damage (Dwinell et al. 1985).
The role of insect–host interactions versus nonnative
plantings of pine is also important. In California, nonnative,
susceptible Pinus spp. have considerably less infections in
the field than native Pinus radiata D.Don (Gordon et al.
1998). The low incidence of pitch canker on nonnative pines
is a function of fewer insects associated with the disease.
Thus, where nonnative Pinus species are planted, the impor-
tance of climate suitability is perhaps greater than insect
pests. Fusarium circinatum has been present in Chilean
nurseries since at least 2002; however, the disease has not
established in adjacent Pinus radiata plantations (Wingfield
et al. 2002b; Ganley 2007). The lack of field infection has
been attributed to fewer insects and unsuitable climatic con-
ditions. Similarly, F. circinatum has been present in South
African nurseries since the early 1990s (Viljoen et al.
1994), although it has only recently become established in
plantations (Coutinho et al. 2007).
The development of risk maps, which describe the poten-
tial distribution and probability of pitch canker establish-
ment, are likely to be useful to forest managers worldwide.
All Pinus spp. and Pseudotsuga menziesii are susceptible to
F. circinatum, although Pinus radiata is the most suscepti-
ble species (Hodge and Dvorak 2000; Gordon 2006). Since
Pinus radiata is the most widely grown plantation species
in the world (Wingfield et al. 2002a), the economic impact
of pitch canker could be substantial. Predicting the probabil-
ity of pitch canker becoming established in unaffected coun-
tries would be of considerable interest to biosecurity
agencies of both commercial and native pine forests. In re-
gions with established pitch canker, risk maps could assist
in the development of strategies to mitigate the impact of
the disease.
In this study, the process-based distribution model CLI-
MEX was used to predict the potential global distribution
and likelihood of pitch canker establishment in Pinus spp.
as a function of climate. CLIMEX has been successfully
used to project the potential distribution of other major dis-
eases, such as Dothistroma needle blight (Watt et al. 2009),
and rice blast disease (Lanoiselet et al. 2002). CLIMEX is
well suited for predicting disease distribution, as the climatic
parameters within the model are partitioned and can be used
to describe pathogen occurrence. As CLIMEX includes a
global meteorological database and process-based algo-
rithms, it can use distribution data or observed physiological
responses to project species distributions in novel climates
with more confidence than regression-based models
(Kriticos and Randall 2001).
The CLIMEX model
The analysis used CLIMEX version 3 for Windows
(Sutherst et al. 2007) to model the distribution of pitch can-
ker under current climatic conditions. CLIMEX integrates
the weekly responses of a population to climate into a series
of weekly and annual indices. For fungal diseases the CLI-
MEX annual growth index (GIA) describes the potential for
population growth of the host and fungus as a function of
soil moisture and temperature during favourable conditions.
Eight stress indices (cold, wet, hot, dry, cold–wet, cold–dry,
hot–wet, and hot–dry) were used to determine the probabil-
ity that the fungal population can survive unfavourable con-
ditions. Other conditions for growth, such as growing season
length in degree days (PDD), were used to limit the mod-
elled organism distribution (Table 1). The growth and stress
indices are calculated weekly and are combined into an
overall annual index of climatic suitability, the Ecoclimatic
Index (EI). The EI ranges from 0 for locations where the
species is not able to persist to 100 for locations that are op-
timal for the species. To attain an EI value of 100, it is nec-
essary for conditions to be optimal throughout an entire
year. In this study, EI was classified into marginal (EI = 1–
5), suitable (EI = 6–20), and optimal (EI > 20) categories for
pitch canker.
Disease and pathogen records
Depending on the data available, reported records of pitch
canker and (or) F. circinatum were compiled using individ-
ual point, county, state, and island locations for countries
known to have pitch canker. Disease and pathogen records
were obtained for the following countries: Chile (Wingfield
et al. 2002b), Japan (Muramoto et al. 1993), Mexico
(Guerra-Santos 1999; Britz et al. 2001), South Africa
(Viljoen et al. 1997; Britz et al. 2005; Hurley 2006;
Coutinho et al. 2007), Spain (Landeras et al. 2005; Pe
Sierra et al. 2007; E. Iturrixta, Neiker, Granja Modelo de
Arkaute, unpublished data), and United States (Hepting
and Roth 1946; Schmidt and Underhill 1974; Claeson and
Smith 1977; Dwinell et al. 1977, 1985; Kelley and
Williams 1982; Kuhlman and Cade 1985; McCain et al.
1987; Huang and Kuhlman 1990; Correll et al. 1991;
Storer et al. 1994; Blakeslee et al. 1999; Carey et al.
2000, 2005; Wikler and Gordon 2000; Gordon et al. 2001;
Lopez et al. 2002; Enebak and Carey 2003; Vogler et al.
2004; Starkey et al. 2007; H.A. Pase, Texas Forest Service,
unpublished data). The disease and pathogen records ob-
tained were reported from a variety of different Pinus spp.
and Pseudotsuga menziesii.
For areas known to have pitch canker, positive pathogen
reports were used as positive disease records. Exceptions to
this were positive reports of F. circinatum from Chile
(Wingfield et al. 2002b, 2008), from the Sierra Nevada site
in the United States (Vogler et al. 2004), and from nursery
records in South Africa (Viljoen et al. 1997; Britz et al.
2005; Hurley 2006). For these locations, the positive
F. circinatum records were used as pathogen-only reports.
The Chilean and South African records used as pathogen-
only reports were from nurseries. For the Sierra Nevada
site, the pathogen was reported from a healthy tree, and
there was no evidence to suggest establishment of pitch can-
ker in the region (Vogler et al. 2004).
Ganley et al. 2247
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CLIMEX model fitting
The climate dataset used within CLIMEX for the
parameter-fitting was a 0.5 degree of arc dataset generated
by Kriticos et al. (2006) from the 1961–1990 climate nor-
mals provided by the climate research unit (Mitchell et al.
2004). This dataset was used to infer the climatic require-
ments of the host and fungus from known occurrences of
pitch canker. To predict distribution elsewhere in the world,
the parameter values for the growth and stress functions in
CLIMEX were first fitted to the geographical distribution of
pitch canker in the United States. This area encompasses the
putative native range and exotic range of F. circinatum.
Phenological observations and relevant laboratory based bio-
logical information were also used to inform the selection of
relevant parameters in CLIMEX. The accuracy of the result-
ing model was tested against independent point observations
of the disease from Spain, Italy, Japan, and South Africa,
and from known disease occurrences on islands or at the
state level from Mexico, Japan, Haiti, and Spain. In Chile,
positive records of F. circinatum in infected nurseries, but
absence of pitch canker in adjacent plantations, were also
used to validate the model. In this case, model validation
was based on the unsuitability of climatic conditions in
Chile for pitch canker establishment.
Fitting CLIMEX parameters
Stress indices, which scale between 0 and infinity (0 = no
stress; 100 = lethal conditions), were initially adjusted so
that stresses largely constrained the fungal population from
expanding beyond its present observed distribution limits.
Several different values of cold stress and thermal accumu-
lation were tried to find values that best explained the ob-
served range boundaries. Growth indices, which scale
between 0 and 100 (0 = no growth, and 100 = perfect grow-
ing conditions year round) were adjusted iteratively so that
the projected climate suitability patterns most closely
matched the observed disease distributions. Where possible,
values for growth indices were based on available experi-
mental values.
Cold stress
Both the degree-day and cold stress temperature threshold
components were necessary to adequately describe the
known cool climate boundary to the northern limit of lati-
tude, approximately 378N from Arkansas in the east to Vir-
ginia in the west (Table 1).
Thermal accumulation
In addition to lethal cold temperatures, the distribution of
the pathogen was limited in cool environments, using ther-
mal accumulation, which is the annual integral of tempera-
ture and time required to complete the life cycle. A thermal
accumulation (PDD) of 1150 8C days was used to limit the
northern boundary of the disease to California on the west
coast of the USA (Table 1).
Dry stress
Because dry conditions are thought to limit disease estab-
lishment by drying the wound before a successful infection
can occur (Storer et al. 1997), a relatively high value of 0.3
for dry stress threshold (SMDS) was used with a stress accu-
mulation rate (HDS) of –0.005week–1 (Table 1). These val-
ues limited the potential distribution of the disease to the
narrow coastal strip where it has been found in California.
Table 1. Climatic values used for modelling the global distribution of pitch canker.
Index Parameter Valuea
Temperature DV0 = limiting low temperature 10 8C
DV1 = lower optimum temperature 18 8C
DV2 = upper optimum temperature 24 8C
DV3 = limiting high temperature 31 8C
Moisture SM0 = limiting low soil moisture 0.3
SM1 = lower optimum soil moisture 1
SM2 = upper optimum soil moisture 1.5
SM3 = limiting high soil moisture 2
Cold stress TTCS = temperature threshold 1 8C
THCS = stress accumulation rate –0.001week–1
DTCS = minimum degree-day cold stress threshold 15 8C days
DHCS = degree-day cold stress rate –0.00027week–1
Wet stress SMWS = wet stress threshold 2
HWS = wet stress accumulation rate 0.002week–1
Dry stress SMDS = dry stress threshold 0.3
HDS = dry stress accumulation rate –0.005week–1
Hot–wet stress TTHW = hot wet temperature threshold 30 8C
MTHW = hot wet soil moisture threshold 1.4
PHW = stress accumulation rate 0.003week–1
Hot–dry stress TTHD = hot dry temperature threshold 29 8C
MTHD = hot dry soil moisture threshold 0.3
PHD = stress accumulation rate 0.05week–1
Annual heat sum PDD = degree-day thresholdb1150 8C days
aValues without units are a dimensionless index of a 100 mm single bucket soil moisture profile.
bMinimum annual total number of degree-days above DV0 needed for population persistence.
2248 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 39, 2009
Published by NRC Research Press
Wet stress
The wet stresses were set to values that had little con-
straint on the disease distribution. The rationale for this is
that (i) host distribution exhibits little sensitivity to high
soil moisture in cool to warm environments (M.S. Watt,
Scion, New Zealand Forest Research Institute, unpublished
data) and (ii) there is an increase in F. circinatum spore fre-
quency, dispersal, and survival during the wettest months of
the year (Blakeslee et al. 1979). Following this rationale, the
wet stress threshold (SMWS) was set to a high value of 2
with a stress accumulation rate (HWS) of 0.002week–1
(Table 1).
Hot–dry stress
Hot–dry stress was used because these conditions are
likely to result in greater levels of water evaporation and
drying, which could dry wounds out preventing infection
from occurring (Storer et al. 1997). This stress was used to
constrain the distribution to the narrow coastal strip of Cali-
fornia (Table 1).
Hot–wet stress
Following previous research (Wharton and Kriticos 2004),
hot–wet stress was used to exclude the disease from areas
where the pine host would be out-competed by broad-leaved
tropical species. The hot–wet stress threshold (TTHW) was
set to 30 8C with the soil moisture above 1.4 and a stress
accumulation rate (PHW) of 0.003week–1 (Table 1). This
temperature reflects conditions that are favourable for
broad-leaved tropical plants (Fitzpatrick and Nix 1970).
Temperature index
A value of 10 8C was set as the minimum temperature for
development (DV0), as F. circinatum growth has been
shown to be suppressed below this temperature (McDonald
1994) (Table 1). The lower temperature for maximum
growth rates (DV1) was set to 18 8C, and the upper temper-
ature threshold for maximum growth rates (DV2) was set to
24 8C. This encompasses optimal temperatures for spore
germination and pathogen growth (Inman et al. 2008)
(Table 1). The maximum threshold for population growth
(DV3) was set to 31 8C (Table 1).
Moisture index
Since the incidence and severity of pitch canker tends to
be greater in regions subject to fog, high humidity, or heavy
rainfalls (Blakeslee et al. 1979; Wikler et al. 2003), indicat-
ing a necessity for moist conditions, a relatively high value
for the limiting soil moisture (SM0) of 0.30 was used
(Table 1). To reflect the preference of the pathogen for wet
Fig. 1. Ecoclimatic suitability for pitch canker establishment across the Caribbean and North and Central America. Dots () represent point
observations and thatching ( ) represents islands, counties, or states known to have pitch canker. The triangle (~) is a pathogen-only
report from the Sierra Nevada. Inset: Hawaii, in relation to North America.
Ganley et al. 2249
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conditions, the optimal soil moisture thresholds (SM1, SM2)
and the upper limiting soil moisture (SM3) were also set rel-
atively high at 1, 1.5, and 2, respectively (Table 1).
Model fit
The modelled climatic suitability for pitch canker estab-
lishment fit the known occurrences within North America
well (Fig. 1). The model showed a high level of climate
suitability in the southeastern United States, with clear
northern and western boundaries, which fall within the
known disease occurrence in this region (Fig. 1). The only
other major region within the United States predicted to
have a climate that would allow the establishment of pitch
canker was the coastal region of California, where observa-
tions of the disease occurred in regions predicted to be mar-
ginal to suitable for the disease (Fig. 1).
Model validation
Validation of the model indicated that it fit the known oc-
currences of pitch canker. All known locations in the Bas-
que Country, Spain, had a climate predicted to be suitable
to optimal for pitch canker (Fig. 2 inset). Similarly, suitable
to optimal climate was predicted for the known presence of
the disease in Italy (Fig. 2), Japan (Fig. 3), and South Africa
(Fig. 4). At the state level, suitable climate was predicted in
parts of all affected states in Mexico (Fig. 1) and Spain
(Fig. 2). On islands where the disease has been recorded,
climate was predicted to be suitable to optimal in Haiti
(Fig. 1) and optimal in the southern Japanese Islands
Amami-O-shima, Okinawa, Miyako, and Iriomote (Fig. 3).
Locations in Chile that were known to have F.circinatum
present in nurseries but no established pitch canker in the
field had an EI ranging from 0 to 11, which corresponded
to unsuitable to the lower range of suitable climate condi-
tions for this disease (Fig. 5).
Model projection
Projections show that the core range of the disease to be
humid subtropical and Mediterranean areas, with almost all
regions with these climate types predicted to be suitable for
pitch canker establishment. The disease is also predicted to
extend into warmer temperate climates, such as these found
in southwestern Europe and regions with tropical humid
rainforest and savanna climates.
Most of the Caribbean and all of Hawaii was predicted to
be suitable for pitch canker (Fig. 1). All countries within
Central America were predicted to have at least some re-
gions with optimal climate for pitch canker establishment
(Figs. 1 and 5). In South America, the model projected that
suitable to optimal conditions occur at high altitude in the
Andes from northern Colombia to northern Argentina
(Fig. 5). East of the Andes, the main region projected to be
favourable for pitch canker was a wide band on the east
coast from Rio de Janiero, Brazil, to northern Argentina
(Fig. 5).
The majority of continental Europe had climate conditions
not conducive to pitch canker (Fig. 2). The only exceptions
were regions near the Mediterranean Sea in southern Eu-
rope. Countries with regions of optimal climate for pitch
canker included Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, and Georgia
(Fig. 2).
In Asia, most suitable regions for disease were confined
to the southeast, with large tracts of land in southeastern
China being suitable to optimal for pitch canker establish-
ment (Fig. 3). Almost all of Laos and Vietnam were pre-
dicted to have areas optimal for pitch canker, as were large
Fig. 2. Ecoclimatic suitability for pitch canker establishment across the Mediterranean region in southern Europe. Dots () represent point
observations and thatching ( ) represents states known to have pitch canker. Inset: the northern region of the Basque Country, Spain.
2250 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 39, 2009
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areas in Myanmar and north-east India. The vast majority of
islands within Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines were
also predicted to have areas optimal for pitch canker
(Fig. 3).
The majority of northern Africa had an unsuitable climate
(Fig. 4). Areas predicted to be optimal for pitch canker es-
tablishment were largely confined to Ethiopia, Madagascar,
and large land areas centred on the equator, extending from
the east to the west coast. Eastern regions, south of the
equator from Kenya to South Africa, were also predicted to
have climate conditions optimal for pitch canker (Fig. 4).
In mainland Australia, optimal regions were predicted to
cover a narrow strip of land along almost the entire eastern
coastline from northern Queensland to south Australia
(Fig. 6). Small areas with optimal climate were also pre-
dicted in western Australia and Tasmania. In New Zealand,
optimal areas were confined to coastal regions of the North
Island (Fig. 6). The southern and central regions of the
North Island and all of the South Island of New Zealand
were predicted to be unsuitable for pitch canker establish-
ment (Fig. 6).
The CLIMEX model clearly shows the predicted core dis-
tribution of pitch canker to be in the Mediterranean and sub-
tropical regions, with the disease extending into warmer
temperate climates and tropical humid regions. Pitch canker
distribution did not favour cool temperatures and dry condi-
tions. As a result, the climatic range of the disease is consid-
erably narrower than that of host pine species from which it
is recovered. This disparity is most marked in cool temper-
ate, continental, and subarctic regions within Europe, Can-
ada, and Asia. In these regions, native pines occupy vast
tracts of land (Critchfield and Little 1966), which are un-
likely to be threatened by pitch canker under the current cli-
The potential distribution provides considerable insight
into the likelihood of disease outbreaks. It should be noted
that the model predicts regions that have climate conditions
conducive to the establishment of pitch canker but does not
predict the likely severity of this disease once established. It
would be expected that pitch canker would be more severe
in areas that have optimal climate ratings, as conditions that
favour disease establishment, such as warm temperatures
and high humidity, also favour disease buildup.
In addition to climatic conditions, the frequency and se-
verity of disease outbreaks can be influenced by nonclimatic
factors, such as insects, host resistance and availability, and
stand management (Dwinell et al. 1985; Blakeslee et al.
Fig. 3. Ecoclimatic suitability for pitch canker establishment across southeast Asia. Dots () represent point observations and thatching ( )
represents islands known to have pitch canker. Inset: the southern islands of Japan.
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1999; Hodge and Dvorak 2000; Gordon et al. 2001). For in-
stance, insects could provide a more effective means of dis-
ease transmission in drier marginal to suitable climates than
could infection of wounds created by weather-related or me-
chanical damage. Similarly, the susceptibility of host pine
species is important. The CLIMEX model was fitted using
data obtained from different Pinus spp. of varying suscepti-
bility. Based on this model, pitch canker should be able to
establish on any susceptible pines present in areas predicted
to have optimal conditions for disease establishment,
although the frequency and severity of the disease is likely
to be influenced by host susceptibility and availability. It is
expected that more severe outbreaks of pitch canker will oc-
cur in more susceptible hosts, such as Pinus radiata, than in
more resistant species, such as Pinus pinea L.
Climate has a strong influence on pitch canker establish-
ment in the southeastern United States. Severe outbreaks of
pitch canker frequently occur after hurricanes and (or) in
years with high rainfall and humidity (Dwinell et al. 1985;
Starkey et al. 2007). The CLIMEX model showed clear
western and northern boundaries for pitch canker in the
southeastern United States, which largely conformed to the
recorded distribution and the subtropical climatic zone
within this region. Pitch canker has been recorded as far
west as Texas but does not extend far beyond this (Starkey
et al. 2007). This model shows that the western limit for the
disease here is attributable to excessive hot–dry stress, while
the northern limit for pitch canker is due to cold stress. The
western disease limit is also the limit for most Pinus spp. in
this region, so it may also reflect a lack of available host.
The absence of the disease north of Virginia (Dwinell et al.
1985) in susceptible pine species (Enebak and Stanosz 2003)
reinforces the importance of cold stress on the distribution in
this region.
The behaviour of pitch canker in California differs from
that which occurs in the southeastern United States and has
confused the understanding of the dynamics associated with
this disease. Unlike the southeastern United States, pitch
Fig. 4. Ecoclimatic suitability for pitch canker establishment across Africa. Dots () represent point observations and triangles (~) represent
pathogen-only reports from nurseries.
2252 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 39, 2009
Published by NRC Research Press
canker infections in California are almost solely associated
with insects (Gordon et al. 2001). Natural infections can oc-
cur but are so infrequent that they are considered inconse-
quential (Gordon et al. 1998). However, pitch canker
infections have been found to progress significantly faster
in areas approximately 1.5 km from the coast. These regions
are more frequently covered in fog than other coastal areas
farther inland or within the central region of California
(Wikler et al. 2003). Fitting the observed pattern of disease
spread in this region, the CLIMEX model predicts that the
conditions in California are suitable closest to the coastline,
quickly progressing into marginal and then unsuitable condi-
Fig. 5. Ecoclimatic suitability for pitch canker establishment across South America. Triangles (~) represent pathogen-only reports from
Ganley et al. 2253
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tions (EI range = 0–13). No areas of optimal climate were
predicted. In view of this pattern, it is possible that the es-
tablishment of pitch canker in California is due to insects
causing deeper wounds. The increase in infection rate closer
to the coast indicates that even with insect involvement, ad-
ditional moisture expedites disease transmission. Further re-
search would be needed to verify this hypothesis and
determine the correlation between infection frequency and
wound type under a range of climatic conditions.
The distribution of pitch canker along the west coast of
the United States has clear boundaries to the north and east
(Gordon et al. 2001). The CLIMEX model showed that the
eastern limit for the disease is due to excessive hot–dry
stress, while the northern limit for pitch canker is from in-
sufficient thermal accumulation. The model also showed
small pockets of marginal climate in Oregon and Washing-
ton. The most eastern record of F. circinatum in this region
is from one location in the Sierra Nevada in a Pseudotsuga
menziesii seed orchard (Vogler et al. 2004). The pathogen
was found in one tree and appears to be an isolated infec-
tion, as pitch canker has not become established in this re-
gion (Vogler et al. 2004, Inman et al. 2008). In the Pacific
Northwest, pitch canker has never extended beyond Califor-
nia even though susceptible host species and known insect
wounding and (or) vectoring agents are present (Gordon et
al. 2001). Therefore, although insects may provide a means
of disease transmission in marginal climates, pitch canker
cannot establish in regions predicted to have unsuitable con-
The marginally suitable climatic conditions (EI range =
0–11) predicted by CLIMEX coupled with a low frequency
of suitable insects may account for the absence of pitch can-
ker in plantations in Chile. Fusarium circinatum has been
present in 14 nurseries across the central region of Chile
since at least 2002 (Wingfield et al. 2002b). The pathogen
has caused problems within these nurseries but has never
spread to adjacent Pinus radiata plantations, even when in-
fected seedlings have been outplanted (Ganley 2007). In
nurseries, disease outbreaks are thought to occur from conta-
minated soil rather than from airborne spores. The lack of
subsequent infection in exotic Pinus radiata plantations has
been attributed to a lack of pine-associated insects. While it
has always been assumed that the climate would be optimal
for establishment of pitch canker, the CLIMEX model
shows marginal to suitable regions along the coast of central
Chile that encompass some of the infected nurseries. No re-
gions were shown to have optimal conditions. In view of
this, it would be expected that climatic conditions along the
central coastal region of Chile would limit the spread of
pitch canker, as has occurred in California. The likelihood
of pitch canker establishing in Chile is predicted to be low.
Interestingly, the moist southern pine-growing regions of
Chile, which were thought to be high risk regions for pitch
canker, were shown to be unsuitable.
Fig. 6. Ecoclimatic suitability for pitch canker establishment across Australia and New Zealand.
2254 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 39, 2009
Published by NRC Research Press
The slow spread of pitch canker throughout the pine-
growing regions of South Africa is more difficult to explain.
Fusarium circinatum has been present in nurseries in South
Africa since the 1990s (Viljoen et al. 1994), yet pitch canker
has only recently been reported in pine plantations
(Coutinho et al. 2007). Similar to Chile, infections in the
nurseries in South Africa are thought to occur from contami-
nated soil, and there is a lack of associated insect species
present for the nonnative Pinus radiata and Pinus patula
Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. The projected distribution of
pitch canker in this region would suggest that pine forests
near the infected nurseries would be at high risk. The pres-
ence of pitch canker in the plantations (Coutinho et al.
2007) shows that South Africa’s climate is suitable for pitch
canker. Based on this model, it is expected that pitch canker
will spread in areas with optimal conditions, assuming avail-
able susceptible hosts, adequate levels of inoculum, trans-
mission between regions, and the creation of suitable
wounds during optimal times.
The establishment of pitch canker is predicted to be opti-
mal in parts of Spain, France, and Portugal, and marginal to
suitable for other regions within southern Europe and the
Mediterranean. The suitability of the northern region of the
Basque Country (EI range = 12–27) fits with the known
range of the pathogen in this region, and likewise, with dis-
ease reports of the pathogen in the adjacent provinces of Ga-
licia, Cantabria, and Asturias (Landeras et al. 2005; Pe
Sierra et al. 2007). Pitch canker has not been reported in
Portugal, and in France, F. circinatum has been reported to
be eradicated (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection
Organization 2004). However, given the predicted suitability
of climate in parts of these countries and proximity to the
pathogen, plantations and native stands of pine should be
regularly monitored for this disease.
The CLIMEX model predicted some of the highest sus-
ceptibilities to pitch canker establishment for regions in
China, Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand. This should be
of concern for pine-growing industries in these countries. In
nonnative pine plantations, pitch canker would be expected
to establish in regions with optimal climate conditions
should F. circinatum be introduced. Continued strict quaran-
tine and monitoring of the disease is recommended to pre-
vent introductions of the pathogen to these countries.
We thank H.A. Pase for providing county locations of
pitch canker in Texas. This work was funded by the Forest
Biosecurity Research Council, the National Centre for Ad-
vanced Bio-Protection Technologies, and the Foundation for
Research Science & Technology.
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2256 Can. J. For. Res. Vol. 39, 2009
Published by NRC Research Press
... Insect vectors are important when the canker invades established trees, as their damage provides a place of entry. Humid and wet conditions aid dispersal and thus often the stands most affected are where these conditions exist, as in coastal California and NW Spain (Ganley et al. 2009, Wingfield et al. 2008Philip Cannon, pers. comm. ...
... Douglas-fir and several other conifer species grown in New Zealand are susceptible to PPC, but fortunately ryegrass and clover, the major pasture species used in New Zealand, are not. In nurseries, many Fusarium species can infect a wider range confirmed it should be largely confined to the coast (Ganley et al. 2009). Research has indicated that radiata pine seedlings and trees can develop systemic acquired resistance to PPC (Gordon et al. 2011, Reynolds et al. 2016, Swett and Gordon 2017. ...
... 2021). However, it has not been found in established stands of radiata pine, presumably because of a lack of insect vectors and its sub-optimal climate (Ganley et al. 2009), although Wingfield et al. (2008) has suggested it may do so in future through insect spread. Nursery control measures have been expensive and are Government-mandated. ...
Full-text available
The imp acts of past and potential insect pests and diseases in New Zealand's radiata pine plantations are reviewed. Invariably their impacts have decreased with time or can be easily managed. Despite past biotic impacts. growth rates have increased over the last 100 years. Pitch pine canker (PPC) is perceived as the greatest new threat. PPC's impact in California, Spain, Portugal, South Africa and Chile suggests that in New Zealand it would become a nursery problem. Radiata pine remains the best medium-density softwood for New Zealand although climate change may alter the site limits. While a biotic catastrophe, despite its low probability, remains an important risk, this risk is outweighed by the opportunity costs and risks associated with diversifying into alternative species. A strong biosecurity infrastructure is vital, as is maintaining a broad genetic base from which to breed resistance. Large plantation estates should develop defensive strategies against new biotic invasions.
... After a new introduction occurs, moisture and warm temperatures are crucial for the establishment and spread of PPC (Wingfield et al., 2008;Ganley et al., 2009;Baker et al., 2010;Quesada et al., 2019;Elvira-Recuenco et al., 2021). A large area of European pine forests has been reported to be suitable or optimal for PPC development, with F. circinatum distribution potentially changing towards northern Europe due to the predicted reduction of cold and drought (Ganley et al., 2009;Baker et al., 2010;Watt et al., 2011;Möykkynen et al., 2015). ...
... After a new introduction occurs, moisture and warm temperatures are crucial for the establishment and spread of PPC (Wingfield et al., 2008;Ganley et al., 2009;Baker et al., 2010;Quesada et al., 2019;Elvira-Recuenco et al., 2021). A large area of European pine forests has been reported to be suitable or optimal for PPC development, with F. circinatum distribution potentially changing towards northern Europe due to the predicted reduction of cold and drought (Ganley et al., 2009;Baker et al., 2010;Watt et al., 2011;Möykkynen et al., 2015). This is of particular concern giving that F. circinatum showed to be able to infect conifers present in these currently disease-free areas such as Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea abies (L.) H. Karst (Martín-García et al., 2017, and that these areas are populated with a high density of conifers (Figure 1). ...
Full-text available
In an era of climate change and global trade, forests sustainability is endangered by several biotic threats. Pine pitch canker (PPC), caused by Fusarium circinatum, is one of the most important disease affecting conifers worldwide. To date, no effective control measures have been found for this disease. Earlier studies on PPC were mainly focused on the pathogen itself or on determining the levels of susceptibility of different hosts to F. circinatum infection. However, over the last years, plenty of information on the mechanisms that may explain the susceptibility or resistance to PPC has been published. This data are useful to better understand tree response to biotic stress and, most importantly, to aid the development of innovative and scientific-based disease control measures. This review gathers and discusses the main advances on PPC knowledge, especially focusing on multi-disciplinary studies investigating the response of pines with different levels of susceptibility to PPC upon infection. After an overview of the general knowledge of the disease, the importance of integrating information from physiological and Omics studies to unveil the mechanisms behind PPC susceptibility/resistance and to develop control strategies is explored. An extensive review of the main host responses to PPC was performed, including changes in water relations, signalling (ROS and hormones), primary metabolism, and defence (resin, phenolics, and PR proteins). A general picture of pine response to PPC is suggested according to the host susceptibility level and the next steps and gaps on PPC research are pointed out.
... First, climate conditions must be suited for spore survival, germination and development of a persistent fungal colony. Although in Chile F. circinatum is present in nurseries, it has never spread and established in plantations, most likely because of suboptimal climatic conditions [75]. For germination, spores need to find suitable host(s), which may be of the same species as the one(s) in the primary population or eventually belong to different species (in the extreme case, a host jump may occur). ...
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Purpose of Review Because tree seeds have been considered a low-risk pathway for the spread of plant pathogenic fungi, their international movement is not subject to strict phytosanitary regulation. However, recent studies have provided scientific evidence that the biosecurity risk of seed trade may not be as negligible as assumed. This review summarises current knowledge about seed trade activity across the world and seed-borne plant pathogenic fungi and highlights knowledge gaps that need to be filled to mitigate the risk of spreading tree pathogens via seeds. Recent Findings Several outbreaks of severe tree diseases in natural forests and plantations worldwide have been linked to fungal pathogens spread by seed trade. Indeed, recent studies based on modern sequencing technologies have shown that tree seeds harbour highly diverse fungal communities, including well-known pathogens and fungal taxa belonging to unknown species. While it has become clear that even apparently healthy seeds can carry potentially pathogenic fungi, the likelihood of seed-borne pathogens being introduced and becoming established, spreading and causing impact in the new environment is still unclear which challenges the assessment of the phytosanitary risk posed by seed trade. Summary Our analyses show that large amounts of tree seeds have been traded among countries and continents. Based on published literature, the risk of spreading pathogenic fungi via tree seed movement is high. However, the role of the taxonomically and functionally diverse fungal communities associated with seeds is still poorly understood. In particular, more research is needed to assess the likelihood of seed-borne fungi being transmitted to the seedlings and spreading and causing impact in the new environment.
... This pathogen produces airborne spores that can be spread by the wind and carried by native insects [4,5]. Flying beetles can spread the disease to new areas. ...
Full-text available
Fusarium circinatum is a quarantine pest of trees that causes pitch canker disease in many pine species. The aim of this study was to test non-thermal, environmentally friendly plasma treatment for the disinfection of seed surfaces infected by F. circinatum. Inoculated seeds were plasma treated using a Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge apparatus working at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. The exposure times of the plasma treatment were: 0 s, 5 s, 10 s, 60 s, 180 s, and 300 s. Data analysis was performed with ANOVA test. A reduction of seedborne pathogens (14-100%) and seed germination (0-6.67%) was documented at the end of seed cultivation. Inoculated seeds remained free of mold infection for 12 days of cultivation on an agar surface in Petri dishes already after a short plasma treatment time of 60 seconds. Inoculated seeds treated for 5 s and 10 s had smaller seed germination (5.33% and 6.67% respectively) in comparison to samples without inoculation and plasma treatment (16%). Inoculated seeds treated for 60 or more seconds did not germinate. This work demonstrated the possibility of using plasma treatment against the dangerous F. circinatum fungus as a type of physical disinfectant method. The following research strategy will deal with the methodology elaboration of seed disinfection which would keep the seeds viable.
... Coastal areas are more favourable to disease development than those further inland. The areas must suited to PPC include parts of northern and eastern Spain, central and northern Portugal and the coastal areas of France, Italy and Greece (Ganley et al., 2009;EFSA, 2010). Across Europe, in countries belonging by the European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO), there are many populations of potential susceptible hosts. ...
Technical Report
Full-text available
Pine Pitch Canker is one of a series of case studies, sponsored by the British Society for Plant Pathology, on damaging plant diseases which continue to have major economic, social and environmental impacts around the world. The case studies provide an historical overview of responses and reactions to plant pandemics, from control and regulation to research and beyond. The purpose of this and other reports in the series is to raise awareness of plant pandemics and to stimulate wider interest in their consequences for all, including current and future researchers. Copies of the report are available from the BSPP |
... It is assumed that the fungi infect the trees through open wounds, possibly caused by previous hail damage [25]. The dieback of these trees, which are mainly used as timber, causes substantial economic losses [26]. Response variable "defoliation of trees" for plots Laukiz1, Laukiz2, Luiando, and Oiartzun. ...
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This study analyzed highly correlated, feature-rich datasets from hyperspectral remote sensing data using multiple statistical and machine-learning methods. The effect of filter-based feature selection methods on predictive performance was compared. In addition, the effect of multiple expert-based and data-driven feature sets, derived from the reflectance data, was investigated. Defoliation of trees (%), derived from in situ measurements from fall 2016, was modeled as a function of reflectance. Variable importance was assessed using permutation-based feature importance. Overall, the support vector machine (SVM) outperformed other algorithms, such as random forest (RF), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and lasso (L1) and ridge (L2) regressions by at least three percentage points. The combination of certain feature sets showed small increases in predictive performance, while no substantial differences between individual feature sets were observed. For some combinations of learners and feature sets, filter methods achieved better predictive performances than using no feature selection. Ensemble filters did not have a substantial impact on performance. The most important features were located around the red edge. Additional features in the near-infrared region (800–1000 nm) were also essential to achieve the overall best performances. Filter methods have the potential to be helpful in high-dimensional situations and are able to improve the interpretation of feature effects in fitted models, which is an essential constraint in environmental modeling studies. Nevertheless, more training data and replication in similar benchmarking studies are needed to be able to generalize the results.
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The pathogenicity of eight selected fungal isolates (Corinectria fuckeliana, Diaporthe eres, Diplodia pinea, Fusarium sp. 1 and 2, Fusicolla sp., Nectria dematiosa and Tympanis sp.), isolated from diseased pines in Slovenia in 2020 and 2021, was tested on seedlings of Scots and Austrian pine. We inoculated a total of 115 pine seedlings (including the control group), regularly checked their health status and performed re-isolations from necrotic margins at the first signs of desiccation. Re-isolations were successful only when inoculated with Diplodia pinea, Diaporthe eres and Fusarium sp. 2. The average length of necrosis in Scots pine seedlings inoculated with D. pinea, Di. eres and Tympanis sp. was significantly different from that of the control group (p < 0.05). In Austrian pine seedlings, the average length of necrosis differed significantly between the control group and seedlings inoculated with the fungi D. pinea and Tympanis sp. (p < 0.05).
Pitch canker caused by the fungus Fusarium circinatum is an important disease affecting pines in Europe and South Africa. Several countries, including China, have listed F. circinatum as a quarantine pathogen. Therefore, timely detection of F. circinatum could efficiently prevent its introduction into new areas or facilitate spread management in already infected sites. In this study, a recombinase polymerase amplification-lateral flow dipstick (RPA-LFD) assay was developed for rapid detection of F. circinatum based on a new target gene, Fcir2067, identified from whole-genome sequences. The assay was highly specific to F. circinatum. In fact, it exclusively detected F. circinatum isolates; 53 isolates of fungal, oomycete, 2 nematodes of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and Bursaphelenchus mucronatus were not detected. By detecting as little as 10 pg of F. circinatum genomic DNA in a 50 µL reaction, the RPA-LFD assay was 10 times more sensitive than conventional PCR assays. F. circinatum was also detected in artificially inoculated pine needles of Cedrus deodara. These results demonstrated that the developed RPA-LFD assay has the potential for rapid detection of F. circinatum in regions at high risk of infection. The RPA-LFD assay might serve as an alternative method for the early detection of F. circinatum.
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Plant pathogenic fungi and fungus-like taxa (oomycetes) form part of the ecological makeup of healthy natural forest ecosystems. Some help to eliminate unhealthy trees, while others are essential for the conservation of plant species diversity, particularly soil-borne pathogens. However, many fungal pathogens also have devastating effects on forest ecosystems. Disease impacts are more profound when pathogens newly emerge and these can even wipe out an entire tree population. These organisms have developed a plethora of strategies to colonize and infect plants and there are several factors causing pathogens to emerge. Therefore, to prevent emerging diseases, a thorough understanding of the factors causing them is necessary. It is also important to have a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of disease development and propagation to design effective control measures. In this review, we describe the phenomenon of emerging and re-emerging pathogens by exemplifying ten important recently emerged forest pathogenic fungi and fungus-like taxa, namely, Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, Ceratocystis fimbriata, Fusarium circinatum, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, Phyllosticta citricarpa, Neonectria faginata, Sphaerulina musiva, Phytophthora pluvialis, P. agathidicida, and Melampsora × columbiana. They have been listed in order of the most cited to the least cited species based on data obtained from the Web of Science. We provide a review for each species to document its emergence and its negative impact on the host(s). We also revise their taxonomic placement, host and country details, and provide updated phylogenetic trees for each genus. The number of accepted species based on molecular data is also provided.
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Entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) Heterorhabditis indica is a promising biocontrol candidate. Despite the acknowledged importance of EPN in pest control, no extensive data sets or maps have been developed on their distribution at global level. This study is the first attempt to generate Ecological Niche Models (ENM) for H. indica and its global Habitat Suitability Map (HSM) for H. indica to generate biogeographical information and predicts its global geographical range and help identify of prospective areas for its exploration and to help identify the suitable release areas for biocontrol purpose. The aim of the modeling exercise was to access the influence of temperature and soil moisture on the biogeographical patterns of H. indica at the global level. Global Heterorhabditis indica ecosystems. CLIMEX software was used to model the distribution of H. indica and assess the influence of environmental variable on its global distribution. In total, 162 records of H. indica occurrence from 27 countries over 25 years were combined to generate the known distribution data. The model was further fine‐tuned using the direct experimental observations of the H. indica's growth response to temperature and soil moisture. Model predicts that much of the tropics and subtropics have suitable climatic conditions for H. indica. It further predicts that H. indica distribution can extend into warmer temperate climates. Examination of the model output, predictions maps at a global level indicate that H. indica distribution may be limited by cold stress, heat stress, and dry stresses in different areas. However, cold stress appears to be the major limiting factor. This study highlighted an efficient way to construct HSM for EPN potentially useful in the search/release of target species in new locations. The study showed that H. indica which is known as warm adapted EPN generally found in tropics and subtropics can potentially establish itself in warmer temperate climates as well. The model can also be used to decide the release timing of EPN by adjusting with season for maximum growth. The model developed in this study clearly identified the value and potential of Habitat Suitability Map (HSM) in planning of future surveys and application of H. indica. This study, highlighted an efficient way to construct habitat suitability map (HSM) for entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) potentially useful in the search/release of target species in new locations. The study showed that Heterorhabditis indica which is known as warm adapted EPN generally found in tropics and subtropics can potentially establish itself in warmer temperate climates as well. The model can also be used to decide the release timing of EPN by adjusting with season for maximum growth. The model developed in this study clearly identified the value and potential of HSM in planning of future surveys and application of H. indica.
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Relatively small, but potentially significant
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The host and geographic range of the pitch canker pathogen has greatly increased since it was first discovered in California in 1986. Most significantly, it now affects many pine species, including native stands of Monterey pine, and has made a transgeneric jump to Douglas fir. Isolated occurrences of the disease have been found as far north as Mendocino County. Insects are strongly implicated as vectors of the pathogen, and long-term management appears to be dependent on the development of resistant tree varieties. In infested regions, the planting of Monterey pine and other pine tree species should be undertaken with caution.
Pitch canker, caused by Fusarium subglutinans f. sp . pini, causes branch dieback and stem cankers in many species of pine. Monterey pine ( Pinus radiata D. Don), one of the most widely planted pines in the world, is extremely susceptible to pitch canker. Four other pine species, which might serve as alternatives to Monterey pine in landscape settings, were found to be relatively resistant, based on the size of lesions resulting from branch inoculations under greenhouse conditions. Of these species, Japanese black pine (P. thunbergiana Franco) was the most resistant, followed by Canary Island pine ( P. canariensis Sweet ex K. Spreng), Italian stone pine (P. pinea L.), and Aleppo pine (P. halepensis Mill.). Consistent with these findings, a field survey conducted in Alameda County, Calif., revealed Monterey pine to have the highest incidence of infection, with significantly lower levels in Aleppo, Canary Island, and Italian stone pines. Japanese black pine was not observed in the survey area.
Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O'Donnell, the fungus responsible for pitch canker disease, is a destructive pathogen of Pinus spp. Pitch canker was first described in 1946 in the southeastern United States, and since 1987 has been reported in numerous other locations including California, Mexico, Japan, and South Africa. To make a preliminary assessment of relationships between populations of F. circinatum in these different locations, we compared allele and genotype frequencies based on eight polymorphic regions of DNA from 76 isolates of the fungus. Patterns of relatedness indicate that the California and Japanese populations of the fungus share lineages with the southeastern U.S.A. population. Genetic diversity is highest in Mexico, implicating it as the center of origin for the fungus. The association of multiple vegetative compatibility groups with a common multilocus genotype suggests that vegetative compatible group diversity may be generated by mutation, rather than through recombination resulting from sexual reproduction.
The distribution of Fusarium moniliforme SHELDON var. subglutinans WOLLENW. et REINKING was investigated by means of the bark-washing method, the spore-trapping from the air, and isolation from Ryukyu pine (Pines luchuensis MAYR) and sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) tissues. F. subglutinans has been found in Tatsugo-cho, Kasari-cho, and Nase-shi on Amamioshima Island and Kamo-cho, Kedoin-cho, Tsuruta-cho, Hishikari-cho, and Kirishima-cho in southern mainland Kyushu. The colony numbers of F. subglutinans detected differed remarkably between investigation years. No conidium of F. subglutinans have been detected in the air in southern Kyushu. More colonies have been detected in needles than in stems and branches of healthy pines. It also has been isolated from sugar cane on Amamioshima Island. Those isolates from Ryukyu pine in Tatsugo-cho had severe pathogenicity against Pines spp. They caused damping off of Ryukyu, Virginia (P. virginiana MILL.), and Monterey (P. radiata D. DON) pine seedlings, twig blight of Ryukyu and slash (P. elliottii ENGELM. var. elliottii) pines and stem canker of Ryukyu and Japanese black (P. thunbergii PARL.) Pines. Isolates from Japanese red pine (P. densiflora SIEB. et ZUCC.) in Kirishima-cho killed branches of Ryukyu pine.
A half-sib family of two 4-year-old seedlings of Pinus x rigitaeda was inoculated with each of 20 Pinus thunbergii isolates of Fusarium circinatum (syn. Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. pini) from two pitch canker damaged sites in Jeju Island, South Korea. Initial symptoms of needle damages were visible on most of the seedlings at 18 days after inoculation. The 20 tested isolates were not significantly different in virulence, based on lesion lengths at the site of inoculation (P = 0.217). The most virulent isolate FT-7 showed the longest lesion length. Some seedlings began to die 46 days after inoculation. All seedlings were dead by 68 days after inoculation except two seedlings inoculated with each of isolates FS-2 and FS-13, respectively. Using the FT-7, 38-year-old 11 P x rigitaeda trees, which were survived from a seed orchard severely damaged by pitch canker, were inoculated on branches in the seed orchard in Jeju Island to assess differences in susceptibility to pitch canker. The 11 trees differed significantly (P < 0.001) in susceptibility to E circinatum based on average lesion lengths measured 56 days after inoculation. It is possible that induced resistance contributed to their capacity to limit lesion development. The susceptibility of natural selection P x rigitaeda trees are more likely affected by interaction with E circinatum rather than environmental conditions.
Pitch canker disease, caused by Fusarium subglutinans, has become prevalent on Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) in several central and southern coastal counties of California. Although Monterey pine is the most frequently infected host, the pathogen has also been recovered from bishop (P. muricata), Aleppo (P. halepensis), and Canary Islan (P. canariensis) pine. All 167 isolates of F. subglutinans recovered from diseased tissue, insects, and air samples in California were virulent on Monterey pine in greenhouse pathogenicity tests (...)