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The Impact of Healthcare 4.0 on the Healthcare Service Quality: A Systematic Literature Review


Abstract and Figures

Healthcare 4.0 is inspired by Industry 4.0 and its application has resulted in a paradigmatic shift in the field of healthcare. However, the impact of this digital revolution in the healthcare system on healthcare service quality is not known. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of healthcare 4.0 on healthcare service quality. This study used the systematic literature review methodology suggested by Transfield et al. to critically examine 67 articles. The impact of healthcare 4.0 is analyzed in-depth in terms of the interpersonal, technical, environmental, and administrative aspect of healthcare service quality. This study will be useful to hospitals and other stakeholders to understand the impact of healthcare 4.0 on the service quality of health systems. Besides, this study critically analyses the existing literature and identifies research areas in this field and hence will be beneficial to researchers. Though there are few literature reviews in healthcare 4.0, this is the first study to examine the impact of Healthcare 4.0 on healthcare service quality.
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The Impact of Healthcare 4.0 on the Healthcare Service Quality: A
Systematic Literature Review
Michael Sonya , Jiju Antonyb and Olivia McDermottc
aWITS Business School, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; bIndustrial and Systems Engineering, Khalifa
University, Abu Dhabi, UAE; cCollege of Engineering and Science, National University of Ireland, Gallway, Ireland
Healthcare 4.0 is inspired by Industry 4.0 and its application has resulted in a paradigmatic
shift in the field of healthcare. However, the impact of this digital revolution in the healthcare
system on healthcare service quality is not known. The purpose of this study is to examine
the impact of healthcare 4.0 on healthcare service quality. This study used the systematic
literature review methodology suggested by Transfield etal. to critically examine 67 articles.
The impact of healthcare 4.0 is analyzed in-depth in terms of the interpersonal, technical,
environmental, and administrative aspect of healthcare service quality. This study will be
useful to hospitals and other stakeholders to understand the impact of healthcare 4.0 on
the service quality of health systems. Besides, this study critically analyses the existing
literature and identifies research areas in this field and hence will be beneficial to researchers.
Though there are few literature reviews in healthcare 4.0, this is the first study to examine
the impact of Healthcare 4.0 on healthcare service quality.
1. Introduction
Healthcare 4.0 is a paradigmatic shift in the field
of healthcare systems. It is inspired by the fourth
industrial revolution known as Industry 4.0
(Jayaraman et al. 2020). The fourth industrial
revolution was inspired by internationalization,
growing competitiveness, technological develop-
ment in information and communications tech-
nology (ICT) and market development (Piccarozzi,
Aquilani, and Gatti 2018). Industry 4.0 led to
digital transformation of the organization. The
first industrial revolution was inspired by steam
power, the second industrial revolution was trans-
formed by electricity. The third industrial revo-
lution was inspired by advances in computing
technology in the year 1970s. The fourth indus-
trial revolution was inspired by advances in ICT
technologies which led to completely automated
and intelligent production process, capable for
autonomous communication and control within
various corporate layers in an organization
(Piccarozzi, Aquilani, and Gatti 2018; Aithal and
Sony 2020; Sony et al. 2021). Industry 4.0 is
driven by real-time data interchange and flexible
manufacturing due to vertical, horizontal and
end-to end integration (Sony 2018). The vertical
integration is integration of all functions with an
organization, the horizontal integration of all ele-
ments in a value chain and end-to end integra-
tion is digital integration of product in all the
phases of product life cycle. In a product centered
value creation process it is integration of
product-centered value creation process, wherein
a chain of activities is digitally integrated. E.g.,
customer needs analysis, product design and
development, production, services, maintenance
and recycling (Wang etal. 2016; Sony and Aithal
2020). Industry 4.0 is defined as “Industry 4.0
refers to the integration of Internet of Things (IoT)
technologies into industrial value creation enabling
manufacturers to harness entirely digitized, con-
nected, smart, and decentralized value chains able
to deliver greater flexibility and robustness to firm
competitiveness and enable them to build flexible
and adaptable business structures, [acquiring] the
permanent ability for internal evolutionary
© 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
CONTACT Michael Sony WITS Business School, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Healthcare 4.0;
Health 4.0;
healthcare service quality;
heath care quality;
developments in order to cope with a changing
business environment as the result of a purposely
formulated strategy implemented over time
(Prause and Atari 2017; Koether 2018; Piccarozzi,
Aquilani, and Gatti 2018). The term Industry 4.0
was introduced in 2011 in Germany as a strategic
German initiative to revolutionize the manufac-
turing Industry by using technology (Xu, Xu, and
Li 2018). During these periods of Industry 4.0,
healthcare systems also underwent a digital trans-
formation and was termed as Health care 4.0.
Healthcare 4.0 represents data-driven healthcare
systems using technologies such as smart health,
mHealth (mobile health), wireless health, eHealth,
online health, medical IT, telehealth/telemedicine,
digital medicine, health informatics, pervasive
health, and health information system (Herrmann
et al. 2018). Healthcare 4.0 has its uniqueness
and is characterized by the adoption of three
main paradigms Big data, IoT and Cloud com-
puting (Aceto, Persico, and Pescapé 2020). The
healthcare delivery process in healthcare 4.0
becomes a cyber-physical system that is equipped
with IoT, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID),
wearables, ambient sensors, all kinds of medical
devices, intelligent sensors, medical robots etc.
which are integrated into cloud computing, big
data analysis, artificial intelligence, and decision
support systems to achieve smart and intercon-
nected health delivery. Healthcare 4.0 connects
healthcare organizations and facilities along with
patient homes, and community are linked together
(Li and Carayon 2021). A point of distinction
between healthcare 4.0 and Industry 4.0 is people
engagement. In healthcare 4.0 patients and care-
givers are increasingly involved and share the
responsibility of monitoring the health, reporting
symptoms, participate in decisions involving deci-
sion making for planning their health. At present,
digital integration in healthcare organizations has
been restricted to specific sectors, or departments
or treatment or processes. The multi-disciplinary
nature of Healthcare 4.0 makes it difficult for the
stakeholders in this field to keep pace with tech-
nological progress (Aceto, Persico, and Pesca
2020). Hence, most of the efforts of these initia-
tives have fallen short on results frustrating the
managers due to the high complexity of hospitals
or the healthcare system (Tortorella etal. 2021).
Therefore, there is a need for a study to under-
stand the impact of healthcare 4.0 implementa-
tion on healthcare service quality. This is
important because the quality of the healthcare
system determine how satisfied the patients with
the services offered. In a healthcare service qual-
ity, because of intangibility, heterogeneity and
simultaneity the patients evaluate healthcare ser-
vice quality based on interpersonal, technical,
environmental and administrative aspects of
healthcare service (Dagger, Sweeney, and Johnson
2007; Endeshaw 2020). Thus, we ask the research
question How does Healthcare 4.0 impact the
Healthcare Service Quality? The article is orga-
nized as follows; the background theory is elu-
cidated in section 2. The methodology is
explicated in section 3, followed by results and
discussions in section 4. The scope for future
research is delineated in section 5, followed by
the conclusion and limitation.
2. Background Theory
The review of literature is carried out first on
Healthcare Service Quality, subsequently on tran-
sition from Health care 1.0 to 4.0 and at last on
healthcare 4.0 and health service quality.
2.1. Health Service Quality
Healthcare service is an intangible product and
hence cannot be easily measured. Besides, the
characteristics such as intangibility, heterogeneity
and simultaneity, make the health care service
quality difficult to measure (Mosadeghrad 2013;
Endeshaw 2020). One of the most widely used
measures of healthcare service quality is mea-
sured is SERVQUAL. It has five dimensions such
as reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and
responsiveness (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and
Berry 1985, 1988). However, the drawback asso-
ciated with this model, is that it is developed for
a generic service setting, and it should be con-
textualized for the setting of use (Dagger, Sweeney,
and Johnson 2007; Um and Lau 2018). Though
there have been many studies to measure health
care service quality (Laroche etal. 2005; Dagger,
Sweeney, and Johnson 2007; Sabella, Kashou, and
Omran 2014; Russell, Johnson, and White 2015),
one of the well-accepted model of health care
service quality is by Dagger, Sweeney, and
Johnson (2007). It has four dimensions interper-
sonal quality, technical quality, environmental
quality, and administrative quality. Interpersonal
service quality refers to the relationships devel-
oped and dyadic interaction between the service
provider and patient (Gr 1990; Brady and Cronin
2001). These mainly depend on the manner, com-
munication, and relationship (Dagger, Sweeney,
and Johnson 2007). The manner describes the
attitude and behavior of a service provider, the
communication elucidates the transfer of infor-
mation between a provider and customer, the
degree of interaction, the level of two-way com-
munication. The relationship refers to the close-
ness and strength of the relationship developed
between a provider and a customer (Dagger,
Sweeney, and Johnson 2007; Mosadeghrad 2013).
The technical quality involves two dimensions.
The first dimension is the outcome achieved and
the second is the technical competence of the
service provider. Technical competence depends
on the expertise, provider’s competence, knowl-
edge, qualifications, or skill. The service outcome
describes the outcome of the service process. In
other words, it is a result of his or her interac-
tions with a service firm over a single or multiple
service encounter (Dagger, Sweeney, and Johnson
2007; Duku et al. 2018; Abidova, da Silva, and
Moreira 2020). Environmental quality refers to a
complex mixture of environmental factors that
influences the patient’s perception. It consists of
two types the tangibles and intangibles (Dagger,
Sweeney, and Johnson 2007; Nimlyat and Kandar
2015). The tangible environment consists of the
design, function, or layout of the environment
and the signs, symbols, and artifacts found in
the environment (Dagger, Sweeney, and Johnson
2007; de Jager and Du Plooy 2011). The intan-
gible components comprise those components
that generally exist below consumers’ level of
awareness, thus affecting the pleasantness of the
surroundings. The administrative service quality
enables the production of core service. It adds,
value to the use of core healthcare service. The
three main themes under these dimensions are
timeliness, operation, and support. The timeliness
dimension is known as the factors involved in
arranging to receive medical services. To cite
some examples, it is appointment waiting lists,
waiting time, the ease of changing appointments,
and hours of operation (Dagger, Sweeney, and
Johnson 2007). The operation refers to the facil-
itation of core service production through the
general administration of the clinic and the coor-
dination, organization, and integration of medical
care. The support represents an augmented ser-
vice element that adds value to the core service,
e.g., adding a support program for patients.
2.3. Transition of Health Care 1.0 to Health Care
There is strong resemblance between healthcare
and manufacturing systems (Zhong, Lee, and Li
2017), and this is due to contrast between part
flow and patient flow. In manufacturing systems,
the main objective is maintaining smooth part
flow, where as in healthcare system it is stream
lines patient flow (Zhong, Lee, and Li 2017). Like
manufacturing systems health care system has
also undergone evolution from health care 1.0 to
healthcare 4.0. Health care 1.0 represent a patient-
clinician encounter. The patient visits the clinic
and meets the doctor, who conducts diagnosis
with minimal use of technology, prescribes med-
ications, care plan for disease management, as
well as follow up plans. The follow up plans
include lab test, imaging test, referral to specialist
etc. (Li and Carayon 2021). Health care 2.0 was
due to the development in of technology in field
of health care. Technology has been used in
health care such as a) imaging test equipment
(CT Scan, MRI, ultra sound etc.), monitoring
devices (pulse oximeter, arterial lines, b)
Continuous glucose monitor etc.), and c) surgical
and life support equipment (surgical robots,
microscopes, chest tubes, ventilators etc.). These
technologies are used in health care 2.0 in diag-
nosis, treatment and monitoring (Subramoniam
and Sadi 2010; Li and Carayon 2021). Healthcare
3.0 is an era where there was development in the
field of information systems, electronic health
records (EHR), or electronic medical records
(EMR). These have been used for patient man-
agement across units or departments within
healthcare organizations. The manual processes
within the healthcare systems have been digitized.
Besides, the value chains in healthcare systems
have been digitalized (e.g., Electronic after visit
summary). The records are well recorded, man-
aged and transmitted using the electronic medi-
ums. The advances in ICT have also resulted in
changes in health care service delivery in terms
of tele health, remote medical care, electronic
consultations etc. and are replacing face to face
consultations. Besides, the pandemic has accel-
erated this process. Thus, healthcare 3.0 has
changed the healthcare systems in a multidimen-
sional manner in various areas of patient man-
agement (Tiago etal. 2016; Li and Carayon 2021).
Health care 4.0 is use of Industry 4.0 technologies
in healthcare systems. The health care service
delivery process becomes cyber physical system
equipped, IoT enabled, RFID (Radio frequency
identification device) based, wearable sensors, use
of all kinds of intelligent medical devices and
medical robots etc. which are integrated with
artificial intelligence, cloud computing, intelligent
decision support systems, big data, machine
learning and interconnected health care delivery
systems. In such a system digital integration of
health care organizations, facilities, equipment &
devices, patients home and community are car-
ried out (Chanchaichujit et al. 2019; Tortorella
etal. 2020; Li and Carayon 2021). The diagram-
matic representation of all four phases of evolu-
tion of healthcare is depicted in Figure 1.
2.2. Health Care 4.0 and Health Care Service
There has been an increased usage of ICT in
healthcare to improve the efficiency, efficacy and
quality of healthcare systems (Aceto, Persico, and
Pescapé 2018). Healthcare 4.0 systems uses inter-
connected ICTs, electronics and microstructure
technology that enable more efficient therapeutic
structures and supporting processes (Sultan 2014;
Yang et al. 2015) known as Healthcare 4.0
(Tortorella et al. 2020). The increased usage of
ICT’s could be due to factors such as the avail-
ability of cheaper ICTS with the ability to diag-
nose and provide immediate results and solutions,
reduction in dimensions of ICTs and higher
capacities to acquire and manage data (González
etal. 2016). Healthcare 4.0 reportedly is a trans-
formation in healthcare systems (Javaid and Khan
2021). The use of ICT is found in health treat-
ments and supporting processes of the hospital
(Tortorella et al. 2020). Some of the benefits of
the adoption of ICT in health care systems cost
reduction, wireless sensor networks for improved
Figure 1. Health care system evolution (Adapted from Li and Carayon 2021).
transparency, electronic health record systems,
usage of mobile health applications, improve
diagnosis and patient care practices, support of
personalized medicine prospects, lower waiting/
lead times, foster collaborative healthcare,
improved support to training and education
(Tortorella etal. 2020). The ability of the health-
care system to deliver its promised results should
be assessed based on its impact on healthcare
service quality (Mosadeghrad 2013). Though
there are studies that specify the importance of
Healthcare 4.0 (Al-Jaroodi, Mohamed, and
Abukhousa 2020; Tortorella et al. 2020, 2021;
Aggarwal et al. 2021), there is no study yet on
how does healthcare 4.0 improve the healthcare
service quality. This study through a systematic
review of literature examines critically the impact
of healthcare 4.0 on the dimensions of the health-
care service quality.
3. Methods
The systematic literature review was conducted
to study the impact of healthcare 4.0 on health-
care service quality. It was used to identify, select
and critically appraise research to answer the
research question (Dewey and Drahota 2016).
The systematic literature review should be carried
out transparently, therefore, a systematic meth-
odology suggested by Tranfield, Denyer, and
Smart (2003) was used. Figures 2 and 3 depicts
the research protocol which was used to carry
out this study. The literature search process was
designed to answer the research question, using
base level studies. A method suggested by Booth,
Sutton, and Papaioannou (2016) was used to
identify the literature. It consists of using a com-
bination of query strings for the titles, abstract,
keywords studies. The search strings for this
Figure 2. Systematic review methodology.
study were divided into three parts. Part 1 was
used for healthcare 4.0, part 2 was used for
healthcare service quality and part 3 was used
for key characteristics of the healthcare service
quality which was adapted from (Dagger, Sweeney,
and Johnson (2007). The keywords used in the
study are given in Appendix A. The database
used in this study is depicted in Figure 3.
Healthcare 4.0 is an emerging research area hence
we have included conference proceedings and
other peer-reviewed articles.
3.1. Screening Criteria
The screening of articles was carried out in this
phase using a methodology suggested by Popay
et al. (2006). This protocol was used to obtain
the final selection of articles are depicted in
Figure 3. If the articles are from predatory jour-
nals it was discarded. The predatory journals were
identified from Cabbells list (Das and Chatterjee
2018) of predatory journals. Subsequently, the
titles and abstracts were analyzed in greater detail.
It further helped to eliminate the duplicate and
Figure 3: Literature review protocol.
irrelevant articles. The reference list of each article
was used to improve the search criteria. The total
number of articles and their breakdown is depicted
in Figure 2.
3.2. Data Analysis
The main goal of this study was to discover the
impact of healthcare 4.0 on Healthcare service
quality. The articles were identified, and it was
decided to identify the patterns, directions, sim-
ilarities, and differences. Sixty-seven articles were
extracted after review considering the research
objective of the study. These articles were ana-
lyzed and presented in the next section.
4. Results and Discussion
The articles were thematically analyzed and cat-
egorized based on the dimensions of healthcare
service quality such as the impact on interper-
sonal, technical, environmental, and administra-
tive quality.
4.1. Healthcare 4.0 Impact on Interpersonal
In the era where Internet technologies are used
by the patients, resulting in more patient knowl-
edge, the service provider-patient relationship
assumes paramount importance (Singh and Dey
2021). Healthcare 4.0 thus has an immense
potential to impact the dyadic relationship
between the service provider and patient in the
healthcare setting by using ICT. Communication
in the doctor-patient relationship has improved
a lot by the use of ICT in the healthcare domain
(Haluza and Jungwirth 2014). The ICT enabled
online health communities provided by Healthcare
4.0 service providers results in a sustained, long
time relationship with the patient (Wu 2018), as
it promotes patient satisfaction with the service
provider. The use of technologies such as data
mining helps in the effective design, development,
operation and maintenance of online health com-
munities for effective communication (Durairaj
and Ranjani 2013; Anand, Pal, and Dubey 2016).
Patient drug information is an important aspect
of the quality of care. In the websites of drug
manufacturers, this information should be at an
easy readability level so that patient is well
informed of the drug which is being consumed
(Robert Sabaté and Diego 2021). Healthcare 4.0,
by using the integrated system of a drug database
and online chatbots (“A chatbot or chatterbot is
a software application that is used to conduct an
on-line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech,
instead of providing direct contact with a live
human agent”) (Bates 2019; Mierzwa etal. 2019).
It can help the patient through personalized com-
munication related to the drug being consumed,
its positive and negative aspects. This transpar-
ency in communication will result in a better
service provider-patient relationship. The use of
humanoids (“A humanoid is a non-human entity
with human form or characteristics”) in commu-
nication can improve the service provider–patient
relationship in terms of mirroring ones voice
when speaking to a patient. It will help in better
driving in a point about treatment compliance
or when being counseled for various aspects of
the disease. One such real-life application is
Pepper organizes sing-songs, makes gin and ton-
ics and can mirror your tone of voice when
speaking to you (Schüssler et al. 2020; Howick,
Morley, and Floridi 2021). These studies suggest
that artificial caregivers can complement human
caregivers, which in turn will free up the time
of doctors which in other words can be thought
of as "AI will allow doctors to be more human"
(Academy of Medical Royal College 2019).
Empathy, compassion and trust are fundamental
elements of a healthcare system and the use of
artificial intelligence, therefore, do the menial
tasks of service providers and free up their time
to be more human (Kerasidou 2020). Recent
studies have shown that humans are being able
to distinguish between empathetic robot and
non-empathetic robot (Suzuki et al. 2015;
Chita-Tegmark, Ackerman, and Scheutz 2019).
Thus, the development in Healthcare 4.0 will
make the service providers more empathetic
using artificial intelligence. The field of affective
computing is being used in healthcare systems
(Tripathi et al. 2021). The compassionate health-
care robots have depicted compassionate com-
munication with older adults. In a study, it was
found that these compassionate robots can be
used to deal with patients with dementia (Tanioka
et al. 2021). The use of intelligent devices such
as smartphone, wearable sensors, intelligent vehi-
cles, automatically detecting and analyzing human
emotions via internet results in a new paradigm
called as Internet of Emotional People (IoEP)
(Han etal. 2021). The use of IoEP in healthcare
4.0 will enable the healthcare assistant to be more
friendly and empathetic, which will lead to a
better patient experience. Secondly, it will be a
boon to patients suffering from mental health
issues as the artificial service provider will be
able to judge the emotional state of the patients
and offer services based on it (Han etal. 2021).
Ethorobotics is defined as “the science of apply-
ing social behavioral rules for the design of social
robots interacting with living beings (animals or
humans)” (Miklósi etal. 2017). The field of etho-
robotics lays the foundation of human-robot rela-
tionship (Miklósi et al. 2017). The social robots
in healthcare 4.0 have been used in patients for
providing social supports, education, motivation
and encouragement (Tapus, Maja, and Scassellatti
2007; Dawe etal. 2019; Casas etal. 2020). Humor
has been used by healthcare service providers to
relax the patients. It has been found to relax both
the service provider and patients and found to
increase staff coping, emotional resilience, and
perceptions of the work environment (Åstedt‐
Kurki and Isola 2001; Dean and Major 2008).
The studies on robots verbal humor has suggested
jokes were rated as funnier by participants when
told by an android-type robot rather than when
delivered in text form (Sjöbergh and Araki 2008).
A social robot is defined as “a physically embod-
ied, autonomous agent that communicates and
interacts with humans on an emotional level. It
follows social behavior pattern and have various
“states of mind,” and adapt to what they learn
through their interactions (Campa 2016)”. Social
Robots in healthcare 4.0 setting could be designed
to be humorous which may result in relaxing the
patient in a service environment (Lappalainen
2019). The relationship between patient and arti-
ficial intelligent robot in a healthcare setting, due
to repeated interactions can be developed
(Liberman-Pincu, Van Grondelle, and Oron-Gilad
2021), therefore healthcare 4.0 service providers
should be mindful of this relationship when
designing the system. Thus, it can be concluded
that healthcare 4.0 implementation will positively
impact the interpersonal aspect of healthcare ser-
vice quality.
4.2. Healthcare 4.0 Impact on Technical Quality
Healthcare 4.0 may impact both the outcome
achieved and the technical competence of the
service provider. The knowledge, competence and
skill of the healthcare service provider are
enhanced by the use of ICT. The healthcare pro-
fessionals who are proficient in healthcare and
ICT will be able to create a health ecosystem that
would contribute significantly to Healthcare 4.0
(Siribaddana etal. 2019). The professional devel-
opment of healthcare professionals is improved
based on the incorporation of ICT (Fagerström
etal. 2017). In a study, it was found that health-
care professionals who possessed ICT technology
had the greater nursing ability (Fujino and
Kawamoto 2013). Therefore, ICT skills will boost
the professional knowledge of healthcare profes-
sionals. The competence of healthcare profession-
als is increased manifold times due to the
implementation of Healthcare 4.0. To cite an
instance, the diagnosis of heart disease is found
to be a serious concern in the health care setting.
However, the use of a real-time monitoring sys-
tem for early prediction of heart disease using
the Internet of Things along with intelligent algo-
rithms has improved the accuracy of detection
(Basheer, Alluhaidan, and Bivi 2021). Community
health can also be managed effectively using
healthcare 4.0. To cite an instance Intelligent
healthcare system using Naive Bayesian Network
(NBN) can be designed for detecting even viral
diseases such as Dengue and it further uses Social
Network Analysis at the cloud subsystem, to pro-
vide Global Positioning Systems (GPS)-based
global risk assessment of the dengue virus infec-
tion on Google Maps and which will enable to
control dengue virus infection outbreak (Sood,
Sood, and Mahajan 2021). Artificial intelligence
is becoming a doctor’s assistant. It can tirelessly
collect and collate a large amount of data on
diagnostics and treatment and provide the doctor
with the same on-demand, at anytime and any-
where (Wehde 2019). Healthcare 4.0 helps
healthcare professionals with a large amount of
data about the patients, which can help in effec-
tively managing health conditions. To cite an
instance an IoT based early detection and pre-
diction of urine-based diabetes system is designed
which helps in early detection of diabetes. It was
found to be highly useful for monitoring and
prediction (Bhatia et al. 2020). Healthcare 4.0
also interconnects wearable sensors, smart sensors
and social networking data of patients which can
be used by healthcare providers to predict, diag-
nose and monitor health conditions (Ali et al.
2021). Electronic health records, medical health
records, personal health records are digitized and
can be used by the doctors at anytime and any-
where resulting in better decision-making ability
to save the lives of patients even in most complex
circumstances (Garets and Davis 2006; Al-Jaroodi,
Mohamed, and Abukhousa 2020). A large amount
of biological data are generated in terms of
genomics, microbiomics, proteomics, metabolo-
mics, epigenomics, transcriptomics at a very rapid
pace and that too at low cost (Chen and Snyder
2013) and this can be used in near future for
personalized medicines. The use of robots has
increased the competence of health service pro-
viders. It has been used very widely in surgeries.
Robotic surgery are surgical procedures which
are done using robotic systems (Barbash and
Glied 2010). To cite an instance robot-assisted
surgery is being conducted even during pandemic
times (Sharma and Bhardwaj 2021). Studies have
suggested that robotic-assisted surgery might have
various advantages such as early recovery after
surgery, shorter hospital stay, and reduced loss
of blood and fluids as well as smaller incisions
(Van den Eynde et al. 2020). Robotic-assisted
surgeries are also used in spine surgeries espe-
cially for pedicle screw placement (McKenzie
et al. 2021). In another study, it was suggested
that robotic-assisted surgery is in the initial stages
for critical surgeries such as head and neck sur-
geries and needs further studies for its evaluation
(Boehm et al. 2021). Digital twin is defined as
“is a virtual representation of an object or system
that spans its lifecycle, is updated from real-time
data, and uses simulation, machine learning and
reasoning to help decision-making” (Madni,
Madni, and Lucero 2019; Kuo etal. 2021). Digital
twins act as a digital replica for the physical
object or process they represent. It provides
real-time monitoring and evaluation without
being in close proximity. It is used in personal-
ized medicine as a dynamic digital replica of
patients which are created with historical infor-
mation and can be useful for realizing more
effective care interventions, helping physicians
and other intersecting care technologies in under-
standing the medical state of the patient
(Björnsson et al. 2019; Croatti etal. 2020). This
digital replica of patients can help the doctors to
be more competent in dealing with the patients,
as it will help in simulating various scenarios
and find the optimal course of action which will
improve the clinical outcome. In broad manner
healthcare 4.0 will impact the technical quality
by improving the skill and outcomes of healthcare
service in terms of improved success in rehabil-
itation, monitoring physiological and pathological
symptoms, self-management wellness monitoring
and prevention, medication intake monitoring
and smart intake, personalized healthcare,
cloud-based health information systems, telemed-
icine telepathology and disease monitoring,
assisted living, robotic-assisted surgeries, and per-
sonalized management of patients (Thuemmler
2017; Al-Jaroodi, Mohamed, and Abukhousa
2020; Croatti et al. 2020). Therefore, healthcare
4.0 implementation will positively impact the
technical aspect of healthcare service quality.
4.3. Healthcare 4.0 Impact on Environmental
Healthcare 4.0 can impact the environmental
quality in terms of tangibles and intangibles in
a smart hospital. The patient perception of envi-
ronmental quality gets shaped due to the smart
devices which are integrated within the smart
hospital. In terms of ward care in a smart hos-
pital, the ward care is highly automated through
a microcontroller that collects various sensor
information in the ward. It transmits this data
using wireless technology to the central station
where algorithms would be analyzing the data
for any patterns or trends which will help the
healthcare providers to intervene and manage
the clinical outcome (Rahman etal. 2019; Ravali
and Priya 2021). The wearable IoTs such as
which can deliver personalized, immediate, and
goal-oriented feedback based on specific track-
ing of health data obtained via various embed-
ded sensors are used prolifically in healthcare
4.0. It will be capable of extracting data in terms
of accelerometer (“a device that measures the
vibration, or acceleration of motion of a struc-
ture”), gyroscope (“device used for measuring
or maintaining orientation and angular veloc-
ity”), temperature sensor, moisture, location,
heart rate sensor, and blood pressure monitor.
These IoTs will be linked to healthcare 4.0 cen-
tral stations in hospitals where the patient is
under treatment, and the algorithms monitor
and offer personalized solutions to patients
(Jayaraman etal. 2020). Another application that
is becoming popular in healthcare 4.0 is fabric
and flexible sensors. These are low-cost patches
that are worn for days at a time and discarded,
e.g., Sano Intelligences continuous blood chem-
istry monitoring patches (Swan 2012) or
Australian Center for NanoMedicine (ACN) has
developed a new wearable sensor that informs
exposure to ultraviolet rays so that patients
reduce the exposure (Gerg 2018). The ambient
IoTs are making inroads in most hospitals.
These IoT’s measure motion, door, pressure,
video, object contact, and sound sensors are
widely used in several Healthcare 4.0 applica-
tions. It is used in patient monitoring in chronic
conditions, fall monitoring, detecting abnormal
behaviors in patients, elderly care (Memon etal.
2014; Al-Jaroodi, Mohamed, and Abukhousa
2020; Jayaraman et al. 2020). The virtual assis-
tants and chatbots in hospitals for managing
various patients’ needs in a healthcare setting.
Intelligent conversational agents and virtual
assistants are used to complement healthcare
service capacity. The most used ones in hospitals
are chatbots and voice assistants to increase the
health service capacity to screen symptoms,
deliver healthcare information, and reduce expo-
sure (Sezgin etal. 2020). To achieve a safe, reli-
able, stable and efficient circulation of hospital
material, an RFID tag is attached to each patient
and his materials such as medicines, disposables
etc. These are stored in a database and can be
easily retrieved anywhere and anytime (Tian
etal. 2019). The patient experience in healthcare
4.0 is improved greatly in terms of intelligent
physical examination systems, online appoint-
ments, integrated patient-physician interactions
(Tian etal. 2019). Healthcare 4.0 thus has smart
hospitals which use IoT in providing healthcare
service in terms of smart monitoring
(Naranjo-Hernández et al. 2012; Hassanalieragh
et al. 2015), having an IoT based architecture
for the health sector (Pang 2013), healthcare
frameworks (Hossain and Muhammad 2016),
smart healthcare service management (Patsakis
etal. 2014; Catarinucci etal. 2015), quick access
to personal health, equipment localization, IoT
based care for hospitalized patients and con-
trolled drug consumption (Uslu, Okay, and
Dursun 2020). Therefore, in healthcare 4.0 sys-
tems the tangibles such as intelligent hospital
building, interconnected medical equipment and
devices, robot-assisted surgeries and medical
care, electronic medical health records, intelli-
gent monitoring of patient flow, digital manage-
ment of caregivers, virtual assistants and chatbots
which are integrated at the cyber level in terms
of an electronic physician, environment control,
remote monitoring, abnormal recognition, dis-
ease prediction and real-time simulation (Cui
et al. 2020), plays a major role in healthcare
service delivery. Therefore, healthcare 4.0 imple-
mentation will positively impact the environ-
mental aspect of healthcare service quality.
4.4. Healthcare 4.0 Impact on Administrative
Healthcare 4.0 impact the support system which
enables the production of core service. The sup-
port system such as administrative management
of hospitals. The medical records in healthcare
4.0 are digitized, error-free and accessible to
healthcare professional anytime, anywhere (Wehde
2019). The patient privacy of data is protected
using modern technologies such as blockchain
technology (Tanwar, Parekh, and Evans 2020).
Technologies such as a digital twin are used for
the strategic planning of hospitals. A digital twin
of a hospital is created which replicates the oper-
ational strategies or medical process. This enables
to determine what is the optimal course of action
and also its impact on various systems can be
studied (Croatti etal. 2020). From patient admis-
sion to discharge and beyond the ICT are used
to manage the patient information (Øvrelid,
Sanner, and Siebenherz 2017). A good patient
flow is important for the wellbeing of the patient
and also optimum use of scarce hospital resources
(Bygstad et al. 2019). The patient flow is man-
aged at each service points, with paperless tech-
nologies which are a result of direct integration
of medical CPS (Shishvan, Zois, and Soyata 2020)
with information subsystems of hospital admin-
istration. In hospital operations, there is a need
to deal with complex inpatient care workflows,
enhance patient diagnosis, treatment, care, safety
and satisfaction (Frisch 2019). The design of
intelligent hospitals has focused on the integra-
tion of diverse technologies, to provide a seamless
exchange of information within the various func-
tional department of the hospital. RFID has been
used in various operations and processes
(Asamoah et al. 2018). The main application of
RFID in hospitals revolves around institutional
visualization and tracking and localized choke
point solution including validations and process
verification (Asamoah etal. 2018). This helps in
optimizing the patient flow and thereby helping
the optimal use of hospital resources. Even in
intensive care units (ICU), integration of RFID
technology computerizes and tracks admissions,
care plans, vital monitoring, the prescription and
medication administration process for patients in
this service (Martinez Perez, Dafonte, and Gómez
2018). ICT enabled managing of health system
provides support for doctor, patient, management,
and other stakeholders. There various modules
such as administration, patient, billing module
offers integrated support solutions in hospital
electronic management (Yalawar et al. 2019).
Online support groups will be available with the
implementation of healthcare 4.0, using smart
virtual physicians (Goetz etal. 2020) and chatbots
(Bates 2019). This will help in answering basic
frequently asked questions of the patients and
the queries which need human intervention can
be answered by the physicians in the due course.
Thus, the implementation of healthcare 4.0 will
positively impact the administrative aspect of
healthcare service quality.
5. Future Research Direction
Patient interpersonal needs may differ in a
healthcare setting (Verlinde et al. 2012). It
would vary depending upon the demographics,
psychographics, types of illness, social status
(Ong et al. 1995). Therefore, future research
should analyze the impact of healthcare 4.0
technologies in meeting the different types of
interpersonal needs of patients. Healthcare 4.0
implementation and its impact on the inter-
personal aspect of healthcare service quality
needs to be empirically validated in non-weird
(Laajaj etal. 2019) samples. The studies devoted
to understanding the acceptance of healthcare
4.0 technologies as a means of interpersonal
communication, in a healthcare setting by cer-
tain vulnerable groups such as uneducated,
elderly or poor socio-economic backgrounds in
a healthcare setting will help to understand the
implication of healthcare 4.0 in these popula-
tions. Qualitative studies on the use of virtual
assistants by the healthcare providers and
patients and the satisfaction derived from a
longitudinal perspective will help to understand
the time-oriented acceptance of modern tech-
nologies. The impact of healthcare 4.0 on the
clinical outcome of different type of illness may
vary. Therefore, there is a need for a study that
classifies illness into typologies and its impact
on clinical outcomes using healthcare 4.0. The
service providers perception toward using
healthcare 4.0 as a virtual assistant will also
help us to understand the acceptability of these
technologies in a different socio-economic and
cultural setting. The patients perceptions on
AI-enabled systems in conducting critical and
non-critical medical procedures should also be
studied to understand the satisfaction levels of
patients with the modern technologies in dif-
ferent socio-economic, cultural, demographic
settings. The impact of smart hospitals and
their impact on the environmental aspect of
healthcare service quality should be empirically
examined. The studies may investigate the
aspects such as smart building, layout, smart
diagnostics, smart artifacts, virtual assistants,
chatbots and their impact on the perception of
patients in all four dimensions should also be
explored. The use of healthcare 4.0 technologies
in planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and
coordinating hospital management should be
studied in both developing and developed
countries, as the efficacy may differ in both
setting. Such studies will help to unearth the
factors which may impact healthcare 4.0 imple-
mentation and hospital management. The
healthcare service quality model should be
applied in hospitals where healthcare 4.0 is
implemented in varying degrees such as early
adopters and late adopters to understand its
impact on healthcare service quality. Also, lon-
gitudinal studies will help to unearth how
healthcare service quality after implementing
healthcare 4.0 varies in patients over time.
6. Conclusion
Healthcare 4.0 is a paradigmatic shift in the field
of healthcare due to the integration of physical
systems of healthcare with cyber systems to cre-
ate a digital health ecosystem that will benefit
the stakeholder. This study will provide a refer-
ence to healthcare service providers as to how
the implementation of healthcare 4.0 will impact
healthcare service quality. We have discussed in
detail the implementation of healthcare 4.0 can
positively impact interpersonal, technical, envi-
ronmental, and administrative aspects of health-
care service quality. From the specific analysis
of literature, we have depicted how the health
sector will benefit from the implementation of
healthcare 4.0. From an academic perspective,
the extant literature of healthcare 4.0 is analyzed
in detail to depict the impact on each of health-
care service quality dimensions. This will help
the future researchers as a guide and means of
carrying out future research. Hospitals can use
this study to understand the impact healthcare
4.0 can have on healthcare service quality. This
study can be a starting point for hospitals to
understand the importance of healthcare 4.0 and
devise strategies for its implementation. The lim-
itation of this study that it represents a theoret-
ical analysis of literature. In addition, only
English language literature was considered. It is
also limited by the databases considered in
this study.
e author(s) reported there is no funding associated with
the work featured in this article.
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Appendix A. Search keywords
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Healthcare 4.0
Health 4.0
Or Industry 4.0 in H4.0 or Internet of things in
Or Big data in Healthcare
Or Cloud Computing in Healthcare
Or Smart Health
Or E health
Service Quality
Health service quality
Health quality
Healthcare service quality
Or Healthcare Quality
Or Healthcare quality improvement
Or Healthcare quality initiatives
Or Healthcare quality assurance
Or Hospital service quality
Or Patient healthcare service quality
Interpersonal quality
Technical quality
Environmental quality
Administrative quality
... • Health Care 1.0 'Health Care 1.0' involved the basic encounter between doctor and patient, including consultations, tests, diagnoses, medical prescriptions, and disease management plans. In this phase, healthcare delivery was carried out by just one physician, a model still in use in medical practice (Kaur et al., 2021;Li & Carayon, 2021;Sony et al., 2022). ...
... • Health Care 2.0 'Health Care 2.0' emerged with the development and introduction of new medical equipment and devices to support healthcare institutions in making more informed decisions, whether in diagnosis or treatment of diseases. During this phase, imaging technologies such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, patient health monitoring devices such as pulse oximeters and arterial lines, and surgical and life support equipment such as microscopes and ventilators were introduced (Li & Carayon, 2021;Sony et al., 2022). ...
... Health Care 3.0 'Health Care 3.0' was marked by the beginning of digitization of procedures, along with the introduction of electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs) (Li & Carayon, 2021;Sony et al., 2022). The development of these information systems allowed for the management of patient care across different units and departments of healthcare institutions, significantly impacting clinical and operational processes (Li & Carayon, 2021;Sony et al., 2022). ...
The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has made citizens the protagonists of so-called preventive health, whose focus and importance are in disease prevention or early diagnoses to promote faster and more effective treatment, and reduce the number of consultations and hospitalizations, which impacts on overcrowding in hospitals. Additionally, the amount and speed of data generated daily in the health area make the need for technologies capable of capturing, crossing, and interpreting information in real-time even greater. Thus, new technologies available in the market bring a new scenario of prosperity for patients, doctors, and hospitals. Due to web and mobile application solutions, information such as
... The goal of Industry 4.0 is to strengthen the manufacturing sector by utilizing digitalization. Internationalization, increased competitiveness, resource changes, and the need for flexible production via real-time data usage have rendered computer-aided production (Industry 3.0) insufficient, necessitating digital transformation, which includes horizontal-vertical and end-to-end integration with the Internet of Things (Sony et al. 2022). Industry 4.0 design ideas strive to link the physical and virtual worlds in real time. ...
... Furthermore, patients' perceptions of material and intangible environmental quality, quality perception in managerial and operational management, and quality perception in support services are all areas that are influenced by technology and indirectly affect the quality of health care and service (Dagger et al. 2007;Nimlyat and Kandar 2015). A recent systematic review study assessed the implications of Health 4.0 on healthcare quality by analyzing the articles through this multidimensionality (Sony et al. 2022). As a result, Health 4.0 was used to assess interpersonal, technological, environmental, and managerial quality aspects in health care. ...
... So it can be said that technology has a significant and positive impact in areas such as providing patients with the emotional support they require from health providers in direct and interactive settings such as the management of complex cases (cases that are disrupted due to time constraints, or cases where human-human relations are required instead of technology, or cases that require more empathic, compassionate solutions) (Kerasidou 2020). In light of this, it is plausible to assume that "implementation of healthcare 4.0 will increase the interpersonal aspect of healthcare service quality" (Sony et al. 2022). When evaluating the impact of Health 4.0 on service delivery, it has been suggested that mastering fundamental algorithms will give you an advantage in avoiding human-specific errors and will help you develop preventative health services with artificial intelligence on public health (Basheer et al. 2021). ...
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The goal of Industry 4.0 is to strengthen the manufacturing sector by utilizing digitalization. Health 4.0 is a term used to describe the digital change occurring in the sector of health in parallel with Industry 4.0. Smart health, mobile health and mobile health applications, wireless health, e-health, online health, telehealth or telemedicine, digital medicine, health informatics, medical information technology, pervasive health, and health information systems and applications are all discussed within the context of Health 4.0. The goal of Health 4.0 is to provide improved, value-added, and cost-effective healthcare to patients while also improving the healthcare industry’s efficiency and productivity. “Natural language processing, deep learning, and virtual reality” have been recognized as three critical technologies for Health 4.0 which have the potential to produce applications that will have a significant influence on healthcare services. Despite the numerous studies on the quality of health care and service provision, it is difficult to clearly reveal the quality due to intangibility, heterogeneity, and simultaneity in health services and health care. Consequently, using the Industry 4.0 strategy, Health 4.0 is a remarkable approach with a lot of promise to improve the quality of health services and health care. Health 4.0 has the ability to assist in the transition of the health sector from a reactive and cost-per-service-centered system to a value-based one that monitors outcomes and supports proactive prevention, according to the article. Novel designs and researches that have completed the PUKO cycle, have a widespread effect, and have an influence on large populations and data sets can be recommended in Health 4.0 integration. With these designs and researches, Health 4.0 will improve and become an actuality.KeywordsHealth 4.0QualityCOVID-19Virtual RealityMedical Education
... The goal of Industry 4.0 is to strengthen the manufacturing sector by utilizing digitalization. Internationalization, increased competitiveness, resource changes, and the need for flexible production via real-time data usage have rendered computer-aided production (Industry 3.0) insufficient, necessitating digital transformation, which includes horizontal-vertical and end-to-end integration with the Internet of Things (Sony et al. 2022). Industry 4.0 design ideas strive to link the physical and virtual worlds in real time. ...
... Furthermore, patients' perceptions of material and intangible environmental quality, quality perception in managerial and operational management, and quality perception in support services are all areas that are influenced by technology and indirectly affect the quality of health care and service (Dagger et al. 2007;Nimlyat and Kandar 2015). A recent systematic review study assessed the implications of Health 4.0 on healthcare quality by analyzing the articles through this multidimensionality (Sony et al. 2022). As a result, Health 4.0 was used to assess interpersonal, technological, environmental, and managerial quality aspects in health care. ...
... So it can be said that technology has a significant and positive impact in areas such as providing patients with the emotional support they require from health providers in direct and interactive settings such as the management of complex cases (cases that are disrupted due to time constraints, or cases where human-human relations are required instead of technology, or cases that require more empathic, compassionate solutions) (Kerasidou 2020). In light of this, it is plausible to assume that "implementation of healthcare 4.0 will increase the interpersonal aspect of healthcare service quality" (Sony et al. 2022). When evaluating the impact of Health 4.0 on service delivery, it has been suggested that mastering fundamental algorithms will give you an advantage in avoiding human-specific errors and will help you develop preventative health services with artificial intelligence on public health (Basheer et al. 2021). ...
Over the last decade, many countries have suffered from supply chain disruptions for different products because of the ever-increasing global problems with devastating financial and social consequences. In response, most companies revisit their just-in-case supply chain strategies and shift them to just-in-case models. As a result, warehouses acting as barriers to unexpected circumstances have become more crucial than ever in human history. Apparently, warehousing plays an essential role in any industry but a critical role in health care because of the possible results of any instability and lateness in pharmaceutical deliveries. Different from conventional warehouses, thousands of pharmaceuticals are received, stored, and preserved in pharmaceutical warehouses (pharmahouses) under special storage, handling, temperature, ventilation, and lighting conditions. Moreover, with the increasing older population and chronological or pandemic diseases, thousands of pharmaceuticals are delivered daily to patients, healthcare providers, or pharmacies. Therefore, recent technological advancements are continuously adopted by pharmahouses to cope with the ever-increasing conditions and demand. This chapter presents the history of pharmahouses and their transformation from primitive cellars or storerooms to intelligent facilities.KeywordsHealthcare supply chainPharmaceutical warehousing 4.0Information and communication technologiesRoboticsIntelligent systems
... Lean Healthcare (LH) methodology applies Lean principles and techniques to healthcare services using scientific methods to plan, execute and apply continuous improvement in the work environment and its services, generating more value to the service offered to the patient [3,4]. This value optimisation of the process could affect healthcare services, reducing waiting times, improving the service's quality and the diagnosis offered, increasing the clinical efficiency and effectiveness and reducing costs with the ultimate target of improving patient satisfaction [5]. ...
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Healthcare services and institutions are focused on providing the most appropriate medical service in terms of patient safety and satisfaction outcomes. According to Lean methodologies, effectiveness and efficiency can be improved by assuring value-added processes. This article presents a joint approach for the development and implementation of Lean techniques combined with Total Laboratory Automation (TLA) for serology diagnosis in a microbiology laboratory in a tertiary-level hospital. The results obtained show an improvement in the process efficiency and its key performance indicators. In particular, for the HIV and COVID tests, the process Turnaround Times (TAT) were decreased by up to 87.3% and 19.3%, having a direct effect in the diagnostic response time. The process added-value for HIV tests increased by 81%. This meant a cost reduction per test, a higher number of diagnostic tests and clinical samples processed and laboratory resource optimisation. The implementation of TLA also enabled the reallocation of skilled labour towards value-added tasks, increased the process quality and reduced sample waiting times. This work opens up new opportunities for their deployment in other laboratory areas and sample types, directly influencing the overall quality of patient diagnosis in the context of tertiary healthcare facilities.
... Root cause analysis, a prominent lean manufacturing tool, has been used to improve clinical quality. Further application of Industry 4.0 technologies has dramatically impacted the performance and efficiency of healthcare organizations (Sony et al., 2022). Industry 4.0powered biomechanics technique has been instrumental in smart ergonomics and occupational healthcare. ...
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Purpose- This study examines current research on the relationship between Operational Excellence and Healthcare 4.0 for healthcare organizations. Design/Methodology/Approach- We have performed a systematic literature review of 102 documents published between 2011 to 2022 from the Scopus database to identify the research trends on Operational Excellence and Healthcare 4.0. Through a descriptive bibliometric analysis, we have highlighted the year-wise trend in publication, top authors, prominent sources of publications, the country-wise spread of research activities, and subject area analysis. Further, through content analysis, we have identified four clusters and proposed directions for future research of each identified cluster. Findings- Results reflect overall growth in this area, with a few parts of the world being underrepresented in research related to Operational Excellence and Healthcare 4.0. The content analysis focused on describing challenges pertaining to healthcare industries and the role of Operational Excellence tools and Healthcare 4.0 technologies in dealing with various healthcare delivery aspects. We concluded our analysis by proposing a theoretical framework and providing theoretical and managerial implications of the study. Originality- The article is one of the first to analyze the existing literature on the healthcare sector at the interface of Operational Excellence and Healthcare 4.0 technologies. The conceptual framework and cluster-wise future research prepositions are some of the unique offerings of the study. Keywords- Healthcare, Operational Excellence, Industry 4.0, Systematic Review
... These procedures provide treatments for patients more quickly, and remote artificial intelligence applications can offer a range of medical consultations and track patients through wearable devices. Health 4.0 aims to provide medical services to patients in real-time and gain their comfort and satisfaction, especially for people living in isolated areas or areas without modern physician's clinics [19][20][21][22]. AI for Health 4.0 represents a significant quantum leap in developing the hospital and clinic environment, accelerating diagnosis, personalizing treatments, and improving healthcare [23] [24]. ...
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In recent years, the term Health 4.0 has appeared in health services and is related to the concept of Industry 4.0. The term Health 4.0 focuses on replacing traditional care in hospitals and medical clinics with home health services that are based on artificial intelligence techniques through the use of telemedicine applications that allow the monitoring of patients in a virtual environment. This term is utilized to represent digital change in the healthcare sector. Governments aim to develop the level of medical care in hospitals and clinics to ensure the provision of healthcare benefits at low costs and increase patient satisfaction. It has become vital for hospitals to grow their environment into digital environments in their services through the use of a set of computer programs based on artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence techniques in Health 4.0 provide a set of procedures that benefit patients and healthcare workers, including early diagnosis, make inquiries into treatment, data analysis, reports on the patient's condition, and others. The primary purpose of this article is to determine the significance of Health 4.0 and AI techniques in healthcare by mentioning the most important benefits and weaknesses of using AI techniques in healthcare.
The chapter discusses the role of the internet of medical things (IoMT) in healthcare 4.0, focusing on human factors, trust-centric design, and lightweight security. It emphasizes the importance of user-centric design principles for seamless integration and widespread acceptance. Trust is emphasized, and strategies for establishing and nurturing it are discussed. The chapter also discusses lightweight security solutions for IoMT devices, focusing on interoperability, standards, and evolving ecosystems to ensure robust data protection. This chapter emphasizes the significance of user education and engagement in IoMT ecosystems, using case studies and best practices to provide actionable insights. It also looks ahead to the future of IoMT and Healthcare 4.0, acknowledging challenges and opportunities.
The proposed chapter delves into the transformative repercussions of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the burgeoning Indian Medical Travel and Tourism Sector. As India emerges as a global hub for medical tourism, the integration of innovative technologies promises to reshape patient experiences and healthcare delivery. The chapter meticulously investigates the expansion of the medical travel sector in India, the role of AI in healthcare, the impact of robotics, and the intersection of these technologies in the context of medical tourism. It not only highlights the positive outcomes and success stories but also addresses the challenges and ethical concerns related to healthcare robots and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, the chapter provides a forecast for the future of these technologies in India's wellness sector, offering recommendations for stakeholders to navigate the evolving landscape successfully.
The development of intelligent operating rooms is an example of a cyber-physical system resulting from the symbiosis of Industry 4.0 and medicine. A problem with this type of systems is that it requires demanding solutions that allow the real time acquisition of heterogeneous data in an efficient way. The aim of the presented work is the development of a data acquisition system, based on a real-time artificial vision algorithm which can capture information from different clinical monitors. The system was designed for the registration, pre-processing, and communication of clinical data recorded in an operating room. The methods for this proposal are based on a mobile device running a Unity application, which extracts information from clinical monitors and transmits the data to a supervision system through a wireless Bluetooth connection. The software implements a character detection algorithm and allows online correction of identified outliers. The results validate the system with real data obtained during surgical interventions, where only 0.42% values were missed and 0.89% were misread. The outlier detection algorithm was able to correct all the reading errors. In conclusion, the development of a low-cost compact solution to supervise operating rooms in real-time, collecting visual information non-intrusively and communicating data wirelessly, can be a very useful tool to overcome the lack of expensive data recording and processing technology in many clinical situations. The acquisition and pre-processing method presented in this article constitutes a key element towards the development of a cyber-physical system for the development of intelligent operating rooms.
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The diagnosis of heart disease is found to be a serious concern, so the diagnosis has to be done remotely and regularly to take the prior action. In the present years, the diagnosis of heart disease has become a key research area for researchers and many models have been proposed in recent years. The diagnosis of heart disease can be done using optimization algorithms, and it provides results with good efficiency. The main objective of this paper is to propose a hybrid fuzzy-based decision tree algorithm for the process of prediction of heart disease at an early stage through the continuous and remote patient monitoring system. The results obtained from the proposed algorithm are compared with the various number of classifier algorithms like decision tree J48, naïve Bayes, GA with FCM, KNN with NB, ANN, SVM with fuzzy in which the proposed HFDT algorithm provides better accuracy of 98.30%. From the above-obtained results, the proposed hybrid fuzzy-based decision tree algorithm efficiently predicts heart disease compared to the other classifier algorithms in the literature. The proposed work is implemented in the MATLAB environment using the heart disease dataset.
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Although progress is being made in affective computing, issues remain in enabling the effective expression of compassionate communication by healthcare robots. Identifying, describing and reconciling these concerns are important in order to provide quality contemporary healthcare for older adults with dementia. The purpose of this case study was to explore the development issues of healthcare robots in expressing compassionate communication for older adults with dementia. An exploratory descriptive case study was conducted with the Pepper robot and older adults with dementia using high-tech digital cameras to document significant communication proceedings that occurred during the activities. Data were collected in December 2020. The application program for an intentional conversation using Pepper was jointly developed by Tanioka's team and the Xing Company, allowing Pepper's words and head movements to be remotely controlled. The analysis of the results revealed four development issues, namely, (1) accurate sensing behavior for "listening" to voices appropriately and accurately interacting with subjects; (2) inefficiency in "listening" and "gaze" activities; (3) fidelity of behavioral responses; and (4) deficiency in natural language processing AI development, i.e., the ability to respond actively to situations that were not pre-programmed by the developer. Conversational engagements between the Pepper robot and patients with dementia illustrated a practical usage of technologies with artificial intelligence and natural language processing. The development issues found in this study require reconciliation in order to enhance the potential for healthcare robot engagement in compassionate communication in the care of older adults with dementia.
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This study proposes a problem-oriented methodology, using the algebraic operations proposed in the Quality Function Deployment’s house-of-quality, to prioritize the integration of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies in hospitals, allowing us to account for both the importance of healthcare value chain problems and the current level of adoption of I4.0 technologies. The proposed method combines different techniques that aimed at assessing the maturity of organizations regarding specific issues and indicating improvement opportunities. Our propositions are illustrated through two case studies carried out in a large Brazilian public hospital and in a private hospital in India, allowing a comparative analysis in which we identify similarities and divergences in improvement priorities in each institution. Findings indicate that the proposed method supports the systemic integration of I4.0 technologies into healthcare organizations regardless hospital ownership, as digital applications are ranked according to their potential to solve the problems prioritized by managers from both case studies. Digital integration in healthcare organizations has been restricted to specific sectors, departments, treatment or processes. Due to high complexity of hospitals, most of these initiatives have fallen short on results, frustrating managers’ efforts. Thus, our method provides hospitals’ managers, authorities, and governments guidelines to prioritize the digitization of healthcare organizations.
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Simple Summary The means of therapy in oncologic diseases have been developing continuously over the past years, intending to improve the overall survival and quality of life of affected patients. In head and neck oncology the surgical therapy is one of the key pillars in curative treatment. The standardized surgical techniques are supplemented and improved by the application of technical devices. The ambition is the reduction in peri- and postoperative morbidity, hospitalization time, and the enhancement of functional outcome. In other surgical specialties, the application of robotics is widely seen as standard. The purpose of this review is to outline the current status of robotics in head and neck surgery in the context of the present literature, to demonstrate reasonable application fields, and to discuss the expenditure of the usage of such tools. Furthermore, this review offers an overview of current research in this field. Abstract Background. In the past few years, surgical robots have recently entered the medical field, particularly in urology, gynecology, and general surgery. However, the clinical effectiveness and safety of robot-assisted surgery (RAS) in the field of head and neck surgery has not been clearly established. In this review, we evaluate to what extent RAS can potentially be applied in head and neck surgery, in which fields it is already daily routine and what advantages can be seen in comparison to conventional surgery. Data sources. For this purpose, we conducted a systematic review of trials published between 2000 and 2021, as well as currently ongoing trials registered in The results were structured according to anatomical regions, for the topics “Costs,” “current clinical trials,” and “robotic research” we added separate sections for the sake of clarity. Results. Our findings show a lack of large-scale systematic randomized trials on the use of robots in head and neck surgery. Most studies include small case series or lack a control arm which enables a comparison with established standard procedures. Conclusion. The question of financial reimbursement is still not answered and the systems on the market still require some specific improvements for the use in head and neck surgery.
Industry 4.0 marks a new paradigm and has expanded its domain from theoretical concepts to real-world applications. Industry 4.0 is, however, still in the state of infancy and conceptual state wherein it is not clear as to how to incorporate many dynamic technological concepts in different sectors. Previous studies have conceptually delineated the benefits, challenges, and CSFs of Industry 4.0, however, there is yet to be an empirical study that critically examines the differences in benefits, challenges, and critical success factors (CSFs) of Industry 4.0 in both manufacturing and service industries and rank them. This study through an online survey captures the view of senior management professionals who have experience in Industry 4.0 implementation in major companies in Asia, Europe, and North America. 96 senior management professionals participated in this study through an online survey. The qualitative data on benefits and challenges were analysed using thematic analyses. The quantitative data on critical success factors were ranked using the normalisation of the mean to find the most important factors. Further agreement analysis was conducted in the manufacturing and service sectors for the CSFs. This study identifies the top five benefits and challenges in the manufacturing and service industries. The CSFs for Industry 4.0 was put forward and ranked in both the manufacturing and service industries.
Robotic systems to assist with pedicle screw placement have recently emerged in the field of spine surgery. Here, the authors systematically reviewed the literature for evidence of these robotic systems and their utility. Thirty-four studies that reported the use of spinal instrumentation with robotic assistance and met inclusion criteria were identified. The outcome measures gathered included: pedicle screw accuracy, indications for surgery, rates of conversion to an alternative surgical method, radiation exposure, and learning curve. In our search there were five different robotic systems identified. All studies reported accuracy and the most commonly used accuracy grading scale was the Gertzbein Robbins scale (GRS). Accuracy of clinically acceptable pedicle screws, defined as < 2 mm cortical breech, ranged from 80% to 100%. Many studies categorized indications for robotic surgery with the most common being degenerative entities. Some studies reported rates of conversion from robotic assistance to manual instrumentation due to many reasons, with robotic failure as the most common. Radiation exposure data revealed a majority of studies reported less radiation using robotic systems. Studies looking at a learning curve effect with surgeon use of robotic assistance were not consistent across the literature. Robotic systems for assistance in spine surgery have continued to improve and the accuracy of pedicle screw placement remains superior when compared to free-hand technique, however rates of manual conversion are significant. Currently, these systems are successfully employed in various pathological entities where trained spine surgeons can be safe and accurate regardless of robotic training.
Conference Paper
Relationships are crucial for human existence. People form relationships with other humans, pets, objects, and places. We argue that the nature of human-SAR (Socially assistive robot) relationship changes by context of use and interaction level. Therefore, context and interaction must be incorporated into the design requirements. Earlier studies identified design-related preference differences among users, depending on their personal characteristics and on their role in specific contexts. To align the robotic visual qualities (VQ) with users’ expectations, we propose two human-SAR relationship models: context-based model- Situational based model and interaction-based model- Dynamic based model. Together with the VQ's evaluation, these models aim to guide industrial designers in the design process of new SARs. An evaluation method and preliminary findings are presented.
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides billions of Internet-enabled devices connections across the globe. In the IoT era, the healthcare industry has grown up from Healthcare 1.0 to Healthcare 4.0. As in Healthcare 3.0, patients visit hospital for their regular checkups, which increases the overall expenditure on medical treatment. However, with the recent technological advancements such as UAVs and blockchain, healthcare problems are solved with minimum payments and security of shared medical data. Motivated by these facts, this article provides blockchain-based UAV path planning to provide privacy-preservation in Healthcare 4.0. We propose a three-layered architecture for real-time collection, processing, and transmission of medical data. The proposed architecture provides a distributed platform for UAVs that ensures security and privacy for the transfer of medical data from one location to another with the proof of work (PoW) consensus mechanism. The simulation results show that the proposed model provides an effective solution for reliable data transmission and privacy-preserving sensitive healthcare information against potential threats. The comparative analysis also demonstrates the performance improvements in sharing medical data with patients and doctors. In summary, this article provides insights into the end users for the use of blockchain with UAVs in Healthcare 4.0 for future research directions.